:,L.:7 I - - - ' : jar- f -JJt.-J!, St.- - V- i Bnturdar, Marta 91, 18. JLIX. AND JsTATIJ ITEMS. ,'NKw'ADvkimi)i?MK5T;Bvt 4 Jon have n Timid Una lot of suberior cotton seed, and I J. J. Litchfurd commences baainea again a . j Auction ntt Comnilssioti Men-bint . Sir,. L, U - r gentleman of exeelleot business eapanUv, eotl ' all matter entrusted to lira will be well and promptly attended to. - ' Hoaaa Taiavira-Tba Winston fimbiwt aajr '.'that there l not the clighteet doubt bnt tbat there are one or more regularlj organized gang of borw tbleve la Foray lb and surrounding counties, and tbat there will be no aecurity fur the property of citizen until all tbe rascal are ferreted out, and brought to the punishment do their crime. There are cam in which "a long rop and a hort hrift" U the ante reme dy, and thh la one of the - Wilmimotow IS abut. Sale of U bale Cotton, on the 2nL, at !5c per lb for re-pack ii'ed. Crude Turpentine, $1.10. Tar, $1.80. Kcwmw Mambt. Cotton 8S8 cent for good middling, and 8(3)30 cent for, onll-"7- Kt " - " WawKOToir Pouca. Mr. R. J, Jone liaa ' beea appointed Assistant Marshal ' of Wibia" ton, with alary of $1200. Mr. Jra-1 of tb recently elected aldenr ". ' I - TOepoliwtorce-tftVy wnit f captains , witkaaW Bf V U aergeaat a WO per month each ; arid ixty t prfM f3 eacli. ' PsTKBurao Market. Cotton, sale at SS cent. Cora, 85($U0 -eenU. Wheat, prime white, ll-.V)!!. . GolJ bought at 1.29 and oii at f i.so. ",-., ' Tasj CBAnLOTT paper are urgingthe adop-T tioa of the new Charter. . On the Hrt Thursday 7 of deciding whether the tow abaft be a fitjr, " or whether It alislf be reduced back: to a "rill ;';. age." The Qunrduta Is confident f the ratifl- cation of the Charter.- - - t - - ? u , - r t - f - The Jtspply of Cotton. ,y "" Thoee dealer who" baoed their operation in l cotton and cotton (roods upon the report tbat were axtenniroly circulated aooa altor the sur- rentlor ot the reM armiea, bare been aomewbat dmnppointrd. It waa, alated that -the tuppty in , the 8ou hern StaU would not eir-d one million bale, and tbat wa all that could poesibly be ob- tainetl until after another crop wa gathered,- - Tbee report worenodoulit.arciilatfd foran ob ject, ami to keep the price np If long a poasible. At any rate it had that efftuti and while it do , . wived many it kept the ooet of tbe manufne- tnn-d good to the eonramrr at aa exorbitantly - - bub DKiire, and ha nearly -ruined a number of i Cotton ieculaUir. We ra from a cotton cir--' t uhtr junt imued in tbl city, tlmt the number of bate irreatty received at tit . 4i;Irout ehiprinir pnrtiwure thecloi,nf thj ww $ one in.;;tl.u - Hi ne h nndred and as venty - tlummuid baltta, or double tiwt McU waa geuerally reported when hoHtilitia were apendL , The same circular girr the amount (till held baric at. aome three - hundred thousand bale. But we imagine that it will be found that tbi amount will exceed . rnflier than tall below bait, million of balua. N1 While the supply in thi country exceed tbe g mi end expectation, It I also stated tbat the recent ahiomcmt from lodlg :hr been wraa enormous cnle, and that the quantity already afloat frum that country ieiuch a to juittify the ' expectation of an exceea in Europe from that nnrce. :,V'-. TUnw facta rereal the dnngor that exist to - our merchant engaged in tlie.dry goods trade, i and the general fall in prices which must of ne , eeaslty follow. " AH who have based their euleu ' lations and made thuirpurchMca-ou tjie idea of ' a short supply in Hk Cotton staple hunt suffer in ronseqiieiicn. Tliia gntat supply of cotton is - sufficient of ltwlf to cauHe a further decline in gold, and i bringing us-every day nearer e spe cie basis. ..That point is coining now as fast as tbe country can stand it, and it we ald to that : legislation to force Immediate specie payment we hall he plunged headlong into a general craU. Inttcad Of k-gislating on the finance question; Congress should I vrtliwith secure tbe restoration ot the 0outh, and thus open a mar-' ket for goods by jrMng nllden to the pub lic everywhere. A". Y. JltraUl. ;- , . 1 e L..j : :-- - Jt!TIWI A T JIII L WAISTHS t! Umtr f Timhr4 LnJi. tvDt to Rhrr or -- Kiil H 'a-4 whirK taw lain tu nr fv-IL will do well N e-mmaoHrt wiiti iim nsdialely, rtaiii(t ' ari tility. elmrnrt vt 'timber ami Urou. Lo rvityin tamper Kir, Cnpo Faar, ttuaotk, im K'ttt tk e.w kiLiiue i""-)rr. 4. 1 K.eiaH, Hit Dh , tWI. M , W. I PKIHCK. 1 A HAH13LE FKOxNT AT IIlLLSnOKOV j WK ARE nfMfflin ths .i-t B'oek nf Fl, IWv 1il, and A a-t in 0 "1, or auaa. Bsalpln MBt to (4diil, mi X Hi J price, EOT XIASILS IJICST THICI3 f y,my .wi"t t (liar eeat, fi"M iinK- Jee it ArnH. al M JtHaral fiottt rial nf tmempt. h.-f-rr" evi'rhodv Wa hi. ve sever otfra apm-U-t Kir P .pr. K C. o'd lr. driait Uraw J M twill id U. Csneeev pee annntn. - UiiOWN, t'AKKS Jt CO. nu 2i. IW. tf " ' " ' - Aa Act to regulate the term of the 1 Supreme Court ud for ether Iur Kr. x s u 11 i.. t. l hf h fln. rl AtmMf , ef tlm at 0 el Noitn t'-tniiitm.tMiJ it t t.ri'-l:y Betett ty tn Hlli ''i'V ih , a fo hw: rie 1 'i hTI IH trmf of ttte Snnreme Court chilli ba lntf-hnr h-lt IH t lly l rlait-icu twlre te eCM Vr, b fii-( wa lt aeemid WmnlAf i jam: t!!lttd l tlj teruuauw piartiU(t l.y law. H'.C 12 V nwa Ui plnlDJ tit aiird L "nrl, wtljrn Hv bt-e tl wit'titt ad, in cBtTi"Gr til tti f-ltr 1 th lu't " to h'tld anv tlf tta raifuKr lrm,( altaij e rtu ,. .! r " 1 i-a. hto. 3- pti'it'tti'H of Utta in aomftirwr y l-wf ,.i : ; ii im Itie t'ltyof W!''!c)it fur ,ix m atva w t. 'i rtl..-a' trtt. . t n ti.- t,tMl mvi -t-a tti ttt !t. Itifif Atnltt and AiW'raev. r'C 1 tta aft ftiali ba iwrw, Itwift and after Ht rai K tt.n A lli 1 1 'i. 'J "f v,t h A. T. I '! ' t- i I i"H s n r. Wh'i r.Ai. s. e. .II g la a im t!"i7 til .ii d-y .;r M... I' K w I r, . ft-t-'V ot w ata I It' tt- m 1 a v.!,i:i t 1" 1 ill I ..rft. it,. I at. 1 V I A A. . s s f CCCRAIi XC1T8. The Kew Tork W, the JSnl., aa.v : 1 Pricje of good of airdtscrl pthw are falling. The decline as great yentenlay, though aome kiedaiof mri-handiHe were held by owner with cottHiderahle tintincoa. bo much effort to make alea baa rarely been put forth, and the (lisp1 siiion wu every whine inaniliKt to close trarw- Sf tions ana tn "realir!." The conceon in rirrM goods is lurire it extends to nriuu ait all fine fabrics ; on standards and woollens it is lightest. The tail in one month, on the basis of some ot tho price of good sold at auction yestrlay, is rcitorted to be fully one hundred per cent, but this it, of course, no criterion KUaterer of tlie market -The art-rage decline ntay flat exceed; twenty or twenty-live per cent in iuai nine, - , - . There b a Terr eeneral (eellnir of Insecurity in business circles, amounting almost to a panic in tonie quartet, and this adila to the d iie- ion. Nobo-ly quetttoli the policy ef avlhng, but tu puliuc, Mid particularly the men in business, do not readily buy. . . - Tau Pakcimo. The New Orleans BUtr de scribes a ball given In that citv by the milliner and modistes, during which the urea of one of the dancers csucht fire. The btar adds : "ttomeiileaot her style of dancing maybe gatliereU, when It Is further stated tlial to dret caught from one of the chandeliers. Ovcrj ATTKWrTKD Pt'lCIDB Of BtXRI.IXO HjtXB. A Louisville teteirramatf March Slat State that Sterling King, we aoufwajed hiiiMulf guilty of . , ;; A'u c ....I meatCeUipii ,wwi,uvmii un irvai j vuitmu, endeavoeol to commit suicide thi morning by eMfliir a liloed-rcsael ot bl aria. Ill recov tj t oonsideied doublfui ; : i , John Van Bnren, wb his been down at Charleston - looking around, having returned home, say If there are any rebel left, in that City, ne coula not see or near or them. J.veiT bHly wa in favor of the President and the President policy. A Dublin Journal observed that a handbill announcing a public meeting in that city state. wun iKiunuitaa liberality, tbat."lhe ladiue, without distinction of sex, are invited to at- temi.- - ' The death of a Mormon Bishop Is thu an aounced. He wa thirty-seven year old, and leaves an interestincr familt of eleven wives and forty -seven smali children moura hi death. The modern babble-on Congreaa. j. Tb ting cholera rage la the But . ' . . Powers, the sculptor, I a Bwedenliorglan, General J, M. Wither, Mayor of Mobile, baa tn vanoioia. A rat hunt in Ohio lusted ten' days, and 3,208 verinm cie kiiich. ' At Kufaula, Alabama, a very fatal disease caueu menegeiia na appearea. Tlie law IIoDse of Representatives Li pass ed t resolution demanding the trial of Major Uelicritl luster tor alleged cruelty to Io a sol dier. Generals D. if. Maury and Braxton Bm'g are spoKen of lor too fmtiuency of tlie Motme and Oliio railroad. Fortres Monroe despatches n.-uort that Clem ent C. Clay has been permittetl, on hi pnroie of Honor, V) enjoy (tie niierty or ttiegroond Willi lu the walls of tbe fortress during tlie day time. Washisutos, March 83. Altliough there la ao certain data on the subject, a report gener ally prevailed asttmng tlie latin here ( f'-t.t.. to-day that the I'reaident wilt retoj the iivil Kigl.U bill. An undoubted original of Xorreglo Virgin and Child has been recently discovered by a lucky picture dealer in the district of tbe Made leine in Pari. , .; V:', .j':'-, . The Turk have taken to lectures t there I a course of public lecture now given in Confttaa- 'Itinopie. .. The PostntHc building in Washington is now lighted by petroleum to avoid a gaa company's extortion. , f'":' , , ... ' . TheBclma Ifeitngtr ears : "We are rejoiced to learn that tbe dimingubhed Gen. W. J. Iliir-dt-e baa, at the rcqueat of Generals Grant and 6herman, received from President Jobiwon an aavurance that he may continue in the pursuit of civil life without fear of ntulesUtion by the Uuitd State authoritit'. , , i ; ; The Democratic candidate for , the Governor ship of Connecticut ha just been to Washing ton, where, aay the IntMigmetr, "he bad sev- end cordial and pleasant interview with the President, jwho appreciate tho frientlnhip of Mr.- English, and who, we have every reason to believe, would be highly pleased tn bear of his auccess on the first Monday ot April." William B. Ator owns 1,800 house in New York; and in charged' with the rcnpunt.itiility of the recent Urge advance in renK One little house, which two yeans ago he rentexl for :M, Wa put np at $1,300 last year, and this year he charge t-,l0. , - ' ' " A oorreiondent states tlrnt the standard li itMry of the late John W. Bjme, of Peteraburg, was sold at auction recently, and that the fiueat works sold for twenty-five cents a volume, and the rest at five cents a pound. - Tbe death of a Oernmn veteran, who served nnjer the great Frederick In tho seven ye:im' war, is announced, lie died at the nsn ' table aire of one hmwlred anil twenty, at tbe hamlet of Biaude, In Upper t-ilvsia. His name wa Laurence Ualacc Amti-ement for young ladic on a wet after- ntion K-iiitun,; their ct brovis. A Witvonsiu dress maker has fallen heir to 11,000,0110. . , r . - ' : Pi it thoin.in 1 tons of rx-ka fell in the reotnt Piitsburg htnJsii Jc. ,. Tli army of Fpin is to conist of 8J,ft00 men, i 1 i The r.indcrpest is bad, hvX. throwing orange peel on tM pavement i llto iiltdet peat. ' SSulcs, Vu2n tiu4 li irut .'PUBLIC AUCTIOX. lit' AOt-:vT.f tUe Pat.Uo T Car. I .1,1, 1 -ll at f.ttt, "ttu -. III upctirjf at lltw H4..t . It. .1 1 : ; f , --a t.t N'.hIi l -t-I ... I 1 ft Mtt'-. I , t .-t ttta n . u.uuwa al M c;imh 4 t" I. p. f:. t..( :i at-tt 11. "t r. a.--a H, 1 ( ., S J 1 -i f m I I . . t i i. r a?ts y i ,n.,t..ti r ('. U.l A l SPRING GOODS KELLOGG WHEELER & CO. W..H iraiMDifally eyt aneatii te tltair ffww nsorh mt ... . .',....,:.. , Epriaj And Summer. -DRESS GOODS, - . y Ladltw Trluimcd Htiia. ' Uonnrta, khawla, Ilalmorals ' M'Uile Cood, Hoojv ttklrt.' ' - Iloafcrr, Insertlwga, ' Cdgtng. Lacea&r, ttt. , -A U S C- ttoola, lhe Mat Hata, JEAJTS, JLtn SATCfEIli Bngar, Coffee and Tea. ' Bourbon Whiskey, Freaoh Brandy and Hal- land Gin. ' ' , ,T c aooa Bu.tii la mtina Wlnta Can la (. aa foraalabr A. A Vt ItXAKII, Hsruk lif tf ,. ' WilauactMi U. C 1) nat nit at asaatsiiixai. 'j, ! BT'a, ' :. ... y Half Itnnvh, Her me-.- , J tut r4aivd autt ev aula hv ' h. P. WlU.ittiOX A CO Manthfl, m it jJOAMIt. ft.. . .... y ; On or twe uniall ramlitaa eaa tad Board aaal Lade ls( srltla , r. - Mrs. M. M. Fentreaa. BOARD hy(l,ily,.k or aroatb. - ' March 81, 188 tf - I LEACHED stud Itrowu Cotton.' mm . 1,1 pfteea 4 RlMehe4 CKb, it' tieriia a a Btia nioiva, 3 htrratt III 4 l.lnmiMliratinr. wtihrk wawot wH tw hyHta- tumfrr- -i U. t. WU.LlAJkl.SON CO. Warek IS IRI tf , 0lHHAnaMK.IIf.THA tO. In 4 10 sail !!l poarii faekaees, ' ' H. K WII,LtAVL50N A CO. MarehJil. W.rf " QTTlt( 4' A RDM. . . r ,- M li Wl.htiia.ira- A Cards, . .... . kVur ml ky thaeaaaat B. P. WlUOAaUSOS A CO, Marnbtm, IIP, tf . Vol ion, no Or aaiKTs, rAKCt . ' Nl a. .1 dm tupcrln tlu. mirl., I '. Ctlirn. .! Akh Bttttuaa. ' ) tl"i Wiiitta it (. AO Paekaaaa Aartwl ft,' l dua. Hot UtMetta, -''. WO 4t t in Cuiha, )! jdv Tutk u, m .1... u.lTl.imKU. A -.- AllM..AaaiMleit Hliiek, TrirnatfTltifi Jaat aoiftl ab,l It aala i-v .'.:':T;' . H. P. W U.LIAbisOJt At CO. Mttnh !0, m tf - i . . .. RAX, Ik. h'. la ao-ra ao4 for sU hv a P. ILLlAMSOlt A CO. Mreh tX 187 It ja- r. v.riu,..--. JA. I. rUBVtf, JR. ' laaAO w, puavw, HATHA II. CttAWfOEB. utfj' a 6 .... W: Baxskcra, No. 191 Meat Baltimore Street,. Baltimore, jY K TRANSACT THE, . , GENERAL BANKING, EXCllANaB MJ1RCANTILU COLLECTION, : -';;'.:, t ;--'...': ak0 . y.. - " ;' . Stock commission eusixess, ta all tbair ssvaral 4aparamu. t Wa kajr ut aall, end ar p raparaif ta fnrnl.k at all llmaa, Utnaraaiaat Booiia and Maeuritiaa, la saas la ulk - ; Wa xl'S apacial attanttoa to Cultsntlona, which era pre par d to ataka, eia aJI Moaaaiola points, ea tbe Bimt raaauoab a trna. llnptuiu rattairoiL, and tnUiraii allowed en Carnal fln-a. taordtr,tf to spaaiat egronifteot. Mav 14-tt-aea. fUHVIS CO. . 1IOUSE AXlt mxEMiocvV' si K'. n..ra fiiiiMa, . (itt. Mai d... VWIIU. Horaa Httoe Nulla. " - ' B. 1'. WILLI AH -SON CO. v tfh, 97 dSm. ! ICtttcbrs, ' ISlMrtiIng, ', m; jvlitg I'apt'r, I.i ller I'uper, ffpfUSna tZiHtU, A ci., rlfev ' A. AWILLAK1. Wuailaal . h 9. 1 1. tf. -ka jot'lota tta oataiA.ic. ; .. Oa ftittwtlav, t'ta wetli Ttl'Jdsy nf A(iiii ft, at tiia Ctr.titatimi .t Jtto. Nfiv d.-ffa.d. lit I lit t'..ititf i-f It tttra. ifi. In n"1. bloar . .iuIih V, I alta'i im-i! at Vultho Ao.lt.B I it O fcxah. la of l.llaa I1". -Tlia.a8.nl ma' ti'f i'n.hti..." or.tiiiif'1. aid Va ttt ttia va-, hft q.itiiy. Tel iaa t aic otteitli a eretnt, wit a xntid ettud. t l)AVM ICiecuttjr. viireh 21-13 t.l Oil MALt:. :,. r XK (if int duirtiiiW dw..littr in Thnmate , i,.i....t!i. w.'th ii itT.' til intt'i. Mtia fT hits' ,X ItNM t.'i .vttty t ii vi.i. tt. m hi t itrr, t.t.i l.tiit-a. atr,, il Sit! I f n-.n i St rvali.tl . J. LI l;.., K.C -tnh2. 1V-J Hi. - V 1 1 it t. -1 l' i. f ) ,i t j 1 I : t A P. 1 I, . .:-t. N. C. Vt'onna. at. B. Tlanwy,ef Va . writ x " A --rie ae. eaaia-aaca aaad lh Ol' TH KKN HF.Ptll.: HI t sad fmtnd thaai ao aaalul niat aim hia ntatnral la at -mn ba ha aeat hi a avtaar fur a taa. I liava kanar tl'-m u b noai ffwtu-iotu ta jwji awa Ikhh niiihlraa, aad n one HMtaae r.l la.tat vot irt"a ta eaaa mf mmrieaM tWaa md pii " I f lw aala ky Um DiacKlnU. If" aeaass- anr eaek b"I. Haul ttianjr par! of lk tawad llS I. J iimr taa- ATtdri,, Gfc.yEUS W- FKatCO. l.,vh . 15. ia ttallijltMfS, Jftt. - "KAiiiGa i: o x t iiarxetT (OIIIIIXTEO BV JOUS O. W1LUAM3 CO BU0EER3, TtALEIGlt, K. C.'- "-' - rairn or ot eaaouxA mamk kot4 v Bank of North Candiaa , i. . . . .- ' Charlotte " Lexington at Graham. .......... . M Itoxborouga W adraboroHgh . , . , .. . . ,,, M ThomawUla. ..................... ' " Wilininton...,v................. " Comnierve. ..................... , " WanliinLrton. ............... ...... 0 20 IS U 2S 10 1A 10 10 -7 ' 1 1 IS Fayettevilht. .'((.'. 'Clarendon ; t- . in-.. - - a at-t-T,iiio... ... . ... Miner' and Planters' Bank Fanners' Bank, Greenlorouch..,..f ,. Omaimwrtni Hank, Wilmington: ... , . Merchants' Bank, Newborn ... . . .... ... . Greensltorough Mutual ................ Virginia bank Kotea, about... i...... IS 10 (3 ( 3 noula Carolina ..a . Georgia ; :! 18 80 . r; 125 Silver. ........ , .i ... . v.-.;? .Si. ,..... ISO Old Coupon. . .................. 49 North Carolina Railroad Coupon.,, 78 Old biles . ,,..,...'.. ..a. ... . ......... t7 Xxcbange oa New Tork........ j ' RALKIUll J AT10X AL BAS K. OF KOUTO . - " - - CAROLINA. : aottNa Aat at. J. :! bahx kotk. I '' - Rank of Citpe Fear " Clmrlotte.. ......... . u C-omroerc.... .... . ........... . " Claremlon .. .'!;. ..,., .......... : " Kayetteville.. .. .,.,. ,,,..... . " Lexington'. " North Carolina IGold. v.... ... " Ilox bora ...., . , ., ,,,.,.,.,,'... Thomasville.,;, to IS 10 7 1 IS .1 S3 IS Watlealmro 10 . Wilmington. ................... .. 10 .' " Waaiiinertou. ......i., 7 T a ilcpv rtlla-rr.-rt vrrr; r .rrrrTrrrrl Contmerrial Wilmington................. 10 Farmer' Greensboro.... .... ".',, 18 MorchaiiuVTfewb4Wi-fKv;vw-.tv-i,.-irta-.l Minem' and Planter'. ... . .'. . . ... .. IS Virginia Btiiili notca," ikyerage '. IS South Carolina ' . v, . ' .,-, ,."T'T.'I'. '."'.77;7V.:;"" 1 S hid. . . ....'....'....'.;. ,...;.v,. ...125 Silver.. ...120 Old North Carolina Coupon. . .v.. .' 4 Horth Carolina Railroad Coupon..... ...., 0 Kortb Caro'ua t's, tn Coupon no. ........ 77 Exchange on New York " . maskex nrrciT Coici.EfTKB DAILY BY JORDAN WOMULK ' J , (iroetr ud CommUnv ifirtkimtfvr t ttt kind" VfUHtrf Wuoa. APPLEa-nried... ' Green.,. JHA ON-Finn.... vi:'f Ti''!.' r . ,-rrrr. BLVKSTO.N18 rrw BEESWAX.,., t.i . CANm.KS....,;,r; COTTON YARN,. . COTTON CHEESR. .' CHICK KNo ., COFFEE CORN. ........... eous. FHRSH rOKK... ... , ta oo 2.10 t 50 bosk -ta ivt j 1H T.iio tb dull ',.",....... 8-i 6? !t ...... 4 ic V I .... . S'lC V lb 40 V Tb ISO V bale. ..,..83,5S3cV lb ..... , 1e V lb ..... . HSie each ' . no 1-3 tb ..... IS! V rtO'h 15 doc ....121 tb FODDKtt.,. I 00 V cwt. FLOCK Ptierfine. . 1 Family.,,,.. ..... HIDES Green ............ Vrj....... nAT..,.f LARD..................... '. KAL ............ .... Ml l.l.KTTrt MA( KEKEL . ... NAILS U.'.'i ONIONS PEACUKS Dried..... PEAS WhiU. . . , Ptock 10 B0 - M.I 11 CI "w Mil l"c "i I Tb , Hey B ...... 100 V cwt ... SO ? 25e V lb.h ., tii W0 y Im .... IS 00 v M'l 80 09 ltd .... me V lb , .. . . I 0i V btittb is -i5 n . 1 2u ;W0 bimh l oa-iio y bu-h 1 Si) to 60 y bush .... l 25 y bush , , . , 8'c"(k' tb 18loJ(eJ lb . . ,90 to 1 1 ) V pul. P0TATOL-Irish . . Hweet. 8UGAR Cruahed... Hrown.... MOLASSK . ,, . , . , HAG A 80DA Cooking.,.., 8c V Ji ' fMl.rinJiitay tn ntTi(' fttm RaJ.Mrli.f lt?i!l t-tf.-r M publifl Au'lit o A4"fi.tiy 5'i p m., bMkf liiiritf Coart ivMt li.rill ii.m-t ltoM noii Ik itrUon I itititinrf. whirh wli nibrantiy tut if It, Mki y Ur 1iiih K pirif, I Al.0 wi.h f fft MMf, ffvr f h ? 'nnrvsa of th yr, ftotiti .-tii it if ftMtn 1 -M f A f " -i!rtbl n4 fn .Hit t,i v Bf rantril Ctt'tK Ait-!I niiwow ti'. Jt hi ll'tlll Ktlvte ilill.lttr a.K 4f I '.1 itikft i lift fojf flMMI'i, B'l Ulf4fH y uttt ill'tl-.' Ktttd (fit l IvRr-l.-H, 1 (t laM-rtf t. , : f (J,--ri Aiii .i'm! t'fi f' ni i ,n Mtettt ltc.r i i, tnattltflic of f At'., att. ltrm. , k. j. takt: Tit Mia will bt et'tii)i'ft1 , .. Jf.M. TO i1! LL3, ITun-h 21, t-.i . 1 A at tntiwr, t(l4n f"r-tjfi 1! Siiiif.'ritifTa . I v i r ( n-ftr TI p-t V ' p tit- lit 'l !! " i -f . n. Al A i t IK. ar tr y-H !', rite im j -t. i.t.,j n. ii.t.'-h nmtiftt Wr -iv - tm- . r-" h A f.cliv. tt i i wii'l i aa ti ni ' n' f',t f.r k' t A of in. r, m r ni.;..ir.t - y simii,:.-'i ni1-'-"' '!;' tw t r ; . . Itiat . a li'" o i ni tl . fl nt itt-r I. f i. in , I -it I'-e i--i- V .l I ' i; ti s fur i ha ifoiYei U tU !! v - .!. if , tl,.-! ir-f " ii-i lii i -- ., ii t J I - ('IS I t-.tr. .-4, A CO. 4- i' ' Man-It . f I.. 1-. I."") A A .. I..'. ,6 a.L.i.a . a. Jk . . f ATTOilN f V r -: r ; ' It t A f LA W, - r? .. - , ft, Ce pv. ca m f o tpni ami siTJricu O GOODS FPU 18GG, ; KKiv an i.i. ah a a. '' ATaliV Jler tW4 "ftyvlar and J tit. n a. , c:: aa V , AO I!t kaatha plaaaat tt iawai lit. eltl ftinnila loa aaw filaada lita otti eauutat, ar A aa eaa mmn, aad a.err holy ll t vault (., Mai aa Aaa m a4 . aaa.iAta.-wi'e.'a lm .acli.e SmI wttk (tvateara, mu4 atttb aa eaa i..V t" Ihatr waati, oa at tat irxat aodsittrtHiiie'tMtiM-ka tf f tuple and I'lsiiry, Irr tioadu, S evav lal ilia jp'hiaiiaie ta pB t tttsor.iritlnar darti.f or ataoa tW war. . A hwfe aa4 kaaatital amorttnaat f Ladle Drr mI, 1 saakrawsg tha aawaat aa4 leadinf ttylra at tha aaa. aa A kw aaaortmaat M Oentlemra't, Touth' r4Boy' Coo's ladie Eamtner Wrr?iit!'A Ladiei, Zlissei and LhiUrcu't . .Trimmed ITatt, sew ahape. LatfM, lTiit and C'Heen'i Hoop EliiJ. lAutet, luise aad Ciuidren'a ,; Balmoral Ehoes, Oaite-t, Blippart, rraoH I-ianets, ' . Eibbon. CloTct, Jlua.ciy.' Ac..1 ' j Crnti nd r y' lift. Calf nd C:..th Ca.ttia, ; Centa, Boys and Chiltiren'i E.i ar, , Lcrhora, Braid acd Tedlajr Eat fur Eammer, Crockery and C'ftM Ware, - Wood and Willow V.'are. togatker witk (eo4sltMk f arat alaaa , :r TAKILT c?tocrRii:, Ve. la laet, la a f ay any stnek will lie eautilrta. Xe I itws't avetentl taaar tbat I am at-llinir at Hew Tiuk itrivea, J av at aut-h tint x. 1 a I ta tin aaek kauibuirnarv. kiut 1 ay I bava aoid eimtfa a. eltaap, I axftaet Nt all aa rhaap, and I aav I will aeli Laa ehaap aa aav l'ankaa, Jo ne (inhlila. lia baa T -i.l f... ...... I. . ... .... t... ( L m Mw puiti (W bit orvreii(Mftii to pnj ftr tiftn, rvl I aMa,I rMpM-tiullf - mk n j dUkMlo t.d rnltmr t Mil atvfl iftiti ttt iiM'fc. mt thu iU H, Kmitli BtaaWflaWfi HP 4 PntfytW WtpJT. lALhUlUV KINO REOKOANIZKl taf Juivt, 16, mt R lirrwi' 4v-vtf rj4 iiMsMt'itsa ti iiat lurutski ttttf. W. 11. N KA V li. frht wnm alb f ltti mumo wri ter tutd Hktirt. tVttnlttr m fla !' artny Ha wilt it(l in lji--bip til (llfet b (tt hr.inr, Kt fcrHHr; WtlW 4ut U-dT Lt. Uf trrvi- fif (,. n .t -bt ud mikt fttvmti i(nl, v it 4tit K. 0 Tu H n4 ta eiaMMni f 1 h. isnt nMtlHra ol t UI tah tftiti' wttlt tha bt"t (iirmHisra if tv'irt! f tha iiHtitin trAtittd by W U, Navt, in rnn;pt, wh ittv WtwfttS aHwyfrti.i ir-i'irt;-i4fc .ii.viri 't Wwtliatr rfvpM'ttva vatti..n inl tnwimnei th Mtul aad IrrartlM f Bttit 'Ihtatl tM will tut. i r t-a Bnt .Mtttutitttt fitr ait Ntit ami ftUve te nnum), ftt Witl qual ba I tu Ha (ottbj ta l) wrf, It nii-lfttft-ad bt itKM-e tlrftirn a Liu on4f tl Hr ami fetnttg BtB-ic 3 it 1.4, ii ttiuarl dtwa ftr tlii yti W. 11 .Sttave lc a km NA;tit tor ,)a t-t-ls-btnKi 1h1 arotlh Brpwti ttsru insula. invad ant. WMirnui ti tu htm, aad by him tn nth- fr tha HMt ol'! 11 ' ttv aa t (XM'uinf Vinno m !, iialt'ttii bv (.itftutv. il. B- iKiUwitrth ant Kut litttbwf., Miw V.mIi, Kn baKmnara, mrditttu .Uyr al atrum4 tiuab'ii.tt ao traitli frt ,tbr. UaaiiM-on'pttftl ant rrrttngrtd tu rl fr J'ibr OreRMtrai it4 Uraaa tiabd mm tur apy and aatu bar ot inttniiifnti aitabay bat ba a1t t:d tot ManU'ftJ lltfiqiar- t a fr ti (nfrtl p.tKiMt.ti, it. ji me iet-- til e tjun y fr nmniti mio, niit urn, bat with ttu viaw tt btti.-wi witU Mr, iNaava ur iiattti, artt! nt omit uii two poatnti ainmiia. A.nubU , 14 H IXeaHU unit I'ruec. io rttre the flrlt k i your body iprrt hMo, ut.J, fo enjf tlio la!, keep r v iv f-iial thiir '.lera w !IatM r'.ed w iU packet t1me9 let Ihem jM iid Mat ISAAC :i)ETTINGEH'B, N. I. Varrllrvllla Mlrrrt, 1 N. C. BookstoraBtiiltlin;:, . Who k jurt opraiMl a aica n 1 wU d k e( ' D3T AX3 rAXCT COCRS To aa lasteetleo f athleh tit pablie is rilfu!!jf lavttad. kiarohJI IWIm. Ak'O . fizzr:'.. :.:.n .-.r.f.t, Ko. 14 FATItTTf,VH.l.B P'l KS,T, BALtr..-i. n.c. 0no. VT. 8 i rson, IL V. I'( i i,i 4, jusTin:ci;ivi:i), IIhm'uih;' I Jt' t--, . r.xi--kC:ts "S I !, I'urtMrjr :..'r, Itaav 1 SIa!f rt 1 t:t T Hi' DiT.rtd tutltatrattaat I.OWFsT M(!'K. fWKi'stis a i trj.t.t t, Jlit.rh O, 1 17, tf. trayl!v:.t'li.- J5T arosis 1.1.1a V' : ' ,.... 1. ,.. I'.. Tf tipi ttf in I'.-fi '-t A-.t ..,.1, .."..it. It ..t J , , i f )T3 til '.' iu. t' a ' fit a tn mi to i- i Kartth V 1 ." tf . A i . -M . t'l'tiU I . 14 V .i.l M ti vi i.; t. i .1 . :.; v , li.' -. i i . , m i r, ) r i i ...i, ,!. !, ui. l - i. i I nt. ti t ;i. r! Ii. 1 .1 ii.!., . .... t,. ,,,, j, r - 4 ffil ("f tt.it !.- (1.1,1 t.."i.i. ..( 1,'Li. nu I'.iiK HUM V .tftst V'-f', .IM li :t , J ' !.'") II '.-'. -t t.-v K'.il- .. . ' V. ' - '.I 1. : .1 t " '.'' I"" I ' ' ' " I ' ' ? , ( I i It r n ' I : t - T- ,1 I .. I..- ti -.!. I, i it - I I. ... ' liii. ii, '. i . n t ' .1 li, 1 i . ' .('.ri-t I ...... t ....... ... " . ' ! ( ., ri.OTV! 1 J'.I.Ml ?'? . -M! r5""'iif! v.- C . '-. t -a t - ; . .! t .u. ii oi ism jt a ' " . t ; T't . e i ... J, t 1 O ' i (t.t t ' .'J V i SSt ' ji.ta ; i s o rt.'tos - - , . Vt No ' ,' .;ii..tt ft-t "l ,Vi 1" ; tl.t '.'it hit 1 1';" l! ' I i"t It .'i .'. ,,r . i ktt rmi-iftiiijt va It at 4 aH U-a rtf f. tin- a'rtivp I'l'-tt.. , - W 0 a..r ;i ri-l.fty l-P 11 't.tt f 'r ,.'i' a . i . . fo I Ha ltr, M..iit.. r, w t.a i i. h-t, i l J . a l. . a at oar ai'tta w k at -ttf.v)iia i.t. M f, Y U.I.1AM v A CO. " r. bit, r.. tr. - - - ,l(i.... 't'HB FIT'S-' Rittit r mt TK rorxo llf Mm a, i H . ." s . V . l'eilil.F it'viiao kts oi-J t.u.totii.-f .-"l r a t , lo llialatttva a--t'.tt,irt. tif Ai-,;.t rtt.J- bKKY ai.4 atwl'flt fl'toM. iil.N ktlO. a la Wta J. ; ::. ; Batata H, J lU-tiV-Iia. AAA atiaulU.. -i . , .. HALfcitiH, h. 4. . Wa la "! 1 ai'aa't'ia f tarhaaf to oaf tra atiti lata a.i i., atuot. af IljrCtUaneotn V'r.r.'.'n V.'a ' V. lll.'.tir '.. r?, ---. CrtK-, 7 v.'are. C... . V.! CI. ii'., Lie, . r. i i : i - . Stone Vt'aru, ' . Tin i;8, Iron ar U: -1 1 7 I' '. . ' ?. EiidJIc, , Harnett, c.;.'..-1, 1, 1 .pi? ' . Vrillt.'.f' kL.l T:" ' i. -A G O- va i i r.Y t ; 1 iO t. ; j " 1 1 1 1 i. la tact, t.ir ant otitic la ilia KcaNC.liCf;;,.r.T Ltr.?. Call at 4 i raycit:v:" i".r. " ' 3. I MV..V, """ Vv'lTH IIaet 1 Lk' H. Kalri h; J1.0 l 1 3 J, tf. V .it , t'" ii ... . t l IT i at. .T,.,,,.t.. M. .. It t'.t- ' t J .... I- t , .-.. 1 il, I. , i' , SS ' it t.iife'W.i.ti' ktft!t'-m. We li v tittfti ti.i ti ,'a In f'. it" tii.. at l a. a t ttrti ti i tin ail wa t'"..m l"t tl ti.at w 1 .. .r i'i i m .. i : - :yai :i 'F t' a at. -I aat I. air ...n.r ... r ' -tit fai-tmo tn a-i t Wi,i-lt U' .1 tti our Ui.uut't 1 1; im.- Vc-t.-.'je t. : hi" Jirovt i M"-i t't :?r l..r II, r' -ir ti il m a v,.'-lti rt.si-s ,if.U, ii- t 1-3 1. i- mis tu 1 11 wdnifVff ti ! Aekt. a IfVet. (( t - : li . 'f ' ' (flMiitifl nil nt- b ir a a- I lfl r 4 ' i 'i t - ! 4 . : Xora Itafll liitp !f llnir I - -oa l 1 1 r tt.it r!t en. i , '), tailrtis a4a :-t, Il i ,.; "I -tl l1t,t.,r 4 Kt ()-t(titt ;., -iT ).tl3i'lf pt-i"t ; - ' 1 Jl n f .ij.iiM-b.lt 1 at,.l u-' 4 t s t. . - . ai I -. I v" A h for II t'l'a Vc.'-:T -j 1 ti rt(I I s ti m tii ir t. UA8.1, V I - f M by 1; , 1 trl, i h. tt-l W - ' "i. ('tinnui ! :: ..'!' I, C -1 l.ii"l....:, 1 t'i.:,i.n, C.'UoU Yf:..-i - CO I It, 0. Fiiist' f, I J O i. f. o. a. v:-:r;: go.

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