1. '' .fit. - i - J avert even'tig ""tin m t r in, -. f' I . -.. . . ' M" . t i . . . i . , in .'" 1 1 f l i . r jr. UV' I.'. '- ,.i-r-.' ....! ire. Muf . i CUll.iiH'i T 1 be ii-l a'kinl y Tiiftf h- ''.l ".e rr ifta I. t'-rra l,ma l, ? . ,.To E.' -rvivra ' is . t the Uiitl to a nim.il of i u.oliw not' paid n. The time : i, Ktt e belie I"!? Ihey !- ' .. t ,...ii..,....t It - tr ! rf ti l 1 ', r. 1 f t.i fc t' -t our rupi-ii-- ' heavy ; r, in-., t - ' ci'i'M" ' I , l!.f pa;, r 19 en " "r 1 1 T t'i J i,f.,, Ii,.?t. 4. tht ttum rntuk. 1- t doe r-! apply to our city v. .i can any d-ty. '" Ti.: ' - !' ; ,-1. s - !a or.!, r In J ' morn'; ' i,ereq:i' "'I to baud In their ...r, at "n .' Inmrfif llie il"jr, ."ii- tnt-'if b; .-arnnf tii follirW- f,i yi ' ,, wf ," l our 'ili n an Lio J '-ill His C'iv'ijiiifi, fi-na,tlir p'ii n." V't l. '" t!' '' 'lt,"n " i 8(i l nirmUu of l!io I :-vi iition d'nl tp t1" f' lli'Willg Jilntt i.i' S. i'f r I'l'li.inil lllttt tin- Ji.-iKH ,' c f ilJm tM tli-r wyv, tlmn t ' f T e i-'e .f. Imiin, tie tliiiilt, rtwply ft!t . ,1 y ' i t . ni c'.i " n n'l'l l s1"'filf" r f f t ,;,,'(!.' .i il in ri Cmuis. to " ', j iiiiii.ii-11. 'ill'" tri'4vf ',ir('l- - .- f .1 i rt.il i( iwwi b) JMWUW - t ! ' , . m-ii'.n-r 1 int nf, !)nrtnwn- I i J .e I T -l"lf It 1 Kiiiit. How t ' ,t i . !'.! ' ' ''y. No ,ln pw-in.i-... ,. ! :.i n iv.n .1 lo nnnriT tli ! 1, . I , M1 1 j- .iiic tJ.n to rt-umvvl (.fl i l'"n Ciimpiwiy, the ! 1 .,b I, k, k i-';ri"itl fit . r f ' - 1, ti r.i jv l!i it 1 . '. 'S (!'-m.ii Ititl. ..' 1 j .it I i ft lilll.ill I'M' fal'nl.'lii! ..ti t i .1 1 ll'Hlft, w i-t tt.'i Hi i. f '-(in-iiir, hccRii'C ; , 1!... ' . ... : - I if . ill t!-tt i CirVti. , in ! In I.- li-iii tii-it luiily tin' ii ! ii:i-r f.T C ft f'i'!i.)''!.i.n of ... i 1, ! " '. ' ii. In oi.li'f t'mt I'.V 'f lH'f , t .1' , t.l nililiiit trie fut q .f : v ' i. 5.( mil, ir the f ' ! I ( !" I .) JH"-1 !l'l t 'v in I !. i m or ("Wi.i, ilrnw it !) fM 1 1 ' It'll- U n.i'l'liT -r, i.i n, 11H of 1 .11 I or . t is i s, ut ..'r j.'f .f ::)(..' , I ; I , ,ii Cnir j 11 y : n ( 1 1 lti f .f i', -inli'il 1,1,4 t.y 1 i- I t, iif n t Lit I" , , i.r f..r iltV. .. It Of !!,. i !S,iS'.) nor j -1 .'I i 1. 1 y t M of i ,. t . ' I - ' '.I' H 1 v . I t) 0 A ' Yhe 1"" ''f r- ' !,! 'o uiL '1b iii'hi. In , i.. "u im. (Vi t t t.it or ui.til ti t- oiLiii of the tiled lit). Ft"'-! led, that tl" liio, '. - I ol'U ur'li-l'iil"l wwiiMI "l li ! 11. 1 1 li.lt I ri-j . all Sin leiii !r ijutoii'y !t t'. e' .'.ii llin f'l'i jHtiy i I! jiii.iiiU"ii of in li". rnivi'!. t, fuitlirr, Hint i! i 11,1.1!;. . -t mi-.i c 't, nr 1 1 7 1,11,1- 1 ..1 ji i!iini t-i tin- '011 j- iii, tlif j.iir cl,iif ir or lii-in H'-imiintt tlm Mini i'I Imi.i ! 1 'i'hi 1 )i jf lri" miinnl Uiort j(i wt. Hie l ol.li-r of fit' Imiilii or will tnt to I loJil ! I ! (!" in 'i"i"T, for tii ininf tnftit of tin- jiro-f.y m wi'll fur wiy ili rc t-i-.tii n rUiji,' f 1 inn hi jfli I or otl.i'lif not luitl or wi'li-nl J iih. , lliine li.iiik r not ,inU'ivli'(l ti Interlomu ltli otlur Nmii.iiul f:.iiit In the fil.iip. Ttury r to lie (oniliK'tcd on tin ."ii'u ))ln, fXl'it tlmt Ili-y rc to loan Ui tlie juiptc on tutWm--torjr 'iir!ty,. to tli t-xtilit hllimwl Jiy Unir tl,iirtt'r, lmvii. ilua r'),'tiril to their ohb siifi-iy, t. It Bill I m fit tlmt tlm f ulupiuiy .umi-t ,),, ;riiiMit to nui't irnm.tly il Jdte- rit ut 7 jx-r r. 11 1 011 Infill of i,UO0,(KIO. To mi?ft tliisit rioiri & I'rf rtnt f 1,OtiO.OO0 fioiu liifKuitiiifiiint, mot muMt ii'ily tlie fl(- B.iciwy fioin t he Iwiimr of -tho lisr.ltfc fir Hilling tlmt tliH..nk ' nt;mBl jiiil)i:iim!f , It U f'rn-.'!V(:i.H be mfa turtfi:i! tli gro ettrniiiK "t Compnny nnnlly from tiii fMink. In I.i' f'i'inl to 12 jicrri'iit on t!n rt.OtM),- OOOtnijilnVi-l in Bonkiii!j...,S;ij it l only 10 twrcvut. Tiiau-ilwlf piJ-ti'ijt. on tout mount of in pit al lmplto mii't ln"lffii:i.-ncy of Ititmut on iu 7 p. r rw-t, I'mn, ii uic't nil lnn li tilnJ 'Xp-iw. Five jut ri-nt tltouM ! plwwl' in FiiiVlng F'-iiiii kiiniLilly, t )e muiairt-il tltr C'ii'Poy limy orli r, to provlile fur tliv 0'.U'iiii!iiin of tlif uoii mnl U 1ih'S b'ii-h in SO y-a woul.l largrly lire-'! ill W i'n ut tli TlmiV. Tfcii .oii'l I'lf-ponlti A with thi1 goTrmiiirift would tirnlcr orilitinry fluritm tinr, amplf lift t'sn-wtKi!"'-TW hii'i11i-v two ami Imtf prrwnt to I tllrid r.ltj(Jfp!J.li..tn.vWilrfll k't,nAf ritku-m - ' ' 7.' If i fiitiliu' l Hkiilfully mtil i'nittilitlly miiniit" '1. tlierUk U lmot noiiilnur ll'tf priitltn viV'd'J lf luili' r" tlinu we liinei-'-tHnHfiif.'"' Ail t'lP tiofkll'ililc neniitid it ifcy;wiinft .-of l!i"sir prop'-rty mi. I J'y it l'ni'fit, 'fliup tli wi-r fimrwi woiilil Im to lunk uo tllvjilrlulil to tlif t.K kliol.liT ySyo thi iu no hpwiul prlvi i ! m (.ui Lot jprnpritc t6 rntire i-irnint, ! t)1' nik to the Hiiifcintcfuiiil. f ttT in.Ux U iiiturint. oil f xjX'itii. Tliry woiil'l tln-rii.y n-Bi tlm jtri-BU-r l"itltln the em! mitt lit) thn linliimi. nu of kitpplyliitf it t'lir-rt-iii-y to tin- pt'i i!, ninl tlmn ui'l trnrf tjiitur prittCMtit ryi iiitrrent. IM t1'! p.il.ljo ron.i.li r it. Ixt tint pn-iw fn tiliil tlif plti'l.1 Jf I lu re re rrr.11 point tin-in out. If tlicif (" '- in li t tlll'lll l ritrtd i.if a 1" ii- - - , voif ,-i , ( l 4 ji lirlfi t'it" f"i '.v i''l r int" t!i" ffoiii J'i" lUii'im v.J,iih Uiri'Mii.-u tin 111. It in Willi" f.r tlm piif.ji'.rt. T.tiry lun l.iwni-r ('nil lie 9 Htn-klinldcr, m'd all in p-niti;, nl In 1;n 1inn(ltit. "Tlie fiinthirl 'iioiti-.l ( H(ii1iilti for Con ("ikh on I lie kiiiihI tlmt tlii-y (Hnilil nut ninl f. 1 1 -1 not t.iku tin i.-'li, ami oripii.iV oniiili- r.i . v !i-i f'-iil'l t',; 1' it." F''".J'ti-t. l- ' I; Ii iin.j i.ilir illy tiii!nii tlmt liio &iiti',itl li iii-r i.ij... or tt'l v 1 11 jti"l liio i-liL'iiim of riuii!iiiiti f'T VwK'Xtim upon arty attrh groiimls. lit 111 Ii in ii.. " i re p u't-rnnl l v tlm J-or- Oil ill liil.l IU. I J'ft -I'llt H-llEl ft R'itfflH nl t!" a j iiiiiiti, in tiiir coin"" willt r. !' ri-md to I'm m. W't roii!i..ly ni'ij. iili'( t!i Oo.lius of Jlr, lfjtii(, lot rxAii pii.', v I. n is ori' !' !'.! ft-W nou In our S' t' Holt "M "i Vi-d i'. 1 :f I'liimi ri-orl 15, in" ,'iont tiie t-iittro wi nr. '1 lo fu;ni't,mt op pov 1 linn, tl'oi'i'li it lonl. Imt a !f luv ti foi the u I'linii'i ii. 1 til ii liii 1 iiinliil icy, n t n-'y rn ili.p'1'! l.i ii'ii' Mil fi'!. !ily to tlie V''v''r-i Vi i- only l'.p) I ti iiooiin',. in i-niy -a, wont tl fitit'iiflnti' i.i.uiorally or Itiirttpn- i.. ..'j , to l-ti I1 - r. Mali. - of t ii- j i'V', iii.il aii'i -jila! " fii 1 lie pcoplu of (be I. .liii't, ii' I iu tin I- n "oiiii.l 1 ,1. 1! Ii' l.il.'tl" l.i lSi J ' n, titrmi!,-'r t.i i' c tr .U 1 i H'llin. 1 l.jr j I'r. .,!. Jotinuiii. An. I we unlM'iitntiitKly I M'lt t' i. ti. ' 1 '.. ' 1 1 ti ' t i-'.in !ji 1, tli' ib id j int hi ' - t , "in No'-'i t'nti 1 1 tin iui is j in " . ! I 1 I ii ii'ut in ( i.i,;;ni. 1 ! 1 I o ik it ai.ii ! n..l.,r.' I '. ") I I I f.rf liV, it !.i t : , I I t'-.lt l.u r a liii. 1 1".! r- it i '1...1 y,, K'M tli' cr- Ulol. I t Olll 1 I I H.' ..I ! ' 1 1 1 f ll f i -. i'l l.ii mrn. nut, V, t! iu adilnna In Hill, in Jn'v, 1 I'm H iUf nort, li-r j- - .tin t. . 1 , .iM , t -II. . ii n t i I Li,.- B ', l I I - I I "t t i. 1 t e 1 nn 1 11 ii. bii'i-i.n . y ii. L "I iU i"..- . 1 ty flr yt t'0,1 . .111 C' "-1 ' r..Trteai-i;a:x."- TlwG" ' .iniActri rnti'..iwa tha Qwkef p.;i-iitifiii I. miliug i - pnpw it;. 'e. It aaya: "Ibirc ii truth io tlii rli us of porarnt is. .11, ti. 1" : ii-turvl fur politic l f ' ; out if it In) 1 d llit-rn i t. y tru'h t 1 attat.hod loin -i-monK wi-r ;i;ltiilly t"j? It-ara to mil y , iion to tin-1- 1 ilitit rmi " 1 ion i from tliaio.ii': faiwhi'l. 'i.i! raii.ii ' i' Of llM-" ,jjHr ',r (JoviTimr tuc l imui nmu fwi (( oc tvi . ivi l tlie Lrint rri.iiu.a Tola, and w ihfuiH part.i iilitrly Dniiird, lwinlolpli. In re iviw.ln wnjiHtty f the Tot W Ih tli - an-tlm piTwititJjraJ" It ail.ia tlmt ia tlM county of Wayita, wtiere tlie lion who tvmiilnrd true to the Conf'-ilerary t lit iaat ar jtruulji U the iuWjtily,.tlort r larj numlier of Q inker rcaiding, and it nerer lieanl of any cm- of prrneriition, or of rjijfra tion, for tlm f-r of it. ' It al prmuUe that If the Kritnda un pri nted in tha luteuwiy "IVmn" rrgion allndrd to, and will coma to Wayne, they- ahall alt tinder their own nine and fig trwi, none daring lo molmt or niaka tlu; utritiil. '.,' , , f The truth ia thi whole Mmnf about bpirae ulion" k 'ry iniilr to the quit purjxtrated bj that clorii l wit, 8id;y rJiuith.oo avr?on woman who waa boring him, mftta ia U'i.J her that if thera waa one thing in tha world be waa d.-airoM of !iiii. it waa to-foaatii Quaker.'' Thf poof woman a to atari W ihe offer tut gut or forgara it, , ' , , The Wlnatoa tntutel, aHudioK to tha aama anhjift, aay 1 . ' "Tht-re U no rlunt of our f-jlow ritiicii that ta niori) v'-m-mlly Mtw nied tSino the Frienl, and we ilo ii"t lirlirva there ia a man In the biaie lni ia rti'-mistd to persecute and annoy tiieio. W e have it, however, nprtn rihkI author ity, that the partira shore alluded to were tKen t'lrn pi'MWUtora; that tltry were radl 1 dlariple of the -ittrHtt at-rt" party, one of whoae fun.Ia- mentiil prineiph is to parerrote nd proarrllie every one whtt refi'.'ia to bew down to their. Ilnal; tlmt nt the rwsetit eonaly ootirt in Han dnlph, the pple, Jmtly Imliu'iiant at therourae piirxufd by tlicw Diiti, K:ivet!ieni to ndertaiil that th-y would l e etpi i ''d to demean thenl-, 4vea iriprly le futurit, m hurrttpon, IB t tit of iniintii-iil ifn!,'iiiition, tln'T determined tr leave tlie Btate for a wore concilia! clime," : ' 'Tr.tiycn and other oiititniarfntia leadera pt;Vh t'iJlif.liindV;d jt the pr."l""r. tJ"1.i!Vc, '?-. A Mam-iiifa Hi.ASiiicit. The Petembunr fr yiVrfcrn-Hliaof f'pt. Jomh Turner a "fur ner ti e I mtnid." nit. Turner a Chii1-t . 1 JSC I, Jbi'fiire the pr'!nni'jtloii of Mr. Lincoln, railing tortrrwM tornuKe ar on me oouinern Htatea, but M vuiq aa that proelamatina waa re reiretl. Cup. Turner volitnlwred, went to Fort Miu-on wltli hie pun, 'and"1 remained In the war tiu'hrintf nyinH the ld I'lilon uiitU ha wa ao itid.li-.l Uy a wound that he waa eompelled to reirr from the fwrvio. " The marka of tide wound, which mote wltldathe tliiekneaa of a WHi'. r of ln-inst fwtat, he will Tarry to hia grave ; and x '-t aiit-h a ti nn U held tip to t'' country a alMimr! Ifiuh U the liitolernneeof the ! timet ire h-ador ktid prewa that no wan ia peiiiiittc.l todnfi r I'll ths-ol and e-aH the i-harirrof dikloyaliy. fi'itmlnrtt, (M, 8, l"j'3. ' Hnice tho anrrenJi'T of the Southern armica, Mr. Turner haa given the aanw cvidetma of Ioy p!l lo t!,e t'nl.m tlmt he to tnmmtM hi Ik 4ufif a huYlii: aimwn'to t.m iuJi-rte f ioveninu-nt In no parliruW, tlmt we can call to mind, ht he fi'iven just CM": of olTnce, Un ifna it he that hia ufiVcti ve opponiilmi ia Gov, HoIiKh'm rlertion ia ri-Riirdud by the Utandaril Hi proof of dl.li.jnlly, W tjtmlle'tH1 t'it pa per to t-sl.U.it the evideucea of llr. Turner' "coiitunihoy,' . - " WaafJov. Gruhiiin "rontimwlou," loJtht the Provtoiiiniil Oovi riior prvvehted tit pardon t rinaneUl Ci-i i'i Tin- iiidli .I'inna in Ktw Voik portend riUis In tliiiu.i inl atr.iiin, liii;h rloso olwer vera of the Munition Line li";i'd for, For week or two fhe di f,lniait...)i.l, cotton, and every tpedn of f,'iodN I,, n 1-eeo hcivy. (.i'i'leefw'ri(illy, hale I iiitfili ., having run dona 11101 thn tfteuty fie pi-r rent, U-low former price. , V learn that the t mlency ia Mill downward and tlmt there U almo.t a j -mic In the murker.. IVe i:ir iiiforim-d, mime d .id fi.'.jtitit tome of t'ie moat auM initial inrti Imiit in Near York t.i fti il of renliipt.t "j 11.. ir jyodii to Europe. (i ild iiow rulia in ilioi ( .ly ai low :h li'ii, Col ton nm-t to- rtniui'.y fi i;l the 4j.,cl of thi de rline. . . ' 1 if , l rcueht , . Af'l'ikiu i' H r.'n-;i.:iitir' Gen-ral' Oiiice Ii, mi .Ni-w i!.m ; -iiire m a recently requested by the Ni iv Ilnii ''-,iire t'nion t'luh "to remit mini e.ntiil to o-ii' mi l a lm'I' j 1 r cent, of lilt an 111111 11 ' ii)' to Ui liny t1 i- 1- j 1111 of the Xuw ir. pr. i eh r'.i.i.i." Ito r unir lintrd, et ) ...i;-.i'.iii.m to the pi ! and poli cy i,f 1 hnd'tett Mi T.-n ami M Irllow distm- I- ,"C'.'. I'.i" -iilili.t. i..i !.i!d hrf.iro 'i nt J..I ii'i i . who wi t It in tlie I'iivmas tit (iciHial, lisH t.if I 'low U- 1 ::,!.tm 'nt-nt : : ..'I iii' lutl-ivemk-tiea r-aliihited by the writer ia r-- t 1- ii.ti'ii" t to h w a tui upon him aa ni- - I ..!.! -i an r t'ie I . 1 il l. .nmeiit, :..s. liis tiint i- tin-.'- of cor;.: t ftriiicioiiit, en- 1 . 1 . . 1 j -tit 11 I 11 1 (initial I. t..l j ', 111 Hi I V I ' 1 1 11 v lo'tini'i.iii. n nt' ii,i ,1 tii iisu letter, .recommend ',. r l i.. - 'i' foi eiifiy prouio- A- W JotltmiHi. ; .ii, V. n Ii l j, I- i. I, HO I" I'.HI. i ft- 1 For. 1 'M 1 ,-l j nsi-i !ad -' ' '. . 1 m . , ' in 1 i thi, ot ti.e l-.v r i'l I.I lv t . TSftct tio;a t;' Eiteeth of Hon. W. H I ack, cf O'uio, ia th L'aase of Uoprcs:u itiTk H.irch Crd, I?33, oa "the pahey to b pursaeJ towf : the people cf the Sooth." , , ; ' 'Sir, thii Ooter-menf I t-i trilnly not a hat I aoppnaed It to be, f, attei tlie war laeniled. and pen) i' hare n-tiifHH, . ti r alleuiaiire to I . ( oi -'iiolion, tliey eamiot he iutnia"- X -. i ! f I the full eti-n iw of the rn.'tilir. wlikh bo 1 i t '0 them n,i.t. IK Cuaetiiiiiion. Ait'tr the monition tiu In en ovenlin.nn, it ia loo late trt apeak ol Sn efitTie pwijile at rebel and traitora. The wnr hrtd (-uv ita work mwt etfuctuiiUy. It now rnn, and 111 rntiira of all the lv -inmate relation of peace. I. JliV W Indinl dea:ii''f'i"d t .Arc Haleiia patriotic, lean aitiifnanioioui, lei men itiil, and controlled more. I.y the haae patKumia of hate and revi-nt, tlnin were the tut.mi i of Ruin two tho!!rtnd jeara aif'i t I trust not. - . a Ia reading a tiiem-b delivered on the S'h Jun nary last by a ilintinuuMied citiwn of ttliio, once a leaitlni; iiieinU-r of tlie iS-nate of the I'nited St'iti- and who I r'rwt ! nut now in the council of the nation, I waa femimld of aa event in tlie history of the Konmn people which it would he well for ltd not to fon-rt. Nearly hundred yeara before the Christian era there wa n attempt iitmln liy Home of the noman State to tretJe fi-om the Italian Ftiion. ' A war ensued likK our own, mt Kiortity ami deatrtictive, and laatintr. aliout the tame period of time. - lint the confederate then, aa now, were utterly and completely dclmtnl. i How. let Die enquire, did the great men of Rome, on ' whoae mindt no rav had yet been ahed ol that divine relinion which our Saviour came upon earth newly. . century hit or to . establish, treat the conquered people of (hoee tjtntea I Iid Roman biuatora, like American ni preaeo tativea, propone to hold theae State aa auliju ;ated territorle and deny their people ihe right of cilueu ? . Ha, air , no iu h unwise roiinaet prevtiili-d in the Human Senate, ; hut With ii true wiiulorn and mariauiiuity, which even at tula day must comiimud our warm ad miration, they generously boneiled to the pev pie of tho iuMirft-nt State the full riirhta of Ttoman riliwna, and merged the n niuaot of the armiea of the late confederates with the legion of the liepuhlie, ntarchiiijf them together tinder t he Koinaa eajrle to n-corer the territorien a hicli had been overrun and occupied by a foieiin en emy during the aochd'war, thus fv-rvlint 4ln power, and atrenjfthj.and glory, of the Ilepub-. - C"j, in naa-of bKbfftiil'ifiil oration, uptaV in term of the nioet eloiiucnt praiw of the rua- i tif.w who'll ,l)4 prcvailvd atoi)l)c lioaiau. people ol i.'riiiiiii(fi tlie mjuta ot citiinatoeon. iUvre, 1 enemie. tlther iiinlnnceaof the etereiso of the aameajwr and lit. rritl policy iiii,(lit Ue. cited from; Itouian liintory. , , " " .... And JDour I wty t' allowed . Co.lMiiitM.whi'th . er it ia po..jhl tii.it the (.'onuresa of the I'nited Htatea, at tliia day, in the full hiatus of l'hiiniau civilisation, will lie ha ntjniiniiniua to our brethi 1 of (lie i-a ith thun ere the'Reman p o ple twu thouaMid ycaii nfft to thnir coriuered" vnrmie. . . . ,t t . , , Sir, I am not luacmd'hle to the fact that the event of the hut four" year have produced cut rant'cnient and dill iion nhie.li time alone, can fully renlnn-; that wiHHiit hmve lieen inflicted which are yet tun frvati to allow ua to hope for that prifcrt riut'ontioa of ct nlial fiitiiuUlilp nd amity fur which eviry lover of hia coihhi j ami htt riioe will a iteMty pr.iv. But it eiviun to nui tlmt it wmld lie the part of true w iiilnin in ua, atii-r hnviitfr o complete ly cmh-d t'l ruin ilioo, en't wlun tli in people 4l.ani wi ur"tii't!i.-i-if in.t t.;- i. 'i . n" J l.i lii i e, loaolvcd to rediri'i to their .'l"t.i utnj tihli tiont to the N-n-rel Oovernrr cut. to trcut them with that clumncy and kiuilmn alikn will not fail to win their s'licc.tinn, si;d lima ettlo tnor fjrtnly Ihe foiiiidnti.imi nl'thr Cnion, and add additional Inmro to the biilliunt victonea w have aohleviht. . I "know I hut they have committed a 'jrreut wronff; but I ak, now that e have vintbeated before the world that no rioht exii-tn under our f'onHtlriifliifi for" a Knife to iwvetlt' alter we liaveextiil-ilcil a (li'teriiiiimlion, wlm h admita of no niirf-oiintruotlott or dntil't, that We will have but one Ormlitution an 1 one flu); -would it be the. p.irt of w isdom mid imumiiimity, in thii hour of our friumpli,' to wek 10 cruah and ilejirnilit tlnne men who wo have determined ahull live ith tit aa br-ihrcu of the name com mon country! No, sir no, ttr; Ihla ta the hour for cli meiuy and furlveiicKS. I i t tie fr-neroualy nay to then people, "It ia true, indeed, that you have com mitted great crime in endeavoring to break up tli in L'uion, u.a le by the tacritieit, the toil, and tlie wimloin of your tittliera at well nsoitra, but yon have abandoned your error, and ex preeied Tour desire to return to the common houaehold. Xi'k know how to be penerou in the rotim it rliMitilu-i-, u4 our armiea lime l ei ! uiairiu'iiiiiiiin., pill (id, and brate. In the Bil l, anil however )..i.ut ha been yixir ert'or you Are Kt ill our countrymen, t'tnii", let us aftiiin be .aiurem friend. W trttat and I clicvo that In ti c future Joil aiil lie aa ih-vot'd and patiioiii! tu tlie tnion an mi have been biave ami hemic in lliialii' B caiiM' in the pint. Let in once tnore tni'te in (l,e .!i'n-.nii tai-k Ut Itam-ma tiis true glory, Iimj oiiii a, and prosperity of our exitiimon eountty. t'otne, let 114 enjoy a tqtuil and aa bru'li-rs the rich hli'i-iiim of tltU piice lei hi-rltn; which ha come di.nn lo us Ironi an ii'.iiotrioii anccitry. Let in not fnriiet, I bei ,eh yon, Mr, Speaker, the pelitiioi in tlie bent of pier alm-li ms iri.r n'i' i e 1 I y the 'p "'' f '1 r divine Il-iii. "tm r l.u.. 1 C innl vioii-h i t..'i i,t u at our moth I r'1 kin e., "j''o.ive tii our t "pnaM- ai a'e lor- ,et!ietii aim tri - !,. n- dint tw," And AS wo piott'u!e oiuiieheH iu htimhle adortiiion ! .re Ui- ""pi, i-eli iltr of nation to heg Ilia II it p C' 1 liie f.r 'tniei. oj'oiir niiuiv ti'atit (i. -.ii.ni. . , 1-t iif.1101 foio- -t u,,it lie ia tliecoiii 1,11m 1 a' "... 1 ol' 11 ail, and that ill nMer that our j i.iyrn 11 ay he hem, I. too, mint foi(.'ive,t,e ty one from oik bear!. r ', I l.-'itve the. pme pretiptaof (.liiiitiia 1 1 I- it y v. lil l' a mm h n.i; r ifni-to for 114 in tl.ia i 1 of our l.i-Iory than ih principles of lini ;i Invie .1. 1 have .-ii'u heen oppox I to the tl " t ...i-i of di'i'i-H .i n, f w ; th ii-rtiiiiii I in li v i' , '; 11 to t' ' 'n 'i . 1 I a' e l t .ni 'i i v..! .1 iii i. v ait 1. .inn , it to t . I , 'i ; ' " t" 1 ' i Ail 11 v i.ii. -i t a iv in I Lie in" "--l. i i ..ie :i Hie a -!.. 1 1. tuv (ttiee. I t.ir. i ut re 1. i'o n-v kindred a i I iuv tiiciiii, j thoie wiio-f love und i. .. ii.'- hip n- ,ke lite. ik tiiirty b::v i a m l ot nif ciHintty, and tmit BiA;:niCD. . . In thi Cuv aa Titumeiv t-remit ttta tf3 iat, by K'l.Mr. Hi .I-.. Mr UK llAulJ l"lbi aid Ulra t.tlVEO hi." A Ji. lliiru iUutnr U. J Lyia tli en a. a.l ul Una etty. . i, . : 1 A- M Si... (..' Cl.oii'b, 0"iii,b.)ro'. oa tli -n -1 H-1.1I1 1 - 11, by An Huiit-r.Mi-eMIPI'iA Al MKK of 1. .mmi.....' N. C,tu Mr VIKUlMuat ft.! t.JHA.V .ri A.iH..i. T. " AEW AJ)Vi-iiTlSEMLTO JWIAUI tKalt I Cat I'Ttt.vj atiatMIt A (aa li-taf Kilra qatlity f oiaegraiuYi a COTTON lr.iR.l, va i.4 t ynr vlil, ' . , ia Wl and Ur Sl hf IlAVIft JOKES, , Kv-ti St t"4 if ttWi(l.-C.-. ltttM ikl.K. US llwreU uf Tr, ia eaitllt errtw, ., . ilAVI 4 JfOaTFt f- Mirek H W xt - JtaJaich, ti, C J Ji LITtlirOUD, ,t Al't.'TI.t V C.iniatill BlEttCalA.ajT, . Eouti Side Cast Hargett Street, TEUEB D003rS0a rA-STETTIVILLa V ,fi 8TSEET, ) , 'S , KaLEIOH.X.C. tlAVI''! rammtnl Wava tha eHwra, awnarl Vh. t wit t tlMtt t n-etav tttiaieaiAnta uf aay rleieritttaw tif Mefwai.dl- 4aiaauT ir4ua, pmnii'.iiia niy heat eff tu t firomote tbe latrt of ay pntnaMk " ' Nafrraiaeie btmaO ta the aatir rwildaat keMaaaa amttmaaiiy nt' tlu-eity ana lo 1)1 many eonp..a dnti f tka tild nra of I'rvaeh 4t Liteht'.trd. f. i. UTCHFOBO. ' Sleigh, Match St I933t ... . " ZM. V A ft C t . " ' " ' ' ' ' H ! .. 7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' .... '. Charlotte, St. C - . WILL emotlea la Hi tb iMremi, aud la th Fad ra akd eatirean Onaita at Ek ilk Marvb 23,. IUI, tf 18CG . 18GG -SPRLG STOCK.1 ; JUST AS 'WE EXFlfTED. oi r Kctr plats opcoircTia f t.obIiiff.lilM. a etiarm vl t -On of ear Arm. r Ji- Hiaii.it.tE eiakiabiiy mill Auttiieru Maraeta a - ". ; i ' .... . . ive .a'tfieat adi autHfri-a ua tia-rheaiev att thn.Uiiii-Kuviih uf''. trh). a, at t'.a.ri-criNt kruof dettont ia jt.-tef. -- VVn Hie a.-w re 4v'li at-wim Miib autoktif Ladiva Dittm (J "!. a ibki 'I.ih uf H as and e.rltf.-ad knkt ao niet' , - - "" ticvill a. - - - -... .aUCR K UMI I IM. , ltut.tlitr Ht.lai. t:ttll UJll'ttiaill. ca.tl, THII1'N AJ AiMKBirAtrt CIAI.ICWBI ' fof iitntTrae, --a - tnHtima, , i i ABMlTNKaj, ' ' - 1 AMI.rAN, " anvin. in w.Kr. Aajl NAStWOk. Mtatl.lai, , W. II. St Marciraa isi-tf. II. , TliKLR, . ilvleiqii, n. a II. K TtATlLliA), Bnqne, Binpin. Pm-il. F, An , , A tHMUliml rt.a k. Mar h 3 l.i w. U. A- It. . TUCKER. ,f Aiyiw.i tft'i', (iAiTrrili, HK, Aj . lioMiitV. ItOLOV t, t I.". ' VV. H. & B. a TLCKEIL Rslill,larbS 191. -If. f t BinTl.ilMKN'W kVINS V H it arl Dim Hat, tm Himm, Gaitei, "t, A. W 1L A H. S. J li t- KliK, March S3-ll-tf. 15 Vai A ivk Ml an at w MAT At aetfc)i . A largr aMrtnMnt. Callaad iamlo ear Biaok. It will pty ye, aa m liava ooagtit Rood, vary kiw aeil wilt tell thetti atietiu. j, b 1 ll tf , W. H. k R. "J TU( KiiR, jrttiiMT ttenjTY i.ah d ru aAi . 1 1 (T.r I'. le tha two tract nf Ueid knowa a tho Z k I'ltl jil i' thrfonnd a halt unit' t'rnm litaia Hill, anil i.a tlie K d to Luwoll Ftct.iiy.uo.ilainins: ia boiu dt er. Tli tDipriirHtnuit ar a ! dmllinK lioamt, aii'tike hi.a-, and ftiii.lea, anal a H'aid wall nf Walot ' Xliat land la dmnralil tor eultlvaooa.- a it U imnrdiat!j U)a l.ttil Uitmt, rlir caa li foand . ny aAoaui. vt itta nent loam ; atid alati very vatua-t-ia t,H- it V'l t.irnrt, nitty a etna'! qaaetty ot aliirk lit bau tiiiinil, awl atilywld anrwout Tuipentioa tha 'ai'ttafat v.ir. . i . . ' . ' A good riaiK 'in rnav b karl, a tli propriror I dlw ptamii lv i.il I euiii. f a- nh J ' JAKS M.TOWLKS March S3 ll-5t Ait, JONES' ; HAIR iiestoher. Preservir.f', Etun.ifyino" and Preventing The Hair from rallisfr cfl ill ad mm Mid hr jnnS A JONEd, 1 Ttitrlwr acd I'ra. tli-al fluir Dremer, . March 'A 1'H) im KiWh, H. C tr hi hirtit. ST B. Vnntifiielnreil TOBAfTO, . Spun Cotton assorted from o, lo 13. fiwKPsov rcLLitv. BaWkb. Mtreh , !", tt HI .ye.Uvli St , , "J R Jt A L at Will Km M.vived t'V tit aii-l.-r-iiii'it. for fnriilib fno. Ih ltian Ai-yiutn oiltll 7tAI liiitwood ptMK, 7 left lt.ia a. Alt t-.h., qua . Al.-sll ...I'll tent ol timid heti-t )llaiijc, Id feet king t-yti melted wi.ta. and enti iiieli tiiifk,-ail to b an ll'viitfiti at IU Aryiaitl. K. P. F till I . Jil iit.ti ."5?, IM. Ia. , a. Isiipieriniaiiatfnl. at i:m t:. :::. Vt'tVU A . nRa i JI("I !.. 4 i. It I.IH'T.A li t',.ftn8 irf l.-e.t". to tin Itmiiiti. ii - tit..., ,. h tm t !.. At the vi ia I" -I A-. fil l l-. ll II, '..Ik.lll 1)1 1 1. Klkp liklimil A1"'""'- Cttnlnn - Agril, VI llwriD...... .' ': H I '' h-;; KHk l'Jtk FllKU ('loiji!,...-.,. lmeiiviii,. Wuiiamvtwa, TarhrinHlKil,.- - M -tin -Hi ....... .. fklHluid kievfe, .....a,.... '. " t Haul ,, Jk'-knB .'. .T. ,-. . . ......., .. """ Martrki.kiiiiiuali..--.. ' H V teilpfir... ............. ' Woudvlli, Boitui i'"Uuly,. ........ Ky, i ITif Staadaid nj l'rork pluuiy a. 1. ama t, w. ,. etaoMtf, ' a aavaa, . . . PKKOfcTT co -Formerly EcSossett Brova. (Established in 1839J " Ct'iicrnl rnramlsslon Xerrluints, Ho. 8 NOKTH AVATH tfli WILMIXOTOJT, N.C, TtTItL tlva (kjmonal atteMloa tatk aarak aa4 1 f wi ol Pwuan of awry dikwiftlu,ad I re- at Ma and f.irwardiaa f uoU I trZi, KM o. , tho. w. CAVia. KIMSHO JOHM, A. DAVIS Si ,TONES, Gn'ccrjis. . 1 AUCTION A COMMISSION Jfi S-ASTS, ' t So. 28 FayetteviUo Strwt, anauiua, ra, aj. KKEP eonataatly oa kaad very laig tapply f A31XX.Y GltOCETtlES, . eonaiiiiug ot . Baeoa-Jaudt Flour, Meat, Corn, Coppera,' 1 - ( Buckwb-eat, Cheete, ' Pickled OyiteraV --- Porter, Edde,8uutX " Soda and Batter Cracker, . Tea Cake,' Peroowios Cap, Salt, Puh, eVt, Aa. -ALSO-Wood and Wilow Ware, , . Hardware, Powder and Shot, Boapa of aukindav Farming Implements of all deacriptlona fti We raHKitlUy aalkut awi;a.aiiu of Cotton, Cottott'Tanti, Iron, Ac - -r COUlVTliV I'RODUCE. J All eanaljramaata liU raoelv mraonal and nrnana' aiaa laf-, ' "a. " " 1A.V1S JrlS.- -". " ' i. 'I iii 'i ii i i'ti i . ii'i ii, . i i ii j A. a." aorrirr. w . ataverr. joae wlavanl " - '" .- ?' j vv a i,unu, at : ' General Commission Merchant; i ' Jto. 4 fliailh WUr otr, Wilmington, M. C., r WILL irlv prompt rVnoaal aiteuitoaiatb tal raltipM ar Ciaina, Naval tlm, Omral Pradaea, Atv, A. Alaota raoaiimif aad iarwardlagi (tHiita, Urde'ra aolie.ltad and promptly al'ltML , Jan. W, HJ.H.B t ; JACOB KILL & SQA'S, ' , , riTBftsBirAa, va4 . - ' C Maanractsrors or Gent's Cloilitag, KAEP CGM8TA5TLT Oil PSD A LABflS . tt"ia of . ." : ujaiJl PKY COOPS. ( ,'..,...." ; CLOTHS, CASSIMCKJJS,' ' BOOTS, SHOES AND BATSf ' wtilek w offr law t Jolkm. Ooraar r 8. eutnra ai d 014 8trtMl, Patankar Ta. pJovembor S l-m-pd. jooaaaa, . ...MlMlxippt, A. t. Atnaau., Ja, .. iw Ttrk. . - VOOInAw A MERRILL. Comiiiission JSTerclifAnts. 88 Kew Btreet, cw Tork. . ''a -'.i k-i-''" "i'.-''-. : b . .t "" ..,'.' .-f;'."?-j--.' VVt ABl FKEPARkI) TO MAK ( ADTAXCIS Off " evadf aauat in ator ar oa racutlpt f kill f lading. , All tmilfnaBUi to a "111 ba ativr4 ky Fir aa , Marin Intaraoe aalan otbrta atrMMd. W kavaaiad aa arraagaewat witk Mr. f W. CvurU, lata Fakli Iruiaru f N. 0., by wklek fca, amoai iitaraiwd la all tka baainoM al at haai tkitBuit. W wlioti th patroaag af kl friaada. ' c U la a aaioctaiad aow wltfc ta Ira f Baaaaktu Vaa I'.lt A Coh N.w Hoik, , . da t, lit, im. piEE IlTSTJEAjrCE. .: Meirallieai latawrawee iCamiiaji1; . . I0 V 110 BROADWAY IV. T. A FIRST CLASH CQitPAXY - -' CASH Ctrl T A I. . Surplti over 5:103X33. -x Cflieaiii Bank of Cap Var, Uklridh. " ' R. H. BATTLE, ' Mrrh-I71.iraw4w. A(al. diamlatd en,y mo a mk for four wrk QoiTvm nttai Fnr Hal, im a hnhla, drtivxred In tliia etty.'er al auy point on th kitlU'li A (laxtolt Rallrtxtd. u . . 'ir Apply, in My o..ie, to Maf- VV. W Vaa. .. ' ,i I. C, HOWARD, R ovikIi. Mnn-h ?d 1M7 l" jaiS n.ei ii a. la Store venil pwiv, f 4 rt'ack and Drab CtMlll; W ClIUplglllUMnr ' ..ia;:Viv JAMi.M M. TOWLE3, Slaith 22, m,lt Ageut... V.JI.JiOM'K ttCO., . l.L't-IC PLXLL-JILrii ' ': ASD ,i . -. .'V -..' I-VALI'IH Ii .. tti d'..,:s I Iitn.(-uiuetlti .Nil. 11-jJ t'IIK-IMT SlHEKT, l'I.II.4liLriIIA,PA. I.". I n L ( :u I nor ! ' 7 i-na l-vk 17th lth .3 VtM tVe4 ,'. ' Sik x - ftk

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