f1 1 JUL. TV 1 ' f ? JL 4 A i , 1VfI. E. Mule I'rlntcr. itt -t , it n:s cr a: t- 1 -- 1 TFIl.II OP (krnCUIPTIOW, . Tim WsKSLf KiiTwri M bluii4 (Vary Maa4r waisf .... rtsai Wtti V otTSstardtyi aaf Wedtwdajft. l Termi: '-,- W. okly, ;tr( la alvans, - ' $1 t asil-wet.y, ibihi, la ailvane, . 10 , fead wsakly, U BMlhs la advaat ' S lai'J,aa year,' , s :1W -. ' Ifet'j, ti ..!, v . -r il !, IbrMBMWlti - ' - i " ' ... J jj. ii. J o. lb slrrulal. .n oflUo j ,j , , ltl , ua f 111 (sent itwliul la ao- le mi nf iJm- .:;, in !' Sl.f. j-. .... -. .... SEi'II--VEEKLY. avialo tyi or lt.to.-b w e'lsii..ic. ,n,:..,. si fnlUw f..r 1io.i i: ill t1, in-, ,. vi jif it . For imt isii-.- ... . $ j. ;;,i F-r iso n. -I , ' i i .) I'lT tei i IB,... a, . - -'-J 1 ' --".two uiun- , 1 Mt nil F.r ti iiH,t, ii n -- MI ;tr, --. t it Hit JOB WOKK tenlel with watnii a) tit hrt- "IMOliD MAYIH IK lit: !Hr 1 MV ME PR I11)EX Ileary CUf- --Vol;i; KAI,i:iGH, DMy.DAY, AUGUST 22, 18GC 1!. ' KO. 41). t-y '.. ,irtti, - t t ' IW-j llfCICS. ' , . , ..... . . ,., ', , mi t w tv 11 ir 1 U i ; j The National Union Party ud 1U Prin We published, on yesterday, the declaration of principle and the address of the Phlladel ""phi ConYentiim.iTOur reader will, we trust, tile that paper. Tljpy 'will have occasion fre- qucnlly to recur to tbe utterance of that body, which bat thus successfully inaugurated tha ' true National Union party, based upon tha ' principle and teaching of tint Constitution ,". aud tlu action of the Southern States nines the cessation of hostilities, Tbese documcut need .... to lie studied.: Every new reading will devcl , -op inure and more their conservative character. The address It an eloquent and able rmwnt 1 tliB doct'iiies of the true Pit ion men of the IuihT, in cjmHra -.distinction to the view and prutciplt of the aw failed Unfim men,' who at .. filiate with lira Radical.,. It acta frth, in the - elean-st terras, the true interpretation tf tha Constitutional maintained .by Henry Clay and fa-itt!tAVStilf, ; ami present thiToiuly solution of tbe noilou condition of th Republic, which it consonant with the genius ot tha gov. emment and the . really mentd right! of tha ;1'ttua,, U 4 '.'i,'r , J' 1 . . ' t ' - , ''' It Carefully cscltews, aw the one -hand, tha '' theory trcf secession, and on the other the Radi- r n .. '..,.- .i.-i "t j ci Kin of coa-HXiUMMia, mo give- wuca urn in- terprotatioa ml tU riuhu. and powers ot both , platform upon which' alf the friebd f the - Constitution nd of comittluttonal lilierty can t Tliprc are txpreaaiom in the addreaa which do . mK wrand pteaaantly, perhape, tipow the ear of : . ( the addreaa doea not deal with feelingt or with '..theoriea, but with ullxni faota. It ia a prao-1 11 tW dix-ufticnt.alily and manfully rapiling ith thinxaaa titer niat, and wot kith thoorlea which may or mny not be held. Under diiTcrfat circinn-'atancea,- .'-;.';f''1?:li4 ' : Kritlwr the aililrva nor t.ie declaration of1 -.. t prinr iplrt contain an ettxeittiitl idea or principle, . whu b the Southern Stale ami people have flirt ' ' already tt-ttjuii-MT. I in and eutlirid --which have ; ' wt akeaily iwwtl itit . wrgnnlc. law, and Which 1 yta art. ftiit in honof hound to ptaintitia iuvi - a table; ilVw-'-- ! r ' ' Ulica! and tho who hnll bt the d. Iriu " f th right nf aewsHbm, ai still a rijht t the , . .btateayMrA,"wilt not' adntiru and endorws the ' addrcH of the d.il.trit.ioo of principle. But Southern limn, who were original Union tn-n, ahd thoj who formerly held to the rilit of amwuiiui, but who now regard it aa a dtd it - - site, ho hinrr a piat lit nl qni'i'tlot) in lbl ... ., !... .,.-. i ft A splA-)-W,". iimiv7 n-nj-'Mr' " ,. tlie atatement oi the a.blntu anl the verbiage t employed inaoine inAtanc., can but give their aanrtioa tit lint .liX'ti iitca and pmii'iplt-i ao ably -. etwHh. ..-- 1 y JVIorrnvcr, the addreaa and'plat form elultornte . ' fully tbe policy of the President ami have re fle.Miihnrty eudoreiii('i)t.!j12r,r4i " T !lri!I T'10 i8"! If then ftjlly nxule tip,,- Huaeefurth HZZ-, titer be Im two js'atWmai pai-tit w thia - 'rontrrt; the Rational ITnlon party ehdorscd ' rv by President Jolmson, atul tlte Hfwli-'al party, endorsed by the lUdicaJ Congrena th one ad- ' ' !( voeatiag the Unioa and tlie Constitution it I' Is, the ottiorjjppos'-iis that Ijiioa and advoca I " ting a consolidated government, as fore sliadowed ' - J", tn the IfrcedtiH'B'a Iioreaa and Civil Bights Bllla . t- and in tha pfoped Howard antcodtnent. : Our destiny is linked with the iucccs of th --2ftiunUluiim.-paily.ad-?r by-JPi-S-uLtlimt. Xohnaon, 11 the Itojiesbf (JUnstitutioaai lilter- i;y, all the interests of ; tb 8oth and; of a fr wo. tonutl Uaiooy -Ptndirp'th'that wity: i, If it fail, God alone knows what is to be the . ' . - fate of the Republic and the tat of the K.i' iou- " , al Union men, North or South. -:. . People of North Caroliual you cannot heai- tata which of the two to choose. If the IUili p 'al j'srty succeed, theie. ia an end to thecivil K government of- the South ; the inauguration of a reign of terror, administered by nun filled ' ,' with miillce and hatred and revenge, more bit tor and unrelenting than tliat of the Jitcobius of. ' Prance, will be the re-'tlt."' The evil we iiovr iiifTcr are but a tcutlter in the auah-a, tton , ..ted , - . . with what i treamired op a:tiu.t us im the b t .msw f tha Katlii-aU a4 tbtif ttm m .t.r. ., ... ;.r a io ..oil',) Oirolina U:eli. ;,' end fir; ii- thin'i'it les ' viiidlctiVff, ' Ins luuUeious and l- . , potuW-Ul'i:, tltitit Northern lladie-al. Led on by venal and ficinui presses, they will i;v..le - -t - nmn their own pwiple theWiwt b"ra ;' . ait t the mot severe punMinu-ot-. Nmhii: will be .. too bad, m their own fruity heads cim be - atrn'iedl " " - ; : " ' '" Ths rtirtKKlt nf General Giant, . wh -t rlood b" ' ' tbt? President, dnrinj th d !iv- f. I laitigti al ps It, will Ire onderstoo l as t t uu n Ctnsf hi approval of the sent intents of the' ad-Ir-w and of the olijct-ts ' of the Philadelphia Conventual. If it did not mean that, we are at tlm to hit.-rprt-tlta Inclining. " Oi n M MMKo Hi i.oi t.-We saw no Was than isw one-l' i Kirttier 'i m av ' t frri.i' nfl omnibus in Iront t-l one tf our city bot i on , J- it"i lsk.w .Ih j'-'o-, w ' . a . Wt;re piolwhly (tlL.fiom ose county, and bav enuie here tn avail thenm Ives uf the noh'e inn ruiicvnce of tb t, . e in provld ug our miit.la ted beroe with ari.aeiail bulb,- a i ' Tht Isaua Joined. -" Th tours are at taut strictly defined. The lines are rigidly drawn. There caii no longer b shirking, or political jugglery, or attempted feata nf double equitation. . There can, until the great existing controversy 1 composed, Ite but two partie in the Bi'puhlic, the party of the Union and th faction for disunion, We May even ga farther, aad assert, with etiiire truth that, eollateral to this vital ls-.tte, there ia still another hnrilly less imprta,tit, the PhiU- pina picttloriit on one side ami universal negro uifra tm the stthcr. , - The great National. Union Convention It a t il t clown bnuidly nnd di-tinctly the priii. i "Hf !.. ttf' of. whs. h t t!.-i'ii(i.d to' th"tnita tion ot Constitutional t'liion.,. These priaciples are IImmo upon 'whielt. the entire jilicy of the Etef-nttve has been ht'let-ifire1.aeil. " TliePrea- Ment, in iiis bite jrrvat .sjwch.'r-.-iit.intis them w lib graiul jp?'i'l'f'l BMi W tut'trally s elo quently designate thorn the "Seenad - Declara tion of Independence." Bo fur as owr'" observa tion has a yet extended, they ar aoeepted by tb eonaervative, tru Union-loving pre' and people of he cotintry.'Norl. n$ South.- But tb South can only jriv them moral Influence and Dpport;ty v.i!ift!n; as 6uf people ttave oniformiy done since tlie surrender, an honest ao- luiesosiui. in tU-aiMmtiun aad a entire wb- mite to th arhrtntrhf f of TOT6i5 JfCal battla ia to Im fimght at thi North, j In Ita hands real" the' niomentou Issiteand It be boove as, ia every 7 thai. Ua fas aw power, to etrengthen tha arm of th frientia of Con, sfitutloual Union in, ;,.V1 quarter.! In nfe. days, the iad'tctionrpo)qlar sent intent there wil be rach as ta enable us t draw aom infer ence a tllw probable effect of, the action at Philadelphia upon tlie public mind, and the probable result, of the Fall election. : Maas Nieelings are to b 'held in various quarters for the purpose of ratifying tbe proceedings ot the Coaveetion, and they promise to lie large' nd .-.t,t-.tl .,, ... ..-,, .s. ., ' . t ;"'"r-:"-.t. v t 1 4 1 1 Th contest at th North will be bitter. We shall b deeply ittttsrested speetators, for pon it result depends our all ot liberty and aafety, a a people. ' If tlie friends of the Constitution ar tooeeasful, w shall speedily b restored to ear right and j rlvih -gui in the Union.rll they fall, and the lU'lieal element triumph,i&o tongue can tell the furl her opprettHlon ami humiliation In at re for n. ,.,','T, ,.: f ... , ' 'VTbat Honttiei n hntn, who lov.4 the land that gave hi in bli'lli,.cnhfitatehor to identify bint elf in such a atrugle t Not one, unless it be the few, hi e ami there, whojk'ek in, he, xuii tif their ovs ii fllow citins an outlet to their teeliogs'ot ' ilinij pointinent, revenge and bate. - A Word to tbe Hacks. -4 - If it le true, a,"r.ti.i'id, that th price of labor in Indiana it n barrel of corn ptr day to the hsml eniplojetl in gntberinif the crop, would it not be well for ly t1i(itt!'4ud of strong, abIe-boiirl. mj aad fioys, jwIio throng- our town and are unable ttjf jprot-ure:, 'remunerative uiphtyment, to go out to the North Western State at yWcefp Lafior ja in .demand in tlmse State, aud, indeed, to all tit Northern State, and irmnre, remunerative than here. It is a mystery but thw-tttauy colored triple (in this city,, who have . no stated or regular emplny nient, "are" leir.jf fed and clotlied. . Onr own fanner need them, if they would work. Many. tioever,".i;.u d.ivntiii.eil t live a' almost TOthbig, or Uva y-4h, of 'H in the U'W-na, th"v enn hiuntfe and see tlie sijlitrtj and join theatM-ietiirs, and follow in the pntcvastona, and hurjt for lila-rty, and lie reajveetftMe enough to i Called, by each other, Mr. and Jlrs. sm-h a one, rathi-r than go to tlie Country and wo. k on the bunts, Kiel learn to lie honed, H...I I: , d and iitdepeudt lit. ' The col ored men end woen, who sre determined to muke nn hotie-t l;vo-r by th ir own ialtor and frur i will be n , ted, ami their children after them, w!r 1 nret louns'ers and strett ft- " t, : ' i '" .'i u.i ' li' iiSioiinuesa, Wi"i t-e bated ' ' ; ' " ' or roiihiit in their (t. it t In f ; or.t on this subject. . ' ' ' r v,ei- T f' ,i- !. : I .". ' .:.., p'Ve, iy nr. 1 (lift grave, eVP'.t it. v ' to d tl.) f it' I. .-hie t' a t..vU". .'.( t f Cue nt til arty ii .ij are at now re , fTrvil' i m l . ii repent, then, let pus loiita 1.1 I V w ,u t.o.L e.,r tion of C!i h- a ti- 1 H t .il S'-ci t,. j ie oi lte I i. ii jiiomnl upon lie, I tiit h !'-.; t ii i ! 1 1 V.mel oft' a1,-,drMa ,i to adnol ol' doubt. 1 o ns t' s t . in. s tbat " I V. hit are tliey that .It. , it are i,.e, , n ( bllel tliCIII ill bond. n i' -n f - t " 1 be capital (.k of te Con ay t't'"1 " 1 (' own' I in 1 i , C t A - a.T ..,t,..,, -e.-. C ?...! 1 l(-S 'i I u , o is , i it sold on I it- ... , BoulLcrii Icj ii!.iti '. : . t W were ararcely ire(inrtd to find ia Nurth Carolina a sulliv lent mimticr of persoMs, lu any one htculity, li would oj . u'f avosv their rn doraenient of the liadieul Mil icy.. We are glad, however, to find that the lUtlindsin Hendt r son County ar Imbl ennii(-h to proelaiut ii, The billowing pi. jingle and resohitiom were .adopted at a met -ung htld t Blue lUtlgn Acad emy, in Henderson County, HMlyv. One fact, however, ia nofh -enble j That the divy ai l tlie date of the inecllit are not .veil in t o .iciitl roceilingt, as j-.ti ' ! i ': vd in lb... ,, and ''-ilh-ltlJlL . ..,The rcM.luliuliS are i,- Ui)'- ; WltKIUC-uC X l",d l-'tti-ot ' .'onveiitim -"wirt 'be bohlen ill the ci.'V hf t'liiladeltthia flit the 3d it'll) nf Srtl, ,!wry proxiin., with the view or pmiorMing tlie r lorittioti i i 1 1 1 -v or the Joint Itecotiftriieliim Cotntnittet. til ('oii;rew and Wu Kit it am. It i.-t ( he i hi ty ot all good (ioi.ni hients to proteet thy jimoeent rt t joi iisli. the guilty i and .' ' ,' .. "VliKUi-A-i, ,Wn have ' itulT, n ! incalculaltle .loaar (mm laid men holding ollie' ill utter UUrrgard ot the oaths they had tnkeu to sup port the Utmfttttition of llio L'nited States. ;Thcru!'ore, lie it . , .; " .' ' JktuhtJ, That we recoi'itnu-iul the appoint Went of two ih li L';ites ft t nie. nt tin Con gres-iioiial IM.-tiiet in the I'iiiin.h Ijiliia Convert .tion...: t-.',.' . - X -' '!UtJt. UUlst-eu! iliaily tnid-tlw the AineiKiiiient, . jo tne i Dusiituiiou m tlie tinted States, M-recontiuended by' the recoil ..truetion t'fimntittee, known at the Howard Aiit'iiliiieat, which iirohiltila J'rui-ton fiotti bohl i;; oiiiee. " iV-(VfTIiiit ive rec inniii ud tl,o adoption of the Amended Con. million nf North Caroli IIS. ' j ,', " - , -l "','JJW,: That we wiH'support int ..'niinUiUte for nflice that i ippoel lit these Coiim lUition al Amendments. r Jli-Urotl, That we do not i unl Oovcrnor Worth as the camliilute of the Luioii party.,, ... The altove ia frank aud oten, Jlteao views are avowed by the ffrien.ln tiud "fditportcra of llon.; A. il. Jonest, the uieinb..r elect to ('oni;rea from the Mountain Ditriet. 'The (filial pro ceedings wpjiear in his piper, the Pimtftr, and, though his name is not mentioned in, tha pro ceeding), we presume he iully ., endorses them. " These men 'nneiptivoctilly endorse the Howard 'amendment, "and "yet t ill thrnii. Ives Union men.' No , vtuiilrr! that 6u ll tiailmn to the Union aud to the pence ot the l.epublic (should not endorse Oor. Worth. Gov. Worth endorses! President Johnson, but thry endorse the Tlmli cal ('oitj-reHH." ' , ', , ' ' ' ' , Mr. IIoUlta puliht-9 itm ! wtttioul Cotn ntetit, (if course' he approve the movement. Yet lor some days he has Iteen rather Coy in hi ,joitiif.ttptovtti,iti.i,ii. i;iMiititW.t.TUe.:t.ttii of the Philadelphia Convention. b&i astounded him, and he seems to' liif. 'le and henitate, yet bwlirakinsrwith the President sivl lil endorHc. ment of lUilieali on are too jialpable. It ii too bite tor hun to tuke the fence ; yet tie is evident ly in a quandary, . .....-..-.. . .. . r.Tiie isHiie la now laiilv joined l.cln n the President and tlie pr' i i ..ii'-i, in 1 1 is elec tion pending in . lUe ..trtiierit anil V. i rn Btates. .The, coiitrover y 'till bo ery' bitter. We sincen-ly tnt.tt that the result may be t lie very best btr the whole eom.trv." ,"'.''.' ''. The iiafure of the "rei;H" w 1 It Mr. llohlen "aincereljf triHia' inay o i nr. is rvlal'-iit iVoin what bt says in another part of hU paper. In reply t our remark that, "ii-h a UnimT "u the ItwUcals commewd to our lip", Would I 'dcstruetjvi; (o .Aue iii .iu. liln it v," L(i is f an,.'. u thai y (we) will h i -e a (-.It pn ;sy not- h tuck 9 Vn on as the mm tint ile-cribed V' t v eTT;lf t. be, we - 1 ie-t "I s. e it' mod it is forced upon nv g i, ,1 H"t niv : ''I'", I ml sirt, ; tj,., .! t. , . " , "Were it not that we b-tve u- h rnll.itfi.il evi dence at to what t!o ' e ''-,,, irily t m Ih' tllay il l J " ll, the if.ov I: ,v '11a- r, ,l h'd as tlie mo. t i it a i oin ii i tali m rxt int. ' ' e result ntnv be tlm v " v . t th it i I t . 'mi- t f.,r t' try r 1 1 i I y tij iimnm : bia ronver a'; felbiw t' t . liilod . f ' as lie n'.t t I-,, 'oi: I , iff r t ..f r t' i 1 1 I It HI (Oil ft 1 K I e i I K-,1.1, ho rii i i h.il I f m an i Cut, A f i id w i , efll Ci tion of i the i en Ji'inff tn i-ui. V, i by former t or pi a - e li every I ' v Sliorg want I. .e,e." ii I ,Jf i an I A' , i n't I allo.re I te.r l : and I' e .. to a 1 I s i route and e - THLi:aitAPnic. - - ' Speech by th rrt&Svlent.r", , - ' WS-linKOTOIl, AujJ. lt), P, JJ. T Theiu was a great crowd prvs.-nt to-day to hear the I'rei-jdeni in reiponne to Keverdy John son, who presented the otlieiol pmceeiling of the Convention, -' - ; ' ' : - lie said, referring with feeling to the scene rejirewnU'd of South Carolina nd Majtsauho setts entering tha Convention together, ho was overcome, and could Dot but conclude that an' over-ruling Providence was guiding us aright. Ho said our brave men have performed their dit-, ties in the field, and have won laurvls inp r L-h-ftlile. but, turning to (.leneral til ant, ho coin tuned, biit them arit c', - - t ' .,f to pcrtorm, met w nmj ,w un tirei ijieir t:ja.p,-. craUon in tlie In- it w now nee-d llieir eliorts to tierpetunto pea-f, t Kvhmno.i 'l'm Jxecu tie Department bad tied to pour oil on the wounds, and restore the. Cui-.il, but it hsd .not eiitin ly succcetlrd. V e bsve stH'n, he said, in one ilepartnieiit of the tiovernment every effort to prevent tlie !4,n thn ot peace- amt-baniMHtf- or tlie l nton, XV e bave secu hanging upon the verceof the Government, as it were, n body culii d, or which assumed to bo, the t'ongnwa of the l'nited States, while in fact it I a Conres of only a part of the States. . We have teen this Congres assume aud pretend to be for the Unioa when its every step and act tended toperpetcste disunion, and make a disruption of the Htates inevitable, instead of promoting reconciliation and harmony. . Its Ic;-islation has partaken of the clinmeier of penalties," Tctatiatiott and te veiii'tv l liis ha leen-tilre-iwwnd the policy ot one port ion of your Oovcrn neat. . The hum ble individual 9 ho is now sddregsing you tnd the represeiitutiv of another department of tlie Government. The manner in which be was called upon to occupy that position, I shall not allude to on this occasion. Bullice it te ay, that he ia here under the Constitution -of the country, and being here by virtue of it pro visions, he take bis it and upon that charter of onr liliertie as tlie great rampart of civil and religion liberty, (t'nilongtxt cheering.) ,. Ilav lns Itecn taught In my eraly lite to hold it ;Mied, and having practiced ttjtttn it during my whole public career, I shall ever continue i to reverence the Constitution of my fiithera. i . and to make it my guide. .(Hearty applause.) I lie I resilient proceeded, and denied tlie chorge that he had ever been tyrannical or a despot, but said such charge were- simply In tended to deceive and delude tlie public mind into the k'llef that there is some one inr power who is usurping and t rumpling upon tha right of ton Con-a. union. . It is d'fne by those who make such char,;.- (.r the purpose ot covering their, own nets.- ( i iiat's to, and Applause.) I have h it it my tl. 'v, in vindication of the principle anil t'on-ujuUon of iy country, to call tint attention o my contitrj nien to tiice prooecdiiigs. W ben we conic to examine, w ho 1- is fie. n 1 ,v,;ig t' fityr ii.t, by wluno. do w i...d ii:-ptiii.it t ifi i.j ( As to toy"1 -i, the elements of my nature, the pursuit of my ble, have rot made me. eiuicr in .J"1)".,,..!1'1-''"'.' ... .ppti, sivu. Wy nature, pi the contrary, is rather de feuiive in its chatnrter, but I wiil say that hav ing taken my stand upon the broad jirincijiles of liberty and the CoustiiuUion, tiiere a not power cnoiij'h on earth to drive me from it; .uotid and 'prolonged spphutse.) Having placed my e!t upon that broad pint form,' I havonot been awed or: disinnyed, or intimidated by either threats or cncrom hiiii iit but have stood there in toiijuiietion will) I' I'l eeuo epiiiiii, Sftuinliiig the tKMii of alarm ncni deemed the citadel of lilicrty in dime'er. (1 irint applause.) I said on a previous (M t usii n, mid repeal , now,, that all that in iH-cieuury in this great wtrin'gle : airainat tyranny and despotism, was that the ' struggle should be siiliciently audible f.rthe Ameriean jte.ple to hear and properly undcrstnndf '1'hey did hear, ami looking, oil and seeing who th coiitt stunts were and what the struggle was about to be, determined that they would settle this t net ion on the side of the Constitution, nd ot piiueiptfl. l-pmebttirtbwttvdtrr; wtf bare m previous oocu-ions, that my faith is in the g'at mass of the peoi.lo.- In the darki-t honf-t (it this rmt- ' h, it I;. c clouds ..ii iiiidtobciie-lftxf-en-! . l.sv 1 . ' '1, !e t..-ad ol eivn"WT, doonicd up tarne h tlie i :,,i, la voiul w 1 1 it It I f.iW that ri I wmhiI 1 liem ! in tt.i not My ctmntn'-inti, we nil know that t.rr.nv nnd (h-pot ?u III the I u ,.- ot 1 iioii! .Jit- i mmi, can tn rer eed nnd e. i I l t e lis i ncroni -It, it t f f" it , l I a i a I I'i c,n hicI tlie luud (,.ncri,inei.t A, e 1 11 r ( t' 1 e, ,. ,. 1 s, . . , r. i ' l v Inn iu;.ev ti an er il a C in I tie V ll t I 'Itenlii. I Ve, 11 U ( I' . 'IS S .1 ill 1 it " th it I to the I . , seen e .W l 1 i 1 l(i- ;. "i t. is iii t n!l, in i i tru: : 1 I Ha ; t t your nnd ! I, 1 n t " c I i a t v ia to I ( I Mil t. I I ,.tv. ..i.on, : I, v ( oin. I ! i i iiti Otlllll -:-L al.) Ttoe 1. ell I it IB, J II .1 i I 1 I I n ra r .f n I 1 ti , i i.otl t 1 'I (Hllll, iit t ,n uy I 1 i it ..at 1 use I ' I le" . S . I tl.i l.t , , f 1 . ..i.oll.lit! I,- I ma y ni I ; h i e c in. o If , . - , ll V- I ! J. tut - I if , that 'tll run II , .ira 1 a I t I t .ii . I "ti I . -I ' , I V, 1 .1 go "f :..n vt have . I ill Your i n ,4 j!i" -. al ft r nn-l c. it. : I t le it li.e tlx I , 1 V. "1 ' ,1 i el applause) lor in prtvlaiming and m-prtv claiming these great truths, you ha. o had down 6 constitutional pluttorm bpon wniili all cau makecomtaon cause and stand united together for the restoration of the rHate nnd the prcser Vation of the government without reference to party.1 ';''..' '; - , ; ; V' - - - '. ."' ; ' The question ouly "is the !.itioii of the country, tor eu country rise above all party consideration! or imliieiices. llow many wre there in the United State that now- require to Ihi free f 'They hrc the shack del' tipmi their limha, and are bound n ri ui'y ns thoauli they Were in fact in sl.tverv. I ri i a at, tu n, tii.il your ths larntion is tit second fr.v bma-'-m ol Tlruaneipntiiin to the -nt cHates, a,j, f,g -s i . , -j ' e- JM.p-'.lrl'l e,iii.f;:iu,i t .. , Mr. Chairniaii and renUcon n, 1 connection, as what hare I to r tlte , t I epon w l,'u . Me, in t; ;t iiiortt tin the advancement ot the public w u s: I 1 iii us. Mtucb opposed to the iiidu!, it9 f egotism a any one, but here in a conversational manner, while formally receiving the proes'ilin"aof this foiivi'tttiol., 1 ISiiiy be jiet'Hiif it.,.l (i.-MirttV' s- k, what have I to.gaiij, cor.siihing bnuiati ambi- tion, more than I have gained i tlvrept in one thing, my rue is nearly run ; I lave been platsal in tbe high oiiiee which I oci iioy under the Constitution of the country, nl I mav fiy that I have held, from lowest to b',.!n I. alnm.-t every position to which a nisa may attain inonr l.o vcrmiieiit i ami surely, gentlemen, tins sboiil t be enough to grnlily a rcaonai!c tunl.nu ii. II 1 wantca eiiiuonty, or u I wtstosl tn tii tuat my own powce, Imw ray it would have Ih-b to Doiaanawieidtliatwiiu.il was placed iu n.j band by tbe measure ca! h d th ed()ien' Uti , reau bill t (Laughter and applause.) ,Wi:li an army which it placed at mv tlisciciion, I could bav remained al the eapiul ot' tlte natioit, and wltlt filty or sixty millions of appropriations at my disposal -with the machinery to be worked by toy satraps and tlcpendnnts in every town and village, and then with the Civil liiphts bill following a an auxiliary-fc(taiif liter) iu' con noctio . with ail the iother - appliancn of the Oovcrnmcnt, I could have .proclaimed, myself dictator. Hut, gentlemen, my pride and my ambition" have been to occupy that j uion which retains all power in the hiittd of the pen plo. It ia upon tlutt I have always relied ; it is upon that 1 rely now; and I repeat that neither the taunts nor )sts o' . t'oi!gics, nor a ut-i-dized calumniating press raa diive me fi.-.Mtij purimse. (drcat j pase.jr I m know ii .1 e no superittr ejreept my mwli tlte ant nor w my i-vis- teneo, anil the people ot tlie I . mte I r (l'rohin;reil and en'ilin -i i rb- lite the one I try to obey ad li s coiuinaito I can, rompatlblu ittt mv J-'or liiim n the other in a political and i.-prt-wni-it the high beliesls ft the pi-f ; '( ll 1 ' e r, re-pect.ed and lihcye.l ,y luc, ( ' j ui Mr. Chairman, 1 have s.il 1 ,t. - I i. -mi 1 tfeS. I For US 1 , St iy;lor . ' r s 1 n aid- cd to say. l-'or ti e 1- iiel Cfiituiii'-d la vonr n,hii-e a to id ,e r ,. in to. nt, sdoptt by th Convent hm, .b t me re nin rk licit in thiscri is, and at the pre .-nt . pe ri,... of ,..y 1 .,1 i.ie. I ..l '.,,, n n'l fit , ml (rhall ever recur -with f.-clh nf p--,,,, end grntillcAtiiin to, thd lad P'solutoui conlaioin lb enddrwiiient' of n ' ( 'onveiitic a (tniniiaLidj spoutaueotis trmu tha n-at uiu.-s i,i tin- p. , . 1 trust and hope that my tiiture nclioiis wi.i be such that you nnd the Coiivcnliitu you r. i.ro sent may not regret fhe a -: uiaiicc of t-iiiili.i, nee yon have expremted. ' ' . . Ilcfurtj aoparatlng,. -wy -friends, one ami-bit. plente accept niy t-tm-eie thnnks tor the I bid lnanircitaliuMs ot regard sift r-;-n-i yt l ite exhibited on Ihi occasion. 1 l'. ; it th..t 1 !inll always continue to beftiid-d by a c.at Stientiirus conviction of duty, and t! t nlwa.e gives one courage under theCwi-iHie :.-a w hi. h I have made my guide. At the conclusion of the Pre-1,1 t' r. n'.s three euihusia-tio cheer were givt a f, r Andrew Johnson and three nere f..r (;- i. lira. t. : The President tlien took a po: u r t the dHtsr. rtpeiiing into tbe ball, 'w hit i. t by Iii side, w lit re, m the g' ulieitu a ot" t .1 .- c ... - ! tee and iitethis-rx of the Con vet 1 ion j ... dint, ho prasped ili one by the I-fid, and I la amiteucebceri!. ; word f r t ". . A ' r t U, tltcy p-ottted on to take I - n. ( . , f t i v t , I. T! " r Tile's,1 t's l exeiii-'iv lv i f 1 n 1 It I' i ilav, to have at" fl linth III II, e i. 'a' lit ( I, I. i y I j . le V v.- I ,,i, I'.e i,' ! . ; .:',. X .1 '. V. ',. A 1 , l is n - . r ,: iii a I , . f fl 11 111 I ,e,-i 1 1 ' i I s I r - . I ; ..' - . t: mt i p... i ni i:.-- ' a ci o .-, s ,. t : , i.irnte ft : f. i, : -i t.n v of . , - m. lit . , i t I - i . I h 1". . i. : Tie- , -I .. .. - o . . i t, any td t'le I' I III o ey i! , ...I in r - ' . - t p. . The I'. ,.- et , .. s i., e, , ., . . ti t is Vie mi t i i i i t ' -i! i'vill ions tf !' o v ft p-- . a Wld, It IS I - - I- t I ,' l-M I. in 1 1,1 M ,. s. . . rrota. Ion-!j.i I - r r..l..v..I, (, a t A i ft ' 1 ' i ' 1 " I' . I i ' i,i .... ci,-,) to t c- an " i : ilt I. I .. . I tlt Set- , I o . e. : t "t-l.- -it.t ii.oi-. -. I t i ' -.. r. I - t.- . -t- tnifpei-ty . 1 I of t .';. I. ..- I- i ( null il. nil n ii i t ttit the t imt t t t i- fit 1 r t that three of th v-s- U . sut.Uct to (he jend.. ing chancery mnl, l um t I v ttm I . t. t. iint pnvatceis; lltree ttt.ieis me ii.e - prop, ntv ot ira.ier, "i i uhuuii Jt t o., ana t-ius otia-r beloii to the bt hrs, I, ,m i .irt.mr Ltetial. -ii..'. 1 h 7ws v that the nvti-h of th le.o oi IVu-e is Inn not inade a t,.vir.i'.;e i.itur.- ..n In Pans, even sniong tiio.c w iio im. t s .r.wd bis sms t-sa. 1 lie w. ol any , ,is.i.n to Krimee, or other forc;c n powers, ci.endvUie Panninna,. - T; . tl Ty- ',-. t v 1 , ui J v ' . 1 "-. 1 -a ' 1 ! .... .a i... . a e in l"n ol '.a i. r. , ni (n ie tit - I 14 ' llil 1 1 i 1 "i 1 1 f l i ji . t f -'i. f- .M-cny t -tied sti a. hlu e ion i mj ' lull i ci i,. tan to a void t, a e.i n" p ii'-' v pi m , i.eil an. Sn mt ions, not -Ct.nnecie.t ttiitt tut. ause rf Iilnh btaMoiit., . s I ro"t ! : Wm u I he . !. n an le:- en I p. ii. i ' s t' it the t. 1 . tdlo, i., te!.,.s. a, e fr-cts to be-. .it t ,ni next-few i I i il le. I vael,.,,, .1 ?. to. It am in ..' ...ii i.i i I .. obea.i, uh 1 j... i ti. lure t an. I.m 1 vI,i -1 . v mrv r - i- " " - E,,t.t:..t i r.-i s-- lid- i . rr - -t -, A . ri. ' Twentv-t" l.t th.-iit ns tt fin t :.. a on y.-ter- . (lav, end It on r-nntl.tv. e.o is il t 'i i n ' i ) t t t , I ' l 'ititg Ilia river (Me l. !tio t . ,-an.le advii . tl.u eel. a. r ntUaob li in ..iii!eren tne tufi. tm t 4ih. Cn tilt tix.k 1 ' lee V -Wf "f t, en. 1 )o i , I, .i ,-. i,.,;:. on ( a. h ,.rMin" ' terev, wiih 4 . - in. -i 1 i i is al i 1 si ,n I ii n ii j naiiiurta-iuents, . ----- C'tttt.ii iinclmn -e,l. mv tm. !,,;,.! j 3.V JilJ.- (I-.: I ti l l. .. t i y to '.I i. .-a lung t'i - iii . n v re l.o I r . -r I ,e c t t ll ! a .it : Iii. . . i i 1 I, - uo 1 ll i A I it. g r- ttitt ! - - . . : i, v e, U v ;.,i t,.:e i ., ,(;tnnnt ie-? h ,),. t a- : -o.r. 1 ( '-t, " t I II I a I .1- . I hii, -y; ' to I ead .1 tin 1 il el c'lt'eil, to fee l:l ; - e.l I ,1. I HI 1-1'! . , I i ' v.'-'.- -,. h ut and a I , I I ' r a: -n troops l.t v ee- pi-, i ire mv ,s 1 i,,.... . ..- n mitt t ,,! t . ..Ji. t - , !' , prov, in li. , ,.i ; "lee in e a oi o e , , I . ill.i.s. t. '.'.i- i till , i i t . ! n t . A '. SI. . elmls llio I - v a".' pr.-i ii i t I I I ' "Z-l toe I oi t .en. ' . ' ! " il-. I :it t i -la. .a. , i ,it I ti , at n i ... as if.- . .". lI in 1 1 i nt 1