T.'"'.i.' f.;'-,. . .'- ', -f.t'-' :' ""'''!" A: I J ij)', -Ir- out I 1A TIIETStlNTINELV KkUwrdatjr Evening, Aidant 4, ISO. U'ClllT , AND STATE ITE M3. - . JTw ADVkuTiaiiwiirrr. Pulliam, Janet Coy, anaoune currauts, layer raUlut, woet ail, The Kxctiengs Hotel, under the auspice of Jno, U. Blair, lute erf the Eagle Hotel, Asbville, Iim been 't entirely renovated and f-furnished mm! b no npea for the tnmodaUon of th pufdio.' ll r. Blair una the i reputation of taring .- - one of tli 8 rat Uutet nunj(m and caterer la lb South, and will doubtles make tb Ex- change annual, lu all renpwet, to what he proiu- lee, ( : ti .u W. .',JV ' 1 'v (.1 i; K TR Ei.ECTioit. 'W tulijoVn web return tt - -' lit reached a of Ibe mult of the election fur ' the rntiflcatinn or rejection of " the new ponll ;p tution: , v " , ' . j . -- ' aVcnnc-moat. Bwkthjk. ; Batebjh, (eloue of M dv. - i, KB . . .,1 HighlVouit, " .lt ") , I . JaiicBtowu, " - ' . M ' -.ilOierMta, ' -mm- fV - UllaUwu', . " " " r '".' ' Tn 111 tbrouijbout tbe HUte, n 45 w u will to cloeed thl crenlni Tit lodittttiiini ( tbst tbe vote Iim been txcaMntfj meagre. Wn ark KicqoBtTBO to annonncv tbat thert ' will be i meeting f tlte Yeung Men'i Cbrletltui Anndtion t Uie LeHnre-roon of ibe Baptist v-Ctiurch, on Mimil enrng-et,'lf 8 o'clock. fx,l Uh '.t'Cr "-" 1 "" 'x;'f'" "tiriiWxtWt. v Thb dktkrtiok w,tU N,ftR.R,n je- terdnr, wu emoted by the derangement of tone portion of the- Machinery ot tbe engine We are feappy U hwrri that the namor, that wa I prevalent, of an accident, by . Which life was Juetr wa altogether unfounded. ' Jh STAf liw'. AV Jiaira , received, and hall publiah n our (, the remark of Judge . Howard, t Mj ilaU. tnventUA, on the iubject;: ofthe Btejrj' ' ' '":5 V' Oaoo Bno. rW htr beeti tMlng, tor ni tim, Worcerter't Dry Hop Tenet, add by Brown, Ei , with Hart and Lewis, and w not hesitatingly ipre the oplulon, that we bar ':' bad better, aweeUr bread, oniformr, than we have ever had before. W advie alt to try it We brlieve U it cheaper and better than yat "uaually Siak? at born. s - -'' "" Gov, picECiii and family, ot South fcarolinv and Dr. B. W. Qibbs of tb aau State, and lata E literal tSeH Carolinian, were in thie city om yesterday. They stopped tb Ei bange,'' ; Oj 0ATVDaV last tbe people of Wllltamstoa, ' Uartin cdimt, received their Brat United fttah mail since 1861. -.Rktemck Cou itmoBi. Tb Nwlra nw . is offlrially tninrmed that the Internal Revenue collections, for tb month! inne and Julvi at that port and at Besnfortamfmnt to 1S,40 J. "SO. fl T, BltKAB, Esu .pf Kcr?ill, Jiid; a nativ North Carolinian, propose to Ipubliah ?n Votttra of biogrspblcsl skru-hfti of eminent Jurists, scholars and statesmen of this State. "The rwork witrbe entitled ''CiaMton and hi Co- ii''v.-!,f: 4 tomuonnes, i and awong other characters sketched will be those of Jud flasion. Hay. '.;r5T'i vood'Taylnr; ' Ilendettow,'' Nsh,' fitanly and ' - Badger Mi. Bnead say that his object l"to " V rescue from oblivioh tb names of many disliit- :iE7 gutshed North CsroliulansTB deceased, who ' : ' ti.iwh,rtM nt the eminent iurist whone J ;, paine we lofK wiik n-r. no wm - r - notic of mauy of the living relel.ritie ol par Z BUU, and, as Mr. Snead is aid to be every way -equal to tbe task he bus undertaken, the book will doubtless prove a ."valuable- acquisition to Btat Wiogf aptuail Ulcralure, . I 'n UsivKRaiT. We art gnatly plvaned to brn tliat the University ha commeucej it new Collegiate year with tb wort encouraging ; prrlsX! Ninety-ftv student ar in attend i r , iace nh thn probability of addition.". Tbi Thm be gratifying Intelligence to the fritod of ""T'ufafion tru,t that tbe day ia not remote when, under tb ' auspices of its ! Faculty, thi time honored ' . institution shall at tain, and surpass, it former ''jnfwprfty''aji4 usefulness. , . . svs- A ' Wask the attention o our lnw-titir frien.U - to tbe onminunkatHia oj Mr. II, C Jones, of - Rowan, to te found in s another column. He rj w the author of the clause in- the amended ' OftnstStution of 1801,- whk-li wiped out the Mot of Intotcrsm snd fully entrancbisMl the ' " - Jew. Toomo.)cito meutio it. Mr. Jone ' Waatlie membtr iiowroteit and bnn.ltd it to i i " Mr. Bwltrer, and wa approved of by Jud ii Ruffln. : The preeat Conatitntion continn identically the same -phraseology and eonse- quentty out JewiU friends who believe it x : elude them are laboring under misnppa-licn-v. sion which w trust this emomnnicatiou from Mr. Jones will entirely remove. Mr. June i "- lawyer of distinction, and is. a w have 1jovo mentiimed, the author of the verycluusein que tTort, lind toWsftx preenmod to know "ft !i:tt r t ' ha writes. CUrhttl Time. : 1 J tiBKiiAt Donations w 8ai.timian. It 1 announced in the Central PreJtyUrw, - of rr-.TOchmond, thai Mrs. Cleoige lliown, of K ilU more, has given tea thousand dollars the La- IZT Ion Ttieolo.'ieul Seminary of Virginia, with the ri;-i)wial object l' wectinir a library building, to - U called the "I rown IIH," nd that Mr, Jh - I Weeks, oT 1 Jtimore, bad ctntr:lHiteil t0 .Al,oaiid dolUf a (lis fuuudatiun of a librarT -' fund for' the Pi miliary, the interest to beapplu d - to the purcli" of '' - 'tt "' ' ; J The prisoner in Charleston, whom the cfvii iuttBoritioi triod to 'get Out f h:.ltrli of tha militanr. and who were secretly Ukhu - from the cit v a tr li.irt ".- Wt, ' tb 't.ulirnil.is' "HMbt declare, ornt to tb Dry Tortngaa fr ;!'fe- V ., t . ' - , '; i. u t... TThe caidur of a 1ver in PenMcola Bay ha -tMefi-icnirirttd to tb Navwlsiais'b' - Mt.. k,i ai hundred and fiftv freedmea, rd was bound Cuba. P.rtie. in, Mobil, rew UWKtwTeri TtflmwC -'V"-''' Mr, X)tU--EU Complicity la ' t!i A- tiuisT fs.tio'-riot;,t-'"-;'T13S"'" ' Al'hiladelphla ppe publlabes tb following letter received in that .-city in fuferear to Ut remark juile by Jstlurson Pavi at CharUtt, on receiving, ,th. diatcU- announcing President' liueofn't ninssiuation, a given ia th testimony wf Mr. fiat during tit trial of th annins.;T.Tle writer b Norttwrn man,- a near relativa of a ditinguisbel otHcerof the Northern army, aaj a fwlnral otlice4ioldur. II say;"' ,v. :f -" " M " W have )iHt beard of tb aurrand of Oem, L' army, Tb' Mth'Hit ;t , WooaqtwhOL Irst brougbt tlie news, narrowly escaped tb guard houa when h related it. Boon after a cavalry escort approached tbe tnwa, headed by a civilian, sooii recoguizeit ss Mr. Davia. He topped at tb house of Mr. Batea, aa agent of, idaoi Express Company,, where h bad bea invited by telegraph, I was within a few feet of tbe door when be )it;btel from bi horse, and, ascending the sU, he made a short ad drea. Not a word was (aid about Mr. Lincoln' death, for nothing of it wa then known. The door of lb house being lked,thet wa a alight delay afterward. , . ; . , , , , "Aa he remained In ilila joition, an agent of tb telegraph oftic'pied me, carrying a des patch which bad anticipated the arrival of Mr. bavia. " When the envelope waa niiend, Mr. Pavi read tb not , wiib earnest and grave con oern, anil turning tti Kentlemau Mr. .Wm. Joliuaon atandiug ntmrtmt him, be handed tt to him and remarked, Thia i very extraordi nary com muoicatiua.' ' No other word w as ut tered by htm. A sooa a it wa glanoed ever. tbe pentltnian iuquired.'tihall I read it to tbe J pwijj.ar W ithout a word or reply,1 teemmgiy occupied with sad and serious tbongbta, Mr. Davia snored n awe thl to wtaks vmxa. wwth gentleman, who . read aloud th. despatch an aouncing tb Maasioatioa of preaiibrnt Lincoln t tbe theatre in Washington, at ten o'clock, at night, and sirauttaneous attempt upoa the lifv of the Secretary of Btate, Mr. Howard. ' : ANt another Word wa said and tbor we n ota or appearaaco of eiultatioa among a large crowd of salier and civilians, whose counte anoesl rtgardoil attentively: All Wrl silent with Mrprias. astoninhinut,or doubt. For my owa part I did not credit? th despatch. . Tb next morning early, ! went with friend to e Mr. Davis, in order .to thank him for his kind aaa toon of my family, whom he had permit ted to pass the n net to visit bet brother. Major Heumi . .. -i C. Hr A., a that time sUtiobed below Richmond. . In the course of the conrer stioa I asked Mr. Davia if be creilited the re port of the aaaaaaiBatioB of Mr. Lincoln. " He replied gravely. In bi uaual manner, that h Could not regard lts mere report, tor he had feceivAt the despatch from Geo. Breckinridge who, be had reason to helievs, wa la eommani Cation with Oeosml fihennan's headquarter, whence tit information wm directly obtained. ; 'He said i' 'Ha Considered it, if true, tb most ufortunate Occurrence for th South, at a mo ment 'when Mr." Lincoln had expressed dis position to accent -or otter favorable terma. It (a generally acknowledged and know bert that othing could b - move tnlikc aa ipreeaioa of eiultatioo or .satisfaction than th riemeaaorand language of Mr.Dv1o -thuii ubjecfc Tb very contrary can 1 proved by evral who have eonveraed with him, who were much mote lbtimta with himtbaa I. I writ thi to yoa as a simple act ot justice to Mr. Davia, la refer ne to bis position, without political or aectloa al biaa of any kind, wbk;b I strive to avoid." - - - . Del . te fto-ii Texai - OaLvrSTO-t, July .'Mi.v-Hon. David ,S. P'ir tiett, John llaiiia.k, Leuiu4 D. Vsus, nd W, D, Ochiltree, have l-een chosen doleeate trow the Stai at iurj;o by the Conaervativr L'uion Con vent ioa ot -Texaa, which met at Kevasota oa th Gth instant, - Tbe district delegate are repreaentetl as capalle turn, and include (he Supreme Judges recent - .vleUcd.,- , . f jtt0l I i. ,M a ias iv'v . ' i". Th ftrot ts y'K;r 'ORl.KAli.'-Th follow ing telegram bsateen Mcfived hy SfSjor-Oener! j Howard. Ctmmuaoaer wf Ibe. jt reeUiuen s iiu- aar: JiaH .''".'?! I'm a , '.""iilt n KkW niii.KAR, July 81,1866. j" MojorftattraT 0. ff.' IT Henri : ' The riot h been .suppressed and 1 bnv de clared martial law in 111 city. About forty persona bare been killed and a large number wounded, nearly all being friendly, to the Con vention, , s, ... " ,'. , A. Baiko, i J'revet Major Ueuerat. 1 "- In Memoriam, : ' The tnt payers of the nation will bv- mny reason ' to rememlier the present Radical Con grea 'They have added' to the national bur den the following Item : Frcedroans Bureau, 17,000,000 ; National Hank interest, f !0,0(0, 000; Jncreaaed Revenue, f ) Out) OoO ; F bicalioa Bureau, fl.OOOfltffrr l irwis-'i-pi and '.oojob, 150,000,0110 :'" and "Northern I'aoitic i. hlroad snluii.ly, )U,0'l0,0(l0; Bolinly Bdl, t-iuJ.1'00,-". 000. ; "".', , J ,,, ' . , . . twr ApivaialMrala fmw UiwMtwa Bislrtrl, H C. OwillnlHro, '. i, TrinitT (Toll, ire 1 Hu-h I'oiut sud Co. Hhnpe Uiulfin-d ;v . llavutmul i nr tlie aud Wiuatnn Ht"kw i i - VAimm . ' m worth ' ' v" ,. , AnRUht il ti IH IS. isa 'id. It n i. - k so. CAT. 11 It. vi t at. n 4 .. 8ei.t. Leadhtirir , . 1 VdtH-evviiii , " 'Ilia l'r a. hera sill pli-am inlum me Urn !,tt-lV, athat .,.iiiiaoa ti. ir rweetns ctiaiyea lue njuar srrly Mi-i-tiniraai'S to be htM. j . ; . , ' US, MOHAN, V. K. ' .OreessAwa, Aa t-iw- v. Hair Vegetable) Hainan Hair Be rl MCAt ,.r, , HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE- -:-v- -V -,f ' NEWER. ! , .? , . , Gray naif .cl.ar Tjed to it ITatnral CIor lj HALL'S VrnETAI IJ'. SK7I.I VS HAIR EEM'WHB. It ia the l"t irtirta known to rrt-acrre the Imir, ii-twfiititnf ita Huwu out, ami making 1 11KALT1II, tyil T AND (il.-Y. Allarhnaneit ars nnam mona ill awarding it tb prBita of ruie mm bn ttir vreaawa: eitjuit. wiUtout lYai in rMtrtti Ktmv Imir ht its uatnrat ril4. iwan) ut emHitririia ami imitatora ( -ll t4 Mail a, imI take mm tMtt,. i"tw ti. tor aais by all lmn.'iHta. . ...J " - . . ! Tlte I'lrst Ia llrllrvri, Wm. Vi-rri I, l'.i., Af itoa.-a, agva, "I aria n',iiri4 with ttia ljvr i ,imihmt i.r two y.-ara. mmnr.ntMm as iHttt that t en,. t'A n tnn n,v 1 'i wsa-1 .r oiva nmrnt-. t'r ei ,,ut 1 btit a mifn-i t.iMwe w-ih.nit atHimir treit. I tri-..l w-r-ritl k - '. .,' (!,-Clllf-d tut u H" r'i,i l.- 't t . K : ,? BMwt Mltll'U I l.vai.:l(U twit i t! t, (tn I ' r 1 - f i aa at t iti-lnrr-l to tT vonf t",iis 1 ! . ;J i 111- I J'-Mfd r"'. " e.."im.-a i.r..t until 1 was jaw. , tmrL , ,, ,.w , , ,, , ., - . 'l'' - 1 , i -" i- r "'"- - '" v 1 ru iwi. " ' i-n l"8 "" ',',TfctJL0liuE w. t Vr-Vt , ' j '? n; ctrriii rm. f ;' ,;T Tb "Soutbrm Republic Union Coavwi tioa, nprearatin? Boutheruer eveluaivel.n will be kttended by florae Ureely, Charle tiuniner and Joha W, Forney. Mr. Ureely will represent North Carolina, where be wa marriuvl: Mr. Kumner. Miaaiaalnni. where then are moat - fruaa, and Mr, Fr iwy, the Stat of CaavsaUck. -liarylaad.: ;. ..:, ,,j -'rl knows very rock on th coast," .cried n IriaU pilot At that moment tha ship struck, when h exclaimed, -and that' on of then.' Th Secretary of th' Interior baa received, ffoatagentlemaaln New Jersey, sample ol paper trota wlge glass, a graaa Uii h fcro iu great abundanc upon all tide-water flala. Tb a per is very while sod clear, nd will on doubleUiy prove a good aulwuiuta I or ordinnry Writing paper mad of colton or linen rag. It i estimated that it can b , manufactured for twenty per cent lea than any variety . now in as, and this circumataur klou , render this discovery great importance ttt ib . utereta of ttaijcountry; ..;,; ' . ,-", The Petersburg grant sUt' thai tl body of a Confederate, aohtier wa disinterred there a tew day since for removal South, and the tuce presented th beauty it wore when nrat Ueatl, nimpaired by eithir worm or dec;. . Vr. Henry W. Veazy.of Norfolk, took a spoon ful ol medicine from vial prepared for bin bui- nes partner, just to convince tlie latter that it wwsaot Iwd to the tanle, sad di:d in short tun afterward from lio IUU. . i . ; . . Ceo, flood waa feted at Ilichmood, Texas. Ia apeecO at lu at plao 'tis emloiaed perfect suo- nilaalira ana Uliraillert su(lnratw of all wwnpt 11 ailviseti the people to build achool-houace, cnurcnotana raiiroaui. - -t : " ! Z . NotwlthiiUnding'th announcement that tb Atlantic cable ws open for huainea waa only mad oa Tuesday aiterneoa, titer war twenty aieaaage rw eived from Europe on that day, and tlie cash receipt therefrom at . th New ' )' or k oioa f 3,04 ia gold. t . Nineteea message were flleVt in' tbw' New York oftio yaetenUy tor trsasmisaioa through th call to Europe, oa which toll , were , paid to tu amouni ol fa,!?' m goui. fct . t ' Tb National Iieeutiv Committee will be ia seed cm at tb Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, Iron Friday, tbe 10th of A ngu.it, until the meeting of th Convention. 1 he nuueat that th full name of all delegate, with- tb pnet mewaottreaa, nau p rmmaoiateiy forwarded, aud that tbay frill report in person oa arriving la that city. , , " . Befor a military commissi on convened at Richmond, Vs., purausnt to order from Head quarter of the Department of Virginia, Wm. O. Waid,' a civilian", was fried Upon tb charge of murder, and found guilty, if waa sentenced to b hung, but waa aubsequently examined by a board of medical olUccrs, who certified that he wa Insane. II ws thereupon released and committed to tb custody of hi family, that be might ircelv suitable csre, ' f i-, i -') Th Tex h'frlalaiut Will b nermitted to meet n th fltu or Anguaty astd - tb Uovoraor will tx inaugurated oon after, - . i,. " Lnuia Naprdeoi has subscribed tea thousand franc towards tbe erection of a monument to Joan of Are, and tbe restoration of th donjon tower at llouen wnere sue was tortured. j Ex-Attorney-General Biieed, in In letter to Senator Doolittle, makes the aaaertiou thaf'tiine was when if th brain were out th man would die." It ia lucky for Speed that time bay changed. ; .'.;.,,t-. . i: ... , ' As on uf the rvaulu of th war, it may be Stated that there are at the present time in th United (state no lew tliaa.tneJity-flve niHtiuf ir. toriea ot artiiiciul legs. T T , , .. , . 1 'Notwithstanding tb wreck of tb Epheiiits, Col. Lamb will proceed to t-urope by the hr&t steamer, and Will continue lis endeavors to es tablish permanently direct' communication by team between Jiorloia" and LUverpooi. ; i Tb Epheaus, it sppear, went ashore on Sa ble Inland in a fog. on tbe night ot Friday. 0th of July, and, Bot withstanding a heavy sea, tb passengers and crew were landed to small boat wiUioutaiUiCUiiy,,; vol. i-aiuo uwiniaoagite. ', Kcdpkn Dbatw Of UiOB Gkkkrai. M. U Bmith. Thi gentleman, who waa at the chwe pf the war chief engineer of fU'ewiil Lea's r tuy, and recently appointed engineer of the rail road from ftelnia to Dal ton, died at tb Tcnne e House, iothls eity, on Sunday morning. II had a violent attack of inflammation of the bowels oa Friday morning, and no medicine bad the effect to abate the disease. -liim Qtoryut) Ctmrier, JW h - -r ---- " " Qkowtb or Catholicww - -UtT.t Btatks. At th laying of the corner-atone of a new Catholic church, in Detroit, Michigan, on tbe 23d Instant, it was stated by Iter. Mr. Kil roy in hi sermon, that eighty year sgo there wet but ixty thousand Catholic and twenty fir priest iu the Uoited State, while now there ar four million four hundred thousand nietn tier of th church and two thousand fly hun dred priest, and that the present biahop baa founded no lea than six clitin hei, and has added forty prieal during his nduiatry. .. i L-L. it;i.iai4.i5 F rV.Ci tioxim. : STATE OF N. C TREASL IiY PP'T, ) '. ; , ' Ualkiob, June 27, 1 . i. f Under the authority ot an ordimnn'e of the Convention, rati lied Juno llib. lafiJ, aealed pro posal will be received l y the under.-:, -net until the lat day of November, 18(!8,for the e hantre of the Drincipnl of an b'o issued livt'ie.Ssut nrinrto the ijoth. Ma v. 1 .1. for cih,,; ,i.s oft elock and other intercut held - by tiie Muteinj various corporation. Tlie priitcipul of these' are : 'aJ .w . SrocKa in the following companies : North Carolina I'iil Uod Co, ,- l.CuO.OOO Raleigh A Catn, IL U. Co, ' H3,5oO Atlantic & N. C. H. IV. Co. 1 ' 1 ; tt,0.l!,00 Weatera N. C. IL 1!. Co. - . . . tt,418,000 Albemarle t CheanpeieCanai Co. UVJ.OtiO ,- Uikd. fcoKB, e.'Mred by mort"i'"- on the entire property of the following corporation : Wilmington, Charlotte Aliutbcrlord . . - - It It. Co. - ...-i t f ?,f)00.eo0 WestcTB (Coallield) It B. Co , 600,0110 lArtnntm A N. C, It. It, , . f I "tj'1 i f"i J lie intetil ae j ui. 'l t y tne p'tn i;-i- r i.i llie stock ot any corixiration wiil not, l,e greater than that of tlie hob iers uf t like amount of the general atock of t!i amecorporu' i!in. .., TU rt'X-k MopfMor tolhs l.'iU''rj Fund, P. th aim k in the ,,ii,ni"'on & . nun ari l Y, i.ifiinj:tti A Mauche ter H. K.Co., and ill jui oua baoka. are not -included in thi advetli- Bjpnf --'- ----- Lid at les than the par Value of stock! or Other intfreits will not lie rnterta Any pK-miuirt tiid wiil be at piiel in BMtot ol rJ.dloi'j u!4t.f tUs i.n K d d ia xcbaio.' the I lied, pay- Conief of th law antlfniing tit- ex and mor diiled lifof the toci-1. & - , . be forward.-1 by Hjs n !-t 't.I to i : It Win;. -iiiy r. rytov . ft t u..? dneme4 mct a-lvatit -tou t t' ".I u and the crtiooof rcjettit: or 'l t i '' -rvc L Li..... V. 1 Al . LL, f1 c Onr Saturd.iy Morning Despatekea. ' f e:,. Th CabI.vTlt Cbolera. 4k. i. ' ! : -j tSi -Haw . Aag." X t. M.,,1 Twelvs 'aastaage ''iwii tb b were received her Mjwstanfaty from Etirpe t ,?w;b lUlf tt gold caapaiil' ',. v ;' ; Tlier wore tt eaaes of rhulora, and 10' deaths, rW natMl tn VMionlav aa this IW. ana M esami ad S Xas-diaaaae taa lirukvtt- mt h Knvg'a euiutyi- Then have been. T7 eases in that euuuty aino the xTlli alL Tli cuKrUoo o thia wart Ar the nxHtUi f July anuMtiUxl tn 9,MI persimsv " t- Karkettmad-FiBUiciai-" r . , r-'., MtTW.Yna, Aug. X 1. " Coupons ta 1108. Do of Ma fltXS. Treaanrie 10i OuldfUa, i " ' " , . fMUai duclinlng. Flour and Wheat drooping. ' fia-k heavy at tSI. Lard Irtth s . . , . Kunar qnlei. "t'oBe rna. Kavai abkrmt do, Tuv peutiiM TtvaTS. Bnata lll'iff? 9. . " v t , . Releaw ol rtnlan Appoiatment. by th it Pwiident '. ,.i ..... .. .r WMmtmrojr, Anir, The If. I. (Vmaul at Tomute lufm nw tlio ti Ua uartinent Uiat several prMouor have beun diacUart-od by tli Canadian OorrrouMut. The partiw Am iraa eiUsens arrested at Fort Erie, ea the charge T twtn; KBed in the raid. They were discharBfd on e I.U mw submitted of their tmiuoencu." " "'" 'vt ."' the President has appointed Ed. WaUaae Wa! uttteer at FhUad.lpUat W. t. Bmlth, Swmya of hitoii, Holme, Ala; ! . UarnwaU, OoUeetor f Cuatiaaa, Beaefnrt, B. C; K. B. King.OulWotof et Ca- tuaas. Mi Man's, Oa.; Albert Stoonakar, CuUector ot Revenue, lat District, IVnn., and W. . f. JoJinaon, Colleetur of Custom, PhibwlelpUia, ' " ?- ! U 1 f TU Senate had formeriysTeJtod 8leonakr several uine." Tb PrsekVnnt has rw-ppoial aatabsr at" oBiosrsnJa'tdby tbsHeastv, ' ,,!.... riiwncial Eumor. .-, k ". Ksw luas, Aug. ,!?.. i The Ne w Tta-k t bmiMirvtal has ramo that Lon don telcirrara of yesterday quota t. ft, IxauU t mU .. and aim Uiat onfers for large qusntilie of 9-JU'a a heeaieeetted prr tb eahis, tad wig bhlpM to- ' ir Koon Ueapalrhc. P i ' I- ' "i , , t lv"l vl Th Pabllo Debt of th UftiUl SUtei, U " 1 ' " ' WaattoTo, Aag. 4. 11 sUtemint f th pnbll debt of tb U. ft, aa. th 1st Inst., Is pabUsbed.' It ahowa tli total debt to h sver two billioo, six hundred tliouaand dollar I Tb amount of cat.li iu tli Treaaury, Ml.OOO.OOO ia eoin, ia over li:n,0ort,0tW. Th reduttion of th debt since Augnrt 1, WtiS, reaches mors tilt 1124,000,000. 6en. Bteadnian ha declined th offle of Mnperia tundent of Puhlie Pruitli. - A awiMraaar t th jw u kneauibent will be appointed la few days. . i,, , ' Lateit Uarkett and TittaucUL "V ",-. New Yoa. Aug. 4,11. " Oold tl.trf. ' KxcUana lively i ailit f. ' ' I'otUaa quiet I'pland SO. " . I IW arooping-.30r(t16.IU. . . Prime wheat steady t snam dsehuing, . , . 1( t ' Pork heavy, $31 SiMl 27. . , v Lard unehangiul. Walt liana watciwa aud Ayer' Pill an said to b tb kigbeat specimen r Ameriesn art, aeh ef their kind : en tn U(ieliM(S Mid the ot her ia. Jntdkio., Vltb Waltham watch in one pm kt snd s box of AyrPui is the other, you should be st your work aa laasn with th health to pnraa it. (Adrermwr, Morwsy, Me. tSlillLS-i-Z- --'f-t.-, r;--v i . EALTIGII HOSEY 1IAEIIT., . . ' CORRECTBO BY JOHN O. WILLI A JI a & . CO., BROKERS, BALEWII, N. a . f- fKM OF BORTH CABOUM SUKM KOT. Batik f N. C.,- (Oold 95) .(Silver SO) 0, R'85 ! i t'ae Fear, ,,., ..,,.,,,,.,' ' , - Chariott.... ...... ............... 15 14 a til;;ton at OlahalU : - lbixlxmillgll .V.'. ' f WleslX)rough,i,;,U! - M Thonisavill. 85 it 25 ... 1 It - " Wilmington. ..,......,. t ,11111 UlClwl, S. , r rw; Wiwhincton... Fnyettevilhr." .rr vrri ClarcndoWr 5 17 18 IS 80 1 uticey vi lie ....... t j , . Miners' and I'taiiter' Hank . .... , . . 1. . . . . Farmer' U ink, OrectmboronIl Cmumercial Bank, W iltnluguav.,,Tr,- JlerehauU' Hank, Newberu. , , . . ,. ( J reenaliorough M utual .................. . 5 . i 85 .V 1 SO 111! 13.1 :.'B . m 81 Vinriuia Bank Notes, laHit .'. .vi. . . flouth Carolina . .... n.,..;,.-.,., Oonrgi-' ,tt p: "vs ; Dold.v,, . , ...I. . . - Hilver,. ,.. tld Coupon. '.. ........... North Carolina Italtroaa coupon. , Did Sixes.... X.. Kxcksnge on New York..., Couhwted DAILY BY JOUIJAlf WOMULE a no c mt, ' in'.EF.. .. , BAcoM.. . ii v ... . itH-. V lt t sue y lb ,.-.,,. 80;' :t3 $ lb- 3 00 V I'"1 ...... S3(S0c V lb " ' " ItOo lb -spring 15t'423e each ...... 80 a-lc? Ib ' .......110 150 r buxh iiirri-.it.......i Ki.r-.VAX,.,,., CO I I UN YAUN. t:t )TI' cm- i ...., ClIKKEN3....i COKKK.a..,.,.,. COKX. n;r :irui;S..i... Koi ;t FLOtil-tiperlir.o.; : . Kamity .'".., C.irr-i-dfe. it,.,.;. i'if itay. .' LAK!I. V.. : 1! K A L .... ML I.I.' I TH. . . . .- ' . M ( K i ::KL.. I '. . -1... X,,. 121 'U5c?? Ib x .. .2 00 2 SI V cwt 10 SO ft bid t.U50 v LiA !r..:,,i'e. ih .'.'., isc V lb , .t "00.. f SO V cwt etn-J83c f lb'- . I 40 130 V bub . ... - 10 00 V bU . . ,v 2" "0 bbl ,.."...10 l-ic lb ST. .t .1 2'" HO Irnah . . . . 1 00 V20 V bush NAibS .. rtAWhiu.; ;-;"; POTATOl.S Iriah s . 100 to 183 fmdi. ... T : tfUU A ft -Cntstietl . 4v 2.k f lb . Jito'.'iW- ft lb 1 jToLAtu :: - ItAtiS ... j,. fjllA 'ooking.i,, .... 7o-. 1? I' ll . He V lb lb I: -ant tit 1.1' 0Ma alieoiii r quarUia wide.iWW ' l-aB, ei FIItCT 'EDITION'! MEW ..f IJNDEIl THE SUN. Tt T.f -'4 -I $ ..T il ' Let th fJuOkring tad lnaeaaed read th fcllow- 4- Let all who bav twea giv np by Doctor, and spoken of aa incurable, read th following. . -W Lttstt wtaast kHn facta and esa hat faltk ia videtwe, md lit lilowing; m ,s, o A'mh of own eg ka frowiM, That am tbta, His Twvatir la day af Juaw, in Ui ywur uf mr Lord, Oiw Thuomnd I'.ieht Hundred and KiTty-4i. yieririHy same icth iiarn-vk to m, Imaiim H, aisd tn tn duly awnrn; ilmwd an filluwat Tuat bo ia toe ante erai amit tiar tii t mtMi Hiaka, sod dxpeu- tlneit th'pii,f, h r irt-mtvriti ,r aieaieimf kuowu a kAiii.i 1, t 1 U.l-rt aiul itALVK, and toat to t.l- hiwina Mtrtiticatra ar verbatoa euuitw to tiia beat of t lu kaewhabra and beiiet. - r . - -iAiiri(Mrrrrn,' a.u nutt l, i W iiuiu June 1. 1 Da. &lvtioiKt.t 1 ttV lnv i n in write voa f ttiv ia b-ft i rat ri'ii. t aud tttal i tie aw : i r 'i in av sil I'i t-t-th"lto y, r ii Kim. t t,, ti , i-ir, bow tltroi i ,i( I mi! li'.iL 1 f tievitr a i o: ti riKiHi i. 1 l.i and am nrt iioit vuti ar r. era. I coiud not li. Jji a nit Will not tak It auiixa. i:,'l m"inrt nt," i'. I . ft V u i.M, I, It 1 ilV tilfl ti .villi Ol !lf.t s' to yiiu, m4 Iioim )"ti i i ' .. V . i . iklt AWKHH 11, ' Thiatslaesrlirv that I a tl - ' d-R.nu rniy with ar" liarrhiea, sad i.e Uueu vuivu 1-y san, aaggwi-tuib'ov.. . . HTLStiV inn i y, k t Nw loik, April f, Im.5 iliah,ivt. Tb fnUowinit i an intorentlng eof man em ployod ia aa trial Poaatiry, wtio, in pori4 aueluid Irua into a flank that wa diii!' and wet, auwd aa el pkaaiaa. Tli aiiHt-d iron waa tliroaa an"itii and oa liim ia a Porfeot ahower. and be waa burnt ii lullr. I be following fwrtirimt waa Eivea t tuv by Uuaaouut eit,'M wwa artar tn aociueut, . . . - - . "' " 'KewTork. J.M. It,Tfl, " Ifv nam ia Jasnb ftardvt t an an Inai I'mimui t Wan Laltv bnrtit liv iiiO ti-tA 1m knvMatiiMr ini. r tuv rii bt4ki, bnt 1 hnl a romonfl: was on ny leg litt old m lii-al ; I Ui.-I Mm i I rilra, and it eurvd ami In a few awasn.- Tbi ia art tnta, and anv body eaa ow are m at Jackaau f Irua v urks. Hud A t.-n f - V. i. II M: !, .. 1 IIS Own i, k Ktreet Cstrwet aV TaetaBM Iltw i fl hail a appetil I VagKbd'a 1'ilU gave m t hear ytsae." . - u . . - -i . -, . , . "Tonr PUl are uiarwUiua. ,i -, . . j 'Isenil for snotbsr box, and keep ITses m tb 'Dr. "Mag-fewi vbrouic,'' ha rut-ad mf keailaeli tliat wa " J"."' i,V i,,a., .V, ' I frav ball of o t ynnr yjtlla an my tmb fr rbolma nwabna. '1 ue ilnar bill nun gol sell in T "My kanaea of auiriuug ia anw curud. ' i "'lour bov im Bl Airifiel hulva enri'd ai of itukn in til head. I ruiit.l Mne ol your h ilts U iuud iny ear ami in noma u rt. - -'Henil m twu bmea; I want sue f pwar fatally "l encliia t dollar ! your prle U Iwi'ntv.flv renla, Kit Ute ntrtunu to pi la worth s cl-nm. i ' ! ' . 1. ' "Head m av toie of jour iihV , It me have tin no boxea of ynnr itilv lv ri'turn , t I hv ovr 200 inch Tst!mmls As Uoa, but want vl apar eonovi n to f i- H:-.- ; "." J. ii.Uii,;. U, "H. it. t"4:. 'i'l'-rr, ricri, rc s "Txrrr::"" i .ai.vKaSSlel'i T.- nni 4v. pr- Ph.. Kri('E.--K(ine nntn wlthont tb wi'oaved tradrtnark arotmd em li pt ir tiov, aiifnt-d by ir. 4. SU.iolkl,, 11 i tiiu o(!v t,; t'W OIK, to Coitlllurfil wlo'-h U f i-'iiy. H,.-i l.v ititpHitaLlcTiint-rliftMi-ill. liieallirimyli nnttli i niKid btaia and Aanada st a. eviit x r bo or .i-t. ,,rii j .-, Auif. irf-W :'.-, s , - . i -. ' . : 1 will at-n the rMn of my aiock of annuner Wrap, pings at hw Kork iiiMt, .. . ..- - - .-..:. -I'T-U 8 h:!-K MAXriXH, ... J.. ;; clack fiij.:i;LArs pr-.-T,';1;:" LACS JIAKTLC3 AND LISKM M I--n V. Ac, TUI3I3A a::cj 13 t.v.z :s lojarricr' r. ;;' ,''- - Cl! st one snd pruuers Kew loik C'uMt. Ant?. t-4t mtiiHtir V n.i rit'tf t "" ""' A Rl t kl. rw A;t;i-i- ; t.ai .-.a, ....i- - -. l A it tt ri tilt i:Ac:::L'3riv: ir.o frtt4 '-I tit- I'ttii ti Nllrl tt ( :u;iixs I ft ' m" Tii.: ; a,i,l" iltlitk nil I I it bj til elMftl trU;'kt-1 1 hty H ( it ft tttltifi l I 'it-Uiiiltt. I y-)-fccM lit JH1 ' -,- c .3 r:n i;.a3 T:: ::-.t a i : b,,f..r iniU. and ilooiM 1 liur.i la ?v,;i r i; 7 r- yt'iotS in HO-OC'i l;-ti i-t : In any nkt-p'ie or .., iio i) ,ia uot ti 'ivti iu V a ararvalwuw.rP r'111"'! ' - ' t t't ' : I. Ltf-".i. I .t a If be ia aid eared with Bad a. 4 rr..,i-a lti t9 k eiiarg Bill bauiada. 1 no ir to ol lu 1 :iu ilii;li "f . ', : tJ-4 fi::s i but " limy ar a (.ot.-i-t i-u o iv'(ili,l. t(i !,,i' " i r. Addrara J. JSAUI.Ii.1, M. tud I nv I , allim mi. Yoik. L :r;-...;OAlJTIO!Ta . :"::.: - r Wkatk MksffMwf'r Mtf iiair4 yoariitft! V;i''at' ftfVllMi )' l I ItMV tflft !!'.' 'e t I I IH'U IftuUi-i It 't tit t t"' ! , i ii -ii .i t- Ati'l rxMii Mt'i uii: I t..; y t d i-, gUkitl iuvfr nf peyJUIerr tr JEptnti ,rii?,ilsr, April 2Miy ft !.::. H. C R -Koad fi eni.t lior. i. I t I.I.IAM, JONHS A.I O. July 25 if -S' tn .u A. . Kuo.-rior .a I Mwiinl M'lnt Laid ia i 'luiiv-i;!: 1 ii ad H -Ilia. gOMETIMNO II hi 1 1 1 i ::. '(vy THE Rani G. li. I? l rREn. a. f hrrvh a: M.-vm.,f.d f.,t ,x 1 Vttt.raw.lh III D si KKilV UV Nou I if u.-- LiNA u TDUir--b-viD(Uket HiHrj' vt 1 ihu I, pr i jt -, ti ( u tin i ttcy AntE'" (u. r tta BtttnU e tfr Butd Knf4uh crttrtf inif n-1 i n . U1 tt Rtvn, itirj im bfiim ui Liuiti Hp t iMit.Dt i., TmT trtitM! ,tt lni bfiIibtH-lKtiKl. to ( ' 'w' t- i fc ctrtiiMry b-utfi tlte, or ltr ttiWiu.ir .nh 1 crv-lit ny f rtttr SoutbafB fBivmciti'. tHjaS-pr witof 'Jtiwejk. Ih;f i tvtjv .. PiliOry -Jy- Miiirt t ttrrrx jl. . ,!" If ijfiier Krhh . . j "'....,,;.. " I "intratOitl. ' '" A '"""' r ft.) fm SJ tirlnit S iivmii y ,"" a ihMaaat b-lty ttoani raabbltar.tit m.iB. rat Irrwa It i i-i p.m-ut that t.l-nt. .lo.uij ,ai,i al tli oiiih, (thMwia. Ptwhr paitkialiwa addrwa Mr. i Ell Lit at ," Oj aVrn-B. tl auiiloluiily. , ktiJr IvkK.NCIwH -Tli t. ally uf th v;vrwily uf j"yaw - ,,. . H'iUi.H t'At- f Ht-ixa and laibuntkMaiawiwr, itmart aacli tu Kuaai' 1 1 i abd fcvarard bills lu tl u utliva. jrsT iu:ck:nEi, Mi K'uriler M,I,,Wlltl Ala, ' !-' by t li.irclsy, parkiM At (',,., p,Ktr. ' , LAVlji Ju; ..ty 11 tf ' It1 vli", r!s',.'!S .,Rf: w kcti: saT-'". ;; '.TCTT!:SriASCrC2T2. V : "Datve ear ham tjr reroiuuu'i' ' it;.m " ... i- V. At u&u ai 1,,; , ,w, , "liasvptiaabh la tt au4 atjie." . .. t "W quit ai Mr. PwlyMv-pim.-a-- - ' i a . i.uV j f"T l -rk aiMical Wru-M. -.r A Bf lioui that wildPi,ii, i .rvi,." " , , llaut., m ki ii 7..;, . . til :i "Rimnile.t, eUart, bwt Souk I .r t1 I'lHlli,," ' i i AwrkoftuBdaBda4riBgBM.n," . , ; '.,! r- F'ol,CiliJiaas,f., ul taseraade every nthw f I 'a kiad." ., J , ' ' " ' Uirtit, spy. n ' A iaipromrenut na all ,ill,ai n.ao b,.k. r' "' ! , ". " fcyraaa Journal. " H loa i y kiu. anr waiiwiiu. m.i ki divrUflnly HtadMm Hiciurlmut ami Cliaruiina- MeliutM, tor tnwnrow, al wt tn. n ,. u i,t .,. l, j- feed.' Pit)t7. aval at-uaid. - ' . , I.IVKM t- Pakh.t.-r., ,' JulyiK-t j-'j.-j-iv, 4a::, laud, i.ak -;T- aSO0!ba. Ni Lad iakarr.li arid kalf karrala... w nwfn riHWHia ruiS, i .. JuH iwived by . It, P, WILLIAMSON & Ci), July tt tf ' t-1 ' i Clin rurtha Vlaef tha vaar a iokII 1,,,,,.. mm mm. nartua, Mar li..o. a. U ii ij;,,!., i, 9 July 18 tf rUd.IAM, J0N1M A CO - 'f)UUlttALU.llUK,i. . Hi TV DOI.l AKi -''"-,; Tr K a' Urkt iucd will livilfi Ilia lit I -a as "!'" ''"'' bi d-.iitd) u a Jul. he ivi it Uia f ii 1 ti bui uii f sinnl tiava iir or lii lor ta bailor family, m BimilnnAaaor rnnm. n it.-l.i.a-. riwm. ai lri nr.li, ami k) h k It of aru a, wiM.a aait lioa. la i unr in 'iu. tl.a Cioiiiiii(i,ii,..r wilt luva articuiar roiert'rto tn aeiiaoniy, Siiralu ity aud aa' earuv. - ,i . ' . ... . Ph. pnaula will krMivd till Ilia '.'lith. tif Auiu.t . SB Sol b aiiriward iu I JOd. 11. IlAKLtt,) ... - W. IM.I.OYD, JConitu'ri. ! H bt'lII.KJ ' July 81 Iw Wioro' K Cir" A. K i r t. it ei v i: 3. t7Z '7 LAf E 0 V SAU.siiL hV. H '. y k:zz::zz TO.riir'-.roaa & i.:v: . :, 7f;''r;AUCTIONK?:Uf,t . DOCK AND nzVLNTl'LNTi! Ti.';.i HI II llltlilMA. njir-ii,! atii-tituai givn tn Ilia iaU . f l, unt, ania, arni nil kind,, of t'.nii.- y 1 Al, f.i"tinl ailttnttoB Ivira to tli fitm kinui wl u.mmIii lor Aln-ttatitn. Mttbulaotai 1 1 and ol iiefi. : 1 - roa, ural" , 1 .i r i-titj.rtiiin i.U ar I ol-. V. raiMiully aolu-it y dri JulyCd 2,iwlm rrrt'.ii." I- V I ( lD, mciirrora), . A. StiSSio:; or lsss-'::: Tlmlwlt. AnniiHl Cito i i.M ImI ot l-r.,lM,r t - lit 1 ,. i 4 I Il U ll lllclt! i i.f !' w ! , ft, ii 1 1. "U ; i..i ul ,. -i-" iii n-i- 0 1-, .I . tli ,iit v I'lVd .. ;,' el. , 1 it . ' . Willi ill Ilia I'o.i k'r turn, adiiiaa i. or ai-,,j,y Uf tin Cat rti-'jrir, B. Jovyr i, j Deuu ol' tin) 1 n. J Vy 27-dtOt -U LA,:; ncnooL S'.O i C I) ,N CD li 1) . IT. C. T!a - id K. of liii, S.'lui.,! w, ,. I M-d "':v' 1 IT 'I 4, k'tt V iicaar , , t H, LANK, A, V. i 7 l -. . i I i I ., t r r. I .i t it ui r-. , a ii.i-v At, i.-jr u, -r ii f ,'y C ) U r:' -- Hi ll t. l'iia tor t lliatira, vi r... New Orleans, and -- t i oik, j lmj:.icatcd in : "--. . r wiui M j"nTur 'tCbux, m tbi kidnspring aot.ir. - J "' Auga,"l4m Jjr 2-wts i-.: .C 1. .7 .'!-. "" .ttliV