c 1 r ,pl.i - . 4 4. V 1 . i 4 j ! I li.VI I H . k X ... , i , lh tentad.-a'cf t. finiit t. ' . . ii 1 ., . Ill ssas i'.iru! 1 Bio. u.'.. l'f 1 o... ... , . , U(. liU'r:i4i in. . I-.- -o - - . & , . . ' , aniitna tj'ps sr ii .r- k r ; a s.j .. Bl fullows fur is..erilDB ia li.. tiji : . Ftirnns inpn-'i.-.a, ft r 1 - ' 1 .If Iw-i 1 u -. r ;.,i,s, 1 .,1 I t eon ami. 1 ti. s i 1 1'irtwo anino i, 1.,, T t tlx Be.. . : : . lli i lor une jf.ir, , ,. 1 JOB WORK n t villi ta.M at tl. r, ..1 t Orrn s. I J JiJo 1 M 'i i. if i ''.:i 1.. I at y 'iuiiin sl.n i . ' i . uoUvl anil 1 littift'lii) . . - j: - mm r sk.iI-weekl-y: ? - r( ia u ilYatit'e. $i o-i . i 01 - if :."'.B in a Wan-, Z to .. - . I1 ' .. . '"J - i. ' H I'll 1 .l VIOL If I WfMl lis I"' II f Til H UK PHt:ini:XT.tlhrf CUf. . r Kt . - In -r. ti li r V0..1. kalkigii, :k may, jum:i8, ihco. NO. 25. li :J. ' .'. ,(, 0, ISflfl, . ,imti,i Hit t'wntit'ttio if ' .";, iVn .'''. ii ', as tl,i o"'Hn nf ii . ti-r vms iv-'fi-cd fa ? Ir. J" the (! ri i mil llill l.uiiiuiuou. it nut not be iinio r for me to mike brief explanation of the ordinance, ntt the view of part of the Committee who did not concur in the 1st ectton of the ordinano a reported, - , ' The Cunstitut'on declare that the Iloune of ' Goniinoni shall becompoeedof one hundred and "twenty miinlM-ra, to be elected by Countiai ad contina to their reBpwtWe number, which ehall v be ti-trtniiied by adtlin to the whol nuin'r of fn-e enM)ng,thre4.afthi of all peraon. The ' rwent ordinance of our Contention aboluhing elavvry In th srurp, na mnmr a,t ne naau tanti of the Ptate H'ree pemonn," ao that, unta - the Constilution shall t amentled, it, by ito linniro. tlm Khk! of ni)reaintation. con- v tranr'tothe intention of the framer of it, d ' M.ruinef tlt ATTrnnil Will of til MOolfi: ' n. b.wi. nf renrcsentatlon harlnir hern that v ,31!'": !f?Vltheau, inTiiinv,iw- .v-..,. . 4in ... ,HM4nt.l tn'tiBni""'". w I shall lie the future bal of -j j r t ion ene T--Ki.iii li h H,n nomW or Mulile polls 1 bhall it bo tb number of lc"l voter t Hhall it t it be white Doniiii". onlyf The two first propsitionC.'.5Eal,to,'oiI "r leffal voter, b.u..,..,.1 ,,..111 i-ii ml? IU I HO ;III1J1I imiti, UCVHUV ,i, art Id t in pilrt, a black basis, amfthc ' SOOOIl '.Hi ! I'.lilV 'l n ri IKIUIIIV-IIV, W ltj t ictiuM, to slti.rd a stable and. reliable .!!. To adopt the whole population, white rand bi n k.'tw the true "balsor repnwnlat ion, ceined to the comm ttee unjust and inexpedi ent, as it confer nolitical nowcr without in"ir- - rintf the corresponilins poinical nniotii'ji:ity, and its nianili'st tmdi'iicv and lt'jr'd firm t, would lie, to divert the controlling power of the State Iruiii the hands of the ninny to the hands ol the few. Cn!i ii the neirro is allowed the ri'uht ot si i il'i life, tie cannot I a ha-iis of r pn notation, fur a true luwis implie the telationaiiip of con mil unit ami representative, ol 'voter am! the t;-r-s. ii voted for. t do not my that I would np p i.w a limited neffro aulfra-e, ut until he i allowed to voto, I see no inure jitalice in count ing l.ii i tlm apportionment, than in couniing t!ie tier of ft furerlt IH1 l;l.-.i of fl!!Klffion- !"i-iit. lbt neither K nor deire It. and the M.y .! t ot ssiiili a prtN-coui would ba, W i cree the preaetit inequality of rolilicfil power Ol lliu 1I11K p'.lllll Iill, HOIJllUI. I1JI IWUI Ul lo the nef;rn, or equivalent to th State at large. It ha linin ure I by Min i, that it we adopt the black populaiio'n as a land of appni tion- nieni. a hk3 umsit mill c auoiiieu ia me recier- al Constitution, and thus (rive u more members of the lliinvol Heprcsentative. Thi ohjee tion is founded in a misapprehension. There i no projaisition bi fore Conj;res, and it ia plain : that there wlit be none, to make the eeirro a baais of iporlionuieiit, unless be is allowed . the right of unniff'e. ' 'J .' Sir, six yenrs irlr7tew of us Vlleved the ne pro w ould ever l liherated in the fviutli by any bmniin power. Two year ago, few of ns be lieved that be would be set free by an ordinance ot our own people. One year ago, few of us be- 1... u-,, i,l,l I.m ,1I.,u.m.1 tf to&tit'v .ir.in.f m 111 nil 111., ni'iuil "i Pii,'""l , " .. w H. l.ri m ...... rH'-u... i frX H" -rr, n, fir M ft" .1 M. E - . - . 1 11 1 IV III Hit, mill .-1 A III'1 III n n t tt ,.3 inr- lieved that he would li made the equal of -the white man fifore the law. I believe that the end i not yet. Even if the pressure nf Federal power should be removed, tliero is turned loos, upon ns ait element ol physical power and o- : ' ciul disturbance, that demand the highest or-i ner rl wtsmmr ami tn'eniansnij -w control mill CII'.WIV 11I1M "HI JIU1IUW1I liw j ment ot itreipth, eennty orpiB4ie. We may ittpnef we cannot eacnjie the encount4r,-... , ' While free n.-rius .were few and sparsely i scattered over the State, they Were lost in the j general iniiss, without the power of orgtwua-"; tion, or the numlier to excite apprehension. 1 TiOW, we nave one lilliu hi mo nnn ji'iuin- ; ' tion nf the State, released from the tmud of slavery, clothed with all the muniment of the law. ijliiiited in a representative government, whose po'iiii al dogmas, hill of riht, nd con--j atitutiona, pr'aJaim equality ; witn strong nis pos.aiHi to orpiniation ; passionate, unsg ous, Impressible to iutiueiH es from without and within the State; in a ration now dizzy w iih the dre.ims, the inspirations, or, more probably, . the f.iimlicitiis nf soeiid and political profrrcss. and this, too, at the end of a civil war w hich baa upheaved the foundations. of the eorial fa bric, shattered the constitution, revolutionized the povernment, and embodied its Hnal rosult in oiu''ini.ed raiiiiitii :i and constitutional in tolerance. This powerful element my brook delnv, but not ih ! at. When cipial civil rights are conceded, political rii'hla ciinnot lie loe.f withheld. Yv inn ymt ih eliire that all political power is v -' l in o-l derived fiotn the people only, tli.it t ie j.enple of this Stale oii':lit Hot to . bp taxed V iiinett tiie 'oiiM nt id' themseh't 4 or their n presi 11 riven, that, tl , in ffene. in bavet t tor th I i ,1 - !'n i ' v, freely lit to assem iiininn eisid. I 11 t an I to ! ertu e r fir n n ss of f:i ii of 1 s to lie i' inien- 1 t. ohi n 1 1 1 ' In: i li f t A (I to an'. ' . b a. io,oT, ' ' I bv ,,I II t.i!' t II ' J lit' ii I f r l t I V t ! i I Ill t 1 1 ' it a few illustration, first a to the : :ion. ' i s a population, of 7,4 '5t ami t tnem- 1 "iii!inm. . 'i has a population of 14,713, ami 2 I' the Commons, ; r in Pitt is quil to two in Hun- i pojmlntion of ii i 1 3 lllI'Mltlt'i". - Two Tolem In Bertie are equal to five in Da iilon. . !. ' ,; S. Hultfa haa population of ,G00, and S nipmlwr. ' ' v ' Yadlin has a population of 9,100, and 1 mem ber 10,615 in Bumeorahe. . rOne Toterfn Halil'nx i -equal to 8 In Yadkin and liuncomhe. ' ;' 1 4. Take tour counties, ix : ITalifax, KoriU ampton. Warren and Jones, with a popnlntion of 18,0ii2. . Tbey have seven member of Com- Tnke Danromhe and Yal!;in with a p.ijmla tion of 19,713, and only two member.' IKro two Totont are equal to eve. ' - Tlii inequalitv of poliiiral rights U not alto gether ectioni l," and I do not lay any strt-s Wn le f tit it s-rally iiii!.t between P Bt -"d th tVe.t. The di renre between i.Kr,. - nll .n4 T R i ... t. 1,. -i,-"'-:." tie and Buncombe; between Anson and Wataii gs, a between Ofnven and Clenvcland, ' Ho rm voter in Caswell and Anson is equal to two in Columbus, Carteret or- Tyrell. The objection lie To flie ''IiMitiaTity"i "herever It cai'sU,'" ast We"t or cuntre. r..- ,.: . ' If re look to the composition of the Senate, we find thi unequal distribution of power (till greater : ' t . i: ..;-'. .. ' - . p t. The eiijht ejtreme eautflro senatorial 'dis Irici contain a population of 50,:t'H, and are entitled taei-rht memben of the Senate. Tho eiuht western district contain a population of 201,758 w hite souia, and onlv an equal lunnlx r ot Senators. In other words, fl.Siia men in the eiirht first districts are equal to '2.1,21 V in the eiejit last distri. t. - J ' ;' 2. Afrain : Hertford with a population of 8,!'"i7, has one tM-nator. . linncuni'ie district with a po 'illation of ncfir 3(.0tM, ha one Sena t ir, or one i. ..ter in Hertford is rqii.d to seven in Ilunci mi ! 8. !aiin ha 5.43.1. ami one Senator, while the IIuv wood district, Willi KO.K72 whites, hut onlv one Senator, or one voter in Marlm is cqtiid to six in ii.ivwooil . And sn nt H'-imo .North, nmnfon and U tidTn.coiitrftslert v. nh fintherjord. Ireucll ami surrv. t , , .' . ' . '-r , Heme. Nonhmnpioii and Jl.irtin, and it Is 21, tlHT.wnh lour binatnrs, eontr isi it with thedis trict ot Bnncomhe, Haywood, Iredell and Sur ry, villi population if 1 1 and four Ban ator, and it is 81,000 to 119,000, or nearly on? tosix. . ' '," !'-j'-u .!-..,; ,.- ..;,..; It will thus lie seen, Mr. President, by a care ful cxuniimrion, that much les than one half the white population ha the oontrolliiitt power in the IIoumi of Common, while one-third ot the (shiff; iipiilatii hs lb controlling power In the8eiiaie, and that thi entir giterunif.nt in Korth fMrulimxU tttrd w a minority nf tu peo- Jtlf. --- - , A to the ITo.isevof Commons, which is up poti'ij to represent populatiorti I have endeavored t show tiiat, "Uftle we allow neffro suirrage, the whim, basis mfnt tie adopted. I shall pass that over, and, In the next place.; atliim that whitepopniatton houhl also be the basis of rejv 1 n-si niaiiun in ine remiic. . .. , I atrree, Ir. President, that government is not theoretical only, but, also, a practical institu tion, and that 'natural justice must ottcn yield to neeessiiy and policy. ; I agree that vou can not measure, divide, subdivide and.distribnW the powers of government with mathematical exaetnesa, like you can an omnie or a Oqlie, But our Constitution 'declare that a frctfucnt recurrence to .fundamental principle, U abso Jiitely titissi.y to priuu-rve" .lint; Mes-1nrs" of J. liberty, and the first section ot the Mil oi rim lavs down the foundation Stone of all republi can and representative governments, to be "that nil political power" is vested in and derived "from the ,(.;:, onTy. - - - - - - It is admitted that the people, in or?am.int Cnvenmieiit for themselves, may limit their natural rights thu clearly ' anvsrte I, and that they may, perhaps, vest tlie powers of povcrn nieni in a minority of the people,' if thev so choose, but, in how ruvUim; their Const it uiion, it is our duty tn rfy tlie whole h M, and cpccially that part which contradirls the tiiuo honored maxims of npresenta' ive govern meat, and deaib-s the poliiicnl equA'ity of men. ; Upon what principle is ir. that a iii .n Jit one. county bat the vote and political power of sev en men in another county, and timt trorn, no merit., but. the anuJnit of pence i Providence planted tho hills and the rallies., tlie barren mounla'ms o Stokes and Hurry, and t'ia fertile plains of the lloiHiiile. iVhy nlmiiid one Vote nt the .mouth of tne Koanoke be cpi d to si at tho source of i;s triloit 'ry, the iLiu? Tho fiend of the '"sent bll-is of the SillaSe, jiliM'C ii t'.iiiiH m -"ii Cue frown I- that one binni.il of the I.ei- ..L in- iiimill be the r j n si-ntative and iririldiaa of ;n"i-'f (, the other of tin pro r. and tlmt ' ie c i .iii.ii iiiin of govcrnuietit is lest J "I Sell I 1 1 V tllUIII tl CIIH'KS.. It is admire I licit property limit be protect, t ' 1 I -t d i-. p if I ill t 1 1 ol ;.-n I rum t Put em led to e' led pmh ! ;on i ' h U. J i i . . k I i j.-.r 1" i in a 'l Il '. i i i man ni n i ' i t it I i i ! ovtn- r id II"' 1 1 i ,i -s..n t : I i lo .. . " , -ell I i I, 1 ' is no, lis ihaif to l.on us t ru i. n el fiat ho not. as fluxions to pro liiui-onie lsw f 11 V IS It that tin : i i :i in i.ivi n h is f.iiir t tl.i i er oi tin! owner of t I HI Men :i' in.! - it tins 'l th 1 r ii i tif i-X'-.r-1 I v I I of the i 'i fi "in .it 11. I"'"! v b i 1 1 1 CSII.. ! iv . u. r i - t I I r.l I t I'" I . I (. I will k. House of ( 1. V ' ! be r of I i.'ieA.', Iiicmlsers n One vi do! ph. a.' ;.. '.v menu bin ... t if (, i- II H lit I O.if )i 1 I)h: I I i Tt-SCll W-fi ii th I"' . in'.n-v of l.tltu ' iit;o;i i an t i . n 1 i , In I it IVC rrjiM'itU', t'' H -H! tA'OCOItnlU ire of iiiifa'. i t to flrnt There wr in ili'mg :iu nut " t'liin- I 1 ii H I l l'II tin loi'ina oiiil illtl'llhUH' ; omv i i.iiii, iii'l in a ii jiipiiic t i:it I'-n i II in - ol ili ';i li 1 lit 1 iniv- If voit rimy this, von ih-ftrov t iii. . i i iu Hi i , . T'lii n J ii v uooulil tut) mmonty l nivtii jrn rn tuu niajorily in Buncombe ? ,.iid m dixpuled ca.1, why should not tiie majority ol Hut ivi.'iid'u ru'e the minority of Craven I Our government i lied upunui'M iu nmi iritii tliat tlio many are more apt to do right than the te w tint two head are better than one. .' But it i ured, that those who e-mtrihiite the taxes should have the power of disbursing them. That i conwiUd ; but the int't roiiee they would. draw from thi pMpoaition bv no meaiis lollow that those who iiy the largest iKirtion of taxe. almubl tlW.uriiu the whole, ihcir wwo ftnd thcif piair mijfhlior.. ' All history aud cxH;rience prove that f 10,000 is as dear to it owner as T100,(KI0 to it owner, and that bjtli would lie actuated by an equal anxiety to protect their property and to enact just and impartial lnwa. When money Is paid into tho puhlio tivaiiury. for tlie public beni lit, if the minority who con- tnliuteit uiost, had tho power ot its tlistiurse TTief i wretched -wtm?d b-Wte-ei Vi tiW d tb. toiiin,.; many whotuade an equal cuntrihutioa ais'ording W their means, Aud ha not the ma jority in our State, in times past, tstilSi r d front "tiUs"uhe ?'" ""' " "'(" Utit it is objected, that the lar - tax paying Conn lies prt no equivalent therefor, uii'i s in a greater political power. Is this true ? Iothey not have the proteciion of the laws, ual to their eslnt's ) Aie tiot the bodies anion of the 10,000 in lliineor.be u. -voted to t ' ''enco and protection of tlm 3.0 10 in li.-it: i Let the history of the bint live years forever : Hence tuiit i bjection. 1: is s,'aiu ol'jected thiit the ! 'o . in t. n i. d to lie a ihei k upon the comt ' s. If that were true, it would by i - lollow, that the senate itself should repc'-- i i !y the niiiii.iiiy and not the majority ol t ." v pie.. Iiliitmt object to the Scnato as .-, kyisf pom!', but to tlie i l position 6f the 1 'e it- m-'t. as anti-rcpnbli ,n and. not n l' i ' -r the will nnd the ai'iiesi v of the peip'e.. .'I.e. Sen ate mould lie so ci ii-: ii tit'"! as lint to defeat the w ill nt the peopiii. ,bv I'estuiir noon a iiiin m i r I .i i, or al i i i i , 1 t j elii-ct the public will, hv co ooi'i'ni n ' i the comieoiis in '.'lvimr wcilrmxideri d h.: i .il. n I t I ' me l o oi'mlui'e p n t In t ot (hi1 tint, but of the sumo branch oi (rovornniciil. i There Is no anulory belvieen the Semite of tho United Btatet and the Senate of Nortb Ciiiolina. Our Senate is based upon prnicrty unequally distributel, theirs not upon proerty orwealth,. , but upon tli? sovcreidnty,.. individuality and equality of Plate.. The diminutive Stat of llelaware, with its population ol lUU.t'OO, Is the equat of the powcrlul State of Xcw York w ith her 4,tM)0,000 of people and, boundless wealth J and this not upon the idea (fa checking power of one tij.on the other, but because the little State or man, Dehiwnre, I a sovereign, and therefore the equal pi the great state or man, Kew York. ' i Thi contrast between the two government affords a strontr argument for the individual political equalily of men, a basis of repre sentation. ' "" . - - - "! Ujion 'wTiaf pftiieTpialVf'frieT cruili'sF'fo'ffif of a republican guvecnuient is it,' that twenty-six. Senators represent a w hite population of 100, 009, while twenty four 'Senator represent a population, 4 II, 000 f 1 Whr i it that, 180,000 elect one lulf the ben itora", while 'JTO 000 are not ri'prwentcd at all and are constitutionally disfranchisi .If If the ordinance abolishing slavery should have the ulcct claimed for it of transferring .tb taxable bum westward, a it will to soma Extent do, tlm mpisiieeot tun rule would still remain. If It should ulliitiHtely Temove prop crty Bml repre ii illation to the West am h ave the Juiwern counlies dir'fran.".!i!-ed as the West cm counties now are, it would oniv unike the natural and radical ii jost h e of the property bnsis the mot apparent. 'I In re would then lie a cry from anofher quiuter f ir a change of tho basis with jllstiee.. For fifty years before tlm Convention of '?,", eai h coun'y alike was pr,.-. uted by one Sena tor.and tw, nienib-rs oi' t ,e llou-n of Com mons, That ine pitiliiy btcaine sm h a griev ance, that t ha Convention of 1') ,w as culled mainly to rqiiali e it. Vet, tlmt I " fy im-t with its hafuU tied 'o one, vincdy ot 'v. timt of ta ation as thu bnsla of the reii me, in ! I'cdcml popnhitioit a thi! basis of tl:o i' 'Ke. V.'a that aremeily? Is ii"t thu im-q ndny p'cuter now than bt'fofu the" nan litlmi et ci' l ;-;'il '! his ConvDiition would- ttpproa.ru . ncn-r poti : i -,d equality by nndoiiiir the Wink Of 1 ; and rcs toiin!; to U counfy one h.-nator. and to t'olllllinll. rs. ' . ' The gromid ofcompbii t v. id never be re.- moved or I t ili d, bet i.i one wai, ' popi.l ".iion the bii-ls of i l.'iii.-.-s. E.-tnbli h f at. ut r,s own results. nn I that is by III il r. (ires, I ! I'ion in I rn'e and h t it wm Wlil Sllblll t to 1'. I rv of nu ii ; bei mine i; I it c t t Silt I two t' it f lit i lea ot ii t v hi ri nr in f m. li n! j ( 1 t cao.'lre or is mailer of !"!'' 1 ' , ,1 .1 in .1 1. i. I a 1 :t I i i- 1 ne I wlil. h I. CT.T t t 1 l,J "I : tu I t t ie I t i. I d St .1 1 in 1 I.. 0 he 1 Ie to ) 'l h t t aiinn'- powrf Hut t.'ni i 1 1 any i' nm.-t or a elncVinjr power to the co-ordinate branch the hou of eomnions but the. distribution of sen itora ia unequal and obnoxious. . , Why, then, obstiuaU'ly clitij ti thi mftous mkI uelM relic f aut n ut prejudii- - Why (xivUt ia thrusting into the facea of the ptuplu thi di liaiiee to all the maxims of a represeuta. live relitihlie I If. the ttvident of peace, or tor tnne, should brntow wealth upon one communi ty, hil jh aliwfice of the -un arctidntr: or It-l'tOHf RtlOlUlU" h U-r ( '!! V. V 'f' " her to infamy and poiitieal iit,;,a!u in- i.; i In a nation f eqiialK, h!l -the orjanie - low iiiinauro a man's lejfal privilege by the lenath ot his puree I If the people are alive and seni tiv to auy one p-liiii al rlevanvc above all oth er, it is to this denial of the sum and roneuum tion til all their yearnins and stru :.;'!". for part aejVy, The history ol ail civflia.1-" t on from the Unman i.vsiion to Mom .Zhi ra, down to the American revolutionis but J t feil strnle ofrinht minst miuht, of the people, to tear from the hands ol power and prejudice, tbwt-eqttality which 5id b tmgr. veil npon thuir heart and conm ienccs. I will now, Mr. President, briefly sum ap the result at which 1 have arrived, and relicvu the patience of tlie Convention : . '- t. I liave cntleavereil to show that much les than one-half of the white population of the State controls the majority of the people, jh the hoiise of commons, w hile In the scnato, oue-thir4 of 4-sH-tjopt-ht4woMeuiUii otlier twii-tutrds, and that the legislature, in neither branch, nor in lmt.lt,4ojittber, ti paw nt JI4Uld.iirjblUlOllS.iliei4i tvpublicaa in character, i ; . 2, 1 have intimated that wic political,' fore cast would require of n, that we should (iive restricted right of BUffiage to all th" ciii.en of the State, as the surest Inundation for the peace, security and stability A our nvettinniiti ' 8. 1 liave shown that, w ithout the tiirht if snlfrare, there is no pretense of reanonor iicy, for making the netrro a basis of representation iu the house of commons, r i - 4. AsMitmini; that tho netrro, not iitivtnsr the rilit of voting, snd not bearing the rd-iuon of constituent to- representative, will, l once, cease to las a basis of spitortioy nent, 1 endcav ored to show that the while pnpulAtion is the natural, just and equal basis, lor the lui'i- of conunons. ' , . . . . 5. I undertook to estublUh that taxation or property, as a bnsis for the senate, is contrary to tlie maxims of republics, invidious ml ua conal in application that, in the words of John Jm on, "tin i i il be no fiiudau.eual la wldi II H not irrni i 1 I on. ri.;ht rciiwm, in Justice, . I in i u 1 r ' t " That tlm ri 'M of si:'V.,., .1,11 , t i to U !.'j'lv, bill Oi' ii,H. . lo.il! is t nut r 1 i, whin vou say that 3il(l nieii ill one il isl net siitiii elect one "imtor,i and 5,000 men in another district shall elect only one and that they both shall have an equal vdiee I It isjtnii., you pive to ever' man an equal riht to vote but when you say that the vote of every tnan shall not hav an equal weight In the poverr nieiit, you destroy the whole value, of that rioht. Suppose yon were to declare that, five hundred voter in Hertford that county ltave i!i(f that numlier of voters should elect one senator, and that in Haywood district, which ha five thousand voters, only five hundred out ot the five thousand should vote for senator! Would it not be regarded a monstrous injustice? Yet that is the precise case now! o 8, I then endeavored to show that population i the true, just and natural basiof representa tion, conforming both to the letter nd spirit -of the American gommiic.uW.ejidia ttui.unly l-ai. which can allay discontent and sucur the last ing harmony and cordiid co-ojwration of tjio w liola people of the State, in it administra tion. '-. " "t'r-it '..;..' .;' ' That there should be different hii of th two houst's, a a check, the one UMi th oth r, i un'rue. -1 he wisdom d' our system snd the lei.'iiiiunte . check, consist in having two bouses, sitting in separate chamber, of unequal numbers, and deliberating apart, and ittdi petid- ent, in one or the other. There is no reason why they both should not be essentially popu lar in thi State, as they are ia nearly All the other Slates, of the Union. For while it is true that constitutions are mad to protect th lights d ininoni u s, it is no les true, that their grand th - i.'fi and pel fis.tii.rn, consist in the fuM, itelib. Cl aw and imitntu developiucnt of the w ill of the maturity. Nu ll must L4ho end of all free ciiveri! inellts, ' . II, then, the constitution of. North' Carolina not oi"v iir"tc!'t the rii'ht of the mintritr, but a. tun. v toe no: . tv, us i,. i j , no wio. .. I us to tin ol the c overthrow and subverts the will of an 1 1 " s nib s that of the ti.iiiori r in tho Slate, honor and e pretty lucid advautap i in Coolers, slmUid Uifin i 1 s iretielis ive umi callioln' retoiiu ion.. T. ! Hcfuso I ' J. . y t ' y an 1 olhuf I'ciilaits ref.i-q 1 ail al , and a -a ait their trial at Cauandatpuaon 01. . -. - ..1 L. S. Consul General ba dein'tnd.d the s ol the 'lrihitnt correspondent, arrested .. ca some d ty since lur unexplained i il. . 1 1. .t tl,e r.'.nd. rp.-t a!T.s:ts cattle t ie 1. 'I ': : (' reii it I y ( .1 . re isiiiis It is II .-! It IS CO it 1 I iie S' 'iiiU unite lii-picior ) mi an .1 dm. a. o t ii 1 U to r. or 1 t-.,t the cut 1 .1 l'l lulOil 1 ui.d la. . i J .nin.. e 1 I Is 1 Jl I v 1 v s A 1 c t e 1 1 n IliU Iti.M.Iil.t ! ij fe Crutelil; ! i A: ( 0., the pro-iiM- It a - en ft t. n or tue.'vc 1 it- ! and s i : 0 mil w nt let f 1 ' "l ,! ' 1 ! e. , it 'Irrll Kly., 1 I Iml ' f 1 luast In i I t,,i i t t tl e su 1 eoual tu Us llli'iil I now 1. It i en I r- i-vi mi mo 111! !y 1 th. I! if I 1 I M tl I- t S 1 1 (-OK. i ., 1011 we 1' in II t: n 1 t i v ; I4ll es tin' III Xt Si ' is I.'l t IC Hi: '.loll I - i' ;"'4 . Cui!grs, " i , - ' ' ' '- ' WWIHSOTOK, JWM 11 Skhats Mr. Doolitlle called up resolu lion otlcri l by him on yesterday, requmliiig the President to rouimunicate to the Scnat any in formutiiin in bis poSM Ssion relative to the de part utti of Austrian troop front ilcxito. He suid be had reasons io faiieve that tl e a" me would bi-imt bit'iivm-ii'im f verv ..v l'l..ll..i il I, lol.i ., ., l.'llt t.,l .. . 1 about to be Wat ti lled by Frenou litiops. lio resolution. wa adoptetl, "' ' ' The Legislative appropriation bill was con sidered. ., Hot'sS. The House proceeded to the cen rl.lrralion of tlie ConstiiiitloimL uiuiluu nl a refirrcd liittu the luitrurtiou t'omiiuttcr, which washeretofore p.sscd by the '1 louse, and was amended by tlm Senate, referring to basis of repivseritation, Confederate, debt," dci S!e vens pioposu'd to debate the subj.s-t .r a short time-,- tqtcechts beiny Umitcd each- ttt tttccn niinuli s. Wieven cloiM'd the debate by Saying that the auH ndmenU were not such a lie desired, a they did not rrrtpiia the rii;lit of Hack men to tote, lie, however, trusted that aoiiicthlng would be done on tliissuhject in the future Icr Mature." lie took owaslnn to sttrmiie the President as a usurper In undertaking to ! lish civil governments in. ll.ie.- Seeeeil.iu j ! s Under bis demand for the previous qui ion, tho House concurred in the Semite; amtnd ,itaiaa.iiy....oU .4 4'Jft--Mr--Thw- -f-pewkir 'therefore announced the joint resolution si . Several gentlemen .nnuuticcd the reasons ..r the abseucu if their collea-insj whom, thev said, if present, would have voted for the pn j o,i tiona.il i'.r". l l.iii.biii, as a take ofT upon t'iee gentleiui'ii that if .,!. brooks snd i.r- i'S had But bu n Unseated they would have Voted a:'ains-t the prop" ition. (I.au Mir ) i Ulr. S.heiiek retorttd by Si5"tih,', be bad no doubt it Ji if. Ji.ivis wins a ninula-i of the linuso baton would have vob I n ui.t theain.nd ment. (I. sr.: ii-r on 1, : iit.ucait side) lhe Vole cmsoliii. .o d 1 . as ofeveiv stisde inclinliiet Siiiiiti, ot l v., i ivueind. of N. Y-, and W liniey and I .at hi el West Yir una. 1 liu lucrative being conijsssi.l whoilyol u.-cidcd I i m 1 . rat s. '1 1 e 1 n.pi 1 e.iiisoiiithui.,! aim udtix HOW hcnuhlllilti d totrrt l.i : . ial III is ot s wi 1 CSV end Stairs tor tin ir i ;nm. Steves prooo-u d s sub' .'. ut r- (or ti e pee bill rep 'ine. I bv pie 1; -cn. trull um con.i'i to I 'i 1 '1 t e - s I o . Ill r . i 'll til 11 1' i'i 1 lii . .0 i Is t, 1 oil ncr.st'0 Willi bar Seiiatota and hepreaeiitaiivca, but she is In re;i,o r to I ii 1 vi luih .l, tinles I n forii the 1st of Jiiuii'i'v nevt, sl-e exfenif t ho ri r.4 1 it of suiiiiiee inip.iiu.iliv to every clsss, tir sides ratuving the coiisuiiiiiiinal auiendmenls to which relereiice is inn. nt above. Cena. F.Lei I.-'aii ai.1 lLlltiton'srscport cf South Carton ndrioriu.v AFillMiTON, Ji.'lic 13, Ci iis, Sti'i Itniin and Fu'lerton . liave furu: .li ed tu toe Secretary ol at their report of ope rations of the I ret'ibui'ii's r. irenu in the Milita ry Jlepartnii'tit of boiilh ( arohna and J'loii,l. '1 uey bluhly Ciitllinilnl (oil. Suolt, Assistant Commissioner of South Carolina, for thewh policy tli nt pervadi his system of governing and n edit)"; t he 1'n eduien. They recommend U'C dl-cyuuuuuc '.I' tUftciuplojmi.iitid citUttna, ill tlie bureau and Instance several Cases of the evil of the Agents icing inti re-ted in Working phintiitions. piniitly, liny rieoiiiuiend ' that the fie Inland land given ti the nc;;iw by tfeu. bherman's order, lie returned to their own ers, provided they pay the Frcedmen fur all improvements t.i.t Uic bitter, have made, while in possession of the property. ;..i,,,.....i,!. WasMrtoa IS"ew. " ' . Wamiinoton," Juns 13. "') Cbas. O' Conner and Kx. tlov. 1'iatt bail a protracted interview, with. the. President this. 1 aiteinoon w 1 1 11 rii. ri in c 10 inu rtinisc ci j.r. Jjavis "f pn role. t....,.-..s.o . .. . . The Pre-i h ut bus pardoned l.ewis. M. Cox ctte of S. V., late ii... .-r i ('. ti. A. S tm'or Pomeroy ma Ie jH iora( sj j liCai ion in Ins favor. - Gn-in Clay P.nitll if tie Hons was 110.11! tinted ( ivi inor of tl? Ti 1 1 itnry 'of Mont !. About an hour aft.T tl imniin i'ion l ad be. tt su nt in, this prut' -1 I jelnh .1 f ! ed of tu Pn-sidi ut voted for the t'onstituti-iotl m-nd-niintsto mii.'.h it is kii mn the Piisnhnt is 'I. ' 1 C. 1 1". 'i. hv. ..", S.vs. i'il i.ni 1st o, June 1 3. Tho result bf l! i Ho 'un iln-iioii i.h.i. 'I'd. 1 ..ill pailu 1 1 1 hi t e Ma'e 1 y about I .,. 'die rituns ol t he h 1 lion 111 Wa n Territory show lanre Ili-miwr.ilie f nin. 1 n.e Jienieciiiiie 111 kit s.i d In i.me coiintuj and lour more rejioi iv I. ' r:.'. n 1 ' p 1 bv an mi 0 bet! T, and 11 I I 1 ' - 1 f : 1 .ot, 011 ol t'.e con .till 1 bv t'.c V S M' ill' ' l.oli,,.. (Ol'. (':. 1 1 io ii! US to t'T o .' An''- ' C. ! f Sod I ' .lol ol 1 1 1 I ? ,. ' ti HI , .r t . 1 Cull 1 et I t 1 It T 11 1 (( II;. ,. i I d .4 I i' r p. -us v on .t b-w. I.o't v; tin- 1 i. ir t i : I h ' ea''-' 1 t-" '- Jn : 1 , I .t. i. 1 .S VI 1." f 1 o l. 1 1 in Ore a s i ; j :iu tii'Tit a I -.1 11 111 I .n t . I I 1 t .1 r 1 1 V ( s ,1 t-l . i- fli' iiuiimi, June 1 1. I VI is I s. . 0 'V 1' ;!'." 1 11.1: I l'l. !,: I I 1 . 1, is i.t w -I f.- ..i - r. bill to ri store p il r Via of f hiiilcs. wa Cunt iniie.1. Aimo' 1 wis Mr 11 irtis ,f r ' , r ribl ot the tuiith.'! a . .'ca to s. .-e 1. J . e mm I I' o 11 f. hi ite Pusi 1 P ct b I ir s 1 t 1 t t H. COCs' ' ' 1 11 l,t I V j rail 11 ; 1 1 - o ....a no fl , . o . lii it (lui ,t ..' tan 1 r, 1 i.t ....,! 1 .1 Hiso iv pui n d Il i'iii I lie j. t 1 . . Cim-stiliiiiiiL. 1...SVO.-.. 1' litaiti r to tne pei'iii.'. to 1 (tl the tit. j i in I, out ol t e ( . lnuitst an. vt ho ha I a la: . f well, and s o l lie bad vi 1 . .1 hint tt s 0010 ise lor f.ii 1. ; . Ilimlnnn 1. at in il I iiin i. 11. i s .1 no soul v to make.'' l : u 01 t n 1 (itiinti .1 io, 0 1 no ri . .MM. a v. . on i (ou-seau ha I l.iiisiied tlie 1, . 1. gaii'l, "it J all rii.-tit,"' and t 1 ; ttd. I t. I r c: if it it 1 1 """ s a 1 It "A ' 1 t r 1 n 111 S to I.U J. ..0 .' toe II 1 .1 ll- 1 ' ' I ' 1 .1 . 'I Ctvuntri "1. il fi'oi.i i. General iu lines l. ,t t pn-sent fi "-I t ot -pol ts ot Ins Inn 1 not Ik an v Tuiit' ' r 1 1 11 1 1 I j r and d tie f e 1 slii A 1 ' l'l It I i.io 1 I 1 t to 1 lot I U 1. S ' . s 1 1 1 ' tsx cn cot foil at 8 the two l;-"!- s vi t The jo 'n-1 ,il pi : t alb .-d. r The New 1 ' inatril J ue s i . I bcr of the K m ". 1 of t 1 . Fear urn en;- - i 1 . "Monro, h of the .- i," , . fioin I.ivcrp..... j.,... Mart h i. 'i h vi 1 1 " .1 j : Anoslu-r ! ,c!i t ; . : 1 Cin rry Street, N. .,' . I t fatal." Si vend rn iv 1 1 nt ' ; v i . '1fi;h..n ,1 lv-, .. .. ' i- , dull, i"2. , ; '' Cot!!.! C ";t I.. .' W Copy the foil, iv. f nin t VVeiinesday, iurnldutd to t'mt . retary of State ; AX onniN'ANCK I' I " T T ... ATlJ!?.jy '1 : t ; . 1 V .' Vi It iifAs. ("' ' '1 . litiiitd in r. ltd tu 1 ... p.. . Courts ol 1 e is n.i l t,' ..,.u-i ;. by the , o : Ti) TAX taxes for t ty j ,-y. , t VV.I......S. 'I si .. .. C .tttlfn'S UII t' III iV til. I "', "l 1 f ' " .- f ' 1 to Sai l I 01. - i 1 ' Sic 1. i it " ),- -e ia ('''" 1 1 tiie Courts ot J 1 i c S'i't ' d t tii i t. silt . : the J .- ' - 1 ; ' ri t I - now t s 1 l 1 r s b. tol 'i I le ii i 1 1 ! t. "11, I 1 I h 1 t 1 1 they linn 1. S 1 ' 'So ol .' .' C I V ,t t 1. ' p ' ' l'l I 1 j .. . . .IT''

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