... j : r I f r- . I . .. i tmmt VOL. 2. KALKIGII, N. C. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12. KS(J7. NO. 4. I THE SENTINEL . -4. VVM. K. PKLL, Pkoi-hiktoii. . W7T OF TllK VKOflJy The responsibility of the Southern pr.., llt die present tiuic, in a loiirful nr. How w advisehe e)U-, mi an to secure their hcsl future welfare, in view of -the exigen cies ul the present time, is - ditlicult tusk, alien the gloom d the present is so palpa Mr and 'he future is no firti1 Jiity. Yet miiut must assume, till n-Hponsilti lity , ami should deal honestly with themselves ami with the people. Wc w ere by no means hail) in I'm tiling uur c.nnclukn,alter the passage of I In- m i 1 -itary liHL.f Ten annious days elapsed bclore ' could ee a twinkling of light, hut, grap I'hutjjljjh l"' kti-rn uml stubborn lads be f.ire tts, wuiuUI see then, and cau see now, n.iraynt hope, but in a faithful -i 1 1 . 1 1 ami ulwervanoe of the law, embracing such It mamls a the party in (lowe r chose to impose upon us. There are, perhaps, Ihn-e t lasses t per mm- in this Htale whose views ought to be rt-t'iiiicil.d, iFHMnsi ble, uion this atiMirhiiig tpjcslioo. Unity of sentiment among im -ilt-sirahiA, Urortler to secure unity ot action. Tin' jiliigmiiuU of few persons, it any, hate Urn convinced that the Cougifsnioual plan ..I in .iislructiou is wise, liumiie or (talc, ur that it promises in the luture whin its ivdi . ate claim. Ij aviug out nf view the .-il.ility, as charged ly some, that Con ress designed Ly it to humiliate, degrade ita.l ruin the South, it in la-youd our coin jrrlictiion to perceive in it any evidences i1' real statesmanship or any tangible prouts nt the philanthropy of the (,'ongnaa. Yet tlie i xperiniunt Mini lie tried, ruin whom it lli.1V. . We have among us, first, the Southern hoyslists, or Radicals, who dinlike the plan l I'tiiigrcss because not severe enough, hut a im a t-cpt it iu the hope ol st-curiii'. in soini- way, a modification more to their lik mt;, many of whoiii, it is nanl, will, with tin-aid of the Mm k.-, register, it eligible, il mil' against a Coiiit-iiluin. Thc-i-a sound class, who are It it li li ol tin' I 1 1 1 - 1 1 and anxious lor resloialiun, hut who sr. -o tally convinced ol the w ant of w i I and tiii.l statesmanship in the ongri -bmal plan, ami o it radical th-parl urt- iioili tin r. ll plllit Iphsol ihe government, lliat tl.. y smild prefer military mie lor yearn, rather Mian this plan, and hence wi'l r.-gist. r. Inn sill vole agaiuat the- CnmveiMioti Thin i ia-h in very small, hut many ol' tin in arc mil ini-ii ol intelligent e and worth. Ti er, i-tlnn, also, a third clans, wlut h we jndge lo In mucfi larger than hoth ot ihe otlnrn tgether, who desire a(i early rentoration ol Hie Htnt to th Union, and are feadv t" ai wt-jit Ihe Oongreaaional platforin as il is, in r'.,., faith, and will register an, I vote lot the I'onventioD. This clans, an i gi neral mil, irefef any other kind of govcrnim tit tn a military government ; hut their gie .t "Tijiai is to priH'tir'e our early renloraiion to lie- I'ulon, as altirdlng Ihe only ponnilile liojie ot leiwi' and quiet, of ntaliilil v in Ihe H"V"riimeni; of a settled snd reliaMe lalmt litem, of improvement in our linatiei.il ei'ii'litioii, and as ihe only means nt the in nisne of ciiilal mid imiiiigr ition llin views rorrenMind with lilin tlann. ilenei si- urgently call Upon all t itiz nn ol the plain tu njUltT by all means and to vol-, kuiI lultuinly for lh'Mt who are eligible io llie t'l'tivvntiou, men of tried integrity and rrliuhjlity, who will make the I'ongn snioual I'latliirm the basis of theit action - i'.ih,i,,j mrrt nvthinq Um. IMKKFKMM i WITH CI HI. M ruontTY. The habit of removing civil officers is be c miing chronic throughout the South. Oi'imral Sheridan, not satisfied with his pre viiiiis perforiuancea in that way, has just re moved the levee commissioners and lov. WclU himself. We have small reason lo re Kret the latter on hU own account. He has Iwriie himself uuworthily in his high olfiee, ami in repeated iirsl ant es has arrayed him nil sgainst the interests and the wishes of Ion people. Ilia conduct at the hour ol the riot was cowardly and unjust. Hut if he wire the meanest Executive that ever dis -graced the, Executive chair, we should still piokst against bin. itituuval. He was e lee t ed by the people of Louisiana after military r Distance 111 that State was overcome, and at time when it waa recognized by Presi dent Lincolu as iu the Union. According t " our view ol the t'onstitution lien. Sh n d in had no more riglit to depose him than he hat a right to depose the Uovernor ol New York. The personal or official char acter uf the Exix'ulive has nothing to do with Sheridan's assumption of authority. -It is a gross assumption ol power which "iitflit to bo sternly rebuked. AVe see, too, .Hat (Jen Sickles has removed the mayor Vwt cittt guthiirtlfci of KayetU'Vittc, Not th Caruliua. This is another arbitrary eier C'ie of power. If Ihesti gentlemen have a'lUseiHheir ofllces, let them lie held au -swi rable to the law. We have had enough of military misrule, and if public opinion was in a healthy norma! condition, these ar bitrary acta would not In' toterated lor a day, and the President would be compelled i correct t hciu . U-tt nation that satis Med with the arrest and two years' impris onment, without trial, even ol un unpopular ul rebellious citizen, is not as sensitive to individual and official rights aa it ought to he. The law should be paramount, and every good citizen should steadily and con "intently demand ita enfofcenicnt as wll When it is abused mi the persou of the un popular and obnoxious as when it is tran scended on the person ol those eminent and ladovcd fur their virtue. Wo trust that the people, will speak. uut..- It is. time that the nation was recovering from the madness en gendered by the war, and that the inviola bility ot personal and official liberty should on maintained in th broadest and most un compromising manner. National InttUi-Vutr. Kor the Sentinel, CQUMKMCKIUCA-T A T TllK VKIYKK- SI TV. ( II M'tl lliu., N. ('., Fiiibty, JuneTtli.. lHliT. Mks-i;-. Km num. - The problem is ap proai 'lung a solut ion I mean the prnblem propiuunl htru in H.M, by )r lloojier, tn tin' I'toh --or ol A-lioiioinv. "Does Chapel Hill lie in the ,aih ,, a planet or in that ol a comet :" Aeeoiiling t,, 1 1,,. v, ,,, servalioii tin n known, "it lien right in the orbit ol .luptier and bin satellites, and the period of itn revolution in about twelve years." Hut ih third Ihe discriminating libneivation dace- uur village on the track ol a comet v':o-,. revolut ions are ifiiickt-ii-ing, theli-l Ii.iviul; been accomplished in eighl eal-. Now ll M, ver'n theory be true, and t lie i inn. I., by billing into the centre of their orl.it-. c hanye their lliolion into bent and lighl an. I III.-, .-'line ol hope to nee tlie 1'niil. nt "I the l iiiled Stalis back In re in l;i. ll. i.en having heard llr Hoole i a I i I :i 1 1 I ax.l.'eil the illneil lie bar.. I. In 1MI7. I'l.-i.leol I '..Ik loiin.l at the I liivi'ln.ly I .Vi -lli.ellt and a Kaeuliv ol lone itn lulu i - . Is.',!) I'n-l.leiil Hit ehaliall In. t lie I. 1 ,11 j, jj.,U aiel M vi nleell leach. In Kit in ', I'li-i.leul J,iiumII MW :l total of i hi I v I '-'' an le irnern, and eight a- ttl-'ir in-t riletorn ; while but seven ol the Tni.i. n i 1 1 1 . 1 . . .mi- to inspect the eon. I i t ion . .1 their eleirge, inquire into the reason, ih. i.l.i, an. I -uyoe.-l ajipropriate remerftin Nt t r t h 1. ol lietn i ami lioiu alar. an. I in l.irg.- nii.uliern, of the lair and the I. rave, al.d .- linilal. C ollimeliicmi lit week at 1 'let 1 1. I 11.11 I ich ly I epaii I t hone who Callle to nr. .lie I to et heh.b, nous and S i e! heart I lltll a nil. .it Mill. In t.. ll ('..llllllelieeillellt, II wa-iolilil V l..... t Ii it (J..V Wise, n Virginia, w. .-il I .1, -un I tlie Anailal Aiblrenn Ik tore I he I. it, i.i Soiiillen. I It III r C la i III S on Ion titi.e inn xu ctcdly prevented lulu Ir.mi liiiliiling Ion piotiiine, atnl ihe Soeielv, w ho-, olatol l.e wa.- to tie, Irolu supplying bin plai i Tn 1:. v .1 Mi ll.ii.li !. tin will known I a-i . i ol li e l!.ipli-l.l hlirch in Kaj'l ttcVl'le, X l . pre ll ,ei til.' million III t he g i ;,. Ihat. n . ,i, e.lut lay tie. riling Ills text vv a- li un I. uke in I.' "Hut one thing in nee 1. u ! " Th in one t hing w as clear I V and giae. tiillv n.-t lortli an ".Moral Culture," Willi ll, l llnel , in -11111111111 til SaVC US troln lllllal-lll II I ..p.liioi.-, Irolll the .laiu.1- ..t a in. i.i, ml. Ini iii.il culture, t ' 'in i.i rn . i i . I 1 1 1 .. i ail in. !ti nn the weakiie-- i I i I i -. ly bal.inci il -mil. ami tr. Ill w . ' .u'ii. .1 -i pi . Iieli-lolm I micel n Mo l:-! -(.iel. .-I .-111 (i-teii.i. All I I. -i I III.. II l.-l. . - t toll ln.it tie- iii...il cititMie win property sc i i. ii -t a: the I 'ii. r-M . an. I (,. Hh Faculty I. . l.e a- e iriie-I in iheir lal.ol- tor thin i-ii.l a- wit- lie 1 1 I lie lam. ii:.. I i m league, .!..-. .1 i -. i nt. n i ini' ii i- it I .in -1 t. vv ith III I k- I .o I. 'ii I .11, He -II. .-I ...-. ol the p.iW. r .! .. ;.i a. Ii. I oe I all lAeellelit non ol r. Ii-ii l.-i I..- -I... tii-n - No such merely wul j-i!... i lou-o- ever heard tn the li-ijn i ..I t it. b m 1 1 i - i u a- t It it vv liit h ae i oliip.ii.i. .1 t It. -.meet. I: wa.n Iru'y ex .pit-lie. thottli pio. ,-, .ling Irolu niiile v-.ie. - .-nlv Th. M. i-. V il-.n, w ho h ive lor i vi i.o vi a.- I- t.n .'levottng iheir time to lhe.nltiv.il t tl.i- il. pitltllt. lit o I tllU -ii-. -Ii.iw.'l lv I 111- i v hi bill i ill mi Ihe pall "I In. 11 pupil- I Ii 1 1 lie V pon-. -n rale taste all. I -kl'i ).. ll.. it plole.niou. T he violin -ii.. ll.. v -it ,i. ptopi-i in-t I unit uts for the . ..l' ll ...Ii -.1 a t i. lie. I la-It nlii I the grail liotioi, .. a l i. ,1 ear llt.neitie Hie mill l it-' i till" "l li it t ..H elVi- nha-lelo Mitit.'l, I'i.tion alel llulcv ami gullals i't tel ll. .It - lt ii.li Itia.le an. I lilt ( hatllcaily pull- T o II-. tit. Ill itll-.-bt leiplllin that plSVeln la ii.e.iil.iii- Itut geilitln tllltlsitS (till i.ipi wlui. Hit ia.l.,li..i-..I pic ale liili-tili I ui-l. I1, it .. ot tiiiiiilv aligel- n -'il' I ,.ii' ti ui 1- net-ie "lit n tin n -will In--u' ie.-t 1. .n m.t nt tllell pleltv lino, i ll- I i t,;: 'itn. I In lat It I . ll w e t aiin.it .-1 ill. I -I In. I I Ii, H , ,,. - i.i t... I. n, n ,1 'i v . -. .1. il 1 1 . th- li t.pl.-t I I'lol lb p ..I the Ti 11- lee.n ol tin- I IllV'ilsllv, a illncotirse Sttlllg I. ilil, tin tl.ilill- ol tie Stale KeV. 111. I'hll lips to ri lie nil. tan. t a- a t h"lar. a Teai her a I Itvme, an.t a- a Mail. A- tiiin addrt kn will lie pu-.b-lii .1. all ctie,rav in lriy t be portrait ll pn-t I, - wlii 1...1 be IleC n-ar) tor your ni.. ' - An w ho knew lr. Phillips lh-clatc'1 thill II w.i- .-iie;ul;u ly lelicitoUS, at t.lite jn-l an. I if In i"', lb.' product ol a head an. I hint t.it .ippi ti liiti n and a. I niiren in. lu-ti v , ti in hf .In. .. itn.l piety . lb. Phillip- ia I ii Stat. , in Im.'ii, and it W as n lliil ke-l bv i lie ol the I'l ll-tet. ot t lie University, that mom- mid the same year the road' t" Imp' I Hill saw I'lcsidellt Johnson collie o'll, to ni..vv the sons nt North Cm-. Una what they tould do, and Protfunor Phillip- comino m, tu n(,w them w hat they onulil to il". The audit in e iu and aioiin.l the Chapel on TTiitr.ndav, vva:- very taige at"l brilliant Manv brave knihin vvtre llicre, becaust, there were many lair ladies. On the stage were President Johnson and St eretarii. Svw art! and Kaudall.lb n. Su-kles mid (ioveriior Worth, .1 ti'lgt llaltli , lb.' l uMilellt of the Ullivernlt V , tin ( b.iplillll of t he day, 'ItcV. Dr. Uul'l'ind,) and the oraturs from among the graduates. On the flool of the Chapel were Tlll-tte- lla--cll, Caiilt-ron all. I Sllober, Mr. liitth . the TicH-iin r "1 Noith Cuioltna, Col I I ; n in I . .t . I. lon.ial Aveiv, and nilur oniietnortln t . S A.. ; ottuiii .Mnn-heiiil, (it-lit nil Ii-ii i iii:f t , ainl other ollieers ol tlie late C. . A , lii.v. t link an.l hi-lin-oeiaten who I'oiin the Cmninitttc ol the legislature to t -in i 111 r- ilil.' the pil-' lliiiuagellu ill and prenelit cotidil Ion of the University- Is' sides lalltolln teat hi I-, with the It allied laWVCln, phv-iti'llln llll 1 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 ICS VV llOlll t III' v tiliee latiglA.. i The evere'm n ol the ibiv vvele iHvoi-tliiig to the l.illovvtng pi o;t aliilltc . VOIU..SOOV 1. A l' S.lbll-lt-Aj. -(Ikoiuik M'Nkii.i. Home, Kuveiteville. '2. A'i''"' '" St. Ilehii't.- Wtt.t.ts Al.n ton, Halifax '. :t. Tl.i- .1.. h'.ii l,'ti!n'i,- -Wiiiivm Hkmiy Mii.i i ii. Mii Iby. . Th, Aclurrrmrnt .loo'-l. Al.- IIKMT liAI I.ITIS (Mill. Chapel Hill. 5. The ."IV "f Muny. WlVHH.ll Stn'IT (il'TIIIIIK, Cblipel Hill. 6. Ih'l" '""I I)imljyitit nirttt ft'- l.'f'r.-- Jttitsi (ihahaw Vol mi. Charlotte. AKTKIINOON. I. V .('"( '.'' V'-wri llniiKiiT WoKK 1kSS. ( ollCol'l. 3. 'it'll I 'll ('!!. Wlll.lVM Hit KS ll'Kk.Vt8, Tennessee. X i,'uaAriHUui. Ja.ik Biuunuhi.v.a MiTCHKi I , Alabama. 4. Annual lUfHM't. 0. Mrt Ctmfrrrtd. 6. 7'Af VaMiciory. 1'atrih Hknhy WlNHTt)N, Hertie (!i. 01 these speakers, Messrs. liccvea and Mitchell were, excused Irom performing the duties assigued tliein the tnnner btrntimt ot sickness the latter because other tlulies detained him at hi mie. The Salutatory was praised Imx:husi as usual the aiidicme did not know what else to do with it. Mune said that the Valedictory was the In -t thi v ever heard. A I the close of it, Stti.tniv Seward, in behalf of tin- . Yale.i)it:UiU'Ui.'. rather, presenleil the winner ol tin tout year's race an elegant gold watch and i bam. ot American M.'iniitaeture Pr. sid. nt .1 dm son, who had paid marked alu iiumi i.. tin oration, also rose, and. shaking hands with Mr. Winston, congratulated biin on Inn Mu cins. From the Annual lt port I extra, t tin following statements, an i ic.lil.d.V i,. tin young genlh iiien, gratilv in,-' to th. ir Irieuds and interesting to the pation. ot the University. At the t lone ol it College citreer, Mr. Win-Ion w a- act i.unt ed Ihe bent, Mr. ,,m- tin- - I I.i -t. and Mr. Means the third l.,-l scholar in a i la id ten. Hit ill-e ,.f the llllb lib in i ol Ih. limes while it was in Culleoe. in. a., unil. 1 account of the punttiiality ol it- l n n I i -ttlllhl be kept. Mr. Mean- vv im the only llll llibei o fhe cla , 1,,1-tuniite a- to I.i pri nt III ul cat It ..I itn eiohl nil annual i iilnilliiiiolln. Mr Miller, who all hoieji a : gtaul scholar, could lloi. nn ,i 'in. in)., r .,1 "illy - year n slaii'lin.. i .imp. t, n.i h..in.i- , in scliolamhip. wa- tin i.nli m. iul.. i not . ab-ent from a dim during tin nim war. After Mr. M. aim and Mr Mill, r. Mr. Win stnu was the Inonl pUllclllal llientl'i-l ol the t la-n. Auionii the twenty two rt-jaUar .lunioi-. the first rank in scholarship n as "ii.i;in -I in the oriler ol their names" to M, i-. Maverick. Hii-bce, lliirgvvyn and .Morehea.l. 'fin- necimtl to Mr. Harper, and ihe thiol t., : Mennin. Ilattle. Fetter. A Otahaln Horn. I. .lollcn. McNeill ami Stray hot n. Mi 1' 11 Means obtain..! the lir-t .li-tint lion in Latin, the -H '.lld in the liibh. 1..1111.H and (ireek. an. I tin- t liiid in ( h, in i-t 1 ! Of the Junior-. .Me r-. Ilaip. r an. I l. itt.i were alwi-nt from no dutv ilitrin' tin- vi.ir ! Mr. lYarnon from none that In- .1 p.. blvalllllii. VI. --I- Mavt in k and I'm. wtrcabnent onlv tlvt tiiut- , M. Mie Ilattle. IllirgVV VII, l!ll-bee. Fetter. 'I (i. (iridium, Horner. Mean-, Mor. In : I 11 Watnon were alno mention, d : llhv hon.it lor puncttialitv. 'fhere wi re tweiilv two r. -. nlai nit-nil., r- ' in the Sophomore cla-n. Tin b. -1 h, dar- in the class wer W I'n el .1 l Webb "The si, I Mennl- Fuller, Men The third l.v M.s-r- and U 1 In ,11. I i,b. M tin In-., 11 and .1 H . -'. Nles-rn. ( ovvperand 1 1-..11 vv t 1 . i to be of the llt-t rilllk in the lull I I I vv hull tlei larat ion mad.- -t.un w a- t heir rank in Mai In -unit n Little of tin third in Matin lllall ern langii.-i". -. Mis-r-. Kitting, 1IIc.Is.h-. ( ... Staliet-ll ami Stctn-on won tht in punctuality by being iilnav: a-k -., and Mi - .in I M,, I In ,11 Fin-. ' t,l -t lull. p. 1 Ulal pruvers, preaching ainl ittiiatnm ,umii-: the year. Messrs. Cowpcr mnl Mm, hi. ,11 weie alwavs present when able I,, ;itl. n.l Mr Means "snapped ' lour tiim n ..ml Mr McXidcr eight tilnt-s be.suseol si. kltc-s Mers. K-lts. llr. than, and Porn 1 vv 1 1 e 1 11 tirely punctual timing the la-t term of tin year. Messrs. .loin -, l.itth. Maverick. .1 M. Webb anil .1. C. Webb were al-o holiola blv luelltiollt'l bet ail-e ol tin ir .lint ttialilv The Freshman el .-s nunih. i. d iw.uiv eight regulars. Tin- lir-t tjuart. r of their race in Hchnrbirslup w.-i- won l. M. i llucliiiniin and l.cvvt-, who came out ahead Of all III.' rest. Next to llll III VV tie Mt s-ts. .1. llattlt and Win-ton . mid in xi i.. tin in Messrs. Lindsay, Mulloy, Mi Kay ainl. Moon Mr. Yellow ley VVa- ciilllltcil al i:; lie- on.l bc-t ill tile I am; u:i ms and Mr 1", r, I... iiinonti the second in tlrttk Mt il,i cailli out s.-eonit best in M 1 1 In in tl n - ., m I Mr. Slitnii among tin- third-. When I j..i I Colli o. pa-1 thirtv a: ago, lir-t im t- in punt uialit v lei i i . in w..u by attending prayti-al niiuu-e and pri.u.h ing iiic-i In- Chapa i, .suutti". r and vviuu: tu t'lil.l and in ht-.ib li i' ipiin s i.i, -nth n, If dcllinl lo L" to plavt r- ill 11 A M. ami to plimhilio wllt'I..Vr I...I- hie the llto-t pretty ills. X.viiibih live .1 ti..--e Ircshitnii, vi. M. -si--, lliu It. tiiin. i ....s. Ki-ri-bic ami I'owtll, and Captain N..bi. wtire alwa) s pitvsi-ut w lieu t In- roll vv a- alb .1. ami Messrs. Mik-iv and Win-im! :il-.nt oulytwite. Ml . Mill III II Vi a- ah-, lit thine Irom rccilat ion ami Mr. Kivc-, i.. lie- l.t-l tiiile in the bast- letll club i lout t nut - t lot ino the y-t ar. Mesnis. Liv ing-toii, l.ii:il-av. Moore and Shaw have iilw av n In-eu pit-tut since Ihev etiteted College at the lieu; in in Hu nt this term. Ilesides the regular Hat-calaiireali - tin same degree was conferred e..i-.i t..i... , on Mr. William li. Wi-bb.forineily a stinlciil ol the University and now a successful teacher in our State. The Master's degtec w as con ferretl iiii the billowing graduates : Walter Chirk, ltobert W. I tile, I 'leliit lit F. Dow.l, Albert It (b iir.lt. William A (iiitluie. S. Ldwar.l Hints. ( ol .1 T. Mm, le ad. liev. Calv in X. Morrow, Uichar.l L. Syk.-s, .lohii F.. Wharton, Abnio C. W hiliu r. The th:iree id Distor id Oivinily w is .conierretl on the Ktv. Hit Laid Him s. ot Memphis, Teiin , who eratliiatttl at tin- I ni vernity in IN.itl, was alii riv al. I- one ..I il tulorn, 'and 1-. tiovv an lioitored and ae. t pt t ble Uiviiie ol'tlie Kpinenpiil Chinch. The lit.norai y tlegtee ol lloct.w tf Laws wan conlerred on the lion. William H w artl, Stvrctary of Slate 1,-r ll.e I'tnwd Stat. s. 'fhe usual th cla:n:ii ion- lor Comim-i t . nienl week vvt re exhibited tui Monday and Tin sday nights according to the lollovvuig siditiiui s :' VIOMIAV kVlMMl. .11 NK li, ISHT. 1. .mfrii'iiu Ih,i iHii.lim; .Iavii.s II. ' i-' f i.ow i.kv, (Ireenville. lliir .ire thlMijht.it l',il'u u Ckaii., Alaiiiant'c Cotiiity. Tht Stmt h trtnitn u ln-t Ani.hkw M. Si I' I'll KM W . Noiu K, Lenoir County. Fr,e lHllnnitn Wn i.i wi Richmond County. ill t II IV VN, SVII I II. Ii'ob W ti.st.N .! Z'-isA FntliHHUinn caon Coitnty. I liv true, itt.ieee .1 vvii - b II'-., M'Kav. Harnett County. 2. Mixii)'ii f''iffi. ''I.iv iNosToa. Floriibi. 1-hr I'mtliif PaMKI. A. Eh, It I.o Nil. - Ks.v AI ilii.oit'e Wilt l a vl Sll, U1 Hl, t'ounty. ' ,,- ,1,-nttnit ot the Human A'.n-e A. SiioiiTKH, Alabama. h-ttli f jjfnyette IvH llK.N Alabama. - VruJk vtiwji Nkijuiii H, Fo ftai. ILaot ilen tonnty. J Tht Maniae- QriNTts 1'. Stt.Kk, Alabama. TlIESnAY BVKNINd, JLNB 4, 1S(17. 1. Acadrmieal SdwatioH (jicoRriK H. Kh tks, Georgia. The l'lih himrrrr'tioii - Joskimi ('. Wkbh, Hillslnmi. (I:. W111.1 I'.,. Count Auirtflm'ht tt' t11' (nmtitutUm -I . M vvt itii k, Texas. ' I: lm'KL JoKkS, Jh Caldwell M. W11 e- .,,.iii,-iwlfl"li I'KTKU 'S, alt. Iltoll. .I's.-.'y .1,. UirJitlivn - l'l.A H I). W.u. I;. :luni!L;ton k .' ('...,'-., . Si. (1 vnt M'.Ni II s Snl 1 v 1 -mil! v -vviin T I'iiiim., Wil l I VM II.. Ill l llsolt, 1. 11 .Iaviis M. Mk.vvs, II. .In id l I V IMiKli till VII wi. Cumin r . I ..I I ', .1....- v Kt- ..., lf lit, i! tiflil ('II A It I KM v. Morganlmi. -peeclicn luu-l be vei V en-v p i.tllv at ( bap. I Hill '. they - l,t II thele so 1 it I I'll . I tried il.,',-ill 11. al!v tl.i'tv veai-a.fo. i -'illn ri-nn- more good sp.-a k 1 ' 'n -liiin n t loin iiluono the TI .- b. -I pi Im h, that 1 heart I - 1 II ot-. .in I ii.-. I v.r. Wilson I 411. .11 to It,' I It. b.-t speakers The graceltll Itianuut r plcan.'tl c Vles--. Sntl'li. pc. i tlly Mr S I. . For' in 1 -. t. I I ..-ll .,' t '1. spill! -I elitph.l-.- Mt 11, Nlde M. lv.... . It I I I 1-1,1... .,, and illin . t, t in. 1 1 .I b.r . -p.., .11-1 1. p...p I I I. tlen 1 llie - ..1 e- ol I In p, I t me. 1 ! 1 1 1 ltd iu, t II F 11 nil v I Ml. hills at our t t bt II .1 nn ell - b t-i 1 1 in il blm.il straps in.it -ha.s, or iii at :. - bill Inaiiani is '. any I i . i n e in tin it inaiuli station ', In w t ii proud of tin ir .. I In ir It pre.selita- 1 1 -i at tins tlln, I-, tln-v dl I so as I- Ulev llll I olle.l b I' ei 1,1.1.1, il, olh. I .!., .1 II,, lot - .Itffi'.'! iL I.- VI. id , - t i .1 I'l th. -I. U i ll.l I , V'ill tn: 1 In- s.oi-11 t ien ii', ,1. and ti it in l-t an mm b in, ,i i I .Mt ta,hysic-, anil I n- -how that they call ' - an I tiianuof a debate in ! v. it it a- uuii h i iturtesv as nm "i a ' bint e I'i, -i I, nt at,,l his party ' .J all ,,l s.-rvt r- -and of u i. .1,,- in,, si aiteiitixclv 1 -n - b.-Nim--tinkers. The ,-, r. -I I.I. Kit, t , I. i,, . I,. I .l.e -I tb, lllalcctic NuietVlllliI i. Mr. I; no lull and Cloncl hoin i 'In! mi lit. ij.ii -. Mm Ii id what thev . ii ( It , p. I 11 dl ha. aht-ady i.p i v. m - .-Ii.ioii.-, Initio ri polled bv pi ..' i. . .1 p. il.- t i,a etc. bile I I 1,1'-, 1. albidt .1 to the dill ' U . hi ow n rrtrr and fxftnrt. ' 4 . nullity im :i to love the truth ami I, Ii i in n t's .I, h it' , . I thought ol v.eorgc ' , . I In- W . 1 1 1 h I'l ll I Collier's bwv of vi bo by steadfastness; to principle. i.i, ant pel d-l -i. -t i It Mo : inn ot t I-, has biotpiy ami still rougher .Uccee,l"t ill rcviiluliiini nt iiiiiin- ot the world, (teorgn n n- n t i 1 1 1 (i u) -taut I v to vv hat is good tin. in tin- new - President Johnson n.l- i.tiite-llv tor what is good and n ih. J'he Lii"ineir devised and 1 1 lit adv i. Hi. I a . I. 1 1 V t I itliee lor the masses o t mint i v nn n tioiu t he ty rt itiin v of capi T he Slateslnilll Jileads lor liberty from I mid 'm "ti leii- The in in of iron and l,.l- l-i - -1 1 - - 1 the holn. n ,, the people n- lok-(-uti i. The man of Law and Itlght .1 - 1-- l.ili. tit. htaltn l.ieeihe, .s tal. tin lb, I -It pbetinoii pel III, ate ami 'I'll v lib' n -ti,, in, in lit Tii 11 111 - ol our I'll -idellt petlu on, inniils, iind hearts, V 1' U.. s lib vta,.'li I I. nl, l.l Nt l: u X.. I l.e !" ' Alu' t.LMuIAl. A'.. a:t. - Sl l'iiMi Mm n i '. M i AhV I list ttlt'T. I uoih. i-u;. i I Mil. I Its vv nc nam.-. I lier-iills ate ht-ri-bv upl tied ami ciuii ilutcil a board to report, f .t to -t. hiaiion anil t air action ol the Commanding I b-nt-ral, micdtul in laligeuteills, rib. -, r.-iiiai inns nml lorins ot proceeding loi it gisirall.-n : Id. vi i i ..I. II. .' A'..;,i, U. S. A , Major o'h (aviliv, I hit I ol Ihe lull, allot (ivil All. lils. I'l, nldelll. . . A ..,, d sialisbury. North C.uo Nma .'. ;,,-..-, ,.,,, ol" K.-tl, .gh. X ( . . II. ti I., i, ot Chit lesion. S. C. I !,,: i.....-.,,l Li xiitgton, S t Tne limird will convene nod oruam.i at the Citadel III ( lull lest on, m, ih,. '7 1 1 1 . tlav of June, lsi;7, nn, i -it lit, ni dav ltiii until dissolved by onlem ! these 1 1 1 a. hpl.lt- I. I- T ... I.oat.l ivill i ll-...se from iheir Mini b. r a i; i ..d, i ..I lio n pr.i.-eedlnns. ami in: 1 11.1 I It I k. Vi le up ii ale ui i-hal-l noiexcciil tiiittilflllars a dav. The ...nn, vv id pli-V l.le an. lin ili.i-r of tne apal t lilent - ('it ..hi Ih. -tillable the I'.oal.l .ml AtloM I lie -It . I A-i- m t 'n ml nei at It -pllsill d the I.'" I hf I'rcsi, the II,, mil, nlppi-oved I i Ii -I ill ionerv , I.o. ki ami punting ii- III ty be litpilli'.l. having :i tl'l' reilltl Iii i-,iii.in I the .li-p lli ll Ot bii-lll.-ss. 'fin-e, unpeli-at I. m "l I He incinU i , (t iv ll i.iiis) vviil la- six doll. Us ailay ami coinluilta tloli al the rate of tt u i-ctils a mile f.-r t acit lull' llavtllld. .I.IKII," the lllait'nl U Hill l.u.le limn III. ir respitltve piitifs ..I n si tleltee to alld In'lll I 1 1 II r i-n t.ov 1 . Ily . "i.tiiiiiiid ot Mat..! l.t-iitia! II. 1". Sit hl.U- . .1. W. ( l.ol s. I ,pl alu ii Mil I nlaiilM . IV C. A A A A 11. 1 if l 11 1 xt I W . I 1...I -, i ap: ni .i h 1 1 1 1 an t r v . v. I i. v . .V. A A A. li. ! i ii i iii.il I i i. i i i 1 tel. lav tiie 1'mV'evor bu ll. Is ,. em m, - iili ol; 'i in-: Sni i ti.- 1 1 -Lowih-n, Willi :a. mill I lor tin- .It siuiiti . ii in. t, iii oriri.i uffjM A, i III, t- ..I . .Ill ll 1 tUnu.t. Hi il. i .in : S. lit out Iii III. Ulalcll, beside- ii a lolai of 1.V1.IIUU hti.l iU In ii. I Ci lli llll -I. in : int o i iobil of about fillO.uOtl up .lint ril-.iili'd uniting m-vih- to this .late Iv eii; hl ( oiint ics in (ieorgia, twenty seven iu Smith Carolina ainl sixty vil Aliihaiml. - X. r.'TrftriinK'JAii:"'' '' ' '"' ?"''' A pretty girl says: "If onr Maker thought it wrung for Adam to live siugk, when there was not a woman on earth, how . riiiiinsll;,' guilty are old bachelors, witU the world lull of prot.ty girla." TK.WI.SSk':'. The stale of things in T. nn. ble. There the ilev lee I .1 s. stnictiou, so biv.-ie.l ih c. rtntit p.. I iM-en 11 n.i. 1 li. oovi rnuii in il has lain conli.li . I to the hmd ,. called "loyal" and in-tt ad of p, gootl yrtlcr, tin State groans vv 11 h Ll and anarchy I'.iovv nlow let- put the hand- of ,, hi- nm-t .1. and bid tin in take lite l.v ant li. .1 1 1 1 pleilMlle. Wi ike the t.'ll.'W .Nashville in,,: r I the M in-tant lltol., I l'i,iui 1; r. .1-1.,, I . Ml lilil 11 I'.V VI I ll Oil I V The '.iu ,ul ',,, s. 1 Ihuu i,;.. I;.,.,,. , i-endor-etl tin iiiur.lei id a 01 1. , .,1 ion ol Flan kiln cunt V b in 1 . 1 a ,1 I ! null! ol Kit k III ill 1 vv ho hold- 11,0,11111--. troin liovciiior lb,. w ul. w to In v w 1.1 Icllol l. Ihe people. V.I ,!..,- I' t. '' I tin I ! 1 1-1 a 111. il It din. I ilil II, a! 1 I tie,-,- v, In, ' l I lie bn! -u here 11 a, H 1-. - a c. mi 11 nam t 01 k ail. I 1 In alr.ii i.m-. -v -ti 11 is I I b Ul id' gellel.ll .ted III We I, Y'll II t I' - on 11 vv ol.l- I ,, rend th 1 1. 1. upon the cliar.te'.ei lug coiiin, t ul up, ,u the -halm ie-s 1 01. 1, --1 ,n ol the III 1 1 1 . lere 1 'T he report ot Captain Kick man puts tl.u affair in a vv I,, llv .ilil. lent lul.t that in w Inch it Im ! en paradi ,,-1.,'h'V p I in th. ii-;, h, - T he cut .1 1, l.tiio-.t, ,11.1 II . Sea'. Wil- '11 al.-llld llov lb. I, alb s-, -It l.l I-.W kit- , I l"l In .Iu' v I nn. ni. v ii. ; b, hand- alba- pit-l S. 'Illlele l.-l .1 and n tin, a'- In tb. b! la nil n .1. llllii t rs W ll - ale a govt:rtiiiit'iii to mti the line of dul i I f. Ill pbu e ..I t h Timtn had w ril'.t a 'I Ml. COMMAMo lt IN hlliltll lloVV.N VV , .VI- siinoi,'' its laiigiut"i pr. Ssivc or Us iiilb.e .i- a h.oi ' I ,i t u.tlti I- ! . i..tng, tit, ' Wl IN llll. t llll.K INs t l;l "1.VI.U 111 1 V cold. I in. i be inti III. .I t- .III., '.- -, ., .N VU. The pelnoii- e illipo-iie "ih. lulioranl. I..k e rccklesn and It I Use matt I in 1 milit tie I lot k Ulan X l, nm-. d I he VI ,n d Kit kllutli are hnn-.-ll. Ilu v ai .Made llll ol I It. - nl (h seitt is and Ii -p. nn lot s Irom l ,i h ,-r iirniles t In y aif lli- tif the late contcnibl captble ol loinilli". llll 111 . TheV imt lilt i tliserllilliiate .pel -.-Ihe l.-iljlt ol killing men and seeing men killed, during t anil with tlu-in it i- wai-iune still, iiot.tliev in it y vttv iiaturally intpiii tin v are eidisie.l, armed and t ..inpp. i it- vv ar. ll it In j e W ll 1 . VV I. V I tlnV are unified on "de'allicl st I it vvhv IhfV hiive a "couiluaiulf r in t hit I , ft fctcla." With I In-Ill . an in actual war, tVery adversary is an enemy mid eveiv cin-uiv i.s to be made xvnv wlffTby iiow t b r and ball. They are tor llrow nlow , ami ail w ho are aoainst Hrovvnhiw arc encini.-. If turibir excuse is lleetictl, it Is easy to npplv the terms "disloyal" and "Im-h it hat kt t '" to every active Conservative in Ihe Stat.-, tor such is the teaching of the I'i;m ,i ,,, it,,,,, und to shoot hint dovtii on -utl.t U b n they have ilone the shooting, lit. v kiem they will be applauded l.y the mill pip.r they are periullteil to li ad, and mav t v en hope for "pruuioiion" lnuu tin: oit.v i.i.t.-t..i rt-cognietl by tlu-in ; inuliflbe peoj.l. . u I, . are made the victim-of this sy t,ni ot -m thoriysl assassination, nicer in a peacelitl manner, an I he people ot Winch. -It r nn'. anil if such tempt rate speech.. - a- lli il . I Mr. Colyar are made, ihe meiisnreot -ell- ilefeuce ami the alipeal lot plot, t ti ,1,1 be tlenotincetl by i lie organ ami oracle of the offenders an "sc.litimis" anil "inlliiinina tory." To this coinph xion luivt- a great commonwealth mul a peaceful body ol cit izens come at la-l, in the initttlle ol the nineteenth i-i-ih in y and the heart of the Americau Kepuhlu. We have made a lull and responsible statement. .tVe have given the proceedings of a Ciiunlv mass ni.-i ting w ith the iiaun-s ot fifty well known citiens appemletl to iin call for protection. We have shown thai limwn was inurdt rial . that Sitiiiiioim was shot at; that Hvr nlv saved bis life by la'gging like a do itiul that all entile cmii muiiity has been tint, n t.. tin- hint ru -m'-, of peacctul men, thai of earnest ami prenn iug entreaty lor pi"t ction. This pn.tet -tion is denied lie iu by the Slate 1,,yein llient. Therein n.. nm in T tlin. . ce bu. the passion and capi ic- ot Uovernor i.rovv u low and his billower-. The people have borne and liirlsune until thev stand on tin brink ot tlest i in . ...i. In llieevainple t. t-.rt US thev have ne t in a la atnl nun i In I . have I lortli tliell gl a v ail. . -. lliil have a-kt 1 TL. Federal (Joveiiuiu it to suul I In in I". . I. m 1 troops. Thev b-ie sle.ivn that one ot Imm nutnlicr ha- b, , j, k -: i. ', t hat t w o hat .- an row ly es. api .1 1 1 .- -. are threatened I I- y are llyiug In the wo-. I lasell alialldolit-.l I li ed under the ex t-p-with wiiuiIiouk u i.ni ne late, ami ih.it a,' axv m ai e.l l ha i unit and that . r,,p- Inn, : have l.eeil . ui 1 1 s I .tilt,", cir.-iiui-ia'ii t -lance b a li-a.Jliiu citizen, ami have ilia lureil. not until cvc-iv appeal hn piovi .1 sort to ll.e plllU self pres.-rv.il nounceil an ' rebt I ing powi t, w im li the satin' linn' 1 1, a, the t rim. nln ui We add "in .e fering p.-. .p.. . (tiv-crnini'iil l-i -. i prntct i t l.i'iii A (irant. as iIi uimi I, : vailing, will they 1 . .w ot iiai inc. tl. i I. I III. V 1 1 a V . b. en ' ' . tin- orir III ol the tl ul I . . on t be ,s-a-silis al I I li Ii mis and ap p 1 1 1 v t s . 'Illlllll.l. j' .- to tl. it ol these -Ul . ill upon tin- F.d. nil I ft.-lU I1 etb rill tlitops to t we a-k ol ti. in rai ii 'lilt f ol tbc National arms, to cnu constituted I. ' soil supernfb l'ie '" I ,.,miiiauderin-( 'Im I .1 lawless army ot ruffians, mustering in every part of tin .--'ate to burn, t kill, to pillage. ' to insult, lo bully, and thus tti I-u'ce tin pi o- ; pie to be the slaves ami to do the will ol one mail, arid he a lunatic lailt upmi the ilissoltitioii ol ntsiitty. Judge W. H. Kelley was serenaded at ; his hoine in Philadelphia last night by Ins political ll ielliln. In responding tt, I he com- , plimcnt .linlge Kelley took occanion tn reler j to hi late cxiit riciiie at Moiuh -, and said . the riots were not charts-able ss iniicti to the citizen, ol Un disloyal aut hollti. n ,.f that place, a-thev w ere to Andrevv .lohuson, who appointv l .' a post of profit t here a recreant iNoi . 'n i in r, who piovnkt-ti the distiirlmnce by intlamniatory statements I In the public Journals days bcftuetits arnvul. The riots, bo said, were premeditated, ami ixt.iughl. iin. by any word ot but-j own. HiAiflJ'H Cui rttHiiulrnrr, A. 1. flfraM, Vtli. A l.v fellow, Iv ii K down on the grass, saitl, ' Oh, how i i)y wish that this was called work, ami well paid for !'v .1 it).l K IKh PIHH'HIKTOH. 1 I.- ,1 I". nn. 1 1 111, I" I .lute "I.- I-. t.sll i,,l ii.-i-i,Mli'enl hrtll-. . Ill 11 1 . -.1. 1. .1.,,., Ih. - 1' . . I, w 11 it n p. . II,. 1.1 .lilil d- I o ' ,1-1 inn.- ia-h.-iI- 1 I thai tin V lie. I- itiit'fnl ,'-a .0, ' sa . but ,-, II "-lull. 1 nn 11 II h 1 rl. d ,1,'. 1 I. e,.. I.I....S..I 1,1. Ill W lt lili! lilt, nl i e I ,,, , VV ,h., an I 11, ii I .tile lb j h b -n I I i. i ..Id Un - Ill I III I ..- -I A l j III. l; l i n ."i lie' im .d, nt is .- 7 . 1 .VA7-.7.'. . I he b- I .i .tiit ii n I and t I. in-,, that it sin, ii, ,1 be lead to every , le it-i.li"l,l in llie coiintiy. ll dcvclopes the ti n . a- I,v. piiuiiple ol kindness. How , ii. ai, i- u. i ..iin," ni. ,iisl, making his limt -!' p in . inn, . inioht be relief iiietl by the i x.-it i-i ot l hi-sublime trait in thecharac- 1. i "I l In I, in. I Iii artetl Quaker . ; William Sawiv, an eminent minister filming tin uiki is, was a tanner by trade. ilia i l;:ht a ipiaiitilv t. hides were stolen li.mi hi- taniieiy. and In- had reason to la . I i v ... t hat the tlii.-f was a tpiarrelsouie, ! di unkt n tn i"diht , i all. d John Smith. Next vv iik the bdiovvllig in I v el I iseuiell t appcartti 1 in the count i v l t w -paper i "Whoi Vi l stole a ipialillly ol hides oil the nl.li ol this m .nili. i- In r, by intormt'd that I t he ow llel has a -ineele w l-h to Iw Ills Irlellil. i If pnveity tempted him In this lalse step, ihrowni r will keep t he w hole transaction s, t nt, and will naiy put him in the way ot ol.tiiuiiii" iii. in. y by means more likely to Iu n, g him pi ace ol mind." Tin- sinnii.iia.veitiseineul attracted cou sidt tal.lt attention . but the culprit alone knew wlui hud made the kind oiler. When he lead it his heart melted within him, and he was billed with sorrow lor what he had tloiic A lew itielils afterwards, as the tan ner's laniily were about retiring to rest, lin y h. -n.l a timid knock, and when the door vva- opt'iicd there stood . I. din Smith, wiih a load ol hides on his shoulder, Without looking up. he sabl . "I have bnmght thi s, bal k, Mr. Sav ti y , w here shall I put i In in " W an llll I can g, t a lantern, ami will v , l, th, barn with thee," he replied, "then perhaps, i Ik.ii wilt come in, and tell me ii.m mis liapH-iieil. W will wsi what can l .1,-1.. im Hu t ." A . - .i. tin t wen- g.e ul," his wife pi. pa.le.1 some liol t.-llee- au.l platt ple and in. at mi tin- table When they return id limn lite lialll, sin sildi "Neighbor M1111I1, I ihou.hl sonic good hot supper Would le- g I I.U Ihe, ' II t .1 Inn Lack I , -. nd her, und did liot-ptak. Aittr hauiii gunt-t the lir plate ill silence a lew innllleuls, he saitl iu u t hoketl Voice : ' It is the find, lime 1 ever stole anything, and I have ft It Very bail about it. I am sure I didn't once think that I should ever come to what I am. Hut I took t. dunk ing, ami then to rpiarn lling. .-mcc lb. gan lo eo ilow u bill every bisly gives me a kick. Voil are the tir-l man that have i-vtr .-lleled I me a In 1 1 ing baud. My wile is sickly anil ' 1 1 1 y t I 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 si at v lug. Volt have sent Un m j many a im.ii. iud bless you ! but yet 1 stole the hi t. n. llin I ti ll you the truth wlun I ! siv it i- tb' lir-t lime I was ever a thiel 1 "Lit it Is- the hi-l, my Irieud," replied William s a , r y . "T he secret lien istl wm li nm -t i 1 1 -' T'lii'ii art still young, and it is nt i i I to make up for lost tune. I'loiins.- me that thou wilbnot drink any in t v,.-:iiiu h.pior lor a year, and I will em I ' it, t loiitmlow on gootl wages. Ihe bov can bit k up stone-. Hut eat a bit now, and ill ink Mime hot coffee ; per ;,uis n will jiii vent the Irolu craving any in i.e sir. met i to-night. Doubtless thou i,i I it hmd to abstain at first; but kitp up a b.avt heart lor the sake ill thy ni I children, and it will soon bcvtuin' c.t-i W hin thou bant need ol coffee, tell Marv , and nbe w ill give it thee." . The poor fellow tried to eat and drink, i ui ih. t I st cimd to choke him. Alter viti.lv iryino to compose his let-lings, he bowed hi in nl "ii the table anil wept like aihilil Aiiii awhile he ate and drank, ,.t,, h... ho-t palled with aim for the night w ith the Im-mlly winds, "Try to do well, .b.lin. au.l thou vvi.t always tin. I a friend ill in " .b.lin entered into hinemploy the next n.tv. and nntiiinci with hint iininy years, a sob. r. In. nest and steady man. The secret ot the tin It was kept lielween them; but iil'itr .John's death William Savery somr.--inues ttat.t the su.ii to prove tha.t evil might be ovi ri olne with good. llati- Iroiil S.ul l.ills I'otosi. Mexico, to the I nli ultimo, state that Maximilian's I ate still hangs in the balance. i Uitri' and ' hi- liuni-tel "1 11 dl- - held i t cnnfi-reitt t' on the sn,'- ponal of him. but the con. lusion I at is as yet unknown. In in.- tin v nrnvi1 meantime llie imperial pi is.nn r im nn.n . ; well and would probably Is- tak. n t" - -.oiiissoell ll was tholielit that .bn I woultl carry him to the capital. Tb. cap ' lure nl Mil anion w ith the resl was cut lit me. I. Miudez. however, was nowhere to Ih-I.hhi.I. I I.-, ..betln hail issued all mm r lb.it cv.t v i imperial iilliccr w Im hail lal sum ndt-tt d Jrtbm wsnly bmr hours shuuKI In- sloe, ( and aiiolln r coiiu'i ituliiting his tr.io . , - . i . t i . .. . . i i. . . iin-ir victory. -"'' ' " tunua, , ii Milwaukee pap. rs fecohl a siid sC.ix' ' H)t,t ' bloated and drunken vagrant w ho Tca pbtcd in hTttkMj4jU! the. thr j lllgtll. WllCrC MT wasilt 'lglllit il ns ..lira- me ted diviue who, years ls.'tore, hail, uutlerthe guise of religion, seduced the wife- of one ot bis pat inbuilt r, and w hose downfall, trora that time had been certain and speedy. I'lmnRamr or M.AHTtAmWo tk pleasure in trsnshrring tu our columns, from the Halluui.re tl,tette, the lollowing Coot" in.'iulation ol the School ol Medicine of the University ol Maryland. Itallituore haa the strongest laini, ujmn our patronage anil support lin all respn!: " The S. In Mil of Medicine ol the Univer- sity of Maryland has just issued ita sixtieth annual cin ular in ant icipation of the coming session of lHtiT tiS. It gives us ploasure to note the rliiiiiisliing t tuitlitimi of this ioati lution ami to know there is every probabil Ity that It will soon attract to thii city a very large pr-'p'Tlnni irf the al)ii-nta lniiHi ' the South, w ho, bm lor llnj events of the war, would have June to more Northern cilies. M ost ol the Professors are wel I k nown to the people of our Slate and a number of them are known by reputation to the whole medical frateinily throughout the country. One ot them, Dr. Wui T. Howard, is a etrau gcr here, having been only appointed lately, bet we learn that he wa regarded in North Carolina and the neiL'bborinjr States aa one of the ablest uml must thoroughly educated physicians in thai set lion ami his colleague liele aglee thai he is i nilllelltly to be Ml Con sidered. There are now una hundred and eight y live studcnls connected with the Col li ge, more than sixty of them being from Slates south of Maryland. Every facility lor the in tpiisitinn uf a thorough practical education is olferetl to them, as ther haTe Kcee ns to the huge Hosi ital attached to tlie College, to the Hay View Hospital, St. Agnes' Hospital, to those connected with the Home of Ihe Friendless and the Ht. Vin cent Foundling Asylum and also to the llaltiniore Special Dispensary. A tew years ago the students from the SotHh who were in constant attendance at the medical schools of Philadelphia and New York numbered many hundreds. Now that the Ihiliinuiic nllege is not only con ducted by I'rott ssors who rank as high aa any in the Norib, but pnaeuia so many other advantages lor the prom ciition ot their stud ies, w: may ii.isoiial.ly i xpK'l atmn to teas its list ot students very considerably enlarged. We have every hope that iu the course of a few years we shall have in Baltimore a Med ical College as large and of as high reputa tion as any that exists in the country." The Murlnmsditiro' (Tenn.) Monitor relate the following illustration of Imw bilk drm't register in Hiilhcrftiril : "Mr. James Tea siiler, whose loyalty lo the Union has never been impeached, applied to Sherbrooko for a certili. ate. He was :ice. inpanietl, ai vouchers, by two other gentlemen, who held certificates, ami hare always been cob sistent Union uicti.Mr. Tcssidder waa called tn one side ami asked it he woultl support llrowulow. Mr. T. said that he had voted lor him in March, IKO.I, but that be could not now support him. He wa then told that he could not get a certificate unlet be woultl vote for llri.wnlow. Iii ' loyalty ' was not questioned, nor was that of hi vouchers, but he was not a radical, and mult consequently forteit his right as a oitis .en." Our correspondent in British Honduras, dating Irom Ilelizeonthe 10th of May, says: The Coloiiisl Fvtsuliye CoHiioil, having a great dread ol he Indians, now prouoae to make a treaty with them. This la the last move, ami w ill bring the English govern ment in cuulliaion with that ot Mexico on the sujeel ol ixisting treaties. Perhaps Mexico may not be able to take her own part ; but she may, and this act will likely lie the means nl carrying out the Monroe dm trine ami making Mexico and the colony of Honduras -part ot the United States. At Yuri hralJ,th. It is confirmed that the Insurgent Cretan I ave been victorious st llll points over Omar I'aslia, and that the Turkish army in the inland has fret-ri badly beaten. The llulgariiuis and Servians have, it ia said, risen, in arms Hgainst Turkey. The Fenians arrtnled Jutely on the Shore at Duu. garvin, Ireland, report Ibid they came" inHir Huston, Mass. A captain of a vessel, w ho profcaacr him self a Quaker, Is-ing insulted by one of his crew said : "Friend, I w ill not strike tbee, nor kick lint ; but (holding a handspike over his head I I will let till billet of Wood tall on thee," ami he let the handspike faU on his head, which knocked bim in the scupper. "Now, triend, if thou art content, go unto thy duty; peradveuture the billet faileth again " W'v rather think that the most reluctant slave to vice I hat we ever saw waa a pool fellow who hail his fingers caught in one. Quills are things that are sometime taken fnun the pini. ns of one goose to spread the opinions ot another. MISCELLANEOUS. STATK OF NORTH CAKOLINA, ( now AN Col'SiTY. J 1 in of Pins ixn Ji iK-rut Huts ions, Hit T ina ltMi. T. J. Blind, ) T 1. Hell. S Attarhmnt. IT sppesrinii I., the 1 tuiri, thst the defendant is nut s i-.-sitletit nf i Iii s Mste, it la ordered th I puhl it-Hi i. at U uuii. .'or six week ia the KsH-is-h ri titni i. ;-v si tk nxl term nf tin- Court, to la-1,, l.l st the Court house tu h, teuton, .at in. l-t. ViMiitiay of August neat, to pit-atl, miss, r .a th iiiur to this cause, or judg ment bv tl. Isnli wo. t,.- eic. red agaiust him. Witness. Win lb s-klNNEU, Clerk of said r.tiirt. si i.lri-e ni fUlrtitoa, the lat. Monday of Msy, A. IL 1-N.7. June wiiw MlwTOYA IVOODWAKD'I WX)T'CII SNUFF i l A IN I J FACT I ' 1 Kl ' X WOiWAKl it iO BY N. ail U. rkil sii-t, rsilladrlBhli. tv, unrtti men n- .fttnlt-y titfnrm our Friends ci,' Vralrti.ts i-f it .- South, tftsl sp arc now mau- iiiu:,.H'-;s ,1 1. It mii; La" nil.-, ihe saute Artii'lu MOTtll Ml'l'P so eil. brstt'J liirnui;li,,lil the Soulh, previnns to the war, and which has been prtinnuiici'd by hun dreiis as Wiwfc'w'ip'rl' wy tw-wsev--... ' - -j.'. B. Merchants will please st inl for our prioe , wonrwATtD A c6. " LaTK I.IXTOS A Wot.6WAMD, J06 Market St. Vhiladelpiua. Hvt 7-fy W 4 t i i . I I i! I I i 1 r v r t I.

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