II I ' I err v.'c-iii-imrGCSAJ Is-verel la th. Fieser.c f both Home cf the General Aotembly, in the Ilonse of Cornmona, ca tlie 23 of December 18S3. 1 . IS: ...a 4-e: ie il l. ' HI-,; i r ef M .i Conrnitns. ' , It is known to yon that the pressure ot lm iint urtuiial duties for some day past, has e no tiiiHj fort-tii J.rrparntiiu of a formal. r.if address. ' -a Tili-n, S;rVuf.,r!,i Vigour Court law which live i,, . 1 with n't vrt for many hm, . I yaf, in -,- i,f-!'. Jtn VI. -f .,,' , , ( -i'.-nt, Jcclniiiip i . -, d I ,. ! .' linn! t Mate which )m i ;! . tl.a lu-t rebtll- n. -Hll,llr,l the f-. i . ' .. , . ..j iv.i i hi tt. W -i n touching this 8 '-'! r-,.;"ut ol 'tneMale loedtnliiia- r mended to be inconsistent i . .il of tha United State, sod j- i . ... .:jj.. u.duiiuiftraJjTe.L.jrlu'at tinea 1 .'.!, Inive eP'rnsMid my attention and hit. ! i , io pr. a nre to. eddres uiliUe for - - t H. - . . 1 : ... :--r nf a military officer, asserting, in .1 ! t to amend suetiotour laws ash ; e, i suspended by order oi the int. -I't tubitmry step l scarcely er- i' i - i "i t'-'! j r--r, s f,f -t'ese tveob) "' l I i y a lifujiui.ii.irin, originated " J. n'l'I brought before Con. i ."euluted to alarm us, that ", '"e ( tlie original thirteen. t 1 n cite, 1 1;t a territory of the United ..epr-.; .m turd a new Convention I, the member of which ar to baelnrrL. . ; v 1 wis-!-qiialifieatiooa prescribed b ; 'y liui nf?ro(--a, axcluded from to- .. t r t-oatitution. Thi CrtnTention. t;iu.. fwt-U, ia to frame a new Constitution for t'.e 'IWritory formally known aa the State of WpiIl n. .ft-1. . Vt .... .i . . v iioiius. j ne insuiuuon wnen lormea H to !- n irord, not by the people, who are to 1 v i 1 , but by tli t'oui;r6 of the Cuitad ' 1 "n(;r in the Coiigresa. to spprove, . i f rj-wt tlie lame; and wiuiatiat- i n niied with aniiari-nt intent to rirerta tha i i lu, that til majority of the peop'a ought : It i reranrkabla that the avowed and promt i neat projtwtoraof tliii achein wore diatinjruinh. 7 H'riimeut, ami nava H)U''lit, or hold ... onsca undpr it. ;...;,-., . '' - . 'fr tlle ciricumstancaii I awuma by r'ila - ehoieeef y countrymen, tba painfully rmpoa f aibla duties of Governor of tha , btate, withoat time, in careiatly "conaidered : commentary,? to ; .".'"T CToiniRmarj moTemontl ? f I can only add to the solemn oath wLo nee Jurt taken, that feeling profoundly tha ic.pvu.!.miry oi ma position in which I am - placed by tha eontidenca of my countrymen, I shall constantly and ftnrently pray thatMh j ruler of the nnirertn will endow roe with 'wis nm' ejttal to the inr)wnd1n.? emcrconciua, " f " I ardently deaira, ind-p-f..l.-.,t of my oSlcltA . tf ' ' flint-sin and (J,-., ,-,4 t o f'onf 'tution ! ") 'id the 'oijs!,iu;..,n of I.orui t.o.iiria, nn l t .;,ii..i iIh h Ioio, BMcnt to - . anyai hemeotr.- ; r,ii,,. vn Vm idea tist North-C-aroi,,, i not a Mate of tuo Anwr-' : ' ' -o.n; nor tc ar -t m of gni. ,, ,..., : tion emuhre the example of til present chief' niam-nuiioi trie nation, who, amidst the tem-fe-t party lury whith avails him, firmly am r th ship of Btat by this chart of our Jiliertkn. and U thus iiiduribing bis nam Ugh on tbe teuiple of fume, ; i . f , B(id- the protection to sni cons:".!'it!onal righta, which tba Kiecutive may giYe us. I trust and believe the Supremo Court of ti e L nit -d States, tba ultimata arbiter of tuch questions, arising under the constitution, Sirsn be brought nnder its Jurisdfrtion, n v a relied on for an intelligent and foir 4' . ot its high func tions, end, I do not - d p:iir that Con gres may bet-unm 1 ,: . ,v. J, and ecu to ngemierdislik'! t- . linutitby onfound- anpicMn ot ' . y.. -m .... Itlonotin. nl u i.n'-Kiury to add auythiug ti my reetct recommendatiun aa to our Bute ai?ire. All the iofonnatioa I have been able to obtain tends atronfrty to eonCrm my recomnen datlun, that we should promptly treat a peni tentiary ; and that every citben of tbe State by precept and example, abould encourage domc-s-tio munnfactnrw, and to earry out tlii rp-om- m iiiiuiiou as i..r as I cn i.y example, t tj pt sr before jottto-dny,:lnti.ed, in the standi work ef ortli Carolina niuauiacturea, and made up by iwrth Carolina mrcbanica. . , r Aa yon are about to leave for your respective nomas, x trust yon will tvi tt waiv,tuiUiy yonr duty to exhort your corw.ti(.nt to attef.d dil- l.T:!n:fsv:::,l.f:U:t.rr,!.??!.;.i,,,.i ic puii3 tUrouKh tbe regular hnnol of h courts j to be diligent is bringing tunlt lactors to justice, and thwaby givirr atcurity to tba Gloomy and impoverished and 1 depresned, as re our people, if tbey continue quietly to ilia- "'6 mmr uuues, in ins eon tbey rrnty e pect tbe reward wbkb u.ualiy follow , wail 4loing, - t .... i .... . , . . . , - - v. nr.t iiwiwioi wi mora nay thaoke to tbo people of the State for tha com. parative unanimity with which thry have rw elected me as their Governor; and I pray God to luspire me with all thou qu.iitiea of the bead aud of the heart ti. nry t,i perform aright,tbe dutiM pf my respoiiiile poiiioo in tbia trying pjnod of ourbiatory. ,. l e a-.-.k it'.io and i t'i , ,.,d ("oia- loP.S ,,.11! the ,:: t t'nm- t-.r to L'Oia CAL.XJBA. IIGISLAIUna,"- ; 6ESATK. i y:'.Xfi . i ?', Vbdav,' 21. ... . .... .. .. . ... un irom tue uouse trtwmntr a m- oiuunn m Mvor or union county, was rtceivod aud ou utuuuu oi Sir. WlUoa tba rules wereeus pn it i. i pon whtch Mr. Wiggin moved that in ,.t considcrationbo postponed until tbe Si U .f Jid. ntxCrUba eaa and a wm. cntic i r,u I tin-, motion was lost. Mr. Purh.ll proj4oa to .uMMi4 by adding Cliatiam eoun .KB 17 LO II w m 11 11 II 1 1 M full in favor ot fetiinlv countv. waa relwbwl w . side-red, and on motion of Mr, Leach, the whole maitcr waa poarponed to hJth of Jan. next Sir. rlpeed offered a resolution In rM . s Jacobs, to remit Us on Billiard Table. Refer, red to Committee on Finance. "(" A rfluti(,a waa offered instruetinai IJimrw n imr.l in repmd to funds of the Board. , ' ' iiill oilc-red a resolution in fwr nt k i At... ii and others, the rule were suspended and w uui pnneu in several rcauings. a bill to prohibit citi.' i of oili.T . . t i flhli5g In tbe wat-r ot Curti:'u-k poui.J ; a to revive and 'reuliioa (he chfu-tcr of the t' and Broad Rivr lUilroad C . iiipny ; a 1 p'tvent the foiling ol tiuibi . i i Pur'-on I tiie county of Haywood; a bill to" iix Franklin Lodge A. Y. IL in the town ! , tori; a bill to authorize tbe people of ( urn! to elect Commissioners ol Wrecks; a r ; for the benefit of tbe Asylum for the I . Dumb and the Blind; abill to ir. t; i : town of Durham, in tbe county of t a bill to incorporate Hoover Hill Mii, pany paaaad thir flniil readinKn in t under a suspension of the rales. The House concurred ia imwa, . Sennte, coverlnir the report of the t-; mittce, appointed to make arr.mgi-mi! insuguralion of tbo Oormiiir, At noon the Senate anived, with . lcr.i y Gov. Wortli, the ftoinuiilti.e i merit and His Honor Juda f a v. Tiio oatb of ofiiea were July a U . ti.o Jud;' and '.-ribed by tAe ii- tU'.n di-liv.'f-d 1, h.ai;r'tir-il !'- f.upji-iit'y b; p lauded, and v. ......t in iio.tr t juin. ' T'-e " 'in 'dts of iiKiitura'.' 1 I'.' l'..-,' tt. i.ey and tlie t . uato nta-. il'. IVaiv.ii itilrodbced the lollow. tbe rtlicl of the people. . Be it etiacU-tf bv the Oner.il A' maiieia ex contractu, prior lo the first day of Way 1M63, cognizable beforeX J tut Ices of tba JJ?' h1'' euspepded until tbe 1st day of wHt e..rtir- ....... ,-V..... .-W. .... " J further 'enacted. That this act at ail t mil i.irce Irom and aftr iu rutifieatinn On motion of Mr, Waugh, the rule wers sus- pnuea and tbo bill was put en It second ready m Mwra.ilnc,y1and n&awford,-f wppoaoa tne trnt. - On nwiioot 4 Mr.1 Holderby, the bill w amemled, by adding tb following proyiwi: shau Interlere, ia anywise, with the provision of ......iuciii uiw bow in lorce, r ( On motion of Mr. Ferry, of Carteret, (lie bin r. mm iuauB tun apecuu ortisr lot the 83rd of jJau- Miy near. Tbe HooaeUieaadJoarBetl until o'clock. A. on Mondav next . . .t .1- '..a V- lit ..d -'l ::f i uii 111 What new la tbera from nor Cm Yi.U. L lation to Detroleuml Will tha nrirv. n. iiorui varouna retroiuum and JUiuing Company" art at preaent sinking but one well- uwaiDgaaoa vounty. uperaUvea who have bad much eipedence in boring for oil in Feu ylvank, nrnaaagnis); of aucceea It require capital to develop U as well as other interest la. tba State, and unlortunately thorn who have me mean are not disposed fo aid lol fifi.ii.5f extant ttrlln i , f . r 'i n i ia eiitcrrinca WHICH would be profitable to themselvee and ol Incalcu iable beoelit to tbe Stste and country at large. Kmm BoLDlKrts. To anv one afnu.tnin.,1 to attend tbe morning police court it - would eeera a if a externally, our negro population had at on time or other, been in th Federal army. "-Wether it it that the tlemorn! 'xatimi of I -.1 ! ,!'.... . . . . '", ''. -tt'.iSf1,'i'...s!'tl.at ' " ' ' - "!. .turn, ot t-'.e United ! t i I- v - ' d i li"t eutiriaui t . 1 roirniV.w !m !i wi-apci'i-lic ot nmr.v of tl J- i ! . and a portio. inn- oi me nntion is 11,,- t !' '" ' ' i t .rrn : uovlllg in: woo i a iuicr Jrotn the ir lutein nerale narlir.n n of the prcs. The great i rutiiotii!. wi'W ,.., i. " j " i" trior or other r V01'0" 1 lint. tU !?ar"2:in .toy. f ainhitfou, ... mafjumn-s, nrn ps in restraint the will of the f rcfttaml well ton-nninnr m-. s. If a nstional ;.inv(.ntlon could bo cnlled, as contemplated in tne Constitmmn,- these masupa,- as I billcte . wouki uii witn noDcr, and wiss,and patriotic men. In .rich CoBvcmioa, proper coiuion of Coinproini-ie by UMi the part of a great li i'mu CKti ulotic ha held f " t!,er. .nul,... i; iitio wc.ill. c n.t r 1!n! iirm iilmii nl l i. the amendment to the f'on.!t.,ii. i . h n-ition.il Convention tn!ht prnnoa. :. .ve no validity unlit tatiued bv tltree : tl.e Slates. . . . ' ' " 1 '1 Con. I prevfi t si- in 1 1 1 trust t!mt I oec-1 ru t f mine, o'.iiciul or ; . . i: '", 'II f;ive .- ; !'f 1:1 vl.rl S -li Care' fit r . On motion of It liobin the bii! tinder kl L mP "l8 'e' "lem shoulder the vga sti..cm.ion of tha ruh a, to amend an act to reir. 7 ffe of neit'l','"'l"xd,or;wh.;her it Is ! -.!, :-.n, f..,. . takt-a from Uw tbi J !n' ' . f'?c tut mnJ 'f""-in were ... " ' ' ' ' '"'" w wiit not attempt imV other tmrikUM l.... p under asn.pension of the rule and passed of Uierokeeanafj 1 under a snreni it several readrnp-s. i 0n w:),,il,n uf Wilson, tlie bill providing f"fPwiul or extra term of tbe Countv Court i .ww-KiciiMurg, was taken up and Rawed its several reailim-a, - ' On motion the Stnata ailjovued, . ;. ; , senate. -4-.';,17i i :. flATtmOAT Moiutrm. TV. a - Peay-r by the Her. Dr. Smedes V tlie T 't Oopal Chnrcn. i ,,.. , ... . v , Mr. Ifobins," from the Joint Committee, to make arrnivenienta ta ailnilnUiM . .i. .. ,1 . i . ... .... . w WHIM l ..i.n o in i ,i; uovernor t net Mi.nri.il k. . . d iu... Bubaequently,. tha Hons con- ( f future; r- r v-or iTl8 Eentinel.T . Segw Stetaliaj tad Bur f u j. ....- ' iTjtsana Editois : Cannot , . ..i.l.a: be dfne tacLerk. Jibe irigUUul ex . uu .ta wbico these two crime are carried on jchiifly by vag abond negroes, who ar constantly roaming tba country, var-abondixiDg and plunderus;; on all sides, sometime for subsistence, but ij e f'e quentiy for downright robbery and i Ihose who livo in cine and towns b no i -tsept ion -of thO vat , amount of , : carried off, in tbe more retired p-i ' ' Btata. Let me give yon. two ; t i tery , rectutiy. occurrkd in-tins ( , . amount consumed and carried off anoiuui.e tj mny thousands. At the Alveaton l iutii u . i. In longing to Mr, T, P. Bnrgiryo, it hav ing l,. n determined to Sell at pubiie auction the rrop ana otner persons! property, the OVerfeer uiadc i;ueauw oi wuat waa on hand,: and, a-nor orner items, timtd the corn oa band at CuO barrela. On the dsv of lale. oltlv about two week subswioent, this fiCO barrels was re- tfacea in forty barrel! Tbe nfoht after (be a!e, a wakb. was act, Ji tsubt aosje JK greet wuo naa actually driven an ot tart up to the bnrn door and commenced filling it with corn. Of course nothing was done to the 'freedrnz-n;" they were too sacred to be meddled with bv the " ;r and profane bands of tbe officer of the .iw.-'jhaet night.it vm discovered that the lrt-' frht mill and cotton uin bonsenf ifr. IL ViWCa nmrarrrfliaceOsi.,. Ajui fire is ever ai- falling, the owner at once knew that incendia rie uau oeen at tDeir cowardly work. Hi ton r r. Burgwyo, Jumped on hisborm and row down to the fim to direct the exerliou of i peopie to, tn preeervatirm of what could t tV'i1' "J1"1 wet ne(rro, as he believes. v..u mum owariy to cnstlnguHu bis fe. ui,, wuu a large bundle on his hack, that looked as if It mlubt I cotton. II h.iit i,t peremptorily, when the fellow dropped hi bag over the fence, rn ran ir over himm-lf n4 Z rnnnin&whea young Mr. E drew hia pistol Anil flr.lV rtl.. .1 . . Ll. . . . jm ,r .. j i. "'"mi, out ineuectualiy, and h madnjhi escape, but bi bax tu recov ered and foun to contain some 75 llm, clean j"Hon. u tne vidian had been satisfied with bit plunder the danlaiea wnnlrl W,i k,, i;. tie, but he must Wdtet fir-,ta thesoiton, ooubtlest to eoncaal hlNr.hh .u ' -we a WI1UU7 CSS Of anoa nnderiim ilar .i,. cumatancct j for a recent attempt has been made v ure io tneeottoa gin ot oen, M. w. linn- um, wnicB It would em nothing int the in terposition of a merciful ProwidonM nr.......,,l K. Jt . i! . .. ... I . V 11 V 1 u umiruainn oi Uie entire esta i in lino tit nl. tome anndred bh of eotfcms I uu jouoerj ana Dnrnlnor or -two hnrita farm in cim. " umy. -aow, Messrs. akiitors, omteliing in. " ulnuoo17 to ouecK thl iUU of things, or we shall be compelled to givo np Ottf ok a ipationt in the country and leave it, to Prow BP I tanBtSct wrirleTfWeSrrir-a-'r Vtnrr-n.vx .... wmumt i- wiiswa aanaa, . aeewtiugewiy 'riTTADTl-T-Z TI Uai.i.iuii m ATioH 1 ilA TIT. itmitt) sJsetin of t iidei(ja KaeioiuJ I)ti k iac at tikir JBsnkii. : 1umii tbett:u.asy ofsui . DceU-St i f I.i.. ti,ne lu rv ln,;7. Vf. U. CL I J' .!. .. 1 o. J of the . Wl iriatctsc r-Yt!iOroaa. "ntclic. , LLIAM. J "8 A CO. l.'llCon BldC. T.'nent. 1 L 1.1.1 t ' ;ovr s l co. very much to be remitted and nmVU.l it ible. Our present Uws or their administration tre proved to be ineSioieati Permit spectfully to suggest that our Legislature, wbo evident Iv have sense and n.trWi.m .n..-k do alt their dnty and nnf U gmhvmd ttaf.tboOld appoint a joint committee of both- Houses, to whom the D resent lawa hearins n ! .i.iu. jnd the whole matter, generally, be specially re. ferrcd, with a view to draw up aueb atatute as may more folly than tbetresenfr act greater securitv to- tbe tiwn,i inn ,tf Ik a li tie we can make by our indttxtry and energr. in the present depressed state of tlie country. j'Tie oihi ii ;i'ure in this atea in ia tha Mmtnuni Con CO'" .1. t'n motion of .Mr. Gash, ilia U'm?J. I'-utkil, nil J tbq (ill ttt aiiiea&aAact in- lm. pomo i no to trn Ot alarxhaM oasnrt it. a,.t , w. nuwnu'e was received mm thn lln, . .- ,. lining a resolution la lavor Of Mrs. T. I. jU(l kin, pussed Onder atuspenslonof the rohs Also bill to chanira the itirindi, 'linn . i t ....... .7 i m P.'Miaf "" 11 i. f.tdto J .. .... ., .....-.. Hi the House trana- ! JllMtieea of the' i Ur0 Vi.U, t. ' UllutT ft: .' (;',.:; ' nice to t j ,i -.o j S-uth Candina tiom t oi u.e Ainericdo Union, In :'rtuion, I di'Min to deny tht i i that there is, within my .in 'jimriff- nnzfii or the "11 V. illltli!y irlit fo SUl'b 1 1'. I ,. ..1 1 1., 9 i .- 1 t "-J of parental ! on to r heart, J 0 ri vi I 1.J not ''" ufri- 1 i i, ia 1 I wr i IV- mo to t!io dt 1 f i u v , a I f M, 1 :,ttO ' ?! V renewed '". "d w i not now ' HI - (. f t-Ml'm!I 'd ii 1 I ' w ;. 'i i,v, i.t i f ! ii, riot ic tu-., ,. ..ii- , , - rv(,n of the t -t tha main nation and i'.'n-d (. .(. nul l a of f diuiary CoinaiUiee. A metssire w-n rece! n, II ... l.;n ... I "iit-tlfl IMil tl ,1'W-l" ' I Iv-in t' -i r ri-adings. On molioa of tides were tuspi , Tho ruha i vnv.it its several l...i. j, oi Franklin, tha led and the following kin. were taken nr and nassed tli. lr ...... i j Vixr Bid to incorporate the Collin Gold Mining Company. Bill to inrnrrHirat the Ihoinn Gold Mining coiiinai-.v, iid a Mil to 1llinriviralji Ql,... ...... s-t t v . : i , ""'f'" "M Ai'iii.iu o.iiv. all ot which are In the conoty ef Fin. On motion ot .Mr. Leach tha rnl , pended and the bill concerning appeal iierim iual cs, was taken un. amed,l a . i , ... ..i its third reading. 1 On motina of Mr. Averv. tha ntUti taara ... pended and the bill to amend tbe charter of the town of Wilson waa taken n. and r,a.H u. rj KaJing. . .... . , A nuis" was recei ved from the Tinr.. -..... innr.rga mil lor the re iff ot thn Granville eomi'y. On motion of Mr, nam, tlie rul s were suspended an l t i I ' passed i:t wvei'al readir-ff. ..Also a I I t ; coroorate the town of Liurham. hi., of Orange, pa motion of Mr. Berry tl,,-. ,ui were suspended Snd the hilt passed iia it.i, i reading. On motion of Mr. McLean. ti.n,i.,. were suspended, and the bill to authorize tlie . icwirm aim loreciors oi iiioiint Creek Fc i.l tt.e T !! ct i ivettavill.i. to bnrmwr of twf .I781J808-.TIU5 DIFFKlCXCii r. Wa rlin tli. .,,l.',..:. i ...:..i. --r -Mi'ju.i.iu nini.10 irom tne new a i a. jj.j-fret oi Pawriiny; . . An January, i7i, lmmi.(UKt.ty after the con clunion of ptnee wulj Grtnt. Latum, Coii(reat nat r W . w . t . - K ' Jrm"eea vnaHtmwily, That it be, and it out cwDesu v rociiwiiieniieii tn tl,. i..;.,i.... or tharpectiv States, to provide lor tht re. Bttlorft ait the rstntts, rigtrt and properttcs; rhloli have been eoiilintaud. fodontrtn t reai British ubjecta. V- - , " '--Andd U alo herehy earnestly recom mended to the aaverat Btatea to reconsidur and revtoa all their acu aait law reord.ng tha premise; so as to render tlie said law or act perfectly consistent, aot anlr win. i,,.i . .. i eqiuilUybut with thai akwi u .,. h it.aw winctt, tm rs msreaji o rna blss-u li o "i orw ttMrruaaU.TrREVAtt.." - In 1808. we liara trnm t?...i;....i. .$ .i i day, til ora of wild. crr.jf and rerenijcful pnrtrrt. to daitroT nd to rT .ak. E3tBtO. I tin flllTrtltir. hntiwaa. . . tajr a. higtous. tWaladiaoni. thsFranUi;,,. ti,. it- Clicks, nndthe Adtime of that day, sr, d of tha nun. DLorensea. a- ti.i. Olirrfa 1. I ' ."'" . i. . . . . , Aran, ineie atn no Stat. in ll " pnb- ,1D, no wuiviauaj man, wbo can lilt himself ui nun iianv. ana looa tn hia ei - , , - ww ..... . , ii ... g w ueiur was an imot a nri. .a ,i, r i; O " ... , j lis.; imiH . ; JT ' a siugin BiiHeamati, iir a mjivl(iuw nj.0l '( lS ,,.., , .r , ieir Indivldualitiea In their J. is ... .1..!.. -.i- . . . . " "l.H- "1'llS.A ll l. IT. r ..... .... I. . I ' oniitona, and Q linceys but the 1 ' noaittlciiiau, no real Lv ri 1 ha-l. bievem, iu the whole prn was a third rue man in the ol i X, """" the Clajt and WVbn.'is et' I m il) not a pr-m ! ;,t i, ii, j,, r I i'l 1 I, tl:, t 1. lies ll.i ),, . . lU.onaof KSt. . " !"ir.i(,p f..,ipr'i.i r. roVf'"it-i. t Zr:.JL J,S: " 12.000, while ,h. - tuuiu not nava. exceeded ' Youra. in.. ' A NORTHAMPTON itai?xitd r'li, fttiirt'U. ti,i;ip, just riiemveil. . iLlJJAjI,'jONE8CO. Tho I bv: :!;. ! Jrule of llifi Juliilnto. i' ;. ' sit. ; ; .. TIHS wen know, and popular Institution ia one astki-a iu atieeesatul ojan-alion, and Hi preparad fur tu rscefiui u ul Laucl u ny t.uie. It i uuaer Ui dirsctiuu ol s rrsdnste, and for ftteen years, (op to tits emnmaaesa ui.ai of Ui war) a Frofestor of tba Trrgini minrsMr i.TsriTrrtt, , and a eollsnguii of ( j ' PI. '. "JIT. JACKSON. Sv . j 'lis eo'ir-1 ' .il Mullarr il.a l.u tf, ar, , i my a grusc T0T.T1Z' .. r ' A sebo.ii of t!ii'Otetiel ami : , m wUrh Ls;ii.ji.s ! M ' 'y . ...a auaxa of ailiiuik'u. inu ui. u u . in, .j a., noil are on a ' Caniftial SAililnrr lAnaia, ti.. -p., .1i- f. ,it.. :..-.,;. .1 -.4 ..f .tf. ,1.1, ..,.',. lit IN.1,11... H 1,'U.lfl k,HierHlrtiwui ni( J , . emr of Jtiutiary himUtrv. n-.t a, ; .iihuaUera, st this early dbta sfter ersilc to snutmnoe too- i is i' it of rlis Ylnrln'a ss to uui tne Auada TUIRTUETH EDITIOS Of 1000 EAOU. rriestl.SS. 8ent by niail, postpaid. 112 doaoa. old by sil Utuio Ueaiers t i , OLIVER DITSOS A CO., " Ptiblishars, 27 VI aabuiftun Huvet, Bosvon. '" Pea. i-M . v jMl.fOTXa BBOWK, ElulllllWaaaj.i . aw UlCH'D M. CUXLIvB, . tit Havaanan. ua. Commission lie r o h tin t s - Libsni advanae oa Conalfnmanta. I)e2-aw , ' , "r ' MALE TCACIIEIMTAKTED. A PINGLR man thcrwielily eompetnnt to teaeh tne Latin and EngluK Langnagtt, and who eaa Ji.li.Hl. aaiuwaf-lury toStUIKHUtlS U tm charactnr (u quaJiii. aiMii, enl a stihool in a food neighbor- m,ni.i n ..uafeuVinieoiheer, oranJJiar WOuiil not bs , Jakes wood, ' . Jfoaely Hill Lenoir Co.. N. 0. W TrlOHASJ. KFNNEDf. 'L M " JTAWLlj WAB rllRH, 'PeeMteod ,. Kinaton, V. 0. KOTICE. Anaitber 5,000 rollrj rsUd. Company payment ia fnU It ia Bronar to ail it proepaol for long li caah prsmiam aaiii aad that Mr. Weska had aa fetr a ..j i.i i '.i... r, , iw wis ti r- - n- wu ana anuiraa r U eo-thaa why no folio the Umpl rt eeweT Dao S3.tr W, JtROW; GenT Ag'fc ' .8TATB OF NORTH CAROLINA, T f Alan ascb Cnrsnr. f William C. Jamet and others,- ) Eqt.it Joseph S.lTott and XhomatTTebb. ) 18C4. ! Pursnsnt te a deera of th. Conrt, ofoEauitv mada raujerio diract n nub eati.ni . 1 ..i. ii .11.. c . . -i . I iio 1U iao. their irna d 'le j'srfy, ' day. li'-itJ to till VALtAH.K KKalbEStre ptt a. , . In,.1iVwTca"CiBntr.''V' ?; - TJI virtn of. a deer of th Court of Plana 1 J - wrm aanoa tee- crcrm. Uiraiig by a reeontevTwo hu3 'SS' utroa &rua. td m . ti.. i ... m . . John Jone. and Jo,i AT.L sonf itableiu srannrv aarf t l. .7 "on , ilua ia one of th imwt ds.lr.hle r,U. i, ii,, aifi.t'i !?!?,b",n bnlsitiK.,i' in, , to k-p U tb UlAUli.Uu,, , , .... .e ao-W -Tor UriXcce W i!. ' . i'J a eonn in a in. uanjr Mtuinn puiiii.lied in tha eitv of K.i,.t..K r two wiwilin. fnv tl.. ...ii. . . ; .'''" liiUtit iluit. t master auil nrots auii n.e in.., Orahsm.Daa.M IgAAC C. M. . t . ' .. ;. !. csjslfc vasweu, CotraTT, N. 0. Anumy and m.i. u- iI ii. IllUl'w 'lliu t -it .1 ' '1 1.', ' tu rroressnr oi jrrrn nf nwatt y sii I I'j.it i n i m tarv iiintii'Het anJ 1, . i Cillll t:i!1 6'P'llllIi.- I , 1 ' (!eu ( o '.i i.i i. . .. :, Irene) Si.i I -. tt. o . I i r.'i' sr. I" ...il I . t i Orni I'l't !,'' .tt n i , Stsj'jr il. '1 i.l J.I. ' liiniart luaun.ui t;. i . feasor of ma Vs. h i.. , I i.i'- 1 Httitin ( ,mit Movcy lata 3 ' "--,-- i M. Ariov.... frouMMWot Aiaumu... s, Civil wuHwiag, ajR.aKMtiintf loixwrnphieaianiiluiiuatnal ,u maamtsiii iiini ruei-ir f Iiifantrv tactina. utii.riAl.M, "iim ilii,i.,iih.d Gndu: sod marilnr rtioll irtafrwefor of lnm K. i'I irnil, "-i!ir- iii..r. V us una A,iii. . I C. . .. ! I 'e.l l'rofeaaor. 1 i srtnient or ' 9 J.i" 1 11'S. . 11 W ' 1'-, ' v .t. .. .. - . a , A. i ..I a 1. 1 I l-n- t.'-il to t':a ..J u suii Ciiief df "it B 'it. I'.n- Msl. W. "l t'11" 10 " Virmuis iii.iitarT Inntu: ana roremoieiit sad nintonii , rviciis duriiii th war,)rooiut4 Uptaia of i.i b:t,,t ia tb lata (0. a. nl?il beralstrv, Af-rlenltnral Chemlntry. Osolosy sod illawslegy, Col. LLVVLLMN UOXXUS. 'Uiatiiigmahad Rraduata" of Meal i'omt Mmtarr MiMny, aa4 lata Uuuf of Ar.i.Jwy to Hard - l'rofeaaor of tatln. frnnh Wiki 1 d.i. bras, to b anpomtno' shortly7 hurgooaa iir. ii. W. n. aTRtTDwTCK. ew annunitmania anil Ka ...!. ...j .i.. n... aowflliBd wiUB.ubdjri,V3..ooa aa th. anmbW Of Cadett oaka it dasinljla. . Applicant for Profei.nt, r mnst be sanUmtMa of 8ekmlittoaiidlliliUrwa.li.., - the field, ' """". Candidates for aifeiinlan inr.,M. ... .ji..a - eoms without delay. Untd the lt. of iebrnarvnaxt all thoaa Cadata nntaant at th. . "7."V ' ad forward ui their atadiaa irrwpwtiT 'of tlZZZm t!r. " tana, wenter thHioataS vaaoad elisiaa tnr whirl. th ... k. . ' T ...T rawauai 4. an,, othn, Inibrnart,. - , Gen'l a JB. C0L8T0NT - Xee IWf Bup l fl"boro( Mihiary Aeadaear. AT C0ST"'V "TO C103E THE COKCEHJT ' Oraat sals ef Dry Oooda, Boeit and itW w.t. JTotion 4 ., d. new going oa - " j.' -a . , i- .. , 1,1,.,, ..:...... .. . OlD STAKO Ho. 11 FAIETTETTtt.k tv , vny w otftt oar entir 6took ... t "At costv KJ Vriharta.'i ,t 'fT. 1867, th mh. "'MllSO OIV spSH&33 ' V yupU9 Of MUittf MI OtVB MCtSlV in.f rt,-.!,!! ; . 7111 I'5-sr ' A iwn aaaila ;,,': , , f i s 1 vwmii.o iiL.t ' V : t$mt2?nmt nlUea-doIUr, naunea olIira nrlll ..... t i , . . i I i prie.ortu.tuin.bTa, ,L -;,7de,t:oUIl1?S7 T IABLE trier 'iiMtd sat K !'s for twalv vr on hundred Anv. rtron in oi uar w En. "v.. kb Jxrr.. run ' ',...-..; i.;c:r t " tiud ii;i, n . liii': d W..I, !j in a m "si r. ' i o ot t ritft-1, i i't1. .' I " il 1"" " ' ,. J, i.) C i I t,'i i rs t ,t .it),.,::, w bif :t, 1 r "--I 'i ' ; i.'1-.i ii i. h B ! ")' t on IJ r lute t- ". rlt o d I.nown to eveiv bo ,.!y 1Pr. -'- -.i'Tndmint'.-rcd.attud' i i- ly k-;t tip, with too much .1 i,.B:,i;i,i(,f wll meattiny- i.r- i.e t;..l Uve the Con- ill X inus -a c! t:.t --,, . 1 ,,:l t'S T'lVt.T, ' i do- .'"' 1 Vlillilt.i.liS, Il iSCllLfrfcl f'l I'ifin ever vet ilowed fmm 'a, n:-d "t.-h.- i.'hri, .tY.'.i.i if t i i , 'y in u ami our posterity." Jj of lllfrty it to b d rovcl.'f .nraa- Ii, 1 ive no 1,. L .i cur ,' id ja tl c nioiiry tiir-! . ' ' I "l i A m-' f-'rn,. ti.o ,. tlieia in order t i i ..i , d Hatira to t i . i . , or, whereupon tl o t:jM to the Common Hall, 1. int been a.liniiuttired, and U.o l..n dies delivered, the Speaker pf the nbunccd the ol joct of the joint or tied, tlie Sen itn, retired to their cL en motion f,f ' f. ilaon. the fiermtn i Nt, t 8 o'clock, A. M. i litctf up and t'ia House in- s to receive j l-.-iiu II. mi rnrp.-: ten r-avls, freed,.,.. , ft I hi .;!. at the' fall iw. .rr lur CourL. and, who wa nBi,i..,i... . inor JudiT I'OWle tO l hann..l I- . bat been . respited by Ills Lxceiiency (.,.. Worth, the day appointed tor his exwtiti ing Triday - the Slat of Jimuar,.(f.ri.( JUtriot, , r , : tha 'and rn- h NliW-GOODLV DIXAI-ESl, " " -I'LANN'FLS, ,. ' ' . PRINT rt, ' . -r ' ' SHEETINGS AND' i ' ' . 8"IUTLNG3.4e.,&e, winch I Sia raa.tr to Salt at . .i i.. .., W latar food ounaimina of u nnw ALPACCAS, J ropiJNs, ' ' ' ' . BALjlURAXS,4c.&c B.1y mmim Clothing, Boots and hoel, Ei. Bll Cps, Umbral!-., teH A;-u. - ... .. AT CO STnv:'': ' Plsaae call and th good. : .'..',''.,'',.; ' . ' J. E0SSXEAC5L Mr. L t Heartf, Jf. j ryetto. pd will do wall to rut. dent of tha aan..n board can be e ns l i c i . oolian per nionth m ,....; . pounds of pork. voropsieni amt.-mt ni k, W eoiulltnd tn ..,. il.. . . how tbsir ehil.lren proitreac r7 M I' "Ut ted hsalthT naAKiiuu uoiIEt. J. YOUNr. - ?9 rtFrw. tMAiJUfi. .i " v TTV ii i 00 IS at smri aA. - r ... .T riJt ... .... WFW?aa. 4X201$ WIS A H. - - alii Stock rawoUr ml....j . aa iZTJ: - - V - i V ' L AT CCiT. " il tin I'hi.l o Oi , , orSlniiih. 1 i. ed tha I.ar?. ..j . . tswaa. i i.Z 'V iw"i-.tr i - - ... ...u a ..wl. i i , - " ve sear i. tn "oudat boarder b a ii, w..? t -TIU, st,-" Saxraea, N, ft u ki:at. LOST. 'A r,CB'nT"rr",E for oc. -,, -a- . i-. ii. i;. ,in a fl u L , il-.3' J W.BLOCST.aOmr. - " A riXE n3 eomforubl Honaa .it. 1 urn.i ... n I.. I. .. El l.lii at tba Rili io 19 tf iU ' t 1, titnated la tba rroarlT oeoupiad ' aw ltna -1 w c. t. nuv uLa ri vi vs. ' W. I k. r"ld,W,,k. OoldBle. A. .... Wali h tha awuaraank.-. kl . . 0ee9l.lt tha ..uarn l..' k"" ,". TT "". ... itwrnnin; it J UUiiuu With.nv) Law,, On door balow ifr. villa Su'eat, Dm 11-Sf Tn Salkx Pass. This Inn iv c..t joint or- "d popular paper has been discontin'io i , !' .vrn-h" U N tncoeeded' in a tcwSMaTt bv 1 .. ' I and .oed 1 ir i ii.l- tM. K ('ItrrmtT Will l,n m.'.T.,. .i. . ti.rinl mntnr.t rt Vf . t..l.. ir .. .. .......... v. ..miii n. jj.)nrr a r-ntkmeil of genius and talent, and the .eeverai poem of considerable merit. r i L ""i OF COMMONS.. , .: , , V.H-.RlUt, Dec, E.'ni;jS-3. 'i e.died to order at 10) o'elm k. : h eJ tu 5?aMra! ' and in." I Constable f Meri.i,ni.r. countv; a toll ia favor of W. A Phitnntt KkJ iJof Granvi.lei abill to amend tha ri,0.'.. the N. C. Jokl ' Clock'; Pulllamiig 'Cou.p ' 1 The white man. name.! .T i,,,.. ' rfJUrutJJ at the last.Caswil finuerlor f-,.,- V - c; ::i-e that forfeited 1...I. .ui who was"' Alauianca iiul f .ranie a. ; ,; - lti, escape. x,ra. Timet. T A I, creasing tis ..Mr, 4, biiij.J..a.l. Ui'viiu.,1,,,, lttWlwav-- - ta.....AV.;.... rkra tErcwrBcit ase, tor, tier w u , v '.. j ir. uuu uniirjs lift:,. i .,lo , .... c!in la Good north, hst placed tinlop,,, , ( f mturrb1ock of goodiefaMkif, , ko,-,., , ' luin.r ti.nii Guuiia bat' ben t . . . . Market aiuc th cloaa of the w.ir. Our Bumerou enstomer boiu in , t c Stste, have )oag tinea ba eontiiu-' t 1 w hat been, and ar now tellies , at lor prttha any othsr Uuua ; w tAJI aObrd to do this, w keep one ef onr drra Aonataotly in th Northtra JuajksU Jnyrti avyi ' ' fuj'. w. n. & r. t. . v . :;r r? i- ro :::s- . ."KATT-I . Tnow n -sped r I AJ th Tar-v l.iu. . -ATMaytU-iii.Sta 4 liZZVi? r-y. rio. r. cat or 3. r ,. ' . I . ALSO, "' ; .,-.;. Kcr.Taa (VI bnat ...I,.. . r.-t'Ui. - 1 "7. IB Basra la boxes forfamlf. "(".. ;"-.. n. i 6i.a I" ..n.-. r.'u t . " 1 .ii i. ii'. W'i ' . v.j ( t'- J.T. t j. I Urm Iwil Bliilo, IDu-Clii AK0: J. uh naa, Lawt' X tr.a pr. - n if 1 1 , frm ni i v ' l till. '.leal Li onu.r, 1 ms f,w 11..:. ar -if tn valofbestFamilTFle.,r ixixiAii, Ju.i,r3Aco. JWV.lt v.J rao lJ-ija li. ti 1 "ul rent oa (Mir . til , iair tinf, (nd -srau-.'Y. ta 1 eioauen ' ", sntt ad eorn. J ', l're t . o tr 1 r 1 'lnitmss p ,,, nr. I LL! V..., . : 7r-M 3&CO. inns TT. t- , t 'n f' I"e l-tf "Ewtt : ,...fORHliij ,. '"" 60 Tna? ' ... AtgrtsUraduced . ,t bp from tie owor.ntoFi DOT A ii V I i A3 11 n r r s 1 ' 1 :,a Biieiir. p ace. ' ! 11. 1,'t ronimna lia' .... town f tiuif Slot, . ACUIiK .ti buy vr. 1, & CO. ... 1 t;.i SALr..- : ;.i,. : VS't. 1 Btsiiertsry Fnrin of M hnra power wits a t 'o-n 0n ixKwr ui aa hont and w miil euat. y., i ur fuiiuwi pajruoulsra, aitUresa.. , . '-'I . At J.AhOBanpi.-Tnf aur.. ybyapplyuig tT ' dl '.fur siuar a ,.. ,wo , 1 w IbhALSO SELL OB BEXT itrr'lrT.-""4"" rltorv. .-. r... ii..n Uu7 """, --ot Lead. Soet -awiwai ator Iionaa, th I Aay panw wihg to " -"''-'.', t-mt0 , r ' . : - a Ul. I,t j.Cn. r..',.. . .' . Orabam, Aramaae eru. 1uTiii -tn" A$U vtt aai.K. ... t ' J'' -' '" " A-iw-lO0Ti:R;' '44; - -J . ' ' Bona Lai, X. ft I " O iiT1 -iiaauoii.-, U S. C. Buak XM la-li l A CO

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