i the si;ntinkl. Wcttnt-sduT Lvcnluf, B"P. 4, 10. Mustered Oct. Col. CHley, who baa been the Adjutant General of Oenrltobinton, ta wen relieved and mustered out or service. He it well mV"t of bv his superior and by all who ' know him. " A'elcurn tlmt en "order haa been betted to uiuter out alt who are connected with the volunteer aervic of the .. - 3. Arm jr. FiasT SuHBirr; We are pleased to announoa that Reuben King, )., Hi old Sheriff of link. it-son, I th first bheriLf In th State who baa settled with (lie Comptroller. lUamcTT. Jnui 3 nrTiinrt'n,..K4 fa .candidate (or the JIou..of; Coturttrin, fiotn Ur-. nert Cuntyr: He It opposed to repudiation, v. z Om, Coldtos's llilltary Academy will open r its siercuea on tlie 1st of Octohert The conn of study is Very full and complete, and will ex tend over J& ve years. The eat! mated expenses for the present tension, commencing 1st, ot Oc tober, I860, and enrtinrtir iasr 8aturdaytn June, 1SI57, amount to only I365, ' . ' 1 L CITY AN 1 J 8TATEITK3I8. -- -. JSUw AovsxiKiEiiT.7-The Fhllanthropi Society of the University wish to collect infotv ' '. mstlon relative to their alumni and members who ' participated In the lata war. We Invit at ten - tine to tlteir card ill another column, and hoj (hit Die friend and relatives of those who fill ' ih war, and the surviving soldiers them c1vcj will contribute the tleaii. f teta at once. Tnwle will havt, i iuijjnit., 'auction ou (Utnrdoy neat, to tl -mitinccini ni of which,, , In. another column, we call the attention of the - poblle. - ;', , '. ?:;'.- Parties luteriiatod ant rasft-rred to Court advert tlteiucnta from Oatea. ; ';-' - V;.' Creech makes a strilclnj display in w oi- umn this evening,LHe t In receipt of an I nt ' mens stock ot the most desirable Fall import " tions, and is on of our most liberal and enter ' '." prising merchant. Give him call. ftec card of Mr.. Walter, Piano-tuner for the , ' celebrated factory of Knabo Ss Co. We are re-' quested by . Mr,. Wheat o say that lie take "" irreut fileMW in calling the attention of hi friend so Walter' advertisement. - Mr. - Walter, the bust Ptano-tuaer In Baltimore, wa sent out pf Wui. Kuitls 4fc Qa with, th Con- cert piano that those gentlemen have tendered alt..Wliei f W W Concert her JErery tmp who hu a piano should avail himself of this rare. ) opportunity of Itaviog It put in perfect order ' by a reliable person who tlwroughty understands ' his business, ' . ' t L H. Rogers, Commissioner, offer for sale, - - tinder a decree of Court, the tract of Wtd near "7" Raleigh, orr which Uinton Franklin, iWJ., last rawuledi v ' . . . .""l . Attention (mid especially of those engaged ia the manufacture of ouacbet, harness and sad dles,) is called to th advertisement of Macken lie Brothers, No. 823, Baltimore Street, Baltl wom, "la' to-day w Issue ot our iaper. By the .ltl. ihm SMtiv iurt MM tr Tit,, f ,w.l? r- ,.t t - 1 , - Ghaso Jail Dw.iveht. A bold and darins h: Ywho NliMlxhml the lniMiiea as lontf ft mi I .... . " 1 . ' .-..-r5.... " 4gaof frtiir trasa tha-JtwIiera-'iaHi-'ai m ibiSA Wa worlhy and enterunsiag an", who .. . . , . J , , JLi.,. -Uh Ll. ! ,1 sixomihaUd on Monday morning. Ten iflen.l- --eithe rm)f MkcnEi. Brother. , ThoU j 4'.60"8"?'1 .1,., i mm, SMnl. yhA .loot in thlr tin. - 'J " " Wlm " " ia r.L irf i....-i.f-1.11-.? h" re-captured. which chiirHcterized the fntlier, practised by the 'v sonn, who now succeed him ' The Mi'.ar. McKininion aunnunr an arrival orfasliioimble Uiiia and t'apn, alul iim-o's head jvr of every description ami style. ' . r Dold spwilach ft f A suUsbte reward wilt - be paid ta iUe finder, who may leave them st ' this olflrc. . - Taa Heboid Dead. The following Is list otthe Omfedwnre snldiprs ,- Iturint ta and near T ibis city, w busa names have not hcretofor been bubluhed in this paper; "' - - ' HEAR MR. HKNBt MOHIROAl's. t AI- PHrtin, 21 N O, 8 t '.!. " 17 Hand r.H.iHT. May Itt, 18 Ttnbt V llnrtufleUI, ru K, Oth Oa, May r- . . s ID J Bawls, co A. 17th NT. . ' - a W II Johnson, eo I 17th N C. . . :' - - W h Hkidlnf; f II, Dlrf N V. - " M i M Story, lt N C, -jt 84th 'tti - J ' y ' AT CITT CKMKTKRV. :' - Job nathb.me, Sih N (V -- i ; 3 1 i - Aldria., mU Hi'. . ? X Muxvy t'arr, l'.)lh N t", . -r.ltcid. ' . - v' 7 U Ch Mclcnll. Mix. April 12th '65. ' I1' AS TJ thinnnliiM co If. Cobti'a Iah Vr (la. ST1-DITI0N. TFLTCG I UPHK K Our Wednesday nralo( Dlspatche. r " Market and Financial " ' r.m York, hept 4, P. M. . Gold U6. Piles 11J. Five $111. Bet. ens f 1031. ' Flour heavy, (9.73 to 1.1.21. for Southern. Bales J21H) bsrrela. - - Wheat J to 4 cent lower. ' t'orn 1 to 8 cent better. Beef steady. I'nrk firm i aalc at (3179. Lard doll. Whiskey quiet. Votton active- U0 balr at (3 to-1.1., tto((r a4 Cose siesay. jioiasu nrnt, " boutiikbs jfoKiewiJt WARK.A company near Adimuf 0a., is now suanufacturing beau lifui spteiini ns of porcelain ware. Specimen have been sent to Wat. Johnston, Esq., of Char ktt, Preiduut of C, & 8. V. H. Road, 4c, who orotioutK'f Ihetn verv fine. . 3. A. Hob it u m, of Iredell) is announced as acandhlittu lor re-election to' the House of Commons. "Mr: Itoscbro niado an excellent rep resentstive in the last Legislature. . f ' :., , A. M. Bo'le, Esq., and Prof. J. Ueuiy Hill, are the candidates for the. District f Iredell, Aleximder and Wilkes, for the State Senate. Besides Mr Rosulro, Measr. J, H. Stevenson, lir. n. Ji. 1'arvs and vol. Cliaa. It. Jones are candidates for lite" nou'f Comrfi&fii frm Iredell. xv .. .. ... -. - v-'x. " Fihst Bale Smrrru, Tlw first b) of K. 0. cotton brought to Wilmington wss sNpped to Boston, on yesterday morning. 7 - . Foisort BiR.Tf. tn Thurarlay night last, at OJ o'clock, fire Was disrorered in the Foun dry and Machine Shop of Mr. 3.M. Howie, in this town, and before the flames could becheek i ed all the buildings connected with the estab lishment were consumed, together with tools. machinery, patterns, &c Mr. Howie is a skill ful and Industrious mechanic, and his loss is a ever one. We nope the sympathy of tbs community will be shown him in a substantial manner. His loss ia at least ten thousand dol lars no insurance. Besidea be waa seriously injured by being burnt in the feet. -VkarHtt - , Th Hack Coaratioa, -1 . . PaiLAOExraia, Sept 1PM. A reaolution wss iutroduoH i tUe Convesv tioa to-day,, that there can be ao permaaent peace or security for lival men ol the eoutb without aegro sulTrnge.wbich was referred, sfLsr gry aiscHssion. - , ..i Maryland memlr said, wt waato such uururanui in tlset Uonventtoa, v- - - By th Atlaatlo Cabla. ' " ' I ' BkKLIM, Sept. Count Bismurck rufuset to receive the depu. tution from North Scbleswig, with a jietition for tlie rvatorstion o! tueir government to ilea mart. Tbt armistice" between Snxony and rrussia lias exniiwl by linntivtion. rescewtnv settled Ikawoea tlie two eountiie, and hostili tiea. it is thoUKlit, may occur. The Prussian Chamber oflVputiea havepsased tItegovvrnuieMtiiHkiiniiity bill by a large aaj- liy. . , i " " Paki; Seut L Tlie Austriac army Is being placed oa peace looting. . r -- . The Circassians are again fighting tlie Prus sians, . Marquis D'Monrtier.and not MoBthobxt,! th acaf MinlHtet Ot Joreign. mqira , t Liverpool Sept 4. M, The cotton market opened dull. JSstimsted ate wvfisy ,uwo oaics. . . - - , Lou now, Sept. 4, If. - Consols B91 for money. Five-twenties 73 Beast Butler nominated for Canrreu. "' K - Bostoh. Sept 4. P. M. f . fieii. Butler has leen anminsted forCnnirresa. ami ii8aeerptft!i, lor me iatn aistrtct. Teles Telegram from Kid-Ocean. ' ' 1 New Tor Sept 4., P. M. Thtr folrnwlng tfrwutch was recelvl to-dar. believed to be- the lii-st Instance in which any memage , basiiecn ,seaiwflt mm ocean and them to America ' v "On board the Ureal EMera-Mtluntic Ocean. Sent, 4th, ISOtL To II. 1). Craig.Crnneral Airent of the Associated Presn, New ork i W bav received leL-'iaim Irom London,saving there is a serioua outbreak in tansda. . Picas adi me accuratttlv by- Cable, vb: Heart's Content and Valentine, in reuaid to the same. We ex pect to arrive at Ileurt's Tontent oa Saturday next.- Ail itgouigou well: ' iSigne.1), , , CYRCS W. FIELP, Tun Intkndant and CommiiwloDer ol the town of Salisbury offer (1 ,000 reward for the apprehension and conviction of th incendiary who fired th dwelling of Maj. J. 0. Turner, on the morning of the 27th nit. ' -.April IStb 'tiij. 4 Wm Sm it h. "On. ------ - , - 0) i..-Tnrn- r. - " J . Um' 'lUi'lI.'s 0AHHKK, III RAI.KroH. ' O P Fh.yi," Ala," April 14th '05.. " At Tamp Masmitm, amonsr quite a nnnilter . Duly one markedi, Allen Jones, .co. I, 41th .X C, ntaMSHHHM..-UM. i"M " Una Tesa nfticer. Curled near Mr. Iivejoy's rovL who was li Hiiir bv Kilnatrick' men, at tba eonpiti(in- ot luloigh by riherman's arntVt wboae name has never been ascertained. This finishes the iutt ot all those buried near Raleigh, whose names oHild befound on the graves or frMH friends. Any person, knowing - th aamea of any not marked, wilt-conftT a fa ": rhy lnloriiiinar any ollicer of th Jatdies' Me--r morinl Assoiiatiuu Tn Daily I.iDtx. This is the title of a new daily paper jui.t issued in this city by 2t..-os, Moor & Keith. Jus. 11. Moore, Esq., late Clerk tu th State Contention, It th Editor. The proprietors ar worthy men and will exert them selves to merit public patronage. The Editor, In his salutatory, says : ; . 'JTh feasona ttt inJlntl u i eitnme- cing th publicatioa of jiiiper. sie tht-e : We '. J'elieved there was an opening ior a small, . chesp, well couduotod kews paiwrto the State; paper tliat, laying aoide the Hilitieal wrang - lings that character! .o a largo nHmber ol those already in circulation, should give a synop ii of local and general news and useful miwnelhmroii reading ; we believed a pnjwr of this sort would meet With fiiiralnne of public putnnafe and SlTurd a fair cnmprii:ition to the piil " The psjM-r is neatly printed on a sumll sized . sliett, and w wish the proprietors good suc ei. ; ; - Base Ball C'LrBs. We noticed, some time ince, the getting up of a Club of this sort in -hcity, . The ( a, 1. j.retty fuil,-we Lei;, re, ana tlie $pn U--mauly and rational one. We learn that other chilis arc forming ia the a. . . . omie. it thr-y) cliilvs are strictly confined to iths object aimed' at by th movers of them, rthcy f iJT3 gir The Club io tLI city meets for out door ewine late ia tlie eveni", after business of the 1y is over. But If they .I'f'Ml J,.like juost. mtiniM4it!i,.-oeroa..U upoav bimincti duties, they will prove serious inju- f.." Work, work, is the oi.ler of flie'day, n(; or all, young and old. white and black. Th ,"Tuure,destiny of the Month, ior weal or woe, bjUtft H n , 1. - t , , J. - T - -bm u Biiuui.i-rs oi ine vtiking mtu. IntelUxt, energy, frngnlity aad hard labor will it theSouth, aad nothing, lwa. :,. . . The CommantJir y General it Fortres Uon ' -.we. . It has already been announced that General Mii.es will within short tim be removed from command at Fortress Monroe, and that be wMI be succeeded by General Burton, formerly oi the Third United Btate Artillery.. In l ' i General, then Major, Burton was ii command of Forjt Delaware; and while he carried out strietly and conscientious!- all rules necessary to the safe-keeping of the Confederate prisoners mere, tie treated uiem witu a coiihiHlent kmu nes and liberality, which caused hi removal to lie deejiiy anu generally regretted. The arriointtnent of Gaiersl Bi'fcxoil to com mand at Fortress Monroe will lie entirely suiis- luetory ami aeceitaljo to every magnanimous and chnritiihle man ; aud it iscertuin that under enfrnl - Ist'RTon'a ehargw Mr. Davhr-wilt lie treated with the consideration and rescct duo to the dignity and purity of hi character, and the tnngnitnd" of th "sufferings' which be has borne with so much patience and heroic forti tude. General Milk has been unfortunate, to say the lenst, tlitring -the lime that Mr. DsVil has been under his control. He may le satisfied with his own conduct, it i true; but this selt tatisfaction will jn all probability be the only reward thai .be, will re.ei. i ve, uuless day should liiihappily arrive, when nil remembrance of gen erous emotions and enlarged Ideiis shall be swal lowed up ju tho swelling tide of northern radi calism., . . .' .. . . . -.;'... , Southern Market, .tel.:. . Mohii.r. Sent .4. P. M. .' Saha of Cotton, to day, 50 hale middlings nominally at 80 cents, -v New Ori ran rVpt 4, P. M. Cotton easier. Puh-s of Sot bales low mid dling at 81:i2. Gold (t 44. Commodore Rousseau, formaly V. 8. A and fterwrda of the (1. H. A., died her to-day. JS.V". jrHEJEESIEJ TSTpTJIl, i t? Spewiaf th Preaitleat at Kiagara. t-After expressing in thanks fr the hearty ami cordial rtueption which bad been accorded hint he proceeded to discus the point at iue. I tween himself and Congress. He said he had been accused, together with vat ions other mem her of th administration, ot being traitor to hi party. Whyf He had ao consciousness of having betrayed either the people or the party which nominated him. When it was Bint pro posed to nominate liim at the Baltimore Con vention for th Vice-Presidency, he had no par ticular ambition to ma oa the ticket. At thaf" Um h Wnsidered a Seoatowhip of the l uitetl Slat foUynnal i point t honw wHh the office ot Vice-President, but he determined to accept the nomination and was duly elected.-.. By the Constitution of the country fas hsrt since f oeen mau rrcsiuent or tli Liiitetl ritntes. Every one was familiar with the ulatfonn of the Baltimore Convention. He would challenge any Congressman who now bitterly denounced him a a traitor to lay his gaper o any portion of that platform which ; he bad abMulouciL. The fact was, that it wa not lie, but ttie Hailo al party, tht had deserted that platform. His present policy wa identical .Witb that of the oubliuaa party a year ago It had then been iiosiEXBAmrsr i ;4.,.'i-.-:', .,.7 ... 7 - la s-t.llu to his Urs a will K. lecte.1 stork nf TAU. I'lirfioftlKt, - rnlmeres, Cloths, Gents' read niHtle , llliiug, Ac, Ac. luuKea to rwtore the State lately in insur reel ion on these conditions, first, theaholithm of slavery by th State Legislatures; second, the repudiation of th debt incurred In- eoiniuesing th rebellion ; third, the ratification of the con stitutional amendment abolishing slavery That waa exactly where he stood to-day. lie bad also been accused of boms a traitor, be cause he had ( vetoed th Freeilmen't Bureau Bill. Th President then entered into a full ex planation of tim character of that law.- and showed that it was but a new form of slavery. II then touched npon ne'TO ufTra:'n. ami stated that he considered it altogether out of th constitutional power of Comrresa to imnosu it as a condition of the restoration of the South ern State. It it were wished .that wttruea. the incompetent icctton ot-'ttienatlon. who ri-riiiir ed beiiisr aunervised bv a costlv fovernmpnt kit. man, should vote and become meui I ertu Slate Legislature and of th CongreN ol fit United otatcs, wny were not tuose imvileirttt nrnt ac corded to the black men in the Morth f - He re garded it as altogether unfair for the Southern State to be comiielled to confer what Northern State refuted to concede, lioctnue- he could not assent to tli new pnigrsmm of th lb-pub licaa party he had b n denounced as having aeseriMi ins party, tin ; tree to sny tlmt he was forho party but for hitcountrr. and that so lar at he was concerned, party might go to th dovil, or ny where else. It must not be thouL'ht thut hi present tour wat an election- ecrini campaign. - He wa already President, and bad attained a shar Of political preferment which might satisfy tlie molt mFHtion of men. Mr. Johnson concluded br .exDressintt his contl- dence that tlie people would at the approaching lection preserve and defend at the ballot boa th Union and the Constitution. " . - - .-...JH t crcnuaAi a r i n r. LsdifV and rlnl.treu' LOT O I' trunmril si'4 nnltl'uilii -t H.vriuf thsUti.tMt.k's.T v, nirrc-r r-LC7.Tr lacm a- ' . Novropj::axG, IA w m i . r lV a x i) ci 1 1 i,i m ex's-1013 , Iii t i tut Turfety. nrifl pnm' tin i r-onr- tCE. t1r,; rttM'&y, . .WtrJ i, t J" It llflcet I Bllrstouloust ITissantMiitlraMsetosiiasakkSMwrs nwlinu niSBT nt th nui.t Brlul I .....J..;. . . , , ' i.... ni ii. ..rut, U kv Bed r.Hifl lMHw ta it. n.r. .i ... u are It will d .11 . rUiu lar U that il!r ...... .--.Come one ami u'1 !! in;; el.-i-wli, re n i tooo ItEWAi :i jr. no. , 1I fa)rilrrl:r M. ends Iinis Ft. .10. H.-it. 3-1 i !ir.i:sn v - ii. r. k r. SCHOOL OF IMS it u. nv Aflernoon Dlspatrlie. iiTkt Flrrt ! Relieved. lt". -rrel, iomj., jiMoaca, vs., ssysj "I'wssstnietea with the Limr eoniplaint for two jreani, sometinuai so bad tast I eoiUd-not he npon mf left side fur one niiunts, hof could I walk but a short dutinte without stopping to ft. I tried vral kjnJuf i)tut medk- riur bui fotiiiit reliof. 1 also tried ths skill of th MMt eminetft'n)vicsus bnt stiU found no raliuf. I was at tost te334 to trj joor tiU tut i!0L'2'a. EES HEPAT10 PIMA and from tin tkd eV Jbtuut rWie, and eonUiiuud to mend nnlil I wan jwi-- v ewrwt I m now a well nun.", : ' Fiar sale bribe DrugKlt, Jjuwtir.ua avtimi)snv each hex. Bent tasnymrtofth tlniled ntstRS IT ISaaoien. Adilrsss. . AEORtiE W. DKLVS, A CO. - -- Kaltuuyi-s. Md. ' Align 4, Im'W lm ritui. i iKtv mn 1 ir m ,,, .J. .of .Mulit ni" in the L.uv"i! ewmiui iti'ti mi Ai.mk1i,v n,,. i , - W.ll OlJ Hit III! l.f -, ), j ci'i'' i' m iM.nr 'M - .. I Bill ' ir, 1, ml 1AUU, ,.'I.i: I). Fwpitul Two Atlantic Cables, , v r" .. ; It seems we are to lmve two Athintic cables, nd that right away. The Great Eastern ha rftiiilly aoceeedttd in limbing op the broken ca bin oi htO. yar.-wUU'h-- b lpo Kpltoed tit s new c.'i' ie, and by this lime there sie two work ing V !- :ra)h ins between the old and the new WuihU. The despatch, wo have received tlocs not any -whether or in it tho broken c.iii'e' had been tested, but We pn ume it mitnt 1 been found all. right, or cKe it would not 1 been puid out a;uii aiier the "juice wus clh ed. ' ' " With two I'ooil i I, I r .J,tg we presume the charge ! r t I r 1 r 1 bftwn 11 the two .continents Will R'xiii be 't.mteriuily reduced, an. I ths ..value cl (' e ! , j tin ' 1 in 1 In l ir greater tlmn it m pnnible f.ir them to be at the preicnt btvh rules. Considered merely m a ni linen d fiat, tins f hinc; :-p of the broken csbio fioni the b.l(oiu of ! ' 01 1 nn U cert.iiniy a marvel. It out he ii iion. V. f. M'arl.l. ' - i Latest Financial. Naw Yokk, Sojit 8, M. " 1.1 f t.4fi. -Exe!.ane . " From Europe, 1 Li vk 11 pool,, 8-iit.', 4, P. M. ( uttou dull and deelinol J. Middlings, 13d. hales ol &,ooii Hales, liuailatulm generally flnit ft. ,. nvwiiuis iincuaugt tt, London, Sept. 4, P. U. Contain 811. Fives 7JJ, . - - - - 1: mil. Hu.t. 4. P. It. neludi-il bet ween I'm- A treaty f fiwi si aud llesso 1 AITuirs with i The Saaon troops hi NA, Sipt. . P.M. no a warlike aspect. ih uit. wittitlrawa from the Hungarian frontier, ami Xh army is being provisional. 1 lie teeary 01 peace between Aus tria and Pruiwi biuils th former not to inter Jre.'-; ,t ' ' ,r tt ' ' South tiermaa journals charire Austria with breach of the treaty with Ravaria, In making peace wiiuoui me conwnt vi the latter, yimont EicctioDsV New Yokk, Sept. S, M. Dilliii(Ii!iiii ia re elected (iovernos by an in cri'.'tsed iiinjonty. In the 3rd. (:oni;re-ionid Distrtirt there is no clioiec iM'two'ii two U publican candiibiteii. in tlie ollur two litrtcts, Jteputilirans are elected. ' A. Hew and Grand Ipocb. In H ' Pa. Uhnmtx. is titm AmQiler of a new Mi li, l Mi . te! Th ansntitariarw," whoa Tsst Internal !.. a rafuvbU the atuawli mil pwralinra the txnrela, mtit give precedence to tlie man who rest oree health Suit t'petitp, with horn on ta twoirfbi" mlim.liiii-jr IMU, and enres th mot riinlent safes with s box or so of his wonilerfnl and si! healing 8a!ve, These two (treat jie'ifls of the I)Hiir sr taut suimnwdiiiR all tlw atereotypt'd noatronia ot the day. Kitiaorilliia rjr trare tJ Maggfel Pills and Halve have opeaml the eyes of the piil.lie to tlie lm nicii uc)-cftl (so-called) rvaieiliea ef olhera, and npon whkh eo)la bar so sung blindly d jk ihIi-.I. MapKM's Fills sr wit of tlie dssa that are awaltmnid hj It.e di.z.-a, and of nhnji ever boa full lalian i.Teali a in aluolnla naeanity f suotheh One or too of Mnyn'mY 1'ills aullices to plans the bowels in perfW't orih r, tona tr atomaeh, ttNktis wji S)ttJ!lit, and render ajiirlts tirht snd buoyant t There ia no (rriiitng, and no resctiiHi In the form of eonstiiiatiiia. If the liver fa sffeetvd, lis fuiic- Whm are runt--n J 7 and rf tlr wervons ayatem ta fee ble, It la invigorated. This last quality ieaJ.es the medicines very iliciraLle for lli wants of delicate jfi.-iulu. . L'lunrooa and eruuiiv ducaavs are hternlly 'XtingnisUed,hg th dUiiifi ,'c.tant powi of Vtt i 1 Halve. Ia fact, tt la aunnnucMl Uiot M aaslwt'a BlllUaa, VytprpH mm4 bsfarilla iue where all others fall. Wliilo for BithM, 'Healila, I'lnl- hlniia, Cnla and all ahraslona of the '-l in, lrlaaiil' sialv ia Infallible, Hold by 1. Mioum 11 pine St., New York, and all l)nif?ojt. at M eta. par bun. T " - l V i V -MS. ' ' ftitm, hr., tit btfvtini'riii W 11 1h otitiicttJ ht'rt!iiHT -rrA, jr. izjnvL"2ur-i7'':- Tliankiiii; tir fii'-nihi and tha nut lie reiu rllT lor tatnie so hberaitt eo -n.it d to tl.e old f irm, we reiieetliiiljr a eouiuiiwnc of the asm to ll. new. - . . . , . . I'rtmititimt, bv stnet at tontton to tuainaa, tn ass "iir utnidHt avtii'iliaia to jilea.ttt. a x x'i'ci" ;ox, J. 1.1 v: vt) 4 Aug 2 3m . ' K'I1IA. H. r-MU'.f, AI rvfr "tof -Nary, ry ' W V. A AlvlV.M D.IL. I, -', l'"J"r ".f Lhrmiatry and J'tormaey.- GKDIltiE W. JilLTEA'CERGER, M. I), 'W'A"f9f f f""''''ic and f IHseavi pf 'a. ... .-."V,.' tMtn and ( futdrtn. ' ' RICHAlil) MtSJIERRr, M. I., Pratunr qf iVtci;i?ct and I'rnrtict of Ju'tdUiiM. lll(lhlWHF.R JOHNSTON, M. D PrrfMtr j.f Gfksiul, Iktcriifiirt and 1 ' i . Anatomy,- 'C SAMl'ELCCHKW, M. D , " Ptvftiwr r iiutn ia Sfcltea a.i4 3 fimtjxutict FRANK DONALnOM, M. D , Vrcatur of My,,,,!,,?,,, U:gUtit and Gmtral JAMES II. F.ITL1 R, Jf, D -StmnnHruror 0 Anufany and AJ'unct 10 f,f - Profntor of Anatomy". , -f. ALAN P. SMITH, M. D. t . At'jwirt to tho trofatar of Hvr- .1 FF.KD. . CHATARD, Jn , u"l, Aitjutift to the I'roeuor of OlnUtrm. V - W. CHEW VAN Binni'It M I) '. . Adjunct to tht jfrvft,tur of Irnrtieo, J H. f-THVITII. M. D, Ad.un.t tot'ie Vo, r of M ,ta ,a 1. ' ' t. s t v, r( M v A.! uuii to t I r t ..f of ( Afttiinhy. AS M T. HOWARD, M I) , .AdjunH to th l'rnJCMor of I'l.'ji'fljy. U 1 I , f the fullr.mrs.ttoVH0: ftar M..ttirla(init tftt aMlTlilsai II. Ir anw.tjM ant gio,i,,. ' las-t . i all cum whaa aa4 IS alriei aeeonUnxa wilk our hutrwetiuaa. .. - HALL'S VcjetaLI :ciliaa Tair enewer l ai tirovt-il tinelf t!,, t), mwt pMfaet praparatlo t..r lb Uatr wv etiid t tl.a paLMw- P"""" It i a veBtablfl ctnnpiiuiid. and eiialais a luinrt U ia km a tiy, it ainkaa at ths rwta and u ths (Uada wuh aaw In and CHJk.rinK uiattar. II will raitn Hrr Ilwlr la Ita wtlilww) ftlar. It will Ut9 iheli.ir fr.u, t.,niBa I llniawi is ttat. ..a . .u. 11... Ii i a ilrwali llwlr.Wrrwiiia Ko intsua old or jreani;. .m.ulU tan 10 ue 0 It ia raniiinnwadril an UA ! I lie ai ittraliol ihwrtir. s I tr A ! .'ni H.tll a Vi,atils i iieu i:o..t ii,, til net ia Uall Knar U ! Htl.1, Sv. Still I. Vi r id l.y an linvio,!.. Vt illinM fc r. I'meod It'iilei h, N.f . Ili li'i ! 1. 111'. " " ftaprirlora ' " Mnitlitt, N. II. Ity wtriid y 41 M i: T II I U V v. W UNDER THIj VuN. A X?6W .Xf a-.-Lx- licdiciiio r tt l),e Hiifrnng snd Dui larj tead tb follow mg. r I-t all who have lea Kivoa un bv and apottin of aa Inciiral.le, read th following. " tot all who t'sn lulu fe facta and ran ).r. faith ill evidt-nee, read the fclluwinf. ft rakia all tnm Ay Mrs prrmtl. 'llo.t en llok tli'' r Iwtl, flow I ' of .Inn, lu tlm Ttnr of 1. IMU. hhlllehl HeO'V- tli i as a -'h - Hm e-ci v. Ot Lt Md ell., I' ,1, .I 'I I lil"l",;i) A'Oi.lliV fill 'HI ' --I I 1 to 1.1 1 1 ,.r inn ri.tioiHinlv lno!i as tit. .a. I.. .1 to tl.e .ii. .1,, nl I ..!!, ev. ,.,) jH ,t I Of l-Ot.-i d, . . I l...l..:i lie . . .., a U.fUi ! tlm "nu-,:" l i-r 10 Hi 'j'nHit-a and Imi.I r ft.MtH. tii.-tt I.,- cm. 1. 100. ... lis ward., an . U aa ad iM , ,(,,,. i .1.. eir,i aitt. ;b.-..lr. l "Ii. :,,,!. M K,.t.,.,, ether Uu r n.o,nH, ii.j .,., !,,, 4,( ,.. Vh Ami II..W aeee.,l ,(. to Klll...ts. wl.ei f 'OOC'O 1 1 t 1 fit I nous rrolcnsorH, and ritri.'eot.H. . 1. 111 toot lnftirihalioii is H n.l. ,l ),r th r;"-nln wtiich may lie l .i 1. . ... (. . . 1 ,.f ,t. t u ., i. VI A 1 1 , , ''ID piiji a :it 1 eunu. nt iiivM. iana 1 tv, ntinlli ll 1 noiisand I.;, 'it II hvd and kev none j.w.ii huhiock to mi, tiiosu as su. li. and l.n. iiv awotn, U.-oom ,1 as feiiewi,: ' i,t , w etiftal SKont mr ths limed Mlsttst, an I H... tli.Tt'of, for pi-iriHi,SW Or BKMtb-iUM L,.-,- f" 1 .ii'-l.Bl'li.U aodKALtr and M,.t tlm I..I '" 'irtcateaartiTsrliaiiincouitiatotli, U,t of lua tii.jwie,lt- and Uil..(. , IIWX'U IrtinTTY'S L. H." ' - -' i IVMarr Ptji.ne, - ' ' ' ' .. . . . Hall birawiv tfw loan. .Tun 1,1 Hurt lis. .v tooidi.fl tiika sit pi n to wni you of mv si nn. 1 and that th ,i,, nam , 1V ,(s I in at last ll, into, .rl , , o, J.KltH, "w li .. i l an. 1 ,1 I . , K, t ,,, .m, I ' suit, it niioiirli. I tieiiik you am and airsin, I SUM that all SI s r. -tiltf I lo, t. ......1 ... II a. ...... . .. us. I eonid m heip wining tu yon. aud boiie ..a i ill nol iui, it ainc.s. ' - - JAM" Mvnt'l, ' tin Aroint U. 1 . is i to eerlilv (hat I wss it1 !if i .'..d t-i.m th !i .ni'ioL-ljua!...., an. I hwiiwg rured bf i 1 w Voi k, Aj.nl 7, 1 oil ' utrivTr, 21 i lit atlst-l mi ii nil ol tun 1 sciiitir. lUtlA.t (ul.i.ti i: AV A S H i N T N, 1. '.. VI.AL tea, I Mrrtn;; BilW Of til were to ' OltS (Ifi'l.ti iii;r even Potomac are th. y " of X. C, an 1. : it iO'-t ceruie'ii! na'iy tiitr -fl '. :iie,"t a tin-t tlie . ' lull. Of TcVii'l b is of "Loy j ", ,' rn noh" vori;,r orth, and f r f 't looM aoistrior on ol 4' e-ic. d'-i.io-s a aiiu-eioi A p'vtu 'n in s"ne Isice a l..io t.!- u t er.i.l a-ci of a ntuioiiHi in a ..io; . i-n hoe is a v- i ln-oe ot oi n o i n .t a. out Ja I mme, an-l ... n i -' ' ;e m .1 r. ' o o.-eav . e. I- - 1 ! j.a -- 'I 3 I. fTVmiX. vati:i. ' 1'-ti.u sa !"ll. erred, bat she the . -;. . . !j l lfi;., Vlomie f. s (sl MIX'IMNK; to no he and rejiair a.'i'o..ii.-s-ls. '. " ; , " Also, a id . ChSi. ll fTfor" 1i(hI'!C2" iiitt rfitsiiW fantr tools. 'I'titsae who bavv tinnilies i.reternd, - Apply lo . - V lidHT, PVM If, Wilson. RVpU-lw . "tTn li V Mil MIOI.S! SHOT!! l-isl rez-ired a I...I I i -i Mil li A tor I. V ii Atsti, dtiuoieioied ii.s.ta ami DflllH. ' . A N Auk V tf and hl; .1 I I ml of fir A J V) H M A OelO. I... mo d to rn.tui,h tiis i. i inn : wlius I ns ii i iiiiisJ f-.r aeiit'tal ... -i 'I arid III ..;.UY Mo, i itrv - In orphans of Ihrf H SlMO Se,il u..t Biven In all II, 1. 1, mi t ..I- til I . i mi i ' The coiniiiir si i.ion of th aeversl IlcoHiliusnta uaia.iie-iii nj.-n won tuU J a Ii ii a.it instruction, ii ""I li"i rttsiin lisvuig re BUIIled tllt ll cMntirs. at I lis .Ml, a follow mi- 1'rcpanitoiy tiepariiuriii, s. . t, ' I'M, AcHilelmenf .. v-'h J , l.tlcl ' I'.fti-h 1 it oaitiiieiit is ot"n thoro!o:h ceiss rtein lle o fat-iin. s at Um t ..ti. ii4 t ai' in ll Jot is iiii-ms j ... i ltd hr ti t f i nrri r , tine hull tsiiiMni ia ariveu ftltiilenls fir i lit! luiniHii'v i atlfl KmtHtl"OS Olstlllefloti of I ii.o.,i;i. .,1 .,..!. aiioo. StltUfsa, ; . u. tr. H.i.Msti'j. n. i. An)?. 7 lm . 1 1 n.1,1, -t.f S-14-ni jlir taeti. J et, eolu ni t , ; WTt,li,;t"fV us s.. h hei,i:, as livl In. ,1 isti S ll U.l.h.l which lit thtlM t-eitn. I hav tt and can re olio r ever ami Sei ll c.il. as noe in the tii;,i t i in s t I line ... In ,. ..I l i I FT "T tn "t . i .. 'A . . I ........ tles-fsiehlf in, l.Tsta.i.1 th aiiti :j , .il lo, ,,,;u,.; , iu .ii. tost "is liillie ii, ,. a ",,,ii lv si hsii, in f. i y j". HH't.lt .the value of -i Hull. Ann. Jt. 1-u.t 'I i.s r.n.. : Ml I 11,1 i:.t I, I S "l li,Slll 111(1 1 I a. : :.f i ti a, " rtiiTiMii.ii: ir I lie puce ot ll,, els pt.r i.sii,.i I I in r- iit as vi lli a Mm pel 'el nl nvtllr ,.r o, i I,, les In t ,1 I S SIS ... ,'illell a ,i! I or hi. I r i "in a 1 1 tin i"i!y mill cvenurj'", north of the As thei Were distil. 'tii-t once, so i,-..i,ou:ii.,u" n .-'.v. . t'y T! jtu 1 ..iithirn I'i nods, fort 7- : to.,4ti.ti 1-- e I el.'J S IV... ...lunJt 'ift tlinrch i.-jtetic and .ot,t i!f.o'lJ nettl ly A bri !j fur t'. j y Fiiom'C is aliea.lv '". nee oerijl of r.. ii. v ii i: s t Ui,-:r;,.-.v: ; I I..LtT US i.'!TT Ji . f " r Jilt .:."..,. k rrt, :ooo loan ever. " 1 '.. 1 I I. UU- pra. of Sh.s H, f, t Men. Wutnsn and Oiil neii, a.,1 1st n Kus tot week. Cl.ea.er Aug. 15-tf W. II. & a S. TUCKER A CO. " ' v. , 1i I ( - I r 1.1 vv. f r the I fisapsellu' purine tltaiti ,t,ft .t lis enc.-!!i. ' e i-s aittl w-ii t t..i o,ni.sfn i ,n , tiflisr ,- isi.'i. itt... .r I !.ss-rs. T."-"H ft I'm.; t,.,; Fosatus, ot I;,. , -I. cticso-r, a.; J. I.. 1 at Omvea, l.s , b. i s,--L..fl , ai-fit n-v4-9 : T ien 1 1 ml, ; VV s; t. V. -' - T i o-H. Whieh f, Jni, ,-H'v Hid s' 'Ilieiraloek lit Sn.'iie i I Iss-tsd, and they list f," t'ITIfS, A (t , S IS. I I in us .---n. ii. 1 tier fun ! r.-y i S-mr. Ii,-,hd1 yla of I .'f,i y,- lo M.,-t" io,y Jon, i.s.t-r, Ail W.e t H. I it t. d to hs If i--i , a r-..t . s aa sny I ' y v e , .. vo-- '. , '. .... . J.,.J. ,.T i l.svs it. on ("ii. .1 s I.. a i. . . I' - t - ot h 'i n -ft. t V ' re.-.. ol.viot.i. ' s , it rn... .tl ii-.il IivrihiI II'.. , t . ,...p.. full a Ju!j Si7-u';tw!iu. M we $' -si riefi-, iiwr Tins Is to m rt.fv y,'Sit r.is ji is iii-l I ,''e to'i-r tt.i il. A I t per v. oi he s ' t!,.t I t, .1 w. s i-.,i I 1-S S'll'i eir l l UJ I... I h-iv lii..l Sir. V',,1. (i.i fitel Un tn vi.i v IP"'. Air. i tf. s !. If I.. SI. J , li." f IhlWil, I'I t' .1 in an I. ,n I ii' it imti a it o 1, II . I ii i I ' '" 't !'e III. If. il.ll, t '11 III a p.-1 I,.,' Sll-ef,'!-I t- t,,ll,,H li, (; et ( l ,1,,-rti,. i.,,ht w.ttssll ! the at iti i.ii.',, rs,, s-ti, a man en.' II f, V lm. III JS -III ifif rilelli .l ' i li p a i, i w .1, run m dan vn 11 tetil Ihf tolll aioillot Slid ml atut lis wan leo tif tin.ii'O i'n " k.is n.teii lm,,, ly Ipi4 iK,ul , 'lilellt. ' - , ... . . , . I. a,. ,. I . . ... : ,, , ., ... ,nti.'. o, l'-,t.l. .i.vn . is J., li Un I, , ) , M lion 1 oi ,, r I was Iiii.ih I, mm ,t. i,,,t ii , .11 , j,uvamlr !; niv l.tiins lies i. .1, hut J i,,,,! niiiiiiiii! K,.ie un mv h-i' lh,i woind not heal; I tie -I Mseci. la Sslre. and it cii...! a aiHw 'i Iim-k sil tnt".wnd anrhwtv i-n" U'OU Mraks, anil A vein , J. JI Ali I.i', - tiff (le,oi-us hi real. now ae in at Jacltsmi Kairarl fraaa f at i.Ma l.aii.ra , 'I had no appeiiiit : .,. ,,,.', p,n. . tyoii." !U " " ' lour I ills art Biart, l.ms " I a. lui r. aiittther In ' house. till Vt.u them iu tha t"r Jtm ,,i, t baa chronic. ' f tin tea Tt 1 a tluf was ' I asis half of t.i.s of y.sir pills tt. n ,h f, hyiei aiioi t.iia. 1li.dle.il hllle thni( (jot Wi ll iu a "My tionmt of a inoi iii ii.. i i, uritl" lour but of Mitiurlel's Kale ...I the lo ad. 1 riiiils tl sonisi or ei,. feats and tlt h.sss. it-ft ," ' - of n list iii L.-huid luf . "Heiid1ir two tsites ; I ant uus for s poor fa "I t in lis a do lit lht Utl lJl. Ill, i 'I , I r) i lit Mi. I mile. 1 v tit csnla, - 1 - I ! ec As I "W Ti'l l Al.t. A HE v. ; t I X " i- . i 1 V.'H.i ai i f. s. ' mi r: i : ' i.i I il ft. ,1,. nt .-ii, ,N, V. (,lVt a 4 .1 t. 11... 1 I tim u ii r Bejit 4-lf iil Corn a- ' .It, ..-. t'4;l.t..M', a rsv P matlel ; a ( i ' a tt.ioil .ii ItAbiitiH . 1 iit. 1 , ptr v I i ' I'i V I : '1 ,-!. eh. I I-. - i ; I .Mlll.U Vel v ,.h o-,l V, sad S.1I11U (j.H.d II 'U -l.-ui Aug Si'l , a , Sji ,'JfVJV5v' k.o:ay. - .' k fi i . it K I Li , ,i,l to i tni Ot i All. 2 if f ' J t li T. of nai-f. v--1 'h i -.t "r h h U.It, St. li .1.. no., and 1 ,i in M :va. t t '.- i I to C t avod IT, J. T I", '!.) Mft , iii t'liiwrfttcdl I't.it ctaul 'ntui I . f's: .'j'i'-r. pis? . v. iv to I' , t. oi i on I , tot I l.'iaiit th, fit s. n. II. h' I m rr. i" i'i i i. f el... .. I to lu 1 1. i asrs, s isoled to ht. ra' tttnna 'J iirv tavit all psitis lnirssis,t tt njsa ne. hei.-i-t. J. Jv- u,-.IS-tf J 1 . or llorits puwr, t.a eiy ii.t t a I .!jBtit',t ii.i, 4 .--o

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