7. , .'f v VOL.2. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20, 1807. TinJJENTINKIi. WM. E. PELi rnoi-KiBTOK. WHO CAS VOTE. IX SOUTH CAIIO USA f ' " We intended preparing a spccilic state ment of tl-' various dwa of person! li mil ! riilillrtl to vole lit the approaching 1 1,, tlun, 1 1 1 L the recent complications, rgiuh r ,his urk rather premature. We presume iha.1 rior to the isnuc of the Attorney h n , nil's opinion, len. Kiekles nt-arly hud his ,lllll Mill Ilia Orders Completed til COIIIIUcllCC I In1 registration. Whether he will kii - . ti . I ils publication until Congress meets, or will m.slify hisonhr No. IK, is not known Ac .riling to Order No. 1H, tin; registration in Vulh Carolina wilt la-gin on tin- lulli prnx it U'itig tliu tliinl Monday in July next. i will Is' ni;n, Ihcrclore, that the icgistrii i,, ,ii is only tircnlij days oil'; Ami ypVllmu Minis "I ' mtwii know nothing alsuit a, mill uiorc than all, thousands lo not know . to i lux hour, who aru entitled to vote and who aic not. Thin cannot lie definitely ihlcr iiiim J until Gen. Sickles issues his order, .p.ciui -ally declaring who shall ami who -hill not vote. In general terms it may be said, that every mate cilixea of the Initial HtaUn "J 1 years, .1' .rir nml wlim WHS 91 fit the tillll'llf fl"- " i-ualioll, nml wliu baa lm a resident of the hut tor monthfi prior, shall lie enti tled to registration, provided they run truly anil conscientiously take the lolhtwin oath : "I,, iloxilt'iunly hwear, or allirin, in t lie pnivnro nl Almighty llol, that I nni a ein .en ol the Statu of , that I have resi le.l in aaiil Htatn lor months next priveilini; i thin ilay, and now resole in the eotiniy .ol , or the parish of , in sai.l Stale, as I lie ease may Is ; that I am '.'I years i.l.l . that ! have not Ui'ii ifist'runehisetl for pai lieipirtion in any MtellifMi or civil war i against the I'nitcil Stales, nor lor felony ' eoinimtleil against the laws of any State oi ' of the I'niteil States ; that I hare never la-en ' a iiieiulaf ol any State legislature, nor hi hi any i-vwulive or jiuiieial ollire in any Statr, ' ami aflernanls engamil in iiisiirrvcti.ihnr n Ii Hi. m against the I uitnl States, ami imi mil or r4nitort to the em nin-s t heieot . tlntt I have never taken an oath as u aiienii.er ot t'ongress of the I'nittii Slates, or as an oiliei r . ot the Liiil"'"! MtaUi, or una mi nil . r ot ar.v Stale- Legislature, or as an em eutive or pi ilieinl ollleer of any Slate, to iipp..rt i In i i.listitlltion of the I nitel Stalw, anil al li r arils i n'a-e 1 in iliMim ct i"ii M nielli. .n against the L'niteil Stales, nr uiven ai.l . i i I'liilort to the em niie-i tie reol . tint I will faithfully nupport lhe( 'wrt it nl ion ami ol v the laws of the I niteil Stales, ami will. In the la-st of my nhilily, eneonrage otlur so lo do. So help tm i'hi.I " 11m general prinelple reoi;iiie. in tin hill i, that no person e.an register i iglitlnlly , . uiiIi-hb llrst, lie never did Isfore the late war. hold an olllii' either Pei lira I or Slate, which H iinrcl liiln to take an oath of ollin 'u siipmrtthe('oiiittitulion ol the I nilc l Mates. ,,, laromlly, alti rwanls p uti. ,. ii. .t :n i reU llion voliinlarily, or in any w i - ,1 , nid ronifort lo the enemies ol the I mteil Stales, ami ept those who lime Usui Ii Itain li'msl lor participation, in the n N lin n or lot felony, piior to the ri-oi-iiaiinn . Helving ii the conformity ! u. I irttt'ninuiander,to the I'ni'nl. iitsiii.l. i m. farniliu approvm and makes i.j.ke. ii .n upon tlirt'i the opinion ol the A ttorm vi n eral. we uppoe the lollowini; li-t ol persons in North t'uMlin nre excluded from m-mk trillion : All persons who lu loie the n Is I lion were oflicem in the Army or N n i .1 the l'niteil Stales, or who htnl tilled t ! i4 f 4'iBuliu.ti!f. k& Ifm'-ni "f il'.y . ) stales, oi Senalom or nieniliers ol Ci.ii.'tes-nt- ,oiv and all civil office ol the I nite.l States, except those appointed l'..-t M i.ti I , mail enrriels Ae, iHtweentlu eir- Is.''' in I IHtil, who as the Xitioiwl lnt !iii ; siati -, wcii'iiotrrrjiiinvl to take-an oath n support I he t.'ollslltiltion of the 1 Stall s. on i unipn mill lo p rforiil the dill ii s ol t he "I'm . I'hi' lollowing Statu ollin is, who In id ulliff plior Ii. the relx-llion. lire prnhiliitid I I .mi . nl-lerillg : Tlie (i.velliMl. Si-I toy of Stale, I'lllilie Trellsiirer, I' pll'oUel. .,(.... i , not minor . .Miens, of il.e l.- k-la line. Allium y i. in iul. t ollnty ol ll-tlii t ...aicitots, .Indgrs of do- Supi. me t iiirf. ii l-j.sol the Mipuioi ( Mint, .lu-ti..- of i- peace, Sheritl'-. orom m andt '.'ii-tahles. WiVdo not im:litde ill this list those who .e t ie llie win were militia Mllieers, or nilini cipal ollieets, Uclks I'l t'olirls, liiglstersv Uurdenri ol the 1' , I ""!. I'n'-tee. 'I'niMias iiriVie TniviTMty or oiricers and ininmgeiH of llie AsyiuiMs, eVc. Ac, and who allerwards took part in ii"' ri la llioii. Tm onler ol (Jim. Sickles may not I'll, lliaee all of the alnun as di-ll am lose. I. ol it may im ludc some whom wr hue c eluded, ('eltainl. Ihel. lore cannot Leal lived at until lie isFin- his order. The New Wolk coilis.oililcnt ol'the It.- t i luster t'un" m 'I'"1 '-'Jnsl '"h'l' Mr. (ieorge llincrott nilini lor Lump.', lo take his place as MinisT at the t'ourt of Hulin. i iicwasatapirty lTo he nu t Cilnncl I .liiin. s A. Hamilton, -on of Alexamh I Ham- j illou. In the historian's l.i.-l pul'lisii-d vol I uu',.- ol nile.1 Stales iiisl.uv. he hail passed severe eeuMiie on (1. m ral S. hiivl. i , the I'liind lalhei "I "olnn. I Haiiiiiimi. I.u his preference ol n New Yoik Ion Miis-iiehiisi tts ii giinent, icpriKcnting' him ns a cowanl Ac hen Mr, r.im I"!'! wt nt lot-vv'iiiilaiul ii'll'i'ic I Ins hand in gns I int: 'to ( 'lutu I Hamilton , the latter liiUigfW'.V flrow 1'i k, saying, 'Sif, I do not si'ino with slamlj reis " Me UaiicroltHecma tnh iv. p." k' It d tin ulliuiil " ; Al'l'K.lllVM I- OK Till. Cii.ii.ttnx The I cllolia islicgiiininu to in ike its appcaiaiice I ill thli cTviintry. " Thfc rttl Imm lmli w t ivsfnnrl'tn' NWMMiwhHt rUi.rekw i uding on Tui'stliiy, anil in New Yolk n iHa uritsi on juim 1st. tcruiiiittlntg Ja I .At. mtrf- mtf tm-fHis-hivi whinh in stUI under I real nu jrt: In rhila'delpliia llm epi demic baa Dot jet apiiearcd. Kor the Sentim l Hnr SniiMK, ll vrn 'o.. V. I .lun.i Hili 1H7. .lA -virv .',', it. Jn i i,niilianre with my iliMII . jiHt'rtlet . I will "lv- iiil a lew notes ol the Inon t I i If I I i to tliii pl-ire. We t i"K the ral.s mi tin K.u, liait Til u) i in I in- lu ,11111'l; i utu! Iuui.it itiiu-a i1i m-,oiI Ii uinl i,i-t,iu 1 llie 11th. mat. -olniianv ol' le!- ! 1 1 :i Vi I hi on tin- train. NothinL' of siei ial iiitrn "t mi i nni il iilm in' the ri-le to Wthliill. riiei.Hi were I . ililfoN al ,e ullU I nbiimtantly tri'iilii with it i water, nml ' It. Trmtwrliike va, nsna!, on thp I lookout lor tlie e. mint! , f liK ri"si risers. I I In nr. line i, til.: eollllt I V t hroilll n hii 1 1 we i:iv I .i i w. . ii I I'd. i;;li .in. I W i Mi. ii t i' m Umih.ir toyoui r. n.h i .,, m t.i remlei n i di mi i.niM iiiiiii ee-. ,.ir. . We n..ir.il that ! Hie . i'.winU' it.)i h.vl In i'ii erv iniiih lliiliia'o'il I.) tin in , nt ln,n lain-, espeei- ally in tlie low i;reiiii,ri l.or.l. i in the creeks j ami i ivi r w In n- the tresin i lent eaini-il ireal I iii strueliuii. On niir ai rival at Y 1-1 . nl't. T. plaee.l Us in ehurne i.l ('apt. I. I'l I. i l.ili m. t,, 1, imh hted , MiiMe-ie- i trip. Ulir rule to I'elel plc-A-ant. We nut with I II Kunis ol the i i e vi i ii mm h einl. -I ihniie; the Iiiiil' Wii-. ipnle ipl. l'ia:laiii. ,mi- 'i i iiilemli nt ol the Itoad. .and t.unnl him an i An i he jl i I, ver oejil leniall. Vhenwi' passed over tliin Uo id in lit 1 1 I tlie i lo.se I't t In- W .1 . t In w In i!e t iiltnl M plesi Hted one i inuiac.ii, M ,j,i- nt ilLSi'l.itiiin. .Nnw t,.e y marks nt war have I.eiu to mmr extent ,t ohliterated. unit we are onlv ri-ntiuded of the p is striMgle,liy the lilies of earth w.nk. t in-an it v i,l I inil'i I . wiliilnie ai.d there s.'lnary e-hitnne . uiarkint the -ite happy 1 1 . . 1 1 . - W, r. :n !i. I I'l tel-l-lil--' II1....!! .1 , rk I'. M . J..I -. -I tlii.-ii-li ill ail i -1 j i ! 1 1 1 -1 1 -. - i iii' I'Ut little "I III. eiH, l,,k the I II- l,,- l(li ll III i ' in I M In II Wl ill I IV "I almllt I'll o'ehii k iiinlwie soon coiulortalily iii ill.re.l at t'n Kxchaiitfc lion I, w In re iii.ni h.i. i.l. ( ',u ruiliin did all in hi- pi.vvi i to make our Slav p!. i-,t Altei ;. s, i.i'.dil's n-l we look a ua.k IniMiili a pnlln.ii ol tin I. unit .ll-tlllli.r M.OII Ml-ii-l. Wlnll. Ill 1 . .aw piles i,l 1.1 ii Li in d iiiii.. i, ,,a k1. u i. oi- ai.d i li oat,) , ,!iti,a . he i I. al e that InucMtiiis aiuiM-t luagie.il. ..I cap sine A Hu f hall p i-I -.v. 'i m'. .-i k we vvi re al ens 'Hi the 'ioni , ( ".ntiil li i; 'iinl and ll i re win whltlmg along ill a l:i.i. toWlt. I- Ik. Him I noli - tin -it,. S'lll'H il.,1 I, -. l I' i,l 1 1 1 1 1 Mr t Ih t ..iihit on lln- lint- Ini.i II. nil, '.t.Mw hi:in c it-inlt ml ti. .tli'l Here HUH ii Ml. "I 1 1 n I I I ' lli ll! lln iiM.1. Ai ol the (mi i i- lilslolie phi. ..I .11 .. . '. lit.' lit lalge nuuil'el of I li mate I inning ii holvdav ui I in-. Ml ill"! i .1 to i moon as In tie ir applolli lied a tleed ' v . v In re ale all ot it. di I 'llll - It ' House. ' Kollt -How r i lo taki "Hits .-pin .i. -. t nl .11,,- ."lit II. i..,.,l pus, at ih. . !,.. tm:. vvle i.u. II. .vv 'I' there I in to hnve (III ar- 'I .ll-i vie lolllld ie, .1 'he de I ass, ml.l. d to d law er lr..lii i ha- lei i lit ly I'd. ili-pictiil li jioi i. lie -ivn.il.,-- t. and I, Ir IT illl a-1 ' ' 'i I' 1 r- . i -md '.. I lo- e I'" ll, l! . ; uia .1 ,. .I.i I In 1 i , . i . -v hii u he gave t hi A i .nl t. Ill I .1 l.v .1 . ll ,u -n.it. i in- mm li .1 tin- h v ill, Il ia Kallln iiil. Vv i wen i inir.i I 'i r nt' eieuieil uu n. wo , i u vv illl W ': il. r- lill, . I Willi I inn k. ll. hard l.oile.1 egs. .v.i . w hit Ii lln v otl'i n d ill , ml. I' II . e:lk. . nk- ,1 liltV tiv . I lill- tilt 1 1 ,11.11 k nl.lv low pt i .lit- WeMidn'i intliiL ul id chicken, looked t .. I ' " - lv.l' si V. l-tl dsvs ol he! I'. d .. ' 1 1 ' Al':, I- ., s,,,!, nl' hall 1 1 -l ill 1 1 1 1 . V i 1 1 u it . Hi ri vv e h n I v ul tin- in, unit uu-, and tin ', I II 'I tin K i'i Ian ri v i t a it the vv hi-iiarlotle-v ll hu.'h . iii'u. I limine.',! ' art n :i I low n In. the . - I , at ( 1 it -aw Mont I. an .I ' i,oi, le-ld. .1 .Iel .1,1 a h nl lie I li ' 1 i II, i ' II" I. I . V I I ' .1. -. i i At lea I! IVOO.I. W e t nt' till lils M.. Mil. till, lit I. il p.". si V 1 1 illoil Wt an I tin illl. I ill.' all.! I . Ivv. . u '.'ait I lo ouh lour, - iin ot th I in 111 - Ol il III III III (l in .ii he i::::. .ii : see I In 111 .ion- hv I; Institution I.u the 1 tin ..ii the it II a - it ami Hum!' :ii I :. . n. I on th. right I hail, l-ollle I'tlll'lill -. tin- Kailr..". I I ...ill W illl I tl llsive md il.ltlds.it-11 il laid "lit "lotllltis. Atliot loek wcaii'M l ai Milll'oro' and took a ti'.gu t..'' lliisphue. airiv iug at the I huh Alum .ipl iugs.ti n lnil's di.stuut, ahout II oclot k at 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 I ty this t i in i- i e wire v , t v nun li vv i ii i. . I uinl v i-hed In stop for l!u niu!it. Iinl tie- diivcr nni-t pronnl to the an t n hpi 'ings. live miles t'trlhcr on. (in -in:' 'he W ..111 II M,!! lug- nn 1 1 1 1 1 ii iji jit night v i llolll tile Al'o.ii ' I ii"t ' io t!ii -pit It'll'! n vv , I... K i d ill tin War Tins, ! I In II-,'. ' l .,1 liilh li!, ii uu - Iioiii Mill U.i depot. In lore ll. I. -old , to I'V all-1- from all p.ut - I tin Hu i ,1, a-lll" -' ' ' ol llie I lie ! ciilltlui'iliol I , per itl I. "I 1 ttlt fll is s.d ! Ihe vvt.ihl 1 1- ;.i I'lu ;.i,t ,t,i. l.llil- lings a,-,- I. it:;, and v i. iiii li out ol' li pair -i.llilj h.illj- al a l.ni ii ii!ii il. .iinl on- ,.1 I'.d I to II Mi, In- largest w in m I, nth Hi I. it il.la-t a pit a-.ml li.le i Held iilollghl II- lo it ll V V 111 IliV 'V I I il Ihis ehatinling pl.u e. vv i v l.t i iv ed I'V t in v mi .dee . I' lor.l Col' .1.1- A M.I I'.n ...rdiallv ..king, liilld :, f. u nu ri ol 'slalUll.'li. "I'-'i h I - -p nil' ,i lsl:l!I 1 1 liii,.. m pin vv ft "Hi tow II -Itl. I Ki-liir. Ac nn snugly ilonih l "inlo i 'id' hi ' k i at. Ill, in ! I w ' v the main Illi I l.ilihlllig Hid tin Me L.J. in. In. I. ih -I ill il I . -live. II I, lill g. Wo lillt lew V l-llnl's ll ,Vt .1- Ml ill I I X llli V al e coining III I 'V cv er . t Wel'c plea . .1 to lilld llll old .! ll. Ill -I. I'.. W I'll ui.,. nl' Kiliilnoliil. i ml . lin t . a , III. rt sitleiit phy -ii ian liii i'. e leaf this letter -. already loo lone. -.' W.-vvill di li r a deaii'llltiotl oi Ihe Springs lllld the sllliiilllnl lnlin.1 ill'jeels of inl. rest mil il inat- rif : Ax'ttt pulice LaKeUao Uaing jhu naiiK -i i'l the fretpiculi is id lid lioiisi - in thai i iiv. nml ,in now considefing Ihr pro . pud) ol pu hlishint- the list lor inn suKc For the 8 'iitim-1. A.VKltlCAX IlIlil.E SOCIETY, hi itr nt' tif Sfhttml I am in n-eeipt iC the annual report ol the Ainerii an ISiMr S n-iety liir the r:ir enilitii,' lav '., 1 li 7 I Iiih SiH ietv has sprea.l itsell. like a I'l'ent in t work, over this eomili v ami s i,ral lor eiu'll eiillutries until IVMllts have lieell I lhs- ed that 4-oiiilucml theinselves to every friend of truth, irre-pis tive ol' country or -net. Illlt illi: the pat year, r-rn.y tfm.i -so',.. ituiiitit'l tiul tt't fij ti'j'it Itil.les and Ti Htameuts have In en si nt to Noith rain lin i, through my agi -;ie ; liesidcs several t hull-, III' I -i lit tliri'lloll other elianni I-, Tit oftherw ith those prev imi.-lv sent. Ihere haviliiall luilli-lie'l -ime I I i imillelu e. I trav, llillL.M'i'1 the S'leietv, ill Si ptrlllticr, iMi.'l, s;iv 111, nllt thirtylet: t hou tolittl copies. These I hai. e L'oMen ill lo lien ll v every loiin t t.i which there i- any puhlie conveyance. The lutiil n eeipNol' iumiii'V from the sales ol these lljliles, Inether with donations tlolll North CalMlin.i. will not exi-eeil iVci It'iiiih-t'l dollars. Ilefnre the war North arolina trui the Soi iel v aholll ti'.t : ami ii we ever h 'le ngiiin. I presiin r I ;iiu Mr:1( ii iuliii.-t in this !,.,, eollie. e. ll w il Wink mtiij " .s a vear a prosperous peo j W ill he r peate.l. i i liei-n an illi li as of amotlM our people. I.al :.re niimln rs nl" I'ilili- iiml tlnir w ay I int" the hands of Ircci lim-u hi our State, and tliu, revil.itioli ;;nes liaml in hand j w ith vv hatiM l improvement tin y may make. , I Ui r ,,V'ii i, ,',, it nf u.is ;im Ti -la I inelit -i lirt X e l.eert scnttered over 1 he South - I 111 Males sinee the close of tile vval The Stall of New York furnished the Stale of v. ilui-in-: the last li-cal ' marly Loins') s,. hu it .j'hlil, r ,t mii'.i.n, nl' dollar I 'i nils) 1 villi a hnly m . 'i, iy.,i.,i M -lit-Jill; , l!,Ht;il, A liil , am. i l i"'"', I.'Uli-i'llia linn l!iiuttfl, i Ii 1 1 , U,., hi, in, I inn I ( 'aliliil uia. w i Ih Mi-SMllli I, nil its -old. only r ,!.. 'I'lu Soi ii t v loi- aoi lit - in K iillsa-. Ni a 1... Ni l.ra-k a' ( olol,,'!',. i, I,, I New Mi vi, o. I I ,. pi late-, e i 1 h i r t li I . ii h pa i. I i u llll pa i. I iiL'ent'. in Mexico. New (oenada. Ciiitral A liii I ifa, llrail. Pel ll. Illlllgarv. Tle Ar gi utilie ( null di rtiliiui. Iliilv. Ku-sia. lier many. Ileiiniiiik. Al'riea, Turkev, Persia. hiiiit. .ittpau, India. Tin-Sandwich Islands. M icroliesia, ( 'auada. and in connect ion w ith Miir sislt r iiistiiiitiiiu. tin- Kritish and l-tr ' i it'll Hilile Smi i.iy. ccnli riii" in the city ol London, tin- ltil.ii' i- l.emg circiihiinl in ( itent (It itaiji. I'i He-. -. li.iu'iiiin, Holland. Austria, Sw iterlniid. Henuiark, Norway. I vvsleii, I'ortugal, Spain, turkey, leyh.ii anil ( leeallii a. Tlie Treasurer reports from all noiiroes, neal ly- thrrt ''fii-trm'' i mtUim tif tioll,tr ini-ipls; in all, dining the pant filly one Veal aUillt rcotfl inillitillH i't' tlijhir. Om million tirn hunilrfil ittid J'urfi rtint tnmiinl llil'lcs uinl TestiiineiitK were printed during the vein ; making, in alt. ahout ttrtnt;-lir,i iu7ui,, amil Ly liolli the Amel'u aii Hilile Society ami the llritish and Foreign llihle Sneiity, nciilly nl; luiliiuli ot cnjiies of the Word ot (I, ill. These have Is'i li 111 .'"'l ditli rent languages, :ind In tin lahorsot tuv l.n thrni ii ihis grc;it work, these vnluiues have penelrateil the centres of not only this coiliitn l.lll of the nio-t leniMte In allien countties. I.iirge uiiiiilsrs ol Hilih-s have liis-n I'iven to the liliud printed in rais'd hiteis aluiM.si in cv en ciise given grntuit oii-ly to these union iiiiale children ol aillu l.ar.j, ll.l'.ilL'll nil in I M-r-t ol I'ii ik-s find their way, tun society, into Prisons, Hospitals, .iinl w.uK houses. o av nothing ol tin liulnhi licss Salihal Ii Si liotil-, Il.u Schools, 1 Intel-. Su inn limit t'al-ii.s, Sailor's Hoarding lloiis't's and other places of this country, iin liiiiii-hiil. Il liny (,lllisl.vu lll'lll. whose eye lalls upon tins article, experiences an inward emotion ol joy over llie results so lar oh taincd, Ly the Siaictv. and especially lv what has lieeu done in North Carolina I, w oiihl he glad ty, hear from him, auto the ul"-l Iii which lie lejoiccs; whether it If only iii inwiiid eiiiotions, or also in nu effort 1" In lp uu- . ami ll it he so desired, any 1.111,1 -Stale shall lit ih ,1 this il " 1 He-pi nfiiHj," HKNltY IIAHDIi:. Agent A. I- S. lor N.C. j lilt Altclitiiit lu-s Matilda, nl All-Ilia, who was alsiut lo la' married to the eldest sou ol King Yiiior l''.niiiuiiel. died on the i illli ot June limn the ilVccts ol flic hums I w hich she reieivctl hy In r clothing taking I fire in a vi ry sudden and liliiiectiuiital.le in-inner in one of the ptilaees at Yienna, hv !u r iriatliun nu n matt Ii. The Nt w Y'oik Erei.iini I'm' says that Ihe I laves if, tile State ot New orktlie current I tiii, will iiver.ige JT -tl lor cverv iiian, wo Inali an-1 1 hii-1 III t lie Stall . or tflllilili for j cviry vottr. or if.'TY lor i very landholder, j The v igt mus I. low ing ol Ihe steam whistle I upon a.Ntilh liiver stcanihoat thcothci day attractt A a sw arm of hecs, w hich alighted on the end nl a Is aid, which was sawed otF, ami the whole sw.uiu tnuislerred to a tiglil- hox. Tennessee now has thirteen cotton facto l iea in opt nil ion w ithin her liordeis. Tlie gregatu cnpitiil invested is over ItJl.Olin, (MMI, and nine hundred operatives are em ployed. William T. Skidiiiiire, ol New- Y'ork w liose It rial was progressing 'in the Court ol (Iyer nnd Terminer of Kings county for the min der of Win. II. Cnrr, committed suiii.ie In cult nig his t leroiit trom car to eal'i in his cell at the Kavmoiid street jail, Brooklyn yester day morning. ihi,o. -t.i , - im ii'i1.' n sjniiii itugiaui i ri mi 1,111s i . 1 1 . is i is i i.u it ,i u ite a. i 'lie til I ill' in i nt is lehl in view in tlie posipnm incut olj .M :i i nn It i mi's- 1 1 1 nl was to wail the atrivnl tit lite American ,iuistct. Tin- ttoops. how It I. wi le sn i laiuiiluus .,- hi- hlnod that I ."g. is n p. 'i Is ami proc tarnations ctuiccrtiiilg In- tl itl ii were kept continually in circiila lion, with it VI. W lo deceive them II to his Is ing slid alive. Mi pa had hiiiui rly saied L-e, -'it do's hie when he was a prisoner, ami m ilium a l.ni his services a- counsel, vv 1 1 n il t he 111 it ral t hit I rtilisetl. A Inlet' un til i Corona had licen despatched against I."ul", who has been hllsy for some lime I. ml. ling up n small ueulral cuipne o his own al Jalisco. TKKf.l'ia.. 1 lie news from t ne.iH'la ia In llie elVis-t I lint I lit' revolut ionary movement w at nn cinl, (leneral (lill taking the reigns of nov j'rnmilit and tleiiettit l"'i'it.jfiiiif joifi his Uunifv at Corn. A schooner loaded with enugrtiiiis friini WiTmlnf rivcil nt tilTn- Th jjoil minr sere 'wtirkiiitiaiiiUituelf, alld gMilt dWbVefiej of the pretuout metal were reported. For the Stnllnel. H TATK UK NOKTII CAIUlUNA, i Kx Kl'IITI V V. lKI'lKl-MKcr Halcigh, June J-.M. Ix(i7. S I Klilfn Sn'iiul . 'The Oenrral Aweiiilily, l -mtlie lt or MiTrrh 1sH7. timweil a n wilit tion in the f.illowiut; words, vir ' "That in all rnsea when a soldier in ('on lei hi ate or Statu'' sen ice has had a leg or arm so paralyzed 'from wounds received while in the si nice, that the leg or nun lias heeoine useless, although il tnav not have Isi-n m-ecsstuy to iiiupullile t he same, that ill nil such cases, when the liovcrnoi - salis lied that, the 1cm or nun of the n-rson nlnive llescriliod leallv is Useless, that the (ioveriior shall order the l'n asurer to pay to such inv a lid the sum nl sen lit y dollars lis eiiiiiinllla I li n fin the loss of the leg, and tilt v dollars lor t he ai in." To eiial'le the disalileil men, intended to he provided lor under this resolution, to get the lienitit ol'the same, without coming to Kaleigh tor personal inspection, I sent a pv ol lln- resolution lo each of the eh rk ol llie ( utility Ci'iiru,, and thought I would siiilieii ni Iv pioieet the Treasury ill giving in " iv:iii-iiul on t he Treitsiiii-r. upon the cer tlliente ol the i II I k ul tin ( I'lilll v ill vvhll ll tie n-ili. aril 1 1 -I, lid, t hat he hll Wltlntl the provisnins of the risolutioii. Iriniei hlank cert ita ales were prepnr.-d nml w-nt to the clerks which adopted the irnnli ol the reso Int iii. After seviral applieaiita had sent in I In ir eel I ilieatcs and drawn the uimi-iv. I liillnd that many li tli lull III r!i lk- e.-n Stilled tin- Wi'ld ''..'' in s not on -li- w it I win 'ii'f he li .-';" and some drew inniti v. injury vi ry - liglittv nu;,"i'.l lln h ll il my duly to n V nke lln- Mile I upon t lie eel t (lit ale- i -i I lie l It I k - . pure all iipplii mil- me In re m I C"listn. tie' word- jnilalv .-." h-s" a- th. V lire d, lined I.V Wei. Im, I., I ol pay il); ami to ri I id slii aiiit ot In r appmv . il li'vieiigraphi is 1 pit I l i- i i 1 1 1 1 - i - ill -I Hlel ion to s:t v i- j ,ar t u-i t he I I'i ,11 1 ill- ol lieiklllg application lit eases w lu-re t tie law , a- I cotisl i in- it . does not an tllolie llie III do HIINlhll'g loi tllfln, Kdl tols ol III ' H -pii pi ' I s will lioilolllit tin a ser vice to 1 he pill 1 ii s iuleii -ted in Iht-iiltove, 1 pid'lisliing lids or lull Ih slating its con tin!-. JONATHAN WiHITII, (iMitTtior ot North I 'arolina. TlIK l.ltjl on ll Ksl I The following I ( irciiliir ol (jcnernl Sickles will answer the jiitiiiiics whit le liavc l',.n made in refer- emet llic i oiistruciioii of that portion of (teueral (llihr No. :t, Isslletl Irolll llepart-iiii-nt I leiiihiiaricis a tew weckssiuce. wlucli refers to the ictailing of spirituous litpiors in thin Military District : III Vl. ijlis 2mi M II.ITM1V DlH llll'T, ( I haiieslon, S. I ., June li, ltsln. In file exis-utiiin of Paragraphs I. alltl Y'll.ol (ieiieral ( Irder No. ll-1, current series, Pos( ( 'itmiuaiidcrs will he governed In the follow iug insti iictioiis : An Inn isa place where loud and lodging are provided and furnished for pav to trav elers and sojourners. , Municipal and town authorities may grant to lun KeeH'rs lifcnaca to aell litpinrs in 1 1 uu ii 1 1 1 it h 1 1 sh than one gallon to he drank on the premises. In determining the lunu la r of such licenses it is cxjiectctl that line regard will l.e oliHcrved to the lu'tual ocra sioii lor tavern aeisimmoilatious, so that no eviision ol the order Ik H'rmitted by un iliima-eivi.i. v increase ol the present nuinln't of Inns. In any town when this occurs the authority to grnul licenses w ill lie revoked ami Ihe lieeiiM's grunted tomidlcd. The order does not admit of anv construc tion . ii mling the pi i v 1 1 1 ui to npolhecary shops, ice cieain saloons, eai ing liousi-s, or otller plata s. The cud authorities to whom license lllollev ha- lieell paid will ilelerillilie tor thcmsctiis whether they will lellllltl to licensees tlie w iioleiir any pari of tlie money ris'eiv ed lor In .-ns. si. The on h r is ipi ral i v e on an. I id ler the tint e ol its piil'lu al it n. Host I iiininanders in the t v, hise of then tl i-erti i, ui inav extend the tinie until tin fust day "I July in I . The milium liihiiiaU eun-ttiilulk.tl, hy ( 'ii. culiir dilt.l May 15th, l-HiT. trom 'thesi llciiihpntrtcrs. will have cngniaiu e ol nl vioiations of paragraphs I. ami YTl. 44 ( icneriil ( in lets ;l-', current si i its. Tin- fin- ceeiliiigs will Ihi lorwardid Lv tin- IVist X 'ouiiniintler to these Kcadipiai tia s lor re view and final aclioii. Where Ly law or iniiuii ipnl mguhititin the proceeds of licenses are devoted to the maintenance of common schools oih n in all without discrimination against color or caste, the proceeds ol the llcenst s now n.tl llioiied tuny he appln-d eitlu r to suclr, schools or to the siippoit of the i'Hr, in the discretion of llie civil mil hot it ie-. All laws os parts ol laws or lllllllii ipnl regulations inconsistent with the provisions ol ticncral Orthrs :'e., or ol ihi-- Circular are siispcuiled and will he lieeuicil ami In -I. I in operative. The authority to rivnke lift uses when -drtinkcnnefts or disorderly conduct is permit ted in or iihoiit premises w here lupiur is sold, may he exercised hy I'i'M ( 'oniiuiinder or hy any magistrate of lln: vicinage "ii pnwit ol offence. l!v coinmaiid of Major (hiienil I). K. Sickles. J. W. ( Lid'S, dipt. oSth lidanli v, A. I). ('. and A. A. A. (I. A lot of North I 'arolina, lol.acco, w eigh ing Mite 1 1 n iii I n d ami i ighty pounds was sold in I.y iiehltiiig, Y'irgiiii.i. Imi .me hun dreil and si-venty dollars per liiiiulretL ! A links ( oiuily, 1 t nu , pn A liistks County. I't nu , orcm in i disi uirs- iug on Hniiicl in the I it hi s ti u. I 'An' kin' at the 'si liiln naiy rfir ho s 'I all nigdit long a hi show h a cent. r not hin',,ain I il di.ln'l i Tin stone wink alone ol'the new Portland Custom hon e w ill cost tf l.'ili.imtl ami the entile I'llihling f l..'i(Ml.(IOO. An Ahtlei.o'i frer'tlm.in writist the h nl pap. r lltat -ev ia v sensihle nigger will say vole Imi home folks ; we know tlliin, hill we lloll l klloH the ' a ll. ids " W'XHMMI '" IIIMIsis imi I'DUIH I'A Tllotx. The SI. Louis ll, nu ir nil tells of Ihrt e ytuun: ladies whose health was ruineil for Vents l.v alliaHniini plugs, which h'livo taks I II mil, they ale now recovt I hi.'. A .Mr. Ciii'.liier of Washington, lias yho iographeil alt the Judge of the l:. r. Hu pri'ine Court, in full costume, as well ss the ntlicf mcuils is of Ihe Court in cit iznis lircas. It Is 'Balit W r it fine picture. 4 holm, the Jrft I Hi vis' agent, rmsfl, ii in saiti, their" assets by" a UitlltoU of pound ate7hng. XEW . PllOt 'Ess nr 1 I , v; J I ;, PITCH AM 7 ' 7,7 'AW TIM: H;oi I'lXE W ool). The Inlloniii" account, llolu tin Ni w OlU uiu .'., ,i( a Rw-thK.esn .,-1 Knrtn t lacturing tai. tupi iitine. and r..siu will I . the J interc.stii,.. I,, the n. n-l.- ,.r..it:, ( !.. I inn l!y inv it iti- ii ,. the pariii s i ...ni. , '. , I with the new- w iii k- on M . I ii i -i i i. t- j ihstilling pine iviunl. we visited tl.iin a l, v, days since, and, thinking it a malt littl.' uniniUam ,- I,, ,,ur cili.nis, , those w ho r. si.tr at ;i ili-taiu e. we I eluded t,i jjive tlnan the hi in .l ,. Vchtig'lliou. 'I ll, vv ol ks Wl - in :. hie only ot ill-t illin:r one e,,, heing erected tiu lel,' In show lln mill 'the iilnolllit ol proiliii'ts that It alii d llolu a niw n ipiaiit it v .1 Till V Wile ill lull o,, 'i ill i. .ii w in ii I '-' ,1 . "I'i rived, ami We will saw ami leal linl i palents. w lio w as pi Tile lelort W liieh cm loscd w ith l.rii k, inn alone i-vjhi-i .. I.ti. ..in l-ile w Ii mvv in t flu .1 tie s. Ill ci'iitiii the t. Kri'in i .1 tin vv. land I '. l pip. . m I., in i 1. with tiie Imtt.. in o thelcl.'it, a Slicam ol pitch was cousialitlv i xinlin'. wluU l.oinja condenser connected hv a larger pipe wiih the top of tile relmt, llie crude lUip- lll.lie and p lolijU'iioti- in id- wi le I'lliuiie in .ii I ,lg, ' i i m Tin oat. ,1 t.. a la ' I' tin iii- 'sntiee i" dim i. oil oil 1 1-1 r- 1 1 .. . i still. I'i. mi a i. . in It li- l ii-iiti-i tt.l mi, vv illi I hi siill l,, , i, ai. pun -,,iii. . ,. In, pen! im w as c,.it tii d in a It t i . vi r It .id v l.. III il I k . I A g I mill It- o I Imsii, Wil- :il-n ki ll ll-ill tin- stiJI. e ,i , IV : l!n in t n I' "I turpi iiIiiii. and aiiiMtio il,, ti.mi. I " i pi -'til ii i- ;u i ol I ii i an i il.u tin r , n : io pt Iioiinn ' I t In -1,1 oi i --. a i in pi, i, in , -, , ', thai Ih. ie wa, ft.. .I, . 1 1 I it III. I -lipt I-si lie flu old nv ol After iill the iiml, mat, ri 1 1 a 1 1 ' 1 1 at ' ' I l, ,-l.ii- Hie ll loll to III, I ntu I, i. th, Let vv ecu tin two I - i iia-i ,1 I he lilt it,, I and the w I t I, hi,, I. The w hole tiling I-simple and y.l plete. and w e sin. u. I )iiot 1 1 . i'- w . . I K - i In- had al a snia'l expense. The pi! 1 11 1. li . I u- tliiit ,i ha- di-po . il . I - iinmlM-rol rights, and that llie pun pur- , cnasing were t.u-iiv eiigaget I m i :: 'I' their wmk I fit I Wniihl SOMI1 hilVe I lui full oiieral imi. This we were gla I In I. ,' . II" I , "i.r.l. , ': m i a ul llllpt I ill I. ns everything ol flic kind elds I, ture wealth of tin S h and wi ll helieve licit as soon a- if i kllow 11 this w ill I'd "iiii- a great m taut hranch ot' l-u-in. wli.-n v.i any pine wood t.i he lonnd We ; . pi. I lire, in connect ion wiih tins inaitii. to -i-ite further, that the prcnait slale ..I nllail- throughout the South and the -n M uui, of money is pcrhslly n:ili,,l. and tli.it. tlicrelore. the most lihciul tcmi- an giv u to those w isllllig to engage ill tile lill-iln - The pill, lie w ill ph ase In ar in liliiul thai litis process is independent nl climate and season, and may he carried on iveiv dav throughout the year. Wc annex a It-l, a -given us, of the iivcrage yiild I.y H tmiu one cord ol ulir fat pine wood: twenty live gnilolis spirits turpentine, inie liuinlre.l -:al-Ions pyroligruous aeitl, one l.arrel piti h I wo harrcls tar, lifly luislu-ls t !ian-...il A i HICC I. TI AM . col I. Eur x Informal ion is I'rcuueut-iv lilt. I loi whether this class ol scrip is n et iv al.le I. ' 'J.all mt tMTe hind, and lor pr. tini'ii .ii t J ... 1 1 1111,1111V lit Ihe (idler. ll iailid ll.hti. .1 Is asccrl allied that -..rill p. liiiuiluuni l hinds are no! ie locati.ou willi agrieulluial , tier lift t'l ('llllglt-sH T.p( acre alii .1 , III- 'oll't .... , ...v. .1 -M. .lull l.sng. ailliMllgu lite llltll siellttii ol - ii.l law CI Ittll nl - ll.l 1 penults tin- . lull ii hy l,il. i. ulliln linn own limits, ol pnl-ln jalnls ol that t hai a. ter, providc.l liny shall U- computed lu the State at the minimum price, and the ininil't i ol at res si licit d In projiortionally ilitnin ished. It is I ml liii' iimhrslood tlint this strip is nut ieccival.ie lor pre cniptions, lut il is re Stricted to SclectSous ol "Ijllaller Sntiolls'' of the vacant pillilic. lauds whii h have l.eni lluly til, let! rtl pilltlw -inrlr. and li W i" ordinary private entry. .Vi ' h.i.ki ijrnrtr. A merchant thui,: Mass., Imi I i.u sonit i hi l'ii,-incs oi l.v I inie I n tu g 1 1 a 1 1 v I mp! it al inns, w i. it h asscd hy l.iisim e.. most drove hun toili--at tiou Ai la-l UMvk an account oi -i,n k, and dii iti -retire. All t lie dt i ails ol his l.ii.iin--attendcil to nml i li -id up w Illi Ihe mo ilulous cure : ami w In ti at ln-t ill was plete, the g.iit leu, an .-1 ul caluil v I lh sane asy :;ln nt omti villi-, and pitsi hlllistlt at Us do, -I in in- charuit i nt tient, say iug l,e Il.u I s.,y ,, MV ii,s ,ni long as lie i M. In it s- than an i .. oi was a niMng mam nt tin- evm-iui- . dient of ii -tiaiglu j ., i.i t hail lo I-. i. -to to jirt i cut him 1 1 1 u u cm 1 1 in 1 1 1 ing t In violent ads of ina-l . .. ,Y. ) . ll nt' I , Immense In ids ol at large'through l!n and ticorgia. and tii con venietiee to tliu i a train heing run ai over various at il- thniwn from t he t lkaltiiiiore hackini cents lor a -ingle p.i cily limits. r .11 le, it is s .i, v, i',1 1 ami- ,. i pi i iv a -. n I'm en I lriiin i.ighi without. w ll Ii lln- risk I'l.' liiiiini' .1 I., in igi l an ', v lui e The tot il I Slatt s coiisist- I" "I Is I , .ill :it ion ..I t h u t i ii tfillt lion . I n uui Ollll Mills ltoltlil Mi -Niilehl .me nl' Hit tildt -I pill. I I rs ill I he rs.uil Ii. -lit -I il tlie A liie-ht.ii-e .tl Hal ies ci unity . A 1 1 . la - I wo k. Itishop 1 .1. gg, ol Itxiis. has milled nl Cli.tr It st.in . i, i, ml, Im Lngiaii.l, I" I.,- pn si nt at"l he I 'itiim il ol Hi -hop-. Raphael Sellouts -:iv- lh.it Ne' nioie 'iiloral" lliiiu .Nt vv X, ork. Theoilitrc Tillvii t" pioie ii A ticorgia prter calsi 4-.Mitrs a Stevens' tlitiigiiler. There nrejit. to llie I. ,'111111 ll V ol lh.lt t lllld I I 111. and ii Tie i-I l"ll- l- ( i uli ImiiI Is I John l'n -ol is and the Duke . he In to lun 'I Al;- i.lkl.i-ltd II .' III. le ad t.i I" Is lo illlt I he I. :d hie. Tile gov ti ll In pillilic Imitl- nt . h -p. .s. d I i I Iin -lit h. il 1 ').' iti K n "I at i, is, N. Iira-ks and M icl.i an. ked a lil.tlc girl, an sistafs she had, nnd A gentlellliiu olu-e onlv child, how' lien was told thin or lour. Her Iiml her ask Mary when tin v were alone, what had im iliiccd her to t tl siicii mi untruth. "Why mams.'rrieri Mary, "t .liiTri ir iriirit him tit tluuliyiiu were, so jshm- hat you hadn't Imi oratcbild. Wotihlnt he tlnmglit we wen! Ureadlul poor (" MM A' tip HACKS. I lines into which venal dema- I he War in - in i s. dm ing f. eolon-d piopleol the iv l ' I - oin- h iiture, w hich should ii i ii, pi i : u;e lln.- ikttcnluti il tU Ua arsi tliua :l" inellv v .eiimii ,. I.i i not am linisirary 'I loi .d strt-iigtii, dis eivii (hu Mark iMsiple. .1 1 in in siii Ii a en, ihel . lor in lv I. vv vi hi , they w ill he le.lin id every ie ! i In 'pli -i iiiinoiilv . and placed at "nn V "lfi,ru vvlnini tin y are ll (veiling !' ' t n 1-1 li'ivetiiiir llrowu well ex- 111 III I"1 eli, thus : l "O ' h ul, it im ml,, r iten aH MHm m t), lM,ll!" 'I ' He linn ii settled a huge niitlllMtr 1 1 I tom other States ol the I iiion '"' i "I In t , "until, s vv ill enine here, ami set ' - ii- . allv all. wl ie veil ,f nu n I In- vv nl i iu-e inir nice lo in 1 e in nilini.. i- much fa-icr than yours. ' ". I lane.-. ; some ol he North western Mate- here twenty live years ngo flu i"iin;iv vv.-is ;t w ilihriii s. ami now tlie i'l it. ha- I, ai) j, million, nr a mill mil ol in ii.il.iianis '1 In v have not lieeii raised there. I he :-ic.it ma-- has pniired ill troiri other I'l l . - w In ie tin population was two thick uinl liihd up the country and inndc a great M-Ui in a Ii viai- P.ut ynii must rit-ollei't tin ! an vuyliw 1-1 n k pi'., pie mining tin in. our li 1 1 iiorv will U' tilli-d up alter a t inie w it 'i a laroe p...ul:i!ion. You w i II t hen Ik: I'll .tlv I'l tin IHIU.'IIIV nil I all lin.k onlv I" tin 1 1 1 1 u .. 1 1 i... ii a -. "1 v out i ice. and not to ill, li .,se It. . ui il'li'i'l l,,lil.li ss loll ll IV i ll 't Ii o! i not int re a-lll ' nil I. W , y .-ii nn Int. I lialjvoii are I u-l as ion tiul iM-torc. ' i li 'I.lii ii ..(' y.-ur race. I h' t ..!, , ei-t- lnrllii-lh.it I now need not ' I ''.mi I ,n,'!j t a! I y "ill at tent Ion to the I a. I Ii I. K"V - lln ii I hat w hile a iUairel ' i 'i . "i ii n il "I no., would hea niat i iliuiilv 1-' holli r hi v. .11 would Ih' in. i I v n. i I Li' il M ai k this an, I w In n ii" iii. .ii. win ill, i In. iii the North or South, .vhii In i who, .a link, en, , linages von lo iil''! nil, il-. 'i to make wai upon us, i .. "I I. . i In i- in 1 1 In t v our 1 1 it tu 1 nor our III, n,l. II" I tin llll, ., I ol the . . unity , I, lit he i .-ul i "! I. . I I 'V siili-liness an. has nine had I us I. . a. i . uipli-h. ' ".7.7-. I I H'S. t -u- I.i .'in evcleiiiges 1 1mi a gross error cm nhii iug' to Ihe etlis t that Judge Kar nes nt Iin- place last week, ad lournei I the I oil l.i-i aust-iii gnu s were siimmoueil as .lui 'i- imi did nut recognize tin- right of in -M-i, - I., sit nti linn -. Ii is not true that anv in :'t ,i- wt ie siiminoned as Jurors - the pant I was made up Iroin fi.-ti..., in accord lug I" the Male law. and upon a challenge I" ih, Si. kl ill I a V 'old upon flu- gioiiml that (leiiiTal hi I thcipialilication to Ztiji ,. ....llltlge 1!. Illlt s ilisallovveil tlie dial Ii iie-e . liit a- the 'i ni iii y Court hail not v. in-. I -inee ihe or.lcr to revise lite Jury II I. In- .hi nle. I thai he had not the power '.. onh i a .liny ol (.ir -.,.. i'. and therefore, ail wis .loiil'iliil v I it t In i ii legal Jury could ilicii he siiiiinioncil, it was prudent to t i ill i n lie t lie cases, souls lo llll'or.l t ime to till) oiitttv ('.uu I to rev isl- the list according to the Militarv onli r the Judge rei ogniz.ing theiliitv ol Ihe Court lo eonlorin to (leneral Sickles' oiiler, ''.iin.ro S.iulln'nr. Nt'l.lll ( vlluliSV I inlil MlNKs. An old I miiu r w lite- t" Ihe ( liarlolle ( N. C.,1 'Vinci ' thai the gold iiiuie iult-rest in the western i part nl tii tl M ile is attracting a large share j nl' .i ii ni .. n 1 1 i.m Northern i apilaleis. The ! Iit.lt I- m i itov.il d witli th. in. and every ' 1 1 oi I.i in"- mill-, i ngiiies ami machinery to i n.- u'ttl in win kin;; t iie mint s. Alsmt cigh- t i wt to , -lamp nulls arc up anil lantig i uvi t. w liieh arc now in lull oi ..-u..'ii uui it lln 1 1 in v mine lliey have . .. ii - -i.ij, iiiitl. w hi. h is now producing I :oo tu I -1 . 1 f I, hi pel tlav. Scientific luiueis I 1 1 -' 1 1 1 ( ihi i.i. witli lunge experience in :;... iniiuii:', have cxiuiiimil the mining inti rest- ol that Stale, and have pronounced llieui c-pial lo the rich valleys ami moun tain goiges ol Ihat lamolls In in I ol gold. A n In. i rum i. Snou.- (iovcrnor Worth, ol Nort li Carolina, w as guilty of wealing a mi i i I ol what is called "('out' d. r itt liray,'' .lining tin recent visit of l'n -ideut Johnson tu Ihe capital ul that Slate In the ililensc ilimjunl id that supcrniii i iiical lr. Liv at -.uiau, t V L...I. nn, i ilnlihil ol till' M.ilnlilld. It w a- :i : n it outrage, and not to he tolerated in ,.:i.s-. .l l-v in silence. Whll ( "iigress :- ll.,! !, II -hoiil.l call itsailt nl to tlie in iti. r ,i em t . in order that tin pmpcr leg l-,.ll ,-n inav is plovitleii loi a llll Mil' -III I - nt iti v : iot.l it ilniL "liive and icitjciiil Uuly ; , .ii .1 I . ai I. hi (Jell. Sickh's take the le ., . -1 i . 1 , i ' i' m l i- iie an nidi r pn -crihing vv h ii sn, i ,. ,-i,.lhes the lieolile sli ill wear. Li di ni I v . I in lonl killer is undid over ill li .-. Iglt. ,'.o,. Mi, Ii i. ii. -. -. V VI l anl.'N le ill's IN I'lilXi I. I nine has ti-l apiieali ii in the -; i'i:'- i'lu- uinl iv e p' nl er t t.nsist. , . i .! Ii ol liol-t i li-.'llli- all.iclit il i . : nl-- i..t..iiiain alttuii Iwintysix ll,.-llll!t It'Colllolive W ils a I'eW i.' .ni a sort ol plea-ul i -t i ip, and -- i. hue had :i ini-riy race up hill w-n dale, uinl anon on ii dead level, at I nl nlioiit eight miles per hour. It is .1 ihii n.. .litlieuliy w ii- exp'iieuceil ding oi tliliiillg tllis nt v steed, ami as a result or l a 1 1 . a. t v in' 1 1 , xv 1 1 I'.' . si.d in . - lis slid 'csl ui t xjsi luielil. It Is nit 1 1-. 1 that lilies ok steam (plages li.-htd Uiru'.igli the Krcuch prov- I'tn m v rt oi in ot Kgypt conl. iins sryen ,i:,i ;i hail mil'iinus ol' inhatulaiil s Its cai oal. I nn i, lias a population ol -ii"..l)i)(. and A It Xiinill ia. Us tin. I eolilllliii ial litv. not l.s, ih. in I in. noil lite count i y i- in a very pn-pirinis i .tin Iii ion. I he importations vteiii up in value trom -Ms.Oiio.iNHI piastres in si,.; io nearly ..oil.oon.noi) in ltsiiT. liiiiiun tin - inn tune llie.. exports increased hout .'ns ooo.oiM.1 plastics .i mole than I ion iioo.eti'l. -I" il teh'-rrHtn through tin- Atlantic the New 1 ork . dated .11 i . n-t an! iiit''!i , June l(, w. h un iii.it I lain . . Li--ia. I'lllSsia and ll ti, line pu- ul I i i "11.. in.' note to tin Sul, - i ' g i cement, lilging a sii-jM-n-iou of tin vv hi in l iiii- la. mid an examination ot the situiis tnni ol iillairs on the island h a until com mi--l"ti appointed l,y tin (in at I'ovvers and lilik.-v I.i. and older have Lien risl.ue.l iii 1 1 i i lli 1 1 - 1 i.lii i . ami Ihe troops were la ing ni m d lioin the town. The cahle new,, lepoit. I alii i h iving asserted thai the entire city yv.t., m j,,., session of rioters on Tuesday, and j ihat the streets had then bis n complclefy ai ked. now sK'ks ol the riot as one which t one time Jtajl; .iflMtlail4't .WBMSiSfzeJ?, A Itritwh war Ht ordered i W Ma-.-liolicd in the Irish Clniiinel, owing to llie late ivavsl Hutu numlvHhe Peuiaiia off and u the coast ol Waterlord. TIIK IWKAM OF llfll. nr ECnrm Tisntug A lull.. lny, one miuuilHr eve, ;ftt sjs-jiinir In hhfi-haJr, '" vVhen falrr ritmis iN'gtii tu weave llntihl eiuiUv in Um air A handsome horse, to swiftly ri.le f eather ami hat to wear-' And hy his sitk', as lovitix bride, A maiden coy And then lie MHigctl to lie uo iitui-it a My. Hut. hv anil hr, one vrrnter ere, Hue ft-eWli kaiHs in prayer, He thvaiHint Imi rbw tn anfr'! weave A palhwntli fhmuirh thn air. To where tin- vmiltetl arelina riiir With .,ii,'ii forever fair - As loiiilly sill)., of ion's KlIlK, The hnai ttniy van -Ami i In n in- Ituiif'tl to he uo wore a man I .1 tlllAM) ESCAPADE OF CATS. The thriving town of llieliniond, (III.,) one day recent fy was ihe scene of a sensn tion ami a catastrophe. Tin: sensation was caused hy the advent ol Van Auihurg A Co's, Mainmotli Mentiireric. Th catastro phe we propose to descrihe: (in t In- dtiv in tpieslioii, uu iinuienae crowd had lain attracted tu He the iiv mg giralle, mitt others of tho itiftnugerie. Tin- caravan had made ils grand priicinston , liirough the strccls; Ihe tent had lieell cret tt-,1, and a throng of cxMHM:int aighl seirs wi're giithertsl around the entrance, awaiting tlie opening of till' llooft Just lie u mi iiihl l. uking genius drove up to the loi. scaled lijMiii a rhkrty lliluls-r wagon, carefully Imnrilcd over, drawn by a pair of spavined, wind galled, dilapidated steeds, and . eagerly inquired tor the manager I poo ( lint person making his appearance, lie W as saluted With . "Hallo. Squire, I vi! I.rollght you a load ol eats!" "A load of what asketl Ihe astonished manager. "A load of cats to feed your lions on." "To Iced our lions on I The duecn yon have. We don't feed lions on cat meal, lln y eat nothing hut the hest liccf." "Slut. 1 kuoiv Utter than that; I've read in ihe papers Unit cut are tire favorite food ol Imus. liesidcs, I've pit contract with your agent, for a loail of 'cm with a revenue slump onto it, and I guess you can't go hack on that." Saying which, the calmer chant produced greasy slip of pajier w hich rend as follows : Hii BMOM), (K t. 5th, lHfiT. " This contract witnesseth that I have this day coniractcd ith Simon Wiggins to furnish a load of cats to feed the lions on,, lor which you will pay him tho hcreinalter prices to w it : for A 1 I'rinio Cat, 75 rts. ; for Store Cats .V) cts. Jonas Renn, Cat Agent Van Amhurgh & Co.'a Menag eric To the Menagerie." "My 'friend," said the manager, after reading the document, "you have been im posed upon. I do not know any auch per son aa Jonas Hung and I don't want any cats." "You lie; now you know you do" re torted .Wiggins, with imperturbable good humor, "you are ouly trying to beat rue down and got 'em cheap. I've got a prime lot wventy-five ot 'em. Just look at em 1 ," ami hastily descending from hit perch hn commenced shoving at tho tail-board of hia wagon, to allow the manager a ehaace o examine hia load. By hia nerrouaoria, however, he managed so awkwardly that the board dropcd completely out, and with a terrible sputtering hia entire load of rata sprang into llie crirad. A awire of worth less curs, that wen' on the protind, made a lash for the cutn; and away they went, heller skelter, among the throng, upsetting women and children, and cnatlug dire con fusion on every side. Toward the town the street weie filled with pwople proceed ing to the menagerie, who seeing the com motion, nnd hearing the shouts at once imagined some terrible aucidtint. . The next instant a rumor spread through Ihe crowd that Ihe Koyul llengal tiger was loose, and n scene ensued that beggars de scription. "Kvery one for himself and the devil take the hindermost," was the motto H.nd. uu,vnd a gcuetal Rtntiipedo TifHowcjJ. in which an astonishing display ol agility was mailc. TVople ran into house and and I salted their doors; ladiea in tilting li.M.ps x rforu.cd extraordinary exploita in Ihe w ay of climbing fences, and what, with splutti'Ving fats, yelping dog, acrcaaning women and howling children, it really seemed lor awhile a if Bedlam bad broken loose and taken possession of the streets of Kit hniontl. In a short time the truth ot Ihe mallei 1st siuo known, and the excite mint quieted down. Hut Mr. Wiggiu refused lo '"' comforted for the overthrow of the great cxpci-lntiion he had built upoa his cats, and disconsolately drove out of town, muttering terrible wengeance, if he caught him, upon the depraved individual who had palmed himself off ns a "est agent ot Van Aniburgh & Co.' menagerie." lUito os thk tii. i Tin State.-At the battle of Kinston, the N. ('. junior reserves (inndc up of latls ofeiglifeeri.) were sent to force the crossing of Southwest Creek ami drive the enemy nway, to tnnke the passage of other ro)ii. This they did very hand sonicly, but eiicounteriiig u severe lire, a portiou ot one rcgiincnt sought ii safer place. As they were streaming to the rear, thev met the AlalKiuia Imya nnd were grei t ...I w ith shortts of laughter. A ffeneral offl cer, ill no laughing mood at their behavior, took slips lo slop the disorder, ami with his own hands seized one ol tlie fugitives. tieneral - " hat are you running lir f" Junior "till, t ieiieral, Ihe Yankees were shooting al lis!" (icneral "W hy didn't you shoot bat k again ! Ain't om ashamed of yoiintell' ' You are en ing like a Imby." i .luiii.tr. ililul.ls'ringl "I wish 1 niii ' baby, i h ! I wish I was a jwZ baby !" .1 I! win a stingy old creature, eager for ; uionev but he Was-a M'alous tnemlser . a t i fiiireli, aiid o-tent:itiotis in his religious exeicit-ei-.- ".Inliu,'" said Cathariiie to lu i j I't-otbt r. "what could have made the stingy old w n ti ll a Christian "' "I can tell vi," I said John, "he has n-nd that the streets ul I the New Jcm-ah in six- paved with gohK and be is determined lo get there.'' i During th piogress of one ot the ll.ipmt aniiiveisiiry mwtings al Chicago, on Mon day, while. K. U. Jones, Ksii uf Missouri was speaking, a gentleman in the audience cried out, "please slop, l.inlhe.r Jones! I i an t hear nti that these ladies anil geutlc men around me are saying '" This was a s3ecrdN "Wt," brWfr 1owb the htmiic. "'Oelieyat'SIlierinan teh graphs to llie Uov eruorau Colorado, "I ihiu't believe you will have trouble with the Indians ii your poo pie will ba arduously prudent." lJu ' . X " 1 Hi I Z f - i --Tl I ' I I 'If

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