7" s " .1 x ti ti - yr f-i 1' .a. , , j i li.. T ThW. Jk tlnitUtlom eftfc Satn.sai. sml. A Had dijfiraWt. atcihua. of sdvwi. i la tie BUI. ' , 1 1 44rertlfiut :.itt ol'i ""--;rig thsiriaos of fcinla tvji or Un, ', M fullowi fur uowtioa in w .:. jr : For on limanlrtn, r . 'id W.- Ari. .Hi. i-JL r I r, la Cii 3 il iii). to r r-cmiw r 1 f . I " KATlil a l.K v. 01. lu. . . . .al 1ia)U A I (iViin'k. a f lir. or V era t.) .. .,j,uik Vued) b- Ml". u' I and the amend- I i he l.'.U ptisaedJU Uiir4 nt ii to SJ; - i : j Wilmington Charlotte ... ..ad Company to complete i ..r e. it debt to -ib State, , I remiing and passed by a " 1 liion, some d- ' , r iiit nt a r . ' - , reailtni? bv a Vol- The bi;l lo i '! - and Rutherford thaUoadand d'; -came up on )' tin , rvtteoSt) t 1 7. . - ; ' Under a si. ; . -'i-'i t the roU' the bill to ' -'.enhance (lis value of the bond, issued lor the completion of the Wto, Railroad and for ntl...r nUfniw. -am up oo it tliir.1 reading. 'Mw.-Aii4 uronply urged. iupa 4 iae. Mr. Wilson opposed nd moyea -10 TMnmfl, hvV" """ tent Wlsd, Hid Umi bill tiMiwwl br ti : -1 19 1. I Ml i The bill to B-H.'nd tb charter of " Wtl- wWtooan i WuldonEailroaacaraeap oa m : third radin(; and pawed, "d the Souate ad--'.ouraed until tamor;ow lit OJ V'l"f k. . !ei-;? apRcuii oudbiIi A'bill provide aupport for the Insane Ay .Jam ww,Uk P . ' V;, rlary. to whom w referred rewYationa relatW J . to thi Uiyalty of - cltiMB. reported back . ; ' i 4iif4rM ordered to I 1 prioM and mad. a tparid ftw l.MJ aoL(rnoiiV AKO" tMA Mr: a rofatio inatruetir.f the Jodi .iart committee t. inquir whether t li- are nT outttaoding eliua agatnrt Literary fcoarii anil lo report by bill n otherwise. Adopted. : ----- Mr. TlUp, a falUm in f.varot Uwia Hummel!. ' t - " , lr a renlulioa in IdTor of It r. Arm ' Bi l I rii'U'rrud to the committee on Claim. .Mr hum. abi'l to monJ an i(t. !'' 1 r-i"-- : ft :i' n it met-! i i . at lnloi fi t en t:-f on the tiiutjle j the u ' -sl on li . Ur. Uausrh lntr . owner ot lands n noil t.to t . .im.iry ' !-. t'i-'i r of tin' , - i . .10 liotun. A t'Hvd a hill fir tua ti: 1 hoiiiri. . 1 mi .f (f rill inrtt inn nr f',F.xrA nf Tnw.M tt.A rule weresiispenUirl, and a hill to aiiiliorii in corpora u I town and cities to estshli: li av. lmtt i.f PitMi. j.i(M.U I4 i ... ' I i : V'"--" ..- j - twrruiult) isiuiuenl and to protect creUitorVwa takea up and diaeuaaed under a euspeosioa of the rule, and waa ultimately made the apeelal order lor to-morrow. , - ) r t A kill tn anuind the ehartiir ot the Wilming ton and Weldon Bailroad .Company, and a bill to aMn&tbe-ao-m&, 4onrporatinfr tba Wil mington and. RalolRb lUilroad Company bad their flrrt reading in the House, "" The House ieoocnrredln Btuuto ameiiclmenU to till to enable tua Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company to complete its road, pay it debt to the State, and eiu-nd Hi road to the Tennessee' Jine," ar.'l to cimlile the Western Railroad to cxUn;l r; 1 Irom th iuil fiYlila in Chatham to aome if:.l on the line of the N. CV BaiUiMMk - "- ; Sir. Davis introduced tna tolion -7 rfniu- WREata : TUos. J. Judkuis, -.1 I 'l, t 1 1 a! r i. Co' ' the cbr- r nl J iht tinner the t.i t. 1. mm- rewi j no uii'lor a unois mm jn-ovmiiiu r hn' Tf'i'i , .i t mi ', i" il Mi II U ! I .1 rd . In 1 :urul 1. ' i i i s tie r t i f ' ; ' I U Jones e- , S' 1 I ill t !no 1 f to n'l, t'lat M ut t:. .VI (' a m. . ' r of this borly, friwi tlie county of Warren, rUd at 1.1. t..f 1m tea. utxrlii:.&nl.VfJi4M'A4 it ia due t the mernory of a public aerrant, wh jormany year "Wna honored by hie countrymen Tritlr oiiiciat :.poaltwcsT-BiA::'to' eaMdt-confi-innre and kin l rc"rrra of hi conttitnenU andoMiis as-Knciati-a in this Hmtae, that wa should give ann o tvvri. -.stii to the eentimeBt produced by t n.J event . -'- ? r .Tkmttartlv !. That wa haw beard wita -iitba-anari!'t -.' -nt of the death of Tho. J. JudWiia. and that howi. witn oumuie rerer ence to this dipenntion ot Dirine Wisdom, we deplore a bis that ha east gloom ora th4eUlj aration of thia body. . . '.V .s-H- M.Jfolit, That thi IIomih tender iU warmest sympathies to the Ivreaved widow and lamilj ei tho li-cenM.il, and that a committee of three be appointed t accompany htsremain to hi late home in the county ot Warren, and-that a a mark of renprrt 'o hi memory and long pub lieai-rvicea, e t!o now adjourn. . . ' Mc Davia. in pirentlnt the reaolutton. paid an tloiueut tnliute to tb memory of the do-eca'-ed, adverting to the many position of trust and hr-prtr he bud P'.1"1, and the faithfulueaa v i 1 i li 1 1 i . v j' 1 tl 8 fliitua de- - iiu. liinl . il l. f t.iO Ji " . ui .i.r. f tate. Passed ita aeTcral readmre. i Resolution fot the relief ol 3lr. AlfieJ Joues estate, passed it several readinga, r The Speaker designated ilestr. Robin and Adam a the Benato branch of the committee to invest iiratc the books, &c, of the North Catw tiin Hfiiiroad Company, rt.,"i "'.''', ,.'4 ",--? s--vT'stJi't' r .t "-fa ( lbe tour for the special ordw having arrived, 1 & 1 1 ,irinii lli. 1,. r.llw nt 1 1 1 M rit. . II U ' 'S. . . .1 uw "J ... ' v. -' - - izea of this State were takea up. The que tion beintf on the substitute otTered.by the commit' tee, it waa amended, and the euWitute, with, the report of the committee, wa adopted by a vote of 43 UJ 1. Mr. llarria, of Rutherlonl, 6 tinglathOBcgatlva. y, I i.-: tjtrritMmtp cswa. . The bill to repeal an ordinance entitled "Aa Ordinance to exchange the stock of the fitate fir bond, wa tnken up and discniwd at coa si.h.rnhla h nntli. Meaara Leach, 1 Wilson and J ftyn nrr-ed it passan, and Jtr. Berry Opposed j;. The bill rMMwedlV a -vote of S4 to- ; r "S"Aiaijsnf4o""-ai received from the TloiVi trantmitUiiK a resolution la farer of the Sheriiis of Onslow, Moore, Cumberland, Caswell, Wayne and Northampton Connties, and on motion of Mr. Eilwanls, the rqlea were stHpendcd and the resolution jpaseedila aevero) readingWi Ahirf reflation in fnvor of the Bheriff of Lincoln County, passed under the - aunpemdon of the rule. A 10 messago trthsmitting a rcsolu. tion of thank to the Governor and bis Coin, minaioner, for the prompt and able manneris which they conducted their mission, and atu hritdr tbGavWncr to draw on the PuWi4 Treasurer for aa amount sufficient to defray the expense Of the Commissioners, Also a com munication from the Governor enc'ioning an or der from tha gor-retsry of War. ' A!?o a ' resolu . tion in tavor ol the citizen ot Btnuly (. (They havinu fuited to make a croii, a k. s a ' loan of 18.000 from the State to reiievo b-r nfferer. irivirr.' s -rnritv for its r"vitnnt i: one and two year.) Ua motion f tlie rub' ei- 1 t "' An engrosed bill fof tho support of Vhe lo an A wium, passed its several rcadtnp. ..' A biii tranlerring to' the University, the Land Scrip donated to JKorth Carolina tor the etab lUlaiient ot an Agricultural College, wa put ou its ocotiil reading. " 1 -," : ',- ' v --'' . y.r. Davis a J dressed the House tn Support of i:.o bill. : . 31 r. Foard said that the scrip was already h p(.'i .ion of the State, and that all was neoes aiv y to secure it, was to aetl It, There were bill for it already. -, -y - lie was not opposed to" the Cniversity,' bat wa oppoaed to a diversion of this fund Irom the oi i.icts tor wtucn H was originally lntendeo Mf i1-.tiw vtRtiwf thair th auirtn iK-a "n,Ant, u iiiinxa lor wiucn it was onginany lnienaea. i """""ji m i .. Mr. Peebles itated tht the" Krip Wai merelyTtpTceiit. t-1 ' . Vn.ln.mnil liinl anit ,inl,l K tniik.J I OUl-nttT bfil ' t -Cut;,: iiir. i i'uuics vintcu viiai uo tuip mom uirreijr Vnnvmnil fimA Knit nAllM fkfklt fut tMnrhiid for the erection of building. lie urged -the parage of the bill. ; - ?i . J" t ' Uuw. JkNair, Itenan, McClammy, Waotrh, Long, Hutchison and Morehead advocated tie .blJJ..-.-:.:. Alesera. Ross, Bovd, Everett and Foard co posed the bill. & " 1 Sir. Foard ofTered o amehdtaeht, proviuli .T t'.iit the University shall after reoeivinsr siiid donutiua annually reotive, instruct, and board one beneficiary from each county of the tit ate, to be recommended by the several county courts. : . lull amendment WAarejactad alter dicMion aad ea utotum-oi Mr. Durham, further conside ration of the bU wa postponed until next ses sion. . . !:.,- j .!.! v3 '!; ..; . ilr. Whitfield, (wbi) has been dotained irom hi fit liy sickness) obtained leave to record hi name iu iavor of the resolution rejecting the Llowa.d Amendment. . LjtiK U. message was received from the Governor reportbg the lurcen of the Commissioner Ux Waihiigton City in proenring the abrogation of the Mii.tnry oniur, prohibitiiiff the infliction of coi pori i! pun !. nii-iit I y oun. of the State, J'r. I i u ! ,-. i i .n-ed a resolution of thanks to u.iv Vim . ii sn i Ins aiinK;iiiteC'ommiiloners. Mr. N, 'i c:.,ieii a subaiitute for this reso- i vt a '- i-tc I by i.r. Kin r"- luti-. - v'""'-1 1 ' '".V., .unrUinff executor and Mr. Ferebee, . tnio to nettai the ; rJdCn . 6rteTBC!!'.tf Mr-'A.aitti'"tl' rule was -' ' idT relative-to tax wa. . . . Pnd.Lt.(iitsewal reading. t taVen OP d n"n Oto mlM were suspend- . -.-t. Oaraa.f'Sf-Vfi ,,e support oTUie " , t .Jand the bi.l P'fi ui np d - . pended and so "SHuf,i-were taken up. Mr. . Richmond and h. Insertinir Moore - 'annntT. rHk.'v-r. - - .r..-. - . j K,n. tha niM trans . ' iHtve to the ocatn oi .nr. UUssifwai itlK 'i.14 0 arr.'Pfv7th, death ot my l"end iormlng the Senate ot bu B()t take0 nndeolleagu. - om)J tfltne unexpect- HbI"T -v rre,. for the aa. read, in it, lull: wo.n out v..;h iile of ine ueceaaeu.i i ) 1 Jir Jiiiikiu", v- " vrntclimi? aini-" - Mr Wii-h."": mni.nl. of Trine S!r. ppeaaer, iu kv... . . th.ple llrom Frenklio, jnl wU . M willed. remark,,.Wdd.uo M eloquently run y t K-.-.. bn a mcmoer m w""cy ' edlv-sino Ihe Stiitieiuan. trom Franklm. repeatedly sinee mi Ilewaa never defeated in an electUm--1831. lie . .t,--nrl of War- trienfls.- Im t ,e o , , Alui, hum uucuta.n 1 , - Q m witl S ' . , ii. boV sleeps I 1 1-'-'" making., Letu.be t"" - n ...... r li uncertain- .. n. ,it li t ! stnve to tx ot our own iil dv ior. the sum' --V ' r- " "'i7 aui-.l L , . KSSTB. H'0" in rery-ppre-: m s, v. iat,r lii'iu , , . wit inn 4it Mr. Hail, the uattl to night 7f O'clock. Atinpertie i.al uliout 1. xpect- il an-t During his com ne- t 1 i X?l a v I re'ry- certain that bis IWen or W J8, j .pproachlng. Tb.rty 4 solution w-r '.'ny tUe Hou 0f ' JU;n:;- Warren's Representative.; xLomTn"-,' , W hosorbeeo-o- otu n -lOCe,.'; " ....,. o,,iredtO it. hi i ar: .aly. Moib-'t, 'v i'rtU:ipatm?r i- d" s, anumot tine sense. aa- ty res ""Mr. Waugli ' wsii.i Trofti; '-f .uWiea. and the House adj.. .(Mr.Ken-l-. lvot' i, ou , : bili to exempt certain persouul la.erxtiondPro; stead. The omiion of bis ns" take of the printer.) .. 1 i r - . ru. t .' 1 Col) bib of t w . r v ; . ' if: i i t. . L'DrTOTSr F i i .iw i -s, I am ciin . ; . "ii that 'our pre- is would be r bv men lean.. ' m sue is now netm.. anty eonnmt'l 1 v il T. 1 li'"ce;l;'v, J'i-.!v and ' t v tn - ! Y T the Sep'' iaty Cotirt. r - "ii e tensiri" . tieonla i ! it i the ! t - item of I In. oved If tin s' were the law. A rre-'1 deul o. erva" rd al y t. Ornn. Mi sr. V." , ,: r .rt tho 1. Mi bi.ni wnr ct a l t 1" euli--: ..J a.' I : i,(f ' ' e crow .". , , "I : I. , i i moat of the week, and civil causes .a hurriedly disposed ot or continueil, to the preat injury , of our cititwos. Tho Jury receives n instruction or anUtsnoe front the- bench, and consequently, Hen fall into ridiculon errors, wbi. h tores appeal to tho Superior Conrte on triy; 1 matter. -They, in turn,- nro becominfr overwhelmed with unwieldy bnainesa. Special term are consequently ordered, and juror and ufaii mnt roninr!:. ,1 tet attend Court from "day today, to the great m ;!ect ot their butlneaa. ana injury or lue in. eoontrv. . m I would nnt I e rn- Jttsticlarv. when 1 : 117V, Vt VUtll UUHMIl"a, trial pursuit of the 1 reflectitifr on tho our County Co'titu, : r-fl jtltlf; "lt-,1 frejr .i.iiir, t-t' law itit-' -ii'., -iHlly, are men of igu;, , aud aocui si'tiso, , -.m and if the had ' j I. t -' , i4 in uioiy case, aurpaa too .f . I...1 .l..i.b.. system- tt woo l ei..l v I dirt. aesa and .ions. . 1 1:11 -i . D I irned a.W01ll I .rrcd on I "nsplralioo .idnnpreten"'; euiflon; be w ' J S'T. .f. IV ...tj i - nvoi-l r lr ' . eFoi, to ti " lint ol t ' , a" l.or.' v. as a ti. . r to C i T. J . vhola l mind. " Mr. , li posse -std that J,.iractefof ale ... lie metbisd tty i not permit hiinseit right or to the left ! vrffv-reqitred to toknnvr ...ntrn'vRr'Vttiat I 'I ernl and ( I o rt ta i a a ive to ... hj' t li ret i t ' ' n - I P 1 L julkus i roi re, o..le Will be t.it-.l 1 rr ,r,r.e.si. eertheRev.Mr.Hani.e.l- e Pre-ny. teriBehur'h. i-w,:.Brll from E. J. "Xr Ken-bee preseni. bhe?iff of Camden -n ? pr? ng oea. -: v ..Vi rnmmlttee on f---srMnTlltirll?'l'ri. .' ' . . Proposition .d of rtrnuim. ST'nty: reported by biU commending . SrofSS' -nuntil f-con,,,, '.V-l Wan lhi A" I. , Warren Coi. ) :-4hebe.tot I with " t " 1 - Mr. Jul' ' ,-, 1 ,i sid, bo. irv. ;'r T , nd 1- ' lUUm-iv.-lt 10tnct"r ....i'. i Ai'riv i . 11 , Tncusf' rcc- ; ........... ... ..) at 1 - "1 ... -.r-i 'eo i" .; Tr,Ilou - 1 l lion in la e i ) 1 "r J i r ( f " ' c vol .e-f 0 v am the con i -rn I en e i.i l,a sit.i"" I i. 'bOCSK OF C0MM0X3. s " " .llt tn order at lo A. jtl. The Journal of yesterday w read and np. wmv l.d. : b, -Mr! wSrC Prop.itioi dGriee7adversetothe bill propose; of ysnce, p Re .ornwu wi . r--. .-"v . ,; -EarptetW teolntion: wlbor-.: "TWsinia and Tree.. .J :ote l.,th owprr:orj "' 0i:AfiOI,r!VLl?;.( f '-xtenrl "TOinef.r the return of taxes for the county ' , ., V " - ') ita several readings. ?-:-;; - .. of the special prdcjt; tn; ,',, 1 :i in- . ,..o iis.ignmenis sou w jvv. - !-,ij v- -. i "-' noned until the next session. A r;.f ou 1 .r the relief of the people of c ,ivcf,mitv-proposin(? to loan .1UU0, to iuseveral'rtadingsnndera suspension of the rules. a'''e t,--;.- -i'--':':' - v Mr McKsy Introduced a resolution s thftime tor the return of State 'ron tUa county of Cumberland. ThU resolution wa amemkd.by... ttenanj:. . . .i,. ti,iHi nf Northampton. like lnUU P'UU i m w.'' - . , Onslow, Uiyno, Moore and Caswell, and then S t acvcral readings (1 relation to tas lXeountT. X'- Bowe ataU-d that the State tax had aWT been paid tn. The ndutpencn de dfi I to bi. Weri& was only ss to county taxes.) ! A blution for the Blli of the peer, e ot Union county-loaning said connty i -.100 f o ir"i.r&U.e Treasury. .Pas-d its naveml 4I. .... , 1 1 r, i -1 i;.H ' . r' Mr. Uavis introuur eu an....-.- the Governor to extend t,.a P',"-'" " act granting Amnesty and ra. Urn f;,r o - mea roniniitted durintr Cue W A . . a 1, act to thofeimte tor concurrence. ' l)t f m the Jul i'T Conn., tie, ,ub, nhnel ow.ngrert.Wio.htn.tMTa . .. ' .'. . --The J i e:.ry Covnmitte-,- to which was re ferred a re, .'..-on ini.n u t'u to r. pj- t ,he member from llend. rsoil, to .pit fore C em and f 'mialt the fiu-ts on wl.i h 1 e I -td I,., ..nn.i adn.iiilKtraiioaof In- Aii. - LI 11 1. 1 a iw I" - -- - w, . , . C-e'endof tho persecution of I .i.ion men, to . .. . .... ..:in.nr.iil!..ir.:i hCiii.'.V til '.rre .u.-nJfid, and the bill was put on i' tuil-'t reeu.!-f. . Vr t, bi'l w an i f i. d, on motion or nr. Cru'Uofr-v b,..riV?tr d. Uf--otba SfKhi -'. -y ' wa ment, and execution a. to dbu nt, I- 1 it) prcveiiit .iAi)iivv - - .rr"ce oi the- property of honest dohtors.--J , was a Senate bill iltrodoced by Matthew. :,v,L.',,r itonan' at Uiruti ..irtor .h0...m.idment, TUa o.ue.tion. -1 1" .. ; .. ... . ...... ..is:. i.Hllf ' ' v , u... H.po.ui the bill, deemin)? it won- nr. riorer to repeni tneacMonv bh IB t,.. r1 irf.p-pe'ar Semite,.)' i ' ' . . i ' j.r..nrltM tha hill ; T l uesiiou Uftrring,..U.ltt,Je4. ' v-M-Urs. Allen, A anworth, Blair, Blythe, Ho .'i Brad,l.er.Brjs..n, Chadwick, Clement. c i . ford ol Macon, Davidson, Du.Tiam, I oard, Wi f.t ouentlv brii Contempt. 1 . experience, p. They do the I .... :' .1 , IIUUU'II 1.1 II, TI'.-...MI IU UJit'lT HH yi(JW bsr iiii-h ). ' t lice before t hm ;- but they know j',-1 iirn -h law tooonliuo them, and their de i i are too often neither law t cOhimon 1 m;re is no radical defect in nor County Courts, lor when XV. IT. li O. E. Bailor prvsiUud la W " ' and T. P. Lvereu in that ol ilaio Wa pjojB44lx..nd..jrii)i i ' ' . ' thArwm verv ft.tf aijiiea! b - - 1: A "H'Ul lllCiaifgl.ni, I. . J. - '.'. a deed for registration, taking t a privy exam-.: luatkrn of a married woman, ut ao in junction, nqmstratiou &c, whieh would beob . viated it we had a judga in each County, , For the conveniejice of the people the iudt?e should be compelled to live in the County, To srcura Impartiality and f.-arlesnie in tha !'; harue of hi duty, he should bold bu oil'me tiui t'oo.l behavior. .Tho "right man in the r-'-t ) " wonld doa great deaioi gid, and I . t . unty Court wouul KHifk be si tuucU rispettt i they are now derided. Bat can wealtordthe xpens lor urpenr. tnT""'r' : :n ta.-i r i ' . -.vti,.u.u,io.ain-. ;.a rin!' i ,d this Bieasur woio i i.or.L ft , i v"" " Ja kind of mr Fdoorpropose to extend the Juri.d.ct.r of 1 OO not F" I nerlmns that IW'dit bsdone wtrt T.d ant but 1 coneeive ,' -it eX- Kve wd'oral !j ClUllveauiJ " .,. ..d la CTll call. wbramouotln .uTt does not exceed M0. tiie people of i - bad the utmost cor '. ' rcitrvsiitative, an,l t" their Oonfideni'O, I. . occupied in the ol!. ; copied by him ar?ain. lie t labors peace be t I. r -Jtr. "Kail iuiilj'-!-' ,"..Tho tnournlul atmouitci.. another reminder that in a.l i ti,,.). ,ilbtiA anil nrivt.' Ihliiil 14 E. in? holding ii suicl'y rcsponsiblo f..r a.l I below. i. Ilia 'I iiu creator our rn .-.'.or. our r-.-. , i'ns now i.T L tbi. Btat. would b pleaaeaioBav.via-- . AS ACT TO PROVIDE FCTl 1 TION OF. JUDGE .:" T It .hall be the duty Of the Justice or t.. I. jt neii ue w i .,), fimt session r 1 e o unties in h i - . , ,: ( "unty Court, held after the psswgeof tl.int't eut, to. ty si! ,nl oi Jiaeo... , r.' p ,rretr, Onrrins, OodwinOranbenr , linrton, oi miRe", i.oi-i", ----. ,n J-TiVi-.s, of Granville, Jones, Jordan, I rt'in, Kutidull, Latham, of Craven, I ' r ... ..i.,i. xf.r.in MeOouiran. I. eon, tiu-.o-iio", . , ... . -Tie forehead, Morton, Murrill, ' T ii:!,-i-,b-.on. Rorrer. Roimtree, .' I....... kt..ltori. fMi.ith. "of C n HI V ViOUT . majorfty of nsid Jostle, be.ng pret- . J . ,C. -.n nfintj.irrUv.abil- ... 1 1 V r'BIIOl,ausuw .---n;- . ' '-e law trt act J'" 1 f th" emmty, who shall rumue m IJll! ttiio . laie'v ni nioviu no ti.-'re. . lie ba fceon caiied his h. -.al aiWOUilH to bisWaaei-. iiay v e all profit by the Ictein. How well ourdi'i-cni'J hrottwr wa ! ! ' lias l'( -n well to' 1 I y biaeoiteague, the . stor from Warren, U.m who wa pose;d ol such bright -iJiile of Aha.. heartland who had paused throtich the fiery ordeal of a l.i puh-"" lie I fn without a blemish on hi charsctiu, and bad attracted to himself the iicer respect and attachment that alwaya attond public and pri. . i I 1, 1 . I... Lr... f.u.1 I, .t hia eoune in thi Hf has prepared Well hi way in teat nnai sou oet,io wwr.u.- , , .. -'- .t. ... . e ... . .1 M,,iij k .. . h,.k Anniir one o u.u iwi'i .'-.' -d itraV another coonsctlng link between tb present and the past ha boon broken. iSoon .. . . .... ... : tn - .... . tne preaeni renurauoa iu mi. i"' .j from the bright, example and ? advhe of tbnee mm of the pH"t, whose ciiaiae.ter were forme.t in a sterner and stricter school., of pub lic and private virtue than, unfortunately, no.. es.-t-i. . It r.";- t f ' n-"i'iT rf t' 1.1" tin i iiiuva l int t ; t . - ! t ' -d 10 d'cl.irk't i.morron . x ' The f - i-si tl.-n '-.;-iu 1. - ' i nr... 1 1 h-t ' ' vere coi l, tuna v.i. V'lii'a be w an c. . J to v...- y-'t" r ' good fail h, a ir 1 a,! . 1 1 1 I : . Here, , . 4 v.. t a 1 ntriin III Ihfl IU t, l' aViau'jJii'i . i - - - cneerned lot the v .. reel I " day or two eiuca, ue yi , cord hi tote i.i l-; '''; ; h iu al tlnivs earimj " , , . fhal noble .ut hiJt, so r-eenfy,. ' 1 '. .1 c.r..:e is no doubt at p. K e. 1 e - , irt- vi-i. i a boat bail "- e v . . i . t i i - 1 1-'' " ' f. jro.-err 'V . .i , ,n. . ....... . . ... .... i p.-. o-.o - OS nsu lo.!. 11 " " ' ., .- rVi..nrta.v,lii luo-t l"-aru,.y C! eonsortlnh.f b.- i." ' , -,!, J-idkin whs in tne f. ... J r ot r .'.we..: -An lr wli hi County t.''-1"1 f SMdeOUS:';-, e ! behsvior. tr.fi- by said Connty w .... '-" , r . i , tionsof eJuHtfreofti U w."'- , y ever wri . ..i lav. i. a U ' ICO ill IU I '111 li the , u,'y tut Lo re I in I t to v I li "o daring good I the .aid Courts nd best and ' 1 to ii.-' . I a i ti ta r - nl C Mlddert' !,!!!!-' In.. -f Trull. Vi I v. il. -.on, of I - Wii'.iairis, oi i 1. V. i s V.'. , 1 ' .ml, Vi h'nl-r, 'i 1. on, of , , a- ''I, 1 ro, 'in' ue,' ball I'd "iiv.- ,- .ihority stid luao and a Ju.l '8 .1 ..i..,ii I....U bU Court k of the Comity Com t. W hen a special 15 m;. .-..I.. t,r.lm. it shall be lie l mini y , - - - tr i. ... f ' w i'-' ! -..a f r t . i ,' t 1 1 !' penon or author;: nru..-f o ... nay be pun: -:.'l, bv" v devolved on tiKin 1 J t..e ri ..- U : -'-i r A i . i i v t -. ., ..!.... t r t 'i' S 1 ) ;,.!(-' ' ti' " ' "'" rt i r ii. .li nvii X ' 1 iu, -..ilMst Jtut,' Ji ( :i -i-d t i the ,al , i' of the Clerk of aaid no!H-e tiiereot. - ; . ; .f... .,,,,!,.-, rrf 1L nlTterelert a iu g- of 4b Co.in-y -hUbV the di.tr tf tit- CI'- of the rnuntv Co r. to notitv the Governor, i2 k ,t"l fwho ,!.aUVr.wd to appoint .-me I' LrNon to set a. Jndr frno jer. and . ncn Uele-ted ..-"I l;!l"";'1; - eae f a vin.-.nri- . . i.l " ' J . . . ... its'.o'bst.o i , ( .., I, f ii.'' C-mt'ty Court to in a . , l,t,iJU.li.'."tlhIVa,0C,f,. 1 10. t- I- ', . . I - .. 1.II.B tf .111.. C'lllll- ,- n f Ulble st 'uo wm. -. ty and elect J ' a to do. he I iovernof, 1'i'rr.f, i,, v.i--n ' ; a we 1 And never did " - ' with that f hi' n i'"'1 ' wenowsotincirely mou. : lsevoni tn n-""i'-'" llouie do now a .out l st 10 o l:k. Vr.Porbm.olWa'-' 'Xr.f '--r:--l!J,- ! I v ' ' 1 ! Hll-t ill 1 n. to . r 1 1. I a ; a rev d. jo. snd f'i- t t .. .i;,, rommutees. ont !""". . .. , ,: lJleU"i.udmbiilh-tt' . ..nr. stru a 1 svtunlnf ion iin- nlnV l at . tfl inrtTTir . I ....r. f-tll,.!".."- Jilii.i-i'. - ;V?otb.pla;' . ,,n-iiron -e i . ,.i... i to ena- .... .rl-ln!rdsns r,, ...i t "- . . la u. w . r. .i i'ri.cte'1 prior ir. Cow t a. a-. . 4 ft 1 - rece ' (ieiien.il j t.en'.S tr .--; Ur. V. - hx.uuX fUnen"ion l ii. t!,.l,ii - a ; I iTof lUnuiMi'H viiiing that thu . ! the two Houses l y tlRir joiutae i , mil ovcrths s. nTvtipj rrf the hit in in adjour---.I. ,u..rr - Cut. '.al . u... - r tne the foilow f'.-ll'l, I'- II I H- 1 n theti i " . .on up in t e J:i e, si: 'I t:;"t he v. t iman t ; -or i'"'" t:."l t ., D if JIW.'.O 1-1 i.' i men were ' u i s prnt d al ( f r . I in " " i 1. 1 i . . ,or oi t r 1 .n.l b. f Hn of th ir 1 . ii' immediatelr iniorm t alio atiKti ar'p'Mu " i ( f a i U I. .ih.:U. I t. -.-- - ' 1 t n I roar -a 1 t t I .,nt . or i .al iiati.l ': linn nrl.i il . . court. 1 "ere v snd recn" rjien hn'l 1 .. - .I.,., t ......i' ..; I JJ . ... .1 .....,t .1 ment naa Jotcn si.w -. ..t. hrfn-in tjvrr CI -. ,1 rnai. --r. - vo, of Cue ! T- r?ro Equality. J on motion of ... The commune are r.. 1 . f Va.lktn. knowlet'r.anij !" t .. Out.a, ty I"'-, t-.tj'-i ,e.l - 1 s'rewbJllo authorising .write! election toW.rrenCr.ua . v .i a i irv occasioned by th death of - I' "I -' - , ... ., . c..n.ti tn eontlnunn II. illl ..iw i- . . . ...... to ce rext sion in lavor . , i .. .ions lor th rai'ii"""" . , i coiiutnti.n: in lavor ol n4,,ih Yartttm- enl iefii ... . .l r.a1iltrS. ' I'll lUtU -- -c - w f .sin mafr:lre nd . ..,!.'. , in .yli.eltlcnburg conn- 11 1 ' r j4 i (.aiiiuui. a ii. ' -' x . . .. L Judkiu, v.u..h at Imri'in b' i" IV'. Ine ' Jllib" tt h' .hull lii'iia a rlw1,n""" . i ' iend .' ill t ii titt. or ii utitv to hold ;d parfortn -. .4 it I 1 a .. t a ta rt'- ' ,1 triiterr..ig ths y tad been p"t t of fi i s of e 1 i I. l l i ocluca to- f fl'Krrr t i lit . . t.- ; . i 1 ' i r. - i l ri-ceive an annual com . ,. . uandred dollais, pvUU q'ir, . i.l comities, orj th cer... iU Cl th ( a County Court; - - 1 -JUib'l'S, forth 1K1" , , , t in ci io"l ' ment, by t.rutnut .f-' Superior C'rt of '"- ' ' timto b 1 Y," d..-r,rr - I t""' tlo0f t I - ' i J- touit. i . .a ' i 'T''e Le-'i-'s'ureof t.-r-.i. ' j,w.k .j.ufHS'rati.oprivi ri aJt. ..-i.e .. a ,- ,i lOf re aaieJ all a i L owe. J a . . i . the i ln 1 ' on a i i r t to tn bo ..n-.ft en'. c 1 ' .d or . I t if 1 I him- it.? Ot)l 1 t 1 ... r It t I not I , i -v i t 1 h :ly aadi T..e i .jfl' I t t. d I 4. .H. to !-!.- I f .a ti it run and I-: " ' d. - J.tW1 'Vii'f''.

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