f - THE1 SENTINEL'.' a. Vn. C 11: LL, feUWe IVInUT. , ' lJ 1 UJ - TFBHS OP BIBSCKIITIOX. i flis Wimf Vnrnitit pablisksst every stoefaj , aeralag. . - i J. j. rcsn-Wtnt as Batarasys WsdaeMlajr. j ' , . ' ' Ttrau: t "f f ii: ft t ;; Hlk stwalsttca ef ttis st4,.,, tti stost tsvu-sUs aisilitiint uf itv but. , . . i it mi nf '.ufi fa t SE'IWVErilLY; . AIvwUmbds, ocBpjiii lb spi of It tins, f iatoa typs at lss, wloi-h ws Jlatituara, vs trg as follows for tiiMri . .n is ths kly i . " Fsres t"r!-. n, s kor tw HjAvrli..!,, -1 - - 1 ' - tml saonh, . . ,.. . t , , . . Firlwo siunti.H, hi., i uf sis suit it. i : .... ' ' i i est s-ii .' ' " ' ' "." ..""' ' 0B WCr.S m-u'l I , . ,. . tl , ,SaaL Hss Owes. . . -.. raklr,-SPSjatl ia sdvsnos. tit ' Beilrwsly, on ysar, s'Naas, , IH "y Bead kly, ill stoats In kJ, 1 If " ,r,C DaJiy,yer, . ItH- ! ' Ily, tit monthi, " " 5 Of ' r li1jr, tt.sw sisallis, - ' " f -- f Patty oMKih, -,. 1 . ,. b.4 si wot: in ei list m, r nE FHusioEjrT"nerT cut. vol: i. : ItALLMG II, SJLTUIltiAlV OCOliUliOtlibGO. vinous: ' .vi;r .:i ni iu t j j m 4t n " !" i 1 -: j ,.ih.iv I-'- ,.': ! I l ' - , . 1'.. t . ' '";')! " 1 1 . , M y' i'l 1 I V , ' i . ' ' i t ' t t. ' "i ; . ' ' X - FitBHtiira n Nibt:i I'lirnr int. The Bureau report fir September, on frcedtnr u 'a affaire in - tbi Btate,tate that tbero w isnued to Freed men in that month S5,80 rt?, The number of school lor th ncgroe I In , teacher j achorvtrTTiavsrw' 'irtreetluieir are, for tualc, $9-75 per mom ., , ii female " t3.85.1rteoiidi)B ii expreaatNl that," if thels- lue of ration be Mopped during till month as ' ordered, (and as It Uai been,) tnkny black will die of starvation, ai fituthertliemunicipal, coun ty Bor State aulboritk are able to make anyiro visum lor weir wppors, . i H .i 1 ;., .-."it " : Wuito 8minu Capk. Geo, M.lUtBef has been associated, with 3. W. Alspaiigh, Esq. in tlie'oMtorlnJ management of this paper. Capt. Matbce was a gallant officer In the Confederate army and.i aaid to b a gentleman o4 fine tab- DlRHTT-TKAVa WITH LlVEllfOOU--Wf ! pleased to learn that the eteauishlp MdU will losj fJtJToiMMcr .Uieipwtffirat.bQHtflu. middle of NoTember. 4 The rates of freight will ;' be very reasooablcj of which announcement will be made ia good timOw.. .'..j ?..- - . ..J.i i Z.-S-- . .' H'"'" I " , t - i , For tiie Sentinel; 'T IlKwiii Eihtoii iThi people of the South? " are poor and la debt, but tluir omiditioa it not , liorMtl48- w belief thattbii refflon U the - moat tl iruble, bf nature, In the world. What ia Wanting now Is rimply win and conrageont t'enterpriMi We are In- the cnndilllm of a nian who la in debt, but tin' a treasure hid iq hie ""Helda and vhub fzt-wA m reatUod except t ewmtleriMe rpf.rT'm IT,' -The existing dbt,ay, la lire thooiaifd dol- - Ura. It will take tweotyne hundred more to reati the treasure and tender it amilubla. Tbi latter ia worth , million in cash. Now what, ia to tie done! The debtor baa no money and no wa?a for raising it but two, and these re to . jpulf half his place or mortgaj.'e all. - - - ' Will he lie wise to refuse either plan f He'll be ruined end nltimately told out if he .doe'l ""pursue! otie of these courses. li he. resort to , eilher of tlnffl, and fils to get the treasure, he wilWonly arrive at Ule place wbitber he will go way. ,lat lh tWasurs if then tiul kttwis it. At a eertaiw poiit be'tt reach if, nd yet he ' cmmulers liimsolt too poor to tligiur it. WUat an absurdity I ' ' - ' ; The obvious course of the Sonth 1 to push " forward her work of internal improvement, and bring all her rich soils, fine pasture an l- hauMlea mine scar to market. , .-' , We want n immenae immigration of Intel- ' llfrent laborer ; but the men we look for have been accustomed ton different system 'of cut ti ra ioa. from thai herrtflfore puiod ie the H.HMtH9lwv fiiiv" eulitvl small farms, and. iimIs every tusk tei mt every etlj cot. They is wlitt we call truth firmrrtj and thy have bucu in the habit of selling every surplus potj , . toe, cabbanrf af)le and .berry. 3'Ay ssmst - tr tumarlut; and rf we wilt build railroad alt over our regtpa it will sxin be planted with thrilty laborer as thick as black-burrica,,, There " I no mistake in this, If we build road we will be the richest people in the world, li we don't ". we'll be the poor eat. Two way are before us; - which will we choose t, J',. i ; , .i.to , 'at it is aakeil, how can we build roads I Let - me reply by other qoestion. ' Uow can We do . without them I Who will buy our lands t and if we can't sail ear buds, how will we ever get ontofdebtt . ,J" JJut where there i wiil there it a Vaj.f ;1We '"can build roaihi if wttry,":, - r..tv,ri'-?; i Allow me to mi"w?t one plsn, ' pi'pjiAao wa ' -'take the Comptroller's Books and ao i luiu the assessed value of the real estate of every county and corporation in the State, and tlten pas an act f JLasemljly aUawiugeai h county ud cor "' poratioa, to sul-nbs one toii.li ot its nett value, that ia, of it awstusod value everibiexJsting debt, to any railroad or cuu.il which it may e-. tout Allow bonds to be isud for such sub- irrtptionS, of small dcuomituuon, receivable for - all Bt(e duesapd fuutiu.blB-alths cpljrin. of the holder of, aay, T50 wortlior more, in tock ef 1 the work fir which in uwl, and let thr'"bondt m-f fair twenty or tiiirfy yt , and. .bear mall interest. - ' ' To nrevent frauds, the bou.U cuitld all be U ued by the State, for the enrporatio) coocera- eil, on a cmnmou plate, thf lottering only being " peonliar in eiteh cune. "- 1 1 Tbi Would only lie riiikinaf t.nlh f 1 1it we are worth to b.ivi r, '1 ; thi j ' in . " i ve ' sMfeircoltttiniT im',ml it'tnsv -.ulief '' -;were to en;" -, t'e (State wo ' be -Covered ocrii a net k of roinruercial "' arteries, onr dead lauds wot;! 1 ( to hlV, and our eoA vuluntion be live ti. - t i! is mow. Oct 17, 18C8. N.tt -I' ', i ' .I ' '" - The Election Conseiv:.'' ? Cain. The election returnit are (till in . plete. 1 " e radical majority in Pennsylvania, h we pre.in t ed, ia tnateiiiily whit tled down as the ofuuiid rw turns couie in, and the probaloUty now ia tJ.it it will not much, if any, trceed twelve tliou,nd. The conacrvntives, therefore, have aim-J sonio j .'th'ng Dear. 8,000 upon the majority against them x-ia ttie laat prcsitleiitialehn-tion tlint gain bein more than e jnnl to the ni;iorif y n'r iinst BlcClet l lan in JN'cw York in 1 Jl 1. In Ohio the conserva lT.tive gain has boas etiil hwio iltitve. I.ineolu's ? majority wa5i),5Sfi, but at the recent election, '.. when the vote was aiipn'ntly a heavy ai ' i 'nt, the radices hive not uMaiucd more than .,(lo0 , majority. Imiianasliowsa somewhat similar ro : eulL- Ijnn.'n'a w'ori'v in thnt in ":; 'aa S'VV "-. I n... ',. :. .. :) . I dsici d below 1S,I- X i he conservatives also " gain member ot Coe;-ei in luii. uta, ns well as one in Ohio. We bavo not y r- -ive-i u:'l. cient rot urns from Ia to lorm a r n-ue " of the result j but there ia no ih.io l, jinl;.;in from our advices, that the ra licalshaveatso h-t '. in that State. The tu .ij i':y forLInro'n in 1 i ; in Icnva, was 1 '., aud te r- ' ; 1 t Mowisaut likelv . r. h HV . 1 a..l t; e .-:8tatte,threr..re,v' W Uli e!,t i bfConerv,:fna n-i'., i titwn the voi at toe i i t I jjrea , JIT, T.Humliulij'endtnt. ---The Afri'f'Klturul Pureait'at: V;..., a "' 'tim4tc tiie cotton cmp, fur 1 i, at l.-uj.tJj 1 bale. ' Thi U above the usual estimate. " Thi Dead of te JaiClutere-. ' " : Fa'-Ii within Ins nsrrtiw r tl furavr lai.l. , . mile leje.ULheia ul ihe j: mu L ultn-p," TIm KiclimonuT Whi ol bit., !.. , I tenting to iton-adera Jalie JtHcriptioiij pu tuo monumeuu nv fcivH ktxv i;iu uemetery, accoin-' paniod by note ol Its own.... W have tltonyht that it would b t feature of 1ocb1jj4 even of State lutlrcot o borrow the exoclleut idea of ovu fespeieotmTKirry, wtdtrftmtlsll im ilar brie, .ccasiouat s Vetches of the yenerated (lead who lvep-itl'ni the barrow, precinct of our city grave-jard, and who were persona of mark and merit, la their lives. Many good r.i and Women afeep there, wlioe memories rov , dear to llu eommnmtv, " t io IicrliC M w Un-e PTt'o.'e iirv'ves t' e A.j .. ... of the tomb. OMM,y.livr'bti!ijj oeitil, ytt epiakcfh.'J'1 W begin, without iurllor. pw'aoo, with some of those who Vcte longotit identiSetl with tbe in terwU an j pqojj'.s of ll:Ji;ir'.iraud.nhaiivlltO tereae sad honored old : 1 '"' ' ' , .! V fJkS .V . ' --- . - ; i. , . V: v- ,,- :, .(,! . r I tn ssemorV of VV'ii.iam Pot.a, huratsitim enanty el " 5Jeckluil.ni ;, Jul) a, 1. vl; ik partl Ihw Ida ai Uto city of Kslei. ijJ .in. 1 1( x0, f eJ ;,r veara, f sjuriltlsf sno five itni,i ,A i' l iii.ii soiiiier tlLrolumt the uw-hv wlm a th ii. ; i t luirnee of his, country was V- 'hlH hit.i!n)tv ; firm In frlfluUliiii. &i LruM mnA wanm ' in seek wiciai aff.il.Ki. ' Ho e!-wl, hil liviag, Uie msiieot and attachment of all who knew hiuL ; and kft aa anVietkMaui ceratios for bta eharaetur ' dejljr imr)iMed a She heart of his witksr and children aku Aavs sauscil UiU sviunweat U be a,iere.-ted," .. ; - - - - r - -f '.y f ol. Polk belonged ,f ca ,o men that tori i to have almost passed away. Of command in' ; ' i setlee,' grer.t decision of manner, as well as of c'l.im'efer aiid lofty Jideas ot .manliness' and persoiMl esteem, which he illustrated In all hi tok'TXoupe with the world, be would liars madb hi mark in any or any country. lie pos .C3)J, ifl. Jt rcuiar Labis-' degree, the faculty of govemlnir and controlling (lien, and many Inter. f Mtmgrewiidscenceaexistof hisula tbisre- tlect,afid of his ftrmhe ordUpouKion, added to great kindlinees of nature, lie was present In Charlotte, on the 20th 4-1 ot May, 1773, when Mecklenburg declared its independence of the llrifjeh Ooverjiment, and,' a stated on . the. in scription, served to th; srwi through the war of the Revolution, Laving been wounded both st the battle ol Oermantowa and that f T taw Springs.' lie held several public po us, at Various ttrntsyaStd era eiuid U ill t'. ..t he ever bnderttHilc. f f: w us the father of the no) ' n4 Umeuled ITitteyp .Tolk,' Lieut-General of the Confederate Utrs A troy, and of several other childreB,'0ne of v.hoin, , airs. enoeth Uayner, itill reside at the old ancestral mansion, in the north-essterrt portlofl ttt th city," whtch lradK Hon describe M'li'iyt'rtjf "Jboea .fr many yeri the seat of the most slegant Sod refined hospU To the rneTii of j a Car, an F.iigUHhman v bu th. hut A 1 i ei ( ie-. .v ftirtv vem a ri'iaen f liiUei. h. j. n il l b. i. i;a : diod Atur. i llany ef nr citizen, now living, will reniein ber th lli..iig ciiei.'.'-, the . cheerful preawnos, the lithe etej,-; and the active benevolence, of Joseph Calua. Ha was bora hi Cetigrskiiej in Enirtaud", wa a bookseller and printer by pre fesaion, and. for several ymr published .the "BhefTield lit ...u'H M ttnpaalldrt ed oirculation at th4 fl" .y. f The kvfeet Clriai-' ian poet, o'mwjt.," spyreotiee in this office, and always rcUined an f cfiiroate Tencrntion and attachment tot hi pittroo and friend. , 'v nl- MULittonp&Jl to flee from England to stoM political persucuUos, and, la 1701, r--e V the r""d P'jtes nd settled In Philadelphia, where he p. "shr l, tor period, the "IndopcndiTit Oaxette." - He wa tb first steno'Hhic fepo-' ' '""r nown jfjx this coun try, aud rM.i)rttl the ce'.jbraled fpeech of Fisher Ame on tB inj i'l..., with i hich rcport'lbat gestlcman wa rwt!l p' 'uwd tht h present ed STrrti;. v.'-Ti tL 'off, '.)-hi goj tend to the p-.''; p--!r,'f' ho, with'.faTge fcimily, - , t.i., ' work f his daily I i ' L i . .', . .r. C Jrt removed to Rulcigh, and e' ih!kJicd the "ncgister," whi. h 1 he conducted ' r nenrly I. 'y years. He f r many ''uL'ic Printer to the State n 1. iyor ol t y of I' .! ii, and was uuiv sally osternn-d i rV.f ;,!.' ".c ;-lrifrhI dovol' to the in' i.'hts t the coinmutiily and of State, an.i Lis amiability and poodness of ( aoter. T.y wif!, the l-;e Vi'ii.irieJ Sfr '. O'.' , hoi.i ha survived for two yesia, was cur. ot iue moxt remajkaMe women f her d.-y. the puhUahed aeverat volun , prlnc'r-.My of fie tion, an.I left Khind ! a uuiubur f vaia mamiscripta now in ti powscssiion of her do SCCtl.l.ii.ta. .. - ; 'T.l the P. iijiar, tlikint a toiuu.ii iatclkd " j ' ' ii i 'it y oft i.-.'.. .' of copies of i. a -j :piirs, published in the inter C ! of t' . . Cr i:-y' "1, -r-'-H-.b wmi4si. '1 r -jrs, w ith the article tlms rr--v'- m f t t' 'r'. "Oi'-"i, wilh di r't'; i top i' 'l ii ". ' I J' ; ';er. 1.1s f 1 to i i s i, t - -'i -r " y 1 ' earned sya-j-j.. j . e . 1 ::t t.. a -";i5rovr f - ' ! t 1 T: . "ie Uif -- ' ----' s t - '. : conn; y, c ;t - ti..,Jby ts0.y,-mi - Jouj..'. ; i-i iI..'.o.I f..r a jear, until hi family ouU f "-w IW. I;..y year a nr, In t'..' ci'r, Lf ta.1 i .a pnj"3r bound ani) lubtUud a b'jore descillfvJ.' lit UumUiaed , through lite, the satue principles ef KepubHcan- Isnt that bad lcl to hi' persecution and exa. tnatb. n i--. f i;' " 'Hi wM.tie''fatu'vrVfoc(U faaU. ojfth 'Natiomal4Jp4eUjgtpcer,Md.,otW (J i's, whosiieeoedtdhira ih th "negiBW. ' 1 .4 ReirA vVti.ttiai BVTirrfTiT,f.' TV P"m In - AueuHtafmuitv, Viinifti, Hmm1H tT, A lue to tin City Nov. ftn, Uli-. ruT(urtyyowumMr of ths frhjrtifia t'lmrvhf ,"lkiiwil '0 liie dead who diu ui th I;A," .y, - - . The Presbyterian. Church i BsU'ijjh stand so enduring taoBoment to the wefulncta, the eaineet piety, the unaffected Christian simplicity .nd migelfishnoss of this runerahle man bf Go h f ;.ny persona of pretty -well s.)vaned years in various part of the tttabs wilt xeuieaaber hlyi well, and bian were doubllrj at' ontf : tlui. vhiimIh Of hiK fr.r' i-ir,tr knil'" sins p-;,!V.r.r -i 1 ' 4 i1'utrU the.iouiig.iila, MklL.tatot4 -TliCae could give interesting rsraisisceaees of bis In-. doniitabl will and detrmlhaliin1,M tempered with flt5 most einct bU'ai of jiistice aud with ekcWTiog h(lueis bf heart :aa,wRUi'yiIo-:;FM if tr Jitiun speak truly, s firm, beliovor in-ihe efficacy of birch and i the wise man's proverb' that' be1 who -.red the rnd spbtWJthe cbltd. The largest Offemiera, knowing hi aiuioU nna ttrnKiisf o( duly, stood i as much, terror of the ftdut ouo sentence of bis dif jtleaaure, a the tmallrst boy In school ;and well they might, for lte malepo disiiinctio! '''VlieiitliS,,! e)io!iii.t!c wa yiplnted, ,Ie w for many yew. JPrincij J ottheidillisJigWAcimf, fam of Inst ition 'ia ' jlCj't0' rhany nwtful hcn and twotncn,"whd liive ,,'.not 'done the State some service,? 'p; , Dr. llcl'hoeter wssiaderaiigablein hi holy calling, and Illustrated the preeept of th Gos pel by bis Walk and conversation 7 In Mem ory ls fragrant among toe desccnihiuU of. tut congregation ia Ibis City, which he so long and acoepUbly serr W vroture- twsevtiosv that our older citiaeni rarely enter the precincts of the Fresbyterian' CTiujxhwithoutyrecaning his venerable form and strongly marked features, a he once stood sod miuistemd in it pulpit . Via ht latter year b a trtod by a painful and terrible disease,' which demanded several suigicat oicration.s'II died, s he iad Ured pwxlul Jliniater td model geuilomaA V pi. the old chool.', " ! i f . tA m J Z " Ik ' t 'H t t torrtcpoiiaciic oz ,t&t tuauaei. , 7 , ; - . ertktwtm., N. C, Oct. tt, 1S8.: The BuperiT Court of Iredell County I being held here thi week, bis iloaof Jtida Buxtoa presiding, ti-v -r .; ."'', . Th usual sad routine of crimsis 'on docket, wih theasual prevaleuo of freed men among the defeadanti. There i a capital cane to be put on trial on Friday; iavolvlinr the live bf Ml. Dula and a female accomplice.' ,j . The bar i quite aa able onT Hov. Vance and Cob Johnson are her from C harlotte. - Nath. R, lioyU. n and Burton 'raig'e are in at-tendatios'..'-. j.a:Au - H ..--- : Very little Is sold about elections, every than seeming to tei ancertala about our relauni s to the general government, and therefore ut- rUin whether to vote at alb fiiv ... t tftaUHvib'! Uka. the rest of our towos, has sntlered serious f.'nin from the war. Prior to the war, 1,0 , . , . .s were tine and the spirit of improvement bd fairly ct in, hut ad waa arretid,and it is only by power : j i irottf that anything eaa be don lit . tu . if bitild'ng,. titiiV'ltit progrcs tvm,jy.. i I sti.It o'iur country towns throo.i-'.otit ' ' - ...t. . m i , TTha Cncord i'eoia, (. ;.r.es," iocatad here,. . is prof!,in finely f the tiinea. -If b -bo-twotMl Jiiiysitdsiatj t ' . rs and a f ult eont of b'acham under the pre., ieucy of itev. J. 11, M. tMj1t,ot Ca.' ; T :7: 1 y 1 ' i , The locality of t ..a fi. ;r is proverbial for iU .beal'hiulocs; und it stands upon en emi nonec t'.'iti enmntnb) f view 'of an immense '. country. 1 rom the oh ervstory, on the n pohe-'H, even,! U.st"-t Millts of 'ii Bel bf dihiiitct'... seen.-' The ill, i hurry- Comity, some L.i'y ; -ot, . renrina 1 nmrtrfc i... iit .!.! I teet en.i 'y toviaiUs t' i Lcav- r. .j r' -'oUrly- bnpo4 "S v. ... . . - - ' I uu I..K.k, vke..,..y distant, in the y of Iiork, can tm phiinly sn, a also ,nnni '..'..uwt -K:Utt!!, to" liuncoriitia y, about on hundred n.i'-('''tmit. t ' lwaml.nr:.l t'.- .1 ft'-e.int i-.ii,.iirj!l 1,- a H point L.wt of the 1 cty ilouiitains und will not eem incredulous. . .. . .'Rm", f r-ei-'y rf (' 'l j' -. ! rjow f ft;:' iiu..,i-"; I'- ne.ri ..t.-iinl -. , on t.. oit. - f-i '-llu-- ' T , irpe ,. . .If. f- U'- ' , ' l.f. (i ' e . 1 , V - f ' e, r , .. r. 1 t. '1 , . u ., . s ! i' -'!'' (!', i,i. ' f plies t i h-'i- i 1 1 t(iire in j r 1 v if f v- ti.a liiin-1 i-, ii . ! . i :-'t th' t w beat f it i -nr. . '. '. c c i. e is t' t i ' v . i -.;,): 1 M.f-.r ii v ..i I ' wU.iier ..fy f t i .r ( .! U-j, ' ..- s--.li i.- .. i a h-'H 1 t 1 at a - t: ! i i t .. i -i I, I -. U- ! i . : . ,. l.r.M' i I' ; 1 tO t " 'MOM -.'1 Of '.'. it, a i ! v.:tx . , "t t v i-. r It 'i )- 1 1 i - - - f ' f f.4 . i- 1 . .. ct V. .u. .. f .11 . "' . i' ; I I ff . I- i Sown, t---. ,i . - ii f . ' Si. ..I 1. , i -. i 1--.J...V, I.: i gias aud i . ..r. J never li..f tU i .. : f f i juui".II. T the culture and n,e'6l it ia the Counties Went of the lilue lti.l '"H U the. foundation of wealth. - Aa abuadanee ot graa atTonl Uif mean ef raining perhaps m ok and better thlnp than any other. one. tbJflgS, d ftw thing will five more or better grass than lime. . And at iiuj. Wilson' price Jim (im ol lime can ,! bought for the sauio money thut 4s j aid tor en fH of guano. . Farmers, look at this calculat ion, For building purpose it costs slwut half a lunch a Northern liuie.-i i i v "' South'." fik-n huauHM. 4 ':'. t-' "o great distance from here, over in Cataw ba, ucar the line of the Wei-tern North Ceroliu lUitroad,' i a quarry of very floe m.. a ample of which I send you. It i tuseeplible of hijHi polish. It is being worked by Steele & Sup;, sear Cntawbo Station, la every divire.t form, tomb stones,, lurniture piece, f' "iter' -.'rindin'r la4, eto, oto. niao iav vi.- h.j he fcr a piece of luurbld, for mantel piece or any other purpose, need sepd bro4 fur It It ht here i oiimtUM and one bo trannported to any poiot ; and more so eommodating and prompt set of Railroad old cers thaa those ot the Western North Carolina .-Railroad I have yt to- Mb- ... ,. , , .stt i'tcsident Tat inform me that ha Just returned from s tour by which he ha not only luccceiied in rtJw'mg the tariff of freight, I Hit he has gotten It below ny other route by which gotxt sas be gotten to or from W ottm-a North Cnr(ilin..,TUi.ilLteU.upo th It. & 0,,nd It It. transpurtation. from,, Kwfolk. and Wilmington by another season. K, 7., J. ' There ha always loco a diflerence of opinion sb to the wisest coarse in be pursued in the matter 0? cbargea for freight -and paseage, which ia best, ff or hm tariflt , Bui it ve may derive rule trom those wko bsvo Mcesed'- 4, ws oertsmly - wntiHt -ne-wis fn -copyteg trom those section .where low tariffs have been SopUKL4.'l4 Vr&i-t. : It Cost tarsa dollar to go from Philadelphia to New York, nearly a hundred mile. Our Southern road usually charge about double this rater True, the New York snd Philadel phia Hailroad Company ha twenty-fir ot fifty paasengtif to our ou. . I!ut there yra a time when it was not so; and they have arrived fit their present ucce by wise management. , c ; But the traveller i sot only deterred front iravdling by tbo pcioa of railroad tiukeUr but al.io by the hi?-lj rstea of . kotd eAuryss, . When, the war closed provision wa scares and high, and it wa reasonable to eharg four dollars a day fir board. . It was indispensable, t Hut v hea produce, went down snd facilities for ho tel keeping lucreaec'1, hotel keeper refused to lower their rate. vNow, a man can stay but a very short time ai a hotel,, because ot heavy driiis npna his purse. Especially is thi trying, When a poor little hotel, with the most meagre bill of We, take advantage ot the regular hotel chargee and demands, a much, as the tlmt claa S"-,.: AswMa s.-ssiufrr:: : - , ; It ia an easier thing to pay a bhrh pric at iich a hotel a yoar very i;",eat "Ks. Iiartro, , than at some plaoua. i "You ill go ov..r J. irtU Carolina in vain in search ol a better hotel than P nlei -h, can now boast of, ia the tan u of J, M.iiuir 4Co. But three or fuur it. .liar a day U a great deal for eating and sleeping any -where.,', t:, '"j;-; .--.:;:.,:.:?.. ;-'--.-. The writer mnt not be tupposed to be com plaining, but he yields o no man in a deeper wiiibto" tlie tulo-of prwporiiT set In once -ttorevBd h wellore that one or the ;. . dmtttt route to tbi i U pliet faeilil A s' ttermth of menviio .ies busin-s to c. . iora futui one point 4.) another. , ' : There la a -icat deal ot gold hiiotimr in the cj -per CiiUn i cl iNorth- Carolina. 1 lure .are m i' v otrunj; , berescarcliipg for it They lip I- eieh so quietly t ,t tuey are unknown; 1 i iy are here in every' dirnctinn. ;.,To-day l j Prenidcnt of the Mimlord tuiuea paasud no the lUilroad on a tour to thb "diwlui," not .f .r Went of thi phun. Ha i fiam iOTa Sco tia, ami, "pretty ti:l,'1 they say, ia rneaus,, I letim tlit .n'Venty liye Uiouaauil dollars .bare been fj() udcil by the company, sud they sre well tiiiiu.Ji pl'j.i-.l to Kpuud luoru, Ilanjsome yiold bave beea realied. y.i. ...... .'... - -y-Ti,Your tmlV, ; 1 -T-a -"-r ; .... 7 y ,. mNEKAST."1", y As an iuitance ol the manner ia vhi' ii th present unsettled toie! i of the gout hern Btatct retard the (levolop.oeiit of their internal r ourpes, tttrny I n sutttl that Severn! pe i artlii ; as the s- 't.ts of t'rein h capital- iats, tare been tor son e t; mo in the city f.r the pu-r of invest.iu ' .. -c sums ii vaiio'is Vir giniarntcrpriHii; aiuo(i .'others tiiecouafrwtiolt of the Jume liiver can..l totlieKnalia,thns ''"''"Jf additional -tranporfHtion route from tiie mineral re. ion in i 4 Vi : u i i. Tie v e unwiilin!, howevor,tic.-iM-li.. i. -i-. .i. ., i ' ! the future statu of the latest i.-lr i aon shall be positively (leteriiuued; i. 1 i 1 1 i.-.-i. some (-!y solotiouof the uui'U.T Li aU t ineil, Ihcf will (fonhtli i-s n-iura to Kuropc ,r. JV.l'..'.rui. . : OS Co-fTii The I.. ui. Il'verdy - ot t;9 m 't, CKtrieilt r 'y to -; f e I'ninn, ; -!. 1. ( !. v 1 t. of 1 bvt i I .. ; . Con. 'it bi ., Uext i y t v. ..re i Tei i le; U.e tiih. in it., by .it. n, Colonel, II. W. . !, en IS- I'. Z.,.'.ir, of 1 ...Is talks ij ti.a r ty U tm "i : !. (itt'.ei. ii.-i't t:... ' ". u , Inn r. I - f l,h . i i. n lie t ; r -i 1 : 1... I l..vr, Ij ra ia' V reiii.-in, 1 .4 li r ...n.g rC tO meet EuiI.h,C'oiii;! -....,, u u fvu-Luu.,- ms a:::. Lectarf j rrofesiot ?asal . ,- i .' Tha first Iwture by prof. Ai'asnit, on the Natural Featu f the Amazon ttiio, unitcr the aii"plcv of the You pi Men's Chrwtiaa A seciatioo, wa gtvM"Ott Tuesday evinir -, ui Tremont Temple, Bostoii, before a l-m-e in. I highly intelligent' ami ienco. . lie pn i.t. . I 1 ,s lecture bj expressing bi oMi; tiii-m to I... lei Thayer, Esq , Who di cisjed ad the c of bi iin tothe Amasroii, aud paid the t . vf sit assistants j t- the steamship eon-' . . which carried him o to I - ?il ; to the Ui; ie.1 State narai oBiccr and th- riled fate hitf 'btet at Bio, Who cheerfu'ly olmyed t order .of the Hovemni'" f, u., ! rendered him ail t u service M their power. , 'lie wa met tiy a t fiirndly meassg of welcome from the Emnetr of I!ind on bis arrival at ltin, treated with the Utmost hospitalitfnd all t ho ntcii. s of, tr'Uif- pot tiUOn us GOUtU wit ior in na pnivuimu of hi rosearche placed at hi disposal by the Emperor, who also cnt an enpineer who had surveyed the Amazon and its tributaries, and watttiiriliarwrth"it'tiiarai'toit:. tics' kinl'th leading poiutaof interest, to aseiit him in his researches. On reaching Para, one of th Om-at (teamers of the Amaitonian Bteamahip C'onip ny was placed at his disposal lor one month, aud at the end of that time a l.iu.'.iiii.u war tcatttor.WM tlnroted to lutaurvlre, ami w am-' tinned tillhe had ended hi investigation. .These unusual facilitii enablixl bim to collect ana trans not t siieclmeus m u u numi'er an.i of such size a he could not have uoue under any other Circumstance, tie experiencea "no" danger or disoomtort, nd very few travellers ever enjoyed tuch ttcilitica,;. , thi unbounded liberality til part of the Jirsniiian fwm men wat more ttriklng from the fact th .t v. bit the country, was under the control of the p. r tugucso, the great IluiubolJt was f.irl.i J.'.en to traverse the empire, lust be should spread, doc trine pernicious to society and religion I ,t 1 Th Boston Vest awyflt ' ,, ' ' " Passing U consider Uia Water of th Aina trm, the speaker said that the country wa so different trom ny we are familiar with or beard of, so peculiar hi its phyaictd comliunn, tluit U, dewrved to be carefully esaiiiitt.al as a sn-inn-a of tropical nature in Africa or A '.. lit the lht r-htoe the whole Am axon re; -ion U a vat plain. Iheiw are uo hill InterrupUm t' U i ' lnenne expanse of wood end water. nly in t e n i I dle and lower rour of toe river it ti. se range of low bills.- The Prob'seor here -' iu exl by mean of map th varion loc,.ti. ri, same of tributary. rivers, and other fact ton nectcd with the tubjeef chii;'ned to i!li)'' i' the immense space covered Willi wat-r, oh ing to the little slop from the Andes and the w m durful net work of river. The valley of t Amasoa exbtula from went to eat live d i thotthe line. The ten:, h ot t'.. a...y is S,tK)0 miles; width Uu't l,-iO miles; the soupec of the river 4,ft!l) miles trom Its month i and tiie whole of this space i a plain, sloping from ttie Andes-W the Atlantic Over a leii;-:n of 8,(H0 miles Hte slope Is only 210 fret. Tine fore, th Amazon valley ennnut be comj' ui J to ordinary river valleys. -V uhin th s v i t ex panse are several river toiler than a y of our Atlantic-rivers, hardly 'known even l y nt'iio.-i- There are great lake b'ivi"t c " with the Amazon, S" I, in i ., t o i- r i a va-it fie-'l water o. .i ... i i i 1 il . 1 1 t o -n, 'I '. Ik ..ft ' .t it u i plain. ' There are spat'e .x the opposite shores rmndt 1 r aoa n ull la lure a... i.t snow begin to nu'lt '. t'-e t the rim advances by t! , 1, Ur-h tlmt-it Is h-it iu loo tower wm,, i .t is billwtt ii June, U lakes Xioin t i . r I ) Jrm to swell, and tli.it tiu'O lor tn v m r I -., Uie Amies to rea. Ii tiie c-'-no. 1 ist t ti principal source of t n i. ; A f the.- Willi lient'-Tytit -takea pl.t. s- 1-1 t months,' bantling In H pteinler..i lit all th river on th right iite I :u to t The rsiny season on the ni '' 7 -in March, and it is hot until .' . .y tu.it t bcgii" to swell. The Comhiucd action ot letb... . h mala Hfewn iiicrc;i.s hi I I Oi'tohor to Juno, and f.i'! t -fr."? J October." .The li i nef. r i. --n SU'I i fre.H,-lilly till y. ',1 i-i ' 1 " -y t..lr 'L . . er 1 f. -1 .imagined n a country ! V I. , .t- quulitb- of surface ars hum i to ois y a auveiUv five feet . Tlrnit: r in,,-, il my said, lht tba. bole boni s .uul when the lorent is actually mn ' s-nl through ttie fur tsiu i i y the Indian have sn expo "i n .---patiL": - Yi'U may on a !a r. luff, on a boit I'-uli "ff ' - - -' ' 'e I :U1 li , . .11. 11.. I or ho Marrow I li:.r all tiie I civil mm I -I t..u il.ii It SU(1 e M"t -cupil.d hy v. i b.r- Ut piiittrnUj re a r- v - -i .inl. , I, y in . t a l,.r- ...- OH 1 I- i. . '.'. -s tiie : I lit V II 1-1. KIM I it is slmoilt Oil iitoiigu the dense vegetal . iy in the ve-ei.itinn v t 'l'u wiiti-rs ot tiie ttiuin t- . w bat like a miiu e i t c , . atUOUiil lf lliilk, - 1 tie y iM ' mr.nae amnmit ot sediment b tnomciitttie wateritst.il.' T 1 Aiii'.'ui where it eiileis the wide, snd it U a'l b-.!i -i IM 1 J Di H I tnr ' " Ti1'-, . iliuu. . the A ( in bo seen . I it neiiiil; . All the I"''.' i.ii'.rt trur. r r: I ,. - I IN V I I 1 r i y i.ini,.ti" ir tii ho "' ' Amn.'.'ili, b: t ; I l Bin. unit i ' t 'irn the hen I'm v il i n 'I ' el I aie tiV .1 V. I.i. hi ti I hue' fciel ubollt 1 , . I lion i w - 'I he C'i!ll!i! Ot "mi re; .-! Tt ii j v 11 ' ,:' 1 y 1 : as toe il "'I ' 1 or -l -f n; u ol t.e I ' i.t the l.'iu-l. I'.e.' ' " r. - ' i. iH to t -i A,, ."" 'C, a f .M.l hi. dill the time, hi that t .0 aver"! M dcj. lh maxiiiiuiQ b rt-.ti 9 b pw j.e ot I- whole reeiou i b2-th(i p,,. avern ucpreasma of tiie t ;.t 73 d Iho rue meter the huiiy seiisoa i Ti dep., so that the lii teniperature are much as 13 d-g. the bias tiiiiun not bcino more than !)') d- ;., tmrthe min i.iu U l.iw H d I., and a f-.-u I -e beins, i- i every Vi ning ,iy sen.o.'y. 1.. cireuiu si .ii.-.-i .f eiimau) Woiild, tin i. fir-, reuttr it ue of t moat pk-iKiaiit and dcairuhla tropical r urn, ' ,t im country has a worse a !miiiwa t "ii, e i, ' to liie (oviirnai. , t of the pro- aicia a id the mode of lnoof the iuh . jituius.' Youri men who have no experience in p iverameut am p -ucrally eetit a governors, and owing to their ambition and other reasons, they con -i-.l-.-r it a 1 - e ii-lll ' . U tl.'-v l' 1.1 b" y as : toe iire.ii .'itUat theit . ia to. rior 1 tis J "'" . iii-f li.meit - ait ' "ii1 auu t. y I,, .).- ... ( country iiel'rofvsiormii.l tii.-itwh-.i. wk ad adesiio toeutivthatrc. iou be was w.vrm he was nmniu" bitoa re, hm of r! -,;. h, I Were nod-""" and har.Py t r t.ij Uiht Wi.o' '.'..'r re. mi:.; tn .ue Water comniunicuoR wish . y j- .-t valley, itlia speaker mentiur.cil ..-' r C ' ill r. "."inl to the re '"'I fl.-t ' j-? T--re in i- nf, ii.i i ' ,s of i.. .. t!:U 1. ii.il. '1 ..! I.iuin -i l,.,,e 1 . n liill lo ' .ve to tti lVw villi! i., ii. This ranti-y ny .lit be made a 1... ..hue, tu lieh it iu lei'u-.. rai prodiH-tbuMti and immense wraliU i to be nbtuined ti. e. j Twee" mi '; of men couul live there iih nwm ol the , wbi.-h we fej.-y by il 'V. i. jiii .; ti,- t Vl I 1, 1 1, ., yjet'- builbtiu. ht to liuoket. A be,, r i.. . ui lor the country coviSd not le comvlvcd than f r torn"'' of our Knstern lnml-r mti U cvploro t1') for esta, whi.h tie f;tl of t,,- !vr in tuelt tt-npit Variety that we bav no idea of tii-b . mcst At a provincial e-.li'hiiiin in 1 i, th. o wat -ti'.'.hcJ aeuilo. -hui of 117 i'itr itnode-of - ' cosf'y timtr gathered front a piece -of land ba t -a mile sesiar.' And "yet in th whole Anin-'n re i'.n, ever an esh nt of country two tiioiiMind r -ea in h i: .It and twelve hundred wide, them is not one ssw-mill. La . e tre-m are cut down and choppedotf wi.h a bau het i i the form, of a I'" l make a ' k mm i h in tbiekDosa. There is a want i f t ' i'l and r . i ty in the population. 1 1 ho Amafia 1 still a ctosed Country, but is soon to lie 'lied tu the omimnit.eti 3ie world. - Cue of. th prcat feaf-i- ot t'-n Ama ", wbieh it vy i- ' i t t t.,0 im " " liiii river ba n.t th-ini t -r : rtc iar rrtrat riwis are resmit...- t. '.Yet it ri.--i iiu mense ttuu'ei.t iof i.,u l more C.-m niyo'hr ttrenrn. . Tb;s ra ow t'i Pioi. r 1, to a v-i'-y ii"'": ir r"Bi'-iint'xti of cm-.'M.s, -t.-os, v. bu.o. ho had o..t iuiu unravi ;nd ; but one thing was certain that the ocean encroie he iipoo th eoiifiiK-nt and at a fearful r ; 'I hi eueriffniiiiieiit has ( "i- on f.r 8;'s I ,e ' i ro rial in Of I- " i ' t "'il I.ai.e Or' , i to war. i-t I.i '. a J and t bi four 1 Ire-1 1 ,' s i -f t..,s i.w I, as ttlo Jy i. . . I liutu be.ion. t .io putH ut ii ii in til t'f th'- j ,,t:r -: The fact of t- e riirmm him ut is nrniiiti kilile, Whether on I . I.i i'.e ':inS rf t; n- '"id upon which it vim hs or by the sul. a.. . ot the laud iu'tihliiioil to the diieet ai t..i ot lue caf be w tioaMo to s-. ; The .Pin's .ior treuted at ..... oiiie leu 'i iij.iui i.,e jm-i'i aphu id chru ter of the river v i y In riieue, Hull w ' !i t'-e theory of encron- : - t i f ti a imiiii iij uii the laud, .... Uiid Coiieliiii. .1 b.s address by expri'-., .f bis , pjireci.-.tion of tiie very valuable ai ' - be bad received I mi y. .' t'oii-'uii, si iu r: illeef, 1 ! -r tWelvtt y( ' t I I I '1 I -h. r; -t'-ev. i..y if ti " A" i -..! s ...iing a- !, of it Wa.. so t' .ll.juii- i-r Ii.i I only, " j it wern, to n-., i out ii I 1i ' ; rp the . lor a:.oa wb h lia t U-'-n fhii i. i (,: i r h.ul IHC . , ,i to ii I I as t.i I ' 1 i - ! t-i I - e i 't ,.i : ! r l-t V. hu ll II 1 Id y by the i' i h ' 1 '-' : i... I . ii ."a a Mt Ot 1 ns. : I a par i '. jt.c me-, inn ho HI ii .i t.e i ' ;"- 4 i.'.i,J. ..!' :n b- i that i. f-'t v I '"'" ! t uji- r his e I it v. ' e t 1 . i 'I i , I tohvc'r" a ,.l i;, I ,t. be l. I. a I lint Voi "Onlv 1 1 ..- i : t i i : - in"' lo-nr," h In a I :i, ta- 'u v. y f. r t -ii I . i 11 -t of I J i ,-t, t'-.-ll ' ,."- lilt i :.,-. . f an i . . ,-oered liUirie. . .,, ..b. r, 1, in a v- . e I I I of ' . Il ;..ar- I I.. I it 1 "V.ui-i! " Vus, nil, :i'. - V !'.t-' .) t..n- that is our fr ! i.r- .". ' 1 oil ill t ,0 tt) i. ht l.-.t t , 1 J,.-. i : A" I-' and in y v II y. y. u-.2 ,- jy,'-f)-rtr A SWW.

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