; - ' . j -. v ' 3 ' - r , I . .NOTICE. MCE hone and 1A for Win in this City for the . rear I. t or tvutn-otart apply w K.G. LEWIS. . Agent. Frogi-eee and Standard copt. roil bevt. miir Hiu.- an i i.. X 'Hill proi I ll i llilisis.io m., known satin- Apply in liKIlit.SA liOMt. Dec W If M IUMIL HY DR. Mo. 'I1HK MiWrnst )! I- i" undertake- llif ulu.-a-i tiiwi'fl'iB l.-.j ll.i- ' 'I ill comm. nr. nil ine 17ll, "I I nei... . i- a ! I -nni'-toii: numb, r In ticglli Mltl. rie.il :; 1- .elect sdiooi. ron boys. Number of Pupils Limited to Twenty Five. UK i IH. I. V Puff H'Vi.. " M . ..", IM.M. TIm- ik'i.'Um'h -f thi li.-tiil wiil . r'uin il on Tliuri.Uv. tin- 1'Utt .hu. 17. i Hip whiM.-rKiii mrtbf the lni-iiiitiion f-.rtln' lr&f ftu.l Huiub, and rcmtniii'' tw iity m. k- H,'V will 1 1! t-Ki; ! i j-n 'ait ! f'T roJli';o, or f.r biifiu It irinN im a it aiii . . Trtv iti;i i- In w u . h p'l).'aii.n r llic I riin"i ,..!. Ik J.v.H JlPrOIKTHKNT t'K KOAHOKE urn Warnn, at Warn nlin, lr.-. Jan'i t 30 .'.A f. l i A i:t V.i A l ; a a; '2 A A Tawboro, at Tak.rn Knoke, at EUm- 'i r, Wilharotton. at Williaiii-t.-ii, rlTii'itith. at VhTAr'uth. Wahmt"ii Jt Wmfliiuioit. Iiatb. at H'.l.-li'k, rilatamunke1!. at Sw&ii (.juart Hattrraa. at llatl.T., I . l.'v. 0 A 111 1 A 17 J I A 24 M.m h 2 A :i Th litri't tti'WaiL4tiiitinc will 1 1m 1.1 at the Chnrrh m 'J'awlwr.', en Sttlur.lay thr IJlli. .hily- 'l'li" Stril! ar. M. II. Pilnx-r. '.. A. Tli'trn, Mar rnn Ilatilr. I! K. W- atln il . t han Latliam, John rtliur. Jn." ( l.irk and lr S. A. I.'imj;. 1 do not know whn arr tlir Htrwardi far Wilson nuA Tlatlf-raa. It m t'i)w7'i thut all Hhonltl to prt-fK-nt. A? tin-ri'turna froin the Annual 'imfen iictK tlina far lndirato that tin- ' plan f-T the introduction of Lay Ki'itrtftntati'.n," proxifHd by llio late tieupral 'ol.ft'rflu-i', will "tn 1h offirially annoiuircd ft" tlie law of tl.f Chnndt. the ihflrli't Stowardp in antiripa ti'ii of uti.-li alilioniici m.-tit will -Je-t t'ur lb-lr-jotr to onr mt Annual I'otifi n nt-r, m (Ntnl'oriiiity ,illi tlio proTnioii of Raid law. My Pent I'fniv, fir the rr. int, in TawLoro, N. ('. I'aprr circulating u-.tliln the bonndi of this dintri.-t wily ubiipt' mar v of tli ir rt-adt rs hy pulilishiiig the anot? noiirt-. U. . MOHAN, P. E. i- 2-tr nil. IllGIIES. IS now prepared to rccc-ive boarder, at the Hmiw on the corner of Iiavie and bawoon 8t., (late Mon latrue Hoaae. ) ttoo TrnHpnt ifl l day "hoard. Hoiini of Ieal; Broakfael J to 8. Dinner 12 to 1. 8uppr 6 to 7 o'clock. I)ee9-2w DESIR ABLE HOt E AND LOT FOR KET! THE unbacriber wishes to rent out, for the eniunnR Tear, the Hoaae and Lot, immediately North of the Episcopal Church. The, Uoaae is commodioua, haring eight ronma and all necessary ont -bonnes. Toeaession giien imoiediately. Fur U-rma, applv to KUUT. W. HAVWOOH. IVc 2M XRIf TAVLWR'S M llOoir THE nit 8cion of Mm. James f. Taylor's sUmol for rVtys and (iirts will commence on Tuesdav, Xhe 1st. day of Janaary 167. Terms f'jo.00 p-r sewsion of fire months. Dec & lw W. D. ANTHONY, J. O. II. NI TTALI., AXTIIO.W A. XITTALL. COMMISSION ME RCUANT8, I -'" prompt personal atteulton piven to the sale or pnr chaM of Cotton, i'tton Varus, bacon, Flour, Naval Stores, and Merchandise Generally. CONSKiNMENTS SOIJCITED. Rr.rzuTwtM. A. J. Jork, McDonald A Harrim, li. W. Foard 1 Sons, F. A. Archibald, i'oncord. tViok A Sons. yt.Uleasant; D. W. C Ijelibow, tir-i-nsUir, ana Editors of the Sentinel, Raleigh. Ilec an-lin CHEAT SALE AT AUOTIOA'. HORSES, MILES, AGHR'LTJ'HAI. IU 1I.EMENT-, &,:, Ac By. WILLIAMSON AID. will sell al auction on the Market bquare, in the city of Kali igii, eu 'iueaday, the 15th. day of Jsnniry; 1Kr7 it u o'clock : 1 TaortfQxti'.ald fetailioft, fiht yea.v aid. 3 Thofiyugti-rired bay Mar. s, by import. d Flyd. NiKht, out of marci by imported Phil Jiiowii ; tbey will be sli tvars old neil Kpriuj!, 154 bands high, go well in harness and nnder the saddle. . 1 large bob-tail harnees lie, years old and very stylish. 1 handsome chesnut-aorrel Horse, 7 years old, and works anywhere. 1 large bay "iluhj, hands high, 4 years old. (several other llui'cs and ihirscs will l sold at tlic aame time. IS ADDITION T1 THE AIK)Vl TO CI-08E C'liN SIONMNT, TnEY WILL SELL 1 new iron-axtfe 3 horse Wagon, (New York make. 1 new damping iroo-aile t'art, 2 posh iron-axle Carts. 6 cant-iron Wagon Jacks. 3 Wheelbarrows. 6 Corn Miellors. 10 new warehouse or store Trucks, .null and large size. 50 new No. M Plows, Allen pattern. 20 ' " tA) - 7 " Elliott riows, 2U " No. Is ' iet out. 10 " la. two horse. 6 ' I'atuv. in 1'lov.c. 10 dm. Spad. -. Am. - aiidoth rs. 100 pra. Trat t'liait.-. And many other valuable articles. The attention of F'anm rs and (treed rs . specially called to tins sale.' The iwsi .i. sirabic lot of horses', and the Uu;est KtncJt ..( n. w an.l most highli miprov d agrieoltural implements eier offi red at an. lion in :hB Mens, will lx sold it this auction. Dee lH-id ALT HALT ! RACKS BALT largs full sacks, direct front I.oiesp'd, ntttr trading and r,,i al by A. A. WIU.ARI), Whob-sale Gnsrers Ac . .Kl A ill North Water HI Wilmington, N. C. In. m-lm Wogrosw and Hlandardcoio. " FI R WA TEI. "If fE Waul lilltnt-iiialely, the following Hkins. yf liaccrKin anil Fox, (Ipixtfisaim arid llilik, and others. For whi.-h tt.ll psj fair .piive. .1 HHiiWN. l,e 14 if Will. IftsrA Lsw-ia. IKlalirill'AlUliH Vfi la-si t.tmili Flour. jiuH receive. 1 ami fa sals 1., I'CJLUAW, JONF.1 A ( ii. . ..Ilwf af-l4 - - - Whtiliisal.-" (ir.y-. rs. I'OrKADK I ITV AI.K. TK large quantities, for eale.by , . J. . l l JXliM, JONES 1 CO.. M, JONES 1 CO. VbOealGrocr,. I HE SENTINEL. Wtl. E. PELL, m: ito.v u a leu. Editor. -A- VoliioIuy i:cniDK, Jau. tl, IMT. "Perecution of Uiiion Men." The I.i'oinliiliirB ni vi r ilid n wiser tl.ing liia whi n it ri .itr-t'il tli" Jutliriary t "omui ittfc to investigate tin- rhargc m'l" hy ' nieinlii rs, that I'ninii men mi re n rseotileil in Noith C.irolin.i. T!ir only r. t is tlitit the 1 ' inn 1 1 u-- lia.l it nut in their ioir to mull thrir ui.n'ni. j liiillii't IIkiii llivy ili'l , ' I -. a want ol' time, xiiil the in.li-i.f.ition id' those Who irefiTTerl tllC lll'ir'es, li testify, lien lirouu'lil to t hi rj-tri'iirnt m . rit the Hook, -.rce!ll.leil. W e LeUi-Ve thai t In illM si iff:il i' HI whii li as onli tnl hy the House id' ( iiiiuiions, at the in-liuire of Mr. Wan-li, w lnw r eonl i that id' a iMiisisU-nl Luiuni.i, as in entire j;'s1 I'iitli, lor the iiii"i.-e id m.i it.iinitiir ll' eor frplni'ss of I he :i'Ii --it i..ii-, iin.l, it liny in re true, of aii!yiiio the j rnpir eoiieiliie. We le lilllili-h the leli.ilt of (lie Colnliillt v liii li we are L'linl to si e liusiln-ad i veitril nun li at tentioll at the Nntlh : Ml llivi-, I mill the J.lillej.iry t oil. Ill 1 1 ! ee. suhiiiitte.l the lolloivino icpoit. vt li'n li w:i- 'The .lii'iieiurv ( 'lunntil let . to whieii Ma- re ferreil a resiiliition iri-!nu lino them to 1 1 - :n t the incinU r Iroin Hi inler-mi t" mim ar In lore tliein, ami I'uriii-li t In l.ii I-mi huh lie Imm-iI Hiiro-, ti,.t; ol the iartnl a liliini-l r;it mil i.l iis ' tire and of the .i rs. ( ution of I i,i..n ihi ik t : the rn.l that th-p.-r-on- ,.r authorities niltv I' ll' ll pel -i I ll! I"li I" i p'liii-hi 1 1, have , ilist llaro, d t In dull ih . .ive.l on liiilii iv the 1 n solution, ami mii nut 1 1 - h ll" mo ri poi t : j Mr. UUthe. tin o, i.i,i man i, I. rnd to in the riai'lulion, jnill.iii.z.s !'.. .i.iii.illi e to say j that he nieaui no i. !!..!. i tin- .linln i irv. i or the court.- tha Mate, and tiiit he vn tin-- tlinlelstooil. if an L'' iiih man -npp"- d that he intended to rli;ir- 1 a'.Voe t ! tin re was a i imrtia! adniini-liaiion id pi-ti,'.- in North ( a uliiia. or that I iii"ii no e w.re pi r-ei lit I ,v the eoiirtt. T!. re v i- a i'n al l. al i I I'liinina. tion ami m riiiiit..o n. and in -iinu' that I'nion n.eu h:el I.' . li pit-muted. In merely meant to kiv that II in l.n. r ol tin llonard Amen. linent had b. laniliinl. :rnd abused, ami Miomati.-d a- l.-im; in favor of Nero Suffrage and Neoro Kipialily." The ( oiniuitt.e are viell suti-lii d. In. m their own know leio.-. and Ir.n.i tin ir investioatiou-, that justice i- l.iirly and impartially adinini-ti r cd iu the ( uuit of North t arolin a, and that no Leplshit1otl.sU. fi a T- contemplated in the resolution, is neces-arv. It is due to Mr. Harris, the Senator from Rutherford, to stale, that at his rtajuest. and with the consent ol the Committee, his testi mony was withdraw n, and that he disclaimed "any connection with t lie charges ami liifiuua lions contained iu one ol the papers ol thi city," against the Judiciary Coininitte Ri-specttullv subtliltted, JOS. .1. DAVIS, for the Committee. To this compli Tion it came. Mr. lilythe, as those who Iu ar.l him oiiejualh will tctlifi, was blatant in tin-declaration that I'nion nn ti were persecuted in the State, while the w hole 'tenor 1 of his remarks led to the iiupres-ioii that not (.imply imlivi'lna's or . ointntinities. but otti ; cers of the law, were the guilty agents id this i maltreatment. Hut for the crucible of the .In- j tliciarv committee, in w hi. Ir Mr lilvthe's asscr- Hons were pound.. I and it lined, we should never i "' '"'. nd North Carolina restored to her , ,i.i.- ,ii . lormer place in the I'nino. have had that impression eomcUil. As- mat- 4 1 . . ,.i ters stand. Mr. Illythe's iiioiiiitain produces a t .ii i .i . ,i . i ' . I ioi.dkn TKi.i.a us that the tieoiilc of North very contemptible mouse ; and so thorough and , t , .ii-i . i, ,", I Canilmawill either have to take the Howard inglorious was the failure to substantiate the n """' charges and infeiet.ees, that the ,eH.rt of the , M'"'i't "f Mr. Stevens' bijl. Then he committee, giving them the refutation direct. Pm' "1' "w" ''ting. God forbid that waa .;r,,,.y adoplt-l Iv the House of J ,in people on earth should lie Inree.l to submit Commons- a bodv which ,ont"ains ,ueh -.trait ; ucU a" unmiligate.l .le.ti.in, as this once sect" . Iisciplesasl!liir,.biikuis, efliaston, A-h he,- Republic would Ih-, if either were to lie worth. WiUm.ot Korsytlw, Vestal, Teagiie, Ac. J 'a t''' land ! Holden. when it In plain phri-e. the m..-t num. roti- branch ot ; Mlits '''. ean denounce tyranny and desootism the General Asseml.lv. without i. diss, nting j tt ,'irl1 'M,er felt and never expected to feel, voice, proclaims that justice i- "fairlv a id ini p irtiaily iidmiiiisti r. d ( aroliu.i." li-s.sn,. Greek, Steve tio C..iirt f North i. I will pit a.s- make a note ol t ho: . Rut Mr. Ulytlie, being cornered, erplninn what l.r i-iW'.od by rujliig that t'lllf.tl men were jicr- si ciited, viz : -oh! most lame nml impotent coiiclusjim, that they were stigmatized as he-1 iug in favor ol negro suffrage'. Messrs. Greely, Stevens and Suiiini r will, also, as Capt. Cuttle would say, over- html, and, when found, make a note" of riVif. j Is pro negro sulfrage, in ftetr estimation, so Irightful an offence, so infamous a crime, as that the mere imputation ol it should create such a s terrible hue and cry: What ihi they, whatcm they think of thrir North Carolina pets and bantlings ; Rut Messrs. Greek, Sumner an.l Stevens need not take tire inhu. r lo heart. Most of t Ik-sc, their pets, were once lire eaters. sccoMsionist and violent war mi n. Having alrea.lv changed sufliciently to ingratiate themselves iu their favor, there w iil be no I rouble a- to anything further. Most of them willo n.-gro suffrage ; tbev are intact l.ei'ii.liino lo ),. rl...n f.. -' "- " it ; they arc sigiiim; Memori a'., stde by side w ith I who are unhesitatingly set down by Mr. Holden theirc.lor. il brethren, praiii,:; Couor.ss to be. ; as loyal I'nion men, who will not endorse him stowit. And Mr. Illithe. win n m t In . rrio,,.t. now. or that bill either. Many of the most de will give some other meaning to pcr-e. ,,,,,,,,, ' i-lli(m m,.n in ,c f,tst(."u ,)f . and it will Ik-du!v ins.rtr.1 in tl lied String , ,- , . Defirier." ' ,l"ve cIa""" to respectability, will not endorse - .. universal negro suffrage, how niitch' soever they anonymous i.rtiprs. . .. .1 The Ktlitorof the toio!or,l. it sim,-, i- nun li annoyed by such harmless iliine.- a- anonv inmis letters, threateniiiL' him p. r-..nalh Iuli;:','4 ft. It w e recollect corn-t I Ii . In- ph.e--c. to iM. a gooti .leal annoyed iu the s.-itt e wa, po,t I1 lonfr as Z. It. Vance held the In Im. ih. n- rt m, dangi r. We nssuie hini hi-pn.t. i lion i-t t ; j ;. j ly tta ure uuikr t-he,tt.liii.Uirati.ii ..t the noble j old Roman, Joiiutlian rt I . I h. .,. i,on j uious b-tl. r-. howi v r. an- cw-ndu. l.-.i-h f trick", which ro one sin mid b. o:o,t o! Mr Hidden i", howev.r, sin h" a s. n-at ioin-t shonld n-ot le urjirist-d if theae mis'-iv , , fm. 1 but the ghost. ..I his own gi.ilty iina-ination ! - - 1 Kv Gov Vance addressed t,,. AuriouHueur J I and .Vimso.witig Ah4.:iirtVii -f Cn.- w( ,'Mnn(U.'rvenir,r7 bt-t 1 Municipal Schools. In cnuujeratiug, a few dafssim, ome 4the more important meisnrra that will claim tho attention of the LogUlatyta, when it re-Mcm-blca, we failed to mention the very nieritorioua Bill, introductd by Mr. Crawford, of Howani relative to the establishment of Common Schools in Incoiporated towns ami cities. The lull aim ply niiowers the various municiival authorities til h-i taxpH lor the etaldishnetliLljlfych Pb lie institutions, a r( ' sure, nianv of our Ihh u(Vw -elvi s. Wo know ol no Ix'tter V.a the latiieiitnhle ilestnution of our i houl MHiciinitii. in part, he eiitiipen'sltTeil for A liitle ii nniuny in other ilepartuents yl mil nieipal elpi n-e will enahle each town t.v lew a ia lor tin pui jiusc iinlieated, without inenas ino the already heavy rurdeii- ol the people. Kill, i veil if it were othcii-i, ln vvouhl ohji 1 1 to lieino liolitly taxed lor an nbi et of such ciccfjitig i in port atw '. V hilt: the eolnrnl popiilatiini are Ix inij in rally nlueated nmii r the nusiiees of tin- . rnnn ul, many ol our v hiteehililreii. In .in slo i r pov i iv, are lei. at i ed the a.lvai. laces ..I instriieiion. Laelt loiniuu nity Hiii!il .ii rim o ii, in tlic lono run, by -pro-vi.linuloi the iulelli i tu al and moral Hants of ils indioenl youtli, ami thereby preventine; the LTowtli of idleness an.l vi.e. to say nothing nt the higher ami better considerations thai iuipi I In siieh a policy. We ei.inilli nd the Hill the iini-t lavorablr eoii-iiletation of the Senate. It has nlteaily passeil ita aeveritl re:nlin;; H,SI. ,,' Coliiinoin. IN The Holden Memorial. The follow ino i, die memorial which Mr. II. .1- li n and lii. ii.ls are eiretilatiui: for signatures both blaejriiid while. hit her the word vAiof i s suLstitiiteil in those signed hy the eoloreil people, by black or eoloreil, we arc not prepared to say. It is, however, quite certain, that many of the eoloreil population, who si(;n it. do not . ti ii I. l t mi. I its object. It carries a lalseliooil i n its lace, by n-kine; Congress "tn e-tal.h-li civil Hnveriiiiieiit in North Carotina." We have tin -(loiibtedly had civil government, in law, and in laet for a year, eoinuu ncinj; at the time of Gov. Worth s trrst inauguration. Let our people read the memorial an.l let them prevent, by correct and truthful inlorniatioii, the false impressions that are sought to be marde by the IJutdrnilra. in circulatinf this rrrnnrorUt. Indeed, we still believe that otif suggestion to Hit tip a counter memorial, was a good one, and our;ht to be acted upon. By the way, we ask foriinforiiiation Are not the getters up of this j memorial, its circulators and signers, all liable i to presentment by the Grand Juries of tho State .' Head the memorial : Memorial to Congrnt for a IaiijuI Cicil (lorern mentfor Xorth Carol inn : The undersigned, loyal (wliitej ritir.ens ol North Carolina, most rospectfuly and earnestly petition the Congress ot the t'nited Slates to pass into a law the bill introduced into the I louse of Representatives, on the I :tth of De cember, isijit, vy Hon. Tha.hus Stevens, of l'eiinsylvania, to establish Civil Government in North Carolina, an.l to enable it to resume its former relations as one of tire constituent States ot the American I'nion : or to pass ,-ome bill imilar in character, so that civil government I mav be speedilv established on a Ihormiahlu Uv but where could he go to find such a despotism as that would be, rylininistere.l by such as he is and hi-p!j ui Ieads-1 Uiaory taitsTH) It.rnish sii. li an example Hut I'rot ideiire has in store abetter late tor a brave, linigminiiiioin people., like the H-opp of the South. We Itave titav ttIMfftutT6u7 atieust in nnme, a President who j ,,'-'s l"v res.onsihihty of his oath to enforce it, allJ Supreme oiirt sworn to interpret, not lo I interpolate, it, e - j Universal Negro Suffrage. t About six months ago, we intimated very j strongly, that Mr. Holden was getting readv to go over entirely to the Radicals, and would ad vocate universal negro suffrage. His endorse ment of Mr. Stevens' bill, on yesterday, and w hat we hear of his speech to our rolored peo ple, settle the question, that he is now com mitted to universal negro suffrage. He has the audacity to say that all. the I'nion men of the I """th will sustain Mr. Hfevens hill. afe learn t'11 Mr. Harris, of Rutherford and, we Ix-licve 1 Mr. Jenkins, of Gaston, einplialieally declared j during the legislature, that they endorsed Mr. Holdcn's bill, except the negro suffrage part . There nre I hou&unils of vHi mn 1 11,. - - oi uiu mate . .4.; il, .l-.kn.:.-i-;- r.- : ' ii .; .l.;- flo, rl-t.n.f..-l:;r...X- "i '. ? .i n'..i i.i nn no- .isiiuiicnineiiieiii oi i in seces sionists and war men. Loyai.tv is but a figment, whieii its interpre tation and enforcement lire left to the divisions of a dominant or fanatical party. The Southern people are ns loyal. In the true sense of that term, as any portion of the I'nion. Obedience to la, mid reveri-hce and reapetd for the Con. stittithm and tln-to who administer it, are the only test ot loyalty lake Hit, test, and M-iiple. except the "Southern Loyalists," t nth loyal. our are 'RtV. Tin. DtKMH.' The MelrofmlUitn Hrronl ' ii,T- ,,r- '-ems preaches every Sundays lo a ( ongregation in the Chanel of ih Utliyertity .10 the t-ity of-NcwYora, ami has . mmj uecu tt.gugoi ujkiu a etiurse of lecttlres in iat in mill it comnienils bun to all Associa- . f- STATE NEWS. . r-Tue late mow itorm seems to Lav6 ben geueral throtifhout the 8laLe. Along the lioe of the CaN Fear, the alormeJ rageil with great fr.in ,. ,.lara tho snow iallioi! tu t j i , i depth of four to six inches. i Tlic VVilniinoi.iiu lUtjHtlch says Ihat iu vettcvillo the ktareity of money has put real own to. oil. h low li'tires that it will it uiore than Ad n-r t ent. of its iaI5ble vafTaTioii in 1 iO. TIip prospi t ol mi early i ninplelion of I lie Kypt eoiim-etlou is so i;n'iit as In iii.luee the beiul tlint in the rotirso ol two or tlirei ye irs ii w ul he worth ten limes what it cart be boul)! tor now. Those who I: i e money to niM-t w.-t.Milo v. li to i.ii:i ine the malt, r lot t In in -el s - - 'I he H iliumidoii .ini.il rontains ailv. i tl.i tin lit- oil. rni:; hi -i! I lit I' ol the laol and Ik st i.lantali. p.-in . n ll.in.iver I 'unuty. 1,! One o I l;n in. Ho. k I'oii. I. i 1 N. I ll . III-. tali, .. ff , I. .. .ii In- I.e. urn "All -hoitiy, lor the beiie i i-i n'v 1 . i ! i 1 1. u i t. .1 theii . - ipe Iroiu ..li l'l idav infill la-it , lie' Cr-t tlo.tr, the i , I . . II plel i. .11 - i n! .out r ,' in 1 1 1 1 1 . i ' i . . i . lit ol the l.i i! i.!l-l ( .. I'.l;;ht pi l-.ui. i- i II New Hanover I .mill ul, liirouoti tin ,n low - ol locks ol the e. il .loot- 1: i Ion e.l and the bar- i f tin wren. In .1 lio 1.1 tin .1 - iek. On Moll.i.lV el.-'.ilio, a- l - li .llll liotll the Ni ttbelll .y.o.i....7 I ' l "io . a O.l'l.l li.n- pailv 1. 1 eetlt lellli II n.-illllle'l a! toe lla-l. lloii-c, ill thai cilv, to .-t.u to -..ine I.... i by the New I UuV. auc. . r n I oi net !' nid. in In 'in n Al'lcl Ii pealed call.-, the ( nor appeared on tin- balcouv and was introduci d by Irs Honor. M a or U'.it-liiueton, in leu w . i .l , as "oil.' loo will know ii to 1 1 ii ire an i .it i ". bil lion." U lien the applause had -ol I. .1, Gov. anee Api. -se.l his appreeialion ! tu. ...o! plitnent ill one of his lellifo ..ili. 1)1 tnoi.ic m. I M n: V( 1 .."1. ti.-;: . !Io--t inl in til. en.- C. un horrid atr.ii ity a-i luini'.i ty last week. A r. -p. . laid violated by a bind of tin low white men, in the a!.-. ; . man o .1 lady w a et:r - ai d tlo. ' .1 In i- h.l-' an.l. They are all implicated, either i pi rpetrators or ItCCOtlljiiii -S ill the Cl'ilile. live IM--o.s have I s-cii i.lciitilU.l and coniiu ,' i to l of but one of tin-white men oelv ha I I a airi.u.l up to our hearing nl tb. i. p. t Outrages ,. a diabolic..! . l..,.,.-. r -eelll to be Con lined to two or tlmee of our lla-lel i Collii ties. Several nun. lers have occu.r. . iniii. County. We olivcrve tiiiit "S niih. rn l.oad-t" pretend that these facts im'i..ite the mci--ity ol reconstruct ion. We venture the .--.ilioii that an investig.rtion ..I the M.-ts will -l., that the guilty panic- intlu -c inl .m i when fouiiil out w ill pr.oe i.. b.. in lour out of ei r live cases, eitln i . . dole. I aal.on.is ..r of that d.iss of while n. -,i who alTu-i lo be "Soiithirn I.oialists." We el..il!ei-....- the iev. tlgatn.h. The X. P. G. The Richmond ,',, ii, irt r burls the billowing broadside at tin- K. I', li. o North ( 'nr.. lo, , , ' "l-tlipu.lcncc isoflen iiiad" to -ilppli tin -place .f virtue, and to claim lis mi n-.l. It i- i . til it rule that llobleivof art Ii In- 1 i i. i, m.,ki -Lis lortutie. The i xpos'ires ol bis recnril ihich have been a huuibed times ni.nie, I v 'ii Oitelliporaiil-SortlieNoTliltaoI.nl pi.--, an Inch as to cover his pres. nl . oiiis. ..u.l pi, ien linns, ami hitilsell, not on. v with oilimn. but, with inlaitiy. Hut it is ( ui ion. to si c- li ... til tic he minds il. I: is eiupli. u-.M "Aa.r.l.un t diick'a liack,'' a t the wmgw aini -the b;rd is dry. lb' i . like :h - turtle, u i. li iM Iiishm.iu buried iii tin-uiu. I. and u a -.in:... I o Unit his i yes. on npenir.g , "a bri'.t n.iv,i.' Re listens to the j. i t iiud -..thin? l.-nuin in fiuns of hinisell with tin- coo) tmrtl;;io i, n the n probate who. oh i ilar ti ,-. a-i,. . to be "told biie-..- .ii-m: K'iei, '" 'Ti.r fll.li .llioa lvo. .it'., tilt ;.' ... --iis.-o.i . ill,., lor sees, e n , hi i s i -1 a ! Hi ' ' 1 In ' i f,iih;.woui..,llei,,,,s .,;,p,.fl ,.. s-oc's fist, dollar. jou( Jut, Uuui. r.-Mw-twi,-,- ol 111- coiiiitryni. a u- i. bcls i.i, d irnili.r-. .ui.l mi,,, tin neccssilv .I disbaiiehisiiu' Iln tn ; i. .inure- sin is hini-ell is a t: I I'ni man .. a i... I iu gr. und than that, about lot; I, he l.i-an to play ) a t il-u- part i-i the war. and lo stud, low toei.i- liarrasa the government. he was null pi, tending to support ; a tre.-u In rj as b.a.--an, ,., in-cii-i-biht) to shame as aljeet, as if a -ol.ii. r of the j Army ot Northern Virginia bad taken mU.-iu- : tagi. ol the c.iiil'usion ol battle to li:. ,n I r ' Jackson, and were now to avow Ih. l oasi i.l it as a ground of mranl .' A bi .. n lion:, a cheek that never blanches nor blushes, are ines timable to a knave in politi, . or roguery: and in tbi-s qualities II .1.1. -, . tra..r t.nnn native gifts are eiUalled only I.i the li,,acn. with whiili he has cultivaled tl,. a." IUC.IIE.Vsv ACADEMY. rfMIE net! session of niv o. I1..0! v ,11 , ,i,n,,, , (u X Mondav, January llth, l-it7. T K It M S . i Tuition, p. r sessiim of live rn.-Tiih-, , H-iarii, incliiihng r.s.in, wu-luii tucl, . Hoard, in e: od fatnilii s in th. n, ihl..,iS.o. ' rout, nicut to tbu AcaiUmv at rayiiitiu can Im- lna.li- at any t .biri-.g sion, or at its close. ! OlVi.-e, llill.-boi,,,,. I,, N. i HUH I I. W. Ill , Dee 14-.lllasw2t .11! m:ii:Ko colle.i ite TI'TE. ((iMI.AIjKIGH A (IASTit ( k.) T WW. se.-olld session of this I n stn iil ,. ,., Jcims in r si ssein Priinary Iii i.l. c:nr. Hiirlier Fngtish .. ,1.1 i Classical Ilii-liietital l.tp.'iisis Fi.i H.rd in private far,, ii if,. ,,i,,g me of washing fuel and lights ,', .- , .r The Prill. IT, al u.li I... a.si-l. l 'l,, II, Itobards. of I. nun, II,. -c , , tlj.,r..,U(. L mi expertelicl-il tea, h, r r',,r furth. i i'.,t. ul a ;,.,.(,. . .. .. 1 hi I' A i K'l l'l-"l; l.'-C .O .11 H S M, 1-etelsl.urg Inil- . .i.i o , f, a .... I , , .... ... . a OTI i; -.ai'A.. 1 ,C. " U-X-tii.1 ' i... 1. ..' ' A -rn.i ATH wiin.s i, SSSahly iii lltii.tifoy s.,, aillhurljiuig Ah eleehoii ot . town ol Wa.lenb,!,, Slid .. , .,,.a (u j laws nf th,. Htate c.iti.irim... A local Isw to tl't! riiulrai.y iBat,ti,wH 1 .ii m. lor an s.-i nn n.i-T 711,5 Tlie .Iii.i to sell a pan t,f tin. ..none m Jail slamlfl.t Oec'41-Wa- win. I. ,e , I . THI BIB AMD BAB. ' - bRi OAUDNEK, U oelebraled 6culiat and Aurwt, wiu im w uie Aacoango uuiw wncra ji can Da oou ,ulte(j & fatntmt and all diaeaaoa of tho Eye, front Hattirday Janaary Sth, until Thursday January llth; j The Ueetor haa pcrfonned enteral c6res since lie has , X'tt'iBaloigh, therefore thoaaw ho require Ur.lj. al or SuiKieal aid fur defective Sil.t or Hearing should avuil lU. luselves of the opjK.itiiiiily now offered for ohtanig t'e'it f hy goini; and ronsiitliui; 1M1. ti.VKD NEK. , DIED. In tins cilv. I.ut .'veniiif,', Tuemlay, .thul.it. insl., j past '.Iii'cITm k, Mrs. I.i cimiu M. Ti . nai, ui.luw of Hi. laie Kiiiiin I'urloT, in the liKih, vuarof hnr aiif. aliH. 'l i i sKii Has suddenly suutivn tl.mil la tlionudst oial-ils. life liidiirttry. and a rolinlalit personal at tel.tu to llw.dulitsi tsf lwr nww hmtsjr-tiold, - i lte.jpf r at lioi.ii . huh u ilistin,'un.hiug trait in her chaiaetct. t or nianv yt srn sIhi ha4l c-ouM-craleil herself to t'hrist sn.l .a.. ati u.-eeptable In. Illht-r ul tho alethodinl Lpi -...j.Ht 1 lituvh houth. ' ho piMsessd a kind heart. aiuiaMti i.i disiMh-itmu and devoted as a wife, mother an.l tin u. I. ftie Ntinililon cam. ainldeuly, hat the wilt, r ht-rieies she waf ready, and lier niirvivm fi a-ii.ls l.a.e iiotliuin' lo lViuviit l.tit Itii tr i.nu loea. "Itle-sT-.l are the d ad who din in the I .ord." 1. t'ENEKAl, OIIE. t! Inn. asl ..'liii'iB . .' t ti- IsU- wis. lil I is li. 1. 1 H ill -In l!e 'pls.-e nt the' Ki iseop.il Methodist l imn b,al II oeloel,. I i-i.l.ii lili. .lulliiury, l-s.;. lii - relalioiis hinl trit n.Js, and lb. a, of In x .-ons. are ii -pcl i.illi lioil.d n. attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I'OU ItE.VT. r 1 1 1 i A l' pleasant Cottage on Hillslsiro Street a' .1 Joiiiii'g the n wiij. uce of Judgi .sailiideis. I'iwih-... sioii irn. n al once. Item moderate. Apply to .n HiE ft u'snrns. l.al. Ib. .fun -J-.iAWW s: X.LI Ml AND L ANNUAL MIIOOU f 1111 V. in t Kession i f my S. Ihm.I w ill conimeiiet- on L .Moli.l iv. the l-ltli. Jan., and colitluitc nnlil Fn ...v.lbe lllh June, IsiiT. Als.iit half an hour, each .:... after Hit. regular I V rcim-a. will lw leVft.-d to I ..... p ijhIh, tli..,ie parents nili.v deslie them to litfvc a iifiewi.-ilpt nt Tactics. f... I- i-Ii, Jau JNl. I. WOMH1.E. Hits. LA VMM IIOOL FOR V(H XU LADIES, 1 1 "11.1. bo rewptne.1 on Monday, the llih Jan. ISC.", M li.slrnction given in the hivhcr English bran . ... -. He-hiding Mathematics. and the Natural u iii-o. l j-. t. lit ai-eistaiice has tieuti secured. I i ii ti - in i s ssion of twenty weeks Atn ienf fjmgnagrs, (an atlditimalehargi l e-Vt. Mu.-.. . I n u. h and llrawing also extra. s. ienntic l-cturi s will Ik given during tlic w .-m..ii. I'm ineiii hnlr iu a.b aiici . J -ni j-.;i OXFORD FEMALE ACADEMY. bKV. ii. rt. Hif-L,punari.L - - fill 1 1. w ion opt ns Thursday, lil.h. v( Jaiiuari. I Iln- I'rilulpal sill Ik- aula . I br comis-l. lit ssl- nits in 11.- dill, lent department. All bills payable i -i-lvanc. . I . i.vs j.. r M - li of Wnellll,-- f 'l w. nlv . , I,, Inlaid, . chi tl.on r.u hsii Tu.i ion. I ..l!n'iil- S i ll h Mil- i and il-c of Inslnillielil. I oi.ln.-elit K. . lor Circular address, ltev. II (i. HII.I.. Jan 2 Uinliu li-incipal. 10 .si J TOU'V PROPERTY FOR MLE M V (Ti 1y iu Liiu:tUltC tn I ulf Vncalrd $ fMl.ttC- IH nt 1 Ir hflt 1'jA'H ill I in t i.i. t .. m ur.- i(,K1 r-M.iii ui til.- 1 1. U) Mi 1 Itn yj. ul li.. iii) (Im vim. in aiii t.n(-r M k !"i v. Mo tilt Mlf Arhfir-lllV IiY iltl tl'( N'otlfe 1 11 etUrvt-aw, tn iTutrt Trf ttip Femitt C'I1ir. " Tlt Ifi if itliHiMt (tfW, yH.ili-li- xcuili(t. i.m UHltl . fin4 i e-- b. ic fti'1 ftirnbliy tue-telii! -m uiiOi.itiil I HM : c.iUiJ tie HiR'lr fry torn I ePpom-i & im1 .n a lufil im ntM.-r, Ibrre are tlnriteii i le-ntl n-tl. . tn J d.inw:if Tiiori. K 1 H H S . KXEriTOR'S SALE. , UM HV POUT PI, NTITI lli I'OH i MAI.K. fl'IH T Mag. t era V. e la If k.et. X sriiAWiimuv t... pi--j nv .rf LEVIN LANF:, .I.s-eastd. wp -' "old . public an. turn on the Ui. ,y ,,( Kehi tiarf t, on t!.. pll HUSO. " r I he tra-t of land embraces alsiut t.flt acres . about tiki is elnanxl and readv f ,r cutti'wa ai and ais, ii ni v. t In clear. The balanee snnfnl wii ii I'. ... . ( ypi.-ss and Oak growth. It la, wiakssataorp tfon. tcttei ailspte.l to the cultii atn ji of . 'HTMiN, (illulM) Pl-AoAMii'P N i. a any other plantation of the size --.---.-inl IMstrtet. I lie 1 1 lie el-ait three miles from Marllsiro Depot on tl,. Wilmington W.-ldon Hailxuail, wnciji.a 11 mil.. lo.m V ilnungtoii. Th. plantation lavs 4 "l Un ' 'i Lh !-4 ljxau.li .4 Vac Cnj-s fVir' P.lr i, oR.e ..,g a ,ie i-.ib!. :a. .I,ti. -f- rtralisiM.rtaii ,iiof pn Juci in ' i.. . i . st nuirkri in i he Mate, cither hy wat. r or rail. i-.sou i iiuiK-ru.l with Ion. ;p$$T&:r&& t afi.TditcIius aro. in fair order. The iinprov.nl. nt ' ' "' ''; hi a good Dwelling House with sit rsnim . 's- I o. ine iuil.1 is lluiler ji .1 will, Ion. ," """" ai.o nianies ; ample Negro nait-rs . la I lilli.e ... jar.i : one ten Borne Engine with Mill , ., . , muunHgst v, ih, tnc 1hik1uJ4I inn I 1- l '-. i t the same time and place will be sold all if ih. ' t i IMlftling til jomn of th- fiiMwt Woo.lei!rrri,F.intli0. -an iy, Fi.iriiiitf uteiiMiU, (n; rl. r. Pork, (V M.n.l i.-n.i...fhtl-. OT.t;thiriJ r,, halW.. on. tw : thrr .vrar"- 1u i"Uu Im- Kivrn aU ..f I 'MH;uts ar iiikvL.'. I r iurthr mformft.t.in -t.i.it- i m n , ,, iiiiiiL'iJMi. ami IM 1. ii i:..t.,4... a i , i.. i'. na.tt ; 'i'iithiu . , , n , W. . LINK, runi'hi . HEAVY RD. "lWi: HTQLKN. L-Ui.ll my htaWee, in Htlifax C.unti, mr I.ini, 1 v . ,..,(, ,,.,, r .. a,HJ( k IOilU-1 four y. ars old. small white - .1 .. . Hli. a HAKh UAV lite spo nn Ha- ti,, I hllbv Kirlt'rawlrr i f i io in. I..-- mi" i.l Lie t.. ...I .1 1.'." " - " i soon mane. lb is -iip.Med have been attil. .. in eiii in.. lunli v is uls. ut tiv latl. rnnclio - ' '"' ' .I.Ui;;.h::,;ll;r;-1'- -,he 'in ai.oiii in i i v. In. ......... .t . ai I). II. I'KRUV I i.e 2 In- IM'. I'll! Is p.itKWK, 1 --1 UJl a l v ni I'roivn. ilel..,s. A C. III! I 'II 1 1 l fl II I II. tifsfav.awUii; an. r i HKO,VeV CFYL-H, t. Con i i nission M o e h ants 9 3 BE A V'E ST . N 10 A y i it ilrn;rin m,, lab. I'.tl l I e -J. J - i THE VOR4AL tfl SM l , Tl TE U'lTX'e at el,,,, n,ll N is ,, in. I. r tl... .;,.-,, ,- w r 1 '! V I s M" 1 a III .twl. ' .-W''iXi Oxcol -WjVrtwetel 'ixrl jV , 1 "'i" rl,'i',,,'-' 'i,.vm" '"stni.-tio,, ,,,'';:: ;,' '"' ""j '""'"""e.lt.1, espeeiallj will, ,el'. ,,,, ,., - jt'"1 g'litli Ul, lUjurilig 1 1 prepare for" Ie,"!,' I ' ' irculsr csitainino ...... ..i. .11.' :. .1 1. a .luleil nv a cms of SELECT SCIIOQlr FOB Toi i. .-a--- . --. v e ' t . :V,-' 1 l ' 1 -we wawwsel r' . . aiAaWllw mns Mxt4Maiiaa of MM. HoweU. BeiMt X will cmnueiiee Jan. IV d. 1867. y h Fur Dartitmlara ajdreea. -s-. . . UlWr . HOvVELL. ' Jan l .Uw BaMgh, M. CI J. M. LotrjA'! Aradenjr. fllUE Fifty-tint aeaaU wilt istwiDicDoe V JAATUAltX It ifluf. Also -M.e A mbm l.tavejcr . Hchool wUT open the eatne timo and place. " ' ' : Tuition, $15, and IIS. J M - - - -rri THE HIeitillAmi SCHOOL: .ntcMAMeTvii.i.K, m. r. LTRSSfOM of 1SC7 Ix-rins March (jth O Course of iiistnntl.m tlLAeICAIi, U f THE. VIA I ll Al. an.l I OMHt.ltClAL. s... A.klnwa. -t t ot. WM. BINQ'1. Jan I dwasivliu f DRY 4.00DM! DRY ttOODt OOOD8!!! .rTtj' ir rE have just received, direct toi North. V the ti.llosiug diwirabla i4 i car jkv )HilS, which w. wmMiUai-SV l'uearTiVtoew. 1 1 1 . s, hhaker, Mar awt 1 Jreiia! FUlllienV- L. t '. llawlker iuetrS v ... : s I'.K-k.-t tkkik-, i ' in .cuts Ill. Lt't Ladles H . v7 uts I, tl. baivoerehiefa, lored lfl.' Oltwea. ' 1 " mlk Noek 1 1 10 do. Zeier Worst d Ureakfaet flluwte, h " " ' i"U6. Nubiaa. MulK. ! 7 ins. Kress ffllif ' ' HaniUKsTH. I ren Goods Crape Oeiia, Bel in l Uid. and RtH-t.ner,l riajiW ,i Kiiipr.'lolh, FremdtK'-ririii, -j neoicit-jryaiiis, ' biiiierlj ish l'oplma. R f. nn, i tr f eotcm'anis, iri'fl TV rtienw. I.I A. WHOM co. Jah I f.AKRIrT, YOirG, SCOTT . (YANTKACTl'ltElS AJD WkiOLKSALE DEALERS I.M MonW and B o j 'J c I thin g. 13 H'arrrai aalel ? lair... Hit., ( tlt Vr all. ar-i l'UfU- NKVV Oi Jt... vmi-r I'rotnpii f Filled. 2 ITJ nDE ti C.W, fUKRKTf,nfX rJ hl'i Nf-bil M( 'OTT of S j 1 .''"terH 25t r..v nisit BOOK FOB GUAM. MAR kClrtoLA. I...... Oramnii, ai IL0'"' A" I'ulVuir,, m M Bhreet, Bowtsai. ffIS ra i r it-ate 1 will coiiinien.y, OB .ie o(j! ..uinlr of pp,, UnutL f, cTr"i??!: ladie miUiL F- cirmla, JiAll rf.Ir.J..F.Cr, I .ll.ll. I H I 'on (ur NovJO-tf DRISR,- tun, H. c. f.iti:i RTATE a x y n eiiV t'ollcctor ' Offlcf.klli. OlttCriet tS. C. -1 hamlt f,T roHecii T aVeM im my -tail to .itinply with ats-nse. m-lmvm.mm-"i eduisr Airast; K-. - Iheniat-lvM U a tyof K, 1 H,,Jrf1'SJ"t iiiprls.mt.ent. I"(lrtdl)olUr,M4 JOHX READ IVe U t I Kf. OoH. 4 I G "I "I, A ICALAD HIlirl.Wi.. " -eiw. ..s..a . HAL SCHOOL. "b will ont o ii8ebotrf. tut bore i . ik . the (thi, . larv h V the late WdKat.H. ' of No efforts -bsllj hatred fur th. MenUI UJ ... I'litrsh-al devetnlitof our pupila? We proao I., mf i our ; eoa,-, to that of th ru. no r mat. nrairtjiicr itietitnLs ...- .-".-? ""SJ 111 . l.-e. Iliwi J-a... :-;nu givcalM fctS2& For the l lvsnalsineiifaiid rTOv? r""' " boy. - "masii ulf ert hour ra.'h vK-4sl (o , eter. lar j ' htf U'KiW.l U JUl,, Him -i a i lMiiiiaHii Ttilfi.erd boiirea.1,,,,..,, lIrIm tC,? ',.flo" " at unary eut . Is. 1 " w on TOorai iipils of , Tj ,. ' iii. iii- lv.,. 1 Y, and I" I to. -lire, al L .. ... " Ihit t furLh c , ,".r,nll. MO-M Per il v. X f living out of - .litis sell i; Ac .. .. I, .'-rteniieaitl f. lb-: LrthijLJ?? 1 or terms ma! r., ,i. .. Y " i until no. hi, I ;,,.,.).. . i.i.aiq n.. j.i-2. 1 w h HAnitrgnjt. r-"teil her . a' .lit; U stt A X III, nil. .1... . r-, F 1 l. k ih,:;, u!J 'it th. i...i.i w .": - A"WV - ?f '''MtwAcVTloD-" .. 1 -.77.-" 111.1.1. , ,.1... I." . " . "''ignours I l,. , , " '"I- I,ii i;,.nu7 ,17'. uer.iied. A I, f.utv,l. l h. si, I wtl'rea IVrs arOAi, VI . . v , a 11 " Wt.717. '.' ! Jle,.. JAMIafclAHTKMii, W- m. . . ' ABB MTAl A i.M -'V in 1 Wf C, in.ipsl f " ' .' "'" -sth, . h -iV(ir .. r ' f i ' n s. W-rting lecturers. I Ui'LD'Mi,-W.4l56.1Ion.. ltc2.S.;f J- unotrn. Willi

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