. tnumi . 1 : t i ! . , - VOL. 1. RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, MAROlI 9, 1807. ISO. 81." '':G?7'!'' Vf -if... - "Sy 1 xz TiiE sentinel: SATCBDAY, MARCH 9, 1867. The Wrong Fodtion of Wordi in a sentence. It is no wouder that the English Language ji io difficult to learn. Id iu pronunciation it is a inysterj iu ell intelligent foreigner ; in its etymology it I a jumble of root and formations from every jiolite tongue, and in iu arrangement Ufa perliape even more in . - ... wnn.ler. trenLlcmen of evcrv nation turn from it study Willi a fueling of urtatifled longiag mat some one would .how the ptiilwotlical principle that gT grn it. As Gratnintf, ami- Orthoepy and Defini tioo too, depeud upon "tarred utugt at the yrtmot daf, "it Isfcomee us t inquire Why there is audi variance among acknowledged Kngliali writer. Perhaps it l owing to the (Jeruianizing tendency "I tliinkera and au thor. Witness, exnipli gratia, the writing of Carlyle. M"re 'probably it i owlnt! to the weakness fl mlli-r minda imitating the foible, ratlier than the eicellenees, ot the rtylrrf Trreatrr wt- My an edmiret of Dr. Johnann, in put ting hi thought on paper, will iH-rhap insensibly lall iuUi the sonorou diction of the jrreat-Kayit, but, not having hi power, find hi essay miid-anutidiBg enough, but empty. So, too, how many imitate Carljle" mverae at.vle, only to reveal more palpably that it i I'arlyle'alvigor that triumphed over hi die lion Even Milton' prow:, gorgenu ami lordly, win not only admiration, but weak ropvia'ts who have not hi lordly thought. But all thi lead us to notioe in writer and apeaker of the present day, who may indeed he quotwl a atHiturilfcs, some inele gances, if not poaitive inaccuracies. lit The inaeitto) of an adverb between tilt ign of the infinitive, to, and the verb ; an, to tborouglirjr' f iamlhr'"br fully Un derstand." Perhaps you may recognise tlieae expn-s ions, but no harm i meant except to bring the matter home, and to cheek an existing add growing Suipropriety. Now ce how awkward thia aentenoc is : "I wiah to tare fully listen to those muaitiaua whoares.ii.l to elegantly play." What ia wrong in that ? and why will that not lie good English, when, in an official document, issued Ironi the Legislature of the nation, we find this expression ; It becomes u to carefully in vestigate the fact, and to thoughtfully con aider the remedies." An adverb may Ik uaed properly and euphoniously, if not loo long, lot ween the auxiliary and the main verb; a, aiM nut thought ; I Kmairt fully evntUlrrrd But thi innovation (lor i lie pureat old Kugliah writer ili not um il, I think.) is almoct aa ungainly an expression I net have thonght. Snd. The uae of the word not, with -verba nieanilig to declare opinion, emvie4ttt, ur tu ae or coum deration. For example : I have heaid, and ban every una, tbi atoteiioe many a Mite : "I do aot tbiak be very ick," or "I don't lielieve 1 will go to town " Clearly the a r aon .peaking hal Ixn-n delilieratiug uml had arrived at a ronrliiKioti., lie ahoiilil lut v: "Id think tr I tiling) hi- i not vervai. k." "1 believe I will not go to town. Tt negative, in both inatancea, and in all mi. Ii example, qualifies not tlie declaration of the eonvitiiUi, but the result of tin- convi. -tioa. Perliap you have heard II. ia: '1 have not tUouuhl avrlrmaty ataMil If, t.jir t don't reckon I can come." lit re ib.r. i .i confeaaion of deliberation even tln.ugli it i not "aeri'iua," yet a denial in the mm. -ding rlauae. It ahould be : "I have not thought eriously about H, but I reekon (or raiher conelude) T can not cortie." Srd, The position of an adverb, ho that it night modify two or three different word '- iriittciirir w- Such ambiguity may indeed I obviated bv cofteet inlleclion of voice in r. a.lnii; aioudf butcarele writer fnuently h ave the readiT in doubt a to his inlention, Thu: ULady Audley's Secret, a Mikcr u made to aay : I lr yon aerbmaly to reflect on thi- evideriee." The qeeatme ariae : Ia he ak arriouly, or dots he auk ber toietiect araioualy t Again t "I beg you earnoatly to heeil my advice.". "I have aakeil you regularly to attend church,"' or, w hat I worae atill, yet quite frequent, ''He ia the moat conceitnl man whom proltably $wi know." "He i the beat speaker that you perhaps ever hcartU".., In these instances the contingency is not attached to the knowing or hearing but rather to the adjective qualifying or the substantive verb. Let no one aay theae diarriininaliona are Ion nice. If they ere just, it becoui,- us to stride hf them, and keep our old Kngliah pure. m. o. y. Tan Knm poar Okficb. The follow ing anecdote is told in connection with the Poate Reslante Depart ment of the I'ari Poat OfUoa; "(ns ilay a gentleman who .howsil gfea agitalbm, end dragging by the arm young lady in a hall fainting con ditionJ entered the bureau and asked in a fierce tone It there was a letter for Madame L 1, Tlie clerk carefully went over the packet from the L pigeon hole 'Nothing for Madame I, .' An hour afterward the young lady retained, this lime alone, snd almost trembling approached the counter. Tha clerk sevr her, and before she had lime tn speak, he said 'Here is your teller. Mad ame ; on no account whatever could I de liver it to any one but yourself.' Madame I.- adda N.Ducaiup, has entertained the very, highest regard for the poste real ante ever since." The Renville Rrfuttr tella of a Mr J. A. Lanier, m Pittsylvania county, who has jui sold hU new ground tobacco, alaiut hooo pounds, luira and-ftll, at an average of $."0 per hundred, makinir tUOOft. In nd.lili.nl to this he made H,IM or 4,000 poiindol'..,l bind tobacco, begides grain, Ac., ennrigh for hi farm. He did this with seven -or eighl ban. la, and the HeqitUr truly ava. with the sitme investment of money and the same amount of labor, no other business will yield so large e profit. their own housei Their "pet Inmlm, the negroes, commence to npiirwiate their ne- , fariou doings. Kev, Mr.-Wiiliams(ehirwl,) at ' meeting held In Klect street, Brnoklyn, but evening callel them "hypocrites" and --JNakWthtwpr.ili ttii my he ain fiat It has taken the 'eoloaed He ve rend and his friends a long time to find it out H srWL . - A lahorina; Mian In Providence, R. I., hat ,t been sent to jail for fen. days for falling . asleep In church. The Journal think the i" clergyman ought to be Heed for not preach- iuu auta iu acr-y uiin w wkv. - 'THE The Act to Eftttbliih n Uniform System of Bankruptcy Throughout the United 8tatet What the Bill Is-What it Provides. The substance ot this most important bill just passed by the Senate and llouae, and approved by the President, will be louud as follows iu the summary tbat we give : Section I. establishes the several District Courts of the United Htates aa courts of bankruptcy, in addition to tile other origi nal jurisdiction they now have. becliou 2 gives the Circuit (,'ourta rquity 5 tower U) siiervie the prticeeiliuga ol the lialrict Courts iu bankruptcy litigation and alttiirk, and in luldition to tins power gives thorn coiicurreot jnriwliction in the same in altera. Section !i. provides for the appointment in each Congressional District, Umii the noluinalion ol the Chief Justice of the hu preiue CiMirt, of one or more regiKtera (to le eouuM'llora in the Dial ricl I nuru, ) wlnwe duly it i-liall In- to aial the District Judges in the iMTforHiance ol duty in bankruptcy cases. Ilonds in $1,00(1, no inlirt-nt in any of the auifs, and ability to fuke the ironclad oath, ate the pre n-quihiicH ol eiich register. hn-tion 4 makes It the regialcr a duly lo adjudicate upon, reeeive surremfeis in, sod preside in bankruptcy priH eedinga. lie is to compute proiierty, dividends, assign jiro rata shales to creditors, but bars him Irom com. miuiiig for conteiupt or in acting in esses thai go upon appeal. N-clloii o. 7. H, V and 10 provide tor the formula ot teal prficcedinpi in tlie Courts ol Bankruptcy, a recapitulation ot the pr.-tc lice now in vogue in other litigation. N-clion II makea flKKi the limit of .1.1.1 on which to declare voluntary bankruptcy. riquin-s tlie twnkrupt Ui le ir to Intoiiic a citien ol the I tiilc-i Stat, a, forbids a tiaus f of prupjLjttji , during pendency of, pro ci-edingH, and demun.U full exhibit ol debts ami aancllb on the part of the voluntary bankrupt. bection t:t, and 14 provide that the actiou in baokiuptc) shad goon should the bankrupt die, the Mime aa if he were in tuc , lhal tlie creditors shall spMiint an-' as signee or assignees of tlie debtor's csit:ilv, suliject U the approval ol Dial rict Judge ; thai everything be turned over to aaailieea, wheth.r ol iiti!t!ice or a.c.Mint. lor ilnaiii- hution, exci pt That there sall be execiiied Irom the operation ol tlie pioviaions oCthia section tile neeeaaary hoiiaehold an.l kilhen liiri.ltiirc. and ati.-h otli.r articlea and! lie ersnariea ol aucit Imokrupt as the aabl as signee ahall deoiiiiite nil. I act apart, linking relerem e in th- amount to the l.iiinly, Coii- lllion, and circuiualanc.-B of lite buiikupt, but altogether not t" iXieed in uluc in any caae, the auui "I s.iuu ; and uiao the vvcariii; appjtrel of aocli bankrupt und timt ot hia wife and bildr.-n, and tlie uiiilorm, anna;' an.l eqnipiocnta ot any pt rou who ia or has U-.n a Md.lier in I lie militia or in I he service f the I'niled Slates, and audi other prop eity aa now is, or hereatur shall la, ex empted from aHacliiuent or seizure, or levy on execution bv the laws ot the Lulled Mates, an.l such other projicrty, not included in the toregolll exceptions, aa Is exempted truui levy wud aJ upuu c&kCUUun ur ullier process or order ol Court, by the law sol the Stale in which the bankrupt has his domicil at the tunc of tlu. coiuuicnccim lit of the pi(Hu-Liin.a in l,ai.kruptc, to an amount ttol UuxlUuU hIIowci! by such ..Stale iA.ni piioti i.tHa iii lone iu the year lMt.4 : i'rot i.li'd. I'loil llielorej;idngei-pliou shall oH-rale as a liiiiilalion upin the convey ance of ihc .r. n-i t v of the bankrupt to his asaiue. a, and in no ease shall t he properly herel.y cxitjitcd paas to the asaignet-s, or the title of flie baiiki upi thereto be iinpaiieil or nlbct.al by any "I Hie provisions ol tins act; mi. I the d. i.- nilnallon of the asi'iiees ifl'ffie'niaVfler shaft, oil exwiti.ii fa.ki n.'tie" subjeut to the liusl division ol the said Court. Sections t.i. III, 17 anil 18, vc the -sigmr lull power to recover the propel IV of thedibtor, tola- disiribitlnl by whom-'o ever liebl ; require hjiu to chiasity and scp.i rate the go.avla or other effects, empower the sasignw I" cltooae arbitrators in mailers of disputed Mnesion ; auil provide lor the siipevision tiyer and power lo remove the assignees by the district judge br cause shown. ' Sections 10, ?(l and '41, ordain that claims la; proved in the same manner as now against the estate of deceased persons ; pro vide for act offs in mutual debt betwem debtor and clniiiiant; forbid suits against the bankrupt bv those creditors proving their cluiirm, ami provide that if any bank riqit shall, at I lie time of adjuration, la- lin hie upon any bill ol exchange, promissory note or other obligation in respect of dis tin. t etnitracts as a memla-r ol two or nu.re firms carrying on separate and distinct trads, ami ' having distinct estates lobe wound up in bankruptcy, or as a sole Ira diT and also as a member of a firm, the cir cumstance tfint such firm are in w hole or in port composed of the same, individuals, or that the sole Contractor is also one of the joint contractors, sbali nH prevent prool snd receipt ot dividend in respect of such distinct contracts asinst the estates res pectivily liable upon such contracts. Sections 2'i, 23 and 24 require verification by oatli of all claims by creditors, and if a corporation, ty the pioja r olliiets for that purpose, to far tiled hufore the register, or it in a foreign country, ls?f-ove the register, or other diplomatic. olHcer nesri-st adjacent, and that invest iustioli can la' and must Is; made by the judge in case of all doubtlul claims. Sid ion BA orders the sale and the holding for distribution by the assignee of all per isliable property, the title lo which la not in dispute. Section 'in provides for the rxnmiiia ion of the bankrupt by the court, either at its own option or at the request otthe assignee, info ail circumstances and statement ot the bsnkri.pl, who is punishable lor contempt lor noncompliance with the order J. r,i animation, and for good cause show n the wife of the bankrupt may he call.d and similarly examined. Section 37 stibdiudcs pri.ir.ty- of-laims as foTtivwa:, First. SeTTants' wages under 50. Seeond. AH the creditors ;ir rfi, without enj SwJltt',-iKlUKf..rotjt amount or date of claims," except " that "in Case wher.iin the Issnkmpt has liecoine bail, sure ty or guarantor Tor another, the compliance of the latter with the conditions must be akown bfor the claim U allowod. " At the expiration of three mnnlhs from the date ot the adjudication of bankruptcy in any case, or a Much earlier aa tlie court may direct, the court, upon request ot the. assignee, ahall call a general meeting of the rnUtor of which due notice shall I giv en. end the aasignea shall then report and exhibit Vo the court and to the ereditort just j"udgmt;uts7 verified' by" hi oatli; anil lie shall also produce and file vouchers lor all payments for which vouchers shall lie re quired by any rule ol the court; be shaft also submit the schedule of the bankrupt's creditors and property a-i auieidud, duly verified by the baiikiupt, and aeuteiiienlof the whole tstalc of the bankrupt as then ascertained, of the properly recovered and of the property outstanding, accifyiiig the cause of its being outstanding, also what debts or claims aro yet undetermined, and staling what sums remain in his hands. At such uiculuig the tujjorily in value of the creditors present shad ileteimine whctlor any and what part of the net priMjceds of the estate, alter deducting and' retaining a sum sufficient to provide lor all undeter mined claims which, by reason of the dis taut, residence of I lie creditor, or lor other sufficient reason, have not U en proved, and for other expenses and contingencies, ahall be divided aiming thecreditors ; but unless at least one half in value ol the creditors shall attend Mich iiivcling, either in person or by altorut ), it ahull be the duty ol the assignee so to determine. In ca.se u dividend is ordered, the Itegister ahall, within ten days alter such meeting, prepare a list of cn-dirors entirle.r t,, , livid, ml, and shall oil culate and set opp..iic to the name ol each creditor who has proved hi claim, Ih.- riv iden.l lo which he is entitled out of the net proceeds o the estate set aoart for div idend, and shall forward by mail lo ev. rv creditor a statement of the dividend t! w hich he is entitled, and such c reditor shall psid by the assignee iu such manner as the court may direc t. Section 'JM provides that the like proc-ed iushtill U- had ai the expiration ol the next three months, or i iirliei il practicable, ant a third loeciiii ..f the i icdilois shall then be call. I lo Hie Court, and a final dili.lt ud lli.-n declared, unless any action in law or siot in e.piity Ih; pending, or iiulesa ' -w m-r rwsfcf r -nWt- r llm-tlrbtof afterwards e-.ine into the hands ol the assignee, in which ease the nsnlll.c shall, us soon as may Is-, onveit audi cr-lale or cll.cta into iiioni'v, an I . nhi. i to months litter the saine ahall be a. converted Ihc same shall In divoli .1 In 1 1:, in inner ulore said. Kiinh. r dividends shall l- ina.le in like llialil.ci as otl.-n occasion requires; and all. r Ihc tlm I iiieetin ,, creditors, no further m. eliiig shall be called unless order e.l l.j the Cuit. II at any lime there shall be in llo' Uaii.ls ol the assignee any out standing debts or oilier propcity, line or Ih longing to Hie estate, which cannot be coll. t:t. d and received hi the !i.iKnee w ith out uiin-asonable or incoiiwiiienl dclav or exp use, the aai'iiee may, under the direc tion of the t oil It , sell an.l as.-i'U Mich debts orothir property iu su. Ii manner as ihc Court ahall oi.i. r. No dividend aln a.l .leclaied shall In' dUlurlsd by reason ot debts la-iny sllbsiqllcn: ly pr.m . I, but the creditor proving such dibt shall he eutithsl to a dividend equal to those aln a ly received by the oilier it. .litors befoie any further payineiil i- made to the latter. Preparatory to the final .In i.h-iid, the usaioue,. shall suli mil his a. . .nut to the Court, and lile the same and give notice to the ere.liiors of mi. Ii lilui" ; and aball also jjivc notice that he will ajipl) lot a s, ttlcineiil of hlaccounl, iuoI bsr m eiisc.hnrge IriHw all liability as as signee, at a time to be specilicl in such notice, and at such time the Court shall audit and pass the accounts of the assionee ; 1 and -uch assignee ahull, it required by the Court, be examined as Ui .the. trulii ut such . aii oiint, uml il foiii.d correct he shall there by Is .lis. harmed Irom all liability as as sinnoe to any creditor ol the bankrupt The Court shall then iiM'n order a dividend of the. (State and cllecta, or of such part Ibere ol as il s.t-s fit, among such of the creditors as have proved their claims, in proportion to the resjiective uurount of their said debt. 14 Wi'liiUal Uf :.U tSpvUSfW JBVCJarihr in enr.e.1 by bun lo the . xi. ulioii of his trust, in any caae, the assignee shall be entitled to an allowance for his services in such cawc, on all monies received and paid out by him therein, lor any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, live per centum thereon; on any larger sum, not exceeding five thous and dollars, two and a hull' per centum on the excess over five thousand dollars; and if at any lime there shall not In- in Ins hands a sulHci. nl amount ol money to defray the necessary expenses required for the further execution of his trust, he shall not Ih- obli--ged lo priMccd therein until the necessary lunds are advanced ur satisfactorily secured to him. If, by accident, mistake, or oilier Crtiwe, without fault ot the assignee, either or Isilh of the said second and third llicet inus should not Ih- held within the time liiuilisl, the Court may, iquin motion of an interested paity, uiib-r such meetings, with like ir.cl as to the validity of the proceed ings as il the mccttni: had lieen duly held, in the order for a dividend under this sit liou, the following claims shall be entitled to priority or preference, and to lie first paid in lull in the billow ing order : Piixl. The fees, costs and expenses of suits, and the several pna-eeilings in bank rnptcy under this act. and tor the custody of property; as herein provided. ,r Second." All debts due to the i'nited States, and all taxes and assessments under the laws thereof Third. Al debts due to the Slate in w hich the preceding in bankruptcy are pending, and all taxes an.l assessments made under (he laws of sue h State. Foiirtjh. Wages due to any oerntive clerk or house servant, lo any amount not exceed inix '(I. Inlsir performed w ithin six months next proceeding the first publication of t)ie notjja' of proceedings in bankriiptcv. Fifth. All debts due to any persons who by the laws nf the I nlTed Slates, are or may Im rnlitlcd la prbwity or (reference, in like manner as if this act had not lacn pass ed. Always pro i.lesl. That nothing con tained in this act shall interfere ' it h the assessment an.l collection of luxes by the authority of tlie I'nited States or any State. Section 211 provides tor the full discharge of the bankrupt six months after compliance with theabove conditions iu entire honesty, and good faith. Section 80 declares thai no one shall Is? enl'llfed nasrwnrf time to the N-n. tits of bank ruptcy, whose estale is sufficient to pay 70 per centum of his debts, unhss upon a,, written assent of three fourths of his credji Section ill pr.ivbb-s fliaf any ercivitor rip-' po ing (lie discharge ol sny bankrupt may (tie a apecUhation in writing ot the grOumU of hi opposition, and the Court may, in its discretion; vtter :ny riewtin rjf face an prnsenied lobe tried at a stated session of the Dislrh-t Court. ; Sectioo 83, 88 and Si forbid the ueneftt of liankrnptcy to one whose debts hare ac crued from their failures when In a Adociarv eapacjty, and provide for the full and final Ulscbarge oi toe nooest tianarnpt as follows; Dibthitt Urtuw-r or rwn umnw STnr been duly adjudged a bankrupt under tie act ot i oiigress cetauliiliing a uniform sys tem .(f hankruptey throughout the L'niteal States, and appears to have conformed to all the requirement ot law in that behalf, it I Uterelore ordeiwa by tlie Court that said Ihi forever discharged from all debt and claims which by said act are made provable against hi eatate, and which exis ted on the day of , on which day the petition for adjudication was filed by (or againai ) him, excepting such debts, if any, as are by said act excepted from the opera lion .d' a discharge m bankruptcy. Given under mv hand and the seal of the Court, at , in the said district, this day of , A. D . Seal Sections IH5 nd 37 proviile lor the exten sion of the act to parties in partnership, and for I he liability'aif the same kind of properly as now obtains in ordinary wind ipo up of partnership concern. , Section Its requires the due filing of all papers is the case in the order nf their date, aiidclaili.'d as to title of subject matter. Sc. tions to, 41 and 42, proviile that persons absent, with intent to defraud cred itors, or who take any method to forestall the legal service of just and proved claim aoaiiisi Hi. in, are to have their property pl'oeeede.l upon at the demands of creditor, who are to follow the same measures thev would were the bankruptcy upon voluntary application. In which casi- service of one notice upon such debtor to appear, is lo he made in the same way, either by personal waiting upon, or by publication, as is now pursrsad in civil Stale actions; his non-appearance within the time specified caiisinj. the claims to go auaiiM lion bv .! linii. which can after wards be ri-ine.lie.l tor eau-shown. Sec t:i nd be il further enacted. That il at iiny iiieeiin of creditors to Ih specially caiWd iiM linii porpMt 4nd 4 ,wtieb-. previa ol.s notice vital) have tss'ii jrivell for such letii.th of lime as the court msv direct, three-t-'tirths in value of the creditors shall resolve that ii is for the int. 're. t of the gen eral l.o lv of th. creditors that the estate of the bankrupt should la-wound up and set tled, mid distribution made, il shall be lawful ..r the creditors to cernl'v aud report such resolution to tiie court, and to nominate one or more trustees to take and hold and dis tribute the estate, un.hr the direction of such isiitiuiillec. If it shall appear lo the c unt, alter hearing the bankrupt and such creditors as may desire to Ih! heard, that the resolution was duly passed and that the in terests ot the creditors will Is- promoted thereby, it shall confirm the same; and up on the execution and tiling by or on behalf ol Ihr. e I.mii I hs in vahic of all the creditors whose claims have been proved ol a consent that tin .stale ol the bankrupt be wound up and si ti led by said trustees according to the l.nn-ol such resolution, th bankrupt, or liU assign, e in Imnkruptcy if appointed, as thecase may U-. shall, under the direc tion ol the court, and' under oath, convey, transfer and deliver aINhe property and es tale of the bankrupt lo the said trustee or trust. .. In. shall, upon such conveyance and transfer, have and hold the same iu the same manner, and with the same power aud rights, . iu all reaputU, aa the bankrupt would have had or held the same if no pro feedings in bankruptcy had been taken, or as the assignee in bankruptcy would have lone had such resolution not been passed; and siieh consent and Hie procee lings t hereun- . r, i i i' ' ii der shall be as binding in all rcstiectB on any eredilor whose dcl.ls are provable, who has not signed the same, as il he had signed it, and on any creditor, w hose debt, if prov able, is not proved, as il he had proved it; and ihc r.nirt, by order, shall direct all act nod tilings nr.-. I in I lo Ih done to carry into i effect an. h r. solution ol the creditors, and i the said It iialees shall pria ced to wind Dp tjTirf srtrtc the rsiTtri' Itnitrr (tre cfirVcvhm snrl inspection ol Mich committee of the credi tors, for the equal benefit ol all such credi tors, and the winding up and settlement of any estate under the provisions of this sec tion shall be deemed to be proceedings in bankruptcy under this act; and the said trustees shaft have all the rights and pow ers of assignees in bankrupt. The court, on the application of such trustees, shall have power to summon aud examine, on oath or otherwise, the bankrutcy. and any creditor, and any dcrson indebted to the estate, or known or suspected of having any of the estale in his MiscMiion, or any other Hron whose examination may be material or nec essary lo aid the trustees iu tlie execution pt of their trust, and tocmel the attendance of such persons and the production id iNMiks an.l paja-rs in the same mauner as in other pr.see.loig in bankruptcy under. thi act; and the bankrupt shall have the like right lo apply lor and obtain a discharge after the passage ol such resolution and the ap pointment of such trustees as it such reso lution had not been passed, and as if all the proceeding had continued in the same manner provided in Ihc preceding section of this act. If the resolution shall not be duly renrted, or the consent of the credi tors shall not be duly filed, or it, npon its filings tie-court shall not think tit to aprpove thereot. the bankriiptcv shall or. sa c. I as if no resolution had passed, and the court may make all necessary orders for resuming the proceedings, and ihe p.irio.l of time which shall have elapsed between the date of the resolution and the date ot the order for assum ing proceeding shall not he reckoned in oil dilating periods of time prescribed by this act. Section 44 provides that from and after tin? passage of this act, il any ib'Jbtor or bankrupt shall, alter the coiiiiih iiO rli. nl of jiroci-edings in bankruptcy, secrete lor con ceal any prop, it y Iwlonging lo his esiiaie, or partwiih, i-oncrsl, or rtctcv. idter. mntiA f . . t late, or l.ibllv, or cause tn lie concealed. de-troved, all. red, mutilated, or lals.ticd, any l"ok, dee.!, ihs'iiment, or writing r. la ling then to, ol remove or cause to 0 re moved the same or any part I hens . I, out nf tlie district, or othcrw iae.dispoS' ol'aii v part thereof, with intent to present it Irom coin ing into the possession ot, the assignee jn bnkrt!pty, or lo hinder, inqiede or delay either ot them in recovering or receiving ihe same, or make any pay ment, gift, sale, as signment, transtir or conveyaiCJ of any property belonging to hi estate with tlie like tnlenl, or spend any part thereof in gaming; or shall, with intent to d.liau.l, willftilly blf'"iritstulently' ftswrst fnwitiw SHsigrtce, or omit from hi schedule, any 'per!yr effects whatsoever itr if, in case oiauy person having, to his knowledge W4eflef, vel; - against his estate, he shall fail to distrlme the same to hie assignee within mw month after coming to the knowledge Iwlief thereof; or shall attempt to account for aa tf hi property by fictitious losses or expea sea; or shall, "within three month before the 'commencement of proceedings in bankrupt- I cv. under the false color or pretense ot ear- tying oa ouaineas anu uiswiuig to tus onuna-- ry course of trade, obtain on credit from anv Deraon anv irooda or cio.n.U with rintent to defraud bi creditors, w iihin tlnee month next before the commencement ol proceedings in bankruptcy, pawn, pledge, or dispose of otherwise than bjbmn jt,U transactions, In the ordinary way of his trade, any of hi goods or ehaltels w hich have Ivecn obtained on credit and remain unpaid tor, he shall be deemed guilij of a misdemeanor, and, upon convictiou thereof, in any Court of the Coiled States, shall Ih- fiunished by imprisonment, with or without isrd labor, for a term not exceeding three years. Section 45, 40, 47, 48,49 nd 50 provide for the punishment of officer of the Conn whu act wrongly with intention in bank ruplcy proceedings, with a fine not lea than I'iOO or more than (5o0, and for imprison meut for let than five yean. Also provide the eame punishment for malfeasance on the part ot all persons who shall forge or cause lo Ih- lorged, or knowingly allow the forgery ol any seal, or commission of either tlie judge or register, or who shall Ih- guilty of any criminal action or knowledge in the provocation of hhv false commission or doc uments ot bankruptcy in tavor of any parties. Also the same schedule of lees for legal ser vice, Ac , is provided as now obtain in proceeding in the Courts of the I'nitlfd States in other matters. New and Miscellany, Women Forehead. Kunil Hie New York (W.elte. . Wo... phrenology first Isgan to attract atleiiti.-n, and claimed to tie a science, high foreheads ol' wonu-ii, aa well as men, were asso. ule. I uiih intellect Kverv iiieiula-r of the opposite sex, however dull or uncultiva ted she may lie, admires mental gilts, and has no objection tothercpuUitiou ol possess iug.,tlou lietaclf. . Cuiutqucutly ..am; ddcr . mined to nave the seeming if not the reality, and stripped her forehead of the clustering tresses, and even removed tlie hair by arti ficial means that she might present a front w licit would awake the entliusauu ot Uad .r tqiur.hcim. For a number ol years this mania lor high foreheads raged in spile of the patent bu t that they detracted Irom their feminine loveliness, giving it a hard, bold masculine expressiou that should be sedu lously avoided. All the classic models of Inaiiiy, whether in marble or in flesh, from tlie Venus and Pliryne down to the Mary's of ltaphnel 'and Magdaleu of Murrillo, the picturesque damsels of the Campagjia and the classic SulioUi maidens, instead of high, have quite low forbeads something our own women seem at last lo have discovered. Horace and Catullus and Ovid all sang of the fair, fond creatures whose while lore heads gleamed like the creseut moon be neath the dark cloud of silken hair. Artists have so painted feminine beauty. Men of taste and gallantry have admired such. Phrenology has ceased to lie connected with aesthetic subject; and then-tore we have re turned to nature sa l art Indeed the passion now is rather lor ex ceedingly low foreheads, for hair over ihe temples, and love-heks that shade the lus ter of deep eye. Thi is rather overdone ; but still it is preternble tn lofty foreheads and stripped brow that make the fauemore fitting lor a Koiuan senator than a gentle tender, wemanly woman. Every man of taste k . J. , , , .i ' , Kimalion 4-tlie !4modeh and the correct , . . . , ,; , must rejoice tbat something like an spprox standaid of Icniinine lovelinss has lieen es tahliahed ; and we are no longer pained with. high white fronts that tell of Miwer h ne'er is fashion'.! by the gentle heart. Which Victor Hugo once said of Louis Nspo leon : "He lies mute and motionless, look ing lit the opposite -ttirmloniW'-'t-'trtljet,' until the hour for action comes ; he then turn hi head ami leap upon hi prey. Hi policy start out on yon abruptly, at some unbending turning, pistol tn nana, uf far." There is in bis table, iu his study, a drawer, frequently half open, "lie takes thence -a paper, read itto a minister. It is a decree, The minister assents or dissent. If he dis sents, Louis Napoleon throws the paper bsek into the drawer, where there are many other pap. r, bundle of papers the dream of an all potent man shuts the drawer, taki out the key, and leave the room without saying a word. The minister bows and re tires delighted with the deference which has been paid to hi opinion. Next morning the decree is in the Jfoaitear." Governor Orr, in his message delivered to the State legislature on the 27th Novemla-r last, said : "History furnishes few examples of a p.-o pie who have lieen required to concede more to the will of their conqueror than the h-.-ple of the South. Every concession we have made, however, so far from touching the magnanimity or generosirj ot the vicuna, ha sharpened their malice, and inl.-nairtoi their revenge." CoNSoLIHO HlMSKIJ!. An old '-Itch." who ha been disfranchised bv Hie Sher man Reconstruction bill, nays he is al-oi.i to leave the gay and festive scenes - poliii cally and retire Into "some secluded spot, where he can adopt some plan of amusing himself in his lonely hours, has gone cra.v nn the cat question, and sends us the f .How ing puwle : In a four cornered room sits a cat in each corner, before isch one ol llo s. cats silsthree cats, snd ou each of the cat's mils sil- a cat. How many cats are there in Ihe naun f The Itrislaiure of Ohio wants, a brigs dier tor that piece of the Old IVuiinion-too. l members positively refuse u Krant Hi. .l...a .,li.,.n..A.liil rutlila S!lll, lit. .Iiil. . colored cilir.ens equal rights with the whit The rebellion grows Kentucky. Kauaasan I Ohio. Ten snd three make thirtee n. The Lahukst Pseta m thk U'oiu.p. Through tlie courtesy of Mr. KoU ri Howell, ui thi city, we have, been permitted to cx amine a copy ot the Mr.i., publish ed at Melbourne, Australia, the largest im per in the world. It contains thirty two pages of live columns each, an.l il printed on a single sheet would Is? nine lo t long by three wide. xiimm Juun.al. A PBBDlcTirm. The Ksdical candidate tor Mayor t Alexandria is reptutcd lo have 444 the at nweting Monday t: Ight , that in thi. e month Ihe while people would aft be disfranchised, ami the negroes would Wnr TH" NieoRoa mn not Vot at Aunt.siiDRiA.lt is said that the Attorney General ml tlie 1'iiiit.t Wales (Mr. 8tan ly) declined to give hi sipihion nn the. question in ao hoirt a time, but said he waa inclined to the opinion that they would ant be. emltled I- vote nntil the Oovernrnent had fnrmallv taken possessiofi of the Stala. Souiebody'll Come To-Night. 'I lullst hiu.l ai hair Willi li.. u,u Uc Isuljjh, Ail.l gem with hlnljb oi a hit,- ;' A...I un.i Ihi. I.luslj fo.Hi mv 1 ui i.ii.k brow, I'ei' selueUsb il eolu. tol .lo. Anil while hia eye Shall .h- . i u s ;rs. bi the l.rii.1 an ihe (l,,.r, lie must ll.il rill.l 111 in,, I. II UI, Uee 'Me MM-U of h's m.ii.ir.iiii s.nei-. "I i.iii-t .Ion tin r,.l.e ni.i, I, ( My , 4 A el.Ml.t .it i-iietidlltlllg hull! ; An.l a J her,-ihe m. Iis u.g iii.sinliKht fslla. For solliehrslv 'il eoaie o uiht. An.l while the rol- sli.l I... phi. e ahall se.u Bill Ihe vern al freak .ifcl.iu.ee, Ti.. sseel to toioH tul iii. , w,i beam Willi a l.'lnl. rer, l. j,,,!,, glslle. ." Tsss Ihlls I s,i.g when Ihe ve irs a. -re few that lav on nir gliiu.fi Ilea.., And ail the oei' that in lanev Kr'w fteo tied silli golden Ihr.-a.t. Ami "a.ii,'lsv" earn, an.l II,,' luss rs there I cannot rt'is-at Ihem. tiii ( but 1 know mv soul wui up in prsv.T. An.l 'wiub.Mty'" hre t.lilidit.' , I blush no More St the whtspcie.l vow. Nor altfh ill live soTt ui.siulil.l ; My rols. has tint of auiber now. And I sil by the anthracite. An.l Ihe l.s la that vital with the gl'si w ren llsve isuHHsl lo Ihe silver grai. Hut tlie love that d-cksil them Willi flowers th, n Is a lioliiir U.VM Usstav-, Turning the Tables. Accoidingto the accoiints from W adnng ton the Senators exp.ctaul lioiil ( olorado, who appeared as wiioe-ses fa-fore the im peachiiient coiiiiuii i, , . agniiist I'lesideni Johnson, have hid to haul oil' to repair damages. A spec id dispatch to the 1). .slon VC desi ribcs the case Huh : THK ( OI.OH inn ShKAT'lliS V S. 1IIK PIII- SIIIK NT. Messrs. Kvan- and i half. e. ho have In en here since last summer. HK senators elect from Colorado, uere ix.iiinii.il i.eior. Ihe Judici ary Commit t,c a day or In., ag Ihe impeachmenl question. They lest ilicd sub stsntially that all. r the I oloiado admission hilt had- passert (sfwlt honsni- 1nr iewtrrrr, and while in the hands of the I'li-sidciit, that otlicer made iivcrturcs to them with a view to asceitai.ii whether, in the event ol his approval of the bill, they would sustain his restoration policy. Hon. Edmund Cooper, tbeu acting Private Secretary of the President, was subsequent ly called nn. I ex amined with reference to the mailer sworn to by Evans and Chatfie. He produced ae original letter written by those gentle men to the President, daied prior to the time of the alleged overtures, promising that if he would sign the bill in question they would sustain his policy. As the I'resl dent has twice vetoed the bill the evidence of Mr. Cooper is unquestionable, and proves that instead of the Executive having made overtures to these Colorado Senators, they actually made a most culpable proposition to him which he, of course, disregarded. The correspondent of the New York Titaet confirms the story, and adds: 1 also learn that the character ol the testi mony thus far taken by the committee is of the most irrelevant and flimsy nature, and scarcely rising to the dignity of hearsay evi dence in any case in lact, such testimony aa would be rejected by a cross-roads magis trate's court in a preliminary examination. The fjonisville Vanrirr "annnnncrs that den. N. II. Forrest is nbw preparing, and will soon have ready for the press, a biHik to be eutitled "The Meiuoirs of Korn-st's Cavalry." TVih-ssor Killgaley has just . pcllc.l Ins annual c ins. o! lectures at ('.iml.ri.lge. Ilis sullj.s-t this year is the fence ol IHI.). A mad princess ol the house of II .nils. n, on being asked why the reigns ol queens were in geueral more prosperous than the ruigus ol kings, replied, "Because,' under kings, women govern ; under queen, men." CATI1 AUTIC AXD ALTEKATI K 11 LLS. 'TVtfM'fiKPED BY THE BEHT PflVsl J ciauv. Purity Vegntble. No I jUoujI in ttinn. N-vr Oiipe Wing Oetd with Gum T4u arc pe-rfwtlv Utkwt.. ftr rt'is'UlnttiiK' tue buwr-lM, and fur the run irf liUitms Kt-ver. Bilious HttaValitrhe, (4iHtitlioii I If l'ujtlVtl tM, JtallDtiii'tJ, IlHllgt'ntMHl, IHIfN, I'Vope-JlWia, LtViT aUldOHtWiit, lIZilM'Hr, If MM (if A) twtiii, kk Mt'aulfh, and all di '. wliore a rt'Uali.r atliat lie tuetlicine ia rcijiitrftl. Ir W. 1 UHftt, wb haa no ufiitir aa I'ltjaicut. ui urUt CtfuUiia, L&a tuauauLil the formula titfl lht'io piiltt art' in . and bltjli ty let'oir tUtir- them. ' (JoL W. J. Jhattm, I lit ditplinuiHi:. J Patri.it '.( i'rttfc t iit iiiifin iu tli- I tuvprmtjr ot Vmii runiln a, htiM mmlvi l tiit tn, and rejrtitlfi tiut ili- uui Ui MtTciiry r aur nilirr mine ii ttuwin txi'i wiinte'viT. ' t aU ai.tt nci Circular, li.'i.i' u and Hold bv ' R. B. HACNPEIW, Manufi turmg (.'lirniint, t-Vu 1-1 hmi i'liapl HiU, N, C. F'i i... in lUlt tb bv vvillUms a haywi-or AMERICAN BITTERS. The t.rcttl fsouthern Tonic, NI) Till: V.OST PALATAI1I.E STO MAi'IllC EYKRUED. Ii il; I III ( I liKi'i'HYsl'FPSlA. MMultPEK e.l t li.'. ..li. e, KlAtillenev. lUKKiah Cireulw lion ol the i.i"-xi, bosalsCiiliplalnlaahsiUK from s niort.i.t. hti.,ii of the Momach and bowels. An 1-Ki.t 'I "iu. ui debilitated states of the lhg.-st.t.. t'iKna,or of th STstem irenersllT. K.a the loss ui sppetite It i the aiiwt wholwn'im an.l ett.. -mai 'I'.niic in the work It atrsnK ih. us iisi.ii. sn.T euslik-s ik sTsteia te teitrnipii over' .Tistas. tn wak.fnln.-sa tti.Bdesl with ir.-u.ors auu general aervona dermnHsmsnt, il is s.cuhallv Msiapted. givini; atreiilh and I.Hie I., the nerves. To delicate Lkdiea an J (.'hlldren it is invaluable an.l iu fact shenev'er a pteaaaiit an.l Slfreesble T.anc la wanted, thia slielii.l Is' n.e.l Dr. Johnst.ai il. JtHiea, on- hT the iihhi m-m.ii titie suit a tl kn.mn J'hvsu-lstis iu Ihe s..ntl.. in Htalra, testifies to ita (Treat Tain. . h,Knb- tn-iri others who hale lsen KTS:tI l. lu til.-.l l.y th iftsa rf Uei Hiiteni. ', Prinared and snlil br ' It. il SAl'MlKIS, UauiiaclnriiiK t'howust, feh 1-lKMf Chapel Hill N. I'. K.s sale ui Kale I Ii by VYfl UJAM.H4HAVWtsi. MISCZLLAHE0U8. Hie sale of Uu- Oihn.bas, llstyiSKl Watfoa and four flue Horses, Harness Suit olher. at liukw.in Imwina. I clnr t"M. ha tnint irwt none.1 until Saturday auxt, at 11 o'clock, A. it. at the Market. W. Jl. (TNNttOOlM. mac a 17 ul , tiUAHft AMU TOI1 At t, v "TTE are in tweeipt of a lot of gegara and ('hew V tug Tobscoo that caat be beaten. CU ... WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. JiOTICfU V 8A LIJS Dl'lUN'G C0UBT WEEEB. - J1'HSI'A,VT to AH 0RDKB 0s MoDOWELL Mu i lor Court, I will sell to th hiansst staV ler at ihe inu,s aud viaeea fcsman asH. Us leal... iuH i , ,4 kud bsUuucluf aw tbs esials ol l" 'nvu ',.'" -'". U Conatswe W Me- Uoweli, Huiiw autt Vaney. . , - , . IS ltoIK)WU !j ' f I at the Court Houm tn Marion on Wsdnasdsy ' i7lh. Man n, eaoelh at famune lande. - 1st -n.eH.su. Traotof Uw Ua Ool, Carsea" ou ll.i. k i i,sk and Uw Catawba, wwtely aasnrasa U-p.-r f'Uasam (lartjina, mm m asnsb V"''. .of, . "" " ,hrW essWeajeae if Wsstera .Nurlh Carolina. bi- Half ot tm use irn tnarta lying Obar I bs. i ttfl .r, on th Kurth Bids of toe Catsw- ial8 acre on tbs atroiui Creek. hsad atera Arxs- t '71 m"1 840 asatsliotst taw Town of atsn.ai. l-One thlr.1 of Town Lni Ko. f,4 sftnaied W twueu the hriuk HUsroaef Uitraia ansl Mali. M Sa- M' i)anmt Saw tlie puhlic sjjuare. IN BL'ltKK, ' At ti. ( ,,urt H.Huas in "n-Tfra sn TasMar 2ml. Aprr. v. iioid CuLm i""' "' IUb "1,bru4. BrindUtowa a - A Ha.ro in tue J.whna Hall Mine. " 1 An muirest in the Minajah tlaJU aOns; Aninurost in thsllunm al law. all val- usblo muiemi IsuhIs. ' ."" . I ' IN HANCX. -rl 1At the Coui't Huujis In fiiifausillA mm ava. jwu. m.j.-w thim of - -tou Acres on the Awk of SowUs Tnm Ihaw 3 list Acres ou HiiU f.a-k o(sa!d Hint --W Aerea on head of Stillfork. ' ? ' si Acre oa branch of Hull forks" e isi Acres on Maui braawk of said Forka 7 M Acres, on Wej.t auk of him tUn ana u hrmck of HtiU fork. ana a Itsi Aen-a nn llltts and gcvea Mil Bids. u -iuu Aerea iilu Kidgw 1 laitanf Us flat T2- Tiki Acre, ua Month 'iua Unt. 45 1.1 A iract on Hefen Mil Hidge. " H , HO Aerea ai am Ui.l l - Mlk. 1I-, wot I h Tract. ... Hi? r" IW r unning s eontiirasua bodv ea Btdae aa4 Jtlvar of superior Krajuuft ianda, Furthtr" pajnaalixii on the day of sal. - TsaMs:-iwulTo uuukbscrsdia. Hot and ao prove.l aeeinity required. TiUe rrtainirl tall the pnrebase m.aiey is paM. ' . , : . 1I UI.IC HALM. on i "-i-- " '--' rt nrj rsi1aiia llun aim a usii miles nortk of llluhoco, I will sell ta the highest hildei oil VE1 SIM MUll. S l.s'k of catLl. L- ... T ' uea. J niao, one 1U. flreii u. tired barrels beat br4 CORN, tnouaand nound tudder, eaia, As., ki.i , .i.;.' . '"."'". ten or twelve Ac. Alao, one thrsshins' maekin'a. mk!k s.-' Uhk knife, plows, hue and eveir aesWntiaa ai fai uiiiig ulenaila. 'lTT! one set black-smith tool, As., t.. Tbe abovs iunu.il rnin.Hrtw will mU ' for eu7i and no muluk. mar s-177-wM . ' MUaboen. M. O. nRimzzxa, I't 111 VI AN fcl AMJ 61BSTITUTII 1 ATJGHaT raw Boira 6TJP!XVH0aPHixX or ffpADC Manufactured under ibe farmula, oriaTinaU4 la 1H&4 and patented b -i v,f a wili esorwarroas, At rum , ,, '!" silver daraaleal trssrha,. I HILAJEf.rttlA;i7. lt.A. " ' t ' I f' I'his oi l e.i,.liishd MAM'ltE h waauraetanal from b-mrn that hsw- wrs been burned or ifclaVil ThMiifWl afc.aaa. lln ihatll iSiieia1ila waaaTtsW aSxsftaaTaea lit JlBBSBaaak.akB4aas, . wes'sav aT rf 1 r amTw HTMT TiysMWlr HwMail Mr nmlier. It is aetiva In Ita operation, and la a far nlirer of iri'iil ilurahilar. It one wo whs twt tin s.sl like r. iucuiB Uasw, baa amjihu' auatrary pi-rnianciitlv Improve it. ' . Previous to IHHl H was Introrincod into tha' Msilh. r.i statu to ewiaidetabl sxtAntt and aaii in lt'i. where it haa been Bard Willi tlmikaliU sneeesa. 114KSI . . S Ks' 1 Cotton, Corn, Tobaeeo, aarl all Crept. A trUI v 1 ; . ...iivimsi aur puuiUar of ita aMsnta. Paiophieis contahiina; wsU-bwew rVwaibera ssnV tttrmstied npoo sUestana te Mew Xorfc sr l'hiis.;eli.liia .sTIIeS'S. . -- f Mi- oi.l l. l)els ia all ihe tarinetpel nlllis an.) to ua ihroughaut. tbs IniUd btatsa and Hlitish 1'iorlii.'a, ''' ' t BATJGH tc SONS. . soua mpveTaaai, 5 if - j" " sir. . im swnb -' rft Brian. ffllLADIXPHU." 'J , BAUGH BROTHERS Ct, r.si:At wavsLaailai onsra,'5T !( VKAHL 8TMSST, SXW T0XX. - - ro wtxa ""7:'" ' "' Jiar M. rewua io.. c .la.tswSas. ' Haleigis, K. 0. ItlSCllIAHToTO I LI H TA HMER, 'a ssssarisi v jtmii 1.1 v.o-r.1. to " . Aci-UmiIi 11 i-v, IIi-t lraxltur( I 'UK MEi HAMC ARTS lt ! 1IOJL1H ECO.'VOaiT; J l ! l,-i;i.! .I f kKBMOXk V. m " I I l lliTT V MIICLXHt. liill- 1 1 rt 1 lIKIi' .1. tertnlned ia ...... .,. I tht.l . 1. s. Uvk a Ulciain.limaaj (Ih. ftrw 0.. 1. as, i patnaiase a will ,. h.sHnrv.- wsenitnesaorTn t lJ. Ii.ak.. II 4 sli.l .UUMTV .1 -U- V. ... 1... l t,.. f w. 11. a... f,,r a.lv ri.-. is Si ns. aii i 1 s I h. trrni ..f iibaeripiiou bare Is-.-ii lna.l. so I. a ai.,1 I, asouahk mal ftj ni, , a ithin th' 1 ' s vu l4 th, e I, S all ah.. B1SC dMMfW ; Wld ia tffnalle cir uU.Uoie I - r cIHlMt.u. an oast Ik. hcirlr eo-oLs.isti.i nt laanv in tboaw eri.Bu of the comiiy 11,4 now mpilied Wttlia uod A. line ven, , ::.eo .s)r tus U.iu- t'MeuplsyWfrjrttlisi. ' jer fui W7.t5 ;t eh tj( eopica una vwav af(5;t iwenty-iive e.pies .am yesr r. StjU.tNt nad ,1 clnbs in tlie same pr.1p.srt4.a1. .. To secure Uh. s.l jn.aeea.rf Ihnw litaV.l the etakw mvuA km naupltita al th ikas ) sui aenpUtal, auJ the awn ancajtip&u; the order' It la not rtspiml that sil lis- mlMiher u . duh shall rwie THK fAUMkU ateMelkVs. If Beeeanary . It' will be mailed UuUa r tb dab i nmaemsni to marcjr rhOrrrat Dttee Mtlwis ' ' r subaaribers ta th elnb. . .-. , . , - , u( 1. '"",n'-";irr, ,.,., Jan e-ir -- -- '-'. . tohawad,ta, ? ?' J v 1 r .1r

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