THJE SENTINEL. i ill F THE SENTINEL. MNM, B. PELL, Slate Printer. RATE OF ADVERTISKU.; TERMS OF (7BSCRIPTIO.V. 11 111 1 U k Uo Ik alrcalatioa of tha 8sitiil makas it ons of tht aioit deairabU atadiuat f a4vrtuUa la tha Suit. AdvartlMaraU, teapyiag tbs ipso of I liaa sf nialoB typa ar Im, which wa sail a qaira, w ekarf as follosrs for iaMrtloa la tk wsskly : Tor aaalassTtioar tl For two iBiwtiaa i a For oo sioath, 1 09 The Winil tam I pablUbed svery at cad? ralnf. Stai-.WiHLT ea tUtarday Bad Wdonlr - v - - - ;tmti SEMI-WEEKLY. l WOULD MATHER RB KlCllr THIN RE PBRIII?.1I r".. Heart Clay. For to moat hi, i nn For tix moaths, I ' For un year, ,a mi JOB WOKK isai4 with . i .r atOrncs - VOL. 1. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY ltf. 18G7. NO. 76. n QI7 m T 1 u i 1 Wily, year, la advaaea. It tl jMsl-wtaaij, , ta aaaas, ot maii-WMkljr, U (Mats la a?n, I M Pally, jrsar, ' lit Daily, sis snathi, DO Daily, three ssoatas. Dally BMth, IH JTORTH CAROLINA eQIBLATUEE. SENATE. Tbcmdat Mobniho, Feb. 14. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. Prayer by the Rer. Mr. Hudson, of the Meth odist Church. HKTOBTS Or COMM1TTKK. Mr. Wilaon, trora the comniittee on the Judi ciary, a bill to amend an act for the relief of landlords, reported adTersely. Mr. Uaah, ironi the Committee on Claima, a resolution In favor of Edmond Bradford, Re ported adTersely. , Mr. Johnson, from the coinniittt on Corpor ation, a bill to incorporate Charlotte Water Worki Company ; recommend ita pawnee. Mr. Wiggins, from the committee on Finance, a bill authoriiing tha Comptroller to employ a clerk. Recommend ita passage. Mr. Moor, from tlx committee on Corpora tion, a bill to incorporate the North Carolina Dental Aaaociation, proHaed an amendment and recommend ita passage. Also a bill to in corporate the North Carolina Land Emigration aid Company, proposes sundry amendmonU antFrecommend It passage. HIl.I.H. Mr. Pa ball a bill to consolidate the Chat ham Rail Road & Wealern Kail Road Compa niea. Referred to tha committee on Internal Improvement. t Mr. Hall, a bill to aecuie advances lor agricul tural purpose, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. On motion ol Mr. Cardwell, I lie vote by which the bill to establish the County of Pitmliro was rejected on yesterday, was re-considered. The question recurring on the passage of (he ibill on it second reading, the ayes and nays were called anil the rote stood avi s '.'II. nays 20. The Speaker voting in the negative, the bill was lejected. A mcasage was received Iroin the House trans mining additional name .r Justice, of the Peace of the County ol Stanly. On motiou of Mr. Maraball, they were laid on the table. A message waa received from the House trans j mitting a memorial from the Ladies' Memorial Association of the city of Raleigh, askiug aid to complete the Cctuetciy near this place, w ith a resolution providing for the payment of fl,.ilhj l,r taid purjMMM. On motion of Mr. Cunningham, the rulea were uspended and the resolution passed its several readings unanimously. rMMMsHKn in -mrs. Bill authorizing the issue ! Treasury notea to pay the interest on tl.e State debt, was taktn up. Mr. Berry stated that be desired to say a word or two in reply to the Senator from Pasquo tank. He must express bis surprise that the (senator should approve the bill under consider ation, inasmuch as he had het-n a atrong advo cate for all relief measures, even to the suspen sion of the Courts. The bill under considera tion), Mf, Berry beliered would afford more sub stantial relief liy (restoring public confidence, ; than any bill which has bceu before the (General Assembly, toe sUy-lsw not excepteil llut, lie aaid, the Senator makes a violentaltatk on the Mil, and sv it is not even tbc ghost of the original bill. 1 thin declaration sustained by facta ( Ho defied the Senator to uint out one Important section in the bill that has lieen changed. One section ha been annexed pro viding for a tax to meet the bills at maturity. Thia amendment give credit to the bill, and he gate notice when tlie bill w as considered before, lo the Finance Wimite, that he intended to offer this amend oi ut, and the slight amend went to the first and fourth aeclions only em power the Treasurer to pay the bill out to all persona having audited claims against tit Stubs. Secondly, ha) charges that the issuing of these bills increases the debt of the State one and a half millions of dollars. I this declaration true I Ho farirom it, the issuing ol these bills is sim ply to pay 08 existing liabilities, ami will save . - . . t j. 11 i '. 1 of interest before tlieae bills arc due Agsin. to tne state a nair minion 01 miliars in me way Mr. Berry said, be says that the whole taxable property of the Btate is not over one hundred million ol dollar. Is this declaration sustained by fact t The Public. Treasurer, in his official report, aatiiuatea il at three hundred millions. Tb Senator baa come in two hundred millions of tbc amount Quits mistake. Again, be urges another objection, that these notes will start at depreciation nf 30 or 80 per. cent, below gold and silver, II that be true, said Mr. Berry, these bill will be better than greenback! 10 to IS per cent. Ho we need not have any fear, if the Senator's position is correct. Again, ba Tlolently attacks the South Carolina Treas ury bills, and say they are 20 or 30 per cent, below pari Has he given you the proof, or is this another declaration similar to those above. Mr. Berry said he had given proof that these bills circulated at par with national currency, and a an evidence of that fuel, the holders ol tktM bills have only to go to the Treasury De partment and receive for them national curren cy, as provided in so act passed in September, llWIL Thn Beuator bad attacked the issuing ot those bills on the ground that the Convention repudiated Treasury notes issued during the war. But this was done to comply with orders issued ; i fronvW aahington, and it was done under com pulsion. ; bnt do you suppose any such require ment will now be made hy the government ? Certainly not. And you cannot presume that your old mother, w hose character for integrity and honesty, standing aliv atupleon, will so far degrade herself Mr. Bern continued. Air. Speaker, I think I have demonstrated that the declarations made by the Senator from Pasquo tank are not sustained by the facts in the case. Other States have avWd their credit by issuing billsof credit, why cannot Noitb Carolina i -The Rlaleiif Maryland wan precisely iu the same predicament of Norlli Carolina She owed fif teen millions of dollars, and her State bonds were down to 40 cents in the dollar. She passed ankct authorizing the issue ol bills ot credit. Her bonds soon rose to par, and why should not he same policy produce the same effect in North Carolina. x ' -!-Mri-Spd replied al atua knimih, but his re marks would so extend our report, we are ob liged to defer tbsin until to-worrow. The question recurring on the passage of the bill on its second reading , the jeaa and naya were called and (he bill was rejected by a vote of 87 to IS. Leave of absence waa granted Messrs. Speaker and Hall for several day. A message wa received from the House pro- )oing to increase the committee on Federal (elation to five on the part of the House. Not agreed to. Vlr. Cow lea im 10. bleed a resolution providing that the Senate and House meet in joint Con vention on to morrow at 12 o'clock to consider the affair ol the I'nioti, On motion of Mr. Hall, it waa ameuded by iuaertia-g Wednesday next. On motion ot air. U-ach, it wo laid on I he table lor the present. HPRI'lll. OKPKR. Dill to raise revenue wa taken up read by sect lor t, sundry amendment were adopted, pending ita consideration the Senate adjourned, on motion ol Mr. Wiggins. liol'SEOK COMMONS. Thi ksdat, Feb. 14. The House was called to order at 10 o 'clink A. M. Mr. Harper, from the comniittee on Finance, reported a bill to authorize the consolidation of the securities of the Statp, held by the Lite rary Board, and for other purpose. Passed first reading. Bv Mr. W ilson, of Forsyth, a resolution in favor of Mary M. Transom. Hy Mr. Jenkins, of Ga"tn, a resolution in favor ol J. L. Withers and .fames H. White. Ry Mr. Lowe, a resolution instructing the committee on adjournment 10 report on or l e forp the 1.1th irn.1 Adopted. By Mr. Fo:rd. 1 l.itl to amend the charter of i Olin High School. j Hv Mr. Morton, of -Watauga, a bill to provide for keeping up 11 public road neir Sinpoii j mountain. j !v Mr Itus. a resolution that ibe Judiciary CiiiuinitU-c empire and report as to the com enst inn that should lf allowed the Attorney ; (Jeneral for investigating the affairs of tlie Cape Fear Navigation Company. Adopted ON CAI.KSP4K. A bill to regulate taxation by the County ; Courts, passed second and third readings under a suspension of the rubs. j A resolution relative tn weights and measures, paHscd second and third readings. j Bills, to amend the charter of the Oreenville j and French Broad Railroad Company; to ap- ' point a tax collector for the county ol Martin; j to abolish imprisonment for debt, and to pro ect Executors and Administrators were laid on the table on second readings. srnXlal. oitoKK. A bill to enable the Western Railroad Com- 1 panv to extend its line across the N C. Rail- road to the Yireinia iine near Mt Airv. Mr. Waugh aiblressed the House in support ol the bill The bill then passed its second reading. i vl MAlt HKseuKii A bill to uiye ll'inconiU- Superior Court, ex cliis'ie jurisdiction ol Buncombe Turnpike Road, was dii nsscd and laid on the table. A bill to aim ml the charter of the town of Hen dersonville, was uuienibsl, and then passed 'Jnd ami Itnl reBdjn:;. sen I il. litMt mi. 'I A bill to establish a l'. nilcutiarv, on second reading Mr llut. Ins IV r. d a substitute for the bill. This siibstiniti 'differs from the original bill iu that it pioiides for raising (iio.IKH) annually by taxing spiriiiinus liipiors foreign and domes tic, .brk-. bow ie knives, playing cards and oihci In in if liie ninoiii t s.i raised to lie applopriste.4 b tin-"erection ol Penitentiaiy buildings. Il aU provides lor the appointment ol three commissioners In visit Northern prisons with a view to ascertaining the fast mode for constructing the Penitentiary. Mr. McKay, moved to substitute lor the bill and sulauitute, a bill on the calendar, aulhnri lazing Ibe courts to sentence criminals to work on the public reads. Mr. D.irgan opposed the bill. He deemed the Penitentiary system impolitic, and adverted to to the ill w orking ol IhV system in the South ern States, when.' few coni' ts were mechanics. He was opposed b it ntso' because of the im povi risbinl condition of the people. He moved an indefinite postponement ol the bill. Messrs. Uodnett un.HJmss fivored ll.e eslab lisbmcnt of a Penitentiary and onposed the motion to postpo.ii- indefinitely. Messrs. Freeman, Ivelsey and Bowe fivort-d submitting the question of Penitentiary or no Penitentiary to a vote ol the people. Mr. Allen opposed the bill, and favored the substitute proposed by Mr. McKay. Mr. Long said, substantially, that without discussing. Tie should, if the question came to a direct vote, support the bill in deference to the wishes of his constituents. Mr. Hutchison addressed the House at length in support of the bill arguing tlie net-easily of a Penitentiary under the changed condition of public affairs,' ri suiting f rom the w ar, the eman cipation Id slaves, Ac tin ib fended tile, sv tt-n'i as the best that could be devised for the punishment and prevent i in of crime He sta ted that a I Vnitentiai y adequate to the impn on inert i.l 1000 criminals cmild In: built at the co-t of fi;o,oon Mr. D.irgan teplieil, asintiiig tluvt the Pcni tentianes in Tennessee' and Ucoigia had Ix-en bur'hensoUH' in tin- jn-ople of ibo-eStstes. He a as opposed to this m. asiire for the further rea son tnal it would l.rinj the products of convict lalsir into competition with liou.-st mechanics. Mr. Durham tlioiihl the House should post pone action, until the Pciiilentiary.bill, pending iu the Senate, has U en acted on. lie moved InWelVire lliaf flic lull be laid on the tabi--. This motion prevailed. Ykas -Missis. Allen, A-hw'-rth, Autrj, llai den. Black, ltlylbe, ll.ove, Hiild-hir. Brown, Brysoii, t arson, Clement, Collins, Cialord, of Macon, Itargan, Durham, Freeman, UallOway, Uambril, Oorlnun, liraubeiry, Harding, Hi nder Ilol l. rl.v lloi ton. ot AN likes.. Jenkins, of i.H i,tusm, w visuu. i-joii i.iiiio"i, " : i McArthur, alcKay, MclUe, Moore, ol Chatham, I Moreiiead, Morton, Jlurrill,. Petrj, of Carteret I Richardson, Rogers, Kuan, Scoggiu, Biielum, Simpson, Stone, tiud.lortb, Trull, Turnbull, Ves tal, Walker, Waugb, Whittiehl, Wliillev. Wilson of Perquimans, Wi'liams, of Harnett, Williams, of Martin, Womble, and York 58, Nats. Messrs. Blair, Ch ad wick. Con an. Crawford, of Rowan, Daniel, David hi, Foard, Garrett, Gsnis, Godwin, Guess, Harper, Henry. Hinnant, Uodnett, Morton, ol Walaiiga, Hou's ton, Hutcliiso.1, Jones, Jordan, Kclscy, Kenan. Kendall, Lee, Long, Lowe, Martin, McClammy. McGougao, McNnir, Moore, of Jb ttlonl, Neal, Patton, Perry, of Wake, Kcinhardt. Hosehro, Scott, Smitli, of Duplin, Smith, ol Guilford, flterauaon, Teague, Inisle,), Viretutnreland. Wilaon, of Fotajth, W illia ins, ol Yancey, and Woodard 4. Mr. Russ pn seiilr d a liemoi iul ai comp niii l ,T a resolution in favor ol the Ladle Meniori i' Association of Wake ounty, i upprpriat mi; 1.100, to aid said As-o4-i ii ion ui improviii their cemetery fur the burial ol Conleilerale o diers near this inn. On presenting the resolution, Mr. Itus said : Mr. Speaker : 1 have had the honor to present the memorial from the patriotic ladies ot this city, and leel confident that the resolution will meet with no opposition upon this floor. I feel, fir, that justice to the living, us well as to the dead. demand at our liani.s the small pittance a-knl. I I should feel unworthy to represent such con- stiuents, were I to withold tin cordial approval j and sanction ot the ol-jccts and uims of this i association. By voting for the resolutions, ' gentlemen, you will Is? cheered by the smile. honored by the blessings, and invigorated I v the prayer- of those fair ami elberinl visitor, who hav-! honored it by their pn senre, and ! when you leave hers and return to your home, j and the Ihisohis of your tamiliis, mu will hear the plaudit, "Well lone limn f.o el mid faith- , till M-rvant." It will cln-ei aiid iioike giad the hearts ol your mother'- ami Mtr. to know r that you have thus contributed, iu all time, to j preserve and deaiirn-ite tin- I. mi rc-ifing place ol I those that were m-nr and dear to them. 1 then forti ask,. Mr. SpeakiT, lor tlie siispen i sion of the rules lie- resoiuti.oi ui.iv be put I upon its several readings. I Mr. Dargau also addressed the House in sup port of the resolution. , The rules were iisM'nded and the resiilution passed uhntiiinonmy. Mr. McKay introduced a resoliiiion asking an i early reiort from the comiiiitti-e on Fedeial ! Relations. Laid on the table on mot i, mi ol i Mr. McNair. ) Sundry private engrossed bills ot incorpora I lion, had tlicfr first reading and tlie House t'len adjourned. , SENATE. Frihav. Feb. I V The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. Mr. Wilson in the chair. Mr. McCorkle presented a petition Iroin .1. II. White, of (iaston county, with a resolution or the relief of the same, relerred lo the committee on Finance. i . HKPOKTS OK COMMITTERS. Mr. Wiggins, from the committee on Inter ; nal Improvements, a bill to amend the charter of the Haleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, i recommending its passage. Mr. K ounce, from the committee on Internal Improvements, bill authorizing the President ,' of the Western Hailroad Company to put said road under contract, reported favorably. Mr. McCorkle, from the committee on the , Judiciary, bill authorizing Exttutius and Ad ministrators of insolvent estates tosittle the 1 ame ym rata, reported adversely. Mr. Johnston, Iroin the committee mi Corpn ! rations, a bill to incorporate the Wnrtesmro saving institution, reported favotably. Mr. Love, from the committee on Internal ' Improvement, a bill to ainemf tbc chaitcr ot j the Plaster Bauk and Salt Work Hailroad j Company, reporte-d favorably. BILLS. j Mr. Wiggius, a bill troui the committee on I Finance, as a substitute for the original bill for the relief of the estate of the late Jen. I. j O'B. Branch. Mr. Gash, a bill to encourage the sale of Slate ' bonds and for other pnrposi-s, relerred to the ! committee on. Finance. i Mr. Ieach, a bill to establish a Board ot He i gents for, the I'niTenitty the male (Colleges of the State, referred to the comniittee on Ed I ucation. Mr. Leach aaid he had been requested i to introduce the bill by a diatingtiiaheil gentlc I man, the President of Trinity College, that had I finally gained high distinction and was now in i a properous condition. That gentleman nil ; the author ol the bill, the verbiage of which. I bad been slightly i hani'eil in a few particulars, j I The opinion of the President of Trinity was ( i entitled to great weight on all subject per- j taining to Education. Mr. Jones, a bill to amend 1 lth section, chap- I ' tcr 31st of the Revised Code, referred to the committee mi the Judiciary. ; 1 A message was risn-ived from the House pro- t posing to hold evening sessions from and after 1 ' Monday next, concurred in. ! pn motion ol Mr Avery, the eci:il niderfor ' bwiight at 8 ii'chu li rt winth-d. to wit ' a 1 j lull to change the judicial system ot the State. I A message was received from the House, pro- ' posing a Joint Committee oii Federal Belations. 1 Not agreed to. i On motion of Mr Wiggins, the rules were 1 suspended, and tin engrossed it-solution from 1 the House concerning mileage, w as taken up and pasted it several ii adinys. . On moiion of Mr. Oasli, tint ruh were su -nded. and the bill to const rucl h I'Vnitentiarv , w as takeu up and made (he special order lor Monday night, nt 8 o'clock. I NKINIsllFII HI'SIM:Ss. The bill to laise revenue w.i, taken up an-1 read by sections, sundry aiKeiidiin nt wcreadop tid, and the bill pa-s d its second reading. On motion of Mr Wiggins, ii w as made tbc special order for Misnday at 1'Jo'ilock On moiion of Mr. Adams, the rub s were sit.' pelldcd. and the bill to amend the Constitution ot the State was taken up and made the special order lor r einimuav hci. ch, mofiiUii of lit.' AViggiris; 'the SitMitT - journed tratil to-morrow 10-o'clock. . HOUSE OF COMMONS. Fbiday, Feb. l.". The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, A. M. Mr. Kenan, from the .Judiciary Comniittee, reported back, favorably, a bill to amend an act to repulate Salaries and Fees, and a bill to repeal an act establishing a Boar I ot Commis sioners of Navigation for tin Port of ( l.-racoke, Ac. ; unfavorably, a bill to empower the Superi or Court Judges to hold S ecial term-. Mr. Waugb. from the Committee on adjourn ment, reported a joint resolution to hold Kicking Scaaloiis. from and after Monday rii xt, nklngtif pa' age. Mr Wilson, of Pi ruimoiis, moved to amend the resolution, by substituting alter noon sessions lor evening scssion-t 'I'll IK ami ndini-nt a as rejected, and the reaolu tion n hs adopted. Mr. Moore, ot Hertford, offered the following resiilution, which was adopted : Wiiekkas, His Kxcelleniv. the (iovenior in die discharge -l his .-Hi. id duties did commissi,,!, ,,, n j ,, t,, ingtou City, min. inline" position, to confer witlith islativc department ! lie on inatti rs and tbinv- ton hoini. - :ii Wash t I j- iii'i lligi nee and r.X'cet'vc n I I.i-if-Federal ( iovcriiintnl , K'liinn' the future well w here a, this (icnei a being of i It r IX . on I. Assembly ma- becilVi! on to pass upon prop osition!! roncn, ted and mnfnrerl by the friends o! order and con! imti'iii.'il liberty there; and wherea. a majoritv of thee commissioners are now in ready and willing, doubtleii t com in mi it ji- to the members of the Legislature the n-siilt ,,f their ob-ervatiotis in the Federal Ciipilal. Tiurt r'i" . ,','., I'hat a message lie sent to the Senate, pi posing to hold a joint Convention of the itvo lions--, on Monday next, at 12 o'clock, in the Hall ol the Commons, and that Mcrs. I'.n.Mii, le-vden, I Iiiiich rnpiested to meet the ( ouw-ntion, and make ( such n vi bit ioes as will enable the members of j this tieneral Assembly to enter upon the inipor tant subject ot federal relations, understanding- I ly." ' - I By Mr. Long, a Ikill t.i facilitate the settle- ! men of estates. By Mr. Freeman, a bill to extend the regular terms of Oranville- Countv Court. i I'y Mr. I .it 1 1 1 ii rii . of Craven, a bill to establish n in " i oiiiiiv oi iiiiiiiiio. 1 1 lopoaen in . i i - i ' . . rv, i t ibli-li a new county out of parts of Craven and l c ri i:. . Beaufort. Mr. J.:ii li.'itn moved a suspension of the rules. Mr brli. un opposed this motion, and moved t'iat it lie on the table. Nut agreed to. The rules were suspended. Messrs. Latham, of Craven, and Durham urged the pawnee of the bill. Messrs. (iorliam. (Tirdwick, McNair and Morebeail opposed its passage. . Motions to refer the bill to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, and to postpone it indefinitely, were discussed and rejected. The bill passed ita second, and then its third reading as follows : I Yrah Messrs. Allen, Autry, Harden, Black, I Blythe, Bowe. Bradsher, CoIlins.Crawford, of M, ! Davidson, Durham. Foard, Freeman, Galloway, I Gamhril, Garris, Godwin, Harper, Henry, Hin j nant, Uodnett, Hohlerbv, Hutchison, Jones, I Kendal', L illmni. of Craven, Lutterloh, May, I ,'eAiibur, M Clammy. McGmigan, McRae, j Moore, ill III ri'lord. Morton, Neal, Perry, of t'urtitet. ;-e,',ii.,oii. 1,'oj-its, Uoschro, Simp s in. S;. io. Snddcrih. Trull, Turnbull, I" instead, Walter. VI,i!ti,ld. Whitley. Wilson.ofPerouim- nns. Wi'iiaui Woodard I ll irnett, Williams, of Yancey, Niv ' nrsoii i of Kou ;il b. If., lio 11. Ion. .1. .s. . I.-. ).'. Mon b. -,.l Scoe,,;.'. Mi s-i-s. Ash worth, Brown, Bryson, i i.livi. k. Clements, Cowan, Crawford, Davis. Farrow, Garret, Gorbam, Gran 's, Ib iidi rson, Horton, of Watauga, illu s. Houston, Jenkiua, of Gaston, I' ' ir-un ille, Jordan, Kelsey. Kenan, '. I, v. n. McNair. Moore, of Chatham, . Muirill, Patton, Heinhardt, Russ, Scott. Shellon. Smith, of Guilford. Test;l.i Vestal. Waugb, Westmoreland, Wilson, 1 of Forsvthe, York IS. t srK IAI. OHDER. A bill to authorize the Western Railroad Companv to extend its line across the N. C. Railroad to the Virginia line, near Mt. Airy, was put on its third reading, amended and passed. Mr. Jenkins, of Gaston, was allowed to re cord his rote against the Slay Law passeil on Saturday last. Mr. McRae, by leave, introduced a bill to in corporate the town of Rockingham. I ON AI.CNIIAR. i luwlul fence j I A bill making Roanoke River . in Martin County. A bill to convert the debt j due the State from the Atlantic ,t X. C. R. R Company into capital stock. A bill to amend j section 12, chapter 52, Revised Code, and a bill I to incorporate Pythagoras Lodge of Free and - Accepted Masons, passed third rending. ' Bills to incorporate Black Rock Lodge Ma i sons; in relation to dormant judgments; to lay i off and establish the new countv of Vance; (from portions nf Macon and Chirofee) and a bill to amend an act authorizing tin- establish mint ol County Woik Houses, passed second and third readings, . A message was r ciivcd from the Senate, re fnsinti concurrence in Ibe resolution proposing a joint Convention of the two Houses on Mon day next : also a incssat'e relu-iiig concurrence in House amendments to the bill amending the charier of the town of HeiidersonviJIe. The House refused to recede Iroin i-s amendment, srrci w ohhkii' m -.' A bill to exchange a certain amount of the stock in the North Carolina llailioad Company, with tbc Cbi raw and Coal Ki. Ids Railroad Cnnipuiu . and for oth,-f purposes. i .is put on its third 'n-adilig Messrs. McClammy. Kenan, Hutchison and McNnir opposed the passage of the bill Mi sts Davis, Foard, I.nnsr and Whittichl tirgi'd its passage. Pending action, the House adjourned, Mr llddcrbv having first entered a motion to n eon aider the vote by which the bill lo establish the 'tV)uiity - - of Pamlion, passed the House this morn inf REMARKS OF MR. SPEED, OF PASQUOTANK. Im Tnn Sk.natk on Tut kspat, 14tii inst., on tiik Bii.i. to tsst e Trkaspry 0TK9 to pat TIIK l.NTKKEST O.N THF STATK lloSlls. Mr. Sj,ealer : -1 do not feel at liberty, il so disposed, to trouble the Senate with any length ened disquisition upon financial matters, or the principles which govern trade, credit and kin dred subjects. 1 gave my reasons on yesterday why I should not vote tor the bill introduced by the venerable Senator from Orange. I differ with the gentleman with great deference. He is cool, collected, well informed and deeply im pressed with the difficulties of the situation, and fortifies his bill with the approbation ot some of the best informed, sagacious and patri otic men in the State, men in whom the pub lic have confidence ; and I oncur with the pub lic in its high appreciation of them. Nevertheless, Sir. I am here to act, upon the convictions to which in v own mind is irresistibly driven bv ' fuels and ciicumstnnces. ) ' be gentleman su j s, I claim to be a Iriend of relief for the people. The Semite and public must judge of that matter Iroin my m is. I know tin (Mople clamor lor nliel. mid 1 desire I to utlord it ; but Sir. when they cry l-r bicud, I do not wish to cast them a stone, and I belli vc tbnt is uli.r. iln v uiil yd in this lull I stated j on yesterday, that, iu my opinion, these notes, it issued, woiitil not answer Mie purpose intended, and gave my n I understand it to be a well settled principle, that a depreciated cur rency will drive a better one fmui ciiculation. In the war, bank notes drove specie from circu lation ; Siatc Treason notes, bank notes and Conlcdcralc nioiii -i excluded all other species ol paper. Now. ir. J am wed iatisicd that these notes w ill start at a di-prei iatiou. They will la; cnnsidi r. d oi lb l.ssihan I'eib ml currency or bank notes, and ill diiv e t In in I nun circulation. We now, according to the best inl'o.uiation I call get. have only about one and a hall millions ot currency in this Mate, and that at a deprecia tion of per cent in gold. But, Sir, the Sen- ator insists tnat I said that S. C. hasissued bills receivable, and that tin y. pa-scd at only 'JO per cent, and as grei nbacks are'JI per cent, they are better than ihein. Now what I did say was, that the Secretary of Mate ot South Carolina said they wcr.- at 1.1 per cent discount on green backs ; and 1 will inform the Senator that thev are now Hi per l ent below Federal currency : , . , - , . . ,- I nftt the Legislature autboried the issue ol five I , , , , . .. me hundred thousand dollars, but the dcureciation wus so rapid that the officers thought it best to discontinue the issue, and now, w hen there has been one hundred and eleven thousand dollars withdrawn from circulation, there In ing now only one hundred and eighty-nine thousand dol lar in circulation, is it reasonable to suppose that North Carolina cm sustain an issue ol one and a half millions; The Senator says, Mary land found herself in debt lillecu millions ; that her Railroad Companies tailed to piv tbc inter est, and that she was responsible for the intir est upon fifteen millions, and had made no itk viaion to meet if, and that there, us bi le, I' spectre of Repudiation stalked abroad iu the land ; and tin n, in this condition, she issued Treasury notes to meet it. Mini thciebi restored her credit. My uinli-rstandicg ol 1 1 ntioi - I I , - ! cd is different She issin , I .-.i ,t,. ... ; , ., 1 , tereat, made the scrip i.i eiv.ibt.- .. . . i ol an enormous tax lc vie I i i iiii u p, and at the same time, levied a gold lax to mei l t In ordinary expenses ol the government. This, too, Mr. Speaker, was in times ot piping peace, when the State of Maryland was prosperous in her agricultuial. commercial, mechanical anil manufacturing interests. Sir, when the gen tlemen talks about general repudiation, J tel! him tin- cause lies in the action of the gov ernment. I lo not complain that the people do not desire any more of your promises to pay, when you rriii' inl-r that the old barrels, stock ings, cheat-tills of their lions,- bold your prom Isestoptiv, which they received in exchnntje tor their piodui ts, and h hit It ar-- vot h1, -- Circumstances have rendered ill" people unable to pay. The action of the government, not lln ir own conduct or the promptings ol their own will. When a bill i- brought loiu.ud to meet the Stati-V liabilities, when the pi oj,U- have the capacity the Senator will (inn me r. nlv as he, and my peopb as n ad v as I. strive to sustain the -;ood nanieot tli mot hi r. But the Sen .tor s;n . ! he I.., , I : wilring lo i lk. tin - t, ,n . ,, ,n. interests I do not ,! uiu i-. I .,, -s they will lend the mom to hi - o iih which to p-iy their iiv I .i. it. Thev will eleat l Kiel, i l.. I. n . il am! ti in in o! liis ,ir ,t ol ill. II ti. -i.j lib. .rs !-'! dollt.l sM-ured bv persona! siitnit I estatei 'li itei f. n : . I. .. - I as it i,. i- .It'. USi- tr. When notes ma or sitne lull 111 1 1 1 III. .i.i'. for tlie.!- in-tes . li .. i w -ir I - No Ibese note- an- d. j u , -i I it . I an I l In lure, i on nil! t '-. ;, l.n-1 t h it other cit'r i ' . I i' l Treasury in t. - -I"'" "' pri I. i r I t . lhe,c Is then ein bold ''Ill 11 It' , O , o-t - noit ,,.e s IN.- I,.r 1 .- u ill at lake I item ieinpt lo ii t. i 1 lot ill. II I' I, 1. s! I take -i to I -it 1 ii ii t iouid i ii i t - in v . it i m '"IT"" t'li'e t lli-.l l t.ol I hey ill liano-i' them toi t short in e , k- 1,1 lite S;at. tint .litliciiltv i- w ol loll. no nn.rt oiet tllet I' an there is eoltl now. But s-1 1 1 1 greater to teil bow till pe.i nos i ui rt in . 1 me in I he tn-i si ure t-O t What have tiny to .'el it with ' I'll.-poor, were compelled to s'll their loiton. t obt:iii cloth. -s a-i-l sup plies, the ct( p "I c-tii w us - - a i i iy any lliini: Tar, pitch and In 'pent ine atv but lull - -at In ri .1. and 1 apprtluiiil the tuba. -co a'so, h is lallen into the hands of capitalists, and as sugg, ste.1 by the Senator froiii llaulax. tin ti-h nu- si'-irce. How then are the people to uei it. only lrom the lumil holders, who took it l"f interest, who live in tin-State, and morigig- their firms to secure ill'" payment in jol I. -r ils i qnivaleni. The Senator, was i,V ,s,.,j t,, -ay. that I bou'sted that I, understood tl..-e mattns and asked why 1 did not come l.'-vnid, with some l-etter plan. Here the Senator i at fault again. ,1 distinctly said, that my information in rega'ni to money, Banks, anil I'uiu ncy was liuiiled. That 1 had read Smith's Wi alih of Nations. I Banks and ottMf otHers; TOcib4t1r,mtl'lxvat'I ' n pathercrl, T had come to the conclusion i eill" Sav Political Economy, Tucker on Money and that neither. Slates or Individuals could re store lost credit by the reckless issue ol tbeirown bonds, or pay their debts, except by (axe or labor. That I bad prepared a nian. bv which f thought the interest could be paid in nine years, but the basis was taxation ; but I bad concluded not to bring it forward. I state it it my opinion that no people upon earth can ttuud the depletion of the annual interest of fifteen millions of dollars, when thai interest is payable in a distant country, the Stale has one million inhabitants only. 31 r. Ssaker, when air Robert Peel came to the Premiership ot England, he found under the funding policy, and the pay ment of interest in foreign countries, that the securities could be purchased anywhere In Eur rope at from 40 to A" per cent, on the dollar. The Empire was unable to pay, h.i frankly said so. He at once reduced the fptcrc't from 4, 5 and 6 to 3 wr cent . andrequired all hold era of English b n 's and consols to brirg them in, and get new Loinls with ti e interest pays ble at home. of i-iiing large lamda, which end 1 only fall into the hands of large capitalists, he issued small ones, I hat could fall into the Lands of the masses. He interested all the people in the sustentation of the public credit. He made the consols receivable in taxis ami payable in London. The State credit rose, and now, sir, while the debt is greater, much gt enter than it was then, there is no security held iu higher estimation in the market! uf the u urld, and it is said to be the foundation of the throne and the stability of the Government. The Senator is pleased to fortify the bill with names. In my opinion he is aa much mistaken in the opinions of some ol the parties he quotes, as be is incorrect in his quo tation of mv language and opinions. Heavers the Chiel Executive of the State favors thia bill, and is w illing lo try it for two years. I will inform the Senator that he has considered tbu bill, and iijxm mature reflection, has changed his opinion. ' The Senator says, I estimate.) (he taxable, projierty of the State at one hundred million, and cited the,Trcnnrer's report to show (hat 1 made quite a mistake, aa the Tressnrer, whose business it is to look into these matters, esti mated it at three hundred millions. The Trr as iirer's estimate is based upon values In-fore the war. and so confident is that ofticer, and o confident is this Senate, that no reasonable men can lie found to place any such value upon property nuw, as the Treasurer's estimate is based upon, that they refuse to re-value, pre ferring a small tax upon fictitious values, to a large one upon real value. I must still in sist that my estimate ia quite as near correct aa the Treasurer's, ami that I am sustained by the Treasurer and the action of this body, with the co-operation of the Senator from Orange. REMARKS OF MR. KELSEY, OF MADISON, lit the JlmiM, tm the Hill to irxt Hunrnmlt Stijie n'or Cnvrt eerlutire juritdirtion of the Vt extern TurnpU litkid. I did not expect this bill would be reached this morning or pressed, if reached. Conse quently I have not been thinking as much about i', as I otherwise would. I regret being bound, by a sense ol duly, lo the good people of Ma.h -ui, to oppose this bill, and I slutll give mv glonnfls ol oi'pi I. Ion in a few Words. Tlie bill pi-opo-i s it. div.-rt t'.e Jul isdicl ion of the courts ol M.ulLson ui, d lb vderson, (or ut least that is tin- i li.ct of the l.ili.i and place it in Ibe Superior oioi . I 'Buncombe, as tar as relates to a certain class o olienccs. To apply these remaiks more par iiulaily, if the Buncombe Turnpike Comptpiy shouhl ncg lert to keep tln-ir road in good order, in either of the Counties before mentioned ; iu that case, and in all cases of neglect, instead of Wing in dicted in the county where the offence Wua com mitled, ant) the w itnessi s live, they are to be indicted in the comity where thc offender lives. It must be obvious to the House, therefore, thai this bill slionhl not be passed. It ia giving pi ivib-ge to an off- nder, to Ike prejudice of the witncssesnf his delinquency. It forces the attendance of witnesses out of their own county at considerably increased ex pense, and a longer absence from their home duties. I need imt dwell on this subject as I do noi think th House will entertain the bill. REMARKS OF MR. KELSEY, OF MADISON, the II,- fti t'te nt tinit io imhyinitely jwf- the V, i, it, ry Hi.'!. oh! be justified in voting lor a pen by the pri s, nt sentiments of my bin fearing that t hey are not fully tl.i subject, having uo statistics is in- have not either, on the oub the ir.d. finite postponement ot Sin 1 ; on I in ry bil constituents lidoinicit ol before li.t l-.l J.'Ct. I pp. the bill, and shall vote f.r a reference to the peoph lu' iin f .r a ri examination of the qucs tion. I tl tin' s- i k my i 'ttst i' in tits are ol opinion that i in would risult in a source ot revenue. I as 1 I have ui... have thought. In this I tear we bun mistaken. There is enntradic- ' torv inl ..filiation on this lioint. even in State 1 where tie- Convicts are nearly nil mechanics. , niyly taught and put to us. (til employment as rii'iived .. I fear. also, we have not sufficiently estimated tne cost of trillion and other ixpenses, and ..ur picsei.t incapacit y lo meet them. It is true Si; tlijit the system is In-st suited to the graduation ol punishment to enroe, and meets the demand of present civilization in the abrogation of bar barous arsonal infliction, and can lie defended oo the changed relations of our social life, ami various otlnr considerations, more or less nc portant.atul well worth the consideration of the people, if presented to them I will then-lore. Sir, y ote against the post pnnement, and vote (or it tvi, rc-ici again to the people, believim- thit in- cm sitim-nt will n,.t object to a reconstdcrat t..n Dayiii.Mt Dawss, In, mi,;, of the units indicate iiHproenn nt e are not ihe r,..-t strennoiis amongjniji -tn accomplish ctactly tiie specialities we seem to pn fer and appear to strive for, if we see, vet u K distance, a w ay to achieve the great objit ot our lite the a. complisument of exact justice, bv fair play, t atfrncn- "-Ww-thialt 'Warn - "WfigIrt;i-.Vdf. ept. lltA. 1 4 -l. I tjfSr-

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