A- 4 I THE SKKTINLL. 7 Ti'f T. ;T1I1: S Vs y T j N E L HJI. E. riXL, state I'lliinp. xruKs , mic::utio. . Tli Weak r Skatim l is iiuhlmfierl iy ttunday Morning. .. 8l WKKt.f t Katnnl'iys Slid W eiiin-niayW1- i ' ivia.s : - i Wsalily, n jvxr, m aiivaaes, v $t tt fui-kljr( 0o year, in dvtiey - 4 0? Hssal WMpy, sit months la sJvaai, It ttl mjw, , It ft Pally, alt saaalhi, a M . Da It. tliraan .' i .H .1 at IT7"lf1 vat hi. '., ' -"" TM 111 South Matt Uanafkctara. r. - (Juorxl umlerntamU this, nl it exerting htr , toettulilish mftnuliiotiiriettt dfprT araila Av poiut Her peopli', tluiagh poor, do what . Uicycaa, tltenicl, In order to prufit tij. uaan ulKCtonw, uil, at the anrae time, tit (rive tm- ljiru!ntj to the poor mtiletatl fi'mle cltizent ? ol the but. But beaiili in Testing their own mall capiul, they jise til laudall effort to . inilnce capitalinta frorfl other points to In rest. ' :Vnij cannot North Carolina do the eamt We Inure already from fen to twenty cotton fc : i , tr' .n (i.i.J tiro.'or thiv wont tea far. Utriva, but the di-maud for j coarae' J ami and . -elotliiit not equl W thetripply,. , Wenetd list. , tt-r aiachinrry ; bigUu . eUa f gonda it dt jHnndKliOr. rtther, tba Iratter elaatetor gnodt, ttwt ttinf atach higher " tliMlbt eomruooTTait ' the precedence. .fw "f 'tft aewl facUirini wa nanutactnrt therlingt, bietchtd and btowa, ticking, jeana, ginghain, pHntt, ptaJdt aad atripat et all rari tie- Our wool ftetofiet ihoald ntakt Common ti b-jt tnttinetU, Jetoi, fl lonela, A , ladtftd art an aot tea way we taoaia aot taaantactat aatittly ail oatyicultutlmplt-merita, hard- ware, hollow ware, - wood ware, tnap candlea, thoea, . ' Thorotijffi JVoot and thee factoriut, rooductad upoa lh Ttem whih ; pevailt In Jbi wirtlmitate, we Mterw would dr aplendid bunUvett at rarioui poiata in tba 4her owa 4mr, cheeaw, pork and baoai, and her ' :awa clotliing. ti a great extent 1 Our rtatnirort art aoaadaat few enrry ipecirt nf mtnafitctara, 'and we hare labor la ahandsnce," which cannot . Hii i prbfltably emptoyedln"j iny thing cite. .. Wt .bira lbe raw raateriali the water power, cheap loei for ateam power, and labor la abd'ndance, heaper that) aa be ah(ainad at the North. The -. i North aae ttw BMde rieii by her wnnafaotnrea. i, Why cannot tba Snath, with ajerior ad run - Jaged the name I... " to it will heacea, in oar local Column,' that the ctUhtiitlMnent t terge ihctory hi -ifaia dty i lor aukiag 8 net elate of fahrioa - than hereto- it attracting the attentioa of our people. . ( We haa tbaaaMrpriat will be carried through twllt a v Eer man whocan tpara a bun . - dnad tri thonand dollar ahould contribute to v tka astabliahmMtj v -,, . - - Y r ' K , Ok a or ma rmoliitiont of tba laUr Mulatto "Convention amail thevalldity of Jhe State gor- " ' 'ernHiMUln the South. -It dn-uttea; ' t - n,,jit ori;anixatlnt "la flit anripreaented flta'tatawitiiiinx to Ije Htate (lovernwenta, not ,'having been hxally Jtnttl Jinhed, are sot le iiiinnte CloTtHifiift uit'il recogniaad by Con- 4 ' ir. lf.,t .,!,;.. 'y4m '' h ' I ;t; It the 8Htnf tlie ftMith have not legitimate " " ;pwrornneuK why diTCon)rt-ai submit, Tor ILeuF -If fluSr. gSwriuuentl are j) they caonot 4 wl'wl!" participin tlie ameadment f ' tbatimtrumrat. " .-: T 1 -. ' r - ,piAaotlier ritolution U a (iillow . ' :.H a' Mife?r(?l That wa.are in JTaror of '.aattarta' fificrtf iA tta ht mtf, and feel the ' deepest ty nt' jmtlty with "the "oppressed people: of all coun -rriqM f all mint la diwitle aad control far Utat - . a(Mt the . churrvter t the Uorernment nnder which they li-'." , . """Tbuae nieiu lioi doclare tbemtelve in favor " , of "mthreraal li'teiiy iha world r,? deny liber? . ty to the oitii n and tax-payeia of ten large tatei! "'V,-"rr:T : f AgtWi they iro.la!in their dee pent sympathy with "nil iirt!td people in their, atrnggla for " freedom, and assert the "inherent right of all tnoa to decide and control for tlietnselvea the herMter of tUegiv(:rniu.,At under which,, they " tire And yet thoy turn around and brand at " . 'tnutort" and "rehelii," the men of th South, - who only sought to eiercle. that Inherent light But thlt It Kadical logic. - .IZtl maket no dilferenoe with at where a man was born, if ha posse! good principles, and if his conduct It upright and honorable." 8tad , rd.: ' 4,':....',, ' -: ! W'e gree that heartily. ' But we hold that V.." iiii.n n ho it a Radical in political faith doet " n t "jiowt ffwtl prineipIea.'W.lJ propoaoa to 1 dinfranchine and proscribe hit neighbor ; to punish and d raile tbeiu (or tctt for which, in nine r:im out of ti n, he It more responsible i than themselTCS. . ,. M'hen a man from the North cornea to our mid with' a purpose to tcttle end assietata t good citizen In tbe materlaV.developmcnt of tV.eSlafc. wa shall bid him welcome. bat when i besiniiUzet hit coming by an offeosi re and vin dictive spirit, we thall unearth him, wherever he may be found. , ; ; i ' " 1 Still, we have fur mora respect, at we have often as! J, lor a Northern, than wc !iar..fora Southero, BadicaL "There it no enterprise looking totUe inn prove m c t and lenilit of that community ''(.NewUii.) l h Mr. flanfy hat not ; pnt hit baud, or !r wiiicSi be hn not etpend" ed bit nioocy.n-.cn?arj. .'.;'' Mr. Stanly it in a very fair way to undo whatever good he tmii at any time have done for yTewlwrn or the Stat.-. Carry put tbe RadJ. cut j r. i,tiiiaiBe, Uich SIt. Stanly endorses," and . t liberty and property, and even lite, Itself, in tbe 8oni!lbt.hel(l by tennre so preeariont tt J i to be worthless. - ftitin Cu'vua ist aow .teratvbing birth tck ' ikull and vainly ettying to find out whattub attnt 1 benefit Lit mean white associate, at PuKaJt Iphia, btve conferred on bini, after all -their hubbtb .nd' .'ae, . ..u.. ;"1MJ -- VO:;.l; The IIaIub Election.' ' ' ' ' - .i ie hrld her annual electron, on yettrday, to vhooae t (Jovcrnor, five member of Congreki andaBt( Ltni hue" A I j t .-nt, tbe 0ov ernor, nil the members of C'iircri,all the Ptate Senute, and 138 out of 157 memlwrtof the IIoiip are Republican. In 18G3, at the gubernatorial election, the Republican vote was 63.449 and jibe Democratic 81.117. t , It it, cf course, not to be exected that Uii heavy majority will be overcome, though there It good rrasoti to hope that It may be reduced. " Arwe'jhav herti'i'ire n mnrked, tbe ttudl cult litre Hie link of Coiinuciiuug the Cmi'.iVq with the Jfe England SUtel ea tbe front of the tkirmitb line. Kext month, wbea the elec tion in the great State 'come ofl, we thai! tee jskdlhikt 'thACUljtlJt.ti!b aar4 or dcatroye . DiviiioN Amoks TBa IUdiooa ThelUdi eal party it a boangneout,eveai opon the "nigger wThr plrlt of aboliUon4s'crtcd ttipHy7atia Jt the differencct among; theia, in regard the future of, the" Wactt! raceare iineiy to aistotvt Mw party. Many at the Aorta favor Universal suffrag for tba black, and a Ventir obliteration) of aft civil, pelitie) or social distinctions on aorount of eolor while other are lor (trailed tnarage ; and ottieri oppose it tt tfigttlicn la th latt Ditunioa Conventioar is Philadvlpbla, tlw'Kariern Radical Were op posed to putting negro suffrage In the platform; the Rattiest of the Middle . and border State, boltetjf.ratWr than .Qmf ft ;whlUj th strongest anlvarsal tolfrage men ware the Northern and Southern Radioalk, who prnfetsed' tnr reprwen lh. trem. Boatlfe In this State, th( tdicalt.)kre dixitled ; tome holding on idea nd othienj difforintf. Sooit) proles to 4 (jr Johnson ; others' 'denounce htm eome art for negro suffrage ; others agaio.4 it, At a late meeting in Wilket Co, "t they ad TQCatcd pi4RoJizaUpnJht jilack ro; in Africa, Tbey are aalted,wo believe,- ooljt. opon oae uing, and tnat u, titef wan off Mr qfflMtJllltdly themiclietj They care but little boot time-honored , principles, about tlie govt ernment and Constitution of their father. -- It would teem they would give the Northern Kaa icalt a eH Unmh to alter the Constitution, to that they would disfranchise every Southern pian but themselves, and give them the offices 1 How patriotic I ' What lovlnf?-TJnion meii I - . Thb Nawnana Radical. It teeint that the President -of the late Jacobin, meeting iii iew bent was unable to make tip bit list of only twenty delegate! to tlie Convention in R.-tk-igh wUbout firemmmg nin 1 1 1 ci) "i n i t jes of oni of hi appointee. Wt are gratiSed to n,f'-r ttiat there are not twenty RaUieals to be f"tm Hit n!rewlenr aa teTentrotthote nameil as delt auUs, nave"; repudiated any, tdiliatioa rympathy with the movement, i The Newljera Commttrtml taytf .tw e- ' "x.feAV"''5'Cii.l,!l-il. s' ! "In thit list are names' we did not expert to tee ana ottiertweam expeci, i.ut um o- pcarancenf somename there we are prepared . i . . . I ll. . - . .. T aocoimc for. rw innmn. coo unun, in iiiuirc John IT. Washlngtotl It tn the list. ; YVe huvo authority for trying that Jfayor 'VVtshiDgtonv considers this to unauthorized, impertinent UM of hit name. lie bad nothing whatever to do with the movement or tbe meeting;' did not au thorize ia any manner ihe'UM ofliU Same la: connection therewith ; doc not approve of thei movement; has expressed himmlf unmistakably' in condemnation, of it j believe in Pretidcut Johnson. Will support bun in preference to any other man in the country, and w ill support and tuic iirr uuo n uou. , . , ... - The name of Wm. P. Moore it In the 1M. Jlr. Moore bad nothing whatever tox do with the matter: hat never been in anv one of tbt Radi cal meetings; authorize bit friends to tay that thitnse ot bis name it unauthorized and un war ran Uble, and ' that be will tnpport President donnson siiu uov. nwus. ., ,-r. The name of Cavid Iteaton tsitt the litt. Col. Jleaton it and ha beea alisent from tblt State for week past In tbe South West. We are au thorized to state that recently a . letter hat been received in this city from him, in which he pro aounct s fur Prciidcut Johnson and promitrt him 8 hearty -ettoueU iaiJfcten-nce. toauxollu-.r man in me nnunu. ,. ; , - 1 - Here, then, we btve three of the namea of the deleti .. Osed by the lenders of this fuel ion Without authority and must anwarranUbly. Ko doubt thtefe are si,verl others in t he m rtcgoryvand we venture the assertion thai of the twenty named in , F.i ai.h-nt Tbonias' lit, Hot more than four or lire btve consented to tlr.t use of their names." , , , . . .. SLerilTs and Taxe. , - , , Beveral of the fiheri.T ol the Stat have al ready eUled a lth tbe Public Treasurer. Where th people are prepared to pay their tarrs, the sooner it 1 done tb better, tirnply fur thd red on 'that, wlienrir thing i obliged to idoo, the tia.nerlt ft done the better. 'But it will be borne in mind ilia t the late Convention, In order n rrlitvfl the pplt,.xtndil thfl t!m lot the tcilieiueut of the MieiiiTt with the. .J'ubiic Treasurer until tbe 1st of January next, instead of the lsVof October. ' Tlii, however, ha ho reference UfviiVnled favrs or eueh at merchants, 4c., arc required to par. This tax the Bherifls mut collect and Jorward to tb Treasurer , at any time he Biay direct liefore the lt. of Jaii- .tjary..5-..r-i.-,..i . ...r- v,.... Tlie eolli-cti. n. of the general listed tax it kit to the discretion of the BhtrilTa, but they tuust te'resdy to "ie oit WficflnVt") 1 f JaWT'Tro.'?. J.u... i,., try next. Tlie' Sheriff, wearetu- '! "Te be people all the Indulgence which li. r . ty will allow. . '.. , . '.. . ,' SEMI-.VEEKLYl; 'nyUiji -w. Ml HOtl.ll It THEIR UK I' If 1! I - The Two Convent!-' The roii'rast pntcntrr) by the JI.il.i Ctru in Phdadvlpbia, i lii h hs ju-t ,i ., I, to that whiuh assembled In (he tame ( -the 14th id Auujt,i, indeed, iui l The I vnilihiirg jVcif jire-. nt the cin!i i t i . . mot iuijtn-tiiireillglit. It tays i "The one an aHocmlilage of diguifk I. " gent, rcpnucotntivemen ; theother c ', with lew exceptions of oteure,. ignoiai. t, i 1 WnprincipVid UiaKgnants, wbofavur any i however tlisorgauiitiiisr and revolutionary . ff.nl the prominc ot' prolminl a-'i i i. n i pr!tv live i'lliwe. I in i aoiue of liiriu J.i - -oi ilii. ,,' ' l . ,p.i, ,.y 6T a lii(,'h order, but (ill lis.i) nin! 1 n-piianis for p'aoK, or trit.rleu"iil ftiu power. ' Th M lavbvring wilts libitmi and truterual impulse, to rmUire trauyuilit.f aud ipi'nt lo a country torn and convulsed by the p.Viun and violence of-fw-ynrnr rif Wonib'he.l-sm.l rit.4i other dinHiS of perjwtnatini; this condition, awl d!rumilnd i rctuia poliiieal power, even at the rik of politit-Hl sjiareliy.rrThe oe exhi biting to thecountry tbe jarratiliag pevtuclo of aeouiliins'foii of ii(ht thinking patriot ImImt; ing tosrrtire tlieprniMrity aad hpiinesofth whole pedpIe.'atMt tlw prwwrvatiou )f the gret principle of contlitmionul litwrty; nad lb thir striving wtih diviiliBl councils, and trre-eom.il-lile feml'( to ovrmde- evcry eonsidcrp tion of urndenre andrjfltrlv to iinore everv principle rf liln-rtv. fTbe one lmvinsr harnioni- oijwty pcrlectod Us Wxirs-swIjiHtra -wlh- brighf proM-rlt of future triumph f tbe ither dis trnuted and diswtrvml by the tnttgonittie viewt ol us tt-.ihu.tnii liiiuttu-kl member, u Lkelyto split on aqnmlioa of viial importance, andean luity L".k.birwNrd jo fiiiuifbhleir soil retri- lllltivi rtiai ruf.o " - but.vc disgrace,';.. tl L Ji!5fWS : ".'XwRnii IfdsoBAnj.t!'" iWltea we nnwittingly do a pMxm lj "n! ics, aud, acerui th fact, W retttw.-tyt willing lo snake repsratioa. ' A lew week tfiiee, we stKted, on the aotfiority of the ' ..- .4... -js r i.-i i.'y "" a Atauwas niiriuiit . -. . . j 2 ' 1 ... 1 t . t I T . 1 i ' . . 1 .. ... . . Ja Gui!foriLXi(vr Imd give the ' Standard" wier futiiinr for not doming fully an to Ait Ile of 1 what wa fi-tilft-d lit It at a sentinel on .the Radical watcfi ttfwef." -It menu that thit it a niiMk'i;ivfirjr(ia out n a, Ietlrr,ja which tietayitc i;mI ,tt ;. ) ..; jn I dbY not give the StnuJtrft "a everer-p' Imr." I never "ra.iiu. n or iournals tth art puilUijthl mm will 'r!.!. mit, !t and in addition to tins 1 uiout hearnlv approve theeourswof Mr. HoldeM anl'rovuiouultittvernor, ami lH-leve that it. bit poller bod been puniued otir political hor- iaun wmiUi btve bet n Llonn-r fwlav thaw It I. I did not aiiy, iliiwtly tir militiclly, Uiat the itanjurtl. itak "pititii ularly dihii(iieut as tothe rights ol humx-h." Nor did I menuon the M!.ih di'rd or any other journal in connection w ith tlieriuhttorwruuRsof Berlin-, I nsv, tnd it was tin) only rulerenc luaile to tlie Statultrd, tliault ue i aiui.UM:iiUit at u pa-aeat linun were gsrwtly.impatrtd bn ifa tonwr otterances, and I hv no l.iiilt that Mr. Holder would illinidy,- thfiaglr .per)iie -rowlully, admit the' Ww,;ar'r'I':"ii "f-t--' i" ' '." -'i. MraoirtcTtmtNO lMncetKV.'-W are prati- iJedliFb-arij Ihat'ttlJ lilterioits" rontcinptitfi-, by 811 association of jreiitti nu n ofcajiital, energy jinij exjine-etojPi!.ablish . I'actoryon an ek- tcnsive-sislw. ht tbitt'iiy, for -thetnanufrturo ol trttfori rnlirt ilotb.Stn-baO enterprise. W;e kr' fi)ly t'onvineed, ttil ii't niitv piore pr&iaMvj(l'Ci:,,VM,'i jit itstlf,' liul, wb.it it bet"-r, it will onU'ibtfto va-tly totue niHtcnul projuily of ill fhe- mrroonding coitntry,' ami Utilize much of the bibnr of the comtimmty. Saylas n imtialory experiment, that a Fao- tory,rWithioJtIy f'rly looms, be atart.et.t-. Thit will plw em piny men 1 1 from sixty to cis'hty wprratiwa t mu-e, alio lui-ditlbe t lecte.l Imm the l:ir:'P tinmber jf Iii. In-! .mm mid Inttli) nt, but iitdigent, females in our iiiid-f., Il atlvimt ages in oilier reFpcots aie too obvious to re quire nu'ntfii.1 Tlie matter it one of such vital importance MOiirlmnteilinte community; that saw trost nr rsolia au n will not aliow..t.ieo. portunity whU'li it tMtW; (eeiitud to tluni to alip from their haiiiUi 'A the projector of the hrbeme Will beat tii Kxchaneo If. it el; in lids ' city o miirfnw', w n;.'git thiit a Dii ( ting fur eonfrrrne be arrunged for that ptuce in the sf- a-a . M. ,t 4 o'clock. Ju- Th Slawfard says that Ml?- O. R. Thou. 1-, ex Prt-Kiilent or the At" mile and In. C. R. XI , and, ; rrjrf, TfeaMetit at '( bile T.adiiaT din ilave inev.liorn, snircrtd Uiiieh, during the War, "a tilt lunula ol the dipolic governments at Rifhiiimidtnd Ifub-i'h." ' When-in ? Will the filiintt'irtt specify ? ?.!f. Thunois R 'i-5, at one time, a pait of.tlie'.'df.spoi.c' h...:e meriin-.i-nt, himself. . lit !o filled txvcral. oiiict-e dunir; the W.11 tnd Wat never v '1 "lorMt-ripted" t'mt we"b've ficard ot. If -1 ive the jioi.'U. ibn cnrlii'i a i'.l not do. assertion it a, mere lrii4i. , 1 j W iNitut whether our ri'y st'-es butter Hiteil aiih a'l 11 ' ft" a 1 re ewr ..,mf.,rt. jbteand tlecen'iarj fit t'-.u out- r I mro-r-niail than they are, at iirenent..."Sott.'if ! wear," and'.'IS'it'.itnj , t . eit," would be 00 jlete re frain, but for 0110 ili ulty ol aix-iiout nn'nre, 1 the f.'r' :'.t scarcity iif ni'irn y .r ; t'ie pro- Ji''ii. -J'j'n ';Vt.'.!i..''""' Vl'1'' "' "l'p'" C:l-h may ascertain where to invent it mi-t proii.B..!y Oysftirrinw aVmjf -tlie a !ve-ti in ;t cotnnir! of the .fv-.'i.Vi., : ' ' "' - ' ' 'V ' b tl. is JSU!i, i I l.uTf of the I'res- t- ''ing tnd tucC 1 - , ih'ie of doing. Canvas-sing East Tet.n' i.knt't poliry. lie is m I tive speeches, as ba i so HIlXDH rE8lU!fTI..HrKr CW , CorrcBponilenee of the CHiitinel.J 't , ATi.Mmr Horns, Braiifort, Bqit t. - ' i .Vir. Kilitart ; Why doc no( al tbe world 1 i nine dovi n here hni enjoy the delights) if (Iw i st4-cot in geptemherl Perliap becaowe tlie ,' Southvra lHtrtion of It are to pour, or bxi buy to leave home ; but If tlie.ro are any ol ' your friend who have the money and tlio leis ure to tparc, tell them to come down and tind out for tbcmselve bow charniing (.'upt.tin Orsin : r, of the lute C. 8. A., can make hi house to t .! "mU'i t lew' who have bad the eourugfl-:u 'i v i h him at'tet the ncatUd "Binwin"1 l v. . - i "I : i t . ' 1 hU s, ei.tnut, Mr, Wiiii. tn. I, ua l-lu r kn-nt to Cud an ex 'Confederate ol.'ieer who vrsis n -oToiner in annction ' Jlunnir tlie iliijs or lifs ia ttiirc ration l Port Deltwar?, 'and sol act bi inner-man with oyster, cm (wand bog lidt; while hi outer luvrrrintea tn the habnv Houth breeiea and deligbtM batlr at every higb tidc' i;T; j l, t ,i tW. ..' -. W.-a .j. l! ' . . " ' At prcsont our company Is a tmall 0110, as the I Constitutional relations nith the Federal got iPle ol giiestt which hat leen ebbing smd flowvT ,arno'-nt upon' th 'moat ' "tavornlde' terms, yt ing for tlie taut two months thjcmt'now to f wr at thick Waters but wre ex iteet intra imf tinui next week, at our ho ctirvred a t11vf tsijxt at a prize to the latest boat, and on Pitlnrday, i tue latn, we are to nave a grami rerutta and ball. Send n down rvinforccnientt in the rIiii! of ladkt and grnttenwo whii lovt Uanetfirf and racing., Return tickett canb purcHased which will reduce the railroad fure to tlxnit eiht dol lar, tnd gtvo you' three oFfour' d.i of ii" bteee tiesidet the ball and regatta. c 'From ten to aTteett boatt will lie entered tor thrprizr, and a they are splendid emit for sailing t expect I the thaurrgitri and t(ie -Jtvbtrt & Lm, tnHh.f ,.Svr - a1ttrtM.rf.,.LMl.il .tA..Jle I... ntovecii,iug race, imiwg iwi ooaia are n 1111..U iv tiu i.ij mii'iiiiru VJ l"l wrr v'iiniri- atet, While "our frteinis, the enemy, a gen ml ruks, prefer the Jfotfi f'Am, which carries 4 a itreantr at par moat Acad with ".U.. BiaiP'.l in wnite letters on a rjM grounO. ijtts.(f I j Borne tune last uionUi, a party ot young .la dies determined to present Ben, the freed man commanding th Benurtyard, with t rluflr for his I eommaarno tat) Btnurtgam, witu a nag ror i rf-ft . ft - cnMnltatlnn,rllh Qnneral BrarHev 1 imim U 1 1 VI Vnmilfllli in hum uiihi 1,1 .inmiil I . . . . . T. Johnson, who ia at ready ..for fun now a be wa tor fitrbting wbea a Jive, iuntcad of an ex QenemL they bought a square of red flannel tad transferred to it centre a white cotton Maltese erostv With lldueoeremry It w, when com- ' pleted, run up to tb mast head f tlie JSsok regard, and as many a she could carry em barked on board of ber for a tail past Fort Ma-. con. Overt wat thecomanitiaa ia th Fort d on boanl the (lotibli ender hingwnflcr.it gnnt, when the sauev little craft IlitUd 1T thorn. Hi red fl? and white crost were, to, th tmmau; l rtantjjr the U. S. Innrt and naval lorcet ot the harbor of Beawfort. hkn the Tell flag nf tbo Mat ador ia tbe angry Imib t ,avptttim ot tli- eer wat en oyr to enquire into tlio innuer, and when it wat discovered that the nag a us made by Southern women, and had a crot ujion It, these two cireunmtuneen, combined with the name of tbe boat and the fact that there ( a constellation in the he vent exiled tbt Soother crow,- rendered tlie matter suspicious, and lien received n Intimation that hi nag must com tlowey i But Ben, being a freedman; atood up for brs new-fledged ritrlitt aad stoutly refused in takr it down-, bravely bearing alt- peiaecutioii. van to the cutting of his main theets by nan person or person! unknown: f '- w ; -"In the abienceof war newt from"Furoiic,iliit quarrel between the commandant of the land and naval force of the harbor of ISenufort, and Ron, rtlie frccdmtin commanding the Itovmijnrd, tit become the topic ot the day : anil Hen 1 r iott Trhfrh he'doly make to the hnli of the Atlaiif tic Houso, Is looked ror with jit tnueh interest at the new by the CaMiC JThe matter i at pres ent In ttatm oo, and Wearo all rln the out nivi to know whether th r-'mire'jnrd, witlr her bit" ot red Dannei, win tj unoweii to etiier tor tut silver cup, Or wlietbcr,. "but tarn thiiuUnedj the will be 1 confiscated by th U. 8. for her iiii pcrtinencel- There tcirms a ulijd't lull in afl'.iii just now,vanif it is reimrted thut thn matter bat lieen referred to the authorities at Whin::rlniii How that i we can't sir, but will know I. t i e the rcntta m filf- vit 11 ft i-f 1 inpoM d,if red wnh a while cro-a 1 1 lil 1 t n, tii it (he HmurftjttrA shall bolt the black fl iu, am.l..ftcn sail nnrler hit own Colors. Come down and se bun do it. - 1" 8 - fir.u'U' 1 ... ..T.1T,.T r ........ ... ... ...m.. ... , ..1 Vn.k.1 ia or tub Uaou AiJt-.ia OMKKKmKO, 1 11 ImpretwHin trenerullv iinrvails Uiat pUbt lie meeting, under the auspice of tb Bontberii piliit.1a tun tit.t ih ll.lM I1IIU1& .Ana iluw ..lai.t week. - Our infoXtnntion on the suljcct lends t f to believe that a lonnal meotinri war jiot beld here, at many npMise. IIsbmos that a kind of conclave or conl'i rence wss held in the-olliise of tlio AeMr for thit, ilislrii t. Tlia Mogul rif theeoneein wa on Tim tor ( o called 1 John Lewis Jul.nwm, of I'oin 11m. county, Inrint-rly a luaiiufuctij-et oltpni-iona n'Mriim ia this town; nd w ho, by tb wy, aonm . yeurs. . ago ia tlid courmt of bis "prsotiui; ", pwribed. a tatif 'inuBb" br a man wbo couipla ncd Jf haying the c'nolic. : I luring a portion of the war be wst s fso-cnllerl), Surgeon in the Confwletate Arinv, and sei-onlinj to hit own admission, wbibsran vnssing ForsythftHOMmty acamlidate foe ithfl Convention, to Which io was not elect d, wl il in the capairity of tjnrgcon, pmjurcd lumssiit bV aiding in and conniving af.i!. rUou fiout .th Koiitlicrn Army. ; Thit mas Johnson, tx-cirai rj,' to our nndurabtndino;, h "'ll-ftid Cuntre"' of a tecrct leauue, ai oavJi-lnauil orgnnizattoat hav ing for its' (1 1. j !.,' ts is 'tl'inreweilv-(he -ovt-tl.row of tbeCtoveroiuenb 1 11m nibwion to this town last week, w to initial? certain. p reors lll'O t'ol Of 1 r.fflil h-ih'!-v-.Uu t'" reiiff ti ilieirr' -npi live bomta and in the various lie cteiid th or.b'r. Ani.ln'i tliose in attend am w o. wrxl Wiiiiam F.-lIenderson,ot Has. vidson, mors ei-neraily known In bit own coun ty, a "Col. - .William' V.iiitly." , IU it a- very pr.'jx r man to he tnifaged,. ia aeh a business, and wiil 00 doubt prove very pliant tool in the barids of Toiirfe;-wTT--if.-ifcaiav4 s rta.md Wfljiri, Mk.iuo tMiAiA-vaJA.aawaUr plot ajidnt tlie (iovurnwent ia l5'il. U W like wise wrong to plot aj'iiiuti it now. 1 he fe)lu i-IioiM lie named nriinst r'li.s n.'i liiermii; tea il ,,ry of tins Jaeol.in. .ili.i;ub.a 'f ictlotl. 'JJart men are at the imi I of tt, and it thi-ir own-pri-vste objits are promoted through itt tcjcticy, tin ir deluded victims, fondl tin y care, may go to the dogs. Gretndvre 'ii'nV. ,. . . 't i- -- .': -. --rr- (- a t si. ' .JsU-iii, I ! W H . y J xnfp ec f.F I. If! w.n JH f. .l- i I in . Irani, ,' V'-t'-- . ..4., fc -.Wl Jll - NO. 40.") IV YM ."3T rfe..Jt. ,, , ' - ? i w , ( ii. rr Hit bmiiuvl; , . ; r .7 Political Uectlng.' 7 . w. " .A meeting of the itinena t JCortlmmpton rdunty wa .held, tn tbe town-of Jrtkaoth 6i( Juesttay, th th hy of SepUiudwri JnUU, r J t Oft motion, tmiii Calvert -wa appointe,! t-hrurman, and WilUatn J. Hlmhli V stXwt.o-y. J -The ch dnuan . tld thtt the ciiW otntsct tf tli mcetintt WAt to Bomnmio cantlidntet to rep-' resent thewMwty in tbe next lgiktura; that tlie candidute nominittod it a mwluit; her on yetsrday were- aot, in bis opiniim, jK.j ptaMo to majority ot the penplta ..... . . s r t Cob John 11, Odoui tuovwl that a t-ommtttea of U re be appointee I to pwmire resolutiunsior the eiiisiil..r..!,,.tl e,t' tin. ,,., (., anit nropwe an it M.tiC Jjv. ..... .... t ...... ..... , tbereupuo, appointed Jolid Ik. Odota, . U Alii Uarrow.JwAilartiu, JametU. llarnea, and pamuvi liojeo, a omuiiU, who reported h loiiowinir resoiuuona : " uj i&hv. ? ss. I i A WiW. That whilst k is natural fur as Wesrre tie ; Tctnrn of; the Bratwn her- iomer rinee the end Af tb recent unfortunate strife bf arma. w bavr tttbmittrd, and a 4aw-abidincr4 viiiou-ioYinx ciuwo w expect w suimiii, to all tberniuiMneiits constitutionally iinpiwud. on us ny xne tmnnntiet ot tlie general tjover. mcnt in view ol the future Dear, and a hove all.1 Eoi inewpentartBfl iaui Union dt ITi Siad. 1 . 1 . . . . i . .Jumlcf, Aiiiitro bav . uniiia coti!'kUiC in tliaaluliiv, 1 teriitv, j.iiiniiini, nnd ttnon "Jrttrli timi lit "lo flic rnliin. ol our im .i nf J. ure-" aeiitatilrti to tlie Htliln L;Miii. and Conli-T any ret iisitnenii tbm for rex h-ctmn. ' . ! Aftejaiiurifiil atblruMe iro(i CuL-Jolitt B. OJiim dud Dr. Wlllinui Jiarrow, the resohilion WerH-niiniiiiiiiniHly adopled, f VK-tt R- IT, Oarm-r, JaniM W. K a -mn And iease tb, sneiubora of the l4 Li fji Jutni," m'wititrrtatewnurefa. v , 1 tar.An' . In tW'"nso to Ilia, v lilies tif the nwctint-. "Stutitt linruer and. "Sew sum ikx liia.l tlieniselve a dandidiite. Mr. Ft) the. In a Ming speivh,' nocmrefl mnt, tor tne take or tlia -cause" lor which be ami hit friend present had been bat tling, be would like to ba acandidate,but very dt-bcate health absolutely prevented the crstirl- catirtn of such desiro." When-upon Caplnin K. ' a. aiarun was nut in nomination, which Iji insf Atppmfed.fllba f.pted and declared himself . oandblate. .f x- ti. s-v ,.4 ..,., ? 1 4 On motion, it wat ordered .that the Rdcigh paairt be requested to publish tlie procet-ilingt of the meeting. ' ' ' . v . t ... - . s . . SAWrEL CALVERT, Wn.m S. MannaT, " 1 n Chairman. , ,w . Hcrretary. t , , , . ' v For tbe Pciitincf. V., ',-.. L tlMMl..f.o, flHpl'.f, ISfitt. SlfSNtlM r IIITOtlH ' I lit Stiw rutl.eH Trntil mn exeunrion tsv the Cstowba riVor. ii was -mnch gratitk'd. tn Hud, nL.tlit Coinfituy' t.Uopa, a haiiii-iiiue Ihut el mi enrinei)'U'd "Jowph 'NoWniiinf of Hi i! iv.seiit day wifl asK'who feijnteph (ialdwell; 1 lie is nnfr now sntrnit; the f 11 tiagr bt,li -MKAwrwy. sbwilij atnfc Biilliuiit I tiionuuH-nfc. V bile be uAdAimiu;iiterni to, t'w r ti, Vi....;. 1. ..1 .!. :..i...t.. K7UOC as iir I 11-i.niviu in mu v. ll vt -11! lii I lllf totlj iierloTtir nt twwiieritVi rinitlef VIil.se f wbniiiWialion rtolho' of thbrii;hteif tnl wtsVtt iinwtotnr ilay were irjuwd.t to found -time to write t terje uf sitiUerovxr Alt mmsmmV of "Ciu-U'in," whjeh witit very Inr toward pre rpiiringthe pitblie nu'iol of North. Caiuliua lurJ 1 tlio tnc nnon ot a svsiein or inri fntil Tirtprov. j.oiculji, fcliieli bat retiltd, if not a a ourrF of ptotjialitc investment for cajitaliiiti. at. least tn iltvehiptng th resources of one ol the; ri heat fjtiilet' in th t'nion. I speak soU-riy. 'when Hlliiig.K. C. ti9 of tbe riiln-ft Htatrt of the t'nion. ' F.r whe that knowt her s .-lieuUnrAl udminnnilrisKiuroaicaatay otherwise i, ; ,,..lf. (Vlilwell thought, wrote an.J spoke more Oll-ilil! .suhjeet of Railroadt than any 01.1.11 of bit day. He labored tnseitwia and out of leHion to arouse tb people of North Carolina to ailoit a System ot internal improvemcntt. At hvt, a am ill mis d of Justus I ir Urn awiird -1 to the honor of Ins name. When our citi"m- f t'ie eniriar'tirnilnjf the nnni (if the vi rii inble I'ri-4-lit of the I nivi rsity b i tin in r meinl r t.ni tlow tit a dull rent lliuinm.1 eos-pnnie have bet-n in ri knowhtlirg therviaDit the n I old I111111. When tli" Itith hi'i ami Cuton road wa eonilib-ted, their fiort ciigint-s were csned I) rrtV vind, Timm.il, nnI sin h like, In rout n of tunc, tlpt iorlli ( amhna l!ailnmd-v a cuiplo- toil, aud i (he tpablio bad the liimnr o being transported , by, the jiomt-riiilj'riiis of, fntT llliaiyi, 6ji"i'', and fueli worthies ot tlie obi en tltn. as rwpiire a fn-ltr ri-s ,1 nv cii.dii. 4amtea4tllith '( Undent liintiotury t knOv who they ant that, the-l'siirofid -cottifianbtM.ot Xot'lh Carolina btve delij,ie-l In hyti'-r. I !.iy tb by, one i.i ("ile. d ,'i.. nml if the wri'er re niemliera fS- k- srnd.it,' tlie w-it-f is not p, V, i oorrocllv, ' TM llris-U Itsd tnP H, l.iifUH d U. ap1rHtcd vowel) , i, ei, , ' ,-- 1 ,t !, A It ulcusd. engine is m pe otbtibla a.nionut 'Blent for so- gnat won It. Il ioHivet, tbere for, fiery fti li rorjen d em in North Ct;iiia b call '.tjoiiiif fTiit!ineiit i.l.ji-i-t-ni-p.-rtsimn5 to their w-nrka by., t'bei botmn il ttama of JvtK OiMir, oi:o.'i'H titimiif1". 1 ' ,I!il.iorocs Conn sir ir."-A ymni' ffetitlemnd AippelidiWl.at !iinh in a p' n Iji iimi one til which sit a huly, (.irabom he cnneeivnl a (Hidden slid liuleiil piHion, and wat tb-oroti i.f tjitirt, lido 11 court-' ti on t' 1 sp..l ; I1.1t the plan' t t su-ting a fnuuil ibs ' irii n. 1 1 0 fXi-ni vi 1 1 the ense tu itted the t..t.ii g 1 "ii : He pobt lv handid Im f.'r n 1 1 r ). 1 l. 1 r, . Il il 1 'I ' t ' ' 1 . J t-l. m' oiid l.pi 41a ol Juiiir. 1 . in 1 11 . . 1 I'd now 1 be-eu h iliee, holy, Bt as 1 .'"i:ih I w rot a n. w ciiiimi'ind unlo thee, but- twit '-,' 1 W had fr.i'm tbe b.-piiuting, that .w h.iivio. an o'hi r." iK'." telumed poinlin-.' to tin ei -. nd ch'iptcr'if l'illi, ter tenth : . " i 11 tlie I'M oa her bice, and bowed l.eis. li' tn" the A.'toiiudj ,iu;J iJ..uu;Li.lij;i,.!iX.!ini.',! i."l'i.t i in iUilC. .,e. UiJa Xl.il'.: ..i:iiuiiye. t..i.C .kli.e- : li- nf me II ' thai 1 alii Hume rf ii-i turned tie'. f.ii. k, j'M.'uitii.g tu the t.hir'' illl Verm ot tin- 11 1 'I i.instte el ji'ii". u e, .n ,f 'tin' trnirry ttripsv s)ir'-wril ttiil'l 'jr-m. 1 e i th-t WJ-iliuaUU M.:-i":J id ii'k, hut I trust to Cftn unto you and sp. ak Im o, lo htee Uiat Of.l" jry-' in.iy be -full." Front tba.aliova interyieiy , a marriage took place the ensuing week., e t , ' '!'. !'-.""- ". - -. . - Aiii'3vr:-s.'. 1 li ein ul. v.- -t 1r- fth Fifs.i i.r its Sui Atlvariisctnmitii, c. ill In aia Irps o bos, asicb rs null a ..ir., 'ur(is nows luc inierttu It Ul Wok!y ! Tl i 1nmli.ni, tt 1 , li r ihu lunvrt ions." ir ea.''iu4iih, f Viwt moiiilu, fur sis Mentha. iiv ' ; i' i I on lit s-voij pan H, ta Ornet, -. j.- , H..M.trrs as ti t svsti . AKiih Ttibuteta tlie Cliarai ter cf Gcnrral ff'' j Lc, -'i 1 !,( t i-Tirahwifj miiioibil artii'l;V.t)ii! 'i r a aub 'rifMhiwofflfttitWtft. Whinton tVM a l.v tlie fiiends ami adiniret of diwr-d f,t-iii t'i. un.l, tlio J.on.lm f-"nh.t of An-i t tpeaks of him a f;io r lTth., '"There la ro r. i;. ,.',,. f,.v. 5 any, annr UiiM)-wiu'.i r.amti tbiue win, i'..o pui-est tturr. In birtmrywin.se tiii iit,r bat pommmutM o biU a i ''-Hie of r'eni and R'iiiiii.iit..n jmtn linnr i. r t th, ir ( 1 : ' " t , I . , -.1 . 4 .'it ot . pei t and .1 I . - hi;; In .., j a gret r..i:ioii d ' ie. rcgotisin, nothing ol ton a. i. el ...ity "r p, : ...:.11W o cu ten c!imcteri.tio ot w: 1 in u,' no liuge.of aCtUiwrvatil.u M. ej.in.-14. -iitiihi- ainiw.t tnx'pnra"!.' i . -tn eeiii nn- 11 11, of mind, ill 11:11 CiM rtiHlf t-.... . I; .1 . I. .if 1. riii.ti-: atioa, anil (T?:ii'W!i.i'nm-i(ili ie. iii-uei-, nfliiy tbetimple ;r-iidi nrt tU. iridium tmUu-r't ruliirii, j A ji.s 'j- vwii) ,j t tlj j...; 1, y ti, yr ,of Th U i- ii-..nb a -ni-e, 1I1!.., i,'i mliihe t u . liin) ,'ul" n . , y j ii.n.d i,,!n . b- 1 mi, -st appears 'a fi t.tti r of rorr-o,' bin inured 1iis aiioiecourxe nt i i.ii!,,i iimn.iv pubi- aU, wlwtkir a tvtoldu' (.tms nt. i A ln3ily Contiu tiou (Hid t'ie to ili5.fl:ir'! 1 . "'bliUtt of the iii.tl !i,i;; ( ol "Am. u, in,, n rtenee, tieni-rul l.u 1. I c, 11 die M -i 1 ..lf,u at ma niBiwioniM n.ti ; 1,1 a h-tnIiu. ,m, man "abomenvjs tlaml not i.sic,'' but 11 limit tt en (he one ibuk st.i.n of d-mbi. if lust oi'ilinliomir nTi whieU the 1 lentil ot Ai nor. An Itn, j.hm 1. t't on the Hit ry nf his iiiuioi. me ,t i,,..n. v,.ii."""' ..--r,,....u ..... - ..in ni.ii e 11 ilia najvmlitwtwer set slm.re aihiiimble e.unpl of the soldierly virtues of hwior.-ehivuliie earr 0ity, tud niaiily simplu itv ; no irent m m ever retired Into obsr uiitv. a fur w lim s.in r i.i.le tb "da of birVainiM ami the destnirtionol his rri-' H ... M.. fe- 1.1. .... . m khiuho, nun iwwe.su i.iirt;i in pit ten ee and unahaken fortitude. . ... . ,.. 0( ills uiiuUtry . ncliievenieiits wu neeil fi.o a tpesk. It is ct ;li to say that reurly nil bit vletoriet were w on :'dnt mot moos odd, anil (bat hi four years' ilel. ncenf Vir-inia le.l !.. parallels ia hiHtory M ur example of j i. i r--tMltt accomplibj ItU f , :t rn.-iti and ut Icrlul (lisailyanlages,' Imi is now nioro in termtinir to remember is the ie of tlie man, at displayed hwU various exii;en cienf that trying ttru'rcle: II, si. mile hoiient ami ktiully bn ling who h prompted ban to con tote hit soldier as they recoiled from the can non cioani it hdL'Msof (oitxlun ' with the as-nranie, "It ia nil nn r n'l t mdhit. l' sell li prrs iml.ni wl i.i j i .1 ,1, wl.i til one all Jae kson It il, I imnl I v, i.l,, l, , ,ike of our aur, fliut I had betn djubhd mlhir ihsn joii ,' the ( htis'i m t 'm ihj, j noiutrnecoiildpri)iil,e to 1 I ( 1 11 m, v 1 , li, altsv Vlr-'loia Ji(j ,ff n onilerr 1 a d ,(i 1I1I 4. held the army that uivailed l'ennMiIvnniit r'rmn xtntetlng tliu lli"it trimdiipiy on jni.11 or - property ; wltteh, when It. ou , (iim ' had been plumh reil, rnvtm-d mid eouii .-uu-.l, look care to proteet the hnu .es and pr .M ri v i his enemies; the, horror of nsrlctiii ll nd-lied" which wit IWnod the crv for Trti-HntHtiti cm ite-f -by the murder of font hern iee.if.ii in , ,,1.1 f l.lootl.-aml supporte,! the tes-dlve i.l' (be Pr-si- - Atunttbiit imle.a aoiual muuil-i'i ' w''re tnkeli re blood liniiM Uebed but an the 1ild .of ball u.. the li.ui ii.ii . uii.Hi-I.iih-i ol )iif lnr -Words to liis (ii.bainiiii.j; utmy, utt the njii.e.i tul Blh of April, "I ha vri d ine mv Ie t (,., ,,. Bntit Wa w ben till Wat over iv!;ill., e'u'tf of great tnd liMor to-t.ni.Ki . nrmv i a fri. vine inrin un.l . p-iroluij p Cllll'ir eii iil H s of (i,..e! out Wuii uiie.itiulleil f,i!..( I . . .1 . . 'incucr- lll - 111. ." -41 1' Im1 pes . v 1 Getting ' At the rlnn! of the in tli t'n'o 1 it, nip n tliu 1 tV! IA 1 : m . n f tie; ween t ' '- 1 I iOSM It'll I V - 1 d 1 to T. re ii I. nil , - "i nt e. re ; es s 'hi I nt- h .'i.red. I .rri.er in i m I no ti n infill t 111 tl I I'll! 11 I I ' 1 ll 1 I r 1 candid htu'i t 11 nt .ii 1. . 1 viwt snmiioi tl lie' . .1 ' (piiri, hut titlurs v 1 it t fi m, and ml .wuii v-e l ed in r, 1 nt the rmni'-' 'f" 1K1..111.I ile, (' Sllllie 1il.il' Celt (lit Wtill 1, II.1 11. filtiirw; atl r i-i' t on tt ivti nerd 1 pis't.dnv inru winphu mv t Ilium bun. ' 11 I'l if t 1 1 1 ere 1 d IV... - it 'i ...... ,. , r a A lit'iM tuiij'.ri'v. il il,. 1 to r-ii i't un.l m, lilt Cur of tie ie lorni'-rm ee It -i it. and rt! b mi 1U-- e I to s' i r.N I ' b it tn t: is hrsr.l 1 r . ' 1. etl Hi II. fl I le.. his old Inline, t ni : grow We ' Ae ) t C !d'", ie H'T' -." tnrr ,rt N -r-I r '0 l I 11'.,, I I 1 I 111 1, the l 1 il .,. ' ...tl liltt Ve'i elli I" e t lie CtK s.n vi' .b-rrv Initdi! ii ami put up b. ei y i-ai iv one M t 4-wr.irtV"4o -t ; i V. hilt 1 e - ' 1 I J..ti'v 'i j ;! n! im.l (md In iy I 1 ' v Mi 1 1 1 I 1 V; ! t 1 tie llt 1 111 r 1 I ' ' tntiii it ii ' W'" a ' ' ' lull 111' ) i Ii hi r - 1 ' ! i- ( 1 1 t 1 . kept II , r I ( if .. tllli , fl I 1 1 t I 1 1 .J 1'.. '.'II t I V t I I I tliins, Mr, ( fid "''' ;: yv ilh I he p i le. nt Inr Ve, sir. lie, 1 t te 'i f it"!1 ' t I win.. 1 i.,e could ... t I A 11 1 tl Mr C-rt' ltd I ' 1.1 tlemvn who: wi re visttiiiir his b,... hni.'bisd imflol" tbenv-W'-ei'd' l.rnt Jerry hlta't t 1 h I 1 I , liiW tbe I'moti."'.' In tvt-.iid t..,i Jerry ulheient,lv"rr'-i'n"Triieled " in with lt.njrrtfTi(.i -.en-.

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