i) laii.M.vjliWSi -T KATES OF ADfEHTIlJ.; I ha eireulatioa of the SasiissL axakas it na of the moat dssirasls Badlami or a4vsrtisia( ia iLs etaU. ' Advartiumants, orenpyiof the apaoa of If lines e f BiaioB type or Isss, whleh ws call asqasrs, ws ebaria aa followa for Inwrlloa ia ths WMkly : 4 " . -.-- i. -. -f - TEB91S OlMMWSCmniOIW JiJo ThaWaffiff fcrnmaalt bwMUImsT 4rerj Monday MMi WaWLf Utardaaa4 Wssyatslays. Vastly, sas jj, In aJvaase, I i M BawI-wssHy, -a la aavaaes, Dalra ' nll. tnmaMatfca. J M SEMI-WEEKLY. for oris loMrtion, Fur two inserliosa, For oas noslh, F"rtwo asnsihi, anrtr-SBtl, ' For 00a year, ft (IS 1 is 3 s twa ' it uu 'I WIHlin RATHEK BK Hierllr Tilt K Hi paKSIUftSr..Uearr C4k VOL. 1. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1867. JOll TV0KK M.cut.4 with asatnast at ths Hssn Pally . 1 M NO. 78. sat OiTirs. ' 1 4 nn m7 HOETH CliOLDTA LEGISLATURE. SESATE. KTENINO SESSION. WEDIKSDaT, Feb. 20. Tbe Senate-wna called to order at 7 J o'clock. Messrs Covington and Kelly, by leave, re corded their rote in. the negative to the substU tute front the House tn the Homestead bill. A uiesssga ivhk, received tnmi the House transmitting the report of the committee ap pointed to investigate the affair of the North Carolina Railroad, with a proptwitiou U print the tamo. Concurred in. Tbe following bills and resolution were ta ken up .under a 'suspension ol the rule, and passed their M Vera redi ngs : Bill to incorporate the Kdinboro Medical College, ilill authorizing the trustees of the Vine Hill Academy, in the county ol Halifax, to self a portion ot tbe land of aaid institution. Hill tn inoorporatMjIie town of Scotland Neck. Bill aweuding aa ct prescribing tbe duiiea ol Chrks in Utuing marriage license. Hill to establish tbe dividing liue between the town of Salem and Wioaton. Bill to repeal a part of the Ulb arc ol the 2tlth chap, el the Revised Code. Bill to repeal an act lor tbe better regu UlioaM tha Western Turnpike Road, and, lor other purposes. Bill for tbe benefit of the poor ot Blade county. BUI to amend chap. 42 pri vate law ot 1866. Bill to incorporate the North Carolina Land and Immigration Aid Com pany. Bill granting amnesty and pardon to leffislet. Resolution in regard to reprinting the reports of tbe Supreme Court. Bill to abolish jury trials in tbe County Court of Macon. BJtt mitworrJWitrHw Yadkin and Cape Pear Cans! Company came up, was, on motion of Mr. Wilson, amended by striking out the Itnli Mo tion; after some dismsaion, on motion of vir. Speed, it was recommitted to the committee on Internal Improvements. Bill to a s.iaafe. tin priamiru-nt .. for debt came up! It was diacossed it knth. Mr. Cow lea ot. fi-red'an amendment, which was r jttcted. -Messrs. Speed and Lenfb supported tbe bill, and Messrs, Wilson, Clark, Robins and Cowlcs op posed It Cite question recurring n its passage, the s;e and nays were called, snd the bill pa 1 ed liy the following foie, ayes 44, nays IH. On motion of Mr. Ferelwe, the Senate d j turned until to-amiw-t -It) a'ehiek. HOUSE Or COMMONS. ErrNINO SESSION. v is -?rr' - - WkdkksdaT, Feb. 20. Mr. Waugh, lor ft Select tsnrhmiU, appointed to investigaia the attain ot the North Carolina Usilmad t 'omuMMlaniUtsd a report, which wss sent to the Senate with a proposition to print. ' -a -' - Udls to amend the charter of tbe WiIik'h ton and Wehhm Railroad Company, and to amend tbe act to incorporate tbe Wilmington awl Kaleigb Railroad Company, passed third realliBga,; , f ;-,,, An engrossed bill for the better suppression ol tbe crime ot stealing hoh.es and mules, was ut on it third reading. Mr. Hodnert moved to am end by adding the following proviso : "Provided, that thin act Shalt apply" JO JBJCdt CJtstT TJBlr. wberr -there-W-lievw a combination ol two or more persons, eo gsgedln the emnili of said crime." Mr.I(oinett aaid, that trif UiU amemJ Mt, U onld not support the bill, being, op posed tr inflicting the death penalty lor tbe JtesSic". ., .. .. Messrs. Wsugh, WhitOetd sod "Rum urged the paseaH of the bill. . Messrs. Bmwn, Perry, of Carteret, and Hut 'ciiiMnopjjowrniS'tm. - Mr., Wilson, lot Perquimans, moved to amend the swendimnt aldig as tollows: . "On condition that he shall receive one w more whipfngs, be branded, luiprTsohed arid fined sr tbe discretion of the court, lor the Jinl ortence, and for the rh4 let him hang until he is dead, dead, dead." Messrs. Boyd, Jordan, McKay anil Blythe opposed the pasoage of tbe ltll. After further discossioo, before coming . to a vote, the Huuse proceeded to consider the ' rkciAL ouDii : A hill to provide rV tbe psfmwl of tbs in terest on the public debt, was put on tts second reading. " ' Mr. Cowan nddressed the House at length in support of the Nil. Mr. Long opposed its passage. Pending further disenssson the House adjourned. SENATE. Tui'BtT Mokninu, Feb. 21. The Senate wtaa called to order at 10 o'clock. By leave, MeWa. Kbdiardson and Matthews recorded their voU-s in the affirmative on the bill to abolish imprisonment for debt, and Mr. Mar shal! i the negative. Reports wera made from sundry committees which will be noticed when the bills come up oa their second reading. Mr. Clark gave notice that he would offer on to-morrow additional rules for the government ol both House in order to expedite business. ON C1LUDAL WM lto iiimtiCtt from - penalties Ao., in certain cases, came op on fit second reading, considerable discussion ensued, Messrs. Wilson, Hall nd Moore favored' the bill, And Messrs, jCowlee, Robins, Leach, Speed and Brown opposed lt On motion of Mr, Rob ins it was indefinitely postponed bjr the follow ingtote Aje8,NayiI0. 1 naaa u received from tbe TTonae trans v - milting a resolution proposing to adjourn use i ..... D .... i bu.l. i u. nr. : au innrwTBT mc oiti i ik(iu ed to lav it 'on the ta'de. On motion of Mr Berry the ayea and nays were called and the motion prevailed by tbe following vote; Ayes 2Sto 62. - I Wlimttta nffiaMt a WMnliititn nmnminir lit m. trifta - I 1" - - adionro Thursday the tttth rnst,. to meet again on In 1st xnuraosy in vcioocr. nr. oerry moved to t mend by striking out Tat Thursday in October and insert, adjourn Friday the th .imM Jm ihe Senate rtluad to atrike out . Mr, tiesh moved to lay the whole matter on the I SOle, anil tno pens'w rvrami " mjtnr TireTa bli qnettloh rxcurrlng' on tb passage or the solution, on motion of Mr. Berry the ayes and nsys were called nnd the resolution uaMUid bv the following vote : Ayes, 29, Ny 17. On mot ion ol Mr. Avery, a rominnn cation from the -Oovcrnor relative to the affairs of the Deep River Navigation Company was ordered to be printed. Mr. Kesoiois. by leave. Iiresented s memorial from citizen ot ilcuuloit County. relative to toll of the Washington toll bridge. Interred to the tommittw mi I'ropositums snd Grievances. wn motion ot Mr. f untilnnhiim the rulea were siixpeiiiled and the bill to cliarter the Oxford brunch ol the (. & . . , wa, taken up and recommitted to I lie Committee on Internal Im provement!!. On motion of .Mr. Berrv. the t iiU-h were aim- euiled and the rew d n I ion relative to titling up the Governor M to., ion. w aa taken up ; on the paasage ot tin- reMilmion the jeaa and nays Were called ami the reaoltition imsw.l h, a vote o 28 to IS. iu till,. I reading. t)u motion ot Mr. ltrrv llie riih-a were sua pended snd the itcaolution relative lo Kurke Square and otlu r public lots in the City ot Ibileigh was taken up and paxted its several readings, also a bill setting apart certain rooms in the Capitol for ceitsin puriioaea, pause, I its several readings. Bill to allium! an act to incorporate the Hills- bnro Milrtr Ain.lemv csme no. On motion of Mr. Hall the bill paased under a simpension of the rules. Bill to prevent litigation and the ruinous sacrifice of proerty ol honest debtors came up. On motion of Mr. .Mutheus it was luiil on the taMe. Bill authorizing Executors and administiators of insolvent eatatea t-i settle theaame;rtf rata came up and was rrjnctrrf on it mnwl reeding. Kemiiutioii iu lav,r ol the Literary Board came up."' tin tu ition ol Mr. Leach, it was re- li-rreilto tliecomiiiirtce on Kdtication. On motion ol Mr. CoviiiL'Inn, the Senate a, Ij, hi i in, I. HOI SE OK COMMONS Thursday, Feb. 21. The IIoue waa called to order at 10 o'cliH'k. A. M. air. Kenan, from Hie Judiciary Committee. reixrte a tiill explanatory of the act ifrantinir general anniesty and panlon. Mr. Itarpi-r, irom I He Committee on Finance, reporteil hack the Liil to repeal sn ordinance ot the Convention, authorizing the exchanire ol atia ks of the State, for bond issued prior 10 inet, recoinnien,nn that it ilo not pass. Also, tavoia' lv, r ports trmn samn cominit tee, relaUye to I lot liiniieienl of I he Treasury and Comptroller's Department. Mr. Iba-ley intioiluccd a resolution that the (tem ral Asseintiiy, ailjouin nuedw, on Wedues ilat next, the 27th. Inst. Mr. Waugh iniivi d to lay the nsoluiion on the talu. Niit arei-d to, Yras, i9. Nays VJ. The resolution was amended, on motion of Mr. Patton, i,y mm i-i j-. , .1... ou.i, inat aa the day ot ad jouriiinrnt. Mr. Moore, ol Heritor I. odi-ml an amendiuenl, reiiiiring the Governor to convetie the (ieneral Assembly, in case the Superior Court decides the new Stay Law to lie unconstitutional. Not aicea'to. 1 lie ouisiiiui recurring, the. resolution, as amended, was adopted, and scut to the Senate I tor eoi'ruriN'i-w. - .- Mr. Jordan ii;tr slueed a res-dutloii in favor of James (t. Alien. I Bv Mr. Lutterloh, a resolution o eii'iuiry, rel- j ative to State property. Relerred. Bv Mr. Loean, a lull to aineuil llie cliarter ol , hf H"wariMtap I iirnpike tonipany. By Mf. nfiiWii'n a bTTTto Vheorffcitiite the Charlotte and' Georgetown Railroad Compsny. Bv Air. ( lark, a bill atlthorizinii the ( oinnus sinners or Ttir town 01 namai, to gram me . Wilmingion and Wi ldon Itailroad ( onipany, right of wnj ihri.'Ugli said town. Passed its j several readings. ; IMINMIFIl HI slNKsA. The House priM-ieded tu lurtlar consideration o( the bill to provide tor the payment ot ittervst j on the State debt. . Messrs. Davis, Cowan, McKay and Patton i urged its passage. j Messrs. nusa, liurtiam. Long sun iiuiciiiaon 1 oniHised its Dassaire. ' Mr. Hutchison offered an amendment to the bill, posiponinv, until 181)8, the cullectiorj of the taxes therein imposed. On motion of Mr. May, tne mit was iski on the table : V has. Messrs. Ash worth, Autry. Harden, Beasley. Black, Blair, Blythe, Bowe, Br adsher, Brown. Carson. Cbadwkk, Clark, Daniel, Dur ham, Farrow, Galloway, Godwin, Granla-rry, Henderson, Hinnant, Hmlnett, Ilolderby, Ror ton, of Watauga, Ilorton, of Wilkes, Jenkins of Gaston, Jenkins, id' Granville, Jones, Jordan, Lee, Logan, Long, Lyon, May, Moore, of Chat ham, Morton, Murrill, Neal, Perry, of Wake, Rogers, Kins, Scuggin, Scott, Slielton, Simpson, Smith of Duplin, Smith, of Guillord, Trull, I'msU-d, Vestal, Walker, Whitfield, Williams, of Hsrnett. Williams, of Martin, Williams of Pitt, Williams, of Yancey, aud Womble 57. N'ATS Messrs. Allen, Baker, Boyd, Bright, Bryson, Clements, Collins, Cowan, Crawford, of Macon, Crawford, ol Itowsn, Davis, Davidson, Gambr'il, Garrett, Guess, Harper, Houston, Hutchison, Kelsey, Kenan, Kendall, Lowe, Lut terloh, Mc Arthur, McChiminy, McGougan, Mo Ky, McNair, Mcltae, Moore, of Hertford, Pat ton, I'eebles, Perry, of Carteret, Beinhardt, Rich ardson, Rowbro, Stone, Turnbilll, Wsugh, Whitley, Wilson, of Forsyth, Wilson, ol Per quimans, anil vy oouarii - 4.1. The following engrossed bills had- their first readme, viz : To amend chap. 42 Private Laws of 18fl;,in regard to reprinting the reports of the Supreme Court ; to establish Edinboro Med ical College: to grant amnesty "and pardon to females; to repeal part of sec. 14. chap. 2(1, Re vised Coilc; ,to incorporate the N. C. Land nnd Immigration Company ; to repeal an act tor the lietter regulation of the Western Turn pike Road, and prescribing the duties of clerks in issuing marriugc licenses. .The House resumed consideration of the bill for the better suppression of the crime of steal ing horscs'and mules. The question recurred on the amendment offered lat evening by Mr. Hodnett. Messrs. Hodnett, Itronn, and Jordan address ftSPiNs''Ja'-rt- ;1atnsss:WasB$lsV Unas and Allen again urgetl its passage, ...... Tbe amendment was rejected. " Mr. May oftered an amendment providing that persons convicted of hore-lcaliiig shall for the first offence, receive thirty. nine lushes and be branded in the forehead with a horn: thoe or the representation lliercirt : providing further that the second niffcure bu pnnisln d with death. Mr. HutcliH'.u iiiovliI to amend the amend ment, by pnvi.ii ig that the lonvicl. lor the first offence shall be m-nieuceil to labor on public roada with bail and ulmin. The amendinent to the uiui'iiilniriit was n- jected. Thcaini'iidmi III was ul.-o rrjeiueil. Mr. Crawlordoi aeon, i.tfttt-d an miio ii.I ment providing that the .l,,nl, (miihIiv mIiu! I not l e intlicteil where the iiitlcnce u i ircuin stantial. lb jei.ti-l. Tin- I, I, ilci, passed Hid , reailing. Via til. Na. In. Tkas Measis. Allen, Aliwoiili."l( ik. r.Blm k. i Blair. Bright, l!rv.,n. Car-, n. ClUilviii k, ( lark. 1 Clements, Collins, Dan id, Davis. DuuiUni, 1 Durham, Farrow, Oalloway, (ii.inlinl, (iarr -lt I (iarria, Omlwin, (Jraiilx rn , (Jii. ss. tl,ml,-ion. Honon, of Watauga, Ilorton, ol Wilki H -n, ton, Kc-laey, Kendall. Latham, of Ciav n. Lei-, 1 Logan, Long, Lowe, Liittcrloli, AlrCn.ininv. Mi - ! Oougan, McNair, .Mi Itac, Miajre, ol Clint hum, 1 Moore, if liertlord, Munill, Patton. Heinhardi. Kichardaon, Huas, Scogin, Slielton, Smith. ! j Oiiilford, Stne, TmU, ToiidtuU, l'uuUfat, i Walker, Weuih, Whilbcld. Whitley,' Williams, of Harnett, Womble, Woodurd Ol. Nays Messrs. Autry, Barden, Blvthe, Boyd, Bowe, Bradaher, Broun, Cowan, ( raw lord," ot Macon, Crawford, of Rowan, llarjKT, llinuunt, lloifneit, Holderliv, Ilulchiaou, Jenkins, ol (ius ton, Jenkins, of Urauville, .l,u-. .lonl.tn, Ke nan, Lyon, May, McAithnr, McKay. Morton, Neal, f'eebles. .Perry ,"ol Carteret. Ri. I, ro. ScofT. Siiiij.son, Smith, of Unplii,, Sudib-rlh. Tensile. Venial, Westmoreland, WiNon. , FoisMhe, Wiliiams, of Pitt, Williams, of Vancev Hi. The House then dsik re ess until 7 j o' lock P. M. EVENING SESSION. Tilt I1S1HT, Feb. !jl. The tollowiiii bills, on 1 he ( 'alendar, were taken up nnd disposed ol as lollows : KKJKCTKD ON sKeo.Ml HKAPINO. Bill to amei d an a'l to more 1 tfcctually secure the. muintenuuee ol 1 u.Laid cahliuu . bill lor the relict ot uardiuns and minor children ; bill fixing the fees of ( ounty .oliciiors in ei Haiti cases; bill t pay niHg,stiaten in Held rsou Couuty. i.NPKii.Nn 1 t.v rosi roNH p. Bill tochange the jmisdictioii of the Courts and the rules ol phatduig therein ; bill lo licit' r secure the payment of mils, bill lo prevent un luvessary costs in Mlit 011 ollii ia! b nnls. I. Alp ON THK TAIll.K. Bill to re enact and amend un ordinauce to change the jurisdiction ol the courts and tile rows 01 iim I " bill aiithorizniir llie ol new tsimts for lamds in,. . N. C. Railroad : bill ini-ern7i!.!"1'1'1t'( bill aullioriziiitr the issue tern N the ixace tor New Hanover County; bill t crease the ties of insiectors of naval stores in the city of Wilmington ; bill authorizing the bisife ol new lainds for lionds issued to the Wilming ton, Charlotte A Rutherford Railroad company. Bill to incorporare the North Western Rail Riiad Company, was amended and passed its several readings. Bill to protect certain interisjis ol tlietom mon SchiMils. and for othet purposes, asse.l its several readings. Bill to amend an act to authorize t he S. cn--tary of State to employ a cli rk p issed its several readings. - - -.. Resolution to increase the pay of the Govern or's messenger, passed its several readings. Bid to provide for ..the sale of the Chatham Railroad, paved its second readinsf. Bill to amend the charter ot the Kalciuh and Gaston Railroad Company, wns amcnited anrt passedits several sealtintttk- On motion of Mr. Thornton, the-Scnntc ad jotirne!. HOUSE OF COMMONS EVENING SESSION. Thitrsday, Feb. 8t. The House concurred in Senate amendments to the resolution of adjournment. ' The foBowing bills passed - their second ami third readings, viz : To extend the n-gnhir terms of the County Court of Granville; to secure better drainage of tho lowlands' on Lower River" in Caldwell county ; and to consolidate the Fire Companies of the City of Newbcrn. The following bills were Indefinitely post poned, or laid on the table, viz : To rcX-.il an ordinance ot the Convention, authorizing the exchange ol stocks in the Railroad Companies for State bonde ; for the relief of the people ; and to compensate: Justices of the Pcsre in Lin coln county. Mr. Murrill, by leave, introduced a bill to reg ulate the cultivation of Oysters, which passed iu several readings, under a suspension of the rules. special onns.R. A bill to protect property sold under execu tion from sacrifice, was put on its second reading- The question being first upon the adoption of an amendmeut proposed by tU.MUtt!i u" the Judicisry, Mr. Holderby moved to amend the amendment, by adding a proviso, that the proerty sold under execution shall liring iswtf talue, instead of three tourths of its value, ss proposed in the bill. Heji-ctcd. Mr. Hubs moved to lay the amendment on tho tame. fot agrees 1 w. The amendment was then adopted, -and the bill passed its second, am) then its third read ing, yeas,- 75, nsys 18. The House then adjourned. SENATE. y Friay Mornino, Feb. aa. Tlie Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. H I - 1. Lilt. . oi a-aw-lvi s.aat a..BMk trai akArtstul from Committees, which will I noticed when they come up on their ond rea.lings. ' KKSOI.ITION3 AND Bll.l S JltvClMrk, ..fesolution tntractinj llie c oni mlttee on Finance to inquire whether the con- tract pt Mle of tbe itocktiscd by tUcJiUte in the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, re ported by the Treasurer to have la-en made to ssiil Company has been discharged, and if so, when the payment was made, and what kind of tilate bonds were siloLUd in payment thereof. Adopted. .Mr. Berry, a !ill tor the reliel of the people, by authorizing the issue of bills of credit to de fray the expenses of the State dovernmen'. Uidercil to lie printed and referred to the Omi miitc on Banks and Currency. Mr, Bichardson, a bill to incorporate ( rain Cnik Lodge No. 21:1, iu Moore Coun'y. R -l'e r. , in the Committee on Coiporntii n. Mi. McLean, a bill to increase the capital stock of the Clarendon Bridge ('oiiipaay. Filed. Mr Mcltae, a bill authorizing Justice'! of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the t'nunty of Kobiiisoii, to appoint a secial Mag isin.'e, Filed. Mi. Clark, a bill providing tor the payment of the iuturuit 011 the public debt, and lor other pi. r -su, which was made the special older at 1 1 n'i l,,rk oil Monday. Ml. Mi I., ;i, a bill authorizing the Mayor or Cliid Mu'Mrute of inror,'rntiMl towns in this State, to 1 i.Iok ilie colli ctiou of jH imllics and ttnc. A til, s--ai:e was n i't iv,- I lioitt the llnu'' pro poning in n i'iii 1 tin 1 iint nrili'f on niljowrii 1 1 1 . - t . Mr Wilson moved that the Senaftf concur, and on his motion, 1 In - a r and nays were caliji.'d, ail,l tile luolloli ,n ailed by a vote of :il to I V Also propo-iijo 1,1 r, .,1111,1 the joint order rel ative to tlir 'ttttMs o' the daily sess-ions, and pi,,piii! io mill ,;t 10 and sdjiurn at 1 ; ni"et at '' and a,lj ,11m at i. Not an-ed to Ato imn-mtttmx a bill lo extend tle regular terms ot the oirniv Court "I Oranville Countv, a',, I 01, mot;on of sil -pell, le. I M ' H I I tl. V- Bullock, the rules were lull passed its several read i in inoti.ei ol Mr Wiggins, the rules were I n-pi ii, I. it :if. I I he lull authorizing tin" (oin- i mi ,,ii 1- ,, the town ff Halifax to jfrant the iiidn of ii.iv In tin- Wilmiuuton fc Weldon R. It Company throii''h said town, was taken up a' ,1 ,as-i d il several readinos. I Oa iiiMiionol Mr. .Jones, the rules were sus pended and tin- bill authorizing the subs of the Chatham K iilro i.l was taken up. Mr II ill 1 T. rcl an amendment. ! Mr. Speed in.iycil lo postpone indefinitely the 1 v'lole matter.' Not ajri-ed to. The ipiesiion recurring on the amendment, it ' WHS ad. J'te.i t ('11 lie, lion ol' Mr. Leach, it was postponed , iridcilnitelv, he hay ine; stated that the etrect of ' the t'ill wa di-stroyed by the amendment, mid ( that he made the motion to postpone at the in s! 111 -e of the friends of the hill. Leave of absence- was granted Mr. Kd wards, : S, :; itor"tr,.ni Northampton. Mr Cow an introduced a resolution, by leave, pfopoint; that both Houses adjourn on the 4th , ot M.neli. to meet attain on the 1st of August. Mr. din law movcif to amend by striking out 1st , 01 .MnjiiM ... 1 jI)S(,rt ,ine iM'inlina its con- : ,Hl'T! "'"Sitf l;i ro be entitled nn act to enable the West 1 CT11 Itail Hnad Company to extend its road : teross the North Carodua Railroad to the Vir ! cini.-i line, near Mr. Airy, in the county of Sur ' rv, was taken up. bsr. Leach, Cow les and i saff liiii nr:r,d the passage of thr II4, and I Mers. Ha'l. Wil-on, Wigsnns and Covington 1 ,,.p,Hied it i'i it M-s-ut lurm. It was agreed to p-,-- ihe I ill on 'is ..cond reading wjth a view I. ;' ainemliiKr it on its third reading, and on u ...i-ion ...f Mr. Cowles.it was made a specinl Msbsr lor ttiNsbul-lJ.AiU(wki.-.... ...... A 111, ssmre was received froni the House trans- II, 111 mi' a lull t,, consolidate the Fire Companies ,, the 1 it ol Ne bet 11, which passed its scv 11 ,1 ns, bin's under a suensinn of the-rttles. .Mi. 1 I aik. a insoliiiion proposing to sends I ni'-il2e to 'the House relative to additional ; ruhs for the overmen! of laith Houses in ' oid.r to expedite business, which was laid over . uiu k-r tlir cult-s on vcsterilsy. for one day, was I d ei, up, an, ended and adopted. 11 ,ii,.ii..' Mr. I'usi liall, tiic Senate ad- ' j ,n,neil until to uiht at o'clock. 1 HOUSE OF COMMONS. 1 Fkiday. Feb. 22nd, 18C7. The House was called to unlet at 10J o'clock, A. M. ' Mr. Patton, from the committee on Internal 1 Improvement, reported back favorably, a hill to aid the Williainsioii fc Tarboro Railroad cora ! pany ; a tiill to amend the cliarter of the Wil mington Kailwav Bridge company. ' nfurorably a bill to incorporate the Char I lotte nnd Oeorgetow n Halroad; ami to incor porate Norfolk 4 Great Western Railroad com pany. .Mr. I'erly ot ( arterei, ior tin- committee on Claims, reported a resolution in favor ofSion H. Rogers, Attorney General; s resolution in favor of ('has. RvriLwiiirornAy ; a resolution in favor ol Win. Patterson favorably. Mr. Bryson, br the ..committee on Cherokee fantrnhly, nbill to rewid "an act tor the better regulation of the Western Turnpike mad." BILLS AMI Ill-SOM'TIONS. By Mr. Ilorton of Watauga, a bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to improve the public road from (Taylorsville to Boom by way of Kusscll's.Gap and Hoblman's Ford. Passed its several readings tlmfrr a anapi-ii.lno of the ! rules. O.. Xfr VVI.otV.l.l a r,Mi,,liili,,i I.. rui-A a a..,,. ; nii(t) llMa(l,sidcr the various propositions rcla ,( ( avment (lt interest on llie public debt. ! Laid on the table, on motion ot Mr. Latham of ... Min,,m , !" A Tesolnttrrn restricting debate, (introduced I by Mr. Woodurd. "n yesli rdaV.) was adopted. I Also, a resolution, 1 mtioduced on yesterday, by I Mr. Ho derby, I substituting altcuioou fwr even ' ing session. Mr. Morehend introduced a resolution to res- eind tile joint order for adjournm- nt. I Mr. Autry -moved to lay the resolution 011 the I table. Not agreed to, yeas t;4, iiajs ."i.t. j Mr. Mofehend slated that ills U eject 111 oll'cr- ; "g ' ' " " MV , -T 1 I journmen . 1 oc resolution ad..,, .-, proy,d, ,l 1 that, the Assembly should meet 111 ( icioher. For ,1.:, I, "wl re .L.o Vfii'r some dicuKsion the resolution lo rescind "was adopted", anct enfttmBftiiv;sniCff'',i rencc. ' The House concurred in the report ol the Committee of Conference, on the Homestead Bill. Messrs. Martin and Latham, ol Washington, Were allowed to n cord tin ir oti s, the former, lor- the latter, against the bill passed 011 yester day, making hytsc-stcaliiig , liirt otrense) a cap ' llal lelony. j , HI-K1HI. OIlliKIl A bill to conliiic original jiiristlu lioii of all 1 crimes srjd misdemeanors. Mow capil al leloniea, ' to the Court ol Pleas and Q larler .N sslons, was I put on its second n ailing and passed. Ihe rules were suspended, sundry amend ments were offered, and the bill w as re commit ted to the Judiciary Committee. The Senate, by message, refused cniictirrcnce in the resolution substituting "afternoon" for "evening" sessions. The following engrossed bills hail their first reading, viz : To amend an act to incorporate Hillsboro' Military Academy ; in regard to icpairaon Ex ecutive Mansion; in regard to Burke Sipiarc aud other public proierly. For the assignment I ot certain rooihs in the Capitol : to protect cer I tain interests ol Ihe Common Schools, Ac. The Senate, l.y in, -sage, concurred in the res I "lull, ,11 lo rescind the j ,int order for adjotirn i uuul. On motion ol Mr. Biwc, a bill to amend Chap. 40, of the Revised Cod.-, iti relation to J executors and administrator--, was taken up for ' Consideration. I Mr. Boyve offered a substitute tor the bill. i Pending discussi m at 12 o'clock, M .llie, House ! proceetlcil to consider j H'KI IAI. Olllll.ll Ml. 2. 1 A bill to regulate assignments and protect j creditors. Dic,iss,d at length and recommit 1 ted to the Judiciary Committee. The House resumed cnsi leralion of the un - finished business. I The bill was amended and then passed its Hrd : reading. (Authorizes Sheriffs to settle intes- tate estates in certain cases. I An engrossed bill to incorporate The Ni rtli I Western Railroad Company, passed its several i readings under a suspension ol the rules, ' ON CtLKMlAR. A bill explanatory of the act granting gencr , al amnesty and pardon; a bill to amend "an act to prevent enticing servants from fulfilling I their contracts or harboring them," and a bill for ' the relief of purchasers of vacant lands in Ma con county, passed stcoiid'ainl third readings, j A bill for the reliel i t Executors and Ad j mistrators, and a bill to amend "an act to ex i tend the time for the registration if deeds 'Ac , were laid on the table. I A resolution to Compen-aic Judges holding j Courts of Oyer and Terminer, was rejected on I second reading. I The House thin adjourned until 10 o'clock I to-morrow. I For the Sentinel. Railroad Meeting; at Trinity College. mcTai uWit)itv College and vicinity eratinn tbe proposed Kaitnn.i ...... . f Fields to Mt. Any. .lames Leach was appoint", ed President, and ' B. Craven, ScrUary of the meeting. After ji lull discussion, a committee that had been appointed for that pnr , re ported the follow dug n solutions; w Ideb wore unanimously adopted : IlttvhtJ, Thut the proposed road is ot the greatest importance to tins set lion of the State, and that we will not only tavor it by all proper means, but will aid in furnishing the money to i'mul ft T,T rhc tftnrtwt of mtr- nMtrH1.- - 2. We arc s.ilLslied, that by tar the best route is by way of the Factories, Tiinity College, iiigu i'o.uL aud Salcui. From Deep River to Salem, a.i miles, it will not be necessary to cross any streams oi consequence, not a single bridge to he mult, and the fruiting win cost lew perhaps, tluui the same distance iu any other section ot the State. 8. By this route the road will pass through a section abounding in valuable freights through out, and will la1 on or near the "old Fawtteville Road," the line of all the mountain tnnel lor the last hundred ears, and no oih, r route ran have so many important points, and -o many controlling lines pt travel and tr e'e 4. This route would not only devel ipe nd be supported lit the urn ipl Hie t w iter pow.r ol Deep River, capable ol riiinio millions ot spindles, snd au itiealeiil ib i minmi of 'ma. chinery of every kind; 'mi i' I pi-s iinii il ly through a mriuni alain 1 in v i ,1 d ie metals. Within a ra dins 11 nubs from Trinity are inexhaustible ipianii i ! copper. gold, iron and h ml. AwftW, That Hie M.--rei ' r -.pi Tel II si, lent t.ps I- ol I 1.1- s, I I S t -te ' tleCt i II I V I enrreaoond with the I'r,--!. l.-rI "t 'in Road, and to take mi, i sary to have the merits r piesented. ifeaveni, That these pr..eeding U- uil,lisheil in the Raleigh. Faii-ll-vi.il- -nl iiiniiigton paiK'is 11 CRAVEN. Feb. 16, 1HI.T. S. ictary. Standard p' a-e 1 oy. The Legislature of Alabama, we learn, lias endorsed, and tei onniieiiiled to the schools in that State, the series of school book- issued by . Mara WteiliinjA to, i liie.nsl mo, in this State. Tbev are also i X'en-ively reed in this State and Virgins The Norfolk Virginian states ibt it sp pears to be the -general determination of all ,.p irties interested in rebuilding the Atlantic Hotel, to construct it upon Ihe Newton lot, cor ncr ot Grandy nnd Main streets, instead of on tin site of the former -building. I Highway (4knkkosity The parties who lately relieved Ihe Sluitf of put ( ottnty of his 1 papers, money, watch snd other Va'uablcs, have I have Uen visited with coin) um lious feelings, for their conduct on-that occasion, and recently ! returned t Mr. Gra' , I h r . i g h t lie Post oflice. : the whidc - amount p!. ireeubacks t,ki;n from him. Ti '"" '"'' 'if"'- , CorroN.- - I ' -the books of ih- .uluiriier says, that -ll ctors in Edgecombe ' show that 1 1 .lltnl I an s have lCsn shipped al rendr; wnd le iestimte. that at least 4000 bales still remain in the hands ot the planters. Masonry and Women. The local of the Norfolk Journal is responsi ble for the following story. Whether he gets it from the written history or the traditions of Masonry, or from his own fancy, we leave the reader to judge. Why Womkn Cannot K.ntkr Masonic Loimiks. When King S., Ionian wasttill a young man he had married his seventh wile. She was a beautiful young Ammonite, with locks ns black as n raven's wing and eyes as bright ns eagle's. It was believed that she was the favor ite tuir one among all the sultanas of the great Kjng; for his affections were not divided then aa they afterwards !ccame. She knew her iower, and used it unsparingly. In addition to her other qualities, she was aa iuuuUiiive u ever wasa woman on this earth. One evening King Solomon attended lodge on some grand occasion, and stayed out somewhat, late. When he returned home, he found th fair Ammonites in the dumps, nnd pouting just like the lair w ives of Masons do sometimes now, when their lords stay out too late at the Lodge. She upbraided him with neglecting her, insinu ated Hint h- hadn't been to the lodge as he pre tended, and insisted that in future he should give prool that be went thereby having herself initiated, su thai aha might go there and. watch him. "Daughter ol Amnion," replied the King, "thou lin-t behaved thyself as one of the foolish women, in presuming to question thy lord ajhd master. Thou art not so angry with me as thou pretendest to be; ior the true reason of this behavior is thy insatiable curiosity, in which thou excelh st Eve herself. Kttow then that I here ordain that neither thou, nor any of thy inquisitive sex after thee, ever enter the portals ot a Masonic Lodge; but I shall enjoin the Ty ler to pierce through with his drawn sword any woman that shall attempt to enter a lodge ; aye. 1 ven thee, Qneen of Israel though thou be!" And that ordinance of this wisest ot mouarchs hascontiuued in lorce till this day. We hope, that we have satisfied tire curiosity of our fair readers as fully as did King Solomon that of ht$ Queen. A Southern Editor's Eeminscence. The Memphis Avalanche indulges In the fol lowing bit of S'Jttiuii'Dt . "Late at night, when the fire and lamps burn low and dim, we lay down No. 1 0,0a vol. LXV1II. of the Nntinnal Intelligencer, and lean back to think, overcome by the'mnny memories w hich that familiar caption calls up. We have read it constantly lor thirty-two years, minus the four bitter years ol civil war, and had the good fortune to know its old editors, Jin? Utiles and Wm. W. Scaton, both great and good men, now numbered with the dead, hilt of immortal memory. "Not only of these princely gentlemen diK-a the Intelligencer remind us, but of many, many another whom wc were fjrtunatc in kuosving, and whom the country h ,s lost. Webster and Cloy and Crittenden ; Dawson, the t'ommo till Vivrngnn'1'Wi',v..K?I:?'le,' 81 ' ,li,'er l''l i South Carolina. Prentiss, worfTfyTo Wttlol Clirv.sostc.111, golden mouthed, and not only be yond comparison the most eloquent, Cut tbe most genial and generous of men ; large-hcarTcd Tom Coi win; Keith, gallant and good ; Badger, wise beyond other men, of admirable wit and alwavs enamored of the truth ; Seveir and Doug las, Clemens and ituilman, with many a dear old' familiar face, ot others less known to farm and vn mors hulavml.sCrowd autuipL lis... as we w rite ; the dead mingling with the living: Portet of tin- ,S,in7, and Ionian the artist, and glorious John Bronglium, and Alexander Diuii. trv, large souh d as one of Homer's heroes and wise as Plato; Bnckciiridgu and Bonhani, Boy cc and Hob, rl Johnson, four men of like princely natures ; all these and manyi like these wc met at Wn-hinL'ton in the better tunes, when the Senate ot th, Vim, d Mates sat in tile old Chamber, and that city was the capital ol Ixith Ni rt'n hi an-1 the Southern States. F.'n 1, f irt' how the years drift away and we becoiiie gaiiutous, and forget that tho long lis- ,t names, and the memories they cull up, h- r, ll ctijini. o ihe gods' n ad times gone j I.- 1. uiina!id a 1 "es already dim as they 'i. 11. o lfi" -i, have iHtrrest for m one 1.1-1!:'. Never! lom-ss, it is written, it is a 1 -ilie heart. I.-1 it stand. Thank 1 .11 iit-r p-'wer nor malice call confiscate lot' lit re, lull 11 y (,,'., :,,,,! , 1,, 1 coin to knaves, tbe unhappy or the sa.i ne memoes 1 f the past." f v I E OK NORTH CAROLINA, ( Bi-KTIK Cot NTY. S In Fiji itv Fai C Tkkw, ISOti. II. Mehane tiil others I r s. j liiil Iu u tUo Kttate I l. a.hnr in tlm Will andiierfMuate ( , 1,1 U.ii MoiinK. ilec'it. fimony. .1..I, I. K. al"l IN the nl-,ve . a is, (hi1 foUmrinjr. permHia are alleged aid i lnti lo s-lit'' s-a,-neit ot kin and lieirs at ,.ofm It-'i'-'u', itis-'d. ft' wit: Wm. Meuane, John I'-s-l and if" Mary K , John T. Mi hane, A W, VI-Ion-. v in. l miii-". I.-his I!. Suiiou, John B, M-l-aii-. Sin , K l'--i,il. lin en 1. Joribiu ami wife Klta Ann. ae-1 William (i. M- bane. fn attcortUmt s ith M-,,1 , Ui.i, tin' vstale of Wllluim Mel ll, will I,,-' paid 0', r an-1 .leivi red to sat it parties, unle.-s oihi rs apjM'ar ..no estalthsli their right. It is or, It red. thai aJvertl-l llM nt ts- neele ill tile .V"twlWf,,r all p rs-..is eUiininst to W Wlr ft law nest of km nt Wib. Stonni; o apts-ar ioii lUtt-fpObti tiicir claim m,u ex amine it cross--ft!ttltie the testimony ulmil tie' prti M i-iianii-'-t ni lakinir. Witmss L KltH, I . M. K. of saul Couit, tt W.u.Uor-. JI .i'.. t. L. S. WEBB, t M. V.. Jan. 41. I"o- STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN A, Pitt t'orviv. Coi-rt c Eorrrv. C. H. Taylor hn,l ..Hi. ts '-1 ts , f-t,tioii !,, s. H I. ;, .1 t r Pleasant V T.yl-r anil ' pattiti- .. ti!- ,1 Ife. e. otiwra. Heir at I I'--Nehetuish TalT, ,u . ,1 In this canse, u apt-i ce. il, i ! I- a-.i, t I'. Ts'0t and John A. Tayl-r. -l.-f.-in, ...is i. -id. nt :. of this Stale, it is ih. r. .-n- .i,'.- 1 tho ut-l'.ayh.ii I 'Htadl-. i tl ti-slu-uU ,ss,' 1 , . ... . iotv-.l-n - M. saltt dr feiidxiO" I" sf. . .1 :1- i. nt I. rm.-i . .1 foiirv, to rs- Ii--Ul al llie i...us' n .i-. -.vt.i. , tin- first M.-n-is' in Mil 1st.; and ft- ... . i a-demur, or saitt-etiri-.ii will tw- Isk, .i --. . as to llieul an, i nisrii aet-..rttcii Wllucws LoCIS RnxiaBD, Clerk and Ms-t. r ,,f so ' Xrmrt, t effioa ia Oreeawute, tWrlrb Asctrarr; : Jan. U-wW LUl'W 1ULLIAII D, (J. M. il. V

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