"JT L i.-tw .:. : ,.:....; tVC -i . Jl.. "- al' ' .--"('" V - -.' -r . ? , "T, , .. . -. - ; ' " : ............ . . , ... ...... ... .......... .... - . " ' ' . . ; ' ""- " .-. "--,v E SENTINEL THE SENTINEL. , I.' E. PELL, 8lawPrtalr. .It.VTES OF ADVEUTIS1SG. 7 in OF SUBSCBIPTIO 1 .Tha ireulstloa f U Baariaai. auks UuoVtf th aiost siraM Bl!a ef advsrtUloa .la tta 3 iLt Sim lr published vry Me4y r, ' r saai.v m BatanUys and Wodadays. Advartisasswto, eapybi( th sbm of 10 line t ialoa typs or less, whtota w tall a sqaar w ekari Term: follows fir iassrUoa W tb weakly : Cekly, nyar, la aivaaeo, v For a mrtiiv. - tor t iassrtiws. $t4. a m 1 I itie Bonil-waskty, ons Ju, la adrsiies, , For oat smth. -. ; .VortwauoarJi, - f For six months, yor year. Boml-weakly, six noathi la advaao, Daily, oa yaar, Daily, six months, ' Daily, thrss months, VOL. 1. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, .lANUARY 2, 18G7. NO. 63, JOB W0BK ssoeutcd wiU aaataoss at tbs bsari aaiiOrnc. , ....- ' ally, ons mnth, U-i- .-ir i, x-n m a ti -r - rrm -it- - -m ' -r "fl TTT - .. . I ! T; J ' JUL 1 i U,' . ;.' h a II II 1 1 n : vx ii I.,: .-II" 1 1 I I it i i - ii ... L ;- WOHll HATIIKHR K78 yfUKH f'lltury Clay. s ... -. i et ! f 1 ti from the First Report of the Pob- lie fremrr to the legiiltort of Worth Car; Tin irrtat iTonour ooluniita una Utu to to jremto it iinpMaibla to publish the repnrt lot Kemp IV Battle, Eq.. on the Finances of the bte. The ttjiort contains many valua ble attiljj Jfljfeartl to Ibe public debt, which mjnot interuL, the general reader, and wliicli Would occupy more space tliun we ean now nffortl. Wo give m eatracU : To the General AiuemMjitf Worth Carolina I liitve tbc honor to sufcnit the accompanying report of the opcratioilk of this department since tbe inauguration oile permanent State government, January Ut, I&'O. Table X exliiMU the pwli3 accounta. The larpc aggregatea of the debit and credits re sult from the requirement of ,tl e Funding Act of March 10th, 1860, that I sb l sell the new liomis, and with the proceed! discharge the past due bonds nd coupons, in' nsequence of r i . i .2 m .. : actual sale and raymebt. instead a mere ex rhamre of secnritii-ai The small amount of public taxA paid in, arises from the postponement by thmiXleneral Aiwembt of the rorurn dnv. from tl lst ot October to 1st ofiDer, suoscqueui -- - . t Convention to 1st .la miry, 18C7 COR K 1105 TAXES. Table B exhibits under the Revenue ic returns of tbc ilinance ol the ( tion. Total 131,1 02. This sum hereafter, to some cxt at. increasea. in Pasnvlunlc, Burke, and . Counties, 1. e. son, no person was taxes under the Ordi si I fled as collect nee, anu ny Act o: sembfV the present Flv ITS were charffed 4 the duty, with dirccti to make returns Extn 1 i II Vr the lxes en- be kt feral ViCk- rVAs- th wlen rris- the other State taxes I ury: payable into the' Afiin. sundry perm have refuel to swer as to their linbilii - to taxes under saiv t- Ordinance, on the e ad, that for businc' .done, while martial la' prevailed, they coul - w togall y ,ha , taxed Stata. Cases of indictnii t under the Ordinance am now nendinir in ourfuDreme Court, and in Tolve important questioi as to the powers of the Convention in enfordr.g tho He venue Laws 'during the year 18i. - -Table C contains the afconU of the Literary ; Fund. rVBMC KBT. i There is a very great kterest manifested at home and al)road in the llmockl condition of .. North Carolina. At the tame time, I am con Ivitwedtrom the numerous letters to my depart I mont for informatiou, th.it tbe absorbing events of the last six years have left in tliemimU of ' - Imt few of ur pwiplc an ;equrate remcmbrancr of the public debt, and of the public asset. I ' think it proper, therefore, to enter more into ' detail on Jtbeae eubjects Uiim has herct)fora lmnauL,ihat it tnajL he kpown precisely where we stand. ' Tal)le D contains a deri.Uve list of the lKmds outstanding agaii.rt t!o Htatc, dated prior toTHay 20th, 1801, ardsinee lt.. Total . amount,! 11,4:53.000; the amount of annual in t tereat on which is t685,050. Adding ihe esti mated amount of interest due on said debt, atilt unfunded, eay 1,600,000, up to and inclu sive ot October 1st, 1866 we have tlie total , ante-war and port-war debt, on 1st tMolier. uui it 3 023.000. The exict amount of In tcrcat unfunded cannot be atcertained bocause coupon of oW borKla and of thole issued dn rinit the war, wef paid during the war, without a separate record lieing kept of the amounts of ancurate. Here follow statistics of the pnblic dtHt in - detail, which we omit: While on thi euhjecT wilt slate tbat aaiiy f thetdd bwnla, fcr- varioua waoii, baKtn doraenenU on them which injurUm! : v affect their sale, commonly called "sc ratched lon!s." - Manv of these endorsement were under the : :iL:i-iia law of 185-,67 : nearly all were mde with a view to security I In my iudrment,itwouldbe to the inter t of the f fttate, to aiv In exchange to all bona tide hold p ' era of these "scratched bond," new bod of llmuer dates, on payment iy ue muuer m '..Til Hum to cover the expenses of tli now is- small sum to cover sue. 1HTRRNAL mmOVlEMIMCT BOStHI tSHCBl. IH UlNO TUB .WAR. ,:W, Tnble iB is a descriptive lint ol the bendsla ,U01 for Internal ImprovemeBt purpose durinff !h-late war, dated since May Sotti, Mh ; nrU to rh7,Ct?C,aouang fLIH '.000 ' These are i coupon uouas, pay w' ir- f wJaLln ItaWgh, in "good nd lawf money l. - drd.w 8Uteof Arnica.-. ni St here XhK Tha above: mentioneil bond, (except those for used In Prcr".;:? t .hesc were issued Many ot Improreu-- - ,,,.,.1 than at the J W,,e" tSmoT Nearly all being unaleable, are rro-ltLns. B but just that L ntw & '.hould be give u . exchange .or -TaWe F . -rW to May . vll9i J2Zm t5, asd where pa,: TrsborK4. .U Treasury note. " ?'.. . . l. . . j. mrleral Durnoscs. anil ,eU U"n rr--r.J Bank, and indi- Talie ri i' :Irdnh--: ft is,7r,Bor;,Tjo 5,246,SiJ6,25 508,423,f0 Bonds, Treasury NoU-s, Bank, , ....' J ' i jf, $ 18,626,259,25 - Tetar, . AiWUlnmi ant ntitfirtf.it l.v Of this amount . : . ' . . ' Mr Joi n White, ft 8tae Agent, as being I sS dUit i" UoHM-chcster and Count, Baul, Manchester, ftf. "B er been used for the purpose tor wnich they were issued, i. n, as colldlerali in negotiating loani, . . The Sinking Fund haa to iu credit in war bonds, 3,872,.r)00, and $130,000 were redeemed during the war, by sale of the Steamer vMwhkv Inducting these items, aggregating $3,502, 500, we have, as fares is exhibited by tbe books of the Treasury, tbe debt ol the State, contrac ted during tha war, for general purposes, out. standing, $13,123,759,23. The loans contracted abroad for blockade operations, were not ne gotiated through this Department, and I have no official information of their amount It is impossible to desiirnate the various ob jects fur which tho above debt was contracted. rroceeds of sales of Bonds, Treasury notes, taxes, ic, were paid out of the Treasury, Indis criminately, tor all purposes, civil and militnry. pome issues were mae in payment of old uomu and roupons of the State maturing, others for salaries of judicial and other civil officers, and others in support ol our charitable institution. Some $3,000,1)00 of note, which can be indents tied, were paid out towards the support of in digent families of Soldiers. In some cases the securities, issued for object not in aid of the war, can be klentined, but for tbe most part, it is impossible to prove for what purpose they left the Treasury. STOCKS AMD BONDS OR TUB STATE. Table I. gives a statement of the stocks and securities held by the State, vit : Stocks in Kail Knad and Canal Companies, f 5,934,500. Honda with interest on various corporatlons,$3,412,933 22. Total $9,347,455,22. Mr. Battle here gives a minute description of the character of these various securities, under what acts isssned, most valuable for reference. lie continue : . I bare itveo a full statement f the liabilities. of the State, and o'f the assets for which these liabilities mostly were created. It will be no ticed that the annual interest, even after the past due bonds and eoupons arc lunded, and if the bonds issued during the war to the Kail Road Companies le included, will not exceed $S60,000. Tbe Blocks and londs held by the rotate, StnounT lir lfS;3T,m,S2. Many trf whieb, under the revival of travel and production, will contribute to relieve tbc public bnrden. A State as great in all tho resources which swell a nation's wealth, when capital shall regain con fidence, and give ua potent aid to industry, will be ir" this small tax, not one third of one per t en: of the $300,000,000 of our property, w ith out iierception of its weight. Whether the State has sufficiently recovered from liiv Insaes of the late disastrous struggle, and tie embarrassments caused by the sudden chang" of the labor system, to be able to enter now, i n the regular payment of the interest on the P'.Mic debt, rests peculiarly within tbe knowl Ige, and within the decision ot the re present itives of the eople, who are familiar with tb' ir condition. I kn w you will realize the importance of an early re iirn to a prompt fulfillment ot our obli gations. By every consideration of enlightened public . licy, by regard to the pecuniary and social sUoding of our citizens, wherever in the civilized world the puruit,pf bosincrs or plea sure miiv lead them, in repftct to the lair name ot North Carolina, whose plighted world only the stem, ft necessity has ever levn able to break, wi are loiind as soon as OoJ gives us the strength, t' redeem, our promise. The va-t wealth of our Western countiea, now lockcl up within their rocky barriers, ap peal to us not to let our railroads come to dis graceful ruin, alter penetrating to the base of the mountains they were designed to cross. The U-nertts of the works already built by the credit of the State, ar immeasurably greater than the capital -strielt wmVw fep rwtenta thoif cost. They liave added millions to our taxa ble property. They still transport to the mar kets of tlie world the work ol our hands and the produce of our soil. Thty are every day becoming stronger for future developement.--Art natron htt deai aotia fall. WLuwl in the march ot civiliiatioo are toiling to multi ply and extend such highways. When we are ready to cast away these aid to progress, and bavaau ahart ia tht Tiftories of scumoa- and industry over the material world, then we toay inglrtriously throw aside all care for our fast increasing debt, until it accumulated weight is too gricvoua for our strength. KI NPINO ACT Olf MAKCU 10T., 1800. T.l.ii. r ...l,il,lt In detail the operations ot this department, in cxwcuUng the above Act -Under this law, new six percent, coupon IkhhIs, dat.'d January 1st., 116, interest payable at ,i... v(i,.nnr, llnnlc ol lUMinoiic in me cut Nuw York, sd annually, on the 1st. day of j July and Jauuary of each year, have been is sued 1n exchange for Itonds. and coupons ol bonds, issued under Acts' passed prior to May SOth., lHtll, to the amount ol $1,435,000 on October 1st., 1866. The Act requires me to sell the new bonds, at not teas than par, and with tho proceeds pay the niist due bonds and interest, and the en tries on the book, of this department arc ac- e.rding V tins uction. The effect is to require inieresi w oecnargmi from January 1st., 1866, on the new bonds, but to allo none on the coupon, offered in ex change, his produce many complaint, hold er. ontcno;,tvg that coupons due January 1st., 1806, and enwrior thereto, should justly bear interest in tbe anie manner, as by the Act, past due bonds beer "n tercet from maturity until paid. The construction o the low, adopted by ine, is in accordance with t.e settled practice of thi. denartmcnt for many ynrs. In deference to holders of coupons, who jMuitioo is, J think. reasonable, I bring uienian.r to your attention, as in vour power only lies thv remedy. A the operation of tbe Act on the fiction ol an actual payment for the new bonds, I felt bound to require applicants for 0 exchange to Dav the accrued interest In cooptoa. or cur rency. In this way, $1,409,99 in turrewy have been received, wuicn ia ocpouei in ine rrcas rj." ' "-" - : K1H IIAHOK Of STtK'KS FOH BONDS. The onlinancc of the Convention, ratified i m It of .lune. 1866, entitled, "An Ordinano to exchange the Stocks of the State for Itonds ris sutid prior to My 21t, 18,' rcquired.me to advertise in sorb newspapers a. I should select, for scaled proposal, lor tbe exchange of stocks, bond, and other interests, held by the State, for the principal bonds itwued U fore the SOili. of May, 1861. Accordingly, I advertised in newspapers in different portlonspf this State, Virginia, Wash ington, New York, Baltimore nd Il)toii, lor snch exchange, fixing the day lor opening bids, as late as Novem1cr 1st., isiiil, in onl r that parties desirousof making the exchangr milit have opportunity of i'i inu the aiinuitl r-port" by the (liffercnt Kail lb ) 1 an. I oilier corpora tiling whoso sUxks were utl'ered. The bids wi re ojiencd in presence ol the (Ijivernor nnd Comp troller, as directed by law. The only stock for which offers were made, was that of tin Raleigh & Gaston ltail 15 ad Company, the whole of which was tukeii at an aggregate pre mium of $:i,333,87i. Table M. shows the names of the meet sslul bidilers and the premiums olTcrcd. As the lxnds secured by liens held by the State aro in part transactions bnd during the war, I have postioned the offering them for ex change under the law, until I could lay the mat ter before you, that the interest claimed by the State may he ascertained, and declared by you, it you think advisable. I respect fully recom mend that these transactions lc validated on such terms as may be deemed just to the State and to the holders of securities, issued for In ternal Improvement purposes during the war. Aomc dmur. l.ATtv ttcntr. In compliance with the Act of Assembly, en titled "An Act to authorize, tbc l'ublic Treasu rer to receive nd invest tlie land scrip donated to this State, for the establishment of an Agri cultural College," I commissioned Hon. I). L. Swain to proceed to Washington, and procure the issue. In this he was successful, and on tbe 8th day of August, 18iti, the wrip was forward ed to Raleigh, and is now in the Treasury. Under tho act of Cnnirre. granting the scrip, the States, who have iiu public lands, within their limits, are not allowed to locate. their scrip, but must sell the same. The at t of As sembly directs the rubric Treasurer to sell the scrip, "by ami with the ail vice and consent of the Governor." In view of the dcprened state of the land market, fifty cents per acre )eing the usual selling price . for large amounts, tbe Governor did not advise a sale, but preferred to ! tlie- matte pw f ymr- aetlou, . which course met with my approval. Good for North Carolina. We are heartily glad to see that our friend in the North Carolina Legislature have, at we suggested, taken the necessary steps to stamp some of the monstrous falsehoods recently promulgated by bad ami ilesiguing men with of ficial contradiction, it will Imj remembered that we have already published altrneM of several Munchausen like letters which purported to give accounts of the persecutions of Union men in North Carolina, and the puitial decision of the Judiciary of that State, which consists of a liotly of as pure and upright Judges as 'adorn the bench in this country. We are glad to see that several of these epistolary Daniels, rien to judgement, have liecn summoned before a Cora mittee of tho Legislature and examined, in or der trr obtain the facts- upon wlth b their statrv muota were based. When confronted with tho committee -Mr. Blythe and bis companion? tf the Rod Strjng fraternity wrre nnaltle to sub stantiate their bac assertions, and stand Itelon their fellow-citizens in the ignominious attitude of delilterate falsifiers and calumniators. This action ol the North Carolina Legislature deserve applause, and we trust every fellow who dares hereafter to assail either the Nople orJudicior of any Southern State wilt lc hunted up by Legislative action and examined as to the truth of his statements. If grievances exist retires can Ihi afforded, ami if lies bave leen told their auihor can Ih held up to public scorn. Sorf-Jk , IWt. L Voice from the Middle Age. "About the year 1316, the friend of Dante succeeded in obtaining his restoration to his country and his posses-i ns, on condition that he should pay a certain sum of money, and, 'rntcrJne; ebnh,- there atrrw bimswlt uiUy, ak pardon of the Republic. The following was ids answer on the occasion, to one of his kinsmen: 'From yom b-tter, which I received with due Hsspcctaiul affection, I otcrve how much you have at heart my restoration to my country. I am bound to you tho more grate fully, that an exile rarely finds fricOiL But, after mature consideration, must, by my an swer, disapHtint the wishes of some little minds ; anil I Confide in tbe judgment to whit li your impartiality ami prudence will lead you. Your nephew and mine has written to mc, what indeed liad I teen mentioned by ninny other friends, that, by a decree concerning the exiles, 1 am allowed to return to Florence, provided I pay a certain sum of money, anil submit to (lie humiliation ot asking and receiving absolution ; w Herein, I see two propositions that are ridicu lous and impertinent. Is such an invitation to return to his country glorious lor Dante, after suficring in exile almost fifteen years I Far from tbe man who is familiar with philosophy, be tlie senseless baseness of a heart of earth, Jhat eeuid do iko a little-sciolist, and imitate the ijfamy ut some, others, by offering Limtelf vp iuU were in chain. Far from tho man who cries aloud for justice, this Compromise, by bis moneyl with his persecutors. No, this is not the w that shall lead mc lck to my country. But I Aall return with hasty steps, if you or any ot'.lr can open to mc a way that shall not derogaiAfrom the fame and honrfr of Dante ; but It 1 1 no such way Florcnccfin be entered, then Fl -ncc I shall never enter. What ! shall 1 not ttfivhre enjoy the sight of the sun and stars t ai4 may T not seek and contemplate, in every contr of the earth under the canopy of Heaven", rajsoling anal irelightftil trutli, wltlf out first rendering myself inglorious, nn WVi- mtmt, to f!: people and republic, of Florence T Bread, I be, will not fail mc' " , FoRTKKa' ifo.NROB, December 30. A difficul ty occurred liampton Ust night among a party of negrbs, who made nn attack on a store to revenge orating shot while endeavoring to mcai. i ney-wwc uispcmra rrjr tne nnmary, "Dar arc," sild a sable orator, addressing lii. bretliercn, "tw fnatls to dis world. Do one am a broad and nartbw road, dat leads lo perdi tton ; de Oder a iJiarmw nnd ' broad rond, -dat leads to sure deletion." "If dat am dc OMe," .aid a sable hertTf "dis cuuuq lnaiwiuui BiKtai Um waou.?. t BRITISH HONDURAS. :t'orresponl nee of the New Turk HrtnliL) ... Health, Wealth and Resource of the Colo nyMovements of Speculator. Advanta ges Offered to Settle Sugar Planter Desirable-Kail Arrangement, &c, &c. IIm.i.k, liritish Ifontliiias, let. 27, 1800. II K it Til III' IlKI.IXr'. For ifi arsix weeks we have had not tbei ly autl westerly wimls, w ilh alilind .nice ofi.iin, iu this colony. I Mir nights ant iiiitt coltl, w hile the middle ol tile day is exceedingly liol This ought to luingehijls ami lewrs, I ul our towuis so healthy that our doctors, are complaining uf nothing to do, and one of them a lew days ago said : "Well, it' Idou't have more lo do (shall have to go to Santa Toma's," a small Belgian set tlement ill the State of GnaUmalu, about mie Iiuudrcd and thirty miles from hen-, where the inhabitants are always sick and where tin y nflen die. SI'OAII II.ANTINfl AND 1.01'ISIAKA PROSPKCTOHS. The rainy weather -is bringing forward the cans crop, which is said v Im the iinxtt prom ising that has been rained in this colony. Titer baa been a number of sugar planter from tbe State of Iiuisiana down here, prospecting for .sugar lands. They all admit that our lands and our sugar cane ant the best they ever saw ; evtn St. Mary's Parish, they say, is not to be com pared with British Honduras. COST OK LAND 0 K K AT. Tlie only draw back to this colony is the high irice of lands. In former times nearly all the and. in the colony were given away by grants Irom tlie crown, as mahogany or logwood works, It then was not pretended that the grants inclu ded tbc lands, but only the wood growing thereon ; and with that understanding a grant for three miles frontage, on a river or creek ex tending eight mile back, was sold by the own ers of such grants, as any other piece of per sonal property, by a simple bill i parcels. In this way, and for sums ranging from one hun dred to a thousand dollars, these grant have been bought np by two mahogany cutting es tablishments, who, with a shrewdness and tore Sfgul setdotn Mwwtctfirvthrftrtwt arute; gt law passed by tbe loca) Legislature, called the "Lands Title act," by which law all grants, on being duly registered under this act, were to bave the force of a "fee simple" title to the soil, as well as to the wood growing thereon. Thus for a very imxlerate outlay nearly all the valua blc Iambi of this colony have passed into the hands of the above two linns, and they, know ing tbc richness of the mil, now hold tbe lands at prices far alxtie lands in the surrounding couutry. orrras to sr-rri Kas mt thk onvFKMOH of Whatever lands are still ungrunted (called the Crown lands) the Governor is offering ou lie most accommodating terms to actual set Icr. Now. as jnir radical political managers , i tin) North are anxious to drive the sugar Ylantcrs from the Unite,! States-, we sbalf t lad to receive them ; and, moreover, we shall Jive them all the assistance and encouragement 'le can, not the least of which arc. very tight fpixi , a giMd, stable, free government a free and ns lilwral as was that of the United States in its most palmy days. WINRRAI. ANU OTIIKK HKROI RrKS. Tlie late rains have swollen all our rivers, anil T1-I ipiaiitltii s of mahogany, which (in some rases) have been waiting two and three years for iIvmmIs, have come out and are now waiting ,)ittitiem. We I, a Mi all the element of very flonri.liiug colony, nnd as soon as our land holders see their own interest, and begin to give the ld away t astttt settltira, lirititth UtW duraa will Imxoiub one of the richest and most prosperous colonics in the world. Our colony includes a purl of the mountainous lands in the interior. Th. se mountains abound in marble, granite", sbibM roti, stiver, gold and otber ininc- rahvlLii-ss ; niH also, on thcjnrrrase ot onrpii ulatiim, pour wealtii into our colony. SI HJIITTF. foil AMKIIII.Aa pimn as o mus'. The late war in your country has made pro v i ji.um Sri-dear tbl uaJiaMbiii a iimaaurr) been thrown on our owu resource. The conecpicnec is that we have raised gnat quantities of plan tains, which am used in the place of flour, and we have lour vr live )K'rsoiis engaged In curing Hirk. Them; art it Its take tile place of the port ami (tour widt h we formerly imported from the United States. The brig Grae Worthington, which left New Yoik on the Stub of Septemlier, haa not yet arrived here. We fear she is lost, a aha was a little Melliusali isb. and we have bad rough weather on the Allanlic for the pa it two months. kw nut. AHiusnmrvr. The Govt rn,.r bus called the Legislative At seiiibly togi'tlu r io special session. It is sup Cocd this session will make soma mora favora le mail arrangements; tni I it i. hoped this will secure ..Uauapurl via . Jcw Orlcanjr, which wnirfd bring us within six days of London, by tbu Atlantic cable uml the other telegraphs. Our mail arnumeiiienis have lieen very Irregu lar for the iiit-l lifiti n moniiis. The Koyal Mail Cinooanv ( liitii'iil so iitin Ii for their work that "our Aisembly matle a contriHit with the Liver- pool, Vt llniyi unit I'licilie nleamship Com pany ; but I ho work was not done at all. Ho much for economy. i lion m k VwNMiii. -The meanest looking nisii in itte. ( 'inrgn -trm, prty was-tbe "rene-gifilrt!-iy!i,d. Wasaw )eiisn peli to him or show' him nny illetHloii while here, notwiUistiuiit'uig hcJiii tmmlKr . ofacqnaio-:. tnmin iu this city, and many Presbyterian brethren. II" had a hail" dog look, aqd even seemed to lr ash sined nl himself. While Fos ter anil Wale, uml Howard and others, were trcnteil rcspcctlfiHy, no man had a word for the apostate Maynunl. If we can respect the enemy,- ho Jrmir,b'fion, education, and even prejudices, opposel ua during that war, weeah only duspiso the man who was. of u and yet againat us. Iiilamou, forever be hi. nami l,ynehbnrg Vityiniim. A bill of fur published in the Savahnah AJ terlittr announces green pens among the en tret. .. . 1 -' - - For the Sentinel. Mrssks. Editor. ; I notice, in your Semi- Weekly of luth tnst.,' ilie speech made by the Hon. Josiali Turner, at the meeting' or the tttoukuulJer of tUa North Caroliua Railroad Company, held at Raleigl. Mr. Turner is au intelligent gentleman, a good speaker and ready writer, and .fates aonie good and true things. Hut, into other men, ne doc not know everything, and ia thereioio liable to err and make random statement that may mislead otlicn,-cleciully when he under takes to apeak ol, the motives of men's actions, with which lie is not acquainted, or about mat ters ol which ho ha not much practical experi ence or correct information. It appear, to me that some of the gentleman's statements are liable to those objections. It is true, n he states, that old North Caroli na has acted a liberal part towards the North Carolina Railroad, and well .he might ; for it is a great work, and, if properly managed, will prove a blessing, and assist much in making available the resource, of tbe country, and thereby enrich the State. It is, also, too true, that the buslneH of the Company, thai far, has not been a well managed, in aome particulars, as it might nd ought to have been. But I rant say it isbtrictly true tbat "in 1862 the Leg islature gave the Stockholder, what they now ask." i. I think if the gentleman will compare the bills ha will find difference between them. The first bill, while it gave the Stockholders the control of the Road, at the same tlme.tnok the power from the largest Stockholders who were most deeply interested in the prosperity of the Road, aud left it with those who had con tributed least to build it, and had, therefore, less interest in its success. A difference which some of the large Stockholder, thought of such vast importance to tbe future success of the Road, that they felt const fai ncd, without "po litical or pernicious reasons," to vote against the amendment, which, otherwise, was very ac ceptable to them. It may be that some voted for and also against the amendment, for the reasons aligned by the gentleman, that I dont know. Itut I do know that a large majority of the votea cast in tho BPgatW givoa flic, tk raastuu above . stated by me. The lamented Gov. Morehead, one of tho first and greatest of our Railroad men. labored earn estly to have the first amendment adopted by the Skxdtboblc-rs ; but, Irom bis after experi ence, ami-remarks make on that subject, it is my humble opinion, had he been spared and were he with us now, he would warn us, for the good of the Road, not to put such a clause in the second bill. Many of the Stockholders, w ho are deeply interested in the proerity of the ltoad, feel as the Hon. Gov. Swain once expressed himself at a meeting of the Stockholders, when it was whis-iicn-d that the Directors, appointed by the State, owned little or no stock in tbe Road : "I prefer having the men, who are to direct the business of the Company in which I am, to be as deeply interested in their pockets, a. I am myself." Ia there not wisdom in this prefer ence I Who objects to a man having rule in any great improvement because he has invested too much funds in it, and thereby show, too much interest in its prnscrity t Man is a self ish Iteing, anitT admit that, in corporation, in stituted solely for the ..purpose of making money, out ol money transactions, it may be prudent to have a cluck to prevent avarice from over reaching the public weal. Hut there is no necessity for suc h a check in our public improvement. Is the. State, or the small Stockholders, afraid that the stock will become too valuable, ami pay cvfcssive dividends) The general com nUiitt h.t beea ami now ia, that there ha been, but lililc, ami now are no dividends. And it is fran-d by some that there never will lie, unless tin t ontioT of the road is given to those whose pockets are deeply interested irf it. jinisperity. And Tor these reasons, they have itctitmned the Iegilaturv. It has born, and still is. difficult, yea even" imiossiblc, to gi t private individuals, as a general thing, to take as much interest iu the way of stock in our great Improvements a they otigtit tdTfnr A mt tllr buthting mf thff-ffr V. Had Road wa not an exception; alt hough many public -j.irited men i moc forward as a Imici el lirolhus, icsnimi lo honor Ihc State an. I In-lit 111 I heir country, and jileilgesUlheir sub stance to secure the ro.t.l, iiihiin stiMAlmif with their thousands and did not help, an. I they now enjoy the benefit. - ' l'uihr these circtitnstanc', thies not good policy suggest :is au inducement for capitalists o do their dun lowalils lite encouragement mid support uf our lull rual l iiiroveme .lH, that the pnww of stock i pnlitrgttt in a greater ratio as it in leases, instead ol licing diminished I I'miI, have bicn tign iiig Si let us re tuiu to Mr. Turner's n inaik wln-n be. further j any: Tbe SliHe r .i.l ujouey ,J he Jjtockliold- I era did iml. Tin y paitl in work at such liberal price as to make Ibe road cost one million nwnsi t)tti. ii- ormiual estiuiaxe. Stv we may say the biige !ik khot.lers, who paid their sub acriptiou i'i work in.-l. atl ol money, bold t heir stock without having paid a dime tor it.' "Three miliions would have built tho roud, but ii cost four millions. The Stockholder and contractors tVu wrrk getting the fourth million in the wy ol stock. In other words, there whs a million given in the way ot bounty to those w ho would do work on the1 mad." "1 To gret tliajjjittfii'ntleinuq made stleh statement. Itec inse of bis lieing a Director, it may be p re sound that heJtnowe, and, from his general In telligence, on soiiic !lliier stilii.'cta, they may. Ijfi iH lioveti by tbe inexierieuceu and thnaa who have not examined into the true state of th Tcase, and' wifl acciirdlngly" "tirente- a prejudice against our public work, and do gross injus tice to those noble, patriotic men who came for ward and gave their time and money (In tome case their all) to secure that great State Work. I suppose, tho gentleman I honest, and express ed his opinion. But do either practical ex txriencc or (acta sustain -hi statement I See Col. Walter Gwynn's report to the board of Director, January lutli. 1850, In whleli Mint talented engineer aay. : - "I have repeatedly aaid publicly, and,- per. cicving no impropriety in it, I avail myself of this occasion to aay, that, in my experience, now exceeding thirty years, I have, noivfouod-ou any public wOrk, with which I haveWn connected, act ot contractors mure reliable than those I . have had to deal with on the N. C. Railroad. I consider it proper here to remark, tbat the work, though md tot partly iu stock tbe ex . act ratio of which I am not able to state, though I believe it may be put down at about two fifths, that is, two of stock to throe of cash payments was originally estimated for, let, and completed at cash prices ; and I feel fully justified in sta ting that the ltoad hM.JEoat haa than jf let . wholly for cash." , This report ttan goes on to show, by inco'n- ' tcstlblo fuuU and figures, tlwt the whole Work, as originally estimated for, was executed for -$7,283 under tbe estimate: and also ahows conclusively, that tlie greof cost, over and aljovc what was at first expected, was caused by the great rise in the price of iron, the. cost' of real estate, machinery, ic, and had no connection, whatever, with the original contractors. Lalxir, provision, and everything iucreoacd in pneu , during the progress id the work. Hut no in crease of pay was luude to rotitracior. Is the geutlemau one of tu origimd-Stock -holders ami contractors, and ignorant of tlieso things? If so, I would intoriu him (by stub-i Ixini tacts ami figures, if necessary) that lliero' was much work done on-tbe roud, by tbe -Original contractors, the pay for which did not nmonnt toasumeb m cash, an,l stock, by ten t twenty iur cent, as was paid in cash, on some adjoining roads at that time, Tberel'on', "it w neither geib rous nor just" to imply that the "pain in the stomach" was caused by them. The truth is, that sonic uf these noble men, who came forward in their itcal to secure the build ing of the Road, laid ton large an offering upon the altar ol patriotism, and it took their all, anil broke them up, while there are others, that are still groaning under the debts they contracted to meet their engagements. There are others, who hail larger means in proportion to their "" stock, who were enabled to work it out without getting in debt, but found, in the end, that they would have saved both timo and money, bad they paid direct cash for their stock, as a large number of subscribers did. Aud I . know ot some whose contract turned out favorably, who sustained no loss, except in the depreciation ol their stuck- and- l-dwHwHftct'e"- "Aay teHt-ffrxi4-- - many ot this class. 11 the gentleman from Or ange got his stock by working on the road without having jmid dtttt far it, why that wotild be another class: but he bcim? tbu onlr one I know of, I think his class most be small, while I know of many of the first named classes, ami might give a list of them. A few will sul fioc as. example!; : The gentleman who mode the largest individual subscription, wrought out his contracts and paid hi. stock, lountl, to bis- sor row, that Ids contracts broke him. In another case $2,500 of stock was taken and worked ' out, at a cost to the contractor of $5,591,31. Another who took $5,000 stock, and contract, lound, when his contract was finished, that his stock cost him over $7,000 cash, besides bis trouble. Jlut enmigli-. - I give these hard num. not from hcarsav. or - imagination, but fVom tacts, and figures. And I think they conclusively prove, tTiur whiTe iTut original Stockholders and coivtractors did not give "a pain in the stomadi ' to the corpora tion, that thu building uf the rimd did give "a pain in the stomach" to some of them. Will not an intelligent, correct public sentiment commiserate the losses of these worthy public spirited men, and delight to do them honor? ' ' Hoping, Messrs. Editors, that you will exense tlis(to me unconscious) lengthy communication, and that my inexperienced jkh may not by its green apple give you '-A pain in tbe stomach ' Iam,&c, ANOUSERVEIi. I , II . ..- A f . - , The New York World thinks tbe Sot'Tli hottM not WintimitJti4 b the ihasata f territorializing these States. It says: "Congress has no executive au'Jiority whatever. nor ha it any power to coerce the two great cts. ' t ordinate departments of the ttoveromeiit.n hiiii are as indepcmlent in their rciective spheres a ' tbc4w Hrtwstra-Cmgrytsa'w4u;'-theiM!, Tmf-- framing of an etHtaent territorializing law adt quote to the gourmm,nt f great, populous Slates; adequate to their government in oium I.lh l'.t-ttt-n Wilt .. n.l .!..." '.ir t. 'W ' nifcitiu m'lii.m inv ia -'2iLAULiuu-iiui , i hi President, will Ie fiuind, on trial, a task nf such difficulty, thai it is doubtful if Congress cm be brought to agrw, ob the detail of t bill. The'' certaintyof its lieing vetoed, renders it noCiWay that it should command the assent of two thirds of both Houses, a degree of nnanimlty which the- IteptiWH-an party in Congress will not easi ly reach in the details o eo impracticable a pro ject Hut these difficulties, w hatever their va' ne, may lie safely laid out ot the estimate, since the project is certain to lie wrecked against the Supreme Court. We would gladly leant fron the. Republicans whu brandish this toelkh met- ace, bow a law ia to beentorced which the Su preme Court declare, unconstitutional. Wlitn this can be told, the threat. may, perhaps, carry ionic lerrof.". ' - I Alabama a Statoh a TtBKiTOKY f The question -uf U -Uttt f vt Souther rrea latily in rebellion 1 about to come beforu tbu ; United States Supntne Court for decision. A man named Jordan was recently brought befora tlie Federal District Court sitting in ilontmim cry, Alabama, on a chargS of .felony, auj. lav ing been found guilty waentencecl, by Judge Bustecd, to twenty-one yoar imprisonment. Hi. counsel bave determined to apply tt Uie Supreme Court for a Writ of kaicam eorjmi, on the ground that Alabama ia not a State, but a territory, and as such Judge Ilupteed't District Court had bo legal statu. Tbu matter will tbu be brought fairl tsd spianly ba,ra ths knt ed judge of our higllesl JuUkial trilmiml, Un.l. if they will meet the question ojieuly and nli cVsr a plain decision, woToayxpect a "aotmion of what is now a very -eomjilicatcil, political subject. &-JVV York Ihrald. t i I Napoleon has a kidney disease : Victor Kntan Uel a paraly aetl rigid arm : Uismiu k ia sick ; thu Empress Carlotta crazy ; the hair of both the Ijmporor bfAnstriaariitthetitieen of liimiVvcr has turned gray within arywr; the Pope weeps day and night, and Victoria still luoodsovcrtlie past with profound melancholy. Who wouldn't ' wear a crown f fir; --.- " .A Joan from tbo German-: The paths ot kahallopaUiy,Ujidxij)tby and homopatbr- f J i ... VJ. X: ' t, , i N . r A- .?. -. , , .-to:1... .A , v-m. , Ii i Jk- f " . . -

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