H '. ' .';.''Vu 5AA -wsr -hi SENTINEL, i-titnrday, July 1, IIM, Xaartii ef July. : ' .- v The dy ceU-bratitd In thi. City by th Military and t'ne FrtiHliiiRO, an immense con course of the Utter bring nut upon the occaalua. TLcy , ra addroaatd, w Wara, by B. F. Moore, Esfj., We are glad to t.ir that everything passed oT juiet!y,-n' disordinr occnrrlng ta suar tb dWnriacet, . , , ' Wherever th Declaration of Independence wa, read throughout th State of th North, on Wednesday, it lab hoped that th listening peo ple were fired with a virtuous Indignation at the .ooolWotioaaf tb grievsuce Inflicted opog the colonic by Gou th. Third, th la human monster. For' inatanetf t .:" "lie has refuted to pas law for the acooav mod nt ion of birsr dietricte of tho people, ttnv leu thoee people would rUnqulb the right of ntrREaaKTATtoM right inutimabU ..1m Mm ' mud farmidul't Utyrml awry." "llo baa aikcted to render the atflifarjr Inde pendent of, and euperior to, the tivU power." "lJe ha kept among us, U time of peace, . tfttnlina armies -" -- T---" ' 'lie ba combined to eubject us to urtdio tlon" (Utry baa bo f reeameu t Bureau, uowevsr. in tboa "foreign to our Constitutioo end d by oar law. I m"i'"de orewow.r .,, :f r-r to bares our . ' t , t y hi J ..t 1 r ajr murder md t ' wiliont our eon- t..L l. tent.'' -'- Th Amended Corijtlttttion. la all fie government, tb right and pow. r of the ruler can only be properly defined and limited, and the right of. the goteraed proffnly pr?oeribd tad protected, by written aompact or coDttitutiona, The krt beta ulreri.Hy regarded a th ergani law of the lantl, lr.capaUeof bay or ineonldert changi by the orainary f parata of legialatlon, Which mt Is wjed I j LiuwioB or prcjudl. Hence, tb publ !e.rnwla.aUlimgo I n the orgaaia law a essential to tae Jtnc of the Cut or nation, tlewa with extreme ' iiif eae and jealousy aVery attempt taahattg ormoJ'.ry It 'Wbea th people, therefore. Da. come in : " rrat to proposed change la the r rmc! law, It argue 1tt o( insenslWllty to Uai . r or a ut of demoraliaatlon, eorosnng cpoa rerkleme and ruin. Such, w hope, it aot the con lition ot th peopif of tow Dtata, t tli rreit time... , .-.wM 'adSi LTportant modl3ctionf the Coaatitutloai of this E tat bar been deeirsbl for year char,;' Uo Lave been asosstary by th r a:!iU rent la thr history of oar people which tT recently UsMpired, aaa a Tery " t d .air ha been long full Mong. wf Lule i soul, for tuch a mbodiment nd eod- ISeaUon of ,.tb Or'skiO-ConsUtuUoft i tU Etato. with all subsequent amendment ef that instrument, would present a connected, clear u 1 i . ittaiaiio return of the organlo law of tb ; t v, n I t beretofur tted,' this work has I i sod w thliiU ft '...!iab!y,by Jtaele., l - committee, and the Conntiow 11 U touad t U t'-riiiV.j eoBdaaei4 ,mr-'d nnd -rrrrf'-riate beading, kndatada e Vy C'iu :i'.ien h J by Hi Toidauc of tech4 t ' '..;.. which ser? to embarrass tu uniearn- e t tv called It th aew Conrtitutloa. lit' stns of comprebeniirenes It W new. t:.ui' it ,o'fth old, bating such change as wrr fletmed ceceary, A, L"' ever objection myexbtla tb mind cf t'.c rt-i- a as to the gency nd power Of t fortT- ' a, or I tverrrjiu:Uw,uiy bio 1 : i lu-Jl v tUecours of thboly in regard - Utlort. or to the o' ieetlonable tlcw of I f membencf tb body, we doubt th pro- i,". t or tb rruib nc ol t .l-.ing up a JUdg- i, t a tvorse to tb lntrumput itself from ny - it' ""tfcaue. Kor should it b hastily r- Jectci Uesuae of some Imperfection or on ao court tf oil or aor -objoetlonsbi teature. AU L "ia CTvrU must be imperiect, and tb Ward of fienncnt attempt to change thaor g .ic liiW ouht to sdraouish us, not to rlk th loi cf what may i generally acceptable, for t' e i ' e of rainlr i one or two desirable change, 1 t r b more t'.;aa w c-a, .W are, there i.re f. a to '-T, t' t wbil t'-ier are objection to ia t'.e ew tr amended Constitution, w would r f ihtri uttJcr it fur t'.e next ony r tl..a submit it t'i to Conwa- years, r . tion t ' V t'. t EU-nnry' and unrcatneted power. ii'-e all the peor'e of the State, i t 1 "and d' v-st t' Cotis'.itutloa ll y tb a sn;l now 1 t'.ro- 'i t .' U fure uiik if t y f 1 it ti " 'i t'...'7 !.,;, - ", v . "I Le ti.e n 1 so r.l"i-;il, op t v .1 tut L rate, r t:"1, w ba'4 a i ... .e In tb. la- At (: t c' .t. DBAf, DCMB ASD TB i f tUs Eialt! L.-..t'jiioa ar 1 I j i.vi.v'y pciioU.al ..n, fjsthatth. past . - - i . 1 . - -Ift i - r,-a i . t t'.e I a a i it, r. 1 t a !' n 1 ..... . .1 one to au era- - t e nope mat an t v - ! a and - retiira t cf th peit ses- gW are greatly pleased t'.e r j fJwe of tile ve Journal. We brpe that 1 j-atron- -nL:vii it Bsy ;. .: !-., i. .i'Wiy .1 '-.11 : ' ' ,r u,,h'-e a uoveitu view.- i Title tih part of folly, end of moral eoward- icoMWen, to euocnmb to the preeanre of . ior- rooudinr mlafortnW Howerer opnroaaiTe to the preaent, end kowrrer porteoUma a to the I future, the brar and aaneuia will combat to one and (-a forth manfully - tm encounter the I other. The exUtuig condition of the Bootn, nnd the further evil with whkn It I threaten- J ed, uader the eway of Radical coiettcum , tma I '....' ..MH-inl. ,fltdnt. it erer anr I Ili i .1.7 r - ,.7 ..y ,v. t thing wa la the annata of aadoM, lo eruak th I pint sad eihaort the hope o a people. Bui trri1t uitMlljInlil Mlmt feiul Intellt-1 .i. t. 4k. ... r tk It tlt ant hel tb very clrcumataoce tnu aowao punnuij dieturb ni and dU our wont apprebendona, The taaeoa of Ustory, if tbey leach asf thing, pUOuiy deiaontrate that r-actloe la the iosicai eonsequeno of exoeaC The rtolent aaa TlodlctW pemcutioii of tb early CbrUtian gare our holy religion aa to pet o that, alr different eircoauteace, It might bar been age la acoulflai.. The demoniacal Jury. of tb , French Berolutlon, who tb foundation of I ovenment were UDheared. the worhlp 01 1 God expelled and Reason ensbrtnea vexij, wa ricweded bj a long period of order nd quiet, aa J a rt't a of moral and devotlonalim r "t rare fr nirli a country and a peo .; f ' , , . , r f t' n c'lilloUn t!.f""- ' , . ii- . .-j it biade, and Reason, hurled u i.s fuie tbrone. resumed lU eWay In Rft';..Bd4lda.oa.berta.jieotAatt.. excesses, whether in a rght or wrong direc tion, are followed by eoaatar-actioa,-. Tbe puriUclcal lurror aod uter babiu of th day of Cromwell were succeeded by unbridled Bceoaa, and corrupt ami Toluptuous moral abandonment during - the twiga of th lecoad Cbrle- The met, wo aay, coarer aa impiamir moral, and taachl for as, th aaomtraging lesson, that tb passtoa or men, la whatsoerer form esdtod. ar flottlog, aad aubatd ;t tspm lt orooortioaed to their seem. If och ht hew th oss la th past, rea la ta remotest age of antiquity, it I hat reasonable to up bom that la tbisdsy of yaonUd prograta, aa- Hebtenment aad ciriliiatloa, th mne result will b th mora , peeiUly aaa ensctnaiiy so eomplUbed. Tber 1 no reason to (uppot tht th Amsricaa people, la tut particular, ar an .t l 1AmA than I Mrf aon rawpuvHM - , ----- forth hop. aad th. belief, in onr .ittung sua- adon. that this popular tndncy, wha opera- ted opoa and assisted bylue Interest of trsdel and th facllitie oiwrnmeror an tatet-eoia-munlcatlon, will be hastened to It consilium. tioa. It is. therefore, our confident anticipa tion, howerer Inauspicious the present Indica tion my be,-tbst th day I aot remote when . t . . . a( 1 l.Mlan!n an mil t W angry tiue pp"""'j a - ... n I tne pwpis anu -rtT"lt'liWilUam 11. IL , Tucker. Uo :Ji flow Into Other end better channela, Usy, U m Ham Inrttardt. and la turn will oyarwheim tb bad. desDerat and anaeropoloo mt who! wonUharatotWIU tarhaleat i"P . When the soberascoaa uumgDV-" rtith tnnn or waasiOB wntca aasswrmi.,, ruin. Him m mh a r. JoniuKfj - .rmu lb VlsahU hT Ukn possnlok ot tb toaase oMb peopls, there will com a day of regret for the msanee wmcn nas raiea Odar. ind ai'Iudlgnin InmMtafli and lnatliratora. Ia this ipecuistto eonsist nj? "hopeful TJew! & tb altaatlooi Of-JUMrf ir ha wii,mXM The prejodice ana antmosutee growing m ot V. I'flirt h.r. ot wtfflcientlT subsided, ludgnVwt ahall h.re besa formed, a. Is win be, ' - a r.,i, tn k. BO re. Its conduct of tb wsr. o whole bearing In tb. unequal contest wilt t. !r; l!....,! ,.f Lt. bar. ao f. sr. Of biSt6fy.ir. are contint to War. id . t i. i..ir .-.! .iik tb w w.r. Burying llpslonourWs,wddM as the pLnt,d hope that wa hare wo- dd laimDreaslna our reader, with aom. llttl f.b. Mumraawmanl ablch w are disposed to Indulge. " Addreu of Hembert of Conjrreu. W civ to-day tb ddras of the conserva- tit Democratic Benator and members of Congress to tb people of th United Btates. Iu: fervid patriotism- all will a mire, snd w hop that t spirit will be Jul- ryhntib4 tytbfittrmaa or eonu-nutu Bien, whether tbey b Democrat, Republican or ry a ''' i.e.-s the Kewbe- . . .. uaoo ia ' '.i. s. . t iit-xt V'a linvc ; ;.! r i i , .... u alver-e to 1- 1 1 e t St 00 t !!. Cooatlon, tut tin ti.e coutr.iry bar wsrimy aJrocuted it fiom th begloaiug. W have in istedthat U conaerrstires of every pw'J should ly sid for tb present their peculiar pa:?y prelilcctloa,"' for tbk of harmony .among tb ftiead of President Johnson. We tpeeUlly ommndd tb court of those Dem ocrat who were rer todofortN nigoiy patriotic reafcn, thut lb tounUy Wa la dea rer, and it ws important that nil should merge or Ignore party for the present, to ssr th country from thf nil snd rial a o .Radicalism, W b tbt the peopi or Jiortu tarouna will not delay actioa apoa i till subjceUt ert37 disUkt, ia th. .JButa aead two delegstea, on for sach of th old partiea, prudent men, who would act wistly in that Convention. Tb ddfjrte letted from the several districts coold fimma f.,i:r cratlemeu to repretcnt tb Plat t lar.. Tb Convention meets la Philadelphia t,ii nd other State r moTii'i;. Ltt not tb Old Forth tatbKL!nd. , . far a. toy ia iu .onfracted ability, acoord.ngU country cf Wuhington; and tb gorenment clvillrcd sw,the names snd th. fom. of 1U framed by our fathers, to resist this movemcn to great Ie.deTd of It. citi.n.soldieryr-wia th. utmost Wr -mamri f.w the Cewrt.tMb.. r ),. l.Ulnr Ml. m-hll In I f H M. BUU IU Vlium, n . , " v -r . . .ikuiui . ,: . WarraaU ot pardon hae fceen receirod ft the Iiecutire OUce for foe following pereona, who caa obUin them bj pemaal application, w by written stithonty. Blank certificate mi aoceptaoce aoeompanr the pardons, which bium be elgned ta' duplicate and forwarded to the an f But at Washington : jLlanumm-CUedei FFaucetttS. WWte and A. A. fattnio. . . .. ; , ; , Anmm-yi.U. Patrick end Willin Aileo. jhmein.-MoiitraTille ratton. , ,urt, khel Hlrta(M. ; . tmnWIimd. T. & LutterluB and 8. t HW- Irw. .. . ,'--" ' tWrorac. W. F. Howland, 8. 0. Ilowland, WiMiW-DanUl M. IIoMia. Cteiamta--Barauel I'harr, Chariot J. llarria, and Ezekiel Jobnatoo. Catatcbo. Henderson ghemll, Hiram a. Lau rence, Jos. X. Lawrence, John W'iifonand M. Ca4elLC.L. Hunt, W. IL nend' in, J no. D. Kateee, Joba A. Hambaick, feamuii iirnton, Tho. L. Lea, and i. W. James. CAM. Wa A. KlTca,. F. J. Mi.jxa, Hamad Bear, Samuel it. Cnitcbfia! 1. Jsu. T. jy, j, c. Hooker, and IX. Hand VMaeU.U, h. Bower. icii.J()lin Michael. i.Jgecemb.. L. Moore hi II. Hale. ' f'artyl!. Oresti-n A. Etc. Gii-v. Uux urd. .NMiliion H. ( i mera, Ueors M. Liley, t'ynu J ami Joba A. Uetnne. " Jatxm..i, W.llanna, QrtneUH. S-.S. .Rorster. HiJ. 41 ' P, Ihaui JL Kittle, Bamuel Latlimer sad Julm Hnrrora ' ' Ores.--W. IL E(lmunflon. X.a. Win. II. Smith, A. B.inilndBen- Jamla Uant, Kafd.Q. M. Moore. ? - ier(rr Dr. O. C Moor and Ilorstio Baya JJydt.a. 11. BancVenon. v, IfML-JO. VT. Uowelb JaMMAWilllan Hick. sMt-Jaaus Herrinw. , ' Jfa4aiMT. Dtld Parks, Joseph H. Wil- on, K H. Johnston, H. A. Unnter, aid Jimei IP. Irria, e i9, W-.-jt-W' J " - : Jraav-Joht Ingram. Jflaw.Sa.'-Ikelsey. . iTaer. U W. tawborn and W. T Jsnklna XtwHamr. W. B. Whitehead, j v ()mm.T. R Ray. HueU Kirkpttrick, A. Irt TT ...I Tnh. R (rnl ' T. 1 I V UUBW "" " yrauaroy uuruis. 'FUt.JunM Joy near n.;iiu..l ITirk and R. If. Mwot..' JaMaW. E. Frsley. Lerl Trexlet, M. - - A Brinul. Zli.T"u5utt U. a! w" . i?a--Rlchrd M. Jorie an4 Ricnrd Sandolfki. a Bsin, Jolra Kignwi sna . CJamlL I-, ; , RuthtrfantU O. Jolly aaa t. . . t aWrI'tosey Hsthcock.' - Burrp Martin 1 Pattersoa and Wiley pst- I - . , . t-w' tnnt. i tsrsoa. s v T mil Hl rn nULw II . AassUMOo. .v " , ..at1 I vetdhm Pric and Alired Jonea. " I . W. J. Gnea and II. II. Oooilio. " Wayne. Lanra B, Hughe nd J. F. Korwv Enoch Triplett. Mra D. A, Hunt, Wm u Uubbard, James C. Ilarten, A.U Hi" I iai.--IIoB. R. C. Puryear, 1, M. ,ue- sn4 I J. & Jones. , j i . , , . aM h.rt..n,nlmii rrt und, eti nuite upon tuch 1 ,.t. nrMt tb fbeline sna tenu- aaU of the masse of our people. OoW Jsre " " ' ' . ' . ' ? .rZ7 . , ' , " Th country .1. called apoa to chasge from government d Ita pplo Pf J Federal 8tateiL to that ol consolidated power, 1 Jonty. u oeinwr nn, r. . ps all further amendment, to th. ConsUutioa. W. ar gtad that our Uent eotempomry, tho Oold.boro' AV, b. been reaomad - rtod whea Ita aerricea, la aid of th right, ar mac . f mntry, tb. Frio, .ndtb Coo.tltul.o4 will rally to it ipport, tod the fnpport of thcon- strvatir press of th,Btat genersuy, Ambxdbd Co8tctios. Inspcakinji ot th Convention committee en the Constitution, we bave only alluded to Mer,. B. F. Moor ud fa, Eaton, Jr., a member of it. r in formed that the Committee cotvistt4 ot Lifra Moore, Enton, McCorkle.Tlioini'-'011 6 :1 T- R' Caldwell. The omission must be cliav.- 1 '.oily to the iiiflruilsr of our memory, and to '. Ibitt k bad beard .Messrs. Wools tin 1 i )ji.-. ; y p( ken of as the autluui. OOVERNOK'S rilOClAHATIOS. 1 :' -.a tf C, Wortb, 5" , c t,i i'..e Courention, .'.!. . t v L.e atul lr tu raiisicuuuu or i . ....ended Cnslltntbo, on tb frit T Anguit," T.l be found in another tur- Tb Charlotte ". i! " tlie proposid National Convwtion at I ' -Ulplua, tit I mkthfoUowlttggoodiife)if.wn; 5.. , ... -"Coi. William Jobnsoa, wb h a pro lea well as Una wan," ot known concrv!ive an. I BSttonat views. Wilt b lB'Pbll'lV!'i.i ab.mt that lime, and w respectfully prcaeut bis ntmt fs;a 00 Ot tu oeiegaie iruiu wt oim av w r. i however, no mors tmbracing th 1 6tute it mad WtlB View OI senoinir uewnie, wtca let Cob Jobnsoa act for thi dittrict." ; 1 -"'Colonel SvotVeommandaiiloiSouthCantllBS; ba iMwed ttrinnt wlemia eoetetpience oi tl. e increase of tlieit, vnt;ranry and drunkenneM among the freedmen, in whbh be an th. totj dla-rt'itrd of the fiwWn f ir their coat rsrt mutt reult in deautu:...a and starvation U!,', -( the erll U checked. Therefore, be order thnt menorwomea who neglect bibor beJrrwted nd mad to work oa tin public roads, and that -tboMCoaictdotfrCpitl crime be lapri tr.d and c irpt.d to bibor as cooricu oa th Li.aUiis LliU .UUI.S tO SUQtcU l , k . , -ar.; - - :-t f---- -.-.-v,-,--- r .WEO AltB JffiaEnSATIS! Xemu of Eettoratloa, foaVorth Carolina. i - Hpural THrpttf) totht Tribn j . v-. " .- WsHtoToa, i 3, ,j - j. A delegation of North Carol inia ia here anxion to ascertain upon what terms lY Btata ean u restored. Mr. Thsddeus Stereos irform. f,1 than that tbeT must adopt th Constitaw .1 amendment, sad that it would al be cesMtry for Congress to p an enab mg act bj'WfoMHU1 .7aiT, a two-third rote, setting forth who in the new 1 to appw w nli aaa gtate shall participate la a Conrenuon to form .newCoaaStatioT-i "t ',, - On being requet4 to designate who should thus be recogniied as competent te reonxnic i the Stated the dentation COnlcrrea logemer, anu Ut-dty sent to Mr. titerens th following draft of I a aerenaiy secoon lorwe ensuuag wutf ; i t1 "Xo one shall be elitribla to a seat ta th i (Wentioo or permitted to rot for delegate tWi-tn. nr nrton the ratification of the CoMti- tutloa that th ConTcntioa ahall submit to tu i .u shn ttf Mm tMfnra the rebellioa. as r !Vm..J J .k. C... .f h tt I in other capacity, had taken an oath to aupport J tb upnstituuoa oi in voiwa ww,iu thertriOa or who bM faeld undof tht wtttwa I uaV. riM.ew.MAei. h wuuttinM l9 Pnimi. I tet.Tko.Prmidaat, .nembeef th. ulnet member of either branch of Congress, Judge i of tu CITU V.-OUTVS, reign sgeut, w uiutci- u snnr abore the rrade of Colonel, or ot the aery I a!.ov the grade of .LieutMiant, or tjie office of ,y Tncr, b-rtry ol btate, T irewurer - h-tf. while ia rebellion, or who resitfoed sny position under the I nited ites sad took part ia the rebellion, or whtratairy timToloa tarilyengsfred to molestlngi reetrsirdng.hreat ening, or injuring any ettlicn, bis family, or - tSUI, beCSUS Ot bit oppOMUOU io me reueiuuu, or otcaus or ni enons w oeuau vi iu imuu, unless it th.il be mad to .ppar tbst tuch per- son tesAod to aid tb rebellion and exrted him- elf for a restoratioa ot tb. Ualoa befor. th. 1 6or. Holdeai tb only Radical North Caro' linlakowtob.Wto,; rfolriraticin. It is self -SDDointed and misrepresent 1 the Unio. men of tb. StateEa. Itarmax. wrani aaa onermae wmm wmmit i ef the Philadelphia Convention,, and Will lb cit influenc insure--4t soew---. AVwa EAXEIQH MOSEY MARKET. CORRECTED BT JOHM O. ! WILLIAMS A , rCO BROKERS, RALEIGH, N. a1 PBioaa ovaoata CAaouaa aaaa aoraa, Bank of North Carolina. . . (Gold 18) O. B, 88 Cap Fear. ,,..- l Charlotte . IS Lexington at Orabam...,.. .,... 18 Roxborough . . .'. . . . . . ... 85 Wsdesborouyb ....... . 18 M II, ThoniMTlll.TtT.irtT-4vVV.T, . . 88 WilmuigtoB.s ... .wvw'. . r. ..' 12 ('ornmerce . . w..-,. .'v . ,..iit 11 WashinKtoa :,1 vyi Fayettev ille .............. Clarendon ; . . rn i . i'J . . Yaiiceyvill....." Miner' and Planters' Bank ....... Farmer' Bank, Greensborough, , , Commercial Bank, Wilmington . .' . . n - 18 t , a a V . . r 80 ata 8 Morcbant' Hanir, MewMra .'. . . ..... . Oreensboroagh Mutual......... ... Virginia, Bank Dotes, snout. . , . . ,,.,,.il,.. 88 18 Bouta Carolm m - Jf Oeorma ' " " ' '..'......... i... 80 (told..,..'... i.'A.. r is Silrer.. .-t.. j. . .x.r-. ii-k o tiavoupon ,.-. "North Carolina Raibroad foupoa. t ; i; . 1 Old BiaosArt ,r. ..TT. 7. ?l E.iDhangeowNwYork..v;.;i..'..-irtit. J RALEIGH NATIONAL. BANK . OF JTORTB ittr.... y f CAROLINA., i f wj.mi ju f , o ,' atnrnra juTaa-f-a, tv.BAjrx aoraa, (, , Bank of Cape Fear ..... 83 - Charlott..M,va,i..,.: ,f 1 l ? Commerce.. 11 - Clarendon.......... 8 r . raretterllle.v..'. 7 JNortu Caroima . lf.t, n.,t Roxboro. ... . 88 Thomasrille. . .. . . . . ... ..... 86 Wadenboro .........!..,.... 18 Wilmington . ... . ,.' 18 WanhiiiL'ton.... . . ........ U " Yancey v ille... Commerciat' Wihnington . . 181 -IT 1 80! r.V. Farmer1 Groenboro-irvii -t nwrrrrs MerchsnU. Newbera. ...1.. Miners1 and Planters'.,...,.,.,....., ... ,. . T X- . 17 IB M lrginia iwui mno, " 8 . f v-.r South Carolina T ! ; 18 10 . ..... .a.. 0wtf-VT?J- Gold.. . ,-. , , . . . Silrer................. ........ V.. 140 OA W " M Old North Carolina Coupon. ..... 60 i... .. 80 North Carolina Railroad Coupons... North Caro'fj ', tea Coupon oa., Ezchsng oa New York, . v; i i KA1KET EIPOaT -i .,"V Cokbkctd DAILY BY JORDAN WOilBLl A CON.. ......... ..; 18 loo. lb ... S5" c, V th ..,v . M lb TTER..,. ...... rswAX........ MI.PH. i l YARN..! go I bale. . ) n i'C ' fir i lb 1.1" - jo each . ...CKENS. 'FFllll.,.. spring n 1 m a. . :N'..'.. .... 's.'..-.v;. ...... 1 uiZSUPORK fodder:........ I LOUR Superfine. - Family. ,', i.IDKS Ori.cn...'. - Dry..... j.... .liO 150 W bush .J..f;"a.'.WHviscifl lb I ..',....-.8 00 8 21 Vf cwi .......... 10 tO bbl 13 00 bbl. .......... , 10c V lb ...... .1jc ft 5 ;vt;t. 00,8 83 cwl i..T.v'S"''' V Ik-'' ,,'.:.'r,".' t"tti.i ff bttih ....U"' ,13 00 J bid to 00 v bbi. ... f. eaioy bw , nAY.......; i.Aiiri....v i r. I. . : , . , MULLETTS. MACKEREL HERRINGS., N A.1L3. a,.eJ'tiit.ejasa' PEAS White. . , A. 10 12tc V lb f . 1 85(140 bush ftork. ... ...V. 1 00-180 bush POT ATOI'i Irish, 150;:t-89 frbuslt --"v'--"-'- ' ' fewest; SUGAR Crushed... ' v Brown..., RAGS- 80DAiu.iii;m.;. .... 160 Mlkh. ..... . r-sc-fj lb .... 1 . : 1 lb ''- rki 8c lb .... o V lb f Cotton Tarn sad theet lilt iA'LES for le by t " Yi iluilBftoa, Tb 8. 1 48, tf. , , w tJATX .ORJT" "Ttt CAR0IJ3U, 1 ;'.' ' . i'lTTCotaTt, i liu.il Kelson, Adm4 of A( T w'd. A. Laaghinghoose, dee'd, Tlulr at Law of aaid Lauirbincboua. Petition U thai' tmi imtmtt mMeitijtiiuM j -v ens. seoOi' " -- . . It ! mm rwUaa, thM ) Lhis bniu. en of tk iVatduU. I nnial ml lhia bitt; aiid if k b Oawt, lesviBf iuu. that ud inU "WMwWeW i th fttau, 4 saldavfc htf i. oria s m, 217? 1pMr4 wiak a.faa to thi mtt. si tk IT ' " m 0r, ta be bU a th tt L7&'j r..TDArTS'' 1 b J jun , -- : n "f ah Hi W Com ew Fuu. Varaa Smmoaa, ) ' . .A"o (cried i on IIXIB ASKBW.' . :'V..N I( e.irtMt tbstufetiea ot thr- "i rf'. I. a a lfcbiart. t w. -h7rvT "iid,,f tbk t i.a. utM .eid (or iUCoa-yof . unAmimr na tkti AaWlaMtd Z wiZaZ o tk Momid Moedsy i AngMt rw U - r.PUU.m ' SfflA ' ;, vv used Court. t itti l lm u 1.1'ut.VV. f! erk of ! efl.cj i WiDilnw, th tecoBd M"lyT' , Biay 81-aflw V t L -7-- M ATE U JtUlil a wiwwjij r I .m UMtsaata h wi-r WtsT A -"T' . ' . ' AJjtaxia .ukan .r-4 Covar or Ptaa ir QuaaTaa Sasstoaa, . , . May Term, 1804.J WK. K rot rf j u . rltatmn. ' Land Jo R aJ7hi '"rW tkt aabbaatMs for tu .kl. . l. l. ( ut Cmti ef Bert', "t tb td ,T.'r;M,5 . wita wiluai r, wubuo' . v i m Co-t, et qm uw, tk m iMdy y r ;-. 7, n ,!f n' ' ' nuwuMM . w t 7 , may 81-wew, " a ' . STATS OF NORTH CAROLINA, : n 1 . i-A i - Baa CoewTT. " '-1 CocnT oirPiaAS aao Qvabtzb SaaMomv 'I , j. j' MAT TBBX. 180.., V,., WnMlH rOBBITT. - i ... ,.v 1 ,.,.1' Attachment LsTied WnxiAK H. HoooAao, j oa Land,.,:. T ..m.mii. tk Mii.ftlM af tho Crt. that it.. lnilni 1 thi mm ia sot u bjkbitMtaf tha Htata.i erdrd by th Coart, tbt babbMtkWj ,n aieak. k vtd. I tk sValnal, Bpw piblUk m ra taw, M. C. Mttfyiait tb dafMdaat t appMr mt tb ml term of thi Cimrt. s be keld fur tb i ...I D ... i. .t .),. f'nur Hau. 1b t' leAMlT. oa tl Moad Mondty I AaMt Mil, aad tvpltry tb MafMrtr kniMM, or dgiiMBt ! tU be Ara4 IniMt bll.aaduWad Wrtad MM 4 Mliafy th wlwiUi; fort at fle i WiadW, th eos4 Meaitty f Mar a. D. fw. ' w t .. V.. j WILLUM P. GURLEY,1 C. 0. C. aaayf-ww "-' V TTIBGIXIAi-BrCKItOnAM 1 . C1UCX IT COCBT. Edui4 W. Habrad Willi J. EppM.etor of alartk B KppM, MMMt tb am tamtn w. Hnhard aarak A. kit Wlfa, rd Willi J, Ebdm, la tbeir ewo right, tad th umi kitmuaa .j west fr Btry.. ttviUBg rwwtin William H. Ch appall sal n thr the enditan ef tbttf Mart'i K.EppM. deeMMd wb a m aut rr. ape, r AV. Ba.lltl 4 Barr at. ki aril, rraaew Kppaa, Joha V. Psud KUw . A" O. Ep- . pM-DfeBdaU. , -y i.' N.., . ... IMdBarr at. his aril, FrMei Kp B a dm ad Is thk) M st th strut tb Cireuit Cuart of BaoklBbm, ia MA, tk Mkw inf itm.uull tad aauiriM wtr diradad i n . ' l.t. ceoant ta ba rendrd br th pUlotiffi. Ed mund W.- Uobard M Willi 1. F.ppe. ef thrlr UMf setuvt M xator of Slarth B. EppM, eMaued, with a lia ef th SMtt ioiiaac ia tkaie bud far .111 B.r.oi. fckii-wwnt . id. ab aiMiottBiuOf id obwi mm owuuii.Hia annaid. daa b Iba laid hlartbt B. Epwa. danaaaed. id. WhM proparty, nl aad paraoaal, hMitntint tb kaadt of tb kaira. VviM sad kta f tti aid Martha B. Eddm, dd, aatlar tb dirtaioa la the bill naotioaad of b l'Jtk. Fabraarv, ItM, with th v1m ttbarefISdwhrBdln whoa'tuoMMaioa ' tk BUCKIHGRAX C. H. COMM IMHONKaVB'OVTtCK, - v o4u. .i ' - Kt IWi. Tbt prtiM ud til parooM kHraad ta Ih abort ataailnaad daaraa ara karab otlfiad that 1 hT SB- poiBtcd tb la tiftlo of H. V, -Buoa-, a Barklt)f. ham Coart Host. andToaadar, tha lUtb Sir l JBIr IDtiA, tht tint tad pl fat eakioa th amnt aad akn( tba aK)Uirta tkarabr diraotadt aad all roM wb hr eitliM a-ua tk aatat af tha Mia r ann u. a-poM vm sarauy warawai to fay wair claim bafora m t r kafor th Mid dayL V WHO tp ITHHtw Hi aoppwra niw aamo - m GEORGE D. BACHDEK3, - . .-' CommissioBer in Chancery, i- Circuit Coart of Buckingham," Juno 18 lw4w yyAKE rOKEST collegi?. , . Th rAT.b SESSION of UiU Inatimtloa' wiU , naootoB briday, Julj S7tb. Arraofraioaitia ara mad a to meat tb want 01 ttudtnt ol vrr srtda- Th einM,prlla i rnre-Y, ar du I td raw. 1 uiiioa, par iMHIIirf waiskt, la .' tjoilc'itt Ucpar'irians , ' fr', c . ' .. - - - -yi 1 .. .ir K-.it . , :i. I oard pw mn- li t?U far l. A dieni!t ni I" 1 r aaulOB tbM elinritft will b a! rad o ail pvtt.uDramad by t'e oiui.iiaof AunnH. l KipMt ef tb lann, I' ihub waahitc, (ul liebt. e., sard ot axewd i rj. lor Acaiiaiuin, and .1 tu, nr veuaf ltt, traaasr - U.U1I Kill ALL, , :"' - rtarywf ParaHy.' ForMtriU. a" , C. Way 5m . - . Baoorder oopy for 3 moutba. , , . rpnc ETirmtf shingle ha 1 r CIIIAE. , 11 snkoowladtfad t ba. by all add, the bat Sblrml aebis ia Amarica With niy out Butts ruwta f 0w Elr? mat aJaUttM - par rear ar satiiy mod, lb auehlaa H stilt M tirtly f Irn, rtry eoaipaet and Mil tran ported. it trsrk vtattM, Btatb aad tfosaner. aad oat ef th mbm Bamkat of bettaei Ubor, ait third ajar Rhimle at mod lhaa an b doM by th Bawias Maculae. Ail t ! daat ia mv4 br th rpu aad nua baMtk kal. " r. .... r - .. - t- ABRAMRr-Orr ' O-l waj Arnit,ift tSrvMiwai, J,ew Yolk -Ksy8t-3oi CE1XCT BOiCDIXQ i '&T ' AND DAY SCHOOL, v. ; lllll.b or 0', If. C. r :t Mlt,rirAST d HISS K0I.LOPX wiltr ... ..,.,r , ...o,,i oa trinar. Aorat Sid., let,. v . MfMisne raoi" rr$, ' .vji. ".ivdta i yuoauoe. li JtAjV r- TT,"8TATK OF ROUT?! CAROliXA, Cocbi o PiaAJiajro QciaTia Skuo I ' f :x;X.v:?;.r ?-''';' " May Term; IW-i TsaorehLCe w. afaiia, V V - .'"' Rcrra R. If ask. - -? . . . . . -j -- --- ' IT np'rtng to tb utUfactloa f th Cuart, tint tlrl'4 V. HASH, tk def4Bt i Uii MM, . bwrea tk liaiit f thu titot, a i tlirfor, - tioa, orderad by tk Coart,tiit snblioittuia t u ".-. , WIT MXIU HWlMITtir, n ui KWt; MtDimal, XHifylag tk Mid Jtafu & ktu of Ik BUB of tku ftitliB, ad lht sdIm k appMr SI tb sext trm at ibw Coait. d Mar tk MtHiu. tk smm ill tkayr.ca', d kfd e fmrt$ M ta him.' wiina. AukiuUm Lamlii, C tk f mH Onus, st . w M UilofO, tk Brat JlWsr usn I. - . ,-:- --' ,r yJLJAMlld, Clark. ' BTATB OF KORTU CAROlisA, I rf . L Til 1 r . wutir m -i inu inMrw' oesnon. APCii- . . : Term, 1800. - , - r . BM&Vamoi wtr A oTaaas. J ' ? ; 1 - J iJ" aL- . .T, - J ' MaTTRKit Bras Awira. " ) . -.. ANfiMJko MaJMaLr' i.AConHo.VlItPPsri"'thMtt.e(ioaf tk Csart. ht """! ' i-ay. a.- m 1 for ti ek. 1 th ttaieih KDtiiwl du-b.lmk))ii.kd in lt ciiy ot K'i-U' ti, !?' ... ih Uj b appear t tMo uii lenu m u,., t .,ri ta Cartlm -; Count T of M.H,t Ihetl.ni't I nwur i. m. 4m Muni !v m J n r ..;. , M"M pr . patit " ii. or tm ... M"l CuUlt, tHl.." ..AH. k.. . I, C ,,i . t r j n ""!. .". .ymApiil. Juu 23-wCw STATU OF JJ01UU C. BaAVtxwT CMXA, . 8 rente Tbim 1800. i Wiujam F. Jxweli. aim UABOUBB bis "ir a, T r -t -17" EurarP. Aua, - Vpoa th compltlBUt prtMtlK tb tBldtrlt 41a tiii mm at t hit Vaa. ardaro ta uawrt that aotiM th anna inn iu nmnint i n OttMt or MM ppr priatad ia tbt Hum, ai tb Raaunal fur tlS WMk. aaa bmimt aa at i.u l. ,un of uid hill la ta BBOwt a mw Uaataa ta th plac Sad ttead of kirn th idHery t. Allau o arhoaa tb BfWMttrt whieh b kold la treat for CaroliM Jawall, OM rftk t: tliaO b ooorajrad to hold la tk Ilium! IM aill 11111 ..d b hold la tk troats a N M at k!d by tk said Bmry P. AII.Md tb bbIm b lott appaar mots in n.aT Mlbe Cout of B-aufurt at tb Coart Bom Iu Wuh.&atoaoa lb aiKhlk Moaday altar th fourth Mmday m Haptaabar hmS, a derw will atad that lb id bill b Uka) aa tMfMid aad Moh tbr a daera ta thtll b "" J- . ' ' Whitoa,Jtt ia STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I i ' '-CaWA COOBTT, Cotrar Of Pt.a ajo QcABrta Basuoir, hv Kay Term, 16. Faaoarcx L. Robbrts, Anaa. DuacAW McDobald, amt m an J SGVOAjt A Daoa, m u f i ijvT.i . WJI t naAwkr t th Omw thai Danes A. Dlata, I WiliUm P. WillUawoa tad wit PmIom B-ra-1 ha road tb Nmit of thit Stat, ft it tkrfer aad AAm h.wal dmA thmt aukliMliM b tad, lot til wk. la Ih HentiliKl, Mwapapar pnblHtM 1 ID vy HalaiEh for tail diudM t appaar it tk rt term of tb Cwrt.t bald at tk CmrtrhMM Kdaotoa, ea ui Jt nnnaay ei dii .im ad tbara la aimwer, .. ; v."-. WanM Wra K. BK.1AJNKK, Vlrx. mio tain, at Edentua, tlx 1 MoMday of Mar. A. I)., I WIS. , Jua 19-aSw-...... U ...i t.. 1, I , avc; -pTAtE OF NORTH CAROLINA, V ,vi.n,ri i KiAcroatCocari Corar,--' - ' inv.i : l,-t -, Juo Bs1ob1868. ' " LkwmOLAa,i ) w J . 1 . et Orlgiutl Attscbmeut..;.;. JTora P, Pawns. , .i, t f It apMsrlt te th (stiUsoti ef lb soart. tbst JOHNP.PEUKIN8iSBMrMidatf tbBtaf Worth Cawlre It i rdrad that eablieatMMt b mad a iatha Ktbtich KmtiMl for mil. flvias m4im to tk ttid Joh P. Ptrbiu thtt h appaar blor th jMtieMofthCt4 PIm and V"r BMtas tut Batafort Cyaaty m tb Uibd Moaday f Boot. kar aut at th Court Hubm ia Wafhlairto. tad plead vnMM M th boT it, bar! rtplariad tb MtU attaohd, r jadt-Mttnt will b Mtwd agsiMt him., . June 18-ewlaw t -.STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA, I 3.."' , - ' r' Chatbasc Corarr, CfltRT 0 PVKA QUABTBB j? IMIOH, Mat I n.aMiH WMm-lvn ..... . . ,v : - l Cajkauva Waasxaa and Matuja Rooaa 1 ,X.f ih-..-. h 1 t 5 t! Axbxabdkw HBHoaaaoa .r ABBOTBBaa,. ji , Petition fori Par. Nil tition. j i It appaartn ta th taliafar liM ef tb Coait, tkal Akuandai' HaademoD, M of tha Dafmdttui ia tki . tM, ia Bo rraideat of thi Stat, it it. thaiafora, o motion, ordered by tk Coart, that Bublteatioa ba Bad for ait waak hi th BalcH(fh RBtiol, aotifri mt tb Mid A)x Haadano of th Haf f Ibu pMiiioa, and that anlett h appaar at tb Best Term of tbl Court nd Btwr tb PtitiB, th Mm will b uka pr9 tnftno aed hoard er jatrnt m t kiat. ... Witka H.C. Cn EN, Clerk of aaid Coart, at ofle ia Pitubwe, the Snd sfnnrlur la May 18b m . B.. C.COTTEN.C. C. C. . Jtly w6a 'W. . ws, .. 1 . BTATB QFJNORTH CAROL1N.V, f - Traau. Coustt, J -' QtUMER Sksshoks, ArBixTtnii, 1 RSAZI-KT WaTKK. ASU 1 - Aro. A. IIacusiest, '. JoijiVA J. I'aeamom. 'Mai u .. . . p.-i ir. lo ti.e ni.n.tnct.o of t!.e t'.m t, tit r . d fHriilaut. J,.nu,i J, haraiiioin, it t m,o 11... i ,, i,a Htnta. it ta ordered tiiat pubiiiratiuB bm imi'i In tl. Kiili Sr, inal. fortix weeki, cun.maBdw.ff tha f.d J ni.ua 4. 1'aramoin to ppeai' ai 1 ., tana of lui Cmirt, to p.ad, ana r and demur in tnii rn.a, or augment pro confftaa will b nt'ed np a 1 1 : -. r blot - mod. II. ALEXAMJi-it, tlk. " may 18-w6w ;-: r 1 BTATB OF NORTH CAROLINA, J ' ' '. BkrtjiCocstt, . f" Li?orS10I.rx.aAAsiQr;AaTraBKai(iit, 1 -.- if . ,jiy ttfm, 18S.B, , IdTTUttU Jomana i , t Attachment Levied Wiixiaji II. lIoooABjv J b Lud. . h afiBMrkjctStla MfaftrtMa f th Coart, tkat . tbdleBdat utthtteaM hi sot aa iabnbitairt ol tli ia Btata, U i mdeied bj tb Coart tkat petmrat . n be Biaria fur ill waekt, la tbt bcm-iul, paper pu i.ni hi SaleiBh , aotifyma U, dfednt totpar et 1: b1 Urm-uf tlnaa-tt M k.-Wair-ii.. 1 :. , . 'i. benlft, at th Coait Jiwttaa m V iiiuaoe, tha tf ----i Moudtiy tu Aiifirurit u t, ann rei.itv, tlit prn!,iy .nl anil re . A 1 1 ed o or! i':.:ir.ent fl and th laiut fvi 'I imiii.M to . i ... . tviuiir., v it i.i m . , t i.i, t .,1 ... Court, at Uii, e ia Vt urnaor, tk Mooad Auoday . May, A.1). I. . J UlLLIAJr P. CCRI.E7, O. 0. O. may 81-wfiT :..-i , .Cuba wjoUincs, , , . , fj.- betJ and brrK ' by 4.-' f rw hi r ' a- Q I'-. '--v - V

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