f V T II K SEN T I jSrE L. ; Vv ftmm i -m , f! i f .i .. l' , jj -IMTrS OF ADTEKTItim l -.'JV ' lis oireulmlja o( th' 8s'isii aisksi it oat of ' th MsMt dosirshl mtxiiuBii ( lrriUbi, ie tii 'i ' ; - Statsw'j' ' . ; ' " AdterlifuiiMitt, aoonpj'inj ths Sao of M llu of f rtT.. flP.VTTNKL. rn lfi w5u"!:t1lT-,,ll,'lPr,',,e .' " ! ' Th " PMlsfc4 vsry TuMilar I iUn.ff"r"l.r."' I"'".7 J " ""';; j f It 8i Wi.r Maaanjri hm.I TkariJar. - ft'' ', ' '. : .'. -f.iw.-ii.- f .ie.-,.! .itii.'"-s:iS'l-,".r:r.f if JL. . ,w -iu,,,. 1181 :'BEMT-Wl'HIvLY;v. vhiio ljp sr li vhl-k ll (, w ehari ' a fwllinNI for InssrtlM I th wswUr J, ' , F.r oa. lnterttiia, , " ' (1 M ' " Fur iwti insrrtiuea, v- Stt - J fer oas sbosib, " w ' ttH , ' Fur tea so on I hi, . . . ' M ..yi-siMithi,-' , - 14 Far an year, ' ' .. ' 288 JOB W0RX si.oa'si wit tn at ta Sssn sbOrric. , '' ,d i ,.. '"'''-. i " " ' Term: ' . - , fMMjr, nyrr, in sjtiim $i flumi srsskl. s'n U'lHilx in 'lvn, , 1 tr-r i -a -l.kTTMrrwiK ' -' f r I 1 tbm n nt KALKIGli; TIIUKSD.VY, "JUNE 7. 1SGG: NO. 22. f" Jul J m wnl f s " f ' ',' t - . f . , .i . e -"' i - . i - '., !r . ' . ' - I ilii1' I i , ,- I. iit-vim iff..t-w-'-rii J .iwa-r I: i 'ViFT-fK(VlNP DAY. . . 4 .. I. ... .r .t. Mimnnm 1 .(Wet UiHmtft.IU k.'.tt tli .vi!4 ! immliU JmyhfuxL Htl iin ii;tim u Muti'm , with hi f tmily fur tciynin vi llWChUMrti-f IPWWiUIT,, wu..'M.i n' , .. I ... 1.. l.iMlrW HU1B 111 nen.Mtivt.iM, If. iw Oiivwmw, I hl h to w J f !t!t ia out of the Hit or. riiirttM d wcmM he tn likely U lt a cru1 or inlmnmii thiti, Woulif hvc diwn Mi'r G. lliiithU' vterts uiiivi-rsilly for tlio Us--trmwiil, iiartifiil i'Iv fnm Ui own jvwrt of tij . Ktateu Ilia li.'in' 'rii''JttlicilJWil people wan good. Jh'. iK'f re I U-lt, Mcall(a -umlutuiufi by lhL.i'tfriwi fr tlie HuprNfiit , tlv mrniia to liol'l fc'tivul fr IjU U-nvlti. "' .. ... i. .. .. rri.... ......li.'nl im wiim IllHaO ( . .H(Wnw.n'.' iuia nj-p"" t l.yMr. I).!'i IwUnlf t tlic ncj?.i. ho ,. rr si) I am Itiform.'-I it orij,'iimtet rMinlf wtb the nero-, ' t Tlilel H.i)ixljnry in January, 1803, for the nr ' KHGOt' huviiiK uu jirimiiwni ru!faetl,iiim Xaryltti'i and one Irmn 1'i-niinxlvaiiia.j 1 lia iuji ryitw wltli Maj'Hf (if and with aume of - tint prtaneri. " I j! f a"ccitilT-Hto twra"ijir e,rrcnntii'n')!n. i)x-m to l-n. Oiil-t, .lie ''L "Jiivitvi fc":li.Hii lli-iii iMi-auiw tl-ro weie ' no upeoiaJ lf halites. Un'laa uiltrvU-w witb - liim aa wmi as I rcaoheil Itirhmond. . lie f'l TjrtaT5riBt"WtlVt? thonrv ttpttt tliis ' W .mmiinlatiuiL " M.ii T th-i tumMied me eve ry facility, I wa iu llie ha'it of operating on Federal aoldu ra oiarrated on one in th prison. U a no worn than I had aeea it here. , I foaad tho prio:.ei were, a la aa they hai the mean todH, 'iim'lcomforta1ilo. . I bad been with aome of the iirioner when they were tmra and waa anx'mua to have them return.' They d4lo no complaint to me hut were anxious to get home. 1 waa not restricted ' from falkina; to them freely. One JthemwuS a tailor and llirou-ih my ii.lhuiu o ho pot such ' articles a went necessary to Citrryoit his trade. ' 11 The, prison w improved me I aaw it in Auglut; diteins bad !'" dii,'. . , " " Jld" Ould wu TtH anioua to mnka these I xeingca, lint said, ii I do timt. It will ea had ' prvmJenf, and e want to make a thorough " sohan;e, a clean aweep. - ' - When 1 went hiu k, he had ant onthuiranmcs '"and they were 6sct.t-.lL. 't his rfhinj . -jWftp M'.L jUn.'ii rerimtim." 1 ' 1 "" -"- J' lvwii:.fii t i.ii li, ' aHeiition w.isj'iir- -ticuiarij e'.illcd to th. tliteli. Hew n-.-narkeil that he Intended to make diteliea. r '' ' At the tiiito I ei'ited, I wai in ronipany ith ' flrargel, Kane, and l.w l-ct was to brinjt - - hut an fae.hiisjrt la-te,:n a M.d-r in the Con "" federate army and another jrentlcmnn who was in the prlatiu. Maj.lee lecmud io. ho as nx ' tons aa most perilous in charge of prisoners, to vllo all he eoulil, an far as I oWrn-d. 1 ttiean the pri-ms 1 have seen on this side. - CrwM-i)W. IwaaMiri:einin th.' Con . federate army. , Hmdakind of rnincoiniiiis. ' eiun. J deteruiined to hem-lit sulh riiijf on both aith'. My praetiee w.n anywhere. Tlnse I went aftt-r were eiti..-n prisoners. ' . I took the psjiois in January, and when I went t see Oh Ould he told me he had attended to ",' it, Ooeot the men, Kaiil'inin, wai tkn alter the battle of fiettyahurg. He waa Htoward t . " the iitaipitid. . ; , ' frM, WiUnnHftAH, lhtlMtm Pa., Phti. ' . I received a letter by ll ii? of truce that ' : there waa a yonuR mmt in priiion and to do any ' ' thing could for him. I went to Salisbury and relieved Ida want., avc him somajnoney and a . blanket. I never saw Maj. Ore. ' They allowed me to yirethe ynnngman J00 tine' month in all - 405. - I to'k him down aome Ittl clothing and ' had eooie shirts made for him. My bmfl:r '' took hint provisions. When he whs pnrohd I .walked ith h'ua and olT. nd him more ni 'i" y, but he Tefnsed. . The Mawiiiiu order nlicVed pri-onsea' of war f vrbo were Maauna. Juhii Wilnon,Jt.,Myttrf ni; AUwmrf Co. -2f. V. PhYnieUn r-w-liing t reifiit. Prne " - tieed medicine since 1 ViJ, except four V ar and ahnlf. Waaenrgeon in i harsro of priori lew , pitals ( went there in V--1. January 1H.;-, re- lieve.llr. t'urrv. ' " , I drew anpphes from the Mulic llTurveynr nt C'hvlntte, beds and b.-d llni!. I"i Je nic I ine 5 and article of diet 4ly impreadoft is t.. t lie Was alio required to foriiidi uiiderehuhin I had clgltt assictnnt turj-,e(ifta, 1 iniiih. i..o "-doty of all but one was to el land to the prion er,"an.i of one to. take care of the ituard. - There waa nn flistinctiuB in the treat incut of . , different ciasst! uf prisoner. We had no siek call in the morning. They y Were mostly Btlon.led to by a mednMl man , named K. iu ll'mun. There i a siek e iil in the V afternoon. There were reports to tius of the slik in tic hospital. My practice was to vi-it ' '.the ho-pitsd every d.iv. J'liere were umim led I men in t!m ho-pital wln-n I Went there; tinv ' Were lid to be wounded lit the niitl'i.iU. I think tliere were noen in the horpit-d w.n. id. I by the gimrd alter I j..t t'me TinreviiH no rs case of putting a live man in the dead cart alter 1 got there; it Mtcli a tiling had happened, I pre auirie it would have laten talked about. I think l' fiiTY died .'lt tl'e I ll. tt lelirnary. A. or i . .' n-l I .of JNo . 9U outride. Think h 'four days. Maj. Ce lial i my requisitions. The !!! and gn'atly Hi. We ii..t ii' -n meiu:ities.! )lai.r (. ili l . t , ill ' iv' Id d ! ti, r lit ll Vil'.t ll.lt t he en , asked him. I drew fm: , mj owa twimaitiona Maior tu do with it. 1 pun h.i I e fund H I foold t..( th" t.e . ; Xr, John, llW, .1 -Ibad. a guanl ot p riwciH'.M to i bospitsL Their li: -. i . those perf irmed in the irroimd e; . e ha :i ll! it H the 1" ithiii' it .1 .4 thcp.s I ( '., -( ,,lni nnl: , , v S. .iiti-i tl.e nd.l. i H.;d to L 1 1 Si 0 to t HI-! v-dotl by the hixpitul sitendniit. There was an i-.npresdon.aiuio-1 a cm i. 'ion that the prisopsrs mre M lie-e- nt au'.v, Im i . t'ery t-Ll met tin he- hf -hr.-fi toi l ty SnrgMin General or Oen. V. it..!, r not to in i'e any further rcrpiUitinn, th-it tlie prison woul.k ' be shortly reinoted. , : . ,. The federal government hut S.'rp'y of I made a remiofctfof 0Q iiwwlwa.' i . - 4v ..M,.l. Ucr mHVo) aittUWIM ne iMirumuy. Tliii' wnrkintf wrra allowed tlnubia ration. 1 TA$ vmploym w-fi prwrotifr of war. Some had the Mtw HMTit m ui town tiy Jiiy. we(m- t)tt ot i '! i. Ooa Tprrira bliUK-Ir Bsa.ul.lnif. I I t..- i 1 tUt Sn r dying t'vciy !'iy ,mi ' . in.ione.toeaktotlii'iu of t'H-ir l-.'ii 'ui H'U'rgyman prcwhrd tn tlM-m r V " ' '. , , Mf vr.j ('i.Jl!ii hi, and ha swtm-it am.i.iiiou4 u his iUt." I aa't fivoIUvt c m T'ritiHi 'ui hi.i, my inipriion in foraifd fromi'-nTvation of hi Kcmjral comliict,. -Ilia manner i iilwaya kind toward prioner of "WKMttiHioa ahown t iiwh in hopita rrennia.'. ' - . , That is la my fmmj wriliiiff. J gid t hoilding for the cnttivmw - 'J hi H!4idiiitl(m ii dated Jrtpuarv iliU, 1K5, Tlo Sron ma.le "a di inn-i t' ewh-tana- and entered on hjiilal lHok. , ' I had a rtn-kofdi'.infeotiH, but the wrrthof :n f (Mild thnt t'v y were nut needed. Tbera v no tteneU from the ainka, txcejit when alHiiding in dune ptnxtmity to tliem. I )eretived ii) evldener. d nejflivton th pnrt of Major Oi-a to prWmeT. . 4 I h-id to apply onre or twice tn th ojiarter mater for a'riiw,' I aiiwwdc.1, hvauj I knw the man from tnm -irTrn niiniur1--4t W jtuud in-tUa pjamut-iiospUiiU t , ;. . L . Thews wr- aink Imxea in the luiMpilai. 1 hey wer elettrietl mwasiiy rrquiHii. The triini uimrtermaster fiiilinhod wood.-- Jfhir-tTjipiy-wii"Wtii,Y-- not go " Major fiii; was anxious 1 ie relieved. I know it frt'in perwrnul converfstiim with him. Lumber was ao ae.irce, that I don't recollect getting 'fot. I tried wpi-aledly to get a dik, but did not, cfm roan assigued was a waul of liimUr. . '" ..' - . - I think that the mental condition of the pvu rati rs was canted by their Mng sick, and that their depression o spliita reaeU-d on their sitk- I did not not notice that the new or the ex change. atr.Tted tlie mortality. , . I uiiidc a reirt of rasm of each disease and deaths to Jlichm.rtul, at the cbe of the month. I rece.ved mvnrdwrs irom E. If. White, who had clmr'e of prisoners east of the Mississippi. ; Mai. Gee did not have at his disposal any larger emoiint of ijuniteis to furnidl to thu pris i.nors. I, think about 'two thirds out side "of 1?.Iu1mw iuiits. ' hat a as Just an ; liu- VUsuiu, , Jr. C'i.rr' j n i...iud !'C h'1! were tmned over to t.ie, Tline riaf"r'lord4 re no orders" making a diucrenre between S',tri,'eoiis at pris ons and other Burgeons. Cri-A".mmit''rt-l'he convicts 'were 1 in the upper story ot the big brick building; I think n( prisoners of war were in that build-in!-'. . ' 1 . , Mnj. tc g"tve me a de'ail for the -hospitalt ; I snil'ii.lttcd no requisition to him: It is my im prtdon timt he lull no control pver me ; the qii 'sfion win not raised. If the jiriioners died from wait of things I ot'lA to have made a inpti-itioti foiyuid die not I ri ipmiihle. ' ' . . , I .t enouirh Ri.tKW (or the time. During the Bioilth they wen- well sopplied. The aver.igc of patients wa about 100, 1 re quited no report of the sick outiide. I ordered h report of tlie dead outside, I do not think they were full and act urate, .11 a man had been shot and killed, I think I would have heard of " Maj, e staleftb.ir l.is health was giving way, his duties arduous, tneilii-i.nt nulwrdL nates, and he wWied to be relieved. Maj. One-used all l'ie houses in the p-ison tor prisoner. ., . , Then' warn about O.Otil) prisoner when I got there. Time were a jtd many of the hull's in the 1,'roiind. ' . Tl.e hospital fund was not all used. I could not rind provbion to buy. tv.iiitiiiun 'iri meiilioin 1 io nm as a .nwi.e-i fioni Martlimd. I made no r. ports to M ii ti"e except tlie lunula r of di-alhs to the Clerk of tlie pli-iut. . I Ueut whoi. it to witness, dated D.vtmbtr, Oiij cN-d to. O'li.s-tioil Kiistaiiied ,v Ttie loner stures of tha brick Imthling were used as hopit.il. To Court: Tlie ho-pit il snj plie were not mh-ipiate when I went there. J,ut. A. Vjf.if, I'.trmer, fiill'iri).-0ne of the Commissioners of the tow n w Idle the prisoners of war were there. There were two iii-iirtona.'" s. nt, to the Secre t.irv d War, t have the piis.mer s-nt away, 'J'tiev " it I tLeoiial'm-saofrie-oiiimodation and ciiii.il v id ioo.l, timber n 1 water. I undi-r-l'iiid that t ue anrt er to one w as that they would ba. rilnovel i.l il bhort t'uli". Ans wei to tie- oti er ..s tli.tt thtyaere iloing all tiiev oiil 1 to ulieve them, un l some were to lie s nt t (!,' it 1.1 i ".oittli ( coona I think thre vres somethlti' Cani'.in v h nnv to s md up t ' M ij. I tee s. t med to be t ' all in lit power.. H-o ! ' Umlresm-it tor thiee oi Tltere. was' at one ti,: I about North h.T share, i about ilointr v i. ot tint b iii ,11 111 .!i rcf pi oners in town. ('f.in 't-mtiiitl i i. 1 . fluted ll 'I tile !: ! . 'J i.'i Rr.tTie mi!.1 Oil." 1 hrre t if t j i T h , i 'ii t'.e I .ii; i.i i there . IV, I l!,i;i!t, tVO l.r Tills III. li.Ol i,l! Hli'f'l' ' tl.e prisoners would ;:' :' .'. !li 1 1 -t. - I'l.e -i iu -i y . set ior:Si in tlu; mciiiimd. ihe-meniori.il they wooded com try is plentv ol . . in !, i , i ! lunilsT mills. May t!t.itit ' 'vi ' ' '"' I ' J. il U'.ion V ei I Tim A , n t' in -nn s tint, and to t iV.e tbe t. t cnth 1 e i! i'l r i be d n's tjimtv. ,N. In. ,' ir. r i-ni d to t i.i.j..! i.) in in t ii I- l-i ii. ol r.i- Ol'.ll, llp.ni the g'.i.el-l lo-'ll It tl. 1 Im on-i ii n-v, and oi '(.j I "M a -1 h lie ll l 1 bei-l n t'ii'tld to t'let -'llt'i i .oVrf) I'i'wt. viiileiiee t'i The lti-,t f.n-i.in I'f. H-'t-, j.'..i-Uld m.t I terms of not'.' to ,i lr.i-,'-i'i i an I Fioicn tl, it I he t'oiu'.renre si lui ri'sulta. i5t''.iii!;,!iw uiati s tied si a.:r tii i.iu ,1 4 . tb'i end to iiMEi'i, t ; n. It is hardly 'hoped, I aei-oiiipli-U ny poai-i- hliinWa Vmrci(lii5 a)ut that tune. Deeiaioa pt Co.tj ntssioat ui i iiue ox jresse aueiai. ' . j '. - The following ahstrnel f nn 'iniSirtmit de cision by Jad;re Nelson, involving the T!i(bty" of a convictions' aud aetiteticu ' by a military commission in a f iKwrisTrTWiiinjrlv within the eogmMucn of nnirilul laa. i, ootulensed rnm i the n poit in the AlisnA,T'f " fAc 'i itlef of Jumr hjna, a Prixtntr in thf Allany V.'.i'rw'-J-jr-s-The petition , and return to the wrifisfity ' iui'd in this h pnsxmt tint 'oioi.iit fii is : 1 bo priaoiier i a eiti.i-ii, and l eecvijialion a farmer, io the inirton district of ttieStste of (tooth Catolins, some eighty yearn of and - never entsaed in the military service connected with the army of the United Htate oj of the so-called Cfmfed erata States. He ha been arrested and IrUd hetor a military pnmniisions, in pitrhusnee of nnlers isj.tie.il at iieadqtiarteraot the iJietriet of W.mturu . oiiih. Carolina. Columbia, mmn a charge of murder, convicted and acntenord for litetofhff AHimrpt-tiihTrtiwry. -'t iie-aiteetwa-tion in the reeonl of the crime is th Wiling of a negm boy hv ahoolinjf him ion or about the atth of ft-pfc-nihi, 4fl5. , The trial took place on the Sin fa of November," and tits aentenee was pronounced n the 1st of Ihi-emlier following. The sentence is approved by -the order of Brevet Msjor-tten'ral A, Ani's, and,alsin)f 3f.-ijor Gin ers'l D. K. Pickles. The im'y paper f irt ideiice before lis. on th turn to the ritofa.iMrwyi, . ... ,...'........ .. I . L. -ii. - .1 . is the hsairii iirorrter w.fouiiinni m wmwrn M Uiiaia'aidmrajanpiurtHtodtnlai-alia 1'eiiitiintiarv. which contains ilia above facts, . Is will le olwervcd thsttliis trial before the ntilit inrv eommission took ttt.ies some seven months -ttrr the- enttnaiB -id int,UiiiW-a4 - tlta - ui - render of the rebel army, hi the autllorttiea oi tlie United States; and, further, thrt the otfence is one which., according to onr constitutional sys tem ol government, is oognirabto by the j'idl "ciil suihoriti! ot the htate and not of the Fed eral government And, also, that the trial was nottmdi-r the rule and artielrt ot war aa estub ' lished br tlie United Stafs. ittContrrcas assenv- , bled, as these am limited to the government of the land nr nasal brcc or the. l,nite(t Mston, and ol th taiilUls, whm in aettwl amice, in time of wur or public dimwr.. The 'trial nitwit have been had tinder what is known and detiominated 'tumti.d law, and the qtuistioa jn the case is wbetiier or not this convntion and uiinishiuent can be ' upheld jjv Tcason of that authority. All iwiietri.h- writers aad jililili..is.ts ngree jn the detmi in.i that it is neither siup n r - I wilt of th Oetufal who roi.i.i m il i.'.i.d 1 is resnhited by no t-v of nu i.lllHW ' ,t the 1 ' army.. i ii or est ati- jln-UvU l-j ,. sit i4. Iwia MIL L . Urn inluUir. judge, and executioner. His order to the provost marshal is the lieinning and the. end of the trial nnd condemnation oi the accused. There may lo hearing or not, at his ' will. If permitted', it may be la fore a drum head court martial, or the more formal bo.ird of'a military commission? -or both firms m.y be di-pwisi-.I with, and the trial and condemnation eipi.illvle fX.il, though not equally humane and j tdiciuns. being the nture and extraordinary char acter uf iiisrtial law. wliiih, lis observed by Sir Jlathew If ale, is not a law, but something in dulged rather than allowed irt law, all the au thorities airree that it can be even indulged on ly in caw of necessity; and when the necessity ceases ninr.iil law ceases. .. ' This necessity must lie shown affirmatively by the partv assuming to exercUo this extraordina ry and irreg'tlar power over -the lives, liberty, and property of the citien whenever caShd, in question. " . . Applying these principles to tip! case in hand, wo think the record fails to show any poaer on the part of the military oilicer cvir the alleged crime therein slated, or jurisdiction of the mil itary commission appointed by him to tiy tlie ccused. No necessity for tiio, exrci-e of tliis anoin dorti power is shown.- JrVrsnpht thnt sp pear, the iii! ha'al courts ol the Hi i'e of tiouth ( iiroliini e e in the tu'l exercise of tli-ir judi rial Junctions at the time of ibis trinl, and re stored ty ties suppression of the ivbc.iion some seven month previously, and by the reviial of the laws amj renr;:inistt!un of the t lie p"V crmticnt in nbed'erue to and iu eonti.rniitv ailh lis coiistiti t "n il du.ii to the IV h ral Union. Ihdi ed, I ' ion to this, a I'rovis'onttltiov- eninr l.!i minted . by the I'rcsiili lit, v,ho is t .u,ehhf of the Hint and r- vv of t " . . s ( ind hoe will under inarti il law i .instituted the Iv rulnof ci tu n). for the spevi il purpose. i. i ' statu uf thin'; and rcs'tor'i over the peopla. In pi. tneiit a new i -titi'linn Ooermir and ;'i-!.it'ii t;. Sl.de in the lull eni'ij ." the full enj iIiiint, of h i ri'dits aud luivih-i'i -. Tl.e . ie the existing , 11 tfuvoriimetit ' of thissppomt '.'ta tin.i.-d, a .-1 under it. a 'id fit. or . eiil it led to i her constitutional j CnuHtitmiou sad t Uvisof the Luton re thereby 'i.ckno t. .i""l ( nnd obejed, and v. tc as sit! I.oiilative ""d bin ( d'uia over the people of the t -,.te as in "t'j.-r , portion ot the country. i'lJml, the moiii .t j the rebellion was .r.'i" r, I. p-i I the ti.H. n- , ment growing onto! lion-t i.ion, .intlini l i Mi!n-.t. I, Urn an. t tit i find !i , 1 1 on ,1 4 I' t resumed tl t'.e 1. '.1 Ii his'iistoined sa 'iv, i"ini.i!iin or tho n lillMit O. I1 rot tteers to pive them opet r- I'li.ition and lip; -i tun, i 'ii ii'i' s, nhi, h I"" e an 1 ini' tion of the ti t i'i l.ii f of thf S'' " WHO as such haul pres em j.' -t tb.e. SU'fl'.' 'i i ' l.iiec ol uiai ti ii U .-. 'tn 1 a. 1 t'.e liei i '--oy h i lii, inn find . ,-. uu iit of innler the rt. I lie public illtelhl- -Diin sn- ?.Hiin'. I n -I l It. I t. 1 l.v I " ,n,k into tmt ' the (M-i-iirrfd I (is i t. lH-i.il 1.. .t ... . I it mil arv, I TH' : l:S of the lit'.- 1.1 , ..mi r, i.it'i-.'U-h i( U i Jt d 1 i r 1 1 f tl iv t . t'lmmem . t, .oi I ."To.k Y ib'l I iii.m 1 1! , , lied . unl .nlt-'i la e.iii-- lie ll !l, V n tn lui i re t I A appoint 1 I" io ll.- ill of t s. it i ft' . Cmer'ior Piei'poiiit I. p -' i don, a Y-inkee, coiivicied of Ine the Circuit Court of I:i burg 1. t (b.r- -(.ii.,iiia; inir in -t wt ! KbM Corpua Impirtaat ' Jude Nehwa Military ,Ct THE iztsias 7uao2. Prominent Leaders 'Captured. , A '', Xkv Yon, June 4,. , , iWeueyhas issued priielamntioh,to the '.i.:odians, styling himself "M ijor-Ceneral Ci.m " ylfox tlw Army of Ireland 'Uuffato I ettis miming. " -."''t ' Cot". t Seill, PpauUUnit', Fafr,"5lngc, '. h-' er tvlHisera, have been cptnrfrjby the V S. 4 teantiT Jte'i7-ia, - m A, ' ' . ."KarkeU Jrint luropa. . ' ' , 1 - 4..vv YoiiK, June 4. Cottim nomimd at Nt, hi Uold 4". Jpm- lingtlO'dnjs,!!); .ihtll. - - FuJIher advlres per s't u.i r etnto that mors failure are . n piwtcd in Ii u'and. riuanci.it affairs gloomy. Cotton liad dis-hned half pen ny.. Jheitdtuir were anuiiiu.l. Vive-Jweutiw WKilUJ. Consols Utiir-rHi'J. , I'sris tetters ftate th'd franc is raising to their full rtmiplem nt alt regiment bt longing td the army of I'sris and army of Lyons, They wPl-be ou a wiirjouliug iu a-fortnight - tutd. - , . ,.,, ..i.,.,,,..,,. t.-n- L. - "li! I . " - niun and Italian iVoiitu i-s. t Jt JL fi H I A S S . ir - ,r - . .bsitish vsasiox op the riant t. Fenian i:iliirrf emf nts Hourly Ponr- OHDEnmOM CIS. QRASl.: .r , Nkw Yokk, Juno 8, - The Jiritlsli version of the 8ght it ltidju ay istliat the attack, was made by Uritihli troop,' who drove the Feiiians, A nimilter were killed OD both sides. ,1ht Vohintiers were expected 1 ,,,.;,- ..Xlm.tei reacn tlem; mhiclt were momentiirilv i-xuected, . - American nentrality is sever,'ly sjensurrd, and the people detihire that the govcrnmerit i in collusion with the Fenians. - , -,.- The general impression hare is that the prw- ni.iuntiii.nt io a leillt tO-'COVt-.f tlltl real tlvllrtt jfcwwivi; ink., j . Canadian troop are stiitiotied along the line -to- preveiit Fenian crossing. The suspension ijriili;e is carefully guarded and all traveller crntinied,' ' Movements of men towards the frontier me i-eported from every iart of the country. The town of St. AHiai.s, Vetinont, is the rend, rvous of reinloi-ceiiients. The Brd. Fenian inf.iuliy, VJtiO slroii-r, and a Fenian cavalry regiment left lioslou for ti.at. point vcstenhi imiriiiii. Sntiill. r d 't i.-limeiits from Myr.u use, Klmira, Troy, Ibwh !i-r. l.oell, Itutlimd, and oilier plueis, nio ( ntimi'illy tirriiftiig. One of Tfosbv's men h snoto have command of the cbviiI'.v rt-(.i tiii-nt from Jlotton, and the Fenutis "V that I l.hii;h Lee U to command tlieiiialry i.f thearmj, 4"i'.).fltHl ro.inds of ammunition have been !iiii! i from Columbus, Ohio, w ithin tile past few dms, for New York, and I-'AOOOIor Chica go, ami llO.HVl muskets for I5iiffalo,-all up-pos.-d to be for the use ol the Fenians. rUctetia has issued a manifesto at I'hi.adel-phi-i, jirotesiing against the muvument of Swee tie;., on the ground that it is not desirable to commit any breach of neittralityiby ahichthis ciHintiy may bo compromised. - - LATER. ' " . ' " - Bi fpai.o, June 3. (leu. Giant passed fur the West, at noon, yes terday, lie sent the billow ing t. h gmm to tii n. Ah .nh-: " Bt kfai of June iS. X .. um. Mead, I. 8, A.r r.i'u,l!j,lua: s thu, llirry is here. Afi'tn li'm to the fiH" end cotiitimnd from Eull'.iln to (',. e 'ith of the Ni.i,t.ir river. The tate autii u should call out fhe militia on the frnnii. r to prevent h:iie expeditions having the United Suites, and to Me piivale pie-pci'y fiom dc-ttucliou l-v mobs. (SijMied) V. s. on "r, i.t, u. ii' ii. ' No fmilier r ' lii OH. ( u.e J let. k tlie B.it. ., t u and worn.. A I no nil in (! t, is only ti U I- e ! A Inrje nnnibel h.,ve Cf. iss, 1 . !o (It -patch, says ti e fiom tl.e IV Fi nun 0, killm u r 1' in in . eh t. b-r re of IV : i mi -t a r nerls that the iiiforei m nts. ,' i - niv r ported t.i r j t id.iy. A I'- i'V.i ,l't i!l invur to .t, ..... - r? x SltHd:V T' e I r.i. wis a t fed !, ; s ii 1 s 1 ' ll says i! il a Isr to hold Folt !'. ie. Kit (l lone I'lO'V 1 1 r le-ei I. 1 1 I a 1. s to e ret re -d in. . met I v ' t r r I t'.e 1 1. it V t'-"l At tn I t i I i ki.h 1 and an', t: e I I if Tn..l of Tr. U r. : 1 1. nVOii-1 Is , V rady, .f d to ! VeW V w. r 1 i:.t ow.a, ui t assistant counsel of Mr. Davis, are here. , Cbas. O'Connor and Ueo, tlit-a will be here in a (lay or two. ' ' The counsel Will announce their readiness for trial. In the event of it postponement,- they will demand bail,- -. ' 31nj. Hennessey. Assistant Distru-t Attorney, will represent the government liuiion N. Harrison, Xormar Private Secretary ofjlr. Itacfis, is here. ' J" , " -' . - Lata trom Europe. ' . , , Jsw Vowt, June S, ' I'J'he Steamer nerh b arrivedj with Liv erpool (Htes to the S2nd. 1'aiis b'b 'Liuis to the Iindon P,wt state de tlnitely thut a coiilercnee has bwn arhin.ri d be tween Fitince, r tt'land and Itussia, on the one Mde, and Ai.-h' i, J'russiaand ltaly,on the other. -It is Io iiMi t in J'.iiis, with Dniuyn DeL'lIuv as President " - The London Ilemltl says' that the Coutrence can. do-nothinifr-nd that war isruTtnlti, mil. i the combatiiiit become exhausted under the burden ot pieparations, ' No re axation of mili tary arramreiniint ; and while the universal feel ing is pncilie, a solution seems 1kijk-Iih. Frus-ii has decided that, in the event of war, enemies' merchant ships shall not be liable to capture on the high seas, provided a Similar rule lie adept ed by tin m, , U is u-ern-d that Austria rcfUsidto tliifli-s any pr'. .saiott for ceiion of Venetia. Thr Tdrtn.itioir'OI Tolutitfrr iitiiiints coinmrnerd on 21st. ult. ' A Vienna dispatch us that the treaty b r .-en 1'rttssiu and Ib.lv iio" hmc ttnd .rfi f. n;, iuve, and foiilinnes until the end ot the present jear. ' ' - ' " later. ' '- , Advice from Quii-iiton to the 83rd state that the European crisis is miehanred. . Thff statement that all the powers luid as sented to a Cunh ri-nce is pn-malure, hut invita tions have been sent. Bales of Cotton at Liverpool, fur the two das a before tailing, 10,000 bah; at sUcl'inin price. Arrest of a rational ak Press lent. , ' WAf-mno'lov. Jim a. , Leonard Ituj. k. Pi. -a lent of the Mi rt Imnla' j National JSiuk". was ii'n-ted, to-day, on tl.e sf- j fidavit of Freeman Choke, Coniplniller of the Treasury, for misapph iior , '.),U.i) govern e . nt j funds In default of bad 1m wai commit ted to i pri. .si , . i KiinaosO, June 4. ' No Court to-day, Underwood not arrived.' ' .-Eminent lawyers ex pros the opinion that the adjournment of the Circuit Coiut from Nor folk til Itichmoud, after the Indictment uf Mr. Davis, w us unauthorized by htw.imd ti nee that theordct for adjournment is a nullity. If this view he cornet, the only a -tion of the Court will be to discharge the gmml jury, Under the recent a-t of Congress, the Chief Justine may order a Sjieciul term to be held in Kichnioiid.'bet'oio which the trial may Iw; de manded or motion for bail submitted, but no such order has been issued. Thereui.tti. l'iftTst,o, June 4. - AH quiet to-dnv. Am mg the Fenian it tured were Cols. O'Ncil, U.irr and others. Tin y had with them the liriti.-ii colors cupliiiid in the battle of lliil"m A ibtiish oliiocr on board the ste-inu-r Mu lii'-wa demanded them, but O'N. il declined to ,uve them up, as he ur-P"nd.-rd iiiieuiidnionabv la (in, Barry, t. S. A. " Gen. Fweeney pa 1 Asterton, with 150 Fenians, jjoiiij; Nortu. Wa-iiinoiox, June 4. Si.MsTK. The I'o-t ' istir itetierul l.ns sent rornmuuh iiti'.u to the N nau- tiuam t ill pm. prisj-d pl.iil oi'lliolln the ti !. 'lspll hues wilh the p i-i il svsb in, lie ss, '-m the nmlt n nv inv". it i-hi. 1 im not ''link it w:.e lor the giivrrmiiiiU to in.ui" .ii.te the proj 1 sjstcm, not only beCiinse ot its doalitlut'"tl:mncittl wiW Cess, hlit its questionable ttsailiiHty tinder our political i-.i -' ui.'' The f ui'Mi and i'l h ii (.! of the It.eon ftnio'ion uslut'ioiis p ,s- 1 1 , a to lii tOs vote. The tUdienls vote 1 down vera! hmeiniiiieets nnnaved bv the ( on-sri ulnn . Mr. Hem lucks p'li. wilt to be extra, tint tin p. '1 hey '.'! w, ,e b r i n.'t f -r I'." pr. -s an 1 . , ' n I tin in I sm 1 d.i lire I rv.unvii Vim,! 1 1 1 r endorce tlu'in,- 1 lie pi. ii. -itnuis t i in a i' ,,'ied if i of 1 , .''."i.t . . s nt p inv, unci i c.iU'..t.ry. b.-n-1 action. - i f Mr. l il i itn w. s I'.r -i.h-iit to li.furm ivernmeiit employees way eii.iiitei.Hiii:i'd ' If, ! hi t tie I ill Ik up, IM ll oil tt i-tner anv I' ll I C' iXHH's (.1 i.e-r I'm i'l Union l.'llil d l.V ee nt l.. r 1 id ('ofile-iel'uh s ; ' of 1 l. honorjiii; tue. j ) io n-.y :u s, v tee ae yoverii'inii!. .h I v t .1' r-o? illlfi ,inl i d i ii -I pilli ons is j' '.-i ol '1 1- nt of U i i.iti. !1S piovl- iveiem ntS.- to the States j d r: 'its, w is I In. -.,.y. Mr. j 'pn - nt u. us j e n i. in d to , ;, j'e-rv r,iror--'-si 1'!- :tv.:e. - , Ni-.w Yd it f Jjne 4 it alu. rt tin: I e ' n ,v I ri- I on tl " t ; i ' i ,f i'y l..n f. iel. ml a 1 in t'uu sum of 4 "1.6 '). at c'mf intirc, taeiM" In tl.e r f I amb inb.y U K , i ,r cof. n v" . r i.'i tu.s t'ty." t , id 1 1 lor the p' ' i.'- CHole'ra H prevail I pioie diuilis J , AO ill l"1" 'ill t 1' -. i. r i M.p i 1 1 t i",-' 1 '1 V I .... , :T- i. -.,', '.i' t i re-t"! in i . ill t xt pollti -i i .. . ' 1 ,, ! oer on til' Yi e '., i f ,i - -i'- ,1 cri-'ii . ' ' i n oi rt . in .V ,-:md, whitdi Wei w !i, 1 i in -.i'tee. " THE FENIAN'FORJLX! :TSE ArEaAy'COKSXTL SKOI AT ! , , ' . NKwyoita, June A. . , Montreal dinpst c'les say that thu aothoriih , -have reliable intiiromttonth.il l he Ftniatis are " l marching from Faiifk-Id on St. Armands. A battle is hoorly xptwted. ' '' ' ToHOXTd; June 0.' ; . The regtil-ns i.nd tnlunieerij hma been re-, rrtt'ed fr.un t he front, and wi'.T ronrvniraie here. ,'. Tuirty Feuians captured at Fort Kifu l'sve l en bi out,' lit , here and will bit prubahly ' wicd by Court Martial nd hung.' . ... , , : j Pottbai,N. Yi, June 3 -' . It. is reported that Gen, Murph(r will cross at -St. lieiss or Cornwall with 4,000 Fenian iuf,;nt- t r. AtHtthevcwhtum, it I said, .will ciu.i t Heatthsmai,- ami 44ea. -Shear-, ssith, S.Ot'J is tu - , . move fium St Albans on I'hillipsbnrg end i nt the Grand Trunk llailroad at St. John's June- lion. by which operation it f proposed to isj Jut; Montreal fiom uccor. 1-. . '' r,. Hweeney will move, to-night, from talono - and tattle is thought to be imminent 1 ".," . ; -BtTKMiO.JuoeSS. It is said ttwt twrt Fenian ttiie are lo- In shot this morning (t Fort Erie. , The Fenians are moving from Malone with uTtllU-i vV , ' , " - " ' On toe arrival of the- British at Fort Erie, the Afnericnn ('inul was shot at and grossly innuiU-d-by-tUtin, wkila;ii-lifiiusef-..wUh-tlie. .. flag unturied oyer it. lie ha di-manded an apology , v , , , . ' - . . , , , ' ' Sale tif TJ. 8. Treasury Gold. - s . 1 ... " WasuiIsotoS, June 9. TbeSecriiaryof the Treasury iRport'. thaV-U since February, the Aift int Treasurer at Ncsr. York has sold about f J3,4 "iOi,0 in H'h at n -average oi 1 u'i,r - , CLoIora P-agtaj at Quaraiitiiie. . ' ; New .York, June S, ', Dr. Dissell reports the mortality to to . alarming among the cholera patients nt quar. nntlne. Tliiubsease is of a very viiuYtit tvpo- ( js iini! die in a very fuw hours alter In oil; seized, . Tim ship .'. just arrived' troiu Ilauiborff. n ports 2d (baths tin thopassa'ie, and U died on the tem'iip '.ria-m lioltl llrenjeB...,. r t , Karet. . J I- 'T Tm . ' Kr Yobk, JuneS. , 'Cotton quiet at STCS 3- Sal"' to' be wek;' T.OuO bales, l.'e.-s ipts, for the same time, front till quarter. I.'i.ih u Im.ea, Exports to all point"" in same time, 14,(tij ile. Oold 112. Ex-, change uiichiiogi.il. TexS wool, 80i2i. CiiitmlKii Sifl..-s, Every dy firing u d- ditiolial priMifs that the friends of the President: and ids policy wilt stand shoulder to thnuldei in the ta.il elections. . No mat term hat party tbiy huve eted itti heretofore, conunoa cnemy siirl a common cause will indrce every trim pa triot to make any sacrifice to restore the Crmn and save the country from another war, 'I he iron 1-cet of fanaticism, jn it mad Career, i '' now aiteinptinar to crush, out Stat rights, and if biiciisdiil it will soon' seek to extinguUa Si.-ib- lines. . If there ever wirs a time that tt-.r-n. I viHatwie writ the ptice f liberty, it ia it the jHcsent moment. We I elieve tlmt the. .s d-. -dii-r of tliecJKmtry will rally against aev at tempt at centralization. JHutioiytl In'-.i! ji -f. I,.:, ip i mill a4&mimJt O.Nof the many Btaitlimr telt grnms re'ative to the recent movimenl:of the Fenians announ ces that General Fi'xbugh Leo isto head tne cat airy force of the Invading " army. This" statement should be received with caution. There aretwo gijnerals ia Virginia named Yin- hn.di the one aon, the other a nephew, of .. in-r.ll lVdiert Iee, A personul friend ot " J tin se gentlemen, now In tins eity, -mire u that neither of tin - mlicers Is at a I likely to x embark in such t Ii n'ln'nl, ami is quite posi tive that their own j . i jmeiit ami coiiviettoiis ol' tint", no .less fia,i tlie iurl'iijiceniul emim of the grunt lender , t he Southern annu s; wo Induce them to aVoi I all pnruipa.ti.ni in rarh t.nterprise.-jVit JntdliitiHttr. ' '.' ' i i'u ": ..''' -N' r" i. Out at Last. The Unh-iith flmtl lus all along protessed to be in tsv lr m idtnt's p.'bcv. has comeoi;t e ''-" 'iJItrt-. , recently developed by the I. i.,.c.-i'n in the C. S. S nite. We an. ghui that the rf. rd I.R.1.i- , k, n its s'.cid, so that the loyal, Union loviug' p... jile of N"rth Ciirolina will herealter know In re to Cod it. " We lmd hoped t'l.it no public jonimil in the goutheru n ,;es wmi! 1 ever td irou.ids jn favor id the It, elicits tieamst t). pi-i-Ri.ient, we hav bien (.butppniiitcd." T'-fit'th-l.irl fa, so fi.r as' wc ki ow, ti oi, i one that has yet taken that 'jrioiti,,!, and l- i,e th d it will continue to stand slnnc It li i, . .i.ilt to ender-'.'ii I whf cuuld hart indms Inf. ,s'.'i.-'ni til t ikt si.' h a colirhe, but pre' llv it iiiti betAj l.iiidl by further eywiirt, . villi Afnre. - ' b - litTTM'. Wovtsi. Maria E. Nail, ftiua Hoiks vilie. 'iii county. North Caro'inn, 20 je-iriiold, . i-.-'u.! JH.1!!1! ssi-l t;-hjii;f 1 T p"'ii Is, arrived in this city butuidsy i-vemtig, iitl,wo umh r, tail I. u ill i.iiii S seji.i ftfr-j i ptii'l d'l ri ti ;r Hi" e.'niiiijf i k. -Mel is recs-t.tid by iiii.-c vho ti ti-T"i A t-rr to" br-m:f id ti e I'm.- e-t tiinoiiiii. s it the t,' ,.. l.yml Ths C, ii ive.s op Com! inn'itl lb. io.s-Tln l.lill' S ol I'nlUilin'lill. l.el.u, e 1,1 ll Chilean!, st-r s-c,-ii-tii.-t.ir.fs-.'-f -i.iy ia d-s :n.'i! tiie cijAei. i-t the t ui'!-. !i rut- d, n t vi 1, 1! 11 in.- '1 i,n d-'iv v.np' nt and i-'te p-f 'm;!',. of the fair sin tbi t lui Ifi-n Wit-i t -ir niske ol fli.vers a as , i ' I -k, ' . it-K "f ' 11. Kiutn " Tlet New Heti I if 1 'i i. litem ;t,ii d, 1 if;pJ 'n Ie pe r. .! I f.'isui lii t.y'ilni .,t.;!ifi.il at that Kiie is a cgrm for 'Ihad in ( o. . v- di.u t t'.iy ei.b in e tin ir -C'id l:'.-r l,.i :" M.ly law .i n.a to be a dts-4 Utter t-; r . ' ' ' ' t . - ' 7'

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