e f. .' 4 ..Alii hiiTiru.u 1 . r r at J- - - - V. 'irtVtr. Ar .u-t ,t,,Jf'tf. . ,1 " " ' " i ! . 'I f 1 1 Ai:)::i:s J Vop() ot Uu UnV I! !'.tYi:. : nit t ia 1 uiti ntitui- at tha it y i.f l imU'l :iinu, in tue H ii of I'tiiietvlvaiiia, thit liitlii day of Ai!'ut, Inch, i the repre m it iiiv of th people of nit sections, ami hII s the btatet and Tcrritorteiiof the Union, locontitilt tipna the Condition and w ant nf our common coun t ry, we ad. lrei to y ti t li in declaration of our. principles and of the Jii it-ttl purpose wa trek I.Q promote, . ,s. , , ji - : .-. -. him e 1 1 iv iiifvl'mi? of the last National Con- ' t mi. ni Id tUo,)f.ifI;f rvmU "have occurred Which have changed the character of oui Inter nal politica-and given th United Btatea ae . place- among the nations pf therearthvOor . , Government bai pa- d through the viUaaitudet am) the peril ol civil war: a war which, though mainly sectional fn ita character, hat aeverth li'M decided political diilcrencea that from tht . very U ; inning of the frovrniniMit bJ threaten e t the unity of our aunnl rxiotenna, aa4 baa Ii-fl It Imfrrwi drcn anil ier',nW upon all the intjri, i.!iiiM-iilJ, ami lli ilestlny of th it infi1(!il tiiioo tha tv r "A - it 1 lo-HTdla ami la pro .1 I nr.lri.i h tniut i on . ii. j.i. n . i iri'nerauut to com. ) i i: !-n.. rt r iinul court's i , . , . - - - . . .1 vsi,, i i.ivy ufUiiiiiil, aud to ..e j-.. ,.leot'l.!M-;ty whi. h that puvern. tneut ' 'm l t ; .tin.-, vilik h tuut cimi firm the ci..i.U:iie t tlie n:iina ia th per tuity 'l i; rt-pul.'.irssn int!iii!i'n, and mm inand tb rm-jieet of the dviliieed world; 4k all fereat conutU which rouii the pWona and : it the etnlHrane of , aationa,- thia war- baa "given ne ioipo- 1 IL inLiti'n-of'politlcar partiea, and li-h jui)i.lte to plan of innova. tion nd rifirm. : Ami (fit the chaea of eoflfli-t-"'iniriM !.i'm:!it liHi-pavilito trow :! an -era, '.!. : lii" pul.lic 1-".it ia keenly alive t- n ' th 1 and ; ii.fv.; cud i(!.! .. . y the ' ' -nt 1 1' in. lions " ! li i and l iil , . tui.er t I r ai b and li m for tht fut'tta tat ti linjua pro.. nor. ,! Irota Ho nirmoni aim raaniimenia oi th i?swit, it ia a)4iii'nlt bui i nnpnuiv duty f : . whii h on your bi'lmif w ara bert Mcm 7r:.detJ live undertaketl to pudomcpj' kr-i.t . ' For tha first tiin after ill long year of alia ' Miatin and of conflict w hava com together from every Kt ate and erery fn-tUti of or land , ' ac;tir' n of .coiumon cuutry, oader that t : tiai'. tha aviiihol aL-aio of a cotumoa nrlory, to t. te.-;.Uwr bow beat townest mAfmpMt , v , - itiato that union, which i acfiln the object of "0'ir roinmoa love, and tlma iiwurt thebloasinga e "'? ( rliUsrty tooaraelvea andtmr posterity. . n .im -ta the first place, we invoke yon to remember i i -.tlwaya and every where that tha war U ended, ' nd the aatioa U agaia at peace. Th abock of wtibendinarmina nalonwraaeailathtihaiMer .1 -''V. Imr'hrart of the Jtcpul.lic , The ininrrectioa auViart thesttprema authority of thaaalioahaa Uieit aitprewd, and that authority ha beea V : rtit akuo,i. t '.-d ty word and act In every t et i1 I y ! -y citl'O within Hi jilrwlio. "r ' tii-Ji. V aie no Cmwt reiiuired Of permitted . to r-'wd or tt e hotht a netiiiea,- Not l. , m!v i.a the acta of war Iwea tli-xamtlnnet!, and the' ,. , 'f w a-! VI ! 1.-, but tin- at ate of : " w urnoi.it' r1 ' -f 1 1.-.4 wl r . iontt, t.ie r. i.i mil war, have no longer , Uwlul or nrddfid place anywhere thrmtrhout pt t.r.f.i iiomiriti. We am ' tin piople of this c . t - 'it'-. '" bound I In" uiini ami imn. Mium of font in. ia piiwioii-on, antl having noitlmr ni;ht nor Jnf.-irta apart a e-.tn'n it-" 'yr Tho d.i..oa that d i. '. i u ). ft.o a.uio lha duiiefl of petve, and no lini"?r tiieUuuiaof ar. W bava mwmUlfd here to tnka eonnael con-ern'--' 0. it.ti.li " ot petice j to (li ciile how w wen. y ii.ot W; and. k.ttivtly hd the wotiiKi tha war baa made, and perfect ami per pctou1 tha bi'm t ! It baaawitred, and the bh'. " jii-v.l iih.mt ' ravi and ht ttin Hrotidmca, buvo r rm rf tip ia 'J triu,k. Thia ia tha . woik, tiot of piuwton, but of calm and to bar ' .inmit; not of r-wctitmrtit for panticn-t-ricc, .. . ..I il. 1 1 .. . i n l.i..fi liurif.k Mint 1 r ' r ' W l.l boil ri I . - .I1! l-r Vlin.J l!10 1. 11!.'" W.WH.'"."M pi. . .,i,i., l.ut of a liberal ataUaiiiaaobip th In!-' "i what it eamtot"prevcnt,-ind .'i ita plniH end it hope for the future 'r niwm a c nullify of iiitt rvst ud ain- .u t in upon tli.itrti .t and tht weapon of lolt.M rc-'-' f 1"' lu tiie iii k plncv wa . eauapon yon h i! in tlu ir full rurniUcanre, anrl to c , . I f rl ' " urn... t, i ui..!,;i,..(li(i .J . ..iiiU of toe war u4 clWd ; l lw iikriul nr. t.twrttiiit particiiluia llievwtory actiievetJ hf tli r -I'tnnl doTrrrrUH'ttr H'W wn iiuhi f. ..c i...tlt ! M..,c.1,l),vondU f lr.'.. r con' rover v, ami I'J th hiHlnt ot all l.iiti.a emu uuua, lot aJjaotuifl iUPISfflVJ.ttf.rt't j , umit.oierimiftit. aa tlelirwulandliniitetl by t e I'.'tf'ilutiim ol ti.u I .'lined ftatcs, and the , ,, i-.t."-ity and imlisnolubility of t lie J ii n , , y (-.... ....Me-." p. Anil t no end, ioiui.y a'' ltei W i i .i ivcry tti'on tiie oil or within v (.f (., i niit-d biitiifi. l;.'tii . . .. , ; !'y luvolvud ill the con .i v upou both, was tndt-d ab ( t. ti e result. In the third y li'. I f e ti ! i'rpor!incc th'tt . mid' the victory I be accurately ' i d on by the Gov- in nt' i.tentiiK c i.f , nee of i: o n cx . in. -bare.! by ti.e io- t'l m't't.f! 1. '1 . -I . r f I, ' f t .e 1 til. . ti iv . U ' 1 1 1 1 anus tue s v, mi I over i I 1 ' .i if, lt l ilt It 4 ' j tm M'.'t 1 J'lk i 1 1. tier of 1crritoi.,d pos r r. i n or i.f t I mn!i i it v, v. lin n ll in. i not i I i. I: e out. A I t'.e , . im that a hi U r m i it r. - t. in - or i . .on, by ll e t n I I ' l "' 1 - i t 1: v t ' . r. t n: I i r it ;.t cv n it, m I i , i t I t ...t ' t In, 1 j riwrr an 1 t ' t to ov. I arms w it minority whlth 'row. ami the Vic- J V t' 1 4 t ' 1 I t i - w .i on lot i. i. n v to hot. I powm'SHion of a hat irr the war nor the victory .1 clitin"f'l in any way the ,i I in'. I t--nt. Iht war v.ii.ieoi its provisions, an 1 I v Li. !t V v prcacrlt.'and r ..,.1 n..t f,aiui.i or r t t !': ' i !' it eon- .1 too .. '.t mi l . .is t i 1 1 a ' (,.'!' ' w.i-t i '-''rr v.- r t t it .i ll I 1 mi by . . .a ,w.n ,:...,s..l,.tir IwmjA ' "fn. r.ons V h it ; ! in ion of tlie I lilted i. i; ,', . ,T ff , t .. ,- .. : it or h.w of sv -iite to tlie en- " .i . I to-J. ;, s'fO, a i . i' v,.r, "ail the power Hot , V'V"' ' . 1 rmifcinil Iy llir f'oirelitittiort ojioo the Genera" tiox-niiiM-i.t, r jjnjliil. it.nl by H to th Htatwf, arc reM ty il to the Mvertl Matt, or to the pe le tbemtt." Tina ifitittil imlictiil not only hy the cwtilinl .mim i imr t fitiimi3it, ami the jKUtnaiO: aatlapkit rf Jhc .Crwtitoll(WljUt i: nit ltf -t iil llw liMipU'tKe of trtir povera im iit in all 1 t4i'iarli0' iit ami at all tiawa.--Ki.iiu iliei.uilirculi ot the rclH-liioo tn itl final overt hmw, Irrrrrry wwj?e andt- pTochunation-i of the Koi-uiite it was expUrMljr OrtMaren. tuat the (ilc iilj anil purx of the war waa to malnUin the aiilhurity ol , the (;ootitiitiiB and to preserve the Integrity of Ihe Vnioa, Anil CongreM Dime Uimr once reiterated thit aoh-nm iln-Uratioa. anil ailtkd the anauraaoe tbut- w ben- aver ttii ohjwPt - ahuuUi U attainoi thawar I ahouhl eeaw, and all lt txate aftMHit reum their e'l'iHl rii"i't. auil-dtxtuii. u&impiutsL lt.,i i only aince tiie war Waarloaed that other nghta have tieen ajwtt-d oa behalf of on department of the Oeneral Oovernnifint. It baa been pro clniiued by -Olti'ra that, ia addilio In tha power -awnfrrd npna H hy the i!nnrtitotim the Kedpral Government! may claim iOver lha fiUtea, th terriUiry and the poople lovlel i tbt iimurraction, the riprhw of war, tint right tf eonrumt and of emUiacatUm ; Uta riht to abro gate all extating governmeata, institutions, aad Ii, and to aul.joct th territory eoaiUeml and iu'jnhaMtaata to ancb law, renlationt, and fl Irivatirmt ai the legllatla department. o( the Uoveriuuent may aeafitto Ittooa. , .. . I'mii-T thia l.roftd and aweping cluiin, that rlitnw of the OimntitiitUm wliii li provide that "!..i ? .in (.!,!,:(, vti'hoitt Ita C'n'rit., Ie di- r, .. In uii rcliMod, and atiil are r'fueti, i f)'f ntnUon altoKfither ia both branche of" the Kederal Conrets ; and tht Oonifria in : Which only a part of the Statl and the people of the INii.'B are repreient4sd ha anacrted tht rU-UUhu to txclutle tht real trom rcprenenta ti.m and alt ahart in mskinsr their own lawi, and in ehnrwlna their own ruler, until they (ball comply iiA U-o.i;4uoe-4 pcTfaFntaucb 1 a:ta thia Coii'-me, thua omipoaed, may It crlf prewri lie. That rifrht ha not only bee aerled,.but thai ten tlerct-ied and l-prtw!tr tically enforced at the preaent time. Hr doea It find any mriort in the theory (hat th Btntea thui eicludfd art in rebellioa affalnut tbt Gov ernment, and therefor precluded from aharing ia itiattthority. - They art ant thna In rebel lion. They are, ont and all, in an attitude of loyalty toward the Government, and of twora allceianoe to tht CoMtitutina of the United ftta.-ln ae-eotot that b tbert tha; iihtir tat indlcatioa of ritanre to thii authority or 4blij.'htea protest affalnat it Jtjat and bind In obligation. Thia eonditioa of renewed Wyalty ba beet oflioiJIy recofrniwd by aolemrt proclamatioa of tht ExacativtDepartinent; tbt lawa of tbt United Btatet bar been extended 1w?BrJfrti mt H theae Htatea and tht -peo ple thereor; fetlerai couna navt oeen reupeneu and federal taxef hav been impoeed and lev ied ; and, in every reepect, eicept that they art denied representation In Congreat and tht elec toral college, the Btatea once in retiellion art' H recognised at boldinff tbt taint poaitlon, at owing tht aame obligation, and ttthject to tht aamt dutlea, at tht other Btatet ol oar eomBion Union. , , ,. . .. . It aeetni to e. la the eierci of thacalmeat and moat candid Judpment wt can brine, to tht ulijnct, that mch a claim, to ertiorcetl, involve a tal an overthrow of tht authority of tha Constitution, and at complete a destruction of th Government and Union, at that which waa arniht to b H. t' d by the titntea and people ia aimwl insurrection apraini't' them both. It cannot escape oliaerva'ion that tht power tliu a'.-rtcil to exclnda 'in Htnte from repreaee tation in ina.le to hs.t wholly on the will and -i-MM-k . h Cjnunaa ttint aw" it. It i ni.lma.lo to deixtud upon any apwumtl oowii linns or rlrciinitmt. nor to lie auhiect to any ruhsor "regulation liHt.-vt-r." The rlj'ld hs aerted and eier : .1 ii t.iliite, without quuli flcaiina or r!ri. lion not Coliflned to Btaun in rcliplliott, nor to Statta that have rebelled It it l.i! rii.ht of anv Cooffroa. in formal potaeasioa of th legislative tnthority, toenclods any BtaU or Btatea, and any portion of the people thereof, at anv time, from representation in Centreta and in tht electoral college, at it owa diacrt- tion, and nntil they tball perform aucn acta ana comply Witb tuca onuuont at ii may uu-isio. Obviously 'tht rcMonj Tof tttch exclunion, U tntf wholly wtt iia tht diMUon of Congrtaa, mat cluwtrt M ttMt Corlsn Itself lhall change. One tJoitt'rea aiav taitlu.la BtaW from all share tm it.. (.,.fn.ii. iir tor one reason: and that reas on removed, the next Oopgres may exclude H t. .notliir. . Una rtat Jiiav be exclwled oa m trround te-dav. and another may be etclnded mntha oniMwita cround to-morrow. Northern aace liaa auty aaulntlo-att bar. Wa from one Couk" The aw mliincy of Wttl:rn,"or i.f aont hern interest, or ot boln eoiiiiuniHt, may exclude the northern or the taalern rilalea from tht-weafc 1 - ----..H- 77 Iinproiiaiiia hiw'h wuipiniiu iij -ib MAlililirnrft ef thttrriadnrle ttiiw-twaerted .,.,!, Le.1 unonb ConL'rews will reli.lcr llleirt l.s no means iinwaeible. T he character, Inihted the very existence, of Congress and the Union it -f twtesMih deptndiiBt' -aniult-aad anlrelj.upoa. the party and aoclional txih'mi 'w loroeiir. ancet of "tht hour. ' . c , ' tr lie. .1 not Iton to show that Mich ' aetiot not only fint.lt no warrant In the .Constitution, but is at war with every principle of our Gov ernment, ami with the -very existence of fret institutions,- It ll Indeed the Identical practice which has rendered fruti lest all attempt hither to to tktnblish and maintain free government in Mexico and the State of South America. I'artv nectkwWie aasert t!iente!vta itipenor to the fun nt.ll law. which it set -i.l.i in i h, nee to their bUiest. -8'Ul.ioty, en i ino of power, in thea.bnin. i 1 t i I v.1 C .veininent, or ill tbt tttjoytio ut of iiitiHisi!la-k.and the cotii.otsof i n I' ll'' t iitvh rcouklittitinri'i! !.'ovemmciita, l .us and means of political pro . .1 in tuecortrii.-tol anna, to am r and oievitahfy teiut.'' " ' i th." It no 1 t l It in-.t tl.tt peril, cm-tpleiions and to nd to e (. .ceruuientu, that our ton-ti ...ii mi li, lcii.ii . I .iiet-iiiv Hi 'iiiviim V I e ht.lt.lllty oui IOC wny rsi. " w i .hi nt is made by its provi 5..n to (lis i I a t t ond the f u l of n pri s tilik- 1 1 t i i i(i t . vnion hit h iscotil. rn l all t e I' n.ent, con iv twwer t ''ibt)-Matil Govern ta ot two tirarteiie. tne r. tune tuiu ! . . ........... J' it' e cf I'-' prt"H'tit:iUV' ?, .whoko, . j -mt concur, r. nce or a.i-ut la ceitttiil to I lie Vtiti.l'1 of t.tj iii'tl.titj. tha lliiusii of l!criMi.iiiititt'," ,.. tha Constitution, article I, section 2, "shall be cnmpoied of MTiPtnttorl rhoscr- every second year by the people Ot the several Slates," Kot fmlv isthe r. hi ot representation thui rccog- aiited ai powwsed by all th States, and by eerv Btatn. without restriction, ntialitlcation. or toatbUou of any liud, but the duty of c-hoos-inr representalive ii tinptweil liHm the people l each and very.titat alike, without diktttte tion, or tha aulbority to make distinction, among tl. m, tor any reason, or upon any fronrid whatever. And,' in the fenate- so -kvlul :-l ,M'-A'irfit aftoit iifcW'Hra to eVwty f1' ate t' !s r' ht of representation it it expre-t ly provided that "Jio t'tatcvshall, without Itl C'ornicrit, bt deprived of ita eo.ual nifTraga" in WMmMp-' Tf. tf$ It yt.44-f r t1 t body, even by an amendownt lo th Con atitntioa itef. . , ? V'fel!: -h Vbenttnyrefore, any Stale i excluded from aitch repreaenttttion, not only U Aixht of the Stat denied, but lit irniKtitiitioftnl iriteprity tf tht Hcnate is impaired, and thevaiiJity ot t'' Government itwll'ia bruttUt sat tf ueatio -liut CongrcM at the present moment baa exulutle; , from reprcM-nUtion ' in loth branche ' Conjrre-t tea' Btatea of tlit Union, denying thent attsbare tnihc trtAi tmiur of Tr by .whi. U they are to be governed, and all participation in tht election of the rnh fs by nhntu Uiom: law-1 are to Ik enforced. In oth-r word, a.t'n in abS h imi'f -twenty -ail btatea arerfjiteMni..! acrtrt tiee n .1 to (fov. rn, ibtorfutcly, arid in its own discretion, 'aril the thirty nix Hub-, which conifKMSi the I'ii'khi ; t make their ln i and choota their niltm, and to ttrlii.le th. Jdthcr Ub fjEoiu all ahara la thi.it o- if"" n ment until it ace fit t? aihnit : Hictii tlu ri to. -What I there to dUiiii!'infh the power ihtts i aertctl ami txerciwiK bom the. juot jtbaulu; and intolerable tyranny for do theeettiaa. -jEfirtd RtwI Hfijiwt claims oS thepstf ofConr-to)ia-s and authority never conferretl npmi f he Government by tht Cn titiitVon find . Warrant In the araumenl or . excum ur'n.l i their behalf. It U alleged Firiif. That these 6tab, by the aid of re! lion, and by T4BnUriiy ; withdrawing ti memljera from ('onree, furu-jted their yicht rt.proaentatt.4v!!! that they eao- oaly- r--Hajrain at tlie band of tlie oprenwi ictfil . authority of the Government on it own t. and its own discretion. If reinwntatiiei ('..nreks and purtieipnlion in t lo.v. - ol. t -i.k k. . .... .-. 1.......1 1.... t.. .t 'i pljmwtbilrty-i but reprew:iitNtioii ia, uutler the I (institution, not only expressly rccoi;turii a a riiht, but it is imposed as a doty, and it is e leutial in both reect to the existence ot tbt Government and to the maintenance ot Ua au thority. In tree governnienta, fundainc nttd aad eaaential rights , cannot b . forlcited, except against individuals, by due process of law. JNor ca ektitutioftal dutiea- awi'- obliprationt- discarded or laid aside... Tht enjoyment of righta may be for a tiineanxjitndcd by th fail-trrartrj-clirint . tbrnti antt . .dutiet .may be ivad4 by tht refusal to perform thtin tj- f Tht withdrawal of their mom bars from I or. frreaa by tht Btatet which resisted tht General Government wai among their act ot insurrec tion wm ont of tht meant ami agencw by which tiiey sought t impair the authority and defeat tbt action of tha Government. Al that -' .'"" ? . l"w act waa i tnnoiicqtnarenqcitvoiawuewiucuuj.rr i ,t.: . vi' " l,.- mi, ataaa aarrert ion itself was tormresaed. - Neitker tht right Df representation not tat duty to tie rep leseotud waa ia the leant impaired by tht fact of iMarmrtion, but it may have teen 1 hat, y rea ton of tbt Utiurrection, theeondttionson which tht enlovirtenlof that right aad the perform anct of that dnty for tbt tlmt denendwl could not J lit lulUiled. ,. . i ' .''', j . .i ........ ...i.. -. .... - - rT Thia wa la fact the case. An insurgent inower. in the exercise of Usurped and unlawful aothority la tbt territory nnder itt control, had prohibited thBt allegiance to tut t onsututton and lawt of tht United gtatei w hit h ia made by tbat fuadamental law tha tsaentlal eomlition of representation in itt government. ' No ptaa within the insurgent Matej waa auoweu w taat th oath to upMrt tht - Constitution of tin United rjtattis, and as a necessary conaroiirnce, no man could lawfully represent those State In tht council! of tlit I nion, - Mat tint waa, smif aq obataclt to the enjoyment of the right and to the dischargaof a duty. It did not annul the one nor aluo.' tte tlirt other,; ami it ceased to txiat when the usurpation by which it waa created had been overthrown, and the State had astitt resumed their allegiance to the t'on ttitution of the United Btntrw.-jJ ;.i.iri Hecon.l, Put it is trtet, in snjiiwuit fili author, y c i t - :.. ....i, t StOU Ot liovlct ti. .lit n.,,. inreci ic -m.in -mir lawa of war that it it au.ona the rightt whi. h victorious war always conten upon tue conquer- era, and which tlie conqneror may. e?fTrj(; or waive, ta bitown discretion, l o tint Wt rrjily, that tha lawt ia question relate solely, to far at tht righto they confer are omoimetl, to ware waged betweea alien and indepenrlent' nations, ami can bavt ao place or force in this regard In fa war waged by a ;overnment to irjpprest an insurrection of Itt own people, dpon its own toil, against its authority. . If wt had carried on aauecesttful war against ny foreign nation, wt might thereby have acquired poswwsion and jwrisdrctitMa of their soil, with tht right to en fbrct oiirhtwt npoa their peonla, and to impose iiinin them tttch law and such obligations : iw w might ebooae. But we had before the war complele JnruHlictloa over the soil ot the south ern Ktatee, limited only by our own Cnnstitu tion.i. Our lawt wert the only national laws in ton npon it ; the Government of the Unit"l fttatte wnt the only govertnnent tltrongrr which thosei Btatei and their peoplo-faadrehttionswitli fimrign nations, and itl flag wa tbt only flag by which they were rooogiiuejl or known any--whert on the far ot the earth. - In tttthwe riff tpecta, and fa all other rrMrct 'Involving untioRKl Intowitt amtTlyhr, vmr-pwuieitsloiif WiiS perfect and complete, lttlld tint "peed to " be acquired, but only to be maintained, and vi. tn riou war against tht rebellion ion 1.1 do not 1- ijng innr than mri-im it it roisld tuilj vin cute ami reUi.iiu the tiisituteti supretniu y "of tht Conatltntlon. It could neither rniarpi. nor diniiiiitth the authority which that Conati-' ttition confer upon the government by which it was achieved. (Mich an enlargement or obriil .tuii rit of coit.UtuLiuiiiil poser can be ef fected only by the amendment of tha Constitu tion itself, and inch amendment can bt made only in tha modes with the Constitution itH. ll prcxrribe. Tha claim that tht tuppression of an ittsiirrwlioH a.frainst tbt Goveriunent itea atfUitional authority and power to that govern nient, especially that it enlarge the juri,.. liction of Cocoiwa, and gives that bo.dy the Tttjht to Cxcltldo btatea trom ' 'rtpMs-nlittiisa- til " the iiationid coiinrila, without vthit'lij the 'nation itself can have no am liorily stuf have no txis fence, it seems to u ia at val iant) alike with the piini'tplcs ot the t'omtitiition ami nhh the public SBtt.ty.;,-"7 -r Thirtl. Cut- it ia alleged that in certain par tienlai the Constitution of thtl'nited Statet (ails to secure that absolute justice I impar tial equality which the principles of our Govern. merit require. That tt wasm fheke rc peels tie result ot compromise and ennrcasiona, to which. liowever necessary when the Conit nou was forme-l, we are no bni's-r compelled ia submit, and that now, having tbt power, tht ""! tuo. eesfful war, andjnt warrant for Its exeici in the b'"t ile com! net of the inin . iti - . i e. t he n. mat (:,rt.n. :...'t,t. f tlit In.;.! : ' tu.iy impost itsown coiulitioiti and iimkti t., t titisll ttti'ton conform, it all its prviimk, to its own Meat of equality and tht rights of if '' C, ..- -.' i at. i'" I ! . . pn,,..- 1 Jiuietid liicaisto tht tiii"tt'o:.-n, rt.iar . iti s..i.ie very imrtant pariu iiiara, tlie a.. . .. vjM'tha .Gt.-rta.il .t.i..tvtrtiiiH.'i,it over ttnit 'f f ' ' -rtl States, and reducing by indirect tne.tt the, ccprecnt.ki.Uft .povvr : .:. in whi. h shivery formerly existetl. Ac t it tscl.niti e.l that theki't amimrttncnm mv bo levih l sk nar'wi.f tlteot; "-.iH ; :"' " ' ' i!i the t. -.'-..'? 1 ? TV'lV i.f lh:l I : :'!."H 1 ':;' .;'.'J. .' " -'' 1 ' ati.k-ted iV them. ..rtio.v l-e mo.,,., i t ..H to. Btatet l-v lliree-t.atrihst.f tier-'in t t: at Cor. Jitlom of thfir re-adiui '..ion to i.-prca. i--; n. 'no t t. ,.,.. k,1 in ihei'jrtoraJ College. Ii theim.) M'iot.sble ijhf tht people of j oi. -d Muus to make such changea fa. tht . 'oi!.--..mtun they, itpot .Ino dhlration, i in-v vm erp- ttiettt. llut we imtbtt that they 4 i,:l be matlc in the rnte which tht f Xinsyttt titn ii.-.tf point out, in eonforoiity "h tht . lter an.l the spirit of that Instrument,' and with tlie itrincipirti of stlf tffnrerrimeot and eriual ' -hnwhicb lie at the basil of onr repoblican : iii'.i.ms. . YV'tdony tbt right bC CongreiaW i ke these changm in tlie iundamental law t t t,t the ermcurreuce of three fmirtb of ail t ..." ? o.Ur, im liiihng especially tlioaat btrftoat H. iin,ly ati'ertml by them, or to imiHBiietn uiioii tlale or people a conditiona Ot leflfj-'' t ition, or of aiiinisaion t any of IhcrigSita, t iti. 4, or obogartnns which tMdrtn.-tmdorbt ( oiiMiiuiton, to all tlie Statu aliku. Ami: with in : ! I jrretter trrrphasia- do w- dty ths-f iff!4 any portion of the States, exe.luilinR the rest of Ihe fciiatee from any sliart in their coupcl'V t prpntje ortantrtino ctsnnrfrrthe OimMrttrtton which aretoatrcct Txroianentlv their political retaUoM tad control or twerce the legitimate ac tion of tbt itever-4 member of tlw common Union. ' fiuch art exercise of power ia limply a Ukurivstiitre- j i,t ai unwarrantable wlwa taer cised b Bortliern Statet as it would lit If txer eLkeul bk .rfitherii. snt I not to I fortified or Pftl- liated by anything in tht past liiatory either of those bv whom it is attempted or ot t nose upon who riuhu and lihavtiiw it hvto lalt aToct,-k it finds no warrant ia the Constitution It i at r with the fundamental princi plot eifoor form tit It' tolerated in ont jnstanca it ' n .reced.t lor future invaiona of ... - ....:e,,l rh-lil, dependent . . ....... t. .. .::.. .' I I . illkM,,,l.llk j l. -O til-' WO Wt -. I' J i.f oower. and thus hal, by di wt equence, to the most tatal and Intolerant ot an lyranawa ilik Knitm ..i" shii'tinff and irreionaibla fao- tit. It w'against thia, tht ovwt fonnMaUt of all th danger wbicb aieoaot tma euiwiuy w a fret govemiaeitt, that th t'oaatitutkm of tbt Unitnl etatea waa lntatted aaaat carefully to provida, - M't demand a Mrict and Headiest ad-berenco- ta Ita-jstoviaioaswJa this, ami fa-ihit alone, can wa find a baaia tf pennanaia aaioa nnci tieacSL ... -.' 'vf.-i .---.t-i:.r- ,' f-- Iroiirrh But it ts.i tin mstirnation which wt condemn, that tht condition of tht Southern Btatet and peopltii not inch a render af their, . rt-admiatioa to t share in the Kfovernmcnt of tht country tr that tlicy art (till disloyal 10 tenumeiH nu purpuav, anil that neither the honor, tht credit, nut tht Interest of tht natiorr-wotiltl be safe if they trait re-itlniittetl 1 to a th.ra fa Itt councjli IWi right for soch reaaont to deny to any portion of tht Btatei or peoptt flgtitt txprewiy conferral noon them bv. tht Uoaatltntioa of tht United Btatei ' Second, that ; to font; at their . acta art those of loyalty, so long at they conform ta ail their cubltc conduct to Uie requiremonU of tht Cwrfrttffitm nd lawa, whvBt riRrftteMac from Ibem conformity fn their tcntimenitaaa oiiinHmfoourown. ThlnL That wobaveaa right to distrust the purpose or tht ability of t)t iieopie of tlie Union to protect and defend. der all eoBtingewie and by whatever, meant may be required, iu bonof tnrj 1f Wttlare, , lliese woutu, IB our juugnww, , ij . inn u conchikive answers to the Diet ttiut advanced . Ik 1 '"'!.. .1 ...4 ' 11 I lot tht exclusion of these Btatet from tht Union, But wt say further, that thit plea rests upon a complete misapprehension or an anjust pervers tlnn ot existing lacta, vie oo not iiesitai uj affirm that there ia tw section of "tht country where tht Constitution and lawa of tht United Btatet find t more prompt end entire obodienct than in thoea btatea and among thou .people who were lately in arm against them W vfltera L there ii Jess purw,itor dugcr,.pf any futurat4 tempt 10 iiyei'tmjw ut;ir uuioi.yf .:mu,. tsta .. It would eem to1 both Batumi and Inevita f hie that: in Slsites" or "trctrnhsr aWf!. ore mat: til rnuten m ,n.iiii.i itst.siuJiMut.ol.wark. "'r T"" -ruiuary rwuci aaU-wauHu--M m dut-trv bavt btea broken tn,. and tba lmnd and influencet that guarantee social order- have Iwen destroyeit, wherv tbiHUMMMlt-aad -4,-ht -of tbmiaadai- turbulent apitita -fetva.bte -tWi-t dealy loosed from, tba ducipliat' mf war, and thrown, -witboot resource, ot restraint, npoa7 a disorganized and chaotic society, and where the keen tease of defeat Is added, to the overthrow of ambition and hope, scenes of violence should defy, M-1 time, the imjierfoct discipline of law,: and eicite anew the ft an and foruliodiuga of tht patriotic and Well disimatd.: It it nnqtiet tionably true tbat local disturbances of thia kind, accompanied by mora test of .yiotrrmr do Will occur, but Uiey art mftrsel entirely to the cities aatl latrue towat'of the ! ftntithetti Btatea, where ilill'erent race- atl Interesta aru, brought niorecUwely ia contact and waerwpaa sions and ruaentmcnf art alway most easily fed and fanned into otrtiireaate- Ami ve thart. thv arttinitt aa uivoU. tli frmt nntmielv I ami hurtliil political agitation aa of any bostil- ily on tlie part othiMplelttil the National Government, A .munfi. i itttt tbtwwnirrfflt-ilrrmtry,rif tMiSfJlicJtr acquainted With tht 'troniHtiort' of tocicty" and The watrrof pnb TneTWMifoT Tn-'i , . i. .....-t kt.t. ciutllllg xuai. ,i oa reprekeot ntiTrn in tins vuii vention, ekttiblisbct the fact that Hie great mass of the southern peopleacei.pt, With a full and sincere snbrniiskra at do tnetKnp.lt oflhe oHier: Ptaii s.tliif w-esrsbtishKl iiiiirmtiiicy (if the navi tiontil hiitiionty," ana are prepmctj, m tne most loyal spirit, and with a teal quickened Alike 6v their interest and their pritlt,7 Id jco-oj)trate.' witb other States and sections in whatever may: beneceokary todctend therighta.'nuintain' tha- honor, and iromote tht welfare of oifr common country,..!;. ;',.. . r..-n,..;;,;., ,:, ,..,,-f..tflMt, - Kistorv aCfordi no instance where a jwoiife so powerful in number, in resource, ami in public spirit, after a w ar so long in its duration, so de structive in its progress, and so adverse iu its issue, have accepted tleluU and itsomracqticnees with a tnucli oi" trootl faith at has mnrkoiHhe Cou.tucf tf ttiii , oi le. lately "in" iti fin. "lion ':! the1 Unite I Slatesv p.yi,nd altineelirm tiiiT-rrikbwn Itif", ! ibis to the w ise B.'ticro-it v Willi which fheir emorccd sutien-ler w .is a. n j t eit bv lhe.fr. -'id; e.t .of .Uie.Unitctl fiui.'t and the l.eiurais in inittleiiiute com maud of their armies, ami to tht liticriil measure which were attirrwaids tiuen to rcitort order, tranquility, and law to the Btatet, where all had for the time bet a, overthrown.,, Ko ttcpi could iavt lieen better caicnlated tt eomtiiaud tht rcape.'tt, win th eoiili.lcnce, revive the patriotism, nd tK-iire the permanent end affectionate, allegiance ot the pitp'eof -tlie Srmth to tltet'onstitntion snd lu nl IheUuioa than those which hart been ao firmly taken and so stead lastly pursued .by the fn sitlent of tht, 4 ' '" i I And if thut eonriMem i Slid l.-t mty liave Been iie itttonimd'if th fieopltj of the S ottt art today k.t. conlial in tneiralii gionoe tlii tiiey Wt'rc imme-liately opm the clie ct tter w tf i. we Mieve it is due to the changed tone of ihe I.- (...me t). partment of tha Geiiaal tlovem ment towards them to the action by which Cull : ' t 'i: 4 has eudcavoi v-l-1 to ( daatwnii defcat tlic 1 ii'.. U.ui's wb and bent i,.vnt policy of Rtsttimi iun s ..to. th.it.cUikiH bum ill partioi-. potion iti our eiMtmmoB government ; to . tlie ith.rraiMt fiW tttcm td ri'T'tf Mtifi rred 'ami he ci-ir nnteed bv the Constiti lion, and to tha tvi- M-UiiMMMtmofisrcimut i j ikiirj,ei and nninwTiii atirnonrx, w n.Hniec iiieni - t boiti t -e r-i-k of frtw -and ciiiiid metuler of a ii- i l: i ' ' ".ci Ht..tesr..witU i?a:.t au U r. ia 'Hjytfy'' - Jf- 'ffitJLA 4- UUlllipkirCI, 10 lK Con.liliou o. , j 1 . J ; - In all tliinrrC incet anda.comim'P-a sjuj ; o avborvl mate and ul to the will of thcif con- qtieror, fret only to, (aws, in ntunK-a whh'h they art not" allowed toehare., j .. - No iMHipIe bas ever yet cximru whom; fo.'"'V and laitlt such Uvalme.ntl long c-otttiuue.. would not alienate and impair, anil the ten aid. hm of Americana who live in the South would be unworthy citie "f a free country, degener ate aorraof an heroic aneetry, wnllt er lt come Ruardiam of tlie rights and liltrrticc qiiearCed to ut bv the father antj foimtlcnt of lids IlAmhlic, if tiny could accept, "with im- 'compniijW 'fubmlsaion; tilt humiliation tbus . . . - . . I . .. kl,..,,. ltikullf. stillglit to lit imprunti upon ti, .m"i mcnt Ot ttitt!tice 1 aiw aya ami ncijkuo. - - amtial tofrecdimu aXtlie sptnt wliitU pwmi'" th Btatci and people lately in insurrection, liurcilUji"VC Ito ,l.tll"M0 VP" iinpositiwn of Uitjtt MU I iiegrauing V"""'.U,M p iOkki.aifii.nl all the more w orthy to share itt (lie cnvcrnuicut of a tree couitnonwealth, and give still firmer awuiraiK e of the future power and Xfetdrmr of the Republic - jFor wlialcver ruaponaibilttv tl Bouthrrn People may have iocorred in resisting the tu .. kT..: 1 C....,.,ul - kk,t i til jtuonty ot toe umitratti .. taking up arms ior overnnuw, .ua u answer a individual! Iteforttht judi cial trittunal of the laa.l ; ami for that conditct, a aociciiti and iirgaiiiied cominuniliw, they bv paid-tht-tnost J'car lul "penaluca-that fim fall on itrfVndiiig BtiUcs, in the losses, tht wit hering, and tht humiliation of Unamxfsttil wrt ".:.:;. ;' 5 -- But whatever may le the gN'". or t!,p lm,!,h nient ot the conscious author id the iiiwirmi ii.m aui.lor ami aoiwmaa. iuitita demand tht concession that the great mass of those ho be came Involved fa Ita responsibility acted npoa ' What they believed toot their duty, ia defence of what they .bad beta, taught to believe their right, or tinder a wmpoUion, physical and asoral, which they wtrt powtrica. to rttisfc . . Nor can it bt araiat to remember that, ' tern Uo at bar been tht bereavement and thr loa e of thi "war, they bar tallea exulusi rely ma neither aectlotu and anon Blithe p? I that they hava fallta indeed with far greater wtlghf tpon thost with whom tht war-begait; That fa tht death of relative and triemri, ttit dispersion of famine, tM tutrnptioa -c ixwiai ntkima and social tie! . overthrow a govern- tierdt,olJaw,aBdf order ; tht deatrocUtm of property, and of tonaa, ana mooes, ma stRtm f Induitry ; tht Ion of political, tommercial, and moral influence, la tvery ahapa and form Wfiich great catamitiai tn aonii th Btstet ant peopl which engtMred fa tha waragainat tht Government of tht United Btatea hava auF (evtd tea fold anon U thott wrb Tanutiaed in Uegianc to ita Conatitution tail UmmArA mTmdthiMrtk thaviot. at tbtt ccrttifn- B dn not, justify th action of tbt people or tut surKe&tji ad will refutt to there very cxmsiaersDie weigiti in determining tbt lint of conduct which the Gov ernment ot the United Btatet should pnrtue to tranla them., Tbtv aceenl If not wHb alacrity, certainly withont tulles reeent ment, the defeat and overthrow they hava tuetained. They ac knowledge and acquiesce fa tht reaolt, to them ...t .-A iiukUkM hieK ih.t defeat -f n- Tolvea. - Thty no hmgef claim tor any State iht right to secede from tlie Union. They no lon enr assert for aav Btate an allegiance paramount u that which ia doe to tnt Geweral Government. Tbt bavt) accepted the datret4oaof -slavery. aWished it by their ' tttntt eonititntiona, and Benrit with the fttatea and neoukf of the Whnla Ualoa la prohibiting ita ex istence forever virion tht toil or within tba Jttrladiction ot tht Carted Btatea.- They Indicate aad tvinet their pnrHH just so fast a may bt possible and gafe to adapt their domestic lawt to the fhafigbd condition of their tociety. and to tecurt by the Taw and itt tribunali equal and Impartial justice to r latkes of their lnhabiennta. They admit the invallttlty v wlt-skiW resistance, to the national authority, and of all debit incurred in attrinDlinff IU overthrow. Thev avow theif f-wriltingneaa toahare ttw tmrdent and cyibarga all the dutiet ana onuxrataon wntcn resi npon tbent fa common with other Btatet and other. .1 . 0 ... T-t .1 LM - kl . W mHlDSUl llio v toon, kk ii.cj mnv, Nitvtijja their representative ht thll Coavention, by all than? pabliocoadnct in evarr tray, and by tbt inost solemn acta by which State and Societies ekik'nlMcLr their fmlh tlielp fi0ftftoment tn bear I true faith ami allegiance through nil timt to I - .. k- 11.. fmtit.iH.am-r Ska 1'ntll -tmtmm and to all law tbat stay Awtnsvtie In pannanct nrr- Fellow-c eountryiiieB, we call upon yon. In full reliance upon your intelligence tnd yonr patri- S.ll.an 1 ei anMinl wt iht mkiim.ll r, ,i nitrtmlmnk .. - k .1 - . 1 ' ..11 . - 1 a,.- . ' C conntteiR-v mis jttii iiri7utii7 iw lite yrum . ui ' ttiose larciy jn arms sgainsx your auinoruy, ana toirrmrri wrtrrtnem Tlie Donor anrj renown that ait.flt t1irs wllrt bHnf WcS peace and concord to Ittrrinri tntUth..iJ F . TUo war jusUxlosed-r-with' all itt torrowt Lwd flhv-rr.'jN,At fi cwectoigh-. jv to inc Bitiion-it, iiiw-.ssvcui.t-U .uaa swepi jiwoy.iue.uobuuiwa runBniiuiii-aaitof nttereti w lit'cli were 'ar. ttandiog luenact to it Dcace.- " jt iuut'dwtr'iyed , the. institution of slavery tl ay i a,i itii8 of soctioual agitation and atriiok . laml link upeije.i .in pur.,wuauyuia, way 4 J.mttrv jntcTwti- VLJruurtpliv.juidi aOioa-, Uirough all time to come. , It has ileveloprxl in Iwith section! a military capacity and apt! tiiflef for acliiefetnenti' of frar, both by sea and f-ltmd, liefiirw'nnknown ev to -ourselves, and ilestintxl to--.Bjiaateiaa- liereaJtcr, tmrleT united councils, an lmpeartant Influence upon tli char acter and deatiny ot thtyxmtiaent tnd the wwm .And whilflf has" thtirevi(ltd, ditciplined, and compacted our power, it hat prove. I to U -tftevsmd ontrovert of" donbt., bv the course 'pflrflied toward both contending tectiont try 'foreign Powers, that wemast bo the guardians -ofourown ; rntlt'f"" ltnc( aaifthid tbt princi - plea of repuiiliettii fimlorff Vre represettt. can fiud among the nalioiit of the c xrt ii no friends pwr'tMi-n'toiattTif oniselvca. ' V.'t! i '1 upon v."i. then for,., bves '1 tip.e ..f fit' cry Con-1 ;t. ii. I iu e world, to Btiii peace t;,i' n .me of lib. it .- I.oo C-tlf''ete ;ihfi wmfc Of r It tt oral I. w i.ii .1 (lie I re i.ietit of the T, ntted Ktali-4 basso1 w.-il begun, and wl.ich th ..-!'ey adopted and the principles asserted by tue j-n-cnt Congress' alone obstruct, j The time is cloe at hand w lien members of a new,'oy'rc-f are to he elected-w If that (?n'i''-i fhatl pfrpfltuHtir this policy,' and by cM'iuding loyal St.ites and pip!e tmni ti ;u,--t t! ion In Ittli-dls, tf all continue the wiirpa'toti 1 y whn-h the h -.-I ttivt powers of 4ti '4kovemtnenti aretm w tverriwil, tOtniiVin wrndenoa tHinpelf fli'tis wnf; ;f a' ni-irfe. liixiMitcnC ! " it" wlthdi'iiw 'ti li , tii tue iluiics and ,!!! -it "on of tlit Ft .Tcrd'; ilbvernment,. internal oc-. -u-iobT ami t general oillhioB-tn,.-acntlmetits and pn-tensioi, w ! i. h a-ty n-new, in t ti: more fearful shape, the civil w ar from iwhleh we have just emer d. " t 7' '". i 1 Wt Pali ttpei, yon ( i,i,.rnnkf yottrrtWeii 'to prevent the recurrence, of "mi' traukcendent a ca laraity, t yVn cn'l upon yon in rvery Dnngees. ,Wl'iit.rt'."'.xWt of ..every yjO to'.'K Wa'tlit'ehtt 4iun of mcuila'rt wlio, fliacver k.iljcr diifreiine .way tlinrwrteritn . their political action, s w ill imile in recomvlittt th rindi nf (,t..., wttk, Af - jjffia C-itWrr-M rcpr---.-ti!;iiioii in 'Com.-! .;'" and Who will admit lo itttg in ci":,i r brunch every "loyal reprwkentativt from every State in allerjf nnctto th Government, who may be found tV it 1 each li... fcrrcj n :, iu ti'..! i M-rcii of thej-'ower con ii it by t'u- Cointittttiort.tt have been duly ti i ltd, rotunicd.niiil tjuuuiiea lor a aca there'll. ., ,. - ..'--. ".'(. '- '''j '. f's ' When tht U:iH ltjivt been done, tlie Govcin ntcnt ill luive rcktorcd to ita integrity. Tlicf'oiuitittili.m ot the United States will have, . . Itoen rt-etiiblilied in its full ' tiipreinacy, and the American Union Vill' hs,ve again become what it was dttsigm d to be by those who formed tta atrvereipl nntton;-eompeaeel- ot - aeparate 8tates,achlike itself moving in a distinct ami -iii.h penf.Wnt sphere, exercising powert definett and reserved by a common Constitution, and rrstiitnpon the assent, the wn'fiircnce, and co orwraUmvof all the Btatet t4 tit the people subject lo iti authority. Tliut re-oigtinizitt and ..-I.. r... I lo their ronstttutiontd relatiftng, the . tUatee aotlthe ilntml Govermmnt v eolvf . . inafratemttlktiirit. with rotnmoft purpose an "a coiiinptii iut.rit, upoii w liHtcvt-f ' rctdnni " tht security of personal rights, tlie enlargement f popular liberty Ami .liia. perfection uf our republican institution! may dcmantLi. . v 7 j t Ct ABATIOkT OF PJHSCIPLEi ' ' - The NatiiHitd Unit'm Convention, now astern, foul in the city of I'liilatldpWt, Compose.1 of .1.1. Tit from tvery Btate and Territory in the Uiiii'n..admnutehed"by theolema lcteon which ; for the paid.. five Vfafi It BM plcnscd the &u prcme iiulcr of the Universe to give to tht A nHnrtcawpexvpie7ir rei tu n of peace, dcmroiia, at tre a iargt majort. ty of tluir countrymen, In all sincerity, to for get tnd to forgive- tlie past, revering tht Con- , solution at U cam to ua from our. ancestors, ligarding the Union, in it tcstoration aa more tered than ever, loosing wnu o'f into the luture at oi uiaiaus au.i i;oiiunuiiiS trial, hereby lttnet and proclaims tlie billowing declaration f principle and - purpose, tm Which they navt wilt penecs Mmuiuuiij mutmrnm i 1st,, yit J)il with gratitiule to Almighty God the end of Uifwar and the return of pcaca ,to tfaftllcfaa tnd beloved tad. 2d. The war juet eloted bat 'sntlntaintd ht) anthoaeFsr tu , CMiUtutioa wim t au xuo Tk- t. 1. f I .1, lU. Miltrl.t;nia power which it confer and all tbt reMrlctiont hieb it imnoaed npoa' the General Govert- vmrntnniibritlgt'tl' and tnitltered, amfn- ttlTtdtnt Union WlUl xnecqnas r'""S"'8u,lJ and antborky wf. tbt) feUate jpartett- tw titMfl. c . 4tV- liepresuuMniou m two x.,..,. rnUi-h Stafc and In tht electoral collect it a right recognitedby tht Conttltutitil at abldiirg -in very Butt, and as duty imposed npoa Jta people, fundwiicotal In itt nature and etaential to tut existence of our republican institutions, and neither Contrreai nor the General Govera- fnMt bat anf inthorJty' or jmww tff denf thit right to any Htato wwnnoia ei.joymenx. BAder the uotiatituuun, iroia me pcot uan, 4th, We call upon he people of the. United Ik, . 1. ... ... C'..nn...o mkmlM ttldMU.f V 1 ) 9 kw,k..k3.k.k" -Tr - - none hut men who admit the fundamental right of ;trrjiettntatlon,' 'add' wbn wiH rteeivn-'-fa scat therein toyait reprtMoiauvea iron ,very Btate fa allegiance to tha United Btatea, tubject to tha constitutional right of each . Hens , to . judge of tht election!, returns, tnd qualifica tions of rtt own tssstfuMffs,' : ' TtthrTlie Constitution of tbt United BUbw tnd the lawt made lit" pursuance thereor art tbt tMproint -law of tht Untl, anythinf ' fa tha eonstitaUen or lawt olany Butt to tht contrary notwithstanding. AU the -power aot conferred by tht -Conatitution Hjien tbe'Geaeral Govern- meat, nor prouuntea uy u ta ton eutiet,- art reserved to tbt Btatet or to tht people thereof ; ... ,1 4l rirrVfk ti.kf MkOTSMl in, KA fiTkloA ii the right to prescribe qualification foe tat) elective francblat therein, with which rightOpor pTT-ss cannot InterttTt. no Btate or combtna ticm of -Statet hat the right to nithdraw from fJ Tft A. it kivelttjii. Ihronoli ,.li,,ik - Itt Congrena or otherwist any other State or Btatet from ..tha.. Union. Tb.-"-.nioft of those " States is pcri-etuttl, anil its government is of supreme authority, within the rcstrictioni and limitalioni wtlie uoniutntion."- ; wn. 7tiictti tuiinu a. t xxrairw id uiw: , xxiuai i lul u in in the Uuited Blatak may bt made by the people thereot at tiiey may dee expadieut, but nlr , ,i i . r. , - -- intu moii poixusH pui oy ua proviaioaii aaa in proposing ucb', amendmtnta, whether .by tVmgrtssj or by a Convention, and in, ratlfyina; tlia aaint, all the Bute of tlie Union nam aa eotlal and intlcfensnble ritrht to a voice and a UlCreonkrtk tf ;vrfrt!, -ii -hitittik ,is t Jtlu-bmreryiiaaboluthedand forever prob.il- Mw,,, iiiij site re uviuier uuaire nor parpnaa oh tltt part ottrretuWrro Btatet Uit it abeukl tvat bt se-tBtaliliabtd upon tha toit or within tht jurisdictitn !of tht United Btatei ; and Ut) enfranchised slaves, in all tht Btatet of tat Union should receive, in common with all their faatbv Hants, equal protoction In every right of person 7 ami ot property., j. ; t ( StW IVhilt wt regard at ntterty invaliiL and never to be assumed or mailt of Uading ferct, any obligation incurred . r undertaken ,it making war against the United States, we bold tht debt of the nation to bt sacred and iuvioht tl. Wd wt prriaiin our purpoaa to maiataia -BnimwhAljjW nfthr- JepUblh3,,,c 31j rtfr.-;,'l.-k,i; hift-HM.a , 0th. It ia the duty of a the National Govern, mcnt to- recognize tiie servieei of the Federal aoUicra-atld tailor liV't IW contest '"Jutf clotedj " by netting promptly all their jutt and rightful claiun fta the tervioc they bavt rendered tht nation, tnd by Extending to the widowi and off phant of those "of them who have fallen tlie most generous and considerate care. ' ' . 10th. In Andrew Johnson, President of tht United Btatea, who, in bit great ofliet, has proved iteadfaot In Lit devotion to tha Coaatif lution the lawa, and interest of his country, tiumoved by persecution and nnawerved by re proach, hiving tuith nnaasailnblrj in tht people', aad in tht'preeeptoof the Government, wi Try eoynir.e acliief ma giatratt worthy of the nation kiiu vuk, ww..kkkkHnvnttm wmin mi in it cast ; and we tender to him, ia the discharge of hit high and rcponsible duties, onr profound reepeet aoit assnrsmcvrof mreonlii and lirmra - C,!W:larke;Aduir.;': law kiug Kerby, pee'd., t "Prl.tunT r..m ' . """ y & .- mt kjf r't.t Til'. j 4i, , I'tWiitw, pf said.Dec.' "ri IsrrpntticiminT, Uhcur: - ,1. - Tuts esnsa iSifntnV ion A"kki...i i r i. en this, ti4kh, i..;i;l ih.1i. JTL . i. i - , i , Shi, a I. .v,,ni i . I ftwai whieh il ii,, i.,t-.J. tin parties, nientiimed fn the putifmii are niiiiorTrf J. K. W . x,akethCort,lai snil r,, m.n .io fin- ,u tht aituora BM-iiiional in aid teliti.ak, tt- - i-k i.'.u-. i., . ..-. j y ' i ia rartiMV armearimr. fmn il.. u,,i ffy ltt4.iti"m; h,.c Bsrlier, sad his wit Hu. btrrlt,tnJiis ,-ffi. trK ttumlj tSwhKeriTr" ne i. n rekiili lk of ti,,, Hi ,m ,,; lt m " . . ' a iwriiy,.. aBB II TCl J" ,,,'""' Mm' '""'ii.ll etwrl " t t.i ia (raane, iMm lo l hklft.r mii cnatv (J; t :'l.lrllpt,,,th.f1t,,ljtt-,m. fci4fc.B, ib fl J. h ii in b.-.t, n.l. Un a and tli.-r, u rsestL mm. ,j. B,ynusos,c,c.a kag. I6.wi;y Col llf or PtAt AMJ QrtAHTKtt BF.SglODt'jLtT ,1 ,.v , v ijn."t. XSVi J..lt11ktSM.IWt-W'lO :xr.f i .t :':..:;' .-irti.!;' itjf" -'.vr,:-,!,.

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