. - ii'in: r.i::;vi::::ii. r ttii HI'' . i t 1 1 iLj ; i: z : n r ,v 1 Lt I'iix'uLj'.'nR ..f sj, t ' 1 - JL J. A t A.J MS i 1 ter. cauaaw-aiaka t ef Tfca Wm. fnmci b u'j..iii avwy 8tlurdy ninf ' - - u.Wiui.I oa Satnc4yi ii4 vVJu i"y. J . ' ' Tent i : " ' ; - Wwily, ! ''. . tfeml weakly, (la umt in Wo, I Dai'y, 1 ," DaMv, ! Biifc - - D ' Paii iVHwaumtltt,. . .. M ' Haily ott, 1 09 V.'iI3K-LY. r t . : sr re pf!i : " ". utjr t.rf. VOL. i. 7 T "fff L" 'm " ;. For the Sentinel, .' Ah Sew ConstiUtijfl. " Mnwi ElHTtH:A writer In lh'Sri!uifl, at the i'rth. P ("ruble f'wvm to fliB very common opinio the Ui lute Conven tion bad no power other than those conferred oa it by ilia Freaident of tba United State.- HalimiU tbe power to three tiling: The repudiation of the State- war debt ; the aboli tion of lUvery nct the renunciation of aocea- ion. Beyond tneae, tie iuwta tn it H'ts, (whether of ordinary -H!'v)n or in nr'inl to the funilanientaj lew. - id anil rammi be miniated ly any ra. . n of tl people. 'he style f till". v; w riter ia ratlu-r dia 1 ruriiv tiiaa anrntttenutivM, arisinir, o doubt, j from the aplatolary form in which Ida thou;-',! anriiMmiikKi. i An' win o ainm.wu, vo, i thiols, that there ia in-of passion running Ihrmnrli all that he baa id. It ia more like a Vvacitf erf wvluiH, than a calm tlif-n--i'H ot a -wtuw, which draw deep down in our most ''ntereata. We cannot have tiling as we t like thrw. We must look; auaiht at uatitHi, itl the view of public law, wiiti i tear or an emotion in our eye. - i 'J'ticre ia a grand fart ia the aituation, which .i.lniitu ot no deniul, auj I concIiiic of ti.e i whole qaatii : lirUay, l80t, 'orth iroiia, ' in league with curtain other Btateij, m.iJe ir '. auniiMt the United Ktat and In M ty, l'.i, i ,Nurlli t nroliua and hrr alliea aurreodcrcil nn J conditionally to the force of arm. Here ia a 1 i irnr iu of conn nest, and iha riuhta of con- ijiuwt plainly attach. That there are rights of cmi'jiiett, none will deny. What are they I Our attempt to withdraw from the Union and estuMisb aeparate nationality may be rcprd ml from two ltoinU ot view; One dwm it an rdinirycaM of ruhvllion. Thi i almost uui Veraally the view at the North, and la fur too common among ou revives. If it he the correct one, the argnment may aa well atop. - You will lettrcU the writer on puhlic law in vain, for any distinctive limitation njton the will of the corjueror or-r uhd(4M ntlwla. They talk, in ' (Wed, a frood dm) of bi being Imund by the elaini of juatice and bamanity ia dualinic ith thi unfortunate claatfjof hi peoplo, and part.r " Ularfy nrjre the iluty oJ clemency tvtH ' i!"1 maa of otfentWr. . lftit Ijeyond tin e mm and . empty generalities, ia ttehalf of rclx'l, they lo not go; while, on the other hand, the rlK"t of t lie offended ruler areact forth with potent and terrible aigniflcance. lie may hang he u.sy cunfixcate he may withhold liliertnra he ny , evcrthrow inatitutioa. Mot a aim: I a writer but IrwUK that he, may utterly U-iuoIiU that lorn) . t' government umler which the armed reU'ls . wujged war aposj him, and constitute a new on., (, " teatL If we were rebel men . aafarfjom CAniplaiuInK Juatly of to rigl't ol 1lie President to aholi-h our ht rowet auX'iMiitmaad.n-' i "vr ui by Convention 'or in any other iuo 1 !vm innt, I aaaert riinucntlyttlittt th i ml -a iijjob tiir ck-arest principle ol , v. or, indeed, ha the President d.- . ' " ' it law -would have juatiflvii. Uut our eaite ht not flrly tUut m , r y - nlellioi,. It is-immensely more lavontblo. VatUit ahall aUtto it fur u: a. 3. V. IH, "OiviJ-uar Itreak the handa of wx-iety ami gnrenni. 3, or, at h t, it ' fheir e nd ell'ect. It proline' in the li ' two in- tleuendent partiawl-.' sir 'i ieneniKs, r lliotie tn , 1! COIISliI j at least i 1 litimt ti. H' .-.1 no con. jim el'ure, imil .. until..,, . i forward i'iiaritutii.i;, , to aeparate Imdin, to iioii'di one of the loir;' amy have In. 11 to bonne in lrcn!.iii: l!..: hi 'y of the Slitte and rciutinir the liinful amiw ,, they aiu not. the !! Uivuleil 111 UvU '! y Wand, therefore, in precisely the eame j n tntait at two iiutiona, who Inire rer.en . tn nn This la our ruse a r-ie of cit I where both part ie were acknoe. n , - .1 us I rents, not only by foreign nation, hut aa be tween themselves. The Executive and Jildici d anthoriii. 4 of !..e IT. S. ri;iKatedly rocoirni.ed na aa I . . -. and Vattel arirue that, in such ac.i , 1. : r n- i Uion law of war the imesiim of In ', I ' Moderation land b inor,"honld nut oi-'y l-e aerved by IxitU pa' -8 dniii. the 11 the atruL'i:le, but ti.nl thev b.. 1 andrmui''. h( ' ondn. t of 1".. r 1- a Hie atni" -lei over. Now iU pntiicf tu rc 1 form nth will a!uw; n 1 Vti i to consider what am the r 'm 01 1 between two iiidi-i i,,i i.t 1 : , ; ! many dint iiici y etinmio i"e.i 01 1 , I i detail were tedioim. i. e i 1 , , 1 (I preaent purpoe. Vat.tel, 11-i lull with one accord lay it uuwn 1 , . the conijncror acquire over a country ail the rhu--n ni.ne r i (lieliametl to the aoverei -n b .ii, 1 . 1 had taken up arm. In ti.e e- f t rights be Oiunt conforin, n. .0 1 will allow, to thelinui s I 1 i of power Hit di 'i'nd in t .e : ": ! IUal. -.'I hia ia decitiva ( I pluin fact ill show. ,M -1 I IV 'ina, a;tiiitt in.,.i V 0 ! . . 1 luecet'-ful ,-,( I tii. .nd abolish or ,, ,. i , pict ure, o the IV-d 1. 1 , in s " ot tiie tinted i t ti. . do the iame .tiiinrr. tiur h. . I trace Dp hia r .tin- ! a aill perceive, to tt i.t a 1 hat (till a ln li.) s son,, , 1 purchase. If it 11 n..' - . v I I am ready to a.bo.t ii, u 1 1 ati -unable to eyitntir.' . b-t . i' h will render it I ' ' II Ifl-a Wl, ,1 h . i-abiivl front r ,.!( that..! the Un'tttd iLuit. s r i . 'I O" t i. I I.' 1 ! -) iV i ' ll. '..V, V. ft It.. I I ...II. .. .1 1i .. f ad,.j.i.-l. If it 1,. reeii li'.ion of t-e r . i nitirnt, I r t i r i - i.y how u ! ply t.oit t!,iii ' t BUS tliltt .")Ven in, lit HII'l I .1 l iAI ia-toariy lutnnv, - . . - 1 do not, how:vcr, urget!..t f 'a s-" .t '! -parture on the nrt c.( the Vf 1 !. s act ia tnil:!ii; h v un vcntkin, i- ..no doubt, as he then 't, a Bear us I." i I i: , , r the drcuint.inci i.iH.i.oin .! !,ii (' " ia fcrce a -t (.-. The writer in the ' ml-wl d.-iiii t' M,"- ii ty of all ordiHiii e i f tue ('oiiveii: . n, i-i , i thOM tmrliinjf.tlie three !!'-! iy r U m I to. Why Hun e j 1 1 on f lha l r."t s! that any excej-tion is f itnl to hi. j . :'.on f Ad init t!il rL'ht of the l'rer i. lit to i it r J a (Vn veiuion for tl."e ftjin .'v o' 'tajly t ; ea of. rea!MMiisg i it that yo mt a lmihii;t..ii njion tii tt r. i.t i.t a pi. , ' ,r j ; no more ai, .u.ri'y, mm. t ..m-'1" a hmited tliMii an tie in li I l une , . ji 1 4 poa-ir a B'iVriiry cl,: f ri-"" !a t fl, j 1 11; Maine an !'.! ir or j ' ",i 'tt! -.1 r .usitM tHe other, or i... U e i. Uo J;i... , 1.. . . n i.onl 1.' I ; ' of ii.!'h ,. 1 I li n r. I:t to rti.l 1..1 1. "'"I .'"!".""'.. 0, v y huj not the Pre.,.-..! i ? ,t H' j 1.. 11 v tl.it the prim.'e f j-uia.:..n or p ' 1,1' re:ii!y r 'i 1 e 1 to, doei e tt t'- ' I i 1 i ' 1 1 tnde to oirr e-e, And, tn n,ntt i t' i f, we know t' ''11 ' lent ii.. ill a 1 1, 1 I ,.1- VeilllDII. . ; 1, .t i.ii) t ,v,l ! I - ,t 111 Joiil ( ...Mini .! t Ki f e !,(',' . ' .1 .e meant not ti. t e -r l.iw .. 1 - 1, I t that every ar.ii of t. n i I a ny .. 1 j 1, . 1 wared w iir -.-nt t'ic 1'i.in 1 . ie,.-u,o n- 1 ve t, put -i. i n , ecutive, in l.i l and h had li'-f a rut 1 lie on .e Ih aiu 1 !v to c .M a CVlllU lllo Hi .' i' UiCliull. JSOW, F'll thiwr'iir, l.niii.. i i'i iii for the purpose of hIhiIi ': i" slavery, v. I .. it d- U'oytd iiicikilld hlevii'" . bo. I fr. , :i 1 irmiiiThanr'es in our indiMii-.l f . . .li. I i.t l. ' not toin li I' I' baMaot r n, or c tiie t niir of o:!ice in N011 a C 1110: i,u. 'im octtine ncy I e misiml, hut e w o'll.l I ! e t . a rl";,"r ii. m-oii-ti.n'r.n t' ml .y-tl'f 11 I. A to r.i: . ' l.v t ,e ''. t'.e v ,i- ter't aij'iitneiit is tnj.mi ivu t' t it ,l n j lei trood. It .1 uii I no l'...-.-e a i t to t nea' con- '..in; '.in. If n r.i e-n I e oV I 1 y eomjx'teiit mi" '! : :, v, : .. ii i our 1 a 111 ist in IhwIiiI aa tuoiejli Calied l-y the peo)itis thenivlve. In 11 i'oni" 'ed in tiie ' . j'UtHhla r. It of toiej'i. t, v.- I.hve r-..r i. emed tioit it a"H il'-ini 1 any v.i . 1, y f. 0111 the s.i:: ion of the j ivj.V ll a t- T t!.ir!', " "(hint' l .it a ? er co ' m of af f ir the I'onveii 11 to (11 i .!. t ti.e iu-ti u rn. , t' 1 ! -f -1 ir ai tl.eil.si. n-n (' 1 n "t . It fjoea to tie veiy not toe imii.i.. i led to the vt.ir, and. of Ine n-nlts wliirU' m 1. iiicvitn;.! v t' !!o. it iiulo eye itn-'ro; 'iB. 'li.u a.ir aim i' f ra licaL '1 ne i - e u voived vi.n n'" " h-a l'.n the ('' me of tl n r'ute,, ( iji.l not (,() Ulldel-htanil it l..r t' e 1 hi, t! 1 I'.i' I' -. r i'e Co"1 1 '! ' deii a y nuiti' 'it M!1 . i-ht ti ii) lis Ii".!-. ..n en-i V 1 y t..it t..w re-ulia of ti.e ( . t i: : r- n 1 . ' i'outo the -piii.ir hi le m i: r ' e1':- 1111 And .'t inr 1 .ran-' "4 v J . At. ft f 1 I I e. . I t' tn t t 1 (.!' 1. li W f! 1 V , I 1 it . 1.1 IS to a v toni. '1 ' in. I ' '1 tn i, i 8' i 1 t 1! 1 . hol- I w si r t.,i i 1 r..H. r.t.ii, i .t, 1 I V,'. i. 1 1;. t ; i t ' i. . x i!, it. I.' l. ii s'i, me I ... vr, "'- I .til tt. h i I. se 1 I '-. .,,,1 ,, - ' ' ii I'. "( I .":n. I", CoMtcn. i.eAv, 1 r ; 1 . , J 11. I' ., J .- ( 0, , ,. )'. I . 1 S. V. ... 1, J ,!, ('. i , ,,,, (.,', , ,. f i"i.l .. f .,.;,i, 0 1 I J 1 ,L I'.-v. t,-!i ,.. V. (1... , ,, t v. Corf.,.! (. . ;, 11 M.ii!,-';. fi. " ,,, Ac -i lubh t.,i. mer and Audivw M !U ll-JH. IVlJ. J ,4 If '..' , J,,! ot. i. n, :.. si: i, 1 .,i ,'. 11 1 iim ! r. - - ' , , . . i ; , Vint lai her, A H ler ami h IH Vm-rnii. ' ItKBlill.- j (I I. , ,11. I J (' 3 l.-.d. i M.I !t-, S -II. (). .'. e, J. I. T. i ., , ui r. ,r. a::..,,t. .-,i , .r t ,, . v. ami V. Tiijiieyi ' " I ' ! ).-.!. J. S I. J ' ,1 O. A ' cw. r.. f- ' 4 J 1 ,,. h A. iisf . -I.01 ll. V. l.i -, and m '.'.id A, I . ' 1 V, . ' I Tin-, -, t ,i,n ,1. I.'. ke.-t, i.'i-vf. 1 1 : , j. j:. r. a ., -.-.-. t. ti..i,!i- cr, ?. !,. A. I, . . . , li'. p f -.ii-. .is, i'. U Ci . ,i.i n, A,. I I ... , I I,. D. '. , i- hoi II, , jA '.a l. lm i, r ', j' 1 , A!', -i i .f'.er, If. M. f o. k 1. . 1 i u 1 A. t.ovc. Jo,.-i.i,j;in. tV. 1' . ' J ' ii I' . kin. j 1, , , ,.,, t , , , iir . r 1 ..1 r. .- ' n ' ,. J. M. J.oriH, J..i 11 , noli n, a 1 I N. IV U hit li. Id. 1 1 ,1 V. i t, j. a. ( ,ii.u ;j and D, rH hem k. M - A. J. V.. ;.., i. . j J. I., i; i, Mm.i-. - r. T. t-iiui r, 1,. I,, i 1, , I V!. Mfiiir-v,.. 5'i lioi m.-R C. j ! '1, ,r. I?, 1 .own, J- ! il ('. IM ,t' , 1, 1, ,1 ,f , . , i 11 J. , n f - ai i,.,. Ar.l.nr . . K .'tinier, ll i iirmw,, A. ('. 1 1 1, (t 1 M. 1'. An: Kirn!; r. ft. 1 11 t'l H. Jeiy If, ..'.lie,, t Di.v.. 1 it , n pi.H;.' iV"M.. v.-i i). a.. ... v. j. rv, J V,'. 1. i I! ! 1;. . , I m. A. II. h inn- it, J. .j A. : p. ('. ? 01.nK.1 iA-ni ('" , i ;;. "...".it, Fvjn.l.-r IT. '.ilvary, I .... 1 . .... .'. VV. t link, J. lot X r. h.kcr b l i . K . lin. n --t. w.j. ! r.- -r.n. 1 is. wi'. n.rd. .,-'.... -V..H' . ,-v, P. Ji. l'i- on, . . 1 .! s J. I -mi r. ..ii., . ., i. - . J.ir.'i. ,:. J 1.11 i. . , , v. . :. T. - r nd ,1 .it 1,0 iv.- A. J 1- ti, I i.lo 1.. . loin. .1..-. ,. W. All 1 i,o. , . y . r: nt an I J . ; '1 1:. 1 I R'JflM " . ! I), lvett ny and J..i 1 1 1 1 sos.-.!. ' . ' rw . I.. I 1 1 S i. Wooh 11, t i. 1 'I iioini.H, " , J 1 a ('.. t . I'. .. !l, (her e - T. I on. 'li . 1.. Ml, It I J. ITT. V. 11,. 1 r .. j. ! .1. L.-.i.lrf'it, 'v. J. r. m. I,. 1 1 . Vai.--. . J i . V.". , T 1 c.iivi';ott of (i.ii. bin ai miiii .:. r t the ' 'O h 1 l'-n coi.j,.in il. . ., . J!r. I...ufr,oI iww 'Jeraev, auhinivtr.d a ra- J'.' I : 1 '.'me ', in t'.e ti , m a loir. y 1 .(nit Ji.,.i i.i'-y t'oimi 1. .ee, 111 liie imi ot A.r. l;4Vhv showing tlio f.-rjurv ami MUer i ' -' of the witne-.m l.mti.'it I irwar 1 .! t 5fr, I im, a t ii'" - , - - n -rl:r: iO of AlnllHi f Ml COlli. . M. ' 1" '' ' . '.'a U'o'int' ', a a .:.-;. h j F'-t 1, ' . ..-r.: e 'H-ion, Con, t til" M'l'lll I 1 V . . '1 I 1 on 1 , in -1 1 .-. I .r ,. y Lift! , 1 .1 1 y i..r r 1- lnp l- v nil Uui Viinv to tn! Jioei rtiinti of Irti. i land. 'I. ' : r.f.:,-. j : ,, f ,!r .' ,t f'om 1 . i,,r nix yews t i i r e, fonn'i of Jhir h t.i , v;. rc fi'i '.. u'. luiil onieted to l.u OB' the table. . -v, ' Ti.. ani-iiiono boi'i lT..utea ailiourned nine T! ice r-; I ' r I. 1 I ;:tr- Ta 1 1, I'm t r, .l.iij C -!. TIsi! .Btaamliip JVruvi in imm I.ivemiMil, on Tlini.- U, July i.i.h, I.i.n 1,, ,, ju'y ; 1, pi d ti.is j.,.'..,t at ,'i o 1 1 ,1 ( SB., niiii-o, en route f.r t: ,1 bi-c. 'li.al -.'.. j is h.-r I . . t Des, till I.011 hiioh-rry. """ "i - Livi-.ttvooti, July "(. The iiiiilt.-i.-y ( .iiion is ni-. r, j i forreii ftro conn 1,'',.' 1 :.j on l-.;,i bi ! , ! . 1 ii-niiii, 'lie,' nr. i,!' t l'1'c'.i h'M .ii,.. : .1 ton'-: ,.1 1 .1 h 1 ..-.tl.irtia o.-vs, jiovi-ii'- t'i..t An-.: if .ito . ti.e f . I 1'ive her ii - .'u n ' I ,i. proj., , .1, n 'j, iu that pi-rioil. (O. ( Hi I M,. Cot'on I i; ,i :,n. 1 j 1. on ti.e ( i t ; f t ri e.k. 'J'iiP m!, of the ivei u, lme I... i "1, f-'l Iixi'.'t, to .) v, i'"n 1 '. ) t' e s ' (ire ( v tilllittid t ll- . , t e !,, , f , , ; Sttl-.j, !V. M!i1u:,iM.F tl.'UliH H d1!;,!:. !if-l". and 1 .1 ' I , . . 1 ! , ; . 1. very (Inil. t -1 .... 1 - r, ii.i. m r i. t'oimol tlo-i-d at ' t. r r. ,i, I'ne Tw i ..I1. 1 (. . 1, ; . i i . , , "J? 771: 1 lie 4 , , ' 'i , -f,ii' hull 111 tot! 1. U.l. S47jUt)0 ponuils mi fi i . 1 1 , I'hi "-j k' r .- n-ve ,f it A 1 1 I. k 1 It is rcpt.M. .i that Ai. fiiHidtou.il-! 11 . e .it, ',,!,.. 1 '1 lie J' .i 1 J'H : r Ui nil i 1 (l.iveriin.i lit 1. . 1 nny inb iii nni oi I arnoid medi tor in the diii.-nliv. 1 he I'm- i.nn h-ne " 1 , 1 . . It.' ".ia.'-I I t.'s Ti : '. Ljsv . Cm i ' "v An. I' . Vr. Y .'Lui.lin '1 i.ii imii J Here, y i. . 1 v n(. i,i 1 ,1 l'hi1 nil Ij'h l i'in 1 r i "1, from t 1 ' . oral 1) i.a 1 1 tins ?' ,i..v V. t; .1 1 i;a ' r 1 ! i!n n! 1. I'ork heavy nt ( ii i (,,, ii r t1 uion : i 1. it of I ., I in i r 1 ! .it io St for V 'ii.oi'i 1 u ' t" 1 ot Kin. ft In ! art, tier, i.,r t' I ..C 81. I 1 '1 V I - :i . '1 lie 1 4 i-, ' 1 I er II" i( ' ; -t I :i ah.'y ia i la the i-te it .-.' .1 I in. a t'ad "lu'-" .--O'l'n'tienci iri' t 1 1 a tih 1.. I 1 I i . vr ot "i.i ' I at. .... .. . , 111 ti.e, (, t; ' I. not K 1 ill! atei t ! fo. II ta.-tl t! I ft' " I . I J So, I La )i.-,rr re-, '.: 1' r 1 . , ... 1 ,; ,1 f.'l of lie.' ' V pa w bom 1 ( I r 111 ! ti on. 1 to. I .1 nd 1 1 -1

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