TIT i: SENTINEL; 1'- CITY AND &TATJ II NSW ADVEBTIjiKUKM. IV.haJll, JoUe & "", Co. announce an assortment of choice Wine. " Court advertisement from franklin County, '. ,8ee announcement of Washington College, f Lexington, V. It is siilliiisiit to Bay of this : Institution that it la presided over hv Geo. Rob- . ilti in ftftBiiiMa. i) gM 4p.... .WrWuiiSi. , ertKX.e. l.Tht Fill SerAoa ' Trtuity College, under i the able auspices otTresiuent Uraveu, ill com- tnenoe on the 9lh of Augnst. ' ' Mr. Branch, President of the Ladic Mwno- ". rial Association, aolicita proposals for marble or granite head and foot alalia tor the graves of six hundred defeased Confederate soldier. " -- Dascuko BcuooL.The Yutmg ' Sfen'i claw . rill nie this (Wednesday) evcning,JU B o'clock, 'i Mr. Milura state that thia will be positively j : the last night set for a commencement of lit achool. ' Those who do not Join to night will " v' hare no further' opportunity at present. J ,i Ahotiikii Bobbbhy We omitted to mention, T" in tho list of robberie announced on Monday, - that Gov. Worth's premises had a!o been in , - raded, nn 'new aaddle atolen. The aaddle ' skirts Were pailded in front, drab-homing and wooden atirrups. - . 5 . 'Tu Chop. The Willianiaton '(Martin Co.) -, , Erpotitor aay i that the crop of corn and cotton ' ' in the Roanoke country are at fine a they have been in ar ; preceding year, '' ,- , A correspondent of the Norfolk Virginian, , writing from Iudeutou, aayt that the crops in ; - the Albemarle region "am backward, and not so good as they could b desired. The cotton . generally in looking badly; more attention i ,V paid to cotton than any other article. Thief J, CouutyfM i' i-i) formerly (irwluced larga qnan ' -. titiea of w ! .t and com, which found it way t to Norfolk , !-"t i- jield thia year will not be norethan i i' 'V-ii'4Jfor ..horns consumption. - - --Formerly there were many wealthy and very ex, tenaive planter, bat few large ones now." .-J ', n - ArrwirT io Klu.. We learn fiom the Wil mington Journal, that a cowardly effort wai ' ,' made on Thursday night last, to kill Mr. Wil- Ham J, Walker, a peaceable, inoffensive citizen . living on Long Creek, In New Hauover county. -, He waa riiot near tlie shoulder in rat h arm with large (hot, and tha wounds are d-tntroua. lie ' wat aroused about midnight fio,,i sl,p by the effects of Ifre, and fouiid his house burning up. In attempting to extinguish the flumes, he was fired upon from nuibiisli, and tho guilt; parly then Jled. , .. , - Circumstances poiut, adds the Journal, with unerring certainty to Ned Bell aud Hardy Mc Allister, freed men, in that seetiou, as being eon nected with this diitbolii al deed. i ! M4ffnt itnn -llecord proposes in the following, new eiubleui for the Boulh, in tlie live oak and the "grey mow," which drape our Southern forests with iU Sowing festoons and pndauts : , On the bank of the Mississippi 1 lately psss--1 ed lite mine of a atAtely mansion, probably V once a happy home. ; The chimney and ina aiveeoluoina alone abmd; ehot, hU and lire ' had effectually don their mission, the orune grova w destroyed,'a few itra'";liii!r shoot of v. "the cloth of gold," aud a "blond-red rose," tl.u ; -"giant of battles," showed the fpot where once ' had been a garden. There was no si" n of lii'o or cultivation ; but amid all this dcv&aution v there towered, unscathed, in iimuoriui verdure, a live oak, heavily draped with the mournful i noes. And thi t, I thought, should be the fu-.-. ture eiiibleiu of the SouLh, thu ouk, the umrc firmly rooted, theli-wi liublu to ditay troin the ,""Lt'nilM"'tii itib'l'!, 't' " t' " r"":,' ! t f the adunuueni that had luxa toru lioui aiooiii it, the mosa, that's for reatrmbranee. -ft" ' Ifojr. IlonKRTjfiDnKwAt. In a t tn-r to the Lyvchbnrg JNevt, Hon. Robert Ki ' 'uwuy ex- presses ltiinxelf as opposed to the lormaijn of - parlies in Virginia at this time; sg it is our '- jxtlicy t maintnin a "maitfily iin- 'oniv" jnd , i uig the tfiiiiie ot puner nowlii Id by t.ie"d- - poticand soulless hadirul nlj'Ultyillt.'o!."''on',!, ? . and declares that it h the ''soi( mo doty of m h . and all of us in.lwd, of an-1 n n sn.i put- ol - . in every portion ot the l..-pi.' :ic to .nd bv, ' sustain and enooui t the a..iaiiii ttdfive poili y of President johntou." m Soi't h t. Wai i t Some y men, while bathox; in Moh.'e ( Ia.) I , attacked by sli-.-i e ubiUi-n i 1 1 , then lit A hoe foooltrr ! ,.! .i . visiting Mohilu, H ' m' li-1 I y t into tl.o water. 'I lie yi ; to oil,., i v. known in the city. i!e a,ne l-.-.m . B.U. lie was- loUiiy pviirt l, n ceptinn of a portion of his clot:. io. . A banrl-fome cbuuh, to eoit t "i) r V), 1 boir; . erectej at Tsrrytow n N. T., s a ineinorial to ( IrVsaVuiglon Irving. " .. jfohn O. S.ixesss it is not nxi-AS'v t Is a prodigal, s mend. i .mt, or to I e pre... 1 to " pulmonary coniin j ' on, to b a j m t. - The ll.iilii al Ail-my ' rui-1 Journal s-c,'is " 0 Radical lo-v. li on. (.Miin. ,1 s l! p l , i vi ho i Was whipped into notour) y. ; Pmf(wor Ati-.!. is e-mop-r b me n',h l.N , lead full of Im-.r ! I,. ,i g n.v . t, u I ii. ,v t' - lie of natural b. sory. Inn letter to t'i.e r1-'! 1 1 ' ' ,i ' ' stabs) that he h i , , , place full reliance, ''I. tar- i i.l ' operation lias lieen )-, I i r j . .. ditfaront Leri5fttirl, i t . . , .i thoaof tha North, bunt l. ,,..., .amen.dment oi t' o Nlioii ,1 c . " "Don't be a f.. I, Mr., Dm k." - Itwa James T. l:iloik, '. - t tnf Hrerttneh - r,t . . liinss who, in an riieri"t,e ... ed,4'Is there no balm intoi. 1 1 : ' ! i . Consternation, next morning, tu f i - ' tamerl into Uun barn in Guildford f" , TheNeW Tork Trihunt is in V t ct i och College bi tin f . ii i y n 1 1, v , funis.1 buk-Jw-r a t .insJ i f , i....,.r r tmiie. .. -;,.'. ' . , i lit X.'t cf r.-"Trs! '.:oaT:. Tea , We are pleased to see thai the Ji'itUnnl li Uiliijfnrr disrlaims any tiou to "endorse or adopt the heresies on tod bjoct of the test oalh." It lays do u the true Irine as follows and It is a doctrine that no prop! can surrender who are not willing to )i U the exercise of rcp resrnt iiion at the ctiprice of the majority, rath er to in under the shciUr of abiding and funda- . tul p.-iijcipUs. Gov. Orr, in l,Sa ansleadi ii ns, and want of nerve, may alvie its surren ii. t, tut tht!' Ji-opIiS Of' the Sotlilf 'ftltt Ulidur- stnd their intertts better : ' l'l'he hitihest duty of this Concrcns was. and is, the eoinplvlion of the restoration of the I; moo Dy tlie atlmisKion of the Boutbern Sena tors and l piTwentatives . L'util this represen tation shall have been admitted there cau be no perfur-t restoration of the Union. The Constl tution imposes upon Congress the duty of ad' mitting tlii'NC Applicant for seats in that body. H does not leave to them the rii'ht to determine whether a Htt lin! be entitled to repronenta' tion. It does not accord to them even the priv ilege to in behind the r.Tord of eh-rtion and enquire into any other qualitimtions Mian those nxett by the UomtitiiUou itsetl. 1 lii-se are de term Hied by that instrument: 'Dacit House shall be the ju.te of the election, returns, and qnalitications of its own member, The qnat mentions are accnratety denned s JNo parson nail te Kepresentativewboaltalt not have at tained the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United rilutes, and wbo "hall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that elate in which he shall be chosen and, 'No person shall l iSenntor who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, and been nina vesra a riti'ii of tha L'nitntt fttiirj!. ami who sliall not, when elected, be an inhabitant 01 that State for which be ahull be chosen.' "These simple qnalitications, prescribed. by the great charter of onr liberties), are all with tthi,h tongrmt hut any concern. These provi sions of the Constitution comprise all the au thority and all the privtl'-ges ot Congress over the subject. ' "It was, and is, not only the rii'ht. but the duty at Congrea toeinrmn and jiKlire ot the clor-tlon, return anuLqualiilcHliuns of the appli cftitts tor seats in tlmt lmly fioin the Southern as well as from the Northern 8tts. Thit duty, itttJ-ttnt and limitation, art jiMnJy and vneiiutwriiuu tet tarlh. m int Uviiuuuluuk umr. In the perloriuuuce of this duty, Congress Am rut titltt la on beyond the qualiiaition$ (herein re- premtd. It has nothing whatever to do with the question of hnjaltii. 1 hat is a qualitication to ie determined oniv bv tha neoole the oouatit- uent of the Senators and uiemljen of Congress Who present themselves for adiniwiion." ' ' OofrenpfMhdenea of Mis B<inuirs Kua Waswnoton. Julv 8. J7i Tariff W'Ao father tkt Alunster and vsho Want Tin Temjifrtif Vonijrm awl iWtetfi tht Matter I'ruKieet of Adjournment or JiVvs. No section of the country will acknowledge the paternity of the tariff monster. The NortU- wimt imputes it to New Knglsnd, and New . J'.ngianil repuiliates it and throws it backiipou the Northwest. IVnnsylvania may father it. but it must be left to Pennsylvania, in that case, to provide for ami support it. A wool-grow. ! iug interest in K.tstwni Ohio, and some interests in Ittiw lurk" and fuw J rstey bave I i&tercd it. The nmss of the people of the country are hos tile to it, and will not permit it long to disgrace imr srntute.- it tlie rr-i."-nt does not vi ti it. If pnuaeil, hi he is earnem ly in i;ed Uf do, lxil.il by Eastern and Western ralical presses, the people will thrust out of Jiower the luembers wbo ni"y P i..t it pon thrin, . The atti-mpt to force such an iniquitous mea sure by the Kliial majority of the House, will, no doubt, secure theiroierthrow at the coining electhins. New Kiu'hind bus no intere-it in, end has f'iven no aid to, this scheme. Neither has the .Northwest us a comniuiiily. lint the ma jority of the n pie-i iitittive4fi.ini thomtwo sec tlips have bei-n en-.o-r to uiotu nish tlie miNide rmbinatioiis wh n-ly the si bune m concoct i and Willi the aid of vl.i li it is to 1 e csrreii. 'i ins Nritl is not culled or lv too peoph; of the .e-t and but it is this reMill of sn inUiiie in wins h un'ii,t.,-i iiom those co ttons, with some exceptions, are .. eoneetned. nutor U ilmiii di i liiii-s tloit h will not vote for it, and hopcii, lm isn, th it no fio'iii'ir itw l i -t be a- nmed, t-- I r"n.tur Mii-mm oi. tliut the h nuin ki.I -'-a a no muiu tli it is i.-,.o i.o.s to the public HuercoU- why not, as wed as the I', mse ! It the uicaKUre be jh-.!ij a party bi;e, pai'v mi n will sitimrt it,. however injurious it iioiy be, even in t.n ir n cd!'iiuiiini. I. 'iihM, it is vtry fMy to mhUe the h'.h t1 lull to it tho li.tw. s ie prohil.iuve, sudd 'ti'n tivc nf i nieree and of the revenue. Air. Mi vm h.H set 1 1 d t!..tt qnestinn for the puity. lie ditlaied t!. it tlie bid v h renl'y a fii e tm-le m wtire. too o - i-i onin n t'.ive under the inl'ic tioii oi l.i.e ., u and hot weather. A stnni pede inui ii I. 'I he prp t of a rees fur a Id!' i-or bUin t r iiilei d i.h v.-'kin bilked of. If an i ' onnimeiit takes j !. ice, a joint committee V I I e I-'t licie toutnn ' " polu'n ,d malti-rs.' Vi.ms, Ac. " IOTA. C t'.'na. v r ( lii ..-I an s-biiess to the it in ' i, i-i uhirb liehes.ly o' w if fin ri.ibi b'jhia hi ' 'l t ' 'il the du V lf '! the t U- i t ji ? i ot l V to v. l- f.f t. H II . rbe iu I i ..0 l i,it i to t ( JnH'iomd tu :0!L r e - t c i'.te to v. , 1 v. ii t ni-ii ail oi t t II I I I ii ' inrT i.dition. :y r''risliig Urspatrhea; . .i ' Hal 1.1 'i and financial New Yohk, July 10, I. M. " Conpone of 1H1, $109: Five-twenties of 18G2, tlOCJ. Do. of ISM, f tO-H, - Markets for government securities firm am) active, .Over 1,000,000 in JS 0's of m sold In one lump. Cotton firm. P ib s of 1,500 bnh-a at SOjjJsSS. Gold tlA'Ji. i.-Fbof dull, 10315 cts. lower; SuUni of 0,000 bbls. State ta.40t,' $10. Ohio (4.70(.113.75.- Southern drooping-ftik't of SjO bbls. -lit $10. lOGtfjlT. ' " - , ' ." Wheat dull, declined 5 cts. fealei of 2S.000 bushel No. 1 Milwaukie t'3.2Ss,Jt3.80. . , Corn active. Sales ot 20 1,000 bunhels at 67 Sugar, Coffee and Molasses dull. .' Spirits Turpentine 795581. Rosin f3.f,1$9, Tar f3.75dit3.25. . . Eumored Euptnre Eotween th President , andElanton. .v jyAntNnTO,uiy 10, p. M, - .TUeJVcuideut received visitor la-dfly. There are rumors of a rupture between the President ami Stanton, consequent on the arbitrary mess nres of the bitter inthecaseof Paymaster Pauld ing, whom he hurried 08 to Fort JloIIenry under gnard.- The President directed him to stay proceedings until the Bureau of Military Jus tice could review the case and report to him, and issued an order for Paulding's immediate return. Stanton also dismissed three Paymasters, Lt. Cols. Dodge, Jameson and Ely, who testi fied before the Court in defence and justifies tion ot Paulding. -' .... Congress.. ' , ,' .' Wabhinoton, July lO.P. M, Sbnatb. Mr. Stewart submitted a resolution, Which lies over, requesli'tig llusPnsshlt nt to In terpose in behalt of the Fenian prisoners in Can ada. , Hot'SK. The bill fixing the number of Judge of the Supreme Court was passed with amend ments, which provides tliat no vacancies shall be filled until the number shall be reduced to six, and ever after the Court shall consist of one Chief JusLice and six Associate Judges. .... It also make certain changes in the places of holding the Courts. Under' this bill, Virginia, North aud South Carolina are in the 4th Circuit ; Georgia, Alalama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisi ana and Texas compose the Slh Circuit, ' The bill to enlarge the Capitol, grounds, and appropriating $r0,000 for the improvement of the same, was passed. The Tarilf bill was pussed by a vote, of ayes Bt, nay Q:l, '. Tux on cotton fixed at $ rents per pound ; on all loreign coal $1,50 per ton. The bill rcducin" the number of Aasochde Judge" of ttie Supitme Court is another plan to bead off the President, He had nominated Btansbury, of Ohio, for the vacancy caused by Judge Catron's death.' Under the bill there Is no vacancy, " Cofl'roth, Democrat, Jfioin Pennsylvania, will be turned out of Lis seat in the House, and it wiil be given to Koout?, his Radical competitor. It is not l lievi-d that the Pi.nute will pass the Tiiiiif bill. 'i E 'int'hre. Is'i.t Il.Slkrt r-olfj. .Niw VoiiK, July 1 i Cotton rpiii t, s ii. i of " 'I b..Y, nt !!1 to 37. Gold 4'.'. f .ni.iij; i.i i... 0u, LJ lor in) d.us' bills. Condition of C.il liuie XAA Accident at Aji ""'- . v s ssiiiniiton, July 1 1, Ilopnti he-, fiom I.eaveuwoi ih slate that a ron- sultiition of .Sm-'fons in Pen dor Lane's cu i ti.is bet u li.i.l. 1 hi ysny t!-.,t he will die, thoif,-h he limy pus i'oly live a f'i w (1 us. Fathi-rsCi-iil. i,-in anl Clause, and to Mu lis Ills wi le iltort m 1 lit A nn:ipolis, this liituniii!', by the i .ijiio; of a b '. l. TvtO other Jiiieils tlui!:r t' ll.u lio-tt, v ' ' h ' - -'W d Tli.d u bore. " T I' I t ' 'I 1 i : tli I fa I tt. JAVA n " " Canity, in ;i ii , 1:5 i Juuu 1 li ff; TO the rroiT. Iu oImmUihi-o to Convention, rsi' . enli'S.-d "An O. In il'u'd voti is of t'le j"l i in of t'.e Coi" n." I, J.i a.' ai.'t a tnK njii.ily of lo.m-n. 1. JoXi'S & CO. S Jiiih'sult) !ro-eis. o ,1 1. li I I 1 .::t CALUL1NA, - .; if the f: .(. ii vol' June, lMi, Rll 1 t.,0 ho i'lhui:: ; t the tptal , i; the r i. ..- itiun or re s il inn (.. -. .y the Con- I . i N i,; 1 II, Covi-riinr 'l( : -s .' - 1 , i ve tio'.ie th.it i.n i 1 1 i . y if bvn -r m t, 1! v t - i - - i of t! r n it i ' ii ) .r lliiee sin- ir, i I 1 e Co i .i) t, :l I i . j ni ts III , in . s : (ioim 83 Iti of tliO (ji I. ite, mo!- r the i- eint f.f t.,e -I Aa- nib'y ; ,..i'n:d to Vi ie !i'y, may vote i- -me ; I hoi -. ? . t i . . .1 vn io-t, ' liMI- I'isOl Vols'.'', i,t it . nov ' ti I .e. (ii- I. 1 li'llfV. , i :r X rarafljr at t!e South FhouM be , ' Vl'llIioutTIicin. Thltr.. J.iln Wrri(fM, f :. Ulli.tro. N ' , AB. H, IXt.-.' tnvti "I kia onl the MltTltkltM IlKI'ATIC in iy fminiv lni, ami ! uiy ilatstie ia Ainlmiita, anil wir'iir -n ttk iiwwm i nsro a vain hi mriil citl win. I. v. I lives a louir tin sader trwiuittttiit Kir eiiiiMUtiqitMia wintoiit tikiiiiviii fhmmm. AliiKwt is lier tiramiljr I was imifiecil lulrytbs Hrptt,r 'I'Uey wemfiivso rvm4ajf 4 dittrftvtu, al li is Dow Wwlt, rir.. rentwrti Iff tktm A i"ulr ca iMH-srmd ntuir lujr i vsli ta Alnlmti., fur Iitm and Iik Uimiuhm i 4am ptf";t cuwAilrore is ihtm. - r'tiraalsliy His Diti;it Uiie. li.mn ee,nniny f .'h Ulll. tli'l.l lO KIIV tWll 1( I lu. t'Hilrlf m ' ft per amen, AiMi-m. - 4iiin;t!K w. Dr.KMs&co, - July 101t . - Huliiimire, Mil. . Hull's lliilr llcurwVr ' . K thbRt ri'irralitaailaiitfirnwlwiit grf bsir (a it wininiil fnhir, nnsanlwit il l-ilm.K "If. and ru mtms iu frowui It i aim, bwtulilul 1J isr t ivm uigi tur h ! all ilrii(;gitii kkxv AXn ;i:o i:ioni w V . wrtmiMa . . Da Mauii'i.i tin-founder uf a bpw Mt-iliml Kvt tsinl Tn (iimnlitsriiuis, bun vnt iiiitimnl tnwM afmbls tin atomaett aatl psraly tha Imw. ln. nuul Kiva piliHis tu tin mu wlo rwturoa healiUvnml aiipittite, ailh I'rom dm ta two of Ion n riMilir)i IMIi, snil furm His ni.wt vinl-iit wirrt illi lioi or as til kia wmiiitlul uil all li.-uhnii Salve, Ther w aiiai'ilitia l ilt Huelur si I'm wirauilint: all tSOSllHmilVllciiwiallHmaur lint Jh I. ulranrilinarv oaras by sImukwIs fillassii lv iay )hw4 ii, ya ul llo. pulitie la tli iiietti.-UMiey HI llir ii ell,-iij riMwi!m "I -itlien, as 1 umiw io, i,..fnvHt.4,iivi, i, Im Wmilly ili-iHHntmti Mnvmrl f-nanrtnn at lt. vlaaunliitt m awallewwl by in lun, ana l wlnt-li sverv Imis lutl tiikiu crtuiii nn alMiintA Kew-'iiv for siMMiiiir. . wi r r iwt nt siH'ii'iiM a 1 tiia aitliiens t,i pfafw ttie tMiW'iiii In m met liroer, 1oim lit almtiaeli, errat n npi'i-IH.i, ml ivniltir tin) npuiia liU nj buoyaiil t i no i iiiiii;, and ueranetum in lit form e( eou0(i.Hion. Jl (im ivr ia aoVeind. Ua fuiie limia at luwlrfiinii i ami if Ilia nervous avitmut la ifuliln it i, tttvmoiali'il 1'lna hint gualtty mtiktia tti 1111-1I ii him very tHfttilt lor tits wanta of iii.ihe.ata teii'ialna, I'lff-niaa ami aruptivadiwaaes ar hteraitv xtLiiih. d by tl iiiitfiiitfieiiiHl nowtr ol Al acf tiiitl a hnlva. In tHet, it i netM sim'Hiuiidil tuiit ITlMkKela Bfiilftaaa, MyaiMipttc mmsI liarraeai I'llia cure wlmrs ail otln-m lait. W Into l'i.r llnriia. Hi-n.l, ( Inllilmiui, Cul anil all stiramim ot tiia akin Alnetttel' Hmlva ta in Oil it'li;. Hii'd iiy J. Mtx.HoL, 41 ruilos .Sirw-t, Mt-sr lurk, anil all biui'ionia. steels, nor bus. hold tu all lnii:'i'i-M iu U.ili-ijjli. Allllltl RALEIGH XCSLY KAEXET, - COitllKC'IXD BV JOHJf Q. WIUdAMd i CO., BROKEIIS, RALEKHI, S. C. yiu lis of kortii CAnousA bank mijul-. Bunk of North Catoliua (Gold 231 U. B. S t le jfer. , Charlotte Iyexiii(;loii at Oi'uham .... Hoxboionoli . , j , ... Wadt'slwmuigh. . , ,;. Thomasville, . Wilmington. Commerce. . Whiii!'lou.,, i'liytltevtlle., Clarendon. Yaneevville . 25 . 13 . 15 , 25 . li o 85 ., li . 11 .,-6 . 7 . R . .. 17 19 . 13 . U0 . 6 ,. 25 .. 18 ,. ao iu l.s.-. . r i , M . hi 7. Minors' and Pltintcrs' Ibtnk.. . . , . Farmers' Iinrife, Jivrn'ilioroiu;h... Ooiiinien-iid UiiiW, Vi ilniin;ttm. ., , Mercliauts' Jhutk, Newborn (IrecnulMiroii'rh Miituul Virginia liimk jSolen about. . . . . . fioutli Camliua 44 .. .... lleoi.'i , .J,,.. Id , Kilver... . ; . ........ ...... Old ConpoiMk ... , ........ ,. nortli I'arolina J.uilioioJ Coupons. nu Mes Kschiuii'e on New York RALKIUH NATIONAL BANK Oie NOKTH CAR0L1NX' nnvnta rtks m. c. Bank of Cape i'ear, ..... BANK NoTKn, , " Lbarlotta . " Commerce ' - 44 Cl.'ireinton t . . . , 41 Fnyetieville 14 I.i'inton . , s 41 North Carolina . . . , ; . . . " lioxluiro. . ,,, . " Thoniiisville v u Wadesboro. . 44 AVilmiiijrton ' Waliiiiotoii. . . " Vnneevv illn. ....... i ,.,,, . Coimnoii i -l ' 'nii,,.'.loti,, ,,,,,,, I illllll-f S till lllsOOfll. M.-n liuiits', Newbi'in. . SiinrTi' sn'i 1 Hmti-rsV, Virinniii L.mk notes, a vernjro. ,. .",". ; Sttulh Caiolina - 4 . .- ileorfia 4 , (b.i.i - ;, , f' i Ivor , .,,, 1 i hl North Carolina Coupons. ............. ?n north t iiri.l.iia loiilroail t'oiipmi l"i North C.iio'irni 6', ton Coupon on ?.i I M-batiue on New Yoik, J. CuaiiMTi.i) DAILY EY Jo;;DAN WO::rLE O Ii O CKU, A'j. 8., Iliinjttt tm, t. i :.!.! I'-U V. .'. .. ii i&ii it t". 11 lb I 1 1 II .VA.V ' v. V lb i r. .i , !:. CA.n:. 1,-t CO'i ftN YAUV. Cor'KiN' t ": ; v: i ! , .,s S 0') ;l b.-ihi. C , I t'i r -n b ' Im i d )! 1 ih -' '.t. '. I I hi. ' ii. II. , t'.-.t ' 1! i I LIS. i.N..,, I'.S.,.. .iii i Hil 111-01'. IK... ...i . .3 i' j"ii; ; ;t . I LOl It- Snp iih,e. y otiiiy. I.'IDJ; iiii-i n. . . . I ',., .... MAY I.AKi) .'. ' L 1 111 1 ." . ) 1 h V I J ) V( iv iiu;i, n vir,' l r. H 1 1 1 , I ' 1 ..1) 1 ... 1 I t,.; i . I to 2 . , . i tir.vn-1 - i i fiitt-r, i Mld.W i IMi. - .. tvOA t .- c , i r I i ... I .' I ii ii-c. -l-l y .on on I i ...,llMi JlO't'-t-H ,t,..t.i ilf i.iin I .i-a nl I- -t I - s t " H y i 1.1 . 11 I IU: K I I t I ii. I" 4, (Ml U4 I Hi-'l i .... I'hnr tit Brt h. v4 if ft'ittt f -tt w riLASkU'AIa Ali MITIIXMITI- V.U mi.rila 14 Mm Kna rilalalah. ' Tlie im st arwii of Ilia spliool will enimwiten n tli l"ih wf Jaiy, ami fumiiiinn lor wmas.. 1 1- K MSs lliwid, tlii iar m.u.lli. Tallinn, 1 IM fvt Aililrerf li pilneipal 1 Kiilriurh, wiiddAM c noin, Jnna .1 'J Pimi iml. Nslidalii erty Wttrh-il.. . . .. , . ., m:i.r.tT i:otnina ' AM) PAY HnKlrfL, f The M.ssKH NASI! WH.H KOI.MH'K vitl iv A jtutm iniHt ftUftMUtH t'4itMttT4T ' irf'uitn titrwitrtle'tt mm iih'fisoiia ' : " " Jtltls ttltCHW 8" MIMtOU 5 luiles Vcst of ITebmifsviHo. on the N. C. Eail Eoad - - PHlKriPAIiNi JtKV. Al.l X. WH.voX. O. I. JiHiS WlLsoN, Jr., Mi H. Thtt;!,r"t Kft4-t..ll Of (111 jDr.lllHtM.il Will Cllhtllnf ixi 'Ihinwtitty . Jtily iMtli, Ht rini iimi M wrwk. , tsrfhit wbtsin'iv n4 hmU to nHtity th Aiiii'iil KiM t,rU li.-'Cx I'll t )'i lf lt'rtl' ii 1 i iiblautnfr ilUMiiitit mimI iiHcluiwt ll-r Ith iMiiu dtU'). h'w t tr. lutHnt, Htm in i it i hit) litftiiumMtin, jly UtHnt of U lrin'i,i ' Juno liu i t Wilmiiit'ttm i vmh Kawtwq (Vnmittirt'tl m 1 ( t lu I'liuctpntsi - - K- MIittAY & Vih !AWIT.Ml KRAVsk 0., NI i Vrr V 11171. THRliXlM- UIOXKl") Imit thw m-!l..f .! infivriM lt(l Xiwtt titftnln mm! ru'ti incut, tlmt Uum 1 d-ii-, jf itsV thd tttvlAuf fttttir ftitri wiit h.t ft, JH t liiiW' f 't., mln. ( tty, t JAAea H 1'. Ml KiiAl A 4 . , Hi tha rily tii Nw Vi' tf ur lnutr 'ijtriiK-s m cttv, attdtliM n Jmin T- MiiHHy lti inlunfl in tlmi'tiy it, Kw V iikt will enhlt i. we roi'Mtlot't1 btnirti, to tsnrvit ttw hit.t. !) nl viir 'll-i' IHiMV, H Wt)t Ht Aliyt'T Im if t' , rtud ftMrtifr, Iti'iv imu it ft 'I'i.i'iiiiJint tri ihti .ni;i n- 6if tlir'1ili( Hi) lllnil4. V bi'-iW.-ft M(' lrt, JjfifMiH. tllflt, hi All ttillHfl, OUT l t rn-nn Mld'i IO Jit i. ij )ji 4trr-rt.4 t twr r wtwn p m " "'"" AH litiiin'i)t iimilt to mn tnuiw Kv V k n ill h UlMHI.l ll 1)11) )t ilC HtltJMttnt, fliiltH ft) ht'l Wtwil Wtlortsil Qil inrwant-Hl ptiii,),nv tUtoiifh byottr ittwtt IU till City ; Bl.li Uo "i.t i , - ft ,j hp Ulatit) lot luSHrtlJ int. eiwffi't iUtm?i h utwdy pnti out. VV biive h'i(i wi''iiuuri rooifi fr ftHihif, Onrihi lind cify it out hid hUml. 'tfuith Wtr wwi. . ilimiMon.N. C., Jit'y 0 Ittw.m ' (.l-'OLMUiLY Ricar X. f i . , Kti.t iti. j, h i: WKS. KliSAJFtTt': a, 1 ..I i ! li I- i.t.. leaa-ij tl.H Ntmva ll'.. m,,l ,t! mass it s lout elnna iloiinn. 1 m- j.. n -t n bti tlinrouliiy r viio-it. o. ti.a lnr i (fomi aiiil I lui lutniii aa ininliniom ua any il 0, I i-n an tiiiii.t,. lliiftiii iiv Ilia iliiv, wtok snil u muUi. 1'iirn.ilm w hil luvs im llttt inco -1,,; itftlns II I' I it to lto.tr in! -rt--t til alil Al tlo- I i na ,y an ilo- iK tin y wot Kit tiirku-t, ah I ii ,i i. i J. is. .al-;:, July 6 7t . , A;;. nL 4n'ii To tij: A.-i pill;; and ualvj:. Tlosia l.il g;i ..( f . iiii'.lia Sri li.ua f-ivnll pitlili io ins wm :.i. ir i.,i-r a()iino.ir ot ena my uivsie n.'e f.s I...-0-;.. ,,o in !.,.. i.ti ::--ii i .,-1 iM si !!nva hr-i'tiii. .1 '; i .,.,. ' ! aion la unt only lit irv'i.( mum-., i.m hi enrm Wtllt-U IM!, fh VUf.;l tltf,.;.pl;,. u ... S t- l ail!OlH'l, tl- i O' II.V!;',.OM fill. ., ... tO f '.. h ...J .ii on i- it , i i..a v I tl-i. i a .-i .o.i.i i.i t.ii l tj-ia- 'I ;o-y A M.X i ( 1. 1.- For in ft'i-i v ' il i 'i l.iiU v il l ft li'i r rfu- ii'M njtrsj fi r U 1 i H" 'H1.' f( nu lr-l (,n f .htfill UHtfc !. i n r( ulitiw in (Wm it lii.r- I. i II t ltMt V ut -. i i.tt is i n ah iii i i. : t lilts' ;hh fit? J?l. I rtV Hit tii-ili Htunn If at iin ' , i fnw'iit it'im M m ii- til I'M v; y will i 'I ,1 lot. ll t in Ih axil I Arid H aoi;.lo i I l. I. Willi li rraH.01 ll i,vi Imvii ili, lily tin- ii i,,tiii,d Aiii.i.. t,., -it t i-iii I'll.!') I ll.H -I A.- V. A I I" v ' Mllttliai ., ' llaviiiuaaxiatxl llio,.iviio.l n.'iiirliiitwMiii nial1..W r,1.,tinw., , l ,t ,,l and vm HKidwai terms. Won nlw.pi.oiri in fumul, all kms i.f esul ltiK, aril r.n..ot Sl.il l inn, tliil.-r unt n an i!4 hikhI villi ,rmtt nlipniiun. -1 T , I!. I'. WILLIAMSON & CO. 't Uiui'ifib, Juno aa.jf - I Mi'JJlCT.lU.H' III ui.i,..i:.i. iU- i,.. . t . w-V--' i i .ml I ii-i(.i-i''iii;y tutim t lis ritj. nml fin-. itilnitf i-wuiitry, Uirtllia liaa- k ui l'U-ii-ia o H,b M.,r iii)mwiiii , 'the Mii ift-iu-i Sflia ul li'-l . lli llilfl.ilill iiu (ill III MllMIIIIII' tiHl . - , i-i- r in- lMi-liHr.il iu I 1UI u IH4. I ,1, Di-lltU'B Hi r Ullillur 1 alltrft ,: tilil O'lt, : . ' w' ll slan kivi,i liainl, fm it, Kiak's CoMirstnit Miiluiu.' IliiioJ ('i'ii I'liorr i itxra ara nulmilly tr- ' liKlit n,t Hi.i.-.iiui-nl.io, sua li-r mietir ami pre- ' am vine Hn ilahl. ma ri'.miniMiW In taa palilie a lllrillil wl i liuiii,!,.)! ... I'.iwsml WhIiiui C'uiIim knit m aaui.aaa mails ta Wilis , nl nhorf imlii h. - , A llti-AKxlO k. it ,m tinn,i,aiHl rallaM altaoit lusv "i" ii.iii.:i; ai'i'iiiti'll . ., . IIENUT XBKOWN. July 0 lm , H. fmn il It,., k,C -gf, IV.iVll.iaiJaytliaa.rfTBa' ''VI'O'O'ili wl. J iN I (I. -,-. HI,)jH-k. V-lii- Jl,,,l Mill iluw li)Uiilaiiilinff hrl.oinM If Ilia ' t'o in. .1. M. i: K,' .1. N. I i.uJ,-r-I I.I A.5 Lt VAN. July 7-2 Ml i f ia HM.tr A S'-oo f'aHuiit if li . , ill nhHfl in h A al an.-i - n on I nm.ii iv ii. c 1 in,, i, -i nt 10 uoi.M-k, ai Ida nUica ut 1- ii lOiiua. A lull aiua- lit o .1, J. M. nr.tK, - July 7 lw 1'resident ' i. i m I Willi. t ,1 ii I I f..r H, io.it i.--i.ii.n 6a tlia ' I " nnv a-'hi'l min vii tna l,.t of lr, 11 tot I .lyufx-vM:,' ,s;o.-i-l. " "" Fumary r. 1 t ...h.U brsm-lur 1 Mill on room. ij.mra lor tHaiilnntt frmii 8 to l i tioiii V to 4 u i Ui. k 1' ,n Hl.il lil.lrll - K A. M. a.u! CO.WVAT. July At. - ' AMI u l al FKTIB :l3ii-,tia:.dac:i;e ft t1, K..-it lh f ('hHrdhtatt ; now i', troli 'A itsv - i O III ili -.i 1 'l f M & i(f ii tt.L t?tii.ii p. ottilf, tltH n'lil !!' Ui-'-fi Ml H i .1 V a h. in i I.,' . ni,. I is erary tiiuoly re in liMi'iMa, . ... ... .1 or hi. a Vi i, ii J s j. I believs is that UINI V m la X I l,.l I kl. tit I'l l .1 ' 1 in., ta f! II lo- KS fWA 'i Tills to. I aa I io-v i or ta , J H; 1 ' I A.IJ' i i i ii., CIO". l VWlf t- Unllf '1 tMUf tl trmihltl 1 1-t c A i ll 11 M im hi CO, I ia O IV I lntliS fn'Miui Hi. M.J ! iw i;i,,r , , , 4". i I ift f ' Ut itntnii i r tit tfm fsj -t inmt li sy n.., ,i,,, a ' LillS felfeft ltl It'. The "Atlantic Mont'.' v," !,. ,'.. t Freeiloui ahriekeiv, cooi y ti .:s t.ie i , the; are not atia4 Wub thur cl-;, j a t ' can emigrate. - ' .f 1 a i.' t hi i- v. l i ; I 4 11 Ju!y'5-tf A d. t J. L. l: J.l to. J j lllll i 1,-v. an. I.-: , A.n.t ii bn BiaH(h, Ja'jVJ-awtjJ. J 'y a-: Jviiy 10t. I suKf, ,. C.