THE .'SENTINEL. -7 M-M. K. riiLI Suite ft-lntcr. i A 1 i . . j w: : as I . i t "Si xruais or sruscniiTiov. , Tt WrtKLT8umiir,t pabhsbed hi.j" Monday -. . .1... , '. , Aut WltXLTM tWai-days asj v, ....ilars". Terms; ' V ... "naysar, taadvaaes, fiu. "a-', la j, 1 - o i,.iT, ( bbooiIii, 11" - m- tilT.a tn i lain.- -, Hi MMMM ft " ' IM M -IM IN SIlCS, ' I aBO, l. nuLii:: ' r-olutuHi d injr ft Loyalty if ' ,...-,i.v. the resolutions' were e of Commons, a i -n tue desk of Sen , i tut satisfied they c i .ho to tue r 'i in oi ilia dav, i met my eor... of trial I, toit I i elements demanded 'Dicir olyccU and il approval, but in 'avid iitate, when the. 1 C. ' ' 'li'! ; . :, li i.r . ii -over her; when i hail at lived; 1 .-n ilie !' r ' I in , v ill ..ill: nns Jiictmuiviit uu Lull ... inii.y, wliuU I unt in oiid to tbink rep. ' x r!ie true aentiiiKiiis nf Hoilk Carolioa, ;i to the world at larfre aoleinn and t p.jlwt r. iinttt t.:e hiut miareprwn it'4 ., ii.ii!'. ? li tue btata, and to : li;:iit, -the honeaty and i - ,. r i.iple accepted tbe re ' t ifiicwc.l their; allegiance " 1 t v. riiiin nt. I fi it that we were t' 1 throiiifh which our auffeiing M-mmi ppi ii:e cmna mM tliem- t i !..-m J la the Commits of that ' nation of 'i v f- t fe ctuiiuct to be part and parcel, bot v. ,..4 v. , ne are ueuaa all aasociatioa - aad .. txrrptlhroash the tax-collectors. 'i iiir "'itf ' V'"' ! nd i.ii. iriro- cn t t i 4rv Hint thry ihould b enun i, dignified and truthful manner. f North Carolina, during the war a i s ti .....nation. Have aone nothiiin ..nation, cave done y, UU their iutausr preatiija and hon- . CioDkiktent in tluik boatility t leciiiu. 9 thereto. the fullest vindication ot ihclr - honenty or purpose end integrity of action rests In trntlif Ul statement and clear understanding Of their present feelings and desires towards the General Government.,. Korth Carolina has done mH she can honorably do ti compt with ber . obligations, aod.Gixtoaly knows at what inv i;. menite cxjuui, Eh cannot and will not sacri- . See hot Hj aiibood by complying with demands inconaistent alike to her rights and to ber ' In Isgrityi It eccepTed and restored, It ' must" tt - - as an honorable equ al or not at all. Those who . lave louglit snd suffered toirrtlier, must either pronpiT together or fwinh together. Poor !,1 twatel grandorin I . r fortunts than in lar . iryprrity; glories, i: .aiful thjugh they be, (luster around her Li . in nndimoied brillian- - ry. Cursed be that i! prenreate sob Who would .'MtMhnktolmlsli tin-in. 1 '., .- :s , i ' V f Ppe'akiir, J have the honor In represent county that bad the reputation of being in ad vance of all the other in the Stat in its advo- - r.-y nf thdw!fin of nerwion, and, Pir, I in r; Ji..i;;sible in as great a digros as any at hir tilUfil ftt Uie decided stand she took ia that ' aiontttutous issue, I t'.nnfrht that I understood ' '" what tbet issue oop ded. I saadeno st- tempt to conceal t! ? conflict, bat urged Others snd preprM it to meet it. I anti- eipsted thaf'pr'iine.l 'd war" wonld pre. sent Its horrid)-"t. i i ii strife, with all its 'attendant . . .iced tbw!r npon r.y vision." The lurid glare ol tie l.-U.e held ; the groans oftho woooded n4.Bjing; the pallid faces of the desd ; the onward march of victory; the terrible retreat of Oekfk j the eloads ova - hansinr bamlnir xities,'towns and villages; the blackened ruins oi beloved homesteads ; the 1 tesrs and prayers of widows and orphans, all, all rose W view j but tbel petH. of duty- aad honor wan plain. Kar year I had seen that the actional difficulty-.- aifflculty for wbioh the presenr feneration was in no way responsi- I ' U c' tf, too late. . If, forty six years before, " we t H -, re . . a - n, en then - i. til inttcaa oi comprouiiBing, lue - mint have been reversed. , Our ! iiMtitutinnsbad beeomvta4 . .-.4ty; .'.They had to tentwtaed I. . aid our domestic and public x t to alioliah or dosUoy t(Im.. pro- !utioa Immed'u'tty. jj-: a y one, vtho Viewed passing events i 1 lorebodinr", calmly and consid- ,i.t to interpr-1 the sign ot the times! y, l any one clof-e his r n to the fact, or fail rmpnhd ttt 1-- ti iiic1i it tanht, that 1 party, w liT fl avowed purpose was to iisatjiution ot the South, and the i ' !nr..t of etrerptb wa hostil ... l tint pttjf nx -years ' ti!y grew to be a con. i A i . niy, too, that would : n-n:; i I.) - i , .! k -j t : -. very inuniiation npon ; i - ul lbno rested. thon -i -n! t'pon us whether we In ti,. r we would lie supine a ! ' ! n 1 we held sacred Stid .e win i it or Mt. ,; our I " : . .in tii, or rii-e mftu- Hi I ii. ' '1 from Bolile an- t i ' t our r . tits and ,i.o ui i,.o tiiOit, was the i d ii r i. ir si-ccptance. For I 'f.r. i r t.n course I hnve ; ri i i vrt tl the terrible . f the more terrible ; the future. t 1 t i ted : ' I -.- f ti HIV j- i i i.j', and r i t l ui 'i" t t'ie i . i .r l i cnilict. In ' i i f my country-'' id il i.. jr r 14 t i (it V "t 1 , , ir-l." I m wiui ii-- - -I voted wi.. .-Oa--'- l I l ' I" Il a. : :. atiility and id t-ioutliern . i I In iiiimi pi rat .i v it ike the soil o( the i ' ss the EnetUh ' 1 ii. l a.l iu i power to of ti.e r-uitii. But the do- f i. Bint, i' r. Speaker, the f . j id the mrrpnder of O'lr ' M ,.ivd M f.wl. decision of the ' . v.hib had o 1""" '-Tided tlie see. i ... ' s, bad staked t' - upon ie I ' -r t .uie and bad i Me tad done -"" v it. . -i 1 lltBT ait i tbe i a it,.l ,l't 11 U"UVI MVi"'l ' -ww , ftfltl H44-UUI i.i. ebi U;junmust tcit. . ....... v, wi 'i t'- bonissly ot Hirpoe and C- p. it- nr. w -41441.. '4, .. . -111. Mi U 1 beae ecceptea turn wi". " ., , . , ,,,. . St 'and by consequence, a material part of T", ' v, I Ti cwded as tie out n. il tro- j;-;ite Vror.i. -I wfor ywUinzbon- . i- a arnod cnoe. 1 1- :wcv. jfc.Jf ws. 1 U ' f .4 i r ',! VOL. 1. It endnrwd th Mtitm of CM CoDTeutUm U(l Utfiwutur in placing tb teal of oblirioq upon th.. mneK, Jy Wlo, effort $juco tU(. ,ur, fei" . " ! il l) l'U to iliflllitns-yi 441 lr tunnk n ing t. t laiiUtu their oblicaUom ud ttcnin to uwtu the sbattured fragmciitg pf gorermncnt Bdiiniore jicuco and tisrmon. Tliis lien done with'ztl. and 4 aincl.4n.wi. ot purjxAio mot commondiible la them, mvl lit Ii oi. ;ht tn liar. won tU. confldene of tu iinrtlii ni I n.i. 'o and met pnntinl nH Uw. t!f n i in..-,a. Our nxnnU hT rfm... ii... - I . - '' 4B4 4UCJ i nl coiiniiti lit w i tli manhood. Tcnot kts " 11 li-.i if us ilhm)iirh u. u.i "' ' ' ' ttuUi.'y oiirscivt-a. W I. .4 444444 ti.4 4' - n4.lW4 1-!.-. limy tiil (ii;.!ii)iiort-ii and i -noble uinves. We euiiuot consent tliat those livinff powei-s.wbo so gallantly fought for the honor and safety cf V.....4I. j..:.. .i.ii i.4 ... i Aii'iiu vimiuiiB, nuii imiiircrer iimnonoreu ana distranchistd. Xo 1 3tr. Ppeaker, magnanii mous antngouist would never ask us to degrade ourselves thus. We are prepared to make loyaf citiKtu Qf the Kallouftl Uovcrnmcnt, wbich is all that ought or should now tx demanded of ui. The action of the entire Sooth prove fn- Biwiesiioiy tust tney are prepared to uo ttiis, oui sot to accept aisuooor, ' Mr. Bjieaker, the resolnlion recite that there are evil minded persons among os, who, lor reasons known best to themselves, are engaged ia misrepresenting a;I regret to say that such is the case.' ITie" tesottttoB also deny the charge that Union men in our midst sre persecu ted lir opinion's sake. This is a vcrv common charge, and one that has done i m? ia; i ne cumnuon of lue inortu stjan any oiusrr Decsuw t4t ana ttestgmng men or this section MMJiaposea opoH tho-tCTiriitrmii'NojJ jlOBg.SIBBBj. men Who were honest 'and ooa- "Man in ineir wvow to ua tuioa uuring the entire war, . It Is trjue that we were so im pressed with tbe belief that they were in error that w could aot do. then entire justice, but I Bppeat to those very men, now Jjiat the smoke of battle has cleared off, and the excitement of tit time, baa passed sway; and' reason and so-bes-iboairht resumed their a war. tf the people of North Carolina bave not Yielded, to them their aecuatouiod conCdence. . lo-my owa coun ty ther were a fw oi this clana. whose liil- drcn perisbed oa the Held of battle ki defence of the Btate, whose property Was almost en tirely swept away, but v. Ln never wervd In their devotion to the causoof the ITnii - If ve tbey lost the confidence' of the people, of that secession county I Far from it. And my word for it, that when you find a consistent and gen nine Union mitn, jotl will find a man who deep ly sympathiw with the suffering of his fellow citizens and tu'.'y ileturrahic'd to link his dcs "SbVf tvftli that of the Stt.-.tWWal or woo. "' But there is"a class ot Intn in Koi lTi Cirfoitn, Sfr. SMmkr, that I refer set with lout uing men who were instrumental in "Urinir the bouthein ba'tl'and did all they could to i r pare the minds of tbe Southern people for the coming conflict, and during the earlier "years of the war, when, victory perched upon the Confcrtoratir banner, and 8oiitbm independence seemed almost an accoaiplikbeil fact, were '. flia ' intwt devoted, iiicnds of iho uibern cauae'Jjut when the seen chsiigedt aad-the-tide if battle .turned. and the shattered and exbtumtca ranks ot tbe Con fcdcmcT retired JicJoiti ihalcUappiittid armies of the linilixl Statos, and the time ar rived which tried men's SoHlt, atid the final great conflict was upon us, od disaster and de feat seemed aboitt' to'compd'aurrender, tbry, like eravens, as they are, lent their aid to the enemies of the -people to hasten the sad catiis trophft ...TUfi'B lniUim4a4.thoii4iwso iow ciaiui peculiur and spedai consideration at the hands of the National Government, as con sistent and honest Union men, and are at this wer 10 iii-raue, iiiiuui i JtTBBSmbi:'nsfinB"jTnTo oiir niTtrstj . . ... ayetnim our very wculative llalls, like the as sassin at orght, to coni)ire with -the acknowl sxlgecl enemies of their tellow-cltlzens, to plunge the knife deeper and. deeper into the vital of their own people. . Sir. Speaker, - the JUnqlish language slbirds bo word sulliciently compre hensive to )t press the deep loathing and con tempt I have fur such men. ' ,," rosfponeraant of Valuation of Lands, , Tlie lolnwlrig important resolution passicj by the Lfgi'sltituire, we publish for gcnernHnforma- tJon : ' i " , ' r a ttiff.rTii to- rewposi-THii VAi.raTiolt Ot TUB LANDS OV TUB BTATB. ' t Wbrhkas, In tlieopinWmot theGeneral As semWy, from the tnwttled condition ol the labor System in many part of he- fjtate, nd the onccrtainty ot our political conuition, toj'ethr r with a scarcity of a circulatint; picdi um. nml otiier causes, the valualion of ths land of the Mate in tlie j-ar 1807, will be, if carried into eilcct, altogether uncertain, and in macy cases imruacomably low, and whereas it Is l- lieve.l, tl ,t it is more etpiitable to levy a low rate oil. ixi-3 on the valuation of 18C0, with provision fr V ihiation in case of extraordinary liisn or i? th-iu to imiiosea bifher rate on - a new and ti -prrisWd Mtimate., lercfore c..;;, JktolteJ, That so mm h of the act for eolleo tbjr lievenuc, tatified Manh 12th, ISC, as provides t'.r a re-valuation of the - lands of the Ktata in the jcar 1S67, b repealed, and the Tiives on real estate, ia ISC?, ' lmoed. OB the Valuation thereof made in iMii), ea ifled under the provision for valuation in spe cial at by section 29 of the Slid act for col ieclinf Hevi-nue,' f Gmrrnl AwmWy trad thrm time and tidiJUi ihU 15th day of VectmUr, A. J., 1?8. ' , i ' , . . R T.McAtENV'. -'JL i i Fptairrof tlvellovt of Cirmmnnt. 4 ..-j.;-.:;;;.,... ... m j manly. flpenlrr cf lit hrnnlf. 6TATK OF JiOkI il CAIiOIIVi, XtttrAB-niuMToir stair, y Jinlriflt, K G, Vtf. n'A, lao6 li It W. Best, Pccrcfary of Mate, do hcr fcy certilV that the fnref.'oin is s tr ic e )y oi t . oritjinal on file In this Oihre. ;iU-ttB0der Br li-iud this 2C. i 41 iy of I . JSiJ.. "'' 1 ' '' " ' Xl,V. TEST, BicrU ir tl . - J; k3 i i 44'! . SEMI--W"rKLY. I wortD batiick Bu ri: r. r i UALtliail; SATUI1DA " ; ' HEilANfTS CV ' ' , ' ' " ' 1Z.X 103. 0? CAIA2?,TJ3. ' In fi 'lhv.H k th S'J(,'; m Ui bU to tUt;t t- . jvrimlictiim, iff tht Court and 0 t4't , pleading, j.- - - -- i t Mr. frbAtxra :-I view the till tin 3. r n u ideratum ona of vital impflrt; iiiU L', u'.id it do rounds ourmoat mature and dvtiU'riiterouxi i i .i tion. -Ij-f grrt to diifor with my fricadi rvh i nianifuit m much iuterostia the jia;.'e oft!. bill, , I tm ncnsibly iniprtvl wiih t!ed!r-.-d conditiiin of cur pfuplc, mi-l artxloi- ny ni' inliia- of II.-ii t. .!...t f.-.ry ! luiHtc ni'iixirc I t t' r ii li..!". ;i i , i j -; ' '' . ' 4 i.l- I. I - 4. j-'C a.4Vlt -"4 14 44.. ' !t wilh',hrj'ort liM.8, or iu other words, that iliis ordinanee shall only expire with its own Jimi tatiou. TUc Convention was either a legally p Stl illegally constituted body. If illegal, 'neither tlie people nor the Courts tire bound by its ao tion ; but the people llsve scijuienced iu its acts, snd the Courts fif th!! mm BSvamegisiswd Hi validity, - The Convention mut be regarded ai a Convention of plenary aiid unlimitud powers exeopt so far at it was restrained by the Coa4 titutfoB ot the United States, else there is no Governor, no Leirijlatare. hor other oflicew,snd ail tlie laws and acts of this Legislature will be void. If tbe Convention wan limited in il powers to specific objects, it had no power over any other objects or subjects, Snd if it were so 4-iimited H iselesr that the ordinance tailed tlie Buy law wa illegally passed. But tint 'Bu- I- pretne Court ns recounited the Vati.litv T thd power of the Convention to repeal t Hfn WTBrtWlqrtiirt 'tlmflf toavionvenrtott unit power to "fvprai, it had the same power to onset e bV; im tiiB'iiti"ctif f th ConveTttfoti WiffirmiTTorivciilToii and im limited in its powers, it bd power to alter thd Constitution or cm ke a now one out aad out,-. to tnakte ordinary and ettnttirdlnitry laws, li lt bad the power to mske a fundamental I f of Indefinite duration, it bad the power to t v one of definite duration; ' If it could itttla t iu basis of representation for ten voars it could do it for twenty. If it could tie the hands of the Legislature forevt-rr It could tie thcin for two- It u taanifcst that if the Convention had the power to prohibit the' Legislature from pas-iintr a stay law at any time, it had the "power to prohilitt it for a limited time, and if it had the power to prohibit the excrciw of such a power by the Legislature, it had the power to exen-isa 1t Itself sud for such time as it should be deemed It is not pecearv to tint anv frropenhil.le law in tlie-'Constitution. ' 'j'he or.linanrc lis.; tha 'Beat of government at It ih-i "! iii not in i ;.o Cim- codoof Taniiaraental laws c .-..u- I tion. Tt exists by 1 itself, t . i tFrt4ttl!i44U444444..l ? titk-d ' ordiiiam-o iii.i i... , . ordnance are la force, and f. r "t The Ordinance is not technie.iiiv r pi a p. Con stitntion y yet it can not be alt Whe B the power to do so is expresaly ; -It this be not so, then the conventiun i -power at all a a convention, and its or l. reiatitsg to, tlie war deit is a mert mi1!1'?. - As it exist it prohibits the Ocni-ral A- a Wy forever to issume such debtii. Jsow if tin-re any virtu in this ordinance culd n.'t t!.: convention have forbidden the Li ijis' itnte to pavsnclrdebt nntit the year l?;-0 And if it bad done so could the Lejjida'- e inteni vc l-a-fore that timet J - , ' ' r' ' , ; ' " la reference t the Stay Law Ordinance ftie purpose of tbecoflvention to-prbiblt the, .inter. Terence of tbe Legislature is manifest. ' ; ' 'f The ordlntinee declariiijj yo.isl.i'iji.ttr.rHiittu'f "of Slay gotl'i, 1 .-U 1, ia not a part of the Coiiati tiittoB technically, Imt is as iundatii'-fittd ft if it were and could not be abrogated by aiy leg islative body; neither could trie sent ut 'vi-m- cd tytn8 in ijiiiiiin e e!' a r,. .,-,. ' . C4B4 1 I4II4I ithuMt.tbo act of -sv &ttViUutt, The Idea that S Convention may enact a futi-i mental jaw for all time, but cannot lor a limit. I time, is absurd, and tliat'a Legulatuiii i.: j touch the latter but not the former, is pi. ...- terou Indeed. ' :.. . - - "' Bnt, Mr. Speaker, I hare detained you Ion; r tban I intended, and I am ttware the Iloue U becoming impuiieiit to vote on this irnport.iiit measure. : ' - 1 ; . 11' I am in error, I sm with some of the br; Vt- est hgl Intel !ie- of the State. i- Ibunkimr tUo llousij f.riu puti-nt and attention,-!, resume my sent. " " TUB rit OiHI TO lift PKOKOUNCLD C.NCOKsi-t-TUTU i.t At. The Supreme Court, in the cae of O. Tf. Car land, t tirle, will certainly decide on M " ! v next t nut the test' -Oaf h, so far si i t a to attorners practicing in United S'au-B tuuii... i-. UJieonsiitutinnril. This virtnully covets t . whole ground ajrniiist the test oath in anTci Justice Giier will deliver an opinion. BV . TF.I rrclltAt, f.OVEllSMKNr Viift MtW r-l ". ,A, Badii'.d member is pi-rl'i ninsr a bid to guarantee to the relate of Mi-w York a r'-;iib'i' can form of p ivernmenf. It j Im-id oa C o ground that ii! criiiiinatinn mule in tiiefl-!fti Itaocbid by the bw of Kew York in Ttnlrii'" a property jnn!ificat ion trnmoolomil wrn is.rmt repubiicas, and sunt bo donesway viUS.W. 4B tTtojl -Of BOISTifKR SrA lHaVT.! At the same t me, I ;ii will f !' : aboli-i'iiinct the Sentj giivcrmii. Ms -t ,"i, i ; aniV Ik !a re. ,h. TliiNew oik papers in . t:ns of Mr. William Browne, tl n e! h--t er' t i i city. and t a-of'-r ' - ri-ti e -' i tlie father of r. Wn.iani C i.l lu. , . city, whole skill and mcrei as aa h. l &i well known. Mr. II. is one of t' e ru f s plifhet! painters in the" :!, I'-y, i. i ! Bt" sre ret,, -r.t i ... . i. -"We are plea-' - t to I--an I., t I.r t at present, utv hi a portrut ol In not .i son. He w i iu I to I 1 subject. t l( (i u i u V u j v. j . rihv dm i I. r ill I t,c sK'.i imii witliwlii-h bo Irn l.i n tli death of bis joi;' ' t. ',' t sr.J estuuable joun? ludy, v , 'tfg circle' ol frieui t.:-l i. - ; If i 4 4rt-i4 S " t no rm-.iuKiir..iiBrr cu."'J i, )ECEE2ii)Kn 20. 18GG. .: -, CAf Ilyl CP. 1ZZ ACI3 1 r.tT.:ilutioai, Passed nt the Tint St o:i cftbr Gmeral Aiivn.l'j JS:3-'C7. 1, .A i At t la fMcinl the ii--it T a t tlia I if'a.i iiml yii'irti-r -H4I t tin t nun- t V. - .n Art i iifltilo tin' toimt v Cmtrt i( Crr iii'il.ind ti txii'iul tlmir 4 B-min. I'riviUu to (tip iil)V43 uouiilic-a ot t-rni i f 1 1 irt. .nniy l wirtu troin i . i 1T ti hold tiio -Courts, I'.uc of wn. have power to act.) , . , 4. An Act to authorize the Dismal 8aiiil Cana! Company to issue eight per ctiit bonds.' 6. An Act to postpone the special term ap pointed lor the County of Chowan, on the ond Monday of December; 1803.:: "(t'osfjxine the time, until the Wednesday after the first Jtonaay oi r-trusrj, 1HU7, and grants the pnvi ilepre of e.wtiiniiiir4the term two weeks if rows- "ry-! ".. i .. . - ' - tl. An Acttosmend theClisrtcroftUevTash-i in;rton Toll llrldije Company. ; 7. An Act to extend the time for h eulleo. tioit of taxes tn certain Conotie.i (Gives the SherilTs and Tsx Collectors of the Counties of Alexander, Wilkes, Beaufort, Polk, Rutherford McDowell, Mitchell, Burke, Watanga, Caldwell, Cat at- ha, Lincoln, Cleaveland sad Gaston, tlma until t e first day of Marel.lOt.tomaA;fi.afitI tl-inent with tbePuhlio Treasurer.) v,.-'" j b. Act to protect tue people ol Chatham rnUtliV"XAJ'--f1 Sufiff-n stihl -Ottnfy tune, vinti) the 1st of March 1807, to settle taxca With Public Trewurcr.) t '.; -j 1 8. An Act ta iuake Valid tha aals'of tlie oW Jail let by the1 County Court of Edgecombe, end to secure the title to the purchaser, and to sell and purchase other lands for certain purpose es. ( the Cbuirmart ot tbe County Court to make titles, and majority of the Jus tices to sell and bny other lots for the parpos of building a Jail snd stocks) - 10. An Act to amend Sec. 1st of chapter COtli of tho law of Korth Csrolina passed by tlm (ieneral Assembly of 18(1 V6t), relative to lioad Ferries' nd Bridge.' (Limiu the age to forty five instead of fifty years.) J ii -i i-: .-.; 1 1 1. An Act to chancre the time of holding the Courts of Fleas and Quarter sessions of Alexan--tier County. (Changes the time from tho third Monday of March, June, (September and Decem ber, to the first Monday, in rath of the above named immtlis.).' , .vi . f- ,, ,. .,M .... .1 13. An Act to change tlie time of bolil'ng tlie f '..urN ,, j !i -(nfind Quarter Hesstous'of Yailkin ( i'-'i!"" tho timefroift th fiialMou-' '-- 'ifil, ,T -'v end 0-i..t.i-, tot'ifl. I tf'. it" U C UU.)... KI ....I44.444. 15. An A t j "ajt!nr a general ainiieaty and 1 .(on i.isl i!4.ii-ers and soldier of the Stat at .n i c ..ii. of the Into Confederate Bu.fes ii . .-.I . ., cr i ho United States, for offence coro 1,.,:,. ..I n:iinst the criminal laws of the Btate.of North Carolina, . '' . - ', , ; !, A" Art to i!'-nTFnTnf? the MrVnn Tire iiei;ine Company, No, 1, ia the town of Fayette ' . ' 1 ' . " ; ..''.r';,' "';, l". An Act in faviir ol tP.Il4Wii.-Ao t' the Clerk of tii County Court of Ca- b;-rrits to make title to said Harris for old Jail1 I ... . . ... v'.- .. n.r ril in. An Aei to ailieutl acnor inerviua vi s n li p. i -on a may suffer from the destruction of tin- record and other papers, of the several tmintW of tlie State and f.r other purposes. ( mends so "as to" read "U petitions to deolare ilie etjiit ntMf a det.l or will Of any matter of r. coed shall be filed wftbia five year next aftor :th ruiitiiai'mo id' this sW" .. . 17. An Act to re-enact and eoufirm the char- ii tof-tb'nJIV it!ii!iii-!.imi!.l J i0fistfe !nwir t ,'o'np any aud tii aiiieiidiueiit"therota .(It le U aot; bm by said Company mulef lln- old charter and amendments sine the Close 'of the war.). ' . ,' -,- .... . 1-.- , "' If. "An Act' to Incorporate the yaaceyville slid Milton lUilruad Coiopaay.. 4 - i T 19. And act to incorporate th 27wbera Steam Fire Company No. 1. , , - 23. An Act for the relief of di-al ! d soldiers (rrovidff that when It in (li finitely ascertain ed that tho artificial limbs caunot be made to be of Scrvh e tin n the Applicant abaft te cntittr d t.a receive the amount pui I by the State for the ll'T,'.,) - i ...... ....;,..,,,,,;.. " s I. An Act for the relief of James 8. Snow, .! of cien'y. (Allows time until V iuli lit, Jt';7, Ii seiile taxe with Put lie I n- , -nr-er.l .' An Act, toet t ? value of tJ-' i '? 1 f ir f !.. ..lid t in r to i !! tiim of tha VV .- v- i . ( : II . t 1 : i i'c H-l i . : -l f t in".!.', i.l. nt and Jjin .-etor of to i.-nie liomls bearing I to execute Dlorti ; '6 N. t'. . ii ., t'nt I'll U. .U. o. t R i -, to t' iiUret, 4iii I i;TiiiH-4 r ct fan IMTHl-.J ... . , Aii Act to I'liifimn r the Cminfy Court of i.laiig to bold i-vti.i teim. i'A!i;!i,iri..'S t ',.(' to-ord-r e.xtr 'trrin of ti.e ( ouftty f ...nt when in tie ir j:i.lgit'nt the puwiO tu t ret reipiire it.) tt. A ii Act t rliiiiige too name oi me euro- i J Hit 'o"fr 'In-ninnce ninlTrUat Company. ; , .ii t!. ntmi- t i "Ti:(i AmtlicaU Joint . i; - i I ! t-. i..; ac;.") . A.i Ait to r- p. al all act fctretolor t .--.I -i in r. I.ition to thn incorporation ot the ; i,vn ..I 'i..-: r.t -n. and to iro id a tubatitut ft An Ac! ti a!i.- I.-.- to Justice of the in "lii I'Uii iitmi eoniily snd to incn-sae i i' (' oi a i'l s.ii.l i-.nntv.' r, --:- T . An Act for i,,m rout, ruction of abridge - ' i "..t j l m iMiintf ot Coera I imd for ir.hcr I"hiiiim. (Atitiionwrs - Mr. i,i ,i ,t I t ti.e sAlenl I neroKee lancts, i t KUIll tii ; 0 0 for the con- I i i i ir ill i C. -1 .' I". tO 4. 114-4 - h ci-i. mo I'm 4 I uinpuny i . i.i. 1 al ( i 'tile I reiii-ti r-r ) and to ) oa rfcl ruadaed auihor- Jiip.j;;.. jo: 't ".! Wi. 4.j - tt'Vi HI it I' ' ""'",i 1 1 r;o: C2. t (in 1 Ii ' ) f mortirrt rc,! Inn limit not loss t!i an i ( cent iutt-rft ) E9. An Act profiling f t 1'imne Avlum. fApnrimr t of t' "'ii r tH l'r the !! i.7 '( and t: . , r rt tue builu.i ' t Act to en hi 'i t ul t:m f inhiTluinoi firicf. rTi 1 a- t e . f r i it 1 1 1 1, A -r. ,t 07 to (, ,.. !: I t til iir 1 i H I r r.t I t ! mom y to tvii I . ,- i aid Company toboimwl . the property to py th debt i 91. An Act to a ni 'i 1 tlie ( of Wilson' 81 An Act concerniii ; i J Sii.l r rf ' -! nn in criminal case,' (Aay person eont., t of enpiial felony ami sentence! to aeatn, an.t who is mini, la to give seeiirity for an appeal to the Supreme uourr, ine same snail oe granted wtthout so curity.' ' ' " ., '' - 84. An Act to incorporate the town of Dur ham in the county of Orange. , . - v,85. A Act to Incorporate the Thomas Gold Mining Company in tha oouaty of Franklin, BtL.An Act to Incorporate t! - Co lint Gold Mining Company in tho county - Frnr i on, ' 91. Aa Act for the relief of" W. A. 1 hiinot. terifToirv1lle-wnBtyr,TAIIowi limo to the iatholAlaroli ltW7 to settle with' the n- lTwuwtWMieiTf taresdue. i 93. An Act to Inconorate the hturtre Gold Mining Company in the county of Franklin. vi. ab Act to smemt see. End or an act to Incorporate the town of Marshall." - - U, Aa Act to amend the Drd section ot the 87th chap, of the Revised Code entitled "Rcli-i giotis Societies." (Adds alter the word "to" at the end of the 8th line the word "take by devise," and repeal the proviso la said section, all of which only applie to St. James' cb urch la tlie city of Wilmington.) , , " - ..' - . .. I iA. LkU&iWt :V4Hlll'lf I BXaOMTTIOJI. 1,44,..,,, i I.XTtesolution in regard to the message of the Governor snd the report of the Fublio Treanimr. (Request the Governor to bave printed, in advance of the meetinir of the Ccn- oral Assembly, a sufUolent Bomber of bis r"-i- ' to supply eaeti tnemtier with ten rm Sim i.o titiiiiireiuor tliei-xccutive li, tait - t, and the Public Tre.anurer a l.!,e buuiiW of los report.) " - -.- . 3. A Resolution to aim ml an i .linn pained -.1 A'-i.ntbtv. " to ineluil ' T..C.'. ".78-. at th present senioa of tho i: .(tio amend the atiove r ji r. re,.- - , ft!-- ( t -'I t U.41 LII... i- B. A Jvl SOI U llOU IU Ulull.l III MlTl.J OI Oaaton eounty. (Allows said Bberiif until February 1st 1S07, to make report of taxes to f ublio treasurer.) ( -, ;, . A Resolution providino: for the printinir of Certain ordinsnces, (IleyuireS the Feermary lif Statete hava all tho ordinance of -JhhS e-t,-now In force, printed with tha law of 1SU8 67.) 8. A Rewilutloa In relation to the tax on Cotton, (instructs the Atforncy General of N. C. to inquire into the legality of the tag of 8 rents per 11). on cotton liupoaed by sa act of tint L Congress of the Unit4td 8tst5S.) -- . o. A itesoiiiuoo auiuonswoR vue uovenjor to Bcoept the aid preferred by the C. 8, govera ment. ' f Ueciuc.ts tlie Governor tocnmniunlente 'Wb the diidrmaa of each County Coort hi the Blew iMid n-certaln tha extent or distribution in ewilieounty,.tnd report to th Chief ot th Freednica, in thi State, and for each 4f4inntv fn maka nrovifon to nxv rutnai. nt trtoffatioB of uj piles " as iccclvej for the poor and destitute.) "i-:-i y.rl. A ResolnttOB tejrttifl ft the prn jWrfl imMiif' ment as the fourteenth sruclo of th Coiwtini tion of tbe United States. "8 A Resolution eoncern'rin; the per ii n n - 1 tnih-isga of the officers and iiierii!)eise.r t ,I.i islaiure; (Standi th ei'iie nt I .....I Anseniblv.) 0. A P.eiollltioil to pi.-' t- t-.e fa land. In tins !fte. , (!- . nn- n (f i tlie Itvenee law of tfrtil as ijinol a re-viu.i.ioB of the lasnlsin 1S.;7.) l'l. A ltv-nlinii.n i't 1 to Cf.nfi di r ' itoldier detained In J.ort!..-:-n prlsun. (!.. quests the GoVi.aur to in' no if anv I e..!. le rate soldiers (nun N. (?. are now il-t one I in any Northern lioapital r pnnon. miai l,' li-niu wound, H amen, or oiln-r ruo ti-mn ivinriiin r liom-,.and t'uat he tu'.i! t!w neVTi-ii-y step? to tniiblu tltxin to n-t in ii Witiivi i 11. A It- of t".ri:V 1 j r.e i . ! i cr for t' o p.-v-! il.-et . (ADi.hs ii the vole of tin- new ( - ' -44 tof ! - I'c' ' Tres-'- ' ! ) I f, v b. i 41 1 n ru-r, nt- 1 ' ) il. A R , -hit inn in fn r of 1. ( ;.,. ' n alor from ihe 7th Senatorial I' - , i. I a per ilii-iw from the time hsnri - i l at i ... Il and not from the time he c , (.i:ied. I.e. ban - :? bee-n In-m ijin'i;. , ; sooner by. t treme illness.'" i IX A I'eniibili'in i i - 1 1" the pc in Lincoln Co., (allows tic i- i of 1 t 'v imt.l Feb. 15th. 1807, ton .! wi,t., 1 Tri-siir-r ) IX A It.soln-.ion snt'- ii extend t'ie proviJor- . t . Bin - ,..! yardin,- i -It. A !,. ?.il.itl" III f .1 i . i Richmond County,"' (a'lowa t 1.'",7 to wttle taxes wit h I'u' '.',c. 'i n nnto 4 , iirer ) of the pi... Jft.-A ISUaiuJUtUOl lux L(t 1 of liandolph, Yaiikin and Itert.s Coumiis (al lows time until Int. March 1SG7 to Setlia taxes wi-t) 1 iib'IcT "'irrr.) -: . - - 17. A le " n in favor of tae sl t Ti) of Comb I i, -Moore snd ts f U Id. 1 Trc'tntirer.) 11 A V oil r 1 1 U A i I 1. I jvi-Iil r 1 .1, "V.ajiiB, ,.GUtw, iVlovi tune tintil :e tales with Pub;: . I conn .7 to 1 n in r ir I to tax snd f r I aift! jon lor t 0 r Te "f icy r 'l f cf tie f. h k0 !'- i Jones' Sitfiti". tUX flu i . - t . : I 4 . - n In favor of J , T.L Ju 2l n, n.m s vv a: lit o', Ik Bimt State. j.i.iua of t!. itj.uni. l dmirabla Biillum of a t m tlia . ... AdfUMBi.ut,, MMipying tl j,, UIa trpt or 1..., which v. all . ,,, .,,, aa bUawt ht Imartton la (ha wwklj : ".' ' Fra Inaartion, ' - t r rt two iniwriiuBa, V'ir una Biimih r i UHUttba,; ...alba. "ti. f'rrir r t intri ."' ir ttm ).. t lc "i I I ) I lii , , 4. lil'-Milll in C'.inip rif hi part of c . i niijuim into t: "mnn':i'iii('iit ' ' ' I ti) ai'n.l I. ) I II ! I II I Is I. i 1 3amk Kicrtot.s r. !. 1 It, . tifunw tu tin" ('-, rnc M, Ali"-n. H . i . 4ln-r If.ilct4tn.44 f.i, i i, Alie 0 Hniiv. '..: v It lllV, l-l-VI J It 1 I'. . ! l-iil.-. H.inli K t ,. a-.a, H-i flrnn (' vr 4I1., A. I). mi-.i t-i I ,, tH .". ,414,111 .V.1-, !, I'-. fHtii.i.Milia II-- MM..'" ! -4w-ftlliW, I'lltCl.lil- t le ; 1 ing tit4!ii ni ai.'.4ir 4.1 , ti ai.1 ai lim ( .11 , MiHnjyati4-r Uu- 1 .. . th4.4-44 tu an.wr 1 1 - ' SS .1.- ,1. It. f- ili'M'K li nt- t'i M. A: fl tl- l.-4.4444rV I4 4ih, '-lUitiv 11. i, i . 4 o D 1 1 J. De9l-i'.w STATE OF XOI l'l bi'Fk-aioa Couav or t Llias J. Iilouut, ) r. V ! Ilonry W ilka. ' ) Til d. Ti ii-lint ITenrV Will, h.vlni. T. led to n 1 ma .. I -r .,. tt is orilcn-.l Iiv ilia Court tliai mil.:;.... hr six woi in tlie ISeniin,.! a, u, In Ui mlv of KalflKh dial thn .,.. . una id nimw Knmvn, tn tiu rntl ttmt il. i. ,,.i., Si Mir anil rrpmvy or lia will tio pnn i n i. I . I1.11 ameiiiamwr aa If ha htvl !... a served i. 04.M ami foiii ,1 to appear an -I pli-ml. . j .vt. ri. nr.unip. v. t Kuv tt-wi.w ,. , , .... s . t - STAT,. ( 'F NOKTlt '"- SroaaioaCoi-nf i Wm.J. McveXM. . r, .,ti lix. of A. D. .Mo ye. I. " .-- "' '" ,,, - i:: Henry Wilk. . , .. , , ' j'hf d.-ri n 1iit II.MirvV:" hsi CATVvi r l ! A,) , 1 v. i i. 1, i a, 1 ..if. " ' Silt ol)i 1. . . f .a. .1, for ais wo.!.!. in ti.a ,v ,4Ihmi a 111 n , I-' in in ril r r linli'ij,'U, that ttm prui-.,. O111 lorn be Bia'lt-known, totlie end tliat, tl. i.-in -j.i i y I'liearaud rnlevyov he will Ixt iu,i.-im .i. .i a .11. i in tn aam maniiHr aa if lie hud bi-eit acrVt-d una 1-10-caws an'l fmlod to sp4. 1 1 i plcail. Wuiie, ..s. u. i iii:i;i;Y, s, c. t. Nov 84-w : STATE OF NORTH CA UO LI N" A, i , ...... : ...:AMKABCi'V.N'fVt.J...i,;4. Coi-RT or L'o,t7tTT, Sruiso T1101 1. ;, Henry Iseley and others, 7V'.' - Th llelrs at LsW of Jno. . ;..,t t '' tiilll,- Istley and other. , n j , It sppesring to th satiafaeUnB of tha Con rt in esaw, Mint tli IMrastlawnf Jnn,. iNeiuy, -in. I al lW el ... 1. 1 tf i4 y, i -Om-iU -.,,, j , , ,. luiw" nr. M n-v J-'-ivl. man, inta l-.-e , 1 licyoiiti tho limiia of th Hint?., 11 ia tin that ailrnrtiwimiiit Iib n-i !.-, f-r i i. .-' i.iy Aim , at 1 1- - - af 4.3. ttsrst tP-.i- 1 4 a iSiU.iii44Uy fi44i 4- , 1 anU an.wcr or ili-nmr t Jc "-'it l"-" -" c a to 1 i - - : 1; . . j", i . Co.i-iv. this S'A'i ( ornr df I J. w. i -111 heiia in ml It. Jas, J r-.i a-ui Vi .. in, 1 J..M. a J.,,.--. si'Ai;. Erpi-r.toii ( Wir.ttA .1 V. I In t i el-.,. )i. ,1. , : ::bi i fr-t-t fffV'-.ri" - , vi s VN I'til .. v.i.t (.1 n. r. 1 11-!m V ! I ! It H t r i Ii i H f tltM t t 1 1 a mi 1 im f A i ! 1)1 J V

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