' ' r to s ; t i a. i;. ii:ll, mmtox calks. Editor. 11 t'ttnt(iity Liming, Drr. 10, 1 &. The Itsolenee of the Standard. ' In another column, in connection with the proceedings in tha House, on yesterday, w hi" sert the articles of yesterda' Standard, which , gave rise to ths discussion. That pper it will be teen U quit abusive of the LcgMuture, be- cause it dared to institute an invretiuwliowinto the oft repeated charge, made by the Standard ' And others, that tit Union Wen of this Btat were persecuted, ( Our friend hav often insisted that w should never "Jot ice in our columni cither tha Standard or its editor. TUU advice ha been given at ii'rfja tlio v:i,)n that' both were' without 1i.2-jp.c i.. -Ma that this is a mistake. "-Vlio I ' ! a; ! ution and turmoil i ' i t' :s r ulo, iui-e the ore p.-. . : . ;.a i responsible for the base - slanders, t'-..,t i. f i , 'a are disloyal that our people a -i i 'y i .a.iuiiiel by leaf from open rebellion tQiuit the Government that the v Elate government i in the band of access lea ' 1st Who ia responsible for the fals and '. wicked imprehilon roa-'e ppoa Congress and the ; Jsorthera people,, id r .:4 to the people and ' official of North Carolina! I not the AanJari . the source whence all tho slander and false " char'4 emanate I Sim 8 ti.an this, these slan ders are credited by many who oflght to know better. ' i The char;r ma le by Vr. Blythe, of Ilender- ton, in the IIouae,tuat the Union men were per . si-cuted, had been made repeatedly' by the , fl ih.hird. We Lad denied it ore and over t;;iin, and had challenged and defied that paper repea(rd?y, to give the public one scintilla of evidence in proof of hi charge. That paper has failed, to this boar, to give any proof, but . .-.continued to reiterate IU charge. ;, W pledged y ourselves to aid in every way to bring to jus tice any man, who could be shown to be guilty of tMachsrg. - -f Jlr. Elythe repeated this charge in the House . , of Commons, aud 3Ir. Waiigb, of Burry, very properly proposed, in good faith, to have the charge investigated by one of the most Judicious committee in the House -the Judiciary cora roUtce, wii'i fj yiow of bringing the guilty to j t Tuo committee undertook the work i. i f jod fikK Tliey called upon Mr. Blythe and others who tad frivsn "aid and comfort" to the ffln..nf chains, and so Ut as the in vwt'gutliin has gone, we learn that not a parti r "e of evidence has been produced ia support of t'.ethar.;'-. rviJi-nce it is true has ej ; r 1, . wU.'ii' .i'.jc ,!c! ili;Ee ,itutt)rs,"of b'-i'j V.i"l -itor,"aodbencetheCuttcxIng and ii. ." - !n-?,',r,f. Now at W. W. Uoi ; a Uodilif niak.'r and rentllator of i, of to stand forth before t :,, re., i i i I con v I , La 1. ' t 1...B 14 1 ihi a ia C..i iU n-l j a liix-i.t-rcrKitowappople. Tie 'i ! o niiU tho Coiigrcss, to . -'. s a. id wickedne.i and to pro- .. , Cit !mi...H. but ther ar r-sot tho J.epub'.Ican party, who .'"yor protect palputle Wachood f. V, e want the truth and nothing U aud the whole truth to be laid bo. and xhvm 1. hi'. '.' a t::, f.: t..eC ir;;; that It'. am! the world. ' W are will u'.rpeopJuhall be Judged by th strictest ruUsof truth and justice.; ,AV. would cover up no fault or wickedness of any one. Ii any of our people have or are disposed to per. 's'e oi 1'ij'i-e in any wny our fcllow-citizens, j r!a:n tube bolier Union men than others, Kt tltilr Couduct bsfcrreitcit out and brought to j ! ','.i-e. ' C. s. C.Lrv?!sJ.!.-'TlBll.tThosft.ofouxci;. tens, who failed to I.i..ir Ccn. Colotoi.' Lecture, ,T y e.-uirg, t the Capitol, mikwd a r,.eI..A -. T e subject 'Temonal rcmti.i c- cl .liiumill Jackson," and a crlilcal ar .';, iis (. 1,U military character wa juut.1 at: mctive in it-if . anj the Lecturer' relations, p. -!;!! a-. 1 ii.iMtary, to t':e great Chieftain, t. . 1 l.i 0n p- ', . Hi a .'Ifi'it S.-I.V r, e.m- i 1 li.n to l.h ; .la it ably and ucie ..;?, Tho:. 'i the Lw'i-iie ofenpir-d mora than two houisiu tUed. '1. y, the interest of the audi-' enee Via (". only lyi; We tru 1 1 und.r tlie r-T,"ea:aa-rT i i' r tl 1 to tl.e 3..t nioment vaiicd t d ntra!ioc of pp!a;-!,e. t f ' Lec ture may be repeate-1 '. rf I'?- ...:.d Aso, . ' .,. t . .t ..( .i t i-.; people el , itiJ r w at '. t ; f,!r we do not Les ..et'.el . r i i sunr! ni.nf. I r ve, i.j Of .i f..i." - .os a:: ' r r i, S..J tt ..rt. i. a..J i. -""isl vej tl tf i t l t !..... tt lUe j i ii iTe s t '?, t . :' i , j: j-v ai i -11- i'er 'Iji,'' ;;i l five e nisteh t a to i on at 2 o'lLslt on the -'ft Clvb, i. i ; 1 . J . A - ift 1 V or ,e iu.', alleand i.cfr.-in.'.::!, "i- t riv,.i r-- it i . i. 'yf.. ..jfoUi ' i i-j - 1 . r 'l be Jour :v:J. ( '.-!" .t: '' 1..JIF- il.t ' Senats last nht'a Sesdoo. The sesaaon lat nir'it was an important one. We bad no r porter pre -nt. bot have learned that the Senate passed t:e bill to aid In the completion of the 'Wilmington, Charlotte and Kutherford Railroad, aUa the bill to extend the Fayetteville (Coalfield.) Western It TL to the K C. R It on their Second reading," and the bill donating the Land Scrip given the State by Congress, to the University, on its third read ing. The Utter, it will be seen, met with, strong opposition in the Hooae M-day. Bcruios Count. Jodge fowl is holding a special tcroi oflhi Superior Court of. Wake, the present week, in this city. 4 ; j it tm 1 . t Fakdox. Among the recent pardons grant ed by the President, we are glad to see the mine of Gen. JI. W. Ransom, of thia State; renin cAzcim. legislatuee. , l j f gEXATE. , ' .' I Wbdkf.dat Mohktso, Dec. li. ' Mr. Outlaw, Senator from Iiertte, who has been at ;-nt oat atfeonnt t ( 'knciii, pin ! 1 !s appearance in the brniua Cuauibtr, nii...a and took his seat. " ' Mr. Itohins, presented - petition lrora the citizone of Itandotph county, recommending one additional nam tor the appointment of justice of the peace. Concurred in. Mr. ttpeed presented a memorial from the citizen of Pasquotank County relative to cmv etructing a fence acroM the Peninsula. fc ferred to the oomtnlttee on Propositions and Greiveanees. t . z- i !r. Wiggins from the Committee on Finance to whom was referred a resolution relative to bond, reported a bill recommending it pass age. Ob motion of Mr, Berry the bill was er dored to be printed. . . . - - By the same to whom wa referred a memorial from Michael Itobina, asking to be discharged from its further consideration. . . 7 , Jlr. Cuningham from the Committee on Pro positions and Grievance to whom wa refer red bill concerning the county ait of Clay County, recommended it passage. I 11 r. McCorkle from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom wa referred a bill to incor. porate the North Carolina Land Emigration aid Company asked to be discharged from its fur ther consideration. " " T " "' Mr. Clark from the Committee on Corpora tions, reported back the following bill, recom mend r their passage, viai ALU to incorporate the Thorna Gold, Mi-, sing Company, in the County of Franklin. A bill to incorporate the Bturgis Gold Mi ning Company. A bill to incorporate tha Collm Gold Ml ning Company. ' A bill to incorporate aboard of trad In the City of Newbem. A bill to amend chapter 2nd, private law. A bill to change the name of V avue Feiu .'o College. MSOLOTIOS AND BUXS. ' Mr, Bullock; a resolution limiting d ' asty one subject to 15 minntei. Aud) ! Jr. t'ovmon ; a bill 'n nr. Li ' s, ;.i. iii, in t' i ii . : . r- red to the Cui'mi!f . a I - Jlr. Mathens; ah..! : ) 1 t the ruinous sactid'e of the i i-' i ny nn mid i. . it debtors. Ordered to be punted and lal. to V-i Committee on Judiiitiry. d T iU Gmfl AitanlU of V" t of N. (' I deem it proi-r to aanounco as 1 now do, be fore the clone of this sevnion. i T (rrf,).,! gecep. tance of the h' -'i olllee of '; I ( ntes fera. tor to !. Ii I I iv been m1 .1 by the Joint Vote of tliO A' , ly. It is deemed propur at this t".e a!'tf to ,'n, that I purpose befiue the clonn of the a. session and prior to the fourth ot ifurcii, to i iT my poaitioa as jB-aker of the State 8cm.:,. and representative in that body from the Conn ty oi Craven- To. tile end that another pn-.-i may be elected Speaker, and if need be, Bcnator lor the County. , - ' After consultation with friends In and out of the Assembly this course ha been decided upon a most proper and convenient. ' and as entirely consistent with the wishes of tnv con stituent, 1 "With the hMiest resjiect, " " MATTii IA.8 V.. 3IA5iLY"-, . On r. ' n of Vr. I.each the nitc Wcm sus. . pendedft 1 i.ie bill for the n-licf 'of wounded soldiers v ! taktn up passed its several reail- ioia. 1, .-h-.I t siirnlUd. rn ii l ilt i i.'Kuiai iur louse t!0 cannut rectiva sr.rrL-.itl iiom ine original resolution on the Subject.) On motion of Mr. Clark the vote waa remit. sbicred by which a resolution front the House relative to raisin a Joint committee to inwa. Innate th book c, of the A'orth Carolina It It. wa rejected on yesterday, the resolution was amended and concurred in. ' ' On motion of Mr. Speed, the bill relating n the Imane An-lum, was made the necial onlnr (or to morrow at 11 o'clock. Monday .Tuesday and Wednesday having been t aptrt ior lbs consideration of lUilroad, bills .id biils came np m order as follow: A biil to enhance the value of tha bnmt. i I e l-'ied to complete the Western -North Caro. Ii! ''tis 1. unit ieeou.1 rea . . n I. .n.f ii.r. itlson th Aye and ayra e c i e,i tm t iie vva panned !v a vote ot fid A t, .- - M ----- . ...w A t,ITl . a ! .T. . ... W.... . "" ' ' vi anT oi tua vi in n i i e i : i ton l. ul JUi I Company panned ii ' i ' ' ' ' ; " ij. ' , ... . t i '. - t.t a! 1 to ti e (.'Jicravv Coal J"i. ifiiu vuiufiwiji, w m mis. nut J on nii,.i r. J.ota, and wasn '-uel it cc.,i. 1 13r,a;i. Avery and Love urged the rns- J.loi s ot the biil. f V. J r ..: 7 ty a voteot 81 toi. (Messrs. Jones and l..tiiat.j -ui vr t 1 the passacw rf t!jo bid, an 1 .... i !. iiitaua,opposeait.i I 1 to a -'eiul an act to )ucorr.nratBli w ,. nun iut..-,,.a i.au jvoaa t omnanr now .... l.l . .L . .... v. . -m . ..... t...wi.. nm it iiuiiiiviuB inn IVttltlna is.... .... . " J 1 to finite th Faveltevt:!. i-wf.. Hud Koa 1 1 .'"j.snv to complete itsroad to Some P'.ief v i N. v. V ,-1 1' I. on jt, thirl , M.. i... e, t c.'nai l.-rable l . i ,.;, A.. . can, li ill and Leach, ci-in r jtl, -e, esa ...iturs. n.uon and Moorenm ..... i i.. . . ... -re . p'tii'i io a vote me Benata ..n, i "I " w-n't;!. on mot-of i!r 'Urn. - y ! 1 . ...... .. , ... . i . "A V. -r ,r r.e : of ccr .".dtoc i.'4 ttie r at 1CA o'dwk r. J. M, A::,;.. -ion d the r. ' J y v.as rcsd and - debt prior . .j Ce Cornnitte on fmn'. a4 iiics rcrxwted back, tiU fcr , or et the relief of Ja. & Bnow, Bhcrl.7 of i: . county, and resolution in f-vor if li,v, oldlort, recommendipg th- rpaf", -' Mr. Kenan, from tue J cittry C'otnn,' ' reported back a bill to puio.u unlattMl l. ting, recommending that it do not j . Also favorably from sm- committee, a 1 to give Buncombe Superior mirt entire j-i diction of Buncombe Turn; .ke Koad. ,JIr. Cowan, lor the Couiiuiiuse on lau Improvementa, reported back favor a to amend the charter ot the Planter J t' . . ; Saltworks Ilailroad, and a bill to au.;. tain counties to subscribe for stock in ne ( raw aistrCoalflelde lUltroml ' ilr. Harper, tor the Fimtnco Coiaiuiltt , ported bark biil to miae ' terenue, s ameodinetils ; al4 bill to regulate taau u by the County courts, recommending their j . nape. - , ' 1 'i'lie Speaker laid before the Ilnne ki-r nication trom lion. il. , Alanly, in.iioa acceptance of the olljce of U. 8, fcenator, n d bis intention to resign the position of Pp" i of the Senate, at an early day. Heat to the . - v ate, ..v f I T::ji.rnoK.' . .Mr. Roscbro introduced a resolution to i a committee to inquire into ulli j'-d im ' fy of ti.e artificial bml.s iurni i'd by tl..' . to diaiibli'd e'l' bers. taisoa in lieu of au attliki.d bsitb ) f t BrMr.Mcltne, areaolutioa in t'iir cl t'..e Sheriff of Iticbtnond County. (Extt-nding tis time for the return of taxes. ) A message wa received from the Semite transmitting an etigrosa4 cm W trausiur i'-e land scrip, donated by the United States, for the establishment of an Agricultural College in North Carolina. - Th bill proposes to transfer tue scrip to the Trustee Of tne t mversiiy.i Mr. Crawford, of Macon, moved a suspension or tb rul,that the bill niigut bare m sec ond readinro. . ' ! Mr. Ituss oppose j the motion, being opposed ...... L t M.i .... 7 tM..l to me out. i oere were oiuer uierivuiiim iisu tutions in the State besides Chanel Hill. I . . Mr. Patton thought tha bill should be passed at once. A telegram bad been received nere, announcing the passage of a resolution by one House of Congress withdrawing th do nation The trant-icr proposed by the bill,- a transfer to a legal corporation, would raise a question of right, to be tested by the Court. - Meassrs. Boyd, Hodnett and Blythe oppod the transfer of the scrip to the University, le- f (ievtng that this appropriation, the rUh alone wonm oe oenenrteq, ana original '"'""' of the donation would be defeated, r inade quately carried ont . Mr. Foard also opposed the bill. - - - ; ' ' Messrs. Morehead, Long and Kenan d .. ded the University and favored the bill. " After soma further diseussiob, the motion to suspend tha raise was withdrawn. '' ;- A resolution introduced by Mr. Bradaher on yesterday prohibiting the introduction of new bills during the present week, was read and laid on the Uble. (Tlio Heporter (through inadvertence) tribtite I i introduction of thi resolution, in Vnitt r " proeeedings, to Mr. Mot! ,. tt, v '""! oi,., 1 to bis rom Jj .ious i !ne ) . m. i. ii. r : The li ' : ' ' ' consid t the bill to exempt f" i - "i -r eseeirion of attach- ineiit, o'-if i .I ; i4i.-...l pioperty therein named, ami t 'ovs a liotu-stead. ' - i. . a l.ircHM'd the llotne in stiport of tl o I I, which he characterized as being em I ' 'v a b.'l t"r the r;liufof tlie peonW.. . I J4....V. . " vl vrSS an I ' 1 1 d d. 'iion, tn tho rn, rnemoem of this Cenoiat AHjembly, It III die r. liierre.'it it tiie i ir peoj their ; tlirm. , doii. i!e to t,u ux Mr. AIcNiiir move 1 t Hv the amendment on the Uble, tin t i motie.n (it adopfel) ' . i:vb!c. '1 he motion oelnir to 1 ' 1 I not l The the am nihncnt, . .IVebl. t f aiiouof l,.u h4,l ,e j Tbnrly of the next . f'lrther C'nsiJer- (I im!,: thii first Ho wtin in fnvor of th bill, but did not ih. nk it went fur aon 11 favored a homectead reutrictcd as to o'lauii- tv not as to value. There was no need ' t haste. 'Ili postponement - won; t enable me'-ix-nto Consult tlieii constituent 4 and set a ' !r. an. iviciiarueon nrgeu imineuiatr n upon the bilL Ample time had been rh i nber ot uiotouKU- iwoaiucrauotu ot iu r Jt , introduced .fortnight sir been upon tbe desk lor cvuul d&jsnt a , form. The bill wa almost identical lnw which had been, in operation fur t twenty years in the state of Mississippi. 1. bee-i f ' lltrtWO.-k well,- ---- - .i iT . i i r. on. i had ted H tbe last "re i . las jue-.M. j.ong mJ Jicair opposed the. piiiiiii: ui leputjmuon, The motion of Mr. 1'eeble to postpone r t?.ercom.idertion of the bill until next in I .vailed.. . - Mr. Davi moved to reconsider this vote. Mr. Waugh moved to lay the motion to r a alder on the table. Not agreed to. 1 1 he qnrilion recurring, the vote potp-1 g the bill Has reconsidered. - The amendment offered by 2r. Westm -land was rejected. t Anieiidmouta offered by Mr. Pnrhain w adopted to strike out in line 8 ofs. on3,t' wor..s "b.iiii.g af-.c'ily," and to addthf4 lowing section, Via ; ' J!: it further enured, that this act s'.ull v l t " i-t the r. -Uu of dower of thoaeeutitV 1 1', . to." me Mil men pt-.na its third reading as i -r. A' i id A , 1-..- r, 1 -en, ( . ' ' , t ' a fi -1 I, i ' , 1 .... .ui, 2 U J, t .oway, l.en-'-, 1 .r. '. t. Hold.:' r. Co '"1, I .'' fl, i . , I Far--., 1 . 1, lt.rp.-r,l'-.. ir- t u, 11 , ' .11, J.. I."'' Hn, ot Craven, r i.;Hloor'nn, Bl J n.l.in, Ki". j, T.i i Lee, ilny, L'ait,n,"i'e( . re, of Hertford, J . 1, Ne.i!, 1 o il I'errv, or Ca;;... ii, llouiitrce, 1, (5, veii-ori, fin.' ;,,r- ? i ., ' ret, 1... hai.t- II, 1 K-nit1!, ofp ..i. T.'nib-dl, V -er, ( a" Whit'ev. Atillinm.' of Harnett, W iiliiiiii,ot latieey,A'onib!et I KATs.r.rv A-hwoiMi, Eaker, E.'yd, Prown,Ca'on. (mi., ot, tinnibr-l. K5nn.'r of llaruett, itliu '.if-- i. i ' n. i,r -. , i, rttt-i .. , Low, I.yon, lie Arthur, .r, j: 1 uie, i;,.r.-i.ei,d, J t.rry, of Wake, r, J. r.,. -i, p m, r . ,ton, nmiih, Vf G.i ' ", 1. if, V,i.-'i I, Vcital, Weslmort. . -l, ot i ar ;t'i, ..:2, .. Lr. C'.iwan, ty leuve, infrod.icej (he f,.'' re-- .lions i;l r- -wd to the interest v pui e t 1 1: - "' . ''.t I'sf ...;-.!. on Finance I trncttd (i-;-tS a I ..1 or bole provuhr- - . . - t. ,i. . .. , , ' 1st. For fuiii..;? tbe iutcrest of t'.. accrnit'5 on the 1st dav of Ju-.n. . J . thereto. o0. io ai.lllojriM and lncnt"t ' - 7'reasttrer to borrow monrv. l-r i hertri,- ts py t !i intct- - ; r ) - debt maturing on tha flrat day of April, July anil IVt.H i aat . " - tL ,To Pr0Tlle. V ton, for tlie payment of the interest of the public debt, maturing on t ienrstdayof Jsnnary 1868, and ubiurnt On motion of Mr. Cowan these resolutions were maoe tlie apecial orOer lor the SSth of wun omry next, T, j -. An engrossed bill to amend the charter of the wwu or aorgwiton. and a bill for the relief of Ja. 8. Boo, iher, J of Ualifaz county, passed their several readings. ' Sir. Cowan, by leave, introduced a bill to 1- im r, 3 ma wnamoer oi Commerce of the city ' K n" " 1 t ' . r .-I'f i Mr. tlutcliiwa latnxincinl a liltt tn'atlnv (tw to magistrate in Mecklenburg county and to increase th fees o Constable. . t r - The iIoae concurred ia benUe eAendmnts to a resolution raising coram iaaioa to invent crate the affair n w f tj;i.j "Y; ITbeeommiaainw! aotiuiriuMl i i inrlf tte recess of the General Assembly, and require i . I l'w De session. A bill U Change the jurisdiction of IheCourU and the rules of pleading therein, reported a a substitute (by the Judiciary committee) for the bill oi like title, reported on yestenlay from the wmmuice, wa macts tbe special order tor 18 o'clock M. on Fridny. nett iio i'.Miie tiien a!j',urm I. - CoogreicionaL WasniKOTOir, Pee. 18. In the Senate, Mr. Johnson ' presented tha iiwoiuiii ( cenaior done, oj Arkansas, Which was tabled. - Mr. Sumner. presented a "memorial -of the Korfolk, Va., Union League, protestiug against the President' policy, and asking the appoint ment of Judge Underwood, as Territorial Gov ernor. Referred to the Reconstruct Ion .commie Mr. Salisbury presented a petition of forty Persons declaring their intention to become cit Isena, asking tbe amendment of the District franchise law, declaring Caucasian emigrant a capable a th recently emancipated Africans. Referred to District committee. Mr. Turnbnll presented Gon Weil and other petition praying the territorialkation of Louisiana, lie aaid, if the allegation of the petition was true, it is the duty of Congre to drive th usurper out with th strong hand of power. --"Congress bad absolute control in "the premise and it j incumbent on it to extend it fostering hand to loyal citizen. He was in formed that taxes are levied in Alabama to pay the salaries oi rebel officers. . He was also in formed that tbe toy a! people of North Carolina, Alabama, Texas, and other State would have to leave. It was th duty of Congrc to In terfere at once. - A. Mr. Sumner reported from the Committee on Foreign relation a joint resolution- of thanks taC'yrnsW. Field. Mr. 'Williams, from th Finance committee, :.kd to be disc h arced from tha further eon. el-' ion of the memorial to increase tbe pay rt r'. H,. 1 ' Mr. v .1 V- J.d-.in la introduced a bill to punitth ill, t' it Uintrict of CobtmhiA. Itefnr. cd t'i J , .. i nmittco. -- - r. Poii- ii v introduced a ! i in.fiinoit1ia Natiomd Panic currency in tlio m-u nd States and TcrnUiric. Itoferred to the Finance con mitlce. ' . Th bill for the admi..!ou of Nebraska Wit a taken up and diacustiod, mid, after a abort ex ecutiT af-RMua the frmia mtiimuiod. i , . J . ' 1 " - -'lv:wtJutlviiAt 0 n niuve to the evacuation of Mico. Agreed r-v t.. t . . .---' "V- " "'k.-Q lutroiuia a i-..,olnuon di ti I k V vom,u-.i"tocn,.iii-o about , "10 ironaiue ar f -; U'lphia, "e rppiKe r an'iuiiLd the on ('.inet tn in the riouthern l uiruittee ), to consist - - i " r, Dounci; and Hards ' ; t Dawes, Garfield 3r. : t.ik. pre.ei.ted a petition f.oaj the lov M Co, .,e nenDteOI' TrninauwM -' Ra'1li"J ,Ioufl went into comUtfi oi tha whole t7,;"i "reu ogie. on.the jim, me jtouse adjourned. Be&ppearanca of tie Cholera in Constaatv aopi. " ' WAawOTOH. Den. IA . Tj18te Department ha advices annonnc iTiwarance ot vilOlera. Js. Jov Mop f-1A Team s. 1. I ...f , . . r.a.uisaki Meviwiingjprnjjcini, . - - . WilmingtOBlIarket-. - , , , . .., -WlUlITOM. N; C. Ut - fpiritsof Turpentine ailv.nMit l.i t:, ITew Tork 3SIaxket ... N:w Yoiut, Dee. 18, -Cotton firm. Midilll rSouthern l.nw.630 WwA.V," cent lower. Pork .ready, new 80,71a2I,E3.-. i-arobna bond-t, old sixes, 60j, QoiJ 97 . r.iytfConjreisniei- . ' Wasdikotoh, Dei, 18. ' The Judiciary coinmitte. bav. j not to rer.,rt in favor of the reduction of the Conr"--....,md r-avaatha anl i.-.. 1 I ppon by thecoin.tituentof the member, .r n,- m election. - Virginia Lerislaturo.' r.crmoKD, Dec IS. - t4 pv-se 1 t:,e I li t" I!, t x-iiiiingthnnsQ. ''"r.r 4 U F-j i a 1, 5 p.oviding arUEcial - us of irgmi lost in th I ft. war. - The Tst Cdcam rscur&ionii.ts.' V jis.tisto, Dec, IS. tie even .'7M '"" le'y.f morniuff. ron. l ie .identFoalcr. ent tuaicr, Kenatois I?am-1-ar.on, bbarkcy, Alcoin --men Lawreuc, Kttcb. -n in, Delano, Hubbard mil arrive at Chattanoo! s named will positive 'y y-th..ia. Tliry ,,;; ( ra' I 9 ( Ir ..IS..''. .it.'.:;:.,..,. .37 T "jireta - "-w Ynrit, Pec, U, ! 1 tTi, r- I on Ciuh Cottt.a firm . ; WA.'IW0to!, bcc'jO. '. - r is pr. fiing tueunjorit opinion TeCouit on the uuconauLuiional. ci'.h as to hiB-yera. i 'U Con-'ruii to-d.iv ' nr. c. J r-!V that tha L.i,.-,' .- - . .. - '.r-nwB. , J r a l-;;uir!;caB unmr- i PTtiKKs Nosth Statts. This eh trnt steam " s expected her to-dsy front Wilmington, Dcleware, where she ha just been finished and constructed especially for the North Carolina trstus. one win be commanded by Captain Swaioe, and bur esteemed, fellow citizen, will act as purser and mate. We congratulate our North Carolina friends ' wttn tue assurance that they will find the Norft State , ill named and manned, fthe ia intended for th Washington, N. C. tradL Jrorett Firv R0B8ERT AT PIN LbvEJ. W learn front iMMmfreis wuo came uown on in a, u. wam thismorninir, thst a band of robbers. (tee in number, broke into tho ..ore vn'or, mi ruts xvet. Air. tj liver men came out of his store and commenced firing at- lharnbtwr. th.. k. ... I. 4V.. -I.. and It is feared moriV wonnded TllJIJ?':aAXUa' W" ried off a man named Sellers, who was sleeping in the store with Mr. O. at the time. The store was plundered of its most valuable contents.- XI A RIMED, - At th Bfelbodist Cbnreh In this eirr on Tnesdsv tmuiu wo. is, dt tu9T. a. jw itaven. Air. 44a. o i tuawAiiB) to aiua audi abwbv, all ot uu eity. THAT plendint Cottags on Billnbore Beroet ad Joining the rnsiileuce of udg kauadera, i'owoa- siun givsn law oi juiaaiy. Kent moderate. Apply to -JUDGE BAUHDEB& D19-it UCXT OFKIILBCBXIE BULL'S AD FAitar. fTinK SeoM MaufiMtorlBf Cowpany, will rent en JL the premisM, for the year Ii7, on Saturday tha Jinh. nay of DM W., their OrM Hill Bsv Mill and farm of aores. Xhy will b rented sanwatelv, tb tbs hiehsat bidder. Tha rril MiU ia in araJlont order, tha Haw Alill hse a Snperlor Circular Saw, aud aura m mry aaairirHe ior oma eonnn ann eorn. j, -J . -. i. - W, U, v'KOYY, Pree't ,;.FOJtt best. i A FfNBaad eeufortabl Hoase, sitoafca la tha XX. plesssnteat portion of the euy, farnerlr oocnplad by ior James Irsaell. f nsssasjoa will be givea on Jannary let. 1S6T. , Terms can be known on application ta 0. 3. IBE- "HOW! TOAT.f . , KATT-DII) ,jOqUETTE: TtBOWlT Kaped Bearer and one French Tell Hate us very iateas styis. nstreeolved at , ttEO. T. C00EE3. ANCtHBal ABBIWAI. T. aiLB a LAD.IE3. BALMORAL GOAT BOOTS. KID Hisss Morocco, Cbildrsn and two eaass donble sola and dnnhU nnnar two as OBO. T. COOKE'S. . Peei7.tr - - a car RICIITBB. 4 1AB0S Aasortmant of Cha, Batter, Co&e, 1 A. Sugar, Tea, Pepper, Alapiee, Oin(rr, Soda ko. . pull ( ,-non, brown dommtie bleaching, Csiioa and , . m oupunurDranny. nniaasy, Wma, AC, --'"llllllMW UIJ wooos. If ft H-F-fTTTlTT T:' QMOEIXOand Cbewlna Tobaeeo. ' B.i.FKBnrxi.'a. OIL. mTn!f.FvnlartA f ImIA t AH Y awsi. . . , u l "T.""-. f ou now 1 aver oBknA. Order promptly attended to hr JOBEPH O. HERTER, -MceTewsi Ds AGAB AXD TOBACCO. TTrEar.toedptoflo4ofll. .. J teel7-tf '"" M-a WUUll. I i -' ' - Fon enm rrwaa . ... b . " ' --Aa.ar., . ""."""I IvOOHJll HUss. rinMa-;Al.4l v" I '-' WHXIAiia A HATWOO0-' h " I I " " WINDOW CH.AMJ. ' i.- 50 GpJLli "wsr i?e! window iMIMf WULAM3UAyWOOD. ,11" ' VANKBBS ! , Peel7-tf ' WUiL"H 4 HAYWOOD. KEB9SINI It." '" A at ,i. , m. lowe pr,c riww, 0Q a WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. Pre I7 tf KlACKIJla, '.o.,,;""' J'ci'"i wJl .ts M ILLIA.VS & HAYWOOD. . vit.i.v truent,. JLVILI", ALAM4XCE COCWTT ' 169 UAH STELrt SCARM. TjlOTt T lios at SO centa, wnrth t1 (0 CiV Pr' " tehMrfrna Boot, niJ 0 fi'rfl T.t l"1.-..l . r .,. " " ! A fml atoca- of Lt.lin and Sim. nr. , ' ' . Cse 12-U . . " iw M 1 CO., AnUto WM.A. MnrvT DeelT-lf , t -'.b.blol',1j. row i.r. 'T,:;E r-,. ,1 ,. , TV, ,, 'Wfctnin, ; lrd HPy i ai.J mi, n '' ,"M ""' .our."-1 -1 ... : ts i fcttd r .ivtt thiek ''117, c-nn Cure ofla. vr w r 1 V ' rmiitMH l ever. 3$ rue, i-rried Ifatl liCHdndio or Ii III us Ilt-atLube. and tt the whole Ciaaa ot tUe. oriuiniuni; jn j eranRemut, eauswi by the mamria of nu,uaU I Xfiis reisedr fcrroi foiled toon It,. .a 1 r , " nas ium erwut ad- !S.0?l!irf..,r,,,.'':n ,h ' 'ii U,.ZZZ I proanw quimora or any uijariou elii-et whai t,1'lu'8 brotlicra of tk Mrniv and ttie weat rj u J" ".'U snilome ibM uteri,.,,.. Williams A TtnnnnA v v t. j ..v f1004. P' ?eld, na oai" generally, isijiw ooons. I addition to my stock I hsve Mesived a new aa ortmauSof f , . . , , 'DELAINES, " s ' , , FLANNELS, " . ' .raiNTs, . i' . f::::mNGSASD " ' , '. f" ""TINGS, Ac, Ac. Which I am mdy to iuj,,,! r.wtion of price. I will also soil my antirs stock of Fall end " uiw gooa consulting or ALPACCAS, POPLINS, OPERA FLANNELS, UAi.aiVJlVAi.a, So, Ac. . Beady made Clothing, Boot and HhossL, Hata uul Caps, Umbrellas Ac, Ac, ic. -. . -'-V-' AT COST? Fless call and set the goods, s " '.- . ROSESBAirjf, " On door below Mr. Ut. Heartt. K. in w... villsStreet. ' MB. II. W. IHILLEn. HA.!I.(L!"0!'nedhr I1", thanks her" friends" fy?" patronage and beira its renaw.L "t' ; , f , . " f 8 O . 0 0 3 , o o 0I , f jw:ortb of i :. GENTSCLOTHINGT- 1 ' ' ' '( , , -i rtJ- I aaf tt A? 'i t v-Arrt FlUXISniAG GOODS srowopEsrnsoAT . - B. n. Andrew . .'" out Firmo rooms , YOUTHS clothing : . " k' B)V CLOTUIrVSl Parsnl and Guardian, CsB sad see the ftne teed,. I Prl R. B, ANDREWS A CO'8. .iu area rrock CoaU for Weddinr Aa Im. T 1 , ....... a uwin a uo. iaw lork at AHDREW8 A C0'&-- Out Frrmra Boms. FlnsSoealln w. .... . -d. by dmgrffi AofC r TBniTlTniirr. sffeot. lnaduititothT hp'.oma to that w. have a tl and fell, """ruction,,. aU nea.Tr.:nf! n1 Commercial w7ih - SfMHr. - - - :r: r-' "Ha iiev. 1'eter Ionb. 1) 1) i. "". i'" .u-utiuon tn UIM. lelr.4.. to. I.J ' J w r"""" "? L"r5 P.thi UnT i j vsmeraoce, v. ww u LAUifl&rrl r.mMA..J , 1 r - tUik . a... . '" K9EtWrt."A.i III! I ' CiiAVi-4.V. ' BELaoXT SCHOOL. QUA JHT I L L E COIJVTT v ' TcSO-to T and aUL ofjiS1!""1 "chool begin. Uth. For riKmlarsaddrwi, B.H ontypKI - Oxford, K.'C. H'l: r: if p TIIJB golrTI1 COOKEfrt ftTnrra S FKta? 9 tor ta rni- Del5-tf. .T. BROWN, rBAxr:Li.Tcv 'i..u in a.,n-.,-. n i t.. W.MUrJ,A.M. ii"aiid-iaijing;. i ruirijia). II". 1. B Jmt l ..i.i .. . .. " A. V. iZZ..,rK volume. ' ' r u .. . . " ''twi.i IA. Ii,W..V. VOIU'L. I.. ...... . iuernodiat J I nivereuy Jf. f. - Pi.'f. M. 1 . i"'v.K'. Ii. 1 ., J'r-.f. u- 1. i, . .I'l.'UEfrJngsColJue.' '., V"leForirf. , " "- . htiv. V. J. h; W. l:..fn it'T. II. f l,,,tJt T J"'C 1-.I0 A FP-T . . ' ""i )Jf WILLLUJS&IUTV.-I D 17-2tf 00D.' 'B RKJVT. tfovm and I.e P,(h'of ,. r r- 1. ,,.,..... A ... ,, """ 1 ' Cur- r lUt bta.te.J i'tLUA a i. -. .. : .. rs lr-tf ll. 0.tk.