v . ;: : . .... THE SKNTINEI,. UiTi:t I- ADVI ilTIMXt;. f h alrc-alatiua ef th gwriaai, inalis U ( th moil dcaliable bkUUku "t sdi.rliting in Ik fital. .-y ..y- ;..,!1, .. A ; AJrartiiTiiit4, orsmpjtuf tkaof ID linva of e--ir- - .,v-;.,--"---'--'" ..iiur , .,.-;.. .. Wvir, .f,i ". '' " H ' tssl.e,...vr' w -,;"- . 'U tostl V.ir; Wf . tas-lvsaes, , tst.' -D&t Md wmmei . is vw fttolwwtyyaavleaa wliieh wa callaqiMiTe,wret.T as follows for inantisa la th aaakly i , 1 For aaa iDMrtion, .-. , It ,, , .-;..' Vartwe laawtioaa, , "';".- ' -V- - Foe aa aaitk, . . . . - '. , . 10 , " Fwlvo aivntka, .. ,'.,', , . v. . '. .,,', k'rls asths j'..x i.ieS.':'-.J,t : Fvr so yatir, " "''' "';- V . - tt ue - ;- "" JOB WORK aiMmUi with tata at tba Sri. a ax. Orrica-. - .. - f I WOULD RATHEB B. BICI1 r THAU BB riEIDEHT""Heary CUj. :" lull;, .Mtiu ifi--.';. r VOL. 1; RAIiEIGIIr Si.T0IlDAYf BIAUCII 24, 18CG. NO. 2. , ! . - - , III!' llll ! I I l l ! I -Wl ' .1! ., . I. . .11 I W, ., ...,.....l -. '-.-. - -.:';--' .-'. - - -. - . .-- . ... 1 -yfr ,f, ,.,, , T , ,., , .... . , , . . ' M,. , ,,,,, , - , r-T , 'I ' I'. 1 .J I' I ...l....f-.i--333BBgggS5Sl - 1 1 ' e"" "f 11 " . - , , . ,. , .-. .r'6iir fi miiim a ' u)jia; iia'l!)H made siilli KHitly olais ,,e "" 1 r "" We" have seen iu good M to c'limjenur opinion. One f rw payers of this Mute, Julian for ,t).e lnA ,,f xmiHli .,''- 1 talk sil'iut, i--r ' ami anon recur It "'" t. nd r.Spoftt .thai. BltiM'ka titaon f!'"'"'lo i tht Httv.bccans I'M Id oi . T y iHtKtl (l e llit tnfW't, tlit lut- 'rutuUuit (tail tli-ar- yio wit toaiti nm niKe 11. im'y uve re- iWC wluwiilta dalliitJurt, tfme'aml v.apdn, tUal tb Pniil iit roiisidrrwl It JWflijo lli Ibe jcj)l,li"iil'l i'1't niiW ftuoh iucu, anil ' 0( he ttrfp''' (",v' iti"iu Kotiiu- lii . J. ft . . 1 . 1 f 1 f . f M .... , '"2 ' ifiildntr.f t uhe ri-aium" flint llti-j roiiM ot i tike Hie (wtk" 1 lii m (lirm-b jirvwii4 lie Ffiift' Ihii " lliat it latin;! It ii li Jiot beeajBeficatJ!.!, 1 xiniulr ilUke, aiui Vi-t it r "! fotliiwinsr a-y the'tcirffatha- Iroirt ,mf ihM - - TKIFOH,V4. - ' .- 'J Jlillp.1gi-v.lli-, liar, J.o.X.,'iKj1 . ........ -7 : I'.-"'! U r.1-,.fronKr.Mltid J.Val.e i -s i m.'itli "Jiiii. , unit' """'Til 1. it' ( tWj 'IW tJ Jouitfttti-orl itiint ii' tt-H- l.lfftirtnrv. T m int (lno! to li.i.ik ij!eiiio!r ot pnrdom .minlit liave a aiilutir.f'Ifii't." "I fialt o a caudiilnlr ivr .llie 1 m-niiii-.'ii of fnurUI lie ilJiuUU. ,. . ,, . , . 1 J. Jkhnhoii, I'nw. UnHrernoR ' . s . . ,1 ' ' "I TVwr-TiviJOFviii ARUisywN. I). C.,.K. S, IS Jv. .IiiiiKi, Irov. 0 'V., nillttlitnrilW), Oa'.;., J' VoiiVill oritinw1iat'rfinal rmut M Upnrfih until mKeved a4 ymir ane "' i-wir r-n"tit'.l liy tln- llovirniunt. At , jimDjnt, as ProvlftiiMial liovwapr. I wouM .dmit (('riilV-ltciiiifjjL!?'t',,n ni,'i'il,'"r '.of Vv' t;rUyt. - , . - i If I nmlvrriaiM fmr tt--( itl.li, nmvi of Hip iifinlior rl.ft ti CintifW-; 1'nim tti'i-f-i i nm tnke ti( (ithr o'Sc m Hiw tim' Wiuu itUvisrtittuaf.tiHilr rntl atiitBif M.tfl loyally and i.. . . .. j':. 1 fi'.i.. 1... -.n ainl I 'nitiiiin I ri'irrcl to Iwnr thit von ar-i f t -t-teiwiiewina 'wnf tnr VTwa ol M-ur lA-i.ll'ire. and hope that yml will pintle out nnlii. V"H w ill acfrpt thn aiiriiliaiix) of the (J.ivfrrmirnt for the l"Vl and rltii'ivnt iu:mnr, in Whii Ii mi bare ilwharteil your duly ax - IYovuiWiikI tloviTn.ir.' 1 , .. . - . 1 .. ' i Pn-iiidi-iit !if Hi Huile.1 Hfatea., .Now mark the laiiRuaieof (he Prexideat t " "At pnnt, rrtrtiA'iuil GoTriiir, I wa14 ion-r iMi ( rtihVaf of tertioir tir nit-nilwr f ' t'onr I'u-tt"' The rmimM-liuii in wli'u h tliij elmiifl Maud, 'bn that H Aim no f.fi(in 1 almlfverto the fait that the niiinlK-rn 1011UI not hke'heeinrb. ' " ' " '- The in t L uli iu v or tin- Prra..1ent'e telcgra i n l'. r 41n-et!y W that tiui. Mow we what the 1 Pre-Odeai 'Ilea ailttie me of their rv l:iln f J4iillj il imliHrtUn in rejrnrd -tinHnabUi'y uad.t Hip tnw' anj. tb xoikiULUr lion," i iuu tbia it 4 plain, that the Primiilenl '"'thnnt romridrp-llml a man ability- to lake Ihe'tP"! oalir fljten'bia-real alattia a'a t loy j t'wj tt oath Iuih iM i-n dirlan d by the Siiivuie ,Jv "J - - '"' "! T"t"of tin- t'liittd ftut'isaad that the d.in-5- t " ' ' 1 .i.iit ... i.1 . . ,v 1 .. . . We bme u vi-r doubted, Hint the Pn-si.li'nt nonlil limeVtiferrnT; lf'Jt"ire p.im.lble'.'tlie !ti-tion wi'ii-na in - ll" iinli -ho roidd taku' thatVnth lb', as B evny tnio frieml of the li.iia,.NiilU "d t:'l'ib. ft-My pn-lerred tbarMuup'dini'nt wluiteverili.ml'l have .Uien ( prejtfitt.Hl ro the iIuumuii of Southt-tit .mom- i ben 1 ?-i'-H' it ff''l l'tt '" miiitilum oj' , t,'.e CuiHi.f rtuilil U 0'i-W vitkT Vedeny 1 itsjiiaith ubility or1 il'ility. So fur aa. (lie 1'iTMiWot i HMirt'rn.'d, tins vould n..t be a bar rier. W hi n he iii..triii-ld tlov.- Jotineoa. not to giv eerlili' atinr av fivrhfuuil. (It'tiriivr, be meant to t-ii.Irr mwb an iuformulily uiinorcwa ry,bj all'wi"'," the (loternor electeil by thepeo pletotiike hi-. 'iit, Imto rertifli'ato alone eoilld lave lu"t the la i partu'iilur. Tlw pewniaii'n d a O'rtirtmle ol .leilion fnun a PluvKloibit Hoveiwr. niiU have lan-n. pleatl t ciiiiv lii 1 1:1 1 of their admiiuiou. ,, .- - , ,: In tliit Si it'-. Hoiiie " ' nnd p t-oti 11m e&etmliuuU aumoii t ke'-jl H kl tauior upon tlii point, an.l eajiM'iailV anainsl Mr. l.raliam ami Mr. Tin n r. nlthoiiu'h we bare-im-t And re filll l..ir ol.ii-.-11'MH n u.-ileillv, The Te t that pcnli'-'i'i -t- weiv ui.ti'luiu-4 did - wt. alTi't tin in iif -oilier M"fi, an I ia not air rot io their 1):; i'iii(i:ii'mpnl. In oilier:.; Ktate uiMiar.biul'd men wereillidid;itt',..-erv r r irdn'W, tii j .i.T .1 ..Tr'i'ie rn-tt m n -1 natural ! '"n' r ' 1 " tr' '' . Ei'viiiil!f (''.!" l.i.i" d ol 1 Ii.iU. nit miri : lllirelliiM tluit t''' v " 't l"1 d lll'-il l hut ' - ' ' till) a t in .f tine I m 'I li 'I th 't tlirr an n'if r .'Mevntsl to tlie I uo-n i.;e.r. this ( oiwiiiuiiuii j "Thriinn 1 1 14 ' ' t '' l'flv' ""t wte"T ... m : v ...ll. 1 1 arolma lu e"i" of our ',i..,! j ii'i 'i en, a.id no wi 11 Hi i inure ft.Hv the coiifulcii:-i , us a !-. il .and li ua c"i led -for Vie p(..-.'.!!i, of l' B. SenaUu' situ-, w ho i-ouid Uit, the t"-t itli f IVby tt. 0"t tboe whtf are m cl.miMwi for BienaWican take the oath, bniu; lorward men who foul I tke it t Whi brin r foraurd Mr. 'Twl, bn eoutd not take it t -, :. Affcu, Ihtre i irniih and s. .iit 3lr. Tur. ( aor. ; Why tlil not lilt ojJiioieiit triug ftit wan WI10 could tHkn the mtti I la Hwre a Wn Li the 4tb Diolru-t -win out inks h, , tUr tlia jxi'lilu would trust t fulil . tkM coinplainun taa liring furwanl uuo ho pan tin it mtn of tln tiglil Htnuiji, wilt unit tli jxplej anil suit tlie I'Nuiileiit ami unit tlio ronrwM, thty iiliould 1m their mmitli. But no fur as th .......... .. j - r-A ' rfiniir..Vi Tti Tins !lin? ru chuvuiihhi, ,iMU,or j, Wvpocriliua). Im ia ITan, Effl., bad tine Ui L'nina record, at 4 I'nirm man -during tit war, aad aa a ivcnuatractianist, aod yet tby were anxinns to difuut Y"n becauac le dut sot j'p,,, OTrttt;, patronage t.tGrfr. HMtlen 7 No mnl'r of Congress in the StnU )iaa a better l'n ion record than Ma- flunr, and yet be ttiiea not fl that h(uld tuke the oatli, wjlh hi un Mmtnndiiiiji pf . . Thtt truth Ja, tln laraor in thin Ht ali,i all uA. W Lav iu kli-a, that the ieAi)t Nurth Carolina could wi-f, wwe they tu try till dimmadity cli.-t an rutin: ilelejiiitioo f iT)tliHi ,nprraeiitativi who could taka tliatt.t'tli.'r-i -r - .... Tl (jroiit lnHlj of the American people, -tlHijffc"low -nuutHitnpii in rraeliinproni'-lMKmiij arldoiifvrr U n)k!iiiJ ultimate Jud(?niBiil. f ltl"n tif Wrt US fllHmHirtaot ataliona ta the ThVie'fr am-thpr lat-t muhIW wgnifoZnC '1 he clmrgra of dialayalty agamot the Montbern peo j.le; we have nbacrTed, 'prtx-eeit entirely front three onrrt-a: First, fron.Nirther men ltoa fnftrcoiinw with. Soothn people hu fieca al most rntjn'lyi(iuofloe4 U . bitaiueNa, apucuWoM and trader, or wboae oflii-iaf ponltiom are un-fnvorahlt- to arriviiig ai aa impartinl judgment.' rV-ofndly, frmn Houthemeri who hava little Brim iilr, and who with tojuJ(f the hupi-msion that they, themaelvea, are Onperlatiroly loyal. JL Thirdly, front Solitheracrif who bave been Ti appointed,in thisir aiutt-mera politician, wU nro tittlr tr kit Wmwi, ao ihtj) uloi ZJr - - ' It will I rwolle fed, that the Ohm&i, eome time , jliti'd over tha, twlimony ot J. 1. "3iihnini, IhIb frvttifi)naf OnemorofUenrglaj in Which hit jy-prew-ntmi the people of that Mate -luir I tl nVv- We iuie t!i..r Mn a f-aujie lor L flV. Perry, whoee loyalty and lnti-i;rity no one ran call in qnenlimi, endomd tlie loyalty i;'"'ik Caroliua., At one time niv. Johnwiu tiulors.fl tlio loyalty of Georgia, an Uov. IlokU-n did the loyally of Nortb Caro lii. " Why in it, that the loyalty of -tlie people of theae fwo fttntca bnot.now endoreed Iqr them I Gov, Johnmin, of (Joorgia, and Oot. Ilohlen,' of North Carolina, an fur aa we now know, are the only two men who have occupied prominent por.it ion in tbe work of reeonetruo tion who do not now endonw the loyalty of their people." Why hi UT ' O iv; hnon wit 1 a riiiididate for . the If. S. - rV-iiat, mi"M. (iov. Ilolilin wn a rarulidnte for civil llovern ofaadniii. In fW the reawin i . , ; Deciaion of tl Snpremt Court,; -.ill is eurn-nfly ruinorwl, in the latent paper rMsivMl liy mat), that the UnowiHliluti.aialitT of j J-i nil. mnm 'rr iiiiit-.ijuj Hlirt1UIH-rl IOIIK- JlfO jr. tin, r uilvu-ea- from Wttxliimrtoii, ! wane time pflKt, have k-d us vry vtrotifly tohoj th.it am h would lie t he dw -iaion of the Court, despite .the a.'rimiiuiaiiuippoi1o of-, the Attorney IJeneriil. If the rumor jirovai be true, one would upiMixe that the greak-Kt. t.anie.r t the ailminMon of the Hoiithern niemlier to their aoiita in Conjireaa) wotlid 1 removed ; but tbe f radical; "revolutionary .bo.lv, who framed' the j ,tet, are dnily onactin'j Ling ami ntwniuing iiow I- cn'jiist a uticnnaiitutional. Ui that the de-'l ci.'ion of th rluprvnic Court, however legal and just, will ha.e but little eflj-ct 'ttitli thi fartinq and arbitrary clique. . -i Council of Stitat- , - rioternor Wohth I an vtinnioned the Council of 8tat to meet ia tils cltv, an Bnliirdny, the ( 1'lth day of April next. The following gentl- iiu.n conntitnte the Council: fIr, Vi 111. A. Wntolir, Prcaidvnt, New Hanover. !' . . ihnm J. Y.tk, Hertford,--I " . .Wii. F.ATojf, Jn., v Warren, .... " J)asL. L 1i-i4k,i., Sii,, . Rrnnawi.-k, II. A. T.e'.f, ' Pumytbe, T-" ii. vim J. I out kb, Wukes 'j' 'II T flM.tlT.lK',- -' ' Ill-dell. TIie Now Vi.rk .', jg 'lut -arliel.'.wbi h we i,Hi- in iim.th'T r.''i'iiiii, tnl."i t h p. lul view .if. tin- puliii.-.'tl xitiintiiiii. " Thi re i an 1 it jr 1 x pn-.ifms 1 1 l'n-drill It . wMih rn-M lmi-e lie. 11 w-il ntnitie.1-, but the wlanlt-1 g"."'l and .cbf-ring tenor of the i t 1 "-ti-oi.n rirTisi tit New li ink -n Hi lllh , At j . 41 Xi.t. roj-T'.. ('oifs-O. and Nsvul r.torcs dull.'l t Tuic Asm-.vn.i.a .Y es v tuat t: rt l luia rs-eiiil)- receiveil several vabiabld. aeci-si'ina-of ciii.-ua Among the auuilier it fii.-u-tion ( ol. W . M. Cocke, ant ex mender of Con giesa friHH last T'Pn--sss. ". A crp of flue j-.-a I-i.in'l cotton, T:ifd in tie (luiAeU I.i.luJ I. ICaillL.l HoDoUlu. ' - ' It will be , by rriurriii to Uie prorecdiiiga of Curta, on our first page, that the receut lutterof iiox. Oraham, cxpoaittg tba courae of the "Central Pirectory" with refrrenee to North Carolina enntt-d.'niiile ftulltiiiif id tlie IttU ral Cump. v Ju jil iin Mateiiient of the rroaa in- alt Lut the wont prejudiced aeideae aa tn tbe ecntimen! f our people, fcaa doubt lna i-xrited the apprebemiona of tba Chairman aa to the itnpreaaion npon tbe public mind, '. . . .. : The atatement.of Ute tlminuaa that tbe tee- timony had not dneed; tar tlw rtmxtt tbia State, becatiaeof the ordering ol tlie evitoe to be printed, appear eery muck Uka AiiCaftei; tlionght. At all areata, the. revera waa tlie pop ular opinion, .n aerordanc with preeedent in all eaaea at all iuiilr."-Htiil, we are gmtitled at tlie aarar-nce that tbe (toora are yet opeiv aud wa indulge the hope ibat theexpoMtioniif flOT, Ontlmro will eom pel the eiauiinatioa of tu b wltnMMea. atunreated by our ntraibvr of J?IlE!u!t! inony a to the atatna, of onr people. We ra-aaaert, what webava avaia and airain deefared, that Bo nun. at atfcoDVerxnt witb the politic acntl-' ment of North Carolina, jjrho i a.b'il-'n'fld-. Vl and onbiiiwil oian, ran impearb ber loyally to the Untrrrninont. ' . - j - ... III. t5fW Biliul, ju,ie.di4neeutua av ail mpt inn, that, beeauaw tbe late insurgent 9tatt are not regafdeil in the light iifcrimbialaoa. trial, therefore the prirllepe, for whkb 0r. Orubana eontenda, of croa-examinin witnesaea h InaibniMible. :Th premiaea,' thcmaelvea, are a fatae a tlie deduction. Tbe Southern Statea, aa before thi committee, Lave bereiufora eecw pled exactly the attitmle of criminal. Tb purpnae for whh-h it waa biatitated WMto elicit 1 ... ...... one-noM larormatHM tna4ouia prcjual their c.lalina to maturation, and JiiRtlfy tbe Rad ical majority in Congreaa ia their pre-drtenola-.! courae of injuatire and oppreaeion, ' Tbejf lia"e no Sdy iieen debarred turtery coiniuoii et rii;ht of erinrinahr to havf tbe "beat evideno i a thi-ir fkvor a iducetl and friven ita proper and full woighVltnt they bave1 ln ao far planed lieneafh the level 'oi ordinary criminal a to tt ftiiijr .ul;tdt W.V lirMt atiHw tbe moiivenof men by Iheiraetioaa; ami wa do nut besitale to expreaa tba opinion, that evi dence of the moat conclcr-Jre charartce, cumula ting mountain bih, aa to tbe loyal roadm t and inteotioaa of pur people, wonld .no . Wvijrb feather against, the opposing arale of Radical malignity and vindictiveneaa.': ' . ; ; f ' ' Bethnt as it ihay, let tbe inqtuaitioa at Waan iorton but ac-cord il. Oraham, and other aiein liera otCnngrea from the (tnutliern Sialea, the fair nntl nuaonalile privilrsfc, hiehT in tlie name of their injured people, they amk, of crmDi-etaminlng witneasea,' and there ' wilt be aiich a lining of testimony a waa never tern in any Court Hoqut in the land. Pcrhapa, too, in that way, we may at the meaning of CkiL 1'lnpp, of the Freolinrii' liureau, in bin myaie rious liut oracular allusion to the repn.liati.in ol the refer dc'it! ; v - ' '; '-t Downing. , .j ; J ,. Tlielaie notice of our native poet by "bra. Oavea and IWu bava lieeai read with mack pleaaure and aome priile by all who di Tight in thi department of our literature. We have mm.-U and poeteme amonff ua who would alilne ay where, - Amona thew Mu.l lauinecvt lra Downing, wboe,'orkt,rearl, have been Iktp toforewny (oniewhat "at raodota. We bav beard that site bad a design of colUrtiug them together again and preoauting them to tbe pub lic in more durable frm. We know that aha baa aome exipiinite piece whic h liave never the light. One of tbe-w of fsuKideralde lengtfc, tuggea&d lt one of the metatoorphoaea f Owld), i fitll ol the happiest classical allu-1 aioot, nl foe playful waggery and Mi. K king humor i car-ely inferior to the wiitieat-'worL ot.Saeor Ilolmea. ', This, .poem, ia worthy of elul-orate illuatTHtiona and we hope we "lull see thciu ia her forthoMuing hook. Mr. II. can never I i.l( and ia wiw ra saurd energetically on a work ot prM nVS..n, whh-h will be 1 com 1 luted by the antnmnal inivtitha;' and with the great care and thought, which the b known to lie heatnwing on the -ork. it may well lie pmlii-ted that it -w ill he a groat, improvement on h'T first eawy in thi hue, tha aprightly and aparkling 'Namel.a. " Far th Sralioel A Ktievvi e. Mksshs. Cnrrona til iv.iii do vmir aid arritiet the )ittiee to give Jrvt new-.pnj.er j n ii lera Ilie Ix-i -''I of a pri"i.iii".t lii'i 1 ! ji abiih tuke the hiilc ( ir aitliiint men-v Ian ' bor.'il, b''.nd en-liirn.'. iv tfnM-aii,i enn t f (iii'Tali thn ti ao Mi r.sil.n ' 111 , ,,! asked to siiiw.-tiIh.. -..! i-( nuke a re utur Imi-iui-.-.f cnti-nf- an-l in- f ir r v - I hi tiiomli II . mi ' l 1 ,1, I 1 1 I I ir I u 111 1 It, is am h a nuisance to me, 1 ii, u b slftj t, I sua'l L. its to ' p t i. .a 11 r in ' I .Anji..'al., , ' ' , I )iui to rvn.l mine, but w i-ii a ie .ii is;mis..i- i u-v to take s ihu - r himsr'f. I tbi..k ha no. t t.. I have deeetiey enouch to bt otier j-i e r I ' thr-tr's bef.ro lhv can b-r tbenii - We t Ticci full v eive ijia.-e to tL c'ev,i r.t i "T- i we : of our eorresjiendent. If i? r.inM ''" 1 tiling to ie force to bis vei v proper i..,i j tion, we would do so. e hue no doul. have mnny of the class of render he I. . . and to all sui-h w Cuinmcii.I toe. kh :m wi..;:';'-f? rvrirw tmk BtM.) Tka Folitical Canditioa of tho Country- When the great topic before the country Uie war, no man cottl.l dotiU which able he wa on.' 1 Iter was Ittit one poaaibla aide for every patriot, an.l all the eoppertiea.1 invention aiu argii"" ', all Mia to- ty a ete-t wl' rna tKHMaviuv.i aiLirtnrv iouvr.liiuiiiarv ruic aud al that, did not for aa tiutant oonfUse tba peopHsrBot when the ootmtry waa tared. when tkanrmle weal h.w when all that th oiiuenr eouia 00 wa dona tnen loe poUU- ctant caute aorwara again, ana luer were par tie once toote. Urn who bad jnt ttood ahoul- dor to afcoulde, who teemed to bar ao other tboucbt or nurimae in life than tbe good oi tbe country and lw ..beat to aecnnt the national. wenam, now oagan 10 use uie meat, uiverae Tic we of tbe arceaaitiea of th caaa, and to ad vocate iiu-aMirca ao widely different that they cnubi not poaailily botb bavu tba tania, bappy reault of (Dcuitug peao and pruKierity. ', tiow should th people chuuee between ucb partie. whi botb claimed to do ail for tbe gxd of tbe country, and when, a few month go, all were ennallv ttnrent ia the eomiuoa cauaa f- How ahould they (iiacriiuinat bctwaen parts ol badje.-rtain(y.,ajye(l,thi couuirv. wltea ties uaru were now euuailv kmd in tlaiuiiug to be animateil by .tbe nine good purjwK The dirliculty that urrounda aicb. a (licruuiaatiiai baa bote the- life ot tba radi cal .factuin, XJt -ti baa bt altio to ktof (oget her only because Jt hat been able -'to con ceal ita purpoaratiom the ueople. It ha e caped the atnrm ot ln-tiular imbirnation ia it tn any tttgn totttVaK fotind ttiibty in ttVPSSIP'. s'antiMciaratiodtliat it gramt object wa re conatructon. , ' . "But tbe game U pretty well done -with now. The diaguiae, in torn away effectually. .Fort be first time line the politician aucceeded to tlie aoliliera in til arrangement of onr national af- Uir, tua iaauea and the poaiuoa ot partiea are ao clear that partixan eaanot- confuae the vi bm of the people. Btaadiae forward ia- bia bigb paaitiaa tli Preaidettt baa appealed to the people agaiaet the taaatica woo, prtUndiug to frienitly 10 hiajpopalar policy of reconstruction, weredoiotf tbeir ntaaoat to tb frat iL : He ka denouncei boldly aad openly th traitor that, like our firmer foe in the field, only aaaomed the garb p i'ajoo men in Ofilef .tfl fA. fikJ eoougn-W give treauerow ere- iiho- iu rank ot mm really lighting for the I'nioa.--ITi bold declaratMwa bav expoaed tba wbole iuMilioua game. He baa recalled the popular recnllectioa to til fact that theae men sustained tlie eanae of tbe eoontry only bere it h aaiUniv' afarmaaiw enpiiitli'ii of llieir own, aj-.l baa propgrly put tbeia in tbe category of traitor, becauae tbey pave alway been and are now a ready a the rebel to uea trov tbe irovminwat, when tbey eouhl not e- coniplish their olijecta in any other way. - The apen-h in which Mr. Johnaon bad before tbe country on Waahingtoa't birthday tlie true po sition of tb great iasoea of tbe day U the finest thing in hi history. Ita troth, ita matmitkent force, may b in bv the terrible writhing it eauseaaiuong tlie radical -riper everywhere. A a piece of unpremeditated, energetic, earnest el oluenceit i wii limit an cjuhL It baa all the fire, all the fervid deniin. iaiion that i to splen did in Demnatbetica, w'th more directneaa, dia- tinctneM and point than) is found ia any effort of tliegreat Athenian. f ' . 1" The eeopl from Maine to California will re-' apond to tbia bold appeal. ta simple view of tlie polities ntniitioa ia the people' view, and it will become the platform of a new party. That new party, made from the conservative re publicam and from what is left of tlie rank aad. fileof -the ilrmTWCT,- has already had the breath of life breathed into it by the President' wont. That newaparty will Carry the country in tlie next election, or, if it do not quite that, it will open the way so well that it wi'.l wecp all bef.ire it in 1H..H. Ji aimnle idea will he. tbe good of the country before everythinsr. It whi at once rei-ufce anil crush out both cxtmme with the grand tlioiit-lit quoted by the Preei- ib-nt fmm Mr. Lincoln, t'i.ito lar from keeping Jw Southern btn out of t'wi;'". we outrht rather to force them to come in, if that h.ild prove necewarv. " Ttii party will clua Omrison and Vallamtig)iain together; it -will put Ste vena aad Yancey aide by aide as eneiuii of lite . government, nvikint'norhoi.-e whatever tietweea mew a l"i prefer l!- ir own notion to the omnium gno.1. ilr. Jobirvm ba laiJ tluao ttie plutlortn of thi party, and it growth, ita triumph over all the bK'tioa tlemouta will be n iiK'vitnl.le part ot the prn.rri-w of eventa. The eye of tue eopie are opi-n, and all the rmlica! j'lK-ry eviuot close tlu iu. It ia srratifv lt i; to note that, ever since H.-nry V.ird Ik-echer made a tuty of the .lis trine til eternal puniabmenl, hi views uupiUi.iin.1 a:T..ir have become H'ti conservative. In his " and salad dnv ' bef.ire hi )u.! mient r' ind, be wa a ml hot Kiulieal, awl tt'ven to very re cent tic notions on round and lheolivv. I ut lu-n ti.eml i-.-tof he lire u presented to Itim. alifiouii he e.nin-sit S"oie .imifiia aa to 111 literainea. vet it -.:. "t.. a h o ur eliaice 111 l.:j i!iiin. lie evii " y m.vle up Ins mind ttutt, alilioiiidi there it., ill no such p'm-e as h. it. lie hn.t ln-:-r s.', 1 e b; mn-liH-t lui he i 1 woui.l never g. there if he a .. n.i-tuk.a. Ve ? i-'-uinirn I ;--.s .t.a to lire. I. (. . I. u I'iCV h ! . .1,1 ..--. i l. tt c r. Suit llvehi-r on hell t.'- and 1. 1 ml -Ives ft . i i.or VA a sM I of . i;,- ft -t e I I - r 1 t w .i rl-i rf ti e V 1 IS tO 1,1 Is. 1 t 1 1 "i-e i V (l i ' I 1 ve c ; r.-i-, I t: i' ii ef e i. in i I I -tho I Sds. c . to t e ,ss I l'i.'. Oilcan .. i.'i t, ' i'-v . li is - or H e Jf i. A .1 -i t Iv, ' . : I.a. and torn m 1 1 n f e t I Cl t lew: a t 1 1 a i C&XEUAI. SEWI.-lurt'; I '" 1 i Nkw Orlkan, Marcti JO. All tba newly elected city oflieer have been duly installed, with the t-xception of Mr. Mon roe, mayor, and Mr. Kfxoit, alderman,' w liuce function have been temorarily- auspendrd, a roming'wttiita tneexcepuou mxie 'y mt i-fv iilwit a piiKikniatiul lr. Jtueaean baa Issen installed mayor pro tarn, by order of General - J..ha V. talnCliarlMton: -ftinth"Csi lina.- Kumorsay hi presence there has soma political significance. . -r . . -s. -1 The Richmond citr police are rejoiclmr in Bear nnlforma. . Tbe jZinunuur day tiicv eulipta the arm field oflloer in gorgeouaueas f appa- ra. , ' Major Ovneral Chilton. late of the I'pnfcdcr ats army, was recently arrested at Tyler, Ten as. where be h been residing since the termina tion of tbe war. - . - ' Harriet pincVney, aged ninety yeara, a daugh ter of General Charlea Cotvswvrth I'im-kavy, of lb volntionary fame, died In Charleston, at 7 o'clock, lal Thur. lay evening. ; - : - sjm-A esta'fflpfleeey ay that the jwotailiie reason why tbe President -withdrew the Oovcrnment advertising from Forney's ; VhrmieU was,' tluit' KoraeJ lieing a "dead duck," ahould not Jw ab, 1...! 4l..rf 1.;. ..l.ill-i !, tl,A t r.- ' ".Tn ."1Ta- (:jjtCTii ",- vxi i ... .(t n kib.b.--a..-clerk ia the Paymaster General' lK-partuicni at Washington, a tliaebarireit aoldii-r, refua-l 'ry't,amMe Jlampshlre, and was about to bo tltnia Ihertliw. Tbe President learning th facte, dint-ted bis retention, and fbaf. be be placed, in, the way of promotion;! .; ''--. ' , T Sf !. Ths phenotuenon known aa tlie "mirage was witnessed at Fortress Mon roe on Thuraduy. Tba Eastern Bbtire of Yir- fiuiaand all the country bordering on the ames and N'ansenuiad rivers were minrured in the water of liautptoa Itoada. . . , ,t. r .. Twenty-three young men hare made "a rev-' oluliouarj.outlTak" in Cuba, and twelve ;f them hv boea captured by Government troops, ' Judtre' Patterson, son-in-law of President J.iluiMjn, iwntlj( niaila a hi1i it. V-'Luinut' cratie meeting In Berk eonntjr, fa. - . - Tbe directiir of4 the gotitberu Tafifle Bait road have concluded a eimtrai't with a Freiu h company to ext. ml tbe road west of Marshall,, Faust ine Simon wa aasntninated in Mobile an Monday sight by Emanuel English. Tlie lat tor way laid and atalitied him. Cause, jealousy about aa abandoned woman. ....... ., .Congress baa appropriated fifteen thousand dollar to Mia Barton, who recently visited An- deraonville, Ua. " ' ; :.' '- - -'; . ',' Tbe St Lotda Dituatci any that, tlie Missia- ippi baa swollen to such an. extent, that the channel depth of Water to V'alro ia u!licient to Boat a mau-ol war. . . , ", . t:-n,il 1 i .11 ,1 ' ii, .-.-'--f- j'V.." . ovrsMn4eaca &Hiliine4 KaamiDar.y i Cow tho.CiTUEiguti JUU viU A&ctthe South Doubt About the Probable Veto of it Senator .fitewnrt'o Compromise Iti AowmpiTinj Declarntioa . , ' 1. , ' . i Wasiukotost, March 18. Tb civil rigbU bill, now before the President, deeply concern the Southern H lutes. As modi fied, it doe not regulate tbe right of suffrage, but it proceed upon the assumption that Con gress can enact civil and penal code for the gules. The bill applies to all friites, but will never probably be enforced anywhere Imt In the South ; and then it wiH fall into dcsiictude if the South should lie repn aentad la Congre4.-w Some ay thHt $ the. rreaidimt signs this bill it should lie with the Bwlerstamliiig that Con gress, having received all that they have claim ei, ahould admit the Southern rvprrscntntivrV But th only effect ni-i Congn-s will lie to en-. courage further exat-'tiona. , , ..... ', The omservative reinjlilicaa aenators who opposed thi and the r'recdmen'g lliireiiu biff sie in doubt whether.the I'resiih-nt will fi- l it bis duty to veto this bill or hot. Hut ih.-v ill sustain him in the veto, an. I will not bUme bim if ke do not. The lb -mot rntic stiiMlurs fit'ri-cly denounce the measure : but they, t. are in doubt wlo tri.T the I'resutcnt w HI v.-t.. it The new prop-wit ion fir a comrironii-- Ihh- f tweea Cooffress and the Southern plates, as of ,. fered by N nat. rilcwsrt, ot yadu, , U de- i lined to become a tubject of gravedim-;t.-sitn. - I You will notice that demo. ntjirr senators de- I noiim-ml it. and tlie radicals sus'isinsd It - The 1 ..II j il. i tttatr e'junl. if not univcrtcil. .The Prfi.!-ttts) telegraphic k'tU-ktn Jmlt;e Mmikey, Mi.siJ i aippi, will lie eonsiih-red as. in sor.ws.-n-M'-. com mittintr bim tji the propoMtimi of .Mr ":nttrt. 1 l.,-.t, if the Ibiitmlrui'lion 'omuiit'i-e adopt an I ,' (, f....ll.l inn. .!..( il' i l...ill i ji-i-s, ti'C 1'ie-i i. mi will no tt .ii I.T w.'-i tr- ii e jr. ; Insstlselt lllllv' lli'-M I I' nit el r.s-i.FI-11 ill tlotl to the -southern Males hsr Cu-lr ' !' -im-e or 1 M i ti"ii. It n wcoiiio'iiiu !. Ii.iii' v.-r. nub a . .1-ev.riiliin tied I .He i-es le-tuanl n i r thi-.' t" mi -intee l.t I..IV a i;'-el ll lllli!!'-' v vi I l r h- 1 HI). I 11. t ll' q h. ' . . I ; red. a.ll .1.. -....in Al. I... th. I ,1 Is i vl e h r He I I . I I I.S. t ',- . - f L I it I. Hi ll I no 1 in n. t , I - u 1 ll. , 'l .I.IIIC i.i - ; oi e to ll. ti . t 1 i. . 1 r I i 1 , f I . in i t i.i - ... 'I b is :'"i 1- -r. i. r t C t ( I v.- - V e an- ! 1 t" - lil.ldif.iT t-i-e I nr ; r - 1 . I i I. s-V '. S I.HII I' lilllll. i ;.. p- .' 1. -.... t "I s 1 i . . - V Is.l II ll.s-l.-i re til-it "M bv the lii'is, be p.j' i, ;i c: r,r I.V t'.e !..... . t p. .:. . a - : v t" .1 i-r to aa i - . i -i it wi-on. n i l ot, ti..it lo u .,!, ladoue," WAiltWTiii March 19.-lPjKAtV-Jfr Sum. ner preaenti-d the iietltion of citiawn of New1?" York, enmefctly 'akiii(f that BO Btata that r.-twl-l. d should be admitted.. u a governing piirtm-r . into the Vnion without tuleipiatu sn uuty fur tur tuturrj. - ttelifrroil W the tummnti-e mi 1 m-frn-tb'rfi.-' "f .. - "s w. j ' )jr. Vt'ilaun prcaeuted lite petition of several i colored men. who represent that they were lor- hU w,n tUeul '! provi.led- for their support from the prtiperty'left bf him.-' Ttwv . ask that a portion of Ibo-Aalington sstats tw , act aside ior their benctiu. The tiition was re- - -ferml to the ciitiuiiiltee on the Judiciari. . r 1 illr, Fessendqn rose to a prraonnl explanation.' I II found in the Jatiutml lAnlliyimtw; of thn ''- 17th Inst., .letter from tA'illlsm A.-Orabamn 1 -t claimant for a seat in the Senate from JN'orttt,. - Carolina, In tvAj to kia Feassudim') remark " - few day ago concerning tlie nature of tlie in. -relitigation i-u.rri.xl on by the Committee of '.. fifteen. L Thi letter of Mr. Graham' was in tended to convey tbe impression that tbe invrs-. . ti-fntion ot tlve committee wew not (uipsrlial, -4 Mr. Graham bad written to him (FeaocusJen) ... makintf two reunost one that witnesses sm- " t gfctia.l by biui UrabamV-ahould bs txsniliis't, --- and another tbat the Ilepreaentative and rV-aa- ' 1 tor fnim those States tie allowed to be present , , t to cross exainiue those witnesses. , The last re- .. qitwfY'iB'S!) -''- hot custoioary id tases .it 'invcstipntinu br a "r '' t Committw, and. because the proowalings of thw Vpmmutee were not in tue nature 01 a criminal ; Jnycsljg exsoUwaiou wr ?-t necessary. , He (Feanenden) did not regard the lately rebeuMoti States in the lifjlit of crimlnnla ' H oa trial, Bor was be suiting in the capacity of proacMttoT. Another error of Mr. Graham' was - ' bif lalie thst the testimony had closed becniia , it bad been ordoreil to be iirinleil. It had not , , closed except in tbe case Ol Tennessee, Jn tlie ' case ol North Carolina no testimony bad yet -'-' bera printed at all, it being in tli hand of Mr. t t Howard, ef Jtlichigan, now absent on account 'tt .l..m.s.fi.t fllir.linn '- Mr. Ilavis. in reply to Mr. Feasehdcn, advo. ' rated the right of tbe claimants as Hontbrm ' ' fenator and Iteprceentntive to be present rnul -1' croaa-exnmine wilaeaaca. Mr, Davis proceeded ..:4 to rrad Mr. Graham' tstcnieut in the InUHIt , . ,t ge."A.. Hsvii'g read f ir hull ihmjr.ha: wns r rull.sl to writer by -Mr. Chsulh-r who insi ittxi hKt there waa no question before the Benalc." ' Mr. Fi-HHcnden said that he had yielded to " jt Mr. Davis tor hint 10 read Mr. Graham's letter. ? but it was evident that be waa remlinsr the e.tl- , Wm1 . ornrfTiiifl'mnimr'Ttl j.r. jjc-r. Jilr Iria snid be i n'Hdiii(f an cxplnua tion f the case by Mayor Lawrence. At tbe conclusioB of Mr. Davis' reading, Mr. .- -:'C Fiscndea rose to say, that if Mr. Graham -dr- - . sireil to introduce furiiier tiwtiuuiny in the c-ki ' 1 or North Carolina, be eouhl do so. HorsK. Mr. Dawson, of I'., introluccirre' '" " olmions declaring that the I'nited State rati-J " not guarantee thu bonds ot Mexico or any oilier - 4 -.1 nntion, and endiirsing Mr, JtilrrMin pilivripla of nvoidinjt "entangling fllliaiH'eB." ' t The House having relused to second a de- ' maud ftir tbe previous qm-ation, the n-solufioo ' went over under tlio rule. Mr. Aucomtof Pa., ol'ired a rewilutum uro- tiding for thti a.ljounnneiit ol Conifresson thu i-day ot May, lStltl, The resolution wan agreed to.i fo "hi t ; 1 Mr. Cullotn, of Illinois, oir.-nfd a l.Aut rcaoln.. tion making ausincnduu tit to the ( (institution, which providca that no person except aciticn of the United States, who bus at all time borne true sltegttince thereto, shall ever hold olllce under the l.'nitcd 8tate. The resolution wa referred to the lkontruetinn Conunittce. - , Thallonae reeoniliM-ert the vote by which the loan bill Was 'rejected, and recommitted it to tlie eommltb on Wuy and Hans. KKOnO TK(Hll-a TO K Ml STKlltO OCT, ' a ri;v,,i. 1. I,.,.,. tvn.t,i..,ri,... . 4 ' The fu-crelnry of Avar bus ordtnd the Hum 1 now in tcroutot forty thousand mgro tmn tlie Southern .States,' and the order i!l be Is ' sued Sinmwliatxily. In some locnlm-si they villi' l replaced by white soldiers. , , .. . 4 A di'ipstck to.ihfl Xew iork HVii :ni: ; !-Within tbe next few duvs, about S,iiuii col-. ond troops will le mustered outnt the set ri. n A in f'liith Carotins.) G nert rV-niu-tt advb-es' Tit tbem todiieet tlieir alteutiuti in tin culiivsthHi - ' of the il. , . 1 ... t . . -, ,. , '! 1 ") ll is believed that the L'overnii.i . t Intends bi muster out within tlie i-c-.ltwn w..i-l.a .' oob.rrst tr..ps now stntbmr.l in tiier V f,,",l,) to lav.tnki twin sucli pails of tlie ae-' mililnry ilepurtuienH as can l-e.t apar.! ' them. , .. , , . .- . - ' 1 ComHi m of Ton TI K i l 1; v. i f H's-niKc-roar Vi.n h, lM'IT. s, r.r u-" of the Treasury, in rp'iwe to a resnbtlton of tl(-H'.ii-jt' Itepresi ntiilivcs, rt.j'iiiii bun to j ie 'pur a a'afetm ot showinn thu siikm n ot nuuu v now in the TriemT, ye-tenhiv lri..-u.it'p. a eiHiiimu;ieiiti'M 1'r.in r(. Tiea-Mier et i 1 e I t..u is.ales. Irmii whi. h it is -ten th-it i;.e ,.-i ,: P I ). .nice in fh 1 f. H-nrv, a.s'Onl;!"'' to reining r vi il to i i.. In: ;i i ;,... insj.fi., I u til. Shi r . I. In! t I I S ,r.."i f. i i lat.'d lis . v. dl the I. I in tlii-Nntioii ilti t 1 I 'J to t iiltu ; ' iv . ..I . l-W I ' ,. A ' Tr. in rw h il mt l I the 1 ( t . i. Mii.l jii net teal qu. ii d I. 1 J ' t u I to 11 I It t.,'M a at Wli..'t..n " ft ed oi- :, ii- s le... 1 of Y.c.t I a lie r. to ve toes H uu 1. ... V s. icl to S ti:s .i c--t the ie 'l.d. t n-d .is vi re h. 1, i-l 0 6U1.1. " V i II.I l-V.v." i.e.. 4- ii.i el t ' . ii ..'i ol .ur ut l! ...-I p 1'. :-u . f-o. s ' x f r - 1 1' a Tft Is U ' I