wjmm r TIIi:.I2MTIN nif. . i. Ji, 11.1.1 l:l.l4;; -J1VS- .ff-t iiditor. v tMtl.t:. S .n- - 1 n.iTox VcdnenIay l:vnlng, Ar;. , fMtO, " 1 . 1 1 1 , Fob thk ('oxtiti:tion or tbk Umtcu Statk, A3 IT H, ano rag Lkios Ad IT WAS.. ' iroit csovmj-soit,1 1 JONATHAN WOUTH, OIT KANKOU'JLvr w ,- : ,(! Zxtgt U ZU.UXmi.'---0lt rmi-r art awtirt that thecal Coiivea . tioo, with th vie of rmWJng" th "debt "of" th State, directed the public Treasurer to ef fect aa exchange of the atock, owned by tba Stat in tin several Bait Roads, on the beat term, for th redemption of any out standing Bond of th State. Mr. Battle, oar Tery effl cieet Public Treasurer, has tuned bis proposals, .'which, miifb cW-d early In Novemtier bextrt 4 There are three strong reasons In favor , of thle ch.euie 1 ?.-,'s.j V-. ,. ;4 i .,. 1. It propode th only plao, feasible t jra nt, for tbe redemption of the Bute debt. Thi t( most desirable o! ject, on In which the honor end credit of the Bute are deeply ' .-!-. 1. Z, It a iiiuuu iiinit to tinn of Capital and enetpy to iiiveaA their State l. nJ in an enter prise wlui-h will pity, if Weil luauaged. -t And it take out of the hands of the State tbe control ' aud management of tbe raIIroa(3i,nd place them directly in tbe band of interested indi viduals, who can manage them mor cheaply and efficiently than the Stat .cajj Ererj-ona Know! that individuals manage merely bnslneat : operation! with greater facility "and cbeapneai than public or Plate agent. . .;.;: . , . I. It relieves tie Executive of the State of tbe ' amount of "patronage and political influence 'which .the appointment ot IUilroad ofliocra 4,l nil. kn .h t.l1Uk.t.U.d 'Which too often engender Improper feeling and ..- . " fH kl Hit WMVLtbn. I. 1 . I'Mt w be profitable in this State, muat be managed by ' MM aI lU lilirliMit anl M.(MfU thai 1 earn T-ViM'AiWstinuftigt9 do with them... Itareurwto interfere with their 1- success and fliuinry to cgrealeror leaf extent. 1 FortbeM tli rue rcaaona, we barn been In favor ,of tbe chenie of the Conrention, and moat hoartily dusired eminent tuoceaa to the Publifl Treaanrer, in tfluctingth eiebangre." Tbe-objee. Hon 4rblch aome of our people urge against H, . tbat it will place oar Ruilroade in tbe banda of Kortbera capitaliata, to be controlled by then to the injury of oar people, U nneoand and anteai r able. Tbe objection it neither wine In policy, nor i It gpneroni to those who are disposed to " inveat tUrlr cnpltal in tlie Bouth, , It U nnwiae, because all experience provet tbat one North- - em bninee man, - la lofraigbt,. energy end frngftljty, "la ' generally titial to half a down Southern "meu.'tVere tiny to inveat in-our IUiliaU, their object would Int to inake money, To do tLla, tbey would eonatract feeder, run in quicker time and at cheaper rute; and, to make buaiaea for tlie roftda, would introduce into our midst the lent nn liumcfil skill, and the higheat iuiprovementa in . agriculture, mining, Aevt- The idea that tbey would Injure the roade . . - . ,ii : zz" IT cneroua. .' 1 hat ever may bo the fiadihgaoi our people .(owardit Uia-e Mien w1i have been or are Still our enemies, it is tbe height of fully, and It is j;ro-c'y ungerieroua, to feci bostile to thoewlio are wi'lifig to Invent their fundi lit the South, o promote the general welfare ol our people and the dovelopement of the resource of the Pouiiiern tstatea, 11 we count o to, we woold bow inftuenee ?ortbcra. fipltttHitti to. in veat 85 or 00,000,000 of dollar in North Caro linn in the next twi lvemntli. Vlllmut tlielr aid our vvniku of iiitrrnid improvement mnett JjUjcuUh .or i 0 fut -nended fr a tiine, and our " agrlculturiil, mining ami manufacturing nn6P' cee muat remain undeveloped. 4 i IJC6ihaju. bnwv'f, fr plttili jmintrtfi-'tf!, It If our duly t') p unt out to the holders of North Carolina hute Bonds the impedimenta or drawbnt !, wloeh the charters of several of the t 4nfhR eti 1V;il'; -.' i.r fi.nulit. It , . . ' ia of course t'.e duty of all holder of Bonds te ' iiiT.jnn tbenielvcs fully of the condition of tbe r."ad and ihr-rhftrnrterrf;-their' clinrter. ' V,'l. re tl.i r 1 no serbm iaipe.!'.u,. iit, we Ijo licve tiiat In.l.b-r of B.imU will d well t ex change tliem for IUilroad stock, but there may be) impediments In tlie cl.arters !.i.h mi-ht make tbe r..:'.:inpe seriou 'y to the dinada- tar," of h'A rt. For in-f.i...-(i, read carefully ' t t f.."o' tl.e4' in (tie charter Vf t'.el---.' 1 I ' ' 1. L'.e loM of tlie bon-.'.s ot ti.e XortU Cjirolian I'.oad not f i and cr-Vt ( I t . -. 'V s I 1.' !: t , 11 - 1 i v 1 r t a 1 r,. . t, t..e Ciro"iia H Is ft 1 n t,s' . 1 (i 1 ' 4 r-f e hu d t.- !... tSieff, and in a-i i!l iui i-etir ti'l t'ie Sf-.w k td 1 i-r the " '-- 111 t a . 'i t l.i.l- r 1 C. ' t'..S k3Iii M I; and any lovi-i t ue Ut t..ae, I t;s : tao 1 1 !i I 1 1 " I I 1 ?tlf e iiU 1 ? 1 t-v-. I. ' l,i r. !. f. . . 1, !. ,d t'S d 1 ! r, t liir ti.iit I'iirpoiiej ' 1 f j - ;.t v l.ii h may, trom ,.- too t'..e siiw '" li' kl by A, I b e; t to t'.e 1 iu.ic-t . ft el t- I cef. l'nh..t , nx of n t my ! I c! ''e ef ( e 'I i-i. i 1 t I, 1 1, a tue snieniayaeciiie, s i.i ; 0 tjca!iry not otherwise r-e sivm to t e a ntifrl rrpeetaio- that '.: . ir.v...-it ff e- ,v i"i! tii, jmj4 i t ...e !. n .: nts to.- lUe. 1 b.i -l. !hia " ' I . !' . t',! W-(Jfc,...l U ctU. t s c ii -y'lei arrment ir t;.ieU a - b , C.,. t n 1 e- It ( v t a r r i i 1 t ,-,t A-l'fif f-ereary ived. J. Lh U wtofl, iiJrd - r"P-r aui..! rr the l j tiSiive;, ut. 'end it is .. adiin'tton oi..c-lioider ,l.'..;n.-U' with the Preai- I: t u V ' t. 9. S. Ooodloe, Esq. . As aa Matter of juntkuj to this gentleman, pul.liU tbat pnrtioaof bi.cartl, (hereU.forepuh llhed iss full in the tltutlurj,) which ttilatetlo hi puraonal vindication tnm' the YritMnM -; liitif Jtmjwv, min liwiaiuee, t suit- K ruit, eonceruiMg Bis coura in ronnectioa with the priiied ttadical Convention in geptetnljer. We regret, ficeedingly, thai Mr. Ooodloe, on dtr sll the cirrBm-taoces, should have identified himself with this movement, nod especially that b should have arrogated to himself the right to speak, apiwretrtly, at least, as repre enUtire loan of North Carolina. Personally ko U worthy genUerosn, nfldTCTauldiTrTeiT town hlmj but that consideration cannot ntTeet M aBlmtdrerhloni ojmu bis publico official conduct. ; ;. " ' tfr. Qooilloe is both nnfsir and diwDgenuont,! mart so tbsn wtt had expected of biio,4n seeking to make the Impression (while disclaim- log inch a pnrpose) that we threatenl him 1 wtth populw vengeance. Nothing was further fron f gbtvyosimply meant o -nayLj fton, mkUmust bo ldt Aoibeu ..gret that our people could and would hat no "coo. aider tion" for on who advocated wveasaree so subversive of. alt tbir Interests," end who, while serving in their Widst a an ndoiiniatra tfre offlcer, bad connected tiinself with moveraent tbat wa designed to oppress aud humiliate tbera., - ' ' - , We are well aware if ilr. tioodloeV strong aud hooeat opposition to the repeat of the Miatour Coropromise. We'deprecatcd tiiat rnpiml ur scives, at the time. W believe that U added frash :4uU to- thBW o.urthBntk slarery fnaticism. ; Bat . we cannot thai that tact juntifled Mr Ooodioe, a Southern man, In jdeBlifi iag iiimsBli- with ftrttfoo tharwu glad of an opportunity of waging a Urnrt bitter warfare against his section.". By helping on an s-itatlon, which he should rather hv naod bit influence to allay, be, and those who co-operated With him, are very ntucti responsible for the "t Mlbm certainly. ' ff: ';: -rw;..) Mr. Ooodloe legs the quest! when he csasyl to prove that the ppoeed Convention, to the call for which he signs bhj nans as of North fAffvftffiB' la Ml HftnltitlAnew O. Vi I. ' tially to, and It 1 hardly necessary to eomUt the 4Btjtauuieu the coniintud sxcluaion of ten hyal State front the Constitutional right of represents! ion, and which I to be conducted on the basis pt the Howard amendmeat, involving several funda mental violations of the great charter of our liberties and working an attainder and a pro. cription ntterl foreign to the genius of Ilepub licaft Hlerty,---i radical! isvolutlooary.I 1 seek to eoconplish, literally, what the armed revolt of the South was ineffectual to Consaim mata,'a destruction ef Unien;' J.'' H". ''y , ( Ia the face of the President's life-long view opoav the subject of negro suffrage, Mr. Oood loe' speculations must pass for what they are worth. The President, we ar? well aware, ia his letter to Judge Sharkey, advised that lis siiwippl should, it possible. In onhjr to ajlay op poBition at the North, sanction negro suffrage with a property and "educational qualification, yet bis own opinions are known to be decided ly in favor of tbecolonitUonof that uufortun ale raney : In a numbef of bis late publie utter ance, as well, If we mistake not, as in some uf his veto mesAage,hhaemphatirntly Intimated his conviction of their immaturity tor tbe elco five Iraochlss..- In a word, bis views, as enau ciated ia the Senate on the 11th, of December, 18311, are hit flew to tbl day. . In a debate on Mr, Mason's resolution of .enijuiry Into tbe ori gin and object of the John Brown raid,- Mfc Johuson, in allusion to an admission by Mr. Trumbull, (who is now 10 Intolerant and fanati cal in his determination to iorce negro suffrage 00 tbe $outh,) that "the two raoe eould not live happily and pUantly together, w enjoy equal rights, without one domineering over the other-.aid; ,. i..aii:;,!-:..:::v - "I thank tbe Senator for the .lmlsioii bet hnmajlu,iuIJw')nli.(Oprets the matters lit tle f;trther. .. 8itppoe the tour million of slaves iu the . sluy Kuu ww H -emancipated, and were to till up one of out Territories snd apply torailiuliwion here, it teems to me the titmatora answer would apply to them as well as the (mention I have put. lie aavt the jlitTcrence) iia- wkh - the -nrrr ::orlg1h";of trntaTIlLtlta licitv biiuMlf, aooordinir to the Senator! own admission, bss made a Brence between the races, how can they have been created wiih 4ui4 tU l.ta and privilo"reJ - The "diflerenoe bei-iit with the Deity. 1 Ut Senator in hi last explanation hat couveded tlie whole ground; and att bit clamor and clnp trap about liberty, aud men being created equal, fulls to the ground, and the construction which should be put on the Declsrntion of Independence it clear and nnol)senred.w The rinult of the recent National Union Con vutlno, -w take It, hav convinced even Mr. '.l.ie tli.it, In the matter of ne-'ro-tulfiagot Well at tli ti-st-osth, neither the rrcsiJeutor Ms f ' n S"ii,,l,t to have tithcr im-orporated, boweveT in 1'n'et'y, in its Declaration of rrincl j :. . z:t. V .ahw h- Ida to tlie ilj:t of 'Con-, j-- -i to firoe the former (though In a (jm.',:.'!ed foiin) upou ti.e South, aud insists upon the lt t"r and .spirit if the Istter. The Convention, whose -:ion the President but endorsed as a. second Deebvration of InJcpendenee, declare the qnention of franchise to belong- exclusively to ILe fkiU.s flieinstlvea, and insist upon the immed'iite preentation of the South, subject only to the ri . lit of eac h UourM! to Judge o the Constitutional qunlifieationsiif ill nieflilierw. - f In view uf such an sntsironism. while wa woiil.t not tee It to depiiv Jlr. Goodioe of any pcciini a'jf ruiiloiKeiit or 'personal Sucre, ajidor ordi nary circumstance, we really think that it i bit duty to retire from the office of Marshal for h DUtrict of North Carolina;, ' ."...r.-.. "' The rail corre-spondent at Boston dlSCUs. rVtl.e 1 . t of the I'liitadelphia (Bwnuoa ea t1 n r-l ! at the "ii.it," and intimateaamong r er'tt --"i ilrat,"u iT vtto the 'diihitroiVs" 1 .it ol to..t movement on the radical party, Cenen-d liutler intends to propoa th miuexa f.oa'cf 'A f. h - h oaawealie, .4MKwCta. t 1 , ml-er at I'hiUdvlphiaVH .-, ' -' . . ... - Tlie taking -of theco in Kew" Jersey is t tractiii TtUe attention of th leading agricultu rists.! the.gta.t.,,-, -.-- ' ' I. J.llala, ltq,l .T . It afforded ut a melancholy pU-asure, ' the ottier day, to thak the iam of our esteemed, fricad.: E. J. lisle. Esa of Fsvetteville. t'leasure; Lecsnse of our bigb"ewimate ol hi -friendship and his wort li j sitdrws, beCaiMM ha iuformed o of hit purpose to leave hit beloved native State.. .t-r.t:tr:rtfrv-Tbe disasters of the war, tud the eolwequeat development In regard to tbe mail facilities and businen proepeet of FayetteviUe, forred him to relinuUh hi purjxn to revive the Oisrrrer, one of tlie abbwt aal most influential journal of.t'ig.Sls.Tn , II he. dtrnioed to- establish himsulf, with hi excellent tons, in tlie Book ami pulilivtihtg bTHtliaH'tSrt'fw Tortt city.-I fcosinew which their former experlene eminenr I qdslify them ftir, Deeply jn retsd in tlie ed ucational , development of the Booth, - they wiM give special attention to gettingTip th tJt school twHiks and works of general interest. , Vr. Hale and bit toot are a va!uable'a:jptil- tioO to anv ommunitT. and ttivir ,rcmov Iota. The senior Mr. Bala ha established ia this State the highest reputation at I gentleman of exalted moral worthi He is tlie impersona tion of honor and ptmemaj inteyrity, and bit busi ness qualifications and reliability will inspire entire confidence ia those with whom be hat intercourw. - '- . '.''ij;., -i ilisbouM) will readily couinisiwl the INikr trade from this State, and tbe public will anon tie Informed of hit locality and the character of nis iiuinea. :rr--jeg-jiTflchm,timu - . We ublUh In another column the maturial portion of h pfoiTaiSatroi of tbe President! announcing the establishment of complete peace, legal and actual, throughout the limit of tht Republic.;; The parts omitted are- but the reca pitulation of the several .declarations of Co greand Executive pmclamstions heretofore made, and which Were embraced In the former Proclamation, pronouncing the '"insurrection' at ao end ia all the States except Texa. M T According to the terms of this proclamation, tht writ oi kabairrjjt4 1 unquestionably fully restored and martial law withdrawn, -i rreaideut Johnson bat don bis duty nobly, and It only Wtttlfll far tb"Tjerpte; - MoTth-and South, to do theirs.1 ' : Tail Pnu-sBXLMi, AtoiiKaer-Tha Editor of th Richmond Sxamknr, who waste attend anc tipon the Philadelphia Convention, says, of hit persona) knowledgethat 'Jlr, .Ttlaymoud it not tiw author erf the ftdi-es, as ie popularly nppoted. W ans glad to tud that the Editor himself la far more raoderkto and contmatirt In hbiiewt than ;iit heum tthiA', giving an account, by the way, of ; what be saw T and .heard at the North, tayt t-v ." r 4rlt'SiirJ- "!"' The Northern feeling it not well understood st the South.' W confess that our recent ob serrations have greatly changed ourowa idea tboot the matter. Uadicalism It strong, to; be sure, but there ie a larger and more respectable conservatism, that ts tupported by- Democrat, Unionists and tbe moderate of all parties. We met men even from Boston, Who conld outdo us In their execrat ioB of the Kndicnls, and who ex pressed ttamuMrlv sstii tty ia fvuv of e-tukioo on a p5rfect restoration of old rights,- They an nounced their readiness to oo-ooernte with anv organiKation that should fight the Black Uepub UUHiis, -We fooint gelt-mear fTtnBlnicnlgaa, lowa, Wisconsin, as well as iron Jlassacbusetta, Who ss cordially deetestTliad. Bteveus and "hb party as we do. : All that is needed now, It for ut to foster this aentiment and to' reinforce it with all ow might, flhooldcr to shoulder with Northern eonservatlsm, let aa first fight for po sition, and when that is gained ail other desira ble tblnift will be added unto us. Let es get a controlling voice in the Government, and then W have but to ak, and we shall receive -, " -- g-i' . ai' 1 11 --.rrSiji Mb Fatientl M-f,!VM ..:Theteters(buittfrpajsa glowing trrbute to th conciliatory and magnanimou policy of President Johnson, and advise the people 'lobe patient and hopeful at to the accomptUhmfent of their wishes and hope In many particular , "And if there ttill remains tvtmething to be dune, if there is still a pwlamstieo .unwritten or a shackle unbroken, let lis rest assured that Irom th largev plain of the Prwident's conipr LLhit opinion, t)i44ay, and let Us give him crel-" It lor aa Honest purpose wiiile we await tbe fu ture.,. ..-j '. '"!-i ' ."'.-:..? He Is now.cleur of even the tupUou oi ollt ance with Jueobiui.nn. lie la the leader of the Conservttivt men ol the Union, call them by w hat name you may, and is ahrcait with the fore most of them all in the recognition of the priv ilege of the people and the supremacy of law. Let ue be patient," , - - -e; -L KxnTt'txi . Ei.KCTiox.Th msjority lor Duvall. Democrat, for Clerk of the Court of A p. neals in Kentucky, will not quite reach 4ii,Ooa, It h.i bci 0 jfeiltx ed considerably by the returns front the mountain counties. The Democratic mijority iu th old Ashland district is 7,(iai. 1 liis u-ed to le ol I bunner whig .elUtrit t iu .1 lenity Clay tiu. . A wsu.lwimj iMnii!i-pti Mil tlii a lump of ic, ssy ten pomi is, piaoed in a well, will rembt its water (b ii:'liitol!y cool, and tar more pleas ant than ice water fioiu a pitcher. The ice baa to he renew ed ouce Iu about ten days. : . f . Mrs! Jtff, i-.-otl Davis write : to a friend in Charleston thus concern in if her huMiand ; ".Mr. l)nvis it now, slowly but Mirdy waaiing away, and I Wik forward to lint Jlaki r's releaaeJf man doe not soon afiord him one." , The Supreme Cotrrt," in srsaion1 at Monrre. Imi 1, Hit HleMiit III t MH Irtlllt It thai hanerot a w"-on in Cont'e lenite time? tin- "in l 0 iuo.t now pay the money in currim y I lia court i imted thexiet..-'e-. a" ' government in Louisiana dumut the rtUoin, acalle(t, and decided that the Contract not be enforced accorelingto the laws in ' force t e fiire the war. 1 . 1 A little girt, mar Milton, I'-, was nt to ti e fields f''W days since, to carry lunch to t1 lu tiialning .Tiy '1 t tll.il! 1- ereM!ry, Beaten wss w.ne ir n r, win ti ? was- foond-tra(!leel t death ty a blxek sna K The reptile bad coiled lt. df..., several ' tiin about hetDH-k, and had to te Cut ill two! : ; b would reU-s hi boll.:e.-.. ,.-:.c-..- - rrta Sandusky a UeautiiUr'snd U:-.y-j..-,.. ' . . . .V. 1 1... lauy nav oiea iroin niiainir an jtiiitum mut She took the former to Cure the latter.- It i. it. ,N ,....-.MewW...- -- letter front XI. B. Ooodio; Ettj. " P, rl J WatBiieroH, D. C, Ao& 8th. IMC.- ,j TftiuElitonofttolSenliiid:, '' , 1 OanTLCMta iVj attention bat been calh4 InTh fclin artki ia your JotirnaTof ih HiU. oltimo, in wuica yoa critichie my conduct vert freely, and indulge ) remarks well eateolatedj if not intended, to render my position la the flat, at a citixea and t public officer, tmeom (ortable, if aot vmtoaablc I am unwilling to believe that you mean to menace m with the popular indignation, or veoreance, and yet what else am I to infer irom the following eea tencef Y" ssy,"If Mr. rWoe eonUrm plates reumiinor hi fimer residence In thh State, he Linaj awura himself, in bto"lf-nmml cap;itJ4 I sssnuiWrenresents'lrs man," 01 a proirranu I jpd uistinsmkhed rowiidcratiea M W l"Bd PI our people. w li merer your iiuijww been. I cannot but feet that thb langurerprof eeeding from a joantal of wide circulation, and representing tbe Governor 'of the State, will arouse the popular passion against me ; and I ak, in tit name ol common justice, to be at 1 lowed tpace in which to remove, as tar at I may, Lb impression yon have created that I am an lb imoretsioa von enemy ef tn SUte and people ' r " . Ton ask, "how dare Mr. Goodlow set , hi mat If up as ta expofisnt of eca radical aentiment ia North Ctrolint, a State trom which he expatrt-" ated himself fifteen years sc;o, and in which be hat not resided since I Tuit challenge la very easily antwerrd. In the first place, I have not set myself up at the representative of any body. I have only signed a cireulsr addressed to tbe people of the Bouth, in which they are called upon to reiiresent themselves. put my name (li.ira as of North Carolina bceauso that It now nty bonis. . 1 made it so last September, when I accepted the oflioa of Marshal ; and I at the tame time renounced. In purpose , and in fact, :.: i.i ',u. .J i Ir lit j ciuftvnamp ui uib uuhiv, v. .v.u. was my right to lect to be, a citixea again irey aaSiat,-aA.4.4iaie dariao, tbtTefora, ha not been eo great a yen J-Imagined. . "!. 'r " f: -vy Ton tat that for manv yearn prior to the I "was identified with the anti-lavery sgital of New Ksgland,' and thatl wa "therein mora responsible for tbe 'rebellion' about which ht discourse to flippantly In hit address, thsA any man that w know t the State." , Nowit so happen that there it no man in or, out of the State, who knows better than one-of the Editor! of the StKtiutt, that I wss sternly and uncom promisingly Opposed td the messnre which, oa ad bands, W now admitted to have been the chief cause of tbe war. I allude, of course, to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise.' ' That fatal measure wat tbe Pandora's box which con tained In It tbe K so con if overfly, theLccomp- tn fraud, the John Brown raid, and thedemor of clvfl war Wa knows tbat tt Wat my abliAircnceoi tnatscneme of President-makinir. which compeltod mer to alxndoa the Whig party, as well as lucrative' engagement witn toe Kaletgn litquier, ana to unite in tlie formation of tht Republican party; With my profound conviction f the wicked hess of extending the evils of slavery Into the new territorie,"! eonld -wot have done Other wise without dishonor.) 1 1 eheiibel, and atiU cherish, t warm regard fur my Souther frieada, but they left no. alternative. iFor whert thould I go" except intotlie ranka of t&ose, who Wert endeavoring to defeat the scheme f y ) - In Oils connection, I wish fo tay: Uiai EtJiJ aot derive my anti-slavery sentiment and opto. tuna from Northern abolitionist, ji 80 far as those opinion were not spontaneous in my on mind, they were imbibed from reading the debate which took place ta the Virgin Legislature ia 1832, upon the question of abolishing tlavery. It waa characterized by great eloquence and power, and make, aa impreasionv iiprm my youthful niiud, Whkh Urn has not !lfacel. I embraced tbe generoua idea of emancipation with pry wlime heart, as hoeiwiait Wy MeDow ell, Faulkner, Thoa, J. Randoliih.BolUng, Chand ler, Moore of liockbridiro.-Marshall. Broatlnax. l and others..; Subsequently I read tit writings of Mr. Jefferson, which are instinct with th spirit of liberty that, before I Wat of aj;o, and befor I bad heard that there waa a North ern . aooiiuonuw . in existence., my , mind wat thoroughly imbued with the sentiment. 1 mnv remark, also, that I heard no one at that day at tempt to defend tht abstract Idea of slsvery, It wat tht boast of the emancipation orator in Virgin!, that no man had risen in the Lex Ma ture to defend tlavery. There were elaliorate arMilogiet and excuses, but no attempt at justi fication. have compiled this entire dclwte, and hope one day to see tt published. , It will do more honor toVirgiuia than autliing' in her annals, sine the revolutionary period-, I have always protested against and opposed the extension of tlavery ; and as journalist have often bad occasion to examine and criticise ihoargumentaof if frrrnds, Intended to' show tliat the, institution is compatible with equity and Christianity but I. have never aet myself up as censor at inilirt.lual, nor Have I main tained Unit all who held tlavet Were at unjust I MXcc lAbjftSxmplr-of ison and a host of other nol.la Virginians, with Hugh Williamson, James Iredell and William Gaston of North Carolina, ' ia declaring my opinion that slavery wwa the greatest moral and political evil that afflicted .our country- Like them, too, I have alwsjs addrewwl myaelfto th White people; tad never by written or spoken wVird hav I encoura.tred the negroes to revolt, or to disobedience, tsince slavery waa abolkh td, I believe tbat I hav labored as earnestly,, and written as much, with a view to the culti vation of a kindly spirit between tbe whites and ilackt, as any man in the country. I hare re-T tteatedly endeavored, throttih the press, to con vince th people of the South, that ; they will rimmit a tat id errorit tliey fail to enter heartily intq the work of educating and elevating the nrjjroe. If they nr;lect or refuse to take the rox-at work in hand, it will be managed'' bv Northern people, and the effect can bardly fail to be more or km of a(iMoav bwa the Welt., . i - ,;Vl ..- , ' Youaov, "but perhaps the worst feature in Mr. Goodloe's connection with this revolutiona ry movement, consists in the fact that he is a recent Executive appointee to the ofucc of Mar shal of North Carotins, and that one Of hi first act baa Leca to rai -e his arm against the Presi dent, and array hiiu-o If in tbe rank of bit bitter and vindictive enemiea.". . T , Thisbiief text will afford matter fur com hieutary finder several beads. In the first r lace, the call for a Convention tit Southern nionlsts in JPhiladetphia in Septeinlier n d ' . --.I lle a "1. 1 .- i.r.'iy niovmeiit" Now, if ineCoiiiedei y had u-en estaliiis-tied, histead of being dissolved into nothlngne, there would be some propriety in this Unuese. Or, 'to say of the proposod A nr-nit Convention of Southern men, who were ittteiy in rebellion, and at war with the Vnion, that it is "a revolutionary wioYemettt,5' would seem not to rinvtv-anra- d but to ' 'p'y the epithft to thoe wbo 'q e;.l Lji.the.J!jit.Ujrmi,-h owl and'tmrrthrofig. good rejiort, tint who ans- still mit ashamed to march imdi- it, would teem to he ttrange mi- ti" r f iiii;'ii-"e 1 - u, M "i lie nevt p iiit to be .an tretsd Is thi a-iwmpv- 'rioti-, tHnt k.iriii l-JMia. appointed Mamlisi i.ef onh-Caruliua by th rrrsident,-1 am bound a l.eerf-msn, to Kp;ortl.i policy, whatever that may be.- I have a brief answer to nitke, to this arraignment f dear the light of th Pre sides t to dirtal opiniutt tor asa,.: I ow al legiance to tlie CooatitutiOa and laws; not to the President.' Tlteciti. 'a who torreadera kit. fmediiuaof th-uht.ad wech to tha appelat ing powor, fia-reit hisci.uumsiitp, and become a miuion, a ooi, tad it ti.eaner than an invol- Whether th PresideeL a intimated by you. will regard the September Convention of Onion lata a revolutionary and whether be will sym pathize with th Convention Which it to meet ia August, composed of men who fought tour year to 'break up th Cnion, remains to be seen. If the newspapers which are regarded as "or- gans ' can i relied upon a autnorny, ao ai steriilT opposed to the tdmhwlon ftHij" Iftaf Into the Auirust Convention who snn take "thw teat'Oath; f mpfiitWdeclariibm Igdlnut I the admission of "nilov''.haeen made thxaugh tbe New York Timm and tht National KqmUi eatt of this city, while atiutilar intimation hat appeared reevflrtly h ttiar htttUigmttKl Bnt thit teaUoath ia not tlie Only nnpalsuhlc food which tbe new friends or the rreaideot w ill .have to amtUw 'irtfilM'-MMiMl Kl thA.' XTttl7Mat It. pwWt lha the PmidewtJ. atill dtnmAjA jicgrv suunigw, a wa wW aseii.nv ffrara to Governor Sharkev. and when he out kit nam to lhe. Kpoited..roversation with Major Btearna, oj ivwton. The- ttrfmixita nt tue Z4ta ultimo- arraigned Ooopr before the roaatry far failing to grant negro auflrag in tba Distrhst 6t Colmili o all who can- read and write, to all who own property, and to all who have borne arms In the service of- the raited States against the rebellion. It charged that it wat th object of Congress by thisomiasioa, to place tht J'rea Ident ia a fls position before th country hit anxious desire being to give (uffrage to the col ored race, which th naughty Con great would not permit. I leave yoa and your reader to ay whether th delegate tot-eAngntt Convention wtill acquiesce fan thit policy of the President at la arytaviBe; Wsaasrtsyy Aaawst leth by HeT.Ju. C, Husk. Mr. Huttrtx &. Bianari to Mise Ksts, danghter of Jdq. "W. Bandford, sa., 0 of Fay- atsovdhtnw-sWt .btr. rv la Dsllaa eowaty, Alabaava. m tfcslBth. Joly, Csp- My,Akd)-tB a tt-Ktth. My,C O. OaABu, V, a L, at Kewbern, rr Kobblt, daughter d Louis B. Ma tain ItiMii.Toa 0., to Mis atsax im e : t. -ol In fiuflrVird County, aa th 17th, Inst. Mrs. ErxicB 'Woara, TeUet of ths ks 1. Vni Worth aa4avoth of (Ki, Worth. , Mm was hte-ku, aasil sad son t latent member of th Society of Friends, and raised a large and raayweasU awuily at ebiktrsa, wa honor heria their live, at anwwig oor hsat sitiasa.. Mb 4.) iaa h. 0.. Sail. J k j MWlJTEitTlSEIEJ L I f ,t,i .e.,, ,- 7, T.BA BAUUa-sdM wesa Ptaao 1 Oeta- , very superior ess. , , 1 ,, " ' PULLTAMl JONES A CO. Aug? tl-tf o ''tty J-tat -ci'j t4.f ft. 'j'.-o -COU SALE. S9. X Vsw Maekersl and H jDv eat H- Wjiv V Aft SIVUt0 M MX t, 4ug. a-tf -.ft NfflV' "t W19 ''-I FOti SALBrHMl lit akudii'' ltai aud Fum Cut Chewing Tobaeno.' , 1 . PULL1AM, J0N4C0: tl Aag. fia-tf ii t "rf4 ji tkiit.v, tf , TOR MALkV-Bin moo by tb s bbL ITtTi DiTirnu iovm sen t ,tt tf . f AUCTIOJf fAL&e xfTwi-T OW Thmwday, at H 'etnear, A-'M.,7 rwffl offer for ale, at pubbe Auction, at my AwctKm lioase, im Hargell 8trt, lot of . .' HOUSEHOLD A ItTTCnEN. TVpRTfCfoL C'il iii! of Bed snd Bsildmir. clialra. tahlaa. Reaii- resas, Hofaand Kuckuig ebaua, CarnsUag, A Piauo, ,-f --.' H.lO o f r - . f f IJTCTIFORliJ .. . . aucuoneer, IUOEsISUOV.n.UIOCSIt ;it THAT LARGE BTOrtTt)!1 fiH0E, lately sdror hsed, lias awn, cein-Wag of .' K '. , I -S3T8, ,iE20I,, r.i Chi'' y,i BOYS' , . i i'nriiin4 ami -'it' .j.-fJJJJTJ)fJi H-r--('t..n-n t.rViTi .1 Tb Lwgewt lot erst hrhaght to thit Ortwi 1 -A l ' ' ' Our fol. 'J IH 'KF.Il nmtiiu in ll. K,.1.4.. ir.. . ket and kes himself Well posted a to quality and J pries olgeodM., n,...,Jt. "-kM.t)-'l Olm a ratfc- Vn ais4 mit at It yeo thtm. n . n. cs u. o. 1 tiviXJLlt WU. ) Aug-.IS-tf .n ' o in, ,1.0' i,,i tir r li, . t -fffTnL'ttrnuMi f'fMeu, Women sod OhO- VXrVJretL will be in Store tlu week,' Cheeper Ihaa ever.,. .... - J Aug! 15-tf , vy. u. a ju n. 1 Lv;&.it ! kotice EXTlCAKY!, f the American cni'ersal r fr COTTON aiN AND CONDENSER' ...... ..I- iiivenicu ana inieniea ny H Wtr-if 4..,.- .-fi-.,,,-! MS . -l1)ir J- ., tHOEACE I-EIIEEY And Manufactured by If t 102 ACS L iniT, ft iBOX . 4 be - ''K 1.' AT Ttiftltt a u.. . t 4 - Albany Agrlenltorel Work, AIIRnyv ' 'Xrw Vol's.' ' ' t , 'flu. inMu- am fcrtrel'v r-l-- ! tliat in or.ter to in- HlirC to llo 111 tllli (d le- 4 aiwOe llit'iiU.,lu-, trm fffnl.M-H nr ii oeii.-fitrr-ra, .,.Mtra- ,.f .iu,-i . Iu.ji.h ij liAi.ai j -1 j . 1 1 . ,,1 J.(uijh1 .....m-d' to., i'eieri.iio la., a iu. ir "ll tm. i.r 1 cur mh vieiMiivi i live ni st iiioiiu! einw-r a prices, Willi 1 cn-i'Mil.-iiion only 4 t-o.. A n'lier parties are neikiei. 1 ixtoii 1oih oi,,mii int- n irnre- tnent loeii hmw (i n ll,.- iio. hmeii tionr a 111 pen thiiii oriti anil uneiooiiiiied eue. wa, ami are oiieroor v me pnt',,1' iiu luiai.v 111ft m reivr, i.iatioiia, tt;ia autiea i Ui prerwit tlwiiniaMitio iifitjtxMiivaiit meiiia of pnn hmers who druiro ths writ eti,ii Jied Sii'l f ' ;tovH- V aeHinea e'inrnapt'o-'d only hr nn 1 'it I MVi i,HAI(.tilis OiA Ami tiUFX-- m.ii 1 j uoi-ae u J ram lMtent. itv m mniiivdis. tiM--lied l.v tie il- en . t), I 1 1 I ! p. ,i L p. l uii r.it sn-iH'n.e-if 1, .iirintlie Is. 1 - r wit th saw, for 'nmmrtimc' aiei woruiff trie t oiitl! K01.li an 1 M-ev,-niLiiit (u t it of choking tr ht -nr f-H miiiii:iiii'iTfe..4 ii ."mi. . e n r Knei tr Pp. "ilni to mi An el - , , r .h rf 1, . t iii tee-i-T, and. sow wnnis HnV'li I riii lUH J A 1 tM" and Altwnv Aunrnttwrai wnrka, ia nuxed and awneileii ktUvra upow dutunmt part of th Ala. " -, . .... ... .. ....... .. . j 01UCE I, TMTH1 ft m - Aioanv AcrH-nitnrnl TtoHnL . ' . . . . in-., u v A he. ll-Jw (joinaburo Kesnti Vibnw Siai), rr,ilo.i... w-..i.iJ fWt sixi l.umliurn lata., -..,.T two -t I Tit i m biU with euj. f papv-to Lunn Tlanuwes Co., -reteratittrg, Vs. . I. t. at awitto&m:--''''r. Pi rJAarrlatr,Jagt ' ' i .re J0 i t do do ST . 1 F - -Wr-f-l twa th,t.f ..-.. vfi.... Ainvwigto B. P. tTILLlAJISON A CO.. ' Aug. 11-tl itBIRf"fII "lBT .HIEBV WINK, j flu mist r, Cask staritti a pat jsTanor' fin do ' Heunesaey dojio, ( , iiVoTo "or sals (liy the paeksge only) by yrn,f..giji; Any, ift-tw " 7 ' -wv V KEOCO HILLS, ' , BOOS Hlfi, '0HSBTOH COCHTT, N. C. All kinds of I'INB IX'MUER, LKIHT-WOOD and ' post UA K posts, fiimiaMwl at short autlc. ' Mlnler solif iteil sod pnsnptlr ttienrteil ti r , - . , k vVM. J. CTAHKR, - - (Fia-nwrlr HATHAWAY ft fo , Importers of MOLAB- lJaadl)AK, imiaiKtat,K.4!. ' . Ktilpplna and CtomHalaalon Mcrchanit, 7r,,.7.rilBLrnTlEFi;SEW'TOEIC; W wriicit ooaHtgmiirot 0 Outloa, Ksvl Btores, HI iei tiuga, Yani, 1 idim-co, snd other Hoatlisrn 1'ru- tSu)mS rsoBaisiUfl- in will bs given.: w wui msfce UUeral advarav iimn receipt of Inwaee and BiU of Lading. All Mor. ehandis and Prodne khinwed to ns for aaln ar in- siirsd fnau point of sbiimwnt, with or without ad-.- vtr " IuvosTS shonid wwy-eeotufny- eaeh -ahip-7 Bieni.ii . llotti or as having (h tatstneas iu the f liad over twenty years' ernerleoe nth. Slid our 3. 1- MAiliA WAI throsear in iw Jfork, We feel eistfrlewt w esa -e- -rnr 'nil prieca for Ottf frtenik w bo w ill farur aa with -their eonsienmenta. i ., , J AH. L. A l'MAVt AIT, ,.,-,,( wis. B. TJTLET. , ' Aug.aiMhB - - Eh'TJJXK IHPOBTED SEGABS. - i p. ; ,,, A vary swosrior lot, vaHoa sopolar Brawls. t - A1m, a lot of besuriful, nwrioaft roaks, lisvsnua sad Ameriean flUers. Ihes goods sra offered tra fraai tlie sdwra. mt tlM las TanJV vbich will as ap- prscialed by the trade. , 1 . T PPLMAM, JONE fe CO. yraVfrTtf ' fa- - a-x. J-a .r.aA.i- an uors.i 't i , j KALtpIGM, 1, , ; . , .' WX haw Ut ate snare to feiform Ut trarellin' pub lic, and onr nuawruus friend, that, having Meeotly assumed the management or this Hotel, w hav rvA 00 pains or expense ia thoroughly Mnnvatmg Dremiaea. and sunnlvins th Uouaa with aieansnt 4-and anamsryfansitor enwr.' " . , M an .determined to exert ooneive t nwaMi tbe nestest and moat desirable accommodation to our (truas. and wiU nu ttus House ia all ricU what .'H?!. 1 b-M Win m-vrrq-1 M MStwiAM' HOTEL .thooidbi.,rt.. ,; ",. - ?: ;' v.i-i.. .-..' Hoping te hsvt th ploasare of senimj tbe nihtta Mdonr rtsiuer patrons,' invite all to call ana giv a trial. - . " " rr5fWism"Bof Onet Tkoutanel Dollar Reward In oirttKerj If'bfeifE AiRRriiN8ibf ir 1tbk perwaw whoj 00 th night of to tk. tewti, wmr dered Mr, John A. Cutchin, and robbed th (tor of Miliars. Garrett A Cnteliin, at this pise. About Two Htndiwd aad Plfty Doilara in nations) eanwacy - were Ukon, sed slxmt Ten Ddllsrs ia Hpoeie, besides-a Dooble Css Hilvsr Watetr and the awosy tekea trom th pocket af tb murdered ana. - wraM- Suspicion rmt on young nisa who wa working In the haawdist vieinty, bat who left the day after. He esllS himaeir" H tf?ton (fej,' yt he W V--eentlv returned from Point lol'iait - is ahont aia aa A hiK slender. urk hirrai with darl wagh tiu wwiawiief anavHn immediately anoer in anan... He h"Hailnr marka"on hia arma made With ink, espMially a his right arm.; Bays a iwa away ftvm hip parents when U yesrs uld; Claims to havs had a home in Hyd County; AU persons an mqiusted to -arrest tins man, or to f-wsrd to this plae any infn inatloa which niav leadto hia arrest and onvietion. - Adore-. A, BKlM1-:i,K st thi nlaos: L, hltaker a HtaUon, Kiliwwiha, h.C Aag.li, uel 7 Aug. inw , . . - fJIOVB-f A MB-IT 4 T, IJ ar AI.O gBI"Ml Kight Knight of Vlrgitrla, having ehatlungrd the ; aamo onmlwir from North Carwhua, aud th challenge - ,.n..i,H ,.rt-u w-veiii,:,,, uie nwuK WUI ISS OUUl UU i Monday Merit, ( H4, e jJL ,11, , BeaiJ les the oxual piiiw un anch so oeessioo, "th ..1 Priiririetnr offer, ss a pnas te th haminNt. "AN On Uis ssnje evciiing, there, will be aB. , , i , Coronation. Sail, gotten no m the most snlonillit il JltJ ThjKiiiglita,iitTliig the Lntt, will tot be charged oravd its- self and horse for week preea th Tuuraanent. , .n-,WJ,..Lte,.nt , T.PAXSON. Aug."15-td. .j. .'-'. rtioticu aa.-t.titi Espsteial sitnanoa Is Invited tn 'otrr UT. MAKCfcAUX CHAMJ'AtiNE WIN EH, ia tpiarts and piuta, said by Cimiiaours to be tbe finest Impat-V- ta'M?',r.-H1 t--.4-i.t-. ii,'nt ."" A L.QfO '' i.'j, riftIn?FJWGI1'" T,m rWjlWOotAii" pale ferltltlty warranted purs: the onlv -atrirtl Draw teonln MADEIlsA in tb Conntrv ; tltJb POltpnr Slid aafa to suinumttUir- -a-tbt- feebimtT iiinsn t LAKET, snd Otard, Dnpnya Co s. COOSiAC BHAN Y. genwuis, of th Tuitag of IflHt, verv uurior J?1 Kradmuuater. st th sick ked of dearewt.- Wr- 4d JAMAICA fiBi "at)fl '.HOIAAaHD 05 Iff ' ft!1" to aha trad bj, -, . , ,' , , T - aetata A Ang. f7-tf riTJJAM, JONES CO. .11' OT HTOrPKD! 4 -4 -r-S- w - .1 lhBadvsigned,,hvwsv aseared eapyrtght te" eonhng to law, hsvs not stoppedVbnt sra now nisna faetnnug, and I wUleontiirasio manufacture, tlie Oaa ,unf hPiuah flavored v . . . Z PTJBHAX 6-tOZIIia TOBACCO, r t Durham", . C. TW w,n hfrjdaasod to nesiv orders from Uieir old friends nd enatoniera, and prani ito mrnuh a eemifn article, uifeiw to anna lanufaerared In ihia ui.t. ...J .1 . . Tohaceo maiiafaetitr d by thr m will lore H,Blr hntl UOilaaU ft SON. ... vornam a, Aug- l-lm . t .-T.4- rxsTi ra s. crJi iioaii. ; i , OmnSn-iBTipit iinTirim-HK, ! 1 riutmrtulo, July ii-ai, imai. . "' til A111111J Mrelii 1? of the M lekiiolibisofth " W .Hera h.vtn Can4iua Kail lioad will be held in Mor ganton, ou ihinaiiay, the 3uth. Aiimmt, . tAilg.7-t.t -v .n , fcweUry aud IVeasoMr,- MVS A LAilO. J'O Pieces prim irtrinis Haeoa. - 411 It am .... r. . . - a- i"inwv.iiiiT ajani.i r -1 Arnvuig to a P. WILLIAMSON A (id. . Aug. ll-tL A nia.mt.aifi.lerateaAher preferred. " " hl;ueastocharaeteraiidmialilleatlonrermirsd ' A.g.-- .,im,"U' ..Ka- , ciioua'tAi ClIOUSlKAlF fc MMXMlii.SftE'trEirCrit-fitVEilBCB. P. F. reCTT keep ennstaritly fa f,mi . -Cludersaad IOrrha JUhWT- W. has . rerd - wlneh has been nawl riri. . T . fiea year, wbah erery pera-m kebooT - '""'IfailxiA'ffg'lf ggawriisaiitjCTtwiittiwt F OH MAI.K-. mite CORJ and FLOT'R ' - -"-..,-. iisRris I'OXTAH, TOOT ft CO. 7" ' " ll US, rtr-.v - ' : ".--.

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