: T I i: av rr.n, i'1 a 1 . . i. S' - I AC , a'. -I ionii-'s a- ' ' I le ; f f ' i, tu a : t. 1 lr i r. la 1 . ' ' t a i. 1 : e . J 2. vkw t'....t r- ...71 f-s'f i ( '. l t i to peat'a i q i. Iioff.r, Words r v, wt nod I. sod 1 IcjttUy s-!.l good C m.:- t and l cf tl.e I .1 ' i r t n, ' V a i hob! 'n, I I Li l t", .v (i icL wu'r, that er ; .at c )' ..:-! c: of ir pttUic w ai'e 'i.i. .it. y s i ;r, 1 , "Me, bon. ! t'....t ths d-iires, t:. i . .A sloek '. should b consult . V,'e ; j Acd that a " T' i,r ( ! ' r ! :" would, because . .- J -.'-a .' " -i :.'.sfria - public ( t is- k ) 1 ; '"-i.iurj fcdats diwcUlre, : iv'. ' . fi' r-; ,r"yof ihaladi- , . 1. j .... v I.. t wULe,, , k..i be wat convinced a v ' ' " sr.' . t-f ths stock- 1 be i ,u v u.s woik and to . C .v. ' " , via Ju-1;?, actfid M fur 'V ; M -acijile, a.I in doing t 1 .i I 1 t "ve,l. v."!. rf .. ,-e, ia our JuJ "iiait, . . r t j ; r, '-) or oncers for : ..' 1.9 v Vs directors for . 1 !, k' ." ru is c:n Iv' , i oui se r t'., !r C"f ; ' ry 1 en-.:; 4. b'C.l J ! ! 1 u.. l t t -., ' ?, t a .. !, ; jAu 1 j.t, if ! !.,ad- t n. .' i t ' ' " lu ; " ra t !'., f (igU ' ' -si ('. com ' v ;j j . '..rred 1 ' t x.iin ' '!';. .v. IIjJ. . t j isj" :i Oor. '(. y er Iwnm " i i t!ia !io bad list, two t . .. jad ' ! to, fr ' rr to, - ' : ' 'i J S '. 'iy wcr 1 1 I 1 ! ', ' U tl.B lmlL' ! 11 ll i i t luey 1 1 1 : a tr iui of tti . 1. y nut j I I'Uvnt, tub . . i "sanll 1 1!. .if not tjiarn to 1 ! I ! nlir.i 'y I n jr ' ! 6f I I.Y. t .tvkim I a '.' -1 !.,, B.'-i-r lia was forced In',) y ' f ' t T " 'i and Cm- - 1' v t 1 i s r i j ,'. cI p r : '- r " ' . .' .i ;. : . ; 1 1 i . t u- - ! ' ! . a f r Lli "' ' - " :. t!n;ni wish 1 ; - r 1 t a V.'e ! t s ' t '''lit 1 t ,t r f i f . f '- . ,,,, . y vs nt ( t.. a r --s 1 o;'. TL Ls," tallil, U , A rrririDilt'at f l!.e r.aIirol or ;1 -i ia t.'. City furni!i tliat y r v. ish aa ! t ,f a Hivtsiriflt in fJ.il.I ,ro t!,e 4'1. i t. Kr..ia t!i fm-t tint hav - it nn "! . in t!,e ' ii;i ti(ij",ai'"it ..1;, in ti.e A-at, vte ,. , r f,it it nf tl. nature if a j utu lvc, t,l j artii ';i!tt( tciD)( duuMIowt unwilling -j-owe )'.,u.;(y of tlieir rnim!-r t a euiioua imUic 1 n.ff. . In !' I, e are tl 1 (y the eorr-f.nodit t!.t :.e uk . t:i, kh Gumpiiard of a lyl ciii na. From a review f tlie prooiliufji and (lie minim ti( m tura In the DKM-liiig, it look aa if nut i:;.lli-,e i;.iine J.ail actrd aftr the t jle and f i-l, ino of tiie t.x rro?i il Governor in Vai4 ) .1. i tint nuinert'tii u .iiiiitry and Individ. ni, it aruiia, baa rcaulvt-1 Limaclf Into a "con-fi-renr e," and tht Unr. IIojMi I: iinp, nlinrwt !irf , ,t 1 i,: .- If itiio t "im-i tinjr." "J f '!.' -r wire two f t!,e rfwlu'ioii a ; ? I 1 y t., li ysl "(frf." ,'t U in.ly nnjea- -y, . t Mu'i.tlo t!n-m si It 1..I rl . .r I I IP t ,-i't t.i wy tl !. t-.i h in ' r k . "loua ; j ir 1 r. reiji- h to t n.'rla not 1 . "nut O'lmm an-1 vie, l '. rf'ttiiun, nave auuerca toe our iny . y, a lpp emicty for. wliat may be our f .mr auti a amiiUt tlie mullgnanta widen aur roiind u. ' ' 1 lie most remarkable feature of tlie westing remains to be told. We ara inf urmed hj tl correapondi-nt tliat, after tlie adoption of the reaulutiona, "Hi. Ctin waa then moved frtrm tacbairandMr.Cxum Holland raoved titrf ur VTere they "toted f Mr. Baint and Mr. Uuiiuod mutt be very maU men, or the Job eould'nt have been pertormed in Vtai nwttng,- that K without itretth of physical exertion which, ia these not daya of July, la utterly a eiitUuliW2aL' ------ - The obet ol Mr. Baine't behig thru "moved from the chnii" was to ettalie that genUemaa to waVa t epeecu. iv, pretnni that Mr. fT'.lIand eoulTnt, aud tleie waa no one eUe t.vnent to perform that important and iudlepenaabla pert of & "meeting," Wt takt it fr grantel that, after ilr. B. tad coBi luded, lie waa "moved," Kka Sawaey, "botk sen," ... Th whole aUdlr waa tuoit "movin;,'," end we confess to a difficulty in repressing our "phecl Infcs," , Tht Eaulcal Amendaeat. The ponitlon of dor. TlolJa on the new amendment to the Conttitotion of the I'nlted Eutea, as propoaad by the Radical Coegreaa, is not illoua, Itia radical organ bead Hot atterr; t either to screen Lis position or eraw) out of the dilemma Into which be bee placed Id'n-clf. ll f - ! e ,' f (' it Y.t tit-- I i,'iii!y opoir '.lie bin. ) t'i'UV' .ma ti a h 1 ..-;. srd amendment, even l i r.ie the Cor jh-m pais d It, as the best the lumtu could' boys to get Hut baa bs publicly expressed any disapproba tion of that meaiure. 60 far from it, be lias en dorsed it both in bis Radirwl organ and in Wasldnrton. Nor is the position of tli.&ttnet doubtful We bttve not duly oj-poaed the Howard amend tnent, but all other amendments to the Cuimti. tution droigned to degrade aud buiniliate the South, diufminhixe our people, or to rharce the oriiilc character of the GoverHim-nt. " We shall C'lin.iiiie to tn.j !oy all l'..'.i.n.i. cCorta to dtfsat the nivoaun. If it hui.IJ be sduptt.l, w brn-e time and a '.du a.i.'.l v. 0 k'ull atiii-' u. it to It and to all tits laws i f t'.o bind aa a f 'd f!'''-n, but aa lonp s t' v 11 1 ; e, e khuiilj cuiitiiiue to uks ad lav. ii.l 1 ,'. u totif. 1 1 ita repeal, Negro a(T; thetli Vhiu hieemeut of our pcKjilij, or sry lui'iiia tliaXanatUtfe tin to centralize power at Washiiii'ton, we br always opposed and shall oppose. -"-- i .. ' . .".t;rs ia IToitli Cr&linsv- v - Oov. !!'! I'.n, ho i here, lo"kiiif after tiie rn: n t a f.reij;n nii 'ninii, aaya that af i.,iiu J '1 ill Camlina are iir a very dnbiona siato. No 01 : ' in.'il 1 11 1 hi in, .a is saf in lite snd jti j i:iy, t ,,at Kul lerton and Steeibnan made t.n ir rvnit tmir throuuh the State, the people Luis 1 n m iu their belligerent fee" ..,;ta v hi I t ( 'iveiuiiiMtt, Fo il'e (ipecinl nirrvapnndeiit nf the New It 2, ..'uf. '. V T 'y, if it : 't t' i mi ui id" tiiiv. H,,!,!- u in tliii n an' d the al-i .11 hli h 1 r . . s.' y 1 . it (. .1 nurs i In I.l'a or . .d ci;i-n. 1 t t'i 11 I t 1: . s sty t!mn b r ane c.ir j- 0 L 1 a fa1 . to ths pwrnn.ent. Ths vi !i .liiiin.'as Gov, Huidui kuunts. C if C.,J 'H, l..J. Ti.e Honors' 't, a ti.aLii-ui '.fl (i,i,-in of tr tcrday s --t'.-i 'i, hi!s .-n, er l ' ,,n, 'He s twin a el ni . 1 shut reaklns; bis arm, t, o'''"r V'r-e- I t crj . i 1 ( r r- o-d I V . a : ' 1 A t - i be i. it is ti.it ki a r v. "s, I nt it Is t - 1 i. 1 i, v ) t t. I 1 a r y .:. 1 tins -S " I t t .e 1 s .. I r t t ; a Vs ea 4 t a l t 9 Toi , t Ci i .: of , tr at t -.. 4.9 . ,.r . t s n" Sri 1 f 3 Id 1 a 1c- 1 awe i ' C i .1 L .i ti' n tb i-.-c. ' y AN j;iir. Aivcii 1 -:i 1 xc"s Jixy tl;: .sTonr.s cr Tr Ta ; 1 t euxds 1 : r.:.roi : , Ti!" YE , O.VE T: wf .-..) LIUtK't ia:. asd sixty- - Wur.-EAg, 1 je diwlruf (i.u i. I '.'ir.iili"!i of ti v it- rty ia Nuitn-Curoi! ., aiisii. . mitof tlie! ij -liHi pywarnnapr'tit yijH'ic.! - i tlie proniirsiun Uttas hy tlie J-udl.c th'14 to tli-j B"-n..i '.'i li ti e fclatc ni-i. -alur it pvinni ; I an-i,w t ie 'H'!e of i) 'rnliiiH kjSii i'.uu i j, t iii.iire tbi ir jut oW.. tioc at the eiiiiiit p(Mille moment ia " tnamt'T tfist lill lw ivi.jitli to ilwir rr re; !-rr, further, tisc M' k, Jim, n otl.ff ciuiui upon the railromt fmnpM' f. . 1 otiiiT corp'iragioh, pr prwiIi"of t..e !-.n " f tlie fcime, i-(H . in great part lii-l .re te twn tietU dy t : v, iu the jr one tiiwi 1 . ! t timrlri"! and 'y-on and now ou ' u), Wurrrav, tl it ri'sysrd beinf ) l t., , . eronrsry ! oih'T f;ivepuS.o i.n- - -t!ie J'Litu cit pu!...i'rivt!nini, it'"! ; d r i V t') er'fri!' f. r t'.o j ' "s'j'al ul ". 1 ! -i - in ..id ( 'vtl 1, ; 1 CI. , ' n 1 11 I lb 1 V t r ' t ' ! i- - 1 - ', 1 r 1: j . & i ' i ' ' t I v t e : .ne 1 1 1 i r'; 11. 1 1 ; . U I . s ,,uil t.e pm-r.r 1 1 v 1 1 T. .- .1 -11 f .1 . -r (of ;.,(U la ' : t;ive 1! e nuine lutnrii.i ia pirseneprf t , r d( the b!;tte and tue ('ini,ptio'.,, r if 1 ,!i li an I'liota, and it shall be bis duty to t thiMs trrina which may be mt alvant.' s for the State; JttttideO, Tint in no event 1, . i any of the enid stocks or other pmnertj be t -CLt',-(;d fwr Iras tlnn their pur value ; "mid env premiums which may tie obtained upon -a eichaotre shall be applied either to the eiis.i guUhment of coupon or other interest (if .sav) due upon the particular bonds accepted In ex. change, or to n further discharge of lbs princi pal (Jue npon other auch bonds ; or in case euct premiums be fractional in regard to aut-h bondi or interest, it may be, as an alternative, at tr discretion of the Treasurer, be paid hi careasMy into ths Treasury and charged to the cublo JXuid. r - r-r ... Etc. 8. Aa soon as may l practicable' afVr ths acceptance of any hid, the Public Treasunr sUall receive the bnnda oured la exchaajre, aid' ia the presence of the Governor and Comptrol ler slail esncul the same ; it aball alao be lis duty to transfer the stocks snd execute such COB" vej - . es of the other interests bereinbeioa nmntiutitrd ss shall be deemed necessary ; stfb conveyances to be la a form approved of by tie t-overaor and ths Attorney General ; PrvvuLl, 'ww, 1 "t the interest to be acquired by mj u' h puri.iiwr or nwignea of any stock ar held by ti e btate, simll not be other than tiat of ths bolJiis of t like amount, in the general stock of ths several snd respective corporatiens in which ths fats may be a corporator. t ' 1 Eaa 1. It si. ill be the duty ot theComptr.I-. ier so we a nn.iuui of tiat may be done by the Public Treasurer in ths premises, and to inuka thercfiom such entries in the books of his c,:,cs ss my seen re a juotscronntabiiity on the psrt of tlie 'j 'eaaurur beeauss of the tritusw t ifia beiciii''. ..ire mentioned. r Fro. 4. Vi: Trensnrcr liII makewft- tiul rr pints 11 1 111 tue subject of this Oriili; t'i ts.e f'i-neriil Assembly at every session t .111 ordinance slmEl be subject to repeal or lu ition by the General Assembly, (ilHtitied in Convention the lGih day of J jhc. A. V., 1S00.) ' riDWIN O. READE, Pwddent. Jxmtt If. Ioohb, Secretary, . It. C. IUpusr, Assistant Hecretary. ' ANORDINANCB- Bt,riow to mt DRPosrT in runMcaTioa r til Crdinani rs and RKHoirnoKaor vm Convsiwtiosi. BiccTiHV 1, Ik it trJainoi by (it vtovlSo tht F'-tte nf A'.irtk Carolina in Contnti,m atirmhl l, 'i. . it t; SccretHry of this Convention denosit in the o. .ce of Hc rotary of State, for safe keeii- i-r, !' " It lue Ci,iivef, tn.ii having the f.irce and efl rt of Iiws; and ti,e bi-cieiaiy of P:Hte shall came the following ord.uances and resolutiona to ! a piil-iiihed : , , ",n ordinanft retnn'imr the previsions of sec! i,,n iiintU oi an a. t nt Hie General Assembly, entitled "An art concerning negroes and permm of color or mixed bloml, snd fur other pur posea,"' "An onlinancs concerning the crime of rs aault with intent tr commit arspe." A twiinance cuncerninaf widows, who b v e jui .-t as e-;i .trix to t;ie last will .and 1 lament uf tin 11 i..viid husbands." ' "An or.nancs l"r euhamini the afniks uf the i ' '? ) T bofi.',) j. .ue j be1 iC t;,e v. ".r OliU ti." 1' ' t I. '. id and Si ' r-one." "A.lli . S t M lim c t' e t.ii.Cbf f ' i io Km lilt .-ma, buj t.r ot r y-n-i - ," 'An or nice end 1 'r.t' 1 s r -t'ement cf t .e it-' 'pi. i.I . . i t I Tat c -'. "An . ! e t .u "1 ..e ' 1 ! 'Hit t, H t r I ; - t 1 t 1 1 ! r v ll i I I i '. , , , - 1 t 1! li.-i.i "d A -.m ,..lji ) t n e lap I c"-y tii .if r '. X 1 e itJ r o' I- toff 1)1 , till p. in. it ; nf Pi t .,.u-. t 4i ; iuti 'O i. tJ ; It t' e ti,iit or I .' iiHesni'iiiittin the same f.ir rat. r ' v 1 tl be i- 1 t! '.ita r ' . ,i Ci't.i . l" t e 1 , ;le ai cvr f t t i 1 t..o ..in cr f ' t.j th. r w ' (f is' 1. ' ; f, !;(. J.Jrt'rroi-J'Uirr.1, Tllst all 1 .ts 1 ' Ci I in coii'm t with tl. . M . ' 1 -' i ill A. i., 1 ... t et, k . - ' n t'ds ..it!i.' ti ..I, r ,t buudicd' a.. 1 S- in a I. 'ir;, Pitfidcut 'V. . .-.-'.try. i. t: ... . ii. . , . , 10? 14.1.1 ll'.NS IS Noai'u- j I t'. i a ts.s it t at 4 4'l JIIUIXILA. ii ..-, f I ' . ' ' t . : ., 'i t a'l t ',f; .iti-' - .l A - -nil- V, and I. . .1 t .-iifv!,: ..-a . inns I r C-'v- -r r of the v, '. U t. Gsa- tf e.ts una 1 ow re -f.l If lw t be h- I OIJ the Cnt 'i ..ur.lay ai - t -'d Lcitmu'-er ts hold Ctt t-e third '" y ia Oitobef, undi-r the aaiiif,' anj restriction, aa are oun-j..' i.iaw. ..c. '. 1 iiat hcnaflcr, until tli first f ' the 1 Mu-nd Awiulily after tlie year ' a ulrt I i wventy-on. tlie lloni 01 t . t 1 h ' 1 "njuraed of niciii1" s d 1 ti.e . hi the fullowincf u, f r,cr, viz: e eiitmt.i A;, -liany, lirtuiic k. t sni'ii n, rnkre, t; iv, . t lion ail. Curritih t'.ilea, trio, Ilertlnrd, Hyde, J41 Uimiii, Juiii-J, DiI n, I-d.iir, Oti'low," I'eij'iutu.ik, IVrijuiuiana ,k, :ii limoDit, Tyrrell, Warren, Waiiigton, iur 1, Yancey, llrndiwon, .Transylvania, .'nui .4', AlefHuder, An.sun, Aitlte, Beaufort, iuv, l!Jen, liuike, Coliarrnit, Caldwell, Car ,t, L'aavrWI, Ci'i'inilnn, Davie, Eilyftottilie, 1 iiiklio, Gaatou, IUIi',.x, Hamt-tt, Haywood, ncoiti, JiiW'in, Jltnlisnu, iVartin, McDowell, ntijoniery, K-h, NortliBn!i)tm, I'erwm, Titf, :,!y, ptukea, )Viln, i:it y.icbelL t'ull lone member earii. The rountiea of Biin ' e, Catawba, Clevtl.itid, Ciuvfn, Cumber Forivtli, f'-nnville, Ireil' '!, J.-I,DtODr :-i- ', '.! in, lln'iewi, lv 1. .mover, 1. to, liowan, Kni;,. n.ir.i, bjiii;wDt Wayne, Yadi, in, C'iidlliaiu, Hv 11, Orange and Wilkes,' sliali elect two 1 each. The rniiiitu-e of Wake, H.m i 1 H,. .nl, -ill dect tlirr !' 'ii,lera r.ll 1 irt iu " f. ! 1 v. aie t .tin avepunn ( ! ' . t" ' ll.ia .it J : ' ' 1.. 1 ... 11. c rime 11. . . 1, .1 ., 1. , ,,i I ! - i 1 wider tlie law an ttCM-inlini nr 1 .'mi luinilretl jind sisty-one, save tiiu'ihs ; (. 'v f Harnett may Vote fr.r. a member a1 I i., ;i .. provided. ' Si- a. 4. t!t it further eriiniruxf, That nothing In tiiis ort'iiiaoce contained shall be so con:-trutd as to restrict tli (Jcneral Assembly bereaiter ti-om regulating the time of holding said elec- hop..... - r. -.; Itiitified in Convention the 20th day of June, A. l., !, ' " - j . E. O. READE, President. -- Jamrs II. Moose, Secrets ry. R, C, Badork, Assistant Secretary. ' ! , , , , t " . , For the .Sentinel. Lieutenant Governor.' n 1: . . '-''i ' Hi sea. Editors 1 Among the names men tioned in connection with ths office ot LUtutea snt Governor, oa the ticket with" our preseut worthy Governor, there is one which the people in this section of ths State would be delighted to support. I refer to Win. A. Wrig'st, Esq., of New Hanover. Mr. .Wright has always been one of ths most conservative men in tils State, one of our ablest lawyers, and a pure-minded, high-toned, honorable pentleman. . Ha would dignity any office in Not tit Carolina. I do not know whether he would sccept ths position, but ths State at this time needs the services f Us best citizens, snd I think we have the ri:. . to demand them, except in cases Where ths per sonal sacrifice would be too great. . Mr. Wright's qualifications for the position ar Uuqoestiona-, tie. Decided abilities, pleasing address, sud a suavity of manners that would disarm 'opposi tion, render him peculiarly tt to preside over a deliberatitc asaembly. - As the East is entitled to ths representative, I know of no one better qualified for the position than be. Never a par tty ora sectional man, lis would bring to lbs uiiachare of its duties great ability, unwearied industry and Spotless integrity. --" u ; .. 4 ' 1 ' CLAIUSNUOM. Wilmington, July lh ISCil ' - t .'rery msnov woman in til t'tite, who ) "nws. Mr. Wright, will endorse the above, iiut among so many good old con-rvative Whigs snd iK-mocrats named for the place, who Is to nuke ths choice I We repent our aapvttlon, that the gentlemen who. have been named for that office, of both the old parttea, should meet in this city on the 22d. of August next, If ths Constitution shall b raliikd, and make a selec tion and recommend him to the people of tits State. We venture that a selection made by those gentlemen' Would receive the support of all tbe Mends of President Johnson's policy. Eos. 8RNTISI5I.J ' - ' -f- -""- f Vsfrrsirp'ff'tBae bf the ftpl.rill.sl f OxroKD, N. C, Jul-sth, lbOO, iltttrt. KJitvrt:- We have just pot ten over ins excitement ot uommencemcot week at ths O. F. College, which College is also O. K.' But wa haven't gnttea overtheetcitement produced iwmign iij mu jmiiis; lames, woo are free fttr a few weeks from the rc-amintsof school We feci, too, that it is holyduy. The exercises of the Commencement wej-e" interesting and highly entertaining; we did not note particu lars, being part'cuUrly attentive to a particular lady. lut e eij body was pleused, and certain ly were. - - . Waarstohave apic-nio and party on the 10th., and would be (,;!inl to see yourself and all tis rest of our fiirn.U on that day. We Uidn't 1 ave any fourth of July, but eonlehow ths butter-milk snd corn-bread n is very pood kt ditt i:r, snd maybe the cow or the coi.k knew it was f e good old day. - - - The mor' dity amonir-t tins n-'croca of our C unity is (i .iiy Increasing Whiiet the v bites (iniisnally h'"i':hy, we find that the 0 ;,j0s f ' ; ' ' ni. idly, aud, what is etr:i! f i,-s, i, tii. iroanreluiivrs seem to cue 'a, Iu eome cnn-s (lie survi-. y f'"t be'p to bury the ib a I, , n i-' ctsnn r.i". -i T . ? i i-i in town. There ia m . ' l 'pi g a-c l. II -hi, j.c. o:-;i. a" 'i i. : ; uiii c . ;' : -.. . York $':ir$ contains t" 1 . ''.is ti "iy nf "lite. Ln 1 t . A. i liard, niiiih are not I .1 - y a . ., ,onl ii:t". t in b ii'ilf rd , i"v thii.ii to appi.ir. ,Vr. fy i ' cd SS l "el-ilmrate !-' . c ed, t .,lf r , t rai t is r- .nl to as "t e ."tj 1 f v- i vol. 14 )e-eart- ilrage. and 1 .... , i-i t 1 a ' 1 1, ai "I liiu'i'd l.yhs i.'.titnd t 1," ot "a i .-.iei''d ft . ;t " and i 4 l..c t of t . ,.y i-n bis e. V In t' a-'co tuft ti 'i-'.' 1 inn ot I.ii : ;:,-'n.l ti.e h. ier.., f. ' - 1, I n ( ;i ir;"l to tJ.r. 1,'on- r. 1 n": c a, 1 4) I . I I l j i,.lt,. '. il Ml", ' ' v, 1 ir ci .;. 1 ri'l'i "in is of t,.o tiijiAiiinty If tl..i is the key-note ti tl.a 1 c ..ia t" t it a t. i i!T,f;ieiiJ. 1 it )H t ..I ii. :.:r. i Jy b i,4-i. . Li t..e ii' . 1 1.. i."Jiuv " ' e - rr. - t .e t Vl ',' Sfir'nt!y i 1 '. . I . 11V to l-e an 1 I - I ,l l.llV.l HI "l '-' . 1 ...' 0 t. " 1 ri''' ')' r t -rv; and ten.iiu'v ,i t..e i ii . 4 ta s. erun ui.u.n' 1 .' '.-.s ol mra n ho, b.-iwevi-r 1.. 1 1 e true ti fiem, t .loried without nece s-d r-iie- r .y in a t j-athcrt book. 7. .. A 1J1J Lnjuff : j gsmuei p.! e p. n of Mate historian, ! t.,e i ot ACmbly of 1805. eanpoiiii ut, and sppropriating Jr .n.;. .h. n il.- a complete i. ittorv of ths I'rnnav I , : , . , -r: " "i.,,,, w fc.rvic, ,f the . raited BUk firing the rebellion. - - 11 - , . Li'-I' "!IU A 1 no. . AMrOllliftM ia. ilaastT vwm iht GAjiKfcrt' .. . - -w . w,w . al. is a. htL .BSiThtf H (ASS H tail h ... l " """If 1tiTt1Ttj and liirorably kaosro on carta. WlMfMHtfa SRsawuat SMWW. afwaewisisasl SBSBSS aiiikwi iw . . j 1 qsnliml iawgrtt.. h. wu - ?!" alue of ths aoi'ient ordor of 'lr ia wsm.' ' to both ef wbii k tin was waraui d II. e4 Srepl ssarhivKvuicii.br hi brnlloea. 1 Un. , , ! )acbrii, and kiad bustMad, aflvctioeaie father, be has Si, ' "' TMlmf taauly ml auay friauts te aaonre tarnJ, etai liawtie baaeii4 btm beiHMieaa am ein 'He so taaeb to Bum bur our dayaliiat wa fa; J fly eur haarts eato srudujt. ' . il L 'Phi:i ADVm'ISEilENTS. . : ... 1.1 ti o V o If 'y . ut s k u . Tlia Bun of ltwk, P s to,iti iadav-t' ..it by nniiuat i- i.iii. J, A. I u - ( . a ai i.. 1,. n. v 1 1 p M. !'.,! wnl e, si up :l uuitii atii. ilia iito. 1 1 AN'. July 7-2t T I V U , ThaOore; Miaiaa a MaanfaeUtiaa; t'o , will anaat I" ta Jtalalfh ea Tiiaraday lb litth. fast, at 10 e'cbiek, v at., at tb elite of r"!nlllp4t BatU. A full attea aaaea akwlr), ",'', -1 , J i y . ' . . : tL 3. st heck;,, July?-Iw ' - president. in ii '.. ; ,t , ucnoot. ron girl axd boyk. '1-1 '11 f i r 11 nl' - lii i,., 4 - j "1 Wtlt OD l sahaat fcw Ika' '.it tuliii ai It.. iOtb. T duly ImiS, at say aeaaol nwn a sb M el Air. a. w. nauuaoa rayeuavuai airt YKatJIev .. - 'fi Msry aad KagUsk braaeha .. .,, 1 tS Momo oal'iaau, - 15 uu ' Huara for toael In frota to U a'ctook A. at. aiad Juw a.A WaffAIr v lyt it f- . 1 , n ! ' r. i , iJ July 7-t GRAIIA3I I'CSAUS SEMlSAttV. , Theseat saioa uf tbi laatitaiiust. W4U euaaauac afcly lltB, Ibtio. - - .. , Circular aad particulars fnhd Da applioalioa. ' t - ' : m W. 8. tO.NG, , July7-t , w Principal. . I i.Lrc; MAUG ACAVCHT. , tk-B . ....... t :i( :cr.An castaua, nasu ca,jf. c; ; .. TUE FALL 8to will fcfia aa JsVaday, Jaly 3, IS'A -1 , -' ' TEH lia 1 Clun aad hitk Matbeasatin -Kngina llr.jiuij , t v iSf S)j id WM. J.KINO. July -4t " " s , Principal, - il ICE, Sfl Cask CamkM. k 10 liaintis -do fia IV sal' at rttAtuwi ui... I. eloa tMaaaiKimiaat, by t ... k , O. '0. PARSLEY & cor, July 7 :-ja m " . 1 ' V. ilmiugtoa N, C. prrsit CWatsVlssJ ' -- i a , w s WBaff sullM Kl luf wt.-tt dirari m (MinaaMr 1 ; - i m. 4j . n.oui sui... July7-3t . Ailmingtoh; N.C. Jul tnnaad jr aJa tow by ' O. G. PARSLEY 4 CO. li, July 7-3t . , ., Vamasu. iriArt;i.sRV, for T - . SALE. - --, -i. " " Hy-firiKirot tiie itirei ims" asd atrnik liolilr of tba I' moo Manuiaetarina; Cimrnany, tlia Maabtoery of that eaiaiiiiiriuiwut is now iinared at privalo aula. Tb Machinery ceiwwleof at looms, liiiili Hiadl, 9 lap ien, IJ Mah Carde, and allot I r bitaro aad ap. parteoaaona Baeaaaiy turoparatinij a Drat alas Cot toa Factory, , . From tln.ae who may dnairato paretiaa tbo abov Kanhiaary I wilt eutertsta pivpoaitioBa li tba per ebaaa of' lb RKAtiESTATK ' la eoanaetloa with lha Failmy, eouautles of oa handrail acre, with all naemasry baildintr f.ir opera tives, etor haaaa, tiiwt Siul., t:ardiux Ataobia Ate. , Any one deaKiuif turMiar nitiirHiaiiii oai ti sitpjaot will 1 i-na au'iiras lii M iiiletnii,' tied, r rail oa th prt iiiiaaa. J T, HOSTIC. Juiv7iiw - c T f -ISl AGStftCV.- Ttie unilBmif uwt ia Ui Aireut t. tha aaU mf ih. feelt braiad CuttoDtiina. maaalaoturad b haul. Pri. I Ala., aad also tor th Cletaeas, Brow dt Co Ota waiiuiturav ia veoiria. ... Uo la prepared to on ttae flics to Hi Planters of m. li. on atwoaamouatine- tsrat. aad eiihe.ua iii.lr 'rdara. ' 1 - . The pnaohaan will pay th (wet f Iraoanariaiioa Irorn tbe point of ebipmeat. ' E. h. i;;;t July 7-1 111.. Oxford, N. C. ' 1 - ' t-i. t ... . . t i b t ... 1 ,. 1 treu-tiuita.LiL.4... July T-lm tlio rest i j 11. OWuid, N.C. eottisosreusitoaKiio aruvt! T-e andera'.-ied is --ut fer the sale of th "We tier, f Ttiir' 1 ..ki.i( n.ov Tine Stove ia of madera ' 1 n. j-nivd paitiu, and give am vernal enti.tao. irda i,,r all aisea. frtua to IS itwlaeiv. .e.nert. fuiiy solicited.. r . .. E. II, HICKS, . July 7-1 n Oxford, N. C.1 Wi'.oa vnHala1 G-i!dbor!Kws, Kawb-ra Com. inerr..ii, V, iimmirmB J araal, will e,,,.y ,,., o( '""""""' "'(., 1 ui, .oortima aad 1 '' : - n e ' V l(,,-r f..i tiiim, . , 4ruiaiitol. to u.. it. i,. T cncwisn rciixii.i.irt t t? c ! tut: Tjorrs op ' iT a:' .) r computus. - 1 l.ini.i. 1, ate like U-.B II r-ii itair. ..tofli,.-k4j.Jt Wilt befeia,' V. 7 Was", ii joa ot., ilnsioa. nwt .a Acr..;.:;r, ' - 11. 3. M 1 1. U JI. ; ! , , .,..,.rsr W',li,eiiafrt,l..a.!,.DAM;lSU AfAITHT. t tias ri 'laiilr'a Hotiil, einniiiffeMtnf Jiilr ilia ?ib. r S '. at. I' youiiat Lli, Siirsn and yuuiua, ud at 9 n'cluck ai nitfiit, iui yotiutt mmh. t Mali.taetitiB usranirrd to atl ever i years ef aa', ertlia wtuciay fini-uif. Vot nay tesLiinniusts and rsfemwea, est! at t'-a Plaster's Ibititk 2'wma pr seMUMi.TiN lMji.I.l.S ' .July 8 8t" " i I KKEKISBOEO, M.f. Tli' eAinMionenmAnt 9xmv t tf.ii Wall kaa la stituii'ia will tab plae the IJlli. aad IHtk. f July. kav itinhofr tin-patt will Stivr a dinooam oa tbe I St 11. beveral litatary atidrama mtm exaei'taii. The asasetaaae will lwa wilb a ewn.-'rt tm tlia I " li '"' JAA. IK CULLUNO. President. The anHl meeting; of tlie Beard at Tuntees ofWea leyan Kt-mala (;iUere will be bald, is tb tnil!-K, u to llb. of July. A fa I meeting of Uia Buard la S . - v. n. 11. p.i.iiiit, t I 1 JulV a.Ht ' . TMMit.l4M,. 'TinmrA TKl.. .1 -- -'-, '-1; , IWMIIilllJ4WI4 ,,lUJ..-t " ' ' '.' ' " E-v.vk 4V CO,., JAMKS J, Kt'IiRAY t i)., 1 ,hwiiMila. c. , Hcwvtsa , r. n v 11 T T A A .i. a 1 -. t"'fi; ait 1 : ii.-'ti. , 1 T. 1V1 tinny 1,11: ff,iM,l.iM,i 11, i... , . aabi ua, w ei. .. it-t,i,v brutivM, v . ramaofour eiini'iiiiarn, aa wH a aii'l warai!ieei!ui:y ii 1 it a eaoiiuuaui ., ''n hi ae hereto (lira an bbernily baatnwed arn inir tat, at all ttmaa, our beat atfurt mi.il u, ',' ", buliall oi ear oustoasvr. - 1 iu AH slnpnieot. and le or boon i Kw Yo k b in-ard frnaa Mi'atr ehipm.nt, soless oii, , entered ad fiwwarded roUiiIy tiirouub bjrour tiuaa ia tlnaeity 1 and aoehaiK will bs mail lor furwaid iar. ee4 thaa acta fly l aid out. . W bv aoipl wambosM room for nodae. )ur cifli. ia llii ijr e at oar eld auad. Hortb' Watar street. , . Wltau,tloa.l.C.,JIly.Uwlas : "' f 'AIlOUvA IIOl feK, V V - rfORMERr.V lifil'Tinretrnros. . ;Xer.N.' C, ItAiirsMd Depot , . , , ; !:fsi7Tr:cvrw7! - SIRS. K08A JErFKKYS, l.i of Cbapel H.n. ba Itasad tba abov ll,4el and will spare ao name hi mk it a BrateUaa Hobms. Tba bads aad rooms bav bmtbwaaElily r.aorat.d. aad th far will b as fen and tb temt asatoitarat a aay ethr kleaa . Board by tba day, wak aad w.mith - rarsnaa whe Irav oa tb mornmr train w,li tod lttlilrintrf to stop at Ihts Ho'ua, as by 10 do- 1 ". " " wiv"!'!, aao bos ai'L J. a McDADE, v July 8 7t Agent ' iI5f ,a ft01 Wn,rp apw.' 4 R,Jt WILLIAMSON ro. July atf ; yiiEAT, WIIEAT, 1VII1UAT, . WAJtTF.O TO PUBCHASK, ' an Ruaheia pHm Whrt as Rr Wtiaaf. ' " ' . i B. P. WILLIAMSON 6 CO. : July -tf ,.-...,. .. . Scli:ctb(iiook rc:i rcrva , . y tUUlCaV. ; . Tirneit f.ia, of Mra. HOWFtL'S gckool will aomaa.no Idoaday, Jalr bb iHwi ' '! ' Braoi-liM, Mu.ic, Frawk aad Lalra. wiilballiorousMylaaehi. J . , Fur pwdimJs , BiMreaa. JulyJtd, Raleigh, N. C. '" riMItlOTTl! Ii nux IWfsTI. ciu&Lorrs, jr. T10 to""- oath Int. Oofttw Th.swjaioa t. divided Into two 1.m.a if Tweot. I, "!' OB eommoarina; tb 1st Oct Iru... aiMthoilie.rthl!th.Fb. low. ,Bot' i .f !(,( WKBKH, ' , Board, iuchulme; every aspenea eiei.pt laiiio. Colk,tato n.p.nm "'" " 1'iimary J-ittal Muaie MiuiernLaiia-aaira, Drowltii- aad Paiutlua taashl by eo,.,ptem aad thwoajcb loatraetoi aad Ii,sdlrl!t C'"IU eoaliai fall patttrit- j . 7 KV.RUUnWEr.L.8up't.' ' .Julyidawtaictl. tb.,M,i,.C, Kewlim-B Time aad Wilmiarrtoa Uispatob plaaso oopy Stutieaa swk aalil let. O Ujier. JALE ACACE3IY, - -WARRENTON. N a ISO. E. nrCGU, A. IL PriuelpaL PallEessioa wiUkcialTja;, y , . Jiuy icx 1CC3. - -- . ! ' t- TERM?. ' riaarwi A Higher fathematie (-it r nullah HraiM-l.na . Fueliiirtvli,,.,! itiKim .. , Board it.i-lu.UM wa.liirg , liyl-la A tt ,.-ri. ,1 In above ehanrea ere is tl. K, eini ' '.. ball itj aivat.ee t.. balance ai ;.. 3 June I 'i i'io 1 ij s ir tec rrcut l::. r: k V v 6 it :,N 4 - , yfi Li.i i ..; s AM it; t;; f U- 4 .a - . .:oa 7Il:ti:;gto. V a- Va ' TilID j IT a a - -n.ti.ki FAS Tir; LAS - "i ,.2 EAI"; A.U'. 1-a-e e.v4-r,-1 a 1 i - 1-1 w - S..--WS. , ISO 1) Vi GFO.W.W ' w II it fi-i t 11 4iiiaiii.il : - i I In 1,1-, ii , ..--I- m , t' n.t.v. ; i.iaji, . I .-4 i) ii. 1 1 . "- -

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