Tin: SENTINEL. Saturday litrnlits, Auj. 1, IS6C J UJTV AND STATE ITEMS, f NHW Aovt ItTIStM EXT. $ t ,000 reward it oi tiered fur tin apprehonsum of the villain, who, -on the Out. Inst., murdered Mr. Jno. A. Cutchin t Whitaker ' Btstion, Edgecombe Co. ! The National Publishing Co., Richmond, Vu, 1 advertise for agent to can vast for Dabney'a r-.-L.ilu and Campaign of Stonewall Jackson,1 'the ttandaed biography :of tU immortal Vol. Sao. T, Bandera, of Siutthfleld, tliliu to employ a privale Tutor. With commendable j, feeling ha expresace a preference for ist maim ed Confederate toldicr, who ma liar tlia re- " quiaite qualification. r',:i --,- Pull'iani, June & Co., since their removs . ar iucreaaing their attractive stock. See sever al announcements. - -' - ' :- - ' 1 P. F. Peacud, ii: view of the proximity of , cholera, announces valuable specific for that dread disease. Tub Voiu. We have now official returns from 89 eiiiitiit;, in which the vote stand.: x'or I: , riiim.. lo.C07 " lunlic.atiou 13.827 ilitjfify torliVjeotUus CboMlbaI Chomcba I ! The inaccessibility of thi cit i by the , Usual made of travel by Which hnt eaport towns and citizen are Uitetl by epidemic, fhwe Jloi render It poala : lively certain that llak'igtt will be holly ts empt ft the approach of Cholera. : That . dreadful malady ha reached Richmond, and it te sow oaly a day' travel between that city and tlii. ItI,atlest,prudeattougjetthelmme i, ate cleaning and liming the city-4b removal f- and burial of fetid, poisonoa matter, and a very ' general retort among our people to proper diet and the Me of cholera remedies on the 'nt ' - dicatiott of ehoiie and diaralm'a) - -Melon and Utasouud fruit, and indigestible vegetable food, ahould be dispeneed with or more prudently need.';. A word to the mk,teJ ? t '. t, .'.. 1 ' ' J " . ,1..'"." : AaaivAie at- tax Trbokovk : Hottf, Aeg. 17th. Wm. Thompson, PitUboro, K. C, A. J. Derby, Philadelphia,' X, Taylor.Oifiird, 1 S. C, W. C. Mean, Concord, K. 0.r E. II. 8. i-fclogjf. Baltiniure, Md., 8. Wolf, Peteruhurg, tVi, t. C. Raymond, Cheater, B. i G. W. , Green, Philadelphia. .. '. s ... " - i ' lloaea 8TAMN.--The Saliabury Banner truly onji that this crime is Bow reduced to a . sSxeiicev, :It mentions several glaring theft in thi Hot la that vhiuity, lately. Hardly a day pane that oar coluiuii do not contain edver tisentupt oftrring reward tor stolen animal. ' Pmp Fnurr. Th'e 's atate that fL A. VgWr, Ew., oi Saleio, ha alilpped Kortfi over 60 barrel dried black berries, thi eaon; atwut 100,000 pounds ; and although the apple crop was considered prutty much a luilure, be - haa alio sltipped, and hat OD hand, op to thi p time, ever (0,000 pound dried apples, beirg - over 2000 fcasheli, and they are still coming in f itrt than half a dor.en men eaa pack them. The dried fruit trade baa certaiuly been a ' great blessing to the people ol Forsyth these j Lud time. . '"T'.. r, Z nomctnii. W rrgret t h-arn that a. fatal ; . ehonting affitir Hxuretl between air. James llc ' Keasoa and Mr.-Bob Tate, of llorganton, K. C, " on Tueadny last, alilrh reaching In the killing s Of kir. Tate by Mr, I Kesson. Mr. Tate wa fcrotber-in-law lo !r. JJcKetaon, and it is said that family matter were the eause of the tlifQ--:; culty;which terminated no unfortunately. , Tut Chop. An intelligent gentleman of('a . barrua informs u that the corn crop, in tliat see : tion, is almost literally burned np. He aay hi ''Information is, that such alao is the casein South 'aroIma.XieiirgU; Alabama and Ml.iippi TEtHfdMA:Tn.Tilti!ltWa.8om'qteer-fo- " nut km told of the "B. . inllucnce of the . liureau," both in the literary, military, sad re- - J'jioti way.-' ' A frit-nd -write, fronr "a "cotrrtty not fur off, that a Freediuan' asaociation ha . Li.u. establiahed lu' hi ntighborliood, which partaken, in it operntione, of both a military ri and rt.:!B:ou character, thejr doing a good dual - of tkymihq sad exhorting, while they are mus tered about under the command of o-callrl Co! ' , C : talus, Lli'iitenanta, f?fr-aoU and r 'lie r t'-i.t "on Pnndi-y vi-i k, t' f nre mart hint in si!i'uin prt.H,iou throi;,,'.! ii t;rvi, o UUr to the liont, and a prioii'y I nti h of -mult freeJuo n brjmg op t ,e r-nr, imitating, as well a they Wijbt, the I- ' .! i 'i-titof thehcroi id front, when' the 1 . i i.itnn iii eouiuiaud nng out "cljte tip '," I 1 -''v every fit hoittet her Urea, and step ped out tsuti 'iier and niron r than ever." C. r.SAD the astounding development of profli gacy nj comj tion in the matter of the eon t; ' ary to implicate Mr.; D:ivis in the nssssina tion of rmiJent I.iun)ln. Such villainy is notij;h to make one Mw.li for onr fnnimni hu tjm'ii'y. r n e, mi l no o'her roontrv,- .. Lav "iJ auj i'.'.ing j j-! long . it iu - worat atr ''y. v F TATE OF NnrtTil CAHOLIXA. I . vi f.rT oi v Coi:t, Jtsu Tt-ttX, l&uO. J 1 n U I ' ;'v, A Jm'r of J -T.i" J, full te .' land to fiy i' r f : cunt. . ). nt !-- i.itl t)f Ii'. i ar -1 1 rf" l';r v thai thff ' t r it t i r li"i' t n ! t. t t l I Bl - . 1, on 3ot. Si..ii- ,w ur i.1 H' -it tTin i'f 1 i-V) ri'i.'.-'rfll l'' ! fl'-" H U' t. piOCJ' ' tJ ,.J f j V oi a. r oi lit i.mnr. Aug. ... :iA3XEITX 0D1CT Of lit JudU iHry oinmltlee la tht Case) f Nrv Davi. 'A ruisaxxpcsuiis-iioLT eisg2actd B27CXD EEDIPTION. ICorrwimmlsuee of tlie New York Herstd. . VVAKiitsoTon CiTt, Aug. C, 1800. - Prompted by the profound interest the case baa excited, I have made diligeot effort to learn more of the conspiracy acaiuct Mr. Devi and tli underhanded proceeding of the Judiciary The c-jnduct of the committee. leavina?'out of consideration Ita refusal to allow one of Its member acooa to the record Before It, Wa reprehensible to a degree which no language fh. my vocabulary la atrong enough to properly characterize and denounce. " It waa ordered by the House to inquire and determine whether there existed probable eaiwe to believe Mr. Davia and other multv of incitinff, concertinz or procurin-r the assassination of President Lin coln; but instead of seeking evulence to enable them to form a conscientious belief en the sub ject, the leading member assumed in the be- Cining thai tner -was prolmble cause for the ief, and contentel theuuwlve with ransack ing the (so-called) rell archives, the Bureau of Stiuinry Justice and Circe's tv. for evidence to sustain it, or rather to trive it color. - Not only did they not inquire into the subject, but they aWlutely retuwd to tlo so. it iiies of inuirniy nut) high mK ml stand ing were otiered the committee who would testily ti knowledge that Severn! proooitions haxl been maile to ftir. Dsvis for tlte kiilnappinir' mini auiut- l fKwxteot laucotn aud itis Cabi net. and that h uriuiiiitlv And intlii'tiiuittv 1m . i i j , j - booed tbeui.. But the couilnittee did not want and would not have any such witn'. It i true the, eaaniined Cainutiell wud Comnnnv who acknowludired tliat thev had beenaubonied foe tha Uuru it Military justice, but tltev did o onlT beCHOse therfand tx-cn tjlacetl i- awb a potiituia that tuey could not, dared nut refuse. Beside, the eoniesaion of these mm that their rigiuai atatemeou were lubricated fur them by Jtadical agent of the government did not tend to vindicate Dr. Havi. : Thev mad grand flourish ot tramtiet over letter to Mr, lavi by three men nauied Oannore, Durham ana Alston, proposing the assassination of lead ing character of the North, because endorse. ment were found thereon referring them to the caticnj retiei eccretary or War, but tliey re- Vmw to receive "any ''ejfi'htnatorildw mr the aubject Younff Harrison, private Hecreta- ry to- Mr. Davia,' n ho made on the letter of Alston the endorsement, "respectful! referred by dirtciioa of the President, to the Honorable cretaryof War," wa prepared to testify that air. Davis never saw or beard nb letter until atter the endorsement wa made, and that he aid not in any sense approve the proposition It Contained ; that he (Mr. Davia) wa often tloutW ed with tellers, and that when they came to Ins (liarn.Hoa s) band for perusul aud examtuation, as Miey frequently ftif, without being cen by tue fremiti nt, tie, acting under general tint rue bona, made endoniemcnt inch a related to matter within the scope of other branche or toe (government, referring them, a by direc tion of the President, to the heeds of the appro priate department; that be did this iu the eaae of Alston' letter, without it being seen by Mr. Davis at all, and that the same thing wa donate ihecase of Durham' letter; but the committee, although notified or the tact that these .endorsements could tie explained in thi manner, and knowing that they could not be received in a court of justice as evidence a'inat Mr. D.i t u Hiihout it being first tliown tout he Knew aud approved the content ot the letters, and directed Hie endorsement to be made, re fused to exiimine Harrison 1 refused ahsoliitulv to inquire into the subject, lest tliey should he deprived ut all ground nt excuse tor reporting that, there . Wit probable cause to' btliev Mr. Davis accensorv to the assassination. It cannot be objected, that Harrison wm i rebel," for the committee examined other "rebeP agents, one ot whom, James A. iowle, the majority report cteelftres was 'in a degree' an uuwilltnjr witness,' "still devoted to the cause of rebellion," fmt "a man ot truth, thnnw Inch nothing more derog atory.jcauld he sitid til yniing llanijon. But the Committee sjid not want witnesses who could ' throw tight ou the ubjcct ; they abhorred the truth,- 'i'bisiAt importwnt para graph in the nixjority rexrt i an unmitigated, shameful lie a lie so palpable arid transparent that the authois can in no way escape from it. The exposure of the conspiracy to convict Davis by means of bo'irus witnesses, and that two of tlie witneasee had confessed before tlie cominiltee that tliey had been suborned bf an atreut of the government to swear falsely for the Bureau of Military Justice, forced Mr, Boutwell to admit in hi report that several of the wit E esses, on Uing brought before the committee, retracted entirely the statement made for the jttdga Advocate General, "uj.-'dxliu,ed "that their testimony, a given originally, wa false in every particulars---But tl report-conliuuea (and here is the lie,) "that they (tlie witnesses) fulled to stute any iuduixraent or cjnider tions which seemed, to the committee a. reason able ex)!nntion lor the course they had pur sued, and tlie committee are not t tie time able to say whether the ori;:ltiul iluteiuent of thpewitnese re true ortulne," leaving itopea to eoi-jecture, ami in Jjf t raisinsj in some quat. tTS tue lnlerenee that tlieonuial Bt:itemems of ort tleeiar.-sjmr-H-uIar vti.h facts her trustworthy . ilne--. s listo s "I I ' n . to re 1. . . o.'d to tue ,, . d an 1 ti, ,t t I I o t i -iii i .1 t:iy 1 la - 1 ' t t t t I I ! J- m il imiIiii able c , i IIukm 1. i s. f t to till:! U s ! r t I t tel. eiin re s a:td c niiion f..r i 1 1 OS. f J.OitKiy lot see in a re.iion- Tali c.-:i -e t.H-v (ina wit t .. 'l"l ' i r tlt ''ing iu tue "rebel'' er y SAorn, he live, I ct i i tue war, working ) au. I he i we the tutmci us f..r w horn he had c! ire I t' 1 . b t I vice, es be h i-l c .w' clusiv 'y in .".ew i ork at bis t-a.e, I "IS i. .OU! an t a . - ol tlie per worked, and of oilier w ho knew hitn w..-l nd w I.':a d.,,!y during that period. The com- in. fiee promjitly dipaf l.e I ati agent with him wisew Yoik, who M-U, l.'on l premium ef (hi pr,i: r-r Hint ;!''', w'Mti ne wa itt. once aatlie parly l.e . 1.1 .., 1 .) l,t t. lure the committee; and, yet the mejojity of that an I .'tent body "are not a'.Ie to say 'whether hi ri-inal t" -nient are true or lalse." - - J Suit Ou'i bell and Hnevel were euhorned, a they ctl w-l tn-loie ti.e coininuti e. aud were rn.j.iove.l to ui. oniora. an.i p n.i ii:in.lune- Iv lor t tiie t'.n.i.s . corr...-p. ti l-.nee w .1. h I have pi .1 r i-i ' i-'ib .1 1,. 'ed to ed wii n rp.ii ii ii, j. I a -fb.ol.t-. i ha firat i I I. mner, T-.j , cu ; v, w , r is Al KIM, Nov. 'A, I " 5fR. Covovr : , ;, ,' r:- bate I .... I VtoL. 1 ibl ..i .' ; .it.; ! v, i ; I-1 be . J:e wa.,, i i t i ,'tetl w nil t1ie party ti mi. -4 lit J.-.!u.Mr. i;e n-, j n. r s i t ; .t la i " '"' nt Sj i. y 1. , li ' i, and s-ivs he wou t k.lL.s soul lor le?s. ou told me not to go above 1,500, but thej'ijjt told mearterwar.ls that if necessary I could go ,frs hnn.!r-l ifrt... T' t even thi ia fut below the murk. Wie.t m I to do I I have written the JnJjt hw t'ne tnatti t tauds, and I hope ymt will Un.'e b'm to conic to the terms. Dick is a good-' fellow, and v.e esn tleend on lirui without fir, and he ban the faculty tiara need mot, a ml?h'(y g-xd memory. Ihope to receive a message' from yon to-morrow, telling me to Strike the bargain. At any rate, let me know how to act as sotoi - possible. ' Truly yotiin - ' ' 1 1LI.UH t AMPUtl l. " ' i ' Jir.w Vokk, M.inl'1 S, I5!i(i. Uh. CoNovtH : ' Mir btri'-l hate bt n trj'b to vu f"r several day, but hear that you are out ol town I shall leave this at station A., tlmt you mV get It soon as you return, 1 am in great d of Uioro money my last Invesim.-tit did not psy, and I pm dead broke, aiol so is Knevel f'f-f(Wtoli me when I l-t m I i to com munieitto with him onlv thr.ni h anil I -tJont like-to write btm f-twt I iuiui i... n, y in a tew days. tu t bun to end me .-.o, tor nothing less will le of t y u-f to me. I w ii-h I could get in, bti'k n' 1 am to receive, and then 1 could get into ...er biihuieas; but I sup-'" yoe are al! nlrm.t th:t if yon shrnihl ehemeai! in my hiuius Bt once, I ithotild not be f'onud when most wanted. I don't like to be mt pet ted, but anything i better t!-n liein;? p.mr, go I will take wind I Cm g t ; l-.i of t.ime riot le-thnn i-M). !..),-( k .i - .,..,!nt.-f i. i s sine, I n I i. . . 1 ai.iu t it OKktiiils and rig lis till I bear lioin jou. ' Truly youis, , Wm. CAurnKt.1, . V W K- IH.psierMKNf, ,; tfItl ,f,7jrtW Jmtir ' Washington, D. V , March 17, IH'10. ) Ma 8. Conovrr : ' ' " ' iKttr fiifw-Mnrc wriling you and eneloaing uraiiaa teonetUtHt. 1 have received a letter frtu 'ampblgi.w.ycLLceplk.lJli B.iqrnii.igjBriir. Huuinn ine lunus remitted to you lor ininHelt and Mr. Snevtl, and asking him to see you. ' He doe not, however, know precisely w here to find yon, nd I presume yon have not his address,, which is the Whitney House, corner of Twelth street aud Broadway. 1 ho pouitill i.ny th aj U kit hanJt with th had pou&U delay, as he teems to be greatly In need. Very respect fully, your obedient servant, J.Holt, Judge Advocate tieneral. . j & f (1 1 I ft " Tbfftnlhwfhi leetee t-tlrti..l to Sw.fuJ Conover, Khj Poat Ollire, station V, Ntw Vork Citv." - ' ' 4 . . ; Astok Horsr:, April 17, lSi'il. Dka Co.novku---! nnie in t.et i veniin. and have lieen- al! duy cmleavoriiiK to find yuufL. inai villain l am pliell has divulgetl the hole arranifeineut lo Mr. Davis s friends, and wid, if pomiriilu,- be pushed Inline the coiiiiniile. hav fteert srtit on to nnnt itu In getlinjj him sweet aftiin, sO that lie w ill stand by Ihf story, nrtlsekei p out nf'tlui w v. Ji: muU U liont tit any fiint iirritntel with tJil htrth'ul. Old S7nd No. 8 were at licadiitiarter the in iieifinj yestcrciav, ami are lurioiis. vve shall be veil rtitnrdi-4 if we save their hacou. It munt be done. Call the moment you receive this. I shall wait till vou come, for I chii do A L. '.1. ........ ... . m - ... nothing without von. I .have also written to your old addre. At ever, yours, -M. Thi Mkmpbi Atmltuidte draw the following striking portrait of an erewhlle Sccesslouiat, turned ultra Radical, who I just b n elu'led to lh JU-gibiliii of Aik i j; 'Before the war thi: creature was a full of ;ht a a Dutchman t of carrots indcuhhnne. H waf as belligerent as a bedtre ho?. When ever the Brae ot Yankee WnS ttieollmitij iu hi presence, he clenched his list and grated hi teeth. . He couldn't smoke a eitrar, ss there was danger of hi igniting and going oil in sponta neous combustion, lie led upou 'viiif-Jir aud gunpowder.! Yankee blood he wanted and Dothinjr bnt Yaukee blood would sstitiV his capacious maw. lie (welled himsell ni into another jACK-THB-tiUkT klil-IH, and he sinn ed to think - "When lis drank the river unto him Cowed, TV hen he eat the mountains less'nin.': ?,! owed, When he sneezed whirlwinds round ..,-! roll. .. And when h moved, the. earth quid, 1 1 from pole to pole." ., -, : s , , , ,t . . With such a monster on the side of ece&im. no one feared defeat. .When tiie war was in augurated, everybody expected the boom of the cannon would be Fitzpathic' constant lulla by. But after advocating secession aud indu cing his friends and neighbor to enlist in the truggle. his courage ooied oat wish the slime upon ins lying tongue, and instead of slioulder- lin musket ha tucked his tail 'lin w-n ti!( Snd like a cowar-llv cur slunk awav. Havinir abandoned his blends and his princi ples, he wwm-tnrned npin tvic conr.iT , t t.1T nuait despicable of ad poop, a t-m. r t.r LUk katlo-runner. !:e um cen'.u. I ...i en.. occasion, by thecaoarit Ixiva Iu row e, i uraed ami his woi !.... .s l.io n ..or, I t: . the v-iirneKt interce'ion of a i'r.,in t , ,, of d oss count v. lie deserted t. ed traitor to his pi ineioi.'S, bet. w siuce his aposiaey was miun 1. . I 11 , t t cai 1 I 1 et During tin: war be emu 1 a la I and few weeks m can.lnlute tor tue 1.. ntt humiliation ti . been elected.- 1 1 I Hlill !i icu . I AT.: cu., i; I i ( (. i .i i I Ml t. s. Bl- II (i I ( , J' l- c .i r )! Ii hi - t r l'. 11 it FIRST I-DITIO: Our f-aturdny "Joriilng tiijn( he. Krket mid rinanoiil . 'aw Vouk, Aug, iT, P, M. Colfon advanced a half cent ..ha!e of 2,N)0 ball' uuldlinga at 84aHoi.- .''old 11.60-J. .Five fllOl. Peven HJ. r lour tinner for Southern. Pales of COO bbK at tl0i-is ts w tirniw. . bale of 175.000 bu.hels cefit higher. , t j - iniuui, psits ui oiiu not. Mess, at ;i2.30,"'" "r - . I urpcntine dull at 6D.. Ihin um-hangciU Front Rio Janeiro. ' ' Nkw Vohk, July 17, 1. M. luo itm iro date to the 10th. receive!, Tha I arsguaj an recently laimbarded the fsmp of the aintd army, but without doing much dain- - Peru and Chill have prorferml their sefvler. mediator to tho Unental and Argentine, gown.uHiits, but no importance is tlachel to t he pioiiiisul ' 1 lie Allies seem to pros. c ute the 'wnr with but huleenergv. It t.. mi ! that Iiruiil would ooiitinue Hie war. i! the i.,.ie withdrsw .l.-e.n. in :nni . irj t,i i ti j.i v , iY ,, Inr emoiie i M A- I! I N. I I'dN, A ' I -' 1 ? I' 1 n.lll. t-leVI IIS Ir.ia lit I Ullllhlll ull-; V I hi). u 'I lor re elect i. ii to ( oii 'ie-s by the Judical t.onvention at J.unenstt r, t'enn. Itk M pmbable that all tlin member of the t lioiner, txo-pung tZar'aa -and $untoo,"tduter at tirHiit siid Admiial Farragut, will aceompa ny the President on his trip to Chieugo. It is reported, on cood atithorllv. il,,.t r..-t. Howard, Coinmisaioiier f the Freedmcn'i Bu reau, intends issuing an order, wit hi a a tew daj a, eiispcnJingJli. distribntiott of gorcrnmeTit ra tions to the deattimteofthc South. thus ihn.w- ingthe burden of supporting the' indigent of ..ii u,c meal autiiorilieo. ; . 'the Pijisiilent ha ajumfmeil lbibt. K. Peter--n, of Penn, and Chas.. It. Norton, of N. V ' ?' '""''ioner to the Faiis Espoaition. ( "1. n. IL Liolhiii' has been sniw.iniurl P. .11... tor of Custom at Lunisville, Ky., ct W. D, tialhigher, removed. ' - t . i , , -Jforthera New. Kkw Yon a. Auj 1? P t . Eeruard, the murderer of Henrv Laxarua. waa exis uttsl to-dav. i . - f liobcru ha railed the Fenian Con frca to. get lie at Troy, the ollkial reporU of the late caimtiinnintce win tie submitted. He tavs that a vessel purchased for privst.'ering by O'.Mubo nry, months ago, and now lying t the Atluutic d.x k, is claimed byHtephens, hut, if he persists in rimming it, su attachment will be procured aiu-.t bim by the Brookljo Fenian. , i Uakifoko, Conx., Aug. U, I-1 'ti k w t attar, the mur rur ol hit uoliu r and sibtcr, was hung hero to-uay. v " " CtM.iNi.Arf, Aug IT. bivty seven death from cholera yesterday.' , SouUtsra ZlarkeU, From Uesico. ' l a. JKW VRLEAHS, AUff, 17. C otton st i Jer. Sale Ol 2.2U0 halo low mid 41inirs 8-,'i lit. " ' , Cold fl 40. - " Cholera rlcath yesterday twenty-seven.' " ; ' ' Adv ices fiom the Km Grande rt.pcrt a poljii cal revolution m Ji; ti .mo-us, lesullirg in the OVtrUirow and 11 i ht of Caijaal, aud ILstab incut of-the Juaiti jjoVernmeuL Hit lone of life or property. - ,,, . iO III Ii l . i si..-! .... I ' T T inr Jfirrnoon pi-pnt.lic. fc 1 1 latest Karkett an! Tinanciat"' " ": t .; i: t KewTToiik, Aug 18, IL .- .old 11,401. Exchanae noiulual. 71a7I. Sight Ga'Ji. . t Lutton dull at SJJiCCj. , lo'.n CIii' innati, . Cl'-d. iti, Aug, li, . JI, The City .Council hav jntt elw:td Clin J, meiHtacn Aiayor.m l. A. Harris, resigned. There were 04 death fiym cholera on yesteN dy.. '' ; . -.... r..-, . 1...: . .w.. t . x Thtf President and the Great Convention . 'ImphaticlTtteraiicfl ' -; AVAnuiKtiioit, Aug. 18, JI. ... The rreaideiit. In ail interview wim the JNcW Hampshire tWIegatiori, said, ia relrrdice to the grent Convention and his future policy i - . We lirrve now a policy and principle reeog ni.ed atel laid down by the most intelho.-nt, su ie and. put none laxly ot men convened s.nc tue (lavs ot tiii! lb-c!:ir::tinn of fiiib-J eidence. A - Trrrmv ; -;,yn -- rffh rn jr h ."77111 rf rrtnrTntii V r 1 ') 1 r ,TT ) 01 TF O HO I ' 1 I'll K AM iVI NVj ATI! ox A UJX d It m .is a it. -t, f. tO tliosc I V t' it ' 1 v t !0 .Mil r tl on t r f r ri .n owed to Mlcf- I I tftt I siB It red t I i v io n i t at i r a. "T as, ii r-., s... -I- ft a,.... I 1 bad I 1 .u i e- .ki' N 1 1 -.is. O. B.VNK to S' 115 11 a 7 10 1 I ) 1MI 13 li t 1 1 . .vsv.a-4... -t, . HI i '" o7 y) el i - f .'r.....! . ,t, . , . .... ..a i. ...rus i Lui j-a. . . .- ro'j.1 0', ten Co'iipouS no . . . i on i.ctv Voik, J. M E T II lfia j,E W . UNDEU THE SUN. ' ' - 1 "r ' ' 4 , A' Ntw Era JaI.rcdicino. ' '' 8nnR and r)i..(l rrsl the fnUuw- . - IV ,H .t, lu,. u,xll ,,X)(vtor iitliioltnutaslnt-urUinredtufullumW. -. I alt who- esa1rltrv tiT ar.tl , , t,, faith iu eMtlra.ie, Md Ui fulldKintf-T"".f"f'''rt''wr'W'-''. That mi th,'i, m duly awn, deTsrit s f ll,.st n ;,t h' j, thB ..te een.rsl s-ei,t lur Hie I'.nJ K(,le. su.l a. ru. Uem ,. . m f l , r kli,.n ssMAi.i.i, I.S-ll.tjindbALK.ud tlmt tho ful- LT'iT,""1 1 " "" 1 b.-t U his kiKia le.lye and belief , ;tti'Ksvi'!nn, - NuUrr I'uolm, i aUniii,'Aew luik.; , k'Tr-nm ui vow ,.f Hr t .... n.i.i ! Illl nn III my k ), . . .... n-j- U.S. I H I i . tit- n . . il, I. . ii eMnll , tlW3t.-. u th d 1 . Ill 1 ihw-'i, 1 ll.-ini. ill me r.sti'v t hi v.n ft Um li. lievel- tt i-i. ami mil sll I ,J IH4 I.. .iis (t. II tthvl 1 en SI'S HI, i.l)lv1 VI ! ' , Hi; Ami.. V. This i H to eertifj ihrt I waa diaehsre. .1 fc..m iu j. ...... ... . i.m.ic eimiim mu hve lH- lir. Mallei I'm . . rdbjr , J-a-k, Ajl tlftsV ? .27 1'iutiii-e,.ti' Tbe ftdhiwlniei mleresttmi csf mart em Jil iji rl m an h..n lniit.lrv. who. In n.,.,.;,.,. .... I....1 -i.4..i MaaMasathata ilaiiiji sn.1 eu.. d an . .... ..t.. ..I. , mram icon ns thrown srouii.t snd t lorn in s pitrf.-ct show.-r, and h ws burnt .ln n.lhiHv. l he loheii ing rwtilicate was pivjsq tomeby Una about n,;ii weeks alu r the aeciileiit. . , .k . . .'' . Nt S.ik, Jan. 11. 1.9. sif nnnie w Juob Jlnr.lr; 1 iu an Ir..n I'eiiii.l. r; I wt badly burnt bvlijt mm in Koetmlssr l.t! mv Itunis In aleil, but I lia.l s niuiieic sort, on mv bn that would anl lieal; I tr,.-t M.t(;1, Halve, suit " Viiil w ui btm weeks. J inn m all trua. .! .... 11 ..o now set) Mia at 4m.kmiu s lion la inks, S al Av.-nn.. "' '""J t .' ii a s: i i. ' , US (nsuKk blrtut. 1 ' Kewe rrsrat VsHtsi I .ciiersr-" - UI had bo aiHwtll- M . .;! n.o. ... . i tyone," . ... ,HToQr J1H.armsrvl.lo,', ' !'.' f.; " ul M-Tifl fnr an.ll..-.s ... ..t n . "Tr. Maoris baa eii...e n.v h....:!..- !,..- . chroiiiiv". -.-..-'.. ' , . i I icava bsh'et ni.A tit as-.... r'i 1 oh. I. ra uuu'dus, 'iue dt hltl tliuiK c. I w.U 1 i 1 i , j . ."Jtj nsniw o! Biernmg la bow cur 4.". t '"l'mir hot of Mli;itiu1's Sabs eart -l m of nniam in th bead. I ruins .1 scino of your b.ih b, laud my ears aud the ii.aae It ft." . 'Send mo two hoses ; I want sue for I ptwr funi'ly" "1 suclona a d Itillar i votir pn.-a is twH,tv,ftv ui, m um la . ih tliainr.'1 hut lhe int.li tue ,; .."Rend i ten v buui ot jvur rails." "I et m t v e t t. o b x s s f v mr fi!v hy r. t i. n nisu." , ........ ... . ... , Ilav-syowClJsiti Tee.imouia" A ibis but want f i.tce cunu ; Tn'i l$ f inde u. P. r. rr.sct i At;i:r ro:i ; 4. ,tIJU,I't:i . j ;i . - : Har jiol'i TiUt and i!va. ; nil. i-slltl,.!-,. .it.n. (ti'Uii.no. ,.w,tiit.ut ..!!. .MrVcd irauoiars si-..wii.i ft., a pot or b..t. . .. ... J bv l;r J aiaooirt t. i in bliut-t, bew iurk. to suuuturf. it wm h is ft-ionv. tv 1 1 bi sll rtr.-til ; p...' ,t v out tha t ruled M.itta and t,bn la at hniorp.'t. Aug. alf ' all . reu'.i ih 1-r TTA3(.lci.a Cltii.i.w An vvv rjii.ai - rrAcaiiL'srivraArDAcra: llf,rK 'ifimntist rvtTfVi1tn, grKl W4l i ttie L'uiLird htnit tlt Of ktiowtt tiirnti:.. hout .hm ftiv liiturviiiatMt.iLfiijr . ii il.Lw, ri;vi:s Al AUVE an ana1 lsoreic:i!v hllr.Mlilced III ill Mum nf V.irll. Carolina, and eaa Us obtained of all iiirprioi. tl.at olssa itrtitreufS-. -- t wit i aa a biaui tit U. -4Uuli4 .v -4.-...- la. ka la fliem ot .. . - Csel'lll Thrre TI.H04 A I j.- bplre mla. nitd abmii! tw fniittl Hi f ft.lK.tf latt.lu-ll.a'ie dial. K'lA. . la an? '.e:i. c ." ' ft I - 'I... -a u. I. i y is M.O..ti.M tnarvei iia joej. i-i. ur. . - . . i: t ill lie ul I r o ii.'d ami e e ami i..i ......b r lfll b t lain la n . ta. nti ri. Ii a'.y u i:t: It at a tVv n 1 1-. I-. 1 1 -till 1 IJ.I'I KIlYtlil I f 1,1' tl rVii If- X. b A I I 1 f S l,i Al T, U fft July 1? tf . 1 C LL1A.M, JOSDS A f -O. 8 . :pJscu;ds. AGENCY, Raleigh, ::. c. CAPITAL & ACCII3 C7 17.2 Kii3irriir-r:rii 11350.000, Knhra.'iiiK the followinewtD tot. mar sad ;' .r.f- m. .iit. ii, v. ; ' ' I'' TT, Mt "I t 1 MI !" 0. I i i . M . 1..M.V. i II. I: lSH.it., He i . - .! t) 'li.'J ?N p' .OFTITE VAt.l.t V i.f Tt i JHHIMISHUE 1YH. CO., ht ol imVII I F Yl '"' "'ain and poheius sn'i'b'i - , "' , " Auk 'i-'iiiniw r. i . 1 1 .( ! l AVrU's AGIT CI T.V.. ' iiik Fi-KMiv tine or T.tnr..'.' t lver, 1 .-. T ..V.r. C r 1 ever t. - 7 I -". I T .. 1 ' . ,$.. ; ' 1 ... A I 1 rt-e - ( i t , bill j I i i - "s, - -Uyt.-e 1 It a. I A fa.. t, 1 ! the , ar.H.' fi...a ii j; In. it sis ... 1 i.e.in.'NS, i- i'.i.tt... it, t's.t.iuj ill 111 !.e h.A Of th ol tlie l , nil oi w I- , h, a . .at IB inaVlVIMOn Ivmv!. 111!'" t X..-l tCII li,.0 I raits f pat tm t, 'J HIS "t 'l cnl sn.l tli us eat. -a t4.t-m lilir',- -t , ve.t. nun r. ni.-.iv ev..r ii.s.i..i-ii i,., Jitan.. i!ili,ii. , . . .. a-..l n le. tit sjf.', .Ntt harm .-mi al !s- li.'.it 1.1, u..f. ':i i t h.-n eni.ii ia kli a u li ieerli...l rmtiiM-w, fan this he ., .1 ..f ui r.,r t.i.iil.. ami ! ,.ei.r t It ia true m t . i'.;irlaii. to ti...ie ni!m u d anh i. l.e toil. l. ..t,f e.i imalf. I. Nt'atire i- it to . n,l Anne, liiai it umr lw nn!itiii,y .,. Ui I a cr- ........,., VII f. Kl.-r Wlllllrla:,,, , ft w m. ,h ,e to s. It, becau. out. l,l , cu,,, , DO'hihirli.MKl. It atoid M.r.d I J T. A-.r A Cr... L. a.a. 3', , u'liiitm & r.iyvoi p. r. r ' 1 4, ,al 1. icnt ai.M iiia or irri rirojn, t ia (1.1. lie inir t-1: .: same inimtar hum N..i 1 the 11HVHH Ik-. h ae 'iiie.l, tiie miliar nl ., .... Jl-.-iiu -v h.-r litanles I, I. 1 1-(L " "s . .1 i.r On SH'-.h Sll .s.. r.s 1 iii.Hi,.r,i.-r, ,n a pruo to tit Cllul.ij'1.. AS On to muim evening, there will he a Coronation T- II, ' i ro n n m ti.r ni M i.lemi;.i i-.. ihe hait'lua. ..1.1, 1 1.... 1 - .'a .... 1 . t"rd t..rtif and Lie.su i..r w.-. 1. r.?ivl 4- t-a lutir.i.i... ... " 77 , T. TAXSON. 13 td Atir. jvtiiA.vti- iioii;i., i:ii.r:i;.:' W F Vi w t' a sad our uu ist.n in- d tlat it I 11 t tl i "oirtt ta inrortn tba trnv. ; eh- aia I. ii. is. i -nt, bivns r-..-..:.y .'HM-..1 el .,.,1, 1 ...., ti i . ( it, 0,.T..p.",iy r.,.i...'.l.i.i . . i- ij.'i.'-i. ttiUe ei. rtiit l ; l- . t mtr,-.lve to fnrt iMl a .1 -Mill!.;!! 6(-l-.illl...'Ut..li (,-, (,f iiue Una Jt.ie uia.l rirjaieia WM.it o ai t. a. u.i 1 1 ii. t an.l ui..--us, and Bid ; EITCrCIIIA? HOT SiiOuM be. . . llnpine to hav lhe plea sure of . rvi-i and our i.mittr paiiorm, invua t l tn . us a ti lab . "' J. M. I t Af t " 1 I t, , n I s -i jyn.i . . t l llf- hlr'tt.!,.; . t ..-l i v i re 'Hit, . , I h . . ' , .1 i..r New toil V.;.... V... k ( .1- : ,, 1 sail fr. .i. t. li. ill K.-ir i., 1.1 I i halt) tint. Is i. Fr. i. 1,1 '. T -IX S CO., l,.il-..,H- .,.-. Auk. fi-2w UTttT sTsresni 1 - ... ffl i i i- fn Jftw fcftVft jtf!L hit am . t ? ii nt ni in ,.r. Bfi'l w iif f!intijnia iu wiauii:,. u u, v3, i 1 li I.V I; 1 I II! k if

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