"a. 1- $ ;C3cf:,.'.-w- 'fli?' rap?- . ,,.lV. , r0."S.aC THE SENTtNEL. WKDNESDAY MARCH 13, 1007. Mora Beeotastructioa. We pitbliah, in another column, in ah strsct of legislation" supplemental tu the Sherman Shcllubarger Bill, which w inau punned in the Senate, on Thursday last, by Meaar. VYIIeoB anu ouiuncr nwpccuveiy. Our telegraphic advices Ui day slate that the -Judiciary Committees, in both Houses, are siilaitantlnlly agreed upon the main pro ,..itious contained in Mr. Wilson's Hill placing all the mechiuiry lor ordering the Convention, c., In the Hands ol we mill ' (-..inniandaut. with a lirovisi. that he may Uclegata bis power" to the acting tlv crtior of tbe State, the latter taking an oath i,,r it faitblul exercise. Tile supplemental Hill, thus Uvored by the Coiiuniltce, also provides (r a rcgistiaiion of voters by the first "I Scptciiilwr Ucxt, aliicli ii, nf course, , nrj neoeaswiy feature. It lias impressed Us, from the Ural, fr. the reading f the Bill, that it waif the ill- n otion of the framer of the law tint the Mil itary Commander should order the election f.,r the lich gates to a Convention; though, should It be eicctcd or admissible I hat it should le done ly tile legislature, we should prcler that mode as mole normal and legili mate, In either mode, tor the sake nt ending- turmoil and agitation, our law abiding m 4le ill arquU-w e. Kiilu r.il taw lioncd ,t futahtWiffly-trw ruling power, will have the effect of putting an end to Dorritr k.I revolutionary movrnicnts. w hyh are cal ulalril and intended to keep jip pri judicc, l.itlerno ami excitement, add, aa uch, are h.ntilc to the prolcused objects the Ai t. Tlie Hill l Mr Sumner seems to deain j limlier disfranchisement ami the placing o maflj the entire olilical powi r in tin hind ol thai l.laik. It apparently ron leni)latea a jrtililion of thin"; aimilar to that whieli eniata in I lie State f Teiine, alierr aiety iscunviilaetl to il ery retitre, ami aliere anareiiT. conluaion ami malne rule the hour. Hbouhl the prem-nt I'onjjriui imlirate a purpe (of whieli, aa yet, He Kt nu jut t'rrmuil for appri h. nion,( to euniu Ule the hirdahipaut tile hhiriuan Hill, ant) l.i place the Stale in the tame rategnry w itli Teuneaaee, why then, of r'nurae, no mm ill .Wrli Carolina, who ia intvrenleil in peace an. I tiaiKiuility, ran have anything to iln itli the matter. They will U- li.al.lnl lr.nu lonlriliuiing to the reatoratinn ol that iuiet ami ofiU-r which the late Con!ci. auiuel to lie thr ground of it IciinlMtion ; ami tli- I H of H. Tolnlion must roll n k IcmIj' ixi. nart -ping away all the anfef-uanla ami muniroenta of aociety. Th Baakrnpt BilL For the Uwllt of our ri ab r ami the pulilir. we continue Cr a few lu, on tlii' toiirth pnffc of the Daily ltnli;4. r ' of the Stat Keirenue bill imt alwi the Honk . nipt hill rerrntly pawl by f 'onirn-aa. In the prew-nt condition of tlie people of the Hiuthi itntftnmm hatMuttt.. 'nuthiuK. ahicli t likely 1o be of ao much U-nefit to them aa tlie Bankrupt bill. TliouAmU of our people, w ho (iarc heretofore fwi-n ninonn 4lit nuwt euturpriauig. ott ijij.' to tlie injurio reiiltin from the war, have heroine Iiojm--lewrr in.itlft, Tbe Btay Law MMe.l by the neveral rotate 1-pinlatnn'a only proiiiin tiiiiHrary n-livf, and aiinplypnt ofT the r il ilay, affording nrr ultimate n-h-aae. The i neriry, which a tieaire to relieve one'a wlf fmiii the cruoliinu weight of debt calla t'ortltj will only lie exerted under the Stay I.nwa fiir the lirneflt of other, h aving large ilelMora atill hampered, beyond the powdbil ity uf payinj;. Under atn-li in-iuiitan e it appear to Ua that every large debtor. li'e mean do not enable him lo meet hia "I'ligationa, ought at once to apply for the liiiefltanf bankruptcy under the new Con trreaalonal bill. The opinion, we observe, is advanced, that the Bankrupt bill by CoiigTejw render null the StafjStay Lw; if no. it i pluin that all large debtors especially, who are eonltrtent thrtt Thrr rimnot par, ahoirld t once avail tbeniseJrea of ita la-nelita. We bav urged, time and again, that i 'miprouiine alone promiaed any nl relief to hopelewa debtora. The Bankrupt law nffnrila a cooipromirte, to the eticnt that every creditor will get hia firo mln Hrtion of the debtor's pmperty, and while it take l that a debtor haa, yet it ri'leaaea him en tirely irnm all hi aat ih-lita. Under aw h ireumatancm a marl of energy may hope to "joy. at acme future day, the ln-nefitaof hia l ilair and ewterprwe, whereas nnder the Slay Law. if he ia hojieleasly in debt, he baa no ant'h proaMM't, Wi iiiciiiir.T to leurn that Col. V. II. Tliomiia, of Chi-rokee Comity, i aiifferiiig miller mental deningement, growing out of the exeitementa of the limea, and lia had to lie aeit to the Inanne Aayluin. We have for day hern aatiadeil tlint audi a atep waa nia-eaaary. We trilat tliat he may aH-edilf roeover. Wiikat Crop. We learn that the wheat nip in the ttate ia promising. We hope that tlie aetdiug haa Iteen for a large crop. Tlie acarcity of com will render nil early whwt'lJrw'llceaiia'ry1 .' -' " v in oopiea of tbe report of lb laturiamin inj iegitlativ committee on tbe N.C. R R. and with a to publiah it in tha Bthtind. We kave no onpiat ol the report, and could not pohliaU it- il paper, on account of iU great length. Wa regret that the Lcgia tatnre did not order a Urge aumbar priotad -t Ula tlnw. Military Rule. Under the adniiiiiairatiiMi of a wiae and jndiciou Military Commander,, much of tha rigor and harahhea ol martini law, whieli CunaUtute oueui' tl; thief obiia.Uuiia of the American jienple to miliary rule, would be obviated. W. rioua nn.l wi-H foiiiidt d aa are the reaaona why the N.ulljcrn eiip!e aliould olijei t to it, yet we llnd thut a very general prelerence is etpreaaed for military rule ovei hiicIi Htate govrrniiieiita aa arc now ad ministered in Teniiear-ve and Miaaouri. But, in thia reapict, the Southern people niny not have a choice. Witliiuit a ahadow ul rt-uaou, in ll iy Slate eapecially, lor the i'liarj.'e tl,:it I'ui ui men are pi-rai-cutcd. or luiair.m.'.l, t he .i ri.i-l. ut and yIiiii'ic falaeh.Hiil uh.l lin-r. j.n M-iilniiuii u hicli have I" '! carried on l.y thoae who claim to lie Sotilhi rn loyaliola, h ive deeply impre aed the Xot liuiiu iuuh! tbat kUtib ia liW tact. and luiice tlx biiur, pioacriptive. apirit a hu ll ia alill iiiniiili bli il l aoine portion of the Norih, ami by ('oiiireaa, toward the great bulk of the Southern people. Our reader will hear in mind, (IkiI not a ingle well groiuiiled charge of thia kind liaa iH-en auatained. In no mataiice, aince the war, ha there la-en exhibited in ihia Slale a di-poailioii, on llu paitnf llioae win iiKlnined tin- win, lo n in. i uli- or afflict in all) aav L'uiiin men. or aocallcd I'uion men, on uirotini .. llu iroiinioiia. In i vit iiiMlnuce, w In r. Niicli chargt-a have l.ii n uadi,,:uiil liau l ieu tnijUttad into, thev have- Ueu loiiinl in lu- utlerlv groumlleaa. Nor haa ihi clmrgi- la-,-n iuu.li- h n ally wiiiiid I'liioi ii. Men ol a bitter and riyiil jirit, lm aRail other, or are aim aive ol the p.'lili. .il coiirM- ol i.tln r, ure mx. i le. I in return, lint real Union m.-n el. I. mi indulge in thia. A lino I allllu-l.it li rneaa and violence i f remark or abuse haa come from renegadea from the (Southern raiiM- nun w bo at onetime utaiuid it, and then al.Miidone.l it, either from ahccr fwtr or Ir.iii j-iiii-.ier iie tive. In thHale 1-glnUl me ih-TH Were wveral ol I hi-clasi-. u ho were diaMiaed to charge piraei uli. .ii iijmiii the iiiiijorily . The case ol .Mi. Biylhe i laiuiliar to our reader, lie a in- at hrat ipiite mii.Ii.iui-, Imt when the ll.nie gave him a chance to make good hi I'imrge, he igriaily tailed, Whin prea4 hr the i vidi iiee to ain-iuiii hi charge, he al length ii.luiilii.l that he knew of no in ntniicr of ier-ni-ution except that I'uion lin n had la-i n charized w ilh l-ing in luior nl t.ryro tvjf'ni'jr ' Tlii i- aUml tlie auj.'iiii of the perKei ution. Kit a time. then, our people mtwt Mibuiil piiell) lo miliian rule. If Pieaident John- aoii ahoiild wkcl the liir-tri. t .Hunan. Icr from I he lu-t of ilii.tiiigiiialjeil numcaiui the ariu'v roll, we appiehemt that no aelioui. I llii nlti can iiii-e in thia Stale. Indeed. tehi- ! i .l .i.l i mi. Ii rule, with inr law al.i.liii.j. pi ..t i til-le man in the State, would la- pri u i iil.ie to ui Ii mongrt-l. her in iphriMlut- Stale uovc mtnent a ejiiat in l'i nneaxer or Miihiu, or audi an orVt the l)..iritc ll.il.li i.it. a i.uhl give ua ill North CatniiiUL. .. f . ... Cii.oNK.l. Cowan.- We have heretofori ajatken of the able and eloquent effort of Col. Cowan in Im halfof the pavuieiil, the Slate, of the in'ti n t on it debt. "Ida," the ltahit:h cio ri i-poiuli-nt of the Fayette iilc I'roliytri iii , under date of March 4th, in N-akiiig of thia cevh, very truly re m:irk : " Colonel Cow an made a ei-ch, in up purl ol thia bill, that would reflect cn-ilit (in any living man, and allowed him to be in ptiaM-Mfciiiu ol' a fuinncial mind of the high eat order, lie wa Hlenil to by a large, at tentive and appreciative uiii Inner. He howi d that it waa our duly lo adopt audi legislation a would rrslore the credit of the Slate. II we la-gin now, :t(l cent on the 1 100 value of leal eatale will enable il to meet ii ; if w e ait lour year longer it ill take $!.0. anil Ihe chaitct lor fundiug a poriiou of it w ill nut he t.igiHi.l, il ii can la- done at all. The advnnlae to all our public cnterpi - would lie ini-nlcufeihle ; hile il iild aiipply our m.ile wilh a curienev, by enabling our railroad einiipa niea to negotiate their lionda al niiii-h more favorable rate The Kill waa defeated by it vole of 41 to 57; and i heard many who voted agaiiiai it aar that he aatiatied them that the bill ought to pa-,, but our M-ople Wi le ao nun h impoveriaheil by the reaultaol the war, and our political future an dark and ghainiv, they were afraid to undertake it DOW." Who hum.i. rti.i.. the Convkntion ? We preHiiiue that CongrcHH will settle thia vexed ipieation to-day, by the iidoption of Mr. Wilaoa" bill in both Houkc.- thrr-e eellcnt coleinporarv, the OUI Surlh State, and the Stiimlnril differ wilh us. We hold that. the Sherman Shelhibatoer bill in.li fati-a clearly by it" term, that Congrcv in tended that the District Commander should oall (Jie State CoiiveutioDa.: At. Jirl. V) ('. Ihoughl uilh the OM North Sinir that Con gress intended that the Stale Legislature should do it. but a careful investigation i ' the whole tenor of Ihe bill satisfied us that the military aiilliorilies should do so. We were therefore glad that our Legislature did not do , and we ohacrve that recent in formation make the Virginia Legislature hMifc try uMHiit. Lubr .advice show eonrli'wlvely that the Stumlnril i wrong in il Torrite"hiovem nt. A leading NorfheTri Hepnblican, writing to a genllenien in thi city, aoutc duya ago, aay : ' iTohWaltartilP iwnrrnwtit -hi HttlieK lion,'" jut aa Ilia movement in 1HI11 waa. flrtting up . rtbelllott to. our gDVernmeijt aesL-ni to be Iloldcn' principal occupation." Tbe Standard uy we gave an incorrect Tertion ol the affair between tbe editor oi tha Wittt0n.iSeii(uN) and Salem Otorwr ; if Ki,'the Wiuaton Stntiml li responsible tor It, ai wa took our atatamaat from that paper, sat baring teea Um Owerw. STATE ITEMi Judge Kowle preaided at Montgom ery Superior Court week la-fore last, nnll at Stanly Court, last week. We leant, from the Wadeaboro' Argti; that a number of suit had la-en instituted pri vioiia to the paasnge of the recent Stay Law, and that the Judge took them up and puaaed upou them under the Convention ordinance, pay ing no attention to the act of the legisla ture. Mrs. Jefferson Davis passed through (lolilalmro-, on Saturday, on the Wilming ton train going North. During the brief stoppage of the cars, Mr. Ilulton, on Im--hnlf of the citizens, presented Mr. Davis a handsome pecuniary donation. tIic Charlotte J'imri't stales that Col. William Johnston, l'reidi-nt of the ChaiTotle and Columbia Bond, i in receipt of a telegram announcing that the Seaboard Itoad ia crowded with freights to uch an extent thut a higher rate haa lieen placed upon corn. The Timea adds: "A we require an immense iiiantily of the article tor home coiiaiimptioii, it will In- -sen that it will now have to Im- brought from our own jwirt of Ncwherii or W il mington, or by way of Charleston. Thisia the natural route it ought to have taken all this time, and as there ure a number of good house in these citie engaged in tlie liusines. suitable arrangement can be iiiadc to keep up the supply, truant itie-. of merchandise are coming .South, despite the gloom that orrrithnrtnw tut Our advice H to accept the situation, and make the most of it. Kcatstiiiu-e is um-Icmm, mid divisions and bickerings willlc ruiiioiis. b l un u nine together III harliionv and conciliation. and the Ship of state w ill yet weather the slorin." - The Aslnille Fnmur very truly ob serve that no portion of the I nited States can claim greater advantages for raising stock than Western North Carolina. W'e are pleased to learn, from the same source. that many intelligent gintlemeii in thut section are turning their attention to tin profitable brunch of industry, (oil. B. II. Vance and W. W. Smith, hs., have ju-t rccciycil uli importation of purel heater and Ksscx pig. The Wadcslniro Aryan says that un- ler tlie genial influence- td' tta wenlber, in that set lion, vegetation bus taken a rapid start, and. for more than two week past, jH-ach, plum and apricot trees haye la-cn in bloom. Day id Kendall, of Stanly Co., has recently old hi place, four miles alaive Albemarle, on the Salisbury road, to two genllenien riom the North, who ure milking arrangement to work it fur the gold tliey have reason to believe ia in it. The indica- tionarc rery rich. One of the purchasers, ho hud Koirrc experience ill California, siiythat they are as rich a the richest placer in that State. The tow n of Ashville and ita vicinity have recently been visited by the most ex tensive religious awakening known there for ycar. 'About HWenff permm have tieeii added to the Methoilist, and a numlier to the I'reslivlerittll, Church. A cum-apondent of the Xewlarrn Jour- ti'tl lit' I'liutmerce aaya that tile people of Car teret are more iiLLTc-ird in agrMullund pursuits thun ever before. He venture the opinion that that county ha improved more in the past two year thnn any other in the Smth. The Wilson 4inilthuiit give the fol lowing good advice to uicrcliunt going North : "We think ll.ut prudence dictate that those who go North to buy ahull not make large invcatiuenU in goods. Money ia ex ceedingly s unt ; our political relation arc decidedly unfavorable, and will remain o for months, if not year to come ( there are inativ premonition of financial tringency, mid we think thut they will exhibit busi ness sagacity by confining their purchase to such urticle as are in- constant demand." A disturbance occurred in Uoldalmro, on Friday afternoon, juxt la-fore the depar ture of one of (he train, between some citi zen and several negnw-a, recently U. S. sol diers. The Xeir gives no particular. SrpREME Coi ht Decisions. Some de cision of public interest, in addition to those already published, a made by the Supreme Court, are, aa we understand : 1. The act suspending the statute Sif lim itation ditl liiit prevent (lldgimiil from Ih-i inning dormant. 2. The "year aid a day ""spoken of, in ref erence to execution, run from the time of ...; mil the last execution, and not from tint urtt. , :l. Persons w ho gave note for tlie hire of slave, for' ISIl.'i, arc liable for the whole rear, notwithstanding their emancipation. 4. The ordinance declaring a presumption as to the money in which contract made during the w ar are H'lnihlr, does not con flictw itli the Constitution ol" the United States. V line who took payment ill Confederate money during the war i lmind thereby. 0. A Trustee who, w ithout any occasion, in February, IStt:l, rcceivet Conn-derate money, at pilr, for an old debt, then and Will gcxwl, rcwlertid '4vitwlf peirmlry''Tr sponaille. " " 7. TJie ' nprrottnn of flie act re-quiring rp-rfN-ntativea to la partic within two term, ike, in suspended by tlie act ucnding the "effect of the lae of time. -fj 8. Tlieta jIwjf WAV, allowing de feddant twelve month to plead, did not dispense with an apptttratot at, the return term. ! m . For the Sentinel. Influence of Reading Hoyeli on Char acter. Mkssiih. Editohs : Nothing i' mole re-, markable in the literature of the present day than the great tbirat manileated for light and fictitious works. I this one of the rH'ecU of war or of peace on the miuda and liMsiliona of our people ( One wouhl have thought that tile de-ep puveilv in wliith the war left ua to say nothing of the sad memories of the past w ould have constrained all ClaMea, whutever might have been their previous literary tastes and habits, to forget everything else lor a time, and devote the luaelvea, with all their eiier giea. lo retrieve their ruined fortune. So far. however, ia this from being the caae, that we see peron uf both sexes plunging itli more eagernosa than ever into vanoua kinds of light auiiiaeiucnta, and above all manifesting a keener relish r works of He tioii thiin they ever did la-fore. If, in their poverty, they i;an nejther buy nor bormw those that come pouring fresh from the preaa, they will rummage the book cases and closet to tiud old noyels- if the ex pression may be allow ed - rather than not gorge their appetites with this light and un wholesome haul. The more sulistantiul nourishment that may lie had in abundance, ia abuiial toially m-glecteil for the novel of Dickens, Trull. ipe, Mrs Soiithwortji, Mis Braddon, &aj. So fir has tin rage ..r nov el readiiig spread, lhat it would nol lie dif hcult to tind many a hard working family gathi'tf it around the eveiiing taper, leaving the real i lie ol the ordinary business ol lite, to range the wide field ol imagination. Nor is it ( online. I In i hear. Tin- production of Thackeray, Walld hollud Uulwtr Ljltou have lolllol their Way to the slH-lves ol the metnpbyaiciaii a btirary, and ousted the venerable priHluclioua ol Locke, Iteid, Stewart nnd Brown not In name 1 1 Mini I tun and other. ll'iSi-Vl-r propel the la-easiouilt perusal of such works may lw to Uie el olu reailer last iiiriitioiieil, and to the professed scholar, we will not take upon oiirrelvea" to iliciile. But we unhesitaiiiigly pronounce them cal culated to injure and bewilder the untrained minds of youth. In the first place, we I? lieve thut constant novel reading ha a ten dency to give melancholy cat to tlie IceU ing of the young, and render their whole deportment gloomy and uuiable. A per on after rending a well-written novel ha a momentary teverie that pioducessensatioci exquisitely pleasant. But what is the reason, after the spell is broken, and the ideal scene vani-he.i, that the mind returns with an increased distaste to the common avocations ami tlie ordinary business ol life ; What is the reason that, after such atl exquisite reverie, every thing around it as sume a sickly and disgusting hue ?- and the individual firl vexed and disapwinteil that In- ha l u called from a scene ao rap turous, to tlte dull monotonies of real life ( Why then, docs the ear loathe the coin nun chut of the day, and the heart sicken at the prospect of any earthly pmsuit i It is lierau.se the objects of the fictitious world into which he has been introduced, are so fur exaggerated leyond reality, that when be looks upon things as they exist, they cease to interest him. These scenes may de light him for the moment, but like the situ ation of the wretch, after the transitory ex citement til intoxication has sulwided, he will soou 1 overwhelmed by au almost in tolerable ennui. The excitement istoo great to be lasting ; every tide must have its ebb ; - and w hen the mind ha once accus tomed itse lf to indulge in such high wrought aeetie-"- w hen by aii t.imt or wcwrinea it falls from it elevated station, it tind every object around it " stale, flat, ami unprofita ble." The novelist always ilescrila-s hi hero, ami the scene into whieli lie is introduced, in culors tiM bright ever to lie realized in life. Afld on tlii account, some young men, who have ent their early life at literary insti tutions, and devoted their time to works of this character, when they enter upon real life, are ao completely disappointed, and their fond hopes so utterly blasted, that every exertion in after life is chilled, and they themselves rendered useless. When they find, instead nf that heavenly and high niinded creature as described in novels that the great majority of men are base and selfish, they I ai'onie disgusted w ith the whole race, and are unable to brook the trifling defects and foibles in theii friends, and un derrate their praiseworthy act inns, merely because they are deprived of that disinter ested and romantic character drawn by the pencil of the novelist. And this i the rea son why as my lord BaV'on wisely observe novels diminish the prof sensibilities ol our nature, and render us callous to the ap peals of real distress. He that has la-en in the habit of rescuing a la-ant iful heroine from situations of danger, when the art itself was nf a romantic characti r influ enced by gratitude and Irequentlv by love w ill find his disinterestedness put to the test, when be meets in life the really destitute, surrounded by all those loathsome circum stances which attend abject poverty. Tlie bad consequences af novi I leading may be more easily exemplified by referring our readers to tha i-ontiast la-tweed the de port men t of the really enlightened nun), who pursues an even an. I calm course nl life, and hn Iran sought interest a id novel ty in the soenea ol nature, with. 'lit .hawing Irom the artificial stores ol fancy : Is I wee" him, I say, and the constant "pro-er of bible". The ilcuicanor ..I the latter is a', atracted ami unwa'iabie - of the former agreeable and, sprightly. The one, whin surrounded bv Irirnil. instead ol enliven ing llo social irclc, f dVeainlllg "of sfilne j wild roioai'i., and lamenting the cnil.it In hero: while the oilier, alway 'cidoyinir fund of animal spirits, make everything assume il cheriltil aspect around him. The one, when surrounded by the richest natural scenery when nature is displsyed in a l her loveliness Iwlore him, i blind to her la sutie ami callous to her charm. But' the other, when he waik forth to view the wor of (Joel, the minded Ideas of their beauty. nh liniitvand usefulness, crowd upon his mind and while hisaimleor afiprolsiticiii artfinWt' edges their loveliness,, Jie is constrained, by their grandeur amk! use fulness to rai- s silent aspiration of gratitude to the ailthoi of wllgood for his wuuderful works. IK that driuA 61 the unsatisfying fountain nt fiction "will thirst again," ..but therftjs a happlnwu'rtrawtr from the scene nf rtatirre-.-wbicb brings with its sweetness no satiety. D. L. - ftAwarnnr Jsnklna nf Oaarwia. , T-p m . AcotrwTA, March v! Governor . Jenkins left thia wranmg lor-Washingtoa to ad visa with and cobsuU the President and Congress in ntemtcw to the status of Qeorgia tinder the recent enactment . Wiltoa'i Supplemental Reconstruction BilL Mr. Wilson, on Thursday last, introduced a bill supplementary to an act entitled "an act to provide fcr the more efficient govern meat of the rebel Bates', and to facilitaie restoration"; which was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Section ono directs the commanding officer of each district to cause a registra tion to lie made before September 1, 1S07, in each county ar parish in his district, of the mule citizens over twenty one years ot age resident therein, to include only those qualified to vote by tbe act to which this is a supplement, and who shall take and ub - writ the follow ing oath: "1, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am sincere ly andc-ariie-liy attached to the Union ami Uovcrnment of the United Stales; that I will steailbu-Hy support the Constitution and that 1 will, to the best of my ability, engage all others to such support aud ohe dience; - Itelp iih-clod." Hevtioa two directs the commanding gen eral, aa soon aa the registration is comple ted, to cause an election for delegates to a Convention to la- held on a day not less than thirty days from date ol proclamation ol election, for tjie purpose ol amending the exisMng or Iciitnii'LT a new (institution, of tiimly e-tallishiiig loyal ciy il government, and pa-sing lieedlnl or.liiianr s lo put the same into operation. Srrll oi three directs that the said conven tions shall Is- alleij, on ihr basis of repre ariitulio . on which (lo- mmiU-r of member of Congress i apportioned. Section l.uir pioviiJesfiirtheuppoiutme.it by the eomiuaiiiling general ol orlicers or m ruoiis lo make tbe registration, preside ut the erect (on, rmrirr; sort, and fouTrt tire votes, and make return thereof, and of the pesxous i h-cted, and he shall then make priiclauiution of the peraons elected, and no tify within sixty days when aud where they shall assemble to organize the Convention ; and when the said convention shall have amended the existing or framed a new Con stitution in accordance with the act to whicji this is a supplement, it shall lie submitted to the people ut au election to be held after the expiration of thirty days from notice tllereol given by the convenlioii. Section five provides that if the said Con stitution is rati lied by a majority of the votes cast, the President of the Convention shall transmit the same to the President of tbe United States, who shall transmit it to Congress, if in session, ami it not in scrsion, then upon its next assembling; aud if it be (hciared by Congress to lie ill conformity with the provisions of the act recently passed by Congress known a the military bill, tbe State, ahull be declared entitled to representation, and Senators and represen tatives shall lie admitted as provided in said ant. Section six provides that the duties and powers delegated and conferred upou the commanding (iencral may, with hit consent, be transferred to the acting Governor of the Htate upon his taking an oath laithfully to perform ami execute the same. In the Senate, on the (sine day, the lot lowing occurred : "Mr. Sumner introduced joint resolutions declaring certain lurther guarantees required in the reconstruction of the Southern State. In addition to universal suffrage the resolu tions require that the existiug government must be vacated and take no part in the re construction that provisional governments must supersede tbe present illegal govern ments ; that none but loyal persons shall take part in the formation ot new State gov erwmenU ; tltat public schools mutt Im es tablished, open to all, and that homesteads must be secured to lreediuen. The consid eration of the resolutions being objected to by Mr. Johnson, they went over." A Good Hit. Some of the radical mem bers of Congress, having the other day made certain Buncomlie remarks concern ing tbe new British Empire in America, Mr. Eldridg remarked that it seemed rather inopportune for tbe country to be protesting against the establishment of an empire, w lien Congress had just placed under mili tary rule ten oTour own State. It seemed to him that our remonstrance w ould have much more force and effect if we were to wait until we had the Kepublic restored, and until these. State were relieved from the despotic rule under which the late Congress had placed thern Judgi Lokosthkt. This gem h man, the distinguished huin.irist and author of " Georgia Scone," is now living in Oxford, but is no longer connected with the Uni versity, over which he formerly presided Time has dealt gently with him. silvering hi hair and somew hat enleebling'his ti .iiue, it is true, but nevertheless leaving him, in his seventy neveuth year, in the enjoyment of all natural faculties. He ha prepared a revised edition of the " Georgia Scenes " for the press, containing much new and inter 'Sting matter. Foreign Visitors to Jeff. D ivis. Fohtkess Mdnriik, March 9. Three o the most prominent merchants of New Vork city, Swiss importers, on a general tour of observation to the Southern States, arrived here yesterday and spent the alb-ruooii in an interview with--Mr. 4via. They were pleasantly received ajul entertain. .1 to Mr Davis and Mrs. Davis. The conversation w hich ensued on various commercial suli (ci ts wa prolonged several Lour. The oiind him in good health. Awjoi rsmknt k' Cokiikk. - A lending Senntor reHMi-rk-esl thi ttmmiut; that their session wouhl continue until tlv nan w hether the step taken to carry inlo eve cution the reconstruction bill were sati factory, and whether the officers reeomiiieud ed by General Grant to lie placed in charge of the live military district provided in the law were appointed bv the President. -II. nilJ.' Tiik Nicholson Pavkvkm-- bid for laying the Nicholson puveuu'iit in eleven ol yhe streets of Memphis were op. nr. I on ihe "7tli ult. Tlie bid ranged from three did lar and seventy tour cent to six dollars ja r square yard. U -u, Forrest was a bid der for the work on each of Ihe striwl. ' k ' RKAtta.lttfflttW3i -KittWrir paper says, is it asking too much of the Hadicwt paper Mtit ittrr ''WitVtWr(-haf" the Southern Military bill haslaa ome a law, to cease their incessant falsehood ami mis representation in regard to the South. Tiik Clurlsvilla tTe1 Slamltml say that for two nxmlij p immigranta have Jjsjengoiiuiihrougli yit stmu of that town la crowds. Tbe line of' march ia hardly hrokea except at night. J Brports from other Teita towns areot the tame tenor. FBOM WASHINGTON. ( ..i re-1111.1. lie. of Hie Ki. Iiiiisii.I Ii.uU'h. The Southern State Conveiitiom-Con-g res must Eecognizothem-No Cbaace for Packed Conventiotis-Tlte Exee tiou of the Reconstruction Law--No EadicaJ Offioc-Seekers to be in Cora niand -Impeachment Looking Less For midable, Etc. Wamii.no ton. .March II, 1NII7. Fl he llunuicuta iino nl hei s nl lhat party who ure legislating in the South may not Ihim' to uccoinplish their purpose. They (till tind lhat I here is pow r enough in (' ingle-, notw ithstanding the ioleuce of ecr tain Badical memlavr, to carry out the re cent reconstruction law ai-coniiiig 'to the vrigimtl proositinn of Senut.ir tahMrmaa, A packeel negro convention in Virginia, or in aoy other State south f the Potomac, cannot frame measure -lor the degradation of these Slates, in accordance with the views of adventurers who have temporarily squat ted among a eople whom they niiii to de stroy, and have their plans adopted in pre ference to those ol the citizen of the S'ate Let Virginia go ahead in tin- good wort, . I organizing under the provision "I tie- Sii. i man bill trhtsA 'm milil in :iii ii i...,, .r,t4 irh.it ttvuld be njt ttnln 'ii.l .-...! t.,.i Her sous and dauul.l. 1 an ! " liieji ,,, vanced in the il,- .1 . 1 - 1 1 - - t i i.. h.r honor and well in- i vei to l.e ami.-, d ol list ening to terms of degi ...i i: i.ui. I'll.- only hiipi-of the South now w l.i mi earl;, n-pre seutuiioii. ,:uud yyLu ii do i le.ye e.'tuphe.i with the statute now jue-ijite.l, ilM M,t have it. Prominent eiia1ui and Ib-prc sentatives in Congress a.-i ti tin-, c uilrarv to thttvU dcaiguaoi' tjuiuiiii.. :.bj,uiilvj, and . others. Those who would i, , i 1 a cll-lilll tion adopted by n e..iu.i.ii..ii .all,. I . the present Legislature nr.' few in i.uinb.. It cannot In- claimed that that i the creation ol President Johnson ; and it action must Ik; recognized. There is cerainly light be yond the present gloom. The cud of per aecution i nigh al hand ; and only let the SoUl'h lie true to her people ami lo her sell, a she ever ha been, and theie need be no fear aboul daybreak. I he (ii-mral in Chief and the President of the United States will soou have, upon consultation, completed the lit of ollii-er who an to hold command in themilituiy district, and both of those will act well towurds the South in the execution ol a law which il is beyond their control to prevent. There w ill le no applicants for political favor ui Ihe North among the list It is evident that there is not so Ii. ri e a disposition now manifested in favor of im peaching the President as there has lai n. -Tlio very intemperate speech of U. presenla live Ashler, and the Sensible position of Messrs. Bingham uml Spalding, his col -leagues ill the House, together w ith the cer tain I act that several other member are in dined not to allow themselves to be made tool ol in opposition to their better ju.lg meiit, is working a reversion on the side of the President. Fur all that, however, the impeachment men are working energetical ly to accomplish their scheme. In the Senate the subject 1 not broached. It may be on account of the constitutional provision that the President would have tola fried lfore that body M-iii?.' the IbUi- present nn indictment against him ; but it docs not appear that the mnjoriiyof ihe Ni.ator are disposed lo endorse' ail lhat Mr. Ashley or Builcr may say against the Chid Magi tritte. Simc of the un-mbcr of boih House among the dominant party propose to wait and seethe result of their legislation towards reconstructing the Souilieru States aud the par: the President takes In the execution at the law before proceeding to extremities ; and altogether there are many indications that impeachment I not held o favorably aa it has been. Prominent Radicals, high in position, aiwert that that ia the uuuu principle which now holds the party in us strength, and t hat m matter how the ques tion may lie diosed of, its finality will be tbe mean nf weakening their party to a very great extent. The President ia now nominating several very prominent I. sal Radicals for official position, and lis effect tends to lessen much nl the antagonism expressed towards him. TlMOX. A correspondent of the Efttmiiier, writing from Washington, under t he same date, says, among other thing : "A ppqwis of Senatorial actions, I cannot forla ar a word of commendation of Sena tor Wilson bill providing tor the inaugu ration of the proMicd movement toward I '..uy eui ion hi the South by District Com manders. Il I ingress is honest in the as su.e of the Force Bill, Mr. Wilson's measure niut pas, otherwise, we will certainly hute two, and may have three Convention iii Virginia There will I strite and hit tdrnc atnnnjt nor own people to a degree hitherto iinkn n among us, and Congress will have twenty or thirty ( oust it ut ions pn j seniet irom ine .-soiiiueru ,-iaics, nw consui eiitiou ot1 wlncl, la-aidts the obstruction of public business, will renew, in that forum, ihe crimination ami debate which havetlis traeted Federal council tor the past two sessions. If the alwolu'e 'destruction ol the State is rc-olvc.l on ; it Mr. Lincoln, an I the Be publican par. , and Congress, ull crjurcd thi'iiiselvea, and drieiyed the world, in de claring the contest to la- lor the preservation of the Union and the restoration ol the Ststi with all their right unimpaired; it Ihe implied parole which (i rant gave to I, re -which ya. that he demanded the sur render on the I'ii-i of these dectuxalions of lli President and'Cougress ; if Seward did, irivhi'd. make tale represeirtatiima to every foreign minister whom he ayldreed on the sul'j ct of. Ihe rrlx'lli.iii ; if all that the i u.iild ha sipied to be true about i Ik Aiuerican war for the past ix yeai was, in deed, a cruel htlsehood, and Congress is .1.' termined, on the destruction of tin- Mai.. ; then theForce Bill, without supplementary : tegislatiitrt, will leave the matter much worse ' than it tnnnd it, for it ''legislate attife in fVery comtiurtdty. Mr. Wilson's bill pn 1 vides for ) call bv the Military Commander, ' whieli Twill relieve onr IgfsiiHnte-, sr veil ' as Minor'Jlotts, Hunnicutt, Samtto A Co., of any trouble in the premie's. It also pro vides for a tegtstfjition a ifangcrous units sjou .eU' the ForveBiU. JiKloiitl., the lrci- j menf which this "measure of Mr. Wilson shall receive st the hjiuda of Congress wjlj . detemiirie the" itfoat lliiportiint qttestfoil now sgitatinr the S.iuthrrn mind, to-wtt ; wheth er or not tlie Bherinari'hill waa intended for p 'ace, or for Ihe perpetuation ot airite. It the Congress w as hoiiest, it will pass this bilk, oa something like it. It no auch me a ure iailopled, it makes very little difference what wo do, as the GovijLuslierit (which is Congress) must be understood as disposed to keep the tore running." The Peace of Radical EeconitntctlotC The New York That drsws t he tolfowing tnithlul sketch ot the peace brought by sii. li rccou-trui lion aa it yet aide to thruat r-, upon the South : , iVT.' '' "i" "Tkankmuck.-It any ex CufcdTit.8leve, is t . i sui.jivted to military taw it certainly ought to be T. iinossee which,' howerer, M the only ex Confederate State ekemptwoV from military law. " TiTsiTi" : At the sumu time Tennessee is te be praa ently placed under a sort ol military power not military power as wielded by the Na tional Government and administered by the ..Hirer ol ihe aimy, but as wielded by Far . son Brownlow and administered by hie ap pointees. Brow iilow, as Governor ot Tea- uesscc, haa culled out a force of 20,000 IBM, to lw in the service of the State for three ycarvand to operate against it enemiee ia the Ajjx.iu couutiiw. - The present civil admiuistratkm of Trflf ncHce is certainly a failure. So far ae tbe dirties ol a State government consist ta pre serving iirdur. enturcing justice and .atftr. taiuiug luw, there is no State la the Sooth whose government makes such a show aa -that o I' Ten nessee. Gei iriria. Texas anil Ar- k'uis-a are ipiiel and orderly, and life and properl y ire secure, in comparison with Teo- I '. We hear through tbe local papers I ot contusion, disturbance and collision la numerous localities, and it js evident that j the condition of affair throughout tbe Mate. ' is such a lo offer abundant opportsmitiae j Im work on the purt of the Brownlow sMrasy, I w hich ha now been called nnder areas. The disfranchisement of ail Tf nniianiaane j who were rebels; the conferring of exoep i tional fram-hiea UHin the blacks; the al ministration ol oaths right and left, to all I men, under all circuinstancea, sad at alt lim---d t hew thmjrhae failed t I those end for which State government are ' instituted and sdmiuistraUre omcer are- appointed. The bayonet is now, therefore t he lutesaary resort. Il was a mistake, how- , ever, her Bmwnlow to hare called out hie J arvii.v lor three years he should hare Called . il out for thirty years' service;" ' in a . , , ! Dr. Livingstone's Death.-" ,r, . : Hardly any death could hare beea aa noumoil from abroad which would cattao more regret than that nl the enterpriaina; African explorer, wha is reported by tbs cable to have la-en killed br the Caffrea. . ' He was lairn in Glasgow, SoottaaLta lil, j ami, like Hugh Miller, gained Ida rwdi ment nl knowledge while working for hia bread. Fur nine years preceding 1834 b ! was a cotton spinner. luring Won a BMd ! ii al and theological education, he sailed Cor Cupe Town in 1640, and spent soma yeara with the IWi huanas. In iS49 he reached Lake- Ngamj, via the Bukalihar! deuert,' mi lan n an attempt W revisit it la is.it). The next year he visited the aalhoi si. Iii XH!,'i he started on bis great aorth ern tour, visitexl the Makololos, and reached Luanda in 1 834. The next year he followed the Zambesi to Quilimane, "oa the madias) Ocean, aud completed a joemey of mmn than nine thousand miles never before trav. -elled by white man. He reached England in I85 and published an weeootrt T)f hie travel. In 1H5H he returned to tbe Eamba si, and explored it in the bona ei vlantinsr cotton culture along Ua banks, destroying slavery; tnt making a market fof - British inanuiacturcs. ins record or adretitare la this'cxpedition has quite recently beea pab lislied ThealempV in which beta said ts have hwt his life was undertakea with a view to explore a route from Bouth Africa uori hw aid bv t ho interior, and (Treat ex port at inn were placed on what Im Vottld do. With no mora knowledge tow wa base, -it is rwauwable to Mppoai ihat eftec having esc-aie.l every form of ferer, the at tack of wihf-brasta and tba most ' lreno tii'iiu wrpeuts, thsi-hoatilUy of elate tradore along the coast and of the savages ot the iutei ior, lie has fallen a victim to tbe malice of a Irilie which has constant tommunica tion with the coast, and which he had lst- . ted U'fore. No one haa dona mora tort-tbe geography of Africa, or jEut science and law ligion then;, and he cannot lie readily re placed. His accounts of his travels were written with much force and perspicacity, ami will continue valuable records when tbe falls ot the Npauza are visited like taoae of Niagara, and Ngumi is disturbed by steamboat. I'hil. Horth America. , -,s K - x ' '" From ihe New York TuBsavte i Swkak Thkm Aaaih. Senator Sumaaer has favored the world with a tight Of the awful oath ivhich he has concocted for ad ministration to the raging rebels. It e certsinly the most wonderful thing r which ha been gotten up since the days of the : first Kgyptinn dynasty. It not only compete every rebel to sw ear to the indissolubility of -the itcpuhliu; he must not only swear by tha national debt ami for swear slavery he (tha rrU-ll must not only swear to resist or rebel against "all laws making diatinctioa . a. ,.. count of ract- nt' color1; f Ut tocap thectimai, Mr. Milliner's oath prescribes that the rebels -hall swear to"upMrt education and the diffusion of knowledge in public schools open to all." TlieVi.dea of ge tting a people to swear that thev will do such things as these, and tile idea that historical institu tions are formed by oath .of this style, are as ridiculous notion a ever 'entered the brain of tiie most ignorant charletan. The trouble seem lo he, that Mr. Summer tkea I lie. Soutlw-rn p tvple s tw la wwtla s wellj aa rclK'I. arid the MTortliern x-ople to he mad men as well s knar. "( ,.. M K. Cm Collferemv M ( ii. S i in The BaJtisaota i. .im h South bewcaat a i. . t i4v.ii, oi jty Itepreeen . hiiom - the Church name 'to NfUfc.j.-"-. y. taliou an 1 i l Kjitse-l NW-it-s;l4-(i T4m miwnritymt on Lay D -lev ri mi w iviwly more tlian on. i i ..I i lie whole vote on. Lay lir.iivs. i.ia'iou, and more UuXB one- 1. ili i ill 'ii tin change of Church namr. This n.piire I 9 vote, clear, to r.arry ihe first, ami 1 " V vol i - lo r:n y i hu seOliil,attder the reipiii(ii-:i b r u t In is'-iourtlts1 atajoritv. ' Tin- l;.iliiui'-i. I ..nl. r nee y olednn each, 104 yens with - c ! iv . Ibis lurries Lay delega tion !..' - in ;.''!',' in ih.( viwe nf tbe w hob- I "cteh. I'lie change d' nama ia rjat.... I 3S. 1' s I . V.. .rd lijwt a confereaca ia Illinois i . r.)iu tl., .n .ii i item Church), with oti etioug!., i . o-yviil, to overconia thia, ami tlius .tain lo'.h mciisiires, after both liHt f-o mven-ttjitwfl- Itrst ii ffiatmaasl i ft' H'uier. - . v ,: FlilK kN'li Tiss' ! I.Uk. I.N WlfsHkuTvlS. '-- Ab.iut s o'clock Friday night a fire broke out id the bu l. ling known aa- the Ceatral Hotel, corner of Sixth street and Penaavl yaniu avenue, W a.-liinoloiv, which result.! in u sho. king loss of life, as Well va in -the entire destruction of the property which w as ow ned by Hugh Geltoa,ot Baltimore, and valued at 114,000, fully covered by in- I - .--.-..JsSVv'' i 3-