f J 1 ' ( ' ' ' ' ' " N tiV1D UCCT I HI SEN.TJNEL: i;. S".i.LL, -.ito '.ills. f..iur.;,.y l.ttuhiy, Sow IT, 1- 3. F"MI ' ; . ..' " peewi'' The sj'ii-it of our j opic, we rij to mo, u revivirg, end in v aritnia section trverv effirt i Uing put forth to pram our Industrial lntenU, ''"uiture i, of four, tb grant loUmU Vt hope evcy available mean will employ- I, tueeon.i. jycar to cultivate tht largrie, possible croj i f all kind, Fpwial i: :,:nt, : g!d to observe, U l felt in reviving the vsriou manufactorl. already In ciUtcuLt and in getting tip new oue. In Kveral of our towns snd cities thia feeling U taking ho! J of oar enurprising men and wt 1 -a it be carried through in tha ri- ht Not only are the tma intercut of t:,e titl '''''J in the -encouragement of a p-.-M"-.! hu.uj sjirlt aiaon our pefj;e,Lut a-wiid policy deuiaoiU it. Wby boul 1 ot'.;c-a manufacture our material, when wectudo it ourselves at h at epn? po.n.My than tl-cy da J It il perfidy j !, tliertf.ir, thst every pria. csp' o pnidcU c.n!ryl,;.!,J prori' t u to lefwna onr own inansif.,. u. V,'a are la p.' - -- , f . 1 j,t -7 j u 1 !:!. t .' ,v",r,r': r.fr .ntif. '..;,'. lleiu. . t ; amir o'-rvce that the i T . -I. av.wuui-t qao- nim. Tbiaia'. ..l r'-u. ; ' f undcrUlIrg to carry on government I y a t-:t fraction et the peo j)la of a State, L'nder tba lutoUfa.ut ia total.' -he4 ty. Erownlow wd tia coadjutor, tlie t t r- of tb people ara excluded from T'..e reeult 1 tlat iht election are furc a:. 1 the whole jrovprnm'nt a s'h&m. Hence m- a :cted " la the Lf y ature feel tliat tbcj liave uo ajf ' lfy to ba there ; "that they represent nobody j ti At tbey are mere pretencea f end they are re stias in attontfon to Uteir lrgialatlri dutlee, and tm there la no anorum. .Tbe people have no wapect for aoch fcgie iative body, which repreaaoU nothing bat party jleepotUra and prejudice, and in no manner re- preae&U the tenUutent of tne people. - - - -- Tliia miaerabl rump kfrUletnm re tail wee and humbugs, and ahould be abandoned. If we nretend to bare republican government we ougbt to have It, and not burlcKjue and trTMit unon it. We hope eoon tn are a true, genuine Leginl- . tun In TYnncmee. and BOt lUCh body BOW prfct to be 'h, but which U m to re- aoved from It M pvaaiui. .txrrMalTA U to b pofitlvely prand. Ia tha eaae of Kolden, it la aomething rehlly to be admired. Tot a man, who Uboted for yean to bring on war and -i T'nlnnlim. and fur a man. . who, after having ba the recipient, of TiA dent Johnron'econllikuce and fTor;aiiJti'.l am i - ----- .. f.r V.iin. ai-uea a Affreo of t.'on twv t!.'-1 would be aubl,if it w?r pot et ct- ....... ak uy." .iry"' do you an.jle Jaalloe, bryonJ eU doubt Sura the cion"i to a guilty K;itrtii - r';i ! lTi ii ot kin; rri-. ; van aliall tiava fw'.t juatice." Arrah," icp'.icd the culprit, "and H'e ' JttttcethatiVai'J, mcaclf!" Oilier, al well aa youraelf, have 6 "fied place" in uiavory. aavta, uiuiwii, am wry ui torical character. '. , ' Tardon " . Warrautaof pardua bav bem mvtivad at the Erecative 03c fr tl.o f. llowjpg person, wlo eanobiuin them by peraonal application or by k written A tt'irocy : O. f. Lw,, Ali 4.1.1.'. r Cotiuty; Jtw. XJ Ward, Anon; 3. B.Fitri'erald,DavIdo;Coii' ' aeliuaKcilillan, Duplin ; J. X Or.uand, Greene; J. JT. TTheetcr, Hertford; Dillard L. Love, Jackton ; RE. Loftin, Lenoir; Dillard Love, ' Macon J h. W. Ilall, Oranpe ; JTao. L. Einton, rawjuotanh ; Jamea Flanc.ia, Pitt. - Csonoa Pe-BoDv'a Csrr. The r.ichmood rair, in chronlclicir a1,i;:!onal gj from Ct" ! Pcalotly to J"or!brn iui'ltutioni of ... . , ju;ty axy that not a dollnr ha n J5t. 'out!i to l.,-'ptor-M-...Jl ttr tore-l l f 1 ara : 1 tljeP. lai-It. oilier t,I 'n, v- I ri.t down or HP llv It h j :rr. Tea! t. 1 lll-er.'' L.ie :; u, il..!a i ", I tLelr '' iu' I'' Heir ais t' 1 cooiicg g .Deration. ti of C , Ckoro!. f rr Lw.T;.e !" . a I ' I "'t' v ' " t' : ; i t . ' - r .i.r. it-- i i -! i , . is . 1, i J T'-w ' a T I ' i " r i 4 look, and Oje ad.'n - - ' tt '..e-o oft' e f '". j . f i" I ' V;.re aie a--ir" a 1 ; -r -9 s.ics. y ja t . v I a qnom'S ' l ,1 i.". 7 I...- I. . . . t' e c' ' y, tfr- i r . c J . in '- .. ,. -:'!( .'.jo, 1IL jilcase fra m X'. ' -m U3 of their wM.ej a l::' .'.lie..!!. ; rn T ' 1 "or the Pcntinei. Ka.aa. EomiM permit me to eorrect wliat I believe wili be aa erroneone impreaaion, pot deaigned, mule by yonr article of the tStb Inrt on the Public fchoole. Losing to the vindication of the laat lgilature, roiv view T M,e"'ii than you aiii'poaei and ch.rfr cqait you of im b a purpoae. Ul "1"dto q action would aura bke aw a i lment to prove the imoil)ility of edoea the pooor cbildrt-a of the 6tte. YOU M( 41.. m..4 . i... n c. . , " " wi ov vwmmoR. fKuools. fur a mmii't. .t am m l .v IT jAr k!K,,ert ert of 8100 fScbooia, "f?. 100,000 childrea. aevar ei- ao.wo and the average coat of tha El' t3O0,0OO,fthe avJS ,7', wane earperieMw proved that four month, fo as average, were .uMcient to ampUh mnck good, and that a majority of arenta could not tpare the ebUdreaT from wo. for half tha year, a a regular thing. .A wording ta Ibraer eiperieooa, therefore, I )m hook ontrtii nnt i i. J.COj and if 78,000 of thia were paid ' the general fund,-anly 188,000 wonld' . to be collected by taatio8. , TbU, Mowra. iura, U a fair calculation but to be fully recittted it must be taken in connection ..u other eUtistica. 1..3arhon1a oi--1 1 to eduonte 80,000 clill 0 "a, 'i i t. i t t'.twe l.y autwripii-n " J1 c-..t at 1. t t ,J,0(JJ. :,lW, i; t to tt taught, wiU ... .. . i .. . . i t. an (mo children. r,., -j tu.-jjcn of Nufth Carolina, nut w in 1-i.imnre. If tbia be o, why pro- Hi. t t-.r enilrrBtionr' wnyaiw or; l.na ot 0oe who into namelee P d.iii)5 the bue wur, at the command of the t--. i rmrity to atew tbouaand, who ican a i i . ... mnntOnanttv enaowea or tleL.'.i:e,and by Belifrfoua Societleat. I pro- tewt eiraMat all aucn wa. , . n.. ..ithnr nt tha above ia better acquai nted .:ik t.at44Utia of the wobltC "BcnooU lhatt tna la the State. Onr object waa to draw out all of the facta ia regard to the aubject; and not by any mean to discourage we enterpna-. w in anxlou that when tha fkhool are re viveds they ahall be put wpon auch, a bMi aa til mite tha aattiM ceoDl in UlMr bguib iy- nnrt. . Tha OnlV WV tO OO ICia, U w epnu r i,. .it tha fketa. Wa think aom of tha ..imitatlAiia of our oorreDondent cannot appiy elrcnmUncB:Att wwdeairaia that Whatever ia dona ahall U don wUely and aafely. Wa ahall readily ecquieece in wnaiever may be done by the Ijiaiature, . vntlii af Vraaidant JohnaOB. . T Wimhlncton eorreaoondent of the JJ-lti more Bum, ttndr data pf November J4thtwrito a follow to that paper : . The following la a portion of a eorrirnunlca . - i l.. Mamhaf nt the Cabinet to a f i-nd of tha Admlnlatration in New England, in reUtloa to the porition ot tha President tod i ..:..... 4J.l. rinnfrrnaf. The writer ay t NotwlthaUnding WaTong pubUe career, men aeeut to ba let nnderatood than Preal-. d-nt JobMonThat ha i a man of trong con- t -..a. nnmrtaM la atVUlflnt 110 IU .t ....... Iw iMk t.A.lvAfifttii'l And Blltllttt forward Important meaure In Conerresa, ttka . a Mi .1 a V. ai afn -4 1 A"h ....mi.l riiul nil h the Southern i- 'ntet waa not -only a magnauituoua one, but t .e only one likely to reault in a epeedy nd h urty reconeiliation between the two aeotion; and be baa futt it to be hie duty to tuatain hia view by tha exerciae of uch power' a the CoiuiiHuUoB had clotUci him wltb. But while title haa been, ahd will continue to be, hi c uri4, he wiil violate bo law nor fail to perform the d !! which are legally devolved npon him. He v. i.l veto every bill tbat be may r-Krd na cm - '.'iitional, no matter how unpopular it may be t r him to do ao. But he will execute, with nnv"- iiUni i- U-lity, all law, and eapecially tlioxe to i..v U he ha declined to give hi efli- Cilll 4 '" 1.. . j .... ' 'i..fte - '.tcuuioa whka' you wetu ib feef," t",'ll iii j!'cii.er ahare with you," that i. r. Joiiumm v..l attempt to force Southern jN'rrc-'-t:v into Con (, or do any other ii, j rumi.t tun.g by itl.ivu tua J ".. ..; piiK'e will be diaturbed, ia entirely unfounded. While ha will exerciae fearleaaly the power which he poa eea under the Constitution in furtberance of the meaeure whirh he think are beet calcula ted to promote the public weal, be Will not Quarrel with Congrea for pursuing th ameln fh-pendi'nt course. He regret the disagreement b-tween the legislative and executive branchd of the Government, and wculd, I doubt not, yield much to effect a reconciliation, 11 will not, however, aacriflce hta principles, nor violate the Conatitution according to hi interpretation of it.no mVt"r vihat preaaure i brought to bear i""i 1 i. Pa rnr'sm to do rltfht, aa he under i ii !i' ,f, mti will tmt to time fr tb iii) scuiirt.it. He will be a true t -'iti..o 'i l (lie (Jovernmeut aiPree- . t t a I ii"--1 t i'i as ba wa tru and t Ij 1'ie liiiun iu li e ilmkeat day of it 'I (.f f ( ti s, I . ' ; have ha l ninny 1 1 e j ,w- tstiwu. '1U I ti.e avr. f..r that i i i r I rf' 1 1 J l ic i.- lit ii - v- ! -''v doubt i i i"). - i ..-rt e i. V My n lur .rj . ii -iff Ac ;r(L.i j...t U.a ' - . "' ' 1 r I '..ind, fur y rti.ii a soil place in J 1 J 4 al- J a verdict for Lire iir screpfhingtoo V-i.k pir1"1!! VorU, th tttrali, a i . a . .-' 'epolil-'y 'd Unable aa "the world, t..e ili-v!j, aii i lue oiuvr fsilow." - A poi'i-1 ot cotton pnn by hand will make a t'.rf.J 1 J UUmioi, bt by tem iiwill ami. a tV"J l'J7nii!elB lengt. . -" in K ''; atrich'a place 1 a diplomatic rumor. ' . .,..,?" Klatura wy on the son venom w under !!y the i !'.! of bi re definite- ,-ht to reir. t in re ii. ('uie- : s ,:-".Ueta " l .lure - :uetnt 'red an.' would lie nent ot -Utor, w. .ii rn 'gen. I't-havior. , be eay ' tare of '.f t''e i Tl ri.- J'l! . ! . .... .... ,., . ..t, hi tjovertt low and te State in to a I'li'pd risiiic- he oppose the tiibt suUion I iargeU j' lu'il power w me v meut, am a at would not only w-" weaken tb authority and influence n f'.nnii lint mitfht iHHwibiv recu i complete nuiiity. it wouia giv i . Bute Court comptoie an iiu.oh.. tioa over every conceivable caw. ho-, portent or however trivial, wbi h e . . . W t- ti..l. ...1 . ver im 1 arise .ti4fid ht apply matters under bum law, .tott imiii with the decision f a State Cort mi" 4 P.u1.l tribunal IbT redreM, XI BOt what might be the characteroi hi caae it might be MVll V criminal, aaifu. "" action of debt or a auit in trovet, it might be an Indictment for assault ana oovery, ,jii,i.K,ir for knon. or ttr murder, it would be- all ilU aame i ".upon a simple com plaint that bis nehta either oi nraoa v vnp I... u.a k. l.rViiKHMt. it would be tha km- dendutv of the tribunal to wbM bs made hia application to bear and determine hia ease.--rr,. ..i r mrh an Immense oower as this over the State tribuaal would, at ia f cry beat,., subordinate them to nonunion u uu.,y Uve unlmportaBC : and , InsignUcance, and might prove utterly destructive of hat full . nrit ln tha anlovment el all the gat iiKhU Of properly "andlthoaf-elective guaranteea airaitist arbitrary oppresaion which the people Bavafotttdla r present Judicial st. u ever aiooa the organization ot jthe Qovenn.. .t, In .i t.manA asction. he uses tie li.vonte awument ot thia teetion, that it U mju.t la its operattoB againat the . South, becaae it da creaaee It r' presentation in Congrese, and doea not affect the JSona aimuany. the third aecttoB ertabflshe a test of for office, both Federal and State, v. only DBneoeasary and unjustly prosn . which might posaibly Wad to the m conecqnenore, , Experience ba ii bioonteatibly that tbe iBU-rtntof ment doo not require nch a r ,1 .native tost The official ch. . u to conduct tlie operations ot te in Btatc have had nmuermi diflicultie to ronteiid vt- " 1 allthcediiioi.tiri'!eMi '' '"- ' ' i flrn.lv " 1 f ' ' . ' that ility s not -, but .ou K-d a "Weii'ii lue pi'..jpe lor u t' osrni$e their Iiiilib-' ; i'' L nion, and are earnestly sinl h to maintain it lit lt4i'mii!lr; these fucta show tliut tl.fi safelv allowed tha'untraijiiiii i r a- j e 1. 1 1 ' choosing their own' agent from am Who aroeitgiwe io position oi j under the Constitution a U Bw ' people of the Btate, which are now cUfti resentatioa in Congress, would notuiur any standard of patriotism or test of loy the General Government which might t plied to their profession and conduct aaisi. t close of the war. ' It punishment are to L flii teil for prece.ling conduct, surely tha i and pcnaltie proscriled by the law now i 1 lug uwinahe oatiaoai. Jitatute bock. r 1 .11.-! . 1. .1.. . fT.U aujiiuivii lor iviiQ miriiw. .ucv nivoi . rlgoroue enough to accomplish all legit, maia purpose of any Government controlled by tru eutstuuaaship. If tha disabilitiea impow by this third section be intended u k puuishn.rnt for tha acta heretofore committed, the amend meat would operate practically aa an tat pott Jio to law, wbii-h is contrary to the Whole apint of modern dvilizatioB. The creation of apena'ry to ba Impoaed aa a puoisbmeut for an act, a. r that particular act ha been committed, is a thing unknown in the history of enlist' 1 liberty. Such a mode of dealing with en., s charged with offences aguinst Onvernnu'i.t 1 -loig only to despotic tyrants. Itmr.ya'u -pltHh revengeful purposiis, but it i nt ihe pr.' i-.o.leof adiniufstering jtisiico. 11,-iaii, of tbi amendment would vacate -''j a l I offlcoa ia moat of tha nurfi'i'.'m i1' :.l 1' . would eunimarily and ru.iilm.! .: w Governors, Juiljjr, I,:Matiiii-s, t res of the IVaue and Cnr",'tt'jli State iiovernmeuts ouM t.eci. i np ; iiish'o.l, tlmy would be r '. n 1 boPi l anerrhv, as t'ie r1 " 1 8 t ll'HV 1 1 r imu no aumu ' ii. t of pn t ma:. ul ie peui'l ate ti'iw ) It 1 1 lit'.in ! t'ie re t all 1 : :iii ! t t r.f t: a j, a;nri.. t n braucbt'. v CommiHiU'i to to C-.i" -" at i i '(!. i t i -n 1 v ry of tne y a 1 1' " i and t! f y s . 1 1 1 Up'): ' r h f "I- loyait r n uii,.i'iiS t !, i v f,i icn lUivenue t'. , I i I 1 f i ; ill.' I'l I .1' lllg that th Gufvum-wit i mrvtcos. It traa eleer'v in t e poi r oi t n trr to prant the relief akf .l f r bv a m r tJ I Tot', bnl I am not aware it a a tl.xis in a a. ln Tbi proposed tbir t srvtioa w not t-...v Bild preatly to tve i' tcsb-oaih, bat it. would abfi ' a ';:itcoft liie ivii.wuif power of Congrae by nrqiiinug a vote of two- third insteaa oi a majority. -' "jLitcf reviewing' th who! u'tJert.Uig Gov', amor WT: "I am decidedly of tha opinion tbat tbi amendment should not be radiled.- The flrst aectioB emboUie a prLociple danger- iJabaja--ireetlnff of ' Governor! I . The Legialatur met at !23ibinet.. The memacei ; roi-nda, aa a rdier for d. Which the creditor can col tri'ert and a portion of t -claim, and argue that not., iy aettled than that a Btate nlate the proceedinga of iu o gard to the enforcement i( i die lor tbi purpoae may L peat ontraeta aa well a tbo U farther eay that it woul , nr the Lrgiaiature to prohil, eicloalve liea under a Judgu to prohibit a preference in property for the bem-fit ot r BCHATIO kxo huovm t, i -Ife f the opinion tl. 4 i erally are entitled to ' lr?eferrlng to con!-. . there have bwa . . bad faith, whlOi Y . eceaaity of lenl r era whfrc ir! ,, ' ( , , tiou Mill. "' pretextt lur t , ' , v ,i and diwhnr , , ing viohti . -ii t i t , freedmett. -j lf , ieeuit for Li -be acartfty t the ex pun in j f. , end rft'opmtt hj.-j a f. tliat. )nri i i-l. ,r .. pie Vf "rl.: L .- .. lit ou to the libertiea of tlio ieopt try.andi.,.pp,iCi.l,i!rP iaMtuuetu aa 1 - ., ut won d bring poiuie gooJ to t-.,r- USST1 4b,u ihw t tercly deairou of comiilrt..onr and Lnion. Wa want eonni..i-va Biven national tranoniiite iv. .- -nnform ia wiry evidence of honeat puwg aurround- I'lgU. .j , . .v.. tVinetita -""Aiebarne ti mnt aa an tioa and law of the en. leteraal reveav wateof tha Union. l fpi, 0f thia. (Hate u law tax on coitmi'ti . .k. nmment of are bow paying , reve- la the enactment of afly 110.000 OnA ." -. n-u. .mmilment 4nea hire we had -tmrd of the Bttea were Unrenrv1 " . i i.l,.,l. The ax aimed mi n.. - i.- cuch ratiflctioB of .7 - Bs.: to Sank Watajfciw.rn.rrV.,.v.i.! di- thecounlry, f t, p - aer." . i 4 I w af fl T A R lAHMFX,rfOrng, ' tA tha trtowral su e t -rv. live l- ,. R.mle at Pr' 0 of I f ,-. 44 i.r si. oi muii". It. Ii. i'LURAM, Gru'l 8up'U . .. . ., fter.tmrg B4lrot. Vlaable Vropertj tor lolc , mlTE Bnhaeriber.wlshlnf toelosshtabualnesa.oBTers I ftffKiilat nrivaMy, foUowma; property, vis: ,iri- nn. 1 .'rt Br, iuehawnd Va-t a4 tiMV iilLL wit auaw mnr am hi "fcl'sTEltSf FtnST O.A8S MULEflj awesal borsse, tm,mt ihm ona pais of excellent carriage borssa, ami nns of the neiit Millie horM in thektete. TWI..H -! wua vmi " .f. litTieavetwl rtm - WAftOOKS and , HAH-U-V..TI. ..J m,kl. Xrm whee a and Cham. 'f'.siviNli CiRRLaOR. onsBarouehe. one Boeka- way, en Haek aad eae Top ituggy. - Oaej ulrc4 TkaMasad Feet af w. vel Mm4IL hia stock afgoodaoa hand, aad wl riit ohtnisBtor Parsons wteMne to bny such pror-rty, ar repec tolly invilad te eall and iaww for themselves. wish to employ, a eooa a , ."rr; .U.Tuoaa. person. vOaryebarg, - 4 r , t t LECTVBE. '"- mm ' Aaaa- ft t. 3 57rr-fT"r m-,,-- OF.IVKW TOBK CITY. WILL LBCTORE BEFOltE THE l i ' i1- i - r ' Yauf in en's OirtttlaBi Aaetattn f M0ND AY NIQUT. " "NotI" 19UC 18C6T . tl (T1maitaplaeffltoaadkBowBi -J 1 r -HUSBANDS AND WIVES"1 rr.eedit to he oWToWd axelaalvely t the uja of Ui poor m .uiun. . , APWT",TOH I P'vJ3- U4LLK.lt AITETSCr. OU ii B EK i AND VALLEY: iv:-:;,1' IH8CniNCE(C0MPAN.;4 OF. NASHVILLE, TDlTlSr. v(t . ! Il4 -- i, f"v"' T4-t" JIOME.OEFICE: Na. 25 CHERRY. ST AtrmoaizED capital FITS IlTXISIi KS V3 A53) SQXXASS. GEO, II. W01R, Pres't. , ;ii :;rr;:Ji;. 'IA t. tbipm, s7v .' 1" -6- i --t ' ' - -," ." . Baring been amrainted sgent for tha aliov Com pnr, I riMifieetfic iy eall the attention of the eitisen uf tins secmia of borth Carolina, to th fact that this m a HiHiihera Company with aa authorised Capital of B .. It's biuuiee. la ably eonducti-d, by ia Suential, rolf.bl and wealthy eitisen of lenn. wn. ltha r e ittieat references, and haa alw.v I '."li .ii'eeii v prompt la IU pavmenta, aeean bo eimtra l.y ta re. b itH euHinjiieu dt weaiiiir geminrnen. e and lire riku i !:i terius aa low as It teVee 1. 1 1 Minn4T. V ID J' t I '-ir (i.i - 1 in ua ai ii : - rmie.t. hi.. at . .:ir and keep t'.r b 4te m. Lut ns x.i nar n. ho one m i . pi. i . l . I cn 1 - i Nuuiiiiiu i I. Ku IT S.t 11 !) It !'l fll'iC t 1 i! ' iv . r .t hirnet-lf or ... . . h culuuiodated . my. . i i)..i .'1 . v attheBaleigb c. j. i: Agent. c. y of i to penettt to ii'sit.My to . r of .the 1 j.' i uf t .imn.H- uf, .ivUler. notlate .i are. i w.rli; on I. il - lt. vr. ii. aniC' jviue, K. C. TllUI 'lectete t ' ' ' ' inil i wt. h trnl ehainl Tlie h rather - t t '.is i raw, t"M i Hai'k i ...II. "1. 1 Mf..l ,1 1,41 -1 K,-rU eUn, e e... '...1 ml l( e 1.4. X. Aio a ...leiii't 4 . i -r nn tl!e f" e. -uifl ...:T ei. . ...t itoid cuuiiutii ai-.n a l.miIl, i with an .Hole's hee.t, with ruby eve, ttiiel. 4, f- .iawtiH-i to sotMi trinkets, a r-e-aid will be given tur ti.e recovery of , ...d Chain. i ,- Al-plyst ."' ' i . 13, tt " t - --THIS OFFICE . arww ATJvKnissanaTi B7oShBon&po. - rnoa. brhncii. co, axiMii Y I usnu ftComasaosisxaciusT. V . Nov. laiu. rI"""irjJi- lor Benk. 'W.W"r.7iiiir ,U saw - lt- U.trmtHiraT. H .Jf ft . Irwaa wu niea Hr rfU 111 Miowutg ' eoaTB oa(HJ: , BanV etC''r-:-' ( inrmnliin .---t ( .imiierce . it i tHtttVlH'" ia Si 1,. i ' Ktoo 23 ....8i ymth I MMtina 1 1 iiiiiimvilla v,i.!i -!fmigh.. V ims i 'I'm V ...t!.(- ... ' s; . , . .i.-... i ii Js bu.-i, . iid Commission Jlorchanta Peter- ta. ;ov. i7-iw. ' CANDIDATKH- To the ITIenibrr of the Cenorwl Aa EDIfUNr B. Fltrr'MAll rep"rtMtv sl to u re- annointf ii Ki-.o.i!o Cum. He ret. r to tlie mm bars of Uie laet IKivlsture, s to tl et Lepmlature, a io tlie pr.-.rpntiia ano nix wtuch htiichart(ed lu. duutiahamt enrnctiMM tofore. W ana RawrraTrw T jaiiijji; TunuiH n inii iJ cliAthukaaaeandidat for EnRrosaing Clerk to th next Uenaral assembly. aiuvia-ra - , ' - vr. An a mi m ti a m a m m m seA BBT Y nonnos J. T. BROWH, of IHigh Point, Guilford County, aa a candidate for AssiataauVoisraaspar to U Bsxt, HonMoruomnwoa. - V Bonne Ms). JOSEPH JL KNOELHABD, of New Bsnover County, aa candidate tor rlstMe to th Principal Clerkship of tb Beast of av en- Wlng osneral asasmbiy. . .. Assistant poeirkeeper t the Ueai - of CemmoBL . - -' - 1T7K are authorised to announce VlfBoV W, Y MaMMAV.ef this City, as a eandidata fee rnneipai Doorksspsr to the asti House ef CoBsaaona. Xrm ARBt AI'Tlf OBIXBIS TO ANNOUNCE YY KUFUa H. BOTH as a Candidate for Assistant Doorkeeper of th Penet -tt North Caroline a the nming session ei an Mtguuuuira. , . . . i . Kov.ltd , , t-.s ! -ITrat AttK a st ia ) I at Al candidate for tha Principal Engrossing Ckwkanip ef MY ao Tnmria r nvrn nf Weldmt. aa a the eimning begtslatun. Kovt-ld , . T the nlieitatina af ami ef mi frienita. Banatora A ekct. I oner nvaelf a oandidaU for. the post of Aswatsut Clerk ef th Henste. Jka experience of three famiona Jnstitlea ma in promising, if fill snd satisfactory dclirr of li eiDctea, a immi uhEJE, TM M99M RKarvaTP T AlVrf c Y WILLIAM 8. WtBU'IEIt, of Chatham county, eanihiiat for PiuaoxrAii Dooa-Kauaa tor the lionse of ilommon of th sneuiug Legialatara. Oct 47-td. . . , . WS ARE RCQUKT-Ti TO ANlfetTWC CaptOEuRUK M.WHlTINO.as a eandidate fur aaeiatant Xorolung Clark to tb General Assembly. j!.Jt Beeetwe, . j .r , , r tt Kwr aad Bwdne, . ' ' '' '-i H v v - W. 0. Granite Water-PikBan, r i ... : P. C. Chambers, t , . j . i - W. G. Handled Cups and Sinosia. " ; " . J. BROWK, ' With Bart Lewie. ' Raleigh, Nor 18-tf -v-r- WATCBlRaV WKMi dha..--. ' I BATH retnrnsd from tha Worth with a new and Fliiii.h etmeti, I ih.ite aur old Prlemla and ttit) meuibars of the Leginlatiire to call at tin old Store where I hare been fur 'ii ycara. Ikm't paes bv withoot eallinr. What I sail, ft 111 triv nt it-NlS OS )if Oold or Plated yon will get the article wanted. ralrna. nawnea, uiocxa ana jeweiry repairea by th very best and exnenenead Workmaa. tVeh tM In ii wm eu.s eTee.v: IL.I1 a:i - ' The follewina ar om af the arttnlaa Bv eel. art only at email praata. Cold and Sliver Watrhtre, (irnUemrnt aad !.::, Cfealna, . - Itreaat line and t ar i , TMiuble and I. r l.nt-s, aleave Ainta s-nd c. -r . . llottis. . t t l , j ' , j. Vert V...1 -, f . - f 1-rye, ; , . - . r I A en, r .iver t poon and 2kae iktn Lluga, alrrTblHil.Ieat. PLATED CO 038, t Ixeee-! i, ! ivur and 1 1 , ted, and JeU I M...4. I Si t)ii h. . . A Beau... 0".1., ajui- hum V e 'Jatile t,i! .1 4 I . .t. rioOrated Boger'a Pock. Knives. T Jkssurtuieut uf l.unoe ti Vov 15-tf .ia. :.tC. PALMER, abebury Watihin i" t - Im porta; t . HAT-OF-COL i i i. :: K , . - I si T. i 41 o'- l" t'i iii r I tors 1(? i 414 (V . .j,.; l-'n 5 T. i.r Olj a. Ii.., j i f, J aa ai.i ". i : 'ie verv deniable for br,, , ,1,,, Al. i It "f urnuuis and bueien,..id aitiefes Beddii.g ai' l t arpt'titi)?. ii New Northern mads plow, aB ties and Mat 0e(iy, -- One' Chest sxocUeut .Carpaater TaoU and other merchandise. :,. ;, f 0a Saturday right PrevlottA - - A groat variety of fine and beautiful fnncv fvvtt Tnmuintg and Ribbons whi.h iriiei m d wt'rtouf reserve to ekiM eoneignmeuta, IneattenuuBof iieaU ers arereapMtfully called to this sale. ; JAMES M. T0WI.E3, 'J - SoU-2t - ; . AuciMweee,-. irrTlM WITH OfB I ' tbft 11 VfAt a " s: liiv i pEtlBAmJS'CITV pnor ..... , i BiAtl at t f ? itt. ,;ti44w;4), ' ' to 10 o t-! JJf Va ..- - offer my hw, J; "i iu.k 4aLnm and V ' Ji rfprr!'iiiii(r !l. f TirtTaaVi 11 at. t. ii'w 1o tliu 1h w - KMri i7l" 1 -f a good J" ; 1 ; - t i eiwileut. ' . . . ii . ai.a&m ibilia wivinuiuj " .1 ... A 1. ,T -aeirtea.-i v lroiwrty fir. tle, Valuable a-- " " vw, XTTItt b "yf1" ! "daTS T)iinW a-4W ,; f ; j,,,! tint hlto Lot ia tJ , rf wet-tary ; Hiu, . ; .....iiim on A'-f". ' i ,,, lui haul Mek. r h w,U dt.Ud i , . i oBHiUnboro'StroKt. j.l-.,!. "'" ' "' ?Trm - w. ilOBPf'fi. : " .1..!r-OolvatO. . - thate T j . 1 t i e" AX5I i BICII -Xi4sVr jrOI"SAX4l3I L OSSE8 of property and my sons, wil I close buuneM snd pay my debta, with a dt!.irs t tss iiiilueed IO BteiTej, DJ ia 4 1 uT'.rii -"7 , V my property ti Alfred "d Hsrfrrava, os jjoxiDiua, ii i I be sold by aim, sad enaTaysncaa aiyU, on 1,., ike nth. T tleiwmber. lWifl. at Linwoob flwt. wit) 4ay, and Lexintloo next, day to-day until all W surf, eonsistiag of the foUowiug property f .- eonsUtiag of the following property f " " ' ..,' Thia lebmei! teael 1U bs dirided into a number v ,jf ef ease, ettinng large orsmsuor pun'iwaen, .uuiuu- ; ti ,:v tg a .valuable flouring M'll. a comfortable roomy , Cottage, Berrant'a Houses, Bama, hbojia, witk well s - , end aprings of sxcallsnt water, 1 na oanin. arouif t ef tUM land is nnsnrpit etea in the lamed 1 ittr- . . eey aetueaient," in 111 heart of which thev are loese ted. Thev he on both siilos of ths North Carolina ,,, , Bailrosa, 7 iie rrom Mrnngron; wra m tot ie- bury, N. i-'Thess hunts aie fcoandud by the Tadkm i.L. Hrear, and tea north and Mat eoverma wearing Creek, and north and eontb Pou'e Creek hare bee , ditciied, drained and under4raind at oiach sspstuMi t t r have nearly nv hundred acre of woodland, in heay,' - a original forest growth, equally distributed no diner- ; en parte of th estate, and MfAoient for faraiing , pnrneaea, not aaaera bat what BiweUsUuatad for stit- - , tiTatiott, or th raising ef graa. Thaij in h ,--: - -them fin mowing aad gracing lot and fields, with woodland pastures. In all lliea peMoulsre eoaatt -'-" -eating one of the most desirable and healthy estate) v,t a- mtbeVooth. It U .oough to say for it, tli.t it la the . f" . rZTT Z.1..t.ZZ..I- I. the f4mil 4IUM :r 'p - Bettlement " and baa been under a tt of Improve ' tent for forty yean, totton, Hl.aal ad Cora he been tlis sUpls prodaeta, bat there ere now large -;. '--f,j fields la a condition to produce tha best yield and quality of ahippuig Tobacco, drained and eleared of , atnmpa snd stones, ssuly to be brokea and ndged ' into ground for tobeoec , Ml-. o original forest growth, of Oak, liickory sod Yellow , pins, 'li mile front Lexlngtoa, and Bg aula from a flaw Mill ea Abbott's Creak, and known aa tha Oar- JimO. m WO M twv BWIUHU ATMIwwnw w w awmeuui caw .,f;: iji Wvi. Also, 61 Auree-Ahe TEfiSTHAtf PtACE euiwll- .( tnting a part and adjoining the town of Lexington. UiKtify improved lsiid. ' .;.'"' Also, toy interest in th Ben end Lota on which Hire, in all tun crea, on which a a tie ItsaahM i ; Hones and Improvements. Aleo, th Celcbrahxl Kloo4eii P'alllon, iTMTT. J , drives well In harness A match of. superior blended . Carrisg Horses, kind In h.rneea. A anwriiir 1'Wul. edOel.ling v-4re -. ' ' . ; " """" . .-;i t . AIM flu Lilted " " - - Jil y, gi.ng on fuur jt.u.a oid. , ,...., AI, 87 bead best bred North Devon Cattle, beat a . frone lb best imoortad Rulla and P..,., of which there are about 40 lhlrh Cows, t flu BuUaT " Witb young hu ill aires and tellers. Ac, and a Bn ' -yokeofKiirth Devon Oxen. ... .. ' ... . . . " Also, head best bred booth Down Bbsep, tnclBd. ing a superior lut of Kama, all of the' beet fannorte-. . twaa. I block of HoiaTTha whole of th Wof . Corn, CoUon, O.ts, .May. Pwlder Btraw. Shnnka,rA. "" ' Also, 4 boras Viagona I bora Wagons, Ox Won " and Carta, and a number of Iron Cart Axle. A .ta- s P . damage, a Baruucba, 1 Uuggiae and aa Amba .- Alao, a vary large steel of the best'-Agriculurt Implement, vis : horse, 1 borae and 1 horse Piowa. '- ' H.rTowa, bron and wooden framed Cultivator, Iron Clod-Crtlbers and Sectional itoLera, on M heat linll - , with Gnane attachment, one superior Threhing ila- ' . ehina, Wheat rans, two Besping and on Mowing lo a- " rtii Farm BoUera, Bpade. Bhovek Ates, Mat. "s ' Jocks, Picks, Crow-Bsra, Slackamith and Wood bboa s i t XooK with bellow, Ac., and Carpentr-. Tool, , " , , Also, 90 shares of stock in the Worth Carolina Bail. road Company. - - . Also, sll ths Honsshold and Kitehea Tnrnlturd, one? f ?.l!?!,,,4,U7 th glaa alr-Khsmbaa, a. e.4 lacga.U of Lead and nroof 1 in pipe, with sver? vai i. y-ef property named m this True. - - . . r. ' I loTiu all my friends to attend tha esl, and npplv ' " themaelvse with malarial to befrin and proeecntVai ' - " f,5-hBt til P.''.l her. - Mit 'Wail., !''k' y'"'i.---r'-i--4.-rsCTJy -Mh, -,..jij A. anne.1 t. w. K. HOLT, t: ' At the time and plaee' abov 'named, the asls win take plaee, vi; l Toeedar, tb 11th of December, lo. and eontinna torn day to day nntu all is sold. For the lands, ( and 13 month credit will be sivan. Dona ana annroved security momrad. an,l f..i. ...j WBPsidfor. Par the personal pronortv, mnutha T credit sum over ten dollars, under "tea dollar.- " eaah. Iatarsat diaoounted fur aaeh e ... fc , ALFRED H ABO RATE. ' Ixiagtoa, October 34-3awtL lit. HOANpKE . ' " LAND FOR SALE. . Attorney, Ishall sell, on the jwemlse. for Cssh, OST THE 2Crn. p VT OF KOVl At Pul.lic '' ' 1,00 Acre, ZIore or Le, OrrooKiui Js...k, I,;..uW;.ioa eonntv. p.-' n I r...uia. ; , . J . ei aous of tlie ir.oet beautiful t-" ntatiui m i i sconninr, and is S'in.a.,.d ii 1 n ..it and ' 'eneesbynoneia Noi'.u taroiim. ..tofit i ti. stand, a red soU. c..ret a!, a bi-h-. l urruititetiun. Iti autmrab.y a.u d to lue i -iucllou r.f corro;,,Avj2i:AT, & lnuias t.r.-r. It ia well etacVed wrlth aegro JaW,, t),a .,,,,, fcvMothet-whoa.s atu ,.d t. u, , Jj and een he ...:- 1. ,.! .1 . I ' i,,.;.,ir-.. V .T """."1 n niKin oy a f "e wa 11 av,. ni very aoi d , "ie -good and honest farn.er.-4 f f, tl t Oi nisud bv t oe 1 nt 1 " 1 Luers"liousrTgooi. ' THE MAXSIOiT HOUus . tosoff rfenfivgood.' ft ie aitnated on tb V rtver.Wowtua b4d of na,.u.n. ad m , . med.et re.Klihorbocd of fr rauro,,-, , BirJ.la,P.lenlfa.WUmia.t.d. 1 ,s f to ! A plantation of equal value haa not been n - . "BovlWd Attorney, Ac, Ji h, C. ' ii V rii.. ;f V e c i; ... : . v t t ' , I. ' -, A'" IWfWJ W p,;.a TtST,: ' W 7iKii!! W V ' -. '