- :. ' 7 1 . J". .. .ti 1 Alitor. f its; ; c ti.::. S t . rd.y fit tiling, Aug. it, itea. A.U-.-i .,.( 1 1 1 no ilir Iff.', L'HITKft ff ATKB, Aili'I asuiu I mom A II." WAS. IVO 1 tHTHhR AnHMMt:.Nt. i oit govi:knoh, ,'o:;atiiax voiiTji,- OF KANDOM'ir. , ' Tkf ' !r' CotV'Tttinn,. ieti,ii.k that our ftirude i.f I lie Wilming t i J-'j I'-JlareM f.i.'t Jn their lienitaitry to , . ti,e j .. , i ( -hti'iB of the -aol-' id '! ' o ! .ly urn,!. to be i 1 1 t ( . .... ', nr H'li'-.n oil.i r Kiiitt, In 8'p 1 ." r. 1 i i r j . u.-h a movement .it . i 1 i ' .'s''j t s v i ". 1, i i' . -n, in I ' ' ,i slini l ,(. I. I .1 1 i , ' I ii , i ,l t..iu power. 'i ' -, . i ' ! r t a I j '.; tie i : '. i. 1 . It U t j c n'.inl '..i.-.-.t cf t..t 1. ' r rta-alt, that r mi n tt.ou.d fdiiiUae, akoulil f mi s'i'.l-f oimi iit to for . a uji 1 J : 'd (V retire, -y cit c-f tl.e Jlniing i 1 I ffi! tl,,it-w.irir the eoaSict- of arm. 1 : . tn'jtt a'asi 1-e conceded. Hiu.lt emirac, ti f,.r s of t'.e Huuih arc conc-irnctl, it by ' ii j!. u, i hi. !. i .ii.iit )iti t:r couyfction a t the in Lvaxliy of our etru-'gle, our loep-fult !ihi of prat it tide to tin living beroea who lu y.rri:'' I t! ir Im la our d-f''ni:i or a piou v- i' .'h r.rlhe ni"m'iiii of t'n-i who died fur tbe cause, f .r a wit observation ba extended, the ",' t 1 1 tl- two annh are.lt' vindictive ",. I i. a ... .ii. m i Ij Li-i ti & the titter feel inyj iT-'ii4-rcl l.y tli war tlin any olW Cf rouiaa tlirr are riccijtioni to this ff rural rule. Tl-re ate a fi-w men, lilia B. F. I!-it!i-r, wholi!l clamor hit IiIixkI n1 proiicrij) ti,i, I t ni h uii'i never were a.jki.na, in the true Hi, 1 ".mirons m of tlint trin, anil are t ct;-:r&re to t!i4 uitiforta lliy wore. Men wtio ai.r.-ri"l r Iiai'.llii;, ami eocouotered ri ,ui!'di i ; ttii.l viIhi, vku mounded or r ; t ., ' in n'm, aj'pfalcil tvvn to t'i ir "' ''rr 'iii-nii i, fur aiwiitaiice and re l,i f, ate fx. t liail ao j't to clicilell rmntful memories of tlie war a llinue who know oih i: ,j cf.-'ii h r.'ti-cijtinna, Tle live ex puiili'i' 1 . ..''! i.A ni. rn l-.v :..: ti ari-i.iia f' 1 ' " In uit'fhuy tiM-nua Wiilivv of tm-irnit'W!,' s ? i.c t r ' : i int to y rnrl to ,-h oiLi-r (tie t . ili.ii 1 1. i' !.ic ami ail. niiaUtm to aUiii. Juit -, c 1 ir-ii.-r nil 't lionfnt lll't t, fii t. - . j , it. ; v-ii .v.i 1, qr i. , The i! :.- ia of the two ariuii, Uo uiy mtti ' in flu ml!y coiiim il, in1 ScpU-iuticr, are not ex !. nl to I ; l.iii al rr(i'utiuii or dicuta ttieosii til (:'u:ii!.i iit. A4 wa uiUlt-rsUnd U, , l,'rir'r:"7 d"! j 'i'y fric-'i, n'lifrvt Jvilif !ril dug ' ii p I - ' A an' ' s t'l 5:o are ao ti, iii.u t am t a- " i i"t tne aimj.it!, ulil olio 'ii ,"' ( ti Mi.iinf; tlii'ir dolt riiiiiiatinii tip -it'"- I'ft-i 1..'it in J.i fT..iit to rcM'tie t'.,.s I i.imi i,f our f..:!ni, and tin) Cnuiititiittuu at it K f tl. f 'I r'" ;i of I'd cray ilittcr ' i' ,. ' i us- I ii '.. rity of lintti, 1 i;.'i h Co'n i iiiinn of Fc.il. nil fc.l ? f ii - i i. 'y i ,i'if in t'.e r'iii'c, tii y ' i, '. I's ru Irani, ii 1, i an 1i iii vt', .f tlia gco ti.i ir oin'ir:(.l. tlirnh ,iy v ' n.tivri'd to l'i' m r, i it liurs.'-tf fr i. . - f f . U l.iii 5. rcsl, dt'ayad and , , '. 1. TI.. ir .iik 1 U'u'S .. '.'.?. m -l' nvn wlio t i i i ! . r I iuijilcr . t i 1, i.:, 1 '. s ite lii-jie f u 1 4 i;i L.tt i",,i..i tii'tn of I Y-iS I. t f .1 I , Irt'O t i it i' 'n t .e ii"0 i .' ' r ., !.:: i t .e .-? 1 of m I " i '' ' "f 'f t J lil- i :.:.. Ui 61 J'rHlu t ( t Jit' V .V Cull. , ; f -..i ('..!' .,,C ! i A. (,','. i r, i f r . -.:li Cuii'lina, ! ; 'tt ii.iiii-e " t ru.r." a li ft Is- t K :. 1 .. I p'-'-'i ' (, :n"i J niii'ijil ti,i rp "!-t ;i, I. l.fl I- 'i t ) ( i i t t .i .r i,. ... ,. i - ri' -e i f a jint'iinw I If . i O'll lln." " ! l .... .!,. . r- ! . t a i . fit t'.u .t . t , , ;4 i i i nrf- i I -.' i!ie ('',. i ' ' m 1 t r t i ! ( - , t ,.,.. in .is 1. 1 a i-M ' .n'e i i' t ? t 1 'o ' 1 liili-t'l.-it- ,t lin- lute ciop ,1 . . Poor of ttu goatk . -. The late rejxtrt of lli ni. RUrednian and Ful icrton, after a full conviction 'that t!e public fumla have nu Wa.-t' J and aiijiMfriatcd to iiinvr end tinlea ful Um t ty tbe Uureau, ltd tlirai to aii:;mt that the ivat. rnof giving ra tion to the pa, Ixitli a liitean.l Mark, ahould Ui at.amkM!.). A tfh-jjrjhip rli-npatcb, rretlv- I twilay, aayt that Cico, lluktard ill, in a few d.'yi, ixaue an onl.-r, pultitig atop to the le an ot ratioiiM, turning over the poor Llackaaud titira to the guardUnnliip of tli kx-al autluiri- jt'H .... - ... , V - t The iojiiDtice and cruilty, on the part of the government, ol abandoning the agpd, In firm and ilinahlrd (M'romand thirchildrca,whom it haa futriMy freed, tlierel y rancelling the obliga tion of tin ir fii n.'-r o !. into pnn'nle lor them, ii too matiili st, to r-i'iiie an arnuirnl Thia would be ao, if the Soutliern whiiralia. tieen Ivft by the war in the int cindition. But when it ia well known that ti." South haa ben. atrij ;h.1 of cvr-ry mi-mi of ei'.orf, eirept the an-i, an i i.- o it ia lii'iiilfi t tl. it tin condi tion of t! f 1 - 1 1 rrojn of 1'. u r-oi. !i bod.a sl h. a ',. .-iii )'..! !., lit oiii-, it t n. , ' ! , , '! - ' ' ti. i.-'Aio 1 ;iu, -.vjir 'i o aiiiioiou toe I'lxir art iiiflrm, and ili.alilul and IrIiIimi blwlif a!t'ji tln-r, W'auae the Bureau haa work ed bttu'y and Ini !i'ie the Bureau nucule have el.oWQ thesuulvc UlKiUttliSod. to utanaga' cti Bomirally tbe matter, t what common juii and humanity rrninot aaiuitioR, A l the ka-itl author! tie jrovl.ling fur the blat k, it in a moral inipoilji!'y. But if the government would at point native' chizena of tha BoUlh, itf 'iutti County, to look alter tJiem, the- whole rx might be met humanely and economlcfllly. The Cotton and Cora Crop. , We have taken aoiue aina to enquire into the rouecU of the ireeent crop ot corn and cotton la thii State, aadknve arrived at tbe fuilosi ing' concluaiona; Tbe cotton crop in Korth Carolina, judging from tbe. quantity eeeieeA aiid-tmn the jrtmiral eonditi-JH f the crop, will be largf end of a better quality than In 19C0, unlctt!ie picking teaaon ahould be too wet; an event ,wiiich we eoinewbat anticipate, became of the very email amonct of rail! which liu faileai In the State inn April. . For the tnont part, the eeaeon ha been moat admirab'e for cotton ; it never wa generally in better condition, end the boiling le good. At mual, - jen any one article of market produce it relied upon for money, the cotton crop be enrrroaeed the attention, to the neglect of grain. In tbe co rrgioa of the State, ft if doubtful if enough corn baa been railed to niect the want of that region. , . , , - W are forced to believe that the corn crop, fiom the Wiluiingtmi end Weldon Railroad Wcat to the Tenneiinee line, will irarccly exceed the third of a crop, - From many portion of the State, we learn that the crop haa been liter, a.'y burned up by tbe drought and heat. Here ihw4M 4t Imi 0mwMim ut artr cuuaaa, there U an exception ; but the crop generally ia eerioualy cut off. In Hyde end other Eaatera CouHtlet the corn, crop, we judge, will be very " ' " " " With thi view, it, it be correct, it ia all Im portant that the corn and wheat in tbe State alum!.) be efamouiically lined. - All who will be ci.iiii'IUm1 to buy, ihould hiuke irrnneim-nt to pun Iiaho eaily or unite with other in import- iiijicorn fmoi the STunhwcateru SUtt's. Thia can lie done cheaper than buying at home. ." (H.-inl (l4.t. h to tl.n Kvvnlng I'.wt , ' A rotthfp'-irqr rriManiationiEestoratlon ef t' Vnt of Ilabeu Ctft pae In4 of ti I.:.tary Ccccpation or tiio Bouta- . ' WaHM'JOTo', Aus.'UU 15.-8rr('tary Seward ii'turni'd here tlii Morning from Auburn, and rr'iiiied the rhiirfe of ti is itt'pnrtnient. - lie li.ul an intrvicw with the I'mhlcnt, and It i reiHirted that prorhiniNtion will tie imme diately iKHiif. I itfi'ltiiiii the r etnlilis)itflent of tilt; writ of a.iVn coryui ovt-r all the territory of the t'nittid Htati-a, and a pinrtical ti-riiiin-fion of the tiiilitury ocriipntion of tln rttak lni-'y in insurrection. It i nil. ! 'stood that thi pm-law -'Vm haa l.'-i ih'l.tyed on airouiit of the alw f Mr. t-i'Wiird, - - - - - Ve aitirrrt-Iy trujt that the al'.i luumr ia conct t, I'n ! h nt Johnson owe it to himm lf B.i.l to the co.it.lry, to vindicate the Gontit t" ii, by t'.e ;! rciii-fval of all obstruction ti t'.e v.'t t f . '. i r.'- it at all pnluta audoa m-ry f,ot r-f . i!, w !, - t? c rt mary of the Con 'l'',!on U lM.wh -pd. 3. i ii t ft t'.i;--, l"o, f.ir t'c rriu'val oi n'; ' bold a.l i !.'.. i, il.,i . ,d wi.li j I i 7".-. l atis, !. in liii'ra"y . i i i' ., i' ' I I c f . 'i'''i . 1, at I. . t t.n l.-iil or j . . ' .t v.r f y ! .' ' t, ly ' y a- of t i- i ,uie f I ' i . c, I li :m of l -'hi-r, ) i) t, ' t 'ileai... ; l!.ht t)ie- u - 1 1 1 1 i f ! 1 i f a f !-i "i, 1 l- . 1 1 ii un l.t- n ol til r ' '.i the r i oovil 1 y i ,. ' j-coii-..i '.i ii-i ..r and J r ' n, ti. . i. rr Ii 1 for in"'' 1 t A I. , i "iri"" d a i y, a r .isoim- i.t and com -e t'"Miril tiie i: -, c- f .. ', on t"..e j 'litof the 0.rjr"- and of tlie - 'y i i r r, a; t-a'l tloii i r-'i .!nl for the n t, a of l.iuo.i ry and g io.I wi:L A I i.-l :. ; vr t s : r v i i ii -I h'niw no ttie Ihv mith 1 t t j c n of t!.i ilirti-t tat of I t t Titi If kin.l a to i'ivor i a fit ol hon tlie ni;itti-r stand i' :' .t r i- - ; it x i " -l I y tliu I ! t u'iu.t i - 1 1 o, - I ei(,. ' iV ; I- .t ((...:!. . ,; i If i ii Uf, from ti S. Trrn- , . '- I i ' f - -I . . tt, t t el 11. , . 1 f lul! 1 .. .1 l,-l ! 1 . t t. l ' o il .ii f .pcr.li d I old. r .. f the t-corc- t,. ot -"'J- 1 i I le f.n.J dc 1 r"- lie" an I j .1 ,'rr. Ilel.h. cv .,.! . H i r i . , i. t ..... - 1. on is ir. i 1 1 " To"irtd. whii.li, of iif M.tiiut to brt'uk. the cam kV bii-k, in our ri-sont poor condition.- . t n. j- r , Detail of Second lay' Proceed in 1 I'iiiLAUKi.t'Hia, Aug. IX '. Tbe Katioiiul t'liiondL'onveiitinn rM-nili ai nooa to-day, Lon liefore tlie hour of acmhlinj? the aigwain was crowd d with d' ): .pate and viM.i-tatoni, iiM-liiilinjf a Urc nun. I r of ladicn, lio were eiilirtuimul with Sialt.iii.it air by the lad of mm.ic. - . iUjor (icoeral the temporary pri-Hid'-iit, called tlie I'onyentioa to ordt-r, and in iiiiii. -ive prayrr wm nm.te fcy the- Itv, Wr. Il.ihln- P ft -r- - v-tin nomination y orrirKii. After the prayir Gem-rai Iix announced th a the firnt hiinineii before tile 'onvention ia l!,o report of the'coiuiniltea appoinled rti-ri.iy, . Mr. Blair, of Maryland, then erow and f o.l : 1 am ii.trict-d l.y the tominitti-e on oroui , ... tiou to roKirt tlie following name a tiie ..,.i. of the Convention ir - - Fr I'rtnideiit Hon. J. II iis. .littli , of H i, con it. Ym Prraidcnf - ie, I e-mnrd W.i!s, I); Xrw Hani!"' i;.mi I V.ocy ; Viini.ti,!, !yl'on t'lark ; X im liutt, llon.'li. It. lUmde I 1 -1, Alfred Anil.oi.v; t'.min.--t : Hon. i j. t, hh-Ik-i.t; N. h ... k. II. .u. T I. lit' .; J.-i-.rf, ;.-iM-r.l II .".iolt ; f, i. A - !'.:;!' , ,-. - -. ..I, toi.il.ti t.r..j; v.. . II- . Julio W, IJriH keiihruiili ; t-t n miii, Tl'i aa bwiniey; North Carolina, 1 1 ii. Joi n A. tiib Itier; S.MH It Carolina, Jmle I). J. WardlK; tJeoriffa. It. V. I.rona: Florida. Jii'Il'b T. Itn- ttatl; Mmnwippt', ti. A.t' ke ; Ixim-ianir, t'irth--- bt'rt Bullet : Arkaniiu. lion. J. At. 1 elihrttar i Tex, I), U, fbiiWt : Tenneaaan, T. A. U. Ni U aon ; Alutni, ti. H. Houston ; Kentucky, Hon. J. W. ltitter- Ohio, Hon, 1. Knnnv ; Indiiiiia, llou.W. a Smith; Illinois, I). K.;'rom; Miih iifun, Una. CJUJi-Clarh i Jtiwiiri, Ion. J.lm llouaj Minneaota, V. )Stle; WiMWmin, tJen era) M. aliHitomcry; Iowa, E. Johnson ; Kun atti, J. L. Temh-ry ; California, William . Cole uiae ; h'evada, F. Hertford ; Oregon, Hon. ti. b. furry; Diatfh-t of Columbia, Joaeph H, Brad ley j Arizona, j Dtifn.tati, J. M. iurnrr j 1.1 Ito, " ; Montana, 0. U ilillcr;, N w Mexi co, ; Utah, - " t Cotoraito, Hon. B. K, Halt; Washington Territory, El wood Kvana. . - gecretarie iVIaine, JaiueaMana ; New Hamp- ahire, TL ti. Cutler; Ve'tnont, U. il, Wmmonii; I Maiwachaaett, Charle W'right ; Hbode l-.land 2. ILParaoue; Connecticut, Julio-A. Hiaiveyt Nww Vork, . O. Herrtnet Hew VoIu4 Thoma 8. Allium 1 Permaylvama, II." A. Wcav w; Delaware, J, T. Throir; Maryland, lr, W. W. Watkim; Virginia, II, & Walker; North .Cerolin. 8. F. Patterarm; South :rdiu,.T. If. Simmon; Ck-orgta, J. A. Cbriatie; florid, Jud-;e B. I. Wright; Miaaimlppi, A. . Mover; Louiaiana, A. W. Walker; Arkanaaa, . V. Hon dinott; 'J'exaa, J. M, Daniel; Tenneee, Joint Iyellyut; Alabama, C. H. ti. Doater; Kentnckv, M. II. Ownlerj Ohio, B. I, Kahiliiian ; Indi ana, CoL C. C. Watum ; Illinoin, John .Vr.Uin nia, jr.; Michigan, General J. ti. Parklniint; tinneote, Co). Bicbard Price; Winconain, -. C. Oouttv ; Iowa, h. IX Parker; Kamtaa, W. A. Tipton; California, J..Temp!; Nevada. Colrf el J. William; Oregon, A. 1, Firk ; li'trict of Coluintda, Jainoa O'Bierne; Dacntith, J. F, Btamiiicll ; Nebraska, Maj. L. Lowry ; Wathing ton, Cbarlee F. Jigaa. . Ouncral li(, at the eoiiolusion of the read ing of the atmre report, introdinid Mr. Iooht- tl, a ho wm received wtttt ernrnt epplauae, and on taking the chair (poke aa follow : .ju't-w if otr "rant rwEaiu'rur, . Qentlcmen of the Con vent hm and cilireir of tbe United Utatc ; (Applause) For Ute ilitin guUhed honor ot Ix-iug callcn upon to prexide over the dcliberatina of thi Convention I nin crrily tlmok yon. ' I could have nit lied ihat it responsihilitic bad lallen upon, another. But re!) ing upon lliut couruny and p-neroua emiii dt lire which has culled me to the chiiir, I enter ' at once upon im tin tin with n earnest doiir for tho (ucvcai o the great ciiiitc in wh'K'li wa are nom vnmsal. , Among the pttiit rvein of our own day thi ('onvention,- in nty nptnioe, w ill be one of the grenti Kt ; for peace bat II vie toric not lea renowned than war. A'ilfi'iai And Ihi Cotivriition ia one of her virto, 11 may I not mi y a clowning victory J (Ap platiae.) ' For the tint time in aix yara nati.al ('tut ventin, repreienting all the State, i now eiiilileil, hix long, weary- Veara, A I look back,, oh I w hut ao interval of blood and agony and tears. . During that period we have bcr-a ens"ii!'(-d In the nimt frijrtntta civil r the woild lm.s ever m n. Wn-tuijj our n-oiiii'i , drenching a thousand battle tli-tdv in f'Hternal blood, and carrying to fraternal gntM- our f ft liora, our aoint, and olirjirothi'jr, by liiiiii'inl nt'tlinu-uiicU, But thnnkabe to Alinir;'',W iird the witrifver (Applau4i.) JVme, 1Uj., ,j ,n'e Jui fouie, Tlie asMiriince Tihiih i .iro wit-lu-al tell 11 Hint pein e lorn conie, mid i -1, 1- l-t :iy, (Apjil.niM1,) th, roy fi-llo i ir.. 1 if the whole people of the I'niied ti.i!s culd, ' tlii ninment, look in tipon thi Convention : if tin V could eve Vihut wu now' aitm , tin- X .iiii anil the South, the K.nt and tho . -t j..:tiii,:; t'lfethcr In t' il.-rmd awri'i'ion n lib ml and ft-itow-citiVrua, our work would be aln-ady H-ia (A ; ; ! line.) If th"j- r.ml.l i ss v, e . : .v ',. - -BKchttnetU noil fomli Pnrolitm fttppIaiiKfjhy heir lull deli'i'atlout mm-r aim-in-arm into .tM' r'.-.it - CotiVi'i.'i ; -j j.'.aiis. ) it llsf-y cu' ' I L-ive - n t .t-rin to - - n ul ill i-i- M of 1 ' I' r "I his.i.i 1!, m e. r ' lis B .S.-Ilil ii t Oil t!.s COli ro. f, 11. . I tit j . f j-" lUM-lit, tin) I . r tme 1 'e In I e 11.1 ion, H.UlOlU.tri l.i 1 , t J ' t IA ! ' '(' fit t'.B )' I 1 t " I .mi', f (. mi '- ) i 10 11 I r. -'.'-ii.!.i r t. ' il M and South Carolina ti.,t. In the W l.i. h t-.H.O I t'lP Cotlii. ,.-,.,!, VO t e ,:,: inn of tha alave tra.h- ; 1 ," .--.ulitis. t! ill lt!3, hii h, tin"! uc!aii'tts oiariilinii d ;-iii'- .t It fl h wiine nt 1 -r ni.-ti, (mi. 'it the dmtiiiie of 1,11 : '", m,,., '.i. h Nuitli Carolina re. a-werted in 1 vi.l, n l j 1,1 the form ot a.-iion re-ax rted in 1-tuO: wLe'i trail to minj that eniuih C..;.iia liir.l ton tift i.'im in thi Conti-at, and tlml Hm veil i of J! ."m h licet t pi)l.ri;d out the tint bloo.l in 1 ' the lOriv "n; (Hppl.iiir) and wha I cinl t i ruind all tliee niemorira, and at the n.-mio tii e I v -k the people ol thi country 5 1 o k in on': Conveniion and ee t!i'-e tuo oi l ft; iu of t ' j , I'nion cnniln-f bep, in ti-i; M . e-n1 nu e, i, j ( k.ji. l.ii. ti.rf f.unit..)a .;,.r ol a , i.nti. . , try, nm.ty to liinke Coiuiuoii nuciiu '- or ; - f jr .o.l i.t the whole I sat a itn, couhl a),, ..oj.leof the United r-iai.-a wi'ii'. 'l t; i ie aou! I n-nii.in no f-inlur n-.rl: for ' ' J ' , II. I'n"- r f I" il toe pel .iwof y. leiit. ho i'n I , .-m '(" rt.. Ii.iicaiii: -. -I It, r -t a an it. -ol, r w ' to f-turn.'d to t'onee f"m !! rfni ( ' ' " ;-. -U.-.I-) In.-.', i.e h.i 1 ; ...i t.. . B-tirnnre that he wool! .'.. it'lin ! , t',,o 'ress to reefiT,ti e t! e .t,-.' tv 1 I ' i t ii 1 . it '.1-ti t t .e 4 i.. 11. , j'im. t inelii'l "7 the l"i-1 d-.1 i , n -l il rveiy i-. ile ir .;. r t el.. . .,.1 n . n t 'itit:n iii both lout . s of ( ( t mi , , i ") . lielill' Ull'D of t.l Convi-lltioll, I fch ill 10 i . eiowrgitraent tliHiewo-imi. fi'rits of " 1 " on.") The liistitigiiihid gentleman (tfen. d ' Dix) who prvcedi'd tne ha n.i,l l tAi 1 ' would d .Ire to av, much better than I Muld w, it. 1 en lor, "d take gnt pleau m f'. y i-ii.ioreii.g. u'l that he aidd, enttnee by n to. in , word I v wont (Applause.) f Kill'iw citixcr., utifortunately, it may be. the whole p- ..!e of the Uutted State are not here I t MwtHiiJi what W rraiwpirmg ; meinoia, r,-,i,.r -..r It nil! retu noon u. Jrrom tiite tone until the 1 UrJion of the nent Cngre wa Vnild f e u.n emitting in our eiertion to t to it mat ttie avat tongreaa, it thi thai! Conliime to refine thi aai red right of repnuentatioa to r-i'iul ntte. that tlie next Cnngn-e hall rccog roe that ri 'ht. fpplalic.) When Ihi M it,,m-.- the i l -ii i leM.nedv (AtiphMWe.V- I And a ben the I tiiou M restored, we shall Ihj i pn imre l, in toy j.nlipnetit, to enter upon a high-, t .r 'h tlto r i .ii'-' 1 8iot; this eat'n.B ot the tiu-ib.ll.-ml .nor jet lieen oei'iij-ied t)y any .hiiio- ' -t n;"i wllii-b the u ol Ucavcoevcr hone t pp!nu.i I ' We- hlt atand in the vai..' -h of civi..,tion and llrty; weahalt h ad li.e way bv the light of our. example fotf all. the other nut: of the earth. ( Applause.) OntWm. n, withoiit "il (.lining "ju any" ln-" g.-r, I nil u II enter at ouce upon thedutiiaof .tba chuir. ' 1 " . "tm othkb Frtt Lm'v ' ' The Vh e Presi.Iitit and Srt'relititN the CiMiveniioii were tli.-n Invited to take tln ir wale on tie phiihirui. While they were duiuj o 'he! 1 1 pi i' -il ftveinl nir. , .x . ' i:i rji-,T of niKiirM1AI.il. . ' - ( i.t 1 ,0 ,-!. .i.hn.in, the chaiiuiiOi of tin: i ,1-iiiiai-eoii credenliuU, tuado a report, st-i'n.jr tin r were no eat eontwtcd exiept I'm 10 the S;t-a of .M.iiiin, i)eJaaro and New Vork, and ot thow cates thtt.cottjmittw; bd made tlie fol lowing ili-p'tajtlon; . ' T he di-lfgitlca elected bv a meotiiiti held at Howliind, and hem led l.y lioveruor ln.hy, ar entitlnd to toiniskiiD a the tielegatloa troio Mutiio. The th legifte th-ctinl by the nutting he'd at I'oter, 011 the Stlih, ot July, are eutltled t.ia.liiii-wtonaii tleh-gttieai fwot Dolaiuru, and. the personn choMnal Wtlmiqgttia, on the 2nd, of A ugiM, are to lie admitted to honorary rat in the Coin em j... 'tie gentlemen attending trout t li t oiled ,Si-r ice Wia iety ot Holdiera and Sailor of iw ft k, and Hi.e ehctel by tbe New Yiuk tl. leitiiiMi rrprcnanteil by Sir, Eaiutn-I J, Tihh. 11 a Imii mitu, are (it be admitted to aeata a.i lioo..i..iy tLcoihem. , , , , 'I, ' In conaeiiiietK'e of the time that would be oC- ( iipitid iu it uiliiig tbe lint of delegate it react-' 1111; wan rtiupciiwjii with, and uudcr tlx opera o the previmt oumtton 4ha ptk tivtU tmiiiilr.e waa agreed In, lOMMITTICKnH HBol,l;TION AND AtltlRKes. ' n motion of Senator Cowan, of Femiiylva- nia, a committee of two from tacb State and the Territorii wait appointed to prepare renulutioini ami an ai.iic-iH, t , -"if t-.Mr. Hogwn, of llbnoi, propowd a recrss of n hour or two, but the proposition met with no IBVor antt wa not lihiwed. 4 tNciiaior Cowan, of Penaaylrinia, rhatrman of lite committee on reanliittone, Inforhied the Con Vent ion that the committee would not be rtaly to n ixiri finally oetora tn moirow morning, i Allot itvcrai aut.'geatioiM aad poaitiona,. it waa deriiled that the atwaioa bt-inorrow corjp uiemx at JO A. II., ia ordor to get through the buineaa a aa powiblo. ''.' Oil. Pershing, ol Pennsylvania, ' prevented a uu-monai, prepareo ly a gentlMnai in lira Con greaaionai diftrict, wliich u,im hi motion, re ferred to the Commttt.a on reolntton arrrea.1. Mr. liattutttk, nf uttin, aim prewtiiited an' air ilrmato thepe..plot New Kngland, prepared by the unto Uxi-o l tlwt tUwiaiaaa, AliMtiwppi rud JUUaouridckgatiuuawbo were bom ia New llngland, which waa ilao rcferrert anread to the DoniiuHu-eon rtnolutions. ami then. .' . ' On motion of Mr. cr, nf South Carolina, at ijuHiitr paitwo oclocJs, the Convention aii joiinitd uutil. to-niorrow, Thursday . " CESIIIAL KEWS.L - i r,"mli' ' ii .. 4t, t.- ' Mrn Hti;tlMb Young-, While temporarily ln w; and lotvinc lo r luilieln herwrni", jumped froiii a Krret window in New York arid lmll in- the trwrt. wimp forty feet below. The child was nninjtin-d, and Hie. woman will probably rnv. ' jk ' i .a-...;. Eti-fion-iiior HiiIiu,' of iViuiaianat in ,iu Bt. 4.011, nun. ring , iruiu UliaoiiQiU, , H (lufW ij Ii will bti alow to foment another riot, m Major Hcroa Von Borcke, who waa chief ef atatt w General J, E. 11. tjtnart, and cimtrihuted a account of hi exploit to ItUutuk)dt it now on tlie atatf of Irince Frederick Ctmrlea of print ta. f - r -- J ,ni T 1 Kk.ntti ay Pi.wi ios. Tlie Itouiaville, Cou rier, of Mondity, puhliuhea returns from ninety Eve counties, J. .iviiy illteen to hear from. Th uiiitorily fur Duvall finis fat is fH.GH. The r maiiring- rountii will enrry the majority fo ttl.iit toMy-tmt tlMMiMMd. -Bttvalia nrajnritj in t.oud to It.il.sou'i vote. " - it. II. uu inxlcclud.J..uitn. 'Jlii the Tldrd Appeii.iie Ditrii t, by a mujiinty of 8,l)it over T. A, i'msh'ill another gratifying rciu.t, .. ; - Ji'ekm r.nn.The Queen of the Bandwicfc IJmi.l i 'I in ali ington, where ah waa , c ill- .1 10 ..,1 , e.liie,lnv by a iiumlter of clerf-y-1.1-nol i.,e i . iwivtl Church. The interview lit-teil an In .nr. tun! all lt depitrted mint torrctably in f il vi vc!t r ot the t ueen. impressed lv the -rar h rmgai..n;T ad.11. - and rt.ouilied o..r.h iihty. i:e of Hit very. .1 i-l I.I, ol lllii "J. hrtwrl (1 a 1 .it 01, tool nr.! of 1 1,!.. ' hat 'bull iiiij.pi r-iiwit." ii,' I ni t h-" are I and a I n-tnry V i,li. It notilii the li..:l, r .f , i'. ol llej.ie.il oil te.i.jiiU.-y 1.,.,,,, tttjit I i ...! ot Cli uii :.' !,..ti. (.uijHwe tiiat n ..I l e roiitH in. .1, n ,1 mti ri t acrniing ap u-.t;,, I a or that tiny they iul l i l :ir i. , -t. .1.-... ... .1.. M-.i . gv.. i to the Conrtiition will tlo) to A i I V i he l-.'.i Army. A p. 1 y u ,i-iiveninj .r j;-n. ui!a l tiiie.l Stittca i-, ; . ' r is i it.Ud into a wellia Arknns, .i.n-td bu'tiaiid, aud lota not Kitut. '. ' I. n-t.T D M.'o'lV, in his -p.wh at .Mmliaon,' I tir.t II on p f,i, ,y could not I a t ..I to the I'loi'i l'-'j'hiHCi.nrentionuiiilorit i I,'. it n.ii'il t e u a.le to ;.te-:.tr th it be - n.-e I the h.-rts-v wiy.. wliieb Jie -o I. ' i' ' in 1 '"il nml h..i ,i. . e I-. il.i I to. m ! v nt . ,": i-l t i. 1 n a h t ti i ; There aic l.ht two or .-. Ooewt! had ateidthily adinireil ., i.u.1 t. hiu.l iietrpaiMr,"l'Ul h-'ii 1 r. -'-,e put ImiIi tliiimt (,a i) ,', lhtrcornIio.il tim tur.'we r i-.u In Intel of our- alj ' ; ' '' '. otrttjing die .eoiner-gto'ntj : - t . inn nt Bt Cbir-i.ro, (m . 1 - I 1 ' I,' -1 p. V ly ,. - ' t, 1 ; ' ' i ' f h i '" - 'i ' ' e I i i-ut a I I '? .U..'l.tiU. i ,v i and a fi in. I liiu.:. il . i t t ' o 1 ".i.-e at tlie pem Hoe- . i' Jf'.-'.ym; p! IU.,.. h-mriy tf,- : tu sissimt ot t!ie.?ivi-i,aviftA!. ; :.. J by nligrapliii; T.iri fn.ui the il to ce i-oietuiu. - , T11 Ot.o Kobtr trTB baa paid larger n nimt oi tha dirt:t .a tliaa anw other South- n. SUU-, cxlinii irginia by over $3,0(Hti.Aiak ,1mu;;1. ' Tl.. ajieal well for I orth Carolina.. Poor be fine, the war, the ter J nation of th truggle left her pi le nlmi-; deMitute a Impover Lhed a any of tbe otlte goutbern 6Utei, and yrt aim urpa&ee. tlteja all in tlie promptne with which he moeta her itbirgationa. Ah tlid during tbe late war, when abe aent mora eoldior in the field tbaa any other Southern Btate, WU DUjtateh. , - In order to relieve tlie community from a eoiitiivwuicaof- tlie avwwrou . outragea. whkb hare been roiniidttcd by armed band Ia the ui'i-'hhorhood of I'vtvraburs. ibe couimandnnt of the poet there baa reaulved to colkut U th , . - . . 1 .1 ..r., ,-.'f., ... '''"i;iVjy;i't"'.',t.I' 1 thn military banda. " T5 Bi'l' IjirJat.fc General How ard, feminiakhrtier ot the Freodmena Uureau, ba v i'ten a letter to the Hon,, ltmuu ll Hart, oi Jt4.w 'oik. in whitb be -"the Bureau. ia InitiirtftisHtde. Tathi"nohle entimenf all the aieistantenniniiritioncr, agent. aub-agenU and hanger on of the Bureau will-, doubt Iff say, ''Aiiteo,"., V .,'r.i v w --" 11 n.i 1 .1 111.111 1 111 1 1 1.1 iinii J ' J o Kiin. Aua.lcS-tf l..tll.-T l"t of nrt BUll lih-V. 1' I I 1 '1, .1 'M .i CD. 3.1 U K BA LiC e Fox ctracUn, HmmI But 1 ti-r .' at-iiuia, lttwtue Ciii-kfli, Ln, . tkxia, anil lirt.'ra.-lo-r. . ' ' - i . ' .-.L-. Ang. 18 U - . - ,', il....i,,,.i i-... 8 .M..I I.;.... I. x i i IA ) H SALE .-K.-1 in Bnxe and Ker. Klna . Mtone, Hulphnr, Indifro, aladilnr, Oopperiui, (iiv ftB) A1;imi tepper, aUuiilai, Alan, Uacl ot ibog- wihm na vatiior im. . f -i-v -' - - .tuuuK, joseb ca t r i "tf'kHf K D. A Siiinhi g''nth'nim, eompetent to iuaek th huiaugtiaU taiiiimJKo( ororatf ar'hool In aiT IWnulv. '' A maifnitd (imftlrai floldiar nrefiiTiwd. Si hefnnauii a to eUJU-.-tar and quahlioattoB nxfainid. t.l.l-uu ' fill. li.UM V UAK.1.1. l.-it . " - ' muimiwiu, joanaua vv, , , " . t .A t a . t t,ib.)j9 in . 1 j.; S I ft- T . n , f. f. rESClT) keep etntlji. bb iaa4 the beat Diiiler and Diarrlm e Iledienwa. Be ha a rumeilv which baa ban uaasi wHk exWanrdiaary aneeea for nlt.ivH.year, wluco every, imthub ahouiil keep about htm.' ' " ' ' t ' '" - ' s c o, itateign, ang, 'i-3w-' to.-(. -via i t i. it Raleigh Diitrict, 4th Quarterly KetUuga in .. ' Prt ... , . I PAlamaBewiwri -- ' " ,i -8pl.-J1 - ta '"o?T5aui,-,''w'-',,jr .' ',-0iujwa 4.srj'J'' "f". -as A 8S. ,i Louiabitfg - . rt, , ... . jiW ' t Aa Jt-lWrvit ). -I f t .. : . ,. M.J v A'neryr" Will pb-aiw copy, - , f ' " 'T'UtStS t7ASTE50i": "1 ICE IIFB AXD ClSniSatS CT . EACItAL, tSTOXEWAl,!,. . JACK sff? Wf ,i. 0X0.. r e-Vavajflif t jjiw. uiauiiilJu.,oyr, T -. 1 11m aNiadnrd Bioeranhy ef th Immnrtal Har.. tilt ouiT iitliutw uUtuf-uiil br hm widow, au4,.pub uniiea ior uer tflcuninrj tientMii. ine auiniir a pel aoaat friend and tUt it ii Utaff ef tha Cbnatiia Bat Ji IHf. we want an Aitent in everr eoantv. Hnnd eirea hun and e our tern, aud what Uu freaaaaniaf tha i-"vthr-tiMt 1 i..-k.V.-.-i...!.' - Li 4 . AUiuem , Alios ai, ritu-iMtiiMi to. . . Corn Ttb and ktaia u., iitctimood, Va. fK ... Aug. 18-uw3m t. .' , q jhv ,.f .fr j v f One Tliousaud ol!;ir Ccward IS OFFERm fOB TIIE aPPltr.ftEVStOSOFTHii pMTHtwa who, ea thenixtttuf Uin Vtti. ilia., niur 111T. J Mr. Jdhu A Culetnii, and Mliliei tti etore of )t.!. inett Ciilvlitit, at Kiin jitn.. - Alxmt Two Uiiuutiitd tiul Fifty Dotiai-M m ttantaiaJ ewxfeaaey. ware taken, and tuout Itn l)i.ilar in Kmt, buudo a luuUe(AaMiiverVateh and tli aioner taken froaa th pu.-knt vi tit roud.-rt..(i auia, ,, - : , , . i , Huiii;io r'u on a yomnf iuhh who was working in tlia immediate vielnty, but Who left tha day attnr. II cull him It . H'mi1ii i(evi" ya b ha re cully reiiiined f'oin .mt Luoie.ut ; i about an few ImjU, Imitler, Willi dark ttair, and with dart, tboagh tuia iuonHta.ih ahaven ionuediiilclj tutdur tha ueaw. Ilu ban 'bailor niftrk" ou biM arm aiada with, iitk WKpei iallyoahlariehtiHrai.) fta ) bt) iu away from bi pwiiot when 12 yitars old. tlnima to ha had a boiuo tn Hyde Comity. AU feraona ra- reqneated to aa-CHl bM waa, r to forward to Una phuw any infuc ninriou whieb triav lead to hm ftrrt'Ht and eoarletititt. -Aitdrem A. I'.ll AhttlU.I., at Una pliee.. - . - , Wlutaser KuttMin, k.lKaouniba, H. CAug. It, 1BO, - Aug. t-lw ' . Sioo KKWAlint jtttji jiiitwa fi-.ita the ai4i ttf ttteHiltM.riijt..,liMt tlieUt. August latti. but , ' U i .' : 'J .PABK BA,T . HOtlSIV.V. r. hmv4 brewn, t yeara oM, 15 hand hii;!i,' aliod" all f.Hiti.1, atol in Hott ti d.-r antl M.ti.h.l (tnni.tif.it, 1 L the no ore rett'od will be M..1 tni .1. hterv a.1 lOtlttivk. oi tne nora aud nut r, or tltll IHil.LAttb fw tlut moia iui' w ... A. - . ' W. H. CHOW, r Tadleigli, Aug.M-4k '-' ' ' ' '' - ,t ' "'- ' ' " l'i ,l ' V MtfAaiJ. : i Iri "IT ' " M. ' 11" .', i".l ' 1 VI f""'- T . Ml A.t It .i 1 f V W 1 1 ALn,,l. l a. (t OKMLlXY AX.I1XIS BltAOa A WAlUiEtf.), "- t -i- e 1 rt i v'.-!. ( ( , 4 I 1ST. r2Ts,t:::r.3,A2ri) iiiTiirit, : Eas. 11 Zij it. . . , " i sew vonu. " The atmre l.rniBe, i t ,-U allfrTien inUii atrl of htm, b Iwn eHi,..iiiied o?er iAj year, ia well kii."in ti i .ie ,eit u. nomh, and ean pre it roa-t-i.ie-i a.injuigtM, they tt.lf be aUo ta tlbOOll l f.-lt(j.Jl-lt ... . A.. I Ii i ' """-"fi". ti. Bt '.HM' ftttl W'il tt.lttl f H 11 H.TTCM-n M-.i iJOWim at mil..ater.it. e(.aj tje :000.::.au, h a. f.f M. '1 "W.,m,,n ... -l -1 I, ta si.it-j ti, it. . 4 beuir A. f. l'i u' rir" If. r. j in. ii- i iJ frf f to at tl r.p.,1 bnsl.. 1, if.a,lyan- ' ' J. T. I Vi'1, ttanoua, it, c. . 1 . i . 1--. - Al. la-IW ' it A lrj; anu ly of Si -ir an I ('..ft tot n- - t'l LLIAM, JONLd tfe CtJ Aujrl. gtf GETWEuT0ltTra3SICGAn.'. j Ar'"lerlorlut. 'vari.'tiM,'kr Itramla. ami Arm rw .a lilhf". '11', !' " ot!red tree from toe ailvance of ilie hr;imi, wua-tt will be ap- nreeiaied by to trail. " ' Aug. 17 tf F n f ilk. PftHTV Kli.re. of Jf. ft. K."R. Ht i. , ., ' Pl'LLIAM, Jo.N'ES CO. Aug. 17,-tf . rum wutiBwkS.e--,- 1 tw iule t.V) hcirrtu T NICE WHITK COlif. I will tk-ltrer it in tha JUL-i'-h h.1 (imtum Hatlruad I liepoi, tl 1IW1THI, ran wnw w,t.ij-iTw-Ht.1 yF I O. W. WII.K1SS, -tiaatuo, . C, Au i7-i m,;gtm oil c u 1 '-fie1ell ttinni Invittfit to oor Jttoik of 8T. M.iltt .Al'X I tlAJll Alt.M. Wl ir.-S a arut autt pjtita, aid by Cotuioiait'iir tu be tlie tibuwt Iinpoo i4 i rsi,i.rt t ! AlQO1-"""'"1 f'tiier HraJMCK. ' wry pojiAl.tr; DniTOordiaia pal HlJtKliV, wan auied jiiire j tho twilr alnetlv eniua gi'imiiie IfAlil'.ll'.A hi the Country ; (ILL) I'tiliT, purw and afe to tliiiniiitr the feeW.-Ht ; HI. Julian I I.Al:;;r, and titm.l, InivnyA Chi. CIH.N'AC llkAN ltV, K'-touiie, of the Y'i.ititi.fO of v. ry aunerior Hiitle!e to a.ti.ou.t.T nt the ai It bid of d, a rent fn..-nvi. ' . j A h f , Piiro Old JAMAICA KCM and HOLLAND 0LV( iur Hal to ttwaratie by. vrnxiAM,J0SFjJaica -Xug-.TT-tf 4 - $50 8 rt id, ?1. ir e.i V VI. hu.lt 11 out of mr Btahle. at niv ranideiMie iw NtaHh- 'amiitoo rtMiii(v, near MttrtreCNhoro, K, ?., itn tlie: aiehtof the SUit. JulvlitRt, a 1.1UHT IJAV IKilUsii, ril.r raw Naiert. with botbtiindteetwtiite aadairHof - tetmm A uitutit nf' iknyU kind lrft it1 Mut ' HhoI Home 1 aupprwed to ne been atulen by a freethuin, i-aDma; Lunaolf Albert Oraham, anil who waU bat a IWaMvlv balongad to CoL ilraliam, of a Chariot N. C. awl be Buy have taken tbe Ivirae with turn toward or to that plaen. lie 1 tall black neKra; and worn, tk daybeVft here,' a long yellow , imeti dniitier. - - - - ' I will par the above reward of fifty doHr l tbe detivery ef the bom te tue, er iofurmatwa thai will lead to W fiMioTeiy. Jt j , .. . .. Auffi lt-lw ' ' ,.' w ortbamptoa Cat, M, C. Lt ilifJiAST '"'xsfwrxsoariiojiTH utowti' "I - - -. . . ft i a - - .t.THE untleTKiaoed, baring barn duly appotutw) and mpuwem4 by tbe attKiUiulilera of . -- .- 1. t- - e. . . i .-o? 4.ic .( ,v .( ,'wrx0 FJDtAUf UEMDiABy.,;.,,!, , " fo aiake kale (if that VALUABLE PnOPKTtTY, in eluding all the btuldmK, togetiier with tbont Twelve and a fourth Aeru ot land, will oiler th am at public aacttow, on Me Itik k?y ef (ittemr et. Tha Seminary i a large and oommodioua bnikling, Adniirahly arranged kar acbotd pnrpuaea, and eoutauia) a wiltirient nnmberof room to kecomrooflat abnat TWO HCNJillLD STUDENTS. The bmldinga at nearly aw, bavine been erected in 1N60, and are of awry kuid Bended in a first elau Ueminarv. , , The ttennnarv ia loeauid on tbe lantern boundary " f tlie town ef Wilaon, below the Wilmington and Wel don Jtadroad, and no an elevated apt nf gnmBe, watt haded, and bavuig excellent well of water Tbe -pravwrbial bealthinea of tl town of Wiiaoa, (it being lh btgheat point en the Wilmingtoa and waldiia Railroad,) nd the morality, intelligence and roflnv .iMwt of iu eitianu, niaka it on d tlw moat daairabaa ka-ationa f a Art claa, Maia or Prmale-ltoniuiary in the Ktate. ' i - ' , . tt tlw lj .rof land a aiiffieient einntitv will be 'lil I t- aelitHil or otlmr purpuae, toto'tlmr witk wM tin bnildoo? retemt.alit 11 h IU.1...M 1 at. . L balance of tlia ktnd will nid in kit, liie etc of Ul HittnuHwu ua trie any aaie. - . a ) IHWiiiir Hnua. Ona-foarcb eaab ; on tbe kalaoc a - credit of six momhi will he giTeu. , , ,faAgle-t4"5 -AO d -o .... w-i ti,i. - ' t "" """"I'f't' Ki'll'l 't.o in... in t i, i, ' TT"IHa TATK)TAXILil t'ittliU'Oi.CriEa"A.ssisT f t.ieiao laxea, by tlie United Htatea flanra. nient, for tbe ttb. divwiun nfth ih ('..ll.ti.... tu. tnet, ot North t nvima, cotnnrwiBK all that part of Make County Ijhig Nnh of tho NortlearoliuV Bail rrwd, rxi-himre of Hie limit of the City ef Jtaleieb I will attend the foUowuia; plaeee at tha time uidica teil for the WTirjioae of reeetring the return. nf income tor UM war l,nl, andCarriairea, Wold Vt ittenea, Haiwa.' Ao. , held on th Itt. day of May, 1mJ ; alw, return tM"f"'J, lsaIl c., beKiuuuig With the " mnntbofMan-h, '.;, nml ajmlie.tiun fii T.lnrnn fnn or etmr tbe Jrt.of Mav, Iw-i, b U MayTlwT libel. you, wedneadav; .. di Utk JameeLyana, .o. arrufatv, ' J X JUL Bavea, , , , , Tuiy. . . . , fleutV ih" Oak Grore,;"" ' Friday' ''ft ?, - Ttu-npaou, it - Monday, w i r. d tev.iji--tt" - tlii!:- Iloietivilt.., m;., j -,, Jlnnd'ar, ti.tUt, J., do. 17th Itnunaull 'riiaradiv. . d - ItiduewaT, ' -" Mondav, fc l dS Sib! ' . , n,'. ,! inaaoav, ,rr.i aA da. Sntb 1 1 LEIGH AX1HB ASTOX U. IIOAD. ', NORTH, AND SOUTH, Vt 2YIII2AiaiI-YEXCUli'(; - ti-i..ie, on tlirim..!, but. m bubug, g.t,,.. thbril " Ttlad t: l.iae f.,r f .cr. " icvra c::: 3;ilii -i:a:;:iid cnT , . .. iH.'lr.'W . 'i. ' " i ' Va ; - . t r pewawh. tlianltv.,,, eV rouri,,." Willi m ee fto,,,,,,,,, . ,1 . ,,,,,, lllJn , "i""'; lomirno;-, at admit one rUrUi tiie etmt. . ' ;,' TASE rCTICZ. ,1'waiiil. aliippi,,,, Honlh will ahip- tkraaa-h 1 bieai.iebip t umjAiu,. and no vti,er. T .. .? ; - j."koh hie totik,' -Vr the 'Atlantic CiM tt Mini meamalilnCo r tvi.. t ' . - Taoa Bi.imOJlf. li ti. tt.i. .. 11 .'I,..,- ... - t niim.it t.n p-i.. t fowipant,, I, f T-wka liu of PittWO' f ' ''.I n 1..1.1; ia ttn.I No-f-'-k ..,! H Nortti ti. j,,, , .i). i..-.-.e ,5 (.0., in l'luiiv.telih. .nut e AvtHiue -.u 4 I.O., A.4, end at CtLn-.t Mi ; T. flntpa t -toav t V , ...l Ci . J , I li... 1 ..u.t am! i I? A I ' notitb r-a, e.-Mri" "'irg am,! ie . c -Voi'i;-t. ... way of I L A"iC. 13 l:u A T ' I 10.. T,ee ,., ,,..vr, ("..,., . , J ,.tl ttrj-1 t-v licit aw ti y -r-s.',';.,i.i'-l.",' ,. . . .'Vnuui ti, " . .. ' , . P. WlU.IAiltHJX&co., Aug. Jl.tf. w:,t & ii l" f

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