n 11 THE SENTINEL. n 1. I'm: i . H n ii it 1 J WW. K. MILL, State lrlnter. 'i 'i'i J t 'if I lUTliS Oi' Alti ..I I ,J vo3:r. - "Truss or BrcstnnTiov. J-'-JUo a Tli eliruLuon of ths fiiiiimi, Ul SSSSt Mltt-Me W'iiUtnS (if .ti , i '- I It rfl of m ia tl ThuWuiwBmmili pablisbe ststj afaadsy aornlBf ..w. - , - - ""' Wmi T e aatarday aad Wednesday. .'it - -tl - - - - r -f-- ., .s'i.j , . Term: i:-5, , . .SEMI-WEEKLY. r AiivdttiMaieiils, scoui jiiijj tliorjue of III luat-s of Siisiua typs or lot, ahmfc 11 csll a Jinuru, i-tiargs fullowi for isisrtina ia the wvckly 1 II WMkr,, laedraa, , v IIH 1 Csssv-eMkly. urw, is tifUMk t Of , -. tat on InseriluB, . . r f'tir two inn rtiouii, I- or a aiioitU, la. vw m(Hltll, far six ssaatbs, fas o jrr,- J . ,. II tm i , , : " 4 . 1 , "' v" ti e ' . ,-... JU us BsaU-wsskly, i ! t mItuh, I M ' Bally, on year, . ,., UH .. lU-ljr. Ikrae suets f - r - - m l OlM BATillilt UK i tif THll HE rxrMUEIT"..IIenr Vtm."" ii...iiltfU.-.iJu I VOL. 1. ItALEIGn, V i:i)M:si)AY, rJ0UST 20, 180G. NO. 45: JOB WORK ssssatel with bhiiihs st ths fcssn 1st, Orrire. T;,rm'"iii: ,t-t- irn 1 General Annuity. - - Jo almost attth aomesUeT HSdwhetva ' civil wars, of which r hire my record tali. . twy, oblivion of the pas has been justly re it, tMdl M accessary prelude to durable pew. A general amnesty was proclaimed in England, In 1660, ! the restoration f Charles H, from y which the Sing excepted no aim. The French ...... devolution is rjch in amnesties, and at the res- ; . location all proseentioos on account of political ' ' offence were forbidden., Ia all the Italian tad, ' - Portuguese revolution and connter-revolntrohs nth aniucues nave been proclaimed, with fvw or bo restrictions. Oue of the first official arts of the present Pontiff of Rome, anon Lia ecces- ion to the Bee, fa 1848, was a proclamation of torgtveoess and releaa to all who were ia exile f or confinement under political charge And to eome dowa to our ewe immediate day, the latest filBtcliiyiH Bashed acro tUe lnct that Victor Emanuel has just Ax rtd .a unyuiililitd amnesty to.ali persons a his (lo- I.. ..A al. . a 1 ' a a .a, miuiojia, ha hare made tliamsvlves liable t State prvsecutmn during the Very recent waroa -the peninsula, -: . s It I a aielancholy eomutentary apoa Itcpub licaa Institutions, that pur .own government t alioutil have so long presented, and should still present In anomaly and an'" exception in tils . matter. :ewJrlcca jiwniUs Uve elapsed ainee - the terminatioo of the great straggle which convulsed the country, and there are still thou t sands of our citizens, many of whom had no really prominent agency ia the war, who are H lilfoSgl privileges iif cftisnlirp.'1fWorae than this, the party in power, with a malignity anparallcled In the hixtory oi ihe most barbarous nations, nriS seeking to uu.lo all ol clemency that lot already " T Wn flfW by the Ewutive, la the eier .''sjUeof hU prvntpstlve oT' panlon, and to, dif ftT rrshrltW ami degrade, with 'few exceptions, an irtlre! conimonit.r'. 'Sneh idifleitious are well v calculated to prtiroke' a Uoii whether bur lyi. ... te ofgoreroment lie n-ally the model of -4 5 iitfcal'ritnnBjt perfection,' thai we have fceen M" long aeniitomcji vaunting! y to proclaim it.- U It speak poorly for bur boasted progress ia . . civilisation, humanity and Christianity, that we " -.,; are ouUrippcd in each by the effete' moharchlcsl , ol Europe, Independently of the divine Injuno " " tion of torglvenesa, which even some Jacathcn " , "miran3 hieul(:ie hjtig before it was proclaim . -, ed on lite hkhiiiI. there 4s every consideration of j sound Bute policy that . Impels to that entire ' mutual f orgiveneee and rvconcilialioa . that can H.r on!y It eoponiplUlted through the uedfum of a f aural mnnfty .. y H.retf're,th.im.ty baw been good add sulK.jint reason-that have Influenced Presl knt Jiihusoa tn delay this important mat ter. T bare lrvcd and . dr(led. in as r JlT !ipkrtU-lt-Jiuibma!lUttj lUulical nmjtri tj m'ttmgn", nii((ht have defeated or ito ,' petled . his policy of restoration ' ia ' other - -vitat Tcspect'" But th tbfte ft heslUncy has . piuwl, The President Is, bow backed by a MkaV-iaiMiti f Uaractc, and, wa trust, In" point L numbers and liifluooce, hal . nrt-r licvn swjwd tnthlsrcoaBtry,-a party i which U plmfgCt'j U public and sulcntA utter .'' ttm nrtu!ui.iiuii Ulm ui all mcaMrBS necessary to " -t he glorious wttrk of pwiificatlon. Wehope,tbere Z','.- fore, at a VWii'ly dajviohaTe th pleaauref annonncing, that the mantle of Executive ob- ; ?.- livioa WW41 tUioaij oirer tLe past that att. ;t"Tut 'cltixens have Wn remitted to their ancient '" 'rights' under; od pride and interest in, the gov sjriHissiffftitsista Imb ' vtUmWiXiSJaem W The -eaptive s ,-Y" removed, aud al) who are (iicarce rated for polit-"v- - iral ofiencea reslored to life and hope again. I' mil this is dune, apeak not of American lil t erty and Kepublican progress I r They are put t to the bliwu'bcfitre'the spectacle Just presented - in Europe -f monarchical elvilizatioa and mercy. : :.,'-::" .-v - y , We cannot forl(cnr saying a, word, in thlscou - net-lion, relative to ttie csacs of a number of prominent ciiizt-n of the South, and of this BtiiUcapcciiUlwho are jret Jjcyuud the pakiot ' - Executive clemency. Even should the matter 'lnot so preM ut itself to the President as tojustify ' bini !ir-txt. nding a general amnesty, at once, we Invoke uuu, in beliall of our entire people, (with the exception ot a few malcontents and disap pointed individuals, who have tied their dee perate fortune to the ear of the Itadical Jug- gernaut,) to pardon at once such men as Gra " ' ham, Dortch, Oalther, Morcheadj Turner, Da " ' vidson, Kenan, McDowell, and others that we Bilght aame. - Such a course wilt tend greatly to confirm the eonfideace, and strengthen the affection, which trmr people mlready entertain . . for Mr. 'Johnson. It isntmccogntnlile to a large majority of thtui, how UoV. Oiaham should T have been permitted so long "to rtiuniu Under V the ban, especially in View of his smecedents as " compared w ilh those of many w ho knH obtained pardons, and as contrasted with the antecedent of those' w ho Lave bee U tits wsy of bis applW " cation 'Ilia course before tie war was national - m! nudrate .tturinit'. th war..it waa jcalm, conservative and patriotic J and since the ccssa '? tlon of hostilities it has been conciliatory and r.xmK"ltiinrfit,; '' I'a.wulif'.3 .asatMustj!' ; jie att n Jed with greater weight than those oi - any citizen of Jurth Carolina, and those coun - - j,.il since the el' of the wwbarft.iitiifarmly. been in the tUiecuoa of suouulo.ion, order and coneerratUun, NotwiUwtwding the nag which be baa received, the President ha no firmer anpporfcr la the State . ; 1 , j J 4 It if aeedleae to aay that theae suggestions are altogether spontaneous on our part. However much Got. Graham may desire a pardon, la or der that he may the more effectually serve . the State and the people Ts-ho have honored MmThe Is not -willing, we are snre, alter having com plied wi'.b all the requirementa of .the au thoritis,and formally submitted his application, to f''hf !.'- In mi attitude of further snp- TheSehtiof tU Bute and of tin People. Iuijiortant aa the political Uattu of this State anil of the Smith i, involving tli future lib- erUea, bj pt'BCun.l jroperlt of the people, It fxtiW but Iiitla' tutcreit anions, tbem. a iV hitfasUy t Jlb4irig sUasiiiiied by theipecunt ary condition. The Indebtedness of the State, W Jlw Cutrl Vsy'snUjtiie tisy'lnf ttfeaiy overwhelming thosewhb scan ctosely the enormous amount, eouiparea wltn tne Meagre means lef iopayf The lost of property in slavest'theaesttnctmn ot stock! buildings and Hacea, tue otter loss or Hunk and bU(e securi ties; aadtne'reddcft6n'tni Rs value of iaoihv real estate and other Investments, seem tar ten def the condition liopclesstTet anctl if the rcCUpcWtlvi (energy" 'foj' owA)i'p).e(1'nn'idv. ts mruijutv wiLii uiiiif'uiiu. oi viKAi nuirniiBae. that if, added U these losstt the State and the 1'l,y debsv wwrmnloV rooa lorTjpreny , profipcnty, , v , .'. But this only presents one view of the olwla- cJes in of ymj to jjrogreaa, j Jrgo nambers et the blacks, many of the men, .pad the women atmiMt bntireiy wbo '(iaed. a perform field, labor, have abandoned it, and either do little or no work,; pt jthat kind of , work which adds nothing to the productive mount of the people- Ono-thinl, at least, of the colored laborers of the State, who were formerly producers, are now TrlioHy cbMumera,", Many of our white people, who formerly directed labor, it is true now perform the task both of director oasl laborer, yet the large number of non-producing 'whites and blacks renders the soil less productive and consequently affords for leas real weal th than be- toretbe vfnr. '. Avid. to t!ii"stha enorraons Tetfc: end tar which is being collected, which cannot be short the present year of one and a half to twsj aifilloes of Vlollsri,, together with only the absolutely necesaar State and County taxes, to keep the machinery' of fjje Bfate government U operation, and it will be seen, at a gtance, how xj)pisive and destructive' it must be to firet the collection of debts, either State, County or individual 7 n?ri775u':'' 'i tl'- Vnder such circamitances, no considerate person can 4ook forward to- any short period, when 'tbaBtatf an4 County taxei eat). be laid , tor any sum greater than the absolute neces.4- tlfs of iMSUteTaruI Coulfilui requlr this is a melancholy reflection to those of n who da lire the speedy revival of ihe Common Sohool system, the speedy prosecution works of in ternal Improvement and the reduction of the State debt ' ITo Icsl.Utor will be sustained Hy- the people, who advocates, at 4hls erisk, tlie imposition of high State taxes kud . the jtxten sion of Bute credit mt'JS., t Ia reirard to personal indvbtednesa. our people most learn to be patient and forbearing towards I eacu oilier. no rtuei prupvasu to o euecieu by tlie Stay-la rt which requires the full payment of sxacuiiuns In Jive years, Aa -only W very partiBl.Jmlltit is apprehendedj that It Jwilf inaugurate a general system of suing, which must operate very oppressively, in the long rue, upon the. great body of debtors. We trust, however, that the welK-ajeant object of the Convention ia its passage will not be thwarted We need conciliation and forbearance; nay, mom, creditors ronst learn to commiserate tlie condition of debtors, and 'gfee to such com-jivnu:-i! and aecoiimiodotiim s.ill eimliletliem to "live and lot live." ';?- ' Ko other, p'nl in be .ije ;.vl to., fiave tUo limii.r iiinl credit of tli3 pe-ijily and the ..Ptnte, than the one we lutve heretofore sogsosted. Debtors and crwlitors, before taking advantage of law for or ag iiiiist, should nitx'l and eoinpro. hiise their ludebteunes. Under the circum stuncea, no man should be required to pay the full amount of tlie iudebteduess he incurred while in possession of ample means to-pay, since those means have ln violently takest froib bim;-' Mutual eoncilintion and giol-wiH, add ed to the dt'posiiton on the part of the debtor and creditor to do Justly and mercifully to each I t)((ir, are all that k needed to afford relief, and, st tua t ime time, encourage er people W .mcir trt'.HS At r.H-iJleia!i.iH Slid pntgtVSS. .. jj-wi- "Totney IspinUio'f f'-tretary Sliuiton ss "vhe last patriot left of the Cabinet of Abraham l.iiii inn," and calls him "that intorruptibhi JUdieiMV' tTli la .beiaws that iniost odioaa lima is about to lose the position which tie ha dHS'owod sod the Vm want martyr nt of a culprit ',.": ;.;"':' . . ','. .. ', '17, .. ;'..-' :Tlie XcVoik Tr'iliine is 'iiu'cli "alarmed 'by the unpromising effect of the political cnnva.n, Jind calls dm the HpnMicaos ti put forth their t.titill(t 0W; J'frwer'. ana-W-bcttttllie coalitioa against U J but onlyee trtmenitvm tfKtr, .. .. - . ;--' .A Tafi corrrypon dent tepwta Ihetmprer to be in bad . hesJlbv :T "'v;;",'";'ri 2r . Ilia late liiIadv!phU Cor vi ' i. A correnpondent of the nichiiiond 7i!" , lio was in attendance upon the great Convention in Philadelphia,, thus speaks of the malcrml of which it was composed : . i . "Edmund Burke'scharacteriMtlim of in i'.'.tJ ministry of Iord Chnthnm was Inn u ihly suggested by lhasiiwtaclo4t tlie sin -niKir ad mixture of antagonistic and lu rctofoi run !: cilnl)le elements. U w;i indeed, to tue "checkered and speckled ; piece 'i ! 'crossly indent d mid vihim-iciHy ilmr . a citbdtct variously intni.1 ; n icce ol fled Iiio-.iic ; n !:l!ed :-!.. nt v :! nient-. tK-re :i ! i f I .,. . .... .1 . , of white; palriois nnd e-uiirii.-r.-', Kii - ti . and Heptililiciui." W'ur llenincniis, nnd ', Democrat ajtepuhlicati and Niutliern N-ee jsis, t ofpeiiioiii,iin.i some wlio Had li 1 il 1 n 11 as Ikulicul. rtml Kolnct back to the nntediiuvian peniHl f American poliiic. Wliifii anil Di im crats, Federulists and (strict Coiis-tntctinni-n: X aU -0 m;M -'rrrnilr, mtiri-il unit pfl- trtmlB-Ttiniofl,7irevcrdy Johiis ui, who lara woiiii wiiic repuiniinn nr icgiu aeniiieii .ami forensic eloquence,' with bit urav lwir close I crop sttdy. bt spewV tm ittouKhxemt as cver,jirjuvenaUKl by the hope of a new bii th 01 AifHCn. Uberty, a nle-long. WbLv sits close to Montgomery, PImr, a hereditary J)en. w mo rfacason suonp, among tno in rviniin ui.ienuion ; owan, lateiv a liepuo- lican, and In former yenfs tin old bin? Whhrof thafltwy sy Protective' Timff srhool, iioldi not cordial commupieiitiiiri-itli, ui-Stuiitiir Bigler, hale and good-nsturvit, aiul not a day ?'(,cr:. n r ll'rn! hn herf he was the Cliampum it , liadienaa'e, administ ration, and exchanged stidwart bhi with Uiuitflas. Ju his wave suppoit ir icoiirpbtii. uiniimn, of North Carolina, ' and hi collenir'Tf. (lilnier. 1hiTMnrlr1fv,Wm the oiucr jimui, auiiuinoaniieofimiai looKtng.sre sought out by their old .Whig colleagues, who, had in so mnuy. ciuupuiua willed with theut beneath the liiiiit-r tho "stiitesman of Ken tucky.'' 'Overamon;; tlte'slkhitriui delegation as Custar, formerly of "Sheridan's Cavalry," with whom Uosacr niui'Vitx. Lee have so often contested the brawl of victory, the pride of the ixorui, dm mi wliit nmre tlie cent roof obscn a tion tlinii ; sT'dhtiit 1 ick Tnvlor, who won his spurs with JSI one null Jnekn. and who s:iun- , lered about the Convention as much ut h.umi as thou'di hu Iiail never eiveu a inortul thru.-t to .1 the hiilitnry vanity of the North, when ho rout-,, ed Bunks and pursued the 'gunlsiuts two linn, dred miloa down Ked Hiver: Hendricks, the i youth! id i ludinne rVnstor. pnxnimtit - mihuig ; Lis dele truthin tiv- tho -tinmistnknbhi nfiims nl lutrtl anil the-promise of fiHuro nscliilness ami uisiiiM-iion; nrow-nuv, ot llliii.m. riiriu Votaml Hf?htly bnid, good Uiidtii d und uiUi-' ble to all ; Kldrude, the fearless chitmpjon of n nrainsiu xsemocracy : flos , oT J!i,s.uiT," man or immense .intellectual force; these, and Btty otlii H not less well known to the nation, were embraced almost with a ,wu oi :ini'l fit the eje." , - , - ' ' , . Tna hist appeal of th unfuitui linn is said to have t.iiled to soften irtiiiinie Mnvimi i'n tlie lipiirt o Nspoleou. The fair Kmpresaof Jllexico in vaiu ran the Kauntletlif Liljeral Kuerrillns and pro frsnionidbrigainlsjnilthepifil of llm deep, in hfir. journey trout th. nivtbhuf hulls -of tlw Moutciiwiis to the palace of ut. Cloud," The Eiopcr. r of Frarrce, with a w nit of -alhint.ry wnmh remind s of lnr il ilnuioui un.da whu.4 IB Ins very worst moods, relu' to n vi kollie onler. for tha evscuatiun of M,ai i,v tu French trooos. tjintde banded, tln i-. tow. tlm amiable and kind hearted Mnximili m 111119I prepare f -deid 'with tlie'dnsm-nt I ,ilil. whose irrepressible fondue lbrri''roliii!..iis ill give him On pennw Lured to hi 'miu I f .N'Miiu" ''nt.J,tiu ,unt!nppy.un;nil!tr.tit--tlio haphwrt house 01 niiiMiiurif cm iionu lor not a o nr nor a soldier from rioor, det eateil. l!i"i"!!M' find iemisiwHw't'.''Anistitierfstr We ", -;i,m,i;.e.: pack up and depart with the rreiirh 1 roups, Whose bayoneU have thus fur 111.I1H 1 l.u t.iii.eu ine wrotsv.-"--'"--'-!-1---- -- -- ,, In eia mouths alter be haves there ill not remain a trace ot hit empire. The v tavnhavgHstHcc ginwn-n'i'H'f lit ih.i ' -monotony 44 ensiiectitb! imvcn.-n . i , ( ; vicuna Mniiid ' '1 hey t Haul de- pour ( 1 1 be -TV - . v.. II areplnlng-formieiies hf "revoluii.'.i.s, 1. . chaos to come aain. .; Itespertable. n! cent govcrniiienlB are no mom suited f. ir 1 : leans than are drct coats ami Mm I, ,1 breeches for CsVnanciie raiders Win -i i Gertnmi leaves, what a rii!i there wi)l be carcass of bis dea l empire. Mow tlm Vulture, wolves, jackal and :orl-.n ... pounce- nMin di-trnct ! M. , ; nnllllmlnt, I I and w huh tbo iin;n:u . Chiefs w..l c J.fet en-, our poor t kindly, and friend Who 1 . -i tor we b.ien lin-l ,ble 1-.. ins not si'- d.-.f V .JL'muefnr. ".'arid bin 11. EHCOVttUniNorHoit I'nninari.vsxi v .- In A( the pruat importanee of the ijm . at . all eyes are now turned toward pem b in eoliciluile as to the reaHitof her com in';; : eleetiim. We understand that the infirm, received here within the Ut t env t .tir I frMn the best sources of pobib d inionn in that Stated U most h.piil f ir trie sucer the National Lnion pmiv in the romin.' tion,:--: Notonty rl.if-s the iktiion i.f l. : . a decided Bini'itiiy seem an - nrcl i"e t: V I V I t what biof niofe fi i; ion A i'n, .... 1 1.-, . 1 ., gHlJ pro-ptxt ot . level -io.' Lot .p.,1,1- .! ' plexioa ol the Con-;reH-oti!l i,l ! - ition of ( fstntn. ;' . . . The pri nt d, 1 . , 1 ,n 1 dtl to eight C;n.ervitti v 1. TiM-reii nn from the n'biin--ton evioi i-r ft - I' selves, that this prepou-lei ne e em ( . r 1 will be much rediii'ed.anil weifii i..r..- I 1 clans, Dot apt tn lieover mno'iioe-. i,.eri fiptrt ib'b jf! i- A t oiiervuiive vietorr 111 I'm' ewjbi. lv know , w 1 I I i.b.ul 1 -Kit i vis,. - l y 1 the t nion. b Y'hat is the il, a w-ifef-Orre. t renee I t M ei n n -. At.r ,i, si,, i 1,,.. to I.-.. writes article to set. XUPOaiAHT TO FAE.MJ1E3. Decisioni ot the Commissioner of Internal . ..-,.. Itovenua. , -The following decision have recently Ik en given by the Cmumismmit of Internal Ruvemie at ashington. , They are important to farmer. In so far us they .untangle unne 'of the knotty points oi the la y- r-, - v t. Pariucrs will not be svqtiirod to make re turn of produce consumed in their Immediate latnihc, . 'i. Tlie i inner profits from s i' if lienu.k are lo boi 1'mnd lv d dnctiii" from thefrs rvc nW f niiiniais sold, ihe pnre!:!.-e m.oi. v ni.i-e loom i j p ud for s n il niiiori . i:m i.i . ilucted limn lliej'fons uieoine id tue lurm. I. 2Ct deduction can be made bv the farmer' lor the value of services rendereu bv Ins minor rhildrcri, whether he actually iav tor such ser vicos.nrnot. if his adult children work for hiiu t-weiveinpenswtirT-tor- thcfrtiiboT, tliej" are to lie regarded as , other , hired iaborors in determluing his Income. lt , . , 4. Money paid for la!or, except smb. as i used Or emploved la ihuuesiie SffVM.iroi- ia ttw production of articles' consumed in thefaOkilv ol the producer, may be deducted. 3. No deduction can be allowed In any case for the cost ot unproductive iabor..It house servants are employed a portion of the time in productive labor, such as the making of butter -and cheese An mlc,"s) piwpoitl.mate amount ofT we wngea-pata'theqi mar M dfitluetcd. J . i jr'"" ' awanien nor taroenj. ' ' 6. Kxpenses tor diUhlng ad clcflrfns'rswe- Tj,!i' ,iru hiKiIflve Jiiimlrud dnll.irs and sen ten land are plaiiilr expense for ' pcrninnint im- Md '"IMmnieiit, mt tloveroor J'icrpiiiit, pmvcnicnWTTind not deductible. , remitted ittc latter portion of the 'punishment . ' T. The wnole amount expended for fertilizer Applkit duriii'f the year to llitf Taflnrr Kud for rertibzcrs proilueed ou the farm. The cost of seed purchased tor sowing auVl planting tjijij' ow yetiiM veil, I y i , . . 8. If a ixirsou sells tiinlmr staudinfi thn nrof- lis are to (e nscertuinud by estimating the value ot tue land, alter the nuuival of tue Umber, and from the sun; thus obtained deducting the esti mated value oi the land on the 1st dnv ol Jauit- irr, J'lilJ, or on the day of purclwiyif punlnw eil since that ilale. 1 . A . t , . , 9, Wheje 110 reimirs have .been made by the tax -payer upon any building owned by him du-, ring the precciliiiit five jiwcs, jwithina oaa be ' deducted for repair made ..during lie year for ; Wliictl his inconte is csliinaled -, ,.1 ,', , t , iu.-. a. tanner smmia make rcium jotau tit. produce sold within the year, , but a more exec utory' contract tor aide is not a safii ilulivery. either actual or conulruclive, is wwvul Lai. i The criterion by which to judge , wbettier a sale I coniidete or not l to determine whether the f vewUui". atlrj .' Tctiflna." lit "that tw'sVmuier Huhk over the proijerty; it the-' nrruMrtr wore lost or sTiiratroTeii, npoa wiiKb or tue parties, tn tBean- wucv i any omer reunion oeiweeu mem man tlnitofthe vendor aud vendue, would the loss fall. , . . .. Ueneraf Grant and the War Portfolio Off poOaioial Head The ClcveUnd Conven tion. ,vi i'm,T -V V i.:w:W.--.'i;-v5 .:"t iWasHiKUTox, Au'jr. 24.-Thc rumor is revived very sironjiiy that tinners! Urant will be callud U the bead of the War Department -as acting (StXifCtary,; while Ihe President will take lime for" M'rnlaiieiit appointment- Mr, Utauton, it Is believed, will be oH'iiod the mission to Himin, " Hemovnle from ofline m-i"ualiintiit giiijlirlit ; are going briskly mi. 'lio matter is much tiiu pliiied by the plan adopted. 1 A I) trouble and hesitation are saved to the heads of ilepartmenta" by trunafcrring the responslbllltytut selections lsr removals and afipointmeritw tii the detegss ; ;t lone represent In tltt-ir rosiectiv htntes at (lis Philadelphia ('on yen lion. 'I hits thtti-'oatniMtcr tieiiiTuI, UMn the suuention f the Maine del egation, lias removed a rioten or more postmas tore ill tjint rifaKv. . J. 1 . - . It is calculated that over one hundred IIhiuo bind person tuiiil the Holdlers1 knd biul or' Con yet; Chtvobutilt Ohw, on the 17ilt of 'Septcmlier. -.! l ue toitveoiio will be held in the Park, the main, stand for sjieaker to l greeted: lon;;iidc .tha I'urry nioliiiiiiclit 'l'lie t'onverition will ho '.urgnnimi on jlopday, Jha. ITlli, but liig next dny w ill to the groat day of the Conveiition, It is proposed tn make ten end !ix l'residwit ol tue Convention. ' ' ; ! ' Curiosities of the Athn' ioTelcfrapa. The Coiiricr du Huvresets furth a striking re, suit of the layiliif of the trnnsA llanlic tele;:riiph It says : "New Vorlt is sil u ited nearly TO lie "Tii h loii'.'itude wet of J 'oris. The earth, in it rot,, b b" lion, tnuvb Ibi-uiK h ib rcrsm L' I . nn : ! f, it ery 1' - li"' ..1 at i.'-u b it is l- ll,l we-t ol lb ' j il. . 'rces to the to t: Vil li i : ml. lis ;,,; .V YnrX in e t uf I'ui i, it follow s that it is 7 o'clock in the eveiiiiu! at New Vaik whtui it is midnight t j'-ui 1. , . buiqr'isi.vtht'svihat -B..niaUtedillcn..iu, Paris, the opera loaexainple.nko tins at a fpiar t r past 1 2 at night en the 1st ot Scptcmlietnest, t ie eieut is imnieilistelr lolirmpb'd from Par is to New York, nndisdutetli Paris; quarter p:.i-t 13 at niiht, 1st rk-pteodwr 4'he now sr. i.vi at New York, Irtus say, In two -tieurif- to tm.ke ample alloWanr lor dntcrrltptioo,; the b patch, dated Parisv 1st te-,rt ember, ai rives at New Y01 k at a qnaiier put 9 m 1I10 evetinf of !', r Ut A'fh( so that a A'tv l oj-t- "snenager ciil I a e.ii' on the ' ;e and iifti r the thn 1 t..-.,.ny bows cin.l 1 lb". 1 ir', hinilf: 'bin lie and fill lei, ie.i (..nicoiiy to I'll inn -t tout tin? oji. r;i ,1' !'."'.li'l,M f d'-ir VI d bv l.ol lUun boms HiUir lW ptesvwt twe.-4tur lin. i tor b:is jii.t trnu.iiiiltel to his cotifrero his Con I .! 1.1,1 10 the .ti.llter W'iilell i (filing to le. ii to liiin.' aloriM.er, It wid 1111 loiifT'tr t im" 1 ale .1 d ,', 4 1 I i,"ii ijt 1 I o. r,' uw 1 1 ' -y t .1 ' I'lifie .-.I- - ,1 11 a pi n-e ' llou t:;c t'-iks of toe lT t !, r .iliiii; -e t ike cure to ici ltii the, co iimn iv, .: r-;i b in- cd Is-ine, n tnedwoco'itment, 1 . o.j intiv.,1 j ..(-r) tn s-fi-1 "r?;ir-- 1fn w , 1 f m w Yoik, or Via-Iiinjb n.' t -to -w we--i'''vsstii'l Wsy ,,rt'dwjrw4' ! -,a will, ii divide the waters fl iwmg iulo tlie ; i. bsw rt-ncefroin thee flowiiifj iHt the Atlan i is the nhbst bind in the worlL It ass .,. . -c "aiuiivly -a l-.wHc3irbyj.swrt (-,-, -tn. , .;o. ,.. ,,. .,.;..;-.-..-. '-,v.(fctl,---.v-' . Clement Duvernois, one of the editors t La Liberie, rocnptly publisheil iu his paper an article with the English caption of"Oo Head;" he am ins "Uo AheiuL" Juice Janin, is a re ntiirfcMi, aaldi-A home! a horse t My -kingdom for horse 1 tonne tfcimuet Johnson's hiuguayu, .() rare Sum Johnson I'. - The last fashionable novelty in Paris is' the "liuiil'ie bonin t," A rornpondent sins' "The f or xet, mil , ,,nt. nt with the iiuh.'h 1 Ws ridn u l"ii tonus whirii tln-ir bonnets Inivi! already in' I, liii' e iinciit.'d r,.uh,r 111 torm id u ' ''if 'I ' iH t - Ml tllll In .m 1 4 1,1 !i The misery nnd destitution of mniie ol t poiir UnlwilunutO uegroe iu tins city iscuou; to sirkeu tlie benrt, lenornnt and tatteieJ. rmotDers, with cluldren in their arms, little chrtdrctt wKtt but a rag around them to protect them from the air, walk the street during the lone hours of tlie night, until, .bowed down -w-itlreshnrtsrtoTr.-tht'y aliik "In some dark, damp alley, and sleep, and dream, pcrhs,of what is Dint of what wa.'-i ( A:) Vuzettt. j , ttl ''. ,. , ! ; ' .v- t i.;!.Vii i ..'"3 Two dis hargej soldkim In .Riphntond,.' Ylr Kinin, are now undcrgniiig a term of me .year's itnprisnnmini jor nutiiiptnii; to t sieito a 'riot "nwHsg the my'" by nrglftgrmo'lwtiyinre J 7 wrwerer, wmpetwwtrswwa eerin I" Wi.ltii paying the nw. . ! 4 . , tion srravely Kmie to rue at the next Preaidcn. tinl election Ik'itjiwuil littthf, iof..taseaclta aette, for President, and Win. (J. lirownlow, of TeimcMco, for Vice-President, " 'the one to rep. sveci'it theciinra;,'e, military skill and honesty of Kuuj KngUnd ; the ntlier, the piety, troth and decency iif tlie .Southern . 'loyalislaTiVc.. (Ms. Tutt CiiMiUsfun I'liiMi.Nh . The Abbeville Daai-nr iii.iiimnccs that Hon. A. lUirf, one of the Conn I M Messrs; Kejes, Slower and lljroom, Juts ret'dvfd axliipatctt'lmm. Wat.iinton,;,at8r ting that tlie recent h'uioviil of those gentlemen t theory Tortuga lor lilb " 0unk vithint ti Hiffe.f sr tineliun ef tlu PmiJuUi aud flint Mr. Jolmsnn iminraliutely directed an order to be !iied fnf their tinn.ifer to Fort Delaware. The President w ill make bis proposed trip to CbicAi'O iu thf.cur built ejpecially forprividetit t I.liisitwa.tle-wtMi'alt tis Vrtrk'.M vio(. on tVcjliiesdity, end will jeiiew tint 'rt Divia- 1 hm iit-thi) NiUiiiiud-.tiHHid- in- tlie-ntternotm. llio ti-eedom of the city will Ini, kwlvrvd , him by the City Council, i d action is being taken by the merchants of the city to piirlieipsto in tliecercfiionic nl his reception, . II will Im ae coiiipiiiiied by all the mmiibers of the Cabinet ard tlicir Inmiliis. ,-,,' -n (Jou. Giant will not accompany the Piesiiteut on hii w-eetei ji tuur.,,, lie pleads the pres.uru of oliiciul duty in comm-lioii w itl the re-orgiinlz-,. thin of the nnnv. , - v ' - 1 " ' )g'ftias'ijtia , " Iii .Ihe Coi; fioiiieleeliiiis to e om off this full, theisj lite allll iiitj liinlrii ta iu which the tadicn IU r.mv n in'e-i'iitiiw thelll aero cIecteLb SerrWell imiioriiire.- It. is in tln sfl that lb eoii6j-vntiewill put forth their hief etf.M-U. 1 The (Tolumbus, Georgia,' papers c x press sun- pri.'ninl alarm thnt the treed in en of that city are dulling- by nie,lit ia Imttahon - movement, I11I11 . 1 Sn.t flutes . would not be allowed such puvikg.. tT -- T- - I lie vfexiean winn. 1 ,ravajai pronounce Nulla .Aniia Dead Vuit" ir a fo.'ncy JC Nxileon and Maximilian, it is saidtalk dai ly-over-the-cahfc. ; ; r ' ;- S.vs sion in I'af.iclinctti, . . ' i,i''r"i". tle Nti"ii'l li)l!-IIij;i'ecr,X .i'-VAiinixuiorD, C Auv. 17, lHk-.-Jtdituriff iitlvi.al fuldltytiuvr : Star The ipH-st ion as to the'riht of a (Mute fit seciale troui-tue Union having fus-necttled by ."tlm- ltH't' events," -as is now -ittMncish'd as a i'tlidiuiienlul priueiplo by the.. .National I'nion Convention hi Phihtdi -Iphia, 1 m r. noihb-d ilmt old M:uin hn' !!". my .,' 1 v h.iiH ,.onee t at -em-1 (o-s-'-c '.Ti liiu event of t be ,,i.u-t il ion of ,-..,.0, I V hi- h I-., I r!i I, r, j e'.'ed the s,m , I-,,l : : do liUe-Aisl' t I will, I to. Viol ln. Slate oec.i ion..': , , but hi ii in-' in tl !: IU Hi 1 1 1 1 IlilllVt) e diftrine that "no ritnte. or eniiiliienlioii of SliiUs have Jtiitbriij.hi, U wilhdmwi tHiiHhe I 'liloii, r t cx cindi! throu;'h tln-ir action in Courecs, or other wit, any oilier Htntoor rilate from the Cnion," and that "the IVmn of these Htati-s Is perpet ual, I cannot, without doin violence to my own feelinRS, visit my nntive rUateso long as she hss secesKion frnrn tim I nion iiiscrifieil iijion her statute lioolTs. Will not the Old liny Htate fst'iMsil-her urdiiisnee ofseeeslmi and Come back Into the I'nion, and receive thn same for-'ive- ness w tilelt lias been granlist to her erring bi'itihnfn risters, w Imlooliclily . followed her n .vii bad VvVamplel A. J. Jl. ' Nun ton l,,n s li il 1 time of it in fiU iriwnl exitrnry.- We published yeaterdity how (irecley cud "eled bun. The Jiulrr.J nt adiuinisters Hie tolbiwiiig;- r "He tloe not love Mr. Johnson or his policy. Tli s,-cret of fal conduit Is tins' As teit brv'd tttf t t -u is 4in ieri-wf urer slid I S i-isllu.'i l' h-,!iu lliceoiiijeiny ol Ihe 1 iVsldent. So loii;,' 10 on sum! wmi ,ir, Johiiin he is freot o-oti e1 1 -m icounst the ciijiperlieail who bate Lint - - , 71 1 ! 7f tint wn it 0111 thus .re- - iV it adds: 4 - iuto histury w iih tlie kis. anii in io pa rmbrsen et 1'ijrtiey w-oiild be a pnnn-hmtmt 'itiui""-'csv. rrr.'iiVi'KrU'PiKUfi 't-riihi-i even'of The President'! TourThe !e&t Citli-Badi-cal Designs at the Elections Troops Cf . foredby Ulinoii to the tLiasourl Esdi cals The V i ob'ramme of the Phlladc! f hia Kulatto Convention Kero Snile the - of the Iladical Toliey The Romov als Fvo"-resin,?, . (t'orri'-l 'I ne Pi n'.lim. nl' ! of the liii'limmij tiaiinuer.J A "imm Hi's, Ai". 2j. 1 ill lltovi . t,ir t- i! men: n Rtt 1 much nt ' I'oard It, bv Ol tin' ).,'. thill Of' pes. 1 I .!. I 1 I . . Jt- Uh 1 1 .lit' I II It.x "Im tllllK M tas enjn 10 iiave.nowf discovered that iu Kftdiiala cuunot "save the I'niou," thrnvh tint was tlnnrohjivt t in supporting Ihe war, rl In v wilt tnke the tmnit-snvriTg "liiachiiu'iv 11. 1. 1 lb. ir own hands. They kmw that fliey can save tt simply by act. " Ing tipna the principles of the tat National I'liion.Oiaveiitiou, tt.:,t(--.r.:r.-i'il': ' ' vTbe Itadimls know that they ire beaten, and hence in their-desperation they threaten unolh- er war.' They propose t, coinnu-nce the rar t in Mmsouii. Hal;' a down of the h ading Had-' leal ortrans bate alreadv siiL'sested this a theirs lust resort The . Conscrvatiree of : Missuuri liive demanded protection from the Executive "' Uovenimeitt in tiio cxereiie of tin-ir riirhts m citizens nt tue iiiiis.-pemitriT llendcrJOB, or --1 miiWUII, IHIHll.MI, IU Ulldll, 11,S lyM.tS BWI "I IIIU huiiwy-4l)a nore-1 han tiaif -f the".'', f .ir'" voters of Missouri are excluded by the test oath.- So it is with Tennessee at this moment It will be so with Mmy'nnd, unlen finti-rimr fw aim's tneasures proveiit it. -' 1 ' - JJTIlJl Vla.ltata i.AJ Ia ....,,. I. j. A M..rtt.,4 ..e ! tiy iHuinni. rj"' i" " '" " f " VOI11I lll. Oi arm at these election. ; 1 he Proaiilentwill not, of course, ne theia' the aid of the I'nitcd Stutes uiilitury force, and he and Ueneral Urant are happily in tecord. Tlie nulitary power will . tie aned by the President rather 'fbr the 'protect ttiBi of citi.ens than tor their oppression,', Tim Radical or;''ins phv t hut he seeks to avoid the. tsHiiepresi-iiled by the '.isonri ( ohm rviiiives. lie will more probably 111. -et It when it sh-iil arise. General Frank, ltlair hat expressiHl bis believe that the election in Mlssoun will be at tended Willi violence unless the ibt d'nal usurpa tion enn be frowned down by the Gyerninnt, , , Governor Oglesby, in a recent speech, has pledged Illinois to liirninh two hundred thou lii nd troops to be. CniMni-ed In . supporlina the " luulieaisi ill il.ssouii, or in any other ritnt Wheiethey may need such nhl tn maintain their ib'-imiic sway. All tho liidii-al aullioiilies will promise the same. llemtu kiililii devcloinentM urn m:idi of the Ibut cat pulley fur ' the fniiiiii, In ciiMiof iu Pflccss st the lull elect imiy .. .. I he Honthem Ilndicals, lit their ' Cnnvt ntio 1 to be held nn the iM pioniix Jit 1'lnUd. Ipliia, will ilietiite the mode ii wbirii tin) Noullicrii pit -de shall, in fill me. ! uoveiiitd bv Cotlirrcss., Ti:o Northern Kadiiid 1 1. oallp is I In I may at- .. tend the nieei in ;, will em brace and t qcommend their schfinti, r Jt is iilrcady divult'ed thut tho plan recommended will be to reduce the rnntli ' em seceded State, Cm i pt T nm ce'.'tii "b rritn. rial (lepenilencies, and hold tin m subject to the h,, (.n.. st an 111H1 tinite tune. Tlie tiadicnl leaders and organs have expressed - tlielr iinlijj'Uitlon at the liltli resolution of tho Philadelphia Cofiveiiiiiui, whii-ti ile' l.ires 'that lcifislation in rei'ird to tlm liidit id' milTinire , . UillOI114HUUJ IA. W 4lrt,m liriHTI T'-W,- Hi , ' position to this, tliey now acoiv tlis purpoe of forcing negro stillriijte upon all die Matt . and Tcrri torks..,,. They only defViiud. this -.m.'iasisf- for the reasoiTthat tlio Rortln-rn mind' was not '. yet quite prepared for it,. Wliilo .announcing " tue priucipie anil neeinriiitr I nn joirpo'HI-fO. SM't ttoa rti'ifiey adiuliteii that it W.w iuiHi1tilo to make it il inne at On"coinin; elections inl'enn- svlviuilasnd .iiiiuoiUer iusiu-s. lit s to be the corner nt one ot the Ibtdicnl. pnliey, . if, Inihod," they siieteed til sttuiiiig tlie next Conttnaisv -, U is iK-lii'verl here thut tho Huulln 111 lindiccl Convention will rceonuiii nd the iinpeachiiient mid removal of tlm I'resi.li nt. probable. Their Northern n -quire if, and will nuke it a pre till' lllle.oty detellllillC'l tlpoll; in 1 ho, nn-l im I 1 i-l'v 11 1 I'., - I- -...v - ,.,',. i . l b is IS quito lints will re '. t i- ra ineiis- , I President "-'t, tna i - 'I' in i I 1 . t , .u.iuiwrg ,, in,l, ad Ct i have loimd tlontly. iif'lt;r Pi- ,l,er 1,1 i ,ie 1 I1, 1- l -.l tl' I Ih-nilHl llliilutd. Ull) Iblo. out Unit tin- President id In the ndnihii Irnliiin of I he I'm , tr, ita. ri'f.i rations fjr a Cran 1 1 A iiiovenunt i on foot for n-i t meetn- in this cily to ratify the m tha rlllhidelpliii CollV llt.i'.l. mass ,i:s of Not-'idy arc purcitizens cn lor inent. but they are sbowii"r tie ,r hu t; e uinie- r e ,:,,, ..iniss in y to 11. i in the 011;; biii'.h-td .. Inn proinisi'il in -. h of circn. . . 1 1 1 , r v "tm rh "'tim ate ni-i us. S e have li 11, l b.- I.aif a the'taiw by siibscribini; Imer-i raint'sbtii. It is endcrsi.iod t thousand .doliars h,vu all' aoy for the purpose ofp'i' in ; Ihe 1 hllb'ij il," ii nnd, i. ' 1 ' ' st-tion of tite Noi di, nod lot t -ie rrncof Ihecampiii ' n ,;"w in HO doubt thnt il S proper rh ut million of dollaia can I n im- , trouble to w-i'-t the con -ei -va 1 1 , Northern Males. 'I b. r;'1- t nny I" 1 i so muuieliioiis, t;,e o , . , . , and our romini n 1 d to, 1 I n- ,, so sn. "t.d by the r."idt et i,,e i -t-hatthase who b.,vn I.,- .-r , tlmt lir, ction ha. c; too 11,0. n i'y I y n ol a ' the r 1 , 1 tn.M"ji"i.j -1i 't their revolituoiiary eeheine.-. . . In Ki nlueky b.'.oi-,-' "iiiolilib Willi I i i"," 1 In twenty to thirty d.-b m.