6 i -a Lorn:. U,a fctmuti than landing iii-f. May, Lave been a. follow.- - ,-, or. in tl K-dtml Government i ' n"Kh,. fllp,.TJ0.8K r a .if our system, and rttruetnof lW". l3tt.a40 ,v aii, - i-.-- .-r. . 3 800.0ft punuru-v. ' " ' -170.58 " KSiVHTtt . A ire. interchange of opinion and kind feel, T,1M fLu"ari,''?'' ' " ' ' 170-!i8 s ins between tha 0itin.V .11 h. ' T txpenthtureg, current and ex. cearj to the remetuitv of tha rL j ,""',r,oflBT J05.8uS.M present eleven State an excluded iron the aa-l " WCeipto ,Vf ieMiw 7 ... , phMeatCongreef fan persistently denied wit ,." "enable, by request, made statement In rign, orrepreentatioa to the people of these uo " tu bond of the Roanoke Valley , y States, Laws, affecting their highest and dear- Ulllodi held by Company sinking fund, to t interest, have Ueea pawed without their con- whanged for litre) amount of bond of aent, and in diaiward of the fundamental prln- luehmond Danville Railroad Co., with in . ciple of free gotinment Tbi denial ofrep. d,Tidal eecnrity.4 - ressntatioa baa been wade to all the member . P,";,001' Pwident of the 'Chatham Coal, from a Statey all hough the State, ia the laa Mdi Road Pok t tb present and future gUflae of the President, presents Iteelf not onlv PrPecU that important enterprise. -f the peianm of RcprcBtiiatirce whoee lo yalt yMlPte "J tbeaieeting. ,.t., fnnot be questioned umler anaitiBffeoni I By.AJMooiia, aaU , i : iiitionai or li-trat test, .Tb Representative of ,! f That a eomfnfttea of three H api pcai ly oiie tliird of the State have not beea ton- PJ,Bte1 nfef with a aoramittee of the City ultetl with roferesea to the great que ti one of f. K,lJfh. and a aommittea of tha North fer tile day. There baa been no nationality an Jln Rli Company, and a coromfttea of roiindinfftbeiirfscntConfnviia ThmlmU. tn other atockholder in thet:hHmm no iiitercourso titween tha rcDreaentaiivM M I Conpaoy, ia reenwd to the Value of tha ntnalr the two iectiona, producing i and . respf ct. In the langui , jjuwin-a weutenantrdeneral: . ."Itk to be re "'e propriety 01 a aaieot the interest 01 t'rettedtliatattl.iatimethereeaaaotbearreat- jf:Klloder In aaid road, and an ennitabie di f commingling bctweea the citizena of the two Itiob th Pfoceede among the t. N khohK -n. efctiona, and particularly of Uiom antrutted to pwent tha matter p rowing nut of the with the law-making power." Thia Mate of "'wlptiofit to the next teuton of the Gmeral things should La removed at ouce and forever. mmi3iT w "ch relief at the (ii-ocral Am. 1 herefore, to preserve the national union, to "7 dem proff to frrant. vimlieate the euiilcieney or our admirable Coa- -Sc". farther. That the director of thi autuiion, t guard the State iron covert aV CoinPnf U have 11 power to ratify any tempts to deprive them of their true poeitioa ia reeunt which ma b made with the other the L'uiiin, and to bring together thoae who an MckhMw or aiur competent authority ly nnnntm ally aevered, and for theae great national them anpointed. , i pnrprws only, we Cfjrdially approve tha call for " ha following grVI(me were appointed a a Natioual I nion Convention to b held at the alea under t!5 taregoinar rwolmloa ('ity of Philadelphia, oit the aecond Taeaday, Brirr K. Pyllaltle and W. 3. Rawklna, '"-nt -."f Auau-rt next, and indorse the prin- E- - f '" . thfi.m etittj 4(J ,ftBy r. .Cr'rliint ,' ' ... u.v., ,Hia,i.uiij uul BKtuwHiy urge jKjwiti, i uai u,e l.oud ot t.n.v,iui of l npou our kliow cituanaia each fkata, in th Raleigh & Garton Kaiitw! Coajnany are here- -l-uitJ htate, in the intmrett of anioa and ia a by authorized to mveauili UiaiwaiuJa ofjCorn- pnt of harmony, and with direct reference to Pny' 80,000 of f wrvrd capital atork a la . pmiuptly in the selection of wiee, moderate and Company, eiiher by tale; or exchange of earn :onaervativ men to repreaent the eaid Conven- in tha purchaw of pplie and material, or S I "T - f" un mt once i f-j mwuv v mini of iiif vomnanv. or other ue. !i1re6t0(1 t!"',r Prwt, wlatlon. td lhj By Dr. Crodup i -- i I i lvtuiZTz -Lis- w- rvy .v w F 'ii.i..L. , , ' iiiwu tu rt'vue me Dy-iaars MirhulP i , T.,.,1. n n f K "I Diochdoiaeftv. '". ,f ctiinfort, w. J, j, ami t . ;. i cTMin.r i n I il'-! no tuori.y lo ivc, j ' i' 4 IriJiu t!iou''!iLa ruiinln,. it.r., .. twenty years, and tlcli".e.l it i.jr t(. ;i ... ) . i !) t:, i. - x. .. .- i ' t . t!orE, iii !A;.iiiir. Indi- terwanb fieuently urd to rrp?,ii Vld a 01 tU-lMKJ' ' " few week auo, by apeeial request, m tU Jolu- AU tf'" 1uii,lin? l n-vtti id of th would not dse out, presented it r.in wii h in- , j f alley, tf. T.", w i-e Lunied Im1 munmc, tnnik.1 , , s ,.--. f . ' a. In going out with uch intent I claim t-a ml ' - . ' lKnm w-. lJ . ii o mucn ana no more, that I can give in tlity 1 "e V1" tha great tin how that li we sctun, to anyoDewhoaporeciau-aaueh thinJ ! terriblv dTalrou4. .' Afl nn. .,.;,... ..i of an-geetive thonghu 7 H,1 eoBvent, school and lawyer' offloat ia. 4 ur iom, m tverjf pUcc, ho irouhl " """" uanewiy every Jj'a mxlntejt.iftiiyA w-V ..-Ttma. prominent Uusiiiw- Imwm- -In 4h r?t,r- raM l fm if,.1t' Onkeylorow. j I'lirueJ, an well M a great number of privata I hv. I cannot "fiddle while Jlome hhmX consumed m S,0u0, and tha loan sed iDg,BDordoIthinktArtthehestwaytolevate 51'00fl-ft,',1.J' ' " ' l ' r a a people or to do honor to ourw-ivM iat)iJ ' The chunlics not l.nrnn.1 .'.,. ,,',",! i Cireumst.nce. that aunound na. .. . ... . ' f Lo-mtala. and ml. .. - " itutnulifceatnieitient, f you think it will a..-.- . i. 7 . .. - r .. ?, . 1 . u 11 """h dcavoriiut to alleviate tha dintmi t ti,. .,r... -ijw. - a- rip. t. 8. vwo. . I.ntie n:, t 1 1, flrider, " fAj H. Coffroth. . -'. Thnnia E. tfoell, Ivell H. ltooiieau. L, . f,tocku"'l) proceeded to .-ln-t f.-r S,u..r.elJ. ItandiilU. Philip Johaaoa. . I 1 V i , " ? V" CIH'tl"n :3U'ii'ien t nl ier-.-.-' John, U Dawaoa. - .1. Ilmnplirey, Hever.ly Johnson. 'l lMMirn A. llctidrirki, H. C. ll'ilter. r Wm. Wright, A. IlHrding. ' .. Jamea CliiLhrie, ... , A J. Gloaxbretmer. J. A. McDougnl, V K. R V. Wrights. : Wm. TUdford, . -'--- A.J. Rojjera, - -S. ft Marshall, H. McCullonghr " r MyerStrou, PC.teBlond. t:hH. Sitgriavei,' W. E. Finok,' ' t" ', S. E, Ancona, f R. s Trimble, ' , , i:. N. Uuhbell, - ' ? , . Washisotow, July 4, 1H(5. anu 4. 11. Jjuiuiu-lor, j,u0 btato had previous ly appointed Col Ceo. ..Little, Robert W. LaMiter and J. U. Littkjolin. ... ... 1 ue mowing gentlemen wen elected mem leri of the Committee of finance aud Inspec tion : t . r ... . Vchableltobert - W.- Haywood Tho. White. -t . . Oa motion of K. P. Battle, it was ordered Uwta kat of the Stockholder tw published, with the annual report and statement, " The thank of th meeting being tendered to the Chairman and Becretariea, oa motion of Oea. Cox, 4 he meeting adjourned, - - - . . x " i ' JrifcU4JuAilATI0a t t ;, iif? 1 h:. ' 1 HE ProrLE OF mum CAROUXA. At "u,,M''l,"nt meeting f the Director of In f.i....i...nre to tin Ordinance of the Bfat the road,Pr, AVilliant J. Unnkins wm elected '..i,v..i. . . ' 1 o.u .1.. 1 in.. !..:.).... ot. ... .1.- . ... '" " uoj iu juno, 10011, iwueub iuw rnm atininitratiti of ,lf2L;V.'illnTbmlttl.ngt?lh,,lu'111- 1" wad h" been reluni. Jl to what Itwaabe- .I votem ot the Slate th ratiticatioa or re- e - n -i ... ' -nof tbefWUnHB:,w.Tt.T fon Prnvirfonal time. - . oiir. II," I. JONATHAN W(ii!T!I finter..nr 1 ' r ,;" hereby, (jive m.t.e that on "J.a-t Nisftt Dav.' AVe learn that -the ! 1 ' ' , f.-'e'e?!: Tn: .- of Day. 1 ; . . , I will oav ma in mnm T ,i!t...:i .. . J.t. 1- t C V t""1 pr lec ture in RalciKh. - cry repeciiully, . , -s, s, bryast: ; - W hope o be able' rowtively to annonnce, in a few dsya, that Mr. Bryant will di-livcr his Lectun la thia City. The subject, th genius of th Lecturer, and th commendable object of US delivery, would floubtloai tcnirft him a larrt andlence.1 ""' t ! . -. - , b '( 1 ; i 11 1 , - .Combabo, Som of the Colorado poorU are diMatlaiied with nn-n--.rs. r. twtitioRina? ' for a ii.. . ' ... ..... . , . " MwmiMVH, A Jhi kill Johnaoa will proT"My recommend a rr -m! mhh ui iB iunie introdurlnsr the cb 1 ., .iug j.cg, ana-x.,.,! g., . ...,.JU a otojta a etate j ern incut, aiid bow (he. .v r. . , ' tljey want aotnetlung. Nursery trad 1 ""ve"taiion Detn 1 li a aeven-yean- old child and her mother; "j; i,. Ion. nu . . ' J . . . a ... w marrieo." "VI ,u Colorado i. too young to be wedded to the ln toa, but.h must hara mcthing a. a com,,oB- "MOaw if- r ! .(io !,. . -j - f ' ' A CawtAB LrrTEE. Oavernor Worth ll . written a rtmirai,u . ... " .! mo a-reaiaent of the AmencantmigrantAid Society, in which he display. In a most m.nerty manner the ant. nral resource, of Jfoi th ra-.i'. ti " faaufeS; t.beuis, Jttiid, improved and wi'.t population public achoola, and temper ot he people of Hint State, arc all ci.uJed in most con.j.K-uoiiaumnner; d the publication Imm crrntinn tnwl. lU ru v . n " " : w. ti.i,,k ti,,.t nV.;;";;;. :a. ,'ta, t by the example KorjVJ, Vy JiC V Wt Win tlia r.,H,,l.-.... T r ,,,,,,... ,,, ona 01 our n- chartf;e paper. : r : " " vy of hu e,r..,. trv. baa returned in Urn,t. ir . - resume the practi. e of I. ia profbmlon " A bat the praeliee of "his profeHsion' i ia ftorthern e i... .-0 i palutuilr ailent. , e ,.,1 B. J-!(.int' eler,nt reaidencein thin r' pr..',- .ion" was that of a real ft.,tB ... : . I 'I.ff'vd Otlt. lliA rrwtnta in 1,... , ' li'Sliend, to nc"ioe i I "oliieri'' A rii'l.ceol hia ptof( ..;,." trii? v I ' !,. ..... Tlie kam6 an ."tut irouljlewnie Tad;. ,.at parts of tUe city. ' ..Nearly all t:.e Lot t,.:MleJ and KVeraJ firtrtngioe vsefa Vrd p.; . ; jvt ,,; ,;ri ait V r I IipportaB Decision, 'J. "neii&g'iixfxftt -.n n CciaparJ a 'J, . f ( , ..M.y.oj .it t., lUcmioMt, u'y ((. ' Judge Chamber has granted an inunction, in thsraoeof n.P. HckKn, P"pntendiit '. or the National ljMe f'o,n . ,t srveint W f-inia fiailroa.U, nsttnii,;-. j t: a fluln r4frylng .nl tln-ir pe.-ial tui. ,i.ut.i.;..aciitiaiii with ? . .' -..,1 . 1. . ....... vr j. . .. mi-i i ' nnuuii'tn, -.Jin"" ( tin i. w'l' Ui h excluded all others. , .' The deci-i.m Is considered Lii! iuiporiant; a. des.IJiug th ilglii of Railfoaii. and Xprea Compaole. .. It effect U to place tha Nadonal Exprea Corapanyoa the mm footing as thow previously namcti,'-,''fWA i ,;t ITaw York KarkeU ' ' ' , ,. r Nkw Tor:, July 8, p. Jt , Flour heavy. Saje. of 7,500 barrel Southern ttl0,20al7. . , AVheat dull, flalea ttf an nnn t..i.i. t;i.. kiet3,B0. . ..,,..-, J uru V MIC, - PHIUS H aiUHlIf jlllll , (It At the verLOWLol' piu- bclora t I.Ai U a.l a riMtaSeMaadt'uttna. IIim tt,i,Uv liiCf.S liECSlVJCD, il (ii naaia artiot., iiauunt U i,.,uht aiw la K,w rrkVl(hla (, Tw.nty par .n. of U. Uir tttE frees 4 t. it), ..'t wr Yar4 W. aoujht thea. wliaa th.y" .n' DOft ). aa'ii aea .ESS thaa thata that war bought early la tha sprii.g a4w ar dstermlMd that tha pub! SRAtt HA V the a4aofew panhama. - VV rna A fFORD to allya "; vf fe ar f - 1 ATH.VtZ . Willi ) IT AS AITD sin. rcit CAjntf-"-.--t f !. Idk btaatlfut Es8Ub and Aaiaiicaa Vulinon ' " ' .1 . ,.- t . 4 t . ..,tt a.-. , i tm.ior.j i, , , t. a ic lmln ttia.l l u p . .ji s , ( 30 " Franrh Orgaadii ad priaU4 Jaeoaei . ,ljlBamawCwiirs, Maa- tiaVttaVcottirf J 'M- ' Ladie d Miss. V)'kiU and Black irby And frindtiwa Buta. f ' 1 T . J ' . ' . v , f V .14, 5.U.HI Fair .ho.. Ladt, sad Mw., i.. at.t Bora. .fowl.-'-1' W."'ti r'-r .... " .... !. ft I . 4 !. X LW'Y fiim -.. to (,i.t, s ,, h. n tint 1- !i.,r j .ikiSt lvri. Ui ii.it-tu it.it t.ir tli lf,.,i a., 1),,,,,, t'onitTOt t. her !n b..H r,i, faront (l.'i.nrtnidnta of niu U'i l.Miiuii.i.a ,, ), t j..n , 1 IVIM!,C, ;ljt., ViiJlifsS -v, i v '"'' - '" ', Ar,,.,.- I ,,( ' aiUKic (in timl iii,,. 1 uinoo, pt ai.i,iii nf tn..i, 1 . I ntulii.., iu rurnnry, tui.i iu ai.. tl'll'.ltt I.MI .ii.--. ..... i lT I. , '01dlfl.-1lP, v Pury-ai ff. V. V. 1,1 Knyli-tf TtST Ki:t: :. - v 1 y li If Jl " Li t; f ; t j ; 1 r t ( r in. 6780. BeBf PtPadtH-ni STTn i. r.i f,1". u J-,.r A " . . . " . " o.iiou wrr. !. at ,3,4.1. V' . ; i trd and Whiskey dull... . Cotton quiet Sale of 639 bale at 0038. i Turpentine dull at f :a33. Eo-.in hravv at (3 Oold tl.SJi. Pive-twentiea. ttnfll 6...... tlirirtie tl03r, ; t. . . , " h Cor jrost. ; ' - ' - ' ' '"sJub" 5P, M. . Th Comuiiute of Coi.ilrenc on (lie tin bill r-commeadtheasingof th tax on C'ottoa at t'.ite emta j-. r pound, aud HI 3 b .;!ro.lsnd r: i C,.r; .: tlie t t ' 1 1. t'. ',r rate t!..) l., u; l f C.h. i; .1, is?. Thcy "ree l ' ive t!is i.icoma tax unclianffrd, the i .1 . T r 3 W.-t T'tn'ocd. ' ; 1 i !' ? t' '-, f ! l.;.l to r - .1 tTie U retro- and! fltviM fttjly kaonn; lli,-r'l , , ,...1 .1 . , 1 awiMe ie in will anil , .1 r , t., t i.ie ti a :j no , ,n v.,iq i ,u1(. IU THE t,M A !& ?, C., OP TTf 9ETII'' i t . III. ( . ' I . I. t THE SOUXIIIOlN.if I 'ACfTDEXT ISHriUXCB "COMpIny' C - - LTNCnBURO, VIEGrSIA, . - ' ,.i,.... " orritK. ta .ntiMtii. ' i m x lA'SLKlS AUAU'aT ALL ACCIOEX7 ftlvinij tha hi.! 'r a annual Pulley tot tha " .mount 1 -1H. .1 in ri ot di-mh, aud cu.itin.miua ii ii eimiulfd tir a piiod, . . KOT E-XCKEMXCl TWKSTT SlX.WtriCS I'"i Ai-cibut PuLieialtw f Vie with l enm peKtloa .;li rwk, nr e oliUinad for 1 1 i.er an- an"",. .', .. Tea Dotiars pioniiiiin will wnir $ '.l0. r,d riii fttt raain iiii.t. 4 trv Jfciimr aM-nrea a f..ii-t fur .tKm, ar Ii a 1 lT ennin satuia tidr Oitilnraaw mrta f i'i lJ,;u' t'14 9ttf,i'. l with V il) eumriamatMn aa w. k ' r.Esc2i use rcir::c ' - . . (JiVi0 I'OU lUlf M.j, J ) rf L, Trv.Tt'fTi mf ftMmn Ota i''fK f r'r? Ni Kfit.ri.Haai a.wt il. ai if....u;. .....l . ..i i . Cimbi tiia Atai liitaf i.x 14 ii.,itv . uvr warn. Tttak a(a.b .!.:. r'... t ' ir. a t. ... w. - . ,( i.iiMjPtnw 14 afl 1 IK IV f y W j: ' It j w 11 w in t- rtmi'ttt 1 , y il r-.i. . Tin Miln A ' ml- l h ' em n 1 rt. f. . -. v 1 - . d.ti Ji. ' I ,. , hj 1 at., , , iim m. 1 miir-'-'Ti . ii e . , , rwl. Jn.K.tt Ii.wj : .mm,. . , Wft- I, IT. 'i tl .,11 1 1 . at . , 1 w. - Mmtint4 will Imvi. f 1 . t ( f j r-iiam wnb a e ,,t r., H i.-r any etaas fn 1 . t. v, . ? .;, .i "im H fin. tllll H, l( i ! A I 1 1 . 1 !' I Jua4 3in -r t"n4nnt anit I' A : o 'i : O O U i M 1 i 1 r .tie ; 1 1 ,1 1 1 ' I . I(,, 1 V...- V i .111 , . , , 1 r tt . 1 .! i. s. i i-t 1-...V t ,. 1 , r I' 1 .i s c ( 1- ! Ai ftnb'y; ' na'lt., hi., , 1 t, 1 v. 11. ! i.,. m i-M!,ef: iieMlAk-i 1 !'.';, mnv vote rorr 1 fie r ,n a'uin ct t " ,-iiiie ; t ' i ii 1 v. , 1 a iats'',i'i!. )ii of t.,t! t,.n,i, union vo , ni.'ii s written r printed 1.' ket, 'JUn .. iov," .1" is ,i f a c.n.Uiiry oj.iniou.votiiip, iiui a at, lieu or j.iiiited ticket, "KwncTlos." lierilVa wiil observe the prorinion. of ttje Or lirtunni ft, to f lift rlnl in tfieri'liv finn..l 1 lit ftiiucM Vihetcul Hit EAcellvary, jub. joxiTiA! otb, Governor ot said ) $ :ite, ha hereto set hi. hand andcau ed t 'ue great t. .il of t!i Mute to be affixed. Done at the Citv of i?.uYigb, this the 1st. day cf Julv, A. IX 1" ' - - . jw., a 1. ay worth. 1J the Oovernor : .Wm. II. roi,iT, i'ncntt Sccntary, 1 ' ' July 6 td. Itic insertion ia d -wAw 20 Pv'rv ra ; j er in the ?"nto iit insert the above I r"i 'i-n till tlie fbty of election, and innv" I r I (w 'i c -i-v f r rnrbiniation, a - ' . - -a 49. ' , ' L Tua lot hih i.t .ewtiM sr. A 'D. Q. L" ,! .ritiKtraimn ws rie of the feature of th . itn!'luuin of thai 4 n. iu i-vi!ern. Anion? olur b'liie'fine was on 1 f t'i Freedmen J. in u, It-'-' y conceived. 1. ..-.njisted of an n" 1 1 ', .uiiled on a rii ; 'y w - -n, with 1 1 .t .0 out, nd tine or iuur little li.-. rwd. "; r. ... ... . 5.. ...-.j, - A. w . . yf, - W .mlfl ft ttf Cya" " . r i.i ., nrt ' ' ' -! - have '. lint 1 '.in t',' .! '-f . ,. n ,,.,, ii...n.l..l, .4t;.y d. nerve, Uiiint.urtd pruive. V. el. 'e t:.',.t they a ill at once le groiijied to gether at. J i-uMMied in twwit f, nn pj, a publication will torrn tiiemost Vitiuable cotilij. bution yet md to current Pouthern literatare. By the way, we t..j e to Lav apace, at no distant day, to transfix to our columi from th Watchman, tli exceedingly beautiful nd touching article from the nen ot the avniit (alien ed authore cf th "Ninety DayaJ" giving an ccount of how th donation front th Balti more La-lies Re"ef Ftn1 m f'"-tri! nfed R anyone, not er.f , . ..Hot;, to rtadit wish nmii' i li fie-1 ei 1 I. nt J.jlmv.n, in 1,; 1, - o! ;. 1 liuj t, i; e j ' t to tlieCoiic'Iu.'' n, 1 0 :'i to j - ' 1 1 I ) c i..'t fU,e i:.utyixe;utr. 1- e t iiiun, t'. vn arc P,, , in- ..url.., t 1 . . 1 I... ' ev-r. nit . ', i if'..' n.- t tor, ' ,. j i ;,,;;-'r"" y ni'in -. , . "l" ' "I ' " !.""!.. ,; !, 1 if (' i I ncui... y ,. t tl ,;c . .. ,"' "y U 11 ' ;'t " !'- e ftn l hiirr-M r. , ... htueci-:;! :fV,.;.,;-i;;:--(r..:'-, t e ,1,1 , ho ar, 1.. . u. ,. t , J', ' ' dVi 'e I-.-.-M.r.t, a,,n r 1...M. , iH,..le-, i.' w.Ug.vttta-u.... n.-C,(,-. -elK'i.nr.tt " i I r. . t I' a. 1 t ..t ; . : e 1; .. , .j ti ;:,., cf C.io, fiven.itice that, after .1 1 a (V (.J of, tie w., ! I iunie '.' t ' 1 1 r- i;t- 1 t.y tl.e com U.e r.ou, -.(in C. .'..., !1 a.':",.ir. .1. 1 s. I an . , ' i I. ' ,,.! 11 Warm- : .1 r.cpra- COITOK V- "ire. i. I; n 'I be ni.uemlier ........ , j, im l tint, aie wei ks jhi.. . t .,,1 f Ju"!!' e K(;ff,n f !i S.i-1 h:. 4 ,. : l.i Jili'-iu iiey and I". it number ot coryna, at tlie J. C. 11. It. di-pot in tUiscily, We l.uu t!i 4 ti.e ioi.j weic found, a f"W c- c V 1 in c'. 1 i the all in or-e of tl e f - .f 1 ' 1 . C. II., A a. . " ' e i ' . t : ta Vi.i,iui f..r . . e i. ' t dca tU conr.'ons :.' pOB h.V lKti re("r' I 1 - J j j The r-liimoie f-n i,:ti. i .:-, . . . . ., r i!..t. I . iJ..l. fi r-vuti-Hl are bt&iifi, q.) -iia 1 if TtilfJ KniaTt . 1 i- ir, , ! r, wmi!ll ,; , ,.-, !, 4(r Uum.-Hi.si,,-1 ...:y, a., i . I.,,' 1. 1... - !:., !,, ' ' i "..-, coi li; i .... l rr... -ra.tr. " . ! r-- -'SCii.u.A. v C I, " - -. . -.WJr U i undtmtoo.1 t!-.it th f inithern r'pre.vn tative will ooo i en J !.. - f. t ' e people t.f V 1 'i, rvi.ii 11 Vr t.,e s 'ion of d. I.j-iti-. to th FlwUJ,'; hia. C i . ioo. Tl,"j r .: 1 it a 1 ' ; nnnrtunt that tl Euu'.h s' .!! o r , " 1 , . i.t, P"'"'iii ' 1 itii only fur thereator- " -i f t'eP '!'h to tha I'nh.n J ' n It ' I V. . H'll I f i ti.l. l I" llrl I VV l.atiiftill, ' I . ., 1 w. ... n , it...-, t lit I 1 Nt 1 t. i.i if.i; 1 - T'. C. ' Vi tvn AiM.it. ,1 ', , . y -. ,r ? t , lilv 1 t , " ' ! l-i e,M. 1 im fc.uU hi mun .it i tu.,-., u v, fH, 1, i- .1 v. (i i n t and I ; r T-to w - ii'iu.n '., . ,,.,,;) I,ii A' J ..1 . M-.j I 1.1 . , a, ,1 1 .,1 - tlfi'rr .pti..iril i "i ii, i,,i, r'-'in,,., e -u-ifry fur pt ,Hf... tvuwiirf, rt. "n .)r 1 n.-pri, I" ' f " - 4 ! I . .. a I llr,,l -.1 n. 1. ' a h . w t..st i fc,, ti, fvui.al K l.T.t: ' ' - .1 not for f 1 .r'y j ,.w0 e' ..nil. ' I - - , 1 i" Ai.t-v .-,.1 j. 1 ;) V,,l,.airi. 'M!ie",fi,1,iJ.,1Jt,f a, ana ti.e jv ,. 'y oi te diocev eu- '," Le'.Iooa Uc'jiincrstc i .c.'i,tt .:,;i,t:. 'v (!. X' I", " It TI'o.l. tl ' - ' ' ' .Al,lt,U iflm.(f t!. f v, e" 1 .i u.,1 i iattii.,M. ef tlx 1 la..i. Cm... 1-,'trt. t i ' I'M I14 Iii.;.'u-m.i t J J. IJ it . . J t '.'-Lit