THE SENTINEL. RATES OF ADTERTISIXG.; tatePtiatr. ilJo Tha clrcalatloD of ths Sbstissl Uakai it ons of lbs asoat dasirsbls mediums nf advertising In tht Stats. AivartiMimnta, occupyinf ths apaoa of 10 liaal of oiIdIod typs at !, which ws esll a aquara, aharga as followa for isaartlnn ia ths wsakly : For ons Inasrtina, ae ;e:-:-'lH;WtltSrttoiSV- f-' . f'i-ri'- .SS.f-fS;- For una mouth as For two moDtha, (0 For aiz months, t t For on ysar, M 00 JUM WORK sxaestad with nsatasss at tss kti ail. Orrica. SEMI-WEEKLY. .....jw,.. l WOULD RAT1IEH BB RlCHT THAN BE rRfeWIUENT".. Heart Clay. r Vol. i. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1867. NO. 77. TERM OF MrBMHIFTIOlf . ThWstKL Means si ) abhshea vry Meade srsia. Him WitT ea Sstarasys ana" Tso'eetdev. . Tmi: ..tWjr.f:.t,-Ms.. 8ai-weklv. ewe seven, Wdeskl, eU oath la eaveaes, I M Pativ.eae yw, lM Dally, sll ths, I 01 Duy. thresssoaths, 1 H BsUy. oh Boatk, 1 HOETH CAB0LOU LEGISLATURE. EVENING SESSION. SENATE. , Satchdat Evehiho, Feb. 10. The (Senate was called to order at 71 o'clock. Mr. Wilton in the Chair. The following bills and resolutions on. the private calendar came up and panted their sev eral reading! : Bill to incorporate the Wilmington Hook and Udder Company. Bill to incorporate the Tuckssrge Gold and Copper Mining Company. Bill to incorjjlorste Jerusalem Lodge 95. Bill to incorporate Rockford Male and FV male Seminary. Bill to incorporate Newliero Memorial Asso ciation. Bill to incorporate New Market Foundry and Manulacturing Company. Bill to incorporate Wilson Lodge No 22a. Resolution in favor of Jacob Piler. Bill to incorporate St. Phillips Episcopal Singing Society in tbe town ot Newbern. Bill to enable the representative of W. E. Mann, lata Sheriff of -Pasquotank County to orittact arrew-Tf-taer- On-motioo -of Mr-, f Speed, it waa amended, and the bill was rejec ted. Oa motion of Mr. Clark, tbe Senate adjourned. SENATE. IIonday Mornimo, Feb. 18. The" Set)t w-mirTalted trr order wt "TO oVrnrav Prayer by tbe Iter. Mr. Hardie, of the Pres hyterian Church. Leave ol abaence waa granted Mr. Itohina. HETOKTS or COMaUTTKE. Mr. .Cunningham, from tbe Committee on Pronosition and Grievances, to whom waa re ferred a communication from Ilia Excellency, the Governor, enclosing a petition from sundry citisens of Granville county, praying lor the erection of a suitable tobacco warehouse at Henderson, and tbe establishment ot a tobacco inspection, report that in the embarrassed condi tion of the financi of the State, it is highly in expedient not to incur elpensee in the construc tion of the warehouse prayed for, especially as the expenditure would benefit but a small scope of country. In view, however, ol tbe enter prize of Henderson, and ot tbe productive re gion likely to carry tobacco there to lie inspec ted, lb committee rwoiunMtid that, in case a warehouse is erected by private capital, tbe Governor be authorised (o appoint ' the insuec ton prayed for. Mr. McLean, from the committee on Internal approvements, a bill to revive and amend the charter of tile Shelby and It road Kiver Hail Road Company, reported favorably. Mr. Gssh.fmrn the committee on claims, a resolution in favor ol Mrs. Theresa Hell, report ed favorably. Mr, Clark stated that having voted for the Stay Law under a misapprehension, he asked leave of the Senate to record his vote, in the negative. Granted. - KMOt.FTlnKS. Mr HWi oUitio Jar- tW rwlif 4 Uw Sheriff of New Hanover County, allowing him to collect arrears of taxes. Kelerrcd to the Committee on Claims. A message waa received (mm the House pro posing to raise a committee of conference on the disagreement of t he two .Houses In an amemL meat to the uHTtnlncwporate the town of Hen-' dersonville. Concurred in, and the Speaker designated Messrs. Gash,' Love snd Covington as the Senate brunch of the committee, oa calskOar. The. following bills came up on their second readings snd passed. """ Bflf tmlij'tTpifTol IKo' ITtE'secUon "WV chapter of the Revised Code. Bill to repeal an act for the better regulation of the Western Turnpike Road. "" Bill Tor the twueflt of the poor nf Bladen Connty. Bill to amend chapter it ?4velaivt-18. Bill t incwrpofate the sdkln ant) Cane Fear Canal Company. Reso lution in regard to re-printing the report of the Supreme Courts. BUI. to abolish Jury trials In the County Courts ot Maeon. Tbe following bills were rejected on their sec ondttUinf, viit: Bill to amend an act to improve the law ol evidence. Bill extending the jurisdiction of tbe Court on persona refusing to work on public roads. BiU restoring to married women their common law rights of dower. Upon this bill, on motion of Mr. Kelly, the ayes and nays were called, and the vote stood aye IS, nays 10. Mr. Jones gave notice that be would move a re consideration ol the vote at a proper time. The Mlowiug bills came up on their second readingf ojd vrewdispoeed J- a toHflws, rir Bill directing the mode of holding the Supe rior Courts was, on motion of Mr. Clark, laid on the table. Bill to incorporate tbe North Carolina Land tod Immigration Company was amended and, oa motion of Mr. Love, was laid on the table. Bill to amend aa act compelling persons over 45 yearn of age. to work on public roads. Cn motioiTof Mr. Covington, it was laid on tbe table.,, v Bill to amend Snd section S8th chapter of the Revised Coda entitled Marriage. On motion ol Mr. MoCorkle, it was laid on thewBT BiU to repeal an act to Improve the law of evidence. On motion of Mr. Moore, it was laid on thi table. BUI to amend 80th section, chapter 54 of the Revised Code, entitled Guardians and Wards, woe referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. KVEMtra mix. The bill to raise revenue having been made me special order, lor it o clock, was tsken up. he special order, lor 12 o clock, was tsken u Sundry amendments were adopted, and the bi ill passed its third reading. A message was received from the House I transmitting a communication from the Secre tary of the Ladles' Memorial Association, of Raleigh, thanking the General Assembly for -the sppropriatTou iff ,500 tn said Association. Mr. Hall, by leave, introduced a resolution in favor of Sheriff. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Mmm-m Mkifivtot"M &Vumi riamston and Tsrboru Bail, Road Company. Referred to the committee on Internal Improvements. Mr. Speed introduced a resolution proposing to appoint a. committee to examine Into and report whit State debts and obligations were directly or Indirectly created or incurred by the State in aid ol the late rebellion, designating Messrs. 8. F. Phillips, Thoa. Bragg, S. J. Per son, P. H. Winston aud J". II. Wilson as the committee. On motion of Mr. Covington tbe Senate adjourned until to night at 7 o'clock. lUH'SEOF COMMONS. Monday, Feb. 18. The House wu called to order si 10 o'clock A. M Mr. Carson introduced a resolution that the seats in the Senate Chamtier and Commons Hall, be assigned, ly lot, at the first of each session to members of tbe General Assembly. Adopted and sent to the Senate for concurrence. rlXFIMHJIF.I) BUSINESS. The House resumed consideration of the bill to exchange a certain amount of the itock of the North Carolina Railroad Company with the Cheraw and CoalReld Railroad Company, and tor other purposes. Sundry amendments were offered to the bill, and rejected. '"-TJistieeH6ri"recti'rrmg"o aasage of the bill, it failed to pan its third reading. 's;as.- Messrs." Ashworth, Black, Blair, Blythe', ChadwiVk, Colliiis,('rawtord, of Rowan, Davis,Durhaui, Farrow, Foard, Hinnaut, Horton of WatsugttIloiMt, ot Wilkes, Houston, Jen kinv of Urativillc. Jordau,', Kendall, tiin;'f1Nr-CyMMaj;-i,Kkf; McRae, Moore, of Hertford, Morton, Murrill, Neal, I'at ton, Scott, Smith, of Duplin, Stone, TtaK'ie, Vestal. Walker. Waugh,. Westmoreland, Whit Held, Wilson, of Forsyth, Wilson ol Perquim ans, Williams, of Martin, Womble and York 43. Nav. Messrs. Allen, Baker, Iteasley, Boyd, Bradsher, Brown, Bjryson, Carson, Clements, Crawford of Macon, Davidson, Freeman, Oallo way, Oamliril, Garrett, (iorhaui, Uraiilierrv, Guess, Henderson, Henry, Hodnett, Holderhy, Hutchison, Jenkins, of tlaston, Jones, Lee, Lo gsn. Martin, Mi-Arthur, MoCUmmy, vlcOoujrsn, McNair, Peebles, Iteinhardt, Richardson, Rogers, Rowbro, Scoft;iH, Sltelton, Simpson, Umotead, Whitley, Williams, of Piit, Williauis, of Yan cey, snd Woodard 4i. Mr. Long, who was absent when this vote was taken, asked leave to record his vote in the affirmative, but wits not allowed to do so, objec tion being made. Mr. linker entered s motion to rucoiisidi r this vote. in I. i s. By Mr. Blylhe, a bill to secure creditors lty Mr. lUrpr. a lull tn prove for thecollec tion and payment into tbe Treasury of moneys dm' by paving patients in the Insane Asylum. Ily Mr. Martin, a bill to protect landlords. On motion of Mr. Kelsey, the House recon sidered the vte I y which it refused to send s uiessaiie to the Senate, asking a committee of conference, in If lation to the bill amending the charter of the town ol HendersonviPe. A mes ire proffwinir to raise such committee was then sent. - Thr tfrmTO row t sundry Hoosc lulls. OB AI ENHAR A bill to nmend an art Authorizing the Roan, oke Navigation Company to discontinue the use of their canal, s-ll llieir n-al estate, &c. ; a ffsrfMttim br tawiif TiiisaiihM 'swldieraf er-WH supplemental to an act to empower the County Court of Mecklenburg county to hold extra sessions snd s bill to amend an act to diminish the cost of K'liiity sales tor partition, passed second ami third resilings. A lill I" aim-nil the charter of the Witming t.m ati Wellik fli!rMtd ; a 1411 amenii the act imrporatiiig tbe Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad and s bill to const rue an act in rela tion to the maiittenanre of bastard children, passed second reading. The following were tabled, indefinitely post poned or rejected on second reading, vir. : a bill to regulate assignments ami protect credi tor; a bill tor tbe more perfect administration of tbecrimiual law nf the State ; a bill to amend sec. 8, chapter T, Revised Code ; a bill to grant ! the aid of (lie Htate to the Cheraw and Coaltieili Railroads; a lull allowing fees to the special magistrates nf the city of Newiiern and a reso lution authorizing the purchase of fifty copies of Battle's Digest. A bill tor tbe better suppression of the crimes of stealing horses and mules, and put on its second reading, (This bill has passed the Sen ate and inflict the death penalty tor the first offence.) Messrs. Hodnett, Jordan, Brown, McKay and Freeman Opposed the passage of the bill. Messrs. Davis, Huss, Richardson, WstigB, Blair, Guess and others urged its passage. Mr. Jones offered an amendment to strikeout the provision punishing the first offence with death. Rejected. The bill then passed its second reading yeas 62, nays 86. Yeas Messrs. Allen, Ashworth, Autry, Ba ker, Black, Blair, flryeon, Carson, Chadwick, Clark, Clements, Collins, Cowan, Davis, David son, Durham, Farrow, Foard, Gamhril, Garrett, Guess, Henderson, Holderby, Horton, of Ws tauga, Horton, ol Wilkes, Houston, Jenkins, of Gaston, Keleey, Kendall, Lee, Logan, Iong, Lowe, Lyon, May, Martin, McArthur, McClam my. McGougan, " McNair, McRae, Moore, of Chatham, Moore, of Hertford, Murrill, Patton, Reinhardt, Richardson, Rogers, Rubs, Scoggir, Simpson, 8tom, Umstead, Vestal, Wsljcer, Waugh, WhitftVld, Whitley, Williams, of Har nett, Womble, Woodard, York 62. Nats Messrs. Beaslev.' Rtythe, Boyd, Itowe, Bradsher, Brown, Crawford, of Macon, Craw ford of Rowan, Freeman, Galloway, Oorham, Granlierry, Hsrner, Hinnant, Hodnett, Hutchi son, Jenkins, of Granville, Jones, Jordan, Ke nan, McKav, Morehead, Morton, Neal, Rosebro, Scott, Shelton, Smith, ofNpnplin, Siiddcrtb, TeegueTjiiH, Westmorelantf, WilsVin of For sythe, Wilson, f vVroimans, Williams, of Pitt, Williams, of Yancey 80. A Senate Itill to" incorporate the American Mining and Manufacturing Company had its On motion ol Mr. Huss, the use of the nail on Friday evening next waa granted Gn. R. E. Colston, in which to deliver a lecture. A letter of thanks from Wake Memorial As sociation, for the appropriation recently made by the General Assembly, waa read and trans mitted to the Senate. The House then took recess until "J o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. SENATE. Monday, Feb 18. The Senate was called to order at 7J o'clock. A massage was receive d from the FtmiH' trans milting a resolution relative to regnlatinjr the seats for members of each nouse'of the (o-iieral Assembly, providing thai they be drawn t r. -The resolution was rejected nnanimonsly. Sundry engrossed bills we e transmitted irom the House, all of which passed their first read ings and were referred to appropriate' commit tees. rKNlTKaiTIAItT. Bill to establish a State Penitentiary hating been made the vpecial order tor o'clock, vim taken up. Mr. Gash offered an amendment providing that it shall be submitted to the people and, if rati fied by them, it shall become a law. Mr. Clark opposed this amendment, liectiiiae he lelieved it to lie contrary to the Constitution t of the State, and thought tbe representatives of the people were the proper persons to consider the subject, and to act upon it iiuruwliately i The amendment passed, and the bill passed as amended by the following vote, ayes 41, nrs ?. On motion of Mr. Leach, the Tides were m penled, and the bill guthoriziiiK the 1'iestdent ami Directors of the Western itailroad Coinpa , ny to put said road under contrai l, was Inkc-u up. 1 Mr. Hall stated that he was a liienil to the ( bill, but suggisted an aiucndrnc-nt. Mr. Love slated that he would accept the amendment, if presenti d. j Mr. Rattle moved to amend, proposing to i submit the bill tor ratification to the people, j which was rejected. j Mr. Battle then moved to lay the whole mat ter on the table. j Before the question was put Mr. Berry moved' i to adjourn. ' On motion ol Mr. Battle, the aves and navs f were called and the Senate adjourned. t HOUSE OF COMMONS. M!!ay, Feb. 18, EVENING 'SESSION. 1 A resolution in favor of the Adjutant General, was rejected on 3rd reading. A bill to charter the G reetis laro, ami Dyn River Railroad Company, passed 2nd and .inl readings. A motion to reconsider the vote by which 1 the House passed "the bill to establish the county of Pamlico," wasralled up by Mr. Latham , nf Craven. The motion prevailed. ! Mr. Chadwick presented a memorial from t W. C. Brvan and others, praying the establish ment of the county. Mr. Clnrk opposed the bill and moved its 1 indefinite postponement. . After a protracted (TTsciisaioiir In wliidi Messrs. Durham, Gams, Williams, ot Harnet, and Moore, of Hertford, supiiorted the bill, and Messrs. Chadwick, Gorham and McX;dr. Williams, of Martin, and Mure head opposed it, the bill was postponed indefinitely, jiast;!, aayo-SsV- s- - ' - Ykas. Messrs. Ashworth, Brown, Bryson, Carson, Chadwick, Clsrk,Clemetits,Collina,Cow- 1 an, Davis, Freeman, Gamhril, Garrett, Gotham, i Cranberry, Henderson, Henry, Horton, ol Wa tauga, Horton, of Wilkes, Houston, Jordan, Kelaey, Kenan, Logan, Lowe, McArthur, Mc- i Clammy, McKay, MeNair, Moore, t' .4aihauv t Morehead, Murrill, Patton, Reiiiherdt, Huss, I Scoggin, Scott, Shelton, Turnhull, Vestal, Waugh, Williams, of Martin, and York 4:1. Nays Messrs. Allen, Autry, Blythe, Bod, j Bowe, Crawford, of Macon, Davidson, Durham, 1 Foard, Galloway, Garris, Gotiwin, Gnetw, llin nant, Hodpett, Holderby.vKendall, Latham, of j Craven, May, ilcGougan, Moore, of Hertfonl, j Morton, Neal, Richardson, Rogers,, I Simpson, Smith, of Duplin, Stone, Trull, tin i stead, Walker, Whitfiuid, . Whitley, Wilson, of Perquimans, Williams, of Harnett, Williams, I of Pitt, Williams, of Yancey, and Womble 89. The House then adjourned. SENATE. Tuesday Morniku, Feb. 19. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. Tbe Speaker, Mr. Manly, in the Chair. By leave, Mr. Wiggins recorded his vote in the negative, on the amendment to submit the Penitentiary bill to the people. Mr. Berry, lrom the committee on Public Buildings, to whom waa referred so much ot the Governor's message as related to the Governor's mansion, reported said building unlit for use, and recommended an appropriation to repair tbe same, by resolution. And a bill setting apart certain rooms in the Capitol tor library and weights and measures, and for other pur poses, also a bill in regard to Burke Square and other public property in tbescity of Raleigh. Mr.. . Cunningham, from the committee on Proposition and Grievances, to whom was re ferred a petition from the trustees of Elizabeth City Academy, relative to selling said property, reported a bill favorable to the same. On mo tion of Mr. Speed, the rules were suspended and the bill pstsed its several readings. - RESOLUTIONS AND BrUU. Mr. Hall, a resolution in favor of J. A. fiil tuer, Jr., Adjutant General of the State. Re Alfred to the Committee on Claimr. Mr. Clark, a resolution instructing the Judi ciary Committee to report a supplementary bill to change and modify the Stay Law. Adopted. Mr. Kelley, a bill to more perpetually prevent crime and lawlessness. Referred to tho Judicia ry Committee. Mr. Jones, a mil to autnonze the bounty Court (if Wske to borrow money ami Issue bonds. Referred to the Committee on Finance. By the same, a bill to amend the charter of the North Carolina Fire Insurance Company. Referred to the Committee m Corporations. By the same, 4 bill to amend tbe charter of the North Carolina Life Insurance Company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr, Wilson, a bill to extend the term of Cho wan Superior Court, now held by Judge Merri mon, On motion ot Mr. Wilson, the ri.les were suspended and the bill passed its several read ings. On motion of Mr. Borry, the rules were sus pended and the bill to incorporate the tow u of llookcrton, in the cojjnty ol Greyne, w as taken tip, and passed its several readings. On molion of Mr Sliced, the rules were sus ponded and the resolution providinir for the payment ' f outstanding claims agairat the l.i -natic Asylum was taken up, and ilia -ussed. Messrs. Wilson, Speed and Jones urged the passage of (ho resolution, Messrs. nail and Leach opposed the P'solu tion in Its present form, ami on motion of Mr. 1 1 . j 1 1 the resolution was recommitted with sx' cilic instructions to reduce the claim to the stale of depreciation of Confederate currency. Mr. ('lurk, by leave, introduced a resolution proposing to appoint an additional committee on enro I d bills for the vo k. A message was received froiu the House, transmitting a resolution in lavur ol maimed soldiers. On (notion of Mr. Jones, l he rules were suspended, and, on motion of Mr. Love, it was amended so as to include soldicrsliaving lost an arm. On motion of .Mr. Hall, it was amendfrt Tnctrrrtinjr soldrrrs hnvng tost bntb eyes. On motion of Mr. .('nniiingliatii, it was amended, providing that in case both arms ami legs having been lost tliat they I allowed douhle romiivit .lion. On motion of Mr. Avery it w as amended by including all soldiers who are unable to do man ual Ulr. loivovi; made the. iacl kauwn to the Governor, that they be entitled to commutation to the value of the most costly limb. On motion ot Mr. Respass, it was amended by including women. Mr, Perkins moved to lay the whole matter on the table. Not agreed te. Mr. Speed offered a substitute for the whole-,' authorizing the Govemoi to appoint a commit tee of three from each county in the State to ascertain the number of wounded and how, and to report the same to the next General Assem bly, so that impartial justice mav be done to each. 'Mr. Gash moved to lay the whole matter on the table. Not agreed to. A discussion of some length ensued. Mr. Speed witlidrtw his amendment and the resolution passed its seviral readings. On motion of Mr. Wiggins, the Senate ail -jotirned u.Mil to night o'clock. HOl'SE OF COMMONS. Tcwdav, Feb. 19. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, A. M. Prayer by Rev. .1 M. Atkinson, of the Presby terian Church. Mr. Autry introduced'a resolution that the General Assembly adjourn, Friday, February 2'Jnd, to meet again the second Monday in Oc tober 1807. Laid on the table, on motion of Mr. Waugh. ON CALENDAR. A bill to empower the Buncombe Turnpike Coiupany to subscribe the stock in their road to the Wi stern North Carolina Railroad, passed sxmnd and third readings. The House concurred in sundry Senate amend ments to the Revenue Bill and refused concur rence in others. Mr. Baker c alled up his motion to recon coiisider tin vote by 'which the House rejected, on its third reading, the "bill tn exchange a certain amount ol the stock in the North Caro-' lina liailroad Company, with j the Cheraw and Co iltields Railroad Coiupany, and foi other pur poses " Mr. McCUtnui) nifived to lay on the table tbe motion t, reconsider. . 'This . motion did uol prevail, Yeas 41, Nays 54: ' - - : - - - - The vole w as reconsidered, and the question recurred on the passage of the bill, on its third readiut;. Messrs. Davisand Ijong addressed the House iu support ol the bill. ilcssia. McC'laiiimy, Richardson, Boyd and Fnelnan opposed its passage. The bill passed its third reading : Ykas Me-sars. Ashworth, Autry, Beasley, Black, Blair, Chadwick, Collins, Crawford, of Rowan, Darts, Durham, Farrow, Foard, Harper, Hinnant, Horton, of Watauga, Horton, of Wilkes, Houston, Jenkins, 6T Granville, Jordan, Kelsey, Kendall, Latham, of Cra., Long, Lyon, Lutferloh, Mav, McKay, McRae, Moore, of C, Moore, of Hertford, Morton, Murrill, Neal, Pat ton, Perry, of Wake, Rogers, Russ, Scott, Stone, Teague, ' Trull, Turnhull, Vestal. Walker, Wsngh, Whitfield, Wilson, of Forsyth. Wilson, of Pprqoimans, Womble and York 80. Nav. Messrs. Allen, Baker, Blythe, Boyd, Bowe, Bruwn, Clark, Cluuimts, Co wau. Craw -ford, of Macon, Davidson, Freeman, Gallowiy, Gamhril, Garrett, Garris, Cranberry, Guess, Henderson, Hodnett, Hoblerby, Hutchison, Jenkins ofGnston, Jones, Kenan, Lee, Logan, Lowe, McArthur, McfManiiny. McGougan, Mc--Nair. Morehead, Peebles, Reinhardt, Richard son, Rosebro, Scogjrin, Shelton, Smith, of Dup lin, Sudderth, dusted, Whitley, Williams, of Martin, Williams, of Pitt, Williams, of Yancey, and Woodard 47. . HPBCIAI. otlllEH. A bi?1 to allow debtors the pi ivilcye of paying old debts in State Rank money, or Its equiva lent, had its second reading. Mr. Jenkins, of OuMon, moved to lay on the table. This motion prevailed, yeas 68, nays 15. A bill to pstahlish freehold Homesteads, was pnf on its second reading. Mr. Richardson off! red a mib-titute for tbe bill. Adopted. The question recurring''" Ibc bill as amended, it was further' amended, on motion of Mr. Lo gan, bv ti.xing the value of the Homestead at $5. 000". On motion of Mr. Foard, the HoOse reconsid ered the vote by which this amendment was adopted. Thf? question rtH'jirring on the aitictnltnertl, it wici modified, on motion of Mr. t'rawford, f Rowari, so as io limit the value of tue, home stead to f. 1,000, at the time at which it is laid 'off. The amendment, as amended, was then adopted, and tto ixW'faaaad; second ad third readings. A bill to amend the charter ol the Fayctte ville and Florence Railroad Company, had its second reading, and its consideration was xst poned until the evening session. An engrossed bill to extend the term oft he ChowamSuperior Court, passed its severs! read ings, and tbe House tiMik recess until 7 'o'clock, P. M. Title Johnston Wii.i. Cask - -This oas- v. hicb has occupied noarly two weeks ut Kilenton, t,r fore Judge Merrlnion, we piesiime h is not yet closed. The only thing we have benrd f'rotu it, is contained in I he following extract from a cor respmdent of the Norfolk Journal of Saturday last . Just at this time there is very little busiutss doing. Business and inteiet of all kinds seems to lie swallowed up in a case now pending re lative to the last will and testament of the late James C. Johnston. The heirs have contested it, on the plea that Mr. Johnson, when the will was made, was insane. The ablest law yers in the State are employed, either for or against this will ; and I doubt if, since the trial of Annm Bnrr, there has Ik-cii mi.1i giant intel lects pitted in a like suit. Judge A. S. Merri iiion, of Ashville, presides. Though quite young, he posM-Mtcs one of the first legal minds iu liu: 2sta.Lt. it will iui unite sulHiint for my purpose to menlioii the iihiiu's of the distin guished gentlemen who compose the counsel in tills ease : For the Wilt. .lyu.W th Will. B. K. M'Sru, ItaleiKb. i.-o lirulmni. R.It IlfiSth, Melllt'tl'-'. ten. braj,'!,', W. N. H. Smith, Ilrrtfoi,!. (i.nt. ,,n Julu l-u4. lkMl;. - . W. iialnMt, Wrron. F.L (loiiijflaiul, Halifss. Col. .1. W llmton. N .ifolk. II. A. lolliaiii, Kd.'iitoi.. W. 1'. Martin. Khz. Citv. 1'hos. (lilliam, Ed. nioii. Win. A, K.leoloii. SiiKiPTLJtK IjL'oTATioNs. "Why, Jemmy, how awkward you are eating do take your hand out of your pocket." "It's my left band mother." "Well what differeuce does that make." ' Why I have been rending the Bible. "Are you crazy! What has reading the Bible to do with keeping your hand in your pocket f" "Must we do as the Bible tells us mother ;" "Certainly, my child." Well mother it says 'Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doetb,' and don't you suppose it 'ud know I was cntin' bread and 'lasses with the right it I didn't hide it sway ?" A Goon Sate op Ton acto Yesterday morning on Change, Messrs. Martin 4 Tan nahill sold three hogsheads ot leaf tobacco, and one hogshead of lugs, grown j.y Mr. .1. Buxton Williams, of Warren county, N. C, lor the fol lowing prices ; For the hogsheads $2420, and 35, and for the lugs, which were very fine and sweet, $29 50. The tobacco was the old crop. This sale was un excellent one, and demon strates that our manufacturers are prepared to give full prices when the quality of the article is deserving of tbem. Pet. Index. "Pap," observed a young urchin ol tender years to his fond parent, "does tho Lord know everything?" "Yes, my son," replied the hopc- -4u4-sire-t--MHit--w4ty--do-ywHk--t4K-fiiestin -t'-1-''Because our preacher, w hen he pray s, is so long telling the Lord everything, I thought he wasn't posted." The parent reflected. . . Reconstruction. Our impression is, from what we hear around us, that, the effort ryjw beiug made to arrive at sonic harmonious ac tion between the executive and legislative branches of the Government Umn reconstruc tion matters receives sufficient encouragement from hot h sides to raise a hope of some practi cal resul is growing from it. It is to Ik: regretted that the movement was not set on foot earlier in ' the session. Star. - Ever since the evacuation of Richmond, the Jumminer says the city has been overrun with vagrant negroes, who flocked there from all parts of the State and lrom North Carolina. NOTICE. SALES DURING COURT WEEKS. PCB8VANT TO AN yitUKJt Of MeOyWKM. KC perior Court I will sell to th( lurries but.l.T at the limes and places herein imiii. .1, tbe t.illoivin tracts of land beWnirfiisr to the . state' 'or h lute .1. L. C'arsw, in the Counties of l D.ovcll, Hmki-snd Ysucy. IN MelM'WM I. St the Court House in Mi..-nm on'-,T 27th. March, eieellent farniiiip laiuls. 1st -The Home Trset ot i Io Ui- c. l Carson on Buck Ofeek snd the Cat swba, m nl' o Known ts uj.p.T Pleassut Gardens, 10H0 seres i tn .n . One of tltti most dtisirshle reaidenees in vVestern Nori'. Car.ilnii. Half of twu tiOin-tu tt aexs l mu mi i C.cek IT- M6 sever rm tlrr North Sirl of The arsvrbi. JS. 100 sores on tin- li.H.J M.H. ic "I Ai outf Creek. 19 One third of e-iOs.-re.. m snd shout the of . II .nnn I 20 One third of T I. .t X... 2, sirnated U-twmitt the brick Stores ot !iu -m n.l Mio). 31 Town lot No. '4, Comer st h.,nHa oli tfu public square. IN With, fAt the ("ouii Hons, m M ir'autoii on Tut s.Uy 2nd. 22 A fraetuin of ilie celehrstwl llrindletown lold Mine. 'W A 8htr hi the f.Miiin Hull Vim". ' 'ii An interest m tbe tfirajsh Hall Mine,, lib An lntemsl in the llorney Mine, -all valuable mineral IS YANCY. At the Court Honso m Unrnsville on Tuemlay J8th. May, on third of i- 401) Acres on ths forks of S.mth To River. 8 '100 Acres on HtilJ fmk of nanl ltivei. 4 -50 Acres on hesil of HUH ford. 6 JW Acres oul-ranh a' Sti'l Fork,. 5 60 Acres on Slsin branch of said Fork. 7 100 Acres on West Ktdu of lilut UuLn and on brain k of 8U11 Fork. 8100 Acres on blue and Seven Vile Hi.ln, 9 -100 Acres on lllue Hil,-e inrltiding tbe Flat Sprinfrs. 11 101) Acres on Rvn Mile Hi.1k. l-ttit Acres W !pnih 1'oh i ver. IS -A tract on Seven Mile indte. 44 W0 Aj-ros ou s iie R di: kusjn as l!:e,'-Viu-Worth Tract. 15-400 Acres ou the tie e fo.luio Soath Toe River Formings oHit. t -.i,', l.iv,.,ti loilgw anl lltver of superior Brazing Ian . 1, other iso ueiibis im th oavof saw. ,,'.;.1 Tisaa f welv atont fan ermttt Vote nr' appvnteoY sacuiilv risiiiiinuL 1 ulc iittuJ till tlm piuratoaaw moner is paid. ' A. BTTROIS, Feb 7-1S5-W6W Aiiminntrator. A I) VEUTI SEM ENTS. XTATK OK NORTH CAROLINA, PKItSON ColTNTY. 1 ( ( ot-HT nr I'm: is m Qrutrrn Sehmioks, Drj kmbvii i'khw, im&. Im. William Meruit P.i r, Ham'l. li. Wilson doc'it. r.i. Elislsrth ilsnn, John Wilson, Arch. Wilson A-nthoia, Chlldn n ml he irs at law of Hain l. It. Wilsondac'd. ll k ai iny to the satisfaction of tho Court that thealsrte parties defendants, are not residents of the Hlatf, it u, ordered thai publication be mads for ait sm naive weeks ill the HaleiKh Smtiiwl, notifying to aai.l defendants the tHinff of this petition, and tjjat if they do uot appear si tho IM it term of this Court to Is- held in Uoilsjronifh, on tho third Monday of March 1HS7, snd snintVf sal4 netlltiw. tnclartMHrt nn rhs sama pra co't'uuo will he grmterl aalllst thorn. louimi', o.-ijui.. i. iii.vm.s, e.uura 01 baiu (.ourtllia third Monday of DiemlsT 1fi. HA ML. Y. BROWN, C. 0 C Feb5-133-wfiw HTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I'ITT (,'OCNTV. i Coi ir'r or Kgrn v. Ge. W. W.sMen and other ; Heirs si Law of It. V. Woo- loll, doc il. I I'etttion for aalo of Land tor partition, tiled Iiecemlmr 2th, lt87 In this cause, it apueamiK that ' Naedhani Ward Pleasant Itowdcn and wife l,ouisa. thtt. children at Hamncl UcKenkie and hi deceased wife Mary Ward, the children of Oilespie and his dooeaaed wifa Mary Jones, tho children of Ross and bis dee'd wit Halhe Jon. s, the children of Josiah Jon, doe'd, the said Mary iiilesiiie, Kallio Itosa and Joaiah Jones, lielng the children of Ells Jones, doe'd., defendants, are rtwnleiiU of this Hate, it ia Ihersfore ordered that publication lie mado, for six weeks, in the ltal oie;ii Sriitinr!, notifying said defendants to appear at tlie net term of said Coiirt to be held at the (Tourt House in liroenvillo. on tho first Monday of March n. it, anil plead, answer or demur, or said petition will be taken pro cuttfriuo and heard accordingly. Witness Lons Hii Lunn, Clerk snd Master of said Court, at onW is Onwnville, tlti h 7th day of Jo uarv, lbfi7. Jau U-wfiw LOriS HILLIARD, 0. M. K. 8TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, F'lTT COTJSTT. ( In Eijcrrr. George A. Dancy W. A. Jenkins and (',. I Bill for rr-ezndw of a lost Perkins, Ea'rsof Jss. Deed, filed Jan. 10, 1867. H. Clark, dee'd and others, 1 In this cause it appeal inn that William K Clark, on of ths defendants, ia a non resident of the Stat, so that the ordinanr process of law cannot be served on him, it is therefore ordered that publication ba made in the Raleigh Sentinel, for six weeks, notifyina; said defendant to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court Bourn In GreonvUIe, on the first Monday in March next, and to plead, annwor or demur or tbe petition will be taken pro eonao aa to him and heard accordingly. Witness Louis Hii.liabu Clerk and Master of said Court, at office in Greenvill, this th 10th day of January, 1807. Jan 17 -w6w LOUIS HILLIARD, C. M. E. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) . Gbasvillb CoritTT, , ( Court or Etjui-rr. Mary E. Lewi snd, ) infants, by tneur uuanuan, A. Laudis, William M. Sneed snd wifn I Original fcifl ftm Ac coiinl and StUememt. and ottiers. J It appearing tutu aatisfautlon of th Court that Jmma.lmiit:! audLdyard A. ItawJiMaf-lofiiiMhwi in the above entitled cause, rosido beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication he made for them, ill the SeuLinel, a newspaper pub lished in the city of KaloiKh, for six weks, totirvuiu them to appear at the Court of Equity to be held for the said County of Orannue, at the Court llooau in Oxford on the llrst Monday in March next, then and MK It 1'!u4j isr or dpmnrip Jh? nth, . erwise a decree pro eonejao will be taken agaluat them. Witness John W. Havs, Clork and Master of the said Court al Oxford, the tirst Mouday of Mptamber, A. D., iHfi Jau 17 wow JOH.V W. IIAY8, C. M. E. 10 Reward. THE A DOVE REWARD WILL BE GIVEN FOR the apprehension of two Colored boys named Fed, and Elilrnle, who absconded from me shout Jan. 1st. 1W7. Tlieyars atsmt fifteen years old, and very black, said hoys wore raised by me and have been regularly bound to me until 21 years of age, by the agent of the "Free. linen's Bureau" Raleigh, N. C. All persona are fir warned from employing or har boring tin in, muter the penally of ths Law. Thoy weru imaedm ILuiieU u , aul may he lurking about that County or Raleigh. Any information of their when ahoiits will both kWly, rocoivad aodi Uhersjly rnward. H 'hr the Ufiil'fgtie4. ATtt'L.Q.JOSE. Haywood, Chatham Co.. S. C. , Feb l-I.YMtdltw Ml '.VI E OP NORTH CAROLINA, Wakic CorjUTT. ( of Pi EAS AND Qt'AKTBR SbSSIOHS FaIX Tkkm 100. Co I'm C. I. Levy on Land. Chas. UleCJhee. In the s.ire cause, it ia or Jcrad hr ths Court that publican ui in. made in die Raleigh Weekly StnUiie!, for si k. notifying the DufeuJant, Charles Mc Ifhee, ll, it ii iles.. he sopears at ih next term of thia l ourl. u. in held f.s-the County of Wake, at the Court Houa. in Lalciu, on Uie tiara MtHKlay of February, 1H67, thc.i an.l tlwre to answer, plead, or demur, iw judgment pro nmfrten will be taken as to him. Witness J. J i VjuiELL, Clerk of the Coart afore said, at i fflcs in li ihigli, the third Monday of Novem ber, A. n l"ta:. Jan 10- wtiw J. J. FERRELL. C. C C. . C. 1HTI 4I, FIRE IXSIR4CK COM PAST. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIUEC tors uf the S. C. M. F. Insurance Company, hold at the office of the Coiupany in this City tha trill, dny of January 17, after due notice to aeb Diroct.., , D. A. Covington Esq., was called to the chair i.,i Rev. W. E. I'ell'wa appointed Secretary. Xlm r.4 lowing order of assessuient wa inado: On motion, Ortk-reH, that for the purpose of pa inj losses due by the Company at ths date herein after nientinued, an as-e.siminl of fifteen per .-eut on a'l unexpired uttmuum notes, in poswuiaJua of the Coie ' pauy TO tho Htb. day "f Augnst4i3, the Htb. dav . r November 14. die -17ih. dov of September lSi'6 the ffi day of February l"iifi. the" Hth. flAVjif .tpnl ls., the Hth. day of stay IWM and.the I Mil '.Mav l Octooei 1S66, be levied payable immediately. tcdered, that tbe i'msid in a ,oii as practicable give uotice to panics hi.Je ,r tk afors d asaesMnent, sotvribnH to th" dun. r au.1 by-laws. Uruerva. lllal Mlltles paxl.ig eine-r, lot n se-h-nwnt wthat -levied tae-irt. wpt. mi v ima; rmiv t o discharged from il.c other a--s.'s,smcita not paid. 'At the sanlc meeting T H. eihy, nf Raleigh, waa nnaminonsly elected President irf the Compsiiv, an. I k. P. Battle Esq., wa luuuttimotulv oits-tcd Aitone v I tlr'iJnViMiy' liOTeslU .au vaiTOieiwctfttioO panv will be transacted by ths Presidcu.. Hence a. I letters must be addressed to him T. II. 8ELBY, Raleigh, Jan J3-2awdswawlw4w I'rosiiWnt