ja. i ji J : I 1 : W.Tttif i? E .1 ! I "I $4 V i.v fur i 1 SO II F .r on ii - " . , t ttreni ii'"niti ,.: .!.'.'!" j .. 11' : .. , ,., ii. ' . Fi. n " i- ' ... 1"IM J", . - ' .V-., Wf'K.ot4 l ' lU ' ai. fi ! ,.;' ' - I' l f . Ba.., luraaiser.. Daily, aaa saoutii. (V .a' I . ...V, , ' . , . , j f '. j . i every Honiay "" ) j . - lit - ' ' " '-',.!.,. .',' " "' 1 . L its. " ' f i---f . . OF, WOl'LI) I' . - ' .-v-. -i -1 '- Ua Tk. Jul!- iPi..lk..t f. tart Rlchm I ;Va- ' : jpfeeneg onr own vi1"-? t!-,..-i w. cordis- ctM.i.,: : eur rca..l,:r. . True t... . never C: uier In a noon.!, t--t'.ry Era ti!.1 H,e i -""V , .; 1. 1 rr'j - c ' ;. r - ' r . i ., V. -y !-, t .. t ! ' t t ..i... t , -'ml the '. ".ret- 1 f "! - w ' OF V 1 "Ml rr. tu i to f tu! ii ( . i ,, . tnr en- (17 r ' ... ; t ... J I i wutue that they re i tlio 'only organization a will now d'wii')'r, is to t end peve the way for a nal dwpondeocy. lb neit ;sr will 1 for tbe elermed , .. wg coonsol of bin own Je unworthy compliance in "ordef" vnte which terror be thue erpked 1. We UU oppoB bt effort to r mjf our peoplnr" Whiln not r etunuaUfltt the trouble! now op or the obvious resoin for epprehen w thn futore, we etill cherieh nnd ehall e eo iikk:i j eonuucuc w r-" ana ( l i. ; no w mum i a .... fril . ;.iSi. TO aUXlM HI iwtiui-- a U hnrt borne op eo meiimlly nnaw : mndprWtioriofthe Ute temun not yield themeelye to npenio . ii boetile, nlike to Industry, ninteriiU de- int, the rnnai na eppiKuti T-t fi honorable conduct. The evill wMcn r ,-ls bred of peaic hnre already wronght m , , idstniweadunently Tibbie. ..It ietotuclj ionM f"reration nd ertvice that we i a the infinite iiugrsce of Virginia' lat year .i t m I . . rc f,jin t ctinir aa ncr suiuku H,c"r"1"' r i . o avowed that they never had aoUtw j jm- J pa'.ny wun ner in w " "" concession which I time haa ahown to be nn culled ror, and not merely Talaelesa but so mia- c croua mat it u now repuuimv La were toremoat in making the unworthy ang- pintion."": :,.." z' i- .' ' ' ' . vl- ,.' It -ie 4k ef.faeaot t'U alighted by , . . i Win Kll I WM. t ies enaniuma 01 u unoreu " 1 r each; tufulog not to the ripht hand or to the j .A4,..t f ,.,.( wfinfl much lull, w wtKMmi.ni i " - to cheer and comfort ua We hare in the Exec utive chair a etatesmett who, whatever his error, fcw ahown that he h the coum-'e to w litn J -:. nn I rnbtw, f. -..niw i tt.HilltlUU.10ff b t "jTOCBtft in comti of t?.e i t :ie kiuiJn 3 tot '1)1110, t The Vet C. . -s of "An J ' o fsvoraMo c t tu I a. 1.-1. j t i II HI, ii'i,iii, 'n J H. U ilson. Jenburpr, tor tlie uu of f peui ectcre 01 rnri w i" rv i tneanor, ah ') dcnis jogue. i opponent and uiuie uincu iui i wonld filUt admir tf : a ku f li'inor in., i. UtlOUa "! it t.J i .i hi the public tlK'i t oHicc, then Mr. Yk i tt Tint. )n thpne t r !' " to edmit, that t t m n lll ll son re- ,A.l,.a It. C. l. i, ., K. C. II; ;..'.m(iut, C I 1 Jt u . . .1 I. - -1 1 Di ni- tue Hon. ilHtnui t. a.juiy, 1 i v nrai,nfiiir ly wull fitted for that honorable poaition. If the ( 6peaker ef the Benata ahould be aelected froaa . Intha daya bofore Catholic, emancipation In Ireland, empieiooa voter, naving token the prcribed oaths, was rather aharp! v -jaettlrnwrfT VVhat U yonr religion r."ilen religion, ia It f Fai Bieernjjgion'a tbaaarae, auvrnV jet JIon' of prbunce, aa men niitil-r' wua j", "And hat wan yoormotbej'a religion I come, no pre Vancation. '"Mee vnuther's ilii, 7 bevel Bhnre-, anaUetukw! ' v y in h.r t&y." 11 Teat oatlia here at the pn-w-nt time are not different in tbrir working fi'n h-tt thi j were befof. Catholic eman iation in lniautl ; in England during the perjury mania at the Revo lution j in France while tbe Jacobin furor wrae at iti height; in part of this country during the war for inrtqi.Mi'lm, wh-n the iiritish and Continental am.'iue' nil. am-'y 'advanced and retreated, and the people within the lioesawore chetriul alltgiance to the Crown or to Congrese alternately, a the eccaaion demaniled. Nor ia it to be wondered at that an oath frequently and tvrannically dcmonilcd, and otten for mean and tmialen.'' " II e i's e" t-aey and become, in j u t, I) i I i i i i in t'iC lliin l of tl o J,r0 me. It -1 ' ' it' t a mm tukis, and ta-.-' " i ... - ..f n 'inet. U not to . . hi, Co, t'. l Jn. linu lhv.S. J,ilm CKMlGn, tuih Ducenitwr 17th, lC J. , A. KiU'n,5iS. C. T J""-', lStti, I8I1J. B. W. lIngn,44lU K. C. r.ib iui cembef 22d, 1803. rHimrv Dean. N. C. State Cuai ! , il Wsrth, isoa. ., . Bamoel SammeTa,47tli . i!.lteb.inji. J. Seamen, 42d N. C, IlJgiment. , 1 E-Page. ' " ' . , . . It. Foster 43d N. C. Riglment , , ,r ,W. T. Tnglett ' ' lienrv rumen, -irom iiumun ws, . ' M. H. WUkereon, died September 19th, 1883. ' , B. Martin, 88th . C. Regiment.. . , 4, xxiwarua, oeu 0. . nc(iunw. 'itr . T. KinaOK" t?" -w-- w '? y i'. t' T T. E vans, 44th If. C. Iteglment. 7 ' Mileafipnght, Co. B, 4th N. C Regiment j A. uare, a, whu . v. rjiuim .. , , H. L. WilIiama,Co. I, Sd Arkanaaa Regimen 1. -fl: CTTol.Ont A.-Wrinht'a Battalion. . y W. t. Willlama, IstTeiaa Regiment. -; "' I. Brantley, nth N. C. Regiment. , " ''"JL Viiiinma,llthOl.RcgimcnU'" ' ? A. C. Weaver, 44 X. C. Regiment . K. A. Bull, tlth N. 0. Regiment, died May t7th lBttsVjirry-"- f.t f tfc. a ' Lt IEndy. C E, 4th N. O. Battalion Re- "am'f f: i' --' '' : "t . .1 . s Lt Merritt. 15th K. C. Realment. 8. Q. Madea, 0tb N. C. In gtnn- t. r K. U. Fletcher, Co, B, 41it N.-C Regiment, died June 1803. - ' ' . . Joseph Parrotti 8 J, South Carolina Regiment died 166. -r""" T. A. Giu, Holcomb'a Legion, died October 12th, 1803. .-. C. C. Iiiahop, Co. D, Palmetto Sharp Shoot- . O. Key, Co. B, nolcomb'a Legion, died July 12th, 184. . I-1, Kiddle, 8th S. C. I"iim ut. A. W. Header, Holcomb'a l.i inn. ,s ,, i-'m o,,.nro, K, 7t.i r5 C. 1 t'n, i.uii met tu : " V- , v 1 t h I f to ! i 9 a , v , I "t a , 1. . .... s : ; . , inly .1 1 i , , ir 1 I 11 11! t i 1. a v ..." j; ii! iu i i J. ..1 i ,: v. .' v ., .tK r S'H 1 r in s t..e t!iny youth, ;i .. .!, tiie poor k-liow aaid : 11 ' t a pnmi f-ht; I am dy 1 j.) mj (itttv, and 1 aeot lor nval before I die. Tell I -It mv poat,'' - ' ' -r il 11 1?Md mciUd mj most beautitully, being Lion 01 we poeasr t asa ti ii Le v. ' bi i pr-i , r t ( , n 11, 1 i " irg. . I live t. vou to C' t your the 1 a at home 1 After tli a ; the Conqnerd J ! the most artistic rctiu Than thff cmwd-" ijonrocd tor dinneT, ana t -. ... Ltie tinl- .. i ' t'ne Kadifal iu.lecd, that tue nartT bnlwatC so J . "' , . . i,i 1 . , 1 I .nn Irim II BOi.ii'Hl eadera wouta nan uu.. o l,eBnpreme) that they lack the power to tnti Court baa already made hnporUnttrre ' demons, and X HZc. riera to ludical violence, inn "-Jf"7 Swof General Grant, once need by ! ? atren.aien. them theu cvawub i, i.t nwn oraef irora n 1 r . in chief ia aigniuo ,,..,', - elined to jon in any aeheme for Mr. Johnston deposition from pow$r. ' - --mXMt-bclore the; pub 0 ." ?ubi?.' " tl' "be brought for- p ... . . ; . I .it It Li 1 - ruth in ordur to 1 1,ih tliront at t i n bf. -ic l e 1 euiiar or gt a v s, or cnniwi u - - SA cnclnrion.. MrJob.wu con - VI an ore years to www iuo V -V' bare ill tbt tie f r reason and troth to npr- to on tue iwiuierit 11.WI,. ", . rf r 'irftfA?.! 1 Tain. "IT " - V - -B . ' . ' ' , .. .1.. t .. ia.1ri.jutv 'o'roject- 5" Tbe completion o w- , f; . ... c...; .tn ,.i.eaa be atroncty nrgea (aunisDU"i,''"v ... rr, - .x - r tv.ft I.eMslatare. The t A 1 , .insiimmatcd. in ' 'v betrun jeara ago, iinmin - LTr that the lull Un. r.taof the fytem ry ...in-. 1. . Vso. ia 1'iecai.eot tuo I 1. Aillli v . it it i l,iinnu' " 1 .j r i 1. and e;n' . a pound of en- f .. 1 .... .iiM-tur. aa w r or get a i-v ";-r." , 1 ein Southern ainrjiuna .- - - to look npon it a. the Irishman , jaj mere matter 01 . : " . ' 1 1 f, j,it of. to be for tne Tersauiuj niied verv truly 1 creed, aa e D v. - . . "Not ao. neitner 1 r , . ,, 1, w live auu Vleara of Bray under the .tin gene. . - - , .t1minis. naaaooKtniigeune','"" -' F 1. r;.. .-i'i.i. . MSM Alabama b .a The measnpe of iu " "htTO1,Ttwr. been ?nt in tntj' V 4. i Lt-icUtiva to the tionoi general, th411icwing conaUtutionm "I ,m the whole - au pjeci, : .'mcdment decidedly of t .eopn,o .... - shonia nv " nhrtiea of . 11 York ana aiaa"""-"- p .cable .iTSVioirW-l A a ama. ici.m. v i tle '.rood to the r. prented btt . . " . .t . It would reaure 1 compli te r. cm- t "? Q Cnl.lfHi J. iiouroo, llUi i 0. Tt Trecrfim, 7lh,l ;t- f E. I Powell, 4 XBOU ClTIWa V .JdUIUCI UIBMBI, MUM hot coffee and o stors demanded a premium. After dinner, the a"mbly again convened to bear tbe lecture ot Colonol F. R. Farrar, who had been tuvii' l ti attend in the absence ef n 1 tr;... vnittfA 'vmamniMiar "m -.4h' UVUCI-I IMW. ' f V w v l'ebanowbetn so kB Da n 4 ha. been ao eathaaiaaucally fe, that we can only aay that m .peak with mora effect, lOentbi. will.' i" e ;en Wise was most deeply la u -ge "waa eipec'ed, aud the . ... to fill np the tim as a . .lay passed pleasantly, and all i with theoertmomea of the -.ery Ken a -beannful hill," ? View of all the. lea.l.PS Tf enntnina 15 acre, divided s A.B.CaudDraub.t''"" 1 " r squares, ninety teet to r -litre there ia a circle 200 . 1 in vi.i - rf.nK And Ui)W. 1 dnve around fhe 1 to the centre. , i r tbia a;t. . 1 ( eppre 5 f tt 1 . .'-i1'! liii-mo- n "if n-otlu r, -I, . . -''t r "r. ... , i i ' ft Colonel', effort fore our people, received ererjv we never tv .waving tlx - 1h.aU. menteJ, an I ladiea were pected." E Went Iir occasiou. . with a polots c.S . into t. 1 ; divitl. 1 i Mcll C; ftut in eis. v , S M I T IP . - Nivjcii unroll n - ri-t i- j f 1 a a"t..' te f 1 " 1 v . . - i ? " t t , . HAS U, C II . A W ELC A NT, i... ' ' : - ' ' e 1' " r a- ."7 -' T --..f . ' ' .it" s. I j 4t , n. iah, pri,nvm f-. if it . i; " ' I i (in nm u A .' ' -ii viA.Vii.J '- . . .."ii'n'-.u-. 1 f n . - j 1 1 a : STOCTv OF . i 1 Ijadics DrcrsGootI rrrxriTi un Regiment, J J. Clark, to, ii, t..m.M; 1) Vt"-"'."!!. F.SUt Georgia Voluut.us, died Hay 1'" ". - i- , r ' , t- . t A. A. .Mi illirt, "V". . 30th Virginia l. .l 8rd Arkansa. Regiment, died tV V47lb Alabama RU-- i.l rn 111 iw nsr 1, sincerely deirooa ff Union. 1 We want 1 li:l;;nal trau.iuilt'.v. ( vitlimceof lion. 1 ! to the eon- J. MeDa April So.ii, 1 B. Wcloii April 80tb, 1 T. B. Ji.tei "cbarle. Gill, 1 t LouiaianaRoglmeni!: here; many of the grave. Dng V""" . boarda, while the inacriptioun npo.tothera have Alston died U night, at- th. h t 1 TfABtT Grow Pnnnccra et thi J. ! ".b .., . .nnentimatelv illuatxeta . ltie jonowum ub1"" -11, , ,h rtherelativ. value, estimated ia sp-e, of the tu rind! rim -lU'rvNs THIUiun a ij fhatea, aa naeerniinnu '-y - a r of:, been 1 tlie I.. bv y- 1 i.t t lint B ritnt many ' fair ' Pre; muti tQ t!'' or bu it a : Ti not ti .is m (t lI i- . i .u, of btatii-.H-a, 'I reasury Li pai i n 'f nil and lorcst products 1 1 , , ..luita , r.,ttv.r nt tl.e -t; 71. n f.. o many CuK-i earth will 1 in(L .the? t .sitci a te:- 1 1. . 1 the V ' i'-.i- V - '. tion at. of "T-vcnne 1.-' t:,;. fctate a r- t r f tut rtfM. . nt-iti t-O t of t ConHitu- ..1 ss anv internal r.eotile of it- to tl.e gov- Jtl iuo .. The -- niitv- I n't i ,. . iioirt fo J,.,; r" I Eai'uii!'t",:;' C'tieti i Av " ye-ii'v rbn.. : - . i ;r. v lut, devntu ,..,bed prisoner . ( n month, ha. . -uoe. ' It refer, to I aitem is have been made ,1 to brit.g hi. case to trial, . r, ,a "th. government floe. ... , utc the nmCiinery oi th. out of 'order;" and that ao ..have been thrown in tM wayor tiartiid tiuil,uthat now ttintrrm, . 1 Chief Justice, are in a con, lete ti e .ubject: each .eemmg IncUuwl :"..J.n.'it for the ' lay on one , a!notUa.-1-,Tb f'f" fr" : Wytolc and that, inrif , :, r,rt .ia not to be convicted ( If cn; ,' t W't "rnnirfi.-TheW-.ar. ttiU. . ,, ,M,mildi:t havehn . ..i'ihero i. not one lV'.T o haa the f.tintctt notmn that he ever .tUooKh .KmiiZ- : ,;,::I9H r- ry-'LJL: Austria, ,,, (..,,h thirteen of tbe Huncanaii . .1., r .., -.!;. l..:r, mnvi , . 1 . . .t- rortu-cit'.t . 1 : ..i-.t,.,.n months, and ,4 woit'-l in"k tbeeio ., - -. p- labot to u . tai.-..ii Tat ill 1 irh he ; t. . . 1 -t ''r 1 !" AU can tad aomathmg to .nil hh- i.Wss. ' ,. ' "'"TItia aa". l eiiui.. '!' prleaa. ', , - ' " ', ' '' , with tham all sn t t - t o . 1 KoiottnT mil ' 1 my I 1 ' f i t t 1, f .' i I J ' r j It - I, -; ri-1 01 i' -1 ,I JIHI. I -1 !, j. . r, n , ,1 ' - , l.tt ! b UU M'. i . I . . k i, . v " 1 1 ' 1 - U, ill-nil 1 !. '. t-:t . i i ..- .. . h.fit, 11 1 i...iii'1'ia oi-.- t t- -I.,. - .it tui iin.lj, l-.r a.t :. m . v .v ,..-. t t-.i.- : ii. il'.t r- ti mo Of I. n-iiuin I 1 j . r si 1 ne In -il I, - ii 1 -f l . tiiili t. 1-1 t- I. -.i atu'l. t..u0vaf:.T- 11. o.nui nf 1. 1 I n,l snfer or (inuur to ml! j- ol,,n,"o' ii,f . Jn -hi .lit ; in e,,r,-f-,9 as to tue'n . ta.- ,. twines J-aaO ii',ii.-X, C. M. h. t-r A. ai.iai.ee Cotinl. ' " y.iT, 5 ' .... iAACH0U,1C. Jt.K I gTAT3CFX01TTICAr.',n.NA,l - n , - ) ' I'l'ilMC tOI MT, COCBT CrilA.AMt; W rf Fl s'..va Fi L -. .1 t Tkhm, j 3:'ir.aS.rih fisui.-le, the beira al law of M-o-tin rWaHo Dec. . J !.iit i-.n-.-.hMi)tl.iw -- .-.-n of t'.e C..i. t ..t , ,.-t , .t Wirt. .-ri-riiiS nr.il-n-f.---'i-i.oi - Si, !,. isui-t.-iclrv !!.... tl.l V .. t tw tn im..ik?iM 1 'i"l t-r v - V, litl '( vuig lilt? HSi't li'-li'tl el n ti-liti.-ii, and to i i I " , ! ... - - ' l'U(ivn Jar i'n"-. .VI I. - I irt t I f t I It r .-.t Hu.-r at i ..,! n i .... - 1 C'"ik of ..,.! (',.." at ('". f . 1. Hi. m U.Ja me ' 11 ... .. 1 1 -r , : L. . lioi,,l. C. C. : lS-ail-tr - 1 1 1 , l , t M I-. ( Alt t , t t .. I I- .mli. ' i a .awer "' " 1 ' ' 1 j ft,., i" t" I -. IJ.wCw t t , .. 'I, ft j - V" t.'.i,. i,"c.cc. ,4 .lU the .fon.W t' at n.o ' ..-C- M-C .---I - -. - . i-.--atl-- --ate.tat-W: . , j fc , : wui,.r t" ; ; , i lAl wtUfcuUlJaaaaortinaiiadeewleoly .. n 1 1 ' 'in ' Tt't ! "" 1 t v. ... Luamatrf, ""' ' ,, l,oii..l for si '"-' ' ntii 1 i t' ' f. iv. r "I uti-i ' 1 , ,,jrt Jl,)M-i III iili'l i".--'1 M j -, v ... y -n I .' ' "' ,. ..i 1.0 b-'-' ' . y,iT IVaSw 1, 1 it 1. -t V , tu mi. t- I -1. .1 'I i uient ' W. t thi"oatattrartve .0.11: ." ' 1 ' 1 ji T-mor)l iaM prfM. . i wottlU"- fallatf CAnrF.11. : I i. i,v . a", t. C. C. i- a. , ... It VI; ti g CotMT. I ; . TOf I'nA.A'-nQt'anTlKFi"! I"ATt - ;"oab Fpen'o Adnir. Ptl'' f ,i-l, ,,(1.1 1,1 I) CAM..'- -Lli CVU..i'. ' : I. .. : ,..t,a Ti . ,t,lS. Hal i n 1 1 1 1 i- ... t.. -t, t , tli. x.or.J V. - , f I V Green,' o'.-l.fC .'- - EHab...yl U t. i. , -t; TbatI M " 'V " ' V , peel' ' tt si- af 1 ' '. It. ,. 1 '...a fiiciiua of tuat "" m - 1 1 - - r t.--.- SO 1 T" but t 'lv t scf C rt. t . 'I I s- . 1 r CahuUSA. The ne- .tttr, it y I V . n.,f tUe ifi.. w y win , ttrator. ol tue otiv I .,.rt t' e mnrderers, j 1... s- it i'v,r. 1 lie - Ta'.f .11, ten f-e r'.-t'ii, in t e.nrv id and,il ee bomr on 1 rtT. i' 'I 1 M - '.'a ra 1 igaud pa-iitiil r t.t i..e r;oui . . '" . t 1 s. i.. .1 I (i rftv.-tj I it .f , 1 i rn in, ,na to Irn' I 1 I ' II. t'ne i' 1- a a t t!.ee I "'" t i ,e waut. of the I ,n of country thrt ut.. I 4 l... ? ' II seems 1 (.itftprj,!;. t -1 I t eiteiiti.-'d a. ... sutlltion. A, .n Inauncn nf the hard time, in ,. ,1 f.-tusu .-I t t.j.a ui.n ,. ,. . , f .vo :-!e eircuttn-laiioi-a, aud aaltj , ,b ,v, oUt r,0f i.nowof. ! ,dl.t7 ' t t .nnni nn 1 - i- . . . . . . 1 .. I 'int. - -to t. a - ' 1 1 1. mraw .!- tf ' I : t..4.1- ,L 1,1 ..ie thm-lvi-, ii 1 b. ' 1 if t' i i.M.MI, . 1 1 tlun?, to t: e f grot-a, no iiurinc ti.e ' teetvn "t " " I-; i! ' v ' ' ' and ... I well s ! '. " 1." 1 the 1! want 0.1 a wiritl ini'l to ' i a n,ti 1 1 "nt T ' ' t, y ctout Mi aUli- 1 t t: i. ..C iiwi," i - : 'v; I : r .... it ...'1-- -'it ! it by .t i'-"ii t t : ., . t, on biuW Tfn.ve,.." f j laeUd with great c.. ana f v f coin!.!,- - y ' j . . - liave been 1" v r..'iir,r"'!HVil "f ' ... if he. is not, be snouid. ; . ! I T t t ( ., t . , rn i..'' I ' ' . y , ex'Ui , ,(,. ,v.ntl.i-tl' 'ror"'il ,.,, nt y . 1. . ., ,-r t ill IIUl U.' r TtJ... t.'.unw..... to r.,a.raa T I' , S r I ! 1- 0ctl5-rf t : u f v. I 1WT 7 iiiirt I't w i.tffiiA 1 1 vn

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