turning rtaat Whm t ttatanlay ami WJiiay. Termi: .. v ". A . 'v nifc- :.- Wwklr, iirr, to advaaaa, $t fenbVi, ua year, la advance, 1(9 avail waokly, ii aianlht in ailvaaea, $ it) ti f, Jt, ' . Wail l witlik - ' f - t If tlire motit'i J ' "TwHnt-jr aBht.-JTr-""-" ,-e : ... . .Jt. Amm . , SE'.II-VEEK LY. YOlt.. 1, in The laxt New Ik-i J'imt tflvt- an account of meeting held fit Newborn, la week, to cu itlcr tlie propriety of electing delegate to a . Slat Convention to convene in thi city. " The TiiHrt due nt give tins otiU-ial proceeding of i ihaltuevtlnif. U sat the meeting wa "larjre and ettfhutiiiuilic" one, Ixit only mention llio name of aix white person present, and only tttu of tfttwe are Noriit Carolinians, " - Mr. CK. 'I'Uomii, UteSccrebiryof State, and, , later, Prealdent f the Atlantic It.- 11., whom? political gyfution bare been neaily m wiry am) clungeful aa thoee of bis leader and fiictid, W. V. Ifiihlt u, wo the .'hiilimaii f tli tn,i-tiug. Hi Radical proclivitie have, how wcr -Wit . well known, llr. K. K. Stanly wa the Secreta rya very fit pjtiitti if a Ihulicul uitn(ln, 2Z ilauirt IC-L ilwiuL"!. IL K. LtUwaw, ud i. -W. Wardrop, were the commit tec on resolution. Tbey are 1'ankec" dyed in Hut wool, and n-pre- " tentative of Charlt Sumner and Thd. St'e- - Tens.. McHbra. E W. Carpenter, II. J". Lehman - wad other addreaard the mcoting. " W have had aome wry telling disclosures ' from Washington in regard to aotue .of the o " ton in thi meeting, and, if w mistake tint, Mr. E, W. Carpenter i the Reputed author of " those wonderful teJegriuiM and li ft era hulling from North Carolina, newly a year ago,' w 1:1t h gave such woful account of the treatment of '-4UwkiateS.utIi,fij:'iiK!ictl to tlieNurtli crt Radical pre. We klimild not he mir prised it mnn of lltr m-rt wrmwmn ertnjnrcfl np -to effect aa 4l'j't. Moat of those ilinjtatrhcs hailed from Kuleih, lut are saUi to have W n , manufactured in Kewbrrn, " and Tentihitml " tHrotifili a then willing innliuw beiu The Virginia presn culled ' tin m Hihiijh-ffnimt, anil hence cvtrj thinjj ree, ii-e. from l:,i!eij'li : in the Mjupe f a telerniii, for kimiih lime,: n looked ujwn with misii-ioii .md tniitcd with a , I xrge ih'grce nf allowance. Some lihime, at the time, wan attached l the t;lcjrnph operntorti here, hut we aooii sjitislii'd ouiwlres that they had mulling to do with thent, except to manip uktc the' wire under a imiioiisilitu name. --r.TfcjJut)inB approi'e of the cull of a Con ventioo to tw held in thia city on the If Ih. Inst., A tn oiyanlw in the Stiite (lie numittiduUy lyal Well. We hi eg! ml to ee thin. e are nncioiis s to know who in North Carolina are the Iiadicala "and rnemint of Uie I'ninn nnd Constitution of . the Tulli d ainten. We are anxiouato know who are the bnnlstukally Johnnon men and who are not. Wo luivu alwaj t classed Jlcssrs. niomas and Sdiii'y, I'utive N.r!l, Carolinian, (md there are a lew more almut Newlern,) in p.Hitii ul ai ford, fand opposed lt tlov. Worth,) with the ?w Mil J!Mt Ii iiin;;er, Leh IUH.O, Wardmp, C'.irpenter Ac. '1 lie time ha coewwhrn they lnmll ti niy; tin ir I uniuia out. We liijj koine of i.nr fiienl irt Newbern, whom tet plus io n"' n.t.iiiitnL il'y ,il men, true mi a t ;, -i.t-i.t Johnson, Gov. Wmth, the I'niun and tin! ou-.tit.tiion, to I veils a full arvnuntof this tiiei tin ami keep in adviwd of tliem.ivtmentit of the j:.tdii !i!a in Hint lee tion. ' ki our Hejnpliie column yesterday uioriiin, it ill lie ji.ciil.s-U-d. a )umvi 'i-l-.t'eri Whiihsiut ilmt Ik-ij the news ot the amrfti of t'le I'liilmli'lpluHCoiivi'tHion rr hed l.iiierpool, VJIlfcderate Immu'h imme ' -.d ly went in. llany persona uo d-iulit r. .l tVIs, r.n.l 1,.v . i peoji'o li - ttt 1 ti,l- t tin . fo 1 1... t the HuJIii..m of tt.ii ,, ' .Ui two. altoj.'rtlier. ISnt tln r.- is ..e , .Curtain, viee, f i an 1 that American I. ,e i -t ! ,i .Vimtld the Jul ahuuld Ih- dis-liin"' h en nut or t!ie Tu. iinkii.ru will tr i.i ';"'' tiie United !' t ie Sis ret. J,-ir!- , .Vii wi-.iii.h) in ,'i , t' t one ilo!'.,r . t. t J he piti.l. if t! e t ' n oi. ly Le t , . i j. ifid of the wo;,, ' ir hands. Kut is t" 'It .t ) not aee, thc.t if t'e ,T !,n t'lere will hu mi ' ! i to ;t up 1 ' I i t' !i t'te other 1. '. if ' . ' ' fiat the l i f t ' ' i i t .'f t: .-r i.n j, j - "i . , i nf i-.n wm,; . . . a .. 'i "liU ci if!' ('., , i , 1 a H;.iiiiit t',i; i . , , - i , . .- nv-iitof tl.p , , ,.( i : ; , , j gltt'il Rial.. s tint 1 t'.e 1 1 r. - ! iS iii-v r rower cf tU ZUta ConveutioK. I he tullow inj ijuery lins hren propiwed loua oya(l unkiimvii correspond, nt, which we shall ttawer pnmiptly: ' V I . j- . .. . . ... . ' " . ' . liutiorr r fi rvmrmrr. it tliu i.mnon ex prenseti riy j.i,i. i;m:in, tli.it the late htate Coinention w.is , irmah.-tiui.ii.il (a ml. withmit fmvrr In utl, or the ofiiiitun e.n -se.( h Judire ei iini, imii me etmvenuon w f . ' ),otrr to , ifr Hit lirmimilutn el . lyt , J (J,-t n.-t i,. I, i.i) eein-i t, liow can I he i o the btnte hold no th clion in Oi lobi r nevt, U,r (Joy ernor uiul ileiiiU-tn of the (ii n. i.,1 A nihly f The ordinance nppointiti;: mill clcclion hei'iw an act n mint convention m June l-t. Be pleaned to answer and o'ili'je a ' hep. I, lN.it. ' ( ITIXKX TiwopiuioHs of Ju.,;e Kuflin uml Jud;e Manly, In regard to Ihu powifH of the lute Piute Ciiuri'niionr are s'un !v thu piTnonal npimnnror ,'eiiih;iin ti, leitiiud ie i',.- law and tit miicli worth and tiiflueme a liiwen. The f fleet of thiwu opinions is simply moral, ami carries no more lej.d f ive tlum tins opinion ot otln r propie " The ipie-.ti.iiw, -t, :is to whether the late State Convention n.u nhgliiiuatB W.y, with full p'lwer M do the w oik of a crm-.titutional Conuniiiiii, or not, or whether its power were legitimate within certain limit ny during the cxi.Umcof the riovitiouaHiiHuniiiient, must tie Jun !t judicial questions, and tha Court of the Si.ite nod the I ni'cd Kui,-s alone have ju-ritniiilinH-oker theuir The opinion of Ex Cliief Jtistic-u lit'T:i tm.l of H Jud -e Manlv w-tlie if'thir;', only so f.ir as Itu r cut iuce lln-ir read. rs of their correctness The ordiiianeeii and ailjiol tlm Ci)uventii)!i, except in no lar as they have ln-en rejected. tiy the people, remain in force, tthet her they lie organic or atnlutaiy law, and inii.it he executed by Ihooflici-i ot the law as fiilhtully and rigidly M if the powers ot the Convention h,id tu t. r Imn (pie-.ti.ined, un til they shall l declined null and void ly the .Supreme Court, or be resciiidcd t.y a future Conrentlon, or uuliryuch law as h U within power of the Lp ''jT-Taae to auuiii, are repealed. The Cungn-Mif iheL'uiled Ptates, usurping au thority not convlitutionnl, ni.'j- dis. 1 iro the en tire action of the Convention null, Lut the only legitimate auiln.i-i'y ia the pnvi-rnnn nt wlwh Las the potter un-l the r''.t to ih-i lure the Con. Teiitti.n-a uiirpii.r I". '" nrlo dirl.-d i's acts titill and void, in ti.o jn ,.. ;..iy orle Couita, in their decision upon specific cast Involving t':..)ie qu".lions, when l.ronyht regularly 1m fote theni. If tl.ii t.e coir..-, t, it matters not what t'.e J c- nlo twn.k HI I c t j'ii, ..fii.n, . I jljj a. ts and ordinances inn 1 1, md and have the f.tice ol law, t-.M ipt th'. c ui.Iiiiuuce inseitin m w mat tcr in tln Conntlliiiion width just l.t-en rejietci ,r t:. r , j; (:iC h ;,(,1()r,10 elcttii.n in h I..'., r I, ,j ji. M u ii ' t'.ufcd t. the p. 4 '( and 1. .s imt .. r ,i p ' t, .1 l.y tl m. I fence, t! ,.t pof- .n f !., . :;.,, e j;im,f the tlc tim.s lor t'i" j n nl u-ir ip tlip law of t'.e I..I..I. ' ' "t 'ih till! 'I I ... i t.uti any ft . i:tft .1. 1 j ph tnte a tf in. y I- . : , i : nd ti, y )-! w.;i .t it IYmi Faci.t is Tkiva yon iin.-t r,i II . , i i i gOIJie tio'P ll-.'Tli . .r time. 1m i i . m . an w In n C v mo I ' . I Doth .in ,i inn laiim r. son lii v ,1 e i - the iu r, ....i i. i .-. . , ed fur t pi'. i'e no I j n -it. rn.rleliH: !. .r i (lu ii i.r m nun' .. 1 . d. 1... '.r ai i ; r .id I tlltl'S t if !" ' , y t. ' find i. it "i i. a e of If ii in!, m i. r i i; etcns i, uii ! ton ! , I the ri mi'i'i't I e m e . The above is c -r. t fs fl. ! f 1 ' n ii !'."! fault, , ii' pr ' it. :n lu w hen , and ' lii:ui at the. ime.l to rt i t w-tihout witnci'-nrs.- find Inn n. i u-.. d pi r- 'i i e j. iUtti..tw a i t .e I, .i.it, an 1 w ,tt. h. r ti'tic I r meiitioiiiii'; , t. .j Jour i hil i V 'i '' ni'eni -s i f ' t i- uii:.;s, suiiBti. ' s r. ..( te i f to Clliphull 1 ; w .it. nt n't 1 i ! i H r .h-ct on " ? Fi tlteS-ntioel, 'l"uip, Kiwiiiiiti.T, lute !'rosor of Af;r;- "'- tural I hrmislry at the L uiversity, harei.i.; Hedesi .,is devoting himwlf to f ftning.' STf-sksKiiitokk;- Theahovv ( .trTrapb,cut iri'in a wie eopy ol tha iyeittin, j, coiitaiii a woi Id -of w jjslom. U poiuta to the ps;h of duty, and mi in uii- nir omy mean tetr t s tor the rwinu- aiiim ot ourttusol.iieil ws l. . must all go ti hard work, and that wjk flinuld, tor at nasi lew yi-.r, i,e jurmt.v. It i idle t- talk or think of prospering at the t 'i m. I uer in-ultiire, im Willi It allother i. t i-nd, has i.ivu rei-Ial.liliel. It in in vaii to linpe for the mcatalilinlnnciit of any eiliciwit aj'rieu tuial sfstem niiinii! u cue. nt tlinui the permiiutl l.ihur, direction and enemy ol the trfutt k.iii it l!,t Tin, dcstinv of tin country is in tli-'irhan.U. They, and they a.lone. tan oi til ledcitu it. flie i ankce and the tor- ei;nireluse tocine iilnoi! us. ft tiiey come, tiny arc nir i ipul In tlm great ' wmk aineli irotidcnce lias east upon io.ra.-lrc, The lie.;n, so IV.un takinm a ninlrulling ihllii- nice in the recuperation ot the r-oulh.cnii wart ely w i worn nt an, or only when tuemnte man lal.or t.y Ida aide and lc,,hi the way. th, while ptople of tUuouihtuustatt tlwcx. Hiiij ic nt manual lahor. A tica. J). U. Hill ;. ii 1" y llo art u le on education, inaiiii d l.ilair must "heroine the ladj;e of.inuii hood, p-iti iotisin and unsellishu!!t,n ' Two mu ce.snive I'iiiliire of all our crops, a rin mnstunco r.evcr la fore known at the South, and threat ened, w idenpread famine, all warn us tu delay no lopger. We hunt too tit my copsitmers Shut; ot. us must lieeoine prodm cj, ft of. I. i..i- Iiii!i li.w t a nolilr and nn'it'.la rxampic. Let the siirpliu white popuhi;inii of the town nn.l t i'1 i;. 3 i .i the Mwiti1! !! and pp!y their iiilelhi i me, enteipri! and tikid ill tins produc tion i.fyur r.-al fclnple. J-t tnany of the ahle lHidied nu n idvti nil their niacin of ease iid po.itimi, to the tu'Me and Iulirui, and land Ili-ir i-neryics t.i the j,r..th rmonand to li.tcco. There U i ait ,i and honor in encli a policy. It in slnoiictul to ee halo, hearty young tuen coiiMHttin-; '-to clerk for their victual and clot hea." n licit mite lie hefore them it thpy would wid.v fio dt the plow. Sm li men nhould no lonifer I reei..iiied In hsent wa ii Iv They hute the iHiikiv and they curse the' lie I'ro; ).n(, u ucs,. than Vaukee or n-.-io. the hriii;' ih-honor on thi-mselvi-s an.J tin ir couiititr by rci'iiMiij'to Hoik, and colislitutmsr themsclvea into nil ati.iy ol idler, l.uf.n and vacalainda, who coosumt! the .iilisi ine.0 ()t the land, and keep us all in pnveiiv and ruin. '1 lie Biinlll Can never pro-pt r mo lontf as nhe tolerates the present xtii v ot thiuex, Tho cvij, exsitiphi of indolent w l it- no-n iiHin'' ahoii' (,i,r tottio. im.l vill.nfcs is nit fiKtiiM-i-af.il -harrier itie unprove- . Went ot the IrecittiKsit. Let, tlteicin.", tlie pub lie press speak nl.m.l and tpmp not on all lln -p fllll'l CIS. I.el, ,,, the t.- ,.,( and O'd oilier Unit In- n.ic. .1 a ,,n-t t. . tn.loh nt and ViVion mmmest na.' v ; . in aid lit tn. -e remedii'M, let the hn-e lmidt'd piopii' lii ml ipt the Ju.i.y ol cuu.n.f up their immense. e-i,ite i-i'.i Minall and conveni, nt farms, and sehiie Ih, m out. oil rctisonable t.'iins, t. ihe lion l-in,l.,., ; s of the couiiln- I hese l.o -e esl.-.li-s i-(niiiii nit immense pr tii.ll lit i.-il- I-. A 1 in I-, and it is l' ' ! '., 1 proper that the labor and cnergie of ti.e cumi l'v 'h.mid l-e t i.i,ii i.-.l on our I r s,, , t ' ! tl n lie - I t shop! 1 be i - ,. e iii.ll ciii.iv it. -! in the t i, 1 1 ,r1s i, i,t. ) - j. f mm r rcid t i ton ,,-n, ,p tlHMntitiiiiK ol indiisti-iiiu i, pr.ti-i i.i-iuKj while men t tie tttiitii liirnn-is g'c on worn-iilttfceliU ami tinrren n.h'm, poln v would prove if t:.e end id" Vnt In to the hii!,' landholder tV-niseli-.-s. If ! a ji. eds And ceriniii ttie-.i, of a.i.j.o.r ti Value ol all n-drstaie. 1 . w ':. ' i nati! lots or hums, tln-y would (i , in years, their Teinniiii.ii'f hunts jiren1 ' .i -i' II is tne pi.,.1 y that n piiu? of J'ljiiu-e utier I.Mi-.r au. wsfs. .It Ih the .iii!n'V that Jmi given, ot J. nt. si. h ttonj i 'I nni,iis to the in ti !:aRAPHic. -v-rt-on r.ro',1 ..low en tie imcnts,--rrril nt io"y .i Rf it, &a, - , ' H Ai'ai-i't -.iios, 1). C'.,K.7t. 1, P. JI. I)nr,. t, of .Ni Oileani, and Parxt t Hiottu low, of 'li-nncsM --, -puke . r mass ininn ; in I'hila.l.-': hi.i, lnsi in, hi. i'lie lonnerKHid, tmv r nor Vt t..lt-, e- !tni-m-ti-His liom v as,.iii.'t.iii, biled every i vh m. p ia ,,( piy,.,, i an I ,ron.!,.rl fi . - ' en her in ihe fi, -. of the t. . E met, and u , d he ue, , d ti, iti in the tuiutwlni; year, noon.! tt.it rhcte.l to the legislature, who would mHh.tte coiihitleivd it an unpardonable insult to hie Ui-n railed n L uion man. liliine.liali !y weii s.', n thu direful conse.pi.-ni e ,- odious lis' mi 1 1 .ns wi'ic5 m-ide in very t1 i-i-i n.n ; rinmu ', iie.l ',-ives weiefip- pn I, t - I iii-tiiv or i' in i .ki. i i-iti; not" At-iitn dc-ccnt, or nt ipn'ou Micplea, in mo t ii-,.tilers(.oi.ld not be obt.iim I, and thin was oiieunsnii why lojul men turned their at tention to the tiioui'htof re Convoking the I ".invention ot li?Oi. 11 ibvhired that the Pre, i.h-nt a interfnrencp in the ml ill's of New tirlrtms produced the tcrriblu resslt of July audi, s!1 iiiiitluiij in.-u were fieeiuj? to tiie North for pro tection and Ireevpetii'h, We sk for the ei.li.m chisenieut of the Negro, wil limit whose ai I, he says, the loyal while men of Louisiana ai,..(it re create a loyal (lovcrniuetit. lion. W. I. Kelly ttnid he wi.shcd to intm-diii-e the great and valiant t!ov, llrowulew. fn the course of bin brief rrmitiku, lie aaid the present Conj-rei. wit the most patriotic l.(, ty in the wot i I, and bw never "been ov. 1 l 'y any, but the prt.seut l.ei.i.datuie if '1'. mi. ce. lie said f.inuer, "if another war comes I wunt uu ii divide ytrttratiny -inw ttii-pp pr! Let the first and Inr.;. at come armed wi.li w. n ona and do the killing. Let the Hecond Cme with live torclte and do (he burninf. Let the third come wivh gtirvpvor line add re-m..ik out, and rc-aetlie the cnimtry -thca are my aemilllellts," . 1'rul, loi!"!.is piibli.die a I. Iter accept in;' position 1 '. !(!' ite to the Phih.di Iphia (miiint- to) Convention, Ii .mi ftowYmk.and says, if thin Convention ahull receive me, the event will c.-r-taiidy be aomcwhut i 'iti.i- ant of pt,. '.-eas ; it" they reject me, llicv will only i.leiln.r I bet 1- vra wiih aiioihert (invention, wliu h i..m ineitu Ulotivca turned tin hack upon Its true bietnis.- cd f. ii!, Vc-j.iiid iic. 1 t' e (V T r uel-liiy In t..e ttiMi'Cl,- resit ity ii ' .-a in the i"..'.ui ' L . The 7V . j t.f ye .'ei , I , v, in ' an .nor I'cih. i n i 'i .1 . . i a,,. . OHt of the V ill', U!.,i 1 id l,,,, ) 1-Viii.ii: tutu ( aimd.-t, m 'is the 1 to-tit to t.!,n int,) . r.u.M cons, i. is.!-i;.iy, ,.'. t i,(. , , p'ov- .(i).s ( f the petit -y'latts t ot U...i.l,t j.s-is (,( (. .,, t'oiton in ,H!l'J (i",li s In, dally urn-ham: w nil's, .,tt. C lu.,.. ; pin '.in. 1 1, t tket . 1. i s ol t . l. j; ,in f. n ti.i'd li",. t it . hi ; I , f.i-W V. n..-o. n;., l'lilk dull .crti i m li-Mipona .U:l I.e.;.: J.'KtV Yel "i, ! i f- r f. i t. .. t'otli.f) d.,; .. fhuil di.il, 1 finp fir tun i , .'i 1 ; J, didl Kt.T( .pr it: U'.t'ui i, r.r.tciiJcjnent ia one cf t'.. He Yutk I .nk-Arrc'.t of tli- C i'.:4y T f Nl. ' YlK K, I t. 1 Is. il. Cieo. II. Itri;'"', Pnvii'7 T.-ln-r Im-t -e 'i Ihtnk.wa!- icrduvan. '. ,1 o-i t ..; i h- , it cniliezliii,.; Inimlicl t'.oi, .( il,," ,,. fninls of !i fi.tnfr.- i.l I.-. S li.l I I cell til h,- h I l Ol I j It il. i,' ami h.sinit bi-nv1, at villi. 'iti . , t throii,r nt the cil v, and, on 1-. ., made a lull cm I' .inn of his .-i,, !, lb i-i y Ward T- ,. the j.!! 1 1. i-cii i, i" ih, cic-iti i md, pt. ir, Pretmh-nt, ein-.fs l-' -h tlte j ui'i. ,'s 'J l-i u hei it Iter "It il i. It- IJ. ot j-"'d. It rn- mull and vioiiiati in tin; to the Hohcr i.-, '-.:iiini r pie, which we li.iiic wiil will till I II, , i ,.i , liiouirhuiii ti 1 1. greaii-it niiesti,.it w hit h Ainei lean pnl ie. Hannibal llaniliu h-i ilbetor of this p.., i Hint the I'd .tih.nl i ier s,,i, htt lici , i. hi nitt 1 1 Koi iiin ii, , The 1'rei.i.h nt arrived here t multitude. Pieiti-1 him wiih cv-ti-'ii of honor, as Jj.is l . n i,.e t In r i i . 'l'h t ;.!,( nn.iii.i.. " i, ( ... . i h s ti;p fni'ii . uiy 1 1 I f th si Sj.ii. .1 us a ui't i i . ni '.r, at Auburn, i 1 ii naidsoii rushed- tow .'if 1 " I' mils wh (! n ( f i ins It Vk.m f-luiHi ltd. , mid 1 T.. .-. : 1, -' A Y tl- inn . a at A'- iff I I tu : el.'.ll I. rt pn 1 I I ,.l t i t At ' ni--nt ivjt.t jHit-ri) I, I 'rn-- .-t. Ji is i! I,;,, 1 1 our ou i! y ai, 1 1 1, in wild sm li amazing rapnblv ki ' i our people hi.uth, tin in w ilh new z, id nn.l ct : ' -.rrl t ,s- r,ran V. est ws inn- pi V th-.f . V. e .. I!, S po' V. '. ' I v. U t , ! II! 1 (III H Mi) rs Vi.ii 1 ti i .ml,) mi t t' f ...it. 'the lu!' - nil I-1IM e, i.i, . . i .d 1 iiin . ,ui I core oh 1 1 c to hi-nt t repl i ) ..ha M i . ul time, th .lis, in 1 1. i th.it Sun. 1 fall in ' utility ot t're" i . t era oi i.. M t 1 i t I it 1 e r . The Colo of Ir. ,t- -r. Sr. Jitt.-v', 1 r., ' 1 i,.' -1. .uiit-r Tii"rn"ii ai.iied )., ,. t h It Lie. ' aide II. . t oil In.,,-. i' oi co.il, Ac. At fiat tunc, tne nt .. t.ti tin.' fur a spot loit mile tf toe Cttbltr Will hlld f-,4 v.-ir i t im t i,e , ,- i i . i liil, ' t ,.h ,, . 1 1 j . ':.". -,- I.nt t i,.., i, - l ' l 1 ...it opt lie i , . , l,bk- il, , ,m, d lu te l it I ii be H iv 1 1 , t i I .... M he f ai. ti.i I v (. i I t v i nt iiinly r of I l.Ipo; t 1 1 i I r ,u.t ? trine - k t" Bcrvant! ar pusiii c of f a t at i f f I nl i lit'i'ii! 1 UitMV. particulars appetni ih ! i.e. I.. road stune tl.' .1 llliP Y.i , ai n r iy vt In ... a t Mr. ate int. Ill i I I le. . , t 1 If !H. , od, i ( ! lei te .I a li- (U u ,''1 i i tl 'IS ii.l y th. HHi-il in t t i i, . i (nt; 1 ..1 t'i o v 1 i i and p, i 1 yum 1.- .1 to a y it t r We 1 ot .iiiiivt rose in . e t S t ' to h.-ir T. 1 V e 1 Tn svxr j . . -ci. (I'll anilllllllr. 1 . .. House uf (.,ii , ; , t'.ikwiHn '.,n 1. Our ftiend, ( ol. '. il-ttc for rt n i i i-eof i!r . ; , House, and (..' J i ! s .. X."8. C ( Cf! 1 i. : I : s i t, . It til I to i

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