ti I 'i' 1 V ki U TVT m T TIT 1 T Au.ox4i,1 X X H Aj U , V--- . .. . x . . . .... . r - ' 'f. K1 ."III ;;: l - I If. I f:i 1 T J na. E. I'ELL, State Irlutcr. r 1 j j i 1. i J S . 17 I . i , i Jp: rZ TU IMiklt lUimaii, is psbUsh.JsT.rj aToaatr Mu4.W...... ... i ..i ' T J t;vv-i tt;rxaT4T"3 Wmvit, sssu-.e4vees, p jaa F.mi wMkly, i;Mr, njTaaea,,ya,ea U.sljv .atfc.i Mtv It! ,,, Dallr.titrsxrathh.. N ' . ailv, 'km m!i,Vi;iri "Et IN Daily: M -aosia, - r. . . j a J -1 i P'wgMm-gBamsei . ,r CAROlEffA UaiSlATTOX - f : 7 WetlnoiKlsv nerntnff. Kor. S3. - Tm Baakt ni eaLltd to wdor M U 'clock. A.M. . ,. : PrTr by tU Rev. Dr. SklnMTof the Eap' tbtCliurcb. . - . Tfa doanni t '7fteM wu read nj ;- jproT(vV ., .j . j - . i J Mr. M .!! rMotd lt'r''m f"n ': "'lr r.. Ml t "N, 1 1 i . . i if iaioeonirnM. j Mt 'f uimiL.irtra troa Committee ; PnlKiltiqBi 4 arioTuxsei to bo fsft tr$ t'tM rwolutioneltiTt to eompenmtinf Ju tier of the poi for ollk-Ul dune rcnJered, reported Wk the Ht)ie od sked to be di ""'eliirgca from ill turtlwr cow4tUitio, r- i i MnWilsoBrow the joint Conmittoi'P0wtoa iorfruft rule to goTeta this bmly in the electio -f V. 8. 8cnf6r, reported bck tin me, vhicll -niorteti Ud ihi Ui motion metsage M i.MTlt tO It UWWto,,"PaU Vi 111 ilr. UcCorkLv frunt -th CooiBitte M tb Jn.lli-iw tn whnnt referred bill reUtir "to th appointmeat of J niticet f the PewaS, ri ported bck Um eim Md NtommMd tb it 04 ' Mr. Wilwn, tmm the committee ob th B dicirr, to hm w 'referred n ngroMed - ,,.biU front tb House r-UtiT to fixing 1 teal of , deprecutioa of Confedort eurreacr. "P" back the tame recommending iU paage.;- Mr." Cow lea, chairman of th Joint aelect ' mamlttv appointed to ennalder and report MBiticto ft Oot!"Bototord, i.inf nnmmander of the Freedman'a Bureau in ! Hr. tranamttted bT Hit ExceliencT. Gor. 1 !tWortlr,nVr5BgId in extreme cm? o rttoAJRi thelndit'entblack and whit 1- Ju.. in tea in to ' aMTaral eoantlea, reportea IB iaror tn umpimg proffered asaistaaea, and jaatrnct the Gov ornor, by tcaolution, to correspond with lha hairmen of the Warden toortt in theimapecti vt "j rnuntina, and aaoartaia thjmnrtiy-e auppliea ,. jabaolutely Boceaaary to frevent offering, and report th ame to CoL , Bumford, . Cluct of . Freedmen'i Bureau.' : :.! m t Tb rvtolutioo wlattve to turn 4 Bdjoure. Umnt iotroduMdiby Mb, Cwaitrh y- terday, camanp aud waapaaaedover Informally. Mfc Edward introduced a resolution in favor f JodgaBame iteferred to th committe Melaimv t..v.w. jBusMt , . meaaage was nmrm fv earring in the report of the Joint committee. , n ' Mr Cowlea introduced a reaolutloa (eferriffir. f at iBcW41ie Governor' mefwag a relatee to I com Denaationi Jot arrvice. Tendered fcy Mr. I Ma"U to the committea on c'aim. ReiVrred. .... ... . ...,..... ..'..non tr of. 6ttfl aleeusaar .icpurted -etiange tue ni k the same, recommending iU passage, f . bark ' them of the readU sSaof lh8en.to to g into Joint ConvenOon, ?T!umZ receiTfron. tb Hou- in- rKcnu' Wereupoii the Senate repaired JJ fut wh thaSpeaker of the Senate tookthe .iJV .ioafee U. . Senator, proceed. s,4 ... r ttLr mjm Mr llkUII. aa lUCnrniacw tv - t when after four balloting, th He . ManTi wa5 declared, olectybo .balloting. ' t, Jtlon and th. SaU retfred to the , JingXTX the two Bou. adjonm tot L Sty tleiadiooTBt meet on , Friday at UllOCIoca. .UIiJ."t rnotrsE of commons.' " ' 4 - ; ,t r- WitiBATriIor.. 27 1 8(5 avet bf Tenal of ,Uriy M reid and , iiroved. ; , i .! as. i i-J " ibtoew or eoMMirnuta, - V, McKay, from th. commute, oath. Judl . Wr. iica.ay . mf4Torb . resolntlon, j ary, elr."r relative to thi expediency Vi ic."-n l . j ,.i ,ti,r. a bill to provide u d exeootloB Bliall bring lhat property oiui and a bill toeo- saiji9 - ... n. Mr Dorham, a rcaolutlon instructing the B , tla Judiciary to inquire nto the ';;.;cy.-nd nejes.lt, o.tctorm thojnai- cud s l y II . derby, a teaoluiioB that the me 1,1 A' , u. .inedicncv and comiuiitca wquuw-. - - . rHrofT.ct.Mi Stat bankrupt law. : . mixa HTKoDtfcao. . . i.ni . nmTuls for Inclu- Amu 17 ' th cu:f Yhatown of Beaulort. : -Company ol r tto toB or ; an . Vet"",, establish wOrkhouae. or ;.r,r:;:!:lf"ort,Mn th..9v.ral,Contie,tpJ 1 lLatham, of Cr ' .Iforinment W .th, pati pr - - ' A m:r.fr:to.iM--4U.a!mof U. . . -.M4rreJin; . pur,nT.t to Jolntwler, the were a' preaidin?, announced tb. ' rwWaWfowM. weremetin j-.int - liject tot wu . ,w Ka iournai .f rmrwBtwr"? "r:7T- i.. C"nvent',:2J"-, .,.,.;. to the pro- tbt tw WVT-.rdar in the balloting for . eee1insiad-0,n J ' - ""','r -..:',.. 'Bstiat then sr'"0!ic.i s ' i t ,.,rJi sr-- rr... .1 JS t, -. V . , Mr.l: ll Vt V. t on 'i ' 'S ' UU - ti'in r irr, of rutTirrftirtl, for tiiit committed t'j rf'irtd aa followa: , . j ")'", vh-lf huntUsr lld,Mof .wlicli .. IX. t$,uitlt received 63, majority of ! Cant. : t4.,.' .-'i : v:..i i - enatona person received majorltjf nlentimber of rote cant. ' . I"!.! I of (he f -naie next eaAeA, ana ' ot the I ., !.S t'.e i;itM" i'dj 'ted the j"int tntl M) t M" - : ' i le I theo fulc.!' ca tl aecond baiioti 1 ic r nrt ( liie-eouioiauM ea tUia ballot ia follows! - VV l)(l!8 UUIuber of rti Cnt, 15'J. Noceaaarj to a choice, 801 Kr. ilauly rccive4 SO votea, Mr. flrnltb, 68, Mr. Pool 44, Mi. ..l-Ke)-lotiov---''"'-"''--'? ' The lloune Uitm'oteJ oa the third ballot I i v CorrtBiiUee's reort on tliia ballot uraa aafot. iovrat wboWnnmlxf of otee'east, ; t59. - Ka ceaaary to a choice 80. Mr Manly received 69, Mr. Smith tt, Mis Pool it,r Mr. &;.W.,Mai teri."" No election. ;! ; S.,"! The IIouw thettf otea un tlie lourtV ballot. ttVuVwf5 ntiUiauf atPi Tomuiittee'a reuort on Una ballot WH aa lot-t Jo we: whole nnmW of rote cart, 100. :l Necei 7 ,l V,T i, T;? ' . uTliT.Li ' i'SilfflJCI?!! Mr. WNkitiMwMVto Bt ZT22JVm'J$Fu Hf Vh7 f T? J 1 1 0V.,0ck .The Senate Bt .meaBatre - aaooanoail ege BonoBBcaa concur, reaoe and the Hoaaav dioomedt r' --'' i Sallottisgt for Senatot' I th HonM f .Jr.X.rr," Cauani on Ytaterday. , " - " . " , " IBT BALLOT. ' For Mr. Pool-Meear. BeaaTy,Hrroo, CM on, Frecmanr Ganihril, liinnant, llortoa tl Wii Ili.rtnn nt Wilkea. Jen kim of Gran ville. Jenkins, of Gmtisn, Jwa,'Xyon, Mowa of Chatham. Morton: Mornseit, Kotrera, rtonnt Rune. Sco"rtn. Scott Bhcltoni Tencrue, Vestal, Wilwn of Forejth, Willlami prTaiicey,' Woi blo, ork-27. :l. t I tV I l or A! r, Ashe Meiwr; Allen, iwiya, nrown, Crawiord ot liowan, Darfrn, DBTidnnn, Foard,1 Keloey, Kcr.daU,,' May, McArthur, IluUimgan.i MdueJ "l'ntton: lUchardson. &iddHh,.l'(ulLj ,Vbitiey-lB -.-avi !' s,,?) f. I t i For ilr. Manly Jfeaara. CbudwicV, Hntehl. aon. Latham of Craven. Lntterloh, MurrilL Per. ry of Carteret," Simpson, f-tdtU ot Duplin, kun.' Watiuli. VViUtama of iuiniett 11. , , yor Mr..V':iith...V.-H ra. .. Autry,..Barden, Black. Davia. I nrrow, Cu N'way, Gotham, llar- tl i n r, Harper, I'endwm, ilolderby, Latham of . ou. ..ow.a. Lker, Clement, . .i iTMutihi r fin, jjerig, mcvianiinj, " - .. ' For Mr. lUnaom. Jieaara. '""7 " kInvMjtiB,Fa4TurbuW,-W.rtaMlaad j a, .4,w...'y .frjwc" a Fc ,Mr.Jttk-Mcasr. Ahwortbf' Blair, ilythe.'Garfett, Jordnn-JLA- -4 For Mr. I'tfH-, ..Jf ; MoP bead-2. '.: " . i?i -. .-d- iV - For Mr. rhiilir. Miaar. Crawford, of Ma con Pen-y nt Wake, lloaebrS StCVCBCon-- For Mr, WinsUm.Meaar. Bowe, Hodnatt, ur4itinn,. t.9 Martin It. . r... 1 ' . "l ... la -a .' rilil. For Mr. Turner. MeKi,SpcaVcr,GaeBa, ;,TJubte8d-S. r - ' - Fot Mr. AlOAdn.-J'iesrai sTom, w- "ForT'. -WV"!" " t-Iaik.'Daoiei-a., r For Mr, V uu-Mrt !..! Jir-rlr7f t r " 'For Mr. Vauca. Mr. Durham 1., J - . BooinBuiot. ' ' -TorrWr-flnilth. Meisra. Ppertar, vAairy, Burdefl-IBlHCk, Bo we,-Braaauer, vavi. j., n.u i,-ti.,n rtupss.' HardinK.. Harper, HeoderoV.Jodnett,lloldert'y.Jiw,LfflV of Waahiiurtou, Lee, Lowa.LuUerloh.McKay, Moore, OI iieruoru, ;--. " !i Carteret, Wieltort, ' 8impoiL.;.Pmitli,., of Guil , T ,rd f ud k r- h Xrnai ead, SVaiketJuttV' ,1u..i Harnett, WaiiarrtsT f itt--M. aA.a. Xf. 4-hMi AMeO. BOTUa' ITwn, f VI Kill - w Clements, Crawford, ol Maooo. Crawford ot Bowan, Dargan, Davidson, Foard, Kf Ken dall. Mav, MoArthnr, .McGonan, , Melt, 1 at . i..;..i..rrtt Hi,.lirri5on. Trnll 29. .. For Mr. Pool.-MeMrs.Bessley. Bry son, Car son Freeman, Gambril,. Garrett, Hinnaot, Hot ton! of Watai.C Horton, of W ilkt, UouatoB, Jenk of Gto,. Jordaar Moor, of Chat bam. Morton. Morriasctt, Perry, of Waka, Roger,' Itoscbro, Honntrw, Bnan'SooggiB. Bcoit, Stevenson, Tesgue, Vtal, Wllon, of Forsythe, WUliamty of l ancey, Womble, Tork - For W. ITownrrt V v V Ecnan, I-P' M. t. For i.r. li- m'y. ' - ' ' Latham, of Crave!!, r, TTtif I son i k i t Gum, Stone, V.'a"h. 1 For' r. I.-- v kins, J,nttis, l'e , I ' 1 'i . v. Mr. - Wi i r c erry Jud- .itid. i et n: irk. lamu), Everett. ,, . -. . . For Mr. I)uk Sir. Ashwortb . v For A'r. Dnokerv "Ir 1 air ' For Mr. Settle Mr h the "For JTr.'Vance Mr. Iinrham, -''"For Mr. Thompson Mr Lon. For Mr. MtAden Mr. WhHheld. THIRD BAI.trrT. ' ' f 1 - ' . .. .r lO 1.1m A.. dea. Black-,- Bowe, Brad Jiev, CriIiai!, Da- irfuHi Farrow, wauoway, "") " ti I ; lliimif nenderson.IIidnett, Holder- l,r Hfiiton, HntehiaoB, Jorca,--KenaB,Mtl am, - i.. T i r.ne. Lutterlob. Mctlani- ,liy,'lcUorn' - Mctt.ay, Moore, o Hertford, .i x .l P-, ,,t (larterat. Hiohardaon. f hel'on, Simpson, Sm.th, of DrtTilin, S"".0' Gui'uuid, butldertB. L uisieaur- "'""Jf " " 1 1 r it.rnott William, of Pitt 45.-t' "V'rfVr Pn1.-V -". Ahworth, Beaijey, . T .. ,, .n Freeman. Ganibtil. Oar re", lilt"' Hi s J ( i, ttiihil". ! r-. of (' i ' -"'1, 3 siL'.h:m'r,jit t. ferry, of Wake. E". Scor- II OiJlUif ,- k'wk and H :f ! .. nALLIGII, , For Mr. Ahc "'. T" 1, r eBt,CiawforJ t.f . ivf.i I Darpun, ;!- !, i- ... v, , .,id, L Mciriimr, .' 1 ..u, ia.. nliar.lt, For lit. I .m.u Jlosam, Iarlwi r"- ' , T, 1, V"i Hiar.'laB.l. -- Fur ilf. J-iuijf-F-J ..-o.-ik, t1iad' Latham of ( ravt-n, J'"rr!!I, Stone, " For y- 11 ; - -- C ., . For ? . I. . . ., t x ..... .. m . a. 1 1. .nv4.i, Ati'sy, Ka ker, JwuriU n, lilack, H"1, Bowe, Br '-her; ' Trn rn, C'aik, Ckawut, Cil"a,.. ot jutcuti' Crawtnrd, ot liowan, Darffnn, punio', . Uiivi ParhlnDti, Everett,. 1 arrow, 1 1, ti,il!uwy,' GanisGorlittin.Um ax.llur.lii li.tier, Jlendr. on, liodnett, iliilt r.y, Hnunmri, Joiw, Ki-ley, KendiUt, LatliHin ot V aliin-n.Ui'hnm of t'ltt. 1rMlLasJLoatt.L0w, Lutleiiuli, M iy, M-Arthur, McClammy,MuUougan,McKay, iiwiiite, Moore of Ilerttord, Uorthead, lie&l, Finttoa.PeoblHa.Per L t A. 11: .1 I UI...I1... I ry Oi aneret, uei'iiiiuus lAteuariiQuu, pnrwiui Simpaoo, Smith, of Duplin, Smith ot UmUitrd, Fiuitcrth Xirnateao, V alier, W eetatoce wna. B alr.Blytha, Bnmrta, Canon, freeman, am- HortoB, of Wilke Jenkina, of Gastoa, Jor. dafcLogMMooreTof Chatham, Morton, Mor; of H!Bka Kogtouro, Bonn BmaTeWlTin. Scott.tevenaon, Teague Troll, Wtall, feuon, of Forsytha, William. - - - - - . - t f ur W) HUiij.vjftrmii., wai vuB " Durham, Butcbiaon, Judklni, Kenan, Martin, Morrill, Stone. TtrrnhqljJVansV WWUkld, . For Mr. Ane Mr. Cranberry. .. ,. t , j Measrs. Kanarmm,. IToward and ' Aht were withdrawn on thi ballot. , - ' - J .;-rrtT.BMX)t, Ott'tht ballot the vote was for Mr. Smith. j Meaara. Speaker, Autry, lift ker, Burden, : Black, Boyd, Bnwa, Bradsher, Brown, Clark, Clement, Crawford, of Macon, Crawford. of Kowan, Dar- gaa, Lhtniel, pavia Davidson, i.verctt, r arrow, Foard, Galloway, Garrisa, Gorhttra, Granbtfy, Gueaa, Hardhijj, IJarper, flcnderson,.' .llodnett, Unlderby, Houston, Jotiea, Keiwy, Kendall, Latham, ot Craven, Latham,'- of Washington, hi, Lorn?, I-.we, La'.terloh; 5ty, McArthur, McClamniy, iicG 'i' ; ?,!ckay, McKao, l!oorer of Ilerlford, Morebead, hen, l'atton. Feeble, Perrv. of Carteret, Ueuihardt, Ui'1)rto, BlielLoo, bitti Guilford, r-'i tnoreian.l, V. liams, of on, t'ltmh, ot i)tmlin, h iuth, ot i-r'i, I'-t -1, - Walker, V'-.t-. ' .- o( ll.i",, tt, -. il- bril, Gnu- ' . ' lioiwa, ol 1. 1.; . Ij.mn Moore, ot ( . f Unston, J Morton. -Moi . Perry, of Wake, - Kopcra, Koscbro, , lloui" , Kusa. Scorsrin. fecott, Btcven?on, Tea;;ue, J nil, Veslnl; Wilaon, of Forsytbj William!., ot j aa ey, Wombla, jork, - r . . - : i For Mr. Manly MVrf Allen, Xbadi-.a-kv r . . . J , t. I .. .17 T , tin - Durham, Hateiiison, jiuiKimr, n.t-.i... Mumll,8tonTIrob1lll, Waugh, Whanel j md Woodard. :!i ''V::j,ju-&' "'JZ Vlw- ieitato Tola for V. S, Senator, tn joirt Aa - aembly, Wadaatdar lfo. 28th, 1CQ1. , .-l - s - wtiurv BAIXOT.-' ' For Mr. Manly Messrs. Avery, BAtle ,Hrn, rn..v rnntiinoham. Edwards. HaiL intra 01 Franklin, Kelly, Koonco, Love, Moore, Thorn- -For Mr. Smith Mfwr. Atitn, E .r -ry,Forbce,UilWMatthew, Pn-j-hal, J". Bobina, Spencer, Willey and Wilhams-- For Mr. Pool Meesr. Bul'.nek, Cowl. ' aridgoiGasli, Harri of Rnti i r 1, J . p, Richardson and Snend'J. , , For Mr, Ashe Messrs. r-penker, Co' Johnston; Lloyd, Marnliml, iiu:Coikle, ... andMcRae 8 x -w For Mft Wnuut Mr. " wu .'. ?..-r aus, ... , i'-'b lti-a- ""il, Lean I'os.Jttr. Gilat--Mr. iuJ aECOKD BAI.tf f. f , m 1 Mr. ' Man! v. Mew Avery, i tile, Id itsuO, iomp- Brown, Clark, Covin"to", Ciiimm-hn ward, Hall.Hams, ot 1 rankliu, keuy, j Lov I4oy4 Marshall, Mci.". iiooro, 'j ion, i nornton, n " For Mr. Smith, Aleasra, Adnms, E.irnM, Ber ry, Ferebee, Hill, Johnston, y. .Ul.ew. '.eCor kle, McLean, Pasehal, Perk in, l: ,bms, f, ncer, Willevand William 10; :For Mr. PooL Mcssr. L.iin Elheridge. Gash, Harris, of luher l(inaaa, liichardaon anil f- l-t. For Mr. Ash. Mr. ppe .. r-1. - . THIRD JlAI.I.' T. i For Vr " -i'v " - A iwlea, lone, i 1 t'n. Brown, Cmrk, Cov 1 !srd. Hull. Hams, of 1 IjOV. d. i!,,ore. I smi IihI.- 'i . : - , , 1 gins, W 1 -Oil. ii. I : t ' .vie, ,,nea, f or air. ru".. F'hfri.l,', Gash, Ifsrii, of 1 lor kr, b 1 ir, 1. irne, Vt.rr fprer.ee. 1. -i. .i (I.ein, 1 1. dilllS, Epenr, ., S si rr ia- i I I ilT j . - , , , Mr. JIanly Meswa. A ... I "le. Barnea, Brry, Brown. , i ninpham, I. awards, t .. , i. un . ilalL llama, or traiai.'v'", -" Love,' Llovd, : ;.;ari-liall, Lean. 'MoUae,-- Hi"", .1" Thornton, Wip ir'sns, 'u , - lll!y, kjiinr. icCork' , Mc- iial, 1l m j -win. and WV.on "0, For li. Pmuu . .Kef, 1, !. 1 kin, lloblns and H tii-v For Mr. rooi m ,. t,. Harris, of Rutherford, J"" jas, iUcliatdaOtt. au J i. -j- j.- HouteTet f rT. S. T ''frietulily,.teane- ' 7 . '-'- lr-r i'rwKr.J-Wy.-:-"-'' -rv.Bnker. 1 ' n. t'!-'"''-. t 1,.t,n. Fver. I'. u I ' . f of lw,a, Jud.i , KeiiuU, Lauiain, ot t r;i" Martin, MXUmmy, MeGonp-an, M'irr bUa, parry, of CarUret,RicbatjKn, fi . 4ft Jb a! ) t 1 J - ij ' . ' til ( "t, SmStli af DflfiHtr. Stnii,TiienbnTl,'ltraii5hl ' 'Weatinnfeland,' W titrrloUl a l V oolrd-34, J For Uk. Smith.- T!ijn. tnek,' Bnwa, Bradi khev, Lrovrn, Cranfui-1, t !: Matory Dv, Dat ridawit, i.iliaii, .ut I 'mlif t. Harper, 11ad rdnrau,-tiad; ott. Ho? f, Itovt.tn,- Jon Ki,-Ut'y, -IjitLnin, ot Wt:.irttrt, "Lee, Io4 Lutlorloh, M '. -, M ' f, M.fciiiv of Hurt trit, MorubtMul, Xmm . I ... i, .5' -iiiSitt'-flt, K ol l.vo, Mielton, Sniii : .. , i , .1, ?.,4,! nh, I mi .'!, Ws'k,f, V -. ., ,- i , - " . ''''--. l.:ytlte, J;rr;ht, iijv ..ni, ( ., J ;tt-mn, ial loway, Garuiirill, lUrr.-u., . t.odain, lliunflnt, Horton, of . Watiiutri, il.irt n, of . U'iikes, Jen? kins, of Gaatjn, Jeiikitu, of Granville, Jordan, Logan f von, Jloore, ol 'Chatham, tlrrtoo, Mor riwtli?, I crry, of Wake, !;.':., Kouutrve, Jtuss rtoop'.'in, niuvenaon, Ten- ue, Vestal, Wilson, of Foivih, William, of Yancey, VVomble and l'orky4?- ..-.!:.'.. t "'. .. Fot Mr, . AhIir Mcmra.' Bevd, CU-raciiU, Crawlord, of j:awan,.-Daran, tandall, ilay, JJtltu and Trull- . .i t - . - KCOJtn BAltOT."'""'" " i For Sir' Manly Misn. Sj. akef, AlKnrAu, try, Buker, Harden, Uiowa, Chad wick, Clark, Cowan, Crawford, of Itowan, Dargan,, DaoieL Durham, Everett, Foard,' Garrisa, Grauberry Hutrhison, Juilkins, Kenan,. Kaadall, Lathani, of Craven, Long, Martin, Mcdam my,; Jlcllae, MniriU, Peelik-s, Pfrry, of Carteret, Jtichardf on, S.mpaoit, tSitiith, of Jluplio.J Btone,' Budi tlerih, Tuinbull,- Wauuli, 'VeatnorlanL WhiM fleld and Woodard. 81.';J - '.--v-i -I--.-, j For Mr. Smitli, MessriBfoyfl, BoweBrad-. liefj Clements, Crawford, of Macon,' Davie, Dandson. Galloway, Gorhnm, Gui Uanllug, Harper, Henderson, ITodnrttv IlQldi!rbv,-Ho.-torti- Joni'S,'tlu;Igev;" -Latham, ot Waill1tigt6h,"" Lee, Lowe, Luttcrloh, May, McArthur, McUou- San, McKay, Moore, of Hertford, Morehead, eal, Pntton, Relnhardt, Rotaljrci, Seott, Bhol too, BinitU, ot Guilford Stvaaoap Troll, l'm-; tead. Walker, Whitley, William, Of Harnett,; Mt William, of. Pitt. rVorsrr-e- - For Mr.. Pool tMuaur.. AahWorth, Beasley, Black, Biythej Bright, Bryaon, Carson, Free man, Uambril, Garrett, Godwin, lUnnant, Uor toa of Watanga', iLortoa, of .Wilkea, Jenkin of Gaston, Junkiut ot Graaritln, Jordan, Lot; an, Lyon, Moore of ChathanvMorton, MorriMtt, Perry of Wa", Lo.-era, linnitr", iluss, t-eesj-gin, Vtnpnn, cstal. M llson if 1'otsyth, Wil Uatnaoi Xauu-y, Umnlle and Votk Si t Tntlttl B.U.lf T ; ".-r .1 (.! For Mr. Manly try,. Baker, J Clemi-t!', (.of, : i, Daniel, Jmvh, Ji ri, lli;' . . -!. (hum Off! ra. " ker, Allen, Au- i. I ' idr,' Cl"!k, id ot i.owsn. Pir"-n, i, Kvorult, l1 oui d, . ! x. Ketisn, Kenduil, l.a- uijSJ. I 1 .,1- l or Mr. aiiui Meaara. Black, Bowar.Brad sher, Crawford of !!er.n, Davldron, f i'loway, OorhamK C'les-t, H.i: ', liaipet. Ucudeniou, Iloduett, Uoldtrby, liooon, .l.m, Kebey, Latham of Washington, Lee, Lone, Lnttorlob, May, Je,&r"-"rJ., Ky, li.ora .al .Hertford. Morehead, e:d, liox bio,; Bhelton. StuUll of Guilford, Plcvenaon, Siiddertb, Trull, Xmstead, Walker, Whitley.' William of Harnett, Wil Bain of Pitt, and William of Yancey38. , For Mr. Pool, Messra, Blythe, Bright,, Bry. jin, Carson, Freeman, Osmln il, Garrea, God llmnniit Horton. of WaUuea. Uoiuni, Of . Wil'bm, Jenkinvof Gaston, Jenkin, of Gran Lvon. Mre. of Cbat'm, Morton, MorrissetE, JVrry, of Wake, Rofer, Rountree, Hu, Seogidn, Tesgite, stBl.iWilOB,.oLl''oi. aytho, Woiiildc and or. ;f s-. s ii Mr. Logan voted for U, W. Lawiter, rg ; - -y . .' ' ." f ODIiTIt BAUflt, .,.,',. - Muni v. Mesar. Siieakcr. Allen, Aa- ',.v n .i ... Hot. I. Howe.. Bradsher. P'ow i, Cl"idwirk, Clink, C lemon t. ,, Cowan, frm.r.t ot l;.isn.. J, :.r;M.i, JWH wis, lnirliiim- liven tt, J-..r.l, t.iirriiifs Granberry, ti I. i...,r. lliulnett. llolderbv,. . HuteliHon, Ji,n .I'l H-i'i.." K "i-ii, r.-n.l ill Lu'1oii,,of ... ...i i.,.., r.,i at I. nit. i ,..ti. .iiiuun. ;im t null1 ti. n,..,.,..n-,i, i.iiv. Ji. I. -. .liooie. oi lierv Mnrnlt Nea . IM'ton. l'CCbloS. -I em-,: Ol . ' '. . . G . . Cart'ent, ltLinlinrlt J . n "n, b It, bimp- Sfn Kmiili ol IMplin. Mone, ruuuui ' u, t mn r,..i.,.ii - H'iii.h. Went mori! and. w lutttoia Whitley, ' VV lilMHiiS, Ol fi . "'".'Tfl " Pitt ana vroonaru o. . .,. : ' i For Mr. Fool. Meaijr. A- iworui, pi-amey, ftu-tba TSiiidiL rrvson. I arson, , reeman, um- in.ii :m in . Uarreit. uo.iwm, uuomii . . . j r- . , . lr: . '. ' f . ... . ... .n.-:!i-... Taw 11.T1..H ui waiaui'a. itwuin, m n me - m tins nfOton. Jenkins, of tirnnville, JonUn 7 vi., urn tif Chulhani. Morton,-liornwtt, l',.rre nl vvaKe. .iim, i, .,,i, .. -, trins. lisrne, iMt, Hi ", ' r ny h, W1 - ... , limns, of i ,c a 4 I 1 York-K 1 r ir t i i , t i I 1 Of Maool), I 'm idM.n I Harper, Houston, 1 on. Lowe, i1.it Me 1 ol I U I I t i n, t Sten.1. V nlker l .1. I t lllr! U-Il 1 hoinns 1. i L, mi r I F1NVTF ' Ti l)AT" )V " The Setmtil was called to or. lor at It A. if. Prayer bv the Rev. Dr. Craven of 1 unity jfvih-,,. " Th journal of i-dnoaue.y waa reau aud a, provi J ' ' - . prroPT or rnu vrrrrnA. , , , - A yr domi 11, ' -."I trout .ilia Ctmimttten -on rrotiositious ana unevm,, , mu atoi wa nfer .a . bitl to reculdta P '141 1'B' eporteJ back the s"e re".' 1T!.rl I . tr ,i,.iihii,:o' it pseaege. . c ...si.i.c una jit.niAB:--;-.. , a nwilmuai coneeraing th agejuf l.thn. member of tb ; f 3 1 ....J .... '- -- - tt ii!iilion Instrtlctinrr th. '.-, I I'l.' ToVemcll1 tO IB 1 r. Y, i.'::ii n siilI 11,. A- nl i J .1 1 . , -hi ctiiir-.-' d oa ,t 1. . e 1 , , - .ie. wiili a view to reg. .,. 1. ie" t by WH or oiherw ...,iV,al.,a,., us t"t " ' . . . ...i, . .j,iii,.i tnstroctinrr . t.l"tit;r LlbrarVto inquir '" " ; : f - 1 ... rry Wi been any of books t if so, to n .',J Wf,nj air in Mnviirv ftiul report fieeori.h,"'- t.i.'iiU lor t!i rf 1 ee :'p-i wuBiada..; ... '";... ' ..f....".-'-,; ii-i-fs ... . . . . .. . J 1 , 0. i' 'By Jlr. A jama, a bill to eaoouraco immifution which ana ratored to the Comnuitea oa Uirpo- .Wtioa..,!,',. ,j-t p. :,.t!.-4-....j . L , , By srr.Cowlo a bill to amend n et f .r the reU.I'.dsu.-h peraotiiMtiisy lmu's.,,' r-t f.oia th U otnii-iott of Court rixwrJ. J, ki I to tue C.'iikhHku on t'i 'JudkUry. ', , ;t . '". : ; - By fcr. Lot c, a bill to amend tins Haw'of Evit . dee wtii -li wssrefmud to th Jy, v-lrr fom Biiiuia."".'- " j '.:;-. v . -: faansuv.: r jirsiaEB.'' :..; ;; -. tt. u.TT!. C-uU vi' . .r i,,.il e ...,,i i, S'r. Covin.'too mured it to laid on Cm Ul. Upon this motion Mr. Berry cIIed the y,. as 1 buys and th. motion waa: lust. ." -. i -w h moved that further consideration of t .s s i jtt be postponed uatil to morrow at li oViot k, whereupon Mr. Wilson moved to amend by triking out to-morrow at 13 o'clock and insert to-morrow week. Upon this motion At. Cunv aingham called the yea and nays, and the mo tion was lost. The question then being on i-'t. Leach' motion, the yea and nays were cn!VI aad the motion was lost. ',: Afr. A'cLeaa mov, i to amend by ttrikiug out iiad aud insert Ut att o'clock t tbi .amendment was atxepie,), whereupon Afr. Lots moved to, strike out 21st and insert Afouday 24th. Upon this motion th yea aud nay were called and the motion wu lost Mr. Jones, of Wake proposed to amend by triking out the filsf and. Juwrt Monday, the 17tfi, at I o'clock) tb yeas and nays were culled on this ameuduient, whkh re.-ultt.'l in its adop tion... The queatipn recurring on the pa.sg of tb. resolution aa amended, the yeas and onys were called and the retolittioa wa adi.pte.l, . . . Th bilLfor the relief of komwt debtor cam. up and, on motion of Mr, Leach, Its further con aideration wa t(),Hi.jut'J-:uui.i ' ilonUay at It loefc"r.V.'.T: On motion of! Mr.'Cowle the WU tb amend aa act entitled an act to regulate Salmi- and Fee wa taken up, and oatnotiou of Jir. IUil it was laid on tlia tul.le, ; 7'. . Mr. Johnson tntttnlueed i'K4i!utlon "to Send a meaaaga to the Houe proposing topo inloth election of Comptroller of the hsute on to -morrow at 12 o'clock. Ai;rti l to. ; ' t ! On niotion of Mr. Harris, of Rutlietford, tin 8ana( adjourned until to-morrow at II o : , , HDfi-S U"tLii;'.,0' 5. ' 1 . Fudiar, 2iovuuiler i,J, ' r Tb House wa called to order at 1 1 o'clock A. Jf. " Praver by Rer. Vr. Uardy, of thsj'i. - ..an C h - , e , 1 ne Journal of We.l:,ts 1 y wes re ,1 i". I a p. proved. ' t,," ' V,' f 1 ' " Leaveof abaenea ' .1 Mon.Uv n. in ted li,..-. . :t' 'i,;,; - ! I to I " ," f l.n: irif Com. and a i ..1 t 1 " ICbuiWlnf? of Lloiinfa Cr.-t-k faetoiy in t-i. town of i ayettevllle,-rcouimcndiiig their r- ai.. -,.--;;;-' " ' -7:." ... " The Committee tin Claim reported a res oiu. tlon in f.ivor of the Executor of heth Jones of Wake tVuiitr.. ' 1 The Committee on Internal linproveuu -ms ne ported back (throngh Mr. Cowan. iU ( Ualr nun,) a bill to repeal an. art rat, Red the ?Ut of February lSOa.-Wiueli-coHipeia -n vv.-i year of re to Work' Ou. the jiubbo r...U re. commending lis pasaaire. ' JAIsn md ivor.ibly, Upotl a Mil to h-qtura persons oetween uie n::. of fifteen and fiAjf. to work on the road. 1 " ' ' BKsoi.rrtiiSH. i By Mr. WilliBW, of pjtt, a r iiotmioii f r swtii-f of wonnde.-I and n '.Hui-a sulu.-.-ia . ,' ....... us . 1 ,:. .... ..r - ..t,y-iir. 1, uiiuuii, 'j ...,.,, aflirming the charter of .the fhiilniad Comi'nnr. ii, a resolution '" i'.;l.iii,-u,tt and n u, lir ,am a res, iituin tuta t.ie iuu.ua ry'Coinmiil. o cii.iuiie as to the c-vpediency of ..r...,ir,,i ll, Judieinl avstem of C.eM'i'a, nir linrl.iuii aunt ! On euiiefiway uioriiinir " . ... 1 I intrwiuccu a resoiunira t" i..nnrt..t..,,1,l-t Ui'n! th JiKliiMiirv t ommit- iiiim. - j - - - tea. ., That ..rcaoliition whs ro'vted ou a- count, I ll.ipe, if amisappri hensimi a 10 It ot " t. Tlie reorm ot tue jouiciui nnu m -,- I,. ,JT nr..ut ImoorlHIiee tO tllS IM-i ple lit to fitifl I know itisofcreaiiinpoit o.ee to those whom I have th honor, In r i t, t 1 ; - id. Ionlvdu-ethattbe o-...;y t-t 1 ... r; m k Inniiimd Into, an I 1 hoiietne ! - - "H will be allowed to go to the Oomiiii!', . The foregoing were referred. . , -V By Afr. Afoore, of Hertford, a resolution t 1 raise a feleet Cmnniittee of fli'ht, to whom ahull be ref.-rred all proios',iions looktiif; to the 1 tenahia of pecuiiiioy relief ,,(li.s pv- j-'e. A;l, p- te l, . . . -; , run ,r, i tin tin re..l!ition J ; res'v trd that he W n'tel lv ,1 t- 'I ti,, 11. S i t (!.. '.ilill.e.l 1 .'- " ' lutili:,- inn reeenllv pid.l.s , v r 1 he ,-..l me of -' 1 d 1 1 1 r u-it, a y ,nn $rte 1 1 k r i.uit. Laid on tho tal;l, on n n of , Jlll.L IMai'lUCCRD.. 1 By S'r- Ric'UKnlsnn; a bill to wu tt-rsonal property trom eirure under vf ttehmi,t and to provide l"i'- t r in IVV Mr Wnoilnrd a bill l"r revi t .. . ... II- nf : mwtin-rino j 1 1 - .. 7. . 11 . . . . i.;n 1' 1,A ... inie. f ol tVr 1 t'e' V' , , , . . 1V -Vr l.linriL v " ' of tho Joiuiihin ' Crunk siJ km Turnpike Iximptiriyi . ,y sit. rin'r,,"n "" " i" ' pone t..e pa- -ui imaat-tlin Sniier'orConrt "i I t.owan emin. tv. l'n'l 'yr' I readi;' nnd-r a ., -'Xi ion of the rule. - tlosMK-ma said term iim tlie second Monday , of Derember next to th Wedneadsy att tha 1st A.m.Uy in 1 cV-wy BMtJ' '"y " '."' " ''.:',;- - By Mr. Anlrv ; a lull to rme revenne,, """lf Afr. I! "d"r; -r, a bid to iiieo-;-.orrie the A;m.a.'et' ; l,.""l Co'"I'.,.o,-. ' J'f Xr. . ' ' . n ' ! U - ' - -;tf boJ.inigCOiii.sot I'b us and U . r f - - ,s ia "1'adkia county, . I'm -.-el its sf.vesal rii.ii un der n-p-e'ion e( t e jTJ,'r.,t ,,,ii.,ll,.i,,1,.iiAnii;l ccrin ... - ' ; 1 Py Vf. Gprham a l'.l in allow f ; W C .;- , ' of th County Court ia certain case. . - 1 the iej. 'v the If lost, t;;eir liaelrsuUlins tttht f - th Most deu..'a atuuiuws if a tiaia. . . .. AiWarti ailniua itj., i. , , - ;u t Hit ; o i-l ID liu. ik Tra 1 a w el. as r 't f.. I., -a ia tiia y : r i iwu ! ,,i af . fl ) r t r-... ,t .'. f . i i. , 3 .. ' ul.A SaOSU. aa L t ira. i . 1 1 1 .-k k& 'om i-i f.or ol F-sfy IT. Jmu- , '' . d J I the r.xecu: ., 1, t.f . ike County, -1. tn 1 . wspcu. t t. '' At to n 1 (.. C s, ! . ( V ( r- i 6 .... .. t. ...1 tttll'i . 1 oral anmes'v and p ..rs of th t .K.m nl . (.. . Jar r. i of t' e Jadit ii'v C -. 1.. s and eij A'r.Cid by -'' !- a. ;-. j I ! a i.o!neia lavor of i- tit : i.a .-. and purview. - ' - ' . J movta to amcoJ the siilntittite " t the wo'ds "tirrt day of January nd :,-nitir theref-ir the wt-rd t , ,y if Jims 1 ," a the time to w hich 1 1' a..iiicty should cat. -ul.- ;.;;: A";' - :---- - iicsira. Davis, Da tin, Kenan, Loti! Of Ca barrus, HielirlMn, V, amrhand Whitley, ur-ed the adoption of the sulwmute nd it p 'fi without aiiieiidinent, '. Mes-ra, I'.'vthe, lilair etsi Frvcmaa t th bid. ...... . - The amendment oC nl 1 y ?'r. Cm1 f . Maeoa Was r '"C?e J. -, Th aubsiiiuta reported by the conn, wa adopted, and the question then be; tb. passu re of the bill a amended. Is t reading, Mr. Blair, olhired the follow 1 ment, which, vat rejected as add.. .d !,of "te ; on k,)nd end ,'111 " tcctioui: ' - "Sao. 8. Bt it farther mattsX - That t-"r. on ahall b liable to indictment or sul j.it" to civil action tor datna-r. tor any oiTenoo ronrt. Hltod prior to th flr-,1 dnr of Jnnnsry l.i.iJ, trainst tb person or pr,", vel v pe";.r ia t ie civil or military aem. t,i ta i u(., , r of t ,e late ConXcderaie States, pr it tl. ui , 1 of toe Government ot the Lii.,e,i Mate. 80. 0. Jit it ur,W n-iejcJ, 1 hat any per sou mentioned in section " h aeninst whom any aetinrt is now peni;H-. nv,l or criminal, com mitted f nor to ta i t-., y of January l80, shall be entilkd to lu.l n I com plat atnaesty and parjoa vpou tbaf-v-iieotOt COt of auck acluju, . . . ..... . . . ... The qilestim tern L'.ll its second reaUu T on t'i p"ire of the t;, '-ti aud tin vi wer r. i"!;h, and il fai.- ordered, oa motion ot , t'J S follow J . ' , Y. Messr. 1' -. I" "' -r, yd, n. v, ,. of 1 in. , i.ci 01 u, vry of far- J .rtl 1, 1 t. ret, a it,i,er ot Du .jot V, ,., ' it bro,l .1 1 ;n, btevei,' ', ; Vn'l ,110'.. 1, t ' I 1 V TAiuiu.inSotIiarii. it, , .. llam of Pitt, William ,..ii,S ot .i ol, " ot Vanccy, Yv ou.u.o, Woodard 81. Kara Ai.ssra, liiair, Pdvthe, ( limit, lio'ton, (d Jenkins pf tiranvi .hatliam, ,M'-"i, Trull. 'W' . id, . Ashwortli, Beaaly, Black, son, I re in, Godwin, Hut , , nkina af (nasum, h. J .e i, 1 von, J'oore of , ' ", i,1 ' "ia. 11 id i 1 .0, Urn 1 1 ot 4 n. - ; . On niuwoBof L'e. , u pended, aud the bi;l p A rii's.iga was r- transinlttiiig joint t. f f rile V. id f L I. oin t np hIc fiat u of tlie two liousc auiouru sins u.sou i..e 1 Dceeuibcr next. ' Afr. l'atton moved to lay thi mess: t',' !, and on this question t-t- yei wi rn ordered, ou motion of j, r, Jiod on the . kit- "'t. . '1. -ii , rere 1, . I t l; I Is 1 1 llltlon A" 1 A i ni, a 1 .bur licit. ... 1 a t 1. 1 1 1 1 f . 1 or a 1 '.rout .' , i an 1 bt 1. , I ii- I 11 ' 1 ifelli y, Vs 'J 1 Id Tjt th Bent r - t 0 to a, lor i r n. 1- -, i it not f -h( V e t el to I I V ..1 1 oi l r u 1 I '.rly tl e r -.,: are f 1 ' i . i I ' i.n 7, in a 1 , -nri,., )-,,rrl t j t (d tlio t p' , 'v I" . , ,t f t I ! i 1 t e r S'llii. t;,o t lcis.li 1 , tor ( io 1," 1 I 1 I J hi I. '.!' in, v ., j v BI..1 v -, i lis . , el , ' 1 e V - a I:'. . r f t I, .1 i croud of f. ;t n ... , ., 1...-,, -f r ti: ,i . ,1 1... 1 11, ,m ,1 r I J ' t a 1 01.. 1 ;L..i tin 111 it. I over t lilt. ), 1 .. . vi, -1 .' .," an I . -....nt V, m 1 d , to r" ieitt itire. of ' l.t I I t 1 III ' o ---,0;Drcor&to . 0in v , ,.ault ,' nort toe . .. .. j port I

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