7 1 l-'; '" v " " ' ' ' '' ' ' " ,! "''""'' ' '' 7 v vT II Ii" S E N T I N E L . VI ii n T - 1T M. V.. 1TLL, Stat Printer. 1 7- . v Hs. f n -1 : - T-r-;;.-:-i- NY , x .'! s. yea. 5 mi I' 1 i Y.I rs.v; l3 I - I' . ti : . or fci nscniPTiox, Tks Wrtiat ExstlStiia pa''1'11' ,rwrt Mvadtf "I ' XNJ "' m Batardsy a v?-iaray. V Ten.: : Tervt: Wsstily, unsytsr, la liiwa ? ;;hiul i!kly, Jaar, ta advaae, Mcul wekly, lit amtht ia ail suss, "VJ-al y. ea ysar, .' '' ' MM IH : IH . Dally, til BMialllt, ' . '-V 1 Pally ens muath, " "'.-" l ' L T P - The deoioralii-atioa ol the time la la every one's mouth. What U said, in this regard, of the people, t true, to a great extent, of the rep resentatives of tbe people, end those who seek to be. We hav heard if many ridiculous and demoralizing propositions, a a remedy for the evils of the. wer and the time, but the following excieds any, short of highway rubbery, and ta mora exquisitely demaoglcttl than any tliini? we li:vi! p--; or lirurd from any qtmrtT. ' Ve ! i F. t rui , who aanounciiliiinmilf ai ! otniliilatai tor tlia Senate ia tlie next Genenl "Fellow Ctttsuit. I am ornxwed to lb lUtiA- ration ul the Cooatitutlna. list then i a meaaur I am in favor of, i t Tooooilacate all tbe prop trty orvr twenty thouMtnd dollar tlit a twrum bia.V fe "p)'Wd'or ;tbe jjroceetU lu be applied ; Ut iltu um of maimed aoldiera, and orpbaa chil- 4ln i Ciwfeiifntto 4ieal, mat too former, ho have done ao much for their country, way , ' not te found begging bread j and that tbe Utter irrnco aofficfctitlly nry to originate and propoee 4, UCB nteawirs, anu WitOaenvitaiy w?im, the igUlatur of North Carolina, w any other, toowwinthaBtatei, or any wheref rite, eicept adopt It, may bo tot down ai a oat richly deaerr - - - Ins, tticb poeitlna tu f StlJr Olfi,,, li,iiopW'y'tlii-'1iobert',,;idf CoOBtjf i Uh.ahMl(lMl hiniiobettew that the maimed ad diaeaied MhlWra ' of ttio late war ora ontitled to the Warned and klndeat ymp- hU f tho ' peopK tbem would riiwop In arm against Sneh n piece w i wiMlr4obrMi ''"ttuaCT.'tt,T fir ' hapt, is rraul to say to every otetTotyo i ' aeil farm." If (m bo In MfMat, bet will of .COUrsiJ go for nieniat Jtcgro uffrge,"v2 " ' We feel the strong moral lHgation,roitiiif V.X upon all true Sou tbera meo.'to provide, as far a '- r tbetr ability will allow, Tot the support and com "J,' fan of our ttofortuBato but brave men who hsre "tbxn disabled or diseased, wd thONWidowa aad " .orphan ol our aoldiera, . Every one sboald la- 1 '7s. u KMHuia tLwip wrlfarAl sm1i for them too. UUi JIW.M.' -- - I sittohs of noefolnnsii eneonrsgo tba fdqeatioa of their children and fn wy possible way' to w ' relieve and etimfort tbem. ' We would, be wll- .Ung )) buiod to Vlp tbem, if it wore the Set ter way ; but toUlk of cunflscatingerery man's property who may chance to bit or 120,000, "T f their benefit, ta twit only nnjuet to property holders, bos would wake our soldlurs and their ' ' children the objecU of hatred and. Ill-feeling, ought to be tlie olijti of love and nffoo- "I'tion,, i ; ' .: y .- I .;) . ' . i lot assoriatMms be formed every where in the L -ri' flimtij-looking to the matertal, moral and edu 1 cational benertt ol onr brave soldiers who sur a.C vivB ,ul t,,eir ''ow and children, but let m mtmnl do ovil, do a great moral wrong, that good ...:!'' tnay eurae. " - '" TLaPropwsed CoBtentioa of Soutner TT , iontirts, fco-vauea. 1'. . A friul reaidina- in this County, ha laid upon our tablet ' Jfldres issued by the Cora- "1 uluaeot Soutbera Radicals, who propose to l-' h.tlJ a Conveoti-a la PWUdelphia, la fcVptew . - b., sad whkih bo reueived ande the frank or Win.' B. StokSa. of Teunessea. TU suitress is 'rn wimwd by tmtfr-wortrry, HamHtonj f- TnJ, td on BaffoW, of Alabama, who is probably as much iicltiiea ol that BtaW.W ,.-M. JPMB: . ." in "By w Lan'in, is a cltlaen of North CaroU- : "' Sia. . , ". . ' . .... - i .1: : - ' l I K- iff. ."v. ncif nco a more revolutionary, in ; eoadiHry and disrating doeomenfc, It abounds 1o the most dwjgurous and fanatical appeals, ia . doctrine iitU'rtf subverslva of all good govern. i. - t aieut, lit bitu assaults upon the President, la ' the most sl)mels porverion'tf truth, and la - the most libellous refluclions boo th uase Of our people. It favoT aniveraal nrgro tut. V fr", while it propow to dislranchine that t1n of wbitrs, of wtxini, it may M Sale. Jy s ii 1 tb-it tlipy combine nearly 'l tlie inU'Jl wa Lcd'.y and nmikiously charging Upon a for th of our people deliberate "conspiracy . a'iin to overthrow the government," it advo c Um tta vioknt up-nxiiing of all tlie Southern FUte r iverriincnls and the destruction of every ' .itWinle uf constitutional liberty, la fewer wonH H is as tlndittive, mendacious and cow . ardlr an emanation as wss ever conceived by 'tad wen ia any age. f '. vr. 1a not know that we need trouble our- sJves to aotioe this matter further. ' There will be ao delegate from Isortn Carolina in as Convention. Those who sinned their names to the call, and who is"m without tlia shadow "of arrant, to rvpri tn-nt iNi rili ( moiuia, noy I " there, but no bcKlv else. Uotnie to the peopli and hostile to the csnie of peace and ret on cilistion as s tew men in our midst are. We are 'not prepared M tSiink SO badly of tliein M to snpoe that they will sanction tl.is iulamous - a lotas, - .-ri-- " " r.?H AS.K M.a Ft: Th Noifvlk' TTi'jiJa mention tlmt, a week ortwo since, gentleman, wUo realdes in M i-trloro, N. C, wwplib- Zr I a r-"uil:-l fmtr--! b Oi-t- f'icr i , i i -"."i-; -, v. a I aut Co. kno. . ami ad tlie way to .vf.k,' It wn sa'er- i.luit of aoni hot' witeu a colli i.-r tii ti- titnea. til weigtll Ol -tli Col too l':i'e, SKI me Inttwiditf lacrossingttie A!' emarie Solo-1. 1,1 of li ear;'o-n'1 tr".,t,td it "'thr love of s lventure lui.n f tliat prompted bins tonifcthetrip.--. 71JC1J VOL. 1. . ... .r Geo. Jna, XL Palmer. ' W And la the Northers Radical j xrter the following statement from a Wasliiu0 o corres pondent ; , '4 ' . "Major Oetsrsl John it Palmer, who baa heea at IlaleijTh, N. C, the past two months, a l'feeident of th Whittlesey court-martial, ar rive I l ere to-daf, nd hi reaifmation, which was Uuderud in February, he pressed the War Department to accept, wUinh was done this sf trrnoon. The Oeneral iwwirts t'ie svtu f uf f 'rn in t1 ' ' ' i. ,L, u. . r stcresy on his part as to tlieir conierence. Themnin Strooted opeuly and defisntly insult l uiott olQ- cera ia tlie strwta, and their treatment toward Lniontnta and freed men is piualilu in Ui W do aot believe that 6ea Palmer author! red one word; of the Uvt statement While Iter-, be w ncrivwd wad wpacted by a an- ber of onr best citliras, as a gentleaua aad a man of honor, aad a ftntltmm would give ear- rency lo statement so unfounded and ylcious. He waa aaderstood, wbil here, to be a decided Republican, bat sot a Radical lie Conversed freely and- pmeservtdly with gentlemen, with whom tc4 have conversed, from whom h could have learned, aad did leara, tli true stsW of thlngsamong ns, and w know that frora tbeat ke touia nave reoei vea bo tucn iais ana wict' d inffflnnatioa -&&jitm&i&ito?U?t' boarded la a highly reapectabl private family. all of whoav young aad old, warmly and hon estly sympathised with bt Souther cause, and we are quiu sor that no era vea Marted, timor- oaa, -eUtf TJnioa men" would hsv tenturad to have gon to "that dwelling, Bight or day, clandestinely, to sue It aa interview with Gen. Paluier.. Bach people, If there be any among as, do aot go to the rvaldeaoo of such families as the one when Oea. Palmer boarded. If any person, whit or black, reported to him, that they were la aangerof pereoaal idolencw -for their Uaioa eentiment, thry repotted what they knew to be false, and what Oea. Palmer could hate easily s.tisfled feimielf ta false.f . -V r J No Instance ha com to oar knowledge, ia Which a Federal officer, or soUlier.who conducts himself a a gentleman, bat bee Insulted her by any one. Bocae few instances may have occurred, ta which men, Connected with the ar my, presuming too" much OpoO their position aad ours --forget ting that, though beaten ia th warour people, male nor female, are not ptd- troons, have ventured too far.aad have "caught a Tartar V! jut whenever atea have conducted themselves with propriety, a officer or gentle men. w know uf ao Instance of Insult offered to them by our people. , One thing is certala, that ao on ha suffered among a either for jheir Union principle or they were eo nected with th Federal army. Uea badly raised, or of Jiad temper, who have presumed to tread on th toe of our people, because they claimed to be our conquerors, have met with ao flattering rewptlon, but have been rebuked a they deserved. But since th day that Sliennaa entered this city, down to the present time, wa have heard of but two atea Biting important po sitions here, of whom we W beard nothing good, but much of evil, ns e, we bellevej not excepting members of th Federal 'army it self, has spoken well of them. : . i EMioBAirr.- Several bandied emigtu' ts pass ed through this city, this week, a foul's for In diah."The crowd was a mixed one, composed ol white and Mack mvn, worsen and children. They were front Guilford, Randolph, and Da vidson, we believe. K good portion of them weJwdlM to be. young men aad woea, ,JBom of the colored pocple belonged to Ith society of Friends, but very few of the white we took to be Quakers. ,4.. , ,. ..,s,rrT Vi The Qreeasboro PUrU4 assure as, (which owht to be vrv romfort'ri to the"strait sect,") tliut none of tiiuxi euiigrants lift the fetate, "on account of the t "'ter pi r ution of that terrl l,l r-'mul. Jdiiatu.in Vou!!." The S'-ent, who conducted them, slated that be had Induced tlu.- to to, t U eiti-'i-cl a Uboren to' aid In gathering the very heavy crop of corn made il. r.i. un.t vuar In Li.lUua. t'ue price ef a t.'. vnrk ther bein on buiihel of corn. It is very probable that thsever dto'ujht. Which has nearlv destroved the com crop in the above counties, accelerated the emigration. - Advicto Youno Laoisa. Trust aot to ancertaia riches, but prepare, yourself lor any emersrencT. Learn to work, and not be depend ent upon servant to tak your bread, sweep tour floors, darn your stockings. Abov all t'uU, u Bol'iteia pdYfj'Aj IU Laitefall mea who sustain themsclve and their parent by the work of tlieir own bands, while yoa care for. and receive Into your com puny, mose lazy idls Dopinjsye, who never U.1 a flugex to btlp timiarrvcs.ao ronff tliev s k -en .,,.,1 o....ili. r. and acts ittl' em Wli .,0(L......i..,,,....-.,.,-. Toiina women, retnemtier this, and instead ol lui.i i r the uurst 01 onr I ivf. an l riailll Jr.t'ieento4 tlwHieos' bk !. s.aii--. .jf '. "wi. a ) A..r.nA. . fo them ives ! see 11 i.ey . uave nt.nds 1.rSI wi'd kadt h 1 k ove t i iti existence. Ta.k not of toe beaulil I, .in. and th aott. deucat bands tl. rv(W of tho. you" pl.Lt.1n, it niitt'n fooiwh eoosi kra ,i.i erb'ois your thoughts. se:h- 1 WOI I.O HT! t I: lLVLEIGH, UI' TUS C22AT KATIC L t Detailiof First T'-y a T We wnb to five the readers of lhe i complete acrnuut of the doing i i t'ie Convention in rhiladclphia,and ti even!" t with a report of V,,- t ' CC'.uIiiH, iiC, V . pondi lice id tliu V"i !.u oust soM-mbhni to-Oi'V in tut; j;r. ..t ... i .t. t was One of the most imposiiing a'-inliliiijeSof men I ever saw, as well lor its niunLera u the appearance of revpectabiiity which harw tr. latnl it.- What Is better, It ws earnt. and pa. triotio-Hiay," ehtliUHiaitic I am more than born out iu my prediction to tlislill.-ct by tlie harmony and unanimity which prevailed, ami by th kind ami fraternal' demonstration of &blir)g towards the South,. - l-Ulcuiu jj t o. tlie speech of General Vis, the auditor was deeply iuinrtwieil with the singleness if purpose which actuate th aorthcra portion of the delegates. Tbe main object, that wlncn carries an otuera along witli it, appeared to be t'i rtstort to the. Southern State tlieir equality in the Union.. Whenever the sneaker uttered a sen tenor an nouncing this object of the Convention, cheer long and load rent Wie air, Tliere wss a neart- iness ia these demonstration that dispelled all doubt and Incredulity as to tbe deep-seated and strong determination oa the part of the (tea vention to exert all the Dower and influence at tta aWsallalsfls'il 1evhrrt'taa ''liaafeaw and res- tsblish reputiticsa government according to Bis Constitution. . . TRB OBOAMIIATI !f-A Sl'NB: M.VMSCBUSSTr AJIO SODTB CABoLINa. ' The Couvention met at the great wljrwam at 1$ o'clock, tlio assemblage present numbering, it was supposed, from five to seven thousand. General Dis then aanoauoed that tbe proceeds in? would ba opened with prayer, and Rev. J. N. McDonald offured prayer, In which thanks were rendered to Uud for tbe blessing wliicli the nation enjoyed particularly ta having, keeu preserved ia tlie lata troubles, and also tor the assratblaga of this Convention to consult for the public good.. lie prayed that th membei might take action as brothers and as friends, might lay aside all selfish and unworthy person. at and sectional : cousiuurationa, so mat me Union of the 8 late ntay be fully .restored and rendered perpetual. (A loud MAnTeB" from the delegates.) ; lie praywd also.' that God Blight . T.- . .- .ii t - l - n M... maniiess ma special savur on sua rnraiuun, ui th United State, 4 "-' hiss a pr.it and ; lasting blessing to the country. (Another loud "A-it ") IiwJext pradioclsa usiimhsm ot the Union inviolate aodar th Conatitutiou itablished by our lathers, i '.f. ; ; The Hob; A; W. Handall, Postm astor-Gerieral, ia calling tbe Convention to order, announced Mirt-u-etegte-TroHT ssuciiucits ana Booth Carolina wonld come ia to the Conven tion orm -in arm. This announcement caused a perfect furor of 1 rtjoicing and cheering. I never saw a body of mea so perfectly abandon ad to tumultuous aad wild expression of joy. Amidst all this, Gov. Orr, of South Carolina, and General Couch- nt Massachusetts, walked forward to th stand, th remainder of Uie dul egatioa following arm-in-arm, : ,Thia scene was quite dramatic, ana prootioca rreni ei- fect " When tba delegation bad taken tlieir est, and the cheering had sul!dcdn Mr. Jona llogsn, of Missoun, propoei tnrea cheen to tAXy-si Btates, which wore given with great energy. Cheer won, in sncccsuion, give for Andrew Johnson, for th Union, and ether national things and sentiments. All thene proceeding Were intcrspersea witu some very fine music by the large and engaged tVr tlie occasion, which flayed Dixie, aiuonothcr na- IHHllH " Ur. Randall then proposed the lion. John A. tH as terrTrotwry chairwian f- tlie Corrvention, Wliicn was uoaniiuouoij ik"ii w. Mr. Dix. being conducted to tlie stnrnl ma.ie KTery Impropriate and national spwch, which all, both a tit North and South, may heartily adopt and usCain. "Idee Weiluesihiy's &U. At the couciuxion oi me speccu, w uicii was cheered tremendously almost at every sentence. several secretaries were sppoinu d. Resolntiims for th apmnnt'iit nt ot comniit- tee on credential nd Min the rcrnianeiit or ganization were adopted. Ui-nerai nieeoinaii, i van., i, wi.i. Sir. Fullcrton, ma le such a faithful and f.iir in- TP-ti"!iH.m f the conuiuoa of the -h in e b " , i, h" I of ti.e adiniltrii!ion ot the at ir..f the Fi'.'e.lno '' l!iir'ini, is not ot-.ly ..ti.ineiit rnefil.er of the Convention, I't is idently one of lis most wnlous and t.,..i.iil. ,i moved to resoliisi-n on cn-h-ntials, and ia seed nt the bead f thecommiit.-e on thesuli- t. 'I ,.ul c: -nihteecoilfcistsof tMrteen. - The Committee on ti.,, h ' ' it ion cn-.i:-t of one from each Httite,.. Colonel T. a 1 iournoy was sp pointcil on it from Virjjinia. The call under which tic Conve.oloif lm-t'c-1 w:is read l y ;r. Fen,:.. , t . :.cw Voik, principal aci;ict;iry. On motion of Mr. Doolittle it was rcolved that all resolutions and propo'.-i.n.s rt'latiiij to the oriuUa!iou of the Convention, and to claims of jjawni to seats in it, shall be referred to the CmiwvviUce on organiatioa. This reso lution is t' ii I to prevent controvert and diword." I hope, however, that it will t.un oiit to .bav I.e. i ..Hiiro cary..-I --ara t!-4 ;.?r- VlllUlei' :hnMl Will follow. tOO B. toil H:..S C" duct of .Mr. Fernando WoO'L Th swiil do hnii more credit and . stren rthen him niore thu any other oourMi poii,ly eoiild. It will pro vent, I U-lievo, any cl i -it nrbanre w hatever tom-li-l.or i ' .tins fo k.-nt-j. nil I I'.'iMiit t!i (.oiivmim-iI to ( . i . I i U d. i i v si t- i ' I ' i ti t 1 t i on. t to be excluded i in V end a I who are heartily m favor ot rei-; : tn to cfinality sod re eitabiHun! 1 '"' ,.fl...,,. i,.,,o i ..r fT.T T--m, 'tt.l' r ..I .it .n a a !. i"" v" '( -'-' ' i i t-t-iii'S HUH..B I I . S 1.1 fii'mly i t 'It ,1 ..Imit'in-; ! li'-io ; i"- t t i v have too lini. ll -ii..-' .- ii to trt u nd do an l .-iih v. 1,1 il VI i"H I province tl." "I I iiiiie harm in ti.e 'orvu. A. v jf utt -r u j ftowt Ij. , tla fonve ii a j ii i J ii i il tn ' "V at JJ clock, . -. - - - A ' -J .eekly. HE rKlUK!vr".'.lleart Clay. Y, AUGUST 18. 18CG. The most perfect order prevailetl, and not he remote it si:rn occurred of any pnrjiose to inter i -"t tlie Convention. .- y - ,i i. 'Hj police force waa i attendance-, but : 1 v bud n. i t. ileal to do. ' t Ti re, lire a ini ii in t' ni tpy verv distRimilnhed n.tx.lli civilian and - i. . anot M'ifit bar t a v. ecn In rd iT m tix.ii' h It .i.t i l .tuit.'l I us j , : ..-nt advised, thnt tier ri-prewntative aid I l- nii jia led even to rmlrrasKtutit, much hn- iiiortiiiration. - 1 'oe subject of some interest is the estftbliih wettt of aparry name fttr thii gw-at movemeuf for the salvation of the country.1 Th trouble w ill be to Induce alt parties ta acquiesce and surrender old name and old party Hue- from time to time, In order that no tdd prejudice nisy be brought in-ttrtHrrrrnrah the atrmyrth ol the great party of the Union and th Constitu tion. -1 cannot but btliev there is pasriotism. enough amongst those rallying to the cause ta make this voluntary surrender of their old party names as an act of ready ami willing acquies cence. CertSittly there Is aot a single good reason against it, and very many ia favor of it. Th Democrats, many ft-ar, will be obstinate on this point I cannot believe it. They and all others will oome under tb general nam to drive out th destructive from power and save th Republic.--. w-r r??' - , , As to when tbeL CimveaUoa mill adJooraf. ll. cannot say ; Out probably on t nursoay. i Every body favoring its objects is ia tlie finest spirits, anticipating tba moat glorious result from it deliberations and from the great atruggl that ia to follow. - It may well be compared to the great Convention of which George Wash ington was President, held her to form a more perfect Union, aad who gave the country that Constitutive which Radicalism is endeavoring to tear to pieces and scatter to tbe winds, That Convention gave this important chart of ! our liberties to the nation; the present Convention is endeavoring to sav it trow destruction and restore to the people and tb States the tllier ties it guarantees. The Convention of Ceoige Washington gav usiUe Ark of th Covenant between the btate and tba Federal Union. . It bat been desecrated-1 and' torn from it sacred place by the Radicals, and now this Convention is bringing it back with, cheers and rejoicing which to-day shook th vault of Heaven I ; ; .. '-,4 $! 'f A.B.O, EouthGaro'a r- Kateiettt Arm-in Arm Tk Great Incident of tbe Bay. rB5SS?25Krt I'in.msj.fiT-Ati,a twn " The enthusiasm la "the Convention tn-da which greeted the Massachusetts and South Carolina delegations, headed bt Gov. Orr and MnJ. Gen. Couch, as fliey wnlktsd arm-in arm down the inain aisle of the Wigwam, knew no bounds, : It ws one of tbe most exciting and inspiriting demonstrations ever witnessed la any popular assemblage. M any were sffecfed to" tears. The snr'-restion of this grand incident was wade by lion. Richard L. SpotTord, on of th Massachusetts delegates, lust as the two deU ftgationS were entering tbe Wigwam.' A M.MI sachusetts and South Carolina walked arm-inarm, General Dick Taylor niocntl a r't aiid proposed three cheers forth Union, which wer given with a will that fairly lifted the Wigwam roof. . . ! .- ,-'', -. -f --. . ..JJ..,-. J,....-, .- . XMif- '-fr-f.r "i'.' T" Sentiment of the Southern Dele jutes, - - Eadical Attempt to Creatsla Eiot ' PntADicurau,Aag 14. t- Tlie' speech of Governor Orr lust evening at the Democratic ratification meeting struck the kuy out tor the alternates of tba. Southern ineinhcri t j dn v. It was so sensible, So digni fied, so appropriate, that it is the theme of uni versal ..comment .le-id(ii,. it piost rffi.cttiallX dre tlie fire ot the Radicals, who have Iwen prowling shout fhe city with ears extended In the hojie of hearino; .something out.of .which thry could aiake capital.- Forney has done his lu st to get up a r!ot. His impcr is full ot Incendiary' and rebellious articles, but he bus been unable thus fur to pro duce even a dis tight. Feclipj Ja .r.it?.it ;ton. T Washinotos, Aii!!iit 11. 'I he proceedings of the I'hiladelpbia I'oeveniinii lo-day have, by the Imrinoiiv nod conc.iii.-itorv spirit tii-lilayed. alforde lll'l' ll !T V ; ot ii I i iiiiou to tuel'resid' A simI the hi a th- in of !Ul. I,i :i. 1 icy of one country, one wiil'-n ol i i-.al f-t.-ili-s, ami w.-pirea I a l lithni ii r. n.!i li-oce ill the succisi !.iiititutloiuil niov nu-ot.i They ant jit- ,i i;;:-;it. Bi-.l 1 iivef.iiii in the complete c i. -s i :.. i f tn Convi i.i'hhi, and ot the restora tion policy, whieli it is Hi-Kiuoled to S'mtaia and carry forward i final tiitmipll.; t- . , C' Uiil Eix'i fpeech. To say of the admirable speech of Cneral , at tiie opi ning of the great Convention, that it matched tit occasion, la, th highest praise ; and this praise it dwMsrv, In length, in the selection ot top'"', In tone, temper, and liuH'uii ', we can think f no word which so truly cbaracteiiata It a tlie word Jit. - It was not a inure speech of form, amere esbibltion of decorum on the part of a presiding ofliccr who did not i-h to si-era blunt or unceremonious in ti.Upg hi s--at, as is the case wi'll most tirorts i f tS,i kmJ.-. Oj the oontnu-y, it was persna- c-mii... ii.-! ; it so':ht to mnke a di liuit 4iiur---ion,auit nil'iw-ok-d iu iniiKiiig it iogf r it i tiimt the dryness -of arguuHntatlvelorms, it r.-n.h re. 1 ih nlwurtlitv of wiili boiilicg rcp r ta-nt ,!,.mi from the rvti'erfd hi ate 'l'-r- t I v in. to .ir.r t: lu'umotn f.tsremi-nt, s 1 J ' ' ' , t h i I i v sr i i. ut sc m 4 wjare I nwfit I is. - ... siidaiMn-iivitv a loco adapts thc l- i! -i t---4B!oiv,-l " htm grounds new " oi i- c lsx Jf.ai lie trtitlt on which t a w,-t-wr..,w '- nnr l?-ole)!--i- ... J. . ... j .: I 1 IsVIS l.oMC in The Iliiltitnoro i Mrs. J. ll. won Dsvir i.r.lt morning, from For h i r r brea;:!'iing at Icir a tiio eaily tra Itir Isc-t I i i t i V iiv es K'.il I I a Vwk. 1 ol, 1. s I ' . NO. 12, rinladelphla Ci-vcatmnIttter fi-om the i:on.i:.C...i 'r-i. ,- Tli following are thethairiiien of l:.e r.peo tiv dclcgiiilons of tlio Slates and Tcmloiics in the Pbilad ! i'h hi Convention : V jif..;w. n. cr..-' v. 1 - M I ' mm' i ( I (! . iit.'rtri.-.-ti-ir...iiioi i-mor Foib.r and i.. Cowan. . .-, ..., . " .! Ih 'ii trait 3. P. Cuincvut i. , t -c Jinihind Governor 1 i ui t, , , . J oyoUaTli'. I h.iirnov. -3 . Aw. A C'ar?i'a--NBthiiiiiul ihiydcnv - - o vttUk Cawa-Uovernor Ore. . : ;; . ! ij .ll'l Virginia Daniel Lamb, . i : ilsorgiit-lK. F. Lyon. - , 7rWtThomns UstidalL . AUhuM Governor Parsous. c . Miumppi-A. V. Pytual. . - ( J '-eawiowrA. P, Morse. - 7cr V. 11. Cperson. TtnHemvt W, M, libera, : ; . Krxtvcfy E. llcM. ' ... : n . , ' j i 0it-William 8. HrocslK-ck." ' 1 - Hrfirtwo Thonms A. Hcndrtck.""J " i . JIUoiiG. 11. UrowmngA ' ' - , - JMMfaiC O. LiKiuiia. y i . UUtuvri liaiton Aljel. V ,.; ; t -,.m ', i Miantottil, M. Ruw. - , i , . Wiswnsia A.N. Bmlth and II. I,.' Palmer, -"iriStT1if)in HVaXniou, Jr. -- ' ... A'dnkisUugli Jiwing. ti 'i i t Calif tmU- James A. MuDoiu;iil, i DUtrUt if Culutithia Janii li. Olwii ne. , - Jhihtta Judge TenniT. - A'mfa II. H. Ueath. ' ' - - Being unable to attend In person, the Hun. R. Ci Winthrop, of "ManrlHiaptto, wrote' the following ad mirsble lot ten, endorsing the ob ject of the Convention, to tlio 'chairman tit. the Htat Convention wuicn cicuiea nun as-a pui- gati----; t-rrv rr'- .. 'n v ....A LKT1KR rKOil RoniHTC. WtXTIlOP, - ' . . " BhC.HiKi.tM, Aii;jttt JZm, Itmvtt SattatutitU: "' v '.."', , ' " , '' Mt DaR Sir I ara'siu'cerely si nililc lo the honor conferred upon me yenterday by the meet bur at Faiic uil Hall, over which you presided, in placing my name at the head of tbe Delegates at Urge to the National Union Convention, But, as I bad previously intimated to more than one of our M inds, it will not he In my power to sa-ra I'liiiadeJiibia ae weeks- .--- ' i I am nuiie uii a illiiin. howeve. to devl'i'e the am.oiiitn-r.iit without a d'Htim'l eiii i'.n of "mj hcsnyTrmcum-ncTWiric pm-mt va ssur those by wliom tuat v;onvenuon nas m en ea.ieo, and of my earnest. bop. that Jt deliberatioii may eonduc to the earliest practicable restora tion of all the Slate of the Union to the h cise of their oons'ltutional powers, and to li enjoyment of their Constitutional privileges in tb national governmi ns. . tv . -i - i can add nothinir. I am aware, to ttie ergo: menu which others have already prer.don Ids snMect. end I chidlt avail nivsi-if of the taniriibLa ol Juiliift Curtis in bi lateoOiilbie letter j "To suppose that the Government of ths United State can, tn stats ot peace, rn;ni ft.lls hold aud aJtC-lUse absolute and Unlimited power over a part ef its territory and people just so long as it may choose to do so, appears to me unwarranted uy any rim m i"im '-. abhorrent lo ritrht reason, and lncotiistent with 11,. nature nf our (6!." Willi Jud Curtis, too, I bold .to the opinion "that the Southern Unites srenow as rightfully, and should la.iT..tndlv. In t ha Union s tlie J wer ne fore-tbs ataiiiu'sa of jthcir .people a.tcixipted to . .1. n . a . ' . .... '. !' carry i.ra ui". - r " r- . . : M)t happily, Congref did not adjouru wutt- ut admitting lo tlieir seats tue pcniuoia u.-nruu-ntjuives of Tennessee: but that very liaa ssnidwreAltall-tha-BioiraALUicult to dis cover anything of Constitutional principle,, or anything of true national policy, in its pwist-Bt TlelillTf all Teprcs(T,tnlitin to -the ot In r South ern Btate. Congress has ample iiiti'in of pro tecting itself, snd of protecting thecmn.try from the prratenee Ot ilisloval men in me nuns islation. bt the simple rx-r Ut of the powers, t l....l.li.iT. on tba fltudil-i -itj'.!" o rsown ."n,i...r H id the r.-i-in ot i-im Ii indoblua' B....ui..r 4r It. ! .resi-ntaiin! el. i ted boiil t 1.,t. tv In relu'lllon. been taken up by it- Uini it, i" ',i - ------ - .tr.n.i t'.trlv considt-re.l .oa it own ww-r nu..!.). I'l... vif. siioiiiiHiiimm of 1 r.--.i - It'll t !.,. V... -J ... - Johnson, B0 one could b-.v ) ever mi, ht have beeh tlui ri :;. 1 not how fit her branch -could hive c it baa dime, to coin prom i"! i" f' lndeieiid.-r..' bt uowuixf "y tpi- , I, 1 1 w but know "1. n an t Jts iiiciidii'n tiiher to h ; i;e r - ' - 'ilivs liwretion. . , I'l.l. ..rent. nilestii.B l'f Mires. lln!ll I lots onertlou which- concern otdt tlia Southern btate, who, I know, are reg-mi.-d by r t a i.-w ntin-li a'ii'ir wa having fort. ! I !l r'lits wliich the ,v..rtliern Siitraie (."Mi: I tor i-t-ct. 1 I. . ,-.. ion which c-oii. i t..lhe(. ..i .t'ilU'0 ..,,1 ,- mtwitn ronntrv. ine t- " - i : .. . . ... .1.,. .1 IMP h..L t'ninn have a n: Jit to I'.-maiid ol tin ,-ir nulilic si rvniits an exact a-i i r. In'" rv Slice of th Con'itntion snd of nil i's pr. I. ... iif.ii(' and V iii.ii. iitu t int v I , ..ins.- t'ontitll- !. Il.nt their lilooil Slid tr' ,.. re hsve been ponred i.nt so l.ivishlyslutint the last f,ir years it -Ui! war. ho could ln-ve lu- i' Vl l, 111 ad vaiwe, thnt a year mil bit afor t!.-d r 1... I ended. ,1 .. .. r t'.i I '.' -ii t !. r - fi i and rvrd.-r.'l. -.i I -i '- ; navies could accniii -c ii the State should still tw at the doors ot the t 'npit .;,.oit ai in --S' ' in-tirly one-third 'l . ii kinM l.i ? in vi.'-ii nnd shoiibi be i- Hied Sn a hewing it t"' coiintry'l hnch "" Jaie.l to proiorg t'i" o .but it iKfiiiJ ,t' ' Bl'piellliicy d tlie V" I. J hive no di-pontioii, lioft ,v imtMit.-iiioti.i either upon , , 1-,. I In J l all ' r 1 ' ...luitii-l.-nnllll'' tec- l"-"i'i. : i.f tl; o I to I I I I I f I l' I i 're In i tn font ll whi liltif iv i n li n I i a . tV Sll noo'T Of till! lploilflltS III toll I 1' '' of toe L ii d - d n I' it I s i I 1 e I iv ,1,.. t Ijl i i I -, d t o i of tiiitConvc-i',.i "ti, or to,"., i a.. in udiiid iu-iPier-ce, the fi-i'le of the aho.e country are not Iks erulaUaa ef ths g.!ir'4i. i i it (,, , f th aiest dnirsbl. ttj.a,.., (, , : . . 3 tuta. Avtlla.ais, Mtiupymg tltprtst.' i - . f lain tjps srlcss, svbich ws tail s jn: , wo .. M follows fur lassrtio ta tts rk!j i Vorta tassriln, ' it 11 1 y titf Iws inrtii.us, l i tot OSS Uio.t?l, : -i. ... . - ' - J! '' : Fur iu m.miii . ft i. . for ssnBths, ' J' ''- tut oa ysr, , ' ; i JOB WORK sswulci willi ssntue! l !' . . :u ( asa time. . soon aroused to the siitiuion tit' the l'i,i j . tof i n. : : , ; i OlH I lit .I t u V. i It l V Hi !,. . i- i to 1 I ..Uf I .) : iTi.fr nt w nr s o , or ot .i.i.' i o... -n t . . . k tea rou! oem t . h-i'l r i " ' nsnc olour own ti-i ti f J tobei..oiti..l at V. ! that scrupuioiis ao.n reme to i .i t i' i i .'Of -.lOB IS ii my, i i uon t t on- UI'CV- . until , ill i"ter t Ii a . nst - snd the law w hich .chariicti': ; - ,i . .- e . of the licpiililtc. r.or c- ' I n- Jiul 'mcnt, be of inor 1 .1 i th future career ol onr "t i i trreria should even seem to be h i aiic any provisions of the C'onsiifuo..i they ajisll have been chaigel, tui-l.T d-i order to suit the opinions, or secure t est a, of a prednmmaiit psrtv. A . . t course of procif dinu, I trust, lliu 1 oim i rbiladelphia aid put lorth a si-asocu c a t ef- let'tive protest. - , ,,, Once more rtfjtvt Una mr luain. V to I f res- a:! to v. iioin ' li.i.ui d a cut at the Convention, and thank n I am indebted for tlie honor of U duh'gate. I remain, dir sir, with (' vr r T - fimhfully yrai'.: : R t;. u b TA I L VP Noulll ( Ai . ii . CALOW El.l Cdl 1 1 . 1 T. CuniT or putA anu ii'siitkm r. vIOKS. JlXT ; ;,. ... TiiliM, ISdd. W. Clarke, Admr. of Hawkins Keiby, Dec d., fir i 'n llcira at Law of sail Dec, I.NTB RI.OCl'TOlit Vf sir TlltS OSHUfl (v'.nilMI (.11 1.. be It- ' I b. i'if it, ne l" -:oi n d i . t ct.,r. i- - is of (-....il i Ins ,l. ,l (tu.r ul In said I of on ti.;s, tin-'l '.ii. a iv of .hiiv. t it-.. WllKll IS SWOl H fcO Hllkl I. - Mil v. , !l H tSIU 4t . !l-Uli.'ie.l ill ti..- I- ' Ii t.-1-M'..-r dt, il is th- c -.1.' el-;, ii .i i. S. li. Wi;"ii, ( o rk of t)-is t .'int. bs aiun aiiiiii'H. for au tn uuouis Din Ami it, fiirthor ai'rwsrini' iitii.n. fruin II ft sii sssil I'etitn-iier. ti m ti. li. 1 I h'l 0 tha l.sitr. fin inr-rir ton bvweU, ami hi wu ban.li. foni: are umi r".UitU Sft, S'tlltc t Aii I nt lino h- lull I-'- I 111 I mi-- . ' - f 1 ...... -. In a. . niul l,mi,i I. if I lll.lW. il, St I i uf SMUX O. tx fuirle s to the ill. J C V . , C t c. Aug. M-w6 - r TO T1IK COLORED p::ople N 0 n T II C A 0 L I . V Thf S's C chy Iftit j.ti 11 cl , ust s 1". u I i.i. m ci'i pill p.iH' ! ftllil li' lis simliari', u. 1". s s!i' r e-1 lJf-ii'ie of (i'S (-.-;!, 'i h.-..n ni. iii." ."1 ui b- : and ourp-iiiiiio was nrwn. miinn. Vet, i-r ' siuinry Le. to r---stui to io.-'k s '-r ' -f i- - ll'-.-r S' l'lMl Ii fe'f tl . . U-:' 1" ' WUuil l.tiVO li . 11 li... 'I t- sr coi'f-1. 'im ui i ' ic-i. n'.in.i-. io.ui..-' wc. . I.-.S I I .,-. M u, v - . -I a" :. - .- s I .I i- r"iy -ii-. t"f - a -:l of iss- U. eiellii ' f US' 'ul, I'.c '!.. I- .in ti.iu s ... t'onii. i IU 'I ..1 -III ' in I : I e.t II li 111 liltl i - -I b..r in-!'.. I lm ri . . nt- te lle U.t iii.,s ln e I "t ech i . t it. en rl ltm : l the '-.:: '. I- J." -J I . . y. , J 1 -i -rf I . - - ( IV, .1 .f'l - - - '- -, .!---. inn. 7-"i i t OF I't-s- vl 1'-can t l'en y i 1 i i. .ii Ui! u t I y I In I.1T " Ml l'I t "... i I; i-'V, ;.---MWT".i.i

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