1 t - ii ii i VI. . .T 1 . .'.li. M. E. I'i II., ... . VTOYtiii.i;. Vt tlHnrtnj- i:v'ti!ti7, June 7, ISUfl. -, I .mm- i t ii ii i-lni - "THE pESTIM-.!, it' laaln-d every W'iM.ll.j (Sun day f xfrjitfld) at the follow iij rate: t " r r "Daily, per year, f 10 00 " six month,, S 00 (." .. month. ' '. ..: ' 1 60 '' rV'nil-Weekly, per year, ...... ,i - ft 00 . sleekly, per year,--,.-. . v nj'Mti -.- Wl 'f' Our terms are invar: My la advance , Money - -iBy I ;i,t in by tlto k.ol ltond conductor or the Ex-pro Companies. . i III - HI MM ' ' ' ,1 V, iron jovi:uNOHi!'; tonatiia:; ; wonxif ;"'; : OP US NDOLPIl. ,v" .' ".'.'. ' - rir.t cf Jnj.S--."---: 1 . " t tiv Vmi i.Ur oi u1-ri1-T hue paid . up ta the I t. of July. ., We) hope all ill renew. promt-!'? by Hint time. Look out tto the crow murk, ","s r -:;s , . Tli Tins Policy.,,; ;, -'-V''" The inten t I. ' unit u iking rttime ol the CaW JJill'i ...IS 1 .'II-H V HHMMIH, C..I1M1IUII4' l.l- 'J "' U ii'. ;ii to t' - t oiled Pf atm Co in mission 1 ,' of Immigration, wnl puU'. died in )1.t paper on Monday, ti:r;;-t the proper theatre in yvliw h alt the encr-ie of our people should he at pres ent 'employ-V !s ii'n 1 their rightful pbtre in the council of 1 ho government, after having '.! r.e n!l !!u it, and more than, comported witb their manhood, dignity" And self respect to e ' I. il I. . ..1. .,.., ..'...a f,.r t)..m t.t Bftlltitfili. .111 it) tvu.j . . with wli " eoniposiirc and serenity they way, : fin tha tinju t a . l hi'muitoua ;ntfnc whicbtx ' Cludea them , from tlx ir, Cunititniionid prlvl '' , i ". tin. t Ji-vcte t! v thrw5) ratio" ol twiir lii!ividlf)ltiue ami th Ui'velopmnt of the nmltiii'.ii'd ftwimev of the Statu W feiiiii iVuift uaIi.iTm.iliTiioiIiiJyoftlircIiar ;f , actvr, 'iJ ti;i'-' inlly frm t iittnift atiiilp tant-awitU tho pww.-tit ..n i. inu of p'lfmlur wtlmiit,hi.a Wflnv, tl.t tm yaro dona wuh unworthy ronm,i..m t nn in- n . fr f innticlhin, and that th.-y niil mi v.uiui;.! ..y t t llnirown i i,...v -. ..!:.. . t ! ! j I it. tr i-u.ln tliptn acai w Hit! v i 1 . n " " n Kit i. tn rr..nc. it I'd thr-..-h 1)0 'lfK'n- i t, bU I I I I I ' l 1 t n i Mi- t ii i ' ' r I1 ' i liy of v w i ) nintr l'' iult f r t, !iPT III V t'' I th'lll- , i :) !. Tin ? limy iji (.' -i s ol an iiti- . n. I l n r ....'., ( , ti, i,;. of tiit! 1 v ' I 1 i !l' h t!iC 1 1 v i 1 I t , r f tlf 'i ii, i i I 11 ) I r v v 1 ' 1' ain hid n- Ull HI I t I Im 1 I I i- d' .1 I) t 11 I I t i I ii In Cm! Ill '1 I'f , ! i fc i ro Ji it hi) 'ii , f ' I - i. ! K'lur M in w nhcre .' mlilf ci..nsld- ii lit, roiitrib . ! to tii woik : i ".on. And m 1 , j - t ul I lit Ti'l loti h " r " ! ' -iw 1 v I i , , , , h.u.ho l t' i I VlhO III U I'" ' l.iit fxie ! ! 'V I ; , 1- rd no ho, ! 11 utcaln any d' , " ' of r - i i ; o ir J i ti is i. f' y uiti,,i I , in v t, t i l h ud a In i,.i . 'ilia dtvtr r ...ii, i,i iiiinri.d and , v ,. r 1 . 1 1 1'. 1 1 1 of our I ' I !' ' 1 e a I ol I r , , i, , I 1 i b ii. lores !s, and our m ,f J a tlionmin l livciuii , . . . tn ivr: ... ( 1 L.ir, iil tt ild tn , , , . f t . i " . 1 diviauul In awtll the a"'M'; h)ok f'f i" 1 uii o, iij' iii i' Hiiivcini'iit rf-ani .r ' i , , r j...r: - f.-r ivi-.- luim 1 1 tat- ' nrliuuh r in r i I 1 ' . -, " in ami Monre, - woe"-, ' 7 '"" " ! H, ( tit CM-- T1 .. I Ul III- . din, ... ... Uii fji.lai I"UK,t !v to La I'lo- .1 : .,f morn aulmtnlltul I ! I" 1 " . mi of le eon in" noil, i. man- noil, im in -ii ! ' 1 at l ' ' ' ..u'1 of line r 1 er .is. I f rlilit). ....a.-. h ..-,,. wt f.,,,r. , w ,.Ja clnnnte ( to - - --- ,lr -..n oftl.8 flol; wt.-r-i.or r, m' i : i re i, ,d b. 1 ' ' e; 1 i tli ii boon ..I I ii . f i ft ii,-- I "0 1 t .1 i -e ad t a r- llll! i ! tlrcsM-d to " ' Veld.m f-!,:U,H '' ttection t the Kouse of C-- 1 . ; ::al ( ..-v.lioa. ?4-! ' irin ; i Uvealrra : ti,i,-,i Ii red t e pur-j-.it of ti:e I :riii in j crdii' instil- propo i he l -.rtof the I ..-otjtive Comii. ute of th Nu-.ional I'ni.iB Clin, at Vahin:.'ioti, the holding of a, National CoiiTtntioh of dch-jtitte finiu m h Coligni-ii.i,;d Diatr'u t iu all the f ! i'i ! and from the huti-n at litffc. Ae.. famH at S'i.iiadelnlila, oa tii 2 1, Tii ?ly ia Aagoat nent, V -. , a The ohjent we BndtTtnd to Jja to coniUne and orgmiize, for the piirjioseof -ntertiag the I- eoe now htfore the country, all the conwnrativt men ol all partiea, who arc truly Constitutional I limit no-n, "who snitain the rresi'h-nt' admin intration in maintaining unbroken the Conntitu- tion 'which our father esfnhli-died, and who j. intertuiniiroiiouitionn.luc'r.i'linsthe main tenance inviolnte ot tlieri'ht of the Stat, and pe-in!!y of the rij;l t of each Ptate to order and control itaVmn domintic ncerti,''arcinl in to it on jiidjnii-nt excltuivt-ly, a i ! li d to tlia balance of power m which the per fection and endurance of our political lahric de pptid, and the overthrow of tti.it pyi-t'ein hy the uturpn'.ioa and centralization of powor ia CongiKs, which would he a rL-Viilutioa dmi-jur- on to Hi p'lldiran government' and d. true!ivu of liberty Ink word, the ol.j'ret in to concentrate and Unite, fir a temporary, but vltid purpiwc, all tanrvativo tneii of all parties, who heartily anpport President Johnson' policy agrtimit the policy of the llAdiculi, in order, if pos,ilite, in the coming cliCtlom, to defeat their plan and ,r plans ot all alio are ippuMni to an rarly con-til iiiuiiml I'liloa of all the&talea iu liarnw- ny and concord. We imdi-riland tliat thin proposition dot sot contemplate the organization of a complete, jMnfii t and lasting party, but it U for the pe- ciiio work of aceoinplinhin tho restoration of the L'nloa d -prcdih'iit Jolmion platform h aving every one free to act, after that ohjwt iaaccoinpliabiKl, with nhaterer jMtrty be jiaay elect. 'An we Ire at prmcnt advised,' we are entirely favorabW to tiie ,'jriijfiition. It 1 de- airal.Ie r.n; mntiy ft vfoni)ts; Frist,'iir"oni(;rrto bring Jjurthern and Soulhuro conwrrativea bito closer bond, to Interchange riewa anil to effect nmfunl co operation and kk-itdabipC -Secondly., to enulile both North ami South ' to understand each other better, ' Thirdly, becatine'out of thi may prow tip a party truly, connerfative, made np of the best nien of all parties, for the future u. itiiee an t iiiainteimiu e ot. tlie, gOTernment limned liv our t.itln rn. Vf, tkeiflore, ur;;e the people of North Caro lina to hold County nieetiii" throaghout the JState, to iiuike anaiu'emenu lor their own County r inilidates (or tlie approachtns election, hiid lor Diitrii-t Convent ion lor the aelection f f o i-i ..,'ite Jioin i-ai h Cori;jrenional Di- tii. t, and tiie appointment of (l. lepitea from the Mate at luiyi), to reiiwiit North Carolina in i-.iid t'onvemion, at I'luUiidelpliia,, - - i i i ' , s.' i Eoard of Iutcrnal Improvement. Thii Ih-ard liiit to-day. , J-n-..enti lioycfiiiif Worth,- PmiJfuf f.r fiftriit, V. II.i i"inton,- Eq.', and Dr. J. G. Ihunsny. Tlie folll.winir appuint-! Rir-itt vrmv mane ; '.."r' i N. C, sn A i i.am li' !ol' W. i. Morriaaey, ol Wayue, Hlatt prosy. .soro IHrtdon: liu:w R:imay and "Writ. Hui'doch, for .Carteret; A. T. Jeikini, C. C. Clurk and John 1). Flahuer,' Craven; Lewi C. Piionoiid and Jiiroesll. Parrott, for Lenoir ; and C-uim d U- it, for Wayne. , " 1 TfJtn f.hsme cf t!.e Eia-cals, ' : ' , (,n, ,,;. I, ;-t t'.e X. T. J,'.-rati.) " Wimiu.NoroN, June S I,, IHtJO. Thearritid in town a few day aince uf Pro vi ionid (iiiviinor Hamilton, ol Texna, wnf not in il.-;il a renuirkalile event.1 I'rovi.sioiir.l (iov- cniors Ii av-e come t-o and departed from -Wash-In-.'.oi d.o'o'. the p-iit vi-ar -wo'i ''-'t a i. .. .11, . . . i l.iu ei.o. iol' la i lovi.iinlial t.uv, -riK.r iiaiuiiton in any aense a very remark l. le man. J-iurinj? the rebellion, he remained true to tho Colon, an did many "tin who erii not rswaule-l for tin ir fidelity with place and power, .lit Uanii!tim"a caw, however. It would hm-ciii that tlie l'reaident. w !.i!e sti kin in hi appointment to re a ard and incoiirii-'e Imalty, nuuie tlie not uiieoiiiini.il mia- tukeof IoMitii! tn-aeliery ami tlii-loTalty. tiovcrnor lUmilton, on I. i arrival In-rc, cull- c,l uj' .n the I'n-iidi ul, and was admitted to- l.?v- and (:iii..h mini inter i w, Ji 4 ailed a nhhiiI time, and a -a r i-.e 1 in like ni.imu-r. w prdeimioi,. deneoeied. liei-luimingtol I a warm and devoted t:.. nd to the I 're-id Hiid tin aJmif-r ot I. --i. ':iiun-tr..ii..ii. lint it ,, a not a i v 'r t ad hi . !v tiuit be willc-.d , .,, or i,. ,t, it . fc,ad i.,:!. be will t..e,-t , r. ,,Uill , r,., And the re..n j hv I .a I . ! ion iil be il rei.l I. "in that he li:,-, )..; . --ii wet, will lie urn. - r .1 tr.nu a pi ru- ,t i fir! billowing letter t.om -i-.ioiiniit (Jen- l n -i in iv ia, a m ; .,tt ; ho i man. v ! K i. mil li-ioii-houl t' i! citui.iry. i hi let- b r was r-' oi I li'ie 1 or t o ' e, and lis bi i n 1 Hi .. the I'i ' i.t. 'ils wriu-t and re. : . i.t ate al'Ue .1 k o n, and the in lormatioii conveyed lu t letter is bey. m l liuui.t. '1 he . k-tier run aa toliovv: . . . .. I- -. 1 U.iLVItsToS, Tel.x. Jtui l, Ifiill. PCAU tioveinor II i -eillon leaves here to-morrow for Wa-.hin-i.-n, I- imii soon i s, no doubt perfi-cvly ire' -.!, I hi.n thit be foes on at the invitation i i ; ...r t ..i .m, r-enui-ur Trumbull sod , ,.--i i ..! r .1 t hi hi, as one of lii' ,lini.-! t. n i t i rrc.it n.an rf 'the I r.ion p:i--v : -! i i 1 1 . :oii ,. ; , i . -..it, I I -. wi M .. t i ; '.. , -i ! W S 11 the 1 i. -; . i T. i.i ! i It t ie I - ; -.'-!, h I w.d 1. v . .in -oil i i. ion n - ii ; . " . h ft t . f. R.,j,y .1 .1 I .... .i ... ,1 ii.. I ol i .-I Ill I to . i iv iii-i'M ii- ! : ' ' I ii t i- I . r i- li,,, : i n . . i i 1 v I . ; i . ,i 'i mo - ' .1 i- I . . . I t i i i i .1, ,e v ! ( t ! In - ii' v !;i f I iiom ' .1 j ,.!.,... a i.t i ,n t lit i 1 1 , - 1 ! - 1 ii Il ft ,,1 he the ::i I I a : .. '.' t 1 J li.uU e I i,t a I V ii 'n cri!-,i . t i. I t:.e i 'ii 'i t-.-n I : J; and t!. - .'uo i to 4mmon aliiuiWid bit t.s to t!n( p'i it to exi-rciiie thedivioelj coo ) -'-.J arid in it a aable right of participation in t e government. ..'.. 3 -lily iiitormati m 'direct and unquestionable. - Til fl.oT THICK:, r rt, -.'. Jlere, then, i a acheoie that wotild have done cretlit to the Jacobin of France In the palin- Im ilaj ol tlnir laiuou revolution, tint which hardly eeema creditile la th'( day and generation. The naiui of Trumbull and Col- UX being anciuteel with tlie ..Ll-me would aw-lfl to nal th hdiW-f aawttbt about U, we have been led to look una llice two men a ratlo-r inclined, while participating with the Uailna,, to counsel nioro eonMUvative ana moderate iiiea,(iie., lint doublees their aoci- at ion have corrupted them to uch degree that, vitli Ciiaadlcr. Buniner, Wade, Steven and the rcat of the ht4y tiariotim part, thef rather llh the alieclding ot Mood. . JX. WU M remembered that joat In lore the first gun of the late war Wa fired. Chandler, of ilkhlgaa, wrote to hi Iriend Uovernor lilair, of that State, that "aoiiie of our New England friendl think war would be awful; but mm; opinion without little Idood-h-tting thi Lnion will not lw worth a runli." The nrcmature publica- tiob-of.thi elegant and Christian aentiment ea.int tue Uonoruoiu .jcliariaa tome utile fuitioa and wnharraHinent; but in tbeiubeeqneat lilaxe ot patriotic terror that rnreaa over tDe land, on the announcement of the attack on BUmtefV the blood letting, letter waa'n tmnml card, and It lolty author truttea tliroogn tut eouutry witb ail the pomp anil ceremony ol a Sir Orai I. o now hi associate ana conrrere may plot iiuurrnetiou and violenre that appear very horrible and learlul in anticipation, but which by manipulation nmv be made to apjieer a holy ntn:,--i ami it author auojecu ot c claim.and iiretcrment. , , And ao, imlnil, it ia that in thi advanced a;;rf of the world, we find nu n, claiming to be enlightened, intelligent, 'Chmtian gentlemen and wine legislator, deliberately plotting revo lntion and blimdsbcd. The greed ofjjower liuist be treat In men w ho will -o deliiMrately taerilice all loyal instinetn, all fraternal affection, all I hriatian principle, nil enlightenixl juugment, for the aakeof bnling crime, miacry, dnaola lion, death and rain, that through ucb agen- ciea they niay govern an empire. "' ThaU Stevks Revjrwko b MoaTooatiuti Chain. One week ago to day ex-Postmaster General lilair delivered a peeti at Frederick, Man Iand,j?iLlh'LsuL.tiLthe time,!! JnJBhkk 'he look -caii.n to point out the riiulta that mut follow the present vstem of leizixtatloa in C'ongrcH tn regard to the reconntnwtioii of the South. .. ja the flmt place he howel that it wa contrary to the avowed object of the war and that Htcven and hi faction are trying to secure ubjugation instead of restoration. Th hiatorieal point Mined in tins tiwccb are; tery op)ortun and forcibly atated. "Mr. Blair clear ly ahow that the policy of the radical toward the Southern State i without ft parallel in the hmtory or the work! and directly lu opposition to the policy of our own government tn up i . i , i ., i -1 preaamg iormer reiMjiiiona, anu, oy wnj f -luatrnlion, recalled the cofmpiracie In Kew En gland against the Union at the time of the aeo ond war with Knglnud, the Hartford Conven tion, alao the Buckshot war in Pc-nusylvania, where Thad Steven advised all hi asiaoclate "to throw their conscience to the devil nd carry out their cheme at all hazard. - The action of (.'ongrcM ainrw the eommenca- niciil of tio) prewnt etion ia thorotiifhly ft- poaed, from the adoption of the Freedmen'i Bu reau bill (loivn to the numerous connifioioiml . ametlilinenls 1 h wcvrkinjn of tlie Fri c.in. : m tttireau, iimli-r tlia munuffeuient or tl.e Kew. l.n gland agent, iaalao aliown up, and the declara tion made that tte are raat uniting m our policy into the ayatem practised by Kngland toward Ireland, tiie result being that New Kngland ol dicr will be sent there to collect tatet In tlola tion of the great principle involved in the re volt of the coioi.iiu from the rule of Kngland, "taxation without representation," AH thi i iH-insr done that a few radical may retain power and force upon the country negro equality,, ne gro eulTragO and a Begro bureau, llr. Ilia'urwa uou.-iiallv pointed in bis remarks on thi occa aioit, gn.i iodieated in uumidtakuble term th revolution which in now ruling, inCongree.-r-JJf. r. nvrw. .-.' - , '. : . . For tba Seatinal, J.mr, Kditort: The Jtadical organ of thi city i much concerned alaiut the position of Oov. oith and the l.ieut. uovernor.. it -pro- f. ..-! to Vmiareyaetly what (lov. Worth wishes and what lit the projji amine ot In tnemla. I"i hnii a lew week iiioru w ill better determine that matter.. It is not yet settled, whether w shall have a new cui-titiition or a Lieutenant Oovemor. That mu -t first be determine 1. And then e ailveiti-.e the Ka.lii-ul or-un, that whether it be Col. J). It. Fen-bee or m. Katun Jr.,S. F.l'hillip or Kol.ert ritranue.Oen. Patter- or r. II instoft, J. ti. lSums.-y 'or w. A. W ri-I.t or i'.urjte H. I i ail her, all of whom have be. u ii.-oned for the position, or whether it be s..;.ie other good Andrew Joluison conservative, lie will be en c-ti , -. - - -' 'I he .i-o;.H of thii Flute am determined to re-e'.-et Joiiato ii Worth and they w ill select the ri ' t ii .0 I of Lieut. Governor. That man will, be f.-rtle oiuing at the riU time and in th i , -j,t p..,. e, to the iliacoiuiilure ot the Kadi, e . - . JO UN. For tli Rrntuwl. .... Ous, N. C, June 25, 18C0r ifemrt. A''.;.: A yod are intervstcd in every iui jirovenirnt in society, and the Ftwial advmiatea of tiie education of the. youth of th '"pood old Nort.li Mate," allow me to fv you th.irt acvtiunt of the exumination of Oiin lli-h School, now uii.ler the direction of that experi enced and execih-iit instructor, Mr. Jamea South gate. '. . ' The evcii-lses Wiinow-need on Tuesday the Vh inst., and enntimind throiyH Thursil.iy 7th. 'Ih b!i ml ou-e waa r ." !. The pnpii ac jul'te.1 them-.. 'VM We", and .. td li.at 'they had been j .o, i!y insiruete t It :il manifrat iii.,t ueu...r a "i ntion bad been l iven to the rud.tci:! and fioi-tameiiiol p.inc pie of the - stuute. A e-oo.1 foundation i thu ia. ! lor tuture pennairent advam eon t. and im. pr..vfin..nt. .... On t.:..-.lnyii Lev. O, J. Ih.nt, of iviii.ii I-., .".i'i Tr. r s-em.l, . I pr-ietieal. i i l.i .at II A. .ii., I'r. L.itnsi v, of i ,i .in. e. i m I tin) ii.i'.l adlr-M, alinw ing ..en.. -vol (.-: ... .ion .) i,..i ntgll tioiva, u . f . itii.H' I- ... '., .in 1 I .i'i..l '..in i' w-. .r ... 1 and lud oi I . mi! tors t i . e .1 r L-'iitii.-men i.'l't li-id I i." Ill t..e liA'tloo, 1 I . i.t m t ; n .!.-iive! v. . .'.-.; iniH-of the Vino- ! itt,i,. lllilu-a- i ' a . einiit-'l loo'... r. and pure i .., I'' . ...ii in tm' .it i ; ti i ! . i-a . m u 1 r. tUe t;..c i'i -t a t- t f r I: (! 1 t lure lab, f. oa Omu The "1 i.-aiiou t fine. " J.T.W JIAliniED. Ua th avemuc of tli Iwh. fcr H Tai V f. K,-n . Cft,J M U(o to tin, Ja Wlun-n, all n( mi t-. . , .' ,.. - ,'. Oa lha !. of Jaa. 14. a Bnd Srrt Melhn- dit Church, K . I.n,.it, Va b ikm.H lit k hutu 1'i'Kueit. M i4i LatilM I. kuaa. Oaaditw M lh lata (;ilunrl 1 b H'wu,f ftiaa ana Ouitra lUMratr. Va. tu Celoaal Ckarl.i K ttboar,tareMbaV, U C. . KEW ADVERTISEMENTS- gTIlAW, ITttAW, ITttiW,'., r WASTED. Tm ttuauasi Boead eUwa Wbatt Straw. .,; - ' s , u. r. wiuAxums co, KakiKk.Jaa.ru " , . e F OB IALC The nOC8l LOT. eeraalad V H A. B.aU.m. turn lb of Ike Cap Fwar Bank. Th wf lliuf ka 4 rooow. ara yiaaa m eaea. a a.weaea wna 4 raoma, anaaaOAoaae tkeHwlk EaslOraar, witk Oh fix tarask , .., i ., i - TamJIS,! Cah. . " Balaaea 19 a4 18 aanatk. FILUAV. JONES k CO. June J7-tf QOLDSBOnO FEVALE COLLEGE. Tba FALL BERSIOkT win Wia o Mufflav. the ikef Aaaaat. at euattaa o weeks, r llur4 4 w aiark la nmsn, faltloa froa ft t $ .11, kttras aaailr aMitrai. laatroiaioa lhirouk. Oonuna amd aail eveaut. fur furtkar tnturaia- noa, aaoreaa, . BEV. B. NILTCTS VHUaT, A . OuldatMire, Jus la-iw , , JOI'ISSICG HALE A CADE JIT, ' . . FRANKLIN COUNTY K. C, Th Fall HMawa will becia oa lbs Moal Muadar leJaljr lm4. - ' ...... j Ckargea par tenioa of St ek payabla la 0. 8. Carnec . Hoar witk tb rriaeipal (arasluag au -,-. " !! eaawptadl . " I7J.M BeUr aiclubTuiiiea -. w - . I4, LaliaaaUiSfikeh,(iitr :- S,0t Hoardar ataal pay kalf ia advaaca. , ... M. 8. DAVIS, I., . ,. V H. E. BHEPHERD, ""J1: Jaa2Mh ' L,ME- - JDrtT reeaived oa ' etaiEmit M ttsrrala Leek pert Law and ald at todawd pnee. - - . s JAMS M; -TOWLESn . June87 Bt - Agent. ' 1H (TORE IK) pMad (uod HesoklagTubsi'e ia Iu aae Uarrsls. . - . - - '. . , Alio a snail Lut of floe Cbeartuf Tutwecn, half , JAMES JL T0WLE9, June 27 31 , t ; Agent - " ' "tr "'.""". '""'"" i"" '"' -' ' Washington Dlatrlct Third Ronnd. Boaiak Cirealt, At - lttr, L-- Jon 1, St larbutav " " Tattwro,, July I Wil.iamal.oa " , Wllliaaa Chapel " 7.8 Wa.liiDBte : ; Waalilnirlua M, li I lymouih - " Ftvm.mib IH, 19 Maitsoiaakatt ' Fir Fii-ld ' ' ai, iM Use .;. -V ; at . Bnwa Creek , V8, tt Naabvlll 1 Hharna - -.'. ' i, & Granville " " - Taker v. II, J Hsuafraxa fa Twtti) V CliapW IH, JI Warren " Rhady Orere' U.'i, W I li roiiemriaa art I n xaaa ouuv I Jly iiljiM M koltiaU a burinica N. Ill L Ut.VPKKN, P. R. Jui J7 Iw I C IS" V M K A n HALL , ni the tiAa cp raAnms-s cos- - rrCTICXIHY ISTAELISHilli'T. - .i -, I ' '" Tlia atibacrtbar ka tiled una aiea Hat, (ir Lsdiaa sad fi-oth-mB, wkxra llwy eaa bs lupplied Uh ICE CREAM, CAKES, ICED LEMONADE, ICED SODA WATER, Ac, Faniila who dairs ICB rHftAM by the e,asit or gallon will bs supplied, if sliiut none M fovea oa reaauiiabla terms. i. T. T. FEXTKE& L.'.4tsfaiyWv.ll.-C. Jaifc.gifrawi--iwry-.iammiMv,wia JJI SIXESS NOTICE. ; A ftr to day, buainaaa hopr at ft,. AG of Julia It William A to. i"l tha ttnl. i,; Ii Kntimial hmik, will eluas at 3 e ekaik F. U. W Hnt f.irK fa-Maa, JOtlt ft WILLIAMS CO. BaliRh, Jao55 3t f AW A.: (O'M - tltLMIIOOL ... AT XI'i;i,' M. r. Ta aisri-iaae f tlOa al .h, w''l bejrio tm Mindsy, tbs I'.ih. J.ey. Ihe Ietuma, A-., are inu-ndii to ateard ttioi..tii:k tiao'it.f; 1.4-the hir, or e.4minercial lila. For oilier psrtieaUiia, a.i.tr.aa, LDWAHDCANTWELI June 83-Iw ' Oxford, N. C. ' Fc:: Tht ir 7nni.s lot of 3j ,-...:. . , ttr ium poniraNtoB nf ir, teBtnrt,'it, mud ; ti, ).( rgsirn' nf I v A. M. Kwi, linvti-,, . it romforfc bia l?v tl.i i b4 otb hnuf.s,, Ti .art tifetsttie ft.: ri ia food cuhivHiioit. ri K iitmitt'Mi'. :V. k. r Kaki n a, J una tf W.W.TA88. jJ E Xy GOO DDI STILL TI I VX CO.' 1 1 I ! loi ki-tili..,,!,! L.it ...... 4 .NOT lint LOT OF j: iZAVCltiUE ; THE IIANP '' i"lT OF THE ' V . . iT.Am iX, AT a. cm : ( :is. Juue ..i 1 w 3 I '4 il-ili: T I t !:ci - i n.is by kav. L I,, il-i,,!. i J a I. r-. S t J ..'a , I). 11 111 1:,,. -Ilia . . t -y) A.t. I. a by B,.y. . l t a... U,,imm n.a a-. M of t -i iy i . 13 1,1 tV I., Il l' V ' b.-c. I ... .iy. i : a a. 3 : ' "'..a of ti i. In ' ' .-ata aa at i v . T a V an . i I t . Il ir.l '.!' . .. .vee tavniol yrUf e Ifi'. ra mar a... m-e a t' eduraium, and. at tu sama tuna tue rent tbsw kealin. - .! partioalar s-uly ta r .. LV. c.b. r.rn: :; r Jawil.d Autre,., b, ru c. TTACCHtli CUII ia ah ritia i-'A ..... . . - fi.i.ft HAGGIEL'S PEVEJl ASD AGTX - PILl-St! THKSK lannua rouwulla. kaewa tliruualu.ul tka (a Wast si UiaUaitad Hula iaf ibk aUa44iary - saras 1 i. -.-. ,:---r. ., CHILLS, FETEll AXD ACLE j ere aow theeoegkly latradaeadie IheBtate ef Woftk Csrahaa.aad aaaWa eHaiaad ef alt satarartilnf. Irst elaaa drairKial. ' , 1 Iny ulai toaie ta all dakihtaUd tyatamg, t ksa ia eVwae ef ,.,.., - . v , . One Pill Three Times A.Day, before maata, aad should be fouad la vri iamilv r. Siilinf in auanialio duarteia. - Teanyakepiioorvawa..eoaaaol bwlinr la tbeae aaarvalioas pnp .rwb, . - ' - A Box Will bo eeal Free If hs aot eared witb u aad aut mna thaa twe bossa. an eliant uU ke aiad. , 1 Ua'pnoa af ike Fill i kik ay . . , K . ,d . i&i UOXTi . but as thay are a iarfeet ear wuboat truabh or Ja eoaveeieaea, lbs rkarfa U raaamiahl aBonah; V . Adare.aJ.HAOtilfcL.il. ., FaJloa b. i -; wTik. . ' K OATTTI ON V ' Wateb aarrowf tiul imnt younK4va vlfrnantly aatnat eooatarleita I kT "fi.jappraxoH a mn rwas evaaiartex ia Wiineiia, altar aiaeli troolita aad aapwia-t . J'srehaae of aaily di4 elaaa diunaiats aa4 aever uf pnaitli.ra or f ravcliii) da!wri - April 21-iin . ASlf TO THE Klf'aa.' , ,,, - w All THE LIGHT OF THE M OHLI, , MOJ. A tA-G G1TH US PJLLS AND SALVE. These Life-Klrtaf roaiediea are aow Rivaa pnbUcly to Ike arorlii. ft jr ovr a quarter of a eealuiy el private praclic the ivgredieals ia tliens , li rE-ci i vix o ri lls t . Hara bee aaed eitb tba iraatast aaeeesa. Theit an sioa is sot oaly la pravaat diaaasa, but to ours. Tliay aaamta out Iba rations maladies by wlueb ti pauent is saAaiuiif bad is. uiviiM-ala tlia fai'mB-vtein. Tu the aged ana hiSrnt a fw Hoses of thwia valuable FILLS till prove te b i . f. - i , 1 TERTironTAW OF TOITU, For la vrv e tliey ad4 aW hte aid vlaihy,ajul Veatia-a lbs wsuiiik aaafaios U ibeir priatiau atata.- '1 e ttis ymiaa1 aaa ai iaoa aa tftey vriu pmva most lavalaabla, aa a mad, spaeido. aad storlmu nadleina. Itara U a dram rnnhsnd, that FiHiee-ua laaia souulit fiu tin as buna rad vars ago. aad avar hmad. ' H loo a as lor a loaia&iu mat srouiaV-raaiore lua ale viyor and aak ytioth aver ' An Eternal gprln;! " It waa lull taie tlda day at4 hiair to renlna the dn-aai, aad aliew is l.aa lorka (act, Iba mag to that nads It fair . .. - , , ... -,- TIILSE FAKBI'S KT. '.lEPILS Cetmuii BtHy flfit- of years, hut ttrey "a for tMt-k nd hold biui-f, tfitMaMet tli lU. nui t triuuipb vtr tlie if tn! i(Tii ttiiyottnic. Lt ns eirtrste Mia but uWji it i it t Torn bit) ofipurtaDiiy iti o(Ttrt V lien tftkrii a ri(frtrubrd rou iiillioi! Disonocns KtitHrnf run b(i iimh prodHctiv wf rar thn itm fin, 'llucir lmt urn if i e Hit) i frtt Hi on. i ltd tlt BrOll OOnoOIIlM Ittltfl uf tttlM ITtM". !(: It 64 llltf diteMi Hte rtutuTed. ritiu rinMiiii tre made frmt - VEGETAElE CC!rOUI.'E3. Thf-y will liitrii f tt nu tMunt tfitit!, ftitd rtt te (ftvt it ilh -jti tl rtlvct ih ihim :t)-nj tl'(i to Ani aH rutnm Hit Uin. It; I in w, ui VsalilHlltti. Il i'"f-tl Hut I't'tsl f Mellm " A ti 1. J. I t ! I itfjll rUli' H Willi ti. bttit tW'AIt'ttltig t-II. Ctel ttl tilt VtJlJf rttt A tl evil! i IlJi. MACtll.L'S FILLS. lraiUtly- itrtt thm fllMrlg D !. talking - - w - .' J " (iuwol CosiplniDU. ' j ' 'T ' - . Cob (rti, ' ..- ..i''. Colti. , ' Client Dij-aiHd ' ' r.:''tv., CoettivetMia, . . .-- ' ' , ( :. , ljl..-.ai, HarrhoM, ' : iiropay, Ixihillily, - Kaver aad Af(ua Faasala OiatipUinU " llasdartia, T ;itidlfaatlou, ' luttaaraa, ' ' hjuauiinatiim, lnwniit aenti Isiver Coutbitiiitt, i; f :. fwn-nii of Kuit4j( .: '...'. , Kmwotm '" . .. .',' 'r laiiHttintttiiin, : J4ait Klteitio. .. , ' - Hd'HiJH, ' . -Kft, IM liHrWatlMr, W Wt-,K0llft tflttUIW WitiHMrtt tlte tlll'm vtH trai wurk nmnnrj mi-It pttt or Imfi, nut iX hy J MA(S(11I-;Ia. w.tKullua pi., N Voik. I ryuleifvit which i (vUtay. ' ' ,s y. i.- .aif:..,,; tin.. tlv.'lM. ut lite I'miftl MMftt aixi i HtmirL . g elect i:otni. '"":'' AND DAY SCHOOL, Ililliboro', K. C Tlia HISKt-8 KASIf and MISS KOLLOfK will re. Ofirn tbfir aehiad on ri.lay, Aairilat tnd , ini.a A pum liuai Btlfiiimm'a ripiaaiib - t . Circulara fiawarudi.O apitiiestiou. ' . . - ,, Juaa 2a-ltnUia o ii'..ii.w.. j. ; WM. H. PKTl.CS, WASH N. 1! El). xoni olu, Vtt., mat" 'fa, "i-, Ths sndaeaieaad havatakeaan CiV,,w, N . of, Com i aaarea Ktrant, Notfutk, end wilt herpa.li.ir d-vuia taamwlvea to tba : a,,... .. ,Wa rataio ear apaeiitBa Wara-lionaa and W li ai-f e W ater Street. I'ortaiiioalh, for ttte riioraa rt iir etiaadixe and Preiluea of all kin.ls Wa havo enn saetia wuti tlia It. atioard Una to the end of our uni-t. wbvfetiy wa- ate eauvliled to reea.iva and d- bvar Produea ho( eliarira I, tliayajra-. - - - , Cona'fiiiiueti'a i'f blareitaini.ya ot all kinds, ami t a-ael. aa wall aa nri.ta (.r ( i.tl..n, ttiava. Naval Sltire., and fttier f.....iu. is, r.r.-a.i...iy a,,,. !,-,.,!, . - , . I i. I iA.S & Li.hl). . ; , '. .; i , .'..-. '..nt: r.rrv.zi to FPAfl'it Th! MI'i! V (',!.. t.iverK. ITI H" v foi ' '. i -.uN.l.iv..ir.l. t!i M ,.'l.ll'.' .1 .n . . H. 1 i l V . I 1 1 m li aed t ii . ,v.-w 1 ins. I' i. I I' 1 I. a. t NAsll. w V.. k. .1-' v o I i 1 .. i..lv I .Miiainl. Malna. I I . i 1- 1 . i ' ami I . ..vniiuali. I, M V.: I lit' V.'W ',.-. htn: I. t ' i. an. I t . l l f I . A i -! 1.1 I'. t;r.ivi . i i J I'll W II iv t i .. i. w t II 1 f I ' I i; I- . ' i v i t I t I.LIA .. M - 1 June J . iv ', s. i ... S ( ' J . eiin b.- i a.i.'i H.i a. i 1 t . J i 'i. S, J .1 IIAvEJl hT I'I II 11 A El IJEAUTIFUL STOCK Sf . t .Vi.i . .- - - . m . - we -v. OTU ' ' b-Ll - - 1 a - a. - , I I I I - V II'I I laVT t VV r K At N II IUI ft Vm aV - saTt UMHA0) JMAJUtf afaVaW ar ifWAaf : HATS, siiors, At the Tsry LOWLeTaricas bafor. tbe LATK sad- ; I V 1 1 ' - t - 1 -W. dris atdirld and Cotton.' Theas OioUsbavs BKEH BirCKlVEQ, aad: th same artwlas eaaaot ka boaght -.-, -A,.:i.i; -.-V r , .-. ' j- -0-... aowbs KswVetk wllbiat j.). Ta-ssty pereawt.ertke - tOffT if awr'.' ; ' ' " . 1 ill 1 1 J v 5 " ' ' , All (IumU by tlia yard kara sdvaaead whkia Ik - I.AT sA't'EK front V la l eanta fH yard. We . bv'uirl.t II' 'm whea tlmy aror II1W!I aad atark r-.y Ai(i---w -.-i.i. ... . , LEWS Uisa tlinaa Ihaiweie tweaki aatly as the pfiut' tad w ir determleed Utattti public Ull ALL UAVt I tlia sdvantair of our ureliaa, Wf e.ta A FflKO l . sail yog t c . v ' ASS WE WILL DO IT AS WS BUT AID lO.titio VJ. baautilul F,RKluyad Atnarieea tViewts ' t IVa3.r ..'. . . . ' ' . --, . . ' S.IHU " r'reaela. Oieaadia aad stiauil Jaeoaat i . aue 7 a , , t.lXlO " stun, aud boj i auianwi Cssaimsrss, Kaa- " - t.' i , v' I1..11.. j e,n ,rv ,.:; ''.J, I.WUI Indies sua MImcs Wkit sad HUuk Darby anJ Mnlulown Ula . i.liOll f'alrsbor Ladles i.il Miawifi, Msaa and B-.a, 1 J ' W. II. dk h. S. TI CK EB. ' May 30 if - pSIBE AGAIXST v , t A C C I D E N T.3 , ; ' - I i , Cnthk - - MOWHHC0, r TIIIirM, . SOTJTIIIOrijX ; ACCIDENT INSURANCE C0MPANT, LTNCTIBURa, lRniXIA, - H HotlK 0 Fit R. 10 MAII . a I1TI- oi T r-r-TV as.T,,-.. . ISalllCFtl AUAhf AU ALt'ink.KTl(. (nvu.it Itie fiilil.-i nn aeimiil Fotiey bu tlia fuiaBiaai.l ...n,.,.-u ... , Bnw m, urn. ii, nwi uoinuviiaBI IOB aaea Waaft il ihrt.'ilil. d f.a d penud. MJT FXCt f 1IS TWI-TTIHX.WKEK. ilKtiiAL Accimkst rm ieiK for t'lOO wlih M aom peiianl i,.n en.-h werk.mav ar ohtaisd for 13 par aa- ' torn. - - - , -r- Ta Hullaia prriuoiin aa ill aoenr $3,000, and rive fill t intip.-nnntx.n e-o li weak.- Twaate-tve llMlar teeuri-a a t'. lii v h.r ;.,(iai, Vlth a weekly emnams-'' nation 1 illy J),ilUl aerilres a lull Folley lur9IU,UC4) Willi e al la.uipaii-at ion eneti wwek. ' ' snoT tize rcncir3. ' ' (SM.Oiiu FOB TKV CFST8) -" . ' Tiavel. r may el.tsia al tho POME OKFIf'K, Mo- -I An tl am Wirant, I.vnel,l,or, Va, st the Ksiimaal msi.ii.is and nt the B .deiltBd aueaia, Ticket Fun. : nea lor una day to IJ niniiiha meeiviag in ease ef ' death fnnn a. I'letit, lra).andiesaao. hjarejl - lia m.i.S oi tins Company ia aaolnivly fat Soeth era liiind. and rpraaenied by a Uireet.n-y Widely at dlavotnlily kuoni we, therefore, apical with eua li.i-tieaiotiw(iMid will and j-iti on. ol tlie Southern ' puolin. , - . , ... - i I V V a mm B '..' . ' ' " . t.l- N 1, J.-o y M n I -. tm.M. ot Georgia, v a.-. I, i A 1. '. Y T 1 S. ot U,u,.iaaa, Kl r'.T ; LI II-. i I'1'.Iki.I.m,, J j- -11. W. 1.4TH l M. .W(ai.' , ' '' "" ' u a. c r o m s i - n It An I 'mile!, Mauriee S. t.anKliorae Vih n.n Ii Hiiirt.. , , -Ji.lm H .i..,l leio. Ji I .f.-r, Abraham l H'Helaa - "ln'O I ! I Iih.i M li'.ikl.'.d - l.atbanr. 1.iet.-n I'-iUn. t nvi'i-;a Ar ut)i;i'.. Asent. . Jaiwl.ltf ." , IUleiKb. M. C. ;n.i t r i:t r r -i . classical , 1 S' '; o L. . ." 5 U.VII.H:.. AT. ' 'CE CV.-N.C. 5 lllloi V.'o 1 1 f T. jui.csvllle, oa tlie IT. C "t '" ' ' ;- a.- ' jlvOatila'" -"!"-', i, . I H I N C I P A Mt - i',.i 'A liuN, Jr.. M.'n. 1 (i..imitjr ol MiIlo, K-C.1 xiiB mn. .;..( .v. ii;tt jij(tf ttrmo win rofrinmii on t litiT-isdsy, Juy I .'lh, id i i.iii(im Vtt wf li 'or thtt-r wlu. niity i.t. f.fiti o nnttiy ti Aocieot fJfitH'ltj'i-?t. fttfi;,;,.! t 1 lla ti Ihll (la-fi ti.B Mlla.a. fllirim. 0tttMM!H,r hl;! ll f.iiH.Hl II II atnillw Is. a.t,-M ..f ' tii Ft irtf t-Mi-i. June in. " V,ttf:i 'Ha 4 :urn, wliriT. Cowiiieri-i anil Old K'viK S'Ht', S ti.vKti! v. C'H V tn nioatk muA im! k.il to I'liufiim i. - ' t t r u V ,:- cut ct an" n, o'.'i.-i-i ! . n l..r .t u Bl'Ov lUlltfrt' """" - ' .rHi' il-tnt I.i0 fKsft St ' v " 1 ' ' 'V- liny letiit and Cr Kuum 11 " 1 ' " vii ui...ei g.-tn 0('l l Ul 1 " ! i r rf in t ; hov I. t9nt . i i I t v tt h (n of tlx t-f-i p-.t ' f I v -i :- r -I k in Nurth t' ' 'i. ',1 H' ; t.UMfJj t.tl Oie.ti ' " ' lt rnnier m " ttt'tt 1 1 I i . , -'.- i'-t'tl SUM: :.-t. " i.- . v lii w thrtB- tfit i . i- - .. . Ji v.VE, .' '- . ! "I .-, N. C. I'f) v , i i"-ii ia 1 o . Kttnot fci't (in. .narcial . IAM, atenaneocaia, N C.'

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