TERMri OK M'Bsi RIITION .lav, on the rn "wmg tt-rm : ( ut- month. .ll.no 1'an & uu 1(1 IS. 5 l,M i two month, Tun-ti ntonilm, , . i fii.'htliB O.m- yew, -.nu YV-wkly Sfntiml im v- .u . " mi m'till. W'kly Hntinjl, aae year THE .SENTINEL. YM K. PELL, BEATON (i.M.KS, EDITuUtk 8ATVUDAY EYT.N1N0, Alltll .3.. 17 XEW TOIK J 7.7; lE. la )iU' ot the radicalism of die Nn York Tribune, we have come, of lute, to think better ot Mr. Greehy, its IMitor, than formerly, lie Las a hmrt, and would. fain Iwlieratuai heart i Luuct. It ia only '. i.l ili .nl. wi i.i il.ln,l linritul .r.,i-,.,. II. i. tWrf..r.. li.hl lf. I- deceived, ai he often is, hy hi eormtpond- rntK. and aometimes comiuitttil uim.-t bin Hum the r.t that what lr .ir.el. i aaya i! i . i (.. .... i true, according as he understand a r while Ilia paper often betrays quiti' a ilitTt-r t rent temper. A Mr. Conway, who has lieen recently fig uring in tbe South, making siHfeb.-8.wi' ol.aerve betrayi the Tribune into some mis takes iu regard to the meeting held here He, also, exhibits leas Yankee shnrpness in judging of public opinion iu the South than we expected. It was our purpose not to notice hi. visit, lot the reason that the company be kept, while here, led u.toextot no fairness from him, and other reasons rather served to impress us with the idea that he n "amall potatoe " His speech, as published in the Standard, confirms this idea, and pre stats him in the attitude of having louix! bis political level, when he affiliated with demagogues and triek'tirs of the Molden ite order Both the .pecchhere, and the account 1 ' which be gives of the Conservative meeting, indicate tinder what influences Mr. Conway penned both. The ruia-statcraents, however. , hurt but little. The tolioaing from Con- ways letter to the Tribune in rery refresh ; inir '"a i "After the Governor concluded his ( i, .u. ...a: - . n ji . ,n f . D.n i ! J.'l-Vrrirr: I cepvuucu, uci taUa to myrx--. u iu .1 u ht , frteJ hardtob, raixtal to the KuUraU, and . . ,.i,i-- ...... . ,ni I the audience appeared greatly annoyed be- I o... ,n., :.,i.i--',-;.i i causetDeyaian.il near ; tnorougmy raa.cai sentiments a won caiiea on Mr. lay lor, j awhile. oni.srifWtMv.WanvfA.t.V finally ' concluded bv askine the nadience whether . thev were lUnublicn, and as m.nv were ' they were Republicans, and as many were ' so to show tbeir hands. All-men. women. ...l t.;u. ; I ... 1 ; t. .. ... k : . .. ,An n uiu uttiw.u. i ... i u o . .. v ill' n ii i , c . . ' . . . present, raised their hands. A Wend of the ? v.. i .v:. i:. .... uvtciDui suit suucncu mis .luniUK up of the meeting said: "This is a Radical wtse THE' UMOX REGISTER" The Editors of this Journal, which, our ; readers need not to be informed, is Radical 1 "after the atraitest aeet." tbouirh conducted ..a a-.. . ........ .. wim more nurness. anu motieranon man , usually cbaracUriie papers of a similsr per . ' . on. have not been ,n North ( aro ,n. . snfficiently long to be thoroughly posted as tbe anteU of our ,d par,, back.. , They are making good progress, however. . , " , ,, it win ue en, ,.y tue lonow.riK .x.racis trfiui the lut number, that the? Iiav tni theirey well open as to the pretnsi'nt rtf tbe'caffed-rtouthernlabs,,. C,CL,ricaTloas.-In 1061, Mr. liol.len nvnudth tlf ot oU A' .n.a.ln." antl j i i.: i :-v, journaU of the Htale for accepting it. In 1 i37, he log rolla for tbe public printing. with tbe plea that bis sufferings in tbe cause of-tlwIJwiWwfiaw'UaWsv-.isiW 'clajim. .. On . the same pnnciple Satan might claim a , leetle"bigbe,ple.thn(iabriel. He has eridently suffered more on account of am. thoogh tt happens to be his ow n ini.iuilv that makes him smart. 8o Mr. Hoblen .ul". lend from tbe rebellion, which his own cor- runt orineinlea zealoualv advoeate.1 for jeui, tided t.. materially to produce." "WonDEitrtx ir Tuck Tlie HUU-rra L .-, r .,.: i .i, i . "T . . K ax v t-ourvuouae in tuat place, al wnw o Mr. Wm.McCauley introduced a reiluti..n which contains a moat telling arraignment,1" of Mr. Holden. If tbe atatements are true we eao uui scauttsieufrc mai irutll is stranger than fiction." Of course, being "strangers" and "adventurer.," unworthy of a seat or a bearing in that carefully ariecfe. we can hut acknowledge that "truth is' anng in that carefully telerf eonrrtiooftbe27tb,weknownotbing of fbe facta, but sofa, as we can hnd any do- cumentnry evidence upon tbe aubjeet we are driven to .dniit almost every .tateufent it conuin.." A- A,t...-Tbe Conrvatives ... Ten- itimimi .s.,..t iUI p.. , ui mn . . StaU certain reminiscences which must be i . i . , embarrassing even to such an unmitigated aptat and blackguard as the Radical can didat lor Governor. Brownlow- conduct - " ' - t..r tion that no man connected with the Con- federate cau ha. any nghU, either of fife, liberty, Of property ; snd yet there was a , , n. when It. amike tlitia 1 " 1 -' ' Diasolva the Cn'Irtn. vou infamous vil i.,,.. ami ihall make tMa nmn.itlns .. - ! , - - - nee to Loui. Napoleon, s most sagacious ...rch and b. wnnlrl nnarfsr .t New fir. lean. 210.000 Frenchmen, and in the Chesa- , teakc 200,000 more ; we would then com- uiand the Misaiwippi Valley, whip the Sort A- , Yafes inU Of It bUL'THKHN CON- atite.rr, FXPERACY, and we would then turri upot ll.e Ni . Fnoland Kt.fM ami ,-u. t Ii. l.tir. ,.sane ut civil war t rage snd weep from Oi""'- to the cod Calierie. of; Maine, until we w.iiia evtinguisli the list Abolitiofr foothold on the continent Ami-nci TLue ia m tliong resembUnte between I.nwuinw a record and that t v S'.nU ' - Vrn -Huu!ii4fjtn JLy.va.jjeU - that thit.W. r-.A'itm .W-ftjKHt. We learn u ui It mull rp.ike in Goldrboro', jesterdsy .1. . . i.. . .. lb- .ddresse. the people in New i .. i ii.- Hltiri.oon We uoderstsnd that I li.1' i. wil i ccli this t ity on Monday ...i.,.;' a..d wiH pmba'.t) n.ske l.ia aprn-ib no t.nn n Tuesday. .4 ( K H7. UPnvES 7 The Governor of North f.rolin. desire. in tliia public mamner, to return hi, cortJial ot' m"rt Mrt,'ul akq0wlelgnifnt to James E. Myrra, Esn.of the firm ofllall, Mj e: it Thomas, Haltimre, acting for the State i t Man land, ami to Mira. I)eRo"et Co., N.trthfbp 4 Ctiinniing. Atkinson 4 Hheppcr-on. .M.llett 4 Hoftnian.O ti. Par Li C 1 ....1 Via.. lt';inl. 1 !.. I '..t,,. , .. ,. ,. , u... mission and r owarding Mcnlianta, at v il .i.ii.g.on. i..r uieir prompt ,n. ""criu "n tion id forwarding, daliveriug aud receiving , at their respective warehnuaes, in, JVllmthg .1 ton, I iff of storage and insurance, tlie anij). j plies, o generously donated by the .State ol Maryland and benevolent aaawiationa in that and other Statea. for tht .le,tjtute aand aufl'ering people of tkia State, The Governor would he Uawl if the preas ol the State would intcrt thin public rfcounition of liljeral and charitaile Cut duct . on t lie .rt..f t hi'jir nil 11 ir api ri ted geutUnien. 11 ,v Klially ainot- tbe ,-l..a f,Ue w.r. theSuthern people hava been c,ntiiiu'U!lv iiumo.igge.1 oy me rep.-mie,i ei.or,, , s.m Knterprise " men to cheat and "letVsiitl lli'in I W c have I".- millio' i' nl ' " ' M'1' ","'1'"1 nn.l rm,. mil i. u . itat i , puis mi.l ba ItiiniirVils hsvc unwittingly suatainetl t!.s! planter fur tl:-,.,ini. -n il.jt. n do ill.- e !con ; d.oi- all. rai-.- your ciu. It i. Hot villain, by being misled hy t'r im.pt ,stu.K M ... in .., I. i ,..H ..ni,..t l ; y-t Ks. late to n...Ke lor v..r -or.i flop. - p ' R . ll.i'i. ... i... iiiiiiLv rli.' I.I.E.mi. HOilil.illi.l advertisements and letters. The pre the South should guard the p'plr aginst ! these iuipostera ltecentlv one of theae ilun'" ,iAiufm a , ! rertnined the name of a gentleman "I la ia ; City, and sent him five ticket. '., Th. j;entli man immediately ein iw,l tin in a Iricn, I in Ne York. with tl rt .i'le.i ihat tin . heat should be investigated and ,-,p.s. d .,' ,, i . x: ll.e billowing Htbei.pK ot I... Aork Iriend Niv Yobs. April j, 1-i . A,,r.r.-Your favor of the lth. uw. in.,w before me. Hn.l in U Iu,.ul.l I,. pectliilly say On receipt of the . ernbt ates .,-nt sharp tellow uown to the omce t ''", . -"'!" "'" ( '"" "V, , a fie or tux atorv hmhlinD mer.-K- uiar, i.. ,, :., r...i' minn,.r ', ,, ,m. ti. -tu repreaeni the parties, no furniture. V -'- On the floor beneath. a- showetl evidences of uuea-jinc." Hl in-u ' rnri.iaiir in irhn bia u.nilefiio -. I.i. ' bntinesa. Ac. He said he furnished tlii. firm u-irh tin iewelrv A.c .nt 1 sin. I Iil- s. ,1.1 nrm wnu tin jeweiry. iio sum ul ,'neni for about 4 la lie i 1,'it it i. min'- es tnpm '"r a,x,u' V . 1 ,,' 11 . , ,' lH. sarv to go more into detai ,,u. l"st -i- "new. ltVire aen.ling. the a lmf ',l.inK i, one of .ho -swindL- now -o nuuiomu, . . . , , . . lu ' or- a,. than honesty succeed in fleec ine imvvin ntrvnien and gaining a live i,,,.l Alter learning the alx.ve, I called, m ( a 1" ,he 41,. Princt P.lirc. a,l' . . , . ' , ?n'J guested h.m to c ase the Btmh , If ' ,to."r ""Mnesa nh.ken up. Dm 1 aP""n in' l"ree m r, , m v T snowe . Ilie ...ree i.i..-. s , th.e, """,''" he y it h Ini. , o.o.r ... .... , . ..us. .1Ueii' "i ,nt -.nn . c , . cu "f i'r""'f -,he fa l" U'' I must add to vou. B 1 bare ' , .ir. .r.t, t-tt .. . . . .- c i i ,r . lua" " n,v friends that all a-.-A - ,.- ." m.w ... ...nu . .'Mip"j -nn....' -in - furnish any article of nierchamlie o niuch under the rate's of anv first class el'disi (Ttent pnmn.nn u.r. ai. .liel.te tb,... in I 1st I IVraiit s..tn.m-b.n. A,lyisf M your rieDtU in u t Bwl to fimplr throw sueh correipondenic in the waste basket, and let the rtli lies .tarvei.i death here or . to work h.ln.-Ml. V o - - - , -T , , A RciicoF TBE Pasi A tricml lia. ,..',..,.,.. ,, ' , , o. , . ; ' fiatttte. . if January 4, IsiKI. Tn me. it i .., , . i - , n Pl-ranc. ,,,.., n,,, well. . .. The number before us i. in irii.c lr the neat 1. ol v asiiinuiiiii. an.i iuiiia.ina lull account ot the obseuinew ,, ili rest Patriot. imW ihi. l,n.,l ot p. li. ' " , ,, ; , . lat.ot...ed l.t tbnt U.It . Pre.i.lent Adams lor having suppr.j-.-. I. ,v b.reeuf .. wh ke.l relli;.. t. . e-n.l .:...:., . . '. ... u,v a.lvertistr.g column.. We notice the follow ,K: , .iifit rtAi.f. with . ttionian, ,e tow,, f Ks-'i,,' T The one half of a Saw Mm .,1a,, for h.iildiiic, Iv.uk iu ,,e ,,r. Hv the Mill .. an inet),.nMill. .nintin r,f P,e W.s... And. . SI. I , hV.aI.TIi,, 'r" ,'"' , UFA -nn, nr.- XEfiRO N'K.N' 1 1 Ifl,!':' Anv pc rsvm inetine.J tn pnrel.a inav k" il.a . Anv person men particular, by appl ' "," '''"' ''eiair t, 1 n ira Lv ai.it viu. Ill Jt ill N SU I iO II .a K VI, r ... . . e common.t t.ns A,, oreehv. , ,. ost. ma. tom. -Tbe ,...,, allu,liK to the fact that "'iov. Wort h has W--n re qUestej oy (ien. rrkl to. retununtn ti p.,. sons as Registera. to enroll tb v.,t,rs in tl,i. State." protests .gainst , . ui to. i or in iu ine worn "i recooairur tion." This is tbe first instance that we . have seen, in any quarter, of a disposition to arraiim or oue.tion the aiithorin or acti.mi of the District Comtn,nder. , rm, w.o. k j;"" a ii.".-. wnu on-! francbiserJ Oen. Si-kles, pr d,ahly, k i,0Wi Cov Wnrtli will d ' ,, . , lu"-T "tithoris-.tdnr what he is about, and nothing but what he is . .t iuviie.1 iu no. - , Tlnsae '-sinti.bern I.vaiisfa" s.l fori..,., ... . . . . secessionists not opiv airoiata: '0 tiiem-s. ves ., . . . " . . , , . ,, luc '".' "S"' ".ou'-j'ore . ivic. Prl ol """1 re-oig.nizatinn.but they would even assume to ihetste to the mi 1 1 tar v Commanders: Thev will get a a,,rp re-Uki i. , ., . . oeiore long, n tuev um. t ' rein in 'tttlt. Noi.TB Caiioi.ina I iifcss. It, ,ir i.,t,u- of tfce North (;.rol,n. Prei, the other .Uy,;ot eve, national to day. lor.althougl. clriyen we inadve'itenth omitted ibe IIV,(,V M wjreet ...eru.oo.o,. ..to,. - e, ien t .Uf,,, iuusp.pe.,e,ii,.by.l,a.go.nv lady, Mr, T". r?'1' tbe I.in.. .in C..,,r.er. edited t.j ill Writ ton, . . . :.;r.i. - i t.iiav..- l'."i- purely unintentional. We Dave, , here b,re, tout religioot pauert in the State, .n.l fort,. nine secular. , .-a- lu-ra.nr, Aesird hu li.nl s iliari fi , years Butler , alao tbraatent to becnm, , chronic , ii. .i-. .i .hrL. . i-. i - STATE ITEMS- -On Faster MnLv, a lrg nuaabcf of tli Knf'lmrn i 1 1 -mltTwiD aaamnblesd t the Kir ground, and, at the retnteat f a committee appointml to wait itpen ttiMn, Ulcst-a ,1 Y.mu.t and (, f3argqr Hrri address,,! tin.- meeting.. Matthew Watton, colored, introduced t lie speakers, anil t the lclw nfthr m-tIic. on behalf of the largo !m-uiIi v, rxiirrnKil in wanueKllliattk at ' , . . , Ithc lilain, practiral and liiipt-tal viewstst the . , k " . ..1,...i . 'B jMsas. Yxttad.Uui, aul aiiiktl . ft. I ...rtlseul .mil sell.il.l.. renmrka Tlie lulliuro -"""Hii-r;.- ' ;ns a : liojx-lu account ( matters in Eilgecoitiliti. In 1 800, lht county produced 0,000 lale of cotton. AndnlioK to picaeiit calcula tion, think" tin- ,v''"'wr, she will raise, in 1 8e;. 2.".lo 1 ..,! - Tlii. alone, say the aanit' luniT. "win realize an i mmense auni, . n t Mill-o f ar !(,m ;ii releivi ng the I ounty : i iiiiw luboriug.'' XhU in grtifj- ' ,). r,,ll(t..l pn,, ' planter, 1. 1 r. li;, nf i-ottnn w ill not enable v.n i!b the iiul.-M.ol1'''"-"1 hc I'-tioll. alu-ie does ,.i..v ..,.. ...m ..... ,, ; pti--il, llltb 'llet.iv 1 'iil.lt-1. ' Hftrn rent l'r,,.un .1. i,Iii Sniitb. K utl. I..,1V. tit Ins n-i.l '" u n 'riiur'' m. n o ' ' . i ril ' Impel Mr niiiii. i'uie I f ,a r ,,,, ... .put.- a pr..nii.i-m K.liticia, jii.l i, fr,-, i.t,-1 ,i-, County in the State i.i,,,,,,- II. a- a luan ol tii.e mlelli-' jp - nce i " TUl.. v,. Ie H .r,lt -r-,, Nic- is - ! len,(-rf,,ii, on the l-.nfl t,, wbicli . everxUniU invi,,. V,,xpe,t that Ha. I ipi..f,' , u- re,m-en?e,l lm"n " - Thee ta. a i ol ,1,-lim, in Wil-, ,uiii.m , n W . ,!,.. lay .1 amis and Law-' no,. .. . wl.Uts. ...nlineJ '"f robbery, I -Unie Kislu:, .'..lor,..!, rontined lor Im n v. mule ibeiresrapc In r. moviug a plank, -,aui.l. uuh this p:uik . pricing "pen the iron , , - . , - i, br ,,) the wiml.ix of their l)M n l 11 U-iKer. t-tj.. o V liming, 'ton . I,.,, bee-n B,iu ted Rett'ster in Bank-! . r . . .- 1 1 . ; , , , riiit. v f ir the .Nrw Hanover ( nncrcaaKini ' Di-triei H.-h. A,k... n pr. .l,.d ... Tar-, ,..T( ... s.mda. ...a,, and ..l.tiini.ter, ,! ,1,.' - - ifr t i . Frinblii. Lo'-lue N'.. lO'J V F M st Heamort. will I dediea.e. 1 . n 1 1. orsdaj . " ' ... ' ' lox. l-y Kint Worwinptul l u. JI Bvst.m W Kb .i,o Hen.ler..n UUi .. -Never .. f . .'unlert.-it. nuiil"t J i i .-nl lti en Lack , . , . . . . . - . , - wt i .. rcirf-Hr rmr rne - ttnr. r luu-a ia- 1 1 nu. Tobacco crop mil Ko into . .... , , ,' prove soon. Our oi.i-i- oil- i y tin(.,jn.l if m, a. ci.lent htsppena to it, (lie viebl.ill be better than for Vesr. I'mler til "e ( ir'" HHlstj.nl e a . W ii ir. . , L'tlMuO.I hear it a wh,le l..nKe,." sa ,... ,, . - ' ru-.-iini( of the U.sb"ni ,t the Met li.uli.t Epismnal Cbureh South at a.l.ille .her -P1""""-1 "Urcli. otitli. at .Mil ville, alter . fll! , .,.minMi . tllt ,.y lb, s.-ver8 AnnualConfere,,,,-, i. p.m Uie changes prop,,.,, .v ,e Geoer,, ...Ucrence. it wa. ases-rtaine. that tb cl.anuer in ike auie of , " ",D1-'C u UK UJ1 tne-t hrcl. had been ,, !, ..t. .1 l.r ll.e vote ff i ti-a is uu I ti.n ti .-.. ... "K tlir-- toiirtln in I'm,., it wHh .U-fcatal ( r .. "I t,Ve' iIm' I.I9 ve, a...l navs it w us ,,.ri l.l iid,,ot. l then- ls-i.nr - 1 e tlifc i'i n:iori:il ln:iuiilv. Al ihe .iue meetini, UislM.li Uoiclt ... Xlt me rM.,.ie ,Uraa.iig uiill.op llogtftll .S vnigned,.. attend i.i.l pre-i.b t the next i .1 . a-:. a-: a- .. seHsinu ill the Wtst Virginia. Virginia. North CitrollnH. Smith Carolina n.l HsJlimo,,,,. c ( ' . it U'cetst YMIiwogtonov. 37, JM,. K.r the heutinel. tf.-l 11 HI 4 E Ith'tlfS TFHX Eiiitoi. :-In yo.., paper of th. 'Assays . .-.- 2tb I notice an article un.lerthe caption of -The M.rrie I-iceni. W For the information f sill interested in tins matter, nennit met,, call attention to the ft that our excellent Secretary of State, II. V Beat, is piepariag the Iu.iiateri nl tliia matter nennit me t ca.ll attention in "VVhlt S.?. VJ l rl,T"J ,,",... . ... . ,, . ' tpiiredhy thelste act, with printed bead-' .nars.nroprlv rnh-l and aulatantiiilly Uiund. Mr. lj,.,t w.,,tr a longtime Clerk of t,e , ..-iv rie.l avntU,. ijitainti.il. l-...n.l' . ' I" r ....... ... t iici vaasinr longtnoc i.ierK oi tlie r, i' i t-i:eAun.. I ;.. : , .., , .-. ..' -..- 7 Y.Zo" "P I ll,. .ll ,l well i,, ror,.,.'i.I ,,,: r r' ,.ri' L,0 1 1 - - . ' ' oi ik i f .is.'.ii' atc, ,h Orricn Fretl. ' - " LZ? ,,,, ,,.,, .. .i.- ...:.., , . - ii-iie.' - 1 o . oii.u i u , louai , m;ti-;- tion ull'.n Freeman Clarke Tbe vnie . ', : i t , i i . . , I st.., ( li.rk. si;, Iongls, 44. S Douglass ""'K" tu.TJM'ri i V""?'1"!!?. .." " .. ml, r. ot,i,iiii.ui j got a Ir,mi tlie party , of utr in rl ideas, even w bennppnrtunity . c.Hs,all. t!,,rs. as i t,ia i,,,n,nce, to give i,i,n st..i,,ir(f Iwiter. The neifro, one ot tlu.,iMK. w,n . l...c.,vcrtliKf the Radicals . sr.. w. -eking to ttM. .' n. Ve In i-raawis tlii V sin. hi ni ..,,,ol v t.. i.,..ri;. . l:i in -.-lll-b fKrlune. I of ti...i, n ti,, e i.. . l, ,,., n... ,.,.i...i , 1 nu.ii a.sp' ... - ............ i .1 ..... . ., .. i. ,t..- a... ..... ii .,.,.. nai ! i". ficir chat tel and ti.nihiio , , !' A )'.'&. i ,.r. T he i, u: h i- Mi.it tlu moment univeml sutli, - sl.ull Is-au aceonipliahe.l lur-t, ra.li so acetinipliahe.l lur-t, radi calisi,, w.il not haye bft . single issue iiH.n wri.ch it can a.k ine suprt all tbe state, in the L'uio(. It never was national. It it l" c " nrcmsi,nce to iecr.-e nc- b'ro aulfrae for the .South, it denii H .uffraitc ,., i. , ..ioril, ( th. it. conlin thh. Alway. sec fen.ocracy of Chicago aegro .utTragc ih.ir be Kconrpltnlied, it will .cllb... Ilka, ,I..fii ll....n 'li. ''... iali.atol salligia OiCMMi rsiML.MaM,MM. .JHW imm sku.a-..'. . Qua Viaiadtce. M,p, d ! oUl wo,en t,, renervate their Uks. At-. e, B,o. tbst M totting ber cr..a anvin... y . The extension of our limits i.. tl... U' tern ...trn.lt. cf l h. ri,..a ,k. i L'ni ted State, four hour svnd tlnrtT-nine i miuutet wore .unlight than it bad before, i - ;..., u.. i i Of a PorajBTT. 0 or ira Ciuaaa. II any arguiuenta ara wanting against the prctk ot planting oottoa ia Maurj Coon, ty. (aaya the Columbia QantU, and the ar- 5 u meat i applicable throughout the Mouth.) ic acareliy of money in th County ought to be itaelf auhV-irnt. During the last eaaxm the farmers of thla County made ft rat rata aveiag cmpa of cotton, and it baa wild aa liigli aa there is any reaaon to Imjie it will aril again. The ngpregnte yield may b eatiiuaieul t ten thoiisautl blea lor the County. This, at 2 (rntx, hns aobl lor l.250,0OO all nl' uliidi ought to have come and the great lAilk of which ha- come JwVIlSi,. w u Am many people an puzzled tor an anawer. . Hut it will lie exiliied very qisickly and' clearly to aiiv on,- lm will take Ilia tnd .t tha ilinot'aa fV.-ivbt erfrs are iimitied. and see what i li.un. . r of freight they ilaily deliver. Tlicfi imn k cu arnvala every dsjr uf ever v arli ij ol farm ' produce Used by man ami least. "l-roiiuhi Irom Liiuiavillr or Cincinnati. Ami jn.t at 'his sens arnoucir lonit. ot pf.ws nixi oilier larui- a i.i a- ing impiellieii-s liin n-m-i ri. ;,n iH-nruig on- brand ol nnne l.oiii-viiiu or I inciiinati bouse. Add to these the r jiulm siippliea ol dry goods, hardware, ilrugs mi, I iiotiona, tin t umb-r pre.ent i irco lust ine-i. ramittt lie pro tlx- lo'tiiii iiioiM V t;i'. is very nearly nn .w,r,, K. .,lr , , ,,u a hum. ,b. trv loan " , - . . . , (vi4 ,.,(. Ii you, .-..lit lout- l.t la' or and sliivt- ' for . .,r,-iii t.kiiia?tt-r. r.i. Coutt it urVot .lied1 Hill. TllK t' ai. t.K ,1 hKKLHSON 1AIH It Is fcu WH ,,t ,K. tried at the n.xt term ..t I'nitevi Stsba Circuit C..rt. aliicli i to '"-Id iu H.fli.n.in.l not innnth. since Clocl J.t-ti.-c ( has,- .let-lines to hold a curt ilit-r so unit; niartiHl law caiats in iivm i. Wid as tl.is la in Ill-circuit the court can- not be i, -1,1 without his prenenee. Mr. Da- vW minis. I, it l rertf,l, will appear at the coi.iiii, ,.c. .m-nt ol the tern, and n,.,ve to ,,aah ibe iu.lietment against their client on tlie troun.l ol certain iiufortnshties in it. the motion prrv.il, ilie prosecution ..ill ).uu.. ... riii. I as ns.ta ....i;.( 1 j... .r , tor. ar-.-ordino to'the act ol I t7H), under wlntli Mr Davis is arraigned, " Nu peisori or p. rsoin sliall U- proaecuteil, i tru-tl. or puDi.h,-,! to. ireaaoc or otber cap- 1UM .iiieucat aviuieaaio, "mm uoooer i lie. , jury excepted, unless the indictment for the same shall l.e IniuiU tv a izrauH Jurv wlltitn 'irM )r nf after ll.e trrtnoii or tapllal offence aforesaid alia 1 1 be thine or commit "C , , ,- . , ,,,r .. ted. As tbe war ended in April, ISO.i, the time fur l.ol.hna J.-fferaou Dayn under time iur iioi.ung j.uirsou nayia untiir charge l t,e.-B has nearly e-pired. It ' "f-K- .' ."' 9t-ce.ai.in and civil war, it tbe leader of the oppoaitiou to the government should e cape a long threatened trial lor impeach ,,1'n' '') reniisanes. of his proat'cutora , vet not ...ore strange than the r.-p-.tetl Mnoiietrient of bis trial has lieen - -Y V Wotli. w s.,uthe,u while u.an i. the tmtuial. a. l.e is the beat .d.I truest Iriend ..I the ncgrn. I lie two rate, mav live together in Htce an.l harmony, feeling their mutual ..... , t . ; . taeix nuetice. an.l mesa nn tine anoiiii-r n bad feeling is not stirretl up by fcctguei, in conjunction with the nr dems- oguei, in conjunction with the pious nils aionaries, who are roaming over tlie country. laaing irviin ine negroes tneir lime money and giving them in exchange their photo ' "" At an) rate, It is the duty of those. r no have the suiyerior education antl nien- . i ....I. ... J . i. st: I lai vuuure, in ten. atn eaaiiijj.e oi lair ot ...itg, moderation, forbearance, and kindness. The lislranehiaed claaa have no Hilitical aspira- UoM,tod no lameutatioua over their situa- . . ' . , . . . .k. u t , . "V," - " 8 10 U "- '-U !""" ,, ,,, pr,ncipe an.l integrity, such as Moori, J NurtU-.rolina. Perry, of Mouth 1 Carolina, Jenkina, of Georgia, and Sharkey, f get , nl" nre, ,er newiy ureasrn up in uie ' svtpaneled banuer. aitU aui eagle feather in hi. I.Mt. who savs Yankee-diidle as a ..rar.,.i.a.ir.rH i.,u.i .'..1 uu;i rol-.iiio a.- thwiksivuiK afttr it. Better a military. rule, for - century, than a .ingle Urm of such main ! Thai military ruler has no- piirrra rn reward, .,,-., snBaitto. to irstifv The. lair nrcsunintion Is that he -. .. . Pi. "J ' I "I' ill be just and impartial, having no cou- ,r"""g nioiin out . .-ne oi uuiy. uere . f . i. ,,k. pv con(jiti to .lav, ., is Te,i.s- in the ' . I'nion. It becomes then the imperative duty of vot, , , ,j, ,n; ,nrt trftr, and weather cock., men w how consistent unionisin will la-atisfactr to Ihe tlomi inantnartv. Sueh nien as (1'bvernors. Henre- aeoiatieest antl tetrialalon. will not l intent 1 ..i ......,ii..,;u;.,.iT O T I K 1 P Prtyt will strive earnestly to pro- raot the hPPnea and prosperity of their , "" P;. -TjmpoTeri.l. , country.-T Vitiate. ' , , , . ... ,. I T" KicHnojup Pow-Wow. T. W. dm- wi5'. "bo P1l""put"":an negro tjou j . vn,,0n at 1 V.i . "ddr''"' ' rMolat '' i?" CUU1 vention t Richmond, wrote the address, , .i..., 1 ...I i .1 , ' . z Z . . xiienceti xrs.eiiini over t irE'iua ouenniT uis Droirramuie lor acc-eiitance wherever he can xln.r.. nodie.ee. The narrow purpos, of tliii Bureau ilipemliary h, harnw, tilt n- Kro to a party organization which seeks his i-onflilcnce merely to use it for a selfish end, i too apparent in the threatening and crim- ''" " o"t procling. t receire Sorr.eS erati e nu miter of toierahtv we inlormetl , - Africans into the eeivue of such mischief makers .. Ctinw.v and tlicae lis ,.rm,.. maker, as wmway ana those he represents. . . 1, . , . ' . - J'-'""V fsi-twftn the blacks and whites at the bouth, and to create, sentiment which would in- .jrtu....i , ,,,,.e, ,,,,,,, Dd rMUlt- The cimdltjon of the Houth la eucli u to rerpnre, fof the good of tbo whole . .country, forliearaoce, candor, eno urage-! me"t' The lealoU who excite strife that they may reapinnrtoiial anparty a.ivantage, uiura. poiinv... wanois, .nu soouiti receive ounljbnleTit due hvpociite. and oro- ninun ni uissen.ion. rvar,.n ,.ar - -- The Chicaoo Ei.iction - Two years ago Mayor Rice was elected by a majority of S, 029' n November lst toe Republican ma iriti in the ritt waa H7 M.vor Inc. jorjt, in the nlv waa H87 M.vor ltic was re elected yeaterdsy l.y Ihe reduced majority .rf i.m. This is a very handsome faemneratic minr-s-rtainl. B.. even . Mte result than this i the gain at four Aldermen In, the Dmorrrav. Til I 'oniisk'y in tlie eight w'rl, Casselman in . . J , - '" M.nr.otU n.r ' Bare rewn to be iwiwid of tbei, . . " . SYht i ir, jg. Ckuag fmu. a-. j A WiacOn.in ppCT the Daraboo Observer, haa observed a bearded woman, wbose name I it Holme, whose bead is at bald aa a bil-1 liar1 n(1 WDOw chin Waged lard three inches long liard hall and whoa chin i. ttinomA .ill, . ! AKRICD, AtTarba.o'.oaUie lt. Inrt.j by U.e ViffnticiBEAT CATAMMal'K SALE AT He. Buboo Atktrwoa, Dr. N. 1 1'rTTMAa to jan. U. K U.T, all uf thai place. VKW ADTXSTISXXZlf TS. jyflinn JIKltt'PR IR1H1I HOTATOKH. Jnat rotfelved. at JENK1NM A I'KHUT H. April 7 -223 if s WKCT liri ATOKN. at April 27 -aal-tf JKKKINKA I'UlltVs. i )llUiU mtHM AN" u:''"-v ,t April J-MMf .IKNKINS A t'KKimt. CtEMi. BY Al.l. MEANS, ASH I l:V .toMF. ol , O "; nine I . ros ri rruiK" nn-i ' i'u Stiad, Kllioll's new crop. JKNKIMM A l'KI!U'K. . Aiirir7-ii3-tf r I rKVOl) WANT KK4I.I.V TO IMRUiK Vol J m.Wm tlieriviirilt. n,nm .irn.lmn..- .ihI tnppirt vimnH-II wilb ln;ailtiliil minikin- an.i ,it lu-iuua eare ik-kuiuiik -luoiioim, in mi""." ..i.i I. I ifl ,i,M.,l trv Mtime uf tins trst:i am e.-u- tlllie IH ltllAM HMufvl Ml TOItAlVO AprU W-MS-tf JKNKINS.V l-EUUVH. tiik mxn AKOI.I A u K I (' I I. T I U A L II 0 I S Y .V IN 1 HAHDWAUf. STiilil'. nrrciiKi.i.. i.i.t:. a . 22 PolltH-k Street. N i: W li K UN, N c . ,S. h.l I..1 a . .iljl... mar 27-l'.aS-tf ,t () It It LSI. The Iredell Httllhe mtu.te'i ,nt e -ni.-l Ion autl LawMin .Ht... in the Cm ,.f .I I l. it- al.-i.-li - I'owH-aslou giren Mav 1st. l"f7 Applv In J IHEIiKIJ.. Apnl2b-2W lt at Nat 1 Hank c COTTON SEED, COlToN sEEI X Bushels of Cottou s .d. For sale. H I' ll I.lAMs.iS April ti-nt-lt lllSH POTATdlJs T , ,, rrct wmrh ,m b. u.) luw to tiwirs le Als... aii.uli, r h.l ..f ll.at siosrior II. .tl iMnii.Ais urn i April 25-2il It gn.VFll PI.AiEU H All!' I Table and IVa Sss.ns. llustai l and Malt Sp..i. lintter Knives antl Nspl.n. l'.u.as Floe ao.t Pl:u Cs.c.is A I.SU, PI,,, le. Pitchers, tlaii.laoin.. rall.-m Ft. I sale 1, ... J. ItltoWN, ApnltJiltl "ii HkiA l.wi s iMlul.ita T All Tie hATl ltllAY. AIMlll. la-.T Will Uj sold "Ii the pieltuses .1 I he Yalls. J,7T; , , i mi,,. i... ,., i,,. . ': a t, .tt.,.i. Also, at lb Market lb W . a artel v "I lunn tors and II, -us, h. .1.1 am. i. s. Ii. .Mu.x Fal l. Cltitua, sii.1 other merchamtls. . JAMES .M. TnWl.KS. April 15 2-il I.I Audi er OF 'I'll K SIDICAI. MH'IKTY STATE OF XORTII CAROLINA. riVHE FDl'RTEENTH ASM Al. MEETINt I will U- held at 1 si I N ' ., ai iw.-I.e ' "'Jb T a"'!i '-Lr' I inerabers of the Mwdiesa Protewion are resjteel- I memtartof the IMk frottsw an- rr,, nlnT lnrlte4 to attend, "ll.e tainus Kail ""-'"'""!'"!" '"'; "'" lu-ksts to tluaa bo may "tt.i.,1 ih.- iii.-.-tii, April IS-tol-'ia.t.l '"'Sn Apm is i iaw. .. ? WKK7aN. ...lis., WA,:,, . (0,ile ajid Ivman (iramie Tal.U Wan . ' Dowla and Pitcher,. VAeni nd C. riati-n. also, fWd .,,,, ... ' J. I'.uown. M.lV. Will. Ilaar A I.. .... '" -rpr -.- (, j( s a i. v. . H.rnea., an.l 1 pr l.il.er : a.... sm u , h. . s LiV ..erante nnre i'ld.UAM, JONES A i n. April W-21'i tr IN liuli sal' to -. r M,. .- . V U ' N. C. Kv Whisker, i.t-r a t . . ...l.i a ... I I 1.1.1 A ii, jo.v r.is. , i o. ttii.tl.saie i.rs-eis. p,U IU ilH-if m VOU.OW1S. VAI.rAHi.F 1'ItOI'EKTY i can no.r b.. bought .1 a great sscriSjie. a. , ; mM' v """ ln "-'PI"' Hilt ; MY PRESENT RF.SIDKMCK. I t with eight sere. ..f h.n.l, .nclndi.,,. YAM), OAHltES, ' hhih.x Jto. si -t at-t. J." i ASI BANS YAI:l, huildiuiT lot. t.f one a. It.'tfHHi Haudaome building lot, of one at -i ,p,n.. oiy residence, .ml frontllie llou. J. n. nryaii l.issi Three acre lot, lying between my Karden and K. K. Ferrell's new residence 1.750 Htveu acre lot, lying South "I K K. Ferr.ll and east of S. 8. Harp s lot 3 Hon iwssva aersa, iswn east, ea, uara, ana " gvovs bid.Higiua to tin, htale U.S..,U MJ UIB OMU.C..T,M. " sold to rail purchaser.. t' . I. t . n..l. - Iron. UIU OI 1IQU . m I nil I . . . K "... , J .-. " ,h . ....! ,..,.i m ai9 rasi i . mssi ; , . . ,. - I I also have . power of .ttorney from illKO. H 'SNOW, to sell his bouse and lot in llaleiili. and fra 0f fceros. only 11 miles from mm. f 1 .ere are on it liuo acres of onnai forest gn.wii which is very vsluable for wood, ' April 20-217-lw K, ItAYXFIt J. siBaM fisti.ts astfj ... BED CI.tiVEIt, OKCHAltl) (111AMM, TIMOTHY. PLl'E (IIIA.HH ! m4 rtf tUr Hee.u,' ...t re, . iv,i from R. Kinelsir 4 I.i .Baltimore, al the arui.ia Hall jAHr.i a. itiH i.r.s Auctioneer 1 p.i.iwiic i'ottox oik An i'Br.Mii: MITCHELL. ALLEN, CO., NKWIIEIIX N. C. A QKNTH IS MuRTU CAROLINA. I'ijU (,R-. Zti727 Jl ace L- Finery A Hons anient I nicersal Cot- 'ThisUiu has tteen selectetl hv "The Americsn Ominus.it mi is for the P.ns Exhibition." ine s,r l all f It. . , .1.,, ., U. . V I It ,' . ; as a a s.s-.s... aa. a. a-: at a I"'"'' . AUKICl'LTl'RAL HOUSE AMD HARD-: WARE STORE. CELL EVEHV ARTICLE NEEDED BY THE ' y Coach aad Ramea Maker : Rims. Hnoke.. Hobs, Axksa, Enamelled Leather and Cloth, Hw- I " LaatW and Trimming., ttatldlea, Hameaa, I BndiM, ac., Ac. April v-uui-ll ATJCTI0S SALES. I . iTrnriAXTl. r OS WEIISESBAY, THK 1ST. HAT OF MAY. at our Wore in the City r.f JtaleiRh. -w ll sell, ,v Catalogue; Hal lit. Knives and Porks, lonoil.-.l. II.) ' lVl. and I'".. Let Kttives il " Ks.ir.. 'ill Unlet. t-r Kiiii-. liHI " 'l ea slid l sl-1. h..i-t s. .St ' si,-Hs.irs mid Mn SI -. Is Nail 1..111U, is. is ' Mill Ss tUi ll.r.i.i;.l t il. s III hnrse IN..-. I I II' I-. In ' Hisw h:ui - t,.l S Ml I'TH. lllU'e CllAlllS 2.ri Dtu. Axes. 1 - Vlet-nutx lb.-.. " l.ul.1! Ilal.,11. . M.'el-' I, Sle.it i-l ' r.;-s.l- s. M ' l.i.ie..t- and ll.tv I'... k... 1 Nl hi s I III Mild Horse Nttllr- ,il.d ll"l ' ' So .'s 1 I 1.1,'N. I 111 T:i. ks, liss. -I I, .1 1 1 '.. '111 rv ( 'oinl, itn.l Hoist tliiil..-. .11 " Coffee Mill". t'llIM llHItillielN. 1.' lJliltii; al..l Sl..n;lii lliti. '.. 1 (ituMp .uui Iviuiht u I 11 1 I'.o. Ti-.l lietli. s slid Sail. I'.o.s A it.- sill, rs I ol'oil I'jl.l". 1 .ni.i:.. mi. ;,s. r,,,l and M. 1 I..S-I llndles, bit. sod I:... k tn. '.I II llio,...! Vj reus. 'sps. li. . , MusLft ati'l 1 - SlsM-.lMa.lv 111.. I.- Cloth. 11.: V I.i.'. .1 .ili.l ell s. l.-. l.-dSI... s ..rt .SI- V- ' ('.lit., IsllUs, A.-I-. It.-. U, s 1 . li II tl... r-.- .! -I 11 I...,. - I i..r.. fi nii , 11. i.i 1 11... i. l- sl 1 11 1 1 n 1 ttJ I. ran. I-.. 'JO '. .1.1 t mien C. o. I,. I . . e I It . I.I..I..,.,.' tle H .tl.l. sen , tl.-ll.. jo l a. 1 uiiildt-r. In addition I., the .lis.,,-, a Isix' lot of SVi. A .V I.Y' H.V. I t.rt'tj ' nn s i r 1 iji nit . itiajt 1m-off. red. liotstn ,tS'ti for llispe.-lioll nl sll limes , slid t.'sl uloi;u-s , ftilv f. r Ilsll il'iltjon lime days Is fore sale, I'V Wh'leh time, parties tlesirill,' tn add tither artieli-s lullst havH llielu IliHtoro. 1TI.L1AM, JtlNKS & CO. Wholesale Itl.s-ets, Ail.-ll-lll A Com. Mt-rrhali.s Vs t'atetleulle Street, bait -igU S. C. April IT ill tl IJIPORTAM TO PKIMEKS! , U tleraiKued. a. I r'uatree of in. II. Auil.lt .- im'i.-ci v rur -vrii aOiiii tiiv 1 v A Co. . a ill eip..se to sale, at puhli- auetKu, tlu: material lteluli;ltie ! Itie ITUitinK t.lalilul,nie:il ' r.f said firm, tnehtdini:, amoni; trther things, One Northrop Cylinder Power Preis, s.malile f..r iiewspawr w.tik, and dots (sir l..k ... ik. and is 111 g.MHt .uiiiiniK order i.NE I10GGI.KS t AH!) i'UK.SS, aliuttst net atll passed ami f"i line and rapid ear 1 w.lk nn- ' HA -A- n 1 . . K V s. 7 rrr ,r V Alll'H hi b (. Iss.k, ur.spaper and j- b irk Also, a Ian-.-.iiaiititJ. of l.uitei ssuppl.es, t-onsisting of news and Us.k ink of various colors, carls, paper Ac. Als... a nniuls-r of .s.pies of "NAMELESS,' a novel, aud ' MUSSES FHoM A Rol.l.lM.sloNF,' and also sheets of the samv nnlsmiid. Also, tsso line .b-sks, i-hirs wifalt, k'aspiits and 1 tiiturefl. ami numeruus other articles to i lose cir. A tare t..(sirtiiinty ia ..fTert-d to printers to s;ip piv themselves with either neies or job oth - Also, a lar-j. u iantity of GAHDKN SKKUS I FUNS papt-r. .11 . F. .in To t . 'J days "ill b. , pd-.rseil --mall sums ,-asti Th iUiit U-J to th- mU- tm r r-i'H-Hti'.l to niaLt itkYiu.-nt unni-littlv 01 tlif tsAiii will , b pUccd m a train or conv-ctton. ! The r will take Ace in tlif rfiomn whf iv the i IViiiting eHUMiHlimfht wn rftrrit-d on tnl will ftHlllllUs tinlu tl i M. F ii f.n ihr pArtU'ukrti, fc.llrt-M th- un l i In mv U?MmZ aiiti .-nan In mv il.Hcnf', HifurniAti'tii niT ! ...tUni.-. StAUniUJI-xl. SO. 40. FftV'tU-Vlilf Strwl. II. W. YuIIK. April 10 '.MH t.U-avT TrtiM. MISCELLANEOUS. ; "A Policy of Life Iniu ranee is Uie Cheapest and Safest mode of making a Certain Prorition for one t Family. HEN'J. FltANKI.IN MANHATTAN LIFK INSIKAMK i" o m lA n r of Nirvv iroitic. milF. fNDElfJSKINEK, If AVINtl ACt.'KITEl) X the AK'-Dt-y t.f this long and welt established , Lift, luvtiruKg C'onipany, are prepared to t.ke I Isk 8 Oil li V P. OH M f.Vur.ttlS temis .. .ItVsarc iimpaay in the I niled rttatea. Inveat . small stun I which yon would not other wise lay aside; in a Life Polieey, and you have thus made, certain provision for your family in case ol death. JNll. 0. WII.I.IAMH A CO. Agenls. Dr. F. Ilea.. Htvwiam, 5b deal Examiner office hours from 12 JI. It. l P Jl April 'il-xio-.liii WANTED -A TENANT. I WILL KENT OR I.EAKE MY IIOUKE IN A WilmiBarton, Noriii CarctUna, situated ou cur - iia-r Red CVsMt snd Front Htreets. The llunse is : well Iticaletl anil ciinvententltr .rr.t.itM. for a ,Ar i ,re i snltici. nt r..ni for pullinc , nfty r siity l-d, with nl. ntv of room r..r all ,,.,, arT r,K,m, i,t f,,r ..tl.er .-on, , i.e n, ,-, ..... b. make it s small tf.'sf .-i.ia. Ibn.-l ' ,e Hon- ,-n. A. ."it Mid ,',,,1 I will rent i less,-tl,. l,...-I-.N I id ik. , , uaiUi.i u.) ;..J,..li,1.,i.,.il-,...,i .with..;. , .,,,1- , I.. lent i , , l.t i t -.1 a ,Vi .:'!. f-- t'firit-e I r nn , ... ..I'lr. -s in a Hill J It It. I t M H FDMI Mtso Willnlli; Ion, .' Ap.ll '.'I Ml lit -uie m:vs I'AimEK, p r nils II Ell W K K K I. i A I aihuiovii.i.i:, . By R. M. STOKES. HAVIM, i rilCIIASFf.TIIF OFFICE (F l lli: Asheville News, ha.e tlefer. tinted p. , r iarii: it and d Mttt Us Cohlinils Intire esp.-e.allv to the liil.-r -ts .1 Agriculture, Horticulture, Mining, and all the otln-i ui,luti ml pursuit of the Hi.te ' of North I an.litia. For this purp,.M I have cured the assistance ..f niaiiv ol the tVst ,.,-, ..-inl i ti,- writers in ata-arlv all n.rl. ... ll.n .1.... who have aere,-.! . .- - '-' . 1 lll.ll.llli. 11.1.1. ,rlu .. Iu eolunins valinrrrc mhtnmrtiw n H We -ul'j"'"- , p. .. loi lo mi.l.. h will h. the ,i.le .. the 1', the "Ae,es.il En mri .iiHof tin hand., nu. .st Sb ell a. most val.inlile sel l. nll .11 si mid fsmih1 Jfiiii.al. in the st,,, . ll.e Si'miuH .i.wo- is pui.tish. I in . f lb. richest Ai;ricultnii.l nhd miiin.i; s.c.,u. ,,f -" ...,--..n n.,..., , ,,aaisi,- m troit.Re of ten . oi.m. s Tin. fact give, ii g,.-i - - "j" - i('i,, n j ,iw tnul', 'lUco,.i.;ai,' invariably i,,'.dV.'.,..;. ' A D V K It T I K 1 N tl 1 fbinare of ten bn, s 1st. insertion. fi nn Eaeh aubaeoueul insertion M Liberal dis. unnt biade ft.r yearly alveitise-. meats. n. m. hTokm. t Aprd J0-I17-tf Editor and Proprietor. FAKIIi Y OEOCEBA j "" ,' H. Pxaa,. w iu-mvuKu, Baleljh., H.C. JENKINS & PE RY. Faiall" Grocers and remmlgioB MERCHANTS, IK THE BKICX EOW, l our Doors North sr Iks) Im Of. ficr aud ussiuijr OpBsnlie IMHrkei KtUaire, rVi:TTEVILLE ITKEET, AIKlGH,N.a (i. aleful f.tr the nattering palrooag, with hi..!. .. have ht relnlore been ao kludlj favored, wars svtrully soli.it an iiiereaaed aliara of Uwnatr, ngeofthfeitisenaof Kalclgh arid tha arroaad' in it .--.ii.ui-. WitlitHit apacully ttaniia, w.dell a suite it hi in say, that our stock moatlv aanhZT .in 11 ari i.s as a... usually round ia famstl. ti. liosl .,( uur goods bava . tiiiiii. . i 1. . - Uiuut ui r V'.rk sud llaltiiaura, fur caaa. f it")s' to ls si le lu sell them uo satiafairi. 1.1 ins. In ail.ilti.iii to our akN'k ofllrueena. . halt a line I.. I of -".'., HATS AND KKADY MADK CLOTHWo ,:, l a .. li I lot of fonft etitHieries, eoaalatinit l-UIN AM) I' lNCYCASDIEH, RAISIN. IUIANDY 1EAC1IEM, ., jf? ...I .; In. h will 1 sold on reaaonabla tarnat " W e have also a Hue lot fa? tnoiia Darkaa Miitikiiig I'ldiat eo, wlueii we eaa implicitly tsxaaa. iiieuil to "those who smoke." Pleas call sad asa us. U will iay partieauur aUentioa to all eaaaaaa menta of lWluee and Merehaotuss ntraated to our eare ami -will entlsavor to ssB at tha bms: niaikei prieea. Consignments are rnpaeUuli. -..li.-it.-.l. Ily a prompt Sud close att-'atioa tu l.iis.iiesa ami fair dealing with all, we hops to merit and receive a share of pu tills natronaar. April 13 sil-tr r. .HOt.'X ll.lll'H. ' 1.' H'.ls JIAKI'.S' ba-ai ai ran Count J lanulr Hour ' niie t lour. l itis A. air needs no puffing It has givsa aiors eeiteral sanfaetiuu ih.n any flour in this siarkst Ii is ssrt et, rises well autl white enoogh for tha ........... .-p. ime. n.wiu warrsai 11 in svary L ',"'"" .. V'". ' " aell to trv it amleompare it with the beat Pstap. JESKDJ8A FERRra. Oppoaiu Market Hqaar.. April II 'Jit; If V i l l IIF.UIilNOrt, NEW CHOP, CHEAP JENKINS PERHY i'M.s,l Market Ktuare, favotteville Ht. Apr.l Is-'lVlf Slll aV llfUKlKG MSVaT, -ia;. til. Ilk' Ktssl April W Jii-tf JENKINS A PEHRl N' . Mla alfsitil ANB Pf.ltl.Kb I I' .1 and fi.ltimore Haeon at JF-NKINoA PERRY. April I; .1 . tl 1)01 1. 1 1'.V AMI FliUS.-CHEAP JE.NK1.NH A I ERKl April lvil.vtf V..I.EAT MANY OTHER OOOU THIN0S t . tedious to mention al JENKINS t PERIir a Api ii m-ai.vif I A ' O N , J H A V O M I I cl.FAlt lill:slDF-s. ' liLD VIR0INU HIDE I leu.-. Haltunore and Virrini. Hams .1 um I"" " Otlt'OLAR BELL. April ti jFl.li lorH NEW OOhHE.I BUTTER. A teat hefts f,ir sad. icy Ap.il X'-Jls tf DOUOUkB BELL. (. tll.ULN HiUL F. T An t te.lleiit am, le for Family ass .net rsewred I lxiUULAH BELL April U 'is if stsrkst tlqaara akiuarfY r" HARDWARE It HARDWARE!!! A IKS, HBOVKLS, M'ADJCS, HOES, f'Tt'H MRU, l ix. KKT AN1 TABl.K i I TLEHY, SPOOKS, TEA KKTTI.KS, SKIYKS, Hi Y I' ASS, STUCK A. ' l-Ali Lot KS, MATiHKTU, HAMMEJiS, . XML SCKKWS, !.( KS HOOK "AS 71 EYE II ISO KS, S. I. Itl'TPA. AVUVR BITS A SI) GIMLSTS. lot h I sin selling very cheap to does oat lot. DO LOLA a BELL, April m 315 w Jsartet Biuafr KskjN WHITE P0TAT0E1S. If van want souuithina roea In tha aliarjs uf a Pi talo, call and examine those which I am aoa tTeriiif! IXHIOLAa BELL. April zl-'Jia-tf a I. j KISCELLAlflOlTS. Ai mHi Wll lJAMH, C. W. Lajaarra. WILLIAMS ft LAMBETH, No. 4 Fayeltcilllf 8t Ralegh, N.C. Book Sellers and Stationers, DEALER IX ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL UOOKH, . STANDARD AND MIHl'Fr.f AVtnt'a wnlHta. MHtiNICOOKH, JEWEL, BE0ALIA ; HOOKX ON HTOt.'K AND AORICtTL II UK. NTATION'ERT ; PRINT IM. AN!) WHAPPINO FAF-EB , PRINTERS olPPI.lEU; II' nti. ANU OFFICE ItF.QUIHTEil ; A I.IK MS ; v I F.ltFI MEIIY, rNCY A RTICLEH, if. .- aie nn. urnvinK new supplies, uid will bs eoiistautlv mailing auch ulditions to our Htnck ss will enable its to furnish every artiels osnslly ksra in a tlrst class book Htore. Our facihti.is are such aato enable na to furnish in a very few days, any , article not on hand, sad all ord.-is will have our prompt attention. our business, will lM. conducted ew ths cash stsletit and ciery aitn le sold at ths very lowssl l le,-.. VVil.l.IAMH A LAMHETII Raleigh, A n! 9 207 tt will sell i.i ihe highest httliler, st lbs Court IW ,),,, jn h.leiKb, ou Monday ths HOth. day ....... . .1 , .. . - ' . .. "i ..no 11, ,1. nieioiiowiiiii l.ronerlvorc. av. rants. " " " eerdn UAui iiarcel uf laud in ths dtl "f Hal e ik h s Ijoi iu hk t he i a I j4 . and other. AI,o. tlie uitrest of I'. Vf Farris III. same baHI.lt ..lie liiiil.ni tee iiuple, m and to the two lolloa.ult 'I he f.rsi Miiisle.1 in the late extended limiU of ih.-.ii,.lflt,,,Kh, wewlw.idolH.lifSvHtreet.na ,, the north svle ..f Johnson Wreei, siljoiuing ths ,,a ,. , mvne. i.v w u- i,,..nHiaih.M tvuitaiu- inu-oik-ihir.l .1 an a. re.'more or less. . il..,eabM,i-. . . . ,'" '' k J"!'"! .T1 t llaU'.gh. Wng Ih. Albert Carter thiV..ld- treat beinir twoihritla nftuid ha lusted tm the south anle of Lenotr Htreet. ir.ssis nisdo known oudar of sal W. H. HI0B. April S4-wtd Trnsta of C. IL Earns

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