A J. J ft V" v.- ,-. iL - f r i 5 . I.- r:i rr n t r?TmiTnr W!itcd,y rvenlnj, Aus. 3, 1983, . CIXV A.Ul HTATU 1X1131 i. - Raw Adykktirkmkxt. It will I men that Moeera, E. J. Hale & Bon, whose removal from f the State we had occasion to regret some dji since, have located t 401 Broadway,. Nevr Tt k, n J tsUllisUeJ themselves a PaMLdiera, Booktwllert and Stationer. We Beet! feu com- Biend these gentlemen to a North Carolina pub , lie, Tliey will, as tbey should, monopolize tb trade ul tUl Bute. W are siucorely gratified . to Warn, from aa entirely authentic aoorce, that - they commence their new buslne with th art flattering ppeet. A Virginia lady, of eminent qualification, de. lire situation, ai a teacher la school or pri vate fumily. Be advertisement. The Director of the Work Howe, ordered by . tbe lata County Court, desire to purchase a tract of land npon which good brick-clay can b found. v Tbe Governor oi.ors f WO reward for the ap. prehension and delivery, to tlte Plie.riTof Wake, of JoseoU Suirt. fugitive fromjti'"-;. a, who snd rhanpd with the iiwrdif !' l1 l-'e I fort, of this city. JL Kosenbauin, Na, 18, Fayi'ttevilla street, 1 makea aa attractive announcement to the pub lic, Iliaatock hat been selected with taate and . discrimination, and he baa everything oa band ".- that ia aemaary for the aeaaon. .- We Kanvfta our acknowletit:mente to Uie Principal of the Flttaboro' rVlentillc Academy, m excellent and flourUhlnjf, institution, for m ' Invitation to be preaent at it Vim Annual Cow' meaewneot, the exercise of which begfa to-day, and conclude oa Friday. The Sermon oa tbe occaaioa will be preached by Rev. W. IL Bob- bitt, wtd the Literary Address delivered by Prof. W.J.Martin. Tbe whole Occaaioa will J wound Bp by tocial entertainment and a display nf Are-work. ; Taa TocaKAMKaT An Bau. at Jo Brawn Th great match Tournament at Jones WhheSulplinr ri lhMr4 by Ball ia the evening, will positively take place oa Tueaday, the 4th of September, ioateail of the lint taat, a heretofore announced. ' HaJ, Hope, of the Yarboro Hoaae, the enterprising leasee of the Springs, la making the wost ex tensive and liberal arrangement lor the occa ion. All who know the Major, need ao other assurance, than that he is determined the affair . aball he a brilliant success. -1 w Tmt. The Goldshoro Aim eay that -- - the traina on tbe different roada leading Into that place run with each exactness, aa to time, that it I no uncommon thing to at a half dozen mrn, oa the approach of a train, pull out their - watrhea, and if ibcy dna't egree with the pub . . lUhi-d achedula titne, they change. : i ' TiiK Wti.MiKolot Jirtirwif aaya that the health of lhal city ha never.! Ikittcr, dur ing a iuiilar araeon, than at preaout. - - Cn ..-Tlie prize oflered by Mnwn Mitch.' - 'ell, Allen Aj Oosj and g, T. Jones Co., of New. " ' bern, ur the trvi bale of aew cotton, bare been formally awarded to MaJ. W. J. Barrett, of Lea- - oir. The weight of the bale waa 433 pounds, - and the priae were a silver cop, on the part of Uitchull & Allen, end f 20 in gold and the pur " chase uf the cotton at S8 cents per lb., oa the part of Mr.' JToneK "The triumphant bale was escorted through the principal ttreeU' of Kew ' liern, escorted by a band of -faaater.'. T " ' The Bnt bate raised in Wayne we .recti red la r OolUIoro, on Monday afternoon, from the farm --of J, K. Miller A (X, tad at once forwarded to Messrs., Andrew & IJardin, Wilmington, (who - also Hise'J'Ll? .Bontibem Exprew .... Company, freocharge. v It weigh 4M lb. xThe Aevt aay that "oa Monday morning much of lliU bale of eottoa was standing ia the Held, unpkkeil, and befre this paper b served ' to our town readers, tt i llcd and la the "warehoWBfMaaia,;m1rew al Itarflla, la ' Wilmington,"; ; . ; . ' '""V ': " J'1'"j '" ' r CAi-tTro Mai Ilissai I At political meet ing tlie speaker and audience were very much annoyed by a mttn who constantly called lor "Mr.'Htmry I Mr. llenry t Mr. Houry 1 I call for Mr. Henry 1" v - - After several interruption of thia kind at each speech, a yoim man ascended the plaU ' form and was soon arising bis eloquence In magniloquent style, striking out powerfully in his ctttniT, when again the old cry was heard lor Ar. Henry. . . ... Putting his bend to I. is iu:li, thi h "Called at thfl top of bin rm'.-c. ".i.r. t.ewy I hit. Ilenrjl I call on Mr. Henry to HiKke a speech." The chnirmaa arose ami ri innrkcd that it . would obli.cr the audience if the gentlemsa ' Would reirmo Innii nny fui thef Cnlling fur i.. r. Henry, as that gentleman was bow speaking. "latitat Mr. llfiiryf said the disturber of themeeti""- Tliuuderl that cant be Mr. Uenryl t I y, thut' the little ciis that told ...metoLollerr':;. "'"i'"' Mr- Goti ;h ad.ls that in telling t'ii story 'ti a limn l.o ciiuld never be nm le to see the - joke, after studying for some minute, h asked - him: "Well, what did he want him to boiler 1vt r ,j:ry: . ...,,. (Thi 'remind u o n actual occurrence which took place, some years so, ia one of the ,v Slat p.-'!-' I C'.-uvr. ; .rl.-! I in t'.l City. N A cortiiin your,' ff-ntlcman, aiubiltou vt .'"spreading I.hh h ;," but feajfid tliat beshoulJ aot'lmre an c ; ; '!y, pAituaJtd,' fr the "roi iJernllon id one !.;',::n;T," one of our Ci'y youths to cull Li.a out jn,t "fr on of t?.e orators hud cnmliuiud. IV '.'d to the con- - tra t, the r.H ntcfthes' ) fl' 1 Ki'y fr yt . r - ..n w in nut aco onded. 1 x., ' ;v r r I yW. ' tai hear 1, an.i.l t'.o ot.itwImo d'-ad s.i -ncc, " 'cu".. I ' : i i ', I w- ever t' e !i"ir nr c, i 1 coiimi' 1 a I i ; ' and p 1 , 1 ' f , t t li found it i u : i . .j Its to ret it the sfMu.v TIL CZJ.J, Vet ea tL Az:cLlei Contlittt- tioa. Agreeably to tlt provision of the Ordinance t t!'1.Couvei;:i(,nt" .vote in the rarious Countie on tlte amended Constitution was com pared, this morning, in the presence ot the Gor ernor, Treasurer, Comptroller and Secretary of SUte, Haywood ia the only County anheard from, and it rote is accordingly rejected. The following is the result, which the Governor wilt doubtless announce, by Proclamation, lorth witb; nATtrtCATioM. .- v Rajex-rioN. AUinar.ee, k - ISO., ... .777777429 Alleghany,,..,..,. ,.?"9. 1 Alexandur,... ,.'iM. . u ..... . .... .119 Anson,. 11..' 664 A be, a:i4 4 Beaufort, ......148.. ,.......-.930 Bertie; , ,.SiO..;.r.77 . , Bladen, s... 60 , 803 Krunawk-k,.....,... .... ,816 Buncombe, . . . ... ... .300 959 Burke, w.,.879.; ;..,...801 Cabarrus, 8 S3 1S8 , Caldwell........ ...8.H 87 Camden,....;....,.. 9..,.. . "J Carteret, , ..837, . . . . . ... 40 (Will, 117 If5 t uiawba, ....:.;.;..(; 15. . ;. 84 Chatham,...,, 4IJ t 7fJ Clierokee, 1 C'-OWS1l .. I'l. : l'l Ci'-u-riuiid,,) C'ohii'ibus,. , Craven, Cuuiltcrland, Currituck,.., ,j CO , . . . ; j 177 68 1....304 ,.,..84 .:ia 63 .103...... Davidson, 931...... nT . ..- -. ' . . ina Dunlin , At : . ' KM dgecoiuhew 8.,, ,. ,445 Forsy t he," . , ... .939 . , . ............ So Franklin. . t. 19... .624 Gaston ,.,..,,.9J7... 8 Gate. ... I . 1fi9 flraoville, . , , , j , , f, . .937 ; 93S Greene,.., 70 ....A-...19 Guilfonl,. 900... ..i. ........ 438 itauiaxv, ,.,,., i. 90. ... .000 IlarnetL .. ...lao . ... .... J: w. . . . CM Haywood,,..,....,.. ............ Henderaoa, Z417 83 Hertrnnl .' r..... t 941 UTUfl. ............... Jin . . Iredell,... .704.. Jackson, J , . .2'io. . , . u Johnston. .441 ..... , Jones. .... . . . 89. 1 . . .. leuoir, ........... ,. i. Lincoln. rrr-.-.-r. . 897 . r . ... a. iMK'n, ,,.z.s Madison. . . . . Martin,..".... McDowell Mecklenburg,. Mitchell, Montgomery,., Moore,. Nash,... New Hanover, Northampton.. Onslow,.,,,,.. Orange, . . . . Pasquotank,.. -Perauiraan.. . Person,....,.. Pitt. Polk, Randolph, ....... Richmond,... ... . HocMnjrham, . , . . Kowan,... ...... Kutherford,.,,... Itobeaon,.. . . , .. . Bampeon......' Stanly,.;....,..,. Btokea,.. fttirr. rf, . w ..... . Traay Irani,., Tmt1 Union. ', ', '.Ml'. n aae,. ........... ,.7U(.... ........ Warren, 9.....,.,..,. W& l.iDgton,.. .......... IS. i, , , , .', , . . . WaUtiitJ'a,....,..,.lltO Wsvno.... 51 tVi;kes ....919 Wilson. . .". ." . 77. . :. . :..t: r: Yalkiii,. . ........ . .920. 7. Taucey,. . .... .... . .818. ' 19,670 '' Majority for Rejection 81,859 19,570 1,989 thCkAjjiAaisii is BaL18bcbt. Ah effort wa luad to ft Hit reiiJence of MnJ. J. X Tomer; ia Bali&bury, en Monday morning last, bat the lame were arrested before much damage wa done. The Banner mention four fire ia that town,il,Un fw. month past,.l of which rf direcl'y traceable to ineeiidUriaro. It call upon thecuiens and town suthontie to be on the Wto. Terr.;!, ri-, yitoaca, Vs., says, "I waa affliete4 With tlx Livor oBpliut 9 twu jetm, soioctiius as bsj that I eoulil not lis apua my It ft aid fur en aiimiU, nor omU I walk but a shot dutaiuM without ato)iiiHg to rent. I trii A several kiinln ,f patent mH- ciBes but fiiuiiil h rulii-f. I lw trwd the skill Uis BMiet emiitMit rkraielan bnt still ftmnd no ri-ln-f. I ( ).. -.( t try j- .nr 1- : T!"! SiJlTH-. .$ i I'Atid 1Ji.I..S,J mil (. Jirit Am 1 found it. erJTitirmp-ti lmr?i4 vmd I wtB-j'm ffilly twr'i. I am n a wi ll bmi." Fur1 saW by tits Imr;cil. lirectiua awxtmpany MK-libot. rWirt tasnrpurtof W l!nit4 Hutca c 13 a doze. Address. t , cEonug w. iift.ms, a ca - - IiJtirs, Mi Au'nt t, 1h- .... tlAIJC ? 1 CU.oIJNA," f'AI.OWH.1. t Ol MTY, ( Court or I'i.ka and Qi ar .n Hr-wiua, Jdlt C. W. Clarke, Admr. of 1 Ilawkin bertiy, Ucc d., I VtfK'ii for taU f, Il.imatliwofwiir c J v IsTKW.'""''ToMf PKrnKt: V r ; i .n t ! I "IMiri, III r-Mtl, on l t" l ' ' 1 '"J. .. i wi-'i. h in whom. In Mutt f.m t in. ,i II i j-is 1(nt tr ti.n nii (J ...in. tl i i -mill-ail' t ii t r urn. It l" l ' ' ' i li i O'iiii Hint 1 ii. V n i i ! l I ' t iiir- d n ri't " "M i ad lliU ii.'imrH niriiHiid In md ..! it f ir-. IT Si ' f..m 11 Sie e-.lj,.n of i,.-'. i..t tiis .. ' 'r- I .- r, mill- i 1 ii . t . It b.. v, lilt li.'UlHII it til in 1-.- 'I'''., i nl T li ft B - i er I I ! w..i il. r. " t..i r i. m i i-.mt -f I it- r I. i re.- r -i- tit I -iimr, imi l .ti o k. ml I lets tu I'M K. t, H- .J 1 . ...u r, t .1 t,. 1'. 1 tilS 1 -! I'l-r. t'lllU'-'r . M lJdWi :i. n I in ' " ie I r ,!- lit -I I li 5 .11 , .e 111 I'lH A- .e.-r- i .... i, f.r m " ym -en to ! e-itr le i ( - . I - et t i. M. '. i "Urt 1. , tint- t lie i in, u - vieii, 1 1 ....mmIM" 89 159 114 I i i 1 I it II i VV I: itrmw 48' - 4 .818.. .... 19 71.:... .....in . .8H5..,., 85 ,....877 114 ..... .s:i8....... 14 ......4:s7..;. 91 ..I. .423... ......,.,... 889 ..... 79. ......849 70 ..585 ...... ......807 19.. .978 ' ...,.893..,..:....:.".4l4 43. ..869 139. ...107 ,....105...; 807 . 81 , 547 .890.... t 80 ..848.. .............834 . 74... 109 . fl'..........,....4tt ' .S' , 137 .808...,,,. 48 ' wt ,. 84.. ...... ...... .807 , -199...... .840 201 . ,... j, . (U sSl4 ...,847....... 814 ...149.... 8tt . a . iha. ! . ! so ...01 ...403 . ...847 ... 7r ...eoa ...109 ;-'JWl .825 ' . 80 if ii II l i-t li" If ...... . . . . . . . I. 0. .VlLbON, C. C. C. SH ill Uieui. EDIT 10: . , TGLEG11A1M ! H'. 'Otirtrf.tcdajr Slottilr.i 1 Tb9 FreaideBt'9 Tonrtatliu I . . ... jar jCSIS0nstrtic!:i '. . Bai.tim "! :, Ae '. . 1 The President aud parly t t .a l.ln- 1 half past seven o'clock tlitu m i iiii '. ' t t Station person were com'! l , y l (expert, nd every a here i.n- I n-: I. it Ccived with manilvstalioiis of l !.t. At Annapolis Junction, Guv. w . in ' bira to the rotate of Marylnud and -"- , the party to Was city. llure they were met by e citizens, with the Mayor as Clout"' " ! ' rorted in open carriage to tUe 1 Jjepot. Laii;e crowds were j . i. i ' i the depots and along the stru m to ! ' of the Prewidrnt, who wa gri ' I -'h ' wvmp; of hat and bamlketthiUs an d . en ing cheer. ' Wlt'.WINOTOH, 1. I.. Alti'. S :i, I' Here, a at other plan on the lit.o ot the President has been prwb-d wiih I god feeling and was lurnmlly n .'t ;v !. Aft hi brief remnl,4, l-v r -ident apK'ared On the -... ping crowd iin-.-t n f..i-. I 1-iH bait 1. I ! e c-r ' H:: t I, ... . .... . till) rxciteun id. ( I'uil.AKi-.i.riiii, A:i ,'. - 1. M. President Johiiwm arrived lu re tins n!u i ti- and was welcomed by fol. Jauie 1 '.;:, on I . half of the Merchants and Mechanic im-juc-tive of piirty, a the Chief Majristrutc ot the Republic, the chosen protector of their riitt and lilrtie. The ekef said that tltr. ;i.-h bim lhl"nuB.if alt'the Ststcswonld l re-tir-etl, aud peace reiu as welt in fact as in runic. The President replied that he knew hw to appreciate a reception from the people of ihilu dclphis, lie trusted that peace M wwey-permanent prac, and that war hail erased lur ever. All hi efTort bad been directed to re store peace and the permanent re-organizitinn of the government. ! Ill remark were greeted with great applause, and General Grant wa alao Cheered, : J . The Prcsitlent wa then escorted, by thentili- j tarr, tinder Gen. Meade, aud by the virions Civic Itoilie, In th Continental Hotel, w lifre he (UlHtn-piently aililreswil the vaat crowd. , lie Will lie serenaded at lt oVtnrk to-nighfc-t From HaytL Advhs fnnii Ilayli to the 5th hav been re ceived." - AJvery destructive fire occurred at Cape Hay ticn on the SGth ult, the damage being tiliiua U'd at alatut 8700,000. The insurgent hxl advancetl upon Cojie Hay tion, but were repulsed tiy the Government troop under Mom. At the laat account!, they were ia lull retreat lo iSan Domingo. . .. . .. Korthera Karkett, CLokra. - Naw Von. Aug. 2S, P. M. . Gold tl.Mi. -Fives $1133. Tens ' 2 - 8even100I. Floor tinner at ft(V f 1.1 7-1 for Hi-in. Wheat firmer. Bali of 150,000 bukhela. orn firmer, with Sale of 107,000 biwhcls. t)aln dull. . - : - - Pork quiet jaalea of S700 bbUmeus at . ' 7. Levd rn. .' -- . i.,- - ..... Cotton atcady. Saleaof 1600 bale midtllit'? at83K.,' V.-.ti...j a.. .'.-. -...' Bpta, Turpentine quiet at 87GS. Rosin firm. v. .' ' . ." ... Molaasr quiet. Sale of 200 bid. New Or leans at 80. Only two case of cholera were reported tv dy. The ollicial report shows t! it tliero were 114 deaths Irom the utwa-e in the city I- ; week. . In Brooklyn, six canes were reported tn-day. three of which were fatal. :V Eoutheru Kaiktti, &s y -Naw OKr.RAKs. Antr. 29. P. M. Cotton unchanged. Sides of 7J0 Ituh-s. Gold 81.43). ' " , 7 Now York iixchanfra one-vihth. Four death from Cholera on yesterday. From Eu'rop per the CaLle. , Praovr, An". 21, M. Tba treaty itf Pence made by the i .. : i tiariea of Prussia and Austria has been h d by. toingMJ!wM!ifa,!W ,T"""' tbia cit for txcliange. . ' .f""': .-.. .... Oneot her Cutholio M;ije-tv's lri . it" it h . 5 noceeded in capturiitfr -the. Chilian, privateer Torando, oil the coat or Pputu. Lo i i'v A ' is JrionM'jTirdeTiVerc.r "fpect Ii in 1 urn bam last nitdit liefore maas meet in-' ot t i favorable to the' refurm "movtment, v,!, i i ceeded all bi fciriiMr eloquent dlorls, cn.-t!: great entuotuttsiii and excitement ani.ii r I immense audience. The meeting dm i i.f est beld of late years, ami the Inn n -.t i ed by the people exceeds any tiriner .. -nu ttrations in fvorot n loriii since I1? ; .'. r ,-.,oa-, a : - At the bnnnitt't (oven to t' A i bafy, the pi'i-t-i I) of "r. 1 .-v, i i r 1 t toai.1, ;t en.iiit-tts !y I :: y ' - Went of tllO (V.ir, Hi! 1 i I' 1 ,e . i ' i I -ftn!fttl htw-.ul -in .4 ii t ytii. t lll'iiot., A : ;. ;. , The -col I on market is dull ftii.l ! huii. '. Tbe salna, to dy, am eii'mate-l at 8,'H) I..' midtlling nplanils quoU-1 at Mi I. LoNIMt, Ati'j. 2S, V.. (!oimU ate quoted at t' fur litnUty, fl 73. I IiiKiia ( i n I nd 7i 1 e4'i. Aflothcr r ' 8 T ' W asiii.m. nis, A i' '. Offfial Informnth.n 1. -t 1 i n 1'. M. .- I t.-n ,1 or I.- Madrid of tl" cot . 'I ' .n of V- 1 i to : , . 1" i- df t' ' intirr I i ,n'l ' th ri"ht to I'hi.i!.. 'i line d i ptii' h hetwrrn the I i;:'ed t : it. s a''. t tl Inum I I y u iy i.f ( Our A fti t Latent lliil. '.if ! 1 : '.. -. v . , .- ' I . - - I Gold I 4 V 1 ' n n .1 st ti f i U davs and 1 1 t r - t. Cotton Si... i. Fill. ..... ... 1 . w m . k, A : i I I lour oum-I. V . ii exti i ; . ... i F .i.cfi'ine 5 VT".. . ? l'l. ( :i il'id mid . . ' r - ! , , ii.-eutn 4 1 ; v nt r i-. r a: t , .-. , 1 I t i " s i I n t ' I - 11 - . w i CM i!H C 'Df-p i . Flas 1 1,50. Vihe hiy c ire ; V; -n i 1 t f Cot. rrtlieitd, fllorUi Curoliaa. Vi AMIItC.TUN, Au.t. 2'.', M. ; -v. Jno. M. Morhe;i, of North t'aro . ' - I ri -ierday at the KiK-kbrido Alum Latest if the Ciitle. ' : V ' ' - - LtvKitroot,, An?. P. M, lull market dull and ilnx j in ", Price ' -I lower, hides of 8.(H 0 bub a (- i;t; H l:!t. i-td.-tull iiiurket weak and pn , . eclinitcj. r and Wheat drooping. iise4 W&tctu if '1'i'ded at 2(i ltd per lisivis, Aug. 2,S. P. M. ii' V market ithniit hane. th'i. -ml clii-!-'t---s: Couiuil M'J br money. Market --tii'it'i securities inij rin imr and pncis y li;;her. . Five7Sl. Fiohknck, Aug. Brt, I', M. 'id b is refused to accept tbe anmefly - I bv UU li mantlet, -oii-l iht !i- to4 a tt-f thfl Kin? ony tctms, priilenaig to such conditions....: ' ,v:.'..nr:.:'.!lj9 Denounce the Frctidcat r a Perjured, and Usurping Traitor and i.'s Lis Eemov.il. -.d.'H Phillips, the leader of lead, rs' of ''idii hl party, litis lately used the following l: ; tt I t-iC in vt move be u:i It.c t'api- !!, Ic'hi.n r tlte S iiate and lbnii- of prcM-n- tittviii, 'or duty ie to put there nu-n w ho will, at every biuard, lie nation, remembering th.it 1'iey stnnd Viherti the. Long Parliament s?,i i I in lu49; ar.d though the block nd xc in f'.titt of the ftnlace Mf r a fitting mtaturt i.e". tii v ate laiuuil to Bud and use tomt itjeiu- iiw jit and tJU-itnt t wmr f A parKXie tU ' !'filim of tfa perjurtl omI uiurjiinff traitor. Hut. alii I the courage and "thoroitejintus" whieh would make" that pouUlitr '."Wtmld at the jwiiie time make it tmnrwmary. In the presence ot united North, led by coursireons men, there would be now, as in 18C3, no Kebcl Democratic party worth counting;- ; . - yoine fercsce a toup f ttat in the literal aense a violent move aitiat Congress. We hanlly expect that. That ib too good to he true. The ctiniiing traitors at Philadelphia do not intend to i;ive the North any ttch advantage. They see tneir mistake t Bumter, ana rnwe no tnteii tion of ri'iteating it " "The burnt hild drrsd painted fire," says the proverb. Thoroughly t hipped in that method, the fonth will never rik i-okmfr anothttr llitil if it an possibly . be avoided,- The wove nprri Con gr&t upon what this traitor Accident dare to describe a "a body called,' or which awiiine to be, the Congres of the United JStatcV will be made under legs! forms, The trick will be ao cover ed that it will bear asticciou argument of con stittuionality. Seward belong to the Uarnum, not to the Cromwell clans, liut whether a blow come 1 from Jotrcrson )avin' hand, or a trick from the brain of Wnw II, Biuard, either will t.til in the end. We have no funr for the ji mil n -ult. Juttiet will triumph. We have God' pimiiisefor that. The Juw in Egypt, burdened and crushed, never dtmbtcd be should seeCa Dtntii, Uod had promised that, liut Vthvther in lour years or in forty, or through whnt perils, none e-.m tell. V e, too, Until reai lt our i auaan. Hut whether in funr years or ,1'nrty throngh t lint pertla whether as one naLion or two v I- i in r all fathered round the temple at Jem ....it, or wnu tue king tlieie, anotiior in harna na uone can tcil." Unitod SUt9 Senator From Tea. Nsw Orleans, Augnst 25. Hon. l)vid 0. r.nrmit t ha been elected United tltutca Benntor from Teias. EALIICH EI03TIY UAEOT. COKRKCTKl) BY JOHN O. WILLIAMS A , CO., BHOKKI13, RALtlOH, N. a -prick or kobth CAnoi.tK bank HoTas. - Bunk of N, -0., (Uold J (Silver i2ll) U.D..8SI. --""Clll FWrrnr..,....it...,i 21 " Charlotte 1 " Islington at Urahnm 13 Jtoxboiough..,,,. .'. SO - " Wailesliorouph. . . . . . . . . ... . IS - Thn.nasville M ., Wilmington.... 14 " Cinnnioree... ............. . . . .. . .l'l " . Wahingtnnu. .. Fayetttville - " t 'luroudon . ........ . .V.T... V. i 4 " Yaneeyville. . . . . ... ............. 9 Minera'aml l'laiibrs' llank 17 F tfnters Ihmk, Un-ensborotih.' .'. ; 1 C u.iiu rfiitl lMnk, Witmingtmr; ,. .-.'.if 19 Merchant' J!attk( Newborn. .............. ,80 (ireen lmromrh Mutual................... if!'iiiui Lank oUa, alKiut. ..,. .. S3 Nmili ( arohiia . " ..............I 1H t ' !" ' 1 ?fc -,lwnm..iiit,..!Ml..M., ' t 141 ,,r m I ('notion.-.. v.- ' i"".v. 67 mi t nroliii Katlroad Ltmpoiis, I in.vea. i inin no on J.eiv in k ....... .... , ... HI . SI .l.l NATIONAL Jl-VNK iF WUUTII CAKnl.INA. ' ii 11 VI I H - -N. t! I 'elT BNK Ktn t.S. t ..VI .. 12 . . 3 .. h ., no .. S5 ,11 r. 14 .. 4 .. 5 . , li .. 1 .. 80 ..., .V 2 . ,1 20 .; so .143 ,,S:i5 ..!1 ..HO .- 91 xiii -1 1 id at (irithiiin, . oitlt Carolina .. ..... v 1 1"--'. : t vilM. ... i ll slifiro. .......... i!iMington'.",.T. ' :t : I i i n : ton . .-. r .-;v; :ti K-v v i ilrs. . , .... .. ' I Vt I ! in melon. , , i;,v', ti-horo .7 (Old) .. i', N en li-rn.. I M-tiiier'. . . .v.' rr." 1 .1 Le.r iik notet", avcr:ifr. . ina . , " " ' ". -'...)..: ';""-- i t irniidH ('ii!;iul!i nd.ii lbkilroktl t'oiijMins.. , r.i't ia (i s, ten Coupon on. i (n i.i-v York, I. .. VI i.Tii.' MiKlll "CAIIOLINA, 1 JollNhlOS C'til'STT, ..,; Hit, ltd. v !v If'TiTeti'.t. b-ii -n linn ii -i-hlit - riiil.iii .l I" !', -rl the t'i'tltl 1,. I t f .r Hif e-j ini v i.l J...jil..n, nu v i f i iniiii f, i and lii-ih" l l . v it. . : r. V" '."",' , I ,1:" et-c lii .mi fJ (. .1 I v I'i nili'r t-i M-vii inert f!(-e, " , ',. ('! anil .H'e!er of t)i ... ,- i,. i 1 '' ' '"t "t t.,i. , I). '"' '" I l.ij,i.v.l, C. 'A M. E'i - f J ll M 'I , -CTiV A?.;rT AXD .tIX!-TI. Grsntl t( I --u i - mill liall Ii, n-liilmv iiii.miii I to 'i'l i i Hill, of Hi ptiiiiUr, at JUNKS' :.'ii v .rrent'iMinty. will take place piuvely I i" i'l.' I ill of S. H, Tnlier. I.teiy si-rstiK.-au-iit Itu. U-en mad to reader the KiaMrrtjs tnAiteUiiiifnij--. 4l;Aiig.2-td Proprietor. iOK t:T NT.-rnt'il the IsbJaneerv. Ifuff, n,e tl.ai I ii..t l4.'.lfttelv ieeued My kni 'rak 1 Tfitwin, TlttW. r. PUiP-iK, or . llt.tltt.V, . . - . Vt itl ilT A I.iwm. -.Ait-r. ai-. . MIOliS! ttllOliHtl lrl l . e Jnt remitted s bctiitritl asnnHment of ),n i i Mini n fur LAHil.H ami JiiNsiH.-. ,u ,-n'id J5ota ami l.Umora! Mhk fur tienlit. . . 1 . - A. K. A i. MvKlSIMOS. Am,', aa tf notii: AG.tlXt i utn vmiun co., ii,"iitii'k, J ttwr eld bums (hmnnrlv wctiiiieit l.v R. H. oiinir.) ulneh has bean r inloll and motl-riuaed, ami wiiiet seall fiom ttii-ir frn-ttiin iul the pnl.lie., We Ki.nti HiH-ii be ai-ic to call your stttnitinti to ft i M'.W AND IdlSlJiAIILg HTOt'K '," of 111 t inter 0.4s. " AHI) W IlEl-T.F.H CO. i:..r. : ;., c. An.:;. ti' - ." r . X 0 Vi" 1 . ; t iiiie Tiil.le ami f.vketCntlen-, liii;.;.t mill Vt""nn fJ ire Itiitn J to Sillehns i..e; hwei di hvn, t artt and tUiHttir, btwl, band Iie-n; tl tins. Ilniid and lea Vt iiiii-re ; .' t Oiiktni; Hioves ; various l'atwnts : , --AO Ki-k Nifctis, Untu pvuiur, ltNO lint. Jliioft IrtHi, ami li inehes vide. M'oli s general aiMnrtutrit of Xools anil iiutluem1 mte'tittlit. -I.. J. PdtOWN, -Ai'Mf lVuhlUar'ALHai. Clt-iicritl foimuluion Mrrcliniits 03 BEAVER ST. JTEW T02K. ' ' JS0.:P0TTS BB0WN, 1 - .... LATE OF I1HOWN, DeUOSSETT A CO., - ZcUbUabed la K. York la it fc.- : Ricnn. si. (I'TitKR, - Lilwrnl sdrsfliws nisite on Consignmsnta. Ang, Wt-Jtaeika -' , . : ' . , riMi S M ilTAI.I.SC Kt J ALttSlii, THK I NT'l'liKIUSKl keeii nmslnnl'v on I ,id, fi,r mt;- r'B-k-e sVtebrstnl MK'I'AIXIO . I I I, I At, CASIX.. ... ; "J tietto ww see Iterreetiv air Uilit altil In. I- i-lm;ti. bl, and fir tniaeelinir ftmi iitmervtiiR tbei it. :el, sit rueiiiuiuenot il to lli jintiiie hii tiiti Ih-m evur uoeisU'ii. ' l'ins and Walnut t'oiiliis kept u luiiid, and untile to ordiT, t tdinrt itiitiiv. . - - A llKAlK k4'4 imi hsml, tuul calln tu alU-nd 1'ult ermla ittumtitly atletided Uh - . ... , l!-Vtv J. l-vovvs. . Ojniiiiti Hit Aijiiiia htHigo, lunei'ii, AiiR. sum , . 0..Afl V JOIlSTO, . o ii o o ii n''s''7" VOn M l.-M(. ill iiliC II A N I s : Of) A. Ill rumor M., rETEHSHUJUJ, YA. ... K. IONIVATV, COMMISSION MERCHANT Govruijon STnrrT,: ; IUC1I.MOXD, VAT We eoiioitiiii l do a Oenersl (Irocitry and rtmmln Inn HiiMiieiM, at 'air old m-and, lull and lit Hyoainur BHiw't, Iilwbwi1t.ai. .. , Cmmum iitniif tiiliiteeo, (Vilt.iit, rtirii;Wi''t Iitil all I'lmiiii v I'riiiliiee sill tucveonr jwwnat Bttenrmn and the lii'tiln-at market irt.-es olit'iim-iL All Tiibam-o fur H. 11. lui!,.NA', iueliuiond, ill Its fnrw atiUid fre nt t Iihi s. . tli'dem fur linti'erieii iiriiitin'lv filleil snil tili'iiiied. . 1MJNNA.NH A JUllNMUei. - Atijf ? ftwtv - - ....-ji ' j O It ti H. L A N V X , JOHN H. B S At A K , or TK""t'o, or Bciiti.asd N'w s, N. C. ,iosi:iMiii.iiv;iAif, late of Tarboro, If. C. I1CI, III "11 . (., (;rii'rnl otiiini-.ltn . r l-nuls, f'.ir l'ie f i'e "f all I iii.ii i.f s nlle-rii in'mlnee ami 1-ni I'. ' t . .. o:. ! J ! A i.-. i.i if kinasi.-v! fvac:.(2! . f.? .. Tiivr i.Ai.i.i: Mm n 'i' h,; ttlMld, liai eiillie, eiilHi"! lit nf fcil. if tnlter- i KEN'S - EIIOI'I,' r.- ' ' V '. L0Y3' - ' " " - ZZ2 c.iitrr.rN'S" i ; Tli Iriai-j.':'' 1"t 'vtr lrrtii,ltt to titt t'lty. " " ltir '1 1 ( KI.'U r"tHiiii in tli !Sii'ih'm Mar Icfirt nftti hot y titniwif Wt il jMwioei m Ui rjuaiiljr nud tuvu us ii call. Wf ran w f. !I Trn rhtnp. - w. ii. t u. a i t'tuut & co; TilE 0UGAS . HAS UAL j .. ..,..., : ':r,J' i"", f"B the t'fiE or AiiiHti'iirsttii.I tlnirili tioiiiitiittcc. t'.H.I.lllltlill fni-eelinlia and f -: r. . V r - - tl tl 1' i-.-l ile-ntiMm ill iui, iianliiit an Vi . -i u, and t.i i ...i -n t'i-p-Hlllita hi re.titv I IJilierillK and o' in r 'j'le en-nnl. In silli-iut ti,i.'ie-.4..iiiii-e ..fa Imi.!. r ; , I f lil-ilnliY i.' 'I'lllitiliiJAN, and blMlAhn.'. -v Jif tio:visihL'Cll'i.N. . ' isy kkv. iii'MU' Mi'ii"i.i:i, ji. .t. - Iiri'ilhv T-ihI. ;.;e, r.;ii-;!illtL. ' - . - - Viih'itM AI,rrS'T'I'?C,''"FAiii ilr'-T It-iftif' on-tli B nt the lie, .1 (nieiii an a eui..iiiiiie. iiii,rai.i! witH sit Ijik'ic. h'it f' r hi in 'he iliMlmi .mii-ic Jt.ill. - ' jVie'.'.'r.eeh!.'."".'"'!''! ''''' I '' I: - III.II KHllir.lK it. O I'uMl 1 "ia. Aujf. 2t-t-i --' - '. J.uiun. kf W t'l'O. ' ! 3- !'. . ..... Halt iiil- V M H rii. il, ' tii -Hiire inin ei a. t .ii .iiier linilfceter.- ... ? :'V' : -;' " ' .5-., '; ' " " sj IT ( bft b!it;1 Bvw ffV- )"n d:-fov. Hali 4 1 ' Wv jTwntHi Ttv.'i an? ! mr tt wiii Ut nil vr tsttim n.r It xum w i (ll.ooo i;::-.-.in if t1 aKIi iltna llitir It fft-itj in n'i fiiAtj ft i . n u-"'. in Hi: i ac QUI' ittHr ut iitmit. t .."V, Hitu- ' ...... mi b ' Si i r-- ... ;H 'Hl i.r. V lie. It,. . .tl. Hi hti i:mti tl.vil IN new . A"k fei !' ,.i Vesf'ln r ana ions t m net p. iiii.i. a in, r,.,ri . .We-n N. Tf..'"' fT tt..l. lit it!) Itriwinrm. V i,imms As. lisvwo9 SHU r.r t'-i-ead, lialeith,N.C. -. 1i. hi ln.-iu.il ..m. g o m ii T ii i r. iv ..'jUNDEIt TJIK HUN.' acino- Let iho SufferiiiK sod Iieaed read thi fnHuW ing. """'; ', ' I.t all ho hivs twn Rtven u bv fAwttfra. " (Hid jv.feeii of Utcuraldu, .ruad tlia fi lluwuiK. tf Li I ill V.I10 en believe fm tu nd can have filth in sviileuvw, ruad the fiImtii.c : Kntir oil mt'n hi tf'tit ,.,... '!!,.(. nn ,... itn TwbiiIIi III it V nf June, in . .i-i, f ,,nr I,ni, -tine Hi"" id 1 lit l!li..ileil an. .:iiv l l.i rm.lnHiy i-Hlne J.n-ie.h i.m.i.. k In it -, i iii.iui iin ..i, ij, mill be. 111-4 ilinv iii.ii n, li- . I I wir 'ili.it lie in ttlH ie in I -tl n el J.,1 1 1 in I ..u. .( Mule, glut ,it.H'H--n. i. 1' l!1 (..ii.. He ' :e i kiii.an-. I M Alii ii i i. I'll Jji llni M IA I., mel teiU tits fol iii; eei-i.-ietil-. i ftie Vei i.svMn t....e i. t, U,tf l.t.'Of . hill klinttll Uge Stilt tli llef. JASU.M km Km 'i. ;.- - -t, "h ' - N'lini'V Tnl-lie, ,, , W AX HlreetNeW Vulk, ' .Tune t, l"i'ti.' ti. V! nii.ii't.:- I l;e tv e-i-n lit vti n vim nf mr ((rest reiiei suit thai um t ml imin in mv i i.li. li.i, left in at teat tluutka teytair menu in, iih, liiK-tur, horn tlisiikfttl I aiu that I ran pet aemti nlu n, i can never mite It hmhii Ii. 1 tim ynu n - en an I snd sm mm that y.'ii si v t -w tie ii.iiiini ern. 1 e. ,i ul 11.4 le . s i ,i ,, i, a,tl .1111, I.f. Jiitl IU llol tiifee it mniii, r '" ... jr vv ' i." L......'.. .'..'.'.. - 1... A--. I.i.e I). Tlik In tflCertiMlett I wan ,!. .,1m t f, Ilia 1 i,f rtn wi'li 1 line. in J.eiiiii.m, .i l,. i , lr. iliiKiiiel 1 ii i. Ke Turk, At.rfl T. Ile3. , "T t , , , e. I. Nejr 1 ThefilltmineiM an li,t-nr.'iinr ft.n'ut h,.uiiui. plitV'Cd ttl Bit li ..tl J-iilllim V. V iH, in J..ni, ie lueiteii trim tnln s tl.i-.k timt tl udji h.! i, i imi '. 1 it), , IIIIM.IIIII. 1 illl llieltl .1 Hull HnN till el- 11 HI 'I ttinf M, linn III S lie-tin, I Hliiiwer, ln ),e t ij t lit lit ea-liiiin. 'I he f-.ilimiinf eeiiiiifiilu van uiii h Uitiie ln huiiiilrtil eljllt Seeks Btii 1 tllii Sellili lit. ' ' New Ymk. Jan. H. I - Jtff Bums I Jaiiifc llnrdT! 1 in nn linn t.nie.i. rt I Was bltiliv tilllllt liV lint lliifl it, i.ii..nii r I i. m. bams liesletl, Imt 1 Inel riiiiiimu Nm-e mi n . i - (hut would Hi l eid; 1 hit d Mnii i' t n deiite. an. it. enreil m in a few i kit. 'J Inn i ml line, m l in. i In.ilv ran bow mt B si JneUini linn W.uka. 'fed ,' i .. . . 4 . ...... , .. ... J IB ie.it n k tiimet. ""'""' trmrt rVtri-'sw4Ma.9i.av..",,'.'.'r 'f Csd ut ai tn tii; Sfj-icuTa IMIs kite uui a It. iti "' ty ens." . . "Tmir Tills ar Mai'VukMia.?. . . 'I send fur SIHitlier bn. and keen tl.em In llm t "Pr. VsKklvl has enr, d nu- lieada. hiv tl. it Was liriitiii?. ''I i'vi- Imlf uf (mi, nf iifir l "j tu rir I fur - ehiil.. is lien inin. 'j up id r iiitle tiling H'ii. 4 in a . .My nait-i-s tif s fti" "V I. i.f " I- n-'W ill . . .1 1 U lt ti,r in. t.. BiaU." , I have ovrr Z. Jn '.i , led waiii of ajiiiis emi i t r, rf"-Tr a? - . j: .:-: i r tr.i4' nt'-iiititt t- it r ii or b "(, r. vii'' ti if it ' b-.i-t i-v ' ' r' OUt till! t lilt-t I biti'l Hi.d i - A . A ' J ii i 1 'jpc:T:";.:ri::ir II. V. V.I'-. tumue n. I.i t (tirv 1mm n in ..v . rit'.- i.l 1,.v iiiv'-.i h i i Il.e., I..-.. 1 li. , . av." t. J. . -.' ..haniglt, j,J .; t( , Au3. 1 5 tf call that bad jut beo nmde npon him I") Aojf. 10-tt ' ' .. i . i

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