if iu J .J Hii . Ill Ailit Shit'i J r.t. -, Jvf t, I "3. nsrYtrNTa., Tie Fall s,'oof ! t mv. m sir Cau;!n. ?...,H Co., t! ,1.1. i.lat. ot;: re fur tula the -valuable ma- l',.', H 3: jaifj. taiii.j Con pany. .i. i. 'I lie C n-i-usborO J'utrivt, from W hit h tit adver l, :n. ..t is ul 'td, il.m But Unlit alts Ui locality ot the 5:"U .' ' , .The next s i -r of Graham Female Seminary W. 8. Long, ijial,) eoBiminreaoatbe 1 lth, Inst. ! ' O. C. Pauley A to., Wilmington, have re ceived a heavy i -pollution of prima Code a Also, a lot ot r e and Hurting ea band, ' K, II. IIU us Oxford, u Agent for tlie tale of the Western Empire Cooking Stove, the most ci-h-Vi ' ! C'"ttm Gins, and I lie. most modern ami ! "roved Pi-inn. , , , ; and MonuluctnH" . on t'.e JOth. in' f ! . & Co ' dis- t r .1 i-"'- i usventioh. Tha coat to the .f Stuta of the lata Convention waa Thk ,tr'"' a. i'tr Htm and mileage ) t.oiinn 1st fWwiioii f " lat miov Jo do 2d. Seatiou 80,422,00 Total , $4,85,20 . Thia doea not, of eoureti, iocluda atationory, , lights, : luting, ailvertiaing, anil mlacellaneoua axpenditurea. ' - Dt onot of the g-rretary of War, the Court ' - Martial whirh haa lately been ia eeraion In tbie "tityj for tlu UiiH of alia Jit of tba Frcedman' Biirean, bus been adjourned tut two month).' . - 'Zr- TwoBsono auldiert, belonging to tba 87tk. U. 8. Colored Trooiis, were Iniraediately killed, . on th4Uinst , by the unexpected dincharge of a piece of artillery in. Ihe garrison at Smith villa. . ''.,"' Wa commh.nce, to-dny, the publication of tba or dinaqrej of the late Convention. . . CoariDKRATa Pkad at CuARLsarowa, Va. We have been favored by a kind Udy-liiend . of Charlcstown, Va., with a paper containing an interesting account of the memorial ohserv ancra in that town on the ITih lilt. The exer .. (,'ines were tsf the mnat affnotiiig and appropri ' hie cluiiii'tt r, Hinl were tucb aa to reflect honor ' ' upon thowwho participated. . , We may remni k, in thin couuection, that there ia ro c'-innmni'y in the South more preatly - iV i.,. , lii r, 'iniii. iit and boajiilii!sty tl. ,n tliiit ol ('hiiiii -tiiiiii ; and we Diajali-OuJd tint few atiioi.ij tho nol'le otnen of the South hte Int'ii mi'io a..uw: and untlriug in charita hle luboi, iluring or "iuca the war, than the one ' to hwn are Jnd.i)itnd for th aarotmt ia ipimtion. ' - . ' ' The following are the nauiea or the North Carolina dead bnrled at Charlestown. Their Krave wcie crowned alth florid honora, on the tlay alluded to. They Iisvp, besidLH, been : hauilkoux-ly aoddvit, and hiarked by head and toot Ironi'H painted whi'e, and inscribed ' li'j.'ilily tiih the iiim, eonipany and regi--j.-.'A""t 'lereawd! - "... - ' W TT'o'', cV R;"fh Jf-.-.;-ft.illKb 'I.. ....... .. .... V . s. K MiCrcary, CO r loin a. v. ( imhc i.ornj, ro i, 5.hd N. C; t'apt. J Joiner, co E, 87th N. C; .1 Cille-iiie-, co I, Jth N, C; flrinoi, co I :iid". C: W Ilildreth, do; C I in,coC, l'o ; W C 1 avlor, n D t4!h N. C ; E ii I'.i.hnp, o C 2nd N. C ; I.t. P M Graham,, co C, 57tli N C;J. F.Moilev, co It, 12th N, C;I Grag ton, co 1, 57th N. C; K A Caller, col. Slut; if K Chan i'.rr, 13th ; Corp. L J Simmona, co 12th : W M B irnc, co II, 12th t B II Gardner, lo- WW Griihth, co, Uth;H S Itawley, do; Serrt Ncwkirk, to E,8lot; M piatitor.l, th j a l'.enf h, co E 12th; W C Miuhtll, co K, S'lrd; li B Jlcndcnhall, cn It, 28th ; and W H Jtihns, 10!l'. ' "iK- 1'ol.HlH IS CBAlTTB, KKNtUKLB - FHKT.Daii. -The bite population ol'Cliarlotte , ' made no i :i.ontnitio in honor of the lib, of .lulr. Tl i" m-'r-i -, however, were out with finn!"-i i i. mid itiuuia lM-ating. The 7V.e , '-.,o fwilowing account of one of the ad ,i, -i t'i" '- '-ion: d re .jiei ii-d Diiui - John ". bm 1, we aie 1 t . i i u i i i , llOV'U I ; : 1 1 i of l. e f ' ' o sonii hoix't eti"! ' 'j , . 1 to t'.e ! s; I -i H I'll "' t i: 1 ie uiH ie lo ut; that he must ts.e lliiloMf that his oh mai-ter, bf i' an 1 In- t.n n.'n- ner i ' v ' Cu""i' n he vi as rai.d, are his Ix-st ! i I i t-.ltiie elevation and pro-perity I ,i 1 i own industry, and tue man- j ti 1 !, . (, to n" . tt the esteem and ( . ti tie. a , r f V e rpl'iinw i i i I . I .,!, ill wb i.a t ..'r ij Li r "I I y f""d s use and I 1 t'.iit is tiie s n bv we t .1 i-lStlKHj V1 1 - . t' w a II V il 1 . ; cis more ivnn- llll!t l.i i .i V-t-li' i 1 e i I' f H..r- f. t-.iy I.. . . " i O' I I rf I . t' lponr f :.' I'. 1 I in . . . . ' r (' W - li. ' i-lil- ine Inta- A t.y f We muit he pidi.u i, . dent of rVne.U, for f ' " priviali-:'r to.t1 o en',r r. : ; could surpuae Lor mora than to see it in pi.i.t ; but it tell SO well da own orr.vfl tale, it fo J'tlly reveals the pn-ingm-(.d of l'..r oor v i ' and UOj kat oqiban of thia Etata and of ' rVuth, that we cum. t wiiV.oIJ Iff' In every county ia the Pjuth, tba v 0 l !,t' wail come up. What our excelle-'" MJ' ol her own iu-ifclboihood il tr" 1,1 ""J otnef ia the Bouth. Blia and her -"i,bo r what they can, but they w"lMP . V Ought t bar- tIocitif,a County to help thwiuff,ltij P0?10 who bsT ao etromjaclaim 9Wt cheritiee. We ap prove ol if ttI Association, but no higher appreciatv"' w our nyt Confederate dead can ba "wn t'"'B miiter'a' end continued ygprfioiftnoa of thrJm'fli'ting widowa andor- We showed t!iu f ."wftin hiicr to a woeraMf fiS''nd, ho i so fur led hy it, thnt he hand ( i! a j iiitioii of Ma Unu mime to le m'ut to our I We I.' ui in f r . ' tit fiati'il. ,t .. .. ' July 4.h., lSf.8. Mr I'kar : f iu vou a'i!'"'--t no Dlan bv which the pour of thia neighbuihood could be assisted t Mure my return home, I hear ao much of tiUUring that I cannot ait quietly and not try to do eometbing to alleviate the condb tion, at least, ot the familiee of the Confederate anidierr. I will give yon a cae lire. W., a few teiloa from na, a eoldier'e widow, with tight children, all email, have a horse which ehe la trying to make crop with.-- We heard tbey Were offering, eent for her, and her report ia, that aha haa had only on rWci of tarn fat our KafA.baa lived on $rtn, iib a aery littlt nieat, and nothing tlie, tier horaa ia fed oa gran. Now, thia ia a case not of tba ma jority, by any mean, but of many, and that claaa who are better off have a bare aulUciency of provision and cannot, therefore, help their poorer arighbora.- Aa to- mooeyf there Sa Bona. There 1 a great over-eight abroad in tba land among that claaa who are making great parade ever tne dead oocliea ot our solUirr, now qui, etly aleepiug in their grave, I think it la all right ,! tee art alilt, but it strike me that the first and greatest lionor to thtm, would be a kindly rait: rent in their wive and little one. Without thia, all the monument and epitaph that could be reined or written would be eheer mockery. 1 waa" much in hope that a tmn!l portion of the Baltimore tund woiiid reat li ti.;n pc There la nothing coulj a .'lord me half I . j aura at the ability to asiit all that ' i v, .,,.t; but thia may never be. ' I v .!! at ! :, ,L . ' ,t I can. ! have aeveral time had it J to my mind to write to aotne one -of tiu.se niuve lialUinoreaoa, (riving a history of tliipys aa they are, and asking aid for a few of the worst rasea, with aome nmne t whom tbey could refer for wy honesty of t iii-pose. iin. What do you think ? For niys' !f fi rould not do this, but for other I can. 'i'l tact is, I cannot en Joy the autlicR-ncy tint I have, while I know there ia eullenn aronn I rue, I have already written too mm ii f gov, iror.i:7 at x.-oiiic weo Aim izzizLaim t ; Term of HeatoratLa u' Toith Carolina. pH'ial Oispi.b to lb tir Vork Trifaana ' "' 1 Wuisoto!v, July 3, lKrtt. A delegation of Xoitll (.'urnl.iiiain is 1 re anaioua to aaecrtain iipn what tei'ow can be restored, ilr. 1 iimlili'iis Ni" m ed them thai they must a.h'pt the ( n. al amendment, ami that it would i eeasary for('on;re to pass an eiiiii.li, . t ly a two-third vol, rwttinir forth who in luy ni w f Ktat lwU paiti ij'a!-- ift (V"y.'i:,.n f a new tnnatitution. . Oa Irning ri'ijiit-stcd to di-si' iiiite viho ahould thus le n-eoiiied ai comjtelrnt to rivonHtruct tlie State, theili'lcntinariiuferred to. other, end to-day sent to Jlr. r-t evens the fnllon n-f; dralt of a nei-esaaiy section for t'.ie enabling Si t ; "No one shall be eligible to a seat in the Convention or permitted to vote for th. 1, gitUa thereto, or upon the rat ihYatlon of the Consti tution that the Convention shall submit to the people, who at anv time before thn reliellinn, aa a: ".iT of tii I ii h'sitiHt, or pf the bt ate in other CHpiU'i!y,li i f I 'm an on:U to dnj. jxrt the Constitution of tlie I nited Mate, ami mil sequently thereto roluntaiily Hi" -jed in there bellion, or intentionally j'iseaid and ronifort thereto, or who hM in id uiiJir tiie so culled Confederate (Inrpminent the p i-iiion of Presi tlent, Vic e-rniili iit, iiii'miIh i.' of the cabinet, member of either I -ram h of ( tmress, Jtul;;e of the civil Coiiila, fmei;n a.'ent, or ol.n'fr of the army above tbe frade of ( ulmiel, or ol the navy almve the pis.ienf ll.ii'iili iiinit, or the oilire of (iovernor, ."eivtaiy ot Mate, or 'li ensure r of the P'nc, i '.;ie in rebellion, or who n-s.V'ned rhv j ii'"!,rtiie i,., -'I'laand took j tilt r n, i.i v ' i : ' t 'oa Vi -. t:,r n ai ii c..i ii. If I'.-i-re be a lii.- ! t ' , ;. , nls i'. !;. B(fSTs-rT.. !',.'. .11 kilo. I c all, ii.!. Ration, it i ! .i the I'ninn men of I 'The di ni'Kiit: 4 s'i; t..iiijis , Crant and fiierinan 8 both narmly in him of the rhil.i h 'jhia Cinventiin, and w.l i'-e tlu ir inl'itenee to ii,-"re it) 'iree-s i, jA. A'rtet. - , . - Lu iy in!, i' ' tim e cents a il Vnited ftri'.sl t ot t;,e I i.; led 1 r ittt.-rn ,1 t . t ii e. umcnt, ot t'.j ' ! J ' i.a t i i ount -.a is at lluit rule T'ie Fit ""M.r N (!,.!. i f, t lit,. 11 til i.i i. ; t-t ut t ' the ftii'tii i.-'ne t ,r...l.i.- i,,, Maury, and his I . I .,.,., ,' ' to Vliienttve tsiint (..-o'-'ii I if t', The editor of t 1 t' e !i. hi- i J.,iittr$ rt " i-.t d on ' i ville, l'y., V r t' ' f - l, al A- ! ut - - l i Abraham l.iii dent, it an i' . - i i sou coantv, ln.i j ; t tlaac in 1 - t ;i 1 i : ii.- i ill- tv I l.-.,f i lor i.;5 ' pil'O li viut lditio: GltiU-'IIJLU. T -Cho!era In" Kew forlt. j New Yokk, July T.( ! r - n Mr'.i-'d n''ii-i"it the, m i.lljr on ta.: - 4 i0t ..tujaof jr" Tlia li!er, ' . accessions I . . ... co, whh.U tin j en " 1 I ! ' i ... ,iit !:'i8. Till! of annexation to tlu tivd hi;i(cs is yt'lti'm! i: prevalent among the litwslg. The chulrra wport fr tlio k (.lion i.; caiu-abere, P'n were g'4iiiinc 'ho!'it and tour ware fatal, , - - Paymaster raulJI. ' Coavia i VahhisotoN, July T. ; rajuartcr rauUKngha l-m-n f.und goilty of (Uargra prtuVrred in cooaactioa wii'i '.hedi f :( National TasA, lie ia iitfd to t s a-l.i r ' pSyfS.P'1" I'.ic, and .e iin'iritoncd vtve jr.-:. Tlia Tax ZM. i' i to day, Mr. I . ,.! ! !... 1 n;,un ! s. J In (hi! cd tin-1 , ettce ( , . ! ivv ,1 ' X I'jil-.tt It('ioi't Ool.l, at noon, 1(1 5-.;. Eirhan lot. Cottons i ! at 8GV5;!H. , July J The Pot Hand SalTerera Portland, July 0. Five carloads of provisions came down from Boston last night, and are now being distribut ed among the people. Large quantities of sup plica have coma In from varioiia place. They were greatly needed, aa most of the provision tore were burned, and the people w ere living on bread alone. The Atheneuta Library waa totally di-tlroj ed. - Secretary Stanton baa ordered J 5,009 govern ment tent to be sent from Boawa for the reliej of the uffcrera. , Senator Feescnden, among other, loses near ly all hU property . fha Feniaiit Ajaia. Xiw Tofis, July 0. , Oen. 3weency. ha published an addreaa to the l i-nians.in which he d .VdiI course in the recent raid on Canada. lie recommend the re-organization of the circle and the for mation of military companies under chosen leader. He dates hi addreaa at St. Albans, Vt, Ju. If4 i i - - Deciaioa under the Civil Hi jlita Bill, Eer toratioa 01 a gtolea Statue, " Baltimoi!!?, July e. Judjta Bowie, Chiel Justice of.tbe Court of Appeals, haa rendered aii iiuportant detii.-n t iu...,,i ;..e Civil u.aU bill ia the Ca of r ing a nero. . It acouTendrd by counsel thai, according to the lawa of Mm land, a negro was put a competent wilmaa against a white man. Tba magistrate decided that said law wasjnull and void, having been abro-uled by the Civil Right bill, and required bail, 'ibis the defen dant refused to give and he waa committed. . Application waa made to Judge Bowie tor a writ of kalm$ etrpui, which he declined to grant, giving a. written opinion anstaining the r ' 'islrate, Ha admitted tlmt there were i' . i'l as to the constitutionality of the Civil ! bill In other points, yet, not sreing clear jj' a bira. ii vt the PiKTcr) i',,i',)A'l.nt- ft tb point in this case and following usage aud hc decision o( the highest Courts, be wis Imiind to aaaume that Conjrrembad m.t io! n l its Con stitutional obligation or J ...1 an nnrouititu tionul act. " The prisoner was remanded to citotlj. . The stature of (Jen. Wa-hini'ton, l.-ikeu from the Virginia Military In-titnfo ly fi.-n. Hunter, ia hi raid up the Valley two year li;;o, was sent bmk yesterday jir the Nati' nal Kkprrs Co.rtu Iexinirbm, ' Kew Yv.k ITirketa Nkw Viiiik, July fl., r Cotton sti a.ly at : " Tlour dei .:.i. 1 T.-jX 1. r .!.! 1 f 5.". .1 Slate at I S IT' ! "113. bm, !...u tin. hi Win 1.1 ii. .;.,i-d , :t. f :' of fr .,..,1 1 Corn 11 iviiiiced one ci-nl t ' -i of .". In ' '.at f-'-l'Ji. l'-i .11, Pork heavy," with ah ! M. ,r ! iu i' t ive t ' a ...Li i ,e o- t 'IU, I ' I wbUh v 1.. i l ' J..L, i K ' I ' 1 ' ' ..I I - ! :iiuth, I CM'. i i iii 1 1 I i.v i t 1 i e (. vtftim a: ovi ro..,-! r - r" ' ' n f 1 1 1 i V t 'V Of J' i-nl t. "i, f ( : in V i 1 lt hi ' s. t t I 1 I 'i I i. l- t e till t " " , l I. ; V I t e f ., t . e i . ? . .. s.' ' ct ! 01 t i-. e ot a I t ;tie c ij A.uSosihI i ".' ' ttsi'iK-, KVij.. l'n-.,l -Hi ot Ilia V . i -a Iimiiihii, in,. I,,, . , I mt iyp,iii ia im-niOfoimS..ti. ).il tf II . J" , . H lli'1 Ht, l.itf t .r ll1-l'!,l(v trldni fliBlHft.d nm Willi ft l.. 1I. f i-' I A I U' l H.I , n I II,,- a-o ol I mi ),a ' i--it. In .i li.m,1) i1Nvi4 h ), ii... i W ll 4lllltl" I ll"1'i,a. AMtfV". . I'ttV ! n -iliti irtm .i ,Afi. i nf. n r, ii. veil a' .1 !i-J ty ihciu. t i I iiii-mi .i-lliV Hi... uttf, nritl (ftK Hf4iti, in fur mi' i !. Jt " . ii i'.ia li i. , ' li'rihiiMm, ttr .'itnpnv- Hunt NUy Mill Mill I ,UO'4 M'll I'll " ' -II, A'''!'" - ... .a.is r.-r,r i.ms . ( i . " liiumr, aiJ. i ,1VI t..:M iai tl l .a in llicl.HM.Jnr f a ui-r M-di.-nt - i; "iiiilHiijn. lm. i.t iHiwsni . - rt.iMiHi'li Slid uiia:j Hi, tniwrh, UlKt . 1 1 In (In-ii,u Hiu tv'l-ii'ii h-ii.'li and . ii iioiiioH to two t to t-rauritiaary i uii'i ilia hiiuI viralrat aurfM with bo ur . vi.'i',i..iiiil mid u kimJiiiir Sulv. 1 Kce lw nl fi.e I'm l.,i ur tinl iiif. ..lit, nil t . . .( nw in ttie . l.li.iiiiiiiijr ": .v 'l"ll 8tlVH llttv t ;. J ri ut ii v iiieftit'iritt y wl tiia Miitil t niri iiimmi wmitli tw.i Unvci nil : s.-l. l H'ii. i u -'I In in iIumih, nj ell rr'l f NU lliilu! Pit 1,1 M j,-,.,- J'., , tl I ,1 ti-. 1 .. , I, tlitW 111 I. -1 I- si-ii- .iu t.si jt lit ll f Uu Ii y m . - If . ,1 I...J - . . m I k I'jr. hrn -. i . ... li.l I'iIi l. s ( i M ths - - Hi dn - ",-f vm ? , j , i ii, 4 1 i . 1 ii . , - fin, at ,'. en, fer hit wiirft t. t bf m u..ii.- ui kiit.h, AlKH Wtf YKA COIli. i.CTKI) JiV JOHN O. V.1U.IA )., r.',;oKi:i;3, bali:!h, n. c. ' fUll , l OV NOHTH CAROLINA DANK hoi ltd. Bank of N'oith Carolina. , (Child 5 il. B. , ne Fear J . " .Charlotte . . Islington at Graham. .' - 1 f HoKlKjrough ..,...', ', Watlcsljorotiih ThomaHe.;.', . -.. .". ' .. ., 4i " Tt'ilini:i!;ton, 8 .. 13 .. 13 . Ji ., 23 .. 13 Coniniei ro ..,..., , . " . Wahii!'-''n. ;,...;;.,., Fayrttevi.le,.,.. Clarendon,. Yaneevville . If irineri'and Flrtn'ors' p ,i,k Faniiir5.".".!!!!;, (rie".l-oroii, h Cotnnieiii.il liank, M 1 1 r i i - - 71 , i h Merc li in ta' B ti !c, N vw t i n Green-horou;,h Mutual Virginia Bank Kotes, about Boutlt Carolina " Georria " 1 Oold..' , '. ' Silver;. Old ('oopona ..; Norih Carolina Kuilrnad Coi." ma.'. old i .xts : , , Kn ti 't'" on New Vork. . , , 1 11 1'! It 01 hi 1 c 1 .up'-I.i. ( it wiiiit 1 i-,iii.rlfiil!y fi.t,. M (lis ei!. :ih ol tiiorii; '1, anil hiii rim uuii'i? et.iinl' y, ttmt lis hss ..'nt.vd lilt 11muAuI kimlMww IS ll.S t . :m IJ'-tt!l ri: miuiHiio rnKiira, wnei- na uirrtiriHrvil Ut mnttutaii' ti la enter auy iiiii-iiiimii t urmtur at slinit Buiu'e. H io kemmoti b)ii. (or ml. 1'u.lt't r-l"1.rti4 Metaiiti' niirtai i a.. 1 1 iiin rani's am fiartwily air uuiii si 'i iiiii,-iiii'tiuia. ami ii.r pniitr iini sua pr. fHlTinw 1110 ui'iu, r rtreaiunieailea IO Ilia puttl Hi Wt everitivetttfd. I'.tw and Walnut ti'i.ttiii kept m lowil h4 aiaila U orui'-. st nitirr nutiee. A HfcAl.ih ki.l mi Imud. ami mil. i nil, ml K101- nrsiti prouiiLiy ai.litiiiiied to. in:sKY j. r.::ow.. yAi.i7Ai:Li: ki:il i-tatix:,""" LCJ4.TID isr a::d rjviTna n:i roi73sr c? xiazz :1:1c::, r.. c. FOR fJALU Tli W(iTntta Fvmnle 0 ! I Is now titl'nrai.l M iMalp, m mnii.Kii tni, 1 ins 'tjil"(f hnir hfa 1 is U 1 ftp UUU, luiDVUl HiV vivt Alril, 5 lt ittr t 'it t(in, it hm t iiti ft roTntMh n m n I hum ti In.! -.n iJtrp.ihh iR)tMi to Dtn tu 1. I j'Uittf f i s !, fvl-imaj trnMnWMi t-tt tit iKfcLe) i.Miiits. !y, o'-iti it ni'fi"""!1 t f" ty iutn it tiii" lits'- U.Ktt J 1W et,&t . rtf ut ft li.t:i Vfil -'' ; ' nl iVte4 liith'HfiJ at ifnilfl ,(;, s.i- i in ?t) fi4 v;-" n i(n hitm 1 . I ' ' DH ya. it -Wtl 'it t lie MU a n 4 , ( "iniiiitt. e. ::v, i ti : iwtd .. - . -i, VV limiui'toa riiffuti-h anil Nor ,.-.rt Iwn-K S tvti-5 iit. tl- V ill silt', lii J. At A. . , - i .,-.t-i . I- 4 . : ir ii:('ur d t'.e ayftrvictju) vi a rii itrw pif-t - i tt ifim av ly t fl tlllVI , ;l tJ 1 t'-! !M. brl .) t it .1 ( .i -.14 .-.,l l,i ui l'. H'.ii.rht June 4 I. A i l .K t, A,,, i f I I - 4 l,f it i-., , I VI I-- ' , i-i . I. , V . f.,1 1 k "I as. Tuitioii, Uw.i ia aii-siscs. U. M t. .-- t ( III till oll.i. I "Ii lkt. it W.H ti'iuill' IM . i .' I. i-an, t'.llu .jin ' H ii. k A. I ' i. ' ill k.-1-i..h uf .v ji v v; i it yiiinii lun. will iiiiiitnuiH i, ,n nil' li'iilt I Jii.v l. i t .. P 't H l'.-l i.J 'V Ml .. . ..... ii - . VliS W. f tMViil ' ' 'f'i f Dr. J. i'm, tli ". N i) ilMlie!ltir , T tl. i! ::i.ilirr . .. CfiASiH'AI. MATHKMATICAf. K !!.'H ' " ' . -OXPOIfP. N. C. 1 UK Nfr XT PKxslOV i ( ,1 II II.;,. nr-ti M-ttt.vttmlit'iit H,'l'.'l 1 nin n ... t, l-i.iifil if lh-.'-l. i ir m 1: i.MH'HlU'.'l. . 'i.trd, Ji. C, Jiiim ;ii ,tS IC, v I'l M . ) .1 II 1 II. AMI trft fat Un. -IX, V Jmi u J :J inw hit.' ' i f.. tt i: aiT:Ti.i tbi i; , :n:mciNLj, IMIAiTS, OIU, Wye flan, ftjJot's, lu alruruertt, x:ruhie, KIcdlcuB , j. lle IIs, t'nata and ClivH, . . t Toilet article, rcrrinstery, , AVlHdovr Clnaa and , , ; I '17 iro LE r A s CD ' " m:-:;At,T PI "JUD'J DllVQ Li'O: . - . ' dai 1 1 gii, m, r. ( r i . ' . i -t,'' R i. . i.l IS' J i .. I , I 'i. t".N , . --i . HI 1 hti It f II ll-l.m, ft' -i A. -, i. 'xs-n, uo I; a rr e- ,.?an. St. J I t,,!..--,inf .,(iit. nt (Hi . t IIIVI" i .1 t"-' ' - HI llil) ... t ,1 t Hill in.-ti (i.. 1 ri.t m iiif.iiinriii. n I ' 'Mi,.' 'i mii.it sstti- 1 Bin ! ,t-.i - ; r- .i? cn'l. rl Ui tt.s f. :i.jr pri'imia . ''. tnpi PKii-it lo tf . ', ia e tun, a l.- ..jf-r. li"n'il nut tail t h. I- i Lu. J I i. .s ( t.tp. t-i ItiMl Si j Ml .. r St..'' 01 , - .. .. I PS "S 1 I, t r. v i n :i is r. ,1 1, i hi ur 1 ' y ..4 t by inti'iv ut Him fiinm v a ii , 'i- i .ti st.d Slt...-1'.l ili-t Hni-t. fritti'V hHttiimdt nf itkrtt Si-jit tt tt curt d it i. A e,i-il('i-.riii. : . Allr 1'ivnt tliiit, ii .i-i itni-ntn. hs tia v lDIIiai,l.-s 1.(1 i JOt, tiit) f.in titueflt mi ut until w U.tttfti.v .J iii K.i.f itti.,. wl - h 1. u turn ." I , e ewfitl"!' ti mvrr milM In I i,r n Ynr'l . ntutol,.i,i.4t i'mnp 1 and ... . i u UltitiH OlrifliWIiK I'Dru .'ill. irt h'.i ir.i.i..N ii , tfiu! i ii t ti., , , a "r l 'i in , , -lt A, . ii, hi i. I,,, h ,. ' V lit I '. XI 'I I I. . ' fl I l,k. June I1 II" i! BOot Tl THK (V fk. Ttssl MCXlTorx'. ivc;.;.;. DT. 'MA-GGUZIJ? PILLfi-ANI) HAL VII Thr. r 1 till' lit; tJii . ttir giVM, mhijf!y ft (jiutrtff uf r frH ii ry tA till) tit ;-i?iit iu tiles ! 1. rys is; i with t ie ri'KlfHl iuc.M, mm I -. til fl'VB4kt dlwitaae, Uui U4fU i:wf tlf fcr - IHVI4fMU ti tnt'ititf fVt U t-ii;,irit8( fiti't r 'll.i.sS Hill ()!. M It) ltl! v: ' y i; : i; m v'i y tfif ii. -1 l w t.t hi 1 i J rt til Wrthi 1 rH h"vvi?iT' an tl (I) J. id.llw ftf.iir,-aa. luVHitutbi?, ttn r n v. Ni;i i rliiif i'n'!it. - I ,-?: ?suit"it( i t, i,, i H ijr .tir hut!ilril ynrn i t. i i r kt-4 litf 'UU, i.'i tl t Vt'ii ' "ia I !: i.. .1 ft HM la-ff Ti'lr Una t i in.l tj,iUr m t" 34 fltf ttf. Hint aliuir to cuit'ifit u tm-f, I't it n fair sn::: ram iiii pMy tl- fi .f )nt1 , tf p (vi ih tixl ami tiif ttnu, l.t i tf,!;' jjMmtf y ti(a .'i. U l,fi n a jirtKt:IJf?tt - roa i.sui t ! V 1 'ftr a in t o tmvtti i lli.ni l:-.! 1.1 lif i,r !,, Ivlto, t'oSPuIaMMa,... l " - '.!. 1 1 'Wk'"". '-.-. ' t..i..!, ' ; ,, t 1; , - - . ... t,t LSI rjf", t On ll,-.-.,l ' r. ln.i J.m . j , , t a i l ii. i. w;)!imrt, tl ' i- i I i j i 4 ..tt.t Kv.lj' , ..w i,i 'e I.- i lo ; . i r if and lio-S'ias m, , 1 : i v I tf l 1 -. : i ur j' (. I H I ' . 1M i l.;t"i h i it h fn I.. , ...... . I Kim t null .ri.i ' r "A S t i- li t I'll t- 4 ,l fl.;. 1 I I. .1 ituu'V Kit tl r 11H It W . Utl ft, I W i! i' e -( . m i f' iitn ia ail ck out iiifitrurfior.!. ; htm provft i(t If li t! a I it fittml wuh tutf ltd- 'V . Ii i m i .( , K.. I . . . , . It IS . ! ,i i ; - 1. 1. ur tif.d i - it i , 1 at .. A l -! Illt.e ' '"; h jt.W " t., ti l II ilftat It i tt ! I..' , . . -4, i t . . I 1 A. 1 .rl , 1 L. .tiaih - u . . I - i I .-Ll

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