BY .GEO. MILES JOY: ADYERTISING -RATES ! The NORTH CAROLINA TIMES will be pub- 1 Square, one insertion, . -..... LOO liihed WEDSSSDAT and Satcrdat Craven Street, New-Berne, N. C. mornings on I , " evervBucceedmer. insertion.. i...a& One, inch makes a eauare." and all advertisements . wm. do continued nutilJorbiu, unless otnerw is e or- -i . - - . . . . . r . . TERMS OF THE PAPER. dered, and charged ac'cordinslw To secure insertion ihey .should be handed in by Honday, andiThurs.. 5,00 peryearm advance; $1,35 for 3 months; uaj ngui,8..- . ah dius are to De seiriea on tp jet oi 50 ct. per monm. . i ; SINGLE COPIES FOR SALE Xiberty and Union How .al Forever One and Inseparable. f'-H ffiyery montn. AJiberal discount made ta tnose who advertise largely. The Times, has a larger cir0ulation in the District of North Carolina thaJu any;, if not all, other papers combined, andn it thebfSce cf publication, and by the different VOL i. NEW BERNE" N.JC., JULY. 13, 1864. NO. 49. every part of tne .District, is tue best mel news ueaiers m iuo x-iaiiiv;u. . , - adviertisiiiff that could be-desircd. I WEDNESDAY BUSINESS CARDS. fl w OOD 6c VOOC. EARLY SCENES Iff SAtf 3FXTA1- 777; Cisco - LbVE, DICE, AND SUICIDE. ' v u SEALERS IN Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instrument, and Military Good of all Itinds, . ASD A SUPERIOR QUALITY. So!d at living rates for cash . -" - No 16 Pollock Street. Look for the "BIG WATCIT.V 27 tf L' ' WCUKIFIELD A: CO., 4acCineers and Commission Merchants, - " dealers in Groceries, Provisions, etc. Eegalar sale of Groceries, etc. eveiy Wednesday Satarda.v at iu am. . Pollock str tet, M doors west or tneo'ost umce. A1AJ 1 o 7tf nacv. growled, as he " I've lost-4lost jan S3 Usually h waspf equable tempera- how much my friend had staked, but I ment. His void was low and musi- saw that his eves, vet - unconscious of cal, and his read" command, of words my presence,! glared like ' a wild beast ; Ori ihe fourth da'of Julyk 1849, at pleasure to his jends to listen to him, whiclihe. had, Wered: as if he had menaian,. alter a ratner teaious voyage wli on nf n dnnr. traihwA iUn .rtn th m'nnip ot -twenty-seven qays, tne scnooner on aronn(i the socibard and conversed " Damnation:! J' he which I had taken passage at Hilo Bay, nm-n nr1 vtB wiu w n snrano- to his fppt. ' nawaiij aroppea its ancnor in ;tne nar- (;tU nf. lA'irA-. m .ncifinn-,L aain"! Tri thonsnnd rlnllaV bor of San Francisco, between the main sUred him accej totlie most refined And now I'm a beggar.! : : ' amo? his rn'anv female ac- hoae wh6 hk.f mJse f' een watching the gameone ot wnomj untiesitatinfriy accepted ttie seat vacated by j Walter d?d not seem to be affected by bis IoSseL .They simply resrarded his ill fortune as a matter of course as one of those " runs of ill luck1,' which all who court the fickle goddessare expected to experience. " i Walter. hurnea trom trie tabje, and seemed anx- gjone. THOMPSON, TOU.Y A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Comm'dsioa M erchant, and preneral dealer in SUTLER'S STORES, CHOCKERY. GLASS WAR E, HOOTS, SHOES, AND .1 fANCY ARTICLES. 45 Braid Stre et, New Uerne, N. C , Opposite tht Tark. Jl. MOR BIS, ARTIST and HAIR CUTTER. E. TONSORIAL rolilUil of FA SHION, Craven St., New Berne. ; Cut injatest styles at the ESl- Berne. 41tf SUBSISTENCE TvEPAIT.TMJ ENT OF XJ and Ciood i Living. PER KINS BROTHERS, RETAILERS OT Pro- nions, nailer7 fjioocis, arc.. oad a cd Middle Sts., New Berne, N..C. E. C'-arver Co.'s Celebrated Poire Cott on Gins, and Pond Be. Dunck- 1NGKS AND 3lKS3 STOVES. - j .e3 p lid for Cotton , 2?tf Groceries' Cur. of 1U A rents for ' Jed'a Arjit R U:-ht5t pri 39 LT.AYE S' TREET. land on which thecity stands and the soliety,- and ami his many female rugeeu isauu ot i erDa uuena. , : ,.n7;i - iia-j a&.iuo- vcwci awuiJg.tu me? UUB.IWO who wn.q ns fn rhd hp.antifnl ns nstnrft gunsj placed on the summit oi. Tele- 0nld mnlrA a ncrhW nf nnr rvtin ir It U ill AVr rr o L twam I . - L mJ . i i i i i ,F tuCAi "u" ,'"r,Utt,'s Mother Eve.: - onstant , associations ana oeicnea iortn tne national salute. w;k Vrr,;ixr ocU Waifo kof oil . 1 ' i ,r v ii rj womannooa ne cpia not select one wno e(j njogptere of the room, which had by thi trance of the bay, was echoed and re- wrmi. "Rmi maVftbim flminhlft tiinB beenbriiiiantMH-hted. . ' echoed -between the rocky walls.of. the aA 1nv?nr a LnA -InH; iTmflv As I followed closely .on. his steps; lqonratu- wuluou wicu uicu'.;uui through the wor in laint reverbations as the .wind -3 ;i j. tit ; . ' tt ' it 1 carriea it towara tne sea naraiy pefately in love ith the pretty girl.- had the -salute on tne Hill ended, Hft wooed, and iad satisfied- mvselfj when from the. Presidio there - came h' ffpnprn rpflsnnor. Knwevpr hnrl wnn in. more regular" succession the voices her. and loiiff bere I had recognized of-pieces of artillery stationed in it. by him in the pay dSan Francisco, even order ol tne Ijovernment. ' When wandennorlonor the skirts of the - Looking toward thecity, fhe eyeisaw Celestial inzdoi determined in mv beyond a few wooden superstructures mind they were lg since, according and adobes perohed. oh the margin of to the phraseolog), "bone the bay, and on the slight ascent that of one bone and sh of one flesh." led to the plaza a canvass town, tents . Toward the latr .part of the. day, everywhere, as if an army .had been JQst as the goldgerjays o( the sun were suddenlv broushtto a halt, and its res- kissing the purplirowned hills of the iments and bripraides wefe restinor for ' coast. I placed FSelf in the boat of lated myself that I had not been recognized bv . . i - - uiiii wuiio xi o wiia cucv-u at tne saminsr laoie. Like all heroelhe bf COnfse 'fell des-' .it might have placed him and myself in rather awkward positions, wnicn. might call for mutual explanations. hilo thus, reasoning with my self Waltar hastened 'onward, aTnd passed tbi-oiish a throng that was making toward the 'centra sa loon. My piogress was momentarily interrupte d and I lost sight of my friend. Ilowever, I hast ened through thej crowd as best 1 could, and finally reached th doorway. 1 ? ;;; . 1 he night was exceedingly daTk, and I paused; thd streams.' We wholly discredit the storvJ The resources of the Kebel Confederacy are 'sufficiently nragnified' witiout resorting to suchfairy talus as thee. Jn reference to the probability of their possessing vast stores of rails' and other material, it-is sufficient to saythat Gen. Wilson found the Pan v i 1 1 e- Road laid with the old-fashioned strap rail on 'longitudinal sleepersr-jand tmslon the most important line of qom- mumeation then remaining to the federacy. Nor'is there any evidi that the rebels have succeeded ii placing the longextent ol tne. Vin Central Railroad destroyed by our ai while lying; south of the North Anna and subsequently by Sheridan on his Grdonsyille raid. '; ? ui j We attach, therefore,' great1 imt or tancij 'to the success of Gen. Wilson." He has destroyed in all seventy mileii of railroad, which we do not believe can, be replaced except with great delay snd difficialtyantil; ; which if replaced Trill again 'lie at the mercy of Gen. Grant's and again be torn" to" pieces it f then be worth while, it is Von- 3 nee irp- nma mv cay; should chagrined at the thought that Walter had escaped 1 idle 0 talk ; cf gU ardin these s TOajds against aiieavy lorce oi .cavalry. Lice cannot spare men enough to do it 'effect- me. . i..... , ' While I stood: hesitating, nncertain which path to pursue, iii; the; hope of overtaking him, a pistol was fired in the Plaza; and the next I heard, but could put dimly discern, a number of persons hastening! in the direction 'from whence the report had come4 Impelled by curiosity, I uallyiiorj the C ai ta i tiS . 33 CRAVEN feb 17 - e. r. nnownrt Met Mrhnnt, and Wholesale arid S!lnII Urocer. STiJEET, NEW BERNE, N;C . 9tf from a cavalry takes so wide a sweep, descends so suddenly and does. us Destructive worit so rapiaiy, inai it &o followed ; and soon I came up to a group of is impossible either to - cover ' all tne loner and fatigums H. c. j o u Attofccr a With an experienc ir!ffvjnal servi Lri.rk bonse, op "Berne. - nd Counselor at Xjaw, of fourteen -years, tenders hfs ce to the public. Office in the osite thB Times office. New Dtf G. i. Looms (ScrcKSfOi WHOLES A . TO- C, B. DlBBLK.) Lht AND RETAIL !rm C ry CSoode, Cloil X IZooln and Nfaocs, j IXats aud Ca pi, School ISooka, lilnfi. nr ty. Ac. j.v strt Xs w Uerne, North Cro!ina; r.H r 'J " 'I5tf.. 2YE & TALOB1, f i.i.r t and Mm die- st8. iew uerne, rc. i fir. . vssortinent of Dru.r. S Jtfedicines and Fancy ft. du Prescription carefully prepared dec is Itf Sc lillUl 2L.X., 1 irOL ES4LE AND RETAIL DEALERS in nnv i lOODli. SCTLUn S STODES.nnd ! . CKOCEBIl ?s' Son th Front Street. New Berne, N. C. ilec ID Itf : wATCiorAicuB' A?rb jeweler, No.'JU Tollock Street,Newi"eme,N:C. i ' Particular AilenMon paid to rc wring , $c. f leclO' Itf Wholepale end-Retail Delrt.s in Drr r:wirl. CTothins, , JTeiroI T Fancy " GoodIXciery. Eoot, 8X oc, , . XlatCaps, 4;c. . Cmer Of Pollock asd Middle st., ftev .uerne, in. ' A 11 V, K.-a nnmnH r rtl r.l P Will l0 au t m ..... : itmIL. adv&nce above cost. Com one, 9i examine the Ktoek. sola at a come all ! 2tf F . TV. BEERS. . . - Wholesale ftr.d Ret til Dealer jn BOO US, NEWS P AXE iiX, MS A'dAi'INES, Slntionery, Fancy Goo'd; j Xo. 21 Pollock Street, 4 door from Craven JRtreet. adjoining Gov't Bakory, New Berae, N.C.. , dec ID . t -r - BEBBY & C R. IVkalmnltx anil Retail Dealert in Dry Goods, Groceries and General ZTIcrcbnndise. Middle ctreet, above .uec 19 ' Pollock, New Berne, N.C. Itf the day march. As I thus hastily "scanned the shore, my mind noticing the roughness," not to say forbodmgncss of the site bf the now the schooner, by b side of its captain, and was landed dthe beach near the line of what is nq called Montgomery btreet, the Wall freet of the Jletrop- olis of the westa side or our conti- A. ' ' great and soon to be imperial city- of " I - nn;r. i i 1 . A lew a .!. : ! i I j l th Pnoifin xvnrld. rt- nlAftnrA nr,f . . iew minuies vaiK, aiueu uy ine xuoA ,fu MnAL- A uldirGction of pershV r inquired of in r i . ,, , ine street, urouff me iu uic iriciza - sicru. oi nits scnooner, wnn its men who were apparently looking at something lying prone on th ground. -I was about ta make inquiry, when one of those standing near ex claimed J , ' : " Poor fellow ! lie lias blown his brains but f ' " Who is he 1 " cried another. ; " Let us take him into the bouse, whoever he is f " ' A good suggestion," remarked a bystander. ' Come, let us take him to the Parker. ,.IIe may yet be alive. Perhaps, after all, the wound is not caortai. cround defensively belorehand, or to conceiitrate infantry, in season to intejr- rupt the miscliief. 7 7 ! . It is probable that this expedition has broken off the work of provisioning liichmond for a siesre. The two lines cut were the last remaining communi cations of the Rebel canital. The 'Rich , the street, broul me to Ul kiiO Willi 1U) UUW I j ii1' n J . 1 4. a -j an ope'n spacebohjed onits westerly Island, but which. Fomififin . nirti. I -i . -.V - t 7 " . ' 7 ; ,a :m naaoeen devoted, tpvicus to my-rn- Very carefully the body of the man was raised mohd I and Danville Railroad Was was more familiarly known to gold ad venturers by its euphonious Spanish ti tle of Isle de los Amreles. .. vai, to a variety orovernment purpo- ses : bat whichnaapen mrnea into an inrJifToront enrt nf nhla! pt nnpf rrl A I J JL . 1 1 a'1 Tl-T II i 1 t s a loowea towaru tno yacnt, 1 sud- anA housfi of Pnterfhmeht for certain aeniy staneu ana ran to tne;port side ol children of Asia ' vb had, about the the vessel to observe rtore closely those same time with thd of Europe been and conveyed to the hall-way of the sDennison House where there wp a strong light, and where it Was suggested a physician could be found. j; When they had p laced him j on -? the floor,! I had toy the first time, ei noting the It y?as the body of my friend , ti an opportunity, features. ; :' t Great God I ' Walter Edgewdrtb. jvoluijtarily placed ihearfcihad ceased .who wee singing and shouting in the attacked bv the odfever and1 must joyousness of their hearts, gliding past come to Cahforn to participate in me. beated at .the stern, with the rud- the fabulous wealthl hich : it was sup- derheld firmly in his hand, sat one whom pbsed to yieldl withlo grudging hand, I had known for years; who,' when I to. all. who worshippl at the shrrne of last saw him, stood on one of the docks $ammoh. On theksterly side, were on tne .bast Kiver, JNew York,' and with tne Hildorado, tne Ute.d otates, ien- of sweet communion, he avowed his passionrand I knelt by his side, and in a band on his breast, .llis toll pulsate. lie was dead! Fifteen minutes 'previously he was in the vigor It T?as not until I had returned . to New York', some three years j$ubsequent to the sad event here rel.ited. tht Tiwna enahlf.d t.n cather the fill particulars of .the motives which induced 'Walter.' advejnttire to Uahforma. j The old story of unfequitted affection was told mej Walter fell, as I had long been satisfied, desperately, madly in love with the sweet, aima a friendly grasp of the hand bade me nisons Exch God speed in the voyage I was about to House. In one thqast named I un undertake. That was nearly four years hesitatingly entered I fonnd myself, on-ascending a nigriDi stairs, in a spa cious saloon, arouncie walls of which andjthrough the cere, were- placed "monte," " roulette tables. On each of these w 3 placed,. in regu- about and welcorrtP rfie ' nf tirrWpd nn iar oroer, piiest oi cau suver aoi- his trinof nleasure: Then ho miserl bi J lars, golden onzas, Lmencan eagles, ange, hd the TParker ase for her hand,) th fair creature sighed, and all . -m - previous to tne time; pi which 1 am now writing. He caught my eye, arid springing to his feet stood for a mo ment, seemingly irresolute debating in nis mind whether he should put about and hat, and shouted as he did so - "Captain, welcome I , I-will see you to-hiiiht. Go to Parker's on the Plaza!' I bowed an assent, and before I ' had time' to respond by voice to the familiar greeting of my friend, the' graceful ves sel in which he was took the wind fully 1 1 x. lit 1 ii ; . , anu snot iiKe an arrow lowara tne straits, in melting tones declined the honor of this alli anceshe was already engaged ? lhen Walter found that he had been throwing his love away upon; a heartless, undemonstrative coquette a womari of fair exterior, of. winniag manners-, ot intellectual endowments, who, with out making any effort tp make captive the Charts of.her followers, heier'ifailed to;brinjg them to her feet. - t--H rT-i-n- Poor fellow, when he had fully ascertained his j fate, plunged at once into desperate courses. He threw bis fortune to the winds: and. w he a his friends drew away from him, when he became an .outcast, refused entrance to the circles of sdciety in w hich he had frotn childhood moved, he gath 3 ii.. r i i p . ...... i a. J erea up me iragments oi ute ionune resoivjea 10 )fgOld be .-I- " eooa ieuows. anu n had star. anrl swafpd. forget the past, and immigrate to the land uw .,i.Tvuj6 """j iu surrounaea nimseii wnn "I J- 8CUILM"VGEB-. Dealer in foreign nnd Domestic "Wines and Ijirnors, Las;rr Oter, Cigars and Tobacco. At the N. Y. Cicar Store. Middle St., New Berne, 5orth Carolina. 29tf GUST IS. ITXAAG. DEALER IH DBUGS AIVD .TIEDICIE8, Imported nud Domestic Clears. Chcwinjf Tobacco, Pipes, Gents' Fnrnishinc Goods, lcrfnrarries. Pocket Cut lcry, Garden Seeds, etc At Wholesale and Refail, , OrrosiTE the Uxio Photograph Gallxrt, ouock btreet above. Middle, New Berne. mar ID lBtf 31. X,. POALK, CTIONEER and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. pollock Six eet. ' , "44tf guooTirva gallebf. .BY CHABLES ERNENWEIN, J Cmrm. Sir? Vs 77 ' KT 4 ft, r-i: the pnbtlc.- It affords great facilities forprao ve, thereby enabling poor shots to become jood uc j'ouuue ui luepuuncissoiiciiea. P12 Presently, as it ran through the Gate, tables, were dressect every possible style of costume, ad .were oi every country under the sij . All were en firasred.vtinninflr and feinsr' their hun dreds, and in somelnstahces, thou sands cf dollars, wi a nonchalance - J " 1 1 J. - . is size to my. eye was reaucea to a speck, and in less time than' I can' ex press it, it was entirely lost id me, -'as it urned the headland. . vSo, Walter is here !" I exclaimed'. and bags of variona2es and shapes, made of every coriivable material, filled with the aurifaus metal which those vh and toiled brOUSfht thither thatlev miffht enioy plunged wildly into every excitement prinking a lew minutes' i excipent at the era-1? ul"z u""v r:- . " uons ; ana i. uappeneu 10 see nira ior ine ; nrsi; . . . .. . i lime in amoruia, uu lue memorauie rourta oi to these July, 1840; when, having thrown away bis last dollar at tar p. he deliberately left the tabled and proceeded to the Plazai and there cut in two the silver cord of life a lif that migbt , under hap-1 pier auspices, nave occn one oi nonor ana oi use to bis fellow-men. minV table ' . i. ., rrul t Jl i iiu3s wno weie uduicu T- Affile Ca:;ipaiti. 4 Xt .'is not lonar I since vva heard that a "What can have induced that noble fel- that . t67 one unacitomed to' such considerable portion of Lee's army had low to adventure so far ? Surely not scenes, as I was; wa really astonish- been detached to j guard the .Danville the desire for gold ? 7 Of that he Had ing. ; At one table, d at the further Railroad. We now: hear ' that Gen. enough in New York, and fhe beauti- end of, the saloon, I ticed a number Wilson's cavalry has destroved forty ful Emily, his intended, when I last saV of geritlemen, elegarv attired, com- miles of the track north-east and south- . . i .1 n r : ii. l a r n i - . i i a. : l - 1 . i. parea wnn tnose in room. To this table way, and before it, g ly, I fonnd Walter E her parts of the' Westiof BurkesvilleL'the station at which uietiy maae my tne a etersourg ,ana ivyncnnurg, .ana bling desperate- Richmond and IJanville Eailroadsfin- eworth. ' . 1 tersect. We -inferi therefore, that if "A thousand on thin," I heard him Lee ever distributed bis forces for the and then the sweet girl, did she acquiesce T-: Surely they must have been nharried long ago. .'-Wfell, well, I jvill, perhaps, nave my question answered tnis eve ning. -It is better not to raise conjecV ures,. when presently my pardonable cu ribsity may be fully satisfied.,, : -Vp Waiter Edgeworth (I trust the family name will; not be recognized,' I have oiinriiritr r r y-k inc nniiAhiAi mm .1 i : www. . " . i ' : . 1 t . o r J- r - i Again the firame ; wi resumed, and J A good deal has been said of the fa- pressive countenanced - His hair, brows h,,e was Pre "W 'fj nh.wh.chthe Reb elsr eoonstract and eyes were dark' as the wintr of. the f.?n accep an hband- he,r amaged rjl ways .and hav i xi. ti cu o me Keeper 01 tnenoie, wno noaa- uatciy ueeu eiiteuaiueuiuiu an dcwuin raven, and the latter were, an unusual L. 7r h..: o exclaim side a voice ; "Lost r drew, to his protection of these" important lines, he ide, he whispered, sshe dealer turned has recently found! other occupation for. i card, in a' low, litrse, tremulous them7 i GenWilson met no opposition wna.ieer taiung inei line ui . ins jpeia- tions. 22tf thing in black eyes, . ezceedmsrly soft, almost feminine in their expression.- Avhen, nowever, he became excited, as the humor moved him with anger or merriment, it was rare indeed, . when the former took possession of his soul;! ed; assentingly as he gncedover it. of a : ConstructionCorps,,; numbering Jrlace it on the qiint ' said Wal- several English engineers - among- its . m , . 1 X mm., I 1 i - ' i -T i tery as He saw that hitredit was good memuers, wnicn is represented is com with the bank; The dealer did is hfvas bidden,' and resumed the' distributh f the cards. ot ascerta Ji could n petent -to relay tracks about as fast as they areTdestroyed: I It fs affirmed, also, that: duplicates of all important at the moment 'bridges lie ready to; be thrown across sole iinkbetweeil 1 Richmond and At- lanta-j-assurning, what we are ehtitlqd to believe on Kebel authority, that tlje Vr4n;;;ItaiIrad";. has" been , for 7 soni'e days iif 'tjjje undisturbed , possession of G fen . Gran t. It was vitally important therefore! not only as an avenue bf sup ply, but as the tneans of rapid exchange of troops between Lee and . Johnston;, As matters now stand, Lee must fish his battles." ' with ; what forces he has. The other, road Which Gen.'AVilson has cut in two, thefPetersburg and Lynch burg, formed the only communicatio save the James Riyer ; Canal,' betwee Richmond and Lynchburg, which lat ter place lias been and doubtless still if an important depot . cf ' slipplies of al kinds. : And it Strikes us as ' probabld hat Wilson has done a very important service somewhat incidentally. j The two divisions, comprising nine brigades which IjCg sent to repel Hunter, were- still at last accounts in the neighbor hood of 1 Lynchburg, and are, therefore SutofF from .immediate' fe'-enforceingr Lee in case of urgent nocessity. Wilson naa one hard hght at otony Creek, on the same road, the result on which! was j indecisive, 'but as his - world was done and his business then was to get home, Ke had eluded the enemy by a flank movement,' only : to bring up against the position at Reims Station It ns stated that' the 6th Corps and. two Divisions of. the 2d Were instantly sent forward uy uen. mead to relieve W 11- son, and tne languagt used implies tnat the RebeUforceiat Reims was in djreet comrhunication with the right of Lee's army. The length of Gent Grant's line, from that point held on the Appo mattox id any point ; on the Weldon Road, is ' scarcely less than twelve miles, and is almost too long to be se curely held , unless there has -r been a chanire I of position hitHerto unan- nounccd. ' ! ,r ;4 . 7 7.7' "j7.' : Presuming that the public is ; wellf through its moment of despondency, we have nothing to remark concerning the campaign in general, except that the days, of partial rest which Geri Grant nas given 10 nis army are a' better as- snrance' of progress than if he had kept hammering at the defences of ,Peters bu rg. : The army : had gone ! through, such Ifatisrue as even KapoIcon,j the Idom most i nitilps nf i Generals, se quired of his'soldiers: ;It was entitled to some renose; and it' iYa; cruel Jim patience-' which would; deny .it - to men. who have; fought .and marched i ana nfFprpd as have the' heroes of onr aimy nr : two months nast. lint the lull in. tne campaign is oniy prepdiauuu portenf of the coming storm. Tribune h r TOL0K3 TIGHTLY BOTJHD BEST COPI AVAILABLE

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