He VOL. 2. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 22. 1807. NO. 7. THE HENTINEL. WM. K. fKLIi, lHOfKIKTK. LAW AMJVSTI(h:. 'I'lir eonitnon iilea tlutt tilt' law is fniiinl s upon jiistiot' ami Hint our 'unrfs of Invr are tribunals of jiistirt', i our whieh hIihiiIiI lie rii't-ivetl with some luoilitit-iiliun. Or ilinarily in ('lirititiiin fountries, then- is mm effort tumle to make tlu Divine law a re v nil J ill tlif Meripturei., llii' basis of hu man law, lull tile, ignorance ami i orriiptnin of tnankint, rentier the attempt iuiperft-i t. Moreover, human laws an- st-riiim-lv itflifteil in their nifaniii"; anil foree, for tic lark I a iiniforni ami aiitlioritativi' ronstriirtion in all ettuiitries, ami even ill tin anine i-oimlrv. There wit a lime in this iiiuntry, w In n iht- authoritative t-oiislrut-tiims ot law wire uiiilorm, at li-ast nearly so, ami xx In-n llie 1 1 i priiu-ipli-s iifciinslriirtit.il wen- riiritlly a.lln retl to. Tin' name law, tlicn Tore, inc.int tlir same tiling at all linirs anil in all plan s. There ns a timi' ill tin' history of the eoimtry when I lie law oiiiiions of tin Jilili'S were fri'i' from extraneous matlrr. ami tlirir ronstnii tions nf law were rni in ly free from the ortlinary prejuiliees of eilin-a tion as hi-II as all partian bias nr p.tlitit :il prerlilrt-lioiiit. Matter n re not so mm , en liri-ly. So strong ili rs thr imprrssion pre vail antiMig the H-ople, lliat our Jmir are. Hlilii'iiis nil pari in-, that if they are iavolvril in litigation, liny ltt-i(in to fun- ' rasm ami arrange, if possible, to hair thrir csr Irii'il la-fore a particular .liitlea- This is si riously to be ill pri i'iltetl Mllill ot this I'iM'Htilc is a prejudice, aiul ilocs tot assail, hv anv nivalis, the niotivrs or inti'jiily ol tin- .luil'i s. Tins last' of Shttrtriiltr ol r Mor.m, u liirh fiuir risi' to t lir opinion of ' 1 1 i I Justice t'hitu in to ilay s issue, is un ilnpor t int our om of t n thoiisaml, in which ft-w turn ran fii'l. that tin- law as uili rpn till h) the Jmlur is a ilrirlly Jilsl one Tin- popular In lmn ami nh a is, that eti rv Court ttf law sluiuhl at the same time ami Hi evrrv i asi-In-all fiiitlablc ourt, ami that tic courts shollhl ci.lltrllc all law - so as tn con-iilcr at till' samr limr the niiilirs "f t if case as well as thr law. ami that tin juries shoulil so aw anl ; hem e, thr tlillii ul ty of ohtHinini; a venlirt from the jurirs ol the County Courts strictly in conformity to law. The strong sense of just in- ami eijiii tl which mists in thr pulilir iniml. will liirt'rajury in the aliscnre ot slront; impi II illy causes in an opposite ilirccliou. alas to ileciile a easi' more in aceorilaiier with tliirvU'sof what is riylU, ralh.r than sti icily w hnt is law The opinion l the Chief Justice is an ahlr one, hill his iutiTpirtalions ol the law ami the iloirtrimsi involveil, ilo not strike us as is ui' entirely free froin olijis-tion Vn e shall not controvert his positions. W t o. more coiii'eincil ahoiit thr i tf.H t m li a ihs ision upon the mrn hanls ol ilir h. tiian we arr as to the stnrth conrci i po lli.l of the Clilft Justice ot the priniiiplrs illVolteil. Hi VO WS ol ill.' nl.ll;- of til, Southern Si.itrs ilurin' tlir war ami it it close we hoi. I to Is' ci.rris t, .t i so- not prrpatnl to as.., ill wKhollt more eonvinrilii; aiuiiienl, that the legal ami moral ol.h;;n tinns ol .Soit'liein rili' iis. wrir in no w ise ntfcctcil ly the tu:ta ami lone emplowl l-y the Collleihrate ovrrnim lit Whether a dt I !'( n'v iiiment which i lniiiis Im IIio, , cut rights, c-in legitimately cl.iini to eer-cim- "ll Ihe powers of i;oVrriiuieul, as in the case o! the Confeileralc (,'ovi rumrnt, until it n wkiiowUaljteil to In' a (.'ovnrnmeiit l-y other j;reat p iwcrs, is a ipiestion which e cauuol ilrlrrlllilie. The ileterniinatioll ot this ipusition, is necessary to tl x the rii;ht ol the Con lei Icracy t mfiscatn the proM-rty of alien cm inies. Hail the Slates uiaile IjihmI their n volt, no ipiestion of this sort wimhl have ariwn. The rioht therelore i I the I'liitcil Stales Courta to eai t a full compliance of Southern cili.itis with all their Icfjal oMia!''"" without ri'uaul to the coercive measures ol't he Confrilerale ail thorit'n-s, which remh reif such cnmpliance imMnwlll, may well he ipiesl ioiieil. until alt the preliminary hjii sti uis (jruwinir out ol the war have lai n l.gitiuiately mltleil. Kail the late war Ua n throughout a mere insurrertion or n l lliou without form mrre I eonllu 1 with the Keihral (,'oM-rii- ment, thill in thai ra.-a the h-pal anil moral nhliofttioiis ol Soullieiiicitiwns towanlslhe K..v.riiinnit ami its loyal rili.emi wouhl have la-en uiialhi tnl. Hut the principles la'nl ilown hy the hirf Justin- in view . f 'm fuels anil circumstances ol the cast-, pic ait sin h sinnu; fral mi s ..I injusiirr to in Jiviiluals, that il iloes seeln to us a more e plitalile provision must l.e fouml souie wheir, il not in the 1'nlrral law, if the Chict Justice has corieetl) interpret! l them. the trailer consi,er the lollowiiiR fai'U : It is Well known that noclawol South ern citiieua are less im linril to la- active partisans in polities, or were less active in limiting on the late civil war. ami w ho iliil not deprecate it' more, than ili.l the jorf chanlaul North Caiolina. Whi n th.r wift was foreeil iimiii tlieiii. tin' hiie majority, who were luuu st, Iwaii to forei-aste, ' in or lei to sii'k corrcspoinlriicr with thrir ''ISiU-tllcru crwlitois, to arrange loi the pay mailt of their ileiits. Kimlini; tlu iuipossi tile, many ol ll nm mi 'l laying dy the heat lilinls they c.ollhl yet to imet llieil Norlliern ilehla. Many of them, when the Confederate receivers ilriuamleil seheilulea nfimeilti. comply. Otiicrs" 'cOMiplir 1 cunse colivineril if" wan their duty ! I y tli ''IMiwem thatla-." Vpon thu tcrmina lion ol the war, many found that the fund they bad laid by to pay their Mortbtrn ilrlitha, depreciated. They were really unalile to pay their ilehla in full and licked a eoinprntnisr Thov who paid orer to the t'otlfrili rate Irrrivi rslrU they had done the lust tin y could, ami many were lelt wholly iiiiahte to pay aliythini;, yrt most, or all, wrir still willing to renew their old drills at ;i Inrge ilisroimi. In some cases, Northern men h ints have ri fused l oinpni niisi , :is in tlir can- nl Macon and others. Now we ask. ought nut the law to provide some relief for these men i It -is true tiro law pli'lnlrs Irliil il li.inkl upu y. Hut that i- -i li riiiri ri'sort lor honrsl ini-u. Few in- ii ih-sire ih i! f in. I of relief when any other Innrst i. li. f in In- allonh il I'mler till Mlllllg ol .llldor ( 'hilsr, wr sl-r nil re lii I lo- this rlass ,,(' nti u Init iii haiikruptcv, ami peihapsii would le will to rml-racc it US So., .,,i,r .1 rriinsrv I lur 1 1 n 1 1 t - . ti ixi:i:ms onsmx nil oiiorln i -I. I.I;IY llM-1 Mil nity of i ! .ulie I In- n nr i J rtu i tl St in (( i t opjiiiuu ol At lor irtu i ti M iiiiim it i, ipiii. s no i-i'in j:"s im ht in-- I - no i 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 :i I try lun-irks to imikr it nm h i-loo. I ll is oi t the most lurid, i onipl. In nsivi', al'lr. legal a'gillllruts wr I'Mi'lInt i in to Ii im iimI. Ill-lnr.r IroiH liniiri i .-.il , i I l-i.igi . Im li ly hgal hire, and i-spirialll polili. nl l-ia. Ili.iu mi doru im-nt ot tin- kirn! uhiih has in Isle yiais hreu I lid l loir tin- eouiitri lleinvisti ates thr Ihms ! lor- him :is a lawyer only and llpplii's III I r pilllri,lrs in nnswrllllg tin-ijiit-stioiis lunii.nimh d to liim, wilha dirri-lni-ss ami point ol nn hoiirst huv otlirrr, who his no i,ii t lo srrvr. lint his roiintrv. To our in in I lie 'lo uini-iit is iiiluiirrihlr, and r i c? v i it i i n -li' mi 1 1 1 iia-l H ran fully. Mr. I Slnnl'i rv ma no r . H nn I h i ol hi - I'!' Ins j.oints snrl. ;ir. lir Iruvrs .itl "I I ' 1 1 1 1 t tin- n iri'rct nrss ll, I ! Ir- h-i si I. (!i. I.. I . rsi 1 1 i 1 1 ! lii,, I it lo I ir a illlt'n nit I i-k W'r r, prut. what Wi havr s'lhl U loir, tiiat it is singularly liutor I tlliatr lot tin-ijiiirt ami haimolil ol tl;i- rolintly . that this il.i ,iiiil ion with lii had not I" siil-mitli d tin il app- iist nr i ions ol thr rrrstilrllt til Itl pirp-ltrd, pi inti d and tin- llistiiit Coiiiuiamli is tor -and a i i plant r at the time ol tin li rip) tmiut Cllilrl the I i I'r II III i slani ls. ll III- I halt iiml ill iUtlglllrlll and artioli, a- wr li.nr no doiiltt ihrl hae. Ilrit hrl I lit II llltt lll-:rlli'l- lltir thrir motives t ran lr rallril in ipirstion M:. StanKriy iloi sn.it il. ut, t tin it niotiirs or purposrs. ' lie Ih'Ih III! I'ji i I is to pirsrtvr pi ail- ;uh1 "iiit t, l t li. miiUt il pt-arr anil Ik mm t wr, m r ran t he roiinl rv M--it ol ' a.H-nmiK hucIi j w-r-. in oi.h r to pn vrnt a j hi. li thrv ha no rouiiil j etr:(ir'lmi -t-ltr t lid1 ti. I-HI !. Y. I ti, f.r iln- Ui-iti, t ( it- i-. a Ktrotii; apology in mam hi-, in 1 he f m t, 1 id .t ih. pit! u;. ,..t!.!( aiol In' it is in. fixation l i i. ..1 1 l...t.-,l tl.t o. n.-ial constriirlioii 1 ..nil,. I.'.s oiistllli'tion Arts, ,y the j it I 11.0. is 11 rll a-, turn of h .-ti mug : ml-. 1. .1 1 1 n --s. 'I'liat opinioe, ,. .1 1- ifl l-ast-d iiptin a 1 lost- inns it ot ttir pnietiral workings the I 1 t -i 1 !. anal l sis ol ils prol Islons. , MmiiImiv lii-'.oirn il. I'Ut upon thr I as Mr -itir!,i- 111 I oii-i,--, a'nl tilt- poilrlttll rlo , nn --agr nl t!,i I 'irsi, Irtit. mIiu-Ii altarkril lis 1 , .ii-ht mi , Miihi 1 , uml whirh portrayetl ! in the Mioni't-t rolors the al'llses which niioht gio '-nl of it j III It ll lilt 1' 1 l r,Min tin- opi 11 ion ' Vn J (car tlu-ti- i- t.io little sound srnsr, cool j pitfgim ul ami political virtue among the I lendt rs ol tin- Ita.lit al party, to prlrit ir thr ; tori 1 of Mv "si nils rv's opinion ami the lie , eessiti tin rr is loi a gt m ral anpiit m rni r in" its tlol'tlilit-s. Thr iligint - of tlli-rhirf arr sin mil Hied and in motion. The Washing ton 1'liri nH-u . .V Y. 7 i"o-uml Itrtihl, ami Thaihli'iiM Sit it 11 all ol whom constitute tile VI ly lllllioillllli lit ol lllisrliirf, rolumo tiou ami si 1 it,-, in auliripatiou, yrt in igno rnucr of Mr. .-in 1 1 rv's rral pi.silion, are out upon him. Mr. Strvi ns' Irltrr tti thr (tninii't' is 11 1111 re nll'polll ing of file, without sense of reason, unit tin- articles of the N. V. Hi nil, I are precisely of the ilillam atory and incemliarv etinrartrr, whirh that same paprr employ rd iii i Slid and 'til to excite the nation to war ami hlooilshed. Thr calm dignity, and the powcrlul reus oiling of Mr. titnhery, when his npinion comes to lie n at I !v the masses, may possi lily chei k the '',, w hich the i-iicmirs nf I race 111. 1 he dispoMtl lo stir up. The Coininiindi is tin nisclvcs may la' patriotic and peace lining i in ugli not only to acipii esi-e in, hut to n''nirr the doctrines of the opinion, ami should Conoiess assrnil,le, the iHtrlligellrr ami mot lu al ion ol -III-ll men as Slieiniiin, Kr-srmlrii, Howard, I nrnliiill, Itiiigliain, anil others, may control the dis coidatier and ultraism id that limly ami once iiinrr n-store oldi e ami law (to the country I V 1 1 . V Mill KoK I'WKI'TI-II IK We learu a coutiaet has lieell awalded to the Western Kailroatl Company lor the trans mission ol a daily mall lietivsen Kayi tit Ville and llalrlgh, Ma .loiirsltoro. Tin- uward was mailt In -1 wnk. ami srhi. forward ihrongh Ihis phut- on Saturday ; and we piesiiuie it will gti immitlialrly into oprra lion. The li-slaltlislilin nl ol this Ill-ill route will gir llli it , I-, . I I II illlt s to Ihe luisincss men ot (t'yelle ille, ami will piove a creation vctllrllrclo ihe people generally. I'hc iael 01 its act oiuplislimml is tine -I In i llorls ot 111. Jolte, the postal agelll f i NoilliCal ttlllia. - H i'. Iitt"'l. The iili'uvc fn Is are highly gtalifying to us, and will he speeiiilly ncceplalile to on yettwiHti ;lrwnd. It ia the line wliTclrstioiitit tfitf P TieiiififfsrifTr lit nrst: Tlje I'. . Ih-partim nt and Dr. Jolte are ea pocially entitled to the Hianks of till con cerned. MICKS OF LANDS IX XOIirir CAItO UNA. Mwiv Ziinmor & mo., of tlir Oitilfonl Lain I Apeiirv, Rt (imMiHUiro, (who ty tin ay ouijht to advertiso tlit ir Ihihiiipu ui.'I Krurc! liurly the iiiUuiuuiU' Utv will tfivi iiit'orinnt ion to ft!l jxthoim North 11114I S.uth, an to thr pritTR of IuikIh ami thrir ilcwritioM, pro.luction, in North Car olinn. Information rriiiito to form a romvt opinion enn hr fihtninrrl from them orrvrrr in wi;im r nlitor in thr Stall. Tin iian tity f pmmI I tn.U n a. for marktt in North r;irnlin;i in immrnm. LantU nm he loii(;ht whirh (nliiri- fairly, rot ton, rnrn, oats, point oom ninl p Ht Iroin $i to f "0 ami hitrh m HM, ncronlin to onalily. 1m nti. m an. I iiiiprovrSnrnlH. l.nntN fortht ni!i ivtti ion of thi-S iiipTiion or othrr in -tit" D-'Ut grapes, niakini; from I ,MM to 1 "00 irallont; of Hinr prrarrr.nui U hniiht from fr, to f n A Uo lanl- lor 1hr making ol ( out, mi ion or t uiiciit inr trom if I ,"0 to Tin"- thrrr rlassrt arttoMii itt tin KntiTii ronntit'. In the millh- -ounti-H ol thr Stair, InmU pnulm 111 rottoti, corn, oal ami whral. or toharro, i-orn, oat h ami whrat, ran lr from $i lo p r ant Thin lamls in thr samr nim rati In loii;ht foi h -ts. I!cin.l tlo mimnlain lan. Is lur ruin; or Ihe nltivation of thr w ti-hU ami fruit h, an- houht from (, to $''.. Th intriiiHir vattir, m alily nnl iin provrinrnt rr;ulaU-tlir pricr. M initio lam N arr ahmidant uml w lu re mxlr I vclopi J nn l-oulit ry low. Minrs nlrcailv I in opi rat ion arr Hohl oitrn far he low thrir real valtir. rnn'ls HMpplir) w itlinhnmtatit watrr ' powrr nittl at the Name liim ood lor mil tvalion nrr o!in hoI1 at mrrlv nominal ; prir-. A frw hiimlrt'l .lollaTM in thr jtohH-ot- -ion of Hh liom-Mt. rxm-rirnrrtl ami Ia!or ih i farmer, w ill pun hasr laml enough in North 1 ( aroliim to make him Imh pcmleiit in a l w t ars. In rlimalr, noil, variety of prinlnrts, I hi atthim -wsj, Alrirty, homely ami olnMlioiire j to law ninl the preservation of pcare amoii I the piNple, lio portion of the rlohe is ttupe 1 rior to Norlli Carolina. We invite hom-M, iiiiln-ntrioii-t, enerrtir, no!rr people with MMithl morale, to roine ami tlw-rll with un I from all ttatioiM mxl peoph-A, who love lih ertv ami law. t 'auiiot Koincthiu Is.' doue to prevent the l.egislaturv ot this State from re asaeiuhling in August, ami consuming tifty or seventy live thousand dollars in the way of per diem ami mileage, ami la-sitles, prohaltly, appro pnatin a large sumot imuiey for purposes not actually mvessar)-. - i'hiirLittt Jknutfriil. Welecl very scnsihly with our cntcinpo-ra-y, the nis-insity ol a rigid economy in the tlisltiirrsnii nt ol thepuhlic funds. ( lur -o. ph- are ton oor tnd ton much in deht nlready to liear heavy taxation. If thu puhlic in teresta do not require the naariuhling of tlu' Legislature in August tint, thru it is plain it ought only lo meet for the purpose of doing w hat is ueeessaiy ami adjou ru i njr $it lu As the law- now stands it in ohligud to meet, if hut to adjourn, i e. if we havo any law in North Carolina or any respect for the law. There is no legal authority in the State i ilhrr to prevent its meeting or to nulhor ie it not to meet. Nor ha the military an thority any fight or power derived friini the law making power of the country lo prevent its meeting peacenltly. This our cotempo- , rary w ill we is inatle plain hy the Attorney (ieucral. We lenm that a mimlter wt the intvlligent ineinlic rs of the 1,1'gtslatun-la-licve, that it is highly important to the puhlic interests that the legislature should hohlaahort aea sioii. Tin ri'gt ol a legislature ia not as lu-avy as our coli'iiiporary makes it, unli-HN the Imdy should prove recreant to the puh lic iutcritsta, anil ainiply remain in session to spend money. It the legislature were to 1 meet and remain in aeasion only ten or fifteen days, ttPOO per day, would pay the entire expense tor all purposes. Nor is our cotein poiary correct in saying that if the Legisla ture met, it would not lat ieruulled to act as a free Imdy. We have no idea that lien. Sick lea would permit military interference. Tim Ciiiivr KTTit. J. Ilervey Ewing, Esip, a lawyer of llaltiniorc, will visit Ku rotc alaiut the 1st of Septemlier for the pur toc ol aeruriug a large ealate which ia said to have I teen held in reversion in Holland or Germany, for the lineal draccndnnU of one liana Oral, who it it laid Hurt from the persecution wagc,d against the Menoilites in the 17th century and migrated to America and settled in Lancaster County, I'a., in 1717. The descendants of tiraf are said to la- numerous, are known in the particular sections where they reside, as Ural's, OmlTs and drove's, all deriving their line nge from Hans draf. The expenses of Mr. K lug's rcsi-aiehes will he ennsidcralifc, sml he desires that all the legal heirs to this es tate, of whatever name, who will make a claim on it, w ill send in their names and prool of their title to him helore, the 1st of Sept. ami la ar their share in the expense. We advertise therefore that all thr Urufa, drolTs and drove's or heirs hy other names among our readers, who desire to take a chance in this lottery to correspond with Mr. Ewing. Kvi'KNsK or NkwsI'ai'kks. - The N, w York "IlinilJ' has lately dismissed a laiga niimltcr of einployeesfnmi its edit orial rooms. Some torty men weru llisluiS4ll in all. t his great reiluelion in torco is nwiny lo tin ex I lenie tlilllncss ot huainess. Although the 'llrruhF is thu richest paper m the world, excepting perhaps the London " 7uk-, " and receives Uic iuost exorhitajit priiaa lur atlverlisemmta, it canoot ttanil the- preasure, and is eonipelled to n-diice ex-M-nsn. ! Thad Hwvens ha written a letter urgent ly Noommatidiog a July aeasioa of Uoogrea. Opinion of Chief Jnttic Chaae, lklir,rt,l in thi Circuit CifiH of (lit Vnittd Muff, ih thit f'iry, tury itt l.tlo scmivm iti tfif J',tlUnfittij rtise : snoin iiini.K el ol ru. maciin. This is ittrnrttim for the n.'overy of tlu amount of a promissory mile with iuteresl. Tin i.' is nn iiiestitii ol the llahilitv ol thr , It It in I ant to the ih-inaml of the plain tills, nitless he is excused l,- coerrcil pa meiil o I thr note sued upon under aU act of the Kclfslyh-d Ci m lei h rate Congress, passed August .'Will, 1H0L. eutitleil "an ai l lor the st tpirstration of the estates ol alien i iit'iMies," and an aim-iuhilorv at t passed Fehruaiy l.'ith, ISfl'i. It is admitted that the plinntill, w, ir i ll i.rns ol Pennsylvania; that Ihe defendant was a ciliyrii of North Carolina; that thr note rind upon was llla.l, In thr defendant to the ihlllll ills ; and that the ih frmhtut Was coinpi ll.il, hy priKiadings iiiitutnl in thr ('milts ol Ihe so called onlr.lrlatr Slitlis, I" I'm Hie iimoiiut due upon it to the rr ceiver nppoinlrd undi r the seipieslial ion arts ' I poll these tacts It IS lllsistrtl thai thr ,r. li'iidiiiit is discharged from his liahility to the plaintitl's. It is claimed, that, while it existed, Ilir Coiili'ilerale government was , a ilr lortn govrriimeiit ; that llie citizeusof the Slates w hich ditl not. recognize its an ihoriti were nln tis, uml in t inir ot w nr. alu u eiirmirs ; thai, i oust tpirntly. the at of s, ilu strat Ion wrir valid ails; and linn Ion, llialpaumnt ton louliihiatr :,: ,i, ,, ileitis dor lo -m il cilii ns, if i ,,ni., II,-. I ,x pi.M-1-r, lings nn. I, r thosr m ts. i. h, , t,', th I, lor from all ol,li:;al ion !, thr original creditors To maintain thi s,. ,rop.i-ii ion- i lit- r 1-1 lor tin ,, I, n, nit rely iiptin tin- dci i-ions of thr Supri-lllr ( t of tin I nitial Stairs to Ihrrll.rl that ll,,- h,ir n-ltrl I i. in was a civil w ar in I he prosecution of w hii h In I ligerent rights were exercisi-il hy the Na tional goiri'limriit and nirori in I lo the armed forces ol the n ln I Conlrth rary , ami upon the derisions of thr State Courts, illl ring ami alter thr close of the Alnrrii an war tin in, It pi nth nrr, whirh allirmrd tlir valid. il l til I'tinti. at imiM uml srtjiuisli-ut ions ,1,, creed against the property of n -rsidt ut llnlish sulijri Is ami thr inlialtlianls ol coin .lies or Slates hostile (ii (Ik- I iiiIi .I ( olonics or I'nitetl Stales. Hut these dia-isions do not, in our judg ment, sustain the proposition, iu support of w hich they are cited. There is no iloul.l that the State ol North Carolina hy the nets of the Convention of May, lHiil ; hy the previous ai ts of the (inv entor of the State ; hy sulmeqiient acts of all the departments of the State govern ment ; ami l,y the acts o the people at the elections held after Mav, 1SC1, aet aside her State government ami Constitution, con msrteil, un, li r tin National Constitution w ith the government ol the I nked States; and established a new Constitution and govern ment connected with another, so-called ceutial government, set up in hostility to the I'nitetl States, and entered upon a course ol uctivu warfare against the na- ti il government. Nor is there any donht tluaj. hv these acts, the practical relations of Nih Carolina to the I'nion were subtend ed, and very serious liabilities incurred by those w ho were engaged in them. lint these, acts did not atfect, even for a moment, the separation ol North Carolina from the I nion, any more than the acts of an individual who commits grave otfences against the State ly resisting its ntlicersand ill-tying its authority separate him Iroiu the State. Such ai ls may suhject the oticiiilcr txen lo outlawry, hut can discharge him from no duty nor relieve him from any re spolislliilil V. The National Cnn-i iin.ion declares that "Tn iisiin against tlir l nited . Slates shall consist onh in Irvj-inp: war against tht un t, iii adlirri.ig to their rnvmius, giving them aid ami coinloi t." . "The word "only" was used to exclude from thr criminal jurisprudence of the new Id pul, he t'.e odious doctrine ol construe, live treason. Its ii-e, however, while limit ing tire ih finttum tn ji'ain overt ac'a, lirmgs I these acts in conspicuutis relief as Iteing al ways, and in essener, treasonable. War, then-lore, levied against the I'nited States t'V citiensof the Id puhlic under the prelciulcil authority ol the new State gov ernment of North Carolina or ot the so called Coiifrilerate government which as sinned tile title of the "Coiil'cderate Stales," was treason against the 1'nitcd States. It has Itcen supposed, and by some siren oiisly maintained that the North Carolina Ordinance of IHfil, w hich purported to re peal tlie North Carnliua Ordinance of 1789, Ity wliicii the ( onstitutioiiXof the United States was ratifled, ami to repeal also all subaetpieut act hy which tho nssi-iit of North Carolina was givi-u to amendments of the Const ilut ion, did in fact repeal that Onlinaiice and those acts, and thereby alts solved the teopleol the Stale from all ob ligation as citizens of the l ulled States and made it impossible to commit treason hy levying war ngaiust the National govern tueut. No ehiliorate iliscussion of the theoretical question thus presented steins now to 1 necessary. That question, as a practical one, is at rest and is not likely to he revived. It is enough to say here, in our judgment, the answer which it has received Ironi events, is that w hich the soundest consiruciioii of the Constitution warrants and requires. Nor can we agree with some tcrsoin, distinguished by abilities ami virtues, who insist when rels'liion attains the pioHirtious and alanine the character ot ci- II war, it is purged of its treasonable eharaclei and can only he punished by the defeat ol iu armies, the disappointment ol ils Imp, -. ami lllrea lamilies inriilent to uusueccsslul war. Courts have no policy ami can exercise no political powers. They can only ih dare the law. On w hat Hound principle, then, can we say judicially that the levying of war ceases to la treason w hen the war lai-onies formidable 4 thai w ar levied hv ten ineii or ten hundred, is certainly tn-asnn, hut is no longer such when levied by ten thouand or ten hundred Ihoiisnmlf that the armed at tempts of a lew . attended by no si rioiis dan ger to the I nioit and suppressed Ity slight exertions ol Ihe public torcc, come, iniqins tionably, within the constitutional th-tiniiion, bul attempts by a iim cunhiual ion, con trolling several States, putting greil armies in the. Held, im uiicino mill iinnnm nl peril the M i y lite id i he liepul l r nn I i li iiiani'm,; immense elforts ami immense oXh-ii, Inures of treasure and bloirit 1or their defeat awl suppression, swell lieyoinl the luiundaries of the definition, ami becoute iiiuiM-rjit,Ju..ii(e prttpt.itinn vl their s-tutrtuU.jp. : : But it is said tiiat tills is the UiaTtiine of the Supreme Court. We think other wise. In mrtdeTTi time it I the nsnal practice ol civilized goverauients ut tacked by organized tnd tormidable rebellion, to caercia and concede helligcicnt right-. 1-,-vil. im ... such circiimstnncrs, ol pn i.-in-,-- ,. , when luatle prisoners in w ir a iiomw, ,' they agree on cartels bn r,, h , , , , , other mutually brm-fni i! a-1 , p.-,- inste.i, 1 ol insist in:,r li pon n i ii,,, iU-sigiiatiiiiis in iiiUTcuui-; wiih iw.vi. t militarv chiefs, treat tin in, i ' - , Itle, without suircmlt i ,1 , plea, like Ion i'-n foes . warlarr lint these air com ess,,, ;;, i . , ,. i -Li gislativr ami lxt i nti i e .i.,,,,i . government in the even ist , ,l p.u.i,. . :, cretion and in the iiitcn ' o! ! i : mitigate nnlit-tn e i t. , ' t'ivtl Ctililh, Is, ninl ,, t l:l , ,,. I, i , ol mutual repn-als and i. t.i.t i establish no rights t ,-, y .nn,,. Ami it is ti n, that -i ,,. ,( n the nut I It.l It ( tin 1 1 1 ; ; , fully rr i-hI :tlll-l- I tin- - n ' I. . law arr .i i.. in r.llirh . h, im- rutin nl oi i ; rriminalil v o ni li v 1. 1 1 iU i i. : .' otl.-ii i o.ml I.- Ihaf of t h.' 1 1 i ,.,.,,;! I'V I lie ol ahl,ii H li Willi u ! i i, I i - , r con iter trd. Many arr c.t i r 1. I u i . i ' , . . ... I'V Hinrere 1 1 m i l: i mi- ak n t m i. . . -hurrtel nloni; h rxcttrni- rit-s iiu ; aii.i Htute Mmpalhies. un I v. n I ", - ml pulsion ol a pul'lir opiiii-n n - tlun .-a When I he sli ih (.( .m,,, i , , ,v . t . ... I "Vcrninriit-s. tlirt. l-.rr, t m m '-ir- 1 H .; p. tilt nn di-ri'i-i :..n. :i..i - 1 1 . . liiainl t.i H i- i k ut . ., i- . 1 I l n l.'H :i 1 1 1 1 t I I 1 lt t . - . iii- ii v. ral Iii i lii iii 1 1 ii .,; , i . . i ph-ie r' tni-- i- n -ii ..: . t ' . i ' ' eiajst h rtniin - I t ir ! r t x . ; , , .; , Inlal I V f tit t-Xfl'.ll l -III I It. .1 1 1 , !.,) ut I 11 ill- If tf fill ljlt il III th. -i . i , . r p( ifiis (, i h m i, ,, ,i Hi--. ! v l l. p:iriMI. i ll Ii. . i upon romlitioiot prf-.-i il , 1 . u. liielit. 'I ill .-k; J i II lit 1 J ill , ( 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ! I i ;i,l . i i I HfltioMH, hip tll'i.- W !il t, t i artioii n' he inv i m m. n t . , i i I States 1 1 U r 1 1 1 L! thr u ;ir ol lii- t.!.. i - , have rruulatt .1 its arhon -, t(. . i i down it ariii. In b"lm K -pn t- the l"l I't .1 rillliU o ilir n.llliMi i i. ! ,' . While h.".iliint w, i,- il , m n ... ol ( 'illicit ij ;n I h ;tl( ;tl.. u i . i , I . r pi nally foi Ura-on uli -jih m , . , m - i ami anothi r pioili l a im I m u zem of rrln-1 Statt-ri ln:iini oim: - i ..... lirsion to tin-1 nti ti. -i tit r t r- . : i . tin value ol then raptini.l i t i. i projM-rt v. The Natioiuil iov i i unti ii :. tn.. sought tit I.K ilii.lt i -Ihi ,i i. . , . ipiatr ruar tiil ies ol uio -t-, m i rights. On no ih- aMon, ho t v i . ! have the Initnl Slal i i i u'.u coiiHtttutiiuial juiis.lit lion ..i t!,, w ; , territory (r over all thrriti. t :ii U- pill ilir, or ronrrilr.l to i il i i; " i i K&inst their count ry I Im i..u ;t. ' i 1 cneinirs, or admiltrtl lit.- i m i. n goveriiment, i uro, i I in n i , i,- 1 . of the I'nion, hostile to ils. !J, In the l'rie vam-n thr S m. 4 i, t ply EMertetl thr rijht l Ilr I ml. I to treat the insuiLjnits as ! i ili;- - i to claim from loreirii nai in 1 1i j i ' ance of neutral duties umli i 1' t j . known to intrrnational law. I 'm' ;. . i . . recognized, also, the fart of I !. v . ,i i concession ol hrlliirnn riuhi oil-. ..... ; as a necessary coiisi tpiriiri . t ': ,, -i. that durniL; thr war, all th i .h i1-. - the rountry conlrolled l. i,(r i.'i '.. , , all the inhabitant ol t!i. . ,: i the Inioii were iih un. 1 1 ipi o, o. . . . . the other. Hut tin d i- n..;!,. opinion which L'ives t unti n ic. - doctrine which i-oim.. I rndravor l .t. -f-i . from it ; that the iiimii-i nl Slat. - ' t act ol rrhcll'oii ami hy h iii w.o mo i nali'.'.n hrMUu lion-iu SiajvJj. au tik-ai inhabitants ttlirn cm nues. This proiioHil ion In iii'r .1. inr.1, ii niu-t result that in rompi'MuiLf drltioin t pav Im 1 re-eiverc, lor the ttipport ol tin- it !m lin n, I dehts due to an ritirn of tin- I i ih .1 ; St lite, the inHiirctit ant horii i. oiiiiiiitti ! iHcpal vklew-, by wiiit h iiw ibli-iat Ji,m .f I debtors u creditius cmild bi- ;n,. II. .i, in any respect, allrrti l. i Nor can the drti'iirr inllii-- . -i-- .). , more support from the dfi-i-ion- ii1' '.,o. the validity ot conli-4-at ioiiv ttuiu. i!.. x. for Anieri an Imh pi inh nrr That war U-'aii. , doubt h--. Ii!m ; cent rivil war, in it In lln-n 11. id t! . . nated unsm 1 1 lull , an. I 1 1 .i I I . Tribunals siib-ct. in in I v :ilti t im I il" ty of colonial t on lis at ion and . ( i -. 1 1 ,,i , i. of Krttish pniju-rty and of .i. I i .b; f British siibjerts. tlio-s.- dei ii. :M in point. No si mb-nt of inti ma' i. n . I i OT of history m eds to be mloriiH tl !i.v tll oaihle it if tiiat u li ih-rision-i l 'i M'Cii made. Had thr rrc. nl r.-b. lli.m piox.. fill, and had the v. di. lily ..I ... tions and m-it 1 1 . i - - n ;n I u-t n v . ni... . bv the iiwurciil anlii'iritn - l . ii o'. ipirstiitncil in 'oiitr. h i .itc ( '.-ii' i - improbable thai tin d.- i-ioii- .-t i h.- -. ! Courts, made dnri u- .old ; ! i. . i tionarv war, miuhl b.m be. o .. ..l , t approval Hot it hardly mr.i rem.iik, lii.it ih . decisions weie made iiinl. r ini r nn , stances widiU lnV. Irmn i i i. . . now ciist. They weir in id. b tin- ( .ui; t- nl ; . whirh had snrrn di d l:i l I., o ill. nijn sever their cKm ed i .inm n m u it Ii i . i . J tri t iii i, and 'am i mm 1 m i - teen . i. j n ti for their ah. bl w ho.U u cess ; uml ran li,m no arph- :ii Hi I a rein! sell slvlr.l ennm n t , .km-seViruiM-M ol rohf 1 1 1 ii I it mat i . I 1 1 1. m . Biates to tlie I nioti, bn( detl it, d oi t, attempt, ami, Mil. bfok. it un.l st royed. TlloHC lll I'tl.r III rvU'Hiori ht ,- Wider tllC CollHi .pienri s 1 1 lb. ... I rrlelclliou be.iiin n olnii.i, ,,. i new poverninenl widJ jiisiitv it-- t"ie 1 . If they fail, nil their ai t- Ir ti'. i- . right fu I govern mm t air n ' u .. i . I m ami originate no iiolil-u hu h ,.n !.. i. , . ni.ed by the lour' ol ih-- i. .n- -antlmriTy and esritem!--h-n-r-l.. , tilt,.- . sailed. We hold, iherrlor,., ih;ti . nint, uml. i ll.r S .,n. -ti .it h-Im-I re. i n. , ..I m. , , , ,i tills from th. d '. fd . ii. x ! f i' is i 1 ion. d. li ' ' . i, lit i- x h ii, ... , .Vcthe rihi oi '!u ii,iiuiilb ti im m i h, principal debl irmii the defendant, tin v n not rwover i nln est lot I lie linn dm tin,' u i. ii war p!Mitwd.i! vmww&auoiv 4twi ej UStativ in w loci. -t'ydslUVfcri.y n;siikU. We cannot think so. Inteie t i-.tln bn fill truit of pnmip.il 'I Inn are, indeed, miiie antlioriftciH to ttii jtoint ITihI rutiVet which hnrtMrrurd during war I si wren m depende&t natiotw, caimot lie aticrwarde re. ii- h the del I, with other intrT I bit thai inii . in our imliMi.mt, l l -ii. h w ari W e nr in Ilir a i o thr 1 -it t .In'v, 1 - " i . ! d ti i -i I inn alt paei tie i . . . i i l(i I, ;,d rtoi I insurgent "r-oimtrx , 1 hnt r.-t)'rrr"nT fHtti , an.M 1. 1 thai rule lo (lie rune l.t n-'hi s i .mid neither be .hit. t. I I'V llie ill ' l"M ot Hie ni. - . I ih. l it. reb, llion". "u I li ne jndmeiil tor thr Mi ,' I o 1 bl, Wilholll d ' ' 1,1 i i, . i HI Millie. Index. f I." .V I t'UUli A'.S- Mill (oil O Itl t.l.tN, ' , III lo, lti7. y i, biiiii.s ol voiir vabniblr ii ooii I iliioiiuh which tlu: ..I OMt .. n look d mining . ill.-d lo thr attention ot ll itteinoi to one dii the I 1, llie I liu iiiinifiliutn u iiii ii . I. ir t in want ot riiti'rpnsr -in has been sulleir.l to lie Mir I !. k-iound. This jr.,1.1 heir m;,!!!;; tlifiiotrd run I Ih'hU 'f Chat ii t !( t run-, into il bi i I s ur-'i; i aj.h if I.-! i 1 1 or cnpn - -oi ul'oro, iiii liniiit; tn .' j- I o I llie Allnntie n.itM, id- : i' nl I tl.a' m omI U"ld bell and it ni Ih. ( , lil H -. solllh e the i i.' o. -mi i mnniii In mi the i'o i i -i.nilnx- -l lo the North i l 1 1 1 I . 1 1 ; d l I in- I olllil ten o I all i ' i v i i I! . 1-j ,1,. Mo..,,-, Mont x ll. -w in. I 'ab.irrtis. Meek I . ii 'oid le-.-u, pa-ting on -!li o . lin:i . I ii't'iia, and . oin- on tin- Ci.oki Kiver, I hi i iii..-. -laie i- the prevath .1- : i... k. although rii'h hads loiii- i : i i l en lotnid, priierHlly ol a ..tee-, t l illl.l.O kind. HII I If- MINI-. i ( ohl .li.-rorrit s thai wrte made . ' ...i, wen about thr rar 1 H 11, on i i Hid id I . i u ards know u us thr 1,1:1,1. u Im ti w a-- ionline. entirely m i d e-o i n-'-. i tn 1 1 1 1 on in 1 he i udesl t it . h v hided a nio-d hatidnne t t.t t-ie mint h. i'he pdd bearing al ,.i ii.MMMid o beds of jziavel, mixed in . li.t.iotiit i-illirale, and pale blue i l:i. i m-asinej a thirkm-ss from l l.'ii t.el tndtpth. I.ureje sized nu ii. ii . It. . it d t he miner in his work ; ti.-. s-i oim- kiiowa to have Is-ru found ,. I i I II-. aoiriiipois. So reiuu- . . ie i lose washinos that every . ; t l : nl h was lomplrtely entU'd I i Ii '. i at alici Ms iliseorry. i in i ni K MINK, tft.nl.on ol the miners was then I t.. iirliine; torn tin. Thr oul ! ; . I i eiy i u li ore w us discovered i ! ti n i m 1 1 act o land belonging to I in : ! , lui h proved t le of the 1,-mi' i'!:i.", well drlined in every re . n wn lioiu two to liyr fret wide, u t.icK bein of a talrose char- . int. rxaN on the vein giving a nln ijii.ii'. i nl 1 1 ii or to almost an im i:i' p ; e upon thr application of wu v in. ii w.i ;dvas rrardrd as the most ' e- 11;,' ii ii vurird from two to i. . i wi.ir. I.i tiM't were p;iven by the t t i.t on i lie noi th eml of the vein to i ut p iiirs tor lo ut trims, whose li lit- t winking ami ha.-tily impro h :t -.tint pailot the vein in .....:.,... i.. i lutuie operations. The i-. ii'.H.i'i, i-i'lriidid, ivln from 1 " ' i"'1- the operation were .o Inillier lenses brin re- Pie le-id on this property can Iw ' 1 1 in ii tor over Ji.tMMi fret, tliereater on of which yet lies in its virgin state, i- are pal lies hrre now prepuriiiL; to u . i k 1 1ns had, Inch with t In tine fan lilies td ;ihr power near al hand turned to proper aeeoiint, shmild I all em led wilh ihrhnr iMilities ol water oer nrnr al U.oid l :ii I b proper mvnnnt. should be : t ; i ii. b I wilh the most r.i' dv mu rn-ulis. I'l-.m tbf iifiitrix y-M-ldms it" vr-M h tre'Jyt iM'.i.T 1 :ir old itial v ore dri:s-iir; in .. Ii inery w "'lid ci'. i il JO pi r cent, a-iv .ut:i;'e over e. t'i. - .-I the t inte value -.1 a morr n ' - - 1 . i t ' i n i . mo i r ri c ks,N r. o ..iltMllcel witI of tllM h id ueoll it.,,.,., n ..i i in -..line hills, rising . m.iuu ..!. f. i'ioii. is Ihe Ml I'l.v.-.ittt Hill. t, i.. ilt'.-l. llie Wiitets ol iii ill l llik. ,i i,, il d.le lode hell' :iipe:i.. hi bold .mi,, doii a ledye o t m while : i, -ii i o,;in.4-xl b stulhvist. Iiaeruble I -J.oOO In I. I in. has liecn . . ... i ,i -.i I w . n ki d in set end plan, h " o t etin front :i to ti Uvi in width, 1 .1 ti '.ii.ii-' inteoiM- slate, attil the rouulry .I.tiii'iii but o a lonelier U i i n itiih-t lur w.trkiny the oiih I- 1 - ndt -n. i:n.iirp'in-rd by any hn-al i i ...i The Wrslelli sioM' ol the . ... d i. t abin rr. k. a sph ml il ,e .... oi iuiLii.ti wun r, all .rdin w ati r .v.- i Hill. r. i in i ap;u ity t- mil tlie most ht - nil. It i ut r . .lu-l id Ihe b.tse.ol" t'i. i.dl o i ite.l an rM i llrnt mill Mle tlon i., ii .i - i l i i loliikii mill uiii' ils slow n a oi-,: mm n nrtii i (ir .iliiitUie uml int xliaUa i - i-ui-, .-I the ledges aloe. Kfoin ; M.i il vamiM at oner SUlrtt itselt to " . i 1 1 1 i v e a tunnel tioni the mill ,.'..'. .i d ii. n til the ledr ut no great o-i ;. .nm ihr hiddrn trc.isures if ! in c t on nil.. I he reduction works hc i. nn ! i vi'. l a in ol thr hitnir and . , , i ; , mi - i, ii i . it lend woi kiur trom shafts. ! ,.' ,id 'i "ii tlo' lull contains u consider t ., i .im o -iu. i Thi- hill covers an 11 , , d ''1 'HM-- in; Mtit.iiv mi i - -ii, '' I" r i ii x :iiii.n nist to the , , tins lull, bewiiitl a t-.tjiii,! little t-as- ,,, 1 1, , i l-rt :ik t.nt frt.iu tin-bills nlmti-, ' l , i- -int-letl by s.nue rtltb' fi-nv:i j , , ..'i us i,le,.tr what iiiiner inure tit,. ,,, I . I l-l ' i' ,:iL"lls " Tit 1st tnli IS kilt. Hit; , ,!i M.-lv Hill, anil its f.,r as , j.lt r.-t , , . - Ill l -..It.l IlKIs ,. t.r. s l ,U i, ; ; ..ill - lit i I. ; ,iee. 1 I :I i I set I ! - a 1 1 1 I Ie I't lis - i, ,1 , -jii.ii 1 . . 1 1 it 1 1 a I t'l't plat't'-, tlu i, ill,, ,- ""i In, k " Tilt' ivirap- vit-1,1 as ' ' , i !, -I. .1 i- li,.n T " tI'.' tt r but, al n, a l..i .it ill, I be s, le, ,', til l! xttitlM ..,i t.i.l ililtii iiia.i K. ,1,,, ii, ai i i ,ii t tt lisir i-aiiacitx et.til.l well i , , 1 - : i - lit alltl llit:lil reiinitier ,1 1 ' .1 ibis i'nii. This bin nine. ., ,i , ,,1 in atres. '1'I.M' i-ntire surl'uie all ; . m , s enM, hu ll Hiuiltl iti.iilitU-w niir a ' lit j, ltl llie sin t-i-ssllll pla) nl the llXtlrnlllie SW.-i4..iHilli)t. ' '.:.- .. -IK llliuxx Uli.u - v.. i.t half ii mita fnitii Hit Mt. I'lufaul lit I.I, iii.f'itbin t'ntk, aii'tther It.lls i-luxilioll lifts ilseli Irtmi tlie banks if tins stream, k im n as the Hnts u UilU Here a rwent Jincovery ol goldjaaa taaila wbkll . vUl placr it in hih w im a ion itimi.r of ii. ft. like Ihr .Voodv Hilt. ' PH- IIIUSM of ore's ol a t-oll, d.O k, V. FilV, o the ntieiil iird fornuiti. n. Tin urea of li e loll Si emaM'o p,reS ld o mod.-, m.i,-.- el orr ,i!t flint a jtii ' cleave up t.-'lln' Vye ri er' "tifr ' "tr aye yield is tiota -." to tp " pt r $ Hitifacu all ovi r pair, liv I) for w ''' keiiiu H'MlNuirs ol untold wi iMh i U'lteath. Tim liifilitirs hen, too, to powi-r, an- of ihe rarett kind. A i. mill site could lar jy-t n l'ir ronrm the wrtr-m sidt if th.1 b stn-aui lu ieivisa mlniiit! ! wall i firirnr power to not in ieh inn v ' -t 4aaprwily. rl In Ir u I eon! .- 110 urns. With Hn- a l ..ui. nnl . 111 thise nlinoot virgin hill ( w hii ' w tarilitirs mentioned, unl r p'" - t ; ' could Ih- wm Ixi I witham.t tribe niimrr.uis othrr pl ti ri di -'-in" In i i culity would indir i'e , I .- n l mines as any alo aU "t" 'n .1 1 this line water powrr is tmrt b- in: to account vb-Ms b'i;i. biehio ihr 'vim Hon ! on , I . I,, .tk. i 1 lo.le in 'it d ', .nnl (In m ho!" ninnino mi ii W w weeks, i Hoer e.m w ill find ainpU' loom. Iini'i l'- i 1 1 ' I he m-aii st i idio 1. 1 I p. I" (In Ir one lo u Hi j l w ii Inn t w : )4h mile ll.l I.I" ll Waill lo sir r4 it list mult aild Wr t.el jl!l-lh'd ll.;,1 it b llieluls ot 1 1 1 -a1" ntioM in ) .i.ji, i thai end n oil f. I nitotl : l"n,l K.h l- I lll-sl- I . .Illlllll. . i -I ttiourh lo I t ii v inter t V h- U- KlO'lol;- thint: through iln iiol thai I am itnpl my opinion arr ol hut simply u and Inrthrrmon ral dy a bulk bti nil' I bej; . . Sfllt till Vtl-XXI. tt tin- 1 1 'li, I li,,M i i-liiiiii tn hitvt' been it I iiittn ttiai, I.. : , lllll'ill the Hill, bill ("lll:lH ll"l -m , MH i-inisi.sleiil itne, I lent- in, I iielin:,! I, . - : i 1 Kilkt' Ihr pf-llis Ht! ptir-tnlt rl HTT-tlt 1: ' ' filter tin' arena t'l' ,.,lill, s. ' linVU llrillirt'il all itvel-l.itl III t,,lil , like pat riot ism nun It beiltr than p i I rnnrrivft tlmt tlitn- is us irrnt a .1 , . N-twii-n a piililii-ian uml it pit I r i. -t . - ':-- is Itt-twrt'ii a inuiiiit am anil in,, I, I - I i , nut' will liiakn errnt personal sarn-,. l tin-fnitii of liist-oiinlry," thu o!li. i- ,. rilicc his cuuntix's jjinmI In m rmiij 1 n own Ht'ltish ,-iiils. The xx. ir pin I y nl thf Snnlli ab, , . il xt-f t-rt- ilele-lleil ill ill,' flni; j i ili'peiiilt'lii't, that fiifial i itiili t ai I- n ..' ,! ' take phittt. I tlitln't luliexr n ,.. t ' t: TUo (luvcruiueti m .', Iijih slimxn i i.ki. tnoru iiiunaiiiuiitv tnxvails n.s ;l , - w. -niun anticipnli'il ; luit ill tlm sam. m murk as liim I'liinn nun i 1 i you sti' that wliilu thu SrceitMii ,', rivpil a to tlm rt-Kiilt, tlir I'liimii i i . i: , I Ix-liex-fii tin' Hoiltlmrn States i t u (vivt-il Itnck as pntilittals ; atn thai l, a, ut kimlninH our Norlln in briMlmi, lioup "conls of llru" iiji'm nur li ..,, :1m. making us itsliaiiii-i I ul uiirrvil ti t 1 attasvni; iib iimrr firinli than ii-i b.ia.-. I'nion. Ilut while I nm Moim-vt i, il ! - .. pointed at tlie eotiise of t t.-1 . - , ! n-, until more ilis,iiitiinlt ,1 ut tin- i i , I rertain Soutluni men, itjliiii; lli.m . lu- 'ftontlirrn loyalists." Tin y ur, I n..n Letter I'nion men (' Ihan the pn -. llie I'nion enn. I. ike tho In l.nis n,,, tliev aru bvtaiiuiu so snMpttinl. tl" . ortr. They sti'iii bi hav-- nini-o I.i ! I i .t: ,f nialitjnnnt fi'clin;.it Uittri Norflirrn P t.li. al even. ".Sniilliirn lnjnlists'' Mi in l.e , ,, ions to ronlisrate titan "Nurtln i.i I, , il. i Why is this? Is it to renii;,' ilnm ,-i-for npiris8fnti,- rntf tr ttttarftrt-st --, t. ti ... l(et otliec outside the State f 'II, , . live is as iniprnper an tin- t.t I r n, i sl.iiuliLu-ek olliee iiiilsiilu of bi ' Si i if I'liiuii itu'li xx-eie iipjif. sit f .- war. i.s that it rt a im x liy lhf, ii - ' inle, noxv tlmt tliev think they but, i!,t t,,,1 eriiment to bai k lUi iu U.ucli a a-mii: iMi. .. eiiiiiiiiel noljle? I it iniilitv f' ('nm-it tti.tv aetairil Iniiiivty ttf purpose to tHf'i" ti'.,i ttei et.bitiu iteilibt.rs at lettsl tn t'....- wi .. wt-nt futii lite lirearti aiul I'uiuiui 1-..I 1... prineiplei f 1'lte man xxiut i-nniini .1" li.,-. Is comiti sitl.jt-et tti Ihu eliare;i' nf bitn.f, , hiniKelf. W hy lint tay to their sx-ii-'ii tieilihlinrti, "Sir, xmi linmpliil on nnJ l i i injjs ilurinj Ihe x ar Ih'i-uiihi t.f my I nit n pi ine.iplt-s. 1 now Itavt tlm atUanlae i.t you. My priiieiiiles have tritliuplii .1, I ran n turn iHitl lor evil. I t .xteliil to "ii tb hauil of tt-llimithip anil ttoitil felii, : I, the See, ssi.niisl lias a sial k ol linblim s hi., soul, lie xx ill feel himself xx hiit 1. bin , bled. If lie hu-sliot. tl rniltleties I" aj.pi.. einte sueli eiimliirt, there jn itt l.e n. nr th, less a noble ai-lion N-rli.rnu-il, Hut, Messrs. Ktlitors, I must ,i,, -!,, i, i , I'liion reciinl ol some of llii'-i ,i Inyalisls." I nl not muiii- i I ill. ,,, b tillicw iiiult r the t'oiileili iate . i mm ... Are not Hoiiit of tin in Muen xtb.. n .,i I the title rather ttmu stem thc rnnr?,. . . tlit-isB the nun to ilnmimr nxt lis!',. -.t. i..i in leaijtie xt itlt EM'1'eb.sitiiiisi, t,n, I, , . , .bilinwin, J.ihii llaxlti un, I K. ii. I , J iVy were t uimi i u n iu "Hue. - .1 i. .1 mens souls. I burl .ll l-,, ,, ennipany xxith m I. molt ltitit;-, i i.i i tleiug 1 ilo tii't pail miiIi uty I i,i-,i, , pies. I.i-t l'ni..ii ineii, txrty v lien-, t aslite purty spirit anil reveiii.e. ae.l magnsnininiis .ul, ..ly injj ti e i n n ot -tiur hh MaMi-r, tltt "ot il i i , anil glory in lite niM,i i unity -..,1' If seeesHU.ii sis jfj. i i,,. meet 1,1, t n, , ,, Way groutitl, unit il mmisv i,i,,i , nrtt rtwtottif,. Ui ihi; btiiU JUit tiu , while He .lie 11 1 It'll It' i t il l t'pinn, le! lis liave it l'uli, n ,-l . Well as a I'lii.m til Males,. -..... I. lilt. l ll'.tiw. tti Telini -sei , In , Mr M Siewiui. t-l liftti, t of Kej:i,.sunii 'n t..i I,k,-,iii,,i,i. . that Itt- ita.l (VsiiM.it .l l.i . 1 1 an .list rati tl that lie hail I'm. til Illatl. alttl llist tils s .its , , the Ket leial M-lvift I: in .,1. .Hlal.WUUltV;..t,Jsill;l sl-,1 ll-'l',. ' t.l le.eive his pfl'i I, . ., lolifitl out that a iiet;t.nl t.t .. I X ties Ken- yn-t i I- i.' ,(,.',. small sp,vii,t 4 y,l ft '--'i' i . , St f. l'x tit.x. U. Ils a nal. liM, imlsioii ir..m ..mt-e iaiu,i. - laili.l i the Inll'.ix nit: iiiei.lt nl it j..t . , ' true. Ai ajcqnaiatanew Bu t Ihk, atr4t MhV tHwjtvtl-Utttv- lMi-ti-i , military mtxer. iail t, i u inni , gitoil liiiinoreill v ri puttl . I ly. I hetil tlie fniir ntn-s, InVi 1 i ut aVrkansaw liaml Imu ia, k kBite ami I bad to care." ,.ui6p. I ' ,1 Hi- i -I t -k Ml' 4 - " v t i f I.- ft Hill f- ?r: X I

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