tue sentinel: I , .Jlfl l.lt WJt E. rEMi, tMnte Printer. - Wa f JJ ,,it.Tr:s p Aim: 'IT.. . v.. 4- Trans of siijsciiiptio.v TlMWiuu(inaiii polilUhtd vrv Mux ' r i ...... - - , i . .. .. i Tami: i,. . ... . .. i 1 j ,j : .-'V Wsi, yr, la Ufm, t $ M " - -gsal-wtsiiy, mi Tew, 1 J !, I M Bsaal-vsskly, ii amiss U tirtaoa, 1 U - Daily, sis Months, . .. ''- ..MM tWauatts, ' . . ... ... I M 4 Thre t pi Ji f Li u,.y t!;C General Aaaeia- ,LWyr ju ' . 1 'Quit ft gum i tas expwicn 'knowledge l wft look( tor I ' I, w ill cunvcuc la fil-Citj. of both House, t.-; , more or i lerrislatirm, ud from" our 'i ( the (! wid Mf member. -k root, cautious, working tee- H '' t--t :- W deem it every. wJ important to th oc ' . ' ocas and efficiency o the !ody that every man should be at tils poV it an early day, in order tbat. after tine, consideration, tin? organization of both IIousu way he judiciously and prompt. ' ' ' Jy effected orttrafttely, the number 'of eleo- tiont to p made la fmall, fad It U important -; tbat these shoe Id tm disposed ei properly at an ' early day, border to remov every obstacle to . . thoughtful and.wlse legislation, t, . ijt this insUnoe, the. work of the Legislature .. til 1 i-. J - f f A - ? wy jv einpuaucaiij oiw rTwiuiioi mo in-. - trrert end well bdnjof -tlie-pBr miirl of tlirj State; being taa chief rnattort ei mceru ' u - Geaera) Awembly. Ia regard to HaUoni , .i- tica, tbe action of fht Leglahiture U peceaa&rily eoofioed to narrow Umita. . The fcjcUon or adoptioa of the constitutional ameodinent'pro. ...pmed by tbe National Congreet t tbe aerrml ' . Btate1 LegUUturet, better 'known ai the flow ed arnrJidment, oontatee hemai tptalo (be action ! this regard, demanded ht the Jiui, Jf tt ixwpt the ktlho flJ.S. Sua. tor, wboae term eommencoi the 4th of March Tbe proposed eons tJUitionst,, amendment has been so tally di8qued,that bt little time, we judge, will beeotisnniedlif Its' onnsideratiori.-l. eiore wo jjmiowm announcement ut peace, ana while Oh dor tlte ckaowieilged' force and pres ence of military rule, amendment to the Con- ArtitattM, and other eonditionspf peace atuL&LjX!arolinft to the Xtlantii). Memphis muat be conciliation, were propounded to the people of this State at ',"w of surrender necessary' to ""fpeaee, "accompiiniodby tlie tadl pledge f ib6 . f" oernmeot tbat oar compliance' with these wnuld ax6 W ki lit the privilege am! 'r;Kl J 1 ;f States under tbe, Constitution and the pro tection of the gofeimmeqt;leM i were 1"' ;t--. . Ij accepted nd complied with., ..' " tRoconixed by the forms' 61 law" bud ! y U tlie di imrtmcpti of the government a tonnti- ; tuvot parts of th' fJnlonf,,a" rmhiljcrt of thri , fctit fiiiuily 'ofSUtsityetdenlBd i the por- sons of our Senators ud ' HopreoenUtivcs, tlte 1 swred n'sht" of A ?n ntatloj and,: Kov; alt, , nmiiM raiiiiii tm r TrTTM mm miimiihi mi m -rf-netand1i) Mch we are rhotit'dcrply emicernnl, the National Congrats tow propounds to the aer " : ertTSlafC JUTatores nn. amendment to the K Conntitotion, not t a- further 'rondiljon pf - " anT m full a,tf Xntmt aI 1 u .. but such terms as it has deemed proper to pro ; - pose lo all the Bute npon their nakeit enerit, ""such as must tnost deeply degiade nd humili ate the former.slaTe Bute tliia Union, and "", which 'ire aufy'titd as a puniolmc ut and last tng iacalMia upod them, nfbtr ptatt km hem de efri(J J t :..:.: ....tTlie bare statement of theproposition -sBould . v. be eiiixih'1i to dctcrnjina at once tlie ananlmous action of the General Assemblr. This riircMlnn ZL h,howQler, Wa by dowKn, and. for. purpoaea Pi dceeptor(, persistently prcfli'(f npon , ' 4 r probable if not ccKnin. metfns of "speedy reconciliation, that, yielding to tbe pre , sure of ''h)p .defiurred,''' some bare seemed tJ&Af to kbandoo their nmuhood sad the sacred - right ot freedom, altogether, and toerouch low nouglto beJtapy bitrdut, howerer igoojuint ' out, for the sake of qnlet from the turmoils and agitations Jf the times, ., Alatt such , have- not . even the poor pledge ol quiet, when they hat despicably shouldered' so ruinous a. bunlea.- - Dot, thank fJearen, the General Assembly of Kurlh Carolina, in 16C3, is not made -of such ' -' fc .The preaest eondltionof the monetary affairs f of th people, and the maintenance of the pub- 'j t. lie credit both el the peole and of the Slate, " -y" W1" ciuiin a lare share of the attention of the . Le(iUtre. -OUter matter. seUlmg to the fu '- hire dcrl'Inpmcnt of the State, the revision ot ' ' theiawSfaadiutcresUof great personal and pub lie conccrnr relating to puMic schools, Ac, will . . rnMiw mit'-h ot the time and attention of the , . Uly."'We triirt that a wise prudence and fore- . "it will m irk il.4 entire action,. and tlia Us I.i'iors will Kpaaily promote the lntcrenfs of our n' ire peopKb1 , ' Tun SjiLTTvorm Iwioor to. Tlie enaminu turn of the ll.tltlinore t'ornmismoners was re - sumid on finMirdiy at Aiiimpolin. Their coiin-. -sul waive 1 ! rlimi and plea regarding the J-insu.i - ...i, : iiif iM', an! submitted to . trial, r- w u.H.aeet . ' v ' nincd showing . v tlw t. .. ler of theeuiiooyues ot the Com- "mhsionew, and the partisan character of thrlr v appoinpiients and seta. The trial was not con elnduil, GuTl'rn r n in in iihud hi bill n Won to bvlm in" ' 11, to ddilooi V,e lnnoeenee or puilt o ('nnimmmoners aasoon at It Wna lent t i tiiui, mill to do his duty in tbe rate immediately and tally.' Tf Tf-iss Legwiat nre has 2rojrialed f 3, 000, so iuaJU. ol tLii sun as may be hi cca.,s ry, for eonreying the trmainsof Gut. Albert Sidney JoluiKton from Nt:w Orleans to Au.ttin ("tbVe" itiivth tiiia ,nt"ry, Ativ tnltteeof one (nun tbe Senate and two from the Bouse w is n j j t ti J to suj i in( d the re rsny- ftU-- ' . .....,. .., ,..., ....... ,,. ...,J.. ' ,-h . , w- " - j- I-.' t- - -1-. - -'ft.;--'-" l Lt ' i V - "i rt'l " 41k. A ' j , 1 i r-.t. t j i -i , , j ' 1 1 i y '' i f ( ' vi 1 ( s 1 1 -' I " I I I i 1 ' w .'-. r- j , - k ' IK." ' ''' i ' "' ' 1 ,"" 'I I -i li-V I I 1. 'rr..it;.in :,:'Tr-rT" u - -d wi,rt .u -.,j vm u-u.t x.r- u ,, a, JLL, '-i, .''" - - -lt , ,t., . t'-nS iI 1 V4Hi Vi iV It'Y-1 f ' Vi'" rit l - '.f i V ' . V '..,:..- ... j. . .'l ; ) ' " t "'V .'lilt .VV.t ill J:4f ' ,Vn'HJ v'.! r"l;Ulll liKll.il i , i r VOL. Is 1" ; rWertert rtteneloaBailroad. f W remarked, day or two ago, that we were Clad to witness the growing Interest felt in our .Western coustiu Jur tbe completion of this great Read; Tor more thaa flftr years, "this has been the great idea of many leading minds in thl State., Our succoas ia Railroad enter prise in North Carolina, eren as far , as-' it has (one, ha "been through mark trlbulsticn.' i Almost erery foot of Itailroading bs been mot ith opposition' In lliis Bute,1 Difficulties ri 'the teowt foniiidalil' haracter lulve Wn crau- pSl nd orroime, not by means of exci- ting ageneies, but by "the long pull, the strong pull, tod the pair altogether ' 'And yet we haVe not morlEf than half begun! Uy the Me 3 ot a,t)nvncent Froridenca and ft fortunate Aura in Ut political tuture of the State in ber Natiofeal .relations, those of the prusent guuera. tior,wh6 shall' lire to see fifty years to come. UlireWmf with nan was not tola us.7 ..j , (( Y , , 3fierytbing, however, depends oiion the i ill and tlie fin of ,th present treucratfort. Tlie rich pastures, green fleldai th fat cattle, the bud flowing in . milk aad honey, each as our mountain country is and can bcmadete.be,r.d the ontoM "wealth sflU mountain.' wuut be H to tki morliT Tlin !n,!innw-lL n'..,l tb"tr4 f itlif deer i be displaced 1V the 1 9kjBf:Miir-n 1, 111,,, bwk-pt lie wolf and the h out of i,,, owl 'tnust give way before tlio sharp gernim of the engine- whistle, Tlie Western iteuqu'(iuut be put ahead l It aaiMt MMb4k Tsnneseee line and interlock phi and to Ciccinnati and Charleston. The ComrAeffle of 'tlie greiliithcrbf watenfmii4 Bnd ft highway acrosl, Tnieao and Nortli brought bear, the great Atlantic marts, and our own seaports must be connected v '' r'ri.t It was ft good resolve, ' tlie Western Extenftion di; ry, some days sgo, that t The Road U aliout coiup1 lo stop tbere is fleath. .', Tereulenft Usk'vf pu-' ir.p tiirnogb the mountains be if ; we stand !y arkf fold our arms un.i .. ... i,w f it -nevef yrlll be"Jine. li the i.tronp; nu n of tli Wlt, and of tln wluda BliiU, put tUu beads together ''Ami nuilve If shall be dune. The Miitia is A the IkiiiI, It not In the Plate, to h it, and It mt be biniijrT,t In n-1 1t It.-" V have Hm( mucti in war, suj all ia wute. It us try tlte arts of peace and concord, ami mutual good "will and inulHal benefit.- 1'liat wilt do it, and it will Ijlcnsyet the lan.l. tlifit ha been curseu aim desolated;: -- -t . ., r .. fact From the Ceiuua. ' .An examination of the Cxiisua Utiatiesef I8601 will exhibit roaiilts sstoniabing evi n to our own poopi. Jft rt ptra 10 our; resources and productive Industry. We have accordingly taken tin tronble to prejiare; fhe following compara tive table of tlie agricultural products of North Carolina alitl those f South Carolina- and Vir ginia; " - - , Tpjonrm, Nostii Rorm " Cr.i.i, CVmih im ar. pipuia.H Vl.w.sts trmtii'i 7m 7,1s Cotton, (btias ' 1 V tt,TJt lift I4 ' 'H .) Hi T.ibaooow lbs.. .- in!M.ili a3.K8 lot tvi luce, yjw, f Si ""i. '! ,U3bMUI iiay. vim, 4ii m iKt a.,5 h7 vih wiutat. liunh.. r Vh ' T,l 1 4 7LI 7IITH. I 'si(at Oats, Tln.4,7Jli i.7nl.Kil0 .u;'!l74 Worn, " ' MI.SI!l.jKi l.ii7H.fiit 15 iki ri-MJ iipuu. Irani., hi.i.ii.h 1 !it..."i4 171174 trwb relate 1 " - j.ii.auH . .kki ieA -v , .7. flweet " t.lSiU1Hl7 4.140.IU9 4.11i.lj Home Hade Ban. - . Ufactuna, ft, l7,37 ?,0tS7 fttti.llT Taking all tins gncultural productions to- gethorin tliese butcs, we find that we are, in proportion to population, nearly equal to- Vir ginia, and far ahead of South Carolina. , And it muat be recollected that, . in taking the cen sus, no account was Hindu of our naval stores, our lumber and shlp-tiinliei', minus or fisheries, ell of which constitute portion of tbe induc tion, wealth ftnd rcsourci of the Bute. ' Jn the report ot tlie Treasury Department, U enumerating theennnal exports, Virginia ia set down at over $13,000,000, South Carolina at up wards Of $15,000,000, and North Carolina at only about $.100,000. Til Vxt discrepancy is euaily au-oiinUd fur in- the ia4 tbat all the North Carolina tolwieeo exported sought an out let through .r't-terslnirg, Richmond or Norfolk, and lliu$ pasiw;d Virginia produce. The tame was. the case wt'b eurfinur, whent and .corn. Our cottoa, too, mainly sought s market throng!) those three citict on the North, ftnd Cheraw, Camden, or Columbia, on the South, nd thn wert t" tc!I. ttifl produ. in ot the other two btaUa. Ti a ilo hot IiiaLii u.o i.ia ciiii .lUnou f- tli prjqviw rst d' r-vn- nur ti-.li r Pt i'n, or of nnder-iiitui the auvuutn'es which they present for lh iuve-ttment of capital, the ImpuUiutit of en' rise or as homes for worthy, qtii.-t and f until' rr.-ints. AVhileitls our principal to . a... t ut rehu.ldin?. the tlistU-rcd fur- luuvs ot No. '1 C ..!!;n, niil we have but Ilttlo less n hmrt tu revivilication and -welfare of the whole of our desolated ftnd aulTering 8011th. era lanu. r " The Int. st trt ' lo a r mn ment will blow up jhe I ritili Navy 111 an hour. v. - i worm ratiii.r w ifiirtHAM be rKi:tiueiTiUr ci - TKe StfaU iWinenesterrCeinetcry.'fl ; - Tbe Stonewall C- m n V'tnif'il.iIV! '! t! Winchester,-Vs.: on T hii ih,"ji J enoe, oto ten thowun.1 , ,,W fm,a . 'r, 7Z , ' '"",mr ol Oenerel T, Ashl.y ;an..t iwi KiVX. ana of vwoma MaivueH urtThnmvmmtn transferred and hnned andfcrtiic.ftusph-es'a jl -.7."" "T ' - :T '? wtm.ri.lr Weirs. rIMfthrtW-r "Mlioil was debvercd Jby ,.-CidvtWjI'iirj 'A.Ueiini.Iaknetimely im-aasut'oiieiidwry''' Wiao.,- Tli0wlioh-"rreeililfii!l were' itirii!m;,!i r3win;iu ial toinv uealtixt ''Tlio ttatnriatti beat.. ..'with fc'rut; a!'cu:i!)Vv.j:f!ijpi replecuu'..v4.w KltipreWfve ,t.har- been of tlui iiii.-t doWuta l?if ruiwrve ftfitofc -The Exeentive 06mtriUt snhmitted full report of their 'pWaftrtn'ttius tjVT'l&'.'Mj '"te ywnjt nobleman, in the reign of James li wbicb we m'ae tli h,floii)i'' txiilwit' iiT1 ha,tor1 eitiow wa''fcigbrft.j rr.St.i'A'.H was; b, virtue oht,enl,.,I,a l , . -.". - . i- .s and given tbetn dti.tit burial in jf'W 1 ..td ruutt4aotl wittiiM -lttWHt "twU'- ldttr.ul tM,ab. ftn4ii.v11, rre4.i.t rrjT, V ' be. aWffts ojMl.tl,lib... ,. pa-..!, L aUsT,T,4T,0,4'W'- ,,if iiiiBttWlwln intQiBif.'tiitiMserK nsw .l. fT ,r.r'T7r,i r take of idem y. utioulaereu iiiOii Uaurtls be illoU " i . . Knrti. ,.. , " si?t s.i l ... lrgm ueun;is SoutUC AlaUniud XouMauif SliaaisKippi Florida '. Teuuewice' . 11 n.taii . 1 1. v kmiwirl'litv " - t tiiucMaUibwi 1 1 m - II ismnxuvn .T reNvdrrtinn. -re 1 1 i'-l.idire of Mi ' V lv , V tktu. "BTiSuuiK... Ssaippi ft )i v j : nx,M, t:. .1 iiiw bivi? A ilerson Davis their Uivpi ohmnd respect,' their r.'-;limet,-lid tlirir.KUib (iketpwustrt n niiatby,tfHiir n.. 1 pcrsiiniil -. t rtmiwnliniaoe.it hi virtue as 1 tie of mind aiuM , and "I tlio great iiili IiI'mi ill t M ('9 1 iutl' & m field, in liowe. uu i iiLi turtiUiei.' bntSfcmarki his evenitul iUvul v.l.k,b,fiMft bisprinont houieitllJuMlhjmU. tmUsiie, ftt-tUut luimki-iue same BckouwlvdiA-Hi. M -iifbWMi mkI Art Uiat they did. when ho biiUlbeJ die iiirwtft-erataur iitmtr, TbtbMMbeitJm timute tk upoa tlie ooMliiutmiait of ikJiilitvia aa aWiatti tcion-r and wiiboiit tuitu.Ul uwr isiihm4 4ii-rKll J 16i,Vtvif. 4 -aiiifcjiri'i.iH'i by tbe Connutution ami 1 lie and m ti.i. .-. of eoniiuon. buyi'initjr .llix- iiri. ln- itniinMliato ndiwscc at fc't ji liawj...... : -s 1 :i- man baa a ri'ht t claim nnv! tii.i .riitum 1 when ealleit upon tVAULWC.bJ. iitcxuu'U el tftt coontry toe liw eondiiel, ,.1.11,..,,, ,.it- ,.1 . llesolwl, 'ilnit. tliiHiiilotwie i.frtni-r.o1iiliafc Wft mwnber o(. liUe AIiAntsipin-l'-ar ahtitWI'nt onftB tirmml lo ireiul aiut ncuyiAv mrmtjU ui be iHet,i-e t ,Mr Jfnv-,twtth vifW-tn nw ri kiiisn ; mid that f"l uih plirp a (sprt imiwut to make the ncie-u try nppmpiialKMis, I jti 1' - ttl,ftifiki', 1 lutti Hits bdmnr prilsLtrt ti the people ot Ali.-iKippi th.Aiibji-t ot prnvt ling lor me 4uiuuy 01 Ajr. Ua.vw.t.v U b -iioniJ and liberal conlribiitions Irom very ounty Ha will inaure to Inn wl.'and chUtlitn timt pfVH. inn ! r I, j !n ,t Ja.-i'Jiieiit services, bi(levu.l lion io in, Miito-nia sell sacra Hco-vUt crist merit and tieat u-i-niin4-n iSo imp. raiivly demand, iid lm.li b,r Alifttiiiiijp),i iu)tv :lin.iji will, show h"T and he sons ftlikeidegsnerats,- ' The Election fr Governor, - ' uCS count ice r&.f 1 OKTJt . 4 ! 1 JJHlvr-KVl tioi tod yesterday 4 H,i(i MidiKon , 1 n Yauiey ..,VI My lo. , t tt HtH i ft tfi.fj (t-.ll It Ml -I nuuucrson 1 ,j,ul Trausvlvania ( , . . 4jtf . Vherokee ' i'J'.iJ J.n.'ksou 1 H ;u'on lr I'ft.'JII ll I'tf 4 , 1- e- 77 counties t Tho Hoard ot iiitrHl .ImiAvit' bavt' made the tnlh.it big- npjmiuliiiiubi, vji, , . . . WlfcMIAVTO AJiO ,W.i:iJi)(f I! VII,II04H. i .,1 Juhn Nuilleet,Jlii-aul, ... : i.. , Thoa. P. Itoi , Wi.ke ' ' ;,A.Wi--.' Kdw'd Kidder, New ir.iii.ncr V : t v' H" A. A. Jb Uay, hauipum, hlatc i'rnty.- j !, :.. cjtfn ! ! iirr mmt ny. it 1 1 If. A? London, Chatham, . ) Afanafr-rt ,( l(io J. N. tlesrsr, - " c thn pe r'tr W. R. Vu. W.ihe. , 1 mid D1.0 liiver A. 8. McJNeil, il irtictf, - j .Narig.Vton Co Pr. JJ. F. ATrmgbm, ta Prosy in the Wil mington and Jtanehciter ITjiilnwi - , - . It WIU. be pWrve.1 th.it Ihe Assiaisnt Asses' .0. oi revenue is inairm ten to ei.li,-cf ins tax f.r 18G1. ... We 8itiiii.?c flat no Dial) 111 ttiu 1 rt1 r r - South received other income (I " - - 1 "n ini fifi I 1 tin.' ev1' "f t ' rate currency. : W astict nVw, 1 govTTTtni 1 t i' III 1' ' ' r 1 e ' ( be arrived ut. t U u hope to havens rvittanHlmn in this mnffor. ' ' ': ' ; , " Death or Dh.I". K IEwr.T.-AW re deeply pained to leftrn tnat- lr. C. P. re-"r -f -mnrrl v of thU.C '.''.'.. a.i l 11 1 -t w.ii ... ( utU I'.iswv.. - - . i.'j. aatMcr-rt- lli (tint" rt-.Niwi lur.. die. I Tery m.l.lenly In M llminptoa, on v . .. r- day. Dr. Dower was an estimable aod il. -1 ' t- t V" p i uf-ii , -1 1 w 1, t - b I 1 ofh s J r mature uiivl- w ucf a&i'm m nret in 14 la. ,e em l.t-cf ao;u tint tn. 1 1 i'-iii I JUijmul d-l i -. iMHitfW . .iti. i.":. . T I T;fliun from 'ft Vumnilili olit rlirifrvman in "Vi. It- .'Iff' 11" 111 Ui Jit'aiT '!' rr.. '.V 4 in U .1.4.. ' Buliojj AttinMhV tsttert friim Jurope.'' ' i. i ',- . Jv , V,(t. . , i l, 1 i , . ... It , V " V.l ? 1 ? ! u. . . . t i , , . il f MV'n K Uh. tl uuK hoped, .tu ; i,.,v-rit ! y b-Hsrowlr ererr week, but : : i-w iuore tharfft- hifinlli baa enipsed.' without' 1 '"J eng Jon imej"- Thu reason ba bvrj !i us my ;nurntttiKi extwvlett. Vn b r""" 1 soenwy boamltiil, ami rhe , n,,,,,, Spring were flrt.adelumw a f to' the uuUie WDudk-v. lrd North. dinw a,.im extrefne old age,'' It hat tvol slues been 1 ,.11. ... ' ;.. ..J .."T ; 1t wa the l.trtli-ul-eof H.r lhilili."niul ot Al- 1 V-" HMnc-j iid t sA.r-txfewityj alw f , j ,isj.,o OiiXKlialii..,l,ahMlU.rf. 11 ''or favorite,, etathrW f w.nhf-....i -,. .. """ ""w 1 1 " by theeld fnatvm, nd rdrlmfltlifelie. I ... .ili .,jlu,i? ..c . J? i u,"?? ?! """T,1! -.PWW iWW, i'iTiuiri iorm,eiiciouis e court, mid A4k smutty, fa n4 tJe ii)rn JkVmnri at 11 m iiou, ami to hike soma iart In meeting to l' bold in bis ,arili,tn lurtliclranee vf. lbe in ttr -Is of te new Hocee of ' li inlwmi, "t - . ixurf Hhj Invitationmid mot the ttaftnp siid mmu iU'eta or twenty olergymen of tlie Oui AwiLiood, iU'WT of tbora Stmiitaiued diy tliuir ivia, trUetaWe f : my hneptrabrer fricnrr, i no ii.iu miti niinia a iim)uu, nvi'iy iiimsuma- u" ffilhsrinisf In whiehj is a sepreinentative of tlie American Church, I rev.r amont cor )iul lcpju.' iiiiti iltM-rHir.iif . AXbf . it ili I cnt. wilktiui JJilt MtdiittK 4 in.'-t toysorwiuli, inamly to viiut yie(Calteilrid besliivi in a porlion of our timi', iiowever"o'o tlie Palae and'piMfhits of the' isrfiop"il,f ' lii wfc llj shewn us hj bi'soii;to jlh6( and tlni .-Kt lUis taiiiiJji being, a!iit,(nii tikinifft anc: attliyCao)il ftu'tj (med, (l, Ubnrohes. h! Mie pulhedral bf .ri(;i WoiiUIji aliiH.ij' tiny riuier country, lucit)ishlerei one ol itsqliref f -nraiiwinurai pmiiin. me t iw.iiug waa.com- .H'ii ih iitt ww'n, i. vnri. 1 t tio work wnsiuurru d o I'.w emtri, ami lay Wire was ..l rfUi. ii:(l mtU ililil- 1 irivo llieaa tart tit. 11. I'lrMSMtttiMi (kli1t'tw...l'.i,t.ciTH.l ,l mble tnorniuu iiUct .. i.t-lo -.T.T,,.. . lie. 1 ill 11 l. lull., Ull'l lull W Hl, . H-ljjl cite s !M lift Imrh. ..It will iiiv an Alueri- fn reader ft twiter-Klt-a of w l" him'td co)si!iir lii.-u if Uw widllivfUit) irsiitipt were that t the viiolc buDding, tlivro would he more i th in rnntigli rooiui'i it lur twelve flttm-hr tl fiit'loii bi 0) id, in lur ut b.i-l tntnl, ol tlir'HtMntiniMit nr. h nn w fiayi In 'North Carolb uu. ) (ihiluittl ut the vtMi rn l r of such ft (".ilo ilul, miij n t mirjt jtHcinti rn ev ticniitv is like looking .Iohii an avenue ot lolly trci H wIiokii bnchu inUTtw iiio far almvu you in th sir.JLa4 lnii.(mereirmbrrs 'that the liuiit wliHili.mveama mii yeo," it pnreous wtih tint, colon at 'rielily-paittft it Mimlowa, that, Unoklv planiixl annind you aro' (he monninsiits et Mtiias kiiiI. warriors ot 'isAt n'"li-rK,re the eliiuy ot a sterw kftiiht realiinnu tit bit srmmti,' . tr.liiKm the tlgureul ft dout fmtlale,"witli bis 4rm grossed n hi breustv In the attitude of frHver,.d s'tat lMtrwtltey'4iay been tymwsw lnry after 'litry,' whilu Mb ririth" lo-mt in inn biM Mi woavln'l the werrof btihian hill rmlmt tbem;ion :t.wlw:iht' l building 'trniy Imvd 01 her than merely materia) ilti-s, Umta-MSi urml biiildniit may servo otln-r ai-pnic than to ItirnWh rtwiio tm- Whuth to itienp' ft tkuinrm f loafb it mnybe itself 1 sermoniW aolennr'atid Juv stm-' aerluoo iu stone; prm hliTt-WKhrKiwuS t uifttiy fttxjJeesive gcns-rui kn4 4 i. t- aj i!j f 1 Tliut-tlny I dlnei -wit It 'ft ttitmtry -pcTit'tri jwbir lisra liandHnff'plnie-neltrllifl rtmnlenr-e,1 nliihmi!fb wot ( the Pui'Mi ot my kind cleric 1I1 bow, nnd ai I haie Sim more perhaps nf 11";' li. 1 (rtfiutry life thin AmerK nit f-ii(ri'ly' llo,' it i ty la- well to "ive nry lUlfiiviottmsof it, if1 pis iiillvfta 111 iy lliuch'eiiiiiliieil to thiKeoiin-wy.- !' Hm eto(il vt "hadwiriK'thitio bke'll Ix-lone the wiir. 'Vhether it will rattitlnife nndiV the new ei-ilcr irf' tldnin Is W in M fill.1 'At Ih ..N.irth -nm-Kirt Hift Continent ot 'itrnrie, hn n of weiibli pee I, if ln-oii'ii'"nle4h tlii', mid In tin" mirfimre -tit. reir" w wtirertnw.pl nw M'"t' i-uiu. hiiH-N wlm-bnvtrsrtideS. 111 Ihe country pu b 1, on the other hand, to n-Kide on tlivm, and In einne tip only (H-eniiitinlly to (own, UU les Ibef nre (.nlilieif to it, by the en' 1-1 meiitu ut f in' tile. Tlnir boTw, I n wno, a 1 luii i, . nt.-fly 1 retailer, while our, it posHlble, are on bills, the dilf. rciiee, I lliink, being due tn the inil'ieni'e of ( llnnite. We w ho sutler tiimi lit- it v "utij the Willi 1.4, while In thin roller and nn, re s4.11 mv r. 'nun. they in k r iiln-r In ti. Iter ""'nia.-lv.-s from tin ir vi..T-nce. . Arouiel their ii'mimti itie-T irt-.u nifK-j n ;nvfiit:r in H" ,,,., vr,ling to the wealth of the proprle 1 tnr '1 liee are r.tverc.1 u-llti fi,, tf l!ie rich v 1 est Terrltre-.-trbieb Is riiretnlly itii.t fic.jiii iitly j J imtl'.!. Slid or) 'Will. It Iced (I -i t H nf rill i ll. mid - ' - -, - - ....... . . . ............. c I fv ifj- I '1'i.ner c-1.!. .'ci.IImI. (he br. (l mi Id H int 1 'il" , bl U ( 1 .h i liain it"; llinf. HMpcel tit ill inn.! ncr, nini lr,tni('iil ie-t .ir y. v, lm h --r nui to toe the chiir.it leri.-tie charm of I.n" l h scenery. Ill court- there arq icvrs line tin s (.i!....i much e ,'H I .y the j.n'rlliO rrrowiiiL' l.ci"!e, or InclnnifiH, and ll ' j.., .,!,!,' ft iter in ft -r. .cm. .trla' !!. and t.- -r t:i.-1totiJi n f-.r ni-.i,.r, (.t ' I., -.,-1? .1 )' i.f ' 1 ' " ) ini f F' ll H I i h" 1 I I: !l tlid Ul'.'llltu r. .' I "1.1:1V H'I-1 t'l pH !l ' ' l '-'it r iintlibc-tn l.iiirlaml has vtrm k me mnnf fl. "i - I 4 !-' -I:,---rt)- - .-,'t,,f f -J.- J l i it. ti u 1 i-eiit advAticc iii llmi rcijusd, Kiu.e 11.' f"l iron 1 id to this eiiiinti v Ihe pin1 ! i. t H.-a attribute il to the ( 1 i of ll. irl nut I ' 'iitail shows, ii j it 111 a'l 1 1 I, a I.I1- rfiw' i v. ? vter 'i :To.4G. 4 p.i ......jl ..j'iu i'li'.'w 11 .i'ki...: 1 taste lur tin sort of decora; the c' ii e ot Ihu Ubofur Ut, 1 -1 ' iliu. an mirround tlieniselrt) -c.t n tli railway stations ere I Bo It is, from palius ol tb h flowers, and J'-ygay. . , . iita the ' tin- Ameri- briplit bls of these utm-';t t - . nare am-aiiy iai4 tlmt Hie eye, and I may add, to tli fHt can, snmewbat pecular. Ours l. n ale green, theirs is a deep pnrplisli preen, aiua ita teature is so tliick and "H that it irUkto the foot like a rt' h Turkey carpet T istlu nartlr to na ture 'and partly to art. 1 hey have, one would ", almost ilaily showers, and tlie ftt.il e.-ner-a'Jy rout tin uUa'ik,or limestone, both being e.viwlillousvery , tvorsJ.l to, tbi f?rwtb.--J In n they km p the iwms lawn mt fn,?n ypnf to "year, but fstliir Inmi c.-ntui y to miUh v, 1,1 listurlierlexcql by the hand of the mor b.,d .tho pressure , of tlie roller. On pent! nan wlinia I rorently yisited.told me that a law a on hieh I had jut been walking, liftil b u used nr mat purpose only, so tar as ne eon Id learo, Irom'the flays of King John. It is t ine then ad eultivauon, as well as we -Imr skr, and cuiiwij rieu aim ueauiinii nir, ,s. ., : lint to.refurn.to ourEiiL'li'.li cmi' 'rt rentls man. Ills house is nsnallv of stone. Iiin'ii. olWn "wregnlhrly boilt,1 geni nilly old, snd the more valued lor being so, t tlmt I Ihu-'t beaftl una 1. 1 W.I . MAA.I .1 . I , .... . I , .. . . , "Ti'iilleliian eomplsin i . iirr biltei v of , his (rrairrtiUier, a having r-'lufifv pulled down ft fatmae ot iniluemorinl nninmitv, to ,. : I a new one in it st.mb Th liinmure of these h sppears lo me rjuite Ji!iiiiit compared i h that .f M'lre ,it "forresp ling weuil!) Inl our own country. , ikit they always have one ornament much in. r vatue Uii;iit. that liv nrettttr. Tm ,jkit of their ftncMHnni aad works of art eae- ciitl by eminent pamtorsof their own comitrv. r iiiHdiKr-pux'es 01 coin mental artiata, anil COnt lliif -iwnally very liiwg' mims to the purchaser. -nenrrnw nf jbe prewtittrfTipMrgotit ration. mvj vti ihi nun? MTvanis man is usniu wna Um, even th tlie v tiue fortune, Slid tb. y cet tiilnfy have the finest and liaiulnonn -t In mm I HuV eVcr'seen:'-" f ' . :""r ' With homii'tlienhavlng so mstnv (-oinforU', 'and wlth aoinlntry m pnu-peroiH, n I m emit of intercommunication. to ixirliy-t. tlmt i,i.-,i, society is accessible rrerya bcr, ltia.no wonder that tbe Efighab delight in country life. It is ft pity that t) lew ot Uiem can enjoy it; mil- it. ttoow net i.mg vr trees, ftnd grass and lux ti,Wi'.Mept vhAti'ttwryHMNia tbe itrksn4 niiiuis of Ijh, md,pthcr reit iliUca, ia- (I111l.i1 tliin r- as in manv olliHra tinl sti ni di 1, ie t 1 1 1 ,1 rina over aad Wirinninir to'rtai ; i 1, now So beautil'ul, so free, no nai. tilluralcltincnt isdwlml- inj 1 Itnj; id pi 1 11 n to lhci7eorr.il rHmiil.iti.ni.- I.iiikIiiii b ,1 tlie otliiif cities sr swellinir out ia evory.'.dineiiort, an a to tlirtiili o to ew.-r tlie Whok' -country.' No the noiiulation of a rrn nt s-iiy is,-1 believe,--in vmy respects, bibtrlur ' to mil of coimuy, , t U jr smalHir, ltwbl.r have lews stern endurinjr eouta"", ami at the siune lime are more p-i-Monti! ami vkH.i 1 ,!,. -S-. ..i... ,-,. .... .nmr " " ' III I f mi'tfl itM'l.iriiH.ljilr to i. .a til uui. .. it ttiis at t rcry, at Pn.-nhoiiii, or at 1,aUili. An mb.tii 4..i.i.l,ili,,ii ut hI the Biiinc tun". Ilniro ....t...t .... tun my iii:iii a rui ;ii one. "The I lr fink nuts last' summer indu-aled pn-tfyplnlnly the lawlem em-rnf a London uiol and the timid pouev ottbe nibitntry. whn Ki"-up tot f verul days, the property of ifjti -ivciiiMiii-iib into 1111; iiaiiiiM.oi iiii'popiit aiiifiiied ill tor Ihe lutiire tiaiiipiillty ot tho gi ktcirnpnli,' " ' r-' -- 1 1 ' Jlut J imiit now close this long letter. 1moma AramsoK. rf ibit ! I t vThk SJuiirii. bus pronounced for this amend piuotwilh such degree of unanimity, that w en sea no hops for the tettlement of our p 4 troubles, .ami the admission fifths Eoulh to the right of n prineatutioo ia Congres,but to Its tJi4lttlrXirtMfc, .t 1 - , vt . .,.TI'0 7im I minbikea, - One (.loctinn does rinl llimlly .autt.lv f ipiintion in thi enuntiy. A dici'iu at the pi iih) .1 not irivvoeabh, but (tnimtiigit, we do imt th'uk that tli tale 1 . tn.M.u. prv dial the msftwltyof the Nortiu rn ptxtubi tavoritereofialiliitiiinal anMUiditient: tin f 4I0 t"t priirs that, that tteiiiamt iiay mil Im ro- eoimidcied. It is not iu-t to enact sn j-;-t inao law. 11 is not 1 to 1 11 mi a iiimiiit- to listi Ai iJl their leading 1 1, ,,-,.-im. It 1 intjul to pr.-w fil precedent conditions to tiiu exerciw oi. light" iioliferrerl. b the CohkIiI.iUoii, ulid If the bimllnrrn puiple incline, to triiuKtsoH ill anjl such fnpiNiicc, mid iinikc Hiiiiiliir npnnl lo t'ni i ol loir .!. .. H-s ul tliv .limih, it .I n a nul f"II..W thii (ht- hutir will run I imie 10 do n,,,. tics in the Intiiro ., ,., 1 e tlicy bara lan Ih trsy ed iuliyt in J lie pant, ,r f 'J he itiiflll n.ty of which Ihe 7 tmrt sp. nka aniiiil'ils to Una : I lint In s miII of ,ix him I I (hoilMaml viifit. In Pi hum tviniiii, r.iriii-.iii.:. e, tne R.l'tiettls liaiew -rrritt ( I7.l:'t!). N..,tii annil . Mints kiM W thiil (lie el.ctluli waa nut iMM icd in I cnii Ivauia or .1 4 her by 11 (;ui nij.'inn.jjit id the ( iiiiHiiJ.iilii.iml iii.i.'Hilni.'iil, l.nt bv an iiieenMini. exii-peratiiiir 111 octtt lo the pav oott 1 iiebbpixly Itoiror ol 1 m 1 1I1 w tr wi rt nvslh- l, ri.e laihlly pri pitr ilioiis and Vint e pi'iiilituiiK ol theeinilcMt h i-rn dwell ii-n uc'i en rt ilia-tell . iiijj 'di tail, ( pt that ol . 1 poll 11 wltMi!lier ot pitliil. ent.'r.i- :.. dnrk .(.fniie-.it ticiiii,n w i- pointed i.i : : !; mit fi-vii'ni-g Bulor. . 1 tilnt oi , and vhm. and brni hers atwl tinilM.iiiti., Whs r . viin-d I v paMionatu rln-lot le and vm.t.. - ,ve jiltr:!-.' - rin- in.iiirnlnl iiieninriea ot I in- In the sad ti -'cdi.-s ol Ihe 'pn ...n, wit ll (.vol V iniirr. mntf dciad m n.rn.ii-1 I . I1 II ml I 1 1 1 n I 1 t tipl 1 I I 1 n 1 d to ( 1 t" r li, 1 thl'iHI.-liilill Ine ccilllext. W flw ret. 1 1 1. Ince. M I vairiiv of provokiuif presenlHti.m. mi-t ti.. II of thoKH same people- when they l.-.nt dnu 1 their artn, Wat irrosxty snd petsi .lenlly r- 1 (tented ss. one 't msoletit lientand. In.." Wurd,. lite s1-,:.!! nr. j ,ri T 11 ..f v !ii l the J r;.'-i I , I v.. ' I ' !. ,, .1. I,., I. . J I.,. 1 .. .tn 1. .-. j,,c are in. itpul le ol rm; mite 1 in. tnalice. 'I ney w ill respnnd to I e elmto ! biirneas and eiistiuiitoiial re I, t. 1 i. Im.Iii-ki (i.4V f. ji'tr. -ti 'i. t 1 1 ) rrf- tnj -jt l.tix the seaetloil "I cone. 1 1 v ..i.-iniii -tn Htel i.f a talbollC iiali" -t'ltt Will ere long nwert il.selt an.) the h0111.11 be 1 -Ic.Jto lis wnntcd ) . .. a 1 t 1 I. 1 -.i't.d I. s....lr-'ii......i.lli...,.,..:, .,.(, . .. I J hi ; i . -'",;,!' .. i '.vh i- 4 l-'t 11(S fU t-..iS.'i'i , Isseln'ulatloB f th figstmiL tks mutt eautraUl Sujiumi f Suu. i J In ti ilwrUssumuu, ui7Uif tiis - f U liar of takw ty sr has, wbka ws sal) a iur, ,1, ss llwtfcrlsrMos 4a ' rnr sat tewrtloa, ,, X Iw tsMrtloasi . rr ens sioaih, t rortws ataaths, ,' Juris auatiuv ti r, M. ... . ' II ( 1 ! I l-U so It ft 10 vs sun OIIK sarratrl mil Bettr.M si ta Essti- HI OWKlft, ''' "' " ' ' ' . V-S -.TT.- .-: :- " '- ,m ' We observe in our I! d. i , ,-, batv -. the pi. Cerd.' -sofftniMlingottiie.i.H.kbolur.of t e Wcifji rauactllrlllgCompanv,, lu.ni h, a we loara Uiat ft sutlici. nt amount bat beea sub scribed to warrani ma compsny in taking th ioiliatory st. j towards the erection ot their manufactory. Mr. W. It. Willard, who, we on dcretand, w m the rirtorof the morement, ' was en.mminii.lv elected l'reiiidait and ilirecud lo. yisit ImmeiliHtely the Northern citic and j-roeure the nr -. , iiy ni ichinerr. This is enmy prnetieally diilvlcl."' .Ai ' t-ili- of North Caniiina, d.--.irous r-f i.t r v . ' e we n .ice to know that .this .-miittvr of t. .. ffc, ii u'S lcn ftt litat ftttraeted the H.ti..ii -f fi'th'ii.i n tl.li, to di-tiK.i.-(rem iu in;i;tv . .( aaiii i-.- Vie'tiu t 1 t t i i v ..... .. ,. ' 1 eneonrtir 5 other to . hik) ( '. . 1 ily every stream- in North t'orolina will I Uibutlng to tier proiKrity. T! uhe. way recover from her rmbarrnsMiicnt tm (ration, It is necesaary that iverv agi-ney ci civ to sueli ft result Hhall Ik! fully 'employed. Ourrsrilities sreiinrivalk'd,-luit. uo awlb enoryy and citpHftl. jr- .-. - - - l' 't we are met by tho obji-eti.m ih-it tlte poverty of the peoplo ia an ellcctmit bar ti pi.i li umlerikli j (h i!, in other words, (here it not surplus capil! to apnii fur StKill ''plirfoapa," W grant that i.iMdtfuals limy I too poor to culcf into the work, but asocial ions Bniy be formei sihply side (0 do it. '' ' . i "Let us examine the fwta. TakJ'lTio' nullities' ot KdgeoonilMi smt Wilson, and grant, which is alow sstimate, that the. former will IhU y.-ai t-O'lm-a I1H11WI lfi, A.f ....I i. 1 .. . id itl nwiL in.i a .1 ..I' 1 'I ii, ia 1...1.... r 1 The 'Interim' ftcvenno tn' (if tlina ret- potffld hi due mily when "the lionon is tliijiinl from Ih point of tmhluetlon. MJu -v..i t.l.. of 406 pounds, therefore, f 12 am siivi J n u.,(. . uln tumd at homo. If this cotton bo sbipi-.r I W NcW York it cannot It' nut In mail. I f 1 1 than f 13 per bule,--niukiiig fJ3 a huh) ant.i if manulucttired at homo. I3,opo bales nml tiplii'd by pics the snug sunt of fSJ.rwifli How many 1 ' " t put In ij.c iui one pound roe yards of ration t At of, raw 1 'tiod, , - "' iiiaetuif.i' a, I. pound' ' ' the co'-t 1, is selji ul) pi. I mid v"H, .iitji- t'll'OIll' . 'HiHIUItk ' )U!li)- .J I liml. A. I V ' -' cl and iipon' i nccriiu In tho twn I ln.ie nt ' thet'ost of .ili, ti 'i t-l 1 (iinim-, n. A..I. tlint ih. .. c t t suit hi 1 II remain I In the biHiiH-ss i 1 t uinumou, tran.poi .1 1. s ttcn,i...f tlnl r 1 !"''. i of row of Bn big i cent 11 fcuve terl.'. I sell i -r , verv li st 4'i'J puiin. liuHt,.: v by i , . to t!;i 1 . .- ' I n-p vt I . ; , Mil., 1 Not hv 1 .. tiiiiiiporln n ( I t imr j 11 1 is 1 , i" am in 11 1 limn, 1 n. .it Northern men en pv the V. H. tax, tin- i snd all otn.-r .- S.TI11V 1 il l-n - 1-li.c lle-l " V 11 tlll'l ll M .'1 heerei., ,0 nf in,m would iliaw to 11a skill imniiex-tlion gen 'i:i!y, 1 iving 1 1 ploiiuent to ny should vie liot ii:- iniii-s in onr ti i 1 1 t laborer, - .-neoui .'i -it , null liji'.u, bmuiuoi - Ihmuwiila td our own, poor, who are tlireiitnned Willi Want and sin! ' I " t'liitilMTfil lliea ill every Kmthern 1 1 1 v 1 s f 1 . f 1 1 v 1 1 , ll.it 1 ,r hiv " i ih J mid ni'iiy liilli.u.t li j j 1 m 1 us of their support. We can thus rivs . niploviu.mt In to widow and ori'lmii i.l .our dead, and aji.iy liapjuiiensto man a (Ire.iry b.-.n t batinic, li non Liti u.tnt'in, 1 ' ' , i ' ' "'-' i.- -. .'i':. ''''' ' "Jr. .111 tlid flail. in. m'l'niiiM-ript f " '; 'c.T rtltrimiTr k m r'm 111 It it rei.uiled nf a f immit (r v 1 o w s rmr ' r I I rulid fa 11 f in ' i , '.,t.. .t, uiid 1, r nn one (Kin n to 1 1 I hi nan V nn 1 1 1 pnu tloiis crowd, who 11m -i 1 11 j i . ,1 hnn by etinliiilie.I" lii'pnrlet anil wratv im ..ho wass.i dingns'e.p" by tnelr biiermlnai-io in (im. ..y and qit.-rulous-ir u.-at that he sin- r'cj epeiil. In"', and (icl.n"t be pcinnidcd to i- v iinutii.rw'l.t. w hi. h ..:.-::. ,1 I11.S be 11 priiiiuiii,. -d by a CiiclniiUd iiiii.h nl' criLic at nior iloi.-ient thnn u.unt aox-ailed or-' atioiia. 1 I' 1 -. , -. i . 1 , 1 , , ., Somelliing of tbesnmesneiH'hli indt'-tnilinn : the tnuifl rnin liNion Unit liei biiit thin r to bit Ioik is tn li t t' in ( .ke Ih. ir nwn t nit'. an I to a imrtii r jiannr 11 ly to t' . int-a ltitcif.ii.vilniii about Com.! ilmioind mm iidmetit;-1 til tm . . i: 1 1: y at ill under the m. . 1 ..I l.i.i.t 1,1. 1 . mslluiMi nt of torture, '-tho ipievnni " seemt In icrvade Hie nunds ol (ha iiennlH ril I'm S..111I1. rn Mm- at ii.irt ii.inniitir. ' 1 hey are n c-oulmm. 1. .J- by the Jnr-on ( f nn.Mits, to boivI.'lv bewildered liy.li.t. .i4r. lues end contriiilieti nis n r.nt i'ir.it 1 . . n v . " l I'a'tv.sa tiiui l! to iiiukii nut li.-iti a I the bi-hln In Hire Ih. in m hethcr they nut in 11... I inmi or out of tho I 111,11 : whether tln r aro A iiiencims tr tnr. 'lief ; -; 11. 1 11 I whether they ton fell. ' 11 01 I I ' tilt mini to tin; cmicli 111 (In is tu "ib y I 1 1 y si 1 in to 1 urn .id the bent timer they I tr le, theiii...-;-icaviit'.' 11 r p-iie.t! I 1 . rmai.l i an. sua tidn 1 t r ot 1 'lull . ' jcpo.l . ut on t s I t 'TV It -vV . ll t ' tr 1 Me ( ir t 1 1 1 .c : t-l (ne iiuT- cll: :-. I I ' Y lir I . Ill, I, el 1 e 1 1 BhtCtl t. ! I I the nt 1 Ini I :.l. ' n Jim - t ecu r. r 1 It has been 1 r 1 t u t H i' - i't"

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