js--.-.. ' .. ..... :i 11 . VOL. 2. RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10, 1SG7. NO. (3. THjNTINEL. WM. E. 1'KUi, I'lmrHiKiiiu. i.V .U'COVXODATWr . nr.iv Nothing, perhaps, exhibits in u cleaur liht tlw demoralization o tin: times, than ,l readiness with which nun .l 'ability, j mining the former leaders ul public in i j ,u,.nl, urruiiler their old iunl clu ildicd po iiiu-al wioplca, and . atxcpi lhoe icw lui-i Uy I'jnuurly abhumed ami U i,iiincd. We do not allude In tin' issues ol Uery wiJ anti-slavery, ir of accession, or whatever I He reautts of war have eitln r set ilr.1 or made impracticable, 1'iit we pi ak ot I tuiidaindital principles, essential In tin- j mittioa rf "t RWffmwitl. j Pew jHiliticians have, in former days, ex Inliititl a greater 'ifMi.ili'Hi ! iufnii.i. .late ihMiMMslviii tti cireiiiiistiini i-s. I" j i l. ; i.i, and endeavor to get alu-wl nl, v i. i.n.- j popular sentiment, mini- r. adilv. than Mr I N . nl, the J-n-wnt Sn-n-l-rry "I --l.it.- j J,.rr llirt H .rt Iwrir. nr.- Mr. :ir, I :i nil M . lim-h-v n-sponsiblc I". t . - i I .1. .u: j ,iri. I t lu country Ironi I he great Ian. I j u.mks l American liUrtv. Tin- srllidiin-s i ,,l .liliBl ambition prompted III. in I., j the lion, tin- roj- y 'i, and till the j public iniml with wild .r.- ! a nm I runted ftroffrtu. Mr. Seward, l"..r -n. r..! ; years, lias wrmcd t wake up ! the j tly of checking thewi., yet nit his . Ilori- j hum Urn unavailing. Mi. (in-i lrv, ni tlii- ( .itln r limiil, lift the lien im.l. r -ml ii J l.inpl'niK I" tllBIMf '' wil1' 1 i pur. Wf tli' K l""-. iiiipi. p in .1 I , hear from Mr. h'Wr.l the folhmii.i; xpn-- ' M..n,l'icli onrflmixl Hillr..rr.-p.ii.l. i.V toft HH'S iinmtMl him - " i ik.I in hi lal" lirii l'i.Hii li al thai pi n . Hi nay that Mr. tv-nanl n niiuki .l II il... iiitirmt of Atiiirii-ii .l.iiiin.K ' Stat erel(nt!r. lw w f"t : 11 mandiil nictroxilit'" trnwiniin nt In lor it." IkfC, if aetinn.Mr. St-waril ih i;. itiii : I. I.i l.i ohl f.tan.1 oint, hi .li-p.- i . i Im-all tiling all no ". ' t l"i- i'i. i -m at lf ilnl'i""". tli'1 .I.m ii.iii t . Hi. uM '.ivi-rniiM'nt ami tin- f..iitiiiiii..n. lw ! I" h.t i-riinl for tin- l'i tl.n. .- it-. i upliol.li i" lii- ' I-1"1 ,; 1 : ' mi nt ol rriKi.h iil J.iliii-.in iii ! I' "' 1lM-ft'W wi'tnlttoly f.;.f. . "!. lakr it, fontain in a mii-li' II t1"- ' ' .m (jffV lVrtv " H'I". ",,t liich ha nally Uin hii.Ihi .r -in.. Hie Ibrmalion ol thf ll -piil.lii-an pailv.lu' thi- Con- r atuf mii n of tin- i .'imtu u.l the t. nil.r aii" or ICi.h.al- I I" . Imiiw runj; l.y tin- Ka.liraU y I uion ." "lovallv," 'iriiitor- ami In :i-"i'. I II, npl'lllty IH-Iore the law."-. ., ,. leuionifl instiuiueuls, l.y hnh th. s.. k tu ileatroy the old gnvi rnuienl and t " iiiauRuralu Uu"uittropi)litan'' d'espnii-in What i ln't lir Ann rii a ; I ' i- h till the rM'riment is niadc '; The "M enHiHW, ngitfty- .lmiMe.t adiow. lered in tlif "pirit and im enr.lui" in i ,. m I. nt ol it fotinler. prnM d n- .1 h i ' ll eitlty years l lc "tlie Ih st !',, , rn in. ill the world lW"W." It failed nil! I" li it iiaweil lit u:i.ltiiinis.Ti ,1 armnliu- m I he spirit nip I intent nf tin mi -titnti.' It .WM.HtMwUlhuUuU. I'oT HUt - MS..le l.lil.l iptimiK fanalii " rn t'"' "'i ih ni l i ' -i.lerate proilan ry nu n at th. smith, m .hr Hie .i'oinptinnsof a will ml i.n! il1' ! ,litwil munition. .1.1. n.iiii. ,1 to .hsimv II. The old novi nmieiit wpi- iml p ' Nnlliiii human can he ma, h -n nloi innately, tlie latin r could iml look ml" In tiirily could not provide a.iin-l th, !' M Inpniellts of progress relied loo i I, upon the folllinued hail ii and p tlif't tm -trf tlie -tiiimw wtinr.-, virht' d t" iniii l, to the spirit of coinpiotni . , ami. hence, did not a carefully and a- lull. .1, line the liowera of Hie Mate and lite nation id (jovrrnmciits as they -I Id hair done. Washington, allcr scleral years cvpni. m , . f.r.sw the r."'W upon which the nnimi mUilil unlit, ami jrniil it of the .lanr. r in his Karuwell addl'cA. The cp. ri. nr. ,.l ., f, year oujilit to have salisticl mn I. a. I men thai Hie machinery "f the niern ,11 had Kill llllk llll'l needed relit I iho Thchalfjon era of the Mmim. .idmini- tralioll lias the lime to have I. a.lll-le,l the miettinciy and put .1.1 it ml. il hi, ak . hothtnthf cllcro.irllln, nl-"I'l In I'd. , .1 and the SUile govern nl- I1."1 -1' '' : ''"s "" e.,ry work wasm-t'l" id. until ih. p.,' in. il irt ih- of the loiinli i ua- - ' i ,kl " auaul-lUlll.Unl p,illlo!i-io, in1"' I1" tion. Shall wchneamn. mi... I. r, . un til principle of Stair soviet--nil "V I n inlcinid concern-, the : t. udiau "I Hi. - sunnl right -I tlie pmplc a ,,. im i . hclii-ve enaenlial to a llrpulitic. m mIihII ,m .. oneiilarKinnom' -""., i"-- hKht.illl-l power "t Ihc Mate i".v i nt -. iukI, pliuiiiitf then-nine l"', r '" ,1" merit ma-e.TWvttluil at ashii.tmi, di n. onto.leapofisn.; Which would he I.. !, Alnerieii, I. T. the w hole ' '-pl" Armnc. we iirinitme no 1i.m-1 fr-K-iiif: l .it. -.:i can doiihl. We liave Iri-il tl" " I found it .Icleutiv.. hut intjerl In h "i u I i" it lei);iis. one whifliniiolitpmici hh- -iin for all time, if properly a.l.i"-l..l The other ia an Hnlrfcl etp.Tii.i. nl. hot W ii.1i may pi'e a miiij- Hd d. ,:'v'' iwonrnld jrovt-mment, iXnh tin- pnwu-ol tho national and Stale -m. ninu in1 I" th r to&ml awl lMer Kiarded, rather thaw ttk th- tunnnil and I'l ' " M' "' a.y paa ill eslal.ri;hin Xiiiric.in sod a (reitiw'nt tiitaity TtnSTfiir-trt rtre irrlnvrph" . Xht rWe wrH irt rtnTHfomli ta-iutT" l'! iu uooilrefiair preparatoiy to the season's bUUDaai. ' . Ji ;: . i i; k, - KhOKcojfiiK sri: riM. roc nr. Tin- 1. 1. ;;i-ipli mi y. ii r.l.-iv ih. I not fully i h'l 1 1.: n i l !y il Hi.' tlw ruling ol hi Honor, -I il. I I'.n i ii. ,i I lln npirial li-rni nl (lyrr anil Tci in i hit u Iii. h vn lit 1.1 in Kili -coin lie ( oilnlv l.i-1 wtik. ll ri-pli-..-llU-.l hilll OH I having a.l.iirne.l ilii-C. nrt, l.. :i!ie nrmeg wi i.-MiiMiniin. .1 v juror!', .i1.il' tll.lt he Lal l.k.ii ii-.-illi t ppi.ll (he Slit. law M, li i. 1 1 .I.i nut l.-. nnie lli.-rilit nf n.L'in.- t" Ml mi juiii-... 'flu- 'I'ailmro -.,, , r. i nu il -hire lln- i 1 1 1 I i - 1 1 1 . hi nl tin- hi. .n ..in. I'm. ri,s lli. tarts hi tlie j "' i- ii.h: imi Tuhiim ii. This j t t .-:i. nr. I mii M. ill. lay, .lllile liarnr. ; p'. -i.lii. - ,n I mi 'I iii Llav In- .1. liverril t,, ill. Ill in! l.af in apprnplialr llll.l tnr.'ll'le I f! i'i.I "i l -i,-,l a p,rlal miin ill lite I r.l.rnl li,.- S'ate I . John Taof llll'l Jil, j Kni'-lil. , ll-,,-, ,1 v. Illl the HMiriler of Mr. I I'otrltin. 'I iie ri,tlnrl l.ir till JlHom I iM. -i I A Johiioloni nkfi tiirt'imrt I.. in.iiiirl il,e hlirnll to miiiiinnn from ,. j If:. nil,, utri't.il payerH. T!ii l -is ' ,ti-, iiiM-il. Lin lite Sit.-rtlV i a- ilin-rt- .1 t- -'tinlH.'M liotn a ,"" ' ,'.. l.ir J'.tuirn j.ft f.ir. I 11 tli. jrt'tf t'tl'i-t fit. Tlie e.l-e W i rall.-.t nil . ,n,H,tav ln.iiliillL;. aili I tin ! SI i.-i nl i i 1 1 1 nie. 1 I lial . a- I lie I '.,illil Colin ! hail ti',1 t , i-e, I I lie put -inre 1 1 r ' lri i,l I,, ii. Sirkh-, In- h?i, fiimmone.1 only ' v lit'.- tr,.,-lt,,l,i ri. Thf piiMineiv' rninix I ; , li,M. ii', I ll,.- altax mi, I ,i. lit-ill.h .I a trial ii ni t.-tiii nr t" he , Iwrh irefe, I : nivl atlrr , al.-ir-iliv ,l, l.-il,-. in.i-tK hrlue. n Mr. 1 1 i " I., i Ih,- pi , an, I Mr. lloai-, Inr the , pi-j . lit ii hi t It, I in! nvi.-rr'ilrtl tlw- ell I lili-', . 1 1 1 I -1 1 ;j l ' -' ' ' I 1 .. - Mil- ,M- -nrl r, 'il loel I ll ,! I'. UMIlM l 'I ' 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' Illl- I 'I- ' ., ll,, HI. :! Ill ':, .1 M I" III I'l'' III I ' II !l" .I'llil'l- I Ii, 1 u In l In r a I in 1 1 i ii c ,,uM l ha. I Irmn ( Ih i - - pi!:,' '! h, niflirii.' ,.io,-.-l ,1 1,-nn. an, I Ih:.! I.e. I I,. ..1 ,nr hirmt.l 1 1 , in, !hc ta i. , , ... ,.,. - I., Ih, t ,. I . ' i.na! iim.l ' Th, I . ih i , ! 'i. i a i i , 1 1 n.t i.h ,1, v iljj ,-!' I1 , At'orr. v Ih i" r:. th.it, . l .!.. ih. i .' I'.iy i id . lit i, ,t.l -: a jury 1,-1, .In..: I., h.s c. !,-'lltrtl,.;i ,.f the , . .,:,..!, , it I . Ill iliile t hr I j I I,. ,',s, ,a:o, li.t pit --. : I it, i. .1 ci-i.ui t- that the Cunt 'I 1 1 1 : : ' i . - r has i,t.,vr I utt, i! I ,1-- ' ,.!,,- I, . -.! : u I ' i I i, i' :, I- ',. i : i' ,,f a 'iiilnh. " "f ra-r-. . i ,i' ( . - i-' 1 1 . ,. -1' u ' a, ij.turite.l. i:. In,-.;,, i . i. , In.h.ii- w ,.s arral jnt-il J 'i. i . ,i I. .-t M'iCl.cn Kin.'.-, ami '-i illir : t t - : ; ...'.,. .m. i 'ill ; "t tc i''nrd M i't... t, ..1 l',.s ,'. ., r and Mn.ue nl . Martin. Im his .1, I, i i . i I'wii.i; In the ihii-imi ..I .Indue lhiinis, 1 1-, - . ,u , v. a h" i "it tut ii. ,1 until the next 1 li mi A - In. !.i, linw stands, in, case can I ,- 1 1 i. , I 1 1 im iint d I lie ( 'runty Court j llli.t- and lltaKis pinjii r pmlisinlis for ri- ) llnli till I.-'- ill til. nl.l.llirr Willi (iclieral j iit,h-r No. Th. snnner this is d.,n, , the j -.':.! I., .v W. ,. i,t tn I I"- the pllhlif l.,t I ' , I hr I. !.!, ! ml- I.i ."it .ludm s, j in -I, , ,1,. I , .,1-1,1 Hi in and I in -"I thr St ate ,-,1,1 11,. 1 ml, .1 Stat, -. I Ilil il they an .. in i - n't -i- affect, d hi the mders ! - ! 1 1,, un .f . iMni-ilidi r. is ml clnhal I tl-- u U pj .'.nu.i! duty. TU are e,,m . i'Ii "f tli, . , In sw. ar that. ; , i , . , .. I I, . 1 , l . 1. I - Cnliir to t III III ,, .nlii 1., ' irt , t llev I I Will proceed t. .'.?. r.i ' . " . -l.'h lett, I "I orders 11. 'I j iv ,r iii.lii: In this in. ill, r nt jill ies. I Im , i.I, l.., lii.lt the l;-ts shall he i t;i .. I. t.i i:..... "lavahtc- ;',,W.A i, only of j p. I- .,- ... ''i.I " ;m Sickles' I o n i ' , . iii t ,i am I - i h ,t " . , , I I .' taxes and who shall lino I ,1,1 i . . I .i I ,.. , iii ii til i r it , ale tlalilied I.. u, I- mi,.,." Ih r. their is mi rt h r , ,., , . u in i I,, In - hold of ml' lliyence iplnli- li.nlt.t- t ml, i sit, i, , in uuistanr. s, wluitj l-a .lu-l-. e t."h- : I 1 1 u, l,e : , i.I that the Slate is w it limit a i ..t.-lillilimi and la'l-. W'eriply that the Marfan t.-i'lMi tiif fihln .1.-fa:'inn lid. eialU . .nail- Until, hut pro lies them ,,r..i t-i -.it'll iiierrU . thai is. iii force until j a in w :'.n , i nun nt i- est a' .1 1 -he, I III I he man j II. Y pi, -, lil., ,1 j Chi. I lo.lt. e ( I, a-e. in Ihr older w inch I ,. made, a fi w ,1 Hi- since, ill the Cil. nil ('..nil. i vpl. iv lerni-nir.l lln' lainini ami l.iu, lit,-: ..I'll" it. mi "I thr I i x "I 1 1"' Stale i,, I),,. iM.itli I lie ilir.elr.l the Marshal, ill sunt', in i. in-' "land mil "iit jumrs. In make no di-iii, lion, mi ui en mil nf eiilnr or lace, j - .iinoiio p,-is..ii tiifiriiit ii'iiiliiii'it to Hervv,'.1' A. . -I . ,.iil -mii colored persons as , - ins hnhl, r . ' ami "n-ell ipialified," li.t, - inn in- .tic, I. : i' i ii nF in rr. fi,,. I,l hw in' rrtnal lis nf the ittnino I, ,,,.'. n il wilhnllf lirws, lh.il w, I lie ph CHI' IIIL'IIOI" ill) III rditn II. tl I, 'I 111 , I i nr .1. Mill dill i it I ho-, -, ll! ! inrll I , ,l - ,. '. ' '" I" "I1'1 liav lorn.: ; 1 1 , , , ! i , : 4 1 1 ! 'I. i, u I M i 'M II ii ill- liI'W ' li.i c j vw ; i,; illl ll'- r.t. In ilil.. :it.lc lln j pi. .i in ti - '-( .hi.: '! '''' '-'M' tin ' xnii r "i ill-' tu lln iii :u nl' 1!k nil m i u it. t ..tt-i ( i I ' 1 '' ,:" 1 M j ,,, x ,,, iini -i . Kin:- t'lln i . iini an n'l ; Uivw-J i.u'hi-1'ili..iull li.m ii.,.inu i in ! I),,, , , !, mm n W iH ' "ll"' l-rli.t.' 1 1" ! jm , ... ihm , until lilt U , i I It i .HI. I .1 1 '1 III iii.mi .....'.lli..tntv.l,i:u'.(V..t uill If I m,ii.. mil i-i :ii.ih-iii:; lln in I" Hm n :lt.rni ! I iii. ir Let tile old tl , ,,. i h."iu':ill ii th 'aiolinian- te ... . i nd !... . r iie..k out. ami their a! in ,,l l l,r,.l..l ' l.ui iiiiiiiiu', uliiiut wliicll Kiiioji") li.-i laic I, l ni in -ii rn- il liiiiniiil. Iin, fur mii! .il 'lln: lavmily ainiiHi-iiifiiU oHls inlnbit.iii!s . i;il"rfri-fif.'!J Wriftt Vrty -TinVl,;r tnfcr fna eat. .in.- bits twirM i,ira1'; ii n ii iniil t !)' "11 llfl tlttir J.aw, tlm iHyH, j.n-.rt lrtii,'m' " 'tfotie us I'liHt a tUvy rim n. The liral. rat lliat reach tli4.w gat it tlie winner. l'r in tlie t'lia: letitnli Bereuiy. UHI.IF.F FOR THE SOI Til. IM Kl: KS'l 1 Nl, CI,1LIIK!I'IIN1ICM K. Tie l'nllow iiii,' r,irre-.piilellrr lietVMta Sir. W. II. I'Vrri ami Mr. V. (iilnmre Sillllll:., nf ihlHflty, han U'lil I'll Ml Isllfil Inl pnlill. all.ill. From tiuir I i time siilistantial i-vi.lehee reachi H ih that lln re ix a party in the North whirl) klloUH no lIlMilirtion nt .state or sii'tion in the fhiiiitalflf .hutre to 'ivf I I to tin; himtrry ainl flolloto t-o the nakeil : ami, while Mirh a piuiy exists, we cannot In- ehliielv ilespniiileiil or feci that all hope i (.'iiiii'. It mn he Initi 1.. Inre the turning pnilit in nur tortllhi-H is iearh,',l ; l.nt. folne xlieii it may, it will tin, I fiv-h in nur t;r.iti tiiile am! in our reiiiemliraiier the uann-H ol tli..v who haw eoiittiliiit. .1 their mite lor the zii , 1 nl the p..,, i nl the Smith . I ni.ii Sr'it- Tin: m i:v, i N. Y"ik, Mai :t. 1 MiT. I ,,-,-:- fill li'S.-.l nu w ill plia-r tin, 1 il ('( llllirillr nl itrpiwt Inr f:'.l.i. hrilUJthe C.illtlililllinll nl II. e otllri I'M lltl.t I ltlptoyefft nl tln ..lln ... i..r Ih,- r. lit'1 nl ih. ir .le-ii:ute I hlrl hr.ll i, I t lie Snlll h. A s I hr ei illl 1 1 hut nr ! are ilesimii thai the ''wiilnw s luile" vhmil I he p,,.'l, l . ii a llir L' I , i--1 1 1 1 ' , I ' li ivrei i, - illl, iv to l.-.pii -I, in Uiell I Maui,, lh.it wil , i'l w Ihr , 1 11 1 1 hu I i, in I lull' prl .nl, ll " 1 1 H I i M , 1 1 . I el ll-pl I llillU . I . ll.VU KINm kkukis. ! w. S I . lill M OII SIMMs. I-.- . I ha'h-M.ill, j WlX'lil.AM.S, S. ( . .him (, ISI',7. .1. f lain -rii-il.lv t.'.'h.'l l.y t he i nluphlii.-lil pal.l me h yoitrsrlf .-unf I he ,,lll-rs mtl ,-uiptr.v if The 'ITritMHV I IrpiirtllU Ml nl NrW itiU. I'l ii'niillv itr llallite.t iilt itxiHt ol t Iii-iii . ;t I Hiit. ami I Iini-' .tiif iii;iii' si'iiHililc it thru- w.irtli hihI 1 L-i ni iiil i 1 1 1 ! I i i; i lire, tlir..ii-:li ri u .iiMl :.f- - intn.ii- iiti-l kin'iini-i t. m.i1 . it i 'ri'- In! t" tiiink Ih'. t p.--.-- (In ir nli ' .It Mi t. li:il liCi lM-l lln- Ttlfi; m j ) nMt lrf.;i"i, ili'ii n i l tHii iimtn1'!! ! t mii, v 1 1 i i ' .11 li-ii" iif nif : jnitl mm'- 1 1ttM. well t;ui'rl,t i'i il tn 'ricf-; ties nt cur M";U I li.ivi j r k t wtiril tn itci tjitrilnitiiHi 1 irr -tit h m m';' r :is I hnvi rniMirljt J m -1 ; tinl ! ui I'll1 i i-i-i ..I i I.i- mi n-l i.-n i I ali you :ici or.(. i i.h. -.ii hH nk .f it : tin : ',r,.!-r' "ttt :illtl I Im llilit 1 ll'lf iriVrn, j ll o I't ' II :i . !..! T i li i Hit'"jii l.'ltl'Ml of it. 1 On i tMUiit i" li'it -I w it Ii i U - mill with I nr.llUI" A hi. II-.' tin tin Ir :itf ll.ntixfUHN j w Im lit t t l:nii'-i h!iii: tiiiir iriv;iltnns-- j ir'io 'if' r .n,ii .m tl?nt ' Until i iinpitsi 1 ' It'wl.i.llv Tor i.nc.'Ml tlir :ictthnt ihv? da ut- i ft i. I lutvc :iiiiii- -l v-"ir Iiuii'Immu.- il"im- I ti'ill lillnii-l If t!ii- rlii- i f . I iti-, ! an I ui! iIm--. iiii.t tlti-ir riri'MiiffiUH-i-s. ant w!n-!! Aiiltin ti v ktiiirt I i-i 1 lt-- M"-T thtlU ilTv I'd Ilh nr I'tt Ii li;tliil1a!l lUtirtct;iUuit. lino Ihhh vrtft, aTtttiMiH''t to iiiilulf-iicr, liviny in coinlort. il nt im t 'ir i vti inriit t hIihiIuu- iitllueiicr. Muny o tilt-in, now, arcj not mcrrli3'"'i.CKtitutc i I In lp, ami thr utlriitlHiuc ol ordinary 8iTanN. lint, a I I'tlii'vc, mi ll'i r from a want ol thr i siuiplist ami uiont w lio I iconic IimmI. onr donation will lr mudr lo it In vc Irom m'n Ii privjitinn ; u ill aH.iid comloit- to rt'ivinn , xhan-trd nutiirr. to nr.niia'r a r:iiidly ; ilrrlininif hopr. to Miy notliuiL: of 1'tlrtrinfj ; hiittt. What I Miy of u ft'r,t whom I -Mak. i-, 1 am Had to nay, the truth as rr- ' .-pects oiir entire rmmty ; and I see no jiro. pert of rhanLr' or reliet. The South, nnles lln-u'oerniiu nt Uti I riM- to that highest ui:-tlniii in goviTNMwi.t, wliirh ! inau'iii nimitv. 4 't-tiiuf t ? t'm iitfuh'i ,' the (,. i ' Tlie wwli.ui o :ove riii-nt can Illy hr -liapid 1'V tlie IllnTaU of -o i t V. ll olir pt "ple, "i lil I illy. eouM lerl IW tllOJ-t! do v.lu), like yoiiTsilves, nru prepared to rt eo;:ni.e huiiKvtiity, inve peetive of fiolitics :iii'l party, tin re would lie no dillirnlty. Itut 1 must nt trrhpaas upon a doiihttiiL provmo . Uiiut lo Ih? denied to nie, tltnt iu tla piereut aspect the country, I hoiild df-p. ud. My letler n.-itun pr.'inpt inr ctiil to tn'pe. Von udl so ood a lo -ay tomv lijeiuU nd vmirn. your iihwh iat e.. that t heir "iriJtir'n mi ft ," in iny hand, h); in! 1W ated ; ;u.d uii in:iv :w-ti re them that itt ...d It- alrl'dh ril', Mnl frankly aeknow nl-i'.l . ami, umh r m npt u rul annuranee, oU may add that the compen sative n-tiun, in hh-iiii.'". will rertuml rearh them alter "certain dav." ll will le alWTiy grateful to me to erve iny people. ;is the aUil iU I We ffiwmin I rit-iit I-h whiim y n so honorary represent. Verv re" Met fully, Yiur olicdient and ohlijed wrv't, V. OIl.MnuK SIMMS. V. IUukink Kt-ititin, Kw., I. S. Treas ury, Nt-w York. ThMiH I. A IMKM' AT INK NkV Yollk Ai MM- M T OK Ml M. Oil WedllrlaV llillt thr tillle .lapaneoe t :tlh-d "All Kllll ' Khot do ii thr tope and reached tire midtlle of the downward course, when, to the horror nl the lli'iiiHaihU who weir U'a.ilii upon the aw lul iiiovrmenl, our ol thr eoitln attaelied to the dm riiek- lixingH t4 lrutU' th- main roH- iave way. The latter, relaxing its rigidity ly the -udd n oHtlcL, Ull a lew lect downwaitl, :iut tli-n shot upward with a tttitnirlike the hiiappine; of an arrow Hiring, and the little peihiiint i w.w tiling fmm his hold lni'li into air. ami in an iustanl wan dashed through spiice full fifty Jcct In tin: n.K.r in tlie mid. tie ai-hr lelow. It would hr liw-lrhs to atlrii.pl lopictiiie the si-ene that t UMied. The MMct hef 1 the teliilied women ranjr learlully piircin tlnoiih the hall?', while the men, w ilil diet k I'laiulitd to the whitt nesx of a enrpse. sat ;m il Vocii to tlieil seatM with terror, Seiial of I tie hull'" tell swooning in I heir loes, and were i uitied out ii,t,f tl' ante rooms, j in hu tall thc'liht side ot his head Wan j feaihillv i-riihlicil, Hotli liis ankles were i i v l':ull sptidMed. lli- riht side illiil t hi- pt Ivi- wi re aN" 4-i m'U.1 iniurcd. The ph -It i tns I n lie . houeVi I'. thai M t U it I) t i i(i.liii'r tin in mii he has Mtstained, iliat it rK- re In' m 1. denial hfyrt, iT fiM'TT at ; nrditi'dit thcro n" I'-'M, lie will ucovcr in a -In ii ! time Irvm the ill, els ol Ins fear ful tall. Thev pronounce his escape Irom m-liiit de it li ah ali'iov! nuiaeiih iione of the t liihl'- ho.lv was Inok. Not a 1 1 1 rit v 1 1 v. 1 he N. iik "II,,.-,, Mlliiuunc, Ill-It lilr 'woiiii h' ill tlirt.HAII lilt. I ii .ir mr :ii mi- 1. 1 tin- nl.ii- i:n k in I li.it l i'x, ,ill Wl-illlrnilll.V, "I wliii li nr r 1 1 rc . nli-'l nil till' lntifr ! W.ikki-s, Irom flu nk tlifi vi'-i lil niunti'ici". Tin' i ll mull wuru ml in lull I.ii'ii', mnl iiiiioii.u; the KWiimt if liisliinlmlily (Ififil niiiiicn iiiLwUt tliore . ms an! ilia Bit uUl Ultuw-Als tirrt atuattf at her uctliUir. ''nfiieWrfhiVrii-of K-r. '.f ii I41llty;'ll.t whirprd Irhrrhttd trtthnth; mtitrtcscs Irt nil light punishment, because he ia nearly a tool and has no'liioie babies tn be cruel to. THE Xfc'-Y T rilEsWEXC Y. I I ',.ll.nslldeliee'ui, ituittll I '--ii'lii i.i.ii 1 AV A-II I Nii 1 ' 'N, -1 1 1 ll i ', I -h 7. A V.v'uil);;l.ni letter, iW'lll!.V pl:'h.-hr'l in thr I' mmtr-itl. ..-ivinn 'In- .I'l-iil- ,.; hi ill tl l iru I .. I w eell ( i , Hi I I ! I.I 1 1 1 1 a , I y-l i i, t e Vr, r, .. til. "Ilhjeft nt I'.r tl.-t l.,-'i,'i ii.- ''in. In attract the a 1 1, ', I ' . 1 'i , I I 1 oillltrv, lis w ell i! !U".. tn' il ,11.. '',. . j''-" linil. :iiVa- 111 .Mill1,': "'. 'his taL'r ,-f the 1 1 ll.'l. I rrllll la ! piii.'t. :,- tn who shall U-lh.-ncM incmnl'" it at the' Whit. Ilollsr. I write this -li.'-t i "'"Hi i llifat ii'll cllii My tT til, plirpns, nl ihhIjTI. inowhal is aswrtril in thai Irit-i1 t" w ii that lil'ant hasfiililiolillf r,l liiln-i If. .iii.l rnn "i.lcr hinisep, a I're-iih nl ill can.l'.litc .-lll.l to .1.1 -,, nil hai l, to all I" . Ilil, II' ' "f hist win. i. H-ippi'Tiinir to he in tltis.il -'lnrinc; snine i, the w inter iitouths, I . a1'. l one fVellilli; at the ro. 'Ills nM . uir ( i'leilutali representative, Mr. Kirixlitnii. wlntc I fniui't that litiitniahle neiil I, man iiii-l si , r til o'hrrs. ulnono them , iii .e Cartel', in tire ' nlnersatinn nil political Inpii s, ttml rspc cialtv the m-'il I'rofiilew v .linltrf t arter -p.. he up 'If lit r ant w w want- it. ml h h hell e e rrint keep linn nut ,,'tt." The In, n. .ra h, It, n oave in hi tr-tilimli to the i llrrt thai he I in lint 1 1 rant w a" a i an, I i ,atc. Cr inl hal tnl'l him a-lull, h, thnieh I iut in so inniiv .1- lew .1 I had wen (ii i-it. aut 1 with hii-i in tin dunk I li I a h niunl'lh. j imnt rri.d to ilml t!;. i p. 1. j L-'h-to'ii In. I f..n-i d hiTi I" it ! it lit i-.lit i!irc-:ii v ! 1 I if f'llll Hi . .r.lt T t- - : e Tn I "i'- ( li.aut ..,.i!... -..Nr.- i ' - ' 4 LtUlJjJo 1 i :( T Lilt nt - -ii: I. ;l ; W o uh I ihr Ht.nt rna t " " ; HUH ll tlolii (if;. lit i-. t t,i, ,i a I" I 1 1 o i n 1 1 i im ill Irtnii :iiiyl ii i l-i , . j In -.id it. to'iru, d it i- i'Lun , -linl::e .rit! did, into a de I.n i j I. iMC Imd :it lrret one c . mi Ui.it- i IfoiiM-. Ni itlu i (, art r ii.'i 1 1 1 1 i d It. like it a l-it. lol tie t'.I-l -:! !i w a then and i now i n. f: ' u 1 -ton. how. n, eon-oi. 'I . ii.tlil would I"- ''o"d n-l, ui,- I. 1 ha Im him i. knew the w Uok- Umdy eiul, and he'd Jmvi ,i 1 'le.d. leiic; . ll i t rai; t one pre. nt mil' "t' hoia Leu i am ii to -.Mid hiind in tl W .1 i l I. Sun I That (Ji:im- ; --riiiuuii i-rv liuril. uii, uoul.l itlu i lc miiiiiiiuu il urM-nsii in t lit- nlU-iiiit. .luiiiii-CurtL-r. w linn- mi t : pat li v tn eiuiM- is rry urll knnttii, im,l i.. trair.-ilili-urluiii tn tlu I'ai t I'.iat flu two wen- ri it I rnii.li,lati-s iu Ihi.I, I'ur a jila.-r in .Mr. l.iiHiiln'- raliinrt. nuililii'l in a r tlir i-liii I just ici-V ()iuiii:(t iih nt i.uiril u it In, nl .ntiiinii jiii'tr'!. mi In- n murk'-'l. -I'll Cli I 'Ii a-- l,r .1.1 iii.iih i. II.- lia-i n.i niorr -Ii -how tor it tliaii Tli.il ,1 h .J.'i l. ' ilittl.l.ll- to .. r.,l,,rr.l ri' i( II M ho ll.l. I ; 1-1 rlltl II , thr 1 oolll lo l,,kr til, til,. 'Tin r tninic.i i tl-tali.e I over. I, lit it was .'i'IU'i .In! oil all liiin l-that Uianl was thr ri lirn:: llnill ; tin.l Jl I'-' w.llltril thr ol'irr In- i oiii,l rtrt'iiitly ui I i'.. an-l thai hr rrr tninly wanti-,1 ii. N'lim riitl.inan. who ir, tl ll,lr'l to k now W hi ll-ol' ill' tltltl IIRlt. Hlli.l thai h lar -I- I Jrnnt hiinsill' was i-oiiri-ri.i'.l lit-I'r.frrri-.l the oitinn ot ti.iKT.il ol the I nil.-il St iti-K armv. to tin- iloiilitlnl mnl tin lii!i lit honor ol tiic rrrsi.lrnry. Iii'.tthat Mis. . nml ami all tin- other Glaliii-, x. i pt I iys---. m-ri' ainliiti-Mis in the ilirirtion ol thr Whili' Ilollsr, anil I lysnes hail linaily Mrlik-il hi own )iri-t'rri-iK'tj to theirs, ami mi, without miH-li -iniclmeiit, il ctiiiili dulr lor the Conveutiou ol IHi'.m. Ui-.tuniinu aain U Mr. ( haai- proK-is. it wan ai-kiil whether he eoiihl ruuy the tlhio vote in a national Coiivi ntion : Ki; olrsloii s.iiil he -',,l.ln'l -,,i,k 1,-r the whole Stale, l,iii lie knew ol one district t'ha-e outilti't enrrv u! that. I iiU)oiu: waa the tirt. ll was oenerally c .iiee.leil that as u clutii-e si'i-niiil lo Orant, Ohio wouhl vote lor Wiiile, anil that Wade's I'riemU, what ever else they inioht ilo, wouhl sir to it that (llano uasn't noiaiDalnl ; I In v wouhl unite wit li am hoilv rl-.-'a IViemls to heat him at 1111 late. Tliti iini li, Mr. I'llilor. lor an interiew Ih-Lwi i ii a li w ol the knowing ones as early as 1 oiniiv l-oit, lioin nhi.h v.-'i will per ceiA- that n. (Irant 1 1 i . I thi n maile up his iniml lo ! I'i, -i, lent. True, liirn- is a liltle ol' t he t':. .!ia:i st, le of ',,l!ln;. n riv the rrown ' .-iImiiiI I raiilV iv-j. or. sr t. l!:'r!,--ston's plain ipi.-i-tion. luit a hint from (irant iseipial ton ilerlaration Irom ai!l.oi!y.e.L.nv riliil so ri may Im-set iloi n .e- -i !'. l f'u-t Mint the hero ol Virtu-Imp; liny In-tin- next I'resiilell' el iho t'nite.l States. ('h,-iM-"s II irllils me timlislnikveil, lhn t ' I , .ui.l w ill not rive up the content tint i 1 1 heir ram I . l .te is lieaten in the national i onvt nl ion. Tln "rini;"' i ntreiuly oriie.l. A-. thr iniiinl sti p in the pnomninie Mr. lln h-ir.I IV lir solis, who. as lirtween ('hi-,e ami tin- l.or.l, serven the lonner lirst aii'l I -t. has Inen rillle.l In Washington ami ii tl.i. ! is Mar shal of Ihe Supreme ( oitri, iioiniiially, I. tit really us heii'l center of I he Chase lino -All the aplMiinlnirnts uiuler Ihr hankrtipt art have heen eiitrnsii ,1 to his eare : ami "mark it, Horatio," none hut ."iwvl (Iiim men w ill he appointeil, an. I troin raeh mi, I evcrv n-;isler a j;iw, aeeoiiul is exp.stisl wlicn the ilny of riTlcnnini; shall runu . m il KiininiiT. Tliere are some w hn In-lirvr Mr. Chase (illicit to ,e conlenl when hr is. I'erhiipis lie onoht. hut he isn't. Soon lll't'T his appointment a- eh, el" pls- I tier, Mr. Lineotn was. speakim- lo t.n. j Wiule, expressing his sm p rise tint ,, li l j not nppearf," "seith- ,l,.,n "ii tin- ! "uh ar I j Ik- iplirt " "Si tllr iloun'" -m I!, n "it ! on -rut him to heal t li In- nmihl ' -It', I'llown. llr'.l want t" !.-an l air. - I ! o.. thru, w hell hr ' that, he it rr.-e n : I inirhiv'-thi 'in ." Th.-i,ii,-l',,rt.,ii. . -I i ' -is that hi- iii vi-i -ui rouiiilx luri-i 'I . ! who can it.i linn any ',i " I lie ' frien'il in Ohio, tln-y - iv. who em . a sinule eoni;res-ioiuil .listm i. ..,ii" man is iirohaMv his l.rst hottle h"l.l- ; I i : j .lohn's inlhi. nee i- on tin- w me. a". i. that every mule illation of hi- of i,':.-ttet-i vi .iri anil iipwaril is iti oilier uin !i r t i' t-.l i er il 0,-oveninieiit, he is l. i-oiuini; -nt o' r 1 h ali.l iloesu't lake that .hap in!. . . -1 in 1 oil 1 1 ii-s I li fit I'i iliil a few yi al - : ' . 1 ; liait ol ii-i-' l i' V "f thr trra-urv i , 1 I " : to him. hul ii- iiilistioiiahle x 1 1 , 1 1 . wouhl eli:il'ur a - .lav ( 'ooke ami '. li main -tay of thr ( iseil to liiiaish tin rat in thr S i 'i r i. il i inal hanks ae th. -I--- ' i ni;. imd 1 1 -i v pi. on new- "f wai 'is c tlh .1 upon I Iu n e,,iin l.en. a,h, who. ,1 i.r.iut were, out nl the rna, woul.l lw uii.loiilitrtly tho tmml 1'oriniil.thle of nil the Ih-piihlie-iu eandi.hiU-s. He is hacked l.y the leading radicals 111 tin: t it ite, n is cyiileiil Ironi, - th 0lia;'attteiWv.T wlikii, Jie was etioscn presnient ol tuo Si n it igajust ,i'eacqjk;4t.,, Chuydjcr asoft es hiui Uiit'M,tcliiA. 4d?r.tti (sef-Hw1 furnish tlie needful to o0'-'t the NintiVins'l Bunk levy in favor of t.'hase. ,The tori f uii-tt of New Kuglamt iill rally to his sup )ort, and ruine all the money mpiinAI" for the campaign If neirtnaary ; for Waile ha hut "lie rule in voting mi tut ill hills, ami I that ia to in (or t ho hi.'hint tii;ures, i w hether they !m Utt H.r f h or himflrml percent. Kmnev, last winter, calleil on W'lulc, aint assured him nt the riiinsvlvania "te. in itieterence to tinv other inajt. i'Ve4 rani luilis.li Iwart I v w ho authorie.l .1 le.l .1 l V. K. to .i not apjiarent ; mid if j uc ai- t t k. tl ott ." the rrnmylvauia j li"i-'atuic Mi the (leetioii ot senator x inn : indit atioij, tin projtricfor d the "t wo papen-. , h:'th d ii I ." i h-i -n't stand et v liijdi iu tin t K puhl'u an p.ii' -d that Stale, lint t In- .Ut i.-M is si ! th d, and w hal'- j 1 thru i.i dwic.-iii'.: piol.a'ih' inndidai.H' . I o'ta W.M-. l. u.itoo!e,t ,y a te era. , t- I . I .. - into th. hi in I ll. it In- had a i h on i , , j and ill.- fMMir ':tfle nvoi h:w l'-rn Holl Wie- hi m -'.I ii i: Ji i.ulo . , ai h i , i r - im e. 1 1 has hre!i ,Mlin:- lo the 1'eiiian- aU-ut linear J j II. II: t lio fluistiaii'. ahout the happy j j land ; to I he .! u ;il.oi)t JtM Unleiu ; t" I lie ) ltaplilsin lavttr o! immersion; to the i'al f anistsin t'ioi t'f lull lire, to the Catho lic in I ivor of tlie I'opc. and to the radi i-als li ;il K I u i .i It for the nipt'ers. An. I if this wasn't eiioiiirh to ch-cl n man, he has leitun-tl ihrte ihoii-aiiil tour hundred and lilt five tinier on hull'iloci. henrfi and wild Cat-4. .M-iitun h a-pira! ion-, l.nt lioehaiu'c. Me and ( '"If i hate each other miwt cor .hat'v .1 . w ill lo w hat in him lie- to Thetc iv.rc other I luiuht !l hot take up our -pace nl! Hie i-lht! tli.t . ' 'P" ..t Mi d r .-, I uth n'-. sons I. r .1 harikruptcv ,. e,.r lie ....I re ri. .in W.h ! w nil i n o th fceditm linked i i-l in it the l it the sent tiiii'- yi:iut .1 -, I'i-i l l l ' - The 111 liioi 1 .it :- '. ,i ot I '.iili- l aln.-i. w hirh ; . 't. oil Till -il. iv nil'l no mil, u -Ml ir-IV--.! as H -jlllillllatr lor Ihr i -I,,1 I'.'iirt, adopted ri s.ihiiii.n- h it I he I'nfoii of the tjtat.s is j i ht evert- Stntp in entitlf-d to rr-p- I 111' ! tl i 1 le-l hl-l'.'i M.Oe p de. ,,isu:: p rpi tual j-'. -i n ' at 1 1 -ii in ( i-m.-rei-s ; that earh St-ite lia- tin-in-lit t,, pi, -, ri'.K- the ipittlitieati ,ns of' Its -!ix-t..in . thT weoppose any alitrndliienl l lo the State Constitution cstahliHlnn-; in j;ro j sultraoe : that the failure of the t-inll hill in the Iti.t i'oit;resii shovis the intiilelity of the 1 lirpuMican party to its professions; that the Hailica! mahirity in Colll;res have over I thrown the t'otintitiitiun and disim inhered the L'nion liy a series of usurpations, inclu iliiiK the denial to ten States of the right of nprrsentution and treating ttieiu us eoti'iucr- ; ed province ; sail flint a ngid eeouoniy is ( nresary in puhlic utfairs. I The only sppech .tefferrton Davis has yf t ! made in Canada was delivered in Niagara . dunno the visit lo that place- when he was I serenaded l,y the hand of the town and a ; larr-e tiiimla r of the townspeople. They ! Were invited into Mr. Mason's house, where Mr. Davis was staying, and introduced to I that ;en!h'iiia!i. who expressed his thanks in the lo'.low in-; hrief sj eh "tii.Mi i.m v I 1 1 1 -in k y i .ii sincerely for I the hoi-i-r , u have Ihis cvruitc' shown inr . it shows that true lhilish ui.-.:il.o,..l to whii h ; lui.'-fortiiiic is always attractive. May peace j and prosperity he forever the I'Icsmii ; of Canada, lor she has hern the u-y lum f"i many, i of my friends, a- she is an asylum for my- ! ji' If. I U,,p that I'Ttit-i.bt may fori v. r re mniii a part of the Jlri'.ish empire. ..nd uia-. (i-i hit-- nil, and the 1 i 1 1 is.Ii Hag tu M 1 , ri a-r l, w .ive ovir you." "I have seen a woman professin;; to love Christ mure than the world clad iu a silk drcS" costing ; making up anil trimming of same, $40 ; bonnet (or apology lor one; $85 ; velvet mantle $150; diamond ring, $50(1 ; watch chain, pin and other trappings, tUUO. Total, fl.KM) -all hung upon frail, dying woman. I have seen her, at a meeting in li-hall ot homeless wanderers in Mew York, w ipe her eyes upon an expensive cm broidered hiimlk-i ichief ut the story of their siiH'emip, mid when the Contribution Imix came round, take Irom ll well-tilled portc nioniiaie, owcostly workmanship, twenty livceiiits to aid lln- society formed to pro mole their welfare. All, thought I, dollars or ribbons, and pHnuiea for Christ." The hattle h. hl having all its in remembered tho the battle ol K,,n which, lor a I ", defeat. .It i- u.'.i her by A u-l , noi ' done to ,h--ti... nill.-t folrl ,11, lio I Sadowa, in Austris, is .-nt .low n. It will be 'hi- wood was the key to I'"-.- trl, on the hi'hlino , I lie, hung victory or , ! r -tripprd of' its till! -a I . nl I ri and this , -i - ol a I.m- ifily th ' Oi l -'irlll ill H rreilt ll.llll.ll- I h- trio ks ot Ihe trees, -i-1. ., ,-. an- toond I hick I . .. . I . H-'-l -,,!, - i, I I, i.r i. I ' 'III, I ilnbwl nollsl V r ' 111 1 11 il hlr,., III ill huillilla I'M! they tall I , Ht ll. tci. . 1 with hunters air i n trading lh in I Mii.i i Aiiv Ai-eoiM mkmh. It is mid r Slooil lilal ll,-,,, ' , I'. our Xlllll liy 1 olli mandcr, dor m.t i .,. , oh r il his duly to in Utycuc .,r tiliii,-.- im ;im-i-, t xrcpi' ln'such olliees as an- liili to pillar eh lions. ll i- int. Tr. 1 1 . ih- i . I i. . unit he will lake no acl ion in t h. lllcinc Ci.iir) I udgr ol the Sit I. .I'idgc I.umpkin s Vlicalle , i.l'l I, ; longs iiioliT 1 1,, Stale 1,-, , ui i. I' - , il mittivi whci'vit t ( ii i uria, w il ll 1 he I ll.ljni,; II I- loll-.' rli 1.1 h- iilill - w ho souolit I I Ir w a- ill I IVOI .f -i: ilor l-t-t w inter, j ti tin il Senate 1.,1 " Ami ook I,', K. lii.it all H'il, ol s . tailillui, M" llllou li. il ol Ih. the liiam ; ., Ki :io- i l-ll puhlic i. prillti.'ll li:- t,e, n I'- 'V. limn lit -lo IIU.k'- . 1 hi ol. a: hast to oi'-l :u i oiinls lioiu mm ,1 tin- hope that I. 1...V hr 1. I'i , i ili'liflrr lells ol a Voting in- ur. i,s, h ,, heen wasting lll.ill w Ii, h aw a I, i a -ki t. -lol'. ol lilooil. i In a '"I g lo inyslenolH loss v. ri niiirning, lie found a fiisl. hm Imr immHsr ftart of his I Uidv, ti'oiu vi ii I, !'.ii I li.ul been drawn. i lie at h'lit'lh Us-. convinced that a vam- pyre had Urn suckiijir, his. blood, and rt f -meTlt nntht-r rH4iraioliaos, -fcincu. "t tlifrrMftflVSt Tie is iv.-ov.ciiiig his heaHh. Tlc IIH :il-rl , l S! Ta-llif Jlml WAJH , I lliestixi l on Suiu'tny, the leaih'r escaped. iiccauM-, as tlw astutr jttdgo ruled, his baton, made no uoisu. 1 1 FT UK OVkli. Jt''1 ' ralhi-r. tin me ove Il H.tM l. 11.1. I i lull,' eliil.l. s.t tu'r.wN I "' "I'""! mi miel "lie ii, nut l. in , l ; II, ls whs lair anil potlenH, lite rilriytlt dttl Iv ' .eJ . mat toHttin to tnil ai.,1 n. , . w Ii, i in ih.- .-ii v -sii. . Wl.. i. au lift tit I, with ftHHl P4nwMttf ltii hiI l oirv hnJ rnb-httij hw k' i . in. fs illv DhMAnl ; I turn' the twnin e;, in rvrrv Mlruit, 1 nftid her sweet 'O HI . ji I Iii ..ii;; e, til l;0 u No' n at lite , it eiOttiK MtlilnHlflly ilAthil4 liTittr'h ; s. MM ftili. i. .j hii.K. or tiirtirtl tki in hark, another v t ; .ui. , iiolinK . a r-iintii r Imiitl, nilh all a . In Id - w. -re "faith. !lletl, "Lift me, lift me nvrt !" Rlltl irftrhrd th hrttrr path. o Kallirr it)' in Heaven, Intern' is rver InMit hrnr tin prayt tn thy children raim, whatever their ititeuti Wilt thou tint heed am) linteii, and when tin HinhIh air hijili, tilt, ntiNip. and with thine arm f nuht Iuiuk thou nalvalioti uikIi ! Hi lit l mi OUT, Whetl Ike WiU.-h 'f nut ! e.-liie ts timr. Whene'er the- teniptt r f-i t I . .ne.- t-hitll 1 1 1 p I . I in miue mr : When fever' ii tlilnh in on niv 4'lieek, when Ht ln s no thnihhin hea.l, 'J lu u i I me he wiihiti thm mimt ; then Nithe niy pM n ful dread. Ott. lift luut.vur, Kathel Win n earthly hojeH &n.t iih. lift in.' at the Urt. ai thl fear ure all f ol - it-r I"'' ; w ti. ii t.-n th. water at tnv 'r. itil-lnik' hand. fi et, oh ' take my And lift me with one MtrollK. w I . Die Ik tier land ! t Kraxp, home As ( i i Tu v Ki.Kii TiiAvri.F-B, Tliuy , have ..nt at Atlanta a hotel ker"H-r named Thoinpso ii. who is considered rather sharp it . i"kr. lull lie soliietiiues meets tils mati h. ns the following ftory K to proTt : A traveler called very late for his break fiuit, and the meal wa hurriedly prepared. Thompson techno; that the food wa not unite up to the mark, made all sorts of apol ogies around the eater, who worked away in silence, never raiaing his head beyond the all'mnalive influence ot his fork, or by any act even acknowledged the presence ot mine host. This sulky demeanor rather vexed the landlord, who cbaaginj; the range of his battery, stuck his thumbs in his arm holes and said ': "Now, mister, confound me il I hain't made all the apologies neces sary, and more, too, considering the break fast and who gets it : and I tell you, I hare seen dirtier, worse looking, ami a devil of n sight smaller breakfasts than this ia, several times." The weary, hungry one laid down his tools, swallowed the bite in transitu, and modestly looking up at tho turning landlord, ex claimed .- "Is what you say true t" "Yes, sir." "Well, then, I'll bo blamed If you hain't out-traveled mo !" said he. The Ckoid ih Texas. The San Antonio ErjirmM says an extended tour through the portion ot the State lying between the ban Antanio and Trinity rivers and South of the mountains, disch sed one vast paradise. Kvery loot of cultivated land bids fair to retm n an unusually large yield. Notwith standing the hu t that th eropa hare been completely killed once this Spring, corn in many places is eight feet high and cotton is splendid. The Han Antonio Herald bears tlie most encouraging reports from the wheat crop in (iillespie. A correspondent ol the iintiot titml, who has been travel ling far and wide, says the crops erery where me looking well. The Galveston Aims says: Wo hear very good reports of the crops throughout the State, although there is some recent complaint of hunuge from ex cessive rain. Many ot our exchanges from the interior appear to have swum the creeks. Dallas and Collin counties have ht i u V! iled by ivero halt storms, destroying a large amount of wheat. A terrible slonu I passed over the town of Kaufman on the j Ilth. nil., destroying several buildings, I among which was the otlice ol the Slur. Poi.itii ai. IIkactiok. The signs still thicken ot a recoil ol tliu public mind of Ihe North Irom I he extreme tension to which ii h . hrin so long subjected, and ot a re tui ii 'I nasi ni and sound principles. A re cent ruction iu Illinois shows a still more iiiik I iii.iiige in public sentiment than I... :..i i, le-t iu Connecticut. We find m n i i, an", tin- returns of an election pint in!, I for .lii.lr-e. in the second jrand divis ion ,-t the Slate. The result shows a ma l niy l,,i the Drnio. raticeulnlidiilr ol 4,28(1, in a ni -i iii i hi icli hi.-t year gave :i,U44 nia i',i ,t I. ' r I he Ita.lii als. (icnrial I oiigsfri-.-1's letter is greatly re In, I on lo slop audi movements us these. - v h was not the ninu a.shx-p ? Uifltm.inU To Tkbt Pi.oi m. - Place a thiniblelul ol Hour in the palm ol the hand, and rub it gentlv with tlie linger of the other hand. If the flour smooths down under the linger. feeling silky and slippery, it is of inferior ipiafity, ttioiigii in laucy nraim, ingli priced mnl while as the virgin snow drift, it has been either too long ground or made Irom damaged wheat, or perhaps having an un usual m r centum of gluten murdered with dull burs, and will never make good, light. wholesome bread. Itut if the flour rubs tough in the palm, feeling tike tine sand, ami has an orange tint, purchase confidently It will not disappoint you. Such flour, whatever may be its branded reputation, ihoiioh in puce it may he at tlie lowest fig inc. will make good, light nutritious bread 1 'I. luuiiijJiui ' FnrtH anil Fimi.4rt A Vans pii er lias this cleycr satire on tin pn seiit high vricva: "A deviiut lady , w ho Uciiils the church of 8t. Koclie, hus Urn iu the habit of giving half a franc every Saturday to an old man who sits at the door u iih a box to receive alms. The other day, when she proffered the usual sum to him, lie said, '1 U g your pardon, niadaine ; during the Kxhibition it is a franc.'" .1. II. was a stingy old creature, sngcr for money, but ho was a zealous ineinU r ol a church, and ostentatious in his religious exercise "John, auii, Catharine ju her hrothcr, "what could have nude tiift atingy old wretch a Christian f" "I can tell you, said John, "he has rml tlit.tht streets rf XM Sew - Jcrusa.Uia are paved, with, guhl, ututlie Is dctrTmined to get tliere.t' It ia said the heart of Win ! kept on ai hibi tion at the Old Capitol Prison. - Tn (JiiKiT MRTiinpni.ia si kh tiiboii.ii iiis. liu.pKiii.M'' r-i'k , Theodoic Tilt. hi hn ln l.w.king intoJMuw l'iwk hv rns Mghr, tnd duiiw uot ull what, m tic says of what lie did mm ; ' ' "Iuroniiiiy wiiUw voraJ well-known pill -lie men, and under the guidance of tho s)s'. lice, we made a tour last Satunluy, through Ihe nethermost hulinls of miseiy, vice and crime in the Cits' ol New y.l This i- au exploration which rrcry " miir cMinvt.-.l with public affairs, either by ciYll by i .1 ttoriBl duty, ought, il possible, to make ai h ast once in his life. Horn in Kc Ymk. and having always either resided or tiihwi . I -within it, we never saw or I-new nur own city nntil butt Saturday niglit. Never liulil then hail w4 uny conception nf IU jjiiVifty. of ils squiil'iilncss, of its villainy, ol it ih baiichery, or its leprosy! Tlui sight ran never tic forgotten ' Tho story, even If we hail the heart to ti ll it, nmsl, for docvricy's sake, remain untold, We can only say thai none of the familiar descriptions hud nde ittately prepared us for flto aclmif sci m Vt Were shocked, confuitudcil, sickened' Arid as we now look back ii(m tho uwlnl rcvcliitioii ol Miai , night descent int.. Iull. we can hanjly persuade ourselves that s hut we saw was iv reality ; It seems a hid eons dream." - And yet, w ith nil thcr. Itnrrors right nnder his proboscis, this philant hnipist ha -'il-the Utfcr pmlion of his Hlo in. U'WUlliu the moral coudil ion cvf the mh- lu-jiriH s ol the South. ' VinoiNiA Uai'Tiht MiNiaiKita' Inbtitmi Hv invitatinirrit lr. Jeter. nUiut hun.lre.t . mrnlstcrs cj Ihe fieiiera! Association mel on Monday evening in Lynchburg, tocuusidn the propriely of org-ini.ing a" Ministers' In stituto for Virginia. Iter. Addison I lal! was called to the chair, and Uc. T. II Pritchard appointud Hi'cretarj'. r. Jctt r explained the objects of the meeting. It was pro'ioncii to select some central place, where a large nuiiiU-r of preachers uiiuht come together lo listen for eight or tea day -i to three loctiift-s a day froui distttigmshi d divines, on the most important doctrines of theology, and topics connected with paatorul duty. It was resolved that it ivtu expedient to have such an organization, mid a eonimitiee of live was appointed to choose th time and place for holding it prepare 1 Constitu lion tor Its government arrange a scheme of lectures, and secure tlte scrvicos of as many lecturers as their schctus may nxUirr. This committee ,f plenary powe consists of Itcv. J. II. Tavlor, I). I)., Ko. W. V. Hroaddus, 1). 1) , Her. A. M. Poindcxter, l. P., Ucv. J. I. lUirrows, J. I)., Ret. A. K. Dickinson. , This coiumitlcc is to rcppit through the IUlt.Ju.ut HcrM. .TtLNMUSKE KM)ll Al.lhM.- Tb0 Memphis AmhincJw, of last Friday, contain some startling developments. It say , "Several colored men, whose voracity w ill not be ipiestioncd ly any Ilrowiilowttii in Memphis, have directed pur attention to a secret organization that lias lieen started by white Itrowulow ites iimoiig the colored ks, pie of this city. The organisation is ostensibly for bcnryo lent purposes ; hut ill ono of its degrees it requires the initiated colored man to take a fearful oath to murdor thorn who abandon its ranks and oppose Itrownlowlsui. Per-' baps the scoundrels who require colored men to utler such bloody imprecations do not really intend to have negroes murder those other blacks who, haviujj been drawn into such secret couusela, are alluttkcd ami abandon theui ; but the oaths are tn inspire terror, and may cnlminato In the dnpes nf such macliinations iinbrtifng' their bands In the blood of their fellows. If it docs so the most guilty murderers will be the while men who inspire the atrocious oaths." ( ONKKIlKKATK QrT AflTRBM AHTRRS) NOT l)ls- kuam iii.si.ii. The Nalcuiloclii iiiMrnsays The latest ooinh't) lflBirard..i.iisejsrihiT : hlslu-.t us by 'our special, win. sent a note to the Attorney Uencral. His ilcliniU.-ly Bellied (hat all persons who held n toiatoor Judicial ollicc U lore the war, and iiflerwnrils liecaim a linarUrniaster in tliuCoiifciluratiiaruiy.cau register, (iroiinds: Aftcrcnrefuljis.ni'jjjj.uu ot the n-tii't arctihrt4riTiere"'rnfl'TieTon(l no instance in which this class of men ever n-n dered any aid, comfort or sympathy to th. Conicdcrato Army. Slide up rapid, ex t M's. Pomey is delighted with tho knowledge, of American politics displayed by the Kuglifh liU-rals. lie writes: "lliiw' well they un. dorstaml Hir parties ! It was an- wprccnMe surprise to find my htuuhlo name nlmost laiiiilinr with them." A Kansas judge has decided that 'uml. i the law a man is white or black acronlinr to the prepomleraiicn of white or I lack Mooit in his veins. The question & Mtnm on the right ol a light colored African to vole The judge doesn't say what the l ights of one half black ami half white would he. Tcnncswr linhii-s have Urn brought under military suM.-rvision. An order has Urn issued by the cninmandcr t the Tennessee State 0 uards, directing iVrtuiii parties to.sif as a comniissii.il to ihrjih- bet ween the p:i ' rents of a female inlanl seven months old as to which parent should have possession nf her. Tiih .N'oniui'KN I.akkh. llie' souice . : the supply and liie overflow of the gr, i.; North western I ikes is to be investigated th. . year by the I luii'l s'tnUs (oiveruiuoi There haa hitherto l en much disotisi , but no investigation upon this interestm subject Uhraumi vi s Im i ini.no. In tw( , corn ilk Chicago fell twenty evnU a bushch oats tell liirty cents in j lew days; ye. in a month, lell fifty-live ct-nt, and Spun:. whet ninety live cents. Thia is encour a "' - -.- ; r Iu a jury empanelled st Houston, T v Insl month, fourteen out of'tweirty lHui ,i, colored. In one case eleven of I w-i nt v w, ,. colored, mid one ot thes Jevi u wVu tUv. only man of the jury xvHho could write. . Savannah has the sreotm lank.aa a cotti n port, ahmg the whole inm'. She has -i i pa-wil Moliile the last scaaon by aiti. execs ot 9,0)0 bnics ia rcccijit,. wimI- htw Tecriveil 10(J,(hio bales more than Charleston. The frccdmen in Arkansas arc said to h iv. i-cltpseil the afmjf in Pimwlv mknt thev til st learned that they hail to pay a tax of thrtwcanU pernoiind an tWtr trar ivf ' Hn- cotton crop. 1 , . . In Toiexlo, last week f Mrs. J. tiould left s lo irsler tstanding by hs Wliide. Du ring the night her infant child tell out ,,, fail' ami wsa dmu nr.l hi tliM w.l i...,-.. th uotlter awoke.

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