hr," a' C07 -V . V J-M- -ft t ' . Th tTnion Ken TT 15. Taxc. , A Intelligent fiiLTiil ,iiv in tmbi!.:!oii, al lading to Ilia course of l..v. II..U.-U there, write : . , . r . , ' i ' '"" ""Although, itf-i or.liiu.: li It., I, I. h. "I f liirtl - . Union man is trite in N. nth ( arotina,' v. t the ' book of Dip lb j,,tittim'l .1 Ucitniiv - show that 111.- f,:,. r4 in u, .(, tuley rhai;rfi nth tiie'colh. i"n ,i .,; I S, f ,ii'rnl liftcmie, collected mi. I !. (... .t.-. i.i il.i-t'. 8. Treasury during the year t n, in, tl,,, ;t,itlt f June. lt , .ith Mim i iHM .Thi isexchoite lv-. of jnhtt lis 1m n 1 1, f..(, I ,v Ihe. .hr.vt tax Commissioner, t 1,'n h I thinl, mm, Mlht ' I20O(HI(l (11,11,1 1- t s 'tl i im.t ... li, ......I .... I-, . abl articles win. it h H ti,,- hi,,t,. hii.b-r bond, nil t)i tax collided in N. w Vnik mi, I oilier part."' ' Atl this in a Stale, i.i r rslt) l.-in i:, from th ar, lit. Iii.liiij; lnr,, i ,(,!, I i,t hvu 1 peeo hM limn f ;!i(Viun,(Hiii n out a jhojiW 4 h!j is. ln.i, ,) l'i..m ri j,r- MSBttiw 1 Ami jrt, iu t all thU, Jit ,- iUtffiwt lio'c taken (lie "IcmI ti,itli," ' hay only jiutsm-l t!.. ir .ik, riiciviii" ' , mot of tii Dwmcjr in tdv i.f tlie . (, , nnmotiti:tl. but the line tnn fr..l..,t kill. , y conUWii(i.n liciHvt-r l!y Imvc fiuiu, llm .!!.!,, .1 T.,.!', ..;,,.. !,.. t ; TLin u a H.ile in ln Ii f;..v. ! iiimIiij! n .((...l.jiiul Iim'P jhh i,jr ,e owck all (! it ,w JiiI ami vi t lietiiriii,i.i,i,iithi'iiiaiiilU.'ii,ni,ls tii (1, .irn-i,' '.'-i.-nt of 1, ,'f if tli'-m, liml tic-clan- that "i.u original t ni-m vinn ia imiu in (lie , fita'f," a commri.t t'i "i hU ;. t j.r.i. fi ii,i, tu tlio of NurUi Ciii'i'." '. M'e lisn'c rr- '- I'y !" I "',1 t!i t n i. j . table, well I- I ni-m ni.m, v !nj (,' - t!.e U, !.:is ft,'. r .1 an i-,'a . ", i- tin- ur n b r, nn , aecom.t of ),'. oj ii.ii,.!, 'i;..t ;.! ,f t'niin '" Itwti O'-i-.lsiio umi,;.,!1' y f,-...n i ;-.v. JT..J.1. ii ami got none; i r, ,v- a i n . it t.,; , t; . y ,e n.,t lii ani.jiortus. '.I; t i: ,i- ::, I l"( , unu, n1io Hi.i.et1 p. M,,r ) : ci t'.nir IiiwiiJ. t'i F'int1 i j... i, au4 ) lUtt -it. l-y tin ir m tH .,f i i r.-'.ni ',ii-1 i. n tin ir r- uiiij ll'.ii J.i',1 i ity, Hj in IK'Il.., l. 1 olluT - - !' ' .if .(!.! t! .t Mlnfnttllj " from Ootr, I' , .i, :. t' t', "i,r 'in.l "L'num hii'u" w in. mi lie D ;.- m-t i- ilr, lioi.l t ji- twb tiwn, k'ii b I.i' , il'y ,i ! ..-.. tu I ,r .... .1 ' '.- I. ( .")' t t' 'iiilirin ii-' .i f r .j i.'i t--.i,t J,f tcrccnr.l fimn t' , ., t !" f . 1 v, lica-int tlu. i.l.ihii In !,. i.v ii i I'., i, ,,, ,,,,,,, 1 1- ,. I, l'fovi i i, il i ...n-riior, tm I i ... i....i,t a 1 ' Jimrc j'i t ii., I !.. 1 h " . i, (,. i ii iniii- tillii-r ai t of !., . n ,: 1 riuiir. Tlll-'H I kuT A llAV tint J i--i OViT our '. hf(l, tl.;lt every' i Sir ' kii-1 r lovii, Hum in North "'in,:,,i;i 1i,,ii!,1 i,t f-iv.'iitly . tliunk IT.-avm, lii'.t vn fl,,i S t . ,; i .1 ' atiih a t.i.s of all iirs an t if al"i. i. 1 I.niii- e. oinl. r Oio v U 1 I i.i P'nuii'i m pi,. I i f !' txl't in 1!, .t r in!" a i y-t itifoiiy pi 1 J . ' "i il an of tt !of 'ma. . f I. I ( ' an I t . -' Hi . , ( 1 u t. , ' flUHii... ' . I... J il 2 it it i , l'i , , , n a, Uti... . : of t"i( 1 .1 1 tl i-.c li 1 ii. -.,l'4t8 I 'I i ! tiicColl- ! r y 1 '. 1 -i . , ! m-t lit r. Bll't , . anil l'i i " li n l'i i (tll'lli.'U of ! I . tiU!;.,'.t tu 1 looki'lio' linn; .r, it i - Wlii ii ! .i.l ;y Iu4 i- ' i . tumulis i . til !.. i i I in ti ' i ,1 . "i in, ! t u- J!.i.t'.- !.' ' tiuvemor oft I ;. tb n t!, ...tually in, n ' l . terrilili'1'..ini, we me ii f I Ji.-;'.n:i..;.-i-ji l'-rT!, .' ; or t :'! ; i 1 'y . . ,tliii' 1 ! f ( J, . .. ! , I , l'i I ! i , It,! llf 'l XKX j I'll be i S 1 I..-! , l.i i 1 i i , " i- v i I'M " f i : w v. J I I it, i i r ! , int . : , . ,i ' u -, , s.i.J I'.at iroami'"' i Ms beret. ,reiitHn ,. t'.efc.:.;." tfr"iul- f ,.1 ll' llt too i-n, 1 1 'Xli TLil.t l fiia Convention. ' TatSca Vnik H'v, U inl,i,i Vat' omiia ut I'ktiaC fnni, ),..iri.Ml i all jirtu u( llif tonniry. t vjiii'mn;. ii , ti, ,, n tliv j;r-l (maervaiivr L'ihuh t',.T.-irnii,.iir.iHc. to iiiwtat ulilit .liil r. mv f .,ini..n in rr(Hl l tlie .i.iri!iim ni.i,, , (, ! ; jmilminu'ilif. ftrt'tK in il.. -unrnitli vkiiU bi b ike ajpn U' jouiualK i. . . n,ttMHl it. Hut t!i tiivvnil fug Umi ln-'..f,lil )ioliatioa ami aaiiguiiie JittjMUUlim. TIiiTi lw liar.tlyaviif xa anut llitgt, la tUo l..4 l,i..u.ry f .rnic,Jk wbi. li a nHHiK bin Uva takvii Bpliytba poopltrwitb nb rvwl) atnl inmlanris wal, F prwtwt nilliKii. Il uiiiiiiriKH luaik ol viguroua ap- IjiovM. . v 4 W ar f-bol to aea Hint tK-ball ha lwit jjut in imitlim Hi tliu Wtnln, Th Oil North Hat, of Kutitrttuy, :iit.-tfiia call lor meeting uf tii c'tti4it of tiiiwan, to l belt) (bat afli rnmin for tlie oiiquinc of ufMrintino; Central c, imttit for tli ISfili 'oTi,'H''.iioiiH! )iijict, tut lake iub li j a will tiulft tbc H.-iil uf tb rrul foitiitnii ,4 the ilitrii t to as.iull In primary mii tin;,n km) u.x,int lLl. j;fiti' tu a l)itrM,-t eoiiveiiliKH trt U hrbl in ra!il.iir about tlie 2 till of tli'm iiioiilli, fur tb iuqu oi Hotting two ilvlvakv to rfaiUiIvlblii, ' In Iistric-ta wbr it aliall tie fiui tiujirai ti rsMe t.i bol.l County mci'tiiifji or iJiBlrict Con vt-iilioiu, w lijw tluit tin" .l,iu u;;jrli in our Imt iiyue I .a m!oitt.l. We limit, by all liu-diia, Xtrinntnt- ! t' I'k.hulii.hiit. We ro- at lli ilf";c!iiii j An iiiuie in .) ill Mi-- tune to ay t. we propoMi t!it i-nij-na of tbc l-iitt'oii.(iV!HinHil lii.irn t, Him ran jo.iiiy (.jmro tlix tmif, mn-t im Mwl nc'ibiv tbe U.'iiii. ut July, ut i.ilriiton, to Ui-t tun p. ntli men from tlutt id tru ljtbal tlie riti-.-im of tbe an.J. t iiii'Ti- i.ii.j! I)i,tiict uni t tlie ..iip ttiiy at io).!l.,iri'; tii.,H of tin' UnJ. I'i'-t, at Kaycttt rule on tb aniue ls ; tlm of tiie4Hi Pi.tiM t, t I ,l, ! b oimmm'il.n; tliowut tin-5:h. l'ii .ii t, at . ii born', aaini! U.i y ; Hume . IbeCtli. Ji nut, m S-ili.l.ury on tbe STtb., ami in. ii' oi i,, -,ut. Ii-!iu t, ut A-licviM ia tfi 2-.,b. ol J'.'v, mi I t! tb entire ib li-trv him I in i. in ii U iti tl lltb.ot A"' nt, to (('n iifjr ii..i. i'sik iirr t!,e htntc at tiirfT. it inn f -v iii ,n'.a an .1 tlie jiooril.. to tbia ump owirii'iri r 'i i Our r. i)l ii hh-iuIht that we iul)lilnil, a H w u;i vt H , a vj't'i ml di-jmUb to tbe New ioik 7'i. '.'-, atHtiit;; tbat North Carolina di b j"iti i tv,i at M'a.l.ii'ton, f.r tbe jmrjiose f f B(crf ly, tijion w lint ti-rma tbe '-I K.n.l I ( to tbe rcitoration of tbe flute. A Va ":.!i', tu on-. jnniib-iit, alliuiin to tbe U..-iaU.b, aaia ; ''That uiimerfiiia iiuli vi.lunl (Vr. Itolji'ii) ban, it ai-t-ma, reaolvt-tl lilinst-lf n- t-, a u ! ;' I'.ion." u! w-ijncnily, bo aays; ''Dr. r idsh ii awi m inn uiirytuiun." prekuni tbat I)r. t inan bun nn fnrtlitr "pulton, tranaae t:.mi" on a.N'tmnt of tbe Kdile, ami hriice in willii's; to eiiii.lny bia b-i.iin niouii'iita'tn aid Ma liiciiiT, tlnr. J f . .! , l.-tt, I n m-mmfrni lin.f, or in ctmf iK.tiii; tlie j.liui of jr. ttiiijj tne tiail bal trailor tnlvion. Ami i tba fiitme of N urtli C-imlina, tlii.)'-.iiny of at u .t ni,, boiu-jt jipi. '', to t c j ut II. h Ui.i t .aillbll ii, M OIIK ll-e a l-.n ..ion in .nt f ihililnr t " " " "" ' t , , 'us Court, " " I'- V.'e bum fi.-iii a i-i j'ti-iLl antirre tbat tbia t s - sf u tl !,." il i !- ,1 til tbe ri-iit t.-rni, tbat a I,, sp e -, i 'i i! ., .ii . i'.f nr I ,r inon y ai' w uli.ii.t i " ! i.1 , ; . y , ut.i '' ir rsirn'iii-y, l,:i tl,fl Kiiino l ,lti) h I In t.4 :i 1 to all tl.l.'iits ii, I in"-i is, it in i !i in 1 . 'Il.ii i ,:,vt of t . ,ii ii t.i i.l.i. i'.' I.) a vi-ry i-.iii-' ( . t ilu buy i , .i, r a s. ,ilti o u ..-. . n, 'i.i-(i.'v ...i '., ii liii-iiinir, ill mil U 1 Id I-I ii y In a 1 unit ol ) iilltv on 1 ( t I . j nt'lm ' h' .-ie ill ! t !.l lv it Il tl, t H in lljf t'li tum t, i 1 t'o t l-r H'veral I.i. i.,-,4 if, i .( !,(.; j. . ' I .,1 HI' , t 1 1 v I ,li I. ait- t' i , b. l I on tbe. , l"iL I'm tur I. v. bniie tlmt if n V ' l ..! iiy of t 1 -H, !1 . I '" I, - ' tiiirl.,.. 4'nt;i''v ii," n..iiHi in 'j i., , i"ir roiil.-in-e i i i.e iiiloitim ... ii t an, i ,tily ,1 H i t ,J 1 of t!.n i Si 'i l'i .'. (.'(.' Ii.m I., i n i... I m to (I.i- i, ,1'irnof liif ilu. t. 'J i,.- f ., i i in tin ,i i mi' I'liininilnii'ati.iii in anotiu-r nl . -..ii i.h-1 ,,'ii i, I I'.o rm- s- t: knon t-f nn o! I., r il, i i-ni i if '' r .I 'iv. u.J I,.' i be t'oi-rt t, 1 i, I .! I , , 1' , 1 1 t." 'i t iniii .'.lit l.-llll.' ": i t . . . , vi i ) I, ti Iu. ti lib I i. " ' on a ( in tbe Snub lit ! v i . i n , Vir :urj-!:i.l t- i in 1 . . II, fii i nn -,. it 1. 1 t .,' I . 1 ,-! ,vi in i , v I. it if t'.'- ,.1lKt. Wit Hilt I I ' i, u in ; .! 'l iiits, n to .,1 i ',,-j .. ii t,f ii.(. t,nt'b ! v t ' I i. v f l'ii lulu in i , nt f. i j . .1, ttl it . . - I Mull. i.ri li.'liil'l lilt till."'-!! l, , i. t - ' ... ' . ! I. ' V !' ! .l-W t- .' I.. (V 1 (. i i , I ly f..u r ti,o s Il ) ,. .. , I ' I ' ' 1 t I ' " I ' ' ",l lit I ' .'.I 1 ' ! ,, . : . f, ' ,i, i , t (!.(' i. . 1,1 t )' '.,i, t." !. b ip i . I v ! . 1 in " M t j .' ', ol t U i, ,M ,t ol t c 1 1 T' y " 1 " ' i 'i ' . r I" ' ' , .I , n" 'h '. -I tn I y 1 ... -' I ' I "'. 'i v ,i - I, "", ,. r-.,!l . - --.' - I " -,-'-, I 1 1 I.i s 1, at ' ' - " y or the SentineJ.1', Vt. an! l'iToui-Our lielored KxP. O m-w tn lie -i)iuterin:' very aiH-cetwfullr -with tbe ttcnute. Uu i qime prtjinreil to da arery tuui,. aki-.i, arit more too. J uatL Meyenaoniy mniicj luui to eat nnn bnsliel of dirt an4 be h :ru- to eat twain, and tlmt every wbite man ia .Niirtli Cnroliiia ahoubl do the uune, or starve, lie lnvra tbe t'nion ao dearly that be will break it intn ftimlirr. lie rberinbea the t'oaatitutloa wiib am b intense alVtion, tbat, like tbe blnn ileinii; Irixbinatt, be will cunticut "to iriyenpnot only a (nut, but, if nwowiiiry, erea tbe ekvU at nnr fouitiUitinn,l0 pnuerre tltt WTMUitir" A. pf..i Liu patriot, nn.t a pure, la our KJt-I'. U. 1 l.i-rc-bm Ih. ii niiii h t uilying of Oeogrupbiea aim i.n iiirot tale in tbi City ot Uaka. ine i!miii..r tu Sua JSlraiirr wbeaa awaiiBatwa an.'iit however to lianjj; tire in tbe Senate, before be wi ut Ut Wiu-liiiifiiou City to artenj t that bunitii-Ni aoijt to k-era- (be "m (knee) jlvUran oi nwitni'r anU crmu'intc reiniirwl bi tlie Kaul eala Iwlore be cmibl le oonliruied, waa very busy in eo boot with bin uian Krbbiy, and tbrea very li-ariii'd tii'tai-cuinplisbud arbnlu tnaroia, la fittd iug out wbii li ot tbe Sun HalvaUora be waa aunt to. llit-y bare ax-frtitinei, alter much hard luilv. an.) by aid ofm-veriil iiHiiiiriiH ilipsU;liel to Valuni;(.in, to tbecamnl Dr. J'oe.f that lAiiKnn hlvaiorlnot on tbe roaxt or Btail( nor in tbe West Imlitu,, or in .Spain, but aome abere in (Vntral Anitrira. Tbe antboritiea any tbat it ia 103 niilua bnitf, anil lil t.r.ia.1, (North Carrliua ia 450 l.y Hi.) Anal.f 8. Halynlor ll.Wi aiinare milea, (Jl, C. 4.1,(100.) a a eoa- t)iia 2.'.(i,,(Hr0jnbiibiUiilof all kinjilaaad colon, C. aU.iit l.fHHI.OOtl.) The rural nopulatioa foimiiU mriMtty of Indiana, who lire in village! wnii ti Mud tliu country in .ivat miuibera; tn the niorniiirr p,,ing Uf, ami returning at night irnin, tlit ir time iiati ii.ri of ifrouotl lu tbeficiu- 'ty. . Ji ihmiii C oie-t ia au iinpoitunt k.wl of pan Hut" H,l..r, tbe oiiitn of wbii U, l..r anine anex jiliiiiii'.l reaeon, are mill to a great dislike tn tbe "intrusion of whito ii-B." Tlie army bus 1,000 r. Ktilurs, beiilca mime nuIitia-Bies. Tbe n vi'iiuii wm ta,l!(i0 jiounda ia tbe year I'i'i.l. Tlie IVovitniry tl'rovisMiaal f) aeat of ('rniiii'iit ia r-ilbd Co jut.-iii anil ia pro niiiinreil i'o-himt-ificr. Here the new Miaiater will lake nil lim abod.. in memory of Ilia won derful skill in Woiy and xiiilliH ! tiilly with two simli antagoniatie power a tbe Union I'rt'fiiliut and the iUdicalfSeaate. I he lHiouliilion ia inostly compound of halt Hvilie.t Inilinti", and the iK.-treltihiiiti nf tbO '1 ..utn ami A til's, who- am njt.l to-bve ri'ln-ali'il to tlii.-ic rrii.ii(i when tinwileil on ot Mexii-o l.y the Indiana, their fonijueroi-i, who, in tAtir turn, were conijuered and pillaged by tbat prent Upaniah bummer, Hernando Cortex. liirreare many volcanoes, and aometlme their fiery erujitiont have been truly terrific; but they bava axrerd toaoit only a little W fire during bia iiiinihtrationi, in token of their high approbation of bit great and conainteut loyalty. Tuere have been alao tome terrible earthquake, hut ther ran make no ilinwlna auainst one wno baa Iwi of tbe alill greater kluicbua of North Carolina', and baa proved hunaelf o aklllul and potent at titmiiwand keepliis inaub- jci tion all unruly and dulnvid iiiritn. Ho tlmt, it there alioti M lie any eartliqiiake during Hi ojourn, they will be very uontle only juat enough toebake the Minister' knee a little, and indue Ii i in to hunt up aoine fjood and encour f?''l3 Preiieh brandy, ui:U a he once found at a dikiiiiotiishetl fiimid'a, whan ly ynjf in preat perturb j ti, in of mind. rtliii.U'a are1 iu- li-eil an munageabw in tbat happy country ttiat they are only a rt nf National aiiitnwment, got nil to delii-lit iliHiii'iil-.lied atraio'cra, and to UiHlrunl in tin lu ruatui-al lliatory. - mr mends. and tbe Iriend of our tttoved Kx 1. !., may ml their li.-uiH ut dhI. Lie nhull never be hurt niiiv ab-ikeii a little, to abow bow tlifi $7,500 iu j'olJ jni'-leain hi pm kilt. "'"Tbere tn TOttsic lu almo-t every tiling. , r,in d.ilvador boiuiia ol ihiinonkl--pmila iif ani-erinr iv and flniiib: but the piincipal jp- ... ,i !. ...... ii..... I i..... ... . ...... I. - uiHLtiui iaoi iiuiittv nun am oniti, n iui,-ip above. - The H.iii Kiilvadoiiana nie great upou 1ye sluli'i. Th'-y in W.'e and it htm Imi-b ii!'.Mti-d that onr Kl. 1. ti. denileii thin una moil intenaely am WK.n a he and bin man and the whotil niiiriiia leuined tins oiet ''The rea nn ia not vnry pfttt'iit. '1'be fonntry alto abiiniiila lib Co. Lineal nnJ I.i kwikhI. 1'be lur Keeinu; 1 t. V. i. perbui'S wibed to deliyht hm Inline f, llow-ritienaul Aliican WMit,beii every nmn beeoinug a ('olid another and bejtT t.Kj I'-mlih abmt l..!,. r ot'red aiid waiter, -iuabiih tbia i'U of bi tellow-eilien ami (to be) CoiiititueiiH an much luviuiate. It in not eert.iin, fmm tbeGeornpbiearonetilt e,l Lv the toiveinor an t bii coihii il, wbethi-r vr. tint there ia any native lime in tbttt country -to he uu'd in. whit vn-hihf. Hut our inffenioua bii-nd, tbe Jlnu-ler, n.e.l not tie troubled on this tanii'. If any men or eli'-t of men need nuite vt.t-biii ; l fore be nn bits p ttitb llieni, nr otlmrn i.-t- Liu, be tiiu billow hi m illii'irioua inni'i !', and deebtip five bmidn-d uiiitiil:iiii oii-iy vtbile-wabi-tl by a xtivke of tbe pen ! .'....:..:..,.',. ,.""!'- :.- There is s.iiiiinvhinit in Central Atiiuriea a bit; Intel tu i ..nil-1 unnl (.mil. i tiuir I lie Atlantic and 1',11-iiie oei'hiiK AI-j' a I ulio i l, doiiift ditlo. Tlieieaiemii'pM'i'il to be mime Jlu'i-i torn in tboe Inn itiJitttiitiiiiiH, who may not belitiisr to the itit'i, t vrt. Tbe new lini(j-r will I- al home ,( on b r.', lis! w ill niiilV out dislojnl Siieetnm hi luiiu'i bin,. K'- t'l'in a tinklni!T, and send ihriii li.taliiitt anil rpiawliuir into their yob-a-n, -i l i I, nn tin v t mii p iv J k iiol,inin ; ahilv the "V . ti i ter -.bouu ut tlie top of hi voice: "None but I be h'ki'h none but the nfmVj, None but the .'r.r,' desirte thef-iir,"' in. t a I; lilroad or polca bott. M. rats IV a 1 ex y l.iill it-i. If. hi: ' i, 1 in my (.ruve, in the rear r ", iim oi tivo Ci'iiluleriiti' '! ! I i XI IT' r !m . t'"' ,ly ft e - till :.. tl.. ot U 1 1' , l nnr ht Ctiise. They ' I e t in my "a Korkhfit. i,' . in n. liiiinj ton'arattb' l. b C. 1 -.11 ( c. c, cm! I ', of Anson .. N. C, a" I . r, I iii.m co N.C.. i Vr, I" lll'U'.tb il you jmU r f. -t the f.i- ii ! and 5 m.ij kii.i.v ft hen; ttn-.r i lb".-, imn.a tn it i. .'S . Ill ('I I for. 11 V. h t II KS, ', Pttsvrt CO., V.1. 1'mi; it V ii ili'l's til'i, 1. 1 1 at' M lliu ib ..l A iriiiuiitn now in - -rjr,t"i ' Ti.fn t.1 f, t on a uu -"Hi hill in Lim e. any v. .-e . i-e." Ai..' in. a, onee said ! - n I ib' I int to " I t all i e ' n the i H ' il be t n Teaks ' !o I ' ill Atl.nitia, ;cj.',-i, l.e mid in, ul d'n- Viere j.i-e. '- " For tLe Scut'.ui-l . On (he 1 Jth of June, the I n.-rnx Gov,, wa Very aeutimf nta.1 and aoinmUnt nueruluiv. Ia , hit Ex-Court journal be nv ; '. e do nut aeek to propitiate oir enemies. ' We run 1J not dolt If wa would. ( r the rei "i ibst thur en niity ia founded ia prejudice and not in reaaon, and it t not poanib'e to propitiate or influence those who are controlled by their prejudicea," Wa am Very aorry to hear tbat the amiable r.x P. O, baa aay encniic. It ia quit certaia that h deaerve a liettor fate. Kvnrylxidy aeem to be ao highly delighted with the pro-)iei-t of hi going abroad on a foreign niisitioit, I hut, if their hearty congratulation ol bun, and ot each other, and at tbe couutry, could n-w h bi mjal car, tbey would be diMtbuned, and be would l.lesa biataeif the hapieat and moat beloved t( men. The aentinu-nt U quite unaniiuotni, and evidently very eordiaL' All, of w hatever phaae of politic, Urtire bin to go, and wmb uim Uod peed I Home may be governed by feelinpi of peraoaal love for bininelLi a much greater num ber are more patriotic and only look to their rcouatry i good. .. . But ii thera be ohie iinUke ia this matter, if the Ex-P. 0. think h haa enemie indeed, may it not be true that this; terming tnuiity ie not founded in prejudice but m apiHtrtnl rrtm tmif fjonie people have an innate love ol truth fulaeaa, and may perhap almoat bate other i who aeem to have an unfortunate habit of lying. Theae honest, but pcrhaovcr-enitiye. people nave unea miieriy exerciaeu, a nine unreanoua bly Hmay be, aliout iitnt fait charge (pub united, Maaara, Kditor-! am aorry to aay, in yourowa paper, which i (jisicrally in truthful, bat aeem to have been betrayed, for this once, into an indiscretion) that more thaa SOU really unpardoned rebels were dcclareii by hi Excel ln y, Jie I'royiHioinil Governor, dnriiirhia mild and inutile reitr, to have ticca iiteaat-d with a full remission ol all tluir una, Jfinii tt alnngton, and a reatoratioa to all their former rii'lits that oi voting in tbe then, enilin Guliernatorial election included. .This u thecliurne : Tbat tlie then I'rovini.uml Oovernor, now K P. 0., aouie time by courtesy called Governor, (particularly by John ibiseoinnil) certilied fnultv, far hi eirn 6crff, to tbi.s highly concentrated laUchood.--Some even miy that thi-re were live hundred fahwliooda -iin.lfm.ed into one, by uune unit of provisii.iiul ttlt-harny winch they caunot com pre bend. Other aay, that iiiont ot thine (lunti white Wttuhe.l siuui rs, o nivslicallv, byautiasi- I'liiml bull, Ir.-tiiiiiiiili-d into political saint, gratefully voted for Vi. Yt. Huldeii alio wa th.nigbt to be soniehow on the very tfU 'tcrm with tlie then t rovnttnnal Unveruor. Some ol tbcati reoeiierated rebels, tusiiei-tinK the truth. or guilty of that ingratitude which i mi1 to be harper than a vtiier tans, are aaid to have voted tor another pentleman who wa iu the Debt, it ia much to lie regretted that theae ibun- acing rumors alioiihl lie allowed to go uncontia dictixl. . Tbe Kx-1. 0. t-nnnot Comlewend to Watte ins precious time cither in mntradirtinf', piilliittini;, or even explaining No ono could reasonably ask thin humiliation of one o di- tinfrtli-het in the pant, and hoae fulure ia real aurora of glory, Meaara. Kditora, I am credibly informed by John Hinifh, tbat be don't N liete one word of tin cbarire, and John hmith ia eminently a truthful man. lie declare bimaelf ready to fortify hi opinion with bi corporal afHdnvy. I really hope thi will put throe vile Blunders to sleep; and tbat the slumber ut our great fttateauian will hot asiain I hi diitturlicd. Let aim revel in tbe rich memories ol a Pant so brilliai't and in delicioua dream nf a atill more irortreoua and t'liwiimn future t- 14 -aurora and rainbows danre all around and all over bi ynwowiM head I li biia ba annitttc red P Central American flnry a utrawherric are atd ia lw atuiitlii-r-l tn cream! M'hetuver his ioutatcpa may li,a4 him, limy lul, unii! tietn.n cease! . Let giant eaitlniuiikm be, mihI binllie as Utile I hiblren, while onr i, ar!y li loved K(. I'. O. wnmlera alaitit in aeitrcb of the Irw-u ia tjue of bis nianitieent .fi.Kli n mission ! Onr excellent President iit "ift.-d vt ith remiirk able abrewibiew, a well as with nerve. It in understood that be pmutcly him been urin onr tlislinpuihlied ntnteiiiiaii, uliiini he irreatly lU'Hireil to honor, to lieconie, or sccui to Ut, rittl leal in hia views ami utteraiicea, on purpose toaccuie a Coiilirnialion by tbc radical Heiiate. He knew there were bill tttnlmrii to the dilemma in who It he intended to ) ' v them. Lit her l.y rejection, they would )utii..u and lone a good and eilu ieiit t'icil-or l y vmitirmation they rti.iil-iif imp 1 1. to ...n re. " ,i. r .oi tii t atoiiua . in tkt I'uum. r. The food people of Jt.'sii Ue lore her Brent Son. Tiny del' l.t to ie bun honored and m itt nl roa.l. 'i ;u v viill tbi almivit attjthinc but roU j't-r.-i-K .Vi'i'iimi-iits ate not neeihil torvime lb.-.r love, lie liven in their hearts. Ill ini'i 'i' nl la- there and cherished when be ia gone, l.'.s Duimrn Hill be r lie?hui(iC should he f.;o t'H-J'ir. in I.u t. ot bun it may be a.o.l, j' '' ''r....liu fiitbet be goes th tie tier Im nl bo. M, Tor the Hcntine) ! Wit 3Ded..: '.S I I't'tot' -f f .1,-' ia of t!. E.'j rem Const. Tbe cs-e of JncKiit, lmr. .V e.n. .1 ' 1 ut the rei ent term of tile f,.,. mm, l.4 s ; -. t.if tlitect-st about it" in tin -e tiitioa, and tb"i. fore I be;, to submit a note of it (-T jour ri n'.i k 'Co pliiinl,.', as a I ', on tbu :'.rd. of ' mil, l-m i. cxp.'-. I t. i.oiic s-ile a cow ; in, 1 ib ! nil ,ul, . ' r, j ,io b i d it, and, in a, , i,i ,1 v i ! ,e t. mm of sale, g we a ', d I r il its ,-ll. s : "iTl " ; t i'i-"'!!is ai'ter dale e or ciliier of li t ( j v J on. i I..i key, a.lmr. of ', .it. ,. i ii, il. i J. .-. vi-nty line ,i!j,iri in eur l t I , i.i, .i.. t-, f,,r ,'ih' i.imie.l of In, n, : . !i : i i ;." ( i i' t' 1 r ''e n in-.- 1 ' j ' ',"11" 'lit H 1 . t - i. i r o f m .-,' i 1 to t t- Couit 't lie in Oh n . I n, .il a on .t the tie nt, hi, I l..,it ml i- . , li.i jn.l ,ii. nt tt.ia 1 i il t. I, ' l V r, )'i '. cut vMii i.'ifcr l-e. line due, ie Vi.ih the III. .!,,! its " t the ii.., . i i i i St' .ii, I t'. ,' ' I l t ,e ('.net t i say thi-; of t.uui. ..: :'('.' ,-'i,-e I ,i, . in fViii-; t!.e it t i) m-t a in ii , n is not at t. hiI Vet i fit I 1 !.' a I . . t ii is !;.( r l t .' "U i - s j- ', U ,n i i I f r. h i s pi an. i Ie o! t of 1 in I ii'ik I A t ic . I i t . e I . I ..I I" .1'! I t r (, i a ti. . t-t the i V t f-o . . '1 i,.l . t l't 1 1 1 r' I . ml .!.,!. I IR lure 1.1 H I ' ll (tlf -1 ,s Lit l i! i. , tt-iTICIAL. ' " '!"7,iAN 0:::)iNANCU ' " CoNClRJtI(l WIUOHS, WHO I1AVC QBAMFIEO in KXEX'CTRIX TO TUB MOT ILL AU Tf-sTAMUNr OS- VHKia tlKCBASKD HI DtlANIi. , Sue. 1. IU it eriliintd ly the Jk!fjntrtf the v&filt f Xifth Coreiina. tiiw..air-v.j.','i(f. and ilu herfly ordainti Ijf tin WWi,'j r;'tie wnM, That the widow of any testator v.tmse last will and tealament ha beea adotillcl to pnibate in tbi tate, ainre the first tiny of January, one thousand e!;bt hundred and sixty two, and before the Unit day of May, one thous and eight hundred and tixty-nvej notwithstand ing sui li willow may have qualified to such last wiil and testament M Executrix, be, and she i hereby allowed to enter her dissent to the same, according to th saws form as are now provi ded by law for dissent of widow. - Bac. 3. IU it farther orjaititd, Tbat in ail ease where a widow shall dissent from the last will and testament of her husband, as provided -for ia the foregoing sectioa, she shall be entitled to the tame right or dower a ir tier uasuana iiau died iulestaleJVoeiJnf, hvetur, Tbat no widow shall b entitled Rrthe-beiicfit of this enlinawe, anles m.'h4iaet shall ba en hNr4 within six month from and after th passage of tbia ordinance, a or In any can wber the real estate of tbe deceased hunband ha been old subsequent to his death, or haa been divi ded between bit devisee or heirs at law. Hko. 8. Be it farther tntninnt. Tbat tbt or dinance shall b Ut force from and after it adoption. ''', - - litttified iu Convention, tbui tbe 15tB., day ot June, A. D,, on thousand eight hundred- and (ixty-aix, ' K. O. KKADE, Prcaident J. II. Moolit, Secretary. ' v K, C. Badcikk, Assistant Becretary. AN ORDIHANCK, la KKi.ATion to Tin Ac or tuk Gsnehal AsSI'UBI.y, HNTITI.KD "RaVMIIR." Section I. lie it ordained the dJeyuiei of the tmijile of Hurth Carolina, in Vtmtentivn at mmhltnl, and it i herelig ordained by the authori ty of tlte mm, That the act of the General As sembly, entitled "Revenue," imposing taxes on purchases, sales and receipt, shall not be con strued to extend to those purchases, sahsj or rreeipta on which taxes bava actually been paid, under th ordinance of tho Convention, ntitKd-Aa ordinance tu provide Tievunue tor the year eighteen hundred and ixty-five.n " B-c. S. H it further ordaiunf. That where specific taxes have been imposed for license to use any article or carry on any business for the j ear preceding the first day ot July .one thonsand eiht hundred and sixty-six, une-half thereof shall ouly be payable ia those rases, where taxes were actually paid under said ordinance for tbe asms license. flee. S. IJe it further erduiutd. That retailers of spirituous liijuora, who paid tbe tax pre scribed in lection eleven of said ordinance, ali'tll be entitled to retail for the year inr which their licenses was granted, without further tax to the State for such rt'tuilinj.. ' Bee. A. lie it farther orilainei, Tbnl the prn yiaious of sect inn thirty-two of Scheilitlo It, of said act of Assembly, shall only extend to the -license for 'distilling spirituous liquor from 8eo.x 5. J!1 it further ordained. That in all case where taxes are payable to the tilieiitl'ur Colbs-tor, without the suhjivt from whiih they are derived beinf linted, siit-h riberirfor Collec tor, lor the iiuriKise itf uhcertaiuiiiir tbe amount of such taxes, slialt have power, and it shall be Ins duly, to nitiiiiiiister an oath to the person liable to pay tne same, -- J.- rcr. 5. 1' it further erilninetl, Tbat this or tiiiiaitcii' sbail Int in tiK' frottt -its- rntiheattoit. 'JUiitlcd tbe 1 hibty ol June. A. 1. l-i;n.J 1 - Ii 'A IN I. KliAU:, Tn-siileiit. - - Jamfs H. Moohk, Secretary. It t. HaihiKH, Assistant hecretary. , " AN OKDINANCE. fo;:i KHNlN(l THK CHIMB Ot ASSAULT, WITH IN TtT TO COM M IT APK. Hts tioil 1, lie it onlaitted ly tfu, t'uiineiU'uin ef fie Mule of Xiirth Curulina, ami it il hfrmhy or dained by the authority of the mm, That any person rnvu ted by due eourseof law id an as sault, with an intent to commit a rape on tin body of any female, shall be pifinched by fine, imprisonment not eseee.l " ttto ear, al. lining ul 1,'ie ioiniy i.-r one liour, t,n or uuue public whippinei, not exceeding tblityuine la-bcs, at any one time, on hi bate bat k, ill or any of them, at the iti-s retionof the Court, due regard bcinj; had to the iinlure and rin-unialait-ces nf tlie oil. m e. Sit'.. 3. Ik it 1 mther onhiinrdy That all Ian and clau.s i of laws, wbith coiiiliet vt .lit this oiiUn tm .', be and t'. i'stme arc hereby reitaled Nc. o, i'.t 'it f'irth,r orJiiiid, That this or iliuauie ahSl not I-i'i -l.tttve potter ov.-r tbesn! u-et. " " ft". 4. i-i-itfrirtLrvnlnnttl, Tuat this ttr din.un e t-ball l in force from and alter tint fiist day iif Jn'v next. IRiitnii d tbe 1 .'Ji. d.iy of June, A D., l' J AN ORDINANCE. Cilk-.oi.s.i TJ1K l.MB fo HiK K, HilUKT ti VIIK l'i 111.10 T,Xl PY THIS t.ili KliKii AUD Tax i'oi.t KT'iii.s oir hh braiK. flfHTHlff 1. l'i it Of-! '"'J hif Ihf d- I ;'.ltl of iht pnijiU of 4s ,v .'re 2 ( -..'...i, in (. rentiott a.v."' ' ., ainl it i , ii,.,. . h'f tfti a'lthorilti "f t e tout1, 'licit lit' sbi i nn.l t:t x foiieetOIS of tbe m I'l-'sl (o-in.'m ot I t (-! ill. be itiiowi 1 f mi' it nl . I t.,i- I -t of .! i v o ... tbousttti 1 t' hi bun. li, ,1 a,i I s lie tbi.r . i vj.'itts m:'i t , 1 rn 1,'r Hip "inn" i,ih r- .ui , tii srt- 'J , I i.s, an J t'i ' r I ,e ?.,. j i I ss ave nriiv j i- ,-ie.i I y i e i this i-i tie. l.'lrtj ol b' a '.. tl in C,.nv. i li'in this i A. I, .".- i.iou- It- ' t ! tV of J'in, s I fit'y- six. t " .'. ! J i: ! " t I .1. nf. t . 1 A a" ( - . jvr-: it I Kilt l-IONS o. f. -f i: (.': .siii:Ai. A AIT f ONCKHSIMt Kkl'KU INtl 'I m m r or V, ! I li.'t Ol ill,1' A Ml Al At r Or' vni "jn II S OK C', It till l,! t( VI 'I I 1 I 1 I i I I '. r 1 1 1 . N 1. I.e it or l inif.l I , V f t I'kt irll 1 in till . .-. Lean II ( V. of ( ,i u t ,ry are he : i i i n t nil I by i 'li 1 t ab.-te .... I : Vn. i 1 I 1 t.u- t -i- i ' '-r. ( ,, (",...! !'. 1 ' 1 i, . I "A n A -1 t. 1'ly i r r ot ilu-.: , ' r or, .'. I ' f X t I l ! i f I tlM I, I ' Il tl IV ul lour, t (' 1 i .e 1 ! V.i . r i h )" 1 !i.t, !.,),.,. '1 he th tn tiyva know it. 1'unn tl, TSatii.tial Iuei;lgf ucmr. ' ' ITorth Carolin and th Constitntic A.nerii'i.nent'. In the "(VciHionid letter" of tbe thron, June 2?lJi. is tbc lolioviiii'': "Two day I, the nte--1-' vt ts s nt to Congress, ( of 1'iv-iih'iiL Miifjin his disapprobaiioa of ameinbnciit oi the count itntioa as prnpnapi ; a nti(orit ot Cungreiw,) a tlistinuisliedc'-: of .North CtirolliiiiYnmt' tt) M'it'!iiii.;ton f,j, plirpo,e of asccrtaiititi'j whether the I're.' would be ofl'ended if the Icpi duttirnnf that hi rat i tied the amendment, and said that many (n-lli;"'iit jmnioiis, Inclutliiig former rebels, t rest bed the conclusion that then was nothi to lie pained by rchiatiiiff the proposition p, ed by Congress, and that tbey fully sjitieb!,. and dt -Hn-d to pr. paie for the conipleu'i umph of tbe Ucpubikim party," Ac In a , elttent part, tbe U tter si men that "not a sin senator or representative has been chosen ; I ol the seceded States, except Arkansas W( j nessee, who was not so chosen la-cause of l service in aid of th rebellion. There is sear, ly an original wbite Union man in the who does not .either deupimco what b c'; "iiiy policy" or passionately rwte the ad,,,' sum pf tlictc ilitloyal IVsiiaUir ami Nipresi, tiye." It ia a itiiitu r of hut little interut what e ircn of North Carolina bait visited Wasbin for the purpose alKyed, or whether ia fact iu a visit wa miule. lint after reading th .ie of tlie above clauses, it mill hardly be siisp,',' to be any of her member elected to Con, some if not all of whom miht be inclinU raise an issue with the writer as to tbe re. of tlu ir election. ' To cornet a false impression whU-U this i ter woalrulatfd to make, I desire to av, ti, the legislut uro of North Carolina is not iu ion, mid most probably will not he aytiin .u. after a new election ; that us now constitut-. or a it may be al'U-r that election, it is aot I lieved there will le round a single member V wiil give his sanction to the article of aim' uient prouited, tiiouh there are portion ot taken ttep anilely, that tui(ht receive bi , a; , val. A Convention wa in session w b-'. proposed article was received ia Ra!ei;;h . saint) tbat was elected under the proclaiuaiinn th President last September but if any tn, licrol this body fnMired the amciidmeut ii ttHMtion, which would ib pope every judir, is licitor, or otliPT public ot'u er ot the tilate, l bar out all citizen who, in .-Mtimation n llielieoptc; are lit to fill th-! i- ; ' i, as- well t dejiiive themol rcpre- i t i ,.-,i I y men Of Uul, awa choice in Congrc-i he il 1 not mauifeat il J anyfroposal to tbat citm t. ,j - - . . Kqually unfounded is the other reck bias sertioii, that there n not a white Union maa h thebouthwho doe aot denounce th I'rui dent's policy of retttoratton, or resist the admin sion of the Senators and ItcprescQtativcs el1 ed. , The truth is just the revertt. If any Dim does not C'tiit'sce in tbe plad of restoration ii question, be falls to make hi objection beliir the people; ami if any man who voted la tb late Congressional election resist th ailmii sion of the meiuU-rs elect to scats in Conurt be stul:i:!e himself, becwuse h cast bis vote Its candid..;. liable to theaeme objection. Tb only eaicption to thi are, that ou or tat huuilnil votes were cast, for a Northern utsa ir the Newbcrii district. It may lie that tho who speculate on the siirn of the iiiHea uitiri pate "the triumph of tho Ucpubtioan party;" (tbe great mass of tbe people of th South an very iniiiiierent to parln at present ;) U may b nlsn. that the iteoolM of lit.. KT,,rlK l... - 1 t - - --v J', lip h iwlura of tbi-. so-called party, will force on Wit n.uttir, ine violent revoiuiiiiu centemplsted by lli ni, by ConL'rvai party. Tbe people ot Norttt Carolina, at least ( n ill not Vrtbmtiinly be -parties ian procfir Hx thcir'nwn atiiiiuh-r, the deKratlatmii of all her pifscn,(,ij ian, and a declaration oi inCapact- iy upon mi v. ii('iii ine poojue would- Uiluk ot U sticccctl them. 1 bo pixiple of the States Jiav but little op)orlniiity of ititercoffiiiiunication, and jnay, thureloro, lo -lulaltxl by politician; but it j tbe ffrosM'st delusion to represent that there is tbe remotest prospect of the ratification of tbe pioposcd amendment ia thi 8tat aad this is probably trw of all oilier. State of th Soul It. We ti list it may likewise be with reas ouable iH'opltj iu the North. . NURTH CAROLINA. .- . .- ('-Mriuniaa,uM BdtMiMNF aas.r-' ' -. - The Tenncasfce Legislature and the Condi stuttonal Amendment The West against the Eadical Tariff". .- ,-.- VVamiimitiin, Juno (!. We are without in teilifcnce fioiu Nasbvill ia regant to the ex pected tneclinrt ot tbe Btate Assembly on tbt ttti in aunt, but vre have Into advice whit have C"ii inecd tlie S.-nators and Rcpresentativei ele. t li.oii T.-imi - i n that the Legislature wii not i.i. i y IheCoustiliiti.maiamrndment. Th l.i-t a.-, mint is that of (lie mcmbersof thelowrt lloii-e, tin re mi; sity f.-tir entitled to take theil Bed's. Mtty-one would form a niiortim Them fore. if otiiv four of ib.. whole aumbnr refuse to proM, t,i,if ill Lotto ijuoruru. But it hap p. us that siUccn of he member are opposed tn tlie quintuple ntti. !e. Of cntirsn wttdrt tlit-ii ppo-i. ion i ih t tne, tbey must prevent the lloii-e liotit Jormiiio a quorum. How it ia witli t'.e Si ii'itc we h ivc not yet heard. , ! The l uiurf ot T.' to ratify the Radical -!iitBill -coiil',!-.) their entire proi;ranim. . J.veii it tbe arti. Ie ehouM tie adopted by T" iifis! e, it is not to be I , '.eyed that it would be eif.ln.'lv r-it!:' 1 I v thj reo'iiu-,! number of ; lii-n , ii 1. is been a- - ucd that Tex- n -, v, .,- ' i to her i uteres t or vio 1. 1 e to I - r i . i can ui'ar her Btpreea- : t-mvi's to come ..'n, take the oath anil their psv a. 1 i""1' '- Tb.'.t i a'l they could take, 1 1 i it , i,' 1 I c io 1 ,t.t for them to tat. any I ot in b .--.l.tlion at t!ii setiion. But, if Tea- 1 itc-sea so , pt the Rfi'lieal issue, it will serve w produo t'.. iu.m.- ,. n at tbe North that t..e loyit ii - n of to .' are with the Kad aui tv- s m t,i. ir j i ',. . . - - '1 i,e llailn il tni.r is too s'rorsr vn V". in I! i '.call-in. It I? s'ri.ts,uuttilllt couiil.'tl Ie, that tbe liiidituls have b (n ittoi-t'. s imeonscintHly working again i ny have lound first on aiai ai'..;:, r inoj.- of dividing and destroyi tlu ir on n party. Iliiirtantt u th BnutUE?, t :. : t I . -.v. Trry bate in every irutsoc ! t, t !-.: r, ih,,s reserved for tlieoiaalv, t -if tlieir leader," Thaddeu 8 us, a , I be hii. done their business for, thta very coinpli tcly ' ; '...-lj .i.m-. . 1 i ' l 1 ..I l? TF.S.NFTB LSOWLATtTM- X n vii I c, July 6, 1 ,8. Th Lepislstnf i,.t t.i.,;-", 'i iicre w no quorum, air. Dn i, i ,.i i' !i..fd eottnty, tent in hi reig, i" n t- t" i (Jovernor, ' ' ''! '.',,1. ' ' ''j, ' AFiiiATaJt TKniKssHL' 7"-;;' Tt i ami i, Trs, July 8, 18WTw jrre u I;,,' '.tntation of W. V. Ballantia, reiusiPt to w were m-.lcr.--t off by the anpermter1" e- t a t 1 II. 'j m'v armed theinselve And ei -'UKCd' ,t w i ill the superintendent and hi"" i"-f n. -ro was killed and.aaoi' W-.M.H. '1 he tatter vrtt-eottfiiiirird tot. ' " TEXAS BI.KCTlOir. ?'aw (', July' 5. The" western T rtiurt. repudiate negro suffrage Uongly.