t ! 1JTGE0. MLLSI JOY - -.-rrrv.rr n'pnT.TVA TIMES will be tmb --ADVERTISINGhRATES V- Try t i I )li 1 I - , t . i SqrtWefone insertion. ; i4. i : . . i U. : V. :t .V. 0 1 Ou l!reryfeucceoding4nsfirUon; i - . . . . . . 35. -v-On inch makes , t qtiare, and ll adrertisements. wjll be continued until forbid, unless oth.erv?is or-y dered, and charged accordingly . To secure insertion they chould be handed in by llondar atd Thurs day nights: :j All bills ere to be settledon the 1st of. s"eet.'Seir.Benie. N: C. k ; terms, of the. paper:. : r 5jOO per year w advance; $1,250? 3 months! ZO Cl. Per a0"1- t ' ; . T-t y , .'' Liberty and Union Now' and Porever One and InssparkMe. every month 7 A . liberal; disconnt' made to those' wup uuTeixue largely. ;ine Times, has a larger circulation in the District of North Carolina thaa anytitiacre'bthrer tjaprrcoinbined, and reaelimgr every part oftie District, iajthe bjst method of tidvertisicg that could be'desired. " ' ' , 'm-' l'-'SlSGUZCOPjES FOR SALE l e pflico cf pabncaiion, and by tho diiTerent 'VOL 1. dealers in the District. Be r . . . ' . - ' " ' : ' 1. w . . . i. -i i- , i. . . ' i . , , - ' I r I BUSINESS. CARDS. : ' . ' : BUSINESS CARDS; OD & VOUAC. DEALERS IX " ratchc Jtirelrr, ITIunieal Itsstrnnienta, ' and Jlililary Goods pfall Kinds, ; ' 4 1.1D A SUPERIOR QUALIT?. . ' "imJ afliving rates for cash. , 5.uia . .. - . No 164?ollock Street. for the "BIG WATCH.' .. . gUJXMERFlEL, & CO., 'j :" . Pollock Sit ect . next door to the Post Office- Strain Candy and French Confectionary. THE FIRST CANDY MANUFACTORY IN lion of dollars, of - which the Pacific Ijat becomes of llio iflonef: raised r for tSie Safiiilar Cor2iEHisIosi.l -The cash that has factually reached the" treasury of the United States Sani tary Commission, Washington, has in thret yea rs am ounted. to about one mil- - 2tf t. MRRIr,,Et-D W WHEELER, W. L. FOALK igctionrtr and Commission Icrchnnts ; : dealers in ; ' - ' , Groceries, Provisins,!etc . . NEIV BERNE, We offer for si e to the trade.1 at the lowest New TT II 1 . f t 1 i ' Gam Drops, Cliocelate Cream', coast has iriyen three-quarters. It would bo well for those on the Atlantic const who. sometimes question our economy to'considir thU facti Fifteen:srxteenths bfjhis a rri o u n t i s." .expended for suppl i e s i . :" ' - ' . . . ' ' . fit ' .1 . . t The St Louis Democrat .publishes: the fol losing lejtttr from Mr.. Everett ta a lady in St ".; Boston, April ll", 1804 Mr dear Mns. . : : I have received vbui letter of :tbe 5tb, and have rauch pleasure in v as: bra vet ted second Lieutenant iri.the 9nd 0ni enclosing ray check: for one hundred dollars ted States , infantry. ; During i 1835 hf; a ea- (i wisti it were mucn larser) to.be armliea to viccah m "a SUelcIi ;of General Wesscis. General Ytfessels was bortf in Xiitchfield, Con- j3fccticnt,jori ebrdaryi ; 20.118O9.52 At the ae of nineteen hsntared a military school at Uiddle toivn; and in was admitted into West Point as a cadets" He graduated on Jane 30, 18331 an stick CaiKiie-. and Terv-variet-nf r rW-' and transportation jj the other. sixteenth t m I . . i -v-i - -. , . . r ' . - goes into tne . suppori or its nomes, us Kalar sale of Groceries, etc. eveiy Wednesday able to meet all demands' in our line. We would lodoresT its machineTV of distribution g!ia Saturday at 10 am. - respectfully ask. the krad patronage of the trade ;f Kn-n;tl- Arttinrv-?ir'A KkvriX -X I'oiiock suect, 2 doors west of the Post Office. - within the ih;es. . . , ' ! . its liospiiai airecLoryv.anu nospical ana 2fEW bekxe. N.e. . ; summeefield & x:o. camp instruction, i Stjpplies'purchased :.'J3-- ' : tf ;,fnck Street, neit door to the .Tost O&ce. ; arVSUch asconntry! homes do not SUD- TOil A. TXIO.TIfSO, , ' . ; ' - 1 " VIIOLESALE AND -RETAIL GROCER; n,.:i.nvi5ion Mert-nant, ana general ueaier ib.. SUTLER'S STORES. 'CUOCKEKY.- GLASS: WAKt.. UUUld, SllJ&Z, AAMJ , - t - FANCY ARTICLES. , I K r.road Street, New Berne, N. C, Oppos-'te Vie SUBSISTENCE" jrEO.POIiD -v. TAEPAItTJIK.ll' "U snJ flood I.irins. . .. , rERKIXS BROTHERS. ; RETAILERS OF . - "VlreccTie, Prori-ions, Sutler's Good, Arc.,' ..Cor. Of Bro.id acd Middle Sis., New BerHo.N. C. .A?entfor -E. Carver Co.'s Celebrated Power "tail Ilnnd C tton Gins, and Pond & Dunckr W Aa-MT RaS.EJ AJtD 1ess Stoves. " . Hijfhwt prices paid for Cotton 22tf 39 CRAVEN STREET. Ci. BKOWX, 'ContuiiMioa ATIrchii:tt, nud riioIesaIe and ' . .- If.-tnH lrocrr9 ; r-DCRA.VEN STREETf NEW BERATE, KC. ; 'felil? ." 1 - - ' : '-v. - : 9tf ply such as j Condensed milk, by the ton. - leef stock ' : : , -". Wines and spirits, by the bai'rcl. Crackers and farinacious food, by the ton. i . r .Tea, cc-fFee, and sugar, by the chest and" hogshead. ,! . . . Crutches bedrests-mattresses, and bich.he ofTers at wholesale end retail, very cheap. J bedsteads by the hundred. "uargoes ot ice, potatoes,; onions, no. si. nickled cabbage, sour krout. lemons a n . . ; ' oranges', vegetables jby carloads ; anti scorbutics and tonics. ; ; v - The Boards of the Sanitary Commis sion, consisting of president, treasurer, medical committee, jand standing com mittee, give their services and their Middle street, between Pollock and Broad, one door south of Lewis' Tin ShoD. keens constantly on i t , , A . U I tiauu, a cnoice asfortmenc 01 s JlEKS FCRIVISEtflYG :GOOtS " - - - ladies' wares; '. . BOOTS, SHOES hud GROCERIES, wb faVI T.iPiitnor.t Tuna OH IHIT!! ' . T rrv. reuei oi tne class or uniortunates waora r"w .--v. ...... . -'itT i., i ., . (, - ,i , j ' . in 1KS7;h ia rsriieinatedrin tna JSemmnla war -The win,: which, b an act of jdafal blindi ,f amfst nciwithou a parallel linithe'iistorv ofTthe s . Avi.-Ksfiitiim T!rlmmet'w worlds thl Sooth is now i 0f New. Xtk Stats, governmenton tne corner-stone or Jjlaveryj nasi after which it was ordered to Mexico under uen gL J ruUnscoAugnst 20, 1847. -In the 'former con. a T testibe Jwaa sQverely wounded; but did not leaTa Vrthe .i5eld,J;fjv.,..-,::-r.;;.Jv --Ijpr 1 outii After the' close of tne Mexican war,JiQ went an operation ; strangely -enough, already com- menced in. your;noblerptata, where thenrs systematic attempts were made .by the Soutl to exiena ana perpetuate it. bo great and rno- wtfi. his regiment to . California, and tbence,:in inentous a change-in;the social condition JoJ U54f;tQKf)saaaud Nebraska la 1959;Jhe had the slaveholding btates will necessarily be at- charge of Fort Randall, in the latter Tetritorj 7 tended'vfith great Pufferirfg'on.the and in FortTJiIey,"iri Kansas-' .f-.j j fndividuaisf.the liberated" raceTMaW'Veafs ? Oh June ClSGL hef was promoted 'to, Major of must probably Ulanse befbrelthe m tSe 4pef6th itnitetatea infantry and dunnc tfio colored population Aril! be-able : tb s(01e-dovrri ivinlr f 86f 2 accePd. .-?,0.1???1?? t?f . as free laborers or small , nronru: tors- in tho Sth .Kansas volunteers, which joined thk Army cu,.... j, .1 il-1V t t the Potomac before iiorKtowp.' un iqe zvm ii ii iiiii.in i. -J i - -Mill -ill . I ra - iiiMTiiii iiiiu.. i N: 31. 8TAYKEB & S.IIITH'3 : I UNION THO TOG R API! GALLERY. . ' . , ' i '!.'' No. 51, Pollock" Street, th:es doors' above Middle ". . , - Street,! ... ' it -. . IlaviES' completed our new Gallery, and remov Aviorncr anif. Conuselor at iTiaw, VTH acexperif nee t)f fourteen years, tenders Ins 1 rufisitonal ervict?i to tho public. OfSce in the l-rk. Louse, oppo sie ; the Times ofiice, New ed louribusiness" o the same, we would most re- time gratuitously. They receive ! noth epcctfully announce that we are now ready to make rri ' " v ' n - f 1 ' ' i - all hinds. of Picture,, in not oay the best ttyle ana naisn,xuc aiso at ine snortofet notice. Give us a call, and examine our ajnpJes.- ' STATNER & SM ITm mar 19 - . - , i I 3ml8 in"T. "lie; c-i. V)tf e; j LOCJI1?, l ', SrccEssoa to C B. Dibble ) . w . .'IVJiQLESAS.K AND RETAIL ; . V . 1 ealer in .. .Cr Ip!.-, Clothing, I3qo1 and Shoes, rlXnM and C'n.p, Sckool ISocIcm, J '," -Htm i ncry'; &cv - - . ' ctdi IFuai JSrrect, iiw4-Beirne, . Xorlk CaroMna, J- o ft r T A L O I! 1 tOrsstit, n41 Chemints, (Vi'fr of .IV! lock and Middla ts.vew Brne, ,f C. A tn? aw.n:neul of Drus!1, Medicines 'and Fancy K-'-r-Xi. I'rescriptioiii! careiully prepared. ltf iy-'tOi.fstlAZ AND. RE TAIL DEALERS in ni;i Cui).S, ftUT ITER'S STORES, nud .Their, travelling expenses alone are partly refunded, -them, and these are tntlmff, except tne case ot one or two, who go frequently, on ton fs of ob servation. ; ' "' j ' l The Commission supports twenty-five Soldier's Homes ot lodges,, scattered over trie v hole field; of war, fyom New- Orleans to - Washington, including. s pood pictures a can: be toid in Vicksbur, Memphis, Cairo, Chatla i2 devoted & largo share of the time, it i mi , i -i mi r -u:. .first -to. ictrorvSee tho small onJ nooga, JVashviIle, jdussviile, V,a?hn?g- ton, &c . I wenty-tqree. hundred sol diers per tSay are taken care of in these homes.. Multiply 2.300 by 3G5, and you wilt get a faint idea' of the number of men thus relieved. ; ' . - Thtee other agencies to secure the soleiers'-'.righti arei sustained by the' . MELAINOTTPE ARTIST, j, : IlaviDg refitted his rooms with the addition of a Ground GIns Sky ffiglat, the superior excel lence ot which is too well known to need comment, would respsetmliy intorm his patrons tnntj he is pro pared to make as tne city, ilavin and beiD " the . known aS" tho GEM. which .have become po popu lar, Is coi fident he can please the most fastidious. Rooms vn Craven Street, six doors South of the Dank -of North Carolina, nearly opposite TtheGov crnment liakery. - j ap'l 13 . j ir.ff i . GJIOC. CRIES. - ' Soatk -Front Struet, New Berne, N. C. f : . ! ltf yi. niGc v, ; v ; ' " . , n.vr cti.tiaic.ess' jvs r je we ier, J.u. t-'-J Pollock Street New Berne", NvC. . Particular Attention pciid to repairing, $ c. Mec 10 . . .' . ltf HUG AXU 2IEDI CIIYES, Imported and Donienlie. Cigart, Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, Gen 1 Fariiuhiuj Goods, Perfumeries. Pocket Cut . ', lery, Gnrden !9eeds, etc ; . , At Wholesale and Retail, OptVite the Ukiox Ihctogiiaph Gallert. Pvllock Street above Hiddle, New Berne. ivAUi & MAAG. iar 13- ; v:' - i 18tf . fCI.SlEIX & BROTHER, ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry'. God, - Clothing." Jefrelry, Fancy ' Goods, Hosiery, Roots, Shoea, ; Flats, Caps, A. - 1 Crner of Pollock and Middle sts.. New Eerne.N.C. All the above named articles will besold at a '5ia!K advance above cos. Corns one, come all! d examine the stock. ' i - Stf . R "IV. R E E R 8 , " Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 80OK8, "NEWSPAPERS, ITXAGAZIIYES, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Ac- - 0.2) Pollock Street, 4 doors from. Craven street. adjoining Gov't Bakery, New Berne, N.C. ; ; eej9 - . .... v , ; 111 I RYERSOr &: CO. WHOLESALE a)EALEI& IX : . . Apples, Potatoes, Turnips, Foreign add Domratic Friiiu, Canned Vruiiti, -, and iUeaf).."uU rSufler'w I Goods. . ', y Ji JI.KYEUSOX.it 0. V; TJaccock St., bet 11oad and IVdock. ap 1 13 j 25lf rG. SCRILLINGEB. Doater in Foreign and Domestic "Wines and riquors, Jjager Reer, Cigars and Tobacco. At the.N. Y. Cigar Store, Middle St, New Berne, North Carolina. - : H 29tf MI III A R V ! 311 JIT Alt V ! ! MILITARY I t ! . ; r GOODS GOODS GOODS! . And Equipments of all Kinds Being con.-tant!y in receipt of new and fresh supplies of MILITARY GUODS, comprising Of- ncers' oniiorma (both dress and latigue), b words, Sashes, Bells, PLtoLv Revolvers ; all kinds of Am munition ; Spurs, Drinkiiig Flasks, Cauteens, Coat Siings,! llats, Caps, Gaunts and-J Gloves of ad kinds. . f .,.; J i . We are prepared to offer greater induccmeht's to purcbajcrs than can be found in the city,s we sell ! only for cash and small profits. Give us a call, and we will convince you that what vte advertise we abide by. . WOOD &. YOUNG, iNo.'lG Pollock Street, sign of the apl 6 2tf . "Tii-Warf.h " N J3. All Northern money taken at par, if cur rent notes. ; ' i: i i . FRENCH. FEiArvrVEI SHIRTS EXTRA SIZES, and length, ; - : ; - ALSO." - : ;. f - ' r fTndershirls and DraTersj A good assortment at v i j C.P.LO0MIS', . South Front Street.' : C . ; : Commission. 1. A claim agency to E R R Y &: CO., WTiolctale etnH Retail Dealers in Dfy Goods, Groceries and General t Jlerckandise. 'Hle'ctreet. above .Pollock, New Berne, N.C. WI3 ? . ; ltf- EW TDJBLIC SOAnUOG UOCSE : . AT BEAUFORT, n; C. , .. . Situated on Front Street, two doors west of the 'font Street House. ' I would respectfully announce to the" travelling ?abhe, that my House Is now open for tbeir enter- iiinient. , 'i.;,;!-,v'.:: ...' "S rooms are comfortable and the beds are kept neood order. ... -: r . ;- . y tvery alteatioa wilLbe civen to render mv euests pmforiable. - - ; ' : " table will da nnnliA1 xrit 1ia hft the mar. rt afford.- .-. .. , , Prices reasonable. . -- ' 1 , L.W. PIG0TT, P 19-24 3m . .. Beaufort, N. C secure his bounty ; 2. A pension agen cy.; 3. A back-pay agency. Uiten 620,000 back pay is secured in one day; ix. nopirai oireciory is aiso susiaineo, by which the whereabouts or the sick mclfis determined. ; It costs $20,000 oer vear to maintaihl it, and is worth a million, if human anxiety can be esti mated in money. ? ? x . The Commission also' has sixty hos nital insnectors constantly in the Held. They also have ' hospital cars on th ,main roads East and West, along which sick soldiers are carried. ; I hey also supply the hospitals with daily car-loads or supplies lrom the principal markets. The cost of distributing supplies is less than three per cent. The battle service of 'the Commis sion requires largo funds and supplies. At! Murfreesboro, Antietam, .vjettys burnr, Chattanooga, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, sudden and Vast demands were made. . 850,000 would not cover the outlay the first two weeks after our ffreaf battles.: At Gettysburg it was 875,000. The averagre cost is $3 20 to eaeh man, often, as at Gettysburg, $10 per man. " Are these expenses extra v- e:ant, considerrns:rf;fh'e blessings dis pensed by the variety and amount of SS'"- - -sfc I ww- sk wwvsf w-S w ttfA TTT TT T .T Tr 11 T fT 1 1 I U I . ' JUL. patrons that he still kteps a large assortment in?a.mlary Vomm,sf,on- . , ;. of , lneir agents, two imndrea in nam- tHATS. CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES, "WOOLEN. I .... -tA'- rnTTOX n.1 1.TVKV SHIIiTS ITVnKU SHIRTS ut-' letciy e suuiB UJUlt, suiuc -icm, and drawers, POCKET handkerchiefs averaging just S2 per day, or less than j. ordinary mechanics ; wages ; total, 551,000 per month -tor: this vast. nu. man machinery of - the Commisston, stretching from Texas to the Potomac and from before Charleston to Kansas. .. , ,. V, A of April, 1 1 bC2r hp' ; was promoted r to Bngadier know of no duty more incumbent on this gen; GTenefal. and commanded the 2d brigadof Cas eratlon, tban to endeavor; injovery iposiible seyy division driring the battle of 'Seven'Pines, way, to lessen the suffering, of which after be- May 31; and Fair Oaks, June 118C2. f i- , nevolcnce and patriotisni7 have c!6ne,their best : He cammanded the rear-guard of tbe.Potonto and utmost', there will remain too much ; YV is h ! ri g j p u m u ch 6 u dce&S' i n th is m o til erj -toufi! efibrt; IremainV my UearMts , - j. r ' Yery respectfully, yours, . ., ? : . . . t ... KU y AltD E V EKjS IT. ; army durinsr the seven days battles, and. was. nominated for a brevet for lieutenant colonel. for distinguished - service at Fair Oaks, and.durine" the operations of the army from the .ChiclfaVom i try to the 'Jarfies riyer.' Heo'mmaiidecla Drier- ade iiindeTiGeneraKPckrat-SuffoIk, and joined." rr. ' a j n ' W Gentral Fflsteno tCarolina, darj;DerOTein DlNS.-The Daven'porf (idWulem 6 ? He: parttcipateia'tae erigagements;at Soiatq craidesdriDes the plan ! orehfBuilyls :f e4 CVek; i . . 0. boro Badge, December 12 tolo, 1862., He as, campaign -against4heblOUX ;lhdians4-H In Deeember 20, 1C62, placed temporarily ii coai-,-. It states that' Gen. Sully hasfecei'fel mand nt the Department of North 'Carolina,' do- permission from the 'War. Department intfba to raise a regiment of- friendly Indians piacedlri Command of distiict NoV2,'of the' d?- to assist him, ahdthat' he 'expects to partmeni, subsequently denominated tbeDistrict raise i these recrui'fi;from the Delaware of Albemarlo, with headquarters .at Plymouth. - ; Rees: and Crow tribesrajl of which are tt:SnYpMtes op Guklsl from' tob Sp&m3rnsDr evefready to talie a Hibiix'sca use their own arms, practice their own i1;' m7, vvr,JF tactics, and ask no further;; comphga- 1 1 o n . .i i n an r a i i o n s j j an k ei s, v a n a k s u c h f t h& was interrupted. lasi.weeK, oy ajgoy-,. brder 'or fbur thousand to .be i sn$ to ' hrs6nal t)nrGdT,craSrs;rslandvlSew1York: innKets as may ue inougnr oesr;ip give : Darbor,;and yestei;aay.:worKmen .w-er.e- Dusny . them. It is thought that the will ren- shipping ten thousand more, to be sent to,tbev der, efficient-service. . I , -, 4 pslmigton arsenal ThiS relieves for t Tv .r ;'"'. '"!. ',; days the: pressure for rom at the. arsenal in, r rom tieart river tn&expediticn wtu tuL : UiffJ-4v ; WAa-JAh fn -i& plunge into the -unknown region of the hundred and twenty-four thousand guns. The, Northwest. All -tlie Hvagcns are' left plan of rempyj'n, all work Sicmthkj arsenal behind atilhearrisbn,!and every''man building, except. the aVpectw ; i 41 ' tk i I'': 1 in tr. has.ben carried .out, 'and this building is.. 1 1 1 i-i 1 . ' lit-. 1 i;i wu Mirw 'it, 'i Lr 1 mar 9 15 tf BY CHARLES EENENWEIN; ' f rSracen Street: Keie Berne , A'orfi Carolina. : 7 w SSS.SW MVSk.a(7 AWAk , thereby enabling poor shots to become good 4,kmea. The patronage of the public is solicited. Pl2 - Jtf . and TOWELS, ALSOi Just received a splendid assorrment of ' . ' . PERFUMERIES. POMADES. HAIR OTLS TOOTH, NAIL and HAIR BRUSHES, POCKET BOOKS. MONEY BELTS. BLANK BOOKS. STA J TIuriERY, MERSHAUM PIPES. CIGAi: 1IULL ERS, POCKET KNIVrES and SCISSORS, also SMITH 45c WESSON'S famous Piatols, Cutlery ot all kinds. :-. j. .. tl Thank ul for nasi favors, be respectfully solicits a continuance f tho eae,- promising reasonable prices and courteous treatment!. ,; s Ij . Xew Kern. April 13. 1SCI. V : att fATCIXCS! TTalcbcs! WATCHES 1 1 All who wish, to buy a rellygVod American, Swiss, or English Watch Gold'or Silver at th lowestmarket price, should call at I ; -:. TOMUNSON'S Craven street, . ltf . below Post Office, New Berne. - CTT A T?G Qet received, a pplendid O U OT2 XVO. assortment of WVHITE and BROWN SUGARS of every class r Washington Chronicle. mar 16 JOHN arCONKEY fc'CO.; 1 tf!7-. ; Confiscation of.IebelProperty. --The seventeen hundred shares of capital stock in the j Great .Western Railroad Company, owned by Leroy M. 'Wiley, (late of New York, but now in th6 Sooth,) and libelled by the United States District Attorney, have been confiscated by order of Judge Belts Wiley is au old man. ; Ile owned, it is alleged, ten million dollars'-wo rtli of property,' partly: at the North. iVl T. Post.- ' -.' - ' ' , - hu)iV , UIJV I :-..V .b Wnfswi - thtA xx kf' inn I tr ""fSi. thaca I mounted on the backs or some-seven .,1 .xkx4im cf.te uftMora ! lundred pack mules two 'hundred bnVfi rpcentlv .been filled at therarmorr for 'fifc.V teen thousand sets 01 lnlantryccoqtrementsj and,, fortycaissons Jby the 7ar. son conipapf . ' vAliout seventy-five of the; laf-r' tcr st and: oh' the grounds ready to be" forwaVed . ! at the .'shortest itiotAceSpfingifyWrfieputili- p?unds to each mule, and thusl.vexa ious delays are ' avoided; and, .from twenty to, thirty miles per day can be made with the oreratest ease. " pith an-armv of six thousand-.braves; dent frbtn'Hhe CharlestohWercbry feayin.htt. ! and vvithout doubt they vvilj; be afforded the inhabitants of. Society 1110;, have re;,' that felicity. If they meet buVmen in' ceired the refugees 'frpin, Charleston wUh, tlio force so much the bettr-o'ne'' battle greaHcs""hVspitaIUy -t they bavenied bouses ; kill;gndWmPaign, wtereas'sHouId SffiS -r. le? fitter about in, JifFcreiit parts of otber at the same generons. rates. JOne uie luiruory t our own iorces must De also divided, and much greater will be the trouble and longer the- time .spent' on the expedition." : f ' i., - . Ev "acuating ' Florida. centlcman employs a servant to, .catch ,and sells thenr ;to reitJgees at ou cents eacn, nllou-ingfet'ery 5 jfamily to purchase ' two. A By t their. actdihe"y?TiyrovO' themselves patriots jafld' OhristiansnTo Yankees theref - : We rejonot Confederate; family, and it. is the duty of every one' of us to use his heart, head "and bands to ?crve his; country anc! his tie'ighbor as himisefrV and particularly those who have given urj their homes, for.the; honor and welfare.of the. Sfat and Confederacy.: Mercury. Tne- Hebels By-thearrival'ofthe-st earner Bos ton, which -"left'; Jacksonville 1 oii '" the : 24lh mst., we are : placed ; in' possession of .atl VICeS WhlCh intnrm llRllt l f ro 'mmrnJ'i ... ' - - - :- - :L. -.. ments in J,Honda. It appears that two avy pepartuienthas received a commnnioatio brigades which have beeri' stationed in ' from Acting" Kear 'Admiral 'JBaifey,' cdauaanainf ' Florida, under the command of Gen4xh East qulBlockading .l n' l, , - . - . tails ot two expeditions in me vicuuyjOi.D6, evd yoett, were qurte recently sent drewg Souad, FJoVid'a, under direction of Acting oyer the railroad to Virginia. It is as- Volunteer Iaeut; Win. KI BrbwnV : The first con certained from trustworthy sources' that sisled pf eight refugees in a dag oatyande, who. u c ' t.-j ,1 - T . i ascenaeu eiappo river fpme iweuiv.wiie.iu the enemy s force in Florida does- not white Bluff and there destroyed 2.000 bushel of " numoer oyereuuor i.uuu men.,;. salt and -brought ta way the; sacks, captnrea a ious we see me rLenei.sianrieinaTino-i 0 ku.iij-A6w...Wufefv.-.v-.. -t-,7 a great decisive' battle in 1 m Order tO;have it result in theiriavort Vvere bronlit off-lThe other expedition consist- are v pushing forward troops from, all ed twentytwoi.men in thd boat of the itest- t" i ex - . less, who proceeded up East bay. .They aucceed- ppints to join thranks of.Lee. . . c4 degSoying two government salt-wort With oince llie aisasier lO tne steamer f three bundred1 bushels of .salt lbere ar five companies-df rebel,-cavalry in tbatticimty-fpr " guard jhese wbrka, who rebuild them as fast as General Hunter,; there -has been noth- ng further seen of torpedoes. . .The gunboats, however, keeb a irood sharm . . 1 cj a I ookoutjn plying up and own the river. rort KouaLNew South. Avnl 30. 1 Contra5ANDsTkade. Travis, aptaini Keid was tseizejd at "Rnltimnrft-Qn-Saturdav-iust as she wa5 ne hnndfed and'fifty watches per -.day; or leaving the harbor loaaed .with, all kinjs -every four minutes, are now turned at the r, . u lUor :, w ,-v-cre : iulr Waltham Watch Factory. When thecdntem- . . ; a 1 L!1 f rm - l,t. - plated addition to the company's works is pHsoneaUVonieuetauj r completed, about double the present number tons, gold Ucimeaiciue ixe of bands, about 5o0, will be emj On one Married. --Near : Kinston N-6. of April, 1864, at the residence of the, bride's k'v,Lp1 Was 'ascertained" tb !t lather, ' by liev. troo. W.' Camp, Mr. Ii. D. "-ir tj. t it rn vtiKt'i n Rirh' Odumlavmember cf Capt. J. DCaihmtns 'to ITr. Blakeslya; mejebnt m-icte 1 light artillerf, to Hiss Annie Pearce.' mond. ! VOLUIC TIGHTLY B0UHD BEST COPT AVAIIABIE ' 1 I t 1 i 1 1 . 1 !i 1 I t 1 " j. ' ::p-! -1