7 - 1 . ' st '. . '' "? - , . V ... 4. j: r. . - - . J J . - T. '".'" " 1.. ,,5ja.- aW. '7 V a f ft I iV ''''' " v.-"-;A - V.; V- v'': ''- -'-',.' ' ''''4- -'p- :t-V:--f f '".','-?'', - ,..',',.y ,.,.:iA.;.:,.' ,;V..W i'-v---"',- - In 0 . 41 V- -X tHE SENTINEL. WW. E. PELL, E4lljr. EATOW OALKN. a W4aAaJrEfCnlHCt Inly II, (M. J Fo thi CoiirrrrCTlos o thk t xitkd 8ttw, ' AS IT IS, ap tbc Union AH IT' WAS, 1: f l?ltTUiet A imim mr, .-..'.ffT ; :: joNatixan woimi, Till Sttrnntih i iue4 every morning (8un- iwoaioBtha. ) 00 n oo 00 Sml-Wekly,)yMr,.,.. UYfmkf, p jrev-;i; r.rr.- , -Ow wmt iJ4VrwiMy in niU wK. , Hiiy my tteut by th lfc'U cobiWu or isrr- wut. : i: , , j;( tb citizens of Wake Comity ill U )uHd it th !- r Court Houxi, in iliU rlty, ob Tuauluy next, mi LXi9 elt4, M.f f" th -pnrpoM uf Oink iii ' . nuigemcrifa to i ur rt-prowsutittioa fri)t tbl :CoHgrMaiun.il lii tni-tin tit ftp pmaching N- Tht 'Ilailroidf Agttr:r" W prufor ,ly, fur tb wk of peac and quiet, and ft ttia ak pt il Editor ot tlmt paper, to unnotlcod, at all tim, tlie mi rabUtwaU(ll and deiuagngurry, u well m tli i Iraq oeat perrereiitu of truth and matter of liu t, Udulgl in ty tlic lUdical orgna of thi city. But to praaeiva perfuct aileoco would acern to gift coloring of truth and propiity to its , cooraa, and with otn would be regarrl ! m a . tacit admission of it integrity nj fniri.. . h -To laat number of ttiat puperihowa, i; lit . la Mrioaaly afflicted at the lnW JinUroad up , pointment by Cor. Wrt)i, and it give vent to U hi ACJU.l - ' It to elallhwl that ti..v. ! 'Wi'U turned tfeun. ' -, fiawkiM and Wtiitiord out of the. Iiailroada,' " . '! ordet to place tbe Kai!rod on a loyal b- ' U, a he wm ordered to do, and . which be did Vita tbe President' approval, Of'coure, for the aanie reaaon, Mr, Mordocai wu turned out ' ; of the SUta Bank, Tie Railroad and Bank of tbl State, a well as their foundation of .- , earth, rock, brick, oak and Iron, wre o rebel ''' Ho, they munt be put upon A loysd Lai! That i tbe legitunute inrorence from the teach- ' log, " But thU lliiJind Htr meant, that turn of tb ofllcer were o ttisUyttl-A. e. were o of Jf fenslv to the Ex. Y.Q., that tby mu4 be rt ' '. ' ILmi, to put lit bia favorite. : "' y ' v; We do aot know, pcwitirely, w hat part Pre '" ident Joumoa aofed in regard to the Bailronl' and Bank of thi htate. At tbe time the action -occurred, It w atrongly impressed upon u that Got. . Hotden wa the author of the whole acliemej that be made cb rcpreat-'iitationn to V-tbe President a l d him to believe that th - -nVnioeMi wnld wri'inMy eiimpritnii;d by allowing thene officer to remain, and that, A therefore, be ordered uch a count a the I t. P, O, Might we proper to.. take.;. Facte prove, most conclusively, that iiitctfi rerire with the ' ' TUilroad and Uanl. wu no part of the Pre!- dent' plan oi roconstrm tio and tin fuct hare eonCnitcd u in the opinion we drat furm- t ed.' We believe tlmt thi view la correct tut th i following reu.tona : ' " ' 1. If may of the Ruilroada and Dunks of thi State were dialoyal, all wit. If the olricer of one or more of the Itnilroad and Hank were -diluyel, U-'y all wwe, in tht tl-y were ton- fff" " iA the4V(wlifs-y the Si . te in ILillyfoeuUngUit ar,.jSow, if it had Ix-t na um- ture In, or a part oftjif) .p.'n.ftf n'Conittniction of tbe President to punUh the Kailroad and Bank, or their officer, for the part tin y took , ' .iaaldof the war, fciwi'lo Jii-lieeait'l pfoorit ty ' required that'oS hoiild have lwn trt-nted alike ' in S the 8oUtern fttatea. ti g, la tin biate live i;,,iirvau t rm.imu weie removed by the peremptory orJcr of Gov. Ilol dea: MeBtr. IlawUiua, Wehl', WiiiU.ir l, WbI lace and Powell ; and M- . V , I k-r, Tboma, Cttitl well and JiuJea, then r- gaided a the warm fiicmls eiul m'j'ort'ra of Gov. Hol den, were "'sti(k'd. The y th-t'n gentlemen u Uetern.hird 1 y the fftt Axil of the Pro. Gov., l!hoi V f any afe or correct rule of interpretatiuu ot i..n tiauiiiii; of lojalty had been applied, the first five could luve shown a high a cluiin to it, at tfo timet aa the five lant named. All ot the five were removed amist tbe wishes ol the 6tockbohler, an.Lonly e ot ticm, ao for a we have b urned, fr. liii ' -r, ha been enlin-ly acn-ptttlle to the BiM-kboUler since, a a Kailroad m tn. We only atnte what we understiind to ke the .-, intending no ua fair or Invidious rci!.in upon th.'m, per.-Mtn,!!y orOh'Tfi.,. f;-.in, Mr, V-r.!.-' d th only President of (nk removed, and, Uh the exct; ''on of a few chan;v la the !.vtry of tbe Cupe F'enr liank, no oiliw kit" :' fence wa sttcmpted. Why n4f Why w.ie only five Riulmada. and two Eauka, inUif -n W i h 1 Will It b r'THcd that these were le on'y w Inahlch the J: h t f 1 the llVilroads si.J all the 1 i.' guilty, the Prcsid. nt had at in . the one s the other," an I if it l of kit j laa, sll-evouL! "kinvr I i i if fc'l ft e e ' 'f i ct.i n'1 ever 1 1 ecu a ) I I 1 !l "c- I i,w hil l Ths w hold "sir.vir, so f.tr f no fir as we csn see, looks if it el I ' ill . s,n. i'.li 1 :t i.llk!U.i:2Jt.l.-.-V(a.V' ' t , - - - n4 upon particular part'.es. Ar ilu, why w not I tlte c.iut puu'iv.l (. ..: .) ths II. .1:1. i"l I -teof f'i-r K t 1 i:y cue l-a ti ,t lv-.'idcit Jwhiiiton would jud -e Lis ,. -, e SiLate luorcrijjorou- 'y and deal out to her severity -than to tjie r&tt .J'.rpr.''.!.,i,. 1 l silmitting thut the President ord. red the " j j - ,;nrne, just ss Gov. Holdea tarried it out, jtbutha Gov. Worth to do with it"aowt ,4. hot. Worth ha received avo suck orders front the Pretident IadUl, the freldent,by hi l"ce procUawtioa, yield his sailitary preroga tive to interfere to civil saattar; So far a tit amJturity-of the Pteeldferteiids tit the sffshvf of th la BUte, Gov, Worth would coaeuit his wiahee with ae atuck alacrity a Gov. Bold, but Gov. Worth wast wet be expected te yield to any oM cliau ef aatharUy set eaeleer by thf Comtitutlo sod the taw of tbelaad. U uUini the Preeident warssly and Ucerely, becMse tbe President bum kif ectiao poa the Uonstitatloa sad the law, s well ae the prae -tke of. the goterwsse)! -tor- eaaleamrieg te ie- tore it to it former etoix. ' Tbe law take it the duty of the Governor to appoint directors o the severe! railroad to the number claimed by the State according to the - amount of its stock. The tow gi ves bo par to appellor mam Presidente oi Itaib roads or Beaks, Bs-Hso appointed tbe direct or for four road. I JTh sanaal meeting of the other road, or roede, will aot b hold for sever al month ; hence, he has deferred making ap pnin tmcsU for theav, "i i: ?t ?'' lie we anxious to do full jujties to sit la those appointments, sad, at the seme, time, to do right, lief .moreover, an xiou to stntity all bra Irlei-la, ao j,irpu, aot tr.iimut any ooe, provided that he eooUl do Justice to th foads and Uk care of tlierHaU' interest to them. ' A usual in aucb raaea, some of hi beat friend are Uiaappointed, ' He had ' thirty -one appointments to make, and there were at least one hundred and fifty wlMweclaUits were urged. We udge the Governor is somewhat Is the eon tlition of his disappointed friends." : He would have bees glad, too doubt, to hsva had placee for all, but thi could not be. Various ratwid erntions had to b taken into the account. 7 Uh ep4 StvelhoUert, a far Ss he could as certain tTiem, ws have no doubt, was the pre ponderating principle that controlled btut, hav ing due regard to fltneas and to the various lo cal interests which necessarily operated. Gov, Worth stands by lbs appointments a 'the best that could be done, under th eteomIancei In view of the various conflicting claims and pres entation made. We would aot have mad some of the eppolntments, yet we ere so coafideaiof the honeit purposes ol the Governor and the Board of Internal Improvement to do the beet they could, thst we cannot think there it just cause for tomplaint. - V !'?,' vT' Gov, Worth is charged with having removed Messrs. Lsssiter snd Thomas. This i untrue, lie gave ao instruction to tbe Director of th Ptat bow to vote, yet th Stockholders of both Roads had gives aucb unequivocal endorsement of Messrs. Hawkins snd Whltford, that bo was satisfied th result would be what it is. Is had no power to defeat Sir, Hawkins, If h had bees so inclined, and the endorsement of Mr. Whit ford were strong, he would aot defeat bim if he could. la both eases, se the State Directors voted la accordance with the know a wiahee of the Stockholders, w have aooubt lie thinks they did right. Asd so do w, Z, 'eX-.t I But he i complained oi for the appointment of lion. U. (J, UlarK. Mr. V. ws Judge, was ap polnted aa s representative man, as the choice of tbe Craves Stockholders, snd because of his knows active interest la the Ihiad. If, howev er, the Hoard of Directors or tbe Stockholders had objected officially, we have no doubt the Governor and Mr. C would have readily met their viS, '-""..,,.1. - -.--.'--:- A poor attempt St fault finding i made la theTonri of s complaint because of the manner of making known the appoiutinent of the. State, The truth is, tbe appoiutinent were aot made until the latest moment of the departure of the train the day before the Stockholder, meeting. It wa feared that they would havs to be forwarded by Express to each Beaufort la time, Hene aot knowing certiiiiily thst the tj'iiVaitrHlJ J'lhl r,ah tewMorl l time,, they were sunt to Jaxies liumlcy, Ksq., in or der tlmt they might certainly be titers, in prop cr tiHinlH, l if tune, it -so uappeiR'il ' that a Mock holder was at the train going down aud UKk charge of them. It there was auy infor mality in the matter, ft -was owing to the -rate hour the nppoiutiueuU were deterniincd upon. The Interested tomnpondeot of the Tladical oi in, W ho laliors to create a teuwtion againat Mr, Worth, tiecauacof the diHapiHiiutmeute of some, would do well to ithha hi wliimperinga snd look well to the Integrity and ton.smtciicy of bi own record, ht-fore be email hie IwtU'rs. Gov. Worth is too far shove' the ksaaults of nmlice, In th rectitude of his purposes snd the conaiatenry of hi life, poraonally or politically, to he Injured by such asxailanta. Nothing cuo scarcely exceed the Sctlkbnea of those men, whs wer appointed to ofBoe oh unwul M 9fiinwn$, Slid ai'eepted the positions of tboe who were turned out of the Kail liotuls for ejiiiiWs sals, evsn ;(runst the w ishes of the individual Stockholders, sud who now whim per and complain, becauwv under- as sdminie tmtion that will' net punih men for tyfiiiit's mile, and an sdiiiiiiintratioti which they opposed andwidied t" ih fent, th former occupant are restored to tl."ir ri;;liiiid poit.ion I vent ,..1- HcjialTeck" 1- .t tj i,r, , A meeting as held iu Clittrlotte, yesterday, fur the purj"c of appointing delegates to s Pi-iiict Convention, to meet in FnlMmrj on the 5!-:U fi'it, fo ' t et ' !' .j r pr"" 'lit th , i,iit in the I.-,ft.l t ooreutiou to ommi.-ls in riiilade'j hi on the 1Kb of Au -i-t went. Joe. H. Wilson, 1 . preid. I, ku 1 K. l V.'aiii'g, hU cld as Kecretsry.-. - -; '1 he meet 1 was al..!y aud etoqiit-nfy ad die'd by Gv. Ysitco, Cepl. John Wa'! r, snd 1., ' o - - - 'iiiS 1- ...m,ii "'' ' . ; - lieh 'di's to the I''I-!'i. t CeHtioii, .: V XI , a, J ' n V,"", -.-r, Z. B. Vanes, J. V,'. Is liotiia, IS. D. V. h. y, T. IVn, T.'lf. 'Alea (1 r, Z.B.y.ma,S. It. Watson, It, U DeA-..i m, Col. W. B. Cothmn, James U. ITsitelii: i 3, Ale. tSfcivrr,W SrXafiwst.rFi'iiV, X'vx 5I Greer, J.is. B. Itohitmur, ....Vinson Wal lace, W. J. Ystes, Hev, Joha liuutcr, and Col. John A. ou- 3. - i . -.. ..'.. !,- '-' , ' ' Taoea Waoc1Towoaa,'bnsdly, anrsaeoa ingly, Mad persistently to Injurs or destroy others, sre very spt, la the keg res, to rait) UiesMslvee. ; A sun sk should attempt Jo spring I Bi1it1r6 the fert ot sa sdvstwsry' and who, 10 arranging his explosive sitd hy-, lag bb train, observes neither esutlos or pro doses, hot tutodlee hie lighted matches with as ssoeh t an lassnies as we would to th open air, far away fruta gust awwuhV or altro-glyoeriao, to la lilittilrtrttl dsngt of being blowo to atones hliMseif.;. any aa onglnery has bees tbo "hoist mm y. - - f - T - 'rwe- lladieals is erwgneaiTBnw-tfgTit asmjli Marty, have beta sossyiog'overy oip dieot which a wicked sad mauotoo ingenuity could invent, lo tippres snd degrade the people ot tbeSoalhtwawwork ia wbkh, to the sham oi bumaaity ho it epokea, they have had spos tate coadjutors la sw tit midst. Aa stteo tive observer of the sign of tbetimd, however. cannot fait to pesos? e thet, while thas eagegodi they have reslly been sowing the seed of their owa political overthrow, ; ' ' 1 'y Is point of actual toes, titer Is bat ooe sectioa of the Country ia which fanatkUm and; Badi- calism can thrive tor atrf eoasiderabls leaeth Of tytiJti?m't f.n.Lh UtlmWrhsafft'4i - H. C Hg". the :wejji Weed are Wigeoou it to there that, walereuM JnsssAos ITerU as that saaa. ? Whei by the crocmlile tears of a spovtoa philswthro phy, "and exposal ioThelJ of puritanical eentimenUlity, they grow in a rank snd fetid luxuriance.. We do not by any means say that there te aot plenty ot Radlcal tin e1ewherutwhe arc either emigrant from New England, or they ars personally designing sad corrupt sseo, who are governed by personal interest sad smbitioa, party luat or private hate snd revenge, as to the case, for instance, of the amiable Steveaa, whose into works, wars boraed at Gettysburg I But the peculiar circumatanee of tbe times, tod the pressure of events growing out of the War, havs caused thousands of honest sad well atesav ing people throughout the North and Jfnrth west to surTer themselve to U drawn, into tits" mad current of New England frenxy, without reflecting whither they were drift' tag oT apoa ths consequences of their curA "" A tne pas4on of th liour coeLMd reason resumes her wy, those who hive been thus deluded will spurs with loathing and scora the faoatice with whose they havs been oo-opersting, aad will wonder thst they could have beta duped by such mefl into such paths. Such a revulaioa of popular sentiment is, ws believe, daily progressing.'7 Tb eyes of the nation ars being gradually opened, to the Moev toitles thst have bee perpetrated Under the gula of devotion to the government, They begin Use and appreciate the true character of tbe malignant, who, while professing to love the Union ni to be laboring for it perpe tuity, hare been surely aad steadily prverting and subverting it Aad than, these men, while really working, under false pretence, f imii- Vkliial sad party (j?rndisement, hsvt Wrooffht titoir owa altimslaaonihHstfata snuiHRTM LLiiuuifc to helwg stripped from thetr face, their moral aud political deformity being exposed. and the day ie aot distant whea they will stand before the country aad the world la their true light h political charlatans aad monster of the fin wster. 1 - . . Purhsps what has most tended to opea the eyes of the people of the great Northwest to the dangerous alliance which they have been deceived into forming with New England Bad icalisui, I tbe new Tariff scheme which the sel fish monopolist of that section are endeavor ing to pas through Congress. Such t bill ss that proposed will be a death-blow to the great interest of the Northwest, and, before submit ting to it, they will raise storm sliout ths ear of their former New England allies, that prom ises a wholesome- diveraiea in favor - of iraStailf-tiawosB sod those ot New England there I snd can be J no eflinityiLThO identified with those of tbe South snd West, through which flows th i"Fther of Wa ters." They will yet join those States to tb general cru sad Of all "the lovers of Uie Union' sgaiust New England Radicalism, snd crush it iuto tbe Vile dust from whence it sprung. , . Ths census contains turns facts aot very eoiri itlimeutary to tlte righteous Puritans alaasachu- sous, with s ipultK but little less than II f linoisj- has al.out six time a many paupers and mors thaa ten times as many criminals, tteort;!, with a populutioa shniittfis tarn ss SI;iuchuwtts, has about ouohtleenth as : many paupers and one twentieth SS many eriuiiaala. 1'aktu together, the averagi pauperism aad crime in New EitUud are shout eight times greater than in any other equal portion of the population f the coiuitry. Whattbe Puri. tans ltiek in ttiese mpert they make up in pre tensiim. With sU-ht time more paupers snd criminals proportionally than the rest of the Country, they pretend to about eight time mors virtu tlmn ths remainder of the human race. - - -- -. Vihitohs to Mr, Davis. Burton Harrison, formerly private secretary to llr. Davis, snd George W. Brown, one of the counsel, arrived st Krti MonroeoH t?aturdsy morninidsndspeut the whl tiny inside the fort with Jihrsoa l).tvisaiiJ family. Hie visit Is presumed to bsve I.e. n uvnely of a snciul nature. T hey loft to tii);ht for iwliimore. These visits of friends, unobtrusively coming and Roinf, slntoet daily occur, and preclude any itk-a of significance be ing attacked to tiiria. - Though theio is hut a alnl general oflhwr to te chosi a at the ensuim? Au::ust election isKea tin ky sd he nut an important one ths coa-t,-t Very warm, 'ihe chief - reasou of tids w iii h in', tt.t ths coutrst.-i the first, s ui e t. e 1 ii .- ol lue revolution, la wltt ssllthe j ei ' ot 1: . ' "e have had sn opportunity to I .,11 . . ,v, sn.l ti.at It Wi tl u.erium.9juitsui t ... , .1 s ' .1 of pst'i ie, hut the political c i n i'l' t .e rand old cotitiuonwealihfor t J ,.,S til Cl'i .a, . . IF j . "ie r'.nimands success, then ths pruji ' ft t'm Atlantic TeUiTsph will sub doe a i ' sat l.if. Az m, there is so B'c S''l V Slid snoi V . ' t to I. y t'-.e ciihle scro the ocran, snd ..I tfl" '-! rn-t-1! 'and stCilI'-cs'Qeviss' tiB i 'i la I ci n dou ta fassure egainst :er t-.liiie. Wegive UtsprojskV our best eS. Our Meads of the Ralsigh Bent iiid at ta to think it would be ewiul bad policy to run a candidate agsinst Gov. Worth, snd tin 7 sew hsva a great deal to ssy about our being united and causing ao division among ourselves, for getting that last rail tliey were foraot Ht.ea. readeruM? divisioo sad strife, while snsnv of as plead for harmony, aad for ths sake peso were willing to take a gsatkmaa for Governor whose preriou eourse we could aot, aad did aot, fully endorse. But circumstances-alter cases with th AVatissi" W'sstsra Dtmocrat, .Our frisad, of the Dmatrat, Is simply mUta koa to hi sppllcstioa of motive to tho Asstf wef. W fsvored ths electioa ot Gov. Worth, mmmrmUmIM, thai W UvO Oftca giveai that ws bosaaH morslly certsin,-1 hst if Gov. Uohiea wen rua slone, the people would aot vote tor hiss, aad we should bo presented to ths North hi the damaging attitude of hating bat tea or fiftesa Otousaod Union men in the Stato IT Gov. Holdea had ruri alone, he would wt have obisiaed ators. thaa fifteeo thounnd rotes. Whew we eaese to that ertadosloa, ws lafbrated the gentles oa who bad argod that reseoa npoa Sm that, if there ssset be opposltioa to, bring oat ths Uaioa Vote, wo owed it to th Govern ment to select a better Vnioi man, -with a better Unloa ..record, tbao Uoveraor Hoi- named Wheel ha became eshdidat,' we wpported. biro for that reasoa, and for ths additional one thst It had besa ssor cooaistent aa a public maa, more reliable as a mas of riper judgment and expe rtoace, aad pomusaing far more silmlnlstrstiv I sbllltJ."i;Th, Ia oar judgment. Were feasont sutttctently stroog to Influeneo our action, j The iKitumul positios of ths State had then tlte troogt influeneo npoa us, and tbe -sequel fully sustain tbe correctness of our position. -c For ; whatever iuflueoc G.v. Huldjta then had with the President, we felt lure would tie neutralised l,y hi uhetquent Ciiirs. I there s cousi derate citizen who doe not feel positive ly certain, that the couditioa of the State p far better, at tbe present time, than f iwld have besa, if Gov. Holden hsd been elected I . Every 00 must think o, except those who believe that Tennessee is iBTtefteriCoudUfoB ; thaa 1 North Carolin4 ; niiless hi slecUon- -might have cured hiss of hi Radios!, strait-ssot proclivL ties. Ws sdioit that that might havs bees tjie - Heoce, then, we thought the' object to be ob tained justified tbe risk of division. Then, no two advors parties or classes divided the opin ions Of th Stats. AM prtifeseed to bo support ers of the President, hot the people, who knew fits men better tbsa ths President did, differed simply ss to lb proper man, to carry out hi policy.. -. - - , i,.,f -: ,r Th Clssseerwl is mistaken ia supposing thst ws arc uneasy or alarmed st the ides of si I op positioa to Gov, Worth, bow. Ob national grounds ws would deprecate division among the supporters of President Jobnsoa 1o thi. State. As ws have repeatedly said, there" 1 but 004 Issue before our people, L e, shsll Radical U er President Jsbnvut's policy .prevail t . Jf the friend of Radicalism sliould se fit to con- eenuntte oppoeiUoa on s esatlidate egaiaat Gov, Worth, W should neither object nor complain. If majority of tho friend of Constitutional VnSoo,or if tbe public feeling la the BUU among the friends of President Johnsou's policy, plslnly indicsted suck disstisf action with Gov. Worth sad bis sdmiuiitrstion, as developed a decided preferencs for sows on else, we have ao idea that Got Worth would have allowed hi asm to be need for roslection. But public sen timent, both before snd since the announcement Of hi name, has expressed so fully snd unequiv ocally the confidence of the people ia him, and their preference fur his re-election, that we do ot anticipate opposition from that quarter.'-? , J In the matter of appointments, there ere those f - who,- only look ing 11 ponj.1 1 . ou . ihtog, T '. ':. ",t- .t . . -i .1. . m ., voutptiuu, vi erv iuc y ougiu.ait oi ait lite jaci they would not Yet admittiug that there ia cause of complaint about --tbo few appointments" which uufortunalely so many wanted,: (and hence, many were obliged to be disappointed,) We cannot helieve that the patriotism of the friend of t'otistlttilloSial Fnion cah6e o shid low, as to jeopard ths harmony and union of ths friend of President Johnson' policy, fur a reason so trivial snd so sinister. : , v; : ; ,1 ':. AnmsAiii.s 8kstimk!it. The following aeo'; iitueui was tiansitiiiUtd by oecrttary Wettes, of the Navy Department, to be read at the late Tammsny Hall Celebration on the 4th. of July. It e.i.'io.Mrs the only true principle upon which tbe ( uteinmeat caa be maintained : : V "The Union of tbe gtates ouly to be main tained by s faithful observant' of the riyhn of th Mute."' . . ; , . Whil we re not, for reasons which we have given time snd stj.iin, a paniculara1 'nirer of Jon athan Woith as a public man, yet believing on. der the pfiit ciix:unitnnres he is tbe best one we can ( t f"r t;,e po-i icn of (iovernor, we will waive our p ttal fee ;si-" and give him what over aiifpoit for th .i.,,on we., can. In ac cordance with that c ' ''iniuatios), we to-day announce him a sc.' iidatsf tr. re election in October next, jr.iw m to hn is pmr choice far the newly cri'ated o'..i-e al I t. (Iovernor, we sstBii.M:.''- : y that k i Col. D. H. lerebee, otCn-tideit co. y. Cf.1. F. in an ). -.-,iern man, (as Gov. V, 01J1 is fnuo tiie V, t,) is s gentle man of t'- sab' K' ;. i, a good and tried fiiwnd iJf the Sou. .'1. 11 ifin,f!, n j , no'ur, ' , ... It a ii"ui ""!' ..; L ( f ,' - it it k M f.-t :y it.o .o. then sei,s it i..r forty, flvs doi: n, lo Hoe h docsbemake in Die trans action I it l.x i,ss if he made fifteen dollars, but bo tli ' . t. '"''... - -..' tt - Ab I h r- ' rr- ;. that r-v. Paid !"..:o. iltort, S il 'in, preneht-do f.irewcll seruiou to the l.l,-s .f Avr,snd not s li"'o i j t:j ! rr...."r, .i i. .ii,t i.!i tot "And they I. .1 upon 1 aui nt..k,. ki.J ,t , n kissed ii Thee is now J ease of a very 1 aant ch' I s i h-' vailicf in tlii county a !is 1 tl sracter termed ".Vilii'- r"" Its sttsi k sro without n ' "UiS, and nodmi'-r Is at first J v ; . !.... i...-.t- a is i.j t tosusiie, U would lacked wish chill to muke no premoroiory s Sppr-' ?.n 1. tru.hil til, tii SiUise tl.'.'-s a delay is obtaiuing the sa vices of S,. physiciao, s i,'f'niiw i.mtor, 'L.l : , 8TAT1 C?r: 2T3 CAEOLBTA. i . : . . Tjikaswbt Dbpabtwickt, ) 1" . JttUi V July 10th, 1801, (. " To EiiKRim aud Tax CollwctoSs : The followinir letter to th Sheriff of New Hanover iit expiuia your duties la regard to some points, about which there seem to lie some difficulty and difference of opinion. The rule laid down apply to the other taxes imposed in Schedule B, except thst retailers of spirituous liquors psy 1 1O for th yesr during which their license wa granted by the County Courts, but, rf they have already paid the Convention tax, they pay nothing more fe (As Mai.'. Where I counties bsvs imapaed taxes ander Schedule B, will collect the county taxes under tjie same rule as State taxes. " ." i.. '. " f , j 1 " Publie JWamrrf. 4 Rstsmnf Julv tlth, IMifi Hhtriff of Jltm lhmattr County, y . . r Wilmington, N. J DtVisTBiR : -Tour two letters, niakina iuoui- ries ia regard to your duties ia the. follejctioii of tsxs, csuta to band thi evening. I hasten to let. Yon say certain- merchants hare listed their purchases of liquors from April 1st, 1805 to April 1st, I860, having already paid taxes on tho sajaafro) April tat, 18C5, to. Jsauary 1st, 186. t- j .-t,'ii -i.V' -, SU,"' ''- ' ls- I called the attention i of tho Convention to tUl narclsli 1 p, aftcMbe -cnl has TRWTrt Biitidi by s law entitled "Aa Ordinance la relation the Act of tbe General Assembly tutiUed 'H ernie," copies of which I forwarded to iheSher- tfls. ..... By this ordinance, If taxes on purchases iroui AprH ltt,"185 to January 1st, IbOC, -te teem actually paid, uuekr the Itevsnue ordinance of the Convention the purchaser is not to list these purchase sgeia. -j .... . , .Where parties have listed s second lime, the mode of relief is pointed out in sectioa 8 of the Act for collecting lie venue. Let applies tion be marie to th County Court, and s certifi cate of the correction be made by the Clerk, to tbe Comptroller, aa there directed. If money ha lieeu paid you, it is st your discretion to ro tund it, (st your risk,) with th amlerstanding thst if tho Coanty Court does aot grant relief, , It shall, tw wpaW yon, 1 'i ' . . i.Zt3fcSug f tod. You desire to know what, specific 1st must ltepaid by those, using srtick atibject to Ha4ihi.la..msrto clsar ht tb ordtuaiKo a ths sucu isx. since Jsuuarv 1st. imtt. I' ...1, (Wi.t;.,. ...'. 1 , ' : . ,.c . , . VH iiinini iu mc icmiim , , i i Hn mr- tie have paid fm tb ue of the article duriue 1865 Under the Revenue ordinance of the Con vention, only half ia payahle for tho time since January 1st, 1808. ' ?; ; i,, ; r- - The Convention, in October 1863, by sectioa 7th. ot the "Ordinance declaring what law and Ordinance sre in forcere-enatTtodtheUs laws of 1858--0. By that law, these specific taxes were imposed on certain articles e. g : Bowling Alley, Billiard Table, kc, in use at any time during tbo yesr previous to 1st July, 186(1. kTlte last General Assembly chanced the law to some extent, but not much. The specific taxes were collectable by the Sheriff immediately, snd it would bsvs ben.letbir not to have waited Un til July,: If tlte Sheriffs had col looted before the 1st of July, 1808, It would hsva been beyond dispute, that the preamble ot schedule B only si lowed license to that time.f Having ..wailed until the preseut jinie, there are two laviw-rtne, one for the past year and one for tbe contfrtjr year. ' You must not be deceived by eMriion :vi at aettsdnt U. tThr Mtliwaure la jeUtion ' lo the set of the General Assembly entitled "Kv enue," (h-clares what Ws Intended, that sectioa 83 ihall only spply to licenses of whiskey tlis- tillera. , J ""W lien peci fie taxe have been paid on bow ting alleys &c., undur the lievenuo Ordinance of the Convention, ss I have before said; only halftaxes are payable for the year preceding 1st. July 1868, under tlte Act of Assembly. But it must be remembered thst the tax is on ths srticles themselves, snd becomes due, ao matter how long or how short s tint they sre in actual use.- This has always been the case. : Billiard tables, Ac, used only at watering place during th summer months, alwars paid the same tax a those in service all the year round. Hence if they sre exposed for public custom st sny time since January 1st 186U, or st' sny other time during the past yew, the w bole tax Is due. If nothing was paid under the Reve nue Ordinance of ths Convention . J'e"w''ldjftri i if the. f lielsf priucipios'It is Toot diilicult to answer your question oa this branch of the iH.- . . ' . - ' '' - ' :; . : r You stater- th Case , ""A opehrf a twwling alley on the 1st. January last, has kept it open im, and wishes to take a license trout July 1st. I860, to July 1st 1867" You ak me what A. must pay lot the six mwths Wrcoeedtn t.it, July 16(i 1 -1 answer he pays $50. ' 2nd., If the preceding time in 1. -h than six months, ssy for three months, whut tax lo. he pay for that time t I answer f.tO. . 8rd "Having paid the tax for the year preced ing 1st July, is he entitled to a license for the balance of the year ensuing that day, without further pay nicnt, or must he alo pay the tax for the ensuing year, before he gets his lieeuHo; or, in other words, sre the specilic taxe for the year ensuing 1st July 18C(t, to le paid, at the bej. iu. iiuii; ur amie enu oi tno year f ,, Amirer: The payment of the past tax. doe not give a right to do business for the ensuing year. The siiecilic taxes for the cominir .venr ending 1st July 1867, should be paid now. A reference to Section 81 of the Act for collcciii.i. Revenue, will ehow this clearly. That seiio impose s penall v for earrvineon business nh- out s license, which license is i obtainable on tun payntetit ot the tax. ' 4th. lour 4th question js: "A, keips s bowling saloon,, which contains three alleys; does nu h pay i0, or is tbe whole snloon, one bowling alley, subject toons tax 1 .' Aittirer: 'i'lie Iii, :.iotmrin defines s-ltowlinfj alley "to 1 a "covered phtcs for ut bowls." According te thisdeflaitiou, t e Uiw lii' saliHn " is only snot her name fur a" howling siiey " and only oue tax isduo. Of course, how ever, if the different alleys sre owned andean-led-on as separato ostablishiuents, they would p-iy si'parate taxes, notwitlistanding they are covered by the same roof. -- - . . I hsve' wiiltt n to JfdMiw. T i..-!l,:iid .1 p,l, ,. that, in luy opiiiiou, t'Ulorsare not liable to pv f,r their purchases of paper. Under See u'l Schedule B. You will tioiice .the' t.-i. tioi "id applies to "trader," audi donottl.ink 1 ! 'or iecoiii,idere.l as "traders," within the meaning of the section, any more than fanners sre, be cause they buy manures, and, with them, make agricultural prorlncta f r nule. ' . -rr7vi,.,y7:"'-'---v;; .. --. Kl....i p. BATTfT r ' ' ' ' '' 'Puttie Tit nurer. Mails. We h ma that Dr. J,.be, the in i'l atff-nt for this Mute, is in IUh ifch. V.'a o- 1 I ls glad.it,. be would visit . thi part of , Carolina, and se how etlticted we'r t- t t,U-oriii.-a!i--i?ht.v.!U;but)'w"itu ti.e l ,t liniil tan - i The (loverniuent h.ts, k t e war ended, given us a plenty of females ia way of teachers. Now we waut some inm.s Uamttom M ifositor.: - . ---: ," "j-'-"" '; W"' .. ...... . ...... . .,...,.-.1 ............ L..-.-I;' '.. mjt - - DIED.' S i 1 " - ' St. th residence ef J W Nnrwooif. i H. ;. - eisterdav. tht !tli. if. Hl bKK, luurtS elolilof Tboaias sud 11 1 1 -sj a ...; 'I'oiS Wslib as three ynt s ami aSi usjr. " , ' tajtyaUssti.ie napeis plis eiy',o' HL W AD VE KTJSEM ENTS SA ls;, Jf. - C. rt-urrieninng Wnw,i v " I'liii'le Uik " - ' '- SU.I.u. - Lais whs sstl las boils, sb4 vanet. y V, I'tLUAM. JOMKS ft CO a..'... :- ''- " -. -r; . t pnOIHAUi IYITEI. . . . (. m -rnfj utniEfp mkmokjai. aksocutiom 4 Wsks t'osnty snlKtt rVspsiMls fnr HBtkknr GraoH, Ilsad mm fnot Wsbsef ssttahls lestrtb' aud brasdik. furUissrevMefsix hasilred Uuafsdarata Soldiers.-.' 'lliay must ha UisorilHid with the saute of th falls suMier, esI Ms reenter autnliar. - " , -. J'.rana, . jiri.na vt enntrauttBf Wttl SBBtV srosaistlr H' P V Pescait of Kalvstv.tvi-Mit of the ssieisliaa UUM. h O U iilfANCH, Fres'.i J Jntyll tf Ptvsrra pleaaoTouy. TK1MTV COLLEGE, K. C.; , , 1 1 a m, j ; , y 4 i; Ths fall ftfcSSIOS will snssSMeee , OlU. 'pr. la sdUmott tn Uiersvaiarcarrieslaia, we avs s-r, t 7"- r" whrsswiiw hs a psrvist euuiat. a. CKAVhN. Pre,' juiyu sw s ' v . ,.rj4priMe.juaiisWi'( 9 . .- , Asia IJToi tVLLLOE, - . ,' JilLNCTOY, VIEolMA. " ' ' FACCtf Y ? 0Miral K.tbert kL. lm pitwidaid i - v" llarler I Mams, Pmf of IaIiu. .4 ' , Jsmas J. Whit l'rf. m Dawk. ... K4 8 J.yas, A St, t'.of Mbdaru I.aii(;uaKe aud Ki.g-' llU. ... ..-' t: i r , T Ss, pp.ihilad.Vrrni' Stars! l'lnl..si,ul, A h Ilelsvo, A M, Prwfsssnr of !li s. ' . Wm Allsil. A M, Prf MnftriQSlt a " " HMsiet?ll. A M Pro! Nalaral l'liil.,,.l,v Jabs I. t aui,laill, A II, Prof Cbsaaplr, . J-'ln ' Hic-kshlwoatfU, Lt It.s fr.rt rf- - Hsrrv Kstill. A M. AMKlaal Pra UMih.,u,,. . 4 ''S?': ArrTLum 1 , A 'f -r "-'J rim ui A 1'sirAKiMsv Ueeaie kaa hn, ialiuii la. I liM'iilititdvsita iirrd "f,1li( Kettalar tUsass' n.1,, rvtfisr msiraeitim ia saeasiisry iManeltaa Tlte Wsin twinsud Thursday (littu) 1.1., snd seds lasl Tlisrsduy iajutw. V Tvkns, Toiitiis, and all nthar CuHrft fsi.j tlull AH "I liar Kiuaaaas, Including llnnnl, l aol, ,' ... . LitflHi n., m m ,c. I 251 rurfatlW inftamaluia wr lr I slslotfae, "addraa tha rseully-sst Wahist;t C..II. f , lauwrtos. Vw- Kiai. . .- .. . . . Jul It i!awfir "" STA1 F. OF NOBTH CAROLINA. Fbanklik Codntv, June Term I860. - i, 1 . Loiv, ' vs. Williamson Uun is. ; , J- -1- "Covrr or Pi.kas A!r Qosbtbb Srmiobs. - ft SMarisir ti.th. i.f.M nf m tomn that . tha stid dttiaudaet ia not a miilent of tbssatdOeaty sad i(ial, r ki ri'iierals Imtiaelf iha sn srdissry IMMeaaasariaaninMiistHiSarrM sa him, lit ordataa " hf .aid tf..un. that uublicatitie bs Btas.ni tha KaJaleb BenlitH-l. a iiaiiarpalilxhad ia tha l!it f B.b.iJk .rtTI I?r.ke sWawdas s awpbsr , ?.1 'iy-r- ?'?"' ."'-" .art... bs. laaldCL .. ' ma i,ii hi i,uu-im x. ne-lnir wSWTSniliaiiysV h Matd.stharasnt, thrsaiid (hare t laad, stssrarnr drmur tn ihs writ of ths aaid plaialiff, tir jaditineet httr4 "fainat line I lis said dalsysSaist, s 40,. rtaiws T. C I1ORT0.V f1rk ,,r "..14 t: at tilli -s ia Lasisbnis. th u.1 Musdav f Jass, IHtlftV j " T. C IIOHTON, V. C. 0. I . wuiy j i-wttw - ,i i- u . i VoiiliLi J'- T " s WAKBKN COUNTY fLOUK. .PULLIAM.JOXES ACO. July 10 tf ' ' Mm SALE. AIiARUKIIUITSi:, and faur enw of land. wier Oilieainthe ysril, sn.l all iiraMarv i.nt ttaiMinss. PlI,LIAM,JONK8 ACi). . July 10 tf . - , . : u.rr7-;, . -.s.- ?m'-&m''t f turn 1?Oil h I LE. ' , " " L- ' -' J- KtVK WmE CORW. tn fwo ftasha, ms.. . --. - , - PtI.UAM, JONES A CO. July 10 tr . - - , . , -I I ,k I r.oin i itiam; high sciiooiv TIIK EIGHTH ShS.SION .f tl,i, ,ehoid wilt upas OS lbs last Meadsy te Aesest. -t Tim leholssiic ysar ia divided Me tw sssslwi. ef 1 wai.ty weeks each. No Wiutor vaeatiiin sxespt s t!ie Cliiiitmas liiilmnva, j - Hoaiii and Tuition. IVir Kessiuft ) One half psjalili- m ads sura , i.t8Sa . XXTSA3. ' - M une na Piaiui, H h ,.f inlnmiiut, g if, OS kn-ia-h inns 'son . V " . IUOS fcillbluiilmy, W as and li-stlu Wnrk.fasrh ) &.00 AililrBna I Its. hi h H i-Al KICK, , Lenoir Institute, A July 10-wfiw Lenoir Co,, N. C. id:r.ic. .Ml Itarrala l'i.-kl.-. Hsy Mamas, , .si u... hini'k"t ' lur sale low hy oa. a. PARSLEY 4 CO. iliuiiicjton, July 7-l!t HITISS tllMGI'VI T. .. ..... . : "a The amlarsiiriiad h tha Ai.iiit fur Ilia aala af tha csh hraird lull. ail. ins, ifin.uiactnrsd by Danl. Pratt, of Ala., and sKai-nriitoi aisn,f Kruwn x Co., Ota ttianillael HiMii in t.i iii ii . 11" ts nrepared tni,n. r 1 1 ,"-i Cm, til tin Plaster ef N. Ch sis aeeutjunnilafiiii; terms,, aad ealtoita UtSiS -oritsrs. The iiaH'haarr Will ay Ilia eat of traiisporlauea Inim tlnMiaiit it shipiiivut. '- a "I1 B. H. IIICK9,, July 7 lm. Oxford, N. a- pi t 1 Otlli: AGE.CV, ' , 1 lis uu.l-rnpf.,,1 eSars to ths Pntitle si MsastsO titoTs ao.'c tn. .iaina uiaiuifaiTiursd by either tuckering tk N.us. llnnlisin 4. t o , ur nrovsstase Htii. Hi (.arty, jjurchssio; . will pay . th eost - tlSM.-tM'ltllllwU. ... : . . .. K. II. HICKS, Psf"iaVM.C., 1m iimuixi stoffs! lOOBLimasTOVBat- . . . , ii.'ned fs A trees ftr thsssleef thSWa. leiu I I'l'iia t :i,'kaiK hiuv t ins SUIT Is assdsfe nirgvvil (.siiia, aad givss aatvwisel eattslse- aud i lien i ml.-., i t alt sixas, fruas t I laclasiv. fiii.y si'tu-iled. - -. .1 ' ii . : - E. IT. ITICK3, - JiiyTlm- ';-'; Oxford, N. 0." i'.,.n Curi'lituas, (l.dkm Kaws, New bars Cs ic.-r. i i.l . S ,i J. nrnal, will af ssrh vftb suuve 'Uiii-Mtof K. U. Hieka tear ttatse sad fiaward siviiutita twtb eijiiy ef pspat snslsiatag se - Sdvsrttssuutaia) tsw JI. H. y , InlsakrlrJ V-.m1 . idiedTIwl' ii' or ll Miaisl'V- 1 F" - npinwwy fMHuruui, nq for lt0S WSO Wtsa IV to Taolsw- v--a "it 'l W per hssisj. ,s 'HeV ' K,n A..KI-i.......i .7.1.. .V. .A