1 f '-; X -7 Saturday "fare-It , . , Ccngrtw It EUtwtioa, x , -v ?, i In the llnio of llcprtscntiHi'vt , ott Tuesday, an act amendatory of the, llnh-ut Vorpw act, de aigaed to protswt t'il Htstc i.ithms trutu pmseentiosi in Mt Co r t ir act euoimitted during the wrt was P"''V ,','' ''",;.' '' la Ul St-uai, B appropriation! of tU.(X0. .-- fir. lb relief of (Wiiiitf colored jpeople of th District, was n'ide. ' Mr. Mm rill, (lie mover, stated there w ere over fifteen tbiHtsuitJ of these ," . destitute Frwdiiieo in the Ciiyjof Wwhiugti.0. - m4 that, nl something dona- fir their r- Immediate reiki, disease and'peetilene would " sweep them ofl,v'l tlta or" tiegrol ' Th House hat paed joint resolution for . th termination dt the present eessioe In May'. . Tbla however, I only aopposed i tncau will irignes 10 djon anon m raawibkt, in refer ent their political in T hundred member ar engugud io a 0tM for their r lectiutt. ' Tl ixt lath President niaklng Cony, thai i If peopl do not take the Bjattar into their o a hutbynd every tiorv will b exerted to carry it ... I, -.t-. .' ' . 4 r There 1 gboit reason to lfcX! that the PfesT- daat will Mto tie Civil Right Bill. " "Tb projWltioa of Senator Stuart, ol Neva-'.- da, for tb settlement of the aatiooal trouhle, 1 by providing for universal amnesty ( tipon the tradition 'pf irnxsral uffrsga, is attracting con iderable atUDtion." It strilte u a ona of thoae - - Bational eompromiaea io mhii li tfie ooneiiotn ' are mainly on one aide, ": The rwmhitino effectually conoede equality to tlie upro,' In all political and legal rcecta, than any ether pro- poailioci ytl eubmitt-J to tht- eHintry.'T The ealy eommendable feature In them ia that they rtfer the matter tu aniae degn e Io the actum of the South, thooyh uill ia a very UiwHwI way. We eaa do ire plraae ebotit it, eayi lit 8m tor, but, if we'dn ant ehuoef ( anhmit to the tenni, e mutt remain wltrr we are. I'l'im the whole, we Jhiok it will lie prtliruMe to lxr.tr our prewiit greltanwa, rather thnn rush Mindly, - In the mttouef nggHttiT,'oa i-vili thai We Know I- not ot ' - t. KnOTHT,- inyhitPojMllnr Hi'tt'irv.'f aitye: 7 "The EngTiBhmnh ah pjula rum of JtkoXlfeiT of Wallare or 'if il u, or vun the Htirrur wordi of one thrr -nn' let WriCT of ny 'ongiw, ' 'fwb (hat the tail "t i lay thtf prond ifctotper low" ia one that ftir 1 is Miaid a murh to that of any Scntinn; fr thesm.ill distinctions of ioraJity have Tnni'liYd, and the great univt-j at admiration ot lire hrmic and tlitt liruve utny tvot to ask whl'tlierthv Imtlle win fought .Ol) the bank ofthaTIiameai the Forth." '.gVf " , Who ft thirrf f&h tborV'eari f t iee 'the - day, when the pfaphh J)k:tiu whkh tlie liitj ' rian drawt of tlie fruito of mutuiU comillliiti m between th two. great cnuntrina of. the old "World fhall 1 pnmttBled in tliiB.-r-wbca the (pon- ' test between the two sections nhall bxre- only erred to deepen the patriotic feeling of each and incline i.them in throw iheir ai parate 'and hiwtUe triumph (uto the Untteil . atock ( fkuh might be the f pifn w?ildlHit Jbtea to the oioa of psat eprieee ami tlie proniptiuga . "of forbearance And nia)nai.lmity. "X ' the people of fh Nortl nrn a deaf ear to the clamor of the vindictive ancf the fautinua, ' and lei th people of the South, aa we Yelieve they are almost univtumlty dpiutcd tudo,c sti ud a prompt appreciation of every denxmst ration of kfadneae ' and gi nmwity, and the day will pcediljr foo& when th paaniona if. the paat will be obiitvratcd, and a new era of pr!Mrity - for the wbole eotintrjr will be inaifnratrd.' Tlte demagogne' aud the ligut a ill Ixi put . to ihajue.the turbulent in lth nc tion will be ileneeilfrcvcr-rllic bravery, the hcmim1ind the endurance nf the men -of both etctiune will c titui V oomiuoa (uhtirltance of whichTfb nation atlau4e will iN pmud. li illuatrnUng i. th annul of the pnuiitry, the hiutorbtn will not stop to enquire, wluthcr the uIutoI It ciii.en aoUlirr waa more ennepicaotisly flinpliijcd lit CUickainaMKa or on th.Antitaiu, iulVuijlw , niaorin Virginia. liven jK-ed uch a eon- iumrontioD 1 , t . . -V 'We presume that no one can doubt tlwit, could mich antiol distnrbera or the public peace u Sumuer, Wilson and Pliillini, have beea piitaaide, lfUr the iuspension of hostill- tieajtlie'emmxry Would now be in the enjoy ment of peace and quiet" SeittiarL i , "The" StnUutt regret" that Mesmm, Suthwr and Wilaon. the Senators from the powerful and enlightened State of las-iachoetts, were 1 Bot "put aide" that i, ejecutcd or aesaexinat ed at the cov of the rebellion," tVaruinnL T StaiJard knows perfectly well that noth ing waa further from our thought than ip intimate a deiire for the "awuainnlim" of Sunt "Bar, rmiip' Cn. ' It knpws, as well a wo do, that our allusion waa-aimply the political "putting aside" ol the tmliuienl a( '.tutors. If we eould ba suqirisi'd at riy tmiVirw s on. the part of that paper, we should be o at ita paltry , BtrterKion of oiir.IiinHiirf in. tj:! n'tler. . it ' in'eMure ouf motive by its own. , Because it h continually "hreathinp out alaughter.- etid threutenings" against a largo of Hi wft licople; U'causa it daily rvhitv a 'willirignea to ''assriwitnte" the repolation of iu own Stntej .,lt imagir.ti or pieteuita to himgine, that other are ae truculently deposed. ' . Tt w had it in onr power, we Would not ham hair on the deads oi Ihoff disturhers o( the public peace whom o r hirte di nouncd. We would limply roisijni thrm to th:it politi cal iiifiif to a !ni h, .4 -i-j.M' tiA f.ii if 6o f -rrn (tn.l co aJjutnt in the South, we lielieve they wili-oHiiltale'y 1 e em d t.y tlw 'W "" i ' aet-ou.l t." "i lit" ' tlie 1 1 Liie Txes-i-leiit Johpm, we hm e emu. nee in thnl . V' J-'i f t : " I." 1 nriin: ri iiniM uN of f. A'bo... ;-!.:'U Wli.i ii. u. U lli.it lie l tttt!. 1 lOlll l I t ' I 1 t' " It'' 1 t tloy In i. i ! i" ti ". w I i I I oi i. fl'.ied, nd the coimtur lull wnl prove w ni h j.itrtv ik to be : i tlie 1 1 n- .-:.(. Almi-iit. every , i.-V f . i.,. : ' i f I 'f l 'i ll 1.1'in twit l' tne Meveim pur ! j t tuc peruinlleuev ol t'.cir e1 . iii.iinnu, ' ' . . ! Emisrritioa to'tbJa'SUte. t' j , In iMtBilasr iuaWaV'w are gtiftfai U learn, .that, JSiittiu.-i,,ij;eiriiti.. rottim laud in riiiTcrenl .artrtioti iu tlda,SV,f ami they- nW" now k'w4rh arranging4 lor tiie crop, w ii h a full Np l- lalmrefi, , lJ we are gmtitled at this. ngard it an a uiat 'r f the Tirst" iniMUm3it to tlte State, that all our available IjudS'Vhoiiifl ft Cultivated, and that-nlttlre aVitilubie Wr n Ui5 SlaU:hmlil I reduced ttfii yem, and iniproeed is skill and elrh ieiiry. It Jv'orllicrn utcti 4tt furctgner i a-flijl nwi .lit iiiaaiiiit 1 1 j 1 1 1 - si,, aai iiatiB -aaaaai liail.lt as a gtHxl uines and welctiuie theul to the.StnJe: ' We do pot know that any 'omt trt the 8t;ite feels tlte slightest objection to tills. Nay, every umn of n.flectioi .will readily, pro mote h. In no other way, can the South, lie so peedily reenjtcratml j ami in no other way can tiir cohtrctr popuhtttoh ' te nado o iinefof to tlH-niselves and so useful to the community: - Again, we repeal whul.KAs itave Mi iMt auiil that the anrtilu Iwtil of ;Hifilit-MhaKve our own cilizeusranoot ciirtivatn to advnti"4 to themsulve or their children."- ought in Iiesolil at llvloit priws to aitott settlers wito will ciil tivaiethem. "t . t- -r A nrntlcmmi in A imn mmnty" w rinwits thut "many of our citiun It.tve ao-ld their land to Northern capiHilist.," 'Frtuii prewrlt fospeV-ts, An will anon lurvf a large proportion of its valuaMe Isntts in 1hehnnrls of. einiirraiits. Tbi't Cituid, at this time, buy at Viiit 20,000 acres of good land, in this county ktuir prict!," y Tliis bTgotxl fieasprouilid tojr own people have Aot suLd u then utIs,ir. (lift purpoarwi leaving the State v rW ih-nrn-atelitvnihinrias to emigration front the State, except among thai Hum of penuna, W hu kave Mw-tkuwMiif ra. cnjie-rtithirt. The pmtosithni to1 emigrnw to Mexico Brazil, ttr any where else, are all in our y-; "We hav no faith iti th in. ; ,1Iiitt(f slay where yau are and acnlMe, rather than g where you do hot ii.vie you can di ttvtiiT, t. t i i '"Tna Friends Emi-rration ., '. rmi - The Ifmpt tn .jmprtit jhejfjjiibtie mbuL, hroatl, that ' Q'laV1' ij-iiMii':tlrom this State, Imvum they are j rsecolnj. tor their poliiiml or peace jirloclph s, l twit trnty fnle. Utwtit ia'Aswer-i Wwtrvcr,- if, -piece wit It all the mean attempt maiU? to prejiHlicw tlie Slate at tit North, -i -it.-4aitlaui-nongh 4a strannrs, who areA naple to ptf dcetjivedjhut, coming from native North Carolinians, it ia be yond computation mean nd8 base; ,. j, , ,. Many of our people have been av injured by the war so prostrated in their ciWumstaiices, they ere anabte to get aktng, on aceoOnt of the general cotiditlon of the "coiiiitr; and afarcity of moncv. i .The Frietula in some eecttea were sufferer fmm straggling cavalry, hunnnexs and robfeera. Their brethriA of Indiana aympatliHte witlthcm and invite them to that State. It is an excellent custom oiuong the Quakers, never to allow' their ' people to suffer or . to bccoui pauper. Urtice a Mr. CoHin has Ix-tn sent out from Indiana, as we uiutemuml It, to colln-t up those who ba tieen so reduced a to Tie 1ih' hie to get along comfortaljly, and iadac them to go to that State. Il baa' already eondetd sat aral oampanins uf -eia igttwta and wilfoniMiif-jf uototlo'so.'"..", ,yn--i". -. ;! WeolwervflieKortlitrit takmiM'W'ai1t!i-' odus Vary.' In eome Instances', it is sirld' that the emigrants aky tlscy ' are-Tnrrvrhgfciftrs the lands'rehiOr;!tc.':Mil MhiTs.'liccsiis tliey arefp;recuteil in North Carolinn,- t'-,-' ra- A. gentleman, "a c)ihj of DuviflsotiiutortiiS us. mat ne came (town on tlie tmin witn a com- i , it" le, o patty ot rniigrsnts and couversetl with Mr, Cof fin, their lend'T. lie stiitwl that the re.ison.for (heir nuiovsl whs their poverty and inability to tret along where tkef SBHal 6 t f Jk , tHit " Jliit .ftittte ss, .many uf tbcr citizxns of the Stain are emigrating, a Quakers. , Whv do they emigrate! .Are they peraecutod, also t If tliey t)onf to fh(,"ft.ii t4,"jf ooi-lhejre, but as many of them happen Jiot toJ'long,to that fi-tioii, what then t Are (hey' pcrM'i ulil, too! . i' , ' Another "Kare'i lfrst,ui t "VCn shai.i, skKt- qf the Aw.Vnirf,4-thrttlit-les a filled I nion man. "Mia sjiexth tK'trwy i th hiin." True, genuine Cuion nien, so far as ohr intercourse has' eimt.tcd 01 tn'jlidste.ettrt though peravu(efturrng tir war, aiif Cmit and magnanimous towuids thou- tthniu tin y" ri gnr dtl as tlKlr enemies I hcvar IliterKlcd U lite we litre of their ttv n miplv Htid tj( tWit abuse them, . . r" S'JW Uuiuo tiu-n urejnl the reverse. There iJ iMit one point-in his .article,, worthy of notice. , t is this ; fJ ',,) "Nor need the Sk 4tiui presume to deceive the government as to the existence of secret sis'ic tics. The writer of this has got possession 'f fitcts tht would go to slmw, thsl such a mt ref organisation ifi.t eibit tihdtv the very t imir 1 ting sppellatiou of, ?Tu ' CoiirattKBM t '.".-n' And tlnib a etig ot this conlintvracy. was held not king since, and thut A certain in 'lotions outlaw W'a. wnc . of tha individuals in iitttH dauce ;""'.' '""'.'- " - ' . , -. . We do not pretend to say thitf'W slmrtsce'' has not found ' mare's neHt." Home wsg niay have imposed upon his credulity'.' "Jiut we de ny that any secret organiuilion exists in this State, w itb hostile purpoai s fo the government. We rballeftgeWe shall sec" In the psnofs the names of the parties, the ' pbtce of uieeting, the tibjects of the assiM-iniion. It' ve kiuw ot a aeeft-t ftrgauijiiuin, w h.se aims, wcrr, Bostile to the goveinineiit. ie l nluin-ni. nur Invnlty. veoiitil prompt us ttl inloroi tlie " eermm nl. s v proper olln-ers, luttmitir. I; ae acre in p -moM ol sneU -htirta aa VV u. k.lot.t sew nisvety Uuits ot, ,, nT$;er wonl j hive I n lidom of It, a soon as wa could hate r e bed lieuie ipi ir m II t'Mt e nl ill i- t Ifi ItniTT of it t ' H is lit! tviki.n nnv si- j tlo com n uni itc to i nn il I f t a t mj i tat v in I it t ' , H 1 ei h nil to come out . . 1 11. t-i 'a. ; .s 1 In tu the r it clt-s, iiity iW w a trt l Jiv'ii lit, if he i iiiii ut fnui i -. ,-. -i-T t.f SI Si4IS'llHlHI wlniii evii ill m. hi i .it ii. i.et. Hit i i. ni di , ., hurt wh.uii it uiuy! v.T'i . Correipondsaea' V '.; 4 - ItoVsa'CfoHM., Rleig'?v "jitMCll H;" xu.V. Jjcxiojil.ai...Wa have the . honor to fcmiiwt a copy of the speech made by jott in the tiouae of onimiiiw,"on tile subject if no grojcatiiiuiny. tor publication. ., Z' llifmijr tltat it may lte your pleasure to com ply wilhwur winhvej : Y' rt'miun very respeclfuflyT " T J . jf ".-i , .4 .' 1 our Obt. Bervantay A H. JvTiu a,. A. 1L lUvia, . J. Hoi ntonrr, M Tr It McNaik, s v u 'c ii ... . .. . . : If. t. llAlttflvtra. j. MSETU ISHirKS, it. n, WAron, t N. W AaKUmToa, W. F. i'nsnia. , i ' a I'iiul '1. Iluuraay- r 1 l H 8k Kkrab, Aft' t ttiier K. Fkkhkll, JW, Btoa.,. t,t. ; ii H. liaRLF-R, O. Ut .Itf'KN, V 1V IhlBKRT t. H'kBB, W. ii. JaMiUBB, ; ' 't mr, jJtHKiaa' bjuitJ ii .-t:-,.;f " -- i . nMe o Cowwon. 'V''' V - IIleih, N, C'., March B, 1M i , Mcasita. II. Jotkkb ahd othrhs t Gntttrn : Tour note of the 8th reiutinir toe to furninh", for publication, a oiy of tlie kR-euh I had tha honor ol delivering tu cnmniit teeof the whole, on the negro teal iinony bill, was received to jday. I regret tlmt I, cannot comply immediateiy with your wishes, owing to the great prea of luminous on my hands, but I will do so, at an early day. Thanking you lor the compliment conveyed Ia th ntiguiatt, j I v ery truly,7 yonr oVt servant, . . ii', ' ' WM. A. JENKINS. . I " ': , ,. - " : 1 B?ZECH 0? JUL JJCHITJirS, . . " ''L' t)P WARUEN. ! v, .. . , ; .... ., .'!',-? i Oh lt. Bill mnnriUKf ATsyws, sW pwM of - rWe r awaed MwdL i -rm --, w " la 'the House of Commons, tapon the ftlat day of Jannary, JHfl(tthe bill was nnder rnn si tenet ton in1 o. mini it tee of the whole, t.Mr. Kny aer in the chair.) The lltU srethm of the hill having been read, lo-wit, : ."That Persons .of color shall be capable of bearing evidence sntilnst a white person in eontroversitat st4aw ,uul in Equity, where tbe rights of person or pnniiir ot persons Of color Shall bl put in. fat awe, and would be concluded by the judgment or thi rl f Oilirt, and also in pleas ol the Ststii kliere the" violence.' frsnd. or iniurv al- i iegud shall be t-harged to have been done by or . p, ,m . .,. , a,y mirer cnii. anu, CUiniluilfAaea.amAvldeiwia.abaU b..dvsH4 ......... '..... ..I, ..I. . inadiitisslltte, nnhsa by tbe consent of the par ties of record ."- '' ' '' '.. it it.tr ;Miv McNair, of-Itiiheaon, moved to'st'riitront Ibis section and the motion orevaileti. I'doo itppncafTon", toweVtir, or "Mr.TuiHipa,uf Orange, it was itiformallv reconsideretl, and. theraiipon Mr, i'killlps atiilreeaed the eumniiilce a otmsid erahl lvngth.ln favor of notrro testimony. W hat teUowa ia--the jHibntaaoo ut tW-juuiarkauulv, hv Mr, Jenkins, during the dolwte which lasted itr several days, in reply to Mr. l'hilllps, and tu tiiptRutittn it nrgiv wttitiitHij ; . '''MauCiuiBMAB' .:--! ask the indulgence of tbe ranimittee, whilst I esdeavoe toakea tewrv marks; in reply to too very aide and. torcible IH-vcii of the Uistingtiislietl, irenuemaa Iron) Orange, on yesterday, in (avitr of granting to )ersin of color, the tiglit to testify . against wuite persons in oiircourc ornsiice. ' Unlike tliat'distfngnhilieif gentleman,! was But at all Surprised at theyictton of the eorn luiltee in striking- from, the bill - the 11th aec UtMt, which gives to petsona of cohtrth right to tctfify ; ( had hoped that this tnlcht I done without discussion, Mievihg, as I do, that the provunoiis ut tli at sertwn, it etincte.1 into a law, would laV contrary' to tlie'wlshcs of the beoitle of the State, unwise arid fraught Willi nothing tmt evil Jboth to. 'he White ami the Mack, umu, I Hut it seems that this cannot ' be done. The feiitiemivn froiij Jrarige' 'hit Itrgnl 1( adinit svlti great force and power,) it retention in the bill); and, enlertnining th views that I do on this! eiihinct. I should be recreant to the dutv i 4twa tn tie people I hare the honor in pert to fepresent njMin tbis floor, if I did not express my disiii nt trout tlte views J nuueiated by him. and protest against Wttat 1 coasuler a gross injustice-find wnmg, aftoot tn be perpetrated up on the people' of. the Stato by the -fad!e.aT and dangcroiis change proposed in tlie 11th svelion. In Suying this, mean no discourtesy towards tliofc piiitlimcn who ntner m opinion with nus. On" the, contrary, I accord to them the same 'sincerity,' honesty and patriotism In advo cating this measure, tlmt 1 profess to lie actusr ted by 1n,oitp)y-ins it! ; ,.T ,' Perhaps do subject' will come lieforc the Oen crnl Assembly of ,-mora importanee and interest tu; the poitple, than the one now tinder consid eration j.otirtiitly aorie, retpiii ing iiiore t the Cttlilij ilt libernle aiijil intelligent exercise; of, onr oest juinfiueiii, ii ttrticr ttt arriveat twirrccx con clusions, i Let us Lv In it tlmt .considi mtion whii h its importince demands, ami, endeavor to no wuat is rigtit, rcnrcllessol ruiiRCqncnne! Tbe gentlcniim irom trangi!'tm:ecjoili cinir Kis remai ks, caused to lie read by the Clerk, the 'Report of the , (Joniniission 00 Freei Illicit, whk'h, he Said, bad put forth the arguments in favor if negro tcstiniouy in a much stronger li(flitThiin he cuiihl,' -"To iise hisouq language, "he hud hoiking to add to Jim argument ad vanc;d In the report of. the Comiiiiftioi'', I am w arnuiU-d iu assiuuiug, thcrutote, tliat.be endorsra Hhm peuirt ot ihn Cottuniwinn ajiow that stiMivt; and I shali, in endeavoring to re ply to hiin, . treat Jiis and tha arguuituts. set ktrtii in the. Kti,t...tl ..'the ,L'Mnntiuaj as 'an anMhe mute. I ,., ,. . i - v, Yitilxt I rctiint' my thnnks to the Commis sion (tir the man, taws of innxirtaiu e and use- :tfne-s, which ..tiny have .feistrtid for jour adoption, lieniiv every one of. wbkh I kaU heartily support,' I caiiiuA yichl my assent cither hHlbe n oniiifs or eonciusirtlts ot the Com niii.ion, in n uaid to tin) bill now under consid eration. I emmot endorse that provision, which declares all person" of color to lte citizens of the hi ate. It It tie turn, as arifiieil, that tluT are already oili.ens Own it i unneveasar to de- lurc tlieni so b atatute;. hut it, as I be- limi', it is untrue, then 4 am unwilling to in sleclaie - tliem ait. It has heett enid that the Supreme Court ot North t'nrolina hn d ldcil that they are rilizcos. This I deny. I am nwaro that Juds 'taobm has erpreiswl an opinion to that clVi ct, I v.t iiiitJinneh as.it w.ts not necessary' In drciih' that point in the oaM i they were considering, it is a lilt re iJiittr ,'. f,(r,flnd nmantbnritv f tmt spww I anvwiis-i taken in this; and .Iu ' ti tort Ins so iln i.li .1 i ill i'i.ii!', men tn. ist tr. .t si- Ii u tbela-e, wh. u j (lino. anil. I nii:.rbt add nesrtv everv Male in I trf I iiH.n. hv s)wv4 pro!,, .t.d In-c .rm-a from Mn m it-Tali it.' lulrstlteir Slates withoff s a ..id of uppo.itioii ( li, ,-idi s. the b ... ( inirt of the I mini ;s;iti-s have ennresslv. d,v tided thst thcr not citfiisol t r- ti... i!lll!.l N.li.Lr t' 111 tlie in :,t'tv ntiomil Ittw, havs i t th tt th V d 4 A II I t II Jl t 1 t 'I the prsvi Ml 1 1 in sn oinriid I it t i . in ' t i in n 1 i Males, lor s. bin ii ) rt 1 1 I r It r 1 l Sll IIOllll t' I I' li fis SS ft I on-tllil pone (it c ... r. i ii . 11, If Olio. r t to tne 1 1 1 t I nit the pur- ni thein.there- s I .1 on in -t t I' S TH ics.1.1 hsvednckeH 6dVlrctt tlie bill, ami t oulv al- lud to it Boar, because I intend to w,th that tl, ntlitt .tiftiKttt ttr,nuuul t t.t.t li..l. ! .. , r...rvn.. ,,,iiv iii t,iw Same rlialu, atnl t. Biure ot.t ctlotist,le than the stricken out Iron the trill IheT are Imth links in the same chain, W hich, if carried out, will soon reach to negro sullrage the jury box, and erual privile'jca of every kind. This, ia Biyepinion, is a AY hue man's (mv ernment, and should be goverussl and nitrtMtid alone by VY Site Bifflt iiny olhei tbroivisnt variance with tie funilanirnlid priiitip'uat Uxa which it was founded, and ctmtrary to the prac tice of the government troiu the earliest days of the Rimublic to the present time. In this posi tionl am clad tiiat tlie gentleman from Orangt agrees with me, but he r maintains and Uisits'l Uist, wlilUt the iv utt iimusli.il! govern, tlie negro shouhl be allowed to testify, as an art of sheer justice; that this is "oq political rigt, and, if at a hfititral right, K pirtekes of the characteristics of a natural rigtit" I hold that it is neither a political right nor a natural right. So far as tlie negro is concerned, it is bo right at all, lmt, if granted, ia but a boon given to tlte netrro. .vlt iaaraucd. however, that no harm ean result to the-Wbltetian from al liming thMeanl .le.wn, if tiMas w IWrw iW testimony, in as outfit wtitjs te stand the test of a cnawcxaaiinstitia before a- White Jury and a White Judge,. To my .mind, this 1 a strange artrument. Are geutltancn aincere irheB 'they olt-jf It I JrVhy, let nnf ask, give them the right to tetlirT";Is It to OcttHle the poor Rtt into ,i . , . .t . i. . -1. i ... . t i uie wenet tuat tie witi tte prttHK'tetif'wwefl.iM reality no contnlence Is to be placer! tn Uis state ments, by a White Jury and a White Judge t Well nut! lit the poor negro say to those wbo are atlvocating His claims to testify, npon suca grounds, "save mq irom any trieBils," .v r -' Mr. flialnnso, I nm utterly nppoeed to any suck legislation. Let us not deceive the negro am I, cause hiiri to do acts which will get him tn: to Uouble. If they are not believed, it will ha a source of, continual annoyance to the White man, to be dragged before every Jiths? of the Peace, and he(ore vcry Conrt, to answer to tne false accusations of the- ignorant, immoral and dishonest Begro, That such Would be the Case is am pit proved by . the state of lacts 'which have existed, since (he Inauguration of til Freedmen s Ilureau, JM its i.nuiiitie, for a mo ment, t a reasons aasigneil by the. Commission, nnd which are repeated by the gentleman from Ursnce t tirnt. "tlie present Helpless suit un protected ciiadition of the race demands it ; tliatall the stnin'e of ptTHonal seennty ar ro , .. . .... . i . ,,y nnHri,,,-, n,, wiO,.,t the c. f- - 1 - Jr..-...' tt andsn.ih.rlv- d. t .. .. ..... I .... , 7 "... . . ienceless." Without admitting this, to bo true. let me ask, will the right to testily rcmede his uuiisptiv condition f Vtttli sir respect Tortne jipinioiis of jDliumiv l nu-'jBtUfid-.tliMU-lt-iH not, but will add tenfold, to the danger of his position, by exciting the pti'iuiTieti of the White man atrnmst Ifte Hn ii-o.-ThcnriniltiCif, tliert would be tbtnirer of that hloodahetl and vio. ieae .iKtt witi.hi.tfee- 4&tatiam Stmi.Ainmgft. seams so fearful, not Irotn anr (lenial to tho ne gro of what he is pleased to tcrnv sn, act of sneer jusiiee, mil ov 1 icvaiing lue-noro in uis pros nt ignorant anil depraved ismditini to a position of einality-wnth ttie n tirrewian upon the witnts siaml Inloiioatetl as b is with fba idea of freedom, he wonld be indiiceti to coinmil sc.t fhivli he," would, not otlierwise think of dolnif. and in 4h mul this m-roiM laton of tesiift ing, which is sought to lie tlirtiat upon him, ("iipnn tha plctf of Mng .iieard, will tm n to "ashes nixm t lis lips, and but add to the misery of bia tiohanpv and miserable nonditioii.' Mr. (Tiairman, 1 pite; from thcltot' torn 01 bit Bear?, tne pottr untitrtuiiate negro tn bus pfesent ili'plorutile ctintiilion. - By no fiinlt in fcinrhti haa lima, utifwl 1 m iimoe attit nl his contentment ;: "I bare no ttrt-jitd-ce affaittat him, lmt am his friend, .end will gfas'tiir as any me in pawfinjc all 'litws, that tusy i iieces sary, to protect him In bis jienton and property s-conRiitfent with t'i dutyt "Swe 'ttii'tlie, WWte mam; but this s tlov ' If , . pasaed into a law, wilt be of incalculably injury, both to the White and the Black man. Ict tlieB'jrrrt nndei stand at once his true" posititm.'tliat bf inferiority, h:t hiin lie inditstriiHis, respectful,,, obedient, and honest, and thee qwHli'iea and traits of rlmrac ter will raise up friends for him, that will at lust !! his surest protertioii the employer will pro tect his, servant, and every $pod( citizen will lie hiifHcml, ','....;?' ,t,y't,ia ; v . . .Th aectintl rraaow jsslgned by the Coininis sion is : "The ndmiasion af such evidence is no rcassry to sw-nre tlie colored' tri-ople in their r!ht of pnperty," . jCaiuuit this lie done, more effectually, by the- passage w snch laws as may lie necessary to protect them In tha -full enjoy ment of their property, and to prevent iniioi tion upon thtsn f ; This would, in my opinion, give, them morc'protection than the right to tes tify. Cases of Individual hard liips necessarily arise from tlW PKclnsion of m-gio, te-timony, but the relief nifordetl in such instances would. by no means, -iiiiit('rlxihti the Universal evils that would fo! low tint admission ot such testi mony in on Conrts of Justice, -r 1 ' Ttttt sif.iin '.I niiMl cunfi as tWL-T on uit14 to -aitpreciate tins aigiimcot which tri'iitlwiiim h,Bsed in the tliscussion, of this question. when they assert ami attempt tr. show that only two reitsons huve ever existeii ajrainst the ailndsaiun of uetfni testimony in our Courta of Justice. The Kcftort of 'the C'ttnimisshm, as I think, falls into the sume trror, by asserting that there are only two reasons; First, the entire Mid alwolute dependence of a slave on bis master, ami their social rubttion whh'h-ven- tered him unlit to liear tcstliiony foror.gitinst his msster, or furor ntninit aiv pcrstm to t Imui his master entended his favija or dislike. : 15rv sides this, the wwled policy sfrfk to humble the finvr, ami ei in!'iisit 111 innp tne jinne 01 .inuc peiiilKncc," ,I frank I r adlilit that these' were reasons, but will gi uilDint-njundcrtiike to ssanrt, that there were no other resona, or that these were the -parntnnnnt-ressnst No, Mr, Chnir liiitn, tlte trim -easmt fur the exclusion of the negro from thii witnesa sjand was, that they are, and hate ever becn.i i iardcd as an igno rant, illiterate, immoral, j uiitmthtul and tlis-! hone.t rat', 'ttitully" unworthy of cii .lit. Tln-y ' are not etiiuil. In point 'if inlclliifi nce. to the lute child 01 7 vears ny aire, and niiietv-nnie out of every -hundred ate on a par with tho : White man who has Inert whipped at the public whipping pot In point of moralsi - --J r or the purpose ot allowing that ncifroes have been winded Irom tt-stitvlnir auaiust white': iiersona, fur tithcT Tt-asons than those bicntioned aa the .y trt, I th-si re to read to tin lloust from the (tevisetl htnttttc of indianit, t-ert. i'tt. p i-'it 7lf : '..i n-1." t. niu'atto tir Indian, shall l-e r wit ness. c . , t i . i ,,f (tie St di ,i .'.iint lu fota ma, .ii ;n. t i-r i t , ,s. and jn i u it - ni- cs aliere ne.- rnes. Ii u: i or I ni s -t part i I . II. V iiirtl, p ut a i .?f: ' ha ' one I ut id in 1 I. fir t IU n e. r '1 be d I t Hie I ' ' "S ot tl: 1 i t it tin sit.' tl Ms "t A ,V JiilS Itllltl. Si 1. I y m t inn ? ,i i e I i f it I. n ii t un l I i! I i ' ' on account ol -ters. or thiil tin i ill th -,n I us :-l tlili-iti-i. x i- ' ' tl i ir d i n b n i a if" tli'siriniH oi ri. te of bideiH'n v u 1 i t ( c; t 1 tv be : I 'iilliii I,7, in r It 'i v t ti.U OilAMl bl.ltLi It,-- !i J ftie thetn tlte tij i tt t,- t ,,i 1 had anv o-nit.rti.mtv , n U u It .1 .. i' . i, . . ut toe law iiiii. j I kav sitt evt,t, tt-i .f t - w i the Hev. Mt. of t li !-, 1 t liv I y. I i V liitm,rt). 1 ) . ,)' f v' hnma txint n( t ,m i . , 'd, i, r stand tb oliUiristtts l aa t 1.411' - - - jwuitesa ia aii e-ssra l-rt t r. 1. .1 i - . etrv-H) a Bftvts (HIsIlM tt .r I f -t i : Inilnr., a aejj'o, ra fbtdiit., e s 1 , k j: shall ant be ailuwist t r e . 11 t ; : rati wlietrin a n'.ila f-ts. M . , ( " fk Ostu. t i itv . i nt e 1 k Of mulatto ja-qui kwii ittmlixt iaa f to is- ira. tir (ft r i iwct ta at itttttrtl, c o-,befWiM. in i? Mt., v .-'- -ih-N-ndiai!, ut suaUs of eijw m .' eitlter party to tbesmsa ks a eih'te poem, a fes ' any prormk.wbwh ttd b tw. .im.-l is ' half of ttii Mate airaiwst any W s i ps "" til fact. Sir. Ckalvmsui, I tj apa r- '. -. . ttv Mtint me to a !; Hte ( , wherw tha rickl to tttify a va4 w !.,-! ! has hern eitcndetj to pt-tssmst ot. pt'rat ittmnmii aiciv upon iitrtrrataas HtM4t. . t ',3 i tew . BcgMes, arnt Hey riiw. 1 mn t-.mti . expanse of country. Win tt bwAi. W , .(. ''Wlucathmal iklrwnuinta, iUw t 1 . . testify, in arawe ttttt even now, ! 4 -.' im fttre year of etiiK.al"nti.'e aerws- i t ' i.iStaMSt tt jaii jiiita-M. M mm race, rooted to Uat fa. fKt , .,1, t r the novelty of freedom, ! ei f , , ' ncitwd ausia-t tlse white suit iv a aiacit greater ib t" tbasi - . tw ' " , ,-t & preteodvd eiratia of ttt Neath t T-t , ,-. .. , . . . jjte proposition ia'atterty atdmermt ao-t tt .r- m- , -: 1 . with axttiiing but evit It baa t-.Mt,lt- 4 ouality, isat vatrance with theee-"-.! y nrf'" , , tli governmentjfroot it tairiirst i.iU'.-s tet j .!. n. , , ,, , the present time, is rmHrary li tswni I y . t - . , iwt deeded or asked fur by lite ewr 11 ii -t ' tVeedineBfantTw iU frwult io atal.ing hut mm- - - ' chief. , .,- ,,. , . ,.. . ., ,,. ; ' ,.. .. v t " -t ' The Commission, and tlie aawthwiaa) whs ml ' " vocate tlie ath-pt'ion of tbt llib act., mi - mit, bv the vry terms nf tier at. u., tK U. j mv s , are at least doubtful of its u,pvvt. Tlsv est - dewrtir to ptit sugar iW U.i5,v fi"..i - V "'" - -they have prepaml for tlte pstpic t s:i, - f- t . -"b admiuing tlte Bexrw t.t iwt.ff at a ! " n white man, in liswe rws ssal . hrr a " - - ia a purtv." It ttt-gnte sMtflit itai1' ' a right, whv not alhiw IV' t.. trs,f im '. u' 'v' botwesnitru wliitsiioes tlW-K HH feS a. 1 "T"- . " ' lv be more likely tot. II ll.e truth in ll.,-- tban when mte of the pnietHtil 1 1st .m, ' flentlcmen have lawn aual la to answer ,.,''-''" - queetitm; thev V. I it lorcr ; lul ,1 ,,, . , f iwd f f Xttisb -pimh-man fritiff't'rrKnye'tVi.s" tkr.-t , vr,r '' ixiint fnirlv. lie admit. tv wav Jr ..,U;: "'''' ! lit force of it. that ho would h withiat .ir,mx j :ur:tr- -.ic , them tcstifv in all ensew. Am I tu wsns t J " ,J l"" ' in sating, then, tb-.l tlie tmetUm tails (.i. t ! " u' ' ' 1 ' afeaitc-.islif-Stt.ujg-Jas-st jrfmat - ..: off the attention uf the public from tix t4ta which it contains I I nan aay tn ftuli-.t. that thev hue m if taken the, iott lSi-tt of tit pestple, if thev supptstc Jhcy are ,'la.!t lluta tli. oeivad. It thi qin-stion was sul.iiiitl.-d n Hm people of North Carolina, irt my npinhtn, m tcntlts of tliem are attsiiist it. not truss ) " t dice, aa we frequently ttoar whii-rwrc 1 arottttd, brit from a firm' eunviothm of tw iniusri'".- How many of os could have lt ehs-ir.1 to seats npon this floor, advocating negro tesiimo ny I I leave that fur gentlemen to answ-r f. iliemsclves, I sin unililii il to know ti .t. ia tipoing this inonst run proHiiiiR, t sio but (tarrying tint flip w i-he t of Ui-s whotrt I w ytr senf but, if J thotiuht tiicy f tvottil It an h is my Cotli tlmi ni" ils Ktsistt liiiiiiuirf, liia! w") I resign tny- mt "find; go h"tnC ts iote t m." 1 consent to give it my vote. , The vent bvotau froui Orange has asked, with emphasis, "alio are wet, , thai w honld ftmanmn In cetabtisH on Usui vc as tha gnsntiuns in this niattrt aer the good citisena we bavtt left in our miiecttr 'comjtiea, or that it will lie decent hi us' to do tilaee to them, ujxin our return home fmin tin place; that such was our distrust of their Int. ut gence or integrity that altliiaigh grave rens-ms called upon ns to dcclnre the evidence of -groes aomueteut in certain enstsv, w tbd as are to expose . tbetn to it temptation r" Ixf gentlemen la-ware hist an intelligent coistitn--ncy should demand, with emphasis, who are tliey, who dnru.1, contrary to f heir known w cs, to thrust njion them this dctvstab'c 1 1th ls- tton, when no such giaee retimmt touted, except in imagintiim I, , , ; . Mr. Chairman, I eome now to replv brh to that argument which ia alwavs used in ibis House, to frighten the timid and tlie "weak kneed,'' when we are called tipon to legislate upon the snbjtrt of th ncgnx To me it lias become threadbure and Insipid. "that miles we grant this privilege we can never get hack into the Iihob," wssn all other nrgiimcuts fail, ' this is fonsiditvd nnatiswerable. It has beftm stcretrfjei;' We were told the same thing in n-uard to tlie . constitutional amendment als1 iahing sisvorv, .President Johnson has Inhl US ! what bis plan of msuint ruction was! he ha I dccltired that North Carolina bad only to adopt that nmtiidment to the Constitution tn iin.tnr hersiMicdy risilnrsiiun. lie has nowhere tin- mnmU'd of 11s uctfro tcstinionv : it is hot a Diut i of his n-conttrt tiull jwlicy, nnd I imauine no ' gcntlemnn is Aitt1ior.cd to say so. Jt may Is-, j tltnt ht, tnttirt 'nrirm ti'iitiiinhiiv I., it t,.. Ii . ! wisely Ictt this mutter fir each State to tstilef foe.iut!ir. -lhit,ay tenttemen. w wiH certain f la i.tuaao ttta I?..l..i- f tl.o X' ...1, I .. 1. ... I ing this section; vj-hal may be an, biit'are ir-n- I tleinen prepared to" adopt their plan of mi. atriM-tion j If so, lot them truant at once ne gro sirfliaire, allow them to ait upon our juries, I and give t'loitt adj. the riylits and pnnlefcs ot j the while man. ,s kuow it ia said there is no similarity in tne cases, nut i rt irani tins as u entering wedge to alt of thrso rigid,' ttent'i i men say tin y .will never yield u!'iai-- but ,! you had asked those me grntlcnicu. ttn.i months turn, whether th-y, would giant rii'ht to testily, most of thent would have It n insulted -tthe fiitestlon., Hut how is it to .1 1 f Have we so soon torffottcn the arguments timt were use I m favor ut tlie adoption of tlie ow- stitmlonal amendment ahuli.-diinu iaverv, wh n gentlemen tht-lared, with great eiiiucslne, tlmt it was tli last thing to Ih lme. in order 10 restore Jtoitli t sniltna to Iter r i; ulul poi! mo In the Union l-.-I well rwoemlier Imw t o.,i;t-rit gentitHiten - were io nndng it- hi-oii the 1 and now we are told that, vr bavt; p iss d 1 lit- ictmstitiitmnat aiwembut'id. v.' m Ii, ir-wi.--, turn, is a inurlr wot .h br I turn 1 in' out' n 'r I nndi r con-idi'i-ttion. N u we lin-' p. I 1 tl.is foil, il t ! I,...- I. v u, I I, , . e . ,il... . - tint n:.r.it to lest. I v. anv li"t a.. ..i I mi I i I Vatultfn iluitu l( if!iur,iin i In I J:-n. I iiirw-ii i 1 Is tieie Jl-' iiIh i:n n nm su- en- v i u i tlieV sif tli'f Will iit,ervi It f p., . v. I, -r not niori' till t .,il thi V tt i I , l: . t. - . .i- 1 alien tnev uYi lno i itny , ic iiii'.i-. si ut nO"j't-. t ing th" cwiu'puntnal m-ii'iin"tit. but. it m i 1 irrwl that nt.l.sst a "t aht n'tni'S t -e i- - t et "? tl trt ittl irsst.F i til ailllCtt-d Willi !' i 1'i'C !'l' 'i !'-'-r;.'(.( It , ir 1. i t in ii i i iii I i . to vote lor rtejirn 'e .hiimnv.. it. w -Mid It to e. : I r lif llif 1 i i i t l lie it ' b'l some tl.ll hi) ever -t -' s 1- - - I f -: mi-iui. til iM-rt-s,. Ii .t a I..,, it ., :,.,ii.s4i4 4 ' ir.i'.'in.'n. that mis i o't' ---.nTii would bee Ut t , 1. .ml Hut t. t! f I l,.iv no stu h l ies. I ; r- t ' 1 ,..i- . . ' I"-', m t . m ip- 1 4 6 It St Sii-I I , '- . if a, .-r- '1 ?,i '.- 9f -"t Ifr.-.; .V 'e1' 1 'i-i Immi is ttf tansttv 1 It S!.-sS km s.- 1 isrvt-r, m.-. 'k.tr"ui tsrst, t-4-.' ft3fci 141 of etas' rt-... :,., tttstei' t es t-t . ttave 1 , .sfss f , i 1 ? Itasw a titu w -t tm wa isffis s-i tt-ttt W srvftts s tw- -t f-. , S'-HittS ft ' i.'ft't to be i ,-.t, j,,.:,. tt e tw'i.lStt... tlr'r H..Si- "4 I fJWHt ! ' i n ia- .4 " . i iM-f t'mws. wit ' t lr-tvs, eifw,t,v So-t W'' t '-.-. ttt. Mr t t.. - prwitfoo m ausir ... i, I : t. w it- -. p i- lias tin- ):,'c ... a W Mat Sjs sr. .(Mi i h Wim tie . .-, htw d.arrsi M t "' - Will iwtf tt-ttd -t- i.. .'T !. It,its7i le. ww . i, ' w .i er tittt. I ssts.t .: f s ti. a. In it t t . i ' i iott tlte a .. . rttliiad ss.i t-M - . wrr's h tt.t js. : ' t wliii h I ai; u . I tha pfisfc.lr i . it- t mk t a ssiwii t ll,sj,..'.t J' i '. k,iim tetstoi - "TT T'"' b r j rtfottal ti -is rt , lilllWv lit rvn- "r .j Cfsru'Tre-at.l f. - ...... hi u bi-nt s,,' e-n i- ,4 . 1 1 ami i l ..:.. think, tm , t.-. .. . nit t. lv aa l 1 cisiott, ' 1 ' . tt. f V,f " V'"i' st - ' d !. r. (ibvi. to t b-i in our r .i .f t i i- Vr J.- 1 I'll .. t,... - a C tft-i i

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